Temas Variados de Ingles
Temas Variados de Ingles
Temas Variados de Ingles
Ejemplos con this:
1. This book is mine. (Este libro es mo)
2. This exercise is easy. (Este ejercicio es fcil)
3. This room is too large. (Este cuarto es muy grande)
4. This is my Math book. (Este es mi libro de matemticas)
5. This is your wallet. (Esta es tu billetera)
6. This chair is very comfortable. (Esta silla es muy cmoda)
7. This car is dirty. (Este automvil est sucio)
8. This motorbike is expensive. (Esta motocicleta es cara)
9. This is an old house. (Esta es una casa antigua)
6. Those chairs are very comfortable. (Aquellas sillas son muy cmodas)
Sunday (domingo)
Monday (lunes)
Tuesday (martes)
Wednesday (mircoles)
Thursday (jueves)
Friday (viernes)
Saturday (sbado)
1. Its six oclock. (Son las 6 en punto)
2. Its five minutes after six. (Son las 6 con 5 minutos)
3. Its five past six. (Son las 6 y 5)
4. Its ten minutes after six. (Son las 6 con 10 minutos)
5. Its ten past six. (Son las 6 y 10)
6. Its a quarter after six. (Es un cuarto para las 6)
7. Its six fifteen. (Son las 6 y 15)
8. Its a quarter past six. (Son las 6 y cuarto)
9. Its twenty past six. (Son las 6 y veinte)
10. Its six thirty. (Son las 6 y 30)
11. Its half past six. (Son las 6 y media)
12. Its six forty five. (Son las 6 y 45)
13. Its a quarter to seven. (Es un cuarto para las 7)
14. Its ten to seven. (Son 10 para las 7)
15. Its five minutes to seven. (Son 5 minutos para las 7)
16. Its nearly seven oclock. (Son casi las 7)
17. Its seven oclock. (Son las 7 en punto)
1. She reads the newspaper every day. (Ella lee el peridico cada da)
9. She does the work of two people. (Ella hace el trabajo de dos
10. The dog chases the cat all around the house. (El perro persigue al
gato por toda la casa)
11. Mr. Green works with my uncle. (El Sr. Green trabaja con mi to)
12. They always play tennis on Sundays. (Ellos siempre juegan tenis los
13. He studies for his English class. (l estudia para su clase de ingls)
14. We eat together every day. (Nosotros comemos juntos todos los
15. She attends church every day. (Ella va a la iglesia todos los das)
18. She goes there twice a week. (Ella va all dos veces a la semana)
21. She plays the piano every afternoon. (Ella toca el piano cada tarde)
23. You watch television every night. (T ves televisin todas las noches)
26. The bus stops at the corner. (El autobs se detiene en la esquina)
27. She wants to learn French. (Ella quiere aprender francs)
30. The plane leaves from the airport at 8 oclock. (El avin sale del
aeropuerto a las a 8)
31. I drive to work every morning. (Yo conduzco al trabajo todas las
33. You always come to class late. (T siempre llegas tarde a la clase)
37. He plays in the park every afternoon. (l juega en el parque todas las
40. I drive to San Francisco once a week. (Yo manejo a San Francisco una
vez a la semana)
41. She seems to be very busy. (Ella parece estar muy ocupada)
44. The service opens at ten oclock. (El servicio abre a las 10)
47. The class begins at nine oclock. (La clase comienza a las 9)
48. She needs to speak English in order to get a better job. (Ella necesita
hablar ingls para conseguir un mejor trabajo)
49. The boy cries because his toy is broken. (El nio llora porque su
juguete est roto)
50. The employee fixes the mistake. (El empleado corrige el error)
What se usa para obtenir informacin sobre una persona o una cosa.
What is this?
Qu es eso?
What did she say?
Qu dijo ella?
What have they done?
Qu hicieron?
When does Anna arrive?
Cundo llega Anna?
When can I see you again?
Cundo puedo verte otra vez?
When was the race?
Cundo era la carrera?
Where does Natasha live?
Dnde vive Natasha?
Where were the keys?
Dnde estaban las llaves?
Where have you been?
Dnde estuvieron?
Why is the street closed?
Porqu esta cerrada la calle?
Why did Alex leave?
Porqu sali Alex?
Why havent you called?
Porqu no has llamado?
How does this work?
Cmo funciona eso?
How was your mother?
Cmo sentaba tu madre?
How has the weather been?
Cmo ha estado el tiempo?
How will he win the race?
Cmo ganar la carrera?
Which of these pens is the best?
Lo cul entre estos bolgrafos es mejor?
Which author do you enjoy?
Cul escritor te gusta ?
Which river is longer, the Nile or the Amazon?
Whose book is on the table?
A quin pertanece el libro que est en la mesa?
Whose idea was that?
A quin fue esa idea?
Whose child has a cough?
Es el nio de quin que tose?
1. You always come to class late. (T siempre llegas a clase tarde)
2. I am never late for class. (Yo nunca llego tarde a clase)
3. She seldom talks with me. (Ella habla conmigo raramente)
4. They dont usually eat in the cafeteria. (Ellos no comen en la cafetera
5. She has always been a good friend. (Ella ha sido una buena amiga
7. He has never spoken with her. (l nunca ha hablado con ella nunca)
4. The pencil is not on the desk. (El lpiz no est sobre el escritorio).
5. She is not absent from class today. (Ella no est ausente en clase
7. The weather today is not good. (El clima no est bien hoy).
10. The child is not in the garden. (El nio no est en el jardn).
17. He and Mary are not good students. (l y Mary no son buenos
18. The man on the corner is not waiting the bus. (l hombre en la
esquina no est esperando el autobus).
19. You are not old friends. (Ustedes no son viejos amigos).
25. Both cousins are not tall. (Ambos primos no son altos).
33. The office is not on the second floor. (La oficina no est en el
segundo piso).
34. It is not cold. (No hace fro).
35. He is not in his office. (l no est en su oficina).
1. We are leaving for San Diego on Sunday. (Nosotros partimos a San
Diego el domingo)
2. Tomorrow will be Monday. (Maana ser lunes)
3. We didnt eat together last Tuesday. (Nosotros no comimos juntos
el martes pasado)
4. They play chess every Wednesday. (Ellos juegan ajedrez todos los
5. They are flying to New York on Thursday. (Ellos volarn a Nueva
York el jueves)
6. Theyll be here on Friday. (Ellos estarn aqu el viernes)
7. She will attend church next Saturday. (Ella ir a la iglesia el
siguiente sbado)
1. She does not read the newspaper every day. (Ella no lee el
peridico cada da)
2. We do not come to school by bus. (Nosotros no vamos a la escuela
en autobs)
3. You do not work very hard. (T no trabajas muy duro)
4. She does not like to sit in the sun. (A ella no le gusta sentarse en el
5. We do not play in the park every day. (Nosotros no jugamos en el
parque cada da)
6. He does not watch his son in the park. (l no observa a su hijo en
el parque)
7. We do not try to arrive on time. (Nosotros no tratamos de llegar a
8. He does not walk to school. (l no camina para ir a la escuela)
9. She does not work for my uncle. (Ella no trabaja para mi to)
10. The dog does not chase the cat all around the house. (El perro no
persigue al gato por toda la casa)
11. Mr. Green does not work with my uncle. (El Sr. Green no trabaja
con mi to)
12. They do not play tennis on Sundays. (Ellos no juegan tenis los
13. He does not study for his English class. (l no estudia para su
clase de ingls)
14. We do not eat together every day. (Nosotros no comemos juntos
todos los das)
15. She does not attend church every day. (Ella no va a la iglesia
todos los das)
16. I do not speak several foreign languages. (Yo no hablo varias
lenguas extranjeras)
17. She does not eat in the cafeteria every day. (Ella no come en la
cafetera todos los das)
18. She does not go there twice a week. (Ella no va all dos veces a la
5. The plane doesnt leave from the airport at 8 oclock. (El avin no
sale del aeropuerto a las a 8)
6. I dont drive to work every morning. (Yo no conduzco al trabajo
todas las maanas)
11. She doesnt want to visit London. (Ella no quiere visitar Londres)
15. I dont drive to San Francisco once a week. (Yo no manejo a San
Francisco una vez a la semana)
16. She doesnt seem to be very busy. (Ella no parece estar muy
17. This bag doesnt belong to Jane. (Esta bolsa no pertenece a Jane)
18. They dont sell books there. (Ellos no venden libros all)
19. The service doesnt open at ten oclock. (El no servicio abre a las
20. She doesnt smoke a lot. (Ella no fuma mucho)
21. They dont play chess every Saturday. (Ellos no juegan ajedrez
todos los sbados)
22. The class doesnt begin at nine oclock. (La clase no comienza a
las 9)
23. She doesnt need to speak English in order to get a better job.
(Ella no necesita hablar ingls para conseguir un mejor trabajo)
24. The boy doesnt cry because his toy is broken. (El nio no llora
porque su juguete est roto)
25. The employee doesnt fix the mistake. (El empleado no corrige el
oraciones informativas
advervios de frecuencia
3. Is he a student? (l es un estudiante?).
5. Is she absent from class today? (Ella est ausente en la clase hoy?).
17. Are he and Mary good students? (l y Mary son buenos estudiantes?).
18. Is the man on the corner waiting the bus? (l hombre en la esquina
est esperando el autobs?).
27. Are we members of the club? (Nosotros somos miembros del club?).
28. Is she a good football player? (Ella es una buena jugadora de futbol?).
33. Is the office on the second floor? (La oficina est en el segundo piso?).
4. Does she like to sit in the sun? (A ella le gusta sentarse en el sol?)
9. Does she work for your uncle? (Ella trabaja para tu to?)
10. Does the dog chase the cat all around the house? (El perro persigue al
gato por toda la casa?)
11. Does Mr. Green work with my uncle? (El Sr. Green trabaja con mi to?)
12. Do they always play tennis on Sundays? (Ellos siempre juegan tenis los
13. Does he study for his English class? (l estudia para su clase de
14. Do we eat together every day? (Nosotros comemos juntos todos los
15. Does she attend church every day? (Ella va a la iglesia todos los das?)
18. Does she go there twice a week? (Ella va all dos veces a la semana?)
22. Does she kiss me every morning? (Ella me besa cada maana?)
23. Do you watch television every night? (T ves televisin todas las
24. Does he carry the books in a briefcase? (l lleva los libros en un
26. Does the bus stops at the corner? (El autobs se detiene en la
27. Does she want to learn French? (Ella quiere aprender francs?)
29. Does she wish to learn Italian? (Ella desea aprender italiano?)
30. Does the plane leave from the airport at 8 oclock? (El avin sale del
aeropuerto a las a 8?)
31. Do you drive to work every morning? (T conduces al trabajo todas las
33. Do you always come to class late? (T siempre llegas tarde a la clase?)
36. Does she want to visit London? (Ella quiere visitar Londres?)
37. Does he play in the park every afternoon? (l juega en el parque todas
las tardes?)
38. Do you go to class twice a week? (Vas a clase dos veces a la semana?)
41. Does she seem to be very busy? (Ella parece estar muy ocupada?)
42. Does this bag belong to Jane? (Esta bolsa pertenece a Jane?)
44. Does the service opens at ten oclock? (El servicio abre a las 10?)
47. Does the class begin at nine oclock? (La clase comienza a las 9?)
48. Does she need to speak English in order to get a better job? (Ella
necesita hablar ingls para conseguir un mejor trabajo?)
49. Does the boy cry because his toy is broken? (El nio llora porque su
juguete est roto?)
50. Does the employee fix the mistake? (El empleado corrige el error?)
This is a bird.
Es un pjaro.
She said to be quiet.
Dijo silencio.
Theyve broken the window.
Han roto la ventana
She arrives at 10:30.
Llega a las 10:30 h.
I dont know.
No s.
It was yesterday.
Era ayer.
She lives in Miami.
Vive en Miami.
They were in the car.
Estaban en el coche.
We have been at the bank.
Estuvimos en el banco.
They are repairing it.
Estn reparndola.
He had a meeting.
Tena una reunin.
I lost my cell phone.
Perd mi celular.
Push the red button.
Empuje el botn rojo.
She was much better.
Estaba mucho mejor.
Its been very rainy.
Ha estado muy llovioso.
He will train every day.
Entrenar todos los das.
The black one is the best.
El negro es el mejor.
I enjoy reading Borges.
Me gusta leer Borges.
The Nile is longer.
El Nilo es ms largo.
Thats Toms book.
Este libro es de Tom.
It was her idea.
Era su idea, a ella.
He is my child.
Es mi nio.
Cardinal Ordinal
1 One 1st First