40 Ejemplos de Presente Simple en Ingles

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40 Ejemplos De Presente Simple En Ingls

Antes de empezar con los ejemplos, debemos recordar que el presente

simple en inglses usado para hablar de cosas habituales y costumbres
que se practican, como por ejemplo: cantar, bailar, comer, rer, llorar
dormir, estudiar, etc.

Tambin debemos tomar en cuenta que cuando se trata de terceras

personas (He, She,It) los verbos tienen que ser terminados con "s" o "es"
esto vara segn el verbo que se trate.

Ahora continuemos con los 40 ejemplos del presente simple en ingls:

I work with my father in the newspaper

Yo trabajo con mi padre en el peridico
I read the bible every day
Yo leo la biblia cada da
I watch the tv in the night
Yo veo la tv en la noche
I see my girlfriend every friday
Yo veo a mi novia cada viernes
I like the music of Green Day
Me gusta la msica de Green Day
You sing very well
Tu cantas muy bien
You play soccer with my brother
Tu juegas ftbol junto a mi hermano
You look like my cousin
Tu te pareces a mi primo
You run in the park every monday
Tu corres en el parque cada lunes
You write a novel
Tu escribes una novela
He jumps obstacles
El salta obstculos
He cries a lot
El llora mucho
He studies for the College
El estudia para la Universidad
He swims for the Olimpycs
El nada para las Olimpiadas
He works for Microsoft
El trabaja para Microsoft
She cooks for her son
Ella cocina para su hijo
She dances for the carnival
Ella baila para el carnaval
She walks a lot in the city
Ella camina mucho en la ciudad
She bites my lips
Ella muerde mis labios
She travels to London and to Miami
Ella viaja a Londres y Miami
It flies like a bird
Eso vuela como un pjaro
It eats like a human
Eso come como un humano
It plays with me
Eso juego conmigo
It lives in the jungle
Eso vive en la selva
It sings in the morning
Eso canta en las maanas
We travel only in christmas
Nosotros viajamos solo en navidad
We drink water every day
Nosotros bebemos agua cada da
We hate mondays
Nosotros odiamos los lunes
We dance in the disco Stragos
Nosotros bailamos en la discoteca Stragos
We see every day London Olympics
Nosotros vemos cada da las Olimpiadas de Londres
You fish on Lake Titicaca
Ustedes pescan en el lago Titicaca
You march in every parade
Ustedes marchan en cada desfile
You call Tv programs
Ustedes llaman a programas de television
You apply the correct methods
Ustedes aplican los mtodos correctos
You catch the same client
Ustedes atrapan el mismo cliente
They draw good cartoons
Ellos dibujan buenos dibujos
They jump in tournaments
Ellas saltan en los torneos
They celebrate together
Ellas festejan juntas
They sing in a rock band
Ellas cantan en un grupo de rock
They don't know about us
Ellos no saben sobre nosotros

1.2 - Presente Simple: Oraciones afirmativas y negativas

Un uso comn para el presente simple es el hablar sobre informacin personal,
por ejemplo, de los trabajos de las personas y donde viven. Generalmente
usamos el presente simple para hablar de hechos (acontecimientos), costumbres o
estados de nimo.

Veamos un ejemplo de cada uno de estos temas:

La gramtica del presente simple estipula que al hablar de terceras personas del
singular (He, She, It) se debe agregar una "-s" "-es" al final del
verbo (dependiendo el caso) para oraciones afirmativas.

Oraciones afirmativas de presente simple:

Reglas para verbos conjugados con terceras personas de presente simple

Existen 4 reglas que se deben cumplir para el caso de los verbos conjugados
con terceras personas del singular, es decir, en caso de agregar "-s" o "-es".
Estas reglas estn determinadas teniendo en cuenta la terminacin del verbo.
Todos los verbos aqu mostrados pueden encontrarse en el curso de ingls bsico.

1) Verbos en general - Es comn que cualquier verbo que no tenga en cuenta las
caractersticas posteriores, solamente se agregue una "-s" al final del verbo:

Work / Works (trabajar)

Know / Knows (saber)
Speak / Speaks (hablar)

2) Terminacion del verbo en "-ch, -sh, -x -ss" - Con este tipo de verbos
simplemente se debe agregar "-es" al final:

catch / catches (atrapar)

wash / washes (lavar)
mix / mixes (mezclar)
miss / misses (extraar, perder)

3) Terminacin del verbo en "consonante + y" - En este caso hay que cambiar
la "y" por "i" y agregar "es":

Study / Studies (Estudiar)

Try / Tries (Intentar)
Fry / Fries (Freir)
4) Verbos con forma especial:

go / goes (ir)
do / does (hacer)
have / has (tener)

Ejemplos de presente simple en oraciones afirmativas:

I work on saturdays (Trabajo los sbados)

He has a nice computer (l tiene una bonita computadora)
My dad works near here (Mi papa trabaja cerca de aqu)
They like the good music (A ellos les gusta la buena msica)
Peter washes his car every week (Pedro lava su carro cada semana)
Clara and Gabriel have a pet (Clara y Gabriel tienen una mascota)
Hugo loves his job (Hugo ama su trabajo)
My parents and I live in Mexico (Mis padres y yo vivimos en Mxico)

En estos ejemplos se han puesto en cursiva los verbos de cada oracin para
demostrar cmo es que cambia dependiendo de si el sujeto es una tercera
persona no lo es. Por otro lado para formar oraciones negativas usamos los
verbos auxiliares "do" "does" + not. "Does" solo con las terceras personas:

Oraciones negativas de presente simple:

Las contracciones "don't" y "doesn't" son muy ampliamente usadas al hablar

en ingls, de hecho, es ms comn que se escuche hablar a las personas con
estas contracciones en vez de usar las dos palabras de cada una.

Ntese que con oraciones negativas no hay cambio en el verbo aunque estn
en tercera persona, esto nicamente es para las oraciones afirmativas.

A continuacin se muestran los ejemplos que se vieron en la seccin anterior pero

en su modo negativo.
Ejemplos de presente simple en oraciones negativas:

I do not work on saturdays (No trabajo los sbados)

He doesn't have a nice computer (l no tiene una bonita computadora)
My dad doesn't work near here (Mi papa no trabaja cerca de aqu)
They don't like the good music (A ellos no les gusta la buena msica)
Peter doesn't wash his car every week (Pedro no lava su carro cada semana)
Clara and Gabriel don't have a pet (Clara y Gabriel no tienen una mascota)
Hugo doesn't love his job (Hugo no ama su trabajo)
My parents and I don't live in Mexico (Mis padres y yo no vivimos en Mxico)

Oraciones con ejemplos del

Simple Present Tense
(presente simple)

Acciones o costumbres que se repiten:

Bill jogs every day.
(Bill corre todos los das.)

Bill never jogs.

(Bill no corre nunca.)

Does Bill jog on Sundays?

(Bill corre los domingos?)

Jane works hard.

(Jane trabaja duro.)

Jane doesn't work hard at all!

(Jane no trabaja duro para nada!)

Jim builds houses for a living.

(Jim trabaja construyendo casas.)

What does Jim do for a living?

(De qu trabaja Jim?)

They play basketball every Sunday.

(Juegan baloncesto todos los domingos.)

At what time do you usually eat dinner?

(A qu hora cenas normalmente?)
Hechos o cosas que siempre son verdades:
London is in England.
(Londres queda en Inglaterra.)

London is not in France.

(London no queda en Francia.)

You can't live without water.

(No puedes vivir sin agua.)

Can you live without water?

(Puedes vivir sin agua?)

Sarah is a good girl.

(Sarah es una nia buena.)

When does it start snowing?

(Cundo empieza a nevar?)

I speak French.
(Hablo francs.)

I don't speak Japanese.

(No hablo japons.)

Condiciones (no acciones) que estn ocurriendo en este

I agree.
(Estoy de acuerdo.)

Tom thinks it's a good idea.

(Tom cree que es una buena idea.)

They have a lot of money.

(Tienen mucho dinero.)

They don't have any money.

(No tienen nada de dinero.)

Do they have some money?

(Tienen algo de dinero?)

I feel so tired.
(Me siento tan cansado.)
You are brilliant!
(Eres tan brillante!)

They don't need his help.

(No necesitan su ayuda.)


i jump in the bed- yo salto en la cama

he drinks a lot of water- el bebe mucha agua
she sings in the bathroom-ella canta en el ba~o
i do my homework-yo hago mi tarea
we walk in the park-nosotros caminamos en el parque
they sleep in the floor-ellos duermen en el piso
she dance in the garden-ella baila en el jardin
they work in a company-ellos trabajan en una compa~ia
i talk with my mom-yo hablo con mi mama
she cry in her bedroom-ella llora en su habitacion
i eat candies-yo como dulces
she listen music-ella escucha musica
he run in the house-el corre en la casa
they drive in the street-ellos conducen en la calle
my sister have a baby-mi hermana tiene un bebe

Presente simple interrogativo


Do/does + sujeto + verbo?


Forma larga Do/does + sujeto + not + verbo?

Forma corta Dont/doesnt + sujeto + verbo?

Afirmativo Negativo

Do I play...? Do I not play...? Don't I play...?

Do you play...? Do you not play...? Don't you play...?

Does he play...? Does he not play...? Doesn't he play...?

Does she play...? Does she not play...? Doesn't she play...?

Does it play...? Does it not play...? Doesn't it play...?

Do we play...? Do we not play...? Don't we play...?

Do you play...? Do you not play...? Don't you play...?

Do they play...? Do they not play...? Don't they play...?


Do I eat this dessert? Me como este postre?

Don't you speak English? No hablas ingls?

Does he know him? Le conoce?

Doesn't she play the violin? No toca el violin?

Does it float? Flota?

Don't we study this subject? No estudiamos este tema?

Do you go to the cinema? Vais al cine?

Don't they smoke? No fuman?


Pasa a la forma interrogativa las siguientes oraciones:

1 She writes her emails every morning.

Does she write her emails every morning?

2 The meeting finishes at ten.

Does the meeting finish at ten?

3 My sister studies every afternoon.

Does my sister study every afternoon?

4 You and your wife make a lot of money.

Do you and your wife make a lot of money?

5 Our mother watches TV every night.

Does our mother watch TV every night?

6 His companies depend on government-sponsored funding sources.

Do his companies depend on government-sponsored funding sources?

7 Practising yoga increases flexibility and strength.

Does practising yoga increase flexibility and strength?

8 His parents fly cheaply using low-priced companies.

Do his family fly cheaply using low-priced companies?

9 Your new friend goes to the cinema every weekend.

Does your new friend go to the cinema every weekend?

10 First snows usually starts in November.

Do first snows usually start in November?

Afirmaciones - interrogaciones y
Ya hemos visto en otras lecciones cmo se construyen frases en el
tiempo verbal presente simple o "simple present".

Forma afirmativa de las oraciones:

La frmula simple para construir frases sencillas es:

Pronombre + verbo en presente:

I am.
You work.
He reads.
We study.
You are.
They eat.
Ahora, podemos formar oraciones un poquito ms complejas agregando
algunas preposiciones y sustantivos as:

Pronombre + verbo en presente + preposicin +

(artculo) sustantivo:

I am a girl = yo soy una nia.
You work in an office = t trabajas en una oficina.
He reads a book = l lee un libro.
We study at the university = nosotros estudiamos en la
You are cousins = ustedes son primos.
They eat hamburguers = ellos comenhamburguesas.
Cmo se conjugan los verbos de forma afirmativa?

I work in an office = yo trabajo en una oficina.

You work in an office = t trabajas en una oficina.
He/she works in an office = l/ella trabaja en una oficina.
We work in an office = nosotros trabajamos en una oficina.
You work in an office = ustedes trabajan en una oficina.
They work in an office = ellos/ellas trabajan en una oficina.

Forma negativa de las oraciones:

La forma negativa del "simple present" se obtiene
agregando "dont" o "doesnt" antes de la forma base del verbo:
I dont work = yo no trabajo.
You dont work = t no trabajas.
He doesnt work = l no trabaja.
She doesnt work = ella no trabaja.
It doesnt work = eso no trabaja.
We dont work = nosotros no trabajamos.
You dont work = ustedes no trabajan.
They dont work = ellos/ellas no trabajan.


Como puedes ver, slo los pronombres de la tercera persona singular "he,
she, it" son seguidos por "doesnt", para todos los dems se usa "dont".
Forma interrogativa de las oraciones:
La forma interrogativa del "simple present" se obtiene con el
auxiliar "do" o "does" delante del sujeto.
Do I work? = yo trabajo?
Do you work? = t trabajas?
Does he work? = l trabaja?
Does she work? = ella trabaja?
Does it work? = eso trabaja?
Do we work? = nosotros trabajamos?
Do you work? = ustedes trabajan?
Do they work? = ellos/ellas trabajan?

Present Affirmative y Negative

she is johana, she is not johana
2 he is a doctor, he is not a doctor
3 we are playing in the park, we are not playing in the park
4 they are my sons, they are not my sons
5 i am a good doctor, i am not a good doctor
6 you play all day, you play not all day
7 you are running, you are not running
8 he is a best pilot, he is not a best pilot
9 she is housewife. she is not housewife
10 it is a moniter of the computer, it is not a moniter of the computer
11 they are dancing in the house, they are not dancing in the house
12 i am from miami, i am not from miami
13 he is dinking much, i am not he drinking much

14 we are singing to capella, we are not singing to capella

15 i sing very good, i sing not very good
16 he is a good sirgeon, he is not a good sirgeon
17 she is beatiful, she is not beatiful
18 camilo is a good student. camilo is not a good estudent
19 erika wants to sing, erika wants not to sing
20 i write sentences in english, i write not sentences in english

ella es johana , ella no es johana

2 es un mdico, l no es un mdico
3 estamos jugando en el parque, no estamos jugando en el parque
4 que son mis hijos , no son mis hijos
5 Yo soy un buen mdico , no soy un buen mdico
6 juegas todo el da , no se juega todo el da
7 est ejecutando , no se est ejecutando
8 es un mejor piloto , l no es un mejor piloto
9 ella es ama de casa. ella no es ama de casa
10 es un moniter de la computadora , no es un moniter del ordenador
11 que estn bailando en la casa, que no estn bailando en la casa
12 soy de miami, yo no soy de miami
13 que se dinking mucho , no soy l beber mucho

14 estamos cantando a capella , nosotros no estamos cantando a capella

15 i cantar muy bien , yo no canto muy buena
16 es un buen sirgeon , que no es una buena sirgeon
17 ella es hermosa , ella no es hermoso
18 camilo es un buen estudiante . camilo no es una buena estudent
19 erika quiere cantar , erika no quiere cantar
20 i escribir oraciones en Ingls , yo escribo no oraciones en Ingls

affirmative sentences in simple present with Do vers, using the

thirdperson of singular
porfavor necesito escribir 40 oraciones afirmativas en presente simple con vers hacer,
usando la tercera persona del singular
ayudenme es urgente

1.-He does my homework every day.

2.- She does a delicious meal every night.
3.- The dog does funny tricks with the ball.
4.- My father does his work happily.
5.- My mother does her chores at home.
6.- My friend Mary does what she likes in the afternoon.
7.- My cousin does his assesments.
8.- My brother doesn't like to eat chocolate
9.- My little cat doesn't sleep with me.
10.- My mother doesn't work.

1. - Se hace mi tarea todos los das .

2.- Ella hace una deliciosa comida cada noche .
3.- El perro hace trucos divertidos con la pelota.
4.- Mi padre hace su trabajo con alegra.
5.- Mi madre hace sus tareas en el hogar .
6.- Mi amiga Mara hace lo que le gusta de la tarde.
7.- Mi primo hace sus assesments .
8.- Mi hermano no le gusta comer chocolate
9.- Mi pequeo gato no duerme conmigo .
10.- Mi madre no trabaja .
Use the present simple affirmative

1. I ________ (go) shopping with my brother.

2. We sometimes ________ (use) a dictionary in class.

3. My friends ________ (study) Italian at their school.

4. School ________ (finish) at three oclock.

5.You ________ (live) near me.

6. He ________(like) rap music.

7. She ________ (do) her homework before dinner.

8. We ________ (play) tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.

9. I ________ (watch) TV in the evening.

10. My mother ________ (teach) art.


1. I go shopping with my brother.

2. We sometimes use a dictionary in class.

3. My friends study Italian at their school.

4. School finishes at three oclock.

5.You live near me.

6. He likes rap music.

7. She does her homework before dinner.

8. We play tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.

9. I watch TV in the evening.

10. My mother teaches art.

Write the sentences in negative

1. I study French._____________________________________________

2. School finishes at two oclock.


3. You copy from other students.


4. We think English is easy.


5. My friends play volleyball.


6. I watch TV on Saturday morning.


7. She speaks Chinese.


8. The dog likes cats.


9. They listen to pop music.


10. I play with my hamster every day.



1. I dont study French.

2. School doesnt finish at two oclock.

3. You copy from other students.

4. We dont think English is easy.

5. My friends dont play volleyball.

6. I dont watch TV on Saturday morning.

7. She doesnt speak Chinese.

8. The dog doesnt like cats.

9. They dont listen to pop music.

10. I dont play with my hamster every day.

Write the sentences and finish the short answers

1. live / at / you / Do / school / ?


No, ___________________

2. in / students / Do / the canteen / ? / eat


Yes, ___________________

3. to school / your brother / on Saturday / ? / Does / go


No, ___________________

4. live / near / Do / your friends / you / ?


Yes, ___________________

5. at / school/ finish / Does / three oclock / ?


No, ___________________

1. Do you live at school?

No, I dont.

2. Do students eat in the canteen?

Yes, they do.

3. Does your brother go to school on Saturday?

No, he doesnt.

4. Do your friends live near you?

Yes, they do.

5. Does school finish at three oclock?

No, it doesnt.

Present simple

1. I _________ (play) tennis after school.

2. You _________ (start) school at nine oclock.

3. We _________ (have) lunch at school.

4. They _________ (watch) TV after dinner.

5. She _________ (not get up) at seven oclock.

6. We _________ (go) to bed at nine oclock.

7. What time _________ I (get) up?

8. What _________ she _________ after school?

9. He _________ (play) football.

10. Susan _________ (go) to the cinema.

11. My mother _________ (start) work at half past seven.

12. What _________ they _________ (do) in the evening?

13. How _________ you _________ (spell) that in English?

14. Brian _________ (get) up at eight oclock.

15. Where _________ John and Martin _________ (go ?

16. Serena _________ (not know) what to do.

17. Wendy _________ (not like) to do shopping.

18. My grandfather _________ (not live) in London.

19. My sisters _________ (walk) to school every day.

20. My best friend _________ (like) math.

21. My brother and I _________ (have) breakfast half past seven.

22. My cousin _________ (study) biology.

23. We _________ (go) to the cinema at the weekend.

24. When _________ Mary _________ (start) school?

25. Gill _________ (not work) in a supermarket.


1. I play tennis after school

2. You start school at nine oclock.

3. We have lunch at school.

4. They watch TV after dinner.

5. She doesnt get up at seven oclock.

6. We go to bed at nine oclock.

7. What time do I get up?

8. What does she do after school?

9. He plays football.

10. Susan goes to the cinema.

11. My mother starts work at half past seven.

12. What do they do in the evening?

13. How do you spell that in English?

14. Brian gets up at eight oclock.

15. Where do John and Martin go ?

16. Serena doesnt know what to do.

17. Wendy doesnt like to do shopping.

18. My grandfather doesnt live in London.

19. My sisters walks to school every day.

20. My best friend likes math.

21. My brother and I have breakfast half past seven.

22. My cousin studies biology.

23. We go to the cinema at the weekend.

24. When does Mary start school?

25. Gill doesnt work in a supermarket.

Present simple

1. Ana _________ (not watch) TV.

2. Peter _________ (not study) French.

3. Javi _________ (watch) TV.

4. Antonio _________ (play) computer games.

5. Luis Miguel _________ (not read) magazines.

6. _________ Mara _________ (listen) to music?

7. _________ Beatriz _________ (tidy) her room?

8. My parents _________ (read) the newspaper.

9. When _________ your brother _________ (surf) the internet?

10. Who _________ you _________ (play) football with?

11. What _________ your sister _________ (do) on Saturday?

12. Blanca _________ (go) to a sleepover.

13. Isabel _________ (not phone) a friend.

14. I _________ (eat) a hamburger every weekend.

15. My Mum _________ (like) classical music.

16. I _________ (not eat) pizza.

17. I _________ (drink) water.

18. Gonzalo _________ (help) his friends with their homework.

19. Carlos _________ (make) people laugh.

20. Alan _________ (not like) talking to new people.

21. Chris _________ (do) the housework for her parents.

22. I _________ (want) to join Daniels fan club.

23. Isabel and I _________ (see) each other every week.

24. Linda _________ (wear) new clothes.

25. Derek and Sam _________ (wear) striped T-shirts.


1. Ana doesnt watch TV.

2. Peter doesnt study French.

3. Javi watches TV.

4. Antonio plays computer games.

5. Luis Miguel doesnt read magazines.

6. Does Mara listen to music?

7.Does Beatriz tidy her room?

8. My parents read the newspaper.

9. When does your brother surf the internet?

10. Who do you play football with?

11. What does your sister do on Saturday?

12. Blanca goes to a sleepover.

13. Isabel doesnt phone a friend.

14. I eat a hamburger every weekend.

15. My Mum likes classical music.

16. I dont eat pizza.

17. I drink water.

18. Gonzalo helps his friends with their homework.

19. Carlos makes people laugh.

20. Alan doesnt like talking to new people.

21. Chris does the housework for her parents.

22. I want to join Daniels fan club.

23. Isabel and I see each other every week.

24. Linda wears new clothes.

25. Derek and Sam wear striped T-shirts.

Present Simple

1. Uncle Joe _________ (wear) glasses.

2. Ducks _________ (love) water.

3. The sun _________ (rise) in the east.

4. The children _________ (not go) to school by bus.

5. Juanma _________ (enjoy) singing.

6. Jesus _________ (not lend) me his bike.

7. Monkeys _________ (like) bananas.

8. Pepi _________ (not collect) stamps.

9. The earth _________ (go) around the sun.

10. It often _________ (snow) in winter.

11. We _________ (wash) our hands.

12. We _________ (eat) three meals a day.

13. _________ he _________ (type) very fast?

14. Luca _________ (work) at the court.

15. Everyone _________ (make) mistakes.

16. Winter _________ (not come) after spring.

17. _________ you _________ (like) my new bike?

18. _________ she _________ (walk) to school?

19. Pedro _________ (speak) English very well.

20. My dog _________ (bark) very loudly.

21. _________ Sara _________ (read) in bed?

22. _________ babies _________ (sleep) during the day?

23. Eva _________ (try) not to disturb.

24. Eagles _________ (fly) high in the sky.

25. My sister _________ (cook) all our meals.


1. Uncle Joe wears glasses.

2. Ducks love water.

3. The sun rises in the east.

4. The children dont go to school by bus.

5. Juanma enjoys singing.

6. Jesus doesnt lend me his bike.

7. Monkeys like bananas.

8. Pepi doesnt collect stamps.

9. The earth goes around the sun.

10. It often snows in winter.

11. We wash our hands.

12. We eat three meals a day.

13. Does he type very fast?

14. Luca works at the court.

15. Everyone makes mistakes.

16. Winter doesnt come after spring.

17. Do you like my new bike?

18. Does she walk to school?

19. Pedro speaks English very well.

20. My dog barks very loudly.

21. Does Sara read in bed?

22. Do babies sleep during the day?

23. Eva tries not to disturb.

24. Eagles fly high in the sky.

25. My sister cooks all our meals.

Presente simple negativo

La estructura del presente simple en forma negativa es:

Sujeto + do/does + not + verbo + ...

Forma larga Forma corta

I do not play I don't play

You do not play You don't play

He does not play He doesn't play

She does not play She doesn't play

It does not play It doesn't play

We do not play We don't play

You do not play You don't play

They do not They don't play


I do not live in London No vivo en Londres

You don't have any pets No tienes mascotas

He does not understand him No lo comprende

She doesn't write a letter No escribe una carta

It does not work No funciona

We don't play tennis No jugamos al tenis

You do not watch TV No vis la televisin

They don't remember anything No recuerdan nada


Convierte a la forma negativa las siguientes oraciones.

1 He lives in New York.

He does not (doesn't) live in New York.

2 They work in an office.

They do not (don't) work in an office.

3 My sister Susan kisses my mother every morning.

My sister Susan does not (doesn't) kiss my mother every morning

4 They do their exercises every day.

They do not (don't) do their exercises every day

5 Tom and Mike study every afternoon.

Tom and Mike do not (don't) study every afternoon.

6 The concert starts at nine.

The concert does not (doesn't) start at nine
7 We do the shopping every Saturday.

We do not (don't) the shopping every Saturday

8 My grandmother likes chocolate ice creams.

My grandmother does not (doesn't) like chocolate ice creams.

9 Their baby cries a lot.

Their baby does not (doesn't) cry a lot.

10 Tom and his company do business in China.

Tom and his company do not (don't) do business in Chin

10 Ejemplos de Oraciones Negativas en Presente

Las oraciones en presente simple se componen de un sujeto un

verbo y un complemento, sin embargo cuando se desea que esta
oracin sea negativa, se agrega el auxiliar do o does,
dependiendo del sujeto, seguido de la palabra not.

10 Ejemplos de oraciones negativas en presente simple:

1. He doesnt sing opera. (l no canta opera).

2. She doesnt like that kind of food. (A ella no le gusta ese tipo de
3. It doesnt fit. (No queda).
4. I dont think so. (No lo creo).
5. I dont buy that stuff. (No compro de esas cosas).
6. They dont go there. (Ellos no van ah).
7. We dont play together. (Nosotros no tocamos juntos).
8. It doesnt work. (No funciona).
9. He doesnt act well. (l no acta bien).
10. You dont do that very often. (T no haces eso muy seguido).

El Present Simple en ingles -The Simple Present tense

Negative form
The structure of the negative structure is formed by adding the auxiliaries do or does plus the negation not
Do + not > dont
Does + not > doesnt
These auxiliaries are used TO HELP you. When you use the auxiliary the verb is always in its simple.
In positive we had 2 conjugations for every verb (not to be)
play/plays , work/works, study/studies, watch/watches, etc
The conjugation is simple: HE / SHE / IT - with the s form and I / WE / YOU / THEY - simple form
My brother works for IBM.
My parents live in Paris.
He / she / it + doesnt + verb (simple form)
I / We / You / They + dont + verb (simple form)
Figura #1:

Lets Practice

Nota del profesor:Como vemos, lo que se conjuga en la forma negativa es el auxiliar y no el verbo. Es
decir, uno va elejir entre dont y el doesnt pero el verbo SIEMPRE estara en su forma simple (sin la
terminacin s)
Question form
The question structure is formed by following the following structure
Question word + [do / does + SUBJECT + Verb (simple form)] + Complement
We use the auxiliaries do and does in the question form and they have to agree with the subject
The conjugation is the following:
Does > he/she/it
Do -> I/we/you/they
The verb ALWAYS stays in the simple form (not with the s form)
Short Answers
Las respuestas cortas son con los auxiliares do y does con la forma positiva y dont y doesnt con la forma
negativa. La respuesta corta se refiere a cuando responde solo si o no.
Do you study English for free in InglesTotal? -> Yes, I do
Yes, (I, you, we, you, they) do. No, ( (I, you, we, you, they) dont.
Yes, (he,she,it does)- No, (he,she,it )doesnt
Figura #2
Figura #3

Lets Practice

The auxiliaries appear in the negative and question form with the verbs that are not to be.
(+) Juan plays soccer.
(-) He doesnt play soccer.
(?) Does he play soccer?
(+) She is a teacher
(-) She isnt a teacher.
(?) Is she a teacher?
Nota: Recuerden que cuando usen el verbo to be (es decir cualquier conjugacion de ser o estar en el
presente) no se usan los auxiliares puesto que estos se usan solo con los demas verbos y en negativo y
en pregunta)
Tarea / Homework
I) Cambie las oraciones de formpositiva a forma negativa

II) Escriba la forma de pregintas de las siguientes oraciones

III) Llene los vacios con la forma correcta de los auxiliares.
Simple Present Tense






Average: 3.8 (53 votes)

Fri, 03/11/2011 - 09:15 Chris McCarthy



The Present Simple is learned when we first begin to study English and is used all the time.

It is important to know how to make negative sentences in the Present Simple.

For example:

Positive: Jack eats ice-cream every day.

Negative: Jack doesnt eat ice-cream every day.

Try to make these sentences negative:

1. She has a bath every day. i.e "She doesn't have a bath every day."
2. Lara plays the piano very well.
3. We work very hard.
4. He does the same thing every day.
5. They know my phone number.
6. I read the newspaper every day.
7. My brother likes the cinema.
8. Brian wears a wedding ring.
9. John lives near us.
10. I drive to university.

Lesson by Amanda Pooley, EC Cape Town English School

1. She have a bath every day.Correct!

2. Lara play the piano very well.Correct!

3. We work very hard.Correct!

4. He do the same thing every day.Correct!

5. They know my phone number.Correct!

6. I read the newspaper every day.Correct!

7. My brother like the cinema.Correct!

8. Brian wear a wedding ring.Correct!

9. John 3 live near us.

10. I drive to University.Correct!

Pretrito perfecto en forma interrogativa


Have/Has + sujeto + past

participle + ...

Forma larga Have/Has + sujeto + not + past participle + ...

Forma corta Haven't/Hasn't + sujeto + past participle + ...

Afirmativo Negativo

Have I worked? Have I not worked? Haven't I worked?

Have you worked? Have you not worked? Haven't you worked?

Has he worked? Has he not worked? Hasn't he worked?

Has she worked? Has she not worked? Hasn't she worked?

Has it worked? Has it not worked? Hasn't it worked?

Have we worked? Have we not worked? Haven't we worked?

Have you worked? Have you not worked? Haven't you worked?

Have they worked? Have they not worked? Haven't they worked?


What have I done wrong? Qu he hecho mal?

Have you had fun today? Te lo has pasado bien hoy?

Why has he not called me? Por qu no me ha llamado?

Has she lost her talent? Ha perdido su talento?

How has it changed over time? Cmo ha cambiado con el tiempo?

Por qu hemos tenido que firmar este
Why have we had to sign this paper?

Have you turned it off ? Lo habis apagado?

Haven't they thought about the

No han pensado en las consecuencias?


1 Escribe las siguientes preguntas usando la forma larga del presente perfecto.
1 ane / not ski / anything up to now ?

Has Jane not skied anything up to now?

2 Your brother / do / his homework ?

Has your brother done his homework?

3 Why / we / go / so fast ?

Why have we gone so fast?

4 How / be / the day / at university ? ?

How has the day been at university?

5 They / not win / the competition ?

Have they not won the competition?

2 Escribe las siguientes preguntas usando la forma corta del presente perfecto, en
forma interrogativa, siempre que sea posible.
6 Your friends / swim / today at the beach ?

Have your friends swum today at the beach?

7 The thief / not escape/ from the police ?

Hasnt the thief escaped from the police?

8 His sister / not phone / you since Monday ?

Hasnt his sister phoned you since Monday?

9 The rain / fall / in the countryside ?

Has the rain fallen in the countryside?

10 We / not listen / this CD for three times in the last hour ?

Havent we listened this CD for three times in the last hour?

Do you speak English?
Are they Spanish?
Can we see him?
Does she live in Malaga?
Does he come from Valencia?
Is your father an engineer?
Am I stupid?
Have they got a new PC?
Do you like Madrid?
Does he work here?

Habla usted Ingls?

Son espaoles ?
Podemos verlo?
Vive en Mlaga?
Viene de Valencia?
Es el padre un ingeniero ?
Soy estpido?
Tienen un nuevo PC?
Te gusta el Madrid?
Trabaja aqu?

(3) Interrogative Sentences (Frases

Ya sabiendo como se forma en el presente simple la forma afirmativa y la forma
negativa, ser de gran ayuda y nos facilitar el entendimiento de la forma interrogativa.

Para forma una oracin interrogativa o una pregunta, debemos tener en cuenta de
nuevo el verbo auxiliar (DO). Pero esta vez no va ir negando, si no simplemente va a
acompaar para poder hacer la pregunta. En este caso tambin se tiene en cuenta
que para la terceras personas el verbo auxiliar lleva la s, osea que queda DOES.

La forma de hacer una pregunta en en forma interrogativa es poniendo el verbo

auxiliar antes del pronombre y ya, el resto de la oracin queda como en la forma
afirmativa. y se contesta son verbo auxiliar en forma positiva y negativa.


Do you eat hamburges?

yes, I do

no, I dont

Do we cook together?

yes, You do

no, You don't

Does she arrive at 8 a.m.?

yes, She does

no, She doesnt

Does he write?

yes, He does

no, He doesnt

NOTA: Fijate bien!! En las terceras personas el verbo no lleva la s ya que el verbo
auxiliar ya la tiene, nunca olvides esto, y veras que no tendrs problemas!!

Cuando haces una pregunta con las WH Question, utilizas la misma regla, pero
recuerda que el auxiliar debe ir solo antes de pronombre, en ningun otro lado.

Where do you live? Donde vives?

Who do you work with? Con quien trabajas?

What do you look like? Como eres? (fisicamente)

What does she eat? Que come (ella)?

Where does he live? Donde vive (el)?

Pregunta que te puede confundir:

What do you do? Que haces (tu)?

Tenga en cuenta que el do que aparece antes del pronombre es tomado como verbo
auxiliar y el que aparece luego del pronombre si es tomado como verbo, entonces solo
debemos darle significado al segundo verbo, no al primero (Ya que este es el auxiliar).

Do you talk? (Hablas t?)

Does he eat? (Come l?)

Do they learn? (Aprenden ellos?)

EstructuraVerbo auxiliar ("to do") + sujeto + verbo principal?

Nota: Como en frases negativas, en frases interrogativas el verbo auxiliar ("to do")
cambia y el verbo principal es en el infinitivo.

Ms informacin sobre la estructura de frases

1. El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de cosas que suceden
habitualmente. A diferencia a espaol, no se usa el presente simple para hablar sobre
algo que est pasando en el momento en el que hablamos.
1. Ejemplos:
I always talk to my mother on Sunday. (Siempre hablo con mi madre el
He never eats vegetables. (Nunca come las verduras.)
4. They learn something new in class.They usually learn something new in
class. (Normalmente aprenden algo nuevo en la clase.)
2. Se utiliza para hablar de generalidades o hechos cientficos.

He does not [doesn't] eat vegetables. (l no come verduras.)

She works in a hospital. (Ella trabaja en una hospital.)

Elephants live in Africa. (Los elefantes viven en frica.)

Bogata is in Columbia. (Bogot est en Colombia.)

Do children like animals? (Les gustan a los nios los animales?)

Adults do not [don't] know everything. (Los adultos no lo saben todo.)

3. Se usa para eventos programados en el futuro prximo.

1. Ejemplos:
The train leaves at 10:00. (El tren sale a las 10h.)
The party is tonight. (La fiesta es esta noche.)
Does the festival start tomorrow? (Empieza el festival maana?)
The plane does not [doesn't] arrive today. (El avin no llega hoy.)

4. Se usa para instruciones (el imperativo).

1. Ejemplos:
Open the window. (Abre la ventana.)
Eat the vegetables. (Come las verduras.)
Don't cry. (No llores.)
Do your homework. (Haz los deberes.)
Call your mother. (Llama a tu madre.)

Pase a pregunta las siguientes frases en ingles,con su repectivas respuestas, en
forma positiva y negativa.

1. You get up at 7 a.m.

2. I live in monterrey.

3. She eats hotdogs every weekend.

4. We call to the police.

5. He studies everyday.

Ingls bsico have/have got

Have y have got significan "tener" en espaol. Have got es ms informal y se usa
mucho en el ingls hablado. Los dos se usan para expresar posesin. A
continuacin se muestra have got y have conjugados en el presente simple.


I have got a pen
He / she / it has got a pen
We / you / they have got a pen

Afirmativo (forma contrada)

I've got a pen
You've got a pen
He's got a pen
She's got a pen
It's got a pen
We've got a pen
You've got a pen
They've got a pen

I haven't got a pen
He / she / it hasn't got a pen
We / you / they haven't got a pen

Have you got a pen?
Yes, I have
No, I haven't
Has he / she /it got a pen?
Yes, he/she/it has
No, he/she/it hasn't

Have you got a pen?

Yes, we have
No, we haven't

Have they got a pen?

Yes, they have
No, they haven't

Como vis, el verbo to have got es irregular y no sigue las reglas de conjugacin
del presente simple en negativo e interrogativo.


I have a pen
He / she / it has a pen
We / you / they have a pen

I dont have a pen
He / she / it doesnt have a pen
We / you / they dont have a pen

Do you have a pen?
Yes, I do
No, I don't

Does he / she / it have a pen?

Yes, he /she / it does
No, he / she / it doesn't

Do you have a pen?

Yes, we do
No, we don't

Do they have a pen?

Yes, they do
No, they don't

El verbo to have, sin embargo, s sigue las reglas de conjugacin del presente
simple y usa don't / doesn't en negativas y do / does en interrogativas.

No se puede usar la forma contrada con have pero s con have got.

Ive got two sisters OK

I have two sisters OK
Ive two sisters X

Utilizamos tanto have got como have en el sentido del verbo "tener" en espaol

Hablar de cosas que poseemos

My parents have got a camper van = my parents have a camper van (mis padres
tienen una caravana)
Describir rasgos fsicos
My sister has got blue eyes = my sister has blue eyes (mi hermana tiene los ojos

Expresar malestar fsico

I have got a headache = I have a headache (me duele la cabeza, tengo dolor de

Con las rutinas diarias (ducharse, desayunar, comer, cenar, darse un bao...) se
usa nicamente to have.
I usually have breakfast at 8:00 in the morning (normalmente desayuno a las ocho
de la maana)
Peter has a shower before going to work (Peter se ducha antes de ir a trabajar)
Sarah always takes a bath after work (Sara siempre se da un bao despus de
Con la edad y las palabras hambre, sed, fro y sueo no utilizamos ni have
got ni have, sino el verbo to be.

Tengo 20 aos I am twenty years-old

El beb tiene hambre The baby is hungry
Tenemos sed We are thirsty
Los nios tienen fro The kids are cold
Tienes sueo? Are you sleepy?

Para indicar obligacin ("tener que") utilizamos normalmente have to (vase have
to), aunque tambin podemos utilizar have got to en afirmativas.

I have to clean the house (tengo que limpiar la casa)

I don't have to clean the house (no tengo que limpiar la casa)
Do you have to clean the house? (Tienes que limpiar la casa?)
I've got to go (me tengo que ir)

En estilo informal*, podemos encontrar gotta como abreviacin de got to,
equivalente a have to.
I gotta go* = I have to go (me tengo que ir)

Corrige las frases y preguntas a continuacin y despus haz clic aqu para ver las
respuestas. Cuidado! No todas las frases o preguntas contienen fallos.

1. He have got a sister and two brothers.

2. We have a blue car.
3. I has got a book about flowers.
4. Do he has a brother?
5. She have got a sister.
6. Do they have got a big car?
7. Has she got a new car?
8. Ive a brother.
9. Have they a blue car?
10. He got a cat and a dog.

He has got a sister and two brothers.

We have a blue car. correcto

I have got a book about flowers.

Does he have a brother? Has he got a brother?

She has got a sister.

Do they have a big car? Have they got a big car?

Has she got a new car? correcto

Ive got a brother.

Do they have a blue car? Have they got a blue car?

He has got a cat and a dog.

Libro de frases en ingls: mi familia.

- I have got two brothers and one sister - Tengo dos hermanos y una

- There are five of us in my family - Somos cinco en mi familia

- I have got a big family - Tengo una familia grande

- There are not many of us in my family - No somos muchos en mi


- We all live together in the same house - Vivimos todos juntos en la

misma casa

- We do not live together now - No vivimos juntos ahora

- My brother is a teacher - Mi hermano es profesor

- My sister is a doctor - Mi hermana es mdico

- My father works in a factory - Mi padre trabaja en una fbrica

- My mother works in an insurance company - Mi madre trabaja en

una empresa de seguros

- My parents are retired - Mis padres estn jubilados

- My parents do not work any more - Mis padres ya no trabajan

- My sister is a part-time secretary - Mi hermana trabaja tiempo
parcial como secretaria

- My aunt had a full-time job but now she only works two days a
week - Mi ta tena un trabajo de jornada completa pero ahora
solamente trabaja dos das a la semana.

- Both of my brothers are unemployed - Ambos hermanos estn en

el paro ( estn parados )

- I like my brother very much - me gusta mucho mi hermano

- I like my grandparents; they are so kind - Me gustan mis abuelos;

son tan amables

- All my brothers and sisters are very out going - Todos mis
hermanos son muy extrovertidos

- We are all quite shy in my family - Somos todos bastante tmidos

en mi familia

- My brother is quite tall with dark hair and brown eyes - Mi hermano
es bastante alto con pelo oscuro y ojos marrones

- My sister is slim and fair - Mi hermana es delgada y rubia

- My brother is not very attractive. His hair is long and fair. He has
got a beard and he wears glasses. - No es muy atractivo mi
hermano. Tiene el pelo largo y rubio. Tiene barba y lleva gafas.

- My oldest brother is very handsome. He is got a very strong,

athletic body and he likes sport - Mi hermano mayor es muy guapo.
Tiene un cuerpo fuerte y atltico y le gusta el deporte.

- My youngest sister is rather unattractive ( pretty ugly ). She is

sixteen years old, very skinny and she is got a lot of spots.- Mi
hermana menor es poco atractiva ( bastante fea ). Tiene diecisis
aos, es muy flaca y tiene granos.

- My father is fairly old-fashioned. He wears brown suits and he even

wears a hat. - Mi padre es bastante antiguo. Lleva los trajes
marrones e incluso lleva sombrero

- I am the oldest / youngest of the family - Soy el / la mayor / menor

de la familia.
- I am the second oldest in my family - Soy el segundo de la familia

- I have not got any brothers or sisters - No tengo hermanos

- I get on very well with nearly all my family - Me llevo bastante bien
con casi toda mi familia

- I do not get on well with some of my brothers - no me llevo bien

con algunos de mis hermanos

- They get on very well - Se llevan muy bien

- We get on well - Nos llevamos bien

- My mother was born during the war. - Mi madre naci durante la


- I was born in 1964 - Nac en 1964

- I am an only child. - Soy hijo /a nico /a

- I have not got any brothers or sisters. - No tengo hermanos.


- mother, madre, father, padre, parents, padres, brothers and

sisters, hermanos ( varones y hembras ), brothers,hermanos ( slo
varones ), wife, mujer ( esposa ), husband, marido
( esposo ), grandfather, abuelo, grandmother,abuela, great
grandfather, bisabuelo, grandparents, abuelos, son, hijo, daughter, h
ija, cousin, primo, cousins, primos,grandson, nieto, granddaughter, n
ieta, grandchildren, nietos, child ( children ), nio
( nios ), aunt, ta, uncle, to, mother-in-law, suegra, father-in-
law, suegro, son-in-law, yerno, daughter-in-law, nuera, friend, amigo.

My family is formed by my papa, my mom, my brothers and I

traduccion: mi familia esta formada por mis papa, mi mama, mis hermanos y

Adults in my family are my grandparents

traduccion: los mayores de edad de mi familia son mis abuelos

My family always supported me in my projects.

traduccion: mi familia siempre me ayuda en mis proyectos

My younger brother is more of the small family

traduccion: mi hermano menos es el mas pequeo de mi familia

My family is very united

traduccion: mi familia es muy unida

The whole family gathered for dinner

traduccion: toda la familia se reunio para cenar

My family and I travelled to the countryside

traduccion: mi familia y yo viajamos para el campo

My entire family attended my birthday

traduccion: toda mi familia asistio a mi cumpleaos

My family and I mudaremos house

traduccion: mi familia y yo nos mudaremos de casa

My family is very big

mi familia es muy grande..

l. My family lives in Mexico.

2.The family is the heart of the community.
3. My husband's family do not want to move out.
4.My family is very important for me.
5. I have a very extended family.
6.Many orphans are in need of a family.
7.I like to wath the tv. series "The Adam's Family".
8. The oldest person in my family is 98 years old.
9. I wish I could visit my family.
10. I miss my family.

. Mi familia vive en Mxico .

2.El familia es el corazn de la comunidad .
3. La familia de mi marido no quiere mudarse.
Familia 4.My es muy importante para m.
5. Tengo una familia muy extendida.
Hurfanos 6.Many estn en necesidad de una familia .
7.I gusta wath la televisin . serie "La familia de Adn " .
8. La persona de ms edad en mi familia tiene 98 aos .
9. Me gustara poder visitar a mi familia .
10. Echo de menos a mi familia .
my sister is licking my head
my brother is kissing my leg
my mommy is watching my hair
my daddy is touching me there
my dog is like my brother
my sister was licking my head
my brother was kissing my leg
my mommy was watching me in the shower
my daddy was smashing me right there

mi hermana est lamiendo la cabeza

mi hermano est besando mi pierna
mi mam est mirando mi pelo
mi pap me est tocando all
mi perro es como mi hermano
mi hermana estaba lamiendo mi cabeza
mi hermano estaba besando mi pierna
mi mam me miraba en la ducha
mi pap me estaba rompiendo all

Habla sobre tu familia en ingls

Una persona puede tener un "brother" o "sister". Podemos llamarlos "siblings" tambin. "Mom" y "Dad"
son los nombres de los "parents". Y ellos a su vez pueden tener un "sibling" o dos. La hermana de mam
es "Aunt", el hermano de mi padre es "Uncle". Si ellos tienen hijos, seran tus "cousins".

John: Do you have any siblings? "Tienes hermanos?"

Sam: No, I am an only child. What about you? "No, yo soy hijo nico. Y t? "
John: I have 2 brothers and a sister! "Tengo dos hermanos y una hermana!"
Sam: Wow, a big family I would have liked a sister "Vaya, una gran familia ... Me hubiera gustado tener
una hermana"
John: Yes, my brothers are both married and have kids. Family gatherings can be quite lively "S, mis
hermanos estn casados y tienen hijos. Las reuniones familiares son muy animadas "

Los padres de los padres se llaman grandparents y las familias de las personas con las que nos
casamos -in-laws. La persona con la que estuviste casado es un ex. Y si ests casado simplemente es
husband o wife.

Sam: So you have nieces and nephews then? "As que tienes sobrinas y sobrinos?"
John: Oh yes. My sister divorced my brother-in-law before they had any kids but my brothers "Oh, s.
Mi hermana se divorci de mi cuado antes de que tuvieran hijos, pero mis hermanos ... "
Sam: Your parents must be very proud! "Tus padres deben estar muy orgullosos!"
John: Its Gran that is most proud. Grandfather and her love to baby sit. "La abuela es la que se siente
ms orgullosa. Al abuelo y a ella les encanta cuidar a los bebs. "
Sam: Do you get along with your sisters-in-law? "Te llevas bien con tus cuadas?"
John: They are really nice. Suzie, my eldest brothers wife is an Olympic swimmer! "Ellas son muy
agradables. Susana, la esposa de mi hermano mayor, es nadadora Olmpica! "

El to de mi padre o los abuelos de mis padres, seran llamados como great-.

Sam: I cant believe that your grandparents are still alive! "No puedo creer que tus abuelos todava
estn vivos!"
John: Hah! You should sit down then, because I still have both great grandparents on my moms side!
"Ah! Pues sintate, porque todava tengo a mis dos bisabuelos por parte de mi madre! "
Sam: Goodness! I have a great uncle living in Canada, but I never see him "Dios mo! Tengo un to
abuelo que vive en Canad, pero nunca lo veo "
John: You should get in touch. Its great to have a sense of ones family tree "Deberas ponerte en
contacto. Es bueno conocer nuestro rbol genealgico"
Sam: Where do you all live? "Dnde viven todos?"

Podemos describir a las familias con muchos adjetivos interesantes como big, small, close,
estranged o Open, broken, nuclear o one-child. Y como estn los miembros de tu familia?

John: Well, Troy lives in New York and has really done well "Bueno, Troy vive en Nueva York y le ha ido
realmente bien"
Sam: What does he do? "Qu hace?"
John: He became a lawyer right out of school and became partner of his firm within 3 years! "Se licenci
como abogado y se convirti en socio de su empresa en 3 aos!"
Sam: Wow, he really has gone far quickly "Vaya, realmente ha llegado muy lejos en poco tiempo"
John: My other brothers both work for my dad in the family business. "Mis otros hermanos trabajan con
mi padre en el negocio familiar."

Por ltimo, qu hace tu familia para divertirse todos juntos? Podras hablar de public holidays,
hobbies y likes. Tal vez a tu familia le gustapicnicking o riding bikes.

Sam: Do you have any dreams to travel or work overseas? "Tienes algn sueo de viajar o trabajar en
el extranjero?"
John: I am very happy at home. I have a good job and having weekends and public holidays off is very
important to me. "Estoy muy feliz en casa. Tengo un buen trabajo y el tener los fines de semana y das
festivos libres es muy importante para m ".
Sam: What do you do in your spare time?"Qu haces en tu tiempo libre? "
John: The kids keep me very busy with picnics and sports days at school "Los nios me mantienen muy
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Familia y relaciones sociales

Aqu tienes algunas frases tiles para hablar sobre la familia y relaciones
sociales. Aprende cmo hablar sobre hermanos y hermanas, hijos y
otros miembros de la familia, as como describir tu estado personal.

Brothers and sisters

Hermanos y hermanas

do you have any brothers or sisters? tienes algn hermano o hermana?

yes, I've got s, tengo

a brother un hermano

a sister una hermana

an elder brother un hermano mayor

a younger sister una hermana ms joven

two brothers dos hermanos

two sisters dos hermanas

one brother and two sisters un hermano y dos hermanas

no, I'm an only child no, soy hijo nico

Children and grandchildren

Hijos y nietos

have you got any kids? tienes hijos?

do you have any children? tienes hijos?

yes, I've got s, tengo

a boy and a girl un chico y una chica

a young baby un beb

three kids tres nios

I don't have any children no, no tengo hijos

do you have any grandchildren? tiene usted nietos?

Parents and grandparents

Padres y abuelos

where do your parents live? dnde viven tus padres?

what do your parents do? qu hacen tus padres?

what does your father do? a qu se dedica tu padre?

what does your mother do? a qu se dedica tu madre?

are your grandparents still alive? estn tus abuelos an vivos?

where do they live? dnde viven?

Pgina anterior Pgina siguiente

Idiomas y comunicacin Aficiones e intereses

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simplemente haga clic en cualquiera de las frases para escucharla.

Relaciones amorosas

do you have a boyfriend? tienes novio?

do you have a girlfriend? tienes novia?

are you married? ests casado?, ests casada?


1 La familia de origen

2 La segunda familia

3 Los abuelos

4 Los nietos

5 Los tos y los primos

6 Los sobrinos

7 La familia poltica

8 La familia de segunda
oportunidad (familia

9 Los nios

10 El estado civil

11 La pareja

Este artculo es un glosario de los

trminos relacionados con los
vnculos familiares ms

La familia de origen
Miembro Significado

Parents los padres (madre y


Mother la madre

Father el padre

Sib los hermanos (hermanas

Sibling y hermanos)

Sister la hermana

Brother el hermano

Mum (UK) la mam

Mummy la mam

Mommy la mam

Dad el pap

Daddy el pap

How many Siblings do you

Cuntos hermanos (hermanos
o hermanas) tienes?

La segunda familia
Miembro Significado

Wife la esposa (mujer)

Husband el esposo (marido)

Spouse el esposo
(marido o mujer)

Daughter la hija

Son el hijo

He is my husband
l es mi marido

I have two Sons

Tengo dos hijos

Los abuelos
Miembro Significado

Grandparents los abuelos

(abuelos y

Grandmother la abuela

Grandfather el abuelo

Great- los bisabuelos


Great- la bisabuela

Great-grandfather el bisabuelo

Los nietos
Miembro Significado

Grandchildren los nietos

(nietos y nietas)
Grandson el nieto

Granddaughter la nieta

Los tos y los primos

Miembro Significado

Aunt la ta

Uncle el to

Cousin la prima

Cousin el primo

Los sobrinos
Miembro Significado

Niece la sobrina

Nephew el sobrino

La familia poltica
Miembro Significado

Mother-in-law la suegra

Father-in-law el suegro

Sister-in-law la cuada

Brother-in-law el cuado

Daughter-in-law la nuera

Son-in-law el yerno

La familia de segunda
oportunidad (familia
Miembro Significado

Stepmother la madrastra

Stepfather el padrastro
Stepsister la hermanastra

Stepson el hijastro

Los nios
Miembro Significado

Child el nio (nio o nia)

Baby el beb

Girl la chica / la nia

Boy el chico / el nio

Twins los gemelos

Miembro Significado

Firstling primognito

We have 3 girls
Nosotros tenemos 3 nias

El estado civil
Miembro Significado

Single soltero

Married casado

Divorced divorciado

Widowed viudo

La pareja
Miembro Significado

Couple la pareja

are you single? ests soltero?, ests soltera?

are you seeing anyone? ests saliendo con alguien?

I'm estoy

single soltero/a

engaged comprometido/a

married casado/a

divorced divorciado/a

separated separado/a

a widow viuda

a widower viudo

I'm seeing someone estoy saliendo con alguien


have you got any pets? tienes alguna mascota?

I've got s, tengo

a dog and two cats un perro y dos gatos

a Labrador un perro Labrador

Asking names and ages

Preguntando nombres y edades

what's his name? cmo se llama?

he's called se llama

Tom Tom

what's her name? cmo se llama?

she's called se llama

Mary Mara

what are their names? cmo se llaman?

they're called se llaman

Neil and Anna Neil y Ana

how old is he? cuntos aos tiene?

he's tiene

twelve doce aos

how old is she? cuntos aos tiene?

she's tiene

fifteen quince aos

how old are they? cuntos aos tienen?

they're tienen

six and eight seis y ocho aos

Nivel Bsico de Ingls

11. Adjetivos Posesivos en Ingls

Los adjetivos posesivos indican a quin le pertenece el sustantivo. En espaol se usa

mi, su, etc, para denotar posesin. Los adjetivos posesivos en ingls son los

My mi
Your (singular) tu, su
His su (de l)
Her su (de ella)
Its su (de eso)
Our nuestro/a
Your (plural) su (tambin vuestro/a para los Espaoles)
Their su (de ellos/ellas)

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This is my house Esta es mi casa

Is this your car? Este es tu/su carro?
His name is Peter Su nombre es Peter
Her name is Amanda Su nombre es Amanda
Its color is blue Su color es azul
Our family is united Nuestra familia es unida
Their project is finished Su proyecto est terminado

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El ingls tiene una forma distinta para especificar a quin le pertenece algo sin usar el
adjetivo posesivo; por ejemplo el carro de Pedro, 'el vestido de mi hermana, etc.

Veamos las reglas que se aplican a este uso con algunos ejemplos ilustrativos:
1. La regla general para formar el posesivo de un sustantivo es aadir un apstrofe
+ s al final del sustantivo, de la siguiente manera:

My brothers house is in Newark La casa de mi hermano est en Newark

John and Karens wedding La boda de John y Karen
Richards BMW is black El BMW de Richard es negro
Sallys cat is lost El gato de Sally est perdido
The peoples opinion is important La opinin del pueblo es importante

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2. Si el sustantivo termina en s (por ejemplo si est en plural), slo se aade el

apstrofe al final del sustantivo, de la siguiente manera:

Thomas parents are very nice Los padres de Thomas son muy amables
The glass shape is very pretty La forma del vaso es muy bonita
The babies toys are in the box Los juguetes de los bebs estn en la caja
Carlos friends have no money Los amigos de Carlos no tienen dinero

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Posesivos en Ingls
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Para indicar a quien pertenece algo usamos 's.

el libro de Sue
Sue's book

Si quieres usar el posesivo ('s) con una palabra plural, tienes que
poner un apstrofe despus de la s que hace que la palabra sea

los libros de los estudiantes

the students' books

La segunda palabra pertenece a la primera palabra. Escribe el
Mike's car
Mike - car

1. Dave - paper

NO-Dave's paper

2. Sarah - computer

NO-Sarah's computer

3. Jenny - sister

NO-Jenny's sister

4. the students - books

NO-the students' books

5. Karen - pencil

NO-Karen's pencil

6. Mary - friend

NO-Mary's friend

7. my parents - house

NO-my parents' house

8. my brother - wife

NO-my brother's wife

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