Hoja de Cálculo para KO DRUM
Hoja de Cálculo para KO DRUM
Hoja de Cálculo para KO DRUM
TOP 108 24
HLL 84 36
NLL 48 36
LLL 12 12
Dimetro de la boquilla 18
0.111 0.060648
0.778 0.834767
0.7273 0.7788
0.7333 0.7855
0.7391 0.7923
0.7447 0.7990
0.7500 0.8045
0.7551 0.8100
0.7600 0.8155
0.7647 0.8209
0.7692 0.8252
al depth of Liquid and Vapor Spaces Liquid Dropou Vapor Required Dru
f Time Velocity Length L
hl2 hl1+hl2 hv seconds Uv,f/s Lmin,f
0.1 6.27 1.90 0.86 38.68 33.28 7.6
0.1 6.43 1.90 0.86 38.25 32.91 6.3
0.1 6.60 1.90 0.86 37.87 32.58 4.8
0.1 6.77 1.90 0.86 37.33 32.12 3.4
0.1 6.93 1.90 0.86 37.06 31.89 1.7
0.1 7.10 1.90 0.86 36.62 31.51 0.0
0.1 7.27 1.90 0.86 36.23 31.17 -1.8
0.1 7.43 1.90 0.86 35.88 30.87 -3.8
0.1 7.60 1.90 0.86 35.34 30.40 -5.7
Evaluacion con Gas hmedo
f(Zc) Zc hl2
52.95 21.74 0.786028 0.7335 2.07
53.58 22.73 0.779176 0.7273 2.12
54.16 23.86 0.773401 0.7223 2.19
54.84 25.15 0.770159 0.7195 2.27
55.36 26.65 0.767143 0.7168 2.36
55.97 28.41 0.767218 0.7170 2.48
56.55 30.49 0.769547 0.7190 2.63
57.09 32.98 0.774735 0.7235 2.80
57.60 36.02 0.783655 0.7313 3.02
al depth of Liquid and Vapor Spaces Liquid Dropou Vapor Required Dru
f Time Velocity Length L
hl2 hl1+hl2 hv seconds Uv,f/s Lmin,f
2.07 8.07 2.93 1.35 22.50 30.45 26.75
2.12 8.12 3.05 1.41 21.15 29.77 24.94
2.19 8.19 3.14 1.45 20.01 29.06 23.07
2.27 8.27 3.23 1.49 19.16 28.59 20.86
2.36 8.36 3.31 1.53 18.38 28.07 18.59
2.48 8.48 3.35 1.55 17.87 27.68 16.10
2.63 8.63 3.37 1.56 17.55 27.33 13.47
2.80 8.80 3.37 1.56 17.47 27.17 10.55
3.02 9.02 3.31 1.53 17.70 27.09 7.44