Hoja de Cálculo para KO DRUM

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Evaluacion con Gas hmedo

Total Mass Flow mT 94658.27 lb/hr

Vapour Mass Flow mV 94658.27 lb/hr
Liquid Mass Flow mL 0 lb/hr
Particle Diameter D 0.0010 f Assumed
Liquid Density L 30.0 lb/f3 Internal Diameter
Vapour Density V 0.0683 lb/f3 f
Viscosity v 0.012 cp 8.17
Flujo Volumtrico Qv 384.98 f3/seg 8.50
Constant (Figure 20) C(Re)2 1348.69 8.67
Drag Coefficient C 2.15 8.83
Dropout Velocity Uc 2.94 f/Seg 9.00
time of acumulation t 10 min 9.33
Flow of acumulation QL 0.0 f3/hr 9.50

Parmetros para las Bombas de Retorno:

TOP 108 24
HLL 84 36
NLL 48 36
LLL 12 12

Dimetro de la boquilla 18

901.77665 30.06 f3/m 225

908.10468 25.64 m3/h 110
425 12
Assumed Assumed Cross Sectional Areas
Internal Diameter Length L/D ratio f2
inch f At H1 Zc
98.00 40.83 5 52.38 6.17 0.755
100.00 39.17 4.7 54.54 6.33 0.760
102.00 37.40 4.4 56.75 6.50 0.765
104.00 35.53 4.1 58.99 6.67 0.769
106.00 33.57 3.8 61.28 6.83 0.774
108.00 31.50 3.5 63.62 7.00 0.778
110.00 29.33 3.2 66.00 7.17 0.782
112.00 27.07 2.9 68.42 7.33 0.786
114.00 24.70 2.6 70.88 7.50 0.789

0.111 0.060648
0.778 0.834767

GPM HHLL 84 0.7778 0.834767

gpm HLL 72 0.6667 0.70861 0.647962
TNLL 60 0.5556
BNLL 36 0.3333
LLL 24 0.2222 0.165233 0.4444
LLLL 12 0.1111 0.060648
Cross Sectional Areas Vertical depth of Liquid and Vapor Spa
f2 f
f(Zc) Al1 Al2 Av ht hl1
0.8100 42.43 0.00 9.95 8.17 6.17
0.8155 44.48 0.00 10.07 8.33 6.33
0.8209 46.58 0.00 10.16 8.50 6.50
0.8252 48.68 0.00 10.31 8.67 6.67
0.8305 50.90 0.00 10.39 8.83 6.83
0.8348 53.11 0.00 10.51 9.00 7.00
0.8390 55.37 0.00 10.63 9.17 7.17
0.8432 57.69 0.00 10.73 9.33 7.33
0.8463 59.99 0.00 10.89 9.50 7.50

0.7273 0.7788
0.7333 0.7855
0.7391 0.7923
0.7447 0.7990
0.7500 0.8045
0.7551 0.8100
0.7600 0.8155
0.7647 0.8209
0.7692 0.8252
al depth of Liquid and Vapor Spaces Liquid Dropou Vapor Required Dru
f Time Velocity Length L
hl2 hl1+hl2 hv seconds Uv,f/s Lmin,f
0.1 6.27 1.90 0.86 38.68 33.28 7.6
0.1 6.43 1.90 0.86 38.25 32.91 6.3
0.1 6.60 1.90 0.86 37.87 32.58 4.8
0.1 6.77 1.90 0.86 37.33 32.12 3.4
0.1 6.93 1.90 0.86 37.06 31.89 1.7
0.1 7.10 1.90 0.86 36.62 31.51 0.0
0.1 7.27 1.90 0.86 36.23 31.17 -1.8
0.1 7.43 1.90 0.86 35.88 30.87 -3.8
0.1 7.60 1.90 0.86 35.34 30.40 -5.7
Evaluacion con Gas hmedo

Total Mass Flow mT 904212.28 lb/hr

Vapour Mass Flow mV 638986.44 lb/hr
Liquid Mass Flow mL 265225.84 lb/hr
Particle Diameter D 0.001 f Assumed
Liquid Density L 35.54 lb/f3 Internal Diameter
Vapour Density V 0.388 lb/f3 f
Viscosity v 0.007400 cp 11.00
Flujo Volumtrico Qv 457.46 f3/seg 11.33
Constant (Figure 20) C(Re)2 22564.43 11.50
Drag Coefficient C 0.81 11.67
Dropout Velocity Uc 2.16 f/Seg 11.83
time of acumulation t 10 min 12.17
Flow of acumulation QL 7462.7 f3/hr 12.33
930.42 gpm

Parmetros para las Bombas de Retorno:

Flujo de Liquido al KO Drum 7462.7 f3/hr

930.41 gpm
Tiempo de duracin del evento 107.5 min
Volumen de Lquido al KO Drum 100019.54 gal
Volumen acumulado 9304.1956 gal
Volumen a drenar 90715.348 gal

Caudal de Drenado 843.86 gpm

Assumed Assumed Cross Sectional Areas
Internal Diameter Length L/D ratio f2
inch f At H1 Zc
132.00 57.20 5.2 95.03 6.00 0.545
134.00 54.72 4.9 97.93 6.00 0.537
136.00 52.13 4.6 100.88 6.00 0.529
138.00 49.45 4.3 103.87 6.00 0.522
140.00 46.67 4.0 106.90 6.00 0.514
142.00 43.78 3.7 109.98 6.00 0.507
144.00 40.80 3.4 113.10 6.00 0.500
146.00 37.72 3.1 116.26 6.00 0.493
148.00 34.53 2.8 119.47 6.00 0.486
Cross Sectional Areas Vertical depth of Liquid and Vapor Spa
f2 f
f(Zc) Al1 Al2 Av ht hl1
0.5572 52.95 21.74 20.33 11.00 6.00
0.5471 53.58 22.73 21.63 11.17 6.00
0.5369 54.16 23.86 22.86 11.33 6.00
0.5280 54.84 25.15 23.87 11.50 6.00
0.5178 55.36 26.65 24.89 11.67 6.00
0.5089 55.97 28.41 25.60 11.83 6.00
0.5000 56.55 30.49 26.06 12.00 6.00
0.4911 57.09 32.98 26.19 12.17 6.00
0.4822 57.60 36.02 25.85 12.33 6.00

f(Zc) Zc hl2
52.95 21.74 0.786028 0.7335 2.07
53.58 22.73 0.779176 0.7273 2.12
54.16 23.86 0.773401 0.7223 2.19
54.84 25.15 0.770159 0.7195 2.27
55.36 26.65 0.767143 0.7168 2.36
55.97 28.41 0.767218 0.7170 2.48
56.55 30.49 0.769547 0.7190 2.63
57.09 32.98 0.774735 0.7235 2.80
57.60 36.02 0.783655 0.7313 3.02
al depth of Liquid and Vapor Spaces Liquid Dropou Vapor Required Dru
f Time Velocity Length L
hl2 hl1+hl2 hv seconds Uv,f/s Lmin,f
2.07 8.07 2.93 1.35 22.50 30.45 26.75
2.12 8.12 3.05 1.41 21.15 29.77 24.94
2.19 8.19 3.14 1.45 20.01 29.06 23.07
2.27 8.27 3.23 1.49 19.16 28.59 20.86
2.36 8.36 3.31 1.53 18.38 28.07 18.59
2.48 8.48 3.35 1.55 17.87 27.68 16.10
2.63 8.63 3.37 1.56 17.55 27.33 13.47
2.80 8.80 3.37 1.56 17.47 27.17 10.55
3.02 9.02 3.31 1.53 17.70 27.09 7.44

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