Indice de Normas

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ANSI C29.11-1989 (R1996) 1989

ANSI C37.06-1987 1987

ANSI C37.06-2000 2000

ANSI C37.09 1979

ANSI C37.50-1989 (R1995, R2000)

ANSI C37.51-1989 (R2003) 1989

ANSI C37.52.1974 (R1995, R2000) 1974

ANSI C37.54-2002 2002

ANSI C37.55-2002 2002

ANSI C57.12.10 1997

ANSI C84.1-1995(R2001) 1995


ASTM B230 2007

ASTM B398 2002

ASTMM B524 1999


CADAFE 39-1987 1987
CADAFE 137-1988 1988

CADAFE 158-88 1988

CADAFE 167-1988 1988

CADAFE NSP-420 1984

COVENIN 28-1993 1993
COVENIN 270-1998 1998
COVENIN 339-1994 1994

COVENIN 734-1976 1976

COVENIN 1618-1998 1998

COVENIN 1618-1998C

COVENIN 1753-2006 2006

COVENIN 1756-1-2001 2001
COVENIN 1756-2-2001 2001
COVENIN 2000-2 1999

COVENIN-MINDUR 2002-1988 1988

COVENIN-MINDUR 2002-1988C 1988

COVENIN 2003-1989 1989

IEC 60038 2002
IEC 60044-1 2003
IEC 60044-2 2003
IEC 60044-5 2002

IEC 60044-6 1992

IEC 60044-7 1999

IEC 60044-8 2002

IEC 60071-1 1993

IEC 60071-2 1996
IEC 60076-2 1993
IEC 60076-3-1 1987

IEC 60076-5 2000

IEC 60353 2002
IEC 60439-1 1999

IEC 60439-2 2000

IEC 60439-3 2001

IEC 60439-4 1999

IEC 60439-5 1998

IEC 60865-1 1993

IEC 60865-2 1994

IEC 60871-4 1996

IEC 62271-100 2003

IEC 62271-102 2001

IEEE Std 80-1986 1986
IEEE Std 80-2000 2000
IEEE Std 81 1983
IEEE Std 81.2 1991

IEEE Std 141 1993

IEEE Std 142 1991

IEEE Std 242 2001

IEEE Std 399 1997

IEEE Std 446

IEEE Std 450 1995

IEEE Std 485 1997

IEEE Std 493 1997

IEEE Std 519 1992

IEEE Std 525-1992 1992

IEEE Std 539-1990 1990

IEEE Std 605-1998 1998

IEEE Std 656-1992 1992

IEEE Std 693-1997 1997

IEEE Std 837-1989(R1996) 1989

IEEE Std. 841-2001 2001

IEEE Std 946-1992 1992

IEEE Std 977-1991 1991

IEEE Std 979-1994 1994

IEEE Std 998-1996(R2002) 1996
IEEE Std 1036-1992 1992
IEEE Std 1048-1990 1990
IEEE Std 1127-1998 1998

IEEE Std 1184 1994

IEEE Std 1187 2002

IEEE Std 1313.1 1996

IEEE Std 1313.2 1999
IEEE Std 1410 1997

IEEE Std C37.04 1999

IEEE Std C37.010 1999

IEEE Std C37.011 1994

IEEE Std C37.20.2 1999

IEEE Std C37.23 1987

IEEE Std C37.30 1997

IEEE Std C37.90 1989

IEEE Std C37.113 1999

IEEE Std C57.12.00 2006

IEEE Std C57.12.70 2000

IEEE Std C57.12.80 2002

IEEE Std C57.12.90 2006
IEEE Std C57.13 1993
IEEE Std C57.13 1993
IEEE Std C57.98 1993
IEEE Std C57.109 1993
IEEE Std C62.11 1999

IEEE Std C62.22 1997

NESC 2002

NEMA AB 3-2006 2006
NEMA ICS 1.1 1984

NEMA ICS 1.3-1986 (R2001) 1986

NEMA ICS 1-2000 (R2005, 2000

NEMA ICS 2-2000 (R2005) 2000

NEMA ICS 4-2005 2005

NEMA ICS 6-1993 (R2001) 1993
NEMA PB 2-2006 2006
NEMA PB2.2-2004 2004

NEMA SG 4-2000 2000

NEMA TR 1-1993 (R2000) 1993

NFPA 10-1
NFPA 10-2
NFPA 70-2002 2002
NFPA 70-2008 2008
NFPA 110
NFPA 780 1997
NFPA 2001 2000

OSHA 3071 2002
OSHA 3075 2002
OSHA 3077 1998
OSHA 3079 2002
OSHA 3116 1989
OSHA 3151-12R 2003

PDVSA 90619.1.050 1993
PDVSA 90619.1.051
PDVSA 90619.1.052
PDVSA 90619.1.053
PDVSA 90619.1.054
PDVSA 90619.1.055
PDVSA 90619.1.056
PDVSA 90619.1.057
PDVSA 90619.1.058
PDVSA 90619.1.059
PDVSA 90619.1.060
PDVSA 90619.1.061
PDVSA 90619.1.062
PDVSA 90619.1.063
PDVSA 90619.1.064
PDVSA 90619.1.091 1998
PDVSA A-211 1996
PDVSA A-251 1992
PDVSA A-261 2001

PDVSA AK-211 1993

PDVSA AL-211-PRT 1993
PDVSA GE-211 1993
PDVSA IR-M-01 1993
PDVSA JA-221 1999
PDVSA JA-222 1999
PDVSA JA-252 2002
PDVSA JB-251 1999
PDVSA L-STC-001 1993
PDVSA L-STC-002 1991
PDVSA N-201 1993
PDVSA N-242 1993
PDVSA N-252 1996
PDVSA N-264 2001
PDVSA N-276 2002

PDVSA N-352 2000

PDVSA NB-212 1993

PDVSA SD-251 1991

Standard for Composite Suspension -Insulators for Overhead

Transmission Lines - Tests.
AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers, Rated on a Symmetrical
Current Basis, Preferred Rating and Related Required
AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers, Rated on a Symmetrical
Current Basis, Preferred Rating and Related Required
Standard Test Procedure for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers
Ratted on a Symmetrical Current Basis.
Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures - Test
Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage AC Power-Circuit-Breaker
Switchgear Assemblies - Conformance Test Procedures.
Test Procedures for Low-Voltage Power Circuit Protectors Used in
For Indoor AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Applied as
Removable Elements in Metal-Enclosed Swithgear -
Conformance Test Procedures.
Standard for Switchgear - Medium Voltage Metal-Clad Assemblies
- Conformance Test Procedures.
230 kV and Below
833 / 958 through 8333 / 10 417 kVA, Single-
Phase, and 750 / 862 through 60 000 / 80 000 /
100 000 kVA, Three-Phase Without Load
Tap Changing; and 3750 / 4687 through
60 000 / 80 000 / 100 000 kVA with Load Tap
Changing Safety Requirement.

Electric Power Systems and Equipment - Voltage Ratings (60 Hz).

Standard Specification for Aluminum 1350H19 Wire for Electrical

Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 6201-T81 Wire for
Electrical Purposes.
Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum
Conductors, Aluminum-Alloy Reinforced (ACAR, 1350/6201).

Especificacin Tcnica para Seccionadores y sus Accesorios.

Transformadores de Potencia. Parte 1: Condiciones Generales-
Presentacin de Proyectos de Subestacin elctrica de
Transmisin. Gua Tcnica para Clculo de Juego de Barras.
Distancias de Seguridad.
Montaje de Equipos para Subestaciones de Transmisin.
Organizacin de la Obra de Montaje Electromecnico.
Especificacin Tcnica sobre Requerimientos Antissmicos.

Cemento Portland. Especificaciones.

Agregados. Extraccin de muestras para morteros y concretos.
Concreto. Mtodo para la Medicin del Asentamiento con el Cono
de Abrams.
Cdigo Nacional de Seguridad en Instalaciones de Suministro de
Energa Elctrica y de Comunicaciones.
Estructuras de Acero para Edificaciones. Mtodo de los Estados
Estructuras de Acero para Edificaciones. Mtodo de los Estados
Lmites (Comentario).
Proyecto y Construccin de Obras en Concreto Estructural.
Edificaciones Sismorresistentes. Parte 1: Articulado.
Edificaciones Sismorresistentes. Parte 2: Comentarios.
Sector Construccin. Mediciones y Codificacin de Partidas para
Estudios, Proyectos y Construccin. Parte 2: Edificaciones.
Suplemento de la Norma COVENIN-MINDUR 200/II.A-92.

Criterios y Acciones Mnimas para el Proyecto de Edificaciones.

Criterios y Acciones Mnimas para el Proyecto de Edificaciones.

Acciones del Viento sobre las Construcciones.

IEC Standard Voltages.

Instrument Transformers. Part 1: Current Transformers.
Instrument Transformers. Part 2: Inductive Voltage Transformers.
Instrument Transformers. Part 5: Capacitor Voltage Transformers.

Instrument Transformers. Part 6: Requirements for Protective

Current Transformers for Transient Performance.
Instrument Transformers. Part 7: Electronic Voltage Transformers.
Instrument Transformers. Part 8: Electronic Current Transformers.

Insulation Coordination. Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules.

Insulation Coordination. Part 2: Application Guide.
Power Transformers. Part 2: Temperature Rise.
Power Transformers. Part 3: Insulation Levels and Dielectric
Tests. External Clearances in Air.
Power Transformers. Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit.
Line Traps for AC Power Systems.
Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies - Part 1:
Type-Tested and Partially Type-Tested Assemblies.
Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies - Part 2:
Particular Requirements for Busbar Trunking Systems (Busways)

Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies - Part 3:

Particular Requirements for Low-Voltage Switchgear and
Controlgear Assemblies Intended to be Installed in Places Where
Unskilled Persons Have Acces for their Use - Distribution Boards.

Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies - Part 4:

Particular Requirements for Assemblies for Construction Sites
Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies - Part 5:
Particular Requirements for Assemblies Intended to be Installed
Outdoors in Public Places - Cable Distribution Cabinets (CDCs)
for Power Distribution in Networks.
Short-Circuit Currents - Calculation of Effects. Part 1: Definitions
and Calculation Methods.
Short-Circuit Currents - Calculation of Effects. Part 1: Examples of
Shunt Capacitors for AC Power Systems having a Rated Voltage
Above 1000 V. Part 4: Internal Fuses.
High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Part 100: HigVoltage
AC Circuit breakers.
High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Part 102: AC
Disconnectors and Earthing Switches.

Guide for Safety in Substations Grounding.

Guide for Safety in Substations Grounding.
Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and
Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground System.
Guide for Measurement of Impedance and Safety Characteristics
of Large, Extended or Interconnected Grounding Systems.

Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for

Industrial Plants.
Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems.
Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.
Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems Analysis.

Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and

Replacement of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary
Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for
Stationary Applications.
Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems.
Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control
in Electrical Power Systems.
Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems in
Definitions of Terms Relating to Corona and Field Effects of
Overhead Power Lines.
Design of Substations Rigid-Bus Structures.
Measurement of Audible Noise from Overhead Transmission
Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substations.
Standard for Qualifying Permanent Connections Used in
Substation Grounding.
Standard for Petroleum and Chemical Industry - Severe Duty
Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled (TEFC) Squirrel Cage Induction
Motors - Up to and Including 370 kW (500 HP)
Recommended Practice for the Design of DC Auxiliary Power
Systems for Generating Stations.
Guide to Installation of Foundations for Transmission Line
Guide for Substation Fire Protection.
Guide for Direct Lightning Stroke Shielding of Substations.
Guide for Application of Shunt Power Capacitors.
Guide for Protective Grounding of Power Lines.
Guide for the Design , Construction, and Operation of Electric
Power Substations for Community Acceptance and Environmental
Guide for the Selection and Sizing of Batteries for Uninterruptible
Power Systems.
Recommended Practice for Installation of Valve-Regulated Lead-
Acid Storage Batteries for Stationary Applications.
Insulation Coordination. Part 1: Definition, principles and rules.
Guide for the Application of Insulation Coordination.
Guide for Improving the Lightning Performance of Electric Power
Overhead Distribution Lines.
Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.
Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breaker, Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.
Application Guide for Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High
Voltage Circuit Breaker, Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis.
Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear.
Guide for Metal-Enclosed Bus and Calculating Losses in Isolated-
Phase Bus.
IEEE Standard Requirements for High-Voltage Switches Guide.
Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric
Power Apparatus.
Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Transmission Lines.
Standard General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution,
Power and Regulating Transformer.
Terminal Markings and Connections for Distribution and Power
Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers.
Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power and
Regulating Transformers.for Instrument Transformers.
Standard Requirements
Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers.

Guide for Transformer Impulse Test.

Guide for Liquid-Immersed Transformer Through-Fault-Current
Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arrester for Alternating-Current
Circuits (> 1 kV).
Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arrester on
Alternating-Current Systems.
National Electrical Safety Code

Molded Case Circuit Breakers and their Application.

Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and
Maintenanace of Solid State Control.
Preventive Maintenance of Industrial Control and systems
Industrial Control and Systems General Requirements.

Industrial Control and Systems Controllers, Contactors and

Overload Relays Rated 600 Volts.
Terminal Blocks (for Industrial Control Equipments).
Industrial Control and Systems: Enclosures.
Deadfront Distribution Switchboards.
Application Guide for Ground Fault Protective Devices for
Alternating-Current High-Voltage Circuit Breakers.
Transformers, Regulators and Reactors.

National Electric Code.

National Electric Code.

Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems.

Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems.

Job Hazard Analysis

Controlling electrical Hazards.
Personal Protective Equipment.
Respiratory Protection.
Informacin sobre Riesgos. Normas de Cumplimiento.
Personal Protective Equipment.

Guas de Diseo de Ingeniera Elctrica.

Puesta a Tierra y Proteccin Contra Sobretensiones
Concreto - Materiales y Construccin.
Diseo de Concreto Bajo Tierra.
Criterios y Acciones Mnimas para el Diseo de Estructuras
Earthwork - Excavation & Backfill.
Conjunto Generador Elctrico de Respaldo con Motor Diesel.
Separacin entre Equipos e Instalaciones.
Diseo Sismoresistente de Instalaciones Industriales.
Diseo Sismoresistente de Recipientes y Estructuras.
Diseo de Fundaciones.
Diseo de Estructuras de Acero.
Concrete Design Procedure.
Procedimiento para el Diseo de Fundaciones.
Obras Elctricas.
Instalaciones Elctricas y Ensayos.
General Specification for Electrical Engineering Design.
Design and Fabrication of Electrical Power Center.
Design and Fabrication of Liquid Immersed Power Transformers
of 500 kVA through 10.000 kVA up to 34.5 kV High Voltage
Technical Specification for Liquid-Immersed Transformers up to
230 kV and 60 MVA (OA).
Motores Elctricos.
Datos del Sitio.

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