Unit 2 Look After Yourself

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Natural Science

Unit 2

Look after yourself

(Cuida de ti mismo)

Our body needs protection

(nuestro cuerpo necesita proteccin)
Our body needs to wear the correct clothes when we do
Nuestro cuerpo necesita llevar la ropa correcta cuando
hacemos ejercicio

helmet (casco) knee pads (rodilleras),

elbow pads (coderas) gloves (guantes).

Natural Science Look after yourself Unit 2
We need to be alert and use our senses.
(necesitamos estar alerta y usar nuestros

Dont do dangerous activities.

(no hacer actividades peligrosas)

A balanced diet
(una dieta equilibrada)
Food groups:

Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Dairy Fruit and

products vegetable
carbohidratos grasas protenas productos fruta y
lcteos verduras
bread butter eggs cheese lettuce
pasta meat milk tomatoe
potatoes fish banana

Natural Science Look after yourself Unit 2

Heathy meals
(comidas sanas)
We have three main meals a day
(tomamos tres comidas importantes al da):

Breakfast lunch dinner

(desayuno) (almuerzo) (cena)
We can have one or two snacks. (podemos tomar una o dos

Natural Science Look after yourself Unit 2

Healthy habits (hbitos sanos):

Eat healthy food every day.
(comer comida sana cada da)

Drink lots of water.

(beber mucha

Do exercise.
(hacer ejercicio)

Sleep well.
(dormir bien)

Brush your teeth three

times a day.
(lavar tus dientes tres veces al da)

Wash your hands.

(lavar tus manos)

Natural Science Look after yourself Unit 2

We are different
(somos diferentes)
Our bodies and faces are different
(nuestros cuerpos y caras son
Ive got ...brown eyes, big eyes,
small ears,...
We like different things
(nos gustan cosas diferentes):
I like...football, tennis, chess,...
We can do different activities
(podemos hacer actividades diferentes):
I can...read, cook, ride a bike,...

Be a good friend
(ser un buen amigo)
Good friend:
- help you (te ayuda)
- listen to you (te escucha)
- share the things (comparte las cosas)
- play together (juega con todos) and play
nicely (jugar sin peleas).


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