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ul Y RK a ROTARY SCREW LIQUID CHILLERS OPERATING & MAINTENANCE Supersedes: FORM 160.47-01 (462) 700 [rons 097-01 MODEL YS BA BA SO THRU YS FC FB S5 (STYLES A, B &C) WITH MICROCOMPUTER CONTROL CENTER FOR ELECTRO-MECHANICAL STARTER OR SOLID STATE STARTER COOLING 125 THRU 675 TONS TABLE OF CONTENTS re won e-secrion 1 —pescnipion oF sysr=4 aN Secon 4 OPERATIONAL MAITENANGE. 20 Creariend emmaweracs! Ste on pnp aysredee en liey @SECTION 2 - SYSTEM OPERATING PROCEDURES. 5 (CHARGING UNIT WITH OIL a Poet a WARNING : 5 @SECTION 5 - TROUBLE SHOOTING . . 22:28 IMA Site wir cecis. "6 ouebac Saarur eRaceoune See eee Cooeran SreEATON ena 8 CHECKING OPERATION 8 SSW ALIPARTS = Ginna amen? 3 Greckine vee rom Leaks 2 GperaTnG NpeCroNS 8 EVACUATION AND DEINDRATION OF UNIT.) See Amunee ino SERMGE'”'N— Reemosmmur Seaman ey f NORA. AND SAFETY SYSTEM SHUTOCUNS 13. Chana REFRIGERANT CHARGE DURING PROLONGED SHUTDOWN. 12 ‘SHUTDOWN a od Feet POLS SusTOOHN. 12 ANDLING REFRIERANT OHaRGE FOR RANTENANGE SCHEDULE 2 BRMTENe Ato nerane sno. 39 4 MEGGING THE MOTOR. 3 SECTION 3 -svSTEM ConPoN oesenron rs C2OLERE ano conneNsERs ow CoMPRESSORMOTOR ASSEMBLY rete COMPRESSOR 7 SHELL ASSewaIES ie CONTROL CENTER AND CONTROLS .. =. 1819 @SECTION 7 - PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE... . . 39 FORM NO. DESCRIPTION FORM NO. DESCRIPTION 46047041 MiroCompuior Cont Career {e0arPAi0 Fld Wing gam - Operation and Maintenance Electro-Mechanical Starter 160.47-PA6 Wiring Diagram Unit - 460.47-RP1 Unit (General) eae 160.47-RP2 Compressor 160.47-PA7 — Wiring Diagram Unit - = Electro-Mechanical Starter 160-47-RP3_— MicroComputer Control Center 460-47-PA® Field Wiring Diagram - 55.55-RT3 —_Refrigerant-22 Conversion Tables Solid State Starter YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS é t FORM 160.47-01 SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM AND OPERATIONAL FUNDAMENTALS ‘COUPLING GUARD SIGHT GLASSES FILTERS. ‘COMPRESSOR OIL CHARGING VALVE on FIG. 1- MODEL YS CODEPAK ROTARY SCREW CHILLER SYSTEM OPERATION DESCRIPTION (See Fig. 2) ‘The York Codepak Rotary Screw Liguid Chiller is com- monly applied to large air conditioning systems, but may be used on other applications. The Codepak consists of ‘an open motor connected to a rotary serew compressor ‘with an adapter support and a coupling, an oil separator, a condenser, a cooler, and a MicroComputer Control Center ‘The Codepak is controlled by a modem state-of-the-art MicroComputer Control Center which monitors its’ opera- tion. The control center is programmed by the operator to suit job specifications. Automatic timed start-ups and shutdowns are also programmed to suit night time, weekends, and holidays. The operating status, temperatures, pressures, and other information pertinent to the operation of the Codepak Chiller are automatically displayed and read on an alphanumeric message display. ‘The Codepak with the MieroComputer is applied with an electro-mechanical starter, or a factory packaged York Solid State Starter In operation, a liquid (water or brine to be chilled) flows through the cooler, where Refrigerant-22, boiling at low ‘YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS temperature, absorbs heat from the liquid, The chilled liquid flows through pipes to fan coil units or other air conditioning terminal units, where it flows through finned coils, absorbing heat from the air, The warmed liquid is then returned to the cooler to complete the chilled liquid circuit. ‘The refrigerant vapor produced by the boiling action in the cooler is compressed by the rotary serew compressor and discharged into the oil separator section which removes the oil before the high pressure gas flows into the condenser tube bundle. Water flowing through the con- denser tubes absorbs heat from the refrigerant vapor, ‘causing it to condense. Condenser water is supplied to the chiller from an external source, usually a cooling tower. ‘The subcooled refrigerant drains from the bottom of the ‘condenser into # pipe connection, where the flow restric tor orifice expands the flow of liquid refrigerant to the cooler to complete the refrigerant cycle. ‘The major components of a Codepak are selected to handle the refrigerant which is evaporated at full load design conditions. However, most systems will be called. upon to deliver full load capacity for only part of the time the unit is in operation. CAPACITY CONTROL (Refer FIG. 2) The major components are selected for full load capacity therefore capacitiy must be controlled to maintain a con- stant chilled liquid temperature leaving the cooler at fall and low load conditions. A slide valve arrangement located. ‘on the rotary screw compressor compensates for variation in load. The slide valve arrangement is controlled by the MicroComputer Control Center and unit controls that FIG. 2 - REFRIGERANT FLOW THROUGH CODEPAK sense the building load conditions. The control center sends nals to the solenoid valve that loads and unloads the slide valve with the use of compressor oil under hydraulic pressure. A cylinder located on the inlet end of the com- pressor houses a spring loaded shaft and pistons (slide valve) which is fed through its ports by pressurized com- pressor oil. The flow of the oil is controlled by the equaliz~ ing solenoid valve which modulates to load and unload the slide valve that increases or decreases the amount of refrigerant flowing to the compressor, thus controlling the chiller capacity. LEGEND {vor commen HIGH PRESSURE UQUID REFRIGERANT LW PRESSURE: UiouID REFRIGERANT YS OPEN MOTORS ‘The YS motor is air cooled which requires ventilation in the equipment room as predetermined by the building design. YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS oO FORM 160.47-01 SECTION 2 SYSTEM OPERATING PROCEDURES (ssn ao character ALSHANUMERIC Gacuben FLOURESCENT DiseLay SETPOINT KEYS Gbenaton PROGRARIAED DISPLAY Revs" evrey Keys Zenvice EVE (GOR) 0, Zsvstem STARTISTOP/RESET GOMPRESSOR SWITCH Zmone Revs FIG. 3 - MICROCOMPUTER CONTROL CENTER AND KEYPAD OIL HEATER If the oil heater is de-energized during a shutdown period, it may have to be energized prior to starting compressor, or remove all oi! and recharge compressor with new oil. (See CHARGING UNIT WITH OIL page 21) NOTE: The oil heater is thermostatically controlled and remains energized as long as the fused disconnect switch to the starter is energized WARNING CHECKING THE OIL LEVEL IN THE OIL RESERVOIR Proper operating oil level - the middle of the upper sight slass. If the oil is excessively high after start-up, the excess oil may be drained from the oil filter drain valve while the compressor is running. {foil level is low, oil should be added to the compressor. (Gee CHARGING UNIT WITH OIL page 21.) YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS i ‘CONTROL, center soup STATE STARTER (oprionay FIG. 4 - UNIT WITH MICROCOMPUTER CONTROL CENTER AND SOLID STATE STARTER (OPTIONAL) INITIAL START-UP. PRESTART CHECKLIST All check points in the following list must be completed before placing the Rotary Screw Liquid Chiller in operation, ‘Only when the checklist is completed will the unit be ready for initial start-up. (CHECKPOINT. Praseure Test bo InroGuCIng PrOssire 1 UNIT and Check for leaks CGontiem moter aiscannec is open, proseor shaft ond. (NOTE: Directional afro on shalt seal cover) Win cgrensor coping care eioved sii The mar wl dv Tha areressor CLOGKWSE when Tango Gm ‘Confirm propor eauping alignment end replace coupling cere. oni ot ove is between the two sight classes on the oll separaor ‘Conf ail etd wiring connectons have been made Contr MieroCamputer Control Center display is opeating. ‘Gonfirm MiereComputer pressure nd temperatures ae conslatnt win aniiapated ranges Sentim heteris oberg. feeieaee ‘Open discharge service vali. ‘Confirm ait unloader and sldo stop senvice valies are open. ‘Confimai-otrtuen eysiom service valves are open. ‘Confirm iquld jection sorvce valves are open. ‘Giese motor main dleconnoct. ‘YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS 0 CODEPAK START-UP PROCEDURE PRE-STARTING Prior to starting the CODEPAK observe the MicroCom- wg Control Center. Make sure the display reads ‘To pre-start the CODEPAK use the following procedure: 1, OIL HEATER ~ The unit will not start if the oil is less than 49°F. If not possible the compressor oil should be drained and new oil must be charged into the oil sump. (See CHARGING UNIT WITH OIL Page 21.) 2. All control center setpoints should be programmed before the Codepak is started. (Refer to Form 160.47-01.1 pages 14 thru 17.) Prior to star the clock must be programmed for the proper day and time, Place the clock jumper in the “CLK ON” position and program the date and time. Any setpoints which are desired to be changed may be programmed. If not programmed the “default” value setpoints are as follows: LOWT = 45°F Sy Current Limit = 100% FLA Pulldown Demand = None Clock = Sun 12:00 A.M. Daily Schedule = None Holiday = None Remote Reset Temp. Range = 20°F Data Logger = No operation START-UP 1. Ifthe chilled water pump is manually operated, start the pump, the control center will not allow the Codepak to start unless chilled liquid flow is estab- lished through the unit. (A field installed chilled water flow switch is required.) If the chilled liquid pump is wired to the MicroCompater Control Center the pump will automatically start, therefore, this step is not necessary. 2. To start the Codepak, press the COMPRESSOR START switch. This switch will automatically spring return to the RUN position, (Ifthe unit was previously started press the STOP/RESET side of the COM- PRESSOR switch and then press the START side of the switch to start the Codepak.) When the start switch energized the control center is placed in an operating mode and any malfunction will be noted by messages ‘on the 40 character alphanumeric display. (See Fig. 3.) YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS FORM 160.47-01 Note: Any malfunctions which occur during STOP/ RESET are also displayed, When the Codepak is shutdown, the slide valve will close automatically to prevent loading the compressor on start-up, When the Codepak is shutdown, the “Display” reads “2,0 MIN. LOCKOUT DELAY”, to allow system pressure equalization. When the Codepak starts to operate the following automatic sequences are initiated: (Refer to page 8 5 ~ Chiller Starting & Shutdown Sequence Chart.) 1. The MicroComputer Control Center alphanumeric display message will read: for the first 30 seconds of the starting sequence. 2. The oil and oil filter, phus oil and evaporator pressure transducer differential are compared during system ‘equalization so that any offset is stored for use in calculating deferential trip points during compressor operation, 3. Make sure the proper oil pressure is supplied to the compressor. 4. The oil, oil filter, and evaporator pressure transducers and the oil temperature sensor (RT3) will sense any ‘malfunction in the fubrication system and activate one of the following display messages: ms 5. The anti-ecycle timer software function will operate aiter the 30 seconds of pre-run time. At this time the timer will be initiated and will run for 30 minutes after the compressor starts. I the Codepak shuts down dur: ing this period of time it cannot be started until the timer completes the 30 minute cycle. 4 ‘compResson stant MOTOR START oe vsruavMessaces! sranrseouence | “SYSTEM AUN-LEAVINGTENP cONTROLY — I pownuE | every gominureantimecyoce | 'NTIATEDY © jaq____________»j_ | BEtAv?T | Beaoy pee emma | Lowssnronayeass fete} | CHECK O1L FILTER DIFF. PRESS. CHECK O1L PRESSURE EXCESS CHARGE CHECK | 7ostarr” T 1 i T I i i \ | ' \ ' { OL LINE, — Biovee aet — LL \ ws ‘aa9) ciose | fe scuy [fe ore Sit A t SoARO') cago crose | isa ee Ste. t rout \ 1 oi ae cose 1 | (GAR ALAN) open. b+ ie i ott supe valve ! 1 |t BURY c1ose! at SSUES Oren tt t rt \ roa ° b Be {it r ‘tme seconDs FIG. 5 - CODEPAK CHILLER STARTING SEQUENCE & SHUTDOWN SEQUENCE ee 6. The chilled liquid pump contacts will close starting the chilled liquid pump to allow liquid flow through the cooler when the “COMPRESSOR” start switch is energized, 7. After first 30 seconds of start sequence operation, the compressor will start and the control center display message will read: while the motor is accelerating to full speed. When the motor reaches full speed and the current falls below 100% FLA the ae vill read: 8. For additional display messages and information per- taining to the operation of the MicroComputer Con- trol Center refer to Form 160.47-O1.1 and page 21 Of this instruction. CODEPAK OPERATION ‘After the compressor reaches its operating speed the slide valve will begin to load under the control of the Microprocessor board which senses the leaving chilled li {quid temperature. The unit capacity will vary to maintain the leaving chilled liquid temperature setpoint, ‘The slide valve loads and unloads under the control of the Microprocessor board. The slide valve control routine ‘employs proportional plus derivative (rate) control action. A drop in chilled liquid temperature will cause the slide valve to unload to decrease Codepak capacity. When the chilled liquid temperature rises, the slide valve loads the compressor and increases the capacity of the Codepak. However, the current draw (amperes) by the compressor ‘motor cannot exceed the setting of the “eo CURRENT LIMIT” at any time during the unit operation, since the ‘YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS Micro Computer Control Center 40 to 100% three phase peak current limit software function, plus the 3 phase 1000 solid state overload current limiter (CM-2A) on Electro- Mechanical Starter applications or the solid state starter cur- rent limit funetion will override the temperature control funetion and prevent the slide valve from loading beyond the “eo CURRENT LIMIT” setting. If the load continues to decrease, after the slide valve unloads the compressor completely, the Codepak will be shut down by the Low Water Temperature control (LWT) function which is displayed on the Control Center as: EEE ‘This oocurs when the leaving water temperature falls to 4° below setpoint or 36°F, whichever is higher. The LWT is part of the Micro-Board. NOTE: If the temperature setpoint has been reprogrammed within the last 10 minutes, the LWT cutout is 36°F for 10 minutes. CHECKING OPERATION During operation, the following conditions should be periodically checked: 1. On starting, the slide valve should remain unloaded until the compressor motor is up to speed on the run ‘winding; then the slide valve solenoid valve causes the slide valve to load and unload the compressor as required to maintain the leaving the chilled water ‘temperature equal to the leaving water temperature setpoint. 2. Check Oil Pressure Display. The oil and oil filter transducers are compared during compressor opera- tion. If the differential filter pressure exceeds 20 psi for 5 seconds, the message “WARNING — DIRTY OIL FILTER" is displayed, If the differential filter pressure exceeds 25 psi for S seconds, the unit shuts down and the displayed message is “CLOGGED OIL FILTER”. A gradual decrease in bearing pressure of 5 to 10 psi (with constant suction and discharge pressures) may be an indication of a dirty filter. The filter should be replaced when pressure loss is 30% of the original pressure. The actual bearing oil pressure will vary with compressor suction and discharge pressures. When a new system is first operated under normal full load conditions, the bearing oil pressure should be recordeal as a reference point with which to compare subsequent readings. YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS FORM 160.47.01 OPERATING LOG SHEET A permanent daily record of system operating conditions (temperatures and pressures) recorded at regular intervals throughout each 24 hour operating period should be kept. ‘An optional status printer is available for this purpose or Fig, 6 shows a log sheet used by York Personnel for recording test data on Codepak systems. Iti availabe from the factory in pads of $0 sheets each under Form No. 160.47-F6 and may be obtained through the nearest York office. Automatic data logging is possible by connecting the optional printer and programming the DATA LOG- GER function (Ref. Form 160.47-NO1.2). An accurate recor of readings serves a a valuable reference for operating the system, Readings taken when a system is newly installed will establish normal conditions with which to compare later readings. For example, dirty condenser tubes may be indicated by higher than normal temperature differences between leaving condenser water and reftigerant leaving the condenser. OPERATING INSPECTIONS By following a regular inspection using the display readings of the Micro-Computer Control Center, and maintenance procedure, the operator will avoid serious operating dif- ficulty. The following list of inspections and procedures should be used as a guide. Daily 1, Check Micro-Computer control center displays, 2, Ifthe compressor is in operation, check the bearing, oil pressure by pressing "DISPLAY DATA" key to read the display on the control center. Also check the oil level in the oil reservoir. Drain or add oil if necessary. 3. Check entering and leaving condenser water pressure and temperatures for comparison with job design cot itions. Condenser water temperatures can be chieck- ed by pressing “CONDENSER LIQUID TEMPERATURES” display key if the optional con- denser water temperature sensor kit has been install- ed on the condenser entering and leaving water pip- ing connections. If not, then conventional methods may be used. YORK Dae Tne our Matra ‘A Temperaiue DMB, ‘i Lave ‘Ol Pressure Oi Fomperatre ‘Susion Temperate i Dichatge Tenoeratre Fier PSO ‘Si Vahe Paden % ‘As igatons) Vat “ARES ‘Suston Presre Inet Temperate Inet Prpssuro et Tempers uta rss Flow Rete — CPIM Dishere Pressure ‘Coespondng Tempera igh Pressyro que Tonperatire ‘Syston Ar Dagens Inet Temperate ret Presse Oe Temperate Outer Presse Flow Rte — GPM ROTARY SCREW LIQUID CHILLER LOG SHEET 128 - 400 TONS ‘CHILLER LOCATION ‘SYSTEM NO. “NOTE: These items can be printed by an electronic printer connected to J11 of the Micro Board and pressing the PRINT key on the Micro Board or automatically using the Data Logger feature, FIG. 6 - LIQUID CHILLER LOG SHEETS - FORM 160.47-F6 ——— 4, Check the entering and leaving chilled liquid temperatures and evaporator pressure for comparison with job design conditions. This can be accomplish- ed by pressing the “CHILLED LIQUID TEMPS” key and the “Refrigerant Pressures” key (see Form 160-47-NO1 page 11.) 5. Check the condenser saturation temperature (based upon condenser pressure sensed by the condenser tansducer). Press the “DISPLAY DATA" key (sce Form 160.47-NO1). This key may be depressed 10 repeatedly after depressing the “DISPLAY HOLD” ky to display three different parameters, . Check the compressor discharge temperature, Press "DATA DISPLAY" key (see Form 160.47-NO1), During normal operation discharge temperature should not exceed 212°F. 7 Check the compressor motor voltage and current (amps) at E-M starter or on the Control Center display for Solid State Starter Units. YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS o 8, Check for any signs of dirty or fouled condenser tubes. (The temperature difference between water leaving condenser andl liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser should not exceed the difference recorded for a new unit by more than 4°F.) 9. Verily proper water treatment. 10. Press the “STATUS” key whenever the display in- dicates so. This allows any warning messages to be displayed. Ky 1. Check the refrigerant charge (See CHECKING THE REFRIGERANT CHARGE, page 33), Quarterly 1, Perform chemical analysis of oil. Semi-Annually (or more often as required.) 1, Change and inspect compressor oil filter element. 2. Oil return system a. Clean strainer. b. Check nozzle of eductor for foreign particles, 3. Cheek controls and safety cutouts, Annually (more often if necessary) 1, Drain and replace the oil in the separator oil sump (Sec CHARGING THE UNIT WITH OIL, Page 21). 2 Cooler and Condenser. a Inspect and clean water strainers, b. Inspect and clean tubes as required, cc Inspect end sheets, 3. Compressor Drive Motor (See motor manufacturers maintenance and service instruction supplied with unit) a. Clean air passages and windings per manufacturers instructions. b, Meg motor windings - See Figure 18 for details, ©. Re-lubricate ball bearings, 4, Inspect and service electrical components as necessary. 5. Perform chemical analysis of system. YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS FOR 160.47-01, NEED FOR MAINTENANCE OR SERVICE If the system is malfunctioning in any manner or the unit is stopped by one of the safety controls, consult the OPERATION ANALYSIS CHART pages 26 and 27 of this instruction. After consulting this chart, if you are unable to make the proper repairs or adjustments to start the compressor or the particular trouble continues to hinder the performance of the unit, please call the nearest York District Office. Failure to report constant troubles could damage the unit and increase the cost of repairs considerably. NORMAL AND SAFETY SYSTEM SHUTDOWNS, ‘Normal and safety system shutdowns have been built into the Codepak to protect it from damage during certain operating conditions, Therefore, it should be understood that at certain pressures and temperatures the system be stopped automatically by controls that respond to high temperatures, low temperatures, or low and high pressures, ‘tc, Table 1, pages 23-25, is an explanation of each specific shutdown, If the Codepak shuts down on a ‘Safety’? shut- down, the display will read: STEM SHUTDC Upon pressing the “STATUS” key, the day-of-week, time-of day and cause of shutdown is displayed. Safety shutdowns require the operator to manually reset the control center prior to restarting the Codepak. When the display reads “Start Sequence Initiated” the cause of the safety shut- down is automatically cleared from memory. SAFETY SHUTDOWNS: * Power Failure (If auto restart programming jumper is not installed on the Micro Board) Low Evaporator Pressure Low Oil Pressure High Condenser Pressure Evaporator Transducer or Probe Error High Discharge Temp High Oif Temp Faulty Oil or Condenser Transducer Starter Malfunction Detected Faulty Discharge Temp Sensor ‘Aux. Safety Shutdown Motor Phase Current Unbalance (Solid State Starter Unit only) ‘+ Low Separator Oil Level + Clogged Oil Filter © Oil Pressure Transducer If the Codepak shuts down on a Cycling” shutdown the display will read Upon pressing the "STATUS" key the day-of-week, time- of-day and cause of shutdown are displayed. These shut downs do not require the operator to manually reset the "1 control center prior to re-starting the Codepak. The ‘Codepak will automatically restart when the eyeling con- dition is removed. CYCLING SHUTDOWNS * Power Failure (fauto re-start programming jumper is installed on the Micro Board), Low Water Temp Flow Switch System Cycling Multi-Unit Cycling Internal Clock Anti-Reeycle Motor Controller (anual reset of the CM-2 module on E-M starter units or the logic board of the SSS may be required) Power Fault Program Initiated Reset AC Undervoltage Low Line Voltage (Solid State Starter Units only) High Line Voltage (Solid State Starter Units only) STOPPING THE SYSTEM (See Fig. 3 page 5). ‘The Codepak Microcompiiter Controls Center can be programmed to start and stop automatically (maximum, once each day) whenever desired. Refer to Form 160.47-01.1. To stop the Codepak proceed as follow: 1, Push the COMPRESSOR “STOP/RESET” switch. ‘The control center display will show: ‘This prevents compressor restart until system equiliza- tion is achieved, 2. Stop the chilled water pump (if not wired into the ‘Microcomputer Contro! Center, in which case it will shut off automatically.) (The actual water pump con- tact operation is dependent upon the position of Micro Board Jumper 554) 3. Open the switch to the cooling tower fan motors, if used. 4, The compressor sump oil heater (thermostatically con- trolled) is energized when the unit is stopped, 12 PROLONGED SHUTDOWN If the Codepak is to be shut down for an extended period of time (for example, over the winter season), the follow- ing paragraphs outline the procedure to be followed, 1, During long idle periods, the tightness of the system should be checked periodically 2. If freezing temperatures are encountered while the system is idle, carefully drain the cooling water from the cooling tower, condenser, condenser pump, and the chilled water system-chilled water pump and coil Open the drains on the cooler and condenser liquid heads to assure complete drainage, (If Solid State Starter, drain water from starter cooling loop. 3. Move jumper J-57 on the micro board from CLOCK ON position (CLKON) to CLOCK OFF position (CLKOFF) while 11SVAC control power is applied. This conserves the battery, 4. Open the main disconnect switches to the compressor motor, condenser water pump and the chilled water pump. Open the 115 yolt ci:cuit to the control center. START UP AFTER PROLONGED SHUTDOWN, 1. When putting the system into operation after prolong- ed shutdown (during the winter), remove all oil from the separator, Install a new filter element and charge separator with ftesh oil. Move jumper J-57 on the micro board from CLOCK OFF Position (CLKOFE) to CLOCK ON Position (CLKON) and reset the clock. Energize the 115 volt circuit to the control center to energize the separator sump oil heater for at least 12 hours 2. If the water systems were drained, fill the condenser water circuit and chilled liquid circuit, YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS FORM 160.47-NO1 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE THAINTENANCE HOURS OF OPERATION (MAXIMUM) ‘CHANGE OIL (CHANGE FILTER (CHANGE FILTER DRIER ‘OL ANALYSIS (CHECK ALIGNMENT (CHECK COUPLING (GHEOK TEMP, AND PRESS. * fee x xx pex > REPLACE OIL SEAL VIBRATION ANALYSIS | X x INSPECT COUPHESSOR x SECTION 3 ~ SYSTEM COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION eG COMPRESSOR/MOTOR ASSEMBLY , (SEE FIG. 7) MOTOR comPREssoR STOP VALVE courLins SuDE. ‘GUARD VALVE FIG. 7 ~ COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY ‘YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS 13 Compressor The Frick rotary twin screw compressor is engineered and. constructed to meet the exacting requirements of the in. dustrial refrigerant market. It utilizes state-of-the-art technology to provide the most reliable and encray effi- cient compressor available at all operating conditions, The compressor operates at 3570 RPM for 60 Hertz and 2975 RPM for 50 Hertz. The compressor housing is made of ‘2st iron, precision machined to provide minimal clearance for the rotors. ‘The rotors are manufactured from forged steel and use asymmetric profiles. The compressor incorporates a com- plete anti-friction bearing design for reduced power and increased reliability. Four separate cylindrical roller bear- ings handle axial loads. Two 4-point angular contract ball bearings handle axial loads. Together they maintain accurate rotor positioning at all pressure ratios thereby ‘minimizing blow-by and maintaining efficiency, ‘The open-drive compressor shaft seal consists of a spring, loaded, precision carbon ring, high temperature elastomer “0” ring static seal, and stress-relieved, precision lapped collars. The entire shaft seal cavity is at low pressure, being vented to the oil drain from the compressor. Combining low pressure with direct oil cooling provides long seal life. Capacity Control Capacity control is achieved by use of a slide valve which rovides fully modulating capacity control from 100% to 10% of full load, The slide valve is actuated by oil pressure controlled by external solenoid vaives via the MicroCom- uter Control Center Motor Driveline ‘The compressor motor is an open drip proof, squirrel cage, induction type constructed to York design specifications, 60 hertz. motors operate at 3370 rpm. 50 hertz motors ‘operate at 2975 rpm. The open motor is provided with a ange, factory mounted to a cast iron adaptor on the com pressor. This unique design allows the motor to be rigidly coupled to the compressor to provide factory alignment of motor and compressor shafts. Motor drive shaft is directly connected to the compressor shaft with a flexible dise coupling. Coupling has all metal ‘construction with no wearing parts to assure long life with xno lubrication requirements to provide low maintenance, For units utilizing remote eleciro-mechanical starters, a large, 14 gauge (minimum) steel terminal box with gasketed front access cover is provided for field connected conduit ‘There are six terminals (three for high voltage) brought through the motor casing into the terminal box. Jumpers are furnished for three-lead types of starting. Motor ter minal lugs are not furnished. Overload/overcurrent ‘transformers are furnished with all units. 14 Oil Separator The oil separator is a horizontal design with no moving arts. Effective oil separation is achieved by gravity ropout of oil from the refrigerant gas as velocity decreases ‘upon entering the separator, and by impinging on mesh pads in the first stage of the separator. Final separation is accomplished when the gas passes through coalescer elements in the second stage ‘A.check valves installed in the compressor discharge hous- ing to prevent compressor rotor backspin due to system refrigerant pressure gradients during shutdown, Lubrication The oil reservoir is located in the first stage of the oif separator. The compressor also has an oil reservoir located ‘at the rotor bearings to provide lubrication during star- ‘up, coastdown and in the event of a power failure. Dur ing operation, system pressure differential provides pro- pet oil flow without the need of an oil pump. This ‘minimizes system energy consumption, A 500 watt (115 volt-1 phase-60/0 Hz) immersion oil heater is located in the oil separator reservoir, temperature actuated to effectively remove reftigerant from the oil. Power wiring is provided to the control center, A. refrigerant cooled oil cooler is provided, factory piped to the system. An external, replaceable cartridge, 15 micron oil filter is provided with manual isolation stop valves for case of servicing. An oil eductor automatically removes ol which may have migrated to the evaporator and returns itto the compressor. A second oil eductor system returns cil to the compressor which may accumulate in the evaporator suction baffle during low load/head operation, Its activated only at slide valve positions less than 179%, Oil collected in the second stage of the separator is returned directly to the compressor via an orificed drain connection, COMPRESSOR LUBRICATION SYSTEM ‘The lubrication system on screw compressor unit performs several functions: 1. Provides lubrication to bearings and seal 2. Provides a cushion between the rotors to minimize noise and vibrations, 3. Helps keep the compressor cool and prevents overheating, 4. Provides an oil supply to hydraulically actuate the slide valve and slide stop. 5. Provides oil pressure to the balance pistons to help inerease bearing life, 6. Provides an oil seal between the rotors to prevent rotor contact or gas bypassing, YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS vate sy SOLENOID P r 4 To compresson roar see 801 SLIDE VALVE UNLOAD PORT 802 SLIDE VALVE PORT FIG. 8 — DOUBLE PURPOSE HYDRAULIC CYLINDER. 1 By ROM OIL MANIFOLD FORM 160.47-01 TO COMPRESSOR ‘SUCTION VALVE? dbp Pt SLIDE VaLye-isTON Bi FIXED BULKHEAD 582 FIKEDBULKHEAD Solenold Operation 1 SOL = Closes on shutdown to prevent oil from drain- ing from the separator. Also prevents flow of oil to Movable Slide Valve (MSV) Opens on shutdown to equalize oil pressure on both sides of slide valve unloader piston, Slide valve then assumes unloaded position. 3 SOL - At low load condition (approximately 10% slide valve position) 3SOL opens, This allows high pressure condenser gas to flow to educior B, drawing oil from the bottom of the cooler suction baffle, and returning it to the separator sump. PRELUBE OIL SYSTEM 2S0L The rotary screw compressor is designed to be self. lubricating. Oil being supplied to the compressor from the oil separator is at system head pressure. Within the com- pressor, oil porting to all parts of the compressor is vented back to a point in the compressor’s body that is at a pressure lower than compressor discharge pressure, The compressor’s normal operation makes the compressor unit operate essentially as its own oil pump, All oil entering the compressor is moved by the compressor rotors outt the compressor outlet and back to the oil separator. COMPRESSOR HYDRAULIC SYSTEM (See Fig. 8) ‘The compressor hyctraulic system moves the movable slide valve (MSV) to load and unload the compressor. YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS The slide valve is controlled by a double-acting four-way solenoid valve which is activated from a signal from the appropriate microprocessor output. Compressor Loading ‘The compressor loacis when MSV solenoid SV2 is energiz~ ced and oil flows from the oil manifold thru valve ports P and B to cylinder port SC-2 and enters the load side of the cylinder. Simultaneously, oil contained in the unload side of the cylinder flows out eylinder port SC-1 thru valve ports A and T to compressor port SC-8, Compressor Unloading ‘The compressor unloads wicn MSV solenoid SV1 is, energized and cil flows from the oil manifold thru valve ports P and A to cylinder port SC-1 and enters the unload side of the cylinder. Simultaneously, oil contained in the load side of the cylinder flows out compressor port SC-2 thru valve ports B and to compressor closed thread port. OIL HEATER ‘The oil heater is thermostatically controlled at times during compressor shutdowm to maintain the sump oil at SOF to 105°F. SHELLS - The cooler and condenser shells are rolled car- bon steel plate with fusion welded seams, A tube sheet is welded to each end of the shell and is drilled and reamed to accommodate the tubes. 15 yong mors Tanenaay pus oD aunyesoduio our ‘aunssaag loued (@) wasNaaNoo -p1009 Ho 09-80 sotoneg oF 2H FIG. 9 - SCHEMATIC DRAWING - (YS) COMPRESSOR LUBRICATION SYSTEM 16 ‘YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS FORM 160.47-01 SHELL ASSEMBLIES (REFER TO FIG. 10) ouruer yer FLTER DAE ater : SIGHT GLASSES COOLER PIPING FOR WATER COOLED iter SOLID STATE STARTER (OPTIONAL) CONDENSER FIG. 10 - SHELL ASSEMBLIES YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS 17 ‘TUBES - Individually-replaceable, 3/4" O.D., integral- finned copper heat exchanger tubes are used in the cooler ‘and condenser. The tubes are roller-expanded into the tube sheets, providing a leak-proof seal COMPACT WATER BOXES - Removable water boxes are fabricated of steel. The standard design working pressure is 150 psig and the boxes are tested at 225 psig. Integral steel water baffles are located and welded within the water box to provide required 1, 2, or 3-pass arrangements, Water nozzle connections with Victaulic grooves are welded to the water boxes. These nozzle con- nections are suitable for Vietaulic couplings, welding or flanges, 1/2* coupling and separable well arc located in the entering and leaving chilled liquid nozzles for temperature sensing elements, Plugged drain and vent ‘connections are provided in each water box. COOLER - The cooler is a horizontal, flooded, shell-and- tube type, with a distribution system consisting of a distributor trough to give uniform distribution through- ‘out the shell length and 2 perforated distributor plate, located under the entire tube bundle, to equally distributor refrigerant. Intermediate steel tube supports 1/2" thick, are spaced at intervals of less than four feet. A liquid level sight glass is conveniently located on the side of the cooler to aid in determining proper refrigerant charge, CONDENSER - The condenser is a horizontal, shell-and- tube type, with a discharge gas baffle to prevent direct high velocity impingement on the tubes. This bate is also used to distribute the refrigerant gas flow properly for most efficient heat transfer. A purge connection is located in the condenser for elimination of noncondensibles. In- termediate, 1/4” thick, steel cube supports are spaced at intervals of less than four feet. A liquid subcooler section is provided in the bottom segment of the condenser. REFRIGERANT FLOW CONTROL - Refrigerant flow control is provided by a single fixed orifice in the piping connection between the bottom of the condenser and the bottom of the cooler. DUAL RELIEF VALVES ~ Are provided on all con- densers and on 22” diameter oil separators. Evaporators will be provided with a single relief valve. An additional large capacity relief valve will be provided on all separators to provide compressor over-pressure protection. CONTROL CENTER AND CONTROLS MICROCOMPUTER CONTROL CENTER (REFER TO FIG. 11 AND FORM 160.47-01.1) A microprocessor based control center is factory mounted, wired and tested on each Codepak chiller. The control center enclosure is a Nema Type 1 and is provided with a hinged door with lock and key. The Microcomputer Control Center automatically controls the operation of the ‘unt in meeting system cooling requirements while minimiz- ing energy usage. Analog chiller operating parameters are sensed by either thermistors or transducers and displayed on the keypad. Available parameters include: return/leaving chilled water ‘temperatures, return/leaving condenser water temperatures (ield installed option), evaporator/condenser refrigerant pressures, oil pressure, filter oil pressure, differential oil filter pressure, motor current in ®% full load amps, slide valve position in %, 3 phase compressor motor current ‘and voltage (SSS units only) evaporator/eondenser satura- 18 tion temperatures, compressor operating hours/start counter, compressor discharge temperature, and oil temperature, All displayed pressures (except differential oil filter pressure and differential oil pressure,) are taken fas gauge pressure. Temperatures and pressures can be displayed in either English (*F, PSIG) or mettic (°C, KPa) units depending on the application. A factory installed jumper on the micro board provides English units to be displayed. When the jumper is removed metric units are displayed. Complete calibration and testing of all sensors is done at the factory SAFETY CONTROLS ‘The control center includes unique safety logic to protect the Codepak from any damaging malfunctions. Complete YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS K SEE FIG. 3 teers SUPPLIED! system, START/STOP/ RESET conaesson ‘suitcn FIG. 11 - MICROCOMPUTER CONTROL CENTER safety annunication is displayed for each shutdown by pressing the “STATUS” key. This information includes day, time, and reason for shutdown. These include high condenser pressure, low oil pressure, high oil temperature, high compressor discharge temperature, low evaporator pressure, low separator oil ievel, clogged oil filter, starter malfunction, undervoltage, power failure and. sensor malfunction. The control center is fed from a 1% KVA ansformer on the compressor motor starter. SOLID STATE STARTER (OPTIONAL) ‘The optional Solid State Starter is « reduced-voltage li- ‘quid cooled starter that controls and maintains a constant current flow to the motor during start-up. The starter is mounted on the Codepak. The power wiring from the starter to the motor and from the starter control transformer to the control center is factory wired and tested. Available for 200-600V-3Ph-60/S0Hz power; 2 or 3 barrel lug connections per phase are provided on the starter. The starter enclosure is NEMA Type 1 and is pro- vided with a hinged door with lock and key. OPERATING CONTROLS ‘The unit operating controls are also centered around @ 40 character alphanumeric display on the panel keypad. Foreground messages are displayed while the unit is run- ning to signal the operator of controlling conditions such Brey SYSTEM RUN — OURRENT LIMIT IN cr YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS Background messages can be viewed by pressing the “STATUS” key. Examples of messages are as follows: dirty oil filter, excess refrigerant charge, and non-critical sensor error. System cycling messages are displayed in regard to day, time, cause of cycling shutdown, and auto start indication. These include low water temperature, cooler water flow interruption, power fault, internal time clock, anti-reeyele, slide valve loaded >10%, low oil Temperature, power failure in autostart mode, and remote/tocal cycling input, multi-unit cycling, AC under- voltage, low line voltage (Solid State Starter units only), high line voltage (Solid State Starter units only), motor controller and power faults. Digital programming of operating setpoints from the keypad include leaving chilled water temperature, 40-100% current limiting, pulldown demand limiting, daily start/stop scheduling of chiller, and pumps, and separate holiday schedule, clock, remote reset temp range and data logger. Individual display readings highlight operation of com- pressor slide valve load/unload/hold/auto control in “SERVICE” mode, Four operator selectable modes of operation are Local, Remote, Program, or Service. 19 SECTION 4 ou, SEPARATOR —_y EDUCTOR (A) TOP VALVE ‘STRAINER FIG. 12 - OlL RETURN SYSTEM OPERATIONAL MAINTENANCE OIL RETURN SYSTEM ‘coMPAESsOR ‘COMPRESSOR SUCTION SUCTION TROUGH EOUCTOR SOLENOID VALVE (3501. _- STRAINER STOP VALVE ‘CONDENSER GENERAL ‘The oil return system continuously maintains the proper oil level in the separator oil sump. (See Fig. 12.) High pressure condenser gas flows continuously through the eductor A inducing the low pressure, oil rich liquid to flow from the evaporator, through the strainer to the compressor suction. At low Ioad conditions (approximately 10% slide valve position) solenoid valve (3SOL) opens. ‘This allows high pressure condenser gas to flow to eductor B, drawing oil from the bottom of the cooler suction trough, and retur- ning it to the compressor suction, 20 CLEANING THE STRAINER To clean the strainer use the following procedure: Refer to Fig. 13, 1, Close all stop valves on both sides of the strainer. 2. Slowly (to relieve pressure) loosen the cap serews holding the cover plate to the strainer body. Provide some means to catch the oil semainig in the strainer body. 3. Remove and clean the strainer cartridge. 4, Insert the strainer & re-install the cover plate. YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS CAP SCREWS STOP VALVES STRAINER, COVER PLATE FIG. 13 - ASSEMBLY OF STRAINER 5. Open the stop valves on both sides of the strainer & check for refrigerant leaks. OIL FILTER “ Each unit is equipped with an oil filter located on the bot- tom of the oil separators. (See Fig. 14) Filters are of 2 ‘designs. (1) Earliest design included a spin-on canister type cil filer, or (2) Later design included a filter with replaceable element. To replace the filter proceed as follows: 1, Close the stop valves on both sides of the filter. 2. Each filter is equipped with a small valve which can bbe used ro relieve the pressure within the filer. Relieve the pressure slowly and carefully. FORM 160.47-01 on. SEPARATOR FicreR 3. IPunit is equipped with the spin-on canister type filter, use a strap wrench or similar tool to remove the filter Discard the filter & install a new one, 4. If unit is equipped with a filter with replaceable car~ tridge, a wrench can be used on the lex boss on the bottom of the housing to remove the filter. Remove & discard the filter element, Clean the inside of the housing and install a new filter element, Re-install the filter on the unit. 5. Open the stop valves on both sides of the filter. Open the small valve on the filter to vent the air from the filter. 6. Cheek for refrigerant leaks. CHARGING UNIT WITH OIL THE OIL CHARGE ‘The proper amount of oil is approximately 10 gallons for $0, SI, $2, and S3 compressors or 15 gallons for S4 and SS compressors, depending on the actual compres- sor/separator combination and the condition of the refrigerant, The actual operating level in the separator should be kept from exceeding the top of the highest sight port shown in Fig, 15. YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS OIL CHARGING PROCEDURE NOTE: YORK C oit is used in $0, SI, and $2 units — YORK G oil is used in $3, $4, and $5 units ‘The vl should be charged into the ol separator using the ‘YORK Oil Charging Pump - YORK Part No. 070-10654, ‘To charge oil proceed as follows 1, The unit should be shut down. NOTE: If charging oilto restore the correct level — the unit ‘may be kept in operation. at 4 O1L CHARGING VacvE FIG. 15 - CHARGING OIL 2, Immerse the suction connection of the oil charging pump in @ clean container of new oil and connect the Dump discharge connection to the oil charging valve. (See Fig. 15.) Do not tighten the connection at the charging valve until after the air is forced out by pumping a few strokes of the oil pump. This fils the lines with oil and prevents air from being pumped in- fo the system, 3. Open the oil charging valve and pump oil into the system until oil level in the oil separator is about mid way in the upper sight glass. Then, close the charging valve and disconnect the hand oil pump. 4. As soon as oil charging is complete, close the power supply to the starter to energize the ofl heater, (See System Operating Procedures, page 5). This will keep the concentration of refrigerant in the oil to a 1ainimum, SECTION 5 TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ‘Suovessful problem solving requires an organized approach to define the problem, identily the cause, and make the Proper correction. Sometimes it is possible that two relatively obvious problems combine to provide a set of symptoms that can mislead the troubleshooter. Be aware Of this possibility and avoid solving the “wrong problem” ABNORMAL OPERATION ANALYSIS AND CORRECTION Four logical steps are required to analyze an operational problem effectively and make the necessary corrections: 1, Define the problem and its limits. 2. Identify all possible causes. 43. Test each cause until the source of the problem is found. 4. Make the necessary corrections, When an operating problem develops, compare all operating information on the OPERATING DISPLAY with normal operating conditions. If an Operating Log has been maintained, the log can help determine what con- stitutes normal operation for the compressor unit in that particular system, 22 YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS FORM 160.47-01 “z.wosdug| tuo suun] za1evL SsawN| sedg | ecg uve) ent ong ounesaig NOUVESEO O98, goreries| core ies] eulewa' ga 1 dong mov] ww 00.08 | Now zwodus vaonpae 2 3181 SISA WAY oss | ose ‘uneoaig ainsoexd NOUVYSAO 298, ie5 se dong not dens ci] wy ov01| "Non, “aw op 61 sy e1 om o2| uy) aafoanauy hoot ty Now waists yaw seu R803 éoig a1owey sous aig wesoiny nes aoa | wy oor | Now spucoee snonuquco S20 vig ws | _wewoiry eeevonsoun ov | wv ooo | now Sue ‘mpayos pauwesB | yun unop inys “Sua usu wees | 0} poulesBoag Areoatuone nw | ‘ompeuos Area yoo muse | _ueisony reo ewe | wooo: | now puswuce yemwo9 ‘yous Yosh ie ween etsy peor (euendo) | wey | suroto wnrumn | suv ont | Now Cisne ee puowwes so aejas fed Tea0 Wo.owo4 aut JBinauoo) pus oy parsauveo42eiv09 ios stow | _wmsomny Suyeia worsts | wy coir | wow ‘und soem poy Je uoqeiego soou ‘Roy 18m 631 sowie wo |_weisorw yous meus | wy 00:08 | Now (wounded Fygedeo unwise, 1591 61 POO, WOIEAS Gun soem ser | verso dua sen vor | wy oor | Non ‘cauinoat WOLVEadO ka Nouawossa | —iuvissu | NmoaLnus ‘Ava [aaa a0iAuas any Entice soaonisn | ‘soasqvo | soamu | 30 ava asnvostavaows | ‘dOeniuvis | oanMvuooud pnts “¥gSIO BINGO TOUINOD NOWONN 1OHLNOD ONINETAOD gto BSNS TORN SNOLLONYLSNI NOILVY3dO 8 NOILVTIVISNI H3LN3O TOULNOOD ['LO-2¥'091 WHO4 OL H343H 'AVIdSIO HBLNSO “IOHLNOO UBLNANOOOUOIN HL HIM SONVAHOOOY NI SNMOGINHS W3ISAS ALS CNY ‘IWVIHON JO S3SNVO - | nev. 23 YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS pucoa ori ‘ine Janos sons | ooneee unre somo | wy oxo: | “won dns povenbasun ag oo ‘seeuoxepun ‘ine sono conve | oansee puso cioW | _vessowony yy 000: | wow soy. sor _| sous windel 10, duex no won| wey 00.08 | Now Jose ‘due az | zz duo) sbieoeG sbmwsdueH| wv ooo: | wow sou xa =verenteo nea ny oot | Now So usonosua)) sine sou ecoig sai "dar3 oa a00 inoseig 0nd vo swe 'dera| wv oca | now eunsseia 061049 1 ions setouy ass | ose rpmwog Keres iodo 288 aie ‘ae smneselg UO eneseie v6] vty ooo] Non tor] wowed savas o: e'z:9's'ysuoduns| (saud0Ls oH 2aravi ssaiwny| ays vossaicuo| TwOLLvEsso ome | —"evesd ueeer ainssei io] wooo | “Non ‘aauinose Nmoainns | Wolvuaso xa |~—Twa | ss) —Noweluosa0 | —uv1Sae TMOOIAHS Ava 13am aoIAuas ONY ugLivwaisas | " SiNioalas NO. NO. sOaoHiaw | © “yoasnva =| ao. 3M | soAvO asnvosiavaous | “doamiuvis | aannvuooud TRIor DNLL¥ES30, NOLLONNS TOMLNG ONINYIAOD eee La ea 359 NmOGINHS (PenuUeS) SNOLLONYLSNI NOLLVUIdO ® NOLLVTIVISNI H3LN3O ‘TOLLNOS 1'10-49'09) WHOd OL Y3I3Y ‘AVTaSIO WALNSO. “TOULNOO H3LNdINOOHOIN SHI HLIM 3ONYAHOOOY NI SNMOGINHS WAISAS AL3J¥S GNV WWINHON 4O SaSn¥O - | Fav. ‘YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS FORM 160.47-01 OS e= SeaRBSIOT asa | “oie ia 301g 20 sous vo eoeideu | _syvisis01s S504 s2> | “esi | no pve “seid 00 wy 0001 | ‘Non cog eoverequn | eis vow LaIns enuey suone.edQ seung ated ON eiGer'ogn wed 90g | n1e0q aio sos wy ooo | ‘now ‘wesbep 282yon eur ov ¥BiH Swuin uo punter sag | pio atorsss | _versomy wv ooo | -non ‘weaterp e409 9ur7 OW HOT uw vo puada 208 | preog atfor sss | _yeisomny wy oot | ‘non Goze sosuss usde eed = dua suns rosso “dat sesee | s008 soimona anes | wy x0 | Now nyodiog oe orgy sone welBoidou ‘Gaaea e5m duo or oun x0 a1 9 coed TESST Teor eT em Jonni caidas 19501 504 reso ‘nou aouin SomWcteM, pwwoa oro | _weisoiny perenui werdor | py ooo: | wow perseicg uorsurwentioues | wv aca. | now. ‘eo1 oroge uessomny een eois | wy ooo: | won, ‘saonpsuely asso 119 uo 92249 01 BepIN asd | oid sug seompeusi “oie 8} unopinug sius | 96678 HE TA ‘68 Om tinsseia 10 | wvooot | "Non 25 ‘YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS TABLE 2 - OPERATING ANALYSIS CHART 1. SYMPTOM: ABNORMALLY HIGH DISCHARGE PRESSURE © RESULTS POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Tempeatrediference baweea qu sefigerant out and water oF sonden- | Air in condenser. er higher than Honma. Condenser tabes city or sala. | Clan condense: tubes, Check wate High discharge pressure. 7 Recs condenser water lt eer Hla condenser water tempera | are check cooling tower and Water circulation.) Temperture differsace between con Genser water on and water off higher | Insufficient condensing water | increase the quantity of water through han momma with “aotinal cooler | ow the wonders to peope tale reste 2, SYMPTOM: ABNORMALLY LOW SUCTION PRESSURE Temperature diference Deovem len [Talent charge of weg | Check for eas and charge ing hile wer and refigerant in | ant int system, cook greater than normal with N&b Fin oice Boake Remove obsiruson, diocarse temperature, Temperate diference Been a= ing chilled water and retigeran inthe ‘ ra ee cooler greater than normal with nor. Cooler tubes dirty or restricted. | Clean cooler tubes. { mal share temperate, Temperature of chile water too tow | Insuiieat toad for system | CHECK Sle valve operation and wih low totor amperes, Capacity mee era ‘3. SYMPTOM; HIGH COOLER PRESSURE Side vale Flt open Check te side valve sola va High eile water temperature Be sure the slide valves ae loaded System overloaded. (without overloading the motor) until the load desea, 4. SYMPTOM: COMPRESSOR STARTS, NORMAL OIL PRESSURE DEVELOPS, FLUCTUATES FOR ‘SHORT WHILE, THEN COMPRESSOR STOPS ON OIL PRESSURE CUTOUT ‘Gnamial waning sondilons ext, | Drain te ol fom the ol separator and Oi presure normal, flytates then | ico foaming in reservoir and | eompresor and charge new on the compresor sapr on Oil Presire | piping due 10 lovered system | separator Refer to Chagiag The ut Display reading | pressure. System With Oil, page 21.) RES uraed out oi heater Replace ol ester, 5. SYMPTOM: OIL PRESSURE GRADUALLY DECREASES (NOTED BY OBSERVATION OF DAILY LOG SHEETS) Oil pressure (noted when pressing | a eae “Oil Pressure” display key) drops to | Oil iter is dirty. une oe 10% ofa pressre when compressor | pc; peang w vest compen was originally started, eae eet Inspect o 26 (Continued) YORK APPLIED SYSTEMS.

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