TYPE DRC-543_- DRC-963
‘ype DRC-S43 and DRC~963 units are designed for general purpose wet
method Magnaflux inspection providing low-voltage, high-amperage
A.C, for magnetizing and demagnetizing. The rated maximum output
1s 3000 amperes.
The following subjects are covered by these instructions:
General Description Page 1
Electrical Features Page
Installation Page
Controls - Electrical Page
Controls - Pneumatic Page
Controls - Mechanical Page
Set-Up Page
Operation Page
Kaintenance Page
Service Data Page _9
Magnaflux Wet Method Instructions cover the subject of bath prepara-
tion. Wiring diagrams contain part numbers of electrical components.
DRC units are standard all purpose equipment, featuring both cir-
cular and longitudinal magnetization over a wide range of parts.
The headstock mounted on the left side, 1s stationary. The tail-
stock is movable from the right side and ray be clamped in any
position required to insvect a variety of part lengths up to 54”
on the DRO-543 and 96" on the DRO-963, The coil is : ounted between
the contacts on a roller base and ay be clamped in any desired
position. The tailstock and coil are mounted on rails which run
the entire length of the unit. Clamping action of the headstock is
performed by an air cylinder and controlled by a foot switch and
solenoid operated air valve.
The inspection bath 1s contained in a built in tank, agitated and
recirculated by a wide clearance, impeller type pump. Apvlication
of the inspection bath is by hand hose. A set of grilles provide
a work area above the tank. DRC units can be equipped with Nagne~
glo Hood (optional) for near ultra-violet fluorescent particle
DRC units are equipped with a 30 point tap switch used in conjunc-
tion with the auto transformer to control the amount of output
current. It is motor driven to facilitate deragnetization of
difficult parts.
‘#Magnaflux, Registered U.S, Patent Office, a trademark
of Magnaflux Corporation applied to its équipment and
+ materials for magnetic particle inspection, Processes
+ and methods used in magnetic particle inspection are
+ covered by various U.S, Letters Patent.ELUOTRICAL FEATURES,
The DRC-543 and DRC-963 are normally built to operate on either
220 or 40 volts (interchangeably), 50/60 cycle, single phase
current, They may also be adapted to other voltages and frequen-
ofes but not for less than 208 volts.
The low-voltage, high-amperage A.C. used for maznetization and de-
magnetization is obtained from a specially desi med step-down trans-
former. An auto transformer is used in connection with the motor
Griven 30 point tap switch to regulate the anperage of the magnet-
izing current. An isolation type transformer is used to obtain 110
volts for the control circuit, 4 current transforrer is used in
connection with the A.C. ameter,
Location of the units will be influenced by considerations of hand-
ling materials and proper ventilation and servicing. The following
Sequence of installing operations is recommended,
(1) Set unit en a firm level floor and bolt down, being sure
to allow for servicing space at rear of unit.
Traverse rails for the coil and tailstock should be level.
(2) Install air filter to air intake of unit and connect to 80
to 100 p.s.i, compressed air line, adjust pressure valve
on unit to 40 pounds pressure,
(3) Fill headstock lubricated with a good grade S.A.B. #10 oil.
Fill 3/k" from top of bowl, Adjust valve for approximately
one drop of oil per 10 to 20 strokes of piston when machine
is in operation.
Relieve air pressure before filling lubricator.)
(4) Clean tank, agitator and sump carefully. lush with keroseno
or other light ofl if necessary. Close drain cock under tark.
(5) Gonsult Magnaflux Wet Method Operating Instructions for Pre-
paration of the insoection bath, en gallons should provide
an adequate level for D3C-543 and fifteen gallons for the
DRC=963 unit.
(6) Set all switches in "off" position.
(7) Make permanent electrical connection to the junction box of
sufficient capacity as specified on nareplates, Line
connection should be riade through fused disconnect switch
of proper rating. Ground unit, using attached ground lug
in junction box. Use line sized wire.~ ar
(8) Install foot switch in ils veceptacie,
The control cabinet contains the control components (located behind
left front panel.)
The motor driven tap switch serves the dual function of re-
gulating the amperage of the magnetizing current and derag-
netizing parts after inspection. In adjusting current etrength
the tap switch is set manually at the approximate position re-
quired for the part to be tested, by depressing the center knob
and rotating the contact arn to the proper setting. In demag-
netizing parts after inspection the contact arm is set counter
clockwise to a higher current setting and the "Demegnetizing"
button depressed, This initiates the automatic demagnetizing
cycle of the 30 point tap switch.
The ammeter indicates the amount of output current at the
contacts or coil,
This switch transfers current to "Contacts" or "Coil" as
This mishroom button applies magnetizing current through con-
tacts or coil dspending upon the setting of the trensfer switch,
Current will flow wnile the button is held depressed.
This bar extending the length of the unit, functions to
allow operation of the magnetizing current push button from
any position, The actuator can be disengaged by moving to
the right and turning upward to make the bar inoperative.
This switch is used only when the coil is to be used for
This switch initiates the automatic demagnetizing cycle of
the motor driven 30 point tap switch.