Astm e 380.en - Es
Astm e 380.en - Es
Astm e 380.en - Es
7 DEC95
Quantity Unit Symbol Formula
4.3 Tiempo. La unidad SI de tiempo es el segundo. Esta unidad es
preferida y se debe utilizar cuando se trata de cálculos técnicos. En
27,46 redondeado a un número entero = 27. Esto es correcto porque el
7 reglas para el redondeo
`` 0.46 '' es menos de la mitad. 27,46 redondeado a un decimal es 27,5.
7.1 Cuando sea posible, el redondeo de SI equivalente Este es un valor correcto. Sin embargo, si el 27,5 es a su vez
debe ser en unidades razonables, convenientes y enteros. redondeado a un número entero, se trata de redondeo sucesivo y el
7.2 Intercambio de piezas, funcionalmente, físicamente, o resultado, de 28 años, es incorrecta.
ambos, depende del grado de precisión de redondeo utilizado 7,4 pulgadas milímetros conversión dimensionamiento lineal. 1
en la conversión de la habitual de Estados Unidos con el valor pulgada (in.) = 25.4 milímetros (mm) exactamente. El término ``
SI. Norma ASTM E380-89a, Práctica estándar para la exactamente '' se ha utilizado con todos los factores de conversión
Aplicación del Sistema Internacional de Unidades, se describen exactas. Los factores de conversión no tan marcados han sido
métodos para asegurar la intercambiabilidad. redondeadas de acuerdo con estos procedimientos de redondeo. Para
7.3 Redondeo de números. Cuando un número se mantener la precisión prevista durante la conversión sin retener un
redondea a un menor número de cifras decimales del número innecesario de dígitos, el equivalente milímetro se realizará con
procedimiento será la siguiente: un decimal más que el valor pulgadas siendo convertida y después
7.3.1 Cuando el dígito ®rst desechado es menor que 5, el último dígito redondea a la cifra que represente la signi®cant apropiada en el último
retenido no se modificará. Por ejemplo, 3,463 25, si redondeado a tres lugar decimal.
cifras decimales, habría 3.463; Si redondeado a dos decimales, sería
Normas citadas:
7.3.2 Cuando el dígito ®rst desechado es mayor que 5, o si ASTM E380-89a, Práctica estándar para la Aplicación del
es un 5 seguido por al menos un dígito distinto de 0, la Sistema Internacional de Unidades
última cifra que represente la retenido se incrementará en ISO 1000, Unidades SI y recomendaciones para el uso de
una unidad. Por ejemplo, 8,376 52, si redondeado a tres sus múltiplos y de algunas otras unidades
cifras decimales, habría 8.377; Si redondeado a dos ISO 2955, información ProcessingÐRepresentation del SI y
decimales, sería 8,38. otras unidades para su uso en sistemas con conjuntos de
7.3.3 Ronda de número más cercano incluso cuando ®rst caracteres limitado
dígitos descartados es 5, seguido únicamente por ceros. SAE J708 DEC84, Código de prueba de tractores agrícolas
7.3.4 Los números se redondean directamente al valor más SAE J2708 APR93, Código de prueba del tractor agrícola
cercano que tiene el número deseado de cifras decimales. (OCDE)
Redondeo no debe hacerse en pasos sucesivos a menos
lugares. Por ejemplo:
1. Quantities are arranged in alphabetical order by principal nouns. For example, surface tension is listed as tension, surface.
2. All possible applications are not listed, but others such as rates can be readily derived. For example, from the preferred units for
energy and volume the units for heat energy per unit volume, kJ/m 3, may be derived.
3. Conversion factors are shown to seven signi®cant digits, unless the precision with which the factor is known does not warrant seven digits.
From: To:
Quantity Application Inch-Pound Units SI Units Multiply By:
1.730 735
Consumption, fuel Off highway vehicles (See also Ef®ciency, fuel) gal/h L/h 3.785 412
Consumption, oil Vehicle performance testing qt/(1000 miles) L/(1000 km) 0.588 036 4
Consumption, speci®c, oil Engine testing lb/(hp´h) g/(kW´h) 608.277 4
lb/(hp´h) g/MJ 168.965 9
Current, electric General A A
Density, current General A/in.2 kA/m2 1.550 003
A/ft2 A/m2 10.763 91
Density, magnetic ¯ux General kilogauss T 0.1*
Density, (mass) Solid, general; agricultural products, soil, building materials lb/lyd3 kg/m3 0.593 276 3
lb/in.3 kg/m3 27 679.90
lb/ft 3 kg/m3 16.018 46
Liquid lb/gal kg/L 0.119 826 4
Gas lb/ft 3 kg/m3 16.018 46
Solution concentration Ð g/m3, mg/L Ð
Density of heat ¯ow rate Irradiance, general Btu/(h´ft2) W/m2 3.154 591²²
Consumption, fuel (See Flow, volume)
Consumption, speci®c fuel (See Ef®ciency, fuel)
Drag (See Force)
Economy, fuel (See Ef®ciency, fuel)
1. Quantities are arranged in alphabetical order by principal nouns. For example, surface tension is listed as tension, surface.
2. All possible applications are not listed, but others such as rates can be readily derived. For example, from the preferred units for
energy and volume the units for heat energy per unit volume, kJ/m3, may be derived.
3. Conversion factors are shown to seven signi®cant digits, unless the precision with which the factor is known does not warrant seven digits.
From: To:
Quantity Application Inch-Pound Units SI Units Multiply By:
1. Quantities are arranged in alphabetical order by principal nouns. For example, surface tension is listed as tension, surface.
2. All possible applications are not listed, but others such as rates can be readily derived. For example, from the preferred units for
energy and volume the units for heat energy per unit volume, kJ/m 3, may be derived.
3. Conversion factors are shown to seven signi®cant digits, unless the precision with which the factor is known does not warrant seven digits.
From: To:
Quantity Application Inch-Pound Units SI Units Multiply By:
Btu/lb´°F kJ/kg´K *
4.186 8
1. Quantities are arranged in alphabetical order by principal nouns. For example, surface tension is listed as tension, surface.
2. All possible applications are not listed, but others such as rates can be readily derived. For example, from the preferred units for
energy and volume the units for heat energy per unit volume, kJ/m 3, may be derived.
3. Conversion factors are shown to seven signi®cant digits, unless the precision with which the factor is known does not warrant seven digits.
From: To:
Quantity Application Inch-Pound Units SI Units Multiply By:
Moment of force, torque, General, engine torque, fasteners, steering torque, gear torque, lbf´in. N´m 0.112 984 8
bending moment shaft torque lbf´ft N´m 1.355 818
kgf´cm N´m 0.098 066 5*
Locks, light torque ozf´in. mN´m 7.061 552
Moment of inertia, mass Flywheel, general lb´ft2 kg´m2 0.042 140 11
Moment of mass Unbalance oz´in. g´m 0.720 077 8
Moment of momentum (See Momentum, angular)
Moment of section (See Moment of area, second)
Momentum, linear General lb´ft/s kg´m/s 0.138 255 0
Momentum, angular Torsional vibration lb´ft2/s kg´m2/s 0.042 140 11
Permeability Magnetic core properties H/ft H/m 3.280 840
Permeance (See Inductance)
Potential, electric General V V
Power General, light bulbs W W
Air conditioning, heating Btu/min W 17.584 27
Btu/h W 0.293 071 1
Engine, alternator, drawbar, power take-off, hydraulic and hp ( 550 ft´lbf/s) kW 0.745 699 9
pneumatic systems, heat rejection, heat exchanger capacity,
water power, electrical power, body heat loss
Power per area Solar radiation Btu/ft2h W/m2 3.154 591
Pressure All pressures except very small lbf/in.2 (psi) kPa 6.894 757
in.Hg (60 °F) kPa 3.376 85
in.H2O (60 °F) kPa 0.248 84
mmHg (0 °C) kPa 0.133 322
kgf/cm2 kPa 98.066 5
bar kPa 100.0*
lbf/ft2 kPa 0.047 880 26
atm (normal= kPa 101.325*
760 torr)
Very small pressures (high vacuum) lbf/in.2 (psi) Pa 6 894.757
Pressure, sound level Acoustical measurementÐWhen weighting is speci®ed show dB dB
weighting level in parentheses following the
symbol, for example dB(A).
Quantity of electricity General C C
Radiant intensity (See Intensity, radiant)
Resistance, electric General V V
Resistivity, electric General V´ft V´m 0.304 8*
V´ft V´cm 30.48*
Sound pressure level (See Pressure, sound, level)
Speed (See Velocity)
Spring rate, linear (See Force per length)
Spring rate, torsional General lbf´ft/deg N´m/deg 1.355 818
Strength, ®eld, electric General V/ft V/m 3.280 840
Strength, ®eld, magnetic General oersted A/m 79.577 47
Strength, impact Materials testing ft´lbf J 1.355 818
Stress General lbf/in.2 MPa 0.006 894 757
Surface tension (See Tension, surface)
Temperature General use °F °C t 5(t 232) /1.8*
° C° F
Absolute temperature, thermodynamics, gas cycles °R K T 5T /1.8*
² K °R
Temperature interval General use °F K 1 K=1 °C=1.8 °F*
Tension, surface General lbf/in. mN/m 175 126.8
dyne/cm mN/m 1*
Thermal diffusivity Heat transfer ft2/h m2/h 0.092 903 04
Thrust (See Force)
Time General s s
h h
min min
Hydraulic cycle time s s
Hauling cycle time min min
1. Quantities are arranged in alphabetical order by principal nouns. For example, surface tension is listed as tension, surface.
2. All possible applications are not listed, but others such as rates can be readily derived. For example, from the preferred units for
energy and volume the units for heat energy per unit volume, kJ/m 3, may be derived.
3. Conversion factors are shown to seven signi®cant digits, unless the precision with which the factor is known does not warrant seven digits.
From: To:
Quantity Application Inch-Pound Units SI Units Multiply By:
Indicates exact conversion factor.
In these expressions K indicates temperature intervals. Therefore K may be replaced with °C if desired without changing the value or
affecting the conversion factor. kJ/(kg´K)=kJ/(kg´°C).
³ Not to be confused with kcal/g. kcal often called calorie.
Convenient conversion: 235.215+(mile per gal)=L/100 km.
Of®cial use in surveys and cartography involves the U.S. survey mile based on the U.S. survey foot, which is longer than the international
foot by two parts per million. The factors used in this Standard for acre, acre foot, rod are based on the U.S. survey foot. Factors for all
other old length units are based on the international foot (see ASTM Standard E380-89a).
Standard acceleration of gravity is 9.806 650 m/s2 exactly (adopted by the General Conference on Weights and Measures).
The symbol t is used to designate metric ton. The unit metric ton (exactly 1 Mg) is in wide use but should be limited to commercial description of
vehicle mass, freight mass, and agricultural commodities. No pre®x is permitted.
Conversions of Btu are based on the International Table Btu.
Lift capacity ratings for cranes, hoists, and related components such as ropes, cable chains, etc., should be rated in mass units. Those
items such as winches, which can be used for pulling as well as lifting, shall be rated in both force and mass units for safety reasons.
SAE J708 and SAE J2708, specify kg/(k W´h). It should be noted that there is a trend toward use of g/MJ as speci®ed for highway vehicles.