Descripción de Mi Casa TERMINADA

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Descripción de mi casa.

1. párrafo: En mi casa hay dos cuartos, una sala, cocina, dos baños y un patio.
My house has two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a

2. párrafo: En el primer cuarto hay una cama, un closet, dos mesitas de noche,
algunos cuadros sobre la pared, y una lampara.
In the first bedroom, there is a bed and a closet. There are two
nightstands. Also, there are some pictures on the wall, an there is a lamp.
3. párrafo: En el segundo cuarto hay una cama, un toldillo, una hamaca, juguetes,
un coche, y una mesita de noche.
In the second bedroom, there is a bed, there is a mosquito net, and there
is a hammock. There are many toys, there is a stroller and there is a
4. párrafo: En la sala hay un tv, un sofá, una mesa de centro, equipo de sonido,
algunos cuadros sobre la pared, una mini biblioteca, una cortina, un espejo, y un
In the living room there is a Tv, there is a red sofa, and there is a table
in the middle of the living room. There are some pictures on the wall and
there is a curtain. In the living room, also there is a little library, there is
a dining table and a mirror.
5. Párrafo: En la cocina hay Una estufa, nevera, ollas, los platos, vasos y el
mercado, y un microondas.
In the kitchen there is a stove, there is a fridge and there is a microwave.
There are many plates, pots and glasses there.
6. párrafo: En el baño esta la papelera, un espejo, los cepillos de dientes, papel
higiénico, el jabón, el champú.
In the bathroom there is a waste bin, a mirror and there is a roll of toilet
paper. On the hand wash, there are teeth brushes, there is a soap and
there is a bottle of shampoo.
7. párrafo: En mi patio hay un lavadero, lavadora, la escoba, trapeador, un
recogedor de basura y una bicicleta.
Finally, in my yard there is a laundry, there is a wash machine, and there
is a bike. Also, there are cleaning tools, there is a broom, there is a mop,
and a picker.

Jeca porfa se debe tener en cuenta el verbo : there is ------ there are
Al finalizar cada párrafo se debe decir ejemplo… en mi casa hay dos cuartos, sala,
comedor y un patio .


Ayer me desperté a las 6: 00 de la mañana, lave mis dientes, hice el desayuno

para mi esposo y mi hijo, le alise el uniforme del trabajo, al rato tome una ducha,
lave mi cabello, me vestí y después desayune.

Yesterday I woke up at 6:00 in the morning, I brushed my teeth, And I prepared

breakfast for my husband and my son. I get my uniform ready, then I took a
shower and I washed my hair. I get dressed and then I had breakfast.

Rápidamente revisé la página del Facebook, leí la prensa, y luego empecé hacerle
limpieza a la casa. A las 8:00 am mi bebe se despertó, le di un biberón luego le
lavé los dientes, le di un baño, lo vestí y por último le di el desayuno.

I checked Facebook quickly, I read the news, and then I started to clean the
house. At 8:00 am my baby woke up, I gave him a bottle. Then I washed his
teeth, I gave him a bath, I helped him to get dressed and finally I gave him the

A las 9:00am hice mis tareas a las 11: 00 am hice el almuerzo y después de un
rato nos sentamos almorzar en familia, luego tomamos una siesta, al rato salí con
mi hijo hacer algunas diligencias al centro de 2:00 a 5:00 pm. Mas tarde me puse
hacer la cena a las 7:00 comí por último tome un baño, me cepillé los dientes y fui
a la cama a las 9:30pm.

At 9:00 a.m I finished all the housework then I rested a while.

I needed to prepare the lunch. So, At 11:00 a.m I started to cook the luch for
my family. At 12:30 we sat down in the dining table and we had lunch as a family.
I did the dishes and then we took a nap.

After a while, I went out to the downtown with my son to do some tasks, it was
from 2:00 a.m. to 5 p.m:00 pm.

Later, when we arrieved home, I cooked the dinner at 7:00 pm. We shared some
time together, we watched tv. Finally, I took a bath, I brushed my teeth and
went to bed at 10:00 pm.
Jeca esta rutina el profe la reviso y me dijo que le pusiera mas verbos a si me los
inventara la idea es que haya 20 acciones. Le encargo porfa … estas dos actividades
las necesito para mas tardar el próximo miércoles… gracias.

Yesterday I woke up at 6:00 in the morning, I brushed my teeth, And I prepared

breakfast for my husband and my son. I get my uniform ready, then I took a
shower and I washed my hair. I get dressed and then I had breakfast.

I checked Facebook quickly, I read the news, and then I started to clean the
house. At 8:00 am my baby woke up, I gave him a bottle. Then I washed his
teeth, I gave him a bath, I helped him to get dressed and finally I gave him the
breakfast. At 9:00 a.m I finished all the housework then I rested a while. I
needed to prepare the lunch. So, At 11:00 a.m I started to cook the luch for my
family. At 12:30 we sat down in the dining table and we had lunch as a family. I
did the dishes and then we took a nap. After a while, I went out to the downtown
with my son to do some tasks, it was from 2:00 a.m. to 5 p.m:00 pm.

Later, when we arrieved home, I cooked the dinner at 7:00 pm. We shared some
time together, we watched tv. Finally, I took a bath, I brushed my teeth and
went to bed at 10:00 pm.

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