En Banc Reso 01-193756321389929304679

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” Republic ofthe Philippines, Department of Labor and Employment NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION Quezon City En Banc Resolution No. 01-19 (Series of 2019) WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 8188 provides for the imposition of double indemnity against an employer who refuses or fails to pay any of the prescribed increases or adjustment in the wage rates. WHEREAS, the En Banc finds the need to issue guidelines in the imposition of double indemnity against the employer in accordance with the applicable jurisprudence. WHEREFORE, RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, in the event that the Labor Arbiter or the Commission finds the employer liable for underpayment of wages, the following statement should be incorporated in the disposition: “that the respondent/employer is given a period of five (5) days from receipt of the decision to pay the wage differential, otherwise double indemnity would be imposed during execution.” Signed this 6 day of March 2019 at Vigan City, llacos Sur, Philippines. etratpibeces REET cinco vu, ortce ot me GRACEM.VENUS GRACE E. MANIQUIZ-TAN Presiding Commissioner Presiding Commissioner sosery'ée) Mi tABAOG Prefiding Commissioner PPSTA Bulling No.5, Banawe Avenue corner P. Florentino ice, 2114 Quezon City website: wv rite dole gov ph email adress; items gyan09 com LAW CENTER IMAL ADDNISTRATNE Aammatae Rules 98 Regs MAR 20 2019 ED EY | D Presiding Commissioner Commissioner | Gous Commissioner nl pello CECILIO ALEJANDRO C. VILLANUEVA | Cofpmissipner ( DOLORES M. PERALTA-BELEY vegano mle jeNActo Commuter Grohl ey Pa x REN UE NENDELL HANZ L. ABELLA ON Leave fot ELBERT C. RESTAURO ROSARII (DO-SAGADAL Attested by: amit pave ae ‘Acting Executive Clerk of Court IV Certified Tree Cony o the

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