DELTA IA-PLC ISPSoft UM EN 20190614-1-150.en - Es
DELTA IA-PLC ISPSoft UM EN 20190614-1-150.en - Es
DELTA IA-PLC ISPSoft UM EN 20190614-1-150.en - Es
ISPSoft Manual de
Sede de la automatización industrial
Delta Electronics, Inc.
Taoyuan Centro de Tecnología
No.18, Xinglong Rd., Taoyuan,
Taoyuan County 33068, Taiwan
TEL: 886-3-362-6301 / FAX: 886-3-371-6301
Delta Electronics (Jiangsu) Ltd.
Wujiang Plant 3
1688 Jiangxing East Road,
Zona de Desarrollo Económico wujiang
Wujiang, provincia de Jiang Su, República Popular
China 215200 TEL: 86-512-6340-3008 / FAX: 86-
ISPSoft Manual de
1511, Valle Byucksan digital 6-cha, Gasan-dong,
Geumcheon-gu, Seúl, Corea, 153-704
TEL: 82-2-515-5303 / FAX: 82-2-515-5302
4 Kaki Bukit Ave 1, # 05-05, Singapur 417939
TEL: 65-6747-5155 / FAX: 65-6744-9228
Delta Products Corporation (EE.UU.)
Oficina Raleigh
PO Box 12173,5101 Davis Drive, Research
Triangle Park, NC 27709, EE.UU.
TEL: 1-919-767-3800 / FAX: 1-919-767-8080
Deltronics (Holanda) BV
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De Witbogt 20, 5652 AG Eindhoven, Países Bajos TEL:
31-40-2592850 / FAX: 31-40-2592851
DVP-4949620-06 06/14/2019
* Nos reservamos el derecho de cambiar la información de este catálogo sin previo
Manual de Usuario
Revisión histórica
Versión Revisión Fecha
1 St La primera versión fue publicada. 2013 / 01/18
2 Dakota del se añaden péndice D y E Apéndice. 2015/03 / 18
1. Nuevos contenidos relativos AHxx EMC y AS 300
series se agregan en el Capítulo 3.
2. Nuevos contenidos relativos Unidad Tipo de datos se
agregan en el capítulo 8.
3. Nuevos contenidos relativos Eje se añaden
en el capítulo 9.
4. Nuevos contenidos relativos Diagramas de
funciones continuas se añaden en el capítulo
3 rd 2016/05 / 13
5. Nuevos contenidos relativos G - Editor de código y E-
CAM Editor se añaden en el capítulo 21.
6. Nuevos contenidos relativos W Izard herramienta se
añaden en el capítulo 22.
7. Nuevos contenidos relativos AHxx EMC y AS 300
series se agregan en el Apéndice B.
8. Apéndic e D y el Apéndice E se rem Oved.
9. Ac tualizar todo s oftware edades im.
1. Nuevos contenidos relativos com entorno m etros
unicación param para AS 300 s im ulator se añaden en
Capitulo 2 .
2. Ac tualizar inf orm ac ión c oncerning AHxx EMC y
AS 300 en el Capítulo 3.
3. Nuevos contenidos relativos eje se actualizan
en el capítulo 9.
4. Ac tualizar nueva func ión de plegado en el ac c ión
l es t para SFC.
5. Nuevos contenidos relacionados con el cambio
DVP s erie m odules a como series de m odules se
actualizan en el Capítulo 16.
4º 2017/06/15
6. Ac tualizar inf orm ac ión c oncerning línea m iento en el
capítulo 17.
7. Nuevos contenidos relativos editor de la
ECAM y pol ynom ial se añaden en el
capítulo 21 .
8. Nuevos contenidos relativos tabla de
planificación, lis ts, trazador de datos, registro
de datos y el doble al Vértico
m easurem ent l ines se añaden en el capítulo 22.
9. Nuevos contenidos relativos a la instalación del
controlador USB en W indows XP con SP 3, W indows 7,
W indow 8
y indow W 10 se añaden en el Apéndice A.
10. Los rangos de la dispositivo de S para AS 300 series se
revisan en el Apéndice B.
1. Añadir nuevos contenidos con respecto DVP 15 y MC
inform ación en ISPSoft para la instalación / rem oving en
el Capítulo 1.
2. Ac tualizac ión de una copia de s eguridad fi le núm
ero de proyecto ave auto s y l im i tación en el núm ero de
5º AH / DV {/ AS 2018/06/12
s ulators im; nuevos contenidos en DVP 15 MC y editada
enrutamiento m oda informar ación se añaden en el Capítulo 2.
3. Añadir nueva inform ación c ontaining HW CONFIG
para AH 500 redundanc ys istema serie y DVP 15MC, rack
de extensión redundante, nuevo tab- IO de entrada f ilter
contenido en la configuración HW bas CPU ic parámetro eter
Versión Rev isión Fecha
el establecimiento de series AHxx EM. Editar bas CPU IC
param Nam eter - E y ent Comm cajas, parám etros de As
s erie m odules CPU en el Capítulo 3.
4. Ac tualizar el c ontenido c on res pec to a la tarea G
estión para AH 500 ys redundanc istema y DVP 15 MC en
Capítulo 5 .
5. Editar datos de la serie AS T IPOS y añadir informar
ación l ik e S de dispositivos s upports por AH s m odules erie
CPU y datos t ipos de DVP 15 MC así como s ym bol c lasses
en el Capítulo 6.
6. Agregar datos t no Ypes apoyado por el bloque de
funciones s en tan s erie CPU m odules, asignando m
em bloque ORY s con la función de bloque s en AH
redundanc ys istema serie, edición básica
ciones específicas para el bloque ción func s y nueva
contenidos con respecto a bloque de función s I / O y l ibrar y
para DVP 15 MC se incluyen en el Capítulo 7.
7. Añadir el contenido con respecto DUT tura y estruc
l im i tación en núm ero de enum eraciones, c hange
estructura para ración enum y f rom ración enum a la
estructura así como informar ación para DVP15 MC en el
Capítulo 8.
8. ac tualizac iones en c ycle t im e para el eje en el proyecto
G estión s ección, introducir 'S ync hronize con ECAT
Constructor' opción y añadir inform ación sobre el hacha
está parám etro s rocedimien incluyendo dirección de nodo,
m onitoreo y funciones de prueba para DVP 15 series MC
y AHxx EMC en el Capítulo 9.
9. Añadir nuevos contenidos inc Luding instrucción
MPS e informar ación sobre DVP 15 MC; editar
diagrama de escalera
con respecto ac tivating o inactivar una red en el capítulo
10. Editar el contenido de poner etiquetas en el capítulo
11. Añadir instrucciones ST no s upported por el AH / AS
CPU de la serie m odules e instrucciones ST soportados
por la serie de la CPU m odules como, pero con L im i
taciones en el Capítulo 13.
12. Editar el contenido de S dispositivo ocupado por el t ipo
datos de paso en el PLC y añadir AH 500 redundanc ys
istema serie en el funcionamiento de la 'Final Sc un' así
como ndice SFC s estructura istema c en el capítulo 14.
13. Corr egir la r edacc ión utilizada en la operación de
adver tenc ia que c ausa la pérdida de datos o tareas
; añadir nuevos ndice c de DVP 15 MC; editar dispositivo c
omm ent l es ts de
AH / AS / serie DVP y el contenido en nosotros ed
informe de dispositivo en el Capítulo 16.
14. Añadir nuevos contenidos inc Luding DVP
15MC, en línea la edición y la función de
actualización, DVP s im ulator
inform ación; editar depuración m oda para erie DVP s,
y s ys tem log func t iones para AH 500 redundanc y
Serie S istema en el Capítulo 17.
15. Am pliar c ontenidos con respecto a DVP 15 MC en
el capítulo 18.
16. Editar el contenido de NW de configuración en el
capítulo 19 .
17. Añadir nueva inform ación respecto TARJETA Utilit Y
AH 500 redundanc ys istema serie y editar una copia de
seguridad en la tarjeta de fuente util ITYF o una serie AS
añadió en
Capítulo 20.
Versión Revisión Fecha
18. Capítulo 21 correc ta del editor de c ódigo G para 'no
apo ya do por la vers ión ac tual I SP Sof t' y ed it ar
CAM E- funciones.
19. Editar contenido con respecto a la planificación de
posición de la tabla,
trazador de datos, registrador de datos y c ounter de alta
velocidad en el capítulo 22.
20. Añadir AH 560 ES 2 m ódulo a la ruta de instalación en
el Apéndice A
21. Añadir nuevos contenidos con respecto a DVP 15 MC,
AHCPU 501 - ES, AHCPU501 - RS 2, AHCPU 521 - RS2,
AHCPU 531 - RS 2, erie AS200 s; intercambian datos de
actualización y configuraciones NW CONFGIC; editar la
r ango de dir ecc iones para AHCPU 511 - módulos y
programa ES - ES / AHCPU511 - RS2 y AHCPU531
com pilación & T IM E para cargar / descargar en el
Apéndice B.
1. Modif y el capítulo 1: añadir una descripción DVPxx
MC; Inform ación sobre la instalación de ISPSoft y rem
m odified contenido ISPSoft; la instalación de CO MMGR y
rem m ove odified CO MMGR c ontenido; añadir lenguaje
soportado por el PLC t yp es en ISPSoft y función
apoyar l ist.
2. Modif y el capítulo 2: fi ISPSoft primer paso, ventana tit le;
contenido, barra de herramientas y la barra de herramientas
de icono de la función; proyecto, m ensaje y el trabajo de
edición ción contenido seg; proyecto
Estructura ISPSoft, s proyecto ingle y el grupo
pr o yec to; integrar m oción m ódulo contenido del
proyecto; s istema y environm ent s rocedimien; habilitar y c
los e com unicación CO MMGR así como unidad
administración; crear conexión c hannel, crear conexión
ISPSoft y CO MMG R, así como
la conexión con el puerto de host y la com unicación.
3. Modif y capítulo 3: Configuración del anfitrión PARAM eter
DVPxx MC PLC; AH 560 redundante s ys tem parámetro
6º 2019/06/14
configuración y contenido relacionado; herramientas HW
4. Modif y el capítulo 4: añadir nuevo proj ect y configuración
de hardware y m ódulo alloc ación; hos t y
m ódulo parámetro eter establecer y crear programas
contenido; bas ic editar- sección de diagrama de escalera y
la función de operación de aumento seleccionar; Editar-
básica de inserción API ins tructions, verificación de
programas y la edición;
crear una conexión entre la prueba y depuración, el programa
de descarga y el parámetro de configuración,
Probando la conexión ejem plos.
5. Modif y el capítulo 5: la estructura POU y la tarea m ent
anagem en ISPSoft; tarea en la sección de t projec
y orden de ejecución POU c ontenido en la tarea; crear
POU y ys Propert etting, así como POU ac tiva estado,
borrar y c op y POU, POU palabra pase
es tablec er y c anc elar, la exportac ión y el puerto
im PO U, la ex portac ión y im PO U bloque de
f unc ión puerto; tarea
m operación estión y propiedades de la tarea y
condición para la interrupción, PO U ación alloc, orden PO
U y el contenido; ing program ejem plos de U y PO
tarea, de interrupción ejem plos programa de erie DVP s,
interrupción ejem plos programa de serie AH 500.
6. Modif y el capítulo 6: s ym bol categoría variable y
de datos T IPOS así como pos ition ación alloc e inicial
Versión Rev isión Fecha
valor contenido; s ym bol tabla de variables y añadir
la variable s ym bol, así como arra y y cuerdas
s bols ym, m ODIFICACIÓN en s ym bol variable y editar s
mesa ym bol, descarga init ial valor de s ym bol
las variables, res dispositivo UENTE alloc ajuste de inflación.
7. Modif y capítulo 7: s ym bol variable del bloque de
función, la entrada y salida del bloque de función; el
función de llamada de bloque o 'FBs anidación' y el bloque
de función m em ación alloc ory y bas ación específica ic;
crear ejem plo programa; agregar y se refieren a nosotros
y librar así como Delta l ibrar y.
8. Modif y el capítulo 8: Estructura de crear contenido
9. Modif y el capítulo 9: crear eje c ontenido en
AHxx EMC; crear ejes y Bas ajustes en ic
DVPxx MC; el m ain s ym bol y el eje s ym bol en
global s ym mesa bol; AHxx EMC y DVPxx MC AX es parám
etro s rocedimien; AHxx EMC y DVPxx MC
m onitoreo y pruebas
10. Modif y el capítulo 10: LD edición biente en ent
ISPSoft; dispositivo uso variable de sym bol y contatn en LD,
el INS instrucción API ert y bloque de función, editar s ección
lógica c omm y, s WITCHING entre
s ym bol m oda y el contenido oda posición m.
11. Modif y el capítulo 11: FBD ent edición biente en
ISPSoft, FUP Devic es variable y YM bol
constante; contactos de API c om parisón y el contenido de
bloque de función; s WITCHING entre s ym bol m oda
y el contenido oda posición m.
12. Modif y capítulo 12: editar IL comm y, insertar API y la
función de contenido de bloque.
13. Modif y capítulo 13: ST ent editar biente en ISPSoft, editar
Descripción ST, API de inserción y bloque de función, crean
programa de examen ple.
14. Modif y capítulo 14: Paso y t ion Ac, Transición, Jum p,
condición para ción Ac m odifiers, condición definida, en
ella Paso ial; atributo interno, Etapa
attr ibute parámetro eter, Acción y Transición eter
pasará por parámetro; SFC ent edición biente en
crear y m Anage Ac ción y de transición, paso de
asignación y Transición s bol ym, alloc comió Acción /
plegada Acción l es t; crear programa de examen de PLE.
15. Modif y capítulo 15: ins t ruction y el contenido de bloque
de función.
16. Modif y capítulo 16: add m odified PLC T IPOS l es t,
añadir descarga del proyecto y de carga l ist, Devic E tabla de
notas y nos dispositivo electrónico de estado para erie DVP s,
contenido para ent alignm programa.
17. Modif y capítulo 17: depuración m oda en serie DVP, AH 500
s contenido ulator im; ys PLC s tem inform ación, PLCY s
istema de registro c ontenido.
18. Modif y el capítulo 18: ISPSoft estructura de la palabra
pase, pase POU palabra, palabra subrutina pase, y otra
función de protección de la palabra pase.
19. Modif y capítulo 19: NW CONFIG breve introducción, bas
introducción ic, c Com u nicaciones PARAM etros ajuste,
tarea procedimiento m ODIFICACIÓN; deplo y nodo,
Conexión a Internet, nodos y Propert Internet ys nstalaci,
dispositivo u ocultar / s ¿Cómo Internet, Internet legal
Versión Revisión Fecha
estructura, descarga de enrutamiento, mesa de prueba de
contenido de enrutamiento; c dispositivo host hoose,
com unicación parámetro eter configuración, los datos exc
mesa ambio, configuración sec ción, s datos ync hronized
cambio de PLCs, m estión para datos
tabla de c am bio, PC L i nk m ONITOREO función,
configur ación del PLC notas de enlace; Enlac e éter
breve intr oducción, abierta ventana de ajuste éter
Enlace, crear ygestionar
tabla de intercambio de datos, dispositivo l es t y el icono
operación, funcionamiento Éter Enlace m odo, descargar
dispositivo de éter Enlace, subir dispositivo de éter Enlace,
borrar no s ync hronized dispositivo, en línea iniciar /
detener el éter Enlace, s istema descarga, enrutamiento
aplic ación en ISPSoft.
20. Modif y el capítulo 20: informar a volver ación hasta la
operación m tarjeta de Emory, PLC volver perm anente
hasta ajuste, m em Ory c ty software utili ard introducción
y una copia de seguridad
operación, restaurar contenido de la operación.
21. Modif y el capítulo 21: Eliminar editor de código G; editor
de CAM E, sobre la CAM y E i ts detalles, así como
22. Modif y el capítulo 22: configuración de la planificación de TI
pos de iones,
POS que ion de planificación s im ulación, de carga y descarga
pos que ion tabla de planificación; ax es el control m ode- punto
a punto s ingle eje m oda, s ingle eje m ULT IPLE
sección de salida m oda, 2 - eje l inear interpolación m
oda, 2 - eje de arco interpolación m oda;
aproximadamente y el trazador de datos abierta, eter
parámetro de ajuste m uestra,
sam ple m oda, m easurem ent contenido; Acerca de y
registrador de datos abierta, estableciendo sam etros PLE
m ONITOREO log m oda, m easurem ent c ontenido;
Sobre asistente Tim er alta velocidad.
23. Modif y el Apéndice A: instalar el controlador USB en W
indows 10.
24. Modif y Apéndice B: DVPxx MC dispositivo T IPOS y
forma la dirección del dispositivo en, así como retener
dispositivo hed LATC.
ISPSoft Manual de
Usuario Tabla de
1.1.1 características1.............................................................................. -2
1.1.2 Requisitos del sistema .................................................................... 1-2
1.1.3 Instalación ISPSoft1-3 ....................................................................
1.1.4 La desinstalación ISPSoft1-7 ...........................................................
8.1 Unidad de datos definido por el usuario Tipo de datos / Tipo ............ 8-2
Capítulo 9 Eje
9.1 axis2 ......................................................................................................
9.1.1 El significado de Eje ....................................................................... 2
9.1.2 Creación de un nuevo Eje ............................................................... 2
9.1.3 Tabla principal y el cuadro Eje bajo Global símbolos ........................... 8
9.2 Eje Parámetros Funciones y prueba correr ............................................. 9
9.2.1 Eje Parámetro 9
9.2.2 Monitor y Prueba correr ................................................................. 17
11.2.10 Modo símbolos y Dirección Mode11-26 .......................................
11.2.11 Bookmark11-27 ......................................................................
11.2.12 La activación / desactivación de un Network11-28 .......................
13.4.4 Creando un Programa .............................................................. 13-27
17.2 Modo de depuración para DVP Serie .......................................... 17-22
17.2.1 Activación del modo de depuración para DVP Serie ...................... 17-22
17.2.2 Adición y Clearing Los puntos de interrupción ............................. 17-24
17.2.3 La ejecución del programa en la depuración Modo ....................... 17-24
xi configuración de la comunicación parámetros ............................. 19-7
19.1.4 Flujo de Trabajo ............................................................................19-8
19.2 La creación de una Red Arquitectura .............................................. 19-12
19.2.1 Implementación Los nodos ........................................................... 19-12
19.2.2 Conexión a una Network19-16 .......................................................
19.2.3 Ajuste o eliminación de dispositivos o Networks19-21 .......................
19.2.4 Configuración de los atributos de una Nodo / Network19-24 ..............
19.2.5 Escondite / o dispositivos Viendo Networks19-28 .............................
19.2.6 Red correcta Architecture19-31 .....................................................
19.2.7 descarga de enrutamiento Tables19-33 ...........................................
19.2.8 Pruebas Routing19-35 ..................................................................
19.3 La construcción de un PLC Enlazar ................................................. 19-37
19.3.1 La apertura de la tabla del acoplamiento editor de PLC Ventana ......... 19-38
19.3.2 Seleccione la estación maestra de dispositivos (Paso 1) .................... 19-39
19.3.3 Comunicación Ajustes de parámetros (Paso 2) ................................ 19-40
19.3.4 Crear datos de la Tabla de Cambio (Paso 3) .................................... 19-42 La introducción de un intercambio de datos Mesa ........................ 19-42 El establecimiento de un Data intercambio de Grupos ................ 19-44 La sincronización de dispositivos de intercambio de datos Mesa ... 19-46 La gestión de un intercambio de datos Mesa ............................... 19-48
19.3.5 Supervisión de un PLC Enlazar ...................................................... 19-49
19.3.6 Notificaciones en PLC Enlazar ........................................................ 19-52
19.4 La construcción de un éter Enlazar ................................................. 19-53
19.4.1 Introducción de un éter Link19-53 .................................................
19.4.2 Abrir el éter Enlace Configuration19-54 ...........................................
19.4.3 Crear y gestionar el intercambio de datos Table19-57 .......................
19.4.4 Lista de nodos y display Area19-59 ................................................
19.4.5 Modo de inicio de una éter Link19-61 .............................................
19.4.6 Enlace descarga Éter Configuration19-63 ........................................
19.4.7 Subir Éter Enlace Configuration19-65 .............................................
19.4.8 Eliminación asíncrono Device19-68 .................................................
19.4.9 Activar / Desactivar línea de Monitoreo Function19-69 ...................... La habilitación de una Seguimiento Función ............................. 19-69 Vigilancia Estado .................................................................. 19-71 Desactivación de una Seguimiento Función .............................. 19-71
19.4.10 Línea de inicio / parada Éter Enlace (SM Bandera) ........................... 19-72 A partir de la ejecución de un éter Enlazar ............................... 19-72 Detener la ejecución de un éter Enlazar ................................... 19-74
19.4.11 Vigilancia de la mesa y Error Iniciar sesión ...................................... 19-76
19.5 Gestión y NWCONFIG Solicitud ....................................................... 19-77
19.5.1 Guardar y Impresión ................................................................... 19-77
19.5.2 descargan .................................................................................. 19-78 descargan parámetros .......................................................... 19-78 Descripción de descargan ...................................................... 19-79
19.5.3 ISPSoft enrutamiento Solicitud ...................................................... 19-80
20.3.1 Introducción de TARJETA Utility20-3...............................................
20.3.2 Backup20-5.................................................................................
20.3.3 Restoration20-10 ........................................................................
21.1 Editor de código G (no soportado por el actual ISPSoft Version) 21-2
21.1.1 Acerca de G-Code21-2 ..................................................................
21.1.2 G-Código de comando Structure21-2 ..............................................
21.1.3 El uso de G-Code Editor21-4 .........................................................
Apéndice A de conexión USB
A.1 Instalación del controlador USB para una CPU de la serie AS moduleA-2
A.1.1 Instalación del controlador USB en Windows XP con SP3
.......................... A-2 A.1.2 Instalación del controlador USB en Windows 7 ..
....................................... a-5 A.1.3 Instalación del controlador USB en de
windows 8.1 ...................................... A-10 A.1.4 Instalación del controlador
USB en Windows 10 ....................................... a-13
ISPSoft es nueva herramienta de desarrollo de software de generación de Delta para
controladores lógicos programables. IEC 61131-3, que soporta cinco lenguajes de programación y
un gran número de instrucciones aplicadas, se adopta. Además, ISPSoft gestiona proyectos por
medio de la integración de las tareas. El entorno de desarrollo eficiente y conveniente que
proporciona ISPSoft permite a los usuarios aplicar PLC a los sistemas de control más complejos,
así como a los sistemas de control pequeñas.
Sobre el manual
Los objetivos manuales para introducir las funciones del software. También se introducen los
conceptos relacionados. Las ligeras variaciones entre los diferentes modelos que no son
obstáculos para el funcionamiento del software se mencionan brevemente. Los usuarios tienen que
hacer referencia a los manuales de funcionamiento o manuales de programas relacionados para
más información.
Los contenidos del manual se orientan hacia la introducción de la operación del software. Los
usuarios pueden encontrar fácilmente los temas relacionados con el funcionamiento del software en
la tabla de contenido, tales como la definición de los parámetros de comunicación, la inserción de
un contacto en un diagrama de relés, dispositivos de monitoreo en línea, y permitiendo un
simulador. Si el tema de un capítulo se relaciona con un determinado concepto, el concepto se
introducirá en la parte frontal del capítulo. Los usuarios que dispongan de los conocimientos
básicos, o que quieren conocer el funcionamiento del software puede omitir esta parte, y se refieren
directamente a las secciones relacionadas. Además, si partes de los contenidos de un capítulo
están relacionados con el contenido de otros capítulos, las secciones a las que los usuarios tienen
que hacer referencia se señala en el capítulo. La breve introducción de los capítulos en el manual
es como sigue.
Los capítulos 1 y 2 presentan la instalación del software, el medio ambiente, y el ajuste básico.
El capítulo 3 es sobre la configuración y el establecimiento de un sistema PLC.
Capítulo 4 proporciona un ejemplo sencillo, y los usuarios lleva a crear un diagrama de relés
tradicional en ISPSoft en un corto período de tiempo sin necesidad de utilizar la arquitectura
IEC 61131-3.
Capítulo 5 ~ capítulo 8 introducir los conceptos relacionados con la IEC 61131-3, y las
formas en que los conceptos se aplican a ISPSoft.
Capítulo 9 presenta los conceptos relativos de control de movimiento y el eje y las formas en
que los conceptos se aplican a ISPSoft.
Capítulo 10 ~ Capítulo 15 introducen diagramas de escalera (LDS), bloques de función
diagramas (ETA), listas de instrucciones (IL), textos estructurados (STS), diagramas de
funciones secuenciales (SFC), y los diagramas de funciones continuas (CFC) y las formas en
que los conceptos se aplican a ISPSoft.
Capítulo 16 se presentan las herramientas auxiliares proporcionados por ISPSoft.
Capítulo 17 es sobre la supervisión de un programa, poniendo a prueba un programa, y la
depuración de un programa a través de ISPSoft.
Capítulo 18 introduce el valor de la contraseña, y el mecanismo de protección de datos en ISPSoft.
Capítulo 19 es sobre la configuración de una red a través ISPSoft, y la creación de un
mecanismo de intercambio de datos.
Capítulo 20 es acerca de la copia de seguridad de datos y restauración de datos a través de ISPSoft.
Capítulo 21 se presentan las herramientas de uso común en el control de movimiento a través ISPSoft.
Capítulo 22 introduce herramientas auxiliares y asistentes proporcionados por ISPSoft para
la programación más fácil y mejor funcionamiento.
representaciones gráficas
Las representaciones gráficas utilizadas en el manual se enumeran en la tabla siguiente.
ción gráfica
Al hacer clic en el botón izquierdo del ratón dos veces en rápida sucesión
Si se mantiene pulsado el botón izquierdo del ratón, y luego mover el ratón sin
soltar el botón.
Punto de atención (El elemento mencionado puede estar relacionado con daños
en el equipo, propiedad o un cuerpo humano).
Capítulo 1Introducing ISPSoft
Tabla de contenido
1.1 Introducción de ISPSoft y Sistema Requirements1-2 ........................
1.1.1 Characteristics1-2 ..........................................................................
1.1.2 Sistema Requirements1-2 ...............................................................
1.1.3 Instalación ISPSoft1-3 ....................................................................
1.1.4 La desinstalación ISPSoft1-7 ...........................................................
1.2 Introducción de COMMGR .................................................................. 1-8
1.2.1 Modo de funcionamiento de COMMGR ............................................... 1-8
1.2.2 Instalación COMMGR ...................................................................... 1-9
1.2.3 La desinstalación COMMGR ............................................................ 1-13
1.3 ISPSoft para PLC dispositivos ......................................................... 1-14
1.3.1 ISPSoft - Lista de Programación Languages1-14 ..............................
1.3.2 ISPSoft - Lista de Functions1-14 ....................................................
ISPSoft User Manual
1.1.1 características
Es compatible con la norma internacional IEC 61131-3 y un gran número de instrucciones aplicadas.
Es compatible con cinco lenguajes de programación. Son diagramas de escalera (LDS),
diagramas de funciones secuenciales (SFC), diagramas de funciones (ETA), listas de
instrucciones (IL), y textos estructurados (STS). Los usuarios pueden utilizar más de un idioma
de programación en un solo proyecto.
Es compatible con el chino tradicional, chino simplificado, e Inglés.
Buscar y reemplazar las funciones se pueden aplicar a una ventana actual, o todo un proyecto.
Proporciona un entorno operativo definido por el usuario.
La gestión del proyecto adopta una interfaz que utiliza una estructura de árbol jerárquico.
Los usuarios pueden desarrollar varios modelos en un grupo de proyectos.
Proporciona muchas funciones convenientes tales como hacer comentarios, la creación de
marcadores, la activación / inactivación de redes, dispositivos y símbolos, la simulación de la
gestión, y etc.
Es compatible con varios tipos de operación en línea tales como el seguimiento de los
programas en línea, la edición de programas en línea, dispositivos de monitoreo en línea,
depuración de programas en línea, operando / configuración de un PLC en línea, y etc.
Los usuarios pueden importar y exportar proyectos a través de las funciones de importación y exportación.
Un archivo (* .dvp) creada con WPLSoft se puede abrir directamente, y se puede convertir en un
formato ISPSoft (* .isp).
It provides several password setting mechanisms and data protection mechanisms.
It supports COMMGR, a new generation communication manager.
There are three built-in configurations.
HWCONFIG: It is used to configure hardware for a system, and manage parameters.
NWCONFIG: It is used to configure networks for a PLC system, and manage data exchanges.
CARD Utility: Users can backup and restore a system through a management wizard and a
memory card.
It provides various solutions for motion control including PLCopen MC function block, G-code
editor, E-CAM editor, positioning planning chart tool and many more.
The software can be applied to DVPxxMC series including DVP15MC, DVP15MC-06,
DVP50MC and DVP50MC-06.
Chapter 1 Introducing ISPSoft
ISPSoft User Manual
(4) When a previous version of the ISPSoft is found, click OK then Yes to uninstall that version
shown in the pop-up windows (see below).
(6) Type related information in the User Name box and the Organization box, and then click
Chapter 1 Introducing ISPSoft
(7) Choose I accept the terms in the license agreement. Click Next to proceed to the next step.
ISPSoft User Manual
(10) After installation is complete, click Finish to continue the next step.
Chapter 1 Introducing ISPSoft
(11) When installation is complete, shortcuts to the software is created on the desktop and Start
menu. Click Close to exit the setup.
ISPSoft User Manual
(3) To uninstall ISPSoft, click Yes shown in the pop-up window. The window will automatically
close once the software is removed.
In addition to ISPSoft, other software communicating with hardware through COMMGR can operate
simultaneously. COMMGR automatically manages all communication commands, and makes
software connect to hardware.
Chapter 1 Introducing ISPSoft
The COMMGR window and the management list in the COMMGR window are shown below. The
drivers which are named by users are displayed in the Name column, parameters related to the
drivers are displayed in the Description column, and the statuses of the drivers are displayed in the
Status column.
(1) Start a computer and enter the operating system. Users have to log on to the system as a
system administrator before they install COMMGR.
(2) Put a COMMGR CD in the CD-ROM drive, or download the installation program from the
official Delta website (The installation programs need to be
decompressed if downloaded from the internet.)
ISPSoft User Manual
(3) Click Start, and then click Run… to open the Run window. Specify the path denoting the
executable file which is used to install COMMGR in the Open box, and then click OK.
Alternatively, users can double-click the icon which is used to install COMMGR to execute the
installation program.
(4) When the previous version of COMMGR is installed, click OK to remove that version shown in
the pop-up window (see below) and when uninstall is complete, click OK again.
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Chapter 1 Introducing ISPSoft
(6) Use default setup in the destination folder. Click Install to start the installation.
(7) When the installation is complete, the shortcut for COMMGR is created on the Start menu,
click Finish to close the setup.
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ISPSoft User Manual
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Chapter 1 Introducing ISPSoft
1 - 13
ISPSoft User Manual
Diagram V V V V V V V V
Diagram V V V
Instruction Do Not
List V V V Support
(IL) ES3
Structured Only
Text V V V V V V Support
(ST) s ES3
Charts V V V V V V V
Chart V V V Support
s ES3
Motion Module V V V V
Printing Function V V V V V V
Ordered List V V V V V V
Custom Library V V V V V V V
Delta Library V V V V V V V V
User-defined V V V V V V V V
1 - 14
Chapter 1 Introducing ISPSoft
Axis V V
Modification V V V V V V V V
Comment List V V V V V V V
Status Bar V V V V V V V
Edit Register V V V V V V V
Status Editing V V V V V V V
File Registers V V H2-L/ES2/ES
Position-Step V V V V V V V
Alignment V V V V V V V
Online Editing V V V V V V V2/ES2/ES2-
Troubleshooting V V V V V V V
System Log V V V V V V ES3 ONLY V
3D Coordinate V
Identifier V V V V V V V V
(case-sensitive) V V V V V V V V
POU Password V V V V V V V V
Do Not
Do Not
Data Backup
Memory Card
1 - 15
ISPSoft User Manual
PLC Permanent EH2/EH2-L/E
Backup Setting H3/EH3-L/SV
CARD Utility V V V V V V
E-CAM Editor V V V V
Position Supports
Planning Table V V ES3 ONLY
Oscilloscope V V V V ES3 ONLY
Data Logger V V V ES3 ONLY
High-speed Supports
Counter V V ES3 ONLY
Setting Wizard
Do Not
AIO Wizard
Do Not
Temperature Support
Do Not
Weighing Support
Do Not
Module Wizard
Do Not
1 - 16
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
Table of Contents
2.1 Guidelines and Environment ............................................................. 2-2
2.1.1 Getting Started 2-2
2.1.2 Window Title and Status Bar2-6.....................................................
2.1.3 Toolbar - Functions2-7 .................................................................
2.1.4 Toolbar - Icons2-9 .......................................................................
2.1.5 Project and Compile Message2-10 ................................................
2.1.6 Workspace 2-12
2.2 Project Framework ....................................................................... 2-14
2.2.1 Single Project and Group Project ............................................... 2-14
2.2.2 Integration of Motion Control Modules2-15 .................................
2.2.3 Managing a Single Project2-16 .................................................
2.2.4 Managing Group Project2-21 ....................................................
2.2.5 Managing Motion Control Modules2-27.......................................
2.3 Basic Configuration ....................................................................... 2-31
2.3.1 System and Environment.......................................................... 2-31
2.3.2 Importing and Exporting User Preference ................................... 2-37
2.4 Communication Settings ............................................................... 2-38
2.4.1 Start/Close COMMGR2-38 ........................................................
2.4.2 Driver Management for COMMGR2-40 .......................................
2.4.3 Creating Connection Channel - Add Driver2-40 ........................... Communication Parameter Setting - RS232/422/4852-42 .......... Communication Parameter Setting - USB (Virtual COM)2-43 ...... Communication Parameter Setting - DirectLink (USB)2-44 ......... Communication Parameter Setting - Ethernet2-45 .................... Communication Parameter Setting - DirectLink (Ethernet)2-46 ... Communication Parameter Setting - DVP Simulator2-47 ............ Communication Parameter Setting - AH5x0 & AH5x1 Simulator2-47 Communication Parameter Setting - AS Simulator2-48 ..............
2.4.4 Creating Connection Channel - Start/Stop a Driver2-48 ...............
2.4.5 Creating Connection Channel - Configure/Delete a Driver2-49 ......
2.4.6 Creating Connection Channel - Simulator with Operating Panels2-51
2.4.7 Creating Connection between ISPSoft and COMMGR2-54 .............
2.4.8 Connecting PLC (Host) and Communication Port2-56 ...................
2.4.9 Practical Connection Test ................................................................ 2-58
ISPSoft User Manual
After the welcome screen image, the Delta ISPSoft window appears with basic functions provided.
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Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
In the Create a New Project window, type a project name in the Project Name box and a path in the
Drive/Path box. Also, select a Controller Type and PLC Type from the drop-down lists. After users click
Properties…, they can give a description of this project and click OK.
After the project is created successfully, a Project section appears on the left side of the dialog box with
items listed in a hierarchical tree structure. If the section did not appear, users can click View on the
toolbar, then choose Workspace or click from the icon bar. To view Compile Message section, select
View > Output Window (M) or click .
ISPSoft User Manual
When a project is created, the main working area is blank with no editing. To start PLC programming,
users can right-click Programs in the Project section and click New….
In the Create Program window, users can type a program name in the POU Name, and select a
programming language in the Language section. Other parameters in the window use defaults and the
description is provided in section 5.4.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
When a program is added under Programs, an editing area is formed in the new program window.
Delta Library: Lists out contents regarding Delta library and user-defined library.
ISPSoft User Manual
When using ISPSoft, users can click Help from the toolbar to get help.
Item Description
About… Information about software version and date of release.
Auxiliary Edition Auxiliary edit tools, e.g. communication format < = > parameter code.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
The status bar at the bottom of a window displays all kinds of working status. For example, edit mode
(insertion/replacement), current network, PLC scan time, compiled program size or program capacity,
connection status, PLC status, communication parameters, and PLC model name.
PLC Model Name
Communication Parameters
PLC Status
Connection Status
Current Network
Insertion/Replacement mode
ISPSoft User Manual
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
Troubleshooting toolbar: Provides functions related to troubleshooting. The icons in the toolbar may
vary based on the model selected.
*. The DVPxxMC currently does not support this function.
AH/AS series:
DVP series:
Programming toolbar: Provides functions related to programming. Icons may vary based on the
programming language used.
ISPSoft User Manual
On the left of the ISPSoft screen is the default Project section and click on the upper right corner to
close the section. Users can click or select Workspace under View from the toolbar to open or close
the Project window. When users right-click an item in the Project section, a corresponding quick menu
offers items for selection.
In Compile Message section, users can click the tabs referring to the Compile Message and the Find
Result. The Compile Message page shows the results of compiled programs or messages when
checking on the syntax. While the Find Result page lists out the results on the searched projects.
The default Compile Message section designed at the bottom of the ISPSoft main page, users can click
on the toolbar or select Output Window (M) under View from the toolbar to open or close the
section. Click on the upper right corner of the window can also close the window.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
Users can click on the upper right corner of the window to change the display of the Project or
Compile Message section. When the icon changes to , the section is hidden. When the mouse cursor
moves away from the section for a while, the window of the section automatically turns into a tab on the
page, but when the mouse cursor moves to the tab, the tab is opened.
When the section is not hidden, users can drag the tab with a left click mouse button to any position or
combine the tab to a different section. If users want to drag the whole section, they have to drag the title
2 - 11
ISPSoft User Manual
2.1.6 Workspace
Users can view maximized or minimized windows in this section. To maximize a window, the status
buttons for the window appears on the right side of the toolbar.
Display windows
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
Cascade: When selected, all windows will stack on top of each other, and the current window is the
first one displayed.
Tile Vertically: The windows are displayed like tiles in vertical alignment; the current window is at the
leftmost side.
Tile Horizontally: The windows are displayed like tiles in horizontal alignment; the current window is
at the topmost.
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ISPSoft User Manual
Single project
This is the basic project type. Each project can only execute one model. The file type of a single
project is *.isp.
Group project
If several devices are connected on a network, users can create a group of single projects for the
devices without restriction. The number of projects which can be created is unlimited. Users can make
projects according to practical application, and they can carry out network configuration for the
devices in a group of projects through NWCONFIG rapidly and easily.
The filename extension for a group of projects is *.pri, and the filename extension for every project in
the group is *..isp. The isp files are in the folders whose names are the same as the project names.
Users can import a single project which was created previously to a group.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
Users can create projects concerning motion control modules in ISPSoft and configure hardware as well
as parameter settings through HWCONFIG. Each AH series can create more than one motion control
module project whether the project framework is single or in a group, the corresponding motion control
modules also need to be added for hardware configuration in HWCONFIG. Please refer to section 2.2.5
for more information.
The PMSoft projects include AHxxPM and AHxxMC modules, with filename as .ppm. While ISPSoft
project contains AHxxEMC modules, the file name is .isp and is placed in the same path as of single
projects for AH series. Regarding previously created PMSoft or ISPSoft projects, users can import those
to an ISPSoft project.
*1. An imported PM project must use file format that is avilable for PMSoft v2.05 or above, and do not support DVP-PM
series projects.
2 - 15
ISPSoft User Manual
In the Create a New Project window, type a project name in the Project Name box and a path in the
Drive/Path box, and select a Controller Type and PLC Type from the drop-down lists. After users click
Properties…, users can add description of this project. Finally, click OK.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
After a project is successfully created, the ISPSoft window title displays the project name, under the
format of project name [Program Title]. When no program title is setup, the window will display only
the project name. When users want to view or modify the program title, users can click Edit from the
toolbar and select Project Properties to type in the information.
Under Project, users can view the path of the project file and selected model. For AH/AS series
projects, the PLC label name is shown in parentheses next to the selected model, and the project
name is set as default. However, the project name can be reset in HWCONFIG. Users can refer to
section for more information.
*. Only AH/AS and DVPxxMC series have PLC label names, but DVP series do not. The main function of the label name
is to perform device identification, especially for network applications or other online operations. The gathered
information can be used to check whether the object is operating as we expected.
Save project
When a project is created, the file denoted by a path is not established immediately. Users need to
click ‘Save’ first for the file to exist. To ‘Save’ a project, please refer to the following description.
Select File from the toolbar and click Save. Or click on the icon bar.
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ISPSoft User Manual
Select Save As from the File menu to save the file using a different file name or save the file denoted
by a path in another location on your computer. After setting a new path and a new file name, click
*. To ‘Save As’ a file will not change the PLC label name, the name adopts the created project name by default but can
be modified in HWCONFIG.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
*. WPLSoft is a PLC programming software produced by Delta Electronics, Inc.. Please refer to WPLSoft User Manual
for more information.
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ISPSoft User Manual
Users can select File from the menu to open recently edited files.
Close project
Click Close Project from the File menu once the editing is complete. When the modified project is not
saved, a pop-up window appears to confirm whether the project needs saving or not.
Additional remark
If users do not close the project before leaving ISPSoft and restart the software again next time, the
system will automatically open the file edited from last time by default. (Users can set the function to
enable or disable for opening previous projects. For more details, please refer to section 2.3.1.)
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
When creating group project, users also need to create a single project from the group. In the Create
a New Project window, type the Project Name and Drive/Path, select the PLC Type and Controller
Type from the drop-down lists. Users can add information and description related to the project by
clicking Properties; Nevertheless, type Group Name in the box then click OK.
After a group project is created, information related to the first single project will be displayed in the
Project section. Owing to the fact that there is only one single project in the group, so it is displayed
and operated in the same way as creating a single project. The only difference is under the group
project framework, users cannot execute the Save As function.
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ISPSoft User Manual
In Group Project, only one project is edited at a time. Therefore, when a new project is added to the
group, the editing project needs to be closed. A window will appear to confirm if this editing project
needs saving or not.
In the Create a New Project window, users can type a project name in the Project Name box, and
select a PLC in the PLC Type drop-down list box. Besides, after users click Properties…, they can
give a description of the project. However, users can not specify a path.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
Active project
In Group Project, only one project is edited at a time. To edit another project, right-click on the selected
project and choose Active Project. Or, double click to activate on the selected project.
When switching to another project, the selected file can be edited in the Project section, while other
files not activated are in gray colors.
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ISPSoft User Manual
Only single project *.isp files are allowed to be imported. When importing a single project, the project
will be copied to the group project file, and the single project is still saved in the original path of your
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
When removing, the file is removed only from the list of projects in the group project file, and not from its
former path. Users can re-add the project into the group through importing the file.
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ISPSoft User Manual
When the group file to be opened has a red cross icon on it, this means the single project saved in
the path used to denote group project appears abnormal and may be either removed, saved in a new
path or using a new file name.
Close project
Click Close Project from the File menu to close editing projects, but other inactivated single projects
can still be activated. Users can click Close All Project to close the entire project.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
Then, type the File Name of the motion module project and select a model Type from the drop-down
list. In addition, choose the Rack No. and Slot No. from the drop-down lists based on HWCONFIG
configuration. Each slot also corresponds to a motion module. If users are uncertain of the mounting
position or may rearrange the slots later, users can select Undefined from the Slot No. drop-down list.
Click OK once the setting is complete.
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ISPSoft User Manual
*. Please refer to PMSoft User Manual for more information on the usage. If PMSoft is opened through ISPSoft, users
can only edit motion modules, but must save the edited content in PMSoft to complete the execution.
*. When ISPSoft is opened through the ISPSoft, users can only edit motion modules, but must save the edited content in
ISPSoft to complete the execution.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
Choose the added motion module project based on file name and type in the Open Project window,
then click Open. The slot number is set as undefined.
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ISPSoft User Manual
When adding a PMSoft project, the file is copied to the path concerning ISPSoft projects, while the
original PMSoft project is saved in the former path. The file format used in PMSoft version 2.05 or
above is applied to the added PMSoft project, but does not apply to DVP-PM projects; when adding
an ISP project file, a file is created and copied to the path concerning ISPSoft projects.
Select the Rack No. and Slot No. from the drop-down list. Please do not select a slot number which is
already occupied, then click OK.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
Users can click Options in the Tools menu and choose desired settings from corresponding tabs at the
top or listed on the left side of the window.
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ISPSoft User Manual
Open the Previous Project: When starting ISPSoft, the system will automatically open the
previous project that was last edited and not closed.
Create Backup File & Enable: Creates a backup file when saving.
Save Time Interval: The system automatically saves the project files according to the selected
Minutes from the drop-down list in the Auto Save Project section. Next, users can choose the
maximum Backup File Number. If the auto-saved files exceeds the maximum backup number, the
earliest saved files will be replaced by the backup files accordingly; if ISPSoft is not closed
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
and a project file is opened, users will be asked if the last backup file of that project need to be
loaded in or not.
Auto-save before Compiling: Auto-save the edited project file before compiling.
Allow the same address in symbol table: Allow different symbol variables to assign the same
Allow first character of a symbol in number: Allow the first character of a symbol variable to be
a number.
Old Variable Array Compiling: Supports variable array compiling of previous version.
*Functions may vary based on different PLC models.
Setup Text related contents i.e. font type, color, size and style.
Setup a background color for Workspace.
A preview of the modification.
System Configuration - Output Window
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ISPSoft User Manual
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
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ISPSoft User Manual
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
*. When several windows are opened in ISPSoft, each window provides a different setting. However, the software only
remembers the environment setting of the last window closed, so it will automatically apply that setup once re-
Choose Import from the File menu and click Preferences. Select a file for import from the pop-up
window and click Open.
2 - 37
ISPSoft User Manual
Additional remark
Since environment parameters may vary based on different ISPSoft versions, not all import preferences
may be applicable. Users need to check the imported Preference file (*.pfs) to make sure the contents is
desired if unsure which ISPSoft version it is exported from.
*1. Please refer to section 1.2 for information about COMMGR and installation guide.
*2. For ISPSoft version 2.0 or above, COMMGR is used in the communication structure; while earlier versions adopts the
traditional ways of connection.
When COMMGR is installed, its shortcut can be found in the Programs of a PC Start menu. Users need
to click the shortcut to start COMMGR only for first-time installation. Afterwards, when starting a
computer, the COMMGR is automatically started and remains in the Windows system; however, when
its icon is not shown, please click the shortcut of COMMGR listed in the Programs.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
To start COMMGR, select its icon and double-click Open or right-click the icon to open the program on
Windows PC.
The following image is a display of the COMMGR status window. In the middle of the window contains
description of drivers established for communication. The ISPSoft assigns a driver from the description
box to form connection with PLCs; on the right are buttons for managing these drivers. For more
information, please read the next section.
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ISPSoft User Manual
Users can close the COMMGR window by clickingor in the upper right corner, but the program still
exists in Windows; to close COMMGR completely, right-click the
COMMGR icon displayed in the system and choose Close.
The driver in COMMGR act as a channel that connects the program and communication port. When
users add a new driver and has setup the communication parameters, the COMMGR forms a channel
connecting the assigned communication port in the driver and when the computer reboots, the
COMMGR will automatically start the driver. However, when the channel for connecting the driver is not
properly functioning, for instance, the existed network card or USB cable is removed, the COMMGR will
automatically stop the driver and ERROR status is displayed. Meanwhile, a small red ‘X’ appears on the
COMMGR icon of the Windows system tray. When connection restores, the status for the driver also
returns to OK.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
2 - 41
ISPSoft User Manual
Uses COM Port to communicate with PLC hosts.
USB (Virtual COM)
Some PLC hosts provides USB port, so a PC and PLC host can directly connect through USB.
However, before using this connection method, please make sure that the software for the USB
driver is installed in the computer. For more information on methods of installation, please refer to
appendix A or other PLC user manuals.
Uses Ethernet to communicate with PLC hosts.
DirectLink (USB) & DirectLink (Ethernet)
Used by Delta human-machine interfaces (HMI) for connection. Under normal connection of PLC
and HMI, a computer uses an USB or Ethernet to connect with the HMI, and indirectly builds
communication with PLC host. Please refer to Delta HMI user manuals for more information on
connection and notifications.
DVP Simulator& AH5x0 Simulator & AH5x1 Simulator & AS300 Simulator & AS200
Serves as virtual channels for simulators regarding all PLC types, but must use corresponding
devices for connection in the ISPSoft.
(a) The software for driver installation can be found in the computer.
(b) The PC and PLC hosts has now established connection and is functioning.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
(1) Type the Driver Name. To add special marks, only ‘_’ can be used .
(2) For Connection Setup, select RS232/422/485 from the drop-down list for Type.
(3) For COM Port, select the desired port for communication from the drop-down list. The list contains
complete information regarding COM Port number and device name, which is the same as in
Windows Device Manager. If (a) and (b) mentioned above is confirmed, users will be able to select
the COM Port.
(a) The software for driver installation can be found in the computer.
(b) The PC and PLC hosts has now established connection and is functioning.
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ISPSoft User Manual
(1) Type the Driver Name. To add special marks, only ‘_’ can be used.
(2) For Connection Setup, select USB (Virtual COM) from the drop-down list for Type.
(3) For COM Port, select the desired port for communication from the drop-down list. If (a) and (b)
mentioned above is confirmed, the list will display the host device name and COM Port number.
(4) To setup parameters concerning responding time. For Connect Retries, users need to setup the
number of retry once connection error occurs, while for Connection Time-Out setting, the
parameter concerns the time interval between retries.
*. For more information regarding USB drivers in PLC hosts, please refer to appendix A .
(1) Type the Driver Name. To add special marks, only ‘_’ can be used.
(2) For Connection Setup, select DirectLink (USB) from the drop-down list for Type.
(3) Choose from the HMI USB Mode. When selecting CDC Mode, choose the desired COM Port from
the drop-down list. For more methods regarding connection, please refer to Delta HMI user
(4) To setup parameters concerning responding time. For Connect Retries, users need to setup the
number of retry once connection error occurs, while for Connection Time-Out setting, the
parameter concerns the time interval between retries.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
(1) Type the Driver Name. To add special marks, only ‘_’ can be used.
(2) For Connection Setup, select Ethernet from the drop-down list for Type.
(3) For Ethernet Card, select the desired network card from the drop-down list. The current IP address
is shown below the description.
(4) In the IP Address Setting, setup the communication device IP address and name.
Click Search and the result for devices in the same network are shown in the box.
Click Add for a new IP address and input information regarding each cell.
IP address: The device IP address.
Port: Used during communication, default setting is 502.
Label: The name of the device.
Type: The device model type that can be found through clicking Search.
Select an IP address and click Del or press Delete on the keyboard to remove it from the list.
(5) To setup parameters concerning responding time. For Connect Retries, users need to setup the
number of retry once connection error occurs, while for Connection Time-Out setting, the parameter
concerns the time interval between retries.
*. When changing an internet device connected to a PC, users need to close the setting page concerning communication
driver properties and re-start in order to obtain the new internet device.
2 - 45
ISPSoft User Manual
(1) Type the Driver Name. To add special marks, only ‘_’ can be used.
(2) For Connection Setup, select DirectLink (Ethernet) from the drop-down list for Type.
(3) For Ethernet Card, select the desired network card from the drop-down list. The current IP address
is shown below the description.
(4) In the IP Address Setting, setup the communication device IP address and name.
Click Search and the result for devices in the same network are shown in the box.
Click Add for a new IP address and input information regarding each cell.
IP address: The device IP address.
Port: Used during communication, default setting is 502.
Label: The name of the device.
Type: The device model type that can be found through clicking Search.
Select an IP address and click Del or press Delete on the keyboard to remove it from the list.
(5) To setup parameters concerning responding time. For Connect Retries, users need to setup the
number of retry once connection error occurs, while for Connection Time-Out setting, the parameter
concerns the time interval between retries.
*. When changing an internet device connected to a PC, users need to close the setting page concerning communication
driver properties and re-start in order to obtain the new internet device.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
(1) Type the Driver Name. To add special marks, only ‘_’ can be used.
(2) For Connection Setup, select DVP Simulator from the drop-down list for Type.
(3) Input assigned Port Number.
(4) For Device Setting, DVP simulators include EH2/SV/Old Series, EH3/ EH3-L/SV2, ES2/
EX2/SA2/SX2/MC, SE and SS2.
(5) To setup parameters concerning responding time. For Connect Retries, users need to setup the
number of retry once connection error occurs, while for Connection Time-Out setting, the parameter
concerns the time interval between retries.
*. When ES, SS, EX, VFD, EC devices download the DVP simulator, these devices will change to EH device once uploaded.
*. Regarding TP devices, please select SS2 series as simulator.
(1) Type the Driver Name. To add special marks, only ‘_’ can be used.
(2) For Connection Setup, select AH5x0 Simulator or AH5x1 Simulator from the drop-down list for
(3) Input assigned Port Number.
(4) To setup parameters concerning responding time. For Connect Retries, users need to setup the
number of retry once connection error occurs, while for Connection Time-Out setting, the
parameter concerns the time interval between retries.
2 - 47
ISPSoft User Manual
(1) Type the Driver Name. To add special marks, only ‘_’ can be used.
(2) For Connection Setup, select AS200 Simulator or AS300 Simulator from the drop-down list for
(3) Input assigned Port Number.
(4) To setup parameters concerning responding time. For Connect Retries, users need to setup the
number of retry once connection error occurs, while for Connection Time-Out setting, the
parameter concerns the time interval between retries.
Additional remark
(a) To use simulator functions, we suggest using ISPSoft V3.05 or later versions.
(b) When using simulators, users need to be aware that they do not support all functions and
Status Auto-detected
Users must enable a simulator first to start execution. By choosing the desired simulator driver from the
list in the COMMGR window and click Start button on the right, you will see START shown in the State
column if the simulator driver is successfully enabled.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
To stop a driver, select the desired driver on the list in COMMGR window and click Stop button on the
right, you will see STOP shown in the State column if the simulator drive is stopped.
2 - 49
ISPSoft User Manual
To delete a driver, select the desired driver and click Delete button on the right or press DEL on the
keyboard for removal.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
When the state of a simulator shows START, an operating panel (see below) pops-up to demonstrate
the current states of AH5x0 and AH5x1 simulators and provide STOP or RUN mode for users to control.
The IO Module button of a simulator can open an IO module panel. However, modules must be
configured in HWCONFIG and please refer to section 3.8.4 for parameter download to hosts.
Users can switch to RUN mode and view the same HWCONFIG module configuration and state on IO
module panel.
The following chart demonstrates the digital input and output registers area. The Y device offers only
output status but cannot perform any operation; while X device offers users to click and change the
ON/OFF status of each contact for external input simulation.
The following chart shows analog input and output registers area. Each column requires 32-bit floating-
point format and corresponds to every channel of the actual module; for D8 and D10 (see below)
corresponds to analog output channel - D device, the output are for viewing only; while D0, D2, D4 and
D6 corresponds to analog input channel - D device. Users can click to open the setup window (see
below) for analog input value.
2 - 51
ISPSoft User Manual
Sine Wave To assign the maximum or minimum value and signal cycle of sine wave.
To assign the maximum or minimum value, ON and OFF times of cyclic
Square Wave
square wave.
Triangle Wave To assign the maximum or minimum value and signal cycle of triangle wave.
When setting is complete, the column (channel) will continue to send data to COMMGR based on the
signal mode setup. While ISPSoft can conduct related tests when capturing simulator signals through
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
Users can right-click the IO module panel and select Show All IO Module to display all modules. To hide
the modules, click IO Module Visible Settings and choose the module to hide from the list of module
types then click OK. You will be able to view the current state on the right bottom corner of the window.
(See below)
The AH5x0 and AH5x1 simulators also provides backup function which combines parameters and
program backup into an *.asdup file then use this file and restore in other identical simulators. (See
2 - 53
ISPSoft User Manual
When a driver is created and also enabled in COMMGR, users can assign the driver and use it in
ISPSoft. After the setting is complete, a connection between ISPSoft and COMMGR is formed. For
single project setup, each requires an assigned communication, thus, under the structure of group
project, users must open each single project and complete the setups.
(1) First, please enable the desired project for communication setup, but if under a single project
structure, you can skip this step.
(2) Choose Communication Settings from Tools menu in ISPSoft and its setting window will appear.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
When AH5x0 series is selected as the connection target for group project, the option Routing Mode is
added and used together with NWCONFIG. Please refer to chapter 19 for more information.
(3) Select the desired Driver from the drop-down list in Communication Setting window.
(4) Select the PLC station address from the drop-down list that is to connect with the PC or choose 0
for station address (broadcast).
2 - 55
ISPSoft User Manual
(5) When driver type is Ethernet or DirectLink (Ethernet), users can select the desired IP Address to
connect with PLC hosts from the drop-down list.
(6) Click OK once all settings are complete. Meanwhile, the current connected driver information will
appear in the ISPSoft status bar.
Additional remark
If COMMGR setting is modified, then communication settings in ISPSoft must be re-selected for proper
Users can use communication cables to connect PLC hosts and assigned communication ports. The
following introduces most commonly used connections and useful notes. For more details, please refer
to any types of PLC user manuals.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
2 - 57
ISPSoft User Manual
Additional remark
For communication parameter defaults regarding all PLC types, please refer to related user manuals.
After confirming the list above, please select System Information (I) from PLC menu and a pop-up
window will appear. However, if the pop-up window concerning system information did not appear, this
means connection failure, users will need to check the above list (a) to (d) again.
Chapter 2 Starting and Setting ISPSoft
2 - 59
ISPSoft User Manual
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration &
Table of Contents
3.1 Parameter Setting for DVP Series PLC ............................................... 3-4
3.1.1 System Management Tools for DVP Series PLC ............................ 3-4
3.1.2 Retentive Range3-4 .................................................................
3.1.3 Connected Information3-8 ........................................................
3.1.4 Parameter Setting for DVP-ES3 Series PLC3-8 ............................
3.2 Hardware Configuration Tool ─ HWCONFIG3-10 ..............................
3.2.1 HWCONFIG Environment3-11 .......................................................
3.2.2 Module Configuration3-14 ............................................................ Add Module3-14 ...................................................................... Address Assignment of Modules3-19 .......................................... Edit Comment3-23 ................................................................... Delete Module3-25 ................................................................... Replace Module3-27 ................................................................. Search/Find and Replace3-28 .................................................... Copy/Paste3-33 ....................................................................... Cut/Paste3-35 ......................................................................... Drag and Drop3-37 .................................................................. Add Expansion Backplane and Redundant Expansion Backplane3-38 Delete Expansion Backplane and Redundant Expansion Backplane . 3-
42 Replace Backplanes ............................................................. 3-44
3.2 2.13 Cut/Copy/Paste Expansion Backplane & Redundant Expansion Rack 3-46 Drag an Expansion or Redundant Expansion Backplane3-50 .......... Rearrange Input/Output Device Range3-51 ................................. Show/Hide Module Names3-52 ..................................................
3.2.3 Managing the Version of a Module3-52 ..........................................
3.3 Parameter Settings for AH500 Series PLC ....................................... 3-54
3.3.1 Open the PLC Host Parameter Setting Page .................................... 3-54
3.3.2 Setting CPU Parameters3-56 ........................................................ CPU Basic Parameter: Name3-56 ............................................... CPU Basic Parameter: System3-57 ............................................. CPU Basic Parameter: Latched Device Range3-61 ........................
3.3.3 Setting COM Port Parameters3-62 .................................................
3.3.4 Setting Ethernet Parameters3-63 ..................................................
3.3.5 Setting Advanced Ethernet Parameters3-65 ................................... Ethernet - Advance: Filter3-65 .................................................. Ethernet - Advance: NTP3-67 .................................................... Ethernet - Advance: Email3-68 .................................................. Ethernet - Advance: Email Trigger ............................................... 3-69 Ethernet - Advance: Email and Trigger Configuration3-72 ............. Ethernet - Advance: Socket3-73 ................................................ Ethernet - Advance: Web ............................................................ 3-75 Ethernet - Advance: Data Exchange3-76 ....................................
3.3.6 Data Exchange Setup - COM & Ethernet3-79 .................................. Data Exchange Setup - COM1/COM2 /COM3-81 ........................... Data Exchange Setup - Ethernet3-82 .........................................
3.4 Parameter Settings for AHxxEMC Series PLC ................................... 3-82
3.4.1 Open the PLC Host Parameter Setting Page .................................... 3-82
3.4.2 Options3-84 ................................................................................ Options - System Information3-84 .............................................. Option - COM Port Setting3-89 ................................................... Option- Ethernet Setting3-89 ..................................................... Option- Ethernet Setting (advanced)3-90 ....................................
3.4.3 Data Exchange - COM2 &Ethernet3-91 ........................................... Data Exchange - COM23-92 ....................................................... Data Exchange - Ethernet3-93 ...................................
3.5 Parameter Settings for AS Series PLC ............................................. 3-94
3.5.1 Open PLC Host Parameter Setting Page .......................................... 3-94
3.5.2 Options3-96 ............................................................................... Options - System Settings ......................................................... 3-96 Options - COM1 Port Setting & COM2 Port Setting ...................... 3-103 Options - Ethernet Port Basic Setting3-104 ................................ Ethernet Port Advance Setting3-105 ......................................... Options - Function Card 1 Setting3-113 ..................................... Options - Function Card 2 Setting3-114 ..................................... Options - Built-in AD/DA Setting3-117 ...................................... Options - Built-in CAN Communication3-118 ..............................
3.5.3 Configuring AS-Series Remote Modules3-118 ................................
3.5.4 Data Exchange - COM1, COM2 and Ethernet3-121 ......................... Data Exchange - COM1 and Data Exchange - COM23-122 ............ Data Exchange - Ethernet3-124................................................
3.5.5 Data Exchange - FEN02, Function Card 1 and Function Card 23-124 Data Exchange - FEN023-126................................................... Data Exchange - Function Card 1 & Function Card 23-127 ...........
3.6 Parameter Settings for DVPxxMC Series PLC ................................. 3-128
3.6.1 Opening the PLC Parameter Setting Window ................................. 3-128
3.6.2 Options3-130 ............................................................................ Options - System Settings3-130 ............................................... Options - CANopen3-131 ......................................................... Options - CANmotion3-132 ...................................................... Options - RS2323-132 .............................................................. Options - RS4853-133 .............................................................. Options - Incremental Encoder 13-133 ...................................... Options - Incremental Encoder 23-134 ...................................... Options - Absolute Encoder3-135 .............................................. Options - Filtration Time Zone of Input Points3-135 .................... Options - Run/Stop Setting...................................................... 3-136 Options - Ethernet Port Basic Setting ........................................ 3-137
3.7 Parameter Settings for Modules .................................................... 3-138
3.7.1 Setting Internal Parameters for AH5x0 and AH5x1 Modules3-138 ....
3.7.2 Parameter Settings for AHxxEMC and AS Series Modules3-141 ........
3.7.3 Exporting and Importing Parameters for Modules3-144 ..................
3.7.4 Updating Parameters for Modules3-145 ........................................
3.7.5 Parameter Settings for Intelligent Modules3-146 ...........................
3.8 HWCONFIG Parameter Management and Online Diagnosis3-146 ...
3.8.1 Save and Print function3-147 ......................................................
3.8.2 Purchase Order3-147 .................................................................
3.8.3 Rack Information List for AH Series3-148 .....................................
3.8.4 Download/Upload System Parameters3-149 ..................................
3.8.5I/O .............................................................................................. Scan3-151
3.8.6 AH Series Online Diagnosis3-156 .................................................
3-2 Online Mode3-156 ................................................................... Module Information and Diagnosis3-157 .................................... Changing the Status of a Module Online3-159 ............................ Monitoring Table .......................................................................... 3-161
3.8.7 AS Series Online Diagnosis3-161 ................................................. Online Mode3-162 ................................................................... Module Information and Diagnosis3-162 .................................... Changing the Status of a Module Online .................................... 3-163
3.9 Setting a RTC 3-165
3.10 Setting the Memory in a PLC ....................................................... 3-166
ISPSoft User Manual
Users can adopt ISPSoft built-in functions or tools to execute system configuration and parameter
settings for PLC hosts. This chapter will introduce the steps and setups concerning configuration
and parameter settings.
Apart from Device Resource Allocation function to be introduced in section 6.2.11, the Retentive
Range and Connected Information function will be explained in the following sections.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
(3) Since the range for PLC retentive block may be discontinuous, therefore, please first select
the desired setting section.
(4) Users will see a strip graph in the block section, with two values on both ends representing
the setting range limit. The orange color in the strip graph refers to the existed retentive
range; however, when the Block 0 section shows grey content, this means the current section
cannot setup retentive range for the selected PLC model.
For the setup, users need to input values of the Retentive Range, where the beginning point
is the value on the left box and the end point is the value on the right box. When input values,
the beginning point on the left must be smaller than the end point on the right and cannot
exceed the strip graph appearing as the range limit.
ISPSoft User Manual
(5) Click Clear to remove the retentive function for the devices in that block and the range values
will be from -1 to -1.
(6) Click Default for settings to return to default values and the retentive function for all devices
will return to defaults.
(7) When ISPSoft is connected to a PLC host, click Read from PLC to read the retentive setups
on all devices from the PLC host.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
(8) When all setting is complete and ISPSoft is in connection with a PLC host, click Set in PLC to
write the retentive settings for all devices into PLC hosts. Meanwhile, the system will
automatically close the setting window and the setups are stored, but it will be saved once an
ISPSoft project is saved.
(9) When setting values are not required temporarily, click OK to apply the setting. The setup is
saved once an ISPSoft project is saved.
(10) Besides using the setting window to write the setting values of functions into PLC hosts, the
retentive range in a project setting can also be written into PLC hosts when project program is
downloaded. Users only need to select Retentive Range from the Transfer Setup window and
click OK to download data to PLC hosts. For more details on download, please refer to
section 16.1.3.
ISPSoft User Manual
Double-click HWCONFIG in the Project section and choose Parameter Setting to open the setting
page of the host CPU.
Before setting PLC parameters, please check the user manuals for all types of PLCs to avoid
any personal loss or system damages due to the effects of the parameter setting for PLCs and
the whole system.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
There will
In the Device Setting window, parameters are categorized into many pages and users can use the
main category labels at the top of the window or select from the list of items in hierarchy on the left.
On the right, the titles on the page (from left to right) are Parameter Name, Value for user input,
Unit of the setting value as well as Default, Minimum and Maximum value. For more details, please
refer to section 3.5.2.
ISPSoft User Manual
DVP-ES3 series requires AIO wizard setting for configuring modules on the right. These parameters
also determines the actual function and characteristics of each modules. For module parameter
settings, please click AIO Wizard Setting to open its setup window and select Upload Module to
upload back the configuration through PLC or select Enter Edit Mode to create modules manually as
shown below.
Attention! When parameter settings regarding hardware configuration are complete, the
settings are effective once downloaded into PLC hosts.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
When selecting a backplane, click on the connected port on the left of the graphic.
ISPSoft User Manual
When using AH560 redundant PLC series, double-click on the CPU and select Enable from the
PLC Parameter Setting window where users will find a redundant CPU appear on the right with
settings that mirror the CPU on the left, but cannot be modified alone.
The system configuration area and Information section will update together in real-time. So, when a
module is chosen from the system configuration area and Information section, the module is
displayed as selected in both places.
The AS series CPU has expansion module with non-backplane design placed on the right and slots
for function cards. Some series has built-in communication port for CANopen. Modules are
configured in the System Configuration area, while expansion cards are configured in the PLC
Parameter Setting page. To configure function cards and built-in CANopen communication port,
pleaser refer to section 3.5. Like other PLC series, the system configuration area and Information
section will update together in real-time.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
Function Card
Expansion modules
The Product List listed out all supported modules on the left of the window. Select a device with
specification shown below.
Some PLC hosts provide exclusive configuration software and requires HWCONFIG to open these
software to execute advanced configuration and parameter settings, for example network planning
for Ethernet/IP or EtherCAT.
To setup advanced parameters for these PLCs, please right-click on the selected PLC graphic in
the System Configuration area. Then, choose Communication Software on the quick menu to open
the configuration software. Users will be unable to edit HWCONFIG window if the configuration
software is not closed. Some configuration software may require installation. If not installed, users
will see a pop-up message for software installation.
For details on starting the configuration software, please refer to the users manuals concerning
each configuration software and modules.
ISPSoft User Manual
Method 1
Select the desired module from the left Product List regarding AH series and drag that module to
the desired vacant slot on the right.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
*. When a selected module is dragged to the system configuration area on the right, the module is placed in a
vacant slot. The system does not allow the selected module be placed in an existed module slot.
The AS series PLC has a non-backplane design with expansion module placed only on the right
(the +’position) in the System Configuration area. Users can continue to add modules on the right
+’position, while only one power module can be added on the left +’position.
ISPSoft User Manual
Power Module
Expansion modules
Method 2
For AH series PLCs, double-click a vacant slot or right-click the slot and choose Add. For AS
series PLCs, double-click on the position or right-click the position and choose Open.
AH Series
AS Series
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
AH series
AS series
Method 3
(1) In Information, double-click on the blank row of the corresponding slot or right-click and
choose Add to see the Module Selection window.
ISPSoft User Manual
(2) By clicking on a selected module from the list, users can view the Specification containing
the module information and double-click to add the module.
AH series PLC
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
AS series PLC
When data updates are constantly required for AH series PLCs, for example, analog input modules
constantly receives analog signals, the system will automatically assign a device address to save
data. The assigned device address is shown in Information containing Input Device Range and
Output Device Range (see below). For AS Series, the group PLC do not support manual settings
for address assignment but provides auto configuration on fixed IP address according to the
installation position of the modules. For RTU, users can only set up the starting device IP of the first
SCM module then the following modules are assigned accordingly. Please refer to section 3.5.3 for
AS series remote module configuration.
ISPSoft User Manual
If users want to know functions to which devices assigned correspond, they can double-click the
module or the information about the module on the information list to open the Parameter Setting
*. When users double-clicks the row on Information box, please click on either the Slot No., Label, or Description cell
to avoid columns for edit.
Click the Normal Exchange Area tab in the Parameter Setting window to see a list regarding device
address and corresponding descriptions.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
In order to update data constantly, the system uses auto-configuration for the device in storing
data. As for internal parameters not updated frequently in modules, users can define the
corresponding device D and when the system starts operating, the corresponding device D in the
host CPU will align with internal parameters of the assigned module. As a result, users can
indirectly save internal data of the module through corresponding device D. This is more effective
than using the traditional FROM / TO command to save internal data of the module.
For example, the AH04AD-5A module parameter setting window has D3000 defined as the module
parameter – CH0 Average Time of corresponding device D. Thus, after HWCONFIG parameters
are downloaded to the hosts, users can directly modify D3000 content value in the host CPU and
indirectly modify CH0 Average Time of AH04AD-5A module.
In addition, if modules parameters written in corresponding device D are not permitted, the system
will restore the parameters to its original values.
*. Please refer to section 3.7 for more information about internal parameter settings of modules; for FROM/TO
command, please see the instruction manuals for any PLC types.
ISPSoft User Manual
The information in Input and Output Device Range is auto-configured by the system, but also user-
defined. Users can choose the selected row listed in Information box and then click , or type the
starting address to open the setting window and click OK once finish input the address.
Whether in Input and Output Device Range from Information or corresponding device D for defining
the internal parameters of the module, the input device range cannot overlap. When the setting
address is in conflict, the system will auto-correct and suggest another available address based on
the current input; for instance, when D3000 device is occupied by another module but is being
assigned again, the system will automatically search for another available address from D3000.
When Input and Output Device Range is modified and modules need to be added, the default
device address will be based on the last modified device address and skip the used ones for
assignment; even though the number in the last modified address is not the biggest, the new
module address assignment is still based on the last modification.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
The following example shows Input Device Range is modified to D50~D57 for Slot No. 2.
When a new module is added, the Input Device Range is automatically assigned from the last
modified D50~D57 and not based from the system’s biggest D100~D107. As a result, the Input
Device Range of the module is assigned as D58~D65.
AS series does not support the address assignment for every module. For more information on
remote group starting device address assignment, please refer to section 3.5.3.
Click the gray area at the top of the System Configuration area and type comments for the
hardware configuration regarding the Project. When typing the comments, press Shift + Enter to
start a new line and when complete, click Enter.
ISPSoft User Manual
For AH5x0, AH5x1 series and AH560 redundant series, users can select the Comment column and
click on the keyboard icon in the Comment window or click to view a pop-up window and input
the comment concerning the module.
For AHxxEMC and AS series, users can select the Comment column and click on the keyboard
icon in the Comment window or click to view a pop-up window and input the comment concerning the
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
There are two ways to delete a module which has been configured. (The CPU module and AH-
series power supply module cannot be deleted.)
Method 1
(1) Select a module which will be deleted from the system configuration area or information list.
AH series
AS series
ISPSoft User Manual
(2) Click Delete on the Edit menu, click on the toolbar, or press Delete on the keyboard.
AH series
AS series
Method 2
(1) Right-click a module which will be deleted from the system configuration area or information
AH series
AS series
AH series
AS series
Additional remark
When users select AH560 redundant series and enables Redundancy function, the redundant
backplane module can be deleted only from the left redundant backplane shown in the System
Configuration area, while the redundant backplane configuration on the right mirrors the left so it
cannot be modified.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
Users can take the following steps to modify AH series modules in System Configuration area:
(1) Select and right-click an AH series module for modification in System Configuration area or
from Information. (CPU and power module cannot be modified.)
(2) Choose Replace on the quick menu and two ways are shown in the following.
Same Type
Replace only the selected module to be the same type module. The new module
Input/Output Device Range will be the same, while other parameters may return to system
defaults if it is not corresponding.
Replace selected module to be any type of module. The result is similar to deleting the
original module by adding a new one, so the new module Input/Output Device Range will
be re-configured and other parameter settings will also return to system defaults.
ISPSoft User Manual
(3) When selecting on methods to Replace, the Module Selection window appears with modules
available for the selected Replace method; when the replaced module is decided, you can
double-click on that module.
Additional remark
When users select AH560 redundant series and enables Redundancy function, the redundant
backplane module can be deleted only from the left redundant backplane shown in the System
Configuration area, while the redundant backplane configuration on the right mirrors the left so it
cannot be modified.
Users can take the following steps to search or find and replace AH series modules in System
Configuration area:
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
(1) Click Search from the Option menu in the HWCONFIG toolbar and an operating window
(2) Click in the Find and Replace box to search the selected module type from the Module
Selection window and double-click on the module. Or input keywords regarding the module
type in the Find What box and click Find.
(3) When finding is complete, a list of modules that meet the search condition is shown below in
the Find and Replace window; when double-click a selected item from the list, that module is
also selected in the System Configuration area.
ISPSoft User Manual
(4) To replace a module, please first select the item to be replaced from the list in the Find and
Replace window (see below) and select the checkbox if to replace as the Same Type.
(5) Click in the Replace with box, select a module in the Module Selection window, and
double-click the module. Owning to the fact that a module must be replaced by a specific
module, typing a module model or part of a module model in the Replace with box is not
*. If the Replace With box is blank, the selected module is deleted once Replace function is executed.
(6) When Find and Replace setting is complete, users can click Replace to replace the module
selected with the new module. The search list is updated once Replace is complete and will
automatically select the next item.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
(7) After filling in the setups in the Find and Replace window, users can click Replace All and new
modules based on the setting will replace the listed items shown in the window.
* When using AH560 redundant system with Redundancy function enabled, only the main redundant backplane on the left in
System Configuration area can perform and replace modules, while the main redundant backplane on the right is
configured to mirror the left and cannot be modified. To execute Find and Replace function, the configuration of the main
redundant backplane on the right is not on the search list.
For AS series PLCs, users can view the following steps to replace modules in the System
Configuration area:
ISPSoft User Manual
(1) Right-click one of AS series modules which will be replaced in the system configuration area or
on the information list. (The CPU module and the power module cannot be replaced.)
Or, click on the module to be replaced and then click Replace from the Edit menu on the tool bar.
(2) Click Replace from the quick menu and a Product List window appears.
(3) Select and double-click on the module to be replaced, and a pop-up window appears with a
message indicating that the replaced module setting will be restored to default, choose Yes if
wish to continue to replace. To replace all the same type of modules at once, users can select
Replace All and click on the modules to be replaced as shown below.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings Copy/Paste
There are two ways to copy modules (CPU and power modules are not to copy/paste):
Method 1
Right-click a selected module to copy in the system configuration area or Information, and choose
Copy from the context menu.
Method 2
(1) Select a module to copy from System Configuration area or Information.
ISPSoft User Manual
Method 1
Right-click a slot to paste from System Configuration area or Information and choose Paste from the
quick menu.
Method 2
(1) Select a slot to paste from the System Configuration area or Information.
(2) Choose Paste from Edit in the HWCONFIG toolbar, or click on the toolbar.
The two methods are applicable for AS series as well. Since AS series modules has non-backplane
design, thus, modules can only paste to the far right position for installation or the blank row at the
bottom of the list.
When choosing to paste on an existing module, the module is placed before the existed module. For
example, the image below shows that by selecting 04AD module and click Paste from the quick
menu, the 06XA module is paste before 04AD.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
Additional remark
To copy/paste a module, users can view the following descriptions on module parameters.
Input/Output device range: The paste module automatically skips to the available device range
Comment: Comments are copied to the paste module.
Internal parameters: Parameters are copied the paste module.
Corresponding device D: An assigned column of the Corresponding device D for internal PLC
paste module, which automatically skips to the available device range number.
Advanced parameters for intelligent module: The parameters cannot be copied and is referred
to as system defaults. Users will need to reset the parameters.
The following example shows that slot 0 is the copy module, while slot 1 is the paste module.
*. Some intelligent modules can enable exclusive configuration tools to execute settings. Please refer to section
3.7.5 for more information.
*. AHxxEMC and AS series PLCs do not support corresponding device D function.
When using AH560 redundant system with Redundancy function enabled, only the main redundant
backplane on the left in System Configuration area can copy/paste modules, while the main
redundant backplane on the right is configured to mirror the left and cannot be modified. Cut/Paste
There are two ways to cut modules (CPU and power modules are not to cut or paste):
Method 1
Right-click a selected module to cut in the system configuration area or Information, and choose
Cut from the context menu.
ISPSoft User Manual
Method 2
(1) Select a module to cut from System Configuration area or Information.
(2) Choose Cut from the Edit menu, or clickon the toolbar.
Method 2
(1) Select a slot to paste from System Configuration area or Information.
(2) Choose Paste from the Edit menu, or clickon the toolbar.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
The two methods are applicable for AS series as well. Since AS series modules has non-backplane
design, thus, modules being cut are added to the end position for installation. For instance, the
04AD module shown below is cut and paste on to the right side of 06XA module.
If the module that is cut and pasted to an existed model, the cut module will be placed before the
existed one. For example, the 04AD module shown below is cut and pasted to the left side of 06XA
Additional remark
When executing Cut/Paste function, modules that are cut can only be paste once. However, the
input/output device range, comment, internal parameters, corresponding device D and advanced
parameters for intelligent modules from modules that are cut is altogether transferred to the paste
module, but AS series will automatically re-arrange input/output device range based on the
positions of module installation.
*. Some intelligent modules can enable exclusive configuration tools to execute settings. Please refer to section
3.7.5 for more information.
When using AH560 redundant system with Redundancy function enabled, only the main redundant
backplane on the left in System Configuration area can cut/paste modules, while the main
redundant backplane on the right is configured to mirror the left and cannot be modified.
Besides CPU and power modules, all module graphics in System Configuration area can be
dragged by the mouse .
Condition 1
Select a module to drag and drop onto a vacant slot, then the will be moved to a new position.
ISPSoft User Manual
Condition 2
Drag a selected module to a position occupied by another module, the position of the two
modules are changed.
Since the AS series has a non-backplane design, when the module is dragged to a position
occupied by another module, a red arrow mark appears indicating the place to drop the module.
* When executing drag and drop, the input/output device range, comment, internal parameters, corresponding
device D and advanced parameters for intelligent modules are also dragged together with the module, but, AS
series will automatically re-arrange input/output device range based on the positions of module installation.
Additional remark
When using AH560 redundant system with Redundancy function enabled, only the main redundant
backplane on the left in System Configuration area can drag and drop modules, while the main
redundant backplane on the right is configured to mirror the left and cannot be modified.
Method 1
Choose a backplane model from the Product List and drag to System Configuration area; when
the backplane is dropped onto the blank workspace area, the new backplane is placed
underneath the present one.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
When the backplane is dropped onto an existed backplane, the new backplane is placed on top of
the present one.
Method 2
Right-click the blank in the system configuration area and click Add from the context menu, then
double-click on the selected backplane. The new backplane is placed underneath the selected
ISPSoft User Manual
Right-click the left side of the selected backplane graphic, choose Add from the context menu
and double-click on the backplane to add. The new backplane is placed underneath the selected
To add redundant expansion backplane for AH5x0 and AH5x1 series, redundant expansion
backplane and expansion backplane cannot exist at the same time. For AH560 redundant system
with Redundancy function enabled, please refer to related product manuals on adding redundant
expansion backplane. Here are two ways to add expansion backplanes:
Method 1
Choose a redundant expansion backplane model from the Product List and drag to System
Configuration area; when the redundant expansion backplane is dropped onto the blank
workspace area, the new backplane is placed underneath the present one.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
When the redundant expansion backplane is dragged to an existed redundant expansion backplane,
the new redundant expansion backplane is placed on top of the existed one.
* A redundant expansion backplane cannot be dropped on top of the main backplane and redundant backplane nor
exist along with expansion backplanes.
Method 2
Right-click the blank in the system configuration area and click Add from the context menu, then
double-click on the selected redundant expansion backplane. The new redundant expansion
backplane is placed underneath the selected backplane.
ISPSoft User Manual
Right-click the left side of the selected backplane graphic, choose Add from the context menu
and double-click on the redundant expansion backplane (rack) to add. The new backplane is
placed underneath the selected backplane.
There are two ways to delete expansion backplanes (the main backplane cannot be deleted):
Method 1
(1) Click on the left side of the selected backplane graphic to be deleted.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
(2) Select Delete from the Edit menu or click on the toolbar. Users can press Delete on the
keyboard too.
Method 2
Right-click the left side of a backplane and choose Delete from the context menu.
There are two ways to delete redundant expansion backplanes (redundant main backplane
cannot be deleted):
Method 1
(1) Click on the left side of the selected redundant expansion backplane graphic to be deleted.
(2) Choose Delete from the Edit menu in HWCONFIG functions, or click from the toolbar.
Users can press Delete on the keyboard too.
ISPSoft User Manual
Method 2
Right-click on the left side of a redundant expansion backplane to be deleted and choose Delete
from the context menu.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
(2) Double-click on the selected rack (backplane model) to be replaced in the window.
Additional remark
When the slot number of the new backplane is smaller than the original backplane, please be take
note that once replace is executed, modules in the original backplane with slot number exceeding
the new backplane is automatically deleted.
When using AH560 redundant system with Redundancy function enabled, only the main redundant
backplane on the left can be replaced, while the main redundant backplane on the right is
configured to mirror the left and cannot be modified.
ISPSoft User Manual
There are two ways to copy or cut an expansion backplane (the main backplane cannot
Method 1
Right-click the left side of a backplane to copy or cut, and then click Copy or Cut on the context
Method 2
Click the left side of the selected backplane to cut or copy.
To copy, users can click Copy from the Edit menu, or click from the toolbar.
To cut, users can click Cut from the Edit menu, or click from the toolbar.
There are two ways to paste an expansion backplane. If an expansion backplane is pasted on the
blank in the system configuration area, it will be under the present racks. If an expansion backplane
is pasted on a present expansion backplane, it will be put above the present expansion backplane.
Method 1
Right-click on a selected position to paste in System Configuration area and then select Paste
on the context menu.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
Method 2
Click the selected position in System Configuration area, and click Paste on the Edit menu, or
on the toolbar.
There are two ways to Copy or Cut a redundant expansion backplane (the main backplane cannot
Method 1
Right-click the left side of a redundant expansion backplane to copy or cut and then click Copy or
Cut from the context menu.
ISPSoft User Manual
Method 2
Click on the left side of the selected backplane to copy or cut.
To copy, users can click Copy on the Edit menu, or click on the toolbar.
To cut, users can click Cut on the Edit menu, or click on the toolbar.
There are two ways to paste the redundant expansion backplane. If the redundant expansion
backplane is pasted on the selected blank space in System Configuration area, it is placed under
the present backplane. If the redundant expansion backplane is to paste onto an existed redundant
expansion backplane, it is placed on top of the present redundant expansion backplane.
Method 1
Right-click to select a place to paste in System Configuration area, and then click Paste on the
context menu.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
Method 2
Click to select the place to paste and then click Paste from the Edit menu, or on the toolbar.
The redundant expansion backplane function is not supported by AHxxEMC and AS series.
ISPSoft User Manual
Additional remark
When an extension or redundant type expansion backplane is cut/pasted, the parameters of the
modules are processed as follows.
Input/output device range: The input/output devices assigned to the modules on the extension
or redundant type expansion backplane cut are automatically
assigned to the modules on the or redundant type expansion
backplane pasted.
Comments about the modules: The comments about the modules on the extension or
redundant type expansion backplane cut are copied into the
modules on the extension or redundant type expansion
backplane pasted.
Parameters in the modules: The parameters in the modules on the extension or redundant type
expansion backplane cut are copied into the modules on the
extension or redundant type expansion backplane pasted.
Data registers: The data registers assigned to the modules on the extension or redundant
type expansion backplane cut are automatically assigned to the modules on
the extension or redundant type expansion backplane pasted.
Parameters in the intelligent modules: The setting of the parameters in the intelligent
modules is pasted.
When an extension or redundant type expansion backplane is copied/pasted, the parameters in the
module are processed as follows.
Input/Output device range: The input/output devices assigned to the module on the extension or
redundant type expansion backplane copied will automatically
switch number to the module on the extension or redundant type
Comment about the module: The comment about the module is copied into the module pasted.
Parameters in the module: The parameters in the module cut are copied into the module pasted.
Data registers: The data registers assigned to the module copied will automatically
switch number to the module copied.
Parameters in the intelligent module: The setting of the parameters in the intelligent module is
not copied, and is set to default value.
*. Some intelligent modules can be set by means of exclusive configuration tools. Please refer to section 3.7.5 for
more information.
Drag an expansion backplane to another expansion backplane when the left mouse button is held.
The two expansion backplanes will be interchanged. When the expansion backplane is dragged, the
input/output devices assigned to the modules on the expansion backplane, the comments about the
modules on the expansion backplane, the parameters in the modules on the expansion backplane,
the data registers assigned to the modules on the expansion backplane, and the parameters in the
intelligent modules are also dragged. However, the main rack is always at the top of the system
configuration area.
Chapter 3 PLC System Configuration & Settings
Drag a redundant expansion backplane to another expansion backplane when the left mouse
button is held. The two expansion backplanes will be interchanged. When the redundant expansion
backplane is dragged, the input/output devices assigned to the modules on the redundant
expansion backplane, the comments about the modules on the redundant expansion backplane,
the parameters in the modules on the redundant expansion backplane, the data registers assigned
to the modules on the redundant expansion backplane, and the parameters in the intelligent
modules are also dragged. However, the redundant main rack is always at the top of the system
configuration area.
*The AHxxEMC and AS series do NOT support redundant expansion backplane function.
For AH/AS series, since the process of module configuration involves many executions to drag and
drop or copy/cut/paste, the input/output device range for each module may be automatically
assigned by the system and not according to a continuous sequence. Thus, users can click
Input/Output Device Rearrange from the File menu in HWCONFIG toolbar and all the Input/Output
Device Range of the module will rearrange base on the order of the slot and backplane number.
The execution does not change the corresponding device D setting of an internal module; when
rearranging, if Input/Output Device Range and Corresponding Device D are not in conflict, the
system will automatically skip the address for corresponding device D to program the next available
ISPSoft User Manual
For AS series, users can apply on the toolbar and execute Input/Output Device Rearrange
For AS series, users can choose on the toolbar to show or hide module names in System
Configuration area.
An MDS document provides the information about the firmware versions of the modules. If users
want to configure modules in HWCONFIG, they can select a suitable configuration according to the
firmware versions of the actual modules. Besides, the parameters which can be set in the modules
vary with the firmware versions of the modules which are set. If the firmware version of a module
set in HWCONFIG is older than the firmware version of the actual module, the module will operate
normally after the parameters are downloaded. If the firmware version of a module set in
HWCONFIG is newer than the firmware version of the actual module, the module will not operate
normally after the parameters are downloaded. Please refer to the descriptions in the table below
for more information.