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UANL-FIME, RGO 11 de noviembre de 2019

Exportar a SimMechanics

SimMechanics es una librerı́a de Multibody en Simulink-MatLab. El objetivo es crear un modelo cinético (dinámico)
a partir de un dibujo de SolidWorks que se exporta a SimMechanics.

El dibujo debe,

1. ser sencillo para poder importarlo a SimMechanics First Generation.

2. respetar las relaciones de las piezas individuales para poder realizar el ensamble, y aplicar las rotaciones,
traslaciones y restricciones de los movimientos.

En el documento de Mathworks “Install the Simscape Multibody Link Plug-In” indica que se puede instalar el
plug-in en tres aplicaciones de CAD,

• SolidWorks
• Autodesk Inventor
• PTC Creo

las 3 funcionan en Windows. Una aplicación para Windows que no requiere plug-in para exportar archivos a
SimMechanics es,

• Onshape

En sistemas operativos de mac y de windows funcionan,

• FreeCAD
• Fusion 360
• NX Siemens

Considerando que las versiones de las aplicaciones son compatibles. FreeCAD no requiere licencia y permite exportar
/ importar archivos SDL de SolidWorks. Fusion 360 no requiere licencia para estudiantes y maestros y permite
exportar archivos a Onshape y a su vez Onshape permite exportarlos a SolidWorks o a SimMechanics. NX Siemens
funciona mejor en Windows y no permite exportar archivos a SolidWorks.

Para importar a SimMechanics el archivo de ensamble creado en SolidWorks,

1. Instale en Matlab la librerı́a SimMechanics link, y realice el vı́nculo con SolidWorks (ver archivos anexos).
Acorde a la versión de SolidWorks, de ser necesario, instale el complemento de SimMechanics en SolidWorks.
Ası́, se genera una nueva opción en Solidworks para exportar o guardar con la extensión .xml, en First
2. Con las piezas en el mismo directorio que el archivo de ensamble, importe el archivo .xml a MatLab, generando
el archivo de SimMechanics-Simulink (ver archivos anexos).

En el diagrama de SimMechanics,

1. Al correr la simulación se obtiene la animación de SimMechanics. Si las piezas se ven como triángulos, importe
nuevamente el archivo de ensamble.
2. Identifique los sistemas de referencia colocados sobre los Centros de Masas (C.M.) de cada cuerpo rı́gido.
Esta misma orientación de los sistemas de referencia debe utilizarse para obtener el modelo cinemático di-
recto. Dando doble clic sobre alguna pieza, resalta en color rojo el bloque correspondiente en el diagrama de
3. Revise el bloque ENV para asegurarse que la gravedad se aplica en el eje considerado para el dibujo y para el
análisis de la cinemática directa. Si los resultados de este punto no son los esperados, será necesario revisar el
trabajo de CAD, las relaciones o restricciones entre las piezas y volver a exportarlo/importarlo a SimMechanics,
uno a uno cada grado de libertad, de ser necesario.
4. Utilizando la librerı́a SimScape ! Multibody ! First Generation ! SimMechanics ! Sensors and actuators,
agregue actuadores a las uniones (joint actuators) y sensores a las uniones (joint sensors) o a las piezas (body
sensors) en el diagrama de SimMechanics first generation. Agregue las entradas para los actuadores en cada
unión de cada grado de libertad y las salidas para los sensores en los centros de masas de cada pieza que
mueven esas uniones. Configure los actuadores con la opción de fuerzas generalizadas.
5. Conecte constantes o steps para proporcionar pares en cada unión y revise uno a uno el movimiento de cada
grado de libertad.

6. Utilice controladores PID independientes en cada articulación del diagrama de SimMechanics. Verifique que
el manipulador se mueve a los puntos deseados con la orientación deseada. Ajuste las ganancias de los PID,
puede utilizar el autotuning cuidando de que las ganancias sean positivas (si son negativas el lazo cerrado
es inestable y no corre la simulación), o utilice las reglas de Ziegler y Nichols para sintonizar las ganancias
de los PID mediante los métodos de la respuesta transitoria o de la ganancia lı́mite (ver libro de Anderson,
Instrumentation for Process Control o el libro de Ogata de Ingenierı́a de Control Moderna).
Install the Simscape Multibody Link Plug-In - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks América Latina 22/01/20 16'53

Install the Simscape Multibody Link Plug-In

What is Simscape Multibody Link?

Simscape™ Multibody™ Link is a plug-in that you install on your CAD application to export your CAD assembly models.
The plug-in generates the files that you need to import the model into the Simscape Multibody environment (using the
smimport function). You can install the plug-in on three CAD applications:

• SolidWorks®
• Autodesk Inventor®
• PTC® Creo™

Alternatives to Simscape Multibody Link

You can export an assembly model from Onshape® CAD software using the smexportonshape function. This function
generates the same files as the Simscape Multibody Link plug-in—one an XML multibody description file, the rest a set
of body geometry files.

If you use a different CAD application, you can create a custom application based on the published Simscape Multibody
XML schema. This approach requires some knowledge of XML. See the schema web page for an example.

If you can export a multibody model in URDF format, then you can also import that model using the smimport function.
This approach may suit you if your CAD application is not among those supported and you have little experience with
XML schemas.

Before You Begin

You must have a valid MATLAB® license and one of the supported CAD applications:

• Autodesk Inventor software

• PTC Creo software
• SolidWorks software

Your MATLAB and CAD installations must have the same system architecture—e.g., Windows 64-bit.

Step 1: Get the Installation Files

1. Go to the Simscape Multibody Link download page.
2. Follow the prompts on the download page.
3. Save the zip archive and MATLAB file in a convenient folder.
Select the file versions matching your MATLAB release number and system architecture—e.g., release R2015b and
Win64 architecture. Do not extract the zip archive.

Step 2: Run the Installation Function

1. Run MATLAB as administrator.
2. Add the saved installation files to the MATLAB path.
You can do this by entering addpath('foldername') at the MATLAB command prompt. Replace foldername
with the name of the folder in which you saved the installation files—e.g., C:\Temp.

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3. At the MATLAB command prompt, enter install_addon('zipname').

Replace zipname with the name of the zip archive—e.g., smlink.r2015b.win64.zip.

Step 3: Register MATLAB as an Automation Server

Each time you export a CAD assembly model, the Simscape Multibody Link plug-in attempts to connect to MATLAB. For
the connection to occur, you must register MATLAB as an automation server. You can do this in two ways:

• In a MATLAB session running in administrator mode — At the command prompt, enter regmatlabserver.
• In an MS-DOS window running in administrator mode — At the command prompt, enter matlab -regserver.

Step 4: Enable the Simscape Multibody Link Plug-In

Before you can export an assembly, you must enable the Simscape Multibody Link plug-in on your CAD application. To
do this, see:

• Enable Simscape Multibody Link Inventor Plug-In

• Enable Simscape Multibody Link Creo-Pro/E Plug-In
• Enable Simscape Multibody Link SolidWorks Plug-In

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Enable Simscape Multibody Link SolidWorks Plug-In - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks América Latina 22/01/20 16'52

Enable Simscape Multibody Link SolidWorks Plug-In

About the Plug-In

The Simscape™ Multibody™ Link plug-in provides the primary interface for exporting CAD assemblies into Simscape
Multibody software. The plug-in is compatible with three CAD applications: Autodesk Inventor®, Creo™ Parametric, and
SolidWorks®. If you use a different CAD application, you can still export CAD assemblies using the Simscape Multibody
Import XML schema.

Enable the Plug-In

Once you have downloaded and installed the Simscape Multibody Link plug-in, you must enable it on your SolidWorks

1. At the MATLAB® command prompt, enter smlink_linksw.

2. Start SolidWorks.
3. In the Tools menu, select Add-Ins.
4. In the Add-Ins dialog box, select the Simscape Multibody Link check box. A Simscape Multibody Link menu
appears in the SolidWorks menu bar when you start or open a CAD assembly.

If your computer has more than one SolidWorks installation, the smlink_linksw command adds the Simscape
Multibody Link plug-in to all installations simultaneously. However, you must select the Simscape Multibody Link check
box in the Add-Ins dialog box individually for each installation you want to export CAD from.

Updating the Plug-In

If you are updating your Simscape Multibody Link version, you must disable the current version first. You do this by
entering smlink_unlinksw at the MATLAB command prompt. Then, after downloading and installing the new plug-in
version, follow the procedure for enabling the plug-in on your SolidWorks application.

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Simscape Multibody

Simscape Multibody Link

Simscape Multibody Link works with Simscape Multibody 3.0 and higher (MATLAB R2008b and higher) on win32 and win64 operating systems.

CAD Software Releases Supported MATLAB Release

SolidWorks 2001Plus and higher R2008b and higher

Wildfire, Creo (formerly Pro/ENGINEER) WildFire 2.0 and higher1, Creo 1.0 and higher R2008b and higher

Autodesk Inventor 2009 and higher R2009a and higher

PTC Wildfire 4.0 on win64 is not supported for MATLAB Release R2012b and higher

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Install Autodesk Inventor on a Mac

By: Support
Jul 11 2019

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Can Inventor be installed on a Mac?

While Inventor does not currently have a native Macintosh version, there are still a few options that will
allow you to use Inventor when working with a Macintosh system:

1. Bootcamp: This allows you to boot your system into a Windows operating system, and take full
advantage of the hardware.
2. Virtual Machine: Using virtualization software (Parallels / VMWare) you can create a virtual
hardware environment which Windows, and Inventor are installed into.
Note: There is some overhead in virtualizing the hardware, so performance on a VM will generally be
reduced compared to running directly on the hardware.
3. Remote Access: If you have access to another Windows system (e.g. Windows Remote Desktop,
Citrix, etc.) you could use remote access software to use Inventor on the remote system, while
working through your Macintosh.

Inventor runs on a Mac in either a Boot Camp (https://support.apple.com/boot-camp) or Parallels

(https://www.parallels.com/)Windows Environments.

Note: The Mac system must use Boot Camp or Parallels to manage the Windows partition and meet the
minimum system requirements (https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/inventor-products/learn-

See Also:
FAQ: Autodesk® Inventor® on the Macintosh®

Autodesk MAC-COMPATIBLE SOFTWARE (https://www.autodesk.com/solutions/mac-compatible-

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Boot Camp Support (https://support.apple.com/boot-camp) (Apple link)

www.parallels.com (http://www.parallels.com/)

Parallels Desktop for Mac vs Boot Camp (https://www.parallels.com/landingpage/pd/bootcamp/?


How to install Windows on your Mac with Boot Camp (https://support.apple.com/en-us/ht201468)

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Export an Autodesk Inventor Robot Assembly Model - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks América Latina 22/01/20 10&59

Export an Autodesk Inventor Robot Assembly Model

In this example, you export an Autodesk Inventor® CAD assembly that represents a robot arm. The export procedure
generates one XML file and a set of geometry files that you can import into Simscape™ Multibody™ to generate a new
s model.

The example begins with a procedure to export the CAD assembly. Information on the robot CAD files and CAD Export
follows the export procedure. To import the robot assembly into a Simscape Multibody model, see Import a Robotic Arm
CAD Model (Simscape Multibody).

The Robot Assembly Model

Example Requirements
To successfully complete this example, you must have:

• Installed the latest Simscape Multibody Link version on your machine.

• Completed the linking procedure for your Inventor® installation. The linking procedure adds a Simscape Multibody
Link add-in to the Inventor installation.

Open the Assembly Model

Before you can export the robot assembly, you must load the assembly into Inventor.

1. Open Inventor on your machine.

2. Select File > Open
3. Navigate to the file directory that contains the robot CAD files.

The directory that contains the robot CAD files for the Autodesk Inventor platform is

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<MATLAB Root>\toolbox\physmod\smlink\smlinkdemos\...

4. Select file robot.IAM.

5. Click Open.

The CAD platform opens the robot assembly.

Export the Model

Once you successfully open the robot CAD assembly in your Inventor installation, you can export the assembly in a
format compatible with the latest Simscape Multibody technology:

1. In the Inventor toolbar, select Add-Ins > Export > Simscape Multibody.
2. In the File name field of the Save As dialog box, enter sm_robot and select a directory to export the files.
3. Click Save.

Large CAD assemblies require more time to complete the export process. Allow up to a few minutes for
the export process to complete.

Check the Exported Files

Confirm the following files exist in the export directory you specified:

• XML file—Provides structure of model and parameters of parts.

• Geometry files—Provide surface geometry of parts.

About the Example CAD Files

The CAD assembly files are present in your Simscape Multibody Link installation. You can access the files in the
following directory:

<MATLAB Root>\matlab\toolbox\physmod\smlink\smlinkdemos\...

Substitute <MATLAB Root> with the root directory of your MATLAB® installation.

If you are not sure what your MATLAB root directory is, at the MATLAB command line enter matlabroot.
MATLAB returns the root directory for your installation.

The \inventor\robot directory contains a set of CAD files that define each CAD part and CAD assembly. Part file
names contain the file extension .IPT. Assembly file names contain the extension .IAM.

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The robot assembly contains nine parts and two assemblies: robot.IAM and grip.IAM. File robot.IAM models the robot
root assembly. File grip.IAM models the robot grip subassembly.

The following table lists all files the example requires.

File Name Type

robot.IAM Assembly

wrist.IPT Part








About CAD Export

The CAD export procedure generates one XML multibody description file and a set of geometry files. The XML file
contains the structure of the assembly and the parameters that define each part. The geometry files define the 3-D
surface of each part. Once the export procedure is complete, you can import the XML multibody description file into
Simscape Multibody software. Simscape Multibody uses the file to automatically generate a new Simscape Multibody

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