Guía Inglés II.1961586.r PDF
Guía Inglés II.1961586.r PDF
Guía Inglés II.1961586.r PDF
El aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua es importante para los procesos de desarrollo
mental, personal y social dentro de una cultura en constante evolución.
En esta tercera guía se continuará con temas intermedios como presente simple y continuo, el
tiempo y eventos pasados (anécdotas, historias) formulando preguntas apropiadas en interacciones
prácticas según los estándares internacionales de enseñanza del inglés planteados en el Marco
Común Europeo.
Procesos como los que se vislumbran bajo el marco de la globalización exigen que los sectores de
la economía se preparen para ser cada día más competitivos, por lo que se requiere que los nuevos
aprendices SENA, a través de las diferentes áreas de formación, logren adquirir un alto nivel de
competencia comunicativa con la finalidad de facilitar el crecimiento económico del país.
GFPI-F-019 V03
Lee el cuadro de geroglificos, escribe un mensaje usando los símbolos del cuadro,compártelo y
descifra uno de tus compañeros . Luego responde la pregunta planteada.Crees que este tipo de
escritura fue importante,por que o por que no?; comparte tu respuesta con el grupo e instructor.
Read the hieroglyphics chart, write a message using the symbols in the chart then share and guess
with one of your partners.After that answer the following question:Do you think this way of writing
system (hieroglyphics) was important in human history, why or why not?:share your answer with the
group and instructor. (Anexo 1)
De acuerdo a la temática revisada en la formación, completar el siguiente cuadro con los verbos
en su forma correcta, luego completar las frases en forma afirmativa,negativa e interrogativa;
socializar las respuestas y hacer correciones de ser necesario.
According to the topic previously seen in class, fill in the chart with the verbs in the correct form,
then complete the sentences using affirmative, negative and interrogative form; Share the
answers and make corrections if necessary.
Exercise 1
GFPI-F-019 V03
GFPI-F-019 V03
Adding suffix “ED” Classify the following verbs in the chart, according to their past tense
1- ________________________________________________
2- ________________________________________________
3- ________________________________________________
4- ________________________________________________
5- ________________________________________________
6- ________________________________________________
According to the topic previously seen in class,fill in the gaps using affirmative, negative and
interrogative form; Share the answers and make corrections if necessary.
Escucha la siguiente biografia, completa el texto con los verbos que faltan en pasado, luego observa las
preguntas y respondelas con la información que obtuviste del video.(VER VIDEO 1) ó siga el link para
descargar audio:
Listen to the following biography, fill in the text with the missing verbs in simple past, after that look at the
questions and answer them with the information provided on the video.
Rafa ___________(try)to win Wimbledon twice before taking the title from his friend Roger Federer in 2008.
They ___________(play)the longest Wimbledon final ever and hero and former- Wimbledon champion John
McEnroe ___________(call)it the best tennis match in history.
El instrutor presentara una serie de verbos en presente los cuales deben ser transformados a pasado simple
usarlos para completar el texto “two sisters and the cat”, los aprendices realizarán una práctica de
comprensión de lectura en la cual deberán responder las preguntas y practicar pronunciación de palabras
claves y vocabulario no conocido.
The instructor will present a serie of verbs in present tense which have to be transformed in simple past, then
using the verbs from the boxes the text “two sisters and the cat” has to be completed, the apprentices will
develop a reading comprehension practice in which they will answer a set of questions and practice the
pronunciation of key words and unknown vocabulary.
buy remember
put on stop
Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Smith are sisters. Mrs. Wilson lives in a house in Duncan
and Mrs. Smith lives in a condominium in Victoria. One day Mrs. Wilson
___________ her sister. When her sister answered the door, Mrs. Wilson saw
tears in her eyes. "What's the matter?" she asked. Mrs. Smith ______ "My cat
Sammy died last night and I have no place to bury him".
She began to cry again. Mrs. Wilson was very sad because she knew her
sister ___________ the cat very much. Suddenly Mrs. Wilson said "I can bury
your cat in my garden in Duncan and you can come and visit him
sometimes." Mrs. Smith _________ crying and the two sisters had tea
together and a nice visit.
It was now five o'clock and Mrs. Wilson said it was time for her to go
home. She ____________ her hat, coat and gloves and Mrs. Smith put
GFPI-F-019 V03
the dead Sammy into a shopping bag. Mrs. Wilson took the shopping bag and ___________
to the bus stop. She waited a long time for the bus so she _________ a newspaper. When
the bus arrived, she got on the bus, sat down and put the shopping bag on the floor
beside her feet. She then began to read the newspaper. When the bus arrived at her bus
stop, she got off the bus and walked for about two minutes. Suddenly she ______________
she had left the shopping bag on the bus.
Story by Laurie Buchanan
Audio version performed by Cam Culham, English Language Centre
Answer the following questions about the previous text “ two sisters and the cat”
1. Where does Mrs. Smith live? ________________________________________________
2. Why is Mrs. Smith upset? ___________________________________________________
3. What did Mrs. Wilson do? ___________________________________________________
4. Who did Sammy the cat live with? ___________________________________________
5. What time did Mrs. Wilson go home? ________________________________________
6. How did Mrs. Wilson go home? ______________________________________________
7. What did Mrs. Wilson forget? ________________________________________________
8. Where did Sammy die? ______________________________________________________
Usando como modelo la corta biografia de Rafael Nadal, los aprendices escribirán su porpia
biografia,incluyendo fecha, lugar de nacimiento y momentos relevantes; el instructor guaira el
desarrollo de la misma revisando deletreo de palabras y uso correcto de estructuras gramaticales
necesarias para dicha actividad.
Using Rafael Nadal´s biography, the apprentices will write a short biography of their own, including,
date of birth, place of birth and relevant events in life; the instructor will be responsible of guiding
the activity, checking vocabulary and the correct use of the grammar along the activity. GFPI-F-019 V03
Use the following box to write your biography.
Observa el video, responde las preguntas propuestas, luego en parejas, crear una conversación similar
a la presentada por el instructor, usa una pagina para crear cartoons, graba tu conversación y presentala
en la formación. (VER VIDEO 2) ó siga el link:
Watch the video, answer the questions, then in pairs, make a similar conversation, use a web page to
create cartoons, record your conversation and show it to the group.