Catalogo de Materiales

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Appendix 757

A–10 Typical properties of carbon and alloy steels.a

Ultimate Yield
strength, su strength, sy
Material SAE no. Conditionb ksi MPa ksi MPa Percent elongation
1020 Annealed 57 393 43 296 36
1020 Hot rolled 65 448 48 331 36
1020 Cold drawn 75 517 64 441 20
1040 Annealed 75 517 51 352 30
1040 Hot rolled 90 621 60 414 25
1040 Cold drawn 97 669 82 565 16
1040 WQT 700 127 876 93 641 19
1040 WQT 900 118 814 90 621 22
1040 WQT 1100 107 738 80 552 24
1040 WQT 1300 87 600 63 434 32
1080 Annealed 89 614 54 372 25
1080 OQT 700 189 1303 141 972 12
1080 OQT 900 179 1234 129 889 13
1080 OQT 1100 145 1000 103 710 17
1080 OQT 1300 117 807 70 483 23
1141 Annealed 87 600 51 352 26
1141 Cold drawn 112 772 95 655 14
1141 OQT 700 193 1331 172 1186 9
1141 OQT 900 146 1007 129 889 15
1141 OQT 1100 116 800 97 669 20
1141 OQT 1300 94 648 68 469 28
4140 Annealed 95 655 60 414 26
4140 OQT 700 231 1593 212 1462 12
4140 OQT 900 187 1289 173 1193 15
4140 OQT 1100 147 1014 131 903 18
4140 OQT 1300 118 814 101 696 23
5160 Annealed 105 724 40 276 17
5160 OQT 700 263 1813 238 1641 9
5160 OQT 900 196 1351 179 1234 12
5160 OQT 1100 149 1027 132 910 17
5160 OQT 1300 115 793 103 710 23
a Other properties are approximately the same for all carbon and alloy steels:
Modulus of elasticity in tension = 30 000 000 psi (207 GPa).
Modulus of elasticity in shear = 11 500 000 psi (80 GPa).
Density = 0.283 lbm/in.3 (7680 kg/m3).
b OQT means oil quenched and tempered. WQT means water quenched and tempered.

A–11 Typical properties of stainless steels and nonferrous metals.

Modulus of
Ultimate strength, su Yield strength, sy Density elasticity, E
Material and condition ksi MPa ksi MPa elongation lb/in.3a kg/m3 psi GPa
Stainless steels
SAE 301 annealed 110 758 40 276 60 0.290 8030 28 × 106 193
SAE 301 full hard 185 1280 140 965 8 0.290 8030 28 × 106 193
SAE 430 annealed 75 517 40 276 30 0.280 7750 29 × 106 200
SAE 430 full hard 90 621 80 552 15 0.280 7750 29 × 106 200
SAE 501 annealed 70 483 30 207 28 0.280 7750 29 × 106 200
SAE 501 OQT 1000 175 1210 135 931 15 0.280 7750 29 × 106 200
17-4PH H900 210 1450 185 1280 14 0.281 7780 28.5 × 106 197
PH 13-8 Mo H1000 215 1480 205 1410 13 0.279 7720 29.4 × 106 203
Copper and its alloys
C14500 copper Soft 32 221 10 69 50 0.323 8940 17 × 106 117
Hard 48 331 44 303 20
CI7200 beryllium copper Soft 72 496 20 138 20 0.298 8250 19 × 106 131
Hard 195 1344 145 1000 4
C36000 brass Soft 44 305 18 124 20 0.308 8530 16 × 106 110
Hard 70 480 35 240 4
C54400 bronze Hard 68 469 57 393 20 0.318 8800 17 × 106 117
ASTM AZ 63A–T6 40 276 19 131 5 0.066 1830 6.5 × 106 45
Zinc—cast-ZA 12 58 400 47 324 5 0.218 6030 12 × 106 83
Titanium and its alloys
Pure alpha Ti–65A
Wrought 65 448 55 379 18 0.163 4515 15 × 106 103
Alpha alloy Ti–0.2Pd
Wrought 50 345 40 276 20 0.163 4515 14.9 × 106 103
Beta alloy Ti–3Al–13V–11Cr
Aged 185 1280 175 1210 6 0.176 4875 16.0 × 106 110
Alpha-beta alloy Ti–6Al–4V
Aged 170 1170 155 1070 8 0.160 4432 16.5 × 106 114

A–11 Typical properties of stainless steels and nonferrous metals.

Modulus of
Ultimate strength, su Yield strength, sy Density elasticity, E
Material and condition ksi MPa ksi MPa elongation lb/in.3a kg/m3 psi GPa
Nickel-based alloys
70°F (21°C) room temp. 93 640 37 255 45 0.304 8420 30 × 106 207
800°F (427°C) 89 614 30 207 49
1200°F (649°C) 65 448 27 186 39
N06110—40% cold worked
70°F (21°C) room temp. 175 1205 150 1034 18 0.302 8330 30 × 106 207
500°F (260°C) — — 130 896 18
800°F (427°C) — — 120 827 18
N04400—annealed (at 70°F [21°C])
Annealed 80 550 30 207 50 0.318 8800 26 × 106 181
Cold drawn 100 690 75 517 30
a This can be used as specific weight or mass density in lbm/in.3
760 Appendix

A–12 Properties of structural steels.a

Ultimate strength, sua Yield strength, sya
Material ASTM No. and products ksi MPa ksi MPa elongation in 2 in.
A36—carbon steel; available in shapes, 58 400 36 248 21
plates, and bars
A 53—Grade B pipe 60 414 35 240 23
A242—HSLA, corrosion resistant;
available in shapes, plates, and bars
£ in. thick 70 483 50 345 21
1 in. thick 67 462 46 317 21
1 to 4 in. thick 63 434 42 290 21
A500—Cold-formed structural tubing
Round, Grade B 58 400 42 290 23
Round, Grade C 62 427 46 317 21
Shaped, Grade B 58 400 46 317 23
Shaped, Grade C 62 427 50 345 21
A501—Hot-formed structural tubing, 58 400 36 248 23
round or shaped
A514—Quenched and tempered alloy
steel; available in plate only
£ 2 in. thick 110 758 100 690 18
2 to 6 in. thick 100 690 90 620 16
A572—HSLA columbium–vanadium
steel; available in shapes, plates, and bars
Grade 42 60 414 42 290 24
Grade 50 65 448 50 345 21
Grade 60 75 517 60 414 18
Grade 65 80 552 65 448 17
A913—HSLA, grade 65; available in 80 552 65 448 17
shapes only
A992—HSLA; available in W-shapes only 65 448 50 345 21
Minimum values; may range higher.

HSLA, an abbreviation for high-strength, low-alloy steel.

The American Institute of Steel Construction specifies E = 29 × 106 psi (200 GPa) for structural steel.
Appendix 761

A–13 Typical properties of cast iron.a

Ultimate strength strength
Modulus of
sub succ susc sutc elasticity, Ec
Material type and grade ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa psi GPa elongation
Gray iron ASTM A48
Grade 20 20 138 80 552 32 221 — — 12.2 × 106 84 <1
Grade 40 40 276 140 965 57 393 — — 19.4 × 106 134 <0.8
Grade 60 55 379 170 1170 72 496 — — 21.5 × 106 148 <0.5
Ductile iron ASTM A536
60-40-18 60 414 — — 57 393 40 276 24 × 106 165 18
80-55-6 80 552 — — 73 503 55 379 24 × 106 165 6
100-70-3 100 690 — — — — 70 483 24 × 106 165 3
120-90-2 120 827 180 1240 — — 90 621 23 × 106 159 2
Austempered ductile iron
Grade 1 125 862 — — — — 80 552 24 × 106 165 10
Grade 2 150 1034 — — — — 100 690 24 × 106 165 7
Grade 3 175 1207 — — — — 125 862 24 × 106 165 4
Grade 4 200 1379 — — — — 155 1069 24 × 106 165 1
Malleable iron ASTM A220
45008 65 448 240 1650 49 338 45 310 26 × 106 170 8
60004 80 552 240 1650 65 448 60 414 27 × 106 186 4
80002 95 655 240 1650 75 517 80 552 27 × 106 186 2
a The density of cast iron ranges from 0.25 to 0.27 lbm/in.3 (6920 to 7480 kg/m3).
b Minimum values; may range higher.
c Approximate values; may range higher or lower by about 15%.
762 Appendix

A–14 Typical properties of aluminum alloys.a

Ultimate strength, su Yield strength, sy Shear strength, sus
Alloy and temper ksi MPa ksi MPa elongation ksi MPa
Alloys in wrought form
1100-H12 16 110 15 103 25 10 69
1100-H18 24 165 22 152 15 13 90
2014–0 27 186 14 97 18 18 124
2014-T4 62 427 42 290 20 38 262
2014-T6 70 483 60 414 13 42 290
3003-0 16 110 6 41 40 11 76
3003-H12 19 131 18 124 20 12 83
3003-H18 29 200 27 186 10 16 110
5154-0 35 241 17 117 27 22 152
5154-H32 39 269 30 207 15 22 152
5154-H38 48 331 39 269 10 28 193
6061-0 18 124 8 55 30 12 83
6061-T4 35 241 21 145 25 24 165
6061-T6 45 310 40 276 17 30 207
7075-0 33 228 15 103 16 22 152
7075-T6 83 572 73 503 11 48 331
Casting alloys—permanent mold castings
204.0-T4 48 331 29 200 8 — —
206.0-T6 65 445 59 405 6 — —
356.0-T6 41 283 30 207 10 — —
Modulus of elasticity E varies for different aluminum alloys:

For most alloys, including 1100, 3003, 6061, 6063, E = 10 × 106 psi (69.0 GPa).
For alloy 2014, E = 10.6 × 106 psi (73.1 GPa).
For alloy 5154, E = 10.2 × 106 psi (70.3 GPa).
For alloy 7075, E =10.4 × 106 psi (71.7 GPa).
Density of most aluminum alloys is approximately 0.10 lbm/in.3 (2770 kg/m3).
Appendix 763

A–15 Typical properties of wood.

Allowable stress
Tension Horizontal Perpendicular Parallel to Modulus of
Bending parallel to grain shear to grain grain elasticity
grade psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa psi MPa ksi GPa
Douglas fir—2–4 in. thick, 6 in. and wider
No. 1 1750 12.1 1050 7.2 95 0.66 385 2.65 1250 8.62 1800 12.4
No. 2 1450 10.0 850 5.9 95 0.66 385 2.65 1000 6.90 1700 11.7
No. 3 800 5.5 475 3.3 95 0.66 385 2.65 600 4.14 1500 10.3
Hemlock—2–4 in. thick, 6 in. and wider
No. 1 1400 9.6 825 5.7 75 0.52 245 1.69 1000 6.90 1500 10.3
No. 2 1150 7.9 675 4.7 75 0.52 245 1.69 800 5.52 1400 9.7
No. 3 625 4.3 375 2.6 75 0.52 245 1.69 500 3.45 1200 8.3
Southern pine—2½–4 in. thick, 6 in. and wider
No. 1 1400 9.6 825 5.7 80 0.55 270 1.86 850 5.86 1600 11.0
No. 2 1000 6.9 575 4.0 70 0.48 230 1.59 550 3.79 1300 9.0
No. 3 650 4.5 375 2.6 70 0.48 230 1.59 400 2.76 1300 9.0
764 Appendix

A–16 Typical properties of selected plastics.

Tensile Tensile Flexural Flexural
strength modulus strength modulus
Impact strength IZOD
Material Type ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa (ft lb/in. of notch)
Nylon 66 Dry 21.0 146 1200 8700 32.0 221 1100 7900
30% glass 50% R.H. 15.0 102 800 5500
ABS Medium impact 6.0 41 360 2480 11.5 79 310 2140 4.0
High impact 5.0 34 250 1720 8.0 55 260 1790 7.0
Polycarbonate General purpose 9.0 62 340 2340 11.0 76 300 2070 12.0
Acrylic Standard 10.5 72 430 2960 16.0 110 460 3170 0.4
High impact 5.4 37 220 1520 7.0 48 230 1590 1.2
PVC Rigid 6.0 41 350 2410 300 2070 0.4–20.0 (varies widely)
Polyimidea 25% graphite 5.7 39 12.8 88 900 6210 0.25
powder filler
Glass-fiber 27.0 186 50.0 345 3250 22 400 17.0
Laminate 50.0 345 70.0 483 4000 27 580 13.0
Acetal Copolymer 8.0 55 410 2830 13.0 90 375 2590 1.3
Polyurethane Elastomer 5.0 34 100 690 0.6 4 No break
Phenolic General 6.5 45 1100 7580 9.0 62 1100 7580 0.3
Polyesterb with glass-fiber mat reinforcement (approx. 30% glass by weight)
Lay-up, contact 9.0 62 16.0 110 800 5520
Cold-press 12.0 83 22.0 152 1300 8960
Compression 25.0 172 10.0 69 1300 8960
a The polyimide polymer in the laminate form and with glass-fiber reinforcement would also be called “composites.”
b These forms of polyester with glass-fiber mat reinforcement (often called “fiberglass”) would also be called “composites.”

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