Bibliografía Biología de La Conservación
Bibliografía Biología de La Conservación
Bibliografía Biología de La Conservación
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2001. Genetic diversity and introgression in the Scottish wildcat. Molecular Ecology 1 O: 319-336.
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Burke J.M. y Hamrick J.L. 2002. Genetic variation and evidence of hybridization in the genusRhus
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Caldecott J.O., Jenkins M.O., Jonson T.H. y Groombridge B. 1996. Priorities for conserving global
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Ceballos G y Brown J.H. 1995. Global patterns of mammalian diversity, endemism, and
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Ceballos G.y Simonetti G. (Eds). 2002. Diversidad y conservación de los mamíferos neotropicales.
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Chebez J.C., Rey N.R., Barbaskas M. y Di Giacomo A.G.1998. Las aves de los parques nacionales de
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Daily G.C. y Ehrlich P.R. 1992. Population, sustentability, and Earth's carrying capacity. 1 Bioscience
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Daily G.C. y Ehrlich P.R. 1996. Global change and human susceptibility to disease. Annual Review of
Energy and Enviroment 21: 125-144.
Daily G.C., Alexander S., Ehrlich P. Goulder L., Lubchenco J., Matson P.A., Mooney H.A., Pastel S.,
Shneider S.H., Tilman D. y Goodwell G.M. 1997. Ecosystems services: benefits supplied to human
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Dever J.A., Strauss R.E., Rainwater T.R., Me Murry S.T. y Densmore L.D. 2002. Genetic diversity,
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Central America. Copeia 4: 1078-1091.
Díaz G.B. y Ojeda R. 2000. Libro rojo de mamíferos amenazados de la Argentina. SAREM.
Dirzo R. y García M.C. 1992. Rates of deforestation in Los Tuxtias, a Neotropical area in southeast
Mexico. Conservation Biology 6: 84-90.
Dobson A.P., Rodriguez J.P., Roberts W.M. y Wilcove D.S. 1997. Geographic distribution of
endangered species in the United States. Science 275: 550-573.
Dobson F.S., Yu J. y Smith A. The importance of evaluating rarity. Conservation Biology 9: 1648-
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Erwin T.L. 1991. How many species are there? Conservation Biology 5: 330-333.
Frankham R., Ballou J.D. y Briscoe O.A. 2002. lntroduction to Conservation Genetics. Cambridge
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Gaston K.J. y Blackburn T.M. 1996. Conservation implications of range geographic size-body size
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Jensen L.H., Engh~ff H., Frydenberg J. y Parker E.O. 2002. Genetic diversity and the
phylogeography of parthenogenesis: comparing bisexual and thelytokous populations of
Nemasoma aricorne (Diplopoda: Nemasomatidae) in Denmark. Hereditas 136: 184-194.
Jombart T., Devillrad S. Balloux F. 2010. Discriminant analysis of principal components: a new
method for the analysis of genetically structured populations. Genetics 11: 94.
Lee M.S.Y. 2003. Species concepts and species reality: salvaging a Linnaean rank. J. Evo!. Biol. 16:
Magurran A.E. 1988. Ecological diversity and its measurements. Princeton University. Press
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Manly B.F.J. 1985. The statistics of Natural selection. Chapman and Hall Ud.
Mares M.A. 1986. Conservation in South America: problems, consequences, and solutions.
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Mares M.A. y Ojeda R. 1984. Fauna! commercialization and conservation in South America.
BioScience 34: 580-584.
Masera O., Ordóñez M.J. y Dirzo R. 1997. Carbon emissions from Mexican forests; concurrent
situation and long- term scenarios. Climatic change 35: 265-295.
Medellin R. y Soberón J. 1997. Predictions of mammal diversity on four land masses. Conservation
Biology 13: 143-149.
Medellin R.A., Equihua M. y Amin M. 2000. Bat diversity and abundance as indicators of
disturbance in tropical rainforests. Conservation Biology 14: 1666-1675.
Mittermeier R.A., Myers N. y Thomsen J.B. 1998. Biodiversity hotspot and majar tropical
wilderness areas: approaches to setting conservation priorities. Conservation Biology 12: 516-520.
Myers N. 1988. Threatened biotas: hotspots in tropical forests. The Environmentalist 8: 178-208.
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Naeem S., Chapln: 111 F.S., Costanza R., Ehrlich P.R., Golley F.B. Hooper DU., Lawton J.H., O'Neill
R.V., Mooney H.A., Sala O.E., Symstad AJ. y Tilman D.1999. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
maintaining natural life. support systems. lssues in Ecology 4: 1-12.
the Saltenian Calchaquíes Valleys (Argentina). Journal of Arid Environments 82: 91-97.
Perfectti M., Picó F.X. y Gómez J.M. 2009. La huella genética de la selección natural. Ecosistemas
18: 10-16.
Pastel S., Daily L.G. y Ehrlich P.R. 1996. Human appropriation of renewable fresh water. Science
271: 785-788.
Prendergast J.R., Quinn R.M., Lawton J.H., Eversham B.C. y Gibbons D.W. 1993. Rare species, the
coincidence of diversity hotspots and conservation strategies. Nature 365: 335-337.
Prendergast J.R., Quinn R.M., Lawton J.H. 1998. The gaps between theory and practice in selecting
nature reserves. Conservation Biology 13: 484-492.
Primack P., Roíz R., Feinsinger P., Dirzo R. y Massardo F. 1998. Fundamentos de la Conservación
Biológica. Perspectivas Latinoamericanas. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México.
Pritchard J.K., Stephens M. y Donnelly P. 2000. lnference of population structure using multilocus
genotype data. Genetics 155: 945-959.
Purvis A. y Hector A.. 2000. Getting the measure of biodiversity. Nature 405: 212-219.
Ramon M.M. y Castro J.A. 1996. Genetic variation in natural stocks of Sardina pilchardus (Sardinea)
from the Western Mediterranean Sea. Heredity 78: 520-528.
Reed D.H. y Frankham R. 2003. Correlation between fitness and genetic diversity. Conservation
Biology 17: 230-23f
Rey B.enayas. 2009. La rareza de las especies. Investigación y Ciencia Mayo: 62-69.
Robinson J.G. 1993. The limits to caring: sustainable living and the loss of diversity. Conservation
Biology 7: 20-26.
Rodrigues S.L. Akcakaya H.R., Andelman S.J., Bakarr M.1., Boitani L., Brooks T.M., Chanson J.S.,
Fishpool L.D.C., Da Fonseca G.A.B., Gaston K.J., Hoffman M., Long J.S., Marquet P.A., Pilgrim J.D.,
Pressey R.L., Schipper J., Sechrest W., Stuart S.N., Underhill L.G., Waller R.W., Watts M.E. y Yan X.
2004. Global gap analysis: priority regions for expanding the global protected-area network.
Bioscience 54: 1092-1100.
Rodrigues S.L., Andelman S.J., Bakarr M.I., Boitani L., Brooks T.M., Cowling R.M., Fishpool L.D.C.,
Da Fonseca G.A.B., Gasten K.J., Hoffman M., Long J.S., Marquet P.A., Pilgrim J.D., Pressey R.L.,
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Effectiveness of global protected area network in representing species diversity. Nature 428: 640-
Schneider C.J., Smith T.B, Larison B. y Moritz C. 1999. A test of alternativa models of diversification
in tropical rainforests: ecological gradients vs. rainforest refugia. PNAS 96: 13869- 13873.
Sisk T.D, Launer A.E., Switky K.R. y Ehrlich P.R. 1994. lndentifying extinction treats. Bioscience 44:
Soberón J., Jiménez R., Golubov J., Koleff P. 2007. Assessing completeness of biodiversity
databases at different spatial scales. Ecography 30: 152-160
Soulé M.E. (Ed.). 1996. Conservation biology: The Science of Scarcity and Diversity Sinauer,
Sparza Olguín L.G. 2004. ¿Qué sabemos de la rareza en especies vegetales? Un enfoque genético-
demográfico. Bol. Soc. Bot. Mex. 75: 17-32.
Spector S. 2002. Biogeographic crossroads as priority areas for biodiversity conservation. Conserv
Biol 16: 1480-1487.
van de Wouw M:, v~n Hintum T., Kik C., van Treuren R. y Visser B. 2010. Genetic diversity trends in
twentieth century crop cultivars: a meta-analysis. Theor Appl Genet 120: 1241-1252. van Rensburg
B.J., Levin N., Kark S. 2009. Spatial congruence between ecotones and range- restricted species:
implications for conservation biogeography at the sub-continental scale. Divers Distrib 15:,379-
Wisely S.M., Buskirk S.W., Russell G.A, Ahbry K.B. y Zielinski W.I. 2004. Genetic diversity and
structure of the fisher (Martes pennenti¡ in a peninsular and peripheral metapopulation. Journal of
Mammology 85: 640-648.