Tesa5962 - Silicona Liquida-Español
Tesa5962 - Silicona Liquida-Español
Tesa5962 - Silicona Liquida-Español
Silicona Líquida
Silicona Líquida
Principales Aplicaciones
Datos Técnicos
Color: Transparente
Forma: Líquida
Viscosidad: 15,000 CPS
Densidad: 0.994
Recomendación de almacenaje:
Almacenar en espacios fríos, secos; evitar espacios con mucho calor,
llama y contacto directo con el sol. Tiempo promedio de almacenamiento
dos años.
tesa® products provetheir impressive quality day in, day out in demanding
conditions and are regularly subjected to strict controls. All information and
tesa tape Colombia tesa SE recommendations are provided to the best of our knowledge on the basis of our
practical experience. Nevertheless tesa SE can make no warranties, express
PBX: + 57-2 687 8484 Quickbornstraße
FAX: + 57-2 687 8475 2420253 Hamburg orimplied, including, but not limited to any implied warrantof merchantability
Customer Service: Germany orfitness for a particular purpose. Therefore, the user isresponsible for
01 8000 95 0505 Phone: +49 (40) 4909 10 determiningwhether the tesa® product is fit for a particularpurpose and suitable
for the user’smethod ofapplication. you are in any doubt, our technical support
http://www.tesa.com.co http://www.tesa.com staff will beglad to advise you.