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Interferencias en ICPOES

Junio 9 2020

© 2017 PerkinElmer

◦ Ocurren en el Sistema de introducción de la muestra.

• Matriz:
◦ Incluye interferencias químicas y de ionización.
◦ Ocurre en la solución de la muestra y en el plasma

• Espectral:
◦ Generada por la presencia de luz “extraña”.
◦ Interferencias de ruido de fondo.
◦ Traslapes espectrales.

Descripción general para tratar las interferencias en ICPOES

1. Identifique sus interferencias.

◦ Identifique el tipo de interferencia (física, matriz, etc)
◦ Recopile información de la muestra (con sus clientes, de la literatura, etc)

2. Intente cuantificar la interferencia, su impacto.

◦ Hágalo cunatitativamente o semicuantitativamente.
◦ Este paso puede no ser relativo a interferencias no espectrales.

3. Decida su acción correctiva basada en el paso 2.

◦ ¿Las interferencias afectan de manera significative la exactitud de sus
◦ ¿Toma alguna acción (en absoluto) o simplemente monitorea las

Descripción general para tratar las interferencias en ICPOES

4. Diseñe e implemente una acción corrective apropiada.

Interferencia Física/Matriz:
◦ Diluir la muestra y analizar (repetidas ocasiones)
◦ Igualación de matriz
◦ Ajuste condiciones robustas del plasma.
◦ Uso apropiado de estándares internos
◦ Método de adiciones estándar
Interferencia Espectral:
◦ Seleccione una longitude de onda “límpia” o no afectada.
◦ Corrección de ruido de fondo (Back ground).
◦ Corrección de traslapes usando “análisis en alta resolución”.
◦ Corrección via modelos MSF e IEC

Interferencias Físicas
• Ocurren típicamente en el Sistema de introducción de la muestra
◦ Impacta en la “formación de gotas”.

• Puede afectar o ser provocado por:

◦ Precipitación y bloqueo.
◦ Formación de gotas y eficiencia del nebulizador.
◦ Cambios en la viscosidad y más.

• El efecto puede ser más pronunciado en plasmas Axiales.

Interferencia de Matriz EIE Elementos fácilmente ionizables
(Easily Ionized Elements)

• La matriz de la muestra es la suma de él o los ácidos , disolvente(s),

sólidos disueltos y las sales en la cuales el analíto esta disuelto.

• La matriz de la muestra puede incrementar o suprimir la señal del


• La matriz también puede impactar la “carga del plasma”.

◦ Más material en el plasma causará pérdida de energía.
◦ El efecto EIE se aumenta.

Interferencia de Matriz EIE Elementos fácilmente ionizables
(Easily Ionized Elements)

El incremento de elementos alcalinos proporciona un exceso de

electrones lo cuál cambia el equilibrio de tros elementos en el
plasma :
◦ Incrementa la emissión de líneas atómicas (I).
◦ Suprime la emissión de líneas iónicas (II) .
◦ Los efectos son más pronunciados en la vision axial.

Mg Ion / Mg Atom Ratio

No NaCl
10% NaCl

Radial Axial

Minimizando los efectos Físicos y de Matriz

• Usando Condiciones Robustas: plasma más caliente, flujo de

nebulizador bajo.
• Usar vista Radial para elementos alcalinos.
• Usar un estándar interno apropiado (por ejemplo Y or Sc).

Mg Ion / Mg Atom Ratio

4 No NaCl

Radial Axial Axial-Robust

Corrección con Estándar Interno

• Usado para corregir interferencias físicas y de matriz típica.

◦ Por ejemplo Variaciones en Viscosidad, variaciones en tension superficial.
◦ Usada para “normalizar matemáticamente” cambios en la intensidad.
◦ El Software hace correcciones para la variación del estandar interno.

• Guias para seleccionar estándares internos.

◦ Usar un elementos que no estén presentes en las muestras..
◦ Usar un elemento que no interaccione / interfiera con la muestra o los estándares
◦ Usar un elemento que tenga características similares iónico/atómico de los

• El Software hace la corrección con base a los estándares internos

La referencia se hace típicamente respect al blanco de calibración , a menos que se
defina de otra forma en el método..

Uso de Estándares Internos
• Adición On Line :
◦ Introduce el estándar interno de manera simultánea con la muestra.
- Simple, consistente y automatizado.
- Sin embargo, si las mangueras se desgastan a diferentes velocidades
, la muestra se puede diluir.

• Adición Off Line :

◦ Adición Manual / se adiciona el estándar interno a cada sólución.
- Puede corregir otros aspectos [ evaporación, algunos errores de
preparación de muestra].
- Sin embargo, es mas tedioso y puede ser una Fuente de error.

• Notas Comunes:
◦ La adición del estándar interno debe ser muy precisa (online u offline).
◦ Se deben seleccionar concentraciones razonables (basados en el nivel de
la señal y en el tipo de visión).
◦ Sc o Y se usan comunmente.

Ejemplo del Sistema de adición On Line

• El estándar interno y la muestra

se aspiran en forma separada
pero se mezclan en una “union”..

• Los diámetros de las mangueras

del estándar interno y de la
muestra deben ser dferentes.

• Ocurre una dilución de la


Interferencias Espectrales

• Los traslapes (sobreposiciones) son causados por cualquier

señal luminosa desconocida que alcance al detector.
• Típicamente debido a que multiples elementos tienen líneas de
emisión similares.

• Cómo tratar con las interferencias espectrales. :

◦ Seleccionar otra longitud de onda ( línea limpia).
◦ Usar alta resolución (si está disponible).
◦ Usar corrección de ruido de fondo simple.
◦ Usar modelos para corregir los traslapes:
- Ajuste Espectral Multicomponente (Multicomponent Spectral Fitting (MSF)).
- Corrección Inter Elemental ( Inter Element Correction (IEC)).

Desplazamiento de línea base (Background Shift)

• Que es el desplazamiento de la
línea base?
◦ Movimiento de la línea base.
◦ Produce como resultado un
desplazamiento de la línea base
hacia arriba o hacia abajo.


• Esta corrección se aplica en la opción Results → Examine

Desplazamiento simple de ruido de fondo (Simple
Background Shift)

• Se require corrección , pero no está aplicada.

Corrección de ruido de fondo de un solo punto (Single Point
Background Correction)

• Corrección de Un Punto.
• Corrige desplazamientos horizontales de la línea base debido a
la matriz.

Ruido de fondo inclinado (Sloping Background)

• La correción de ruido de fondo “inclinado” puede ser más

• No debe usarse una corrección de Un Solo Punto.

Corrección de dos puntos (Two-Point Correction)
• Selección de los Dos puntos de Corrección de Ruido de fondo.
◦ Es básico para corregir el ruido de fondo inclinado.
◦ Puede usarse también para corrección de ruido de fondo “sin pendiente”.

• El usuario require posicionar los puntos de corrección lo más

cercano o próximo al pico analítico.
◦ Un posición incorrecta puede dar resultados incorrectos.

Posición de los puntos de corrección de ruidos de fondo
Pobre corrección: Los puntos de corrección del ruido de fondo del
blanco están posicionados muy cerca. Causa una “sobre- corrección”,
del pico analítico.

Corrección del Blanco Pico sobre-corregido

Posición de los puntos de corrección de ruidos de fondo
Pobre Corrección: Los puntos de corrección del blanco están
situados muy lejos. Causa una “sobre-corrección”del pico analítico.

Sobre-corrección del blanco Sobre-corrección del pico

Posición de los puntos de corrección de ruido de fondo
Buena Corrección: Los puntos de corrección de ruido de fondo del
blanco estan colocados apropiadmente. Ocurre una Mínima sobre-
corrección del blanco y una apropiada corrección del pico del analito.

Blanco correcto Pico correcto

Ruido de fondo complejo (Complex Background)

• ¿Dónde se debe colocar el

corrector en el caso del

• Si las interferencias están

presentes aún después de la
corrección de ruido de fondo,
entonces se debe usar:
◦ Una longitud de onda diferente.
◦ Ajuste spectral
(Multicomponent Spectral
Fitting (MSF)).
◦ Corrección Inter-Elemental
(Interelement Corrections

Interferencias Traslapadas
Emisión Observada =
Emisión del Analito + Emision del elemento inerferente.

Una interferencia tipo “traslape” puede ser completa o parcial.

Dependiendo del tipo de traslape, se deben de usar diferentes tipos de “modelos”
de corrección..

Tipos de traslape

Traslape directo Traslape parcial

Se require un modelo IEC MSF recomendable
El modelo MSF es incompatible IEC compatible

Cómo determinar si las interferencias espectrales están
presentes un una muestra

• Calibre el instrumento con el analito de interés

• Analice soluciones de concentración “razonablemente” altas de
la probable interferencia espectral y observe su impacto
• Determine si el error es significativo como para tomar una
acción correctiva

Evaluando Interferencias sobre Pb: ¿Se requiere una corrección?

Insert example of data Pb ( Resultado)
500 mg/L Al -0.050 mg/L
500 mg/L Ca -0.005 mg/L

Multicomponent Spectral Fitting (MSF)

En esta gráfica abajo está el pico del Indio en una mezcla Tungsteno \ Molibdeno.
¿Cómo extraigo el Indio?

MSF – Componentes de un Espectro de Emisión

Espectro de Emisión = suma de n contribuciones

+ +
Analito Blanco Matriz \ Interferente

Espectro Medido

Descripción General del Proceso de Ajuste spectral
multicomponente (Multicomponent Spectral Fitting)

• Modelos creados a partir de espectros individuales:

◦ Analito.
◦ Blanco.
◦ Interferencia(s).

• Los modelos se ajustan a espectros desconocidos durante

el análisis:
◦ El Software usa los datos de los espectros adquiridos para crear un
algoritmo de ´ajuste\predicción’.
◦ Se require que solo la forma del pico permanezca constante.

Multicomponent Spectral Fitting

Indio en Tungsteno\Molibdeno Señal del Indio extraida

Procedimiento MSF
Recolección inicial de

• “Set Editor de Método”

• Recolección inicial de

Modelo MSF

• Asignar perfiles espectrales en el

editor MSF
• [Blanco, Analito, Interferencia] Evalúe los Datos

Implementar MSFen el Reprocesar \ Analizar

Seleccionar el modelo en el El modelo MSFse aplicará
Editor de Método automáticamente

Espectros de Cd y As para modelos por MSF

• As interfiere sobre Cd.

• Adquiera datos para:

◦ i) Blanco.
◦ ii) Estandard de Cd.
◦ iii) Muestra As.

• En la sección del Software

Asigne. Blanco Cal: Blank (b)
Asigne Cd : Analyte (a)
Asigne As : Interference (i)

Habilite Corrección MSF (Antes de Reprocesar)

Cd corregido para interferencia de As usando MSF
• Muestra deconocida con
interferencia de As.
• MSF usado para adquirir la señal
corregida de Cd (rosa / amarillo).
• Las contribuciones de As y del
ruido de fondo se “sustraen”. Señal Inicial

Cd Señal

Probando Modelos MSF

• Pruebe el modelo usando dos soluciones “multi-interferencia” :

◦ Una SIN los analitos.
- Los valores de los analitos deberan ser cercanos a cero / límite de

◦ Una CON analitos adicionados en la misma solución.

- Los Valores de los analítos deben estar dentro de valores con niveles de
recuperación razonable (85-115%).

Beneficios del Ajuste Espectral Multicomponente (MSF)

1. Relativamente simple de usar y desarrollar.

2. Los modelos MSF son independientes de la concentración,

condiciones del plasma y de los efectos de matriz.

3. Mejora y facilita la corrección de interferencias y ruido de fondo.

◦ Mejora la exactitud de la concentración del analito de interés.
◦ Potencialmente mejora los límites de detección del método de los analitos de
◦ No se require corrección manual de ruido de fondo.

4. Mejora la relación S/N (señal/ruido)

◦ Mejora los límites de detección de los analítos de intéres.
◦ Nota: por favor usar reactivos grado “trazas” o mejores..

Cuándo se puede o no se puede usar MSF

• Cuándo se puede usar MSF :

◦ Desplazamientos Complejos de ruido de fondo
◦ Procesos espectrales prácticos.

• Cuándo no se puede usar MSF :

◦ No se puede usar cuando hay traslape espectral directo [Usar IEC].
◦ Métodos regulatorios/ dónde el auditor no lo permite.

Corrección Inter Elemental(IEC)

• Técnica Clásica de corrección.

◦ Necesaria para corregir interferencia directa: traslape interferente.
◦ Típicamente aceptada por las agencias regulatorias.

• Relaciones Matemáticas Establecidas para analito /

◦ Se establece un factor de corrección IEC.
◦ Relaciones analito / interferentes determinadas en función de esta relación
(tablas IEC).
◦ Las relaciones son altamente dependientes de las condiciones del plasma y
del transporte de la muestra.

Consideraciones Analíticas para IEC

• Reactivos grado trazas IEC / los estándares son obligatorios.

• Las líneas de los Interferentes deben ser “lineales”.
• Se deben determinar los puntos de corrección de ruido de
fondo antes de iniciar la corrección IEC
• Las condiciones del Plasma y del transporte de la muestra
deben permanecer constantes..
◦ Cualquier cambio en el transporte de la muestra o parámetros del
análisis afectan los factores IEC [Resolución, tipo de perfil, puntos de
corrección de ruido de fondo y parámetros del plasma]
◦ Los factores IEC deberán recalcularse si suceden los cambios
• Las tablas IEC tienen que reevaluarse y recalcuarse

¿Qué es un factor de corrección IEC?

• El factor de corrección IEC es una medición del efecto de un elemento

interferente sobre la concentración observada de un analito.
◦ Por ejemplo. ‘‘¿Cuánta señal falsa obtengo por cada unidad del interferente?”

1. Determine el factor de corrección para cada interferente (con Syngistix)

Conc. Falsa del Analito∗

Factor 𝑰𝑬𝑪 =
Concentración del Interferente.∗

∗ Medida en la solución del Interferente

2. El software Syngistix aplica el factor calculado, a las muestras para hacer

la corrección
Conc. Corregida = Conc. Errónea − Factor IECx Conc. Medida de Interferente

Proceso para IECs
Iniciar la adquisición de

• Editor de Método (Set up)

• Adquirir datos iniciales
• Modelo IEC

• Factores calculados por

el software

Evaluar Datos

Reprocesar \ Analizar
Implementar modelo en el
Los factores IEC se aplicarán
Seleccionar modeloeen Editor
de Método

Recomendaciones para hacer un Modelo IEC

• El método debe contener interferencias seleccionadas como

◦ Idealmente, el analista debería tener una idea aproximada del nivel de
interferencias en la muestra antes del desarrollo del método.

• Adquisición de datos.
◦ Asegúrese de que haya suficiente enjuague entre las soluciones..
◦ Calibre el método como de costumbre.
◦ Identifique y analice las soluciones que contienen al interferente como

• Use la opción “ IEC Model Builder” sobre los datos salvados.

• Coloque los puntos de corrección de fondo y procese los picos antes de
terminar el modelo IEC.

IEC Opción “IEC Model Builder”

Establezca los límites

[Típicamente se usan los Límites Prácticos de Cuantificación]

Calcule los Factores IEC

1) Analito
interferido con

2) Muestra
nombre de muestra

3) Interferente
Actuando sobre el

6) IEC Factor

4) Concentración del lnterferente 5) Señal Falsa del analito

De la curva de calibración del interferente Causada porl el interferente

Resumen de los Factores \ Tabla IEC

Atajo: puede actualizar el

método para habilitar los
factores IEC.

𝒑𝒑𝒃 Falsas de Analito

Unidades =
𝒑𝒑𝒎 Elemento Interferente

Habilitación de la corrección IEC(antes de Reprocesar)

Probando el modelo IEC (similar a MSF)

• Pruebe el modelo usando dos soluciones “multi-interferencia” :

◦ Una SIN los analitos.
- Los valores de los analitos deberan ser cercanos a cero / límite de

◦ Una CON analitos adicionados en la misma solución.

- Los Valores de los analítos deben estar dentro de valores con niveles de
recuperación razonable (85-115%).

Recordatorio y consejos para IEC

• Use solo reactivos grado trazas y estándares para uso ICP (o


• Láve bien entre los estándares para eliminar el arrastre.

• Examine los espectros para identificar contaminación:

◦ Siempre aparecerá como una superposición (traslape) directa y un factor IEC
◦ Si aparece contaminación aparente, determine si el estándar está
contaminado o si hay arrastre.
◦ Es posible que necesite usar estándares más limpios y / o lavar más a fondo
entre los estándares IEC.

IEC Recomendaciones

• Examine cualquier longitud de onda con un factor de

corrección IEC negativo:
◦ Esto ocurre cuando el pico interferente está en la posición de la corrección de
◦ Ajuste la corrección del ruido de fondo para minimizar/eliminar el factor
negativo del IEC.
◦ Ajuste los límites adecuados de IEC (elimina el ruido aleatorio).

NUNCA implemente una corrección a menos de que se analíticamente necesario.

Resumen de Interferencas

• Entienda sus interferencias:

◦ Reconozca que interferencias existen .
◦ Reconozca el tipo de interferencia puede ser física, de matriz o espectral.

• Identifique y (semi) cuantifique sus interferencias:

◦ Conozca las diferencias entre los tipos de interferencias.
◦ Investigue las causas de las interferencias.

• En base a lo anterior haga un plan de corrección de

◦ Decida si es necesaria la corrección.
◦ Aplique las mediciones adecuadas en base al tipo y grado de

• La mejor manera de prevenir resultados imprecisos debido a
interferencias inesperadas con ICP-OES (o cualquier otra
técnica para el caso) es un programa de control de calidad
• Los componentes del control de calidad variarán con el tipo de
muestra, el grado de precisión y exactitud requeridos y la
penalización anticipada si los errores exceden los niveles
aceptables. El procedimiento de control de calidad más
generalmente aplicable es analizar muestras de composición y
concentración conocidas junto con las muestras desconocidas.
Sin embargo, este no debería ser el único elemento de control
de calidad en el programa.


2020 Atomic Spectroscopy Consumables and Supplies

AA | ICP-OES | ICP-MS | General Supplies | Reference Materials | Sample Preparation
What is Atomic Spectroscopy?
Atomic spectroscopy is the technique for determining the elemental
composition of an analyte by its electromagnetic or mass spectrum.
Several analytical techniques are available (Atomic Absorption [AA],
Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy [ICP-OES],
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry [ICP-MS]), and selecting the
most appropriate one is the key to achieving accurate, reliable, real-world
results. Proper selection requires a basic understanding of each technique
since each has its individual strengths and limitations. It also requires a
clear understanding of your laboratory’s analytical requirements.

Ts Og
Tennessine Oganesson



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Atomic Spectroscopy
PerkinElmer is the world leader in atomic spectroscopy solutions for atomic absorption (AA), inductively coupled plasma optical
emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). With instruments that are the industry
standard worldwide, PerkinElmer accessories, consumables, methods and application support meet the most demanding requirements
and are the preferred choice in thousands of laboratories globally.
We invest heavily in testing and validating our complete portfolio of solutions to ensure that you receive accurate, repeatable results,
on-time, every time throughout the lifetime of your instrument. From Lumina hollow cathode lamps that allow automatic setup and
provide long lamp lifetime to our PerkinElmer Pure Standards that have been analyzed and certified to yield reliable, accurate results,
you’ll be able to relax knowing you have the best. We also offer a complete portfolio of specialized consumables that deliver reliable
performance, control operating costs and maximize the uptime of your instrument.
When you order our precision-designed, genuine Atomic Spectroscopy PerkinElmer consumables and supplies, you’ll get the results you
need – accurately and on time.

Table of Contents
Ordering Information
Place your order online at: www.perkinelmer.com/shop
Online ordering is currently available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands,
Norway, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom
and the United States.
Please contact your local PerkinElmer Customer Care Representative. INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA-OES 40-65
Or visit www.perkinelmer.com/lasoffices.
Visit us online at www.perkinelmer.com/lasoffices to obtain the correct address
for mailing your company Purchase Order. INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA-MS 66-87
Return Goods Policy
Before returning any item to PerkinElmer, please obtain a Return Authorization ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY GENERAL SUPPLIES 88-107
Number from a customer service representative. Call your local PerkinElmer office
and please have the following information ready:
• Our Order Number or your Purchase Order Number REFERENCE MATERIALS 108-129
• The PerkinElmer part numbers of the items that you wish to return
• Reason for return SAMPLE PREPARATION 130-137
Our customer service representative will provide you with a Return Authorization
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Technical Support PART NUMBER INDEX 140-155

For technical assistance, please contact your local PerkinElmer Customer Care
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Check with your local PerkinElmer Customer Care center for current pricing. ALPHABETICAL INDEX 156-161
PerkinElmer and the PerkinElmer logo are registered trademarks of PerkinElmer, Inc.
All other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or
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PerkinElmer is not responsible for typographical or photographic errors that may
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photographic errors in advertisements or product descriptions. Terms and conditions
and item availability are subject to change without notice.

Terms and Conditions

For details on our terms and conditions, including warranties,
please visit: www.perkinelmer.com/terms


The Most Trusted Name in Elemental Analysis

From AA to ICP-OES and ICP-MS, we've been at the forefront of elemental analysis for more than 50 years.
Join forces with us and give your laboratory the benefits of cutting-edge instrumentation, consistently excellent
consumables and the industry’s largest, most trusted service and applications support network.

PinAAcle 500 Flame AA PinAAcle 900 Series AA Avio 200 ICP-OES

The PinAAcle 500 offers superior

The PinAAcle 900 series brings AA

The smallest ICP on the market, the
durability, longer life, lower maintenance performance to new heights. Available Avio® 200 with vertical plasma dual view
costs and the fastest return on investment in flame, furnace or combination models, technology is designed to deliver high
of any flame atomic absorption (AA) PinAAcle 900 instruments offer exactly performance, efficient operation, reliable
spectrometer. Plus, it's the world’s first the level of performance you need with the data and low cost of ownership.
completely corrosion-resistant flame smallest footprint of any combined flame/ The Avio 200 offers:
AA, designed to withstand the harshest graphite furnace AA system on the market.
environments and most corrosive samples. • F astest ICP startup (spectrometer ready
The PinAAcle 900 series includes: in just minutes from power on)
The PinAAcle 500 is designed for: • Flame, furnace, flow injection, • L owest argon consumption of any ICP
• Exceptional sensitivity and FIAS-furnace and mercury/hydride – at least 50% lower than other systems
precision, allowing analysis of lower capabilities on a single instrument
concentrations with the accuracy of •G
 reater uptime and sample
• Choice of Deuterium or longitudinal throughput with PlasmaShear's
higher-end AA systems Zeeman furnace configurations maintenance-free design
• Fast, simple, reproducible operation • Cutting-edge fiber optics to
through the intuitive, icon-based •U
 nsurpassed matrix tolerance
maximize light throughput for with vertical torch design
interface of Syngistix Touch™ or improved detection limits
Syngistix™ for AA software • S uperior sensitivity and resolution
• TubeView™ color furnace camera for all elements of interest
 arsh environments and simplifies autosampler tip alignment
challenging samples thanks to and sample dispensing • E xtended linear range with dual
its corrosion-resistant design view technology
For more information, visit
• Minimum maintenance and maximum www.perkinelmer.com/PinAAcle900 For more information, visit
speed, reducing operating costs www.perkinelmer.com/Avio200
For more information, visit



Avio 500 ICP-OES NexION 1000 ICP-MS NexION 2000 ICP-MS

The Avio 500 is a truly simultaneous,
The NexION 1000 ICP-MS offers
A very versatile ICP-MS, the NexION® 2000
dual view and compact ICP-OES. It utilizes exceptional speed, operational simplicity offers the most powerful interference
a vertical plasma and is engineered to and improved laboratory efficiency – removal for the best detection limits, the
handle even the most difficult samples, the ideal solution for high-throughput highest flexibility regardless of matrix,
delivering productivity, high performance labs running routine, multi-elemental, the most efficient analysis every time,
and faster return on your investment. trace-level analyses. and the lowest maintenance requirements
The Avio 500 provides: The NexION 1000 features: for ICP-MS.

• Lowest argon consumption of any ICP  edicated SMARTintro™ sample

•D The NexION 2000 boasts:
– at least 50% lower than other systems introduction module with integrated • SMARTintro™ sample-introduction
AMS for high dissolved solids modules that simplify operator setup,
• Simultaneous background correction
• Three quadrupoles and the Universal streamlining your workflows
for faster sample-to-sample time and
improved data accuracy Cell’s ability to switch between Collision • Extended Dynamic Range to detect
and Reaction modes with a single gas high-and low-level elements in a single
• Greater uptime and sample
offer efficient interference removal, sample run
throughput with PlasmaShear's
requiring minimal switching times • Three quadrupoles, three gas channels
maintenance-free design
• Extended Dynamic Range to detect and three modes of operation combine
• Unsurpassed matrix tolerance
high- and low-level elements in a single to offer better interference removal,
with vertical torch design
sample run delivering better detection limits/
• Simultaneous detection of all improved data accuracy
• Industry’s fastest data acquisition speed
wavelengths at all times with no
(100,000 points/sec) to handle any • Industry’s fastest data acquisition speed
storage or sample time penalty
particle size (100,000 points/sec) to handle any
with Universal Data Acquisition
• Triple Cone Interface with Quadrupole particle size
• High throughput enabled by dual
Ion Deflector deliver no maintenance • Triple Cone Interface with Quadrupole
view technology, simultaneous data
beyond the cones Ion Deflector deliver no maintenance
acquisition and low routine maintenance
For more information, visit beyond the cones
For more information, visit
www.perkinelmer.com/NexION1000 For more information, visit



Atomic Absorption Hollow Cathode and

PerkinElmer offers a wide selection of superior quality products
Electrodeless Discharge Lamps
PerkinElmer has over 40 years of expertise
designed to work with your PerkinElmer instruments. Our
designing and manufacturing Hollow
precision designed products deliver the peace of mind that
Cathode Lamps. PerkinElmer offers a full
comes from knowing that you’ll get the results you need.
range of single-element and multi-element
Hollow Cathode Lamps and high intensity
Electrodeless Discharge Lamps for those
Quick Reference Index Page elements for which they are more effective.

Lumina Hollow Cathode Lamps 14

System 2 Electrodeless Discharge Lamps 16

Atomax Hollow Cathode Lamps 18 Nebulizers are a critical part of the Flame AA
sample introduction system and our nebulizers
Burner System Components 20
are designed to support a variety of samples.
Nebulizers 22

Autosampler Cups and Supplies 28

Air Compressors 29 Graphite Furnace

THGA Graphite Tubes 30
Autosampler Supplies
HGA Graphite Tubes 32 To keep your Graphite Furnace Autosampler operating
smoothly, PerkinElmer offers a complete
AA Graphite for Non-PerkinElmer Instruments 34
selection of consumables and supplies.
Mercury Analyzer Supplies 35

Flow Injection System Supplies 36

Mercury/Hydride Systems and Supplies 39 HGA and THGA Graphite

The heart of the Furnace AA system is not
only the furnace itself but the graphite
components that go into it. Our exclusive
PerkinElmer graphite products provide the
performance and consistency that furnace
applications require.

Flow Injection
System Supplies
PerkinElmer offers a complete line of
genuine replacement parts for the FIAS,
FIMS and MHS systems.


Copyright © 2018 PerkinElmer, Inc. 400326_07 All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

NEW PinAAcle 500 Flame AA

Reliability, sensitivity, affordability—together at last in a Flame AA.

With the new PinAAcle™ 500, you can experience an uncompromising level of
performance for an unbeatable price. The world’s first Flame AA system engineered for
complete corrosion resistance, the PinAAcle 500 offers superior durability, longer life,
lower maintenance costs, and the fastest return on investment of any Flame AA.
Discover an instrument designed to outlast and outperform. And take your laboratory to a
new PinAAcle of productivity and profitability.


Lumina Hollow Lumina Single-Element Hollow Cathode Lamps

Element Name Element Symbol Lumina Lamp Lumina Lamp with

Cathode Lamps
Part No. Intensitron®
Part No.
Aluminum Al N3050103 N3050303
Antimony Sb N3050170 N3050370
Arsenic As N3050105 N3050305
Barium Ba N3050109 N3050309
Beryllium Be N3050110
Bismuth Bi N3050111
Boron B N3050108
Cadmium Cd N3050115 N3050315
Calcium Ca N3050114 N3050314
Chromium Cr N3050119 N3050319
PerkinElmer has over
40 years of expertise Cobalt Co N3050118
designing and manufacturing Copper Cu N3050121 N3050321
Hollow Cathode Lamps
Dysprosium Dy N3050122
Erbium Er N3050123
Europium Eu N3050124
Gadolinium Gd N3050129

Gallium Ga N3050128
Features and Benefits:
Germanium Ge N3050130
• Long Life: PerkinElmer’s larger lamp volume results
Gold Au N3050107
in longer lamp lifetime
Hafnium Hf N3050133
• Automation: PerkinElmer coded lamps allow automatic setup
Holmium Ho N3050135
• Electronic Lamp Timer: When combined with a PinAAcle instrument
Indium In N3050137
and Syngistix Software the lamp life is automatically recorded for easy
viewing Iridium Ir N3050138

• Easy Installation: It’s as simple as sliding the lamp into the Iron Fe N3050126 N3050326
instrument’s lamp bracket or turret Lanthanum La N3050141

• Complete Compatibility: Lumina hollow cathode lamps can be used Lead Pb N3050157 N3050357
with PerkinElmer’s entire range of atomic absorption spectrometers Lithium Li N3050142
• Testing: Every lamp is thoroughly tested before leaving the factory Magnesium Mg N3050144 N3050344

• Quality: Carefully selected materials used in the manufacturing of our Manganese Mn N3050145 N3050345
lamps avoid spectral interference Mercury Hg N3050134
• Design: Our design provides you with the low detection limits needed Molybdenum Mo N3050146
for your most difficult determinations Neodymium Nd N3050150
• Selection: PerkinElmer offers a wide selection of Nickel Ni N3050152 N3050352
single-element and multi-element lamps Niobium Nb N3050149
• Easy To Order: It’s easy to find the right lamp for your analytical needs Palladium Pd N3050158
– simply use the selection charts on this page or visit our website for
Phosphorus P N3050155
a complete listing
Platinum Pt N3050162
• Warranty: The performance of every PerkinElmer lamp
is fully warranted* (see next page for details). Potassium K N3050139 N3050339
Praseodymium Pr N3050161
Rhenium Re N3050165 N3050365
Rhodium Rh N3050166
Ruthenium Ru N3050168
Chart continues on next page



Element Name Element Symbol Lumina Lamp Lumina Lamp with

Part No. Lumina™ Hollow Cathode Lamps
Samarium Sm N3050174 1. We warrant that during the first six months or after
Scandium Sc N3050171 5,000 milliampere-hours of operation, whichever comes
Selenium Se N3050172 first, from initial date of shipment, the lamps will meet
Silicon Si N3050173 or exceed the intensity and absorption specifications to
Silver Ag N3050102 N3050302 which all new lamps are tested.
2. All our hollow cathode lamps are warranted to light and
Sodium Na N3050148 N3050348
emit the spectra of the element indicated for two years
Strontium Sr N3050176
or 5,000 milliampere-hours of operation from the date
Tantalum Ta N3050177
of the shipment, whichever comes first.
Tellurium Te N3050180 3. If any lamp fails before the expiration of the warranty
Terbium Tb N3050178 period, it will be replaced free of charge.
Thallium Tl N3050183 *The lamp warranty is void for lamps which sustain physical damage or are operated at power levels
substantially above or below the power level recommended on the lamp label. The lamp warranty may
Thulium Tm N3050184 vary in different countries.

Tin Sn N3050175
Titanium Ti N3050182
Tungsten W N3050187
Vanadium V N3050186
Ytterbium Yb N3050190
Yttrium Y N3050189
Zinc Zn N3050191 N3050391
Zirconium Zr N3050192

Lumina Multi-Element Hollow Cathode Lamps

Element Name Element Symbol Lumina Lamp
Part No.
Two-element Lamps
Silver, Gold Ag, Au N3050201
Calcium, Magnesium Ca, Mg N3050202
Calcium, Zinc Ca, Zn N3050203
Potassium, Sodium K, Na N3050204
Platinum, Ruthenium Pt, Ru N3050205
Tin, Tellurium Sn, Te N3050206
Three-element Lamps
Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc Ca, Mg, Zn N3050208
Copper, Iron, Nickel Cu, Fe, Ni N3050209
Four-element Lamps
Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn N3050212
Five-element Lamps
Silver, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Nickel Ag, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni N3050213
Cobalt, Chromium, Copper, Manganese, Nickel Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni N3050214
Six-element Lamps
Cobalt, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Nickel Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni N3050217
Seven-element Lamps
Aluminum, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Silicium, Zinc Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Si, Zn N3050218



Electrodeless Discharge Lamps

EDLs provide greater light output and longer life than
corresponding HCLs
For certain elements such as Arsenic and Selenium, EDLs will also
provide improved sensitivity and lower detection limits. System
2 electrodeless discharge lamps provide the optimized spectral
output needed to get the maximum performance from PerkinElmer
atomic absorption spectrometers.
EDLs are typically much brighter and, in some cases, provide better
sensitivity than comparable HCLs. EDLs are preferred for certain
volatile elements. They offer better precision and lower detection
limits for analyses that are ‘noisy’ due to weak hollow cathode
emission. PerkinElmer System 2 EDLs consist of the element or a
salt of the element sealed in a quartz bulb containing an inert gas
Features and Benefits: atmosphere. When an RF field of sufficient power is applied, the
• B rightness: EDLs are much brighter and, in some cases, provide better inert gas is ionized and the coupled energy vaporizes the element
sensitivity than comparable hollow cathode lamps and excites the atoms inside the bulb, resulting in the emission of
• Precision:
 EDLs offer lower detection limits and are preferred the characteristic spectrum.
for analyses that are ‘noisy‘ due to weak hollow cathode emission
PerkinElmer’s System 2 EDLs consist of a driver and a lamp sleeve.
• Long Life: System 2 EDLs are long-lived for exceptional Depending on the instrument, one or two EDL lamps can be on at
the same time. The driver connects to the instrument’s RF power
• Automation: PerkinElmer coded lamps allow automatic set-up supply (if applicable), or the external power supply if needed.
on systems with automated turret
The lamp sleeve contains the pre-aligned bulb for the element
• Quality: Carefully selected materials used in the manufacturing of our of interest. The sleeve has the same exterior dimensions as the
lamps avoid spectral interference PerkinElmer HCLs, allowing System 2 EDLs to be used in the same
• Testing: Every lamp is thoroughly tested lamp mounts and turrets.
• Design: Our design provides you with the low detection limits The locking pin on the lamp driver prevents operation without the
needed for your most difficult determinations
lamp sleeve correctly installed on the driver.
• Warranty: The performance of every PerkinElmer lamp is
fully warranted* Electrodeless Discharge Lamps are an ideal source for
determining volatile elements.


System 2 Electrodeless Discharge Lamps
1. We warrant that during the first six months or after 500
hours of operation, whichever comes first, from initial
date of shipment, the lamps will meet or exceed the
intensity and absorption specifications to which all new
lamps are tested.
2. All our Electrodeless Discharge Lamps are warranted to
light and emit the spectra of the element indicated for
two years or 1,000 hours of operation from the initial
date of shipment, whichever comes first.
3. If any lamp fails before the expiration of the warranty System 2 EDL AAnalyst
with Coded Adapter Coded Adapter
period, it will be replaced free of charge.
* The lamp warranty is void for lamps that sustain physical damage or are operated at power levels
substantially above or below the power level recommended on the lamp label. The lamp warranty may
vary in different countries.



Electrodeless Discharge Lamps Background Corrector Sources

Element Name Element Symbol System 2 EDL AAnalyst For Instrument Models Source Type Part No.
with Coded Adapter Coded Adapter
PinAAcle 500/900 Deuterium N3160811
Part No. Part No.
Antimony Sb N3050670 N3050869 AAnalyst 200/400 Deuterium B3150169

Arsenic As N3050605 N3050860 AAnalyst 700/800 Deuterium B0148615

Bismuth Bi N3050611 N3050861

Cadmium Cd N3050615 N3050862
Cesium Cs N3050620 N3050863 Lamp Adapters and Supplies
Germanium Ge N3050630 N3050864 Small Diameter Lamp Adapter Kit
Lead Pb N3050657 N3050867
Permits the use of hollow cathode
Mercury Hg N3050634 N3050865
lamps of smaller diameter than the
Phosphorus P N3050655 N3050866 PerkinElmer 2 in. diameter hollow
Rubidium Rb N3050664 N3050868 cathode lamps used in PerkinElmer
Selenium Se N3050672 N3050870 atomic absorption spectrometers.
Tellurium Te N3050680 N3050872 Note that the adapter has an
Thallium Tl N3050683 N3050873 8-pin connector for the lamp and
Tin Sn N3050675 N3050871 the cable terminates with a 9-pin Small Diameter Lamp Adapter Kit
Part No. N3051050
Zinc Zn N3050691 N3050874
connector which requires N3050197
to be compatible with AAnalyst and
EDL Driver Assembly required
PinAAcle instruments.

For a full selection of Lamp Adapters and supplies

please visit our website.
EDL Driver Assembly
Part No. 03030997
Description Part No.
Small Diameter Lamp Adapter Kit N3051050
EDL Driver Assemblies
Description Part No.
Non-Coded Intensitron Lamp
For AAnalyst 200/400

N3150131 Plug Adapter
EDL Lamp Adapter AAnalyst 200/400 to PinAAcle N3180626
Adapter cable to allow custom AAnalyst 200/400 EDL lamp Allows non-coded Intensitron
drivers to plug into PinAAcle instruments lamps (03036XXX series, 9-pin)
System 2 EDL driver with a short cable 03030997 and other 9-pin lamps to be
For use with PinAAcle and other instruments that have a built in Non-Coded Intensitron
used with PinAAcle and AAnalyst
EDL power supply. Adapter N3150303 is also needed if used on Lamp Plug Adapter
the AAnalyst 200/400 instruments (4-pin). Part No. N3050197
Driver with a long cable 03030793 Description Part No.
For use with the external power supply, but has the same plug
connector as 03030997. Requires adapter N3150303 if used Non-Coded Intensitron Lamp Plug Adapter N3050197
with the AAnalyst 200/400

Red Filter
EDL Driver Components
Linearizes working curves for potassium, lithium, rubidium and
Description Part No. cesium. Recommended for Rb and Cs determinations by flame
Driver Assembly Adapter Cable N3150303 emission. Passes only wavelengths longer than 650 nm.
Allows System 2 EDL Drivers (03030793 and 03030997) to be
used on an AAnalyst 200/400 Description Part No.
Extension cable for 03030997 if a longer length is needed 03030998 Red Filter 02901518



Atomax Hollow Cathode Lamps

Features and Benefits:

• Experts: Expertise designing and manufacturing quality lamps for over
40 years. A brand you can trust
• Compatibility: Compatible with other manufacturer’s instruments –
tested and approved
• Lifetime: Long lifetime and performance. As the world’s leading AA
supplier, we know how to build lamps that provide maximum light
output and spectral purity for optimum performance
• Quality: Every lamp ships with Certificate of Quality
Atomax™ 1.5 in. AA Lamps from PerkinElmer, • Testing: Lamps are thoroughly tested before leaving the factory
the World Leader in Atomic Absorption • Raw Materials: Carefully selected materials used in the
Atomax 1.5 in. hollow cathode lamps are crafted to the same manufacturing of our lamps avoid spectral interference
high standards that have made PerkinElmer 2 in. Lumina™ hollow • Clean: Lamps are built to stringent specifications in a state-of-the-art
cathode lamps the best in the industry. Drawing on more than lamp manufacturing facility. Great quality every time
40 years of HCL design and manufacturing expertise, Atomax • Design: Our design provides you with the low detection limits needed
lamps now offer laboratories around the world a dependable, for your most difficult determinations
top-quality lighting source, regardless of the brand of AA • Value: Equivalent or better performance than your current lamp at a
instruments used. great price

Value-Priced and Fully Compatible with 1.5 in. Format

AA Instruments
PerkinElmer 2-pin non-coded Atomax lamps are designed to Every Atomax lamp includes a certificate of quality,
fit most commercially available atomic absorption instruments our promise of outstanding performance levels from
including Agilent®, Thermo®, Shimadzu®, GBC®, Analytic Jena®, the leader in AA.
Hitachi® and many more. Combining affordability and industry-
wide compatibility allows users of other brands of AAs to benefit
from PerkinElmer’s proven lamp performance. Each lamp is
thoroughly tested to ensure that it will stand up to the most
demanding requirements. Atomax lamps represent an exceptional
value and our money-back guarantee means you can order with
complete confidence.
Tested and Validated for Highest Quality Performance
All 1.5 in. Atomax hollow cathode lamps are thoroughly
tested to ensure maximum light output and spectral purity.
Comparative results show that Atomax lamps provide equal or
better performance than other AA lamps in the market. Precision
engineered for high sensitivity, stable light output, low noise,
and long life, you can rely on Atomax lamps for the accurate
results you need.




Atomax™ Hollow Cathode Lamps
1. We warrant that during the first six months for 5,000
milliampere-hours of operation, whichever comes first,
from initial date of shipment, the lamps will meet or
exceed the intensity and absorption specifications to
which all new lamps are tested.
2. All of our hollow cathode lamps are warranted to light
and emit the spectra of the element indicated for two
years or 5,000 milliampere hours of operation from the
date of the shipment, whichever comes first.
3. If any lamp fails before the expiration of the warranty
period, it will be replaced free of charge.
* The lamp warranty is void for lamps which sustain physical damage or are operated at power levels
substantially above or below the power level recommended on the lamp label. The lamp warranty may
vary in different countries.

Element Symbol Part No. Element Symbol Part No. Element Symbol Part No.
Aluminum Al N2025301 Iridium Ir N2025325 Samarium Sm N2025351
Antimony Sb N2025347 Iron Fe N2025317 Scandium Sc N2025348
Arsenic As N2025302 Lanthanum La N2025327 Selenium Se N2025349
Barium Ba N2025305 Lead Pb N2025339 Silicon Si N2025350
Beryllium Be N2025306 Lithium Li N2025328 Silver Ag N2025300
Bismuth Bi N2025307 Lutetium Lu N2025329 Sodium Na N2025333
Boron B N2025304 Magnesium Mg N2025330 Strontium Sr N2025353
Cadmium Cd N2025309 Manganese Mn N2025331 Tantalum Ta N2025354
Calcium Ca N2025308 Mercury Hg N2025322 Terbium Tb N2025355
Cesium Cs N2025312 Molybdenum Mo N2025332 Tellurium Te N2025356
Chromium Cr N2025311 Neodymium Nd N2025335 Thallium Tl N2025359
Cobalt Co N2025310 Nickel Ni N2025336 Thorium Th N2025357
Copper Cu N2025313 Niobium Nb N2025334 Thulium Tm N2025360
Dysprosium Dy N2025314 Osmium Os N2025337 Tin Sn N2025352
Erbium Er N2025315 Palladium Pd N2025340 Titanium Ti N2025358
Europium Eu N2025316 Phosphorus P N2025338 Tungsten W N2025362
Gadolinium Gd N2025319 Platinum Pt N2025342 Vanadium V N2025361
Gallium Ga N2025318 Potassium K N2025326 Ytterbium Yb N2025364
Germanium Ge N2025320 Praseodymium Pr N2025341 Yttrium Y N2025363
Gold Au N2025303 Rhenium Re N2025344 Zinc Zn N2025365
Hafnium Hf N2025321 Ruthenium Ru N2025346 Zirconium Zr N2025366
Holmium Ho N2025323 Rhodium Rh N2025345
Indium In N2025324 Rubidium Rb N2025343

Graphite for Non-PerkinElmer Instruments can be found in the graphite section.



Burner System Burner Heads

Single-slot Nitrous Oxide-acetylene 5 cm
The 5 cm nitrous oxide burner head is required for nitrous
oxide-acetylene operation. This burner head can also be used
with air-acetylene or rotated to provide reduced sensitivity.

Description Part No.

Single-slot Nitrous Oxide-acetylene 5 cm N0400100

Single-slot Air-acetylene 10 cm
The 10 cm burner head is designed to be used with the air-
acetylene flame. Because of its long burner path length, it provides
the best sensitivity for air-acetylene elements. This is the standard
burner head that is shipped with all PinAAcle flame instruments.

Description Part No.

An efficient burner system is essential for obtaining
Single-slot Air-acetylene 10 cm N0400102
optimal performance from your AA instrument, and
proper maintenance is required to obtain precise and Single-slot Air-acetylene 5 cm
accurate determinations.
A 5 cm air-acetylene burner head is available for applications
in which reduced sensitivity is required. It can be rotated to
Features and Benefits:
provide further sensitivity reduction, and it has a wide slot to
• 100% titanium burner heads, an exclusive PerkinElmer feature prevent clogging.
that provides maximum corrosion resistance when analyzing any type
of sample Description Part No.
• Burner chambers constructed of inert, wettable plastic to allow for Single-slot Air-acetylene 5 cm N0400101
proper drainage of excess sample and minimize sample carryover
of previous analyses Three-slot Air-acetylene 10 cm
• Multivaned flow spoilers remove large sample droplets from the The three-slot burner head is designed to be used when analyzing 
nebulized spray and reduce susceptibility to analytical interference samples with high concentrations of dissolved solids. The three-slot
• Gaskets designed for use with aqueous and organic samples. Choose burner head is not compatible with some older gas control systems.
from synthetic rubber gaskets for aqueous solutions and Corkprene
or KALREZ gaskets for organic solutions Description Part No.

• PinAAcle uses the same Burner Heads as AAnalyst series. The latest Three-slot Air-acetylene 10 cm N0400103
design has a hole on the rim for ease of rotation during operation.
The handle is provided with the instrument Burner Head Cleaning Tool
Description Part No.
Burner Head Cleaning Tool 03031573

Burner Head Adjustment Tool

Description Part No.
Burner Head Adjustment Tool N3161240

Single-slot Air-acetylene 5 cm Single-slot Air-acetylene 10 cm

Single-slot Nitrous Oxide-acetylene 5 cm Three-slot Air-acetylene 10 cm

Burner Head Adjustment Tool



PinAAcle Burner System Components

1 Burner Head
5 4 3 8 1
2 Burner Head O-Ring
3 Mixing Chamber
4 Flow Spoiler
5 End Cap Assembly

6 Stainless Steel Nebulizer 6

2 7
7 Retaining Ring

8 B  urner Head Adjustment Tool PinAAcle Burner System Components

Burner System Components

Description PinAAcle AAnalyst
500/900 Part No. 100/200/300/400/700/800
Part No.
Viton Burner Head O-Ring Kit, 0.984 in. x 0.139 in. 09200079 O-Ring (3), 09200078 Super O-Lube (1) 09902219 09902219
Burner Mixing Chamber Assembly (Note: PinAAcle assembly includes components 2, 3 and 7; AAnalyst component 2 only.) N3160506 00570948
Burner Chamber Holder N3160809
Clamping Ring N0401171
Flow Spoiler 00572561 00572561
Viton O-Ring for End Cap Gas Lines (Neb., Aux., Fuel) 0.312 in. x 0.070 in. (Qty. 4 required) 09200253
Viton O-Ring for End Cap 1.892 in. x 0.103 in. 09902147 09902147
Kalrez O-Ring for End Cap Gas Lines (Neb., Aux., Fuel) 0.312 in. x 0.070 in. (Qty. 4 required) 09200275
Kalrez O-Ring for End Cap 1.892 in. x 0.103 in. 09200277 09200277
Organics (Corkprene) O-Ring for End Cap 00472014 00472014
End Cap Assembly with Viton O-Rings (for use with metal body nebulizers) N3160505 00570984
End Cap Assembly with Kalrez O-Rings (for use with metal body nebulizers) N3160188
End Cap Assembly with Viton O-Rings (for use with plastic body nebulizers) N3160511 N0370392
End Cap Assembly with Kalrez O-Rings (for use with plastic body nebulizers) N3160189
End Cap Assembly Impact Bead (for use with metal body nebulizers) N3160545
Burner Gasket Kit for End Cap Assembly 00570984; 00472014 (5), 09902147 (3), 09902219 (1), 09902236 (3), 09902240 (3) 00470988
Drain Tubing – Tygon Tubing with FEP lining 02507987 02507987
Pyrex Impact Bead Used with End Caps for Metal Body Nebulizers 00572615 00572615
Seal Plug for the 00572615 Pyrex Impact Bead used with end caps for metal body nebulizers N3161224 00572624
O-Ring for seal plug in end caps with Impact Bead (Qty. 2 required) 09902236 09902240
Burner Drain Assembly for Organic Solutions N3160683*** N3150230*
Burner Drain Assembly (includes tubing and drain interlock, drain bottle 09200486 not included) N2011074*
Burner Drain Assembly (includes tubing and drain interlock, drain bottle 09200486 not included) N0400058*** N0400058**
Wide Mouth 15 L Drain Bottle 09200486 09200486
*For AAnalyst 700/800, **For AAnalyst 200/400, ***Also compatible with AAnalyst 100/200/300/400

AAnalyst Burner System Components
1 Burner Head
2 Burner Mixing Chamber
3 Clamping Ring
4 Flow Spoiler 6
5 End Cap O-Ring
6 End Cap Assembly
AAnalyst Burner System Components




PinAAcle Removable Burner Assembly allows

switching between analytical techniques
in a matter of seconds on flame/furnace
combination instruments

High-Sensitivity Nebulizer
with Pt/Ir Capillary

PinAAcle High-Sensitivity Nebulizer

Part No. N3160144 High-Sensitivity Nebulizer with Pt/Ir Capillary
Our high-precision nebulizer maximizes stability and sensitivity,
even for the toughest matrices. The nebulizer is adjustable so
a wide variety of sample matrices – aqueous or organic, acidic
or basic, diluted or concentrated – can be analyzed under
The nebulizer is one of the most important components
optimum conditions. This high-sensitivity nebulizer is fabricated
in a flame AA spectrometer
with inert plastic materials for maximum performance and
Sample solutions, with differing physical properties, must be corrosion resistance.
converted into an aerosol of small, similarly-sized droplets. This
places great demands on the design of the nebulizer.
All PerkinElmer nebulizer assemblies are adjustable for optimized
performance and include easily-interchanged capillary assemblies
for simple, reduced-cost maintenance. PerkinElmer nebulizers
are manufactured to exacting tolerances to provide maximum
sensitivity. Universal, or, ‘standard’ nebulizers are less expensive
than the corresponding high-sensitivity nebulizers and provide a
lower level of sensitivity. The universal, or, ‘standard’ nebulizers
typically provide better precision and reduced ‘carryover’
interference when used with solutions that contain high dissolved High-Sensitivity Nebulizer
solids content of higher analyte concentrations. • Provides maximum sensitivity, precision and freedom from analytical
• The high-sensitivity nebulizer with platinum/iridium capillary
is for most solutions, but not for precious metal samples
containing aqua regia
• High-sensitivity nebulizer with tantalum capillary used for solutions
containing aqua regia



Metal Body Corrosion-Resistant Nebulizers Metal Body Platinum Alloy Nebulizers

• For all solutions containing hydrofluoric acid or aqua regia • Recommended for most concentrated acids containing >5% acid
• For all solutions containing high concentrations of dissolved solids • Includes a platinum alloy needle assembly and a tantalum venturi
• All internal components in contact with solutions are constructed of • Provides maximum chemical resistance
plastic to resist corrosion from concentrated acids
• Not suitable for use with aqua regia or hydrofluoric acid
• Reduced performance compared with stainless steel or platinum/
rhodium nebulizers

Plastic Body GemTip™ Nebulizers Metal Body Stainless Steel Nebulizers

• Corrosion-resistant and can be used to aspirate almost all solutions, • For most solutions containing <5% acid, providing exceptional
even those solutions containing a high percentage of acids performance and durability
• Designed to obtain optimum sensitivity, detection limits and precision • Excellent performance (precision and signal-to-noise ratio)
with flame atomic absorption for both air-acetylene and nitrous
oxide-acetylene flames



Nebulizer Assemblies and Spares

Metal Body Nebulizer Parts for PinAAcle AA Instruments
For Nebulizers with Part Nos. N3160143 and N3160158

Description Part No.

1 O-Ring sealing Nebulizer to End Cap 09926068
Solvent Resistant O-Ring Sealing Nebulizer to End Cap 09200274
2 Cap N3161057
PinAAcle Stainless Steel Nebulizer
3 Venturi 03031810 Part No. N3160143
4 O-Ring for Venturi 09902047
Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Venturi 09200273
O-Rings for Nebulizer Body 09902015
(Each nebulizer requires a quantity of 2) 1
Solvent Resistant O-Rings for Nebulizer Body 09200276 5
(Each nebulizer requires a quantity of 2)
6 Nebulizer Body N3160133 10
12 14
7 Nebulizer Insert 03031812
8 O-Ring for Nebulizer Insert 09902047 2 4
Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Nebulizer Insert 09200273 7
9 11
9 Locking Ring N3161006
10 Spring 03031806
11 O-Ring for Capillary Needle Assembly 09902102 N3160158 NEBULIZER PINAACLE

Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Capillary Needle Assembly 09200271

12 Capillary Needle Assembly with O-Ring 03030354
Solvent Resistant Capillary Needle Assembly with O-Ring N3160153
13 PTFE Washer 03031802
14 Fine Adjustment Nut 03031460
15 Sample Capillary 09908265

Plastic Body Nebulizer Parts for PinAAcle AA Instrument

For Nebulizers with Part Nos. N3160144, N3160152 and N3160159

Description Part No.

1 Impact Bead B0505086
2 Spacer B3150531 PinAAcle High-Sensitivity Nebulizer
O-Rings for Nebulizer Body (Each nebulizer requires a 09902015 Part No. N3160144
quantity of 2)
Solvent Resistant O-Rings for Nebulizer Body (Each 09200276
nebulizer requires a quantity of 2)
4 Plastic Nebulizer Body
5 Spring 09920483
6 Locking Ring N3151205
1 2 3
7 O-Ring for Capillary Needle Assembly 09926127 4
Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Capillary Needle Assembly 09200272 5
8 Pt/Ir Capillary Needle Assembly with Spring and O-Ring B3150525
Solvent Resistant Pt/Ir Capillary Needle Assembly with N3160154
Spring and O-Ring
9 Fine Adjustment Nut B3150462 6
10 Sample Tubing B3150458


Plastic Body Nebulizer Parts for AAnalyst AA Instruments

AAnalyst 100/300/200/400/700/800* High-Sensitivity Nebulizer Parts
For Nebulizers with Part Nos. B0505480 and B0505590
AAnalyst High-Sensitivity Nebulizer
Description Part No. Part No. B0505480
1 Impact Bead B0505086
2 Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Nebulizer Body B0174378
3 Nebulizer Body B0506666
4 Spring B0165332
5 Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Capillary Assembly B0190672 3
1 4 5
6 Pt/Ir Capillary Assembly B0501022
7 Locking Ring B0501025
8 Fine Adjustment Nut B0501026 7 8
*This nebulizer requires the use of end cap assembly

AAnalyst 200/400/700*/800* High-Sensitivity Nebulizer Parts

For Nebulizers with Part Nos. N3150188 and N2010250

Description Part No.

1 Impact Bead B0505086
AAnalyst High-Sensitivity
Nebulizer Spacer (not pictured) B3150531
Nebulizer with Pt/Ir Capillary
O-Rings for Nebulizer Body 09902015 Part No. N3150188
(Each nebulizer requires a Qty. of 2)
Solvent Resistant O-Rings for Nebulizer Body 09200276
(Each nebulizer requires a Qty. of 2)
3 Nebulized Body –
4 Spring 09920483
5 O-Ring for Capillary Assembly 09926127
Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Capillary Assembly 09200272 3
1 4 5
6 Pt/Ir Capillary Assembly with O-Ring B3150525
Tantalum Capillary Assembly with Solvent Resistant N3160146
O-Ring and Spring 6
7 Locking Ring N3151205 7 8

8 Fine Adjustment Nut B3150462

O-Ring for Sample Tube B0507708
(Each sample tube requires a Qty. 2)
Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Sample Tube 09200369
(Each sample tube a Qty. 2)
Solvent Resistant O-Ring Kit N2010246
(Includes 1 x 09200272, 2 x 09200276 and 2 x 09200369)

*Requires End Cap Assembly N0370392



Metal Body Nebulizer Parts for AAnalyst 200/400*, 100/300/700/800**

For Nebulizers with Part Nos. 03030404, 03030299 and 03030352
Description Part No.
O-Ring for Insert/Venturi 09902005
(Each nebulizer requires a quantity of 2)
Solvent Resistant O-Rings for Insert/Venturi 09200273
AAnalyst Stainless Steel Nebulizer
(Each nebulizer requires a quantity of 2)
Part No. 03030352
2 Insert 03031812

3 Nebulizer Body 03030353

4 Venturi for Corrosion Resistant Nebulizer 03031920

Venturi for Platinum Alloy Nebulizer 03033124
Venturi for Stainless Steel Nebulizer 03031810
5 Front End Cap 03031808

6 O-Ring for Front End Cap 09902239

Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Front End Cap 09200274
7 Fine Adjustment Nut 03031460

8 Locking Ring 03031456

Washer 03031802 2

10 Capillary Assembly for Corrosion Resistant Nebulizer 03030402 3

Capillary Assembly for Platinum Alloy Nebulizer 03030433 4
Capillary Assembly for Stainless Steel Nebulizer 03030354
11 O-Ring for Capillary Assembly 09902102
Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Capillary Assembly 09200271
12 Spring 03031806
O-Ring Kit (Includes 5 x 09902005, 3 x 09902102, N9300065 10
5 x 09902239, 2 x 03031802) 11
Solvent Resistant O-Ring Kit (Includes 1 x 09200271, N2010247 12
2 x 09200273 and 1 x 09200274)
* AAnlayst 200/400 Require End Cap 00570984 ** For AAnalyst spectrometers shipped starting Fall 1999

GemTip Nebulizers for AAnalyst 100/300/200*/400*/700**/800**

For Nebulizers with Part Nos. N0370394 and N0370393
Description Part No. Universal GemTip Nebulizer
Part No. N0370394
1 Capillary Tubing 09908265

2 Fine Adjustment Nut N0371492

3 Gland Nut N0371505

4 PTFE Tubing 09985708

5 Capillary Assembly for Universal GemTip Nebulizers N0371520

Capillary Assembly for High-Sensitivity GemTip Nebulizers N0371522
6 O-Ring for Capillary Assembly 09926083 5
7 Impact Bead for High-Sensitivity GemTip Nebulizer B0505086
8 O-Ring for Nebulizer Body 09902015 3
Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Nebulizer Body B0174378
2 8
9 Body Assembly for Universal GemTip Nebulizer N0370398
Body Assembly for High-Sensitivity Nebulizer N0370399 1
10 Locking Nut N0371493 9

11 Spring 09902473
12 Connector Nut N0371485 13
13 Magnet Holder Assembly N1010215

* AAnlayst 200/400 Require End Cap N0370392 ** For AAnalyst 700/800 Instruments Shipped before Fall 1999



Kalrez O-Ring Kits for Sampling Accessories

Description Part No.
Nebulizer, End Cap and Burner Head O-Ring Kit for Plastic Nebulizer for PinAAcle AA. N3160157
Includes: 09200272 (1), 09200275 (4), 09200276 (2), 09200277 (1), 09200278 (1), 09200369 (2)
Nebulizer, End Cap and Burner Head O-Ring Kit for Stainless Steel Nebulizer for PinAAcle AA. N3160156
Includes: 09200271 (1), 09200273 (2), 09200274 (1), 09200275 (4), 09200276 (2) , 09200277 (1), 09200278 (1)
Nebulizer O-Ring Kit for Stainless Steel Nebulizer for PinAAcle AA. Includes: 09200271 (1), 09200273 (2), 09200274 (1), 09200276 (2) N3160192
Nebulizer O-Ring Kit, fits Stainless Steel Nebulizers 03030358 and 03030352. Includes: 09200271 (1), 09200273 (2), 09200274 (1) N2010247
Nebulizer O-Ring Kit for Plastic Nebulizer for PinAAcle AA. Includes: 09200272 (1), 09200276 (2), 09200369 (2) N3160193
Nebulizer O-Ring Kit for AA200/400 Nebulizer N2010250. Includes: 09200272 (1), 09200276 (2), 09200369 (2) N2010246
End Cap O-Ring Kit for PinAAcle AA. Includes: 09200275 (4), 09200277 (1) N3160194
End Cap O-Ring Kit for AAnalyst 700/800 End Cap, 00570984. Includes: 09200277 (1), 09200341 (2), 09200342 (2) N2010245

PinAAcle Nebulizers and Assemblies Quick Reference

Description Type Needle O-Ring Type Complete End Cap Replacement
Assembly Assembly Needle Assembly
Plastic High Sensitivity (standard) Aqueous Platinum/Iridium Viton N3160144 N3160511 B3150525
Plastic High Sensitivity Aqueous or Organics Platinum/Iridium Kalrez N3160159 N3160189 N3160154
Plastic High Sensitivity Aqueous or Organics Tantalum Kalrez N3160152 N3160189
(suitable for aqua regia in addition to organics)
Stainless Steel (standard) Aqueous Stainless Viton N3160143 N3160505 03030354
Stainless Steel Aqueous or Organics Stainless Kalrez N3160158 N3160188 N3160153
Stainless Steel Aqueous Plastic Viton N3160505 03030402
Stainless Steel Aqueous Platinum Alloy Viton N3160505 03030133
Description Type Burner Drain Drain Bottle
Drain Assembly Aqueous N0400058 09200486
Drain Assembly Organics N3160683 09200486

AAnalyst Nebulizers and Assemblies Quick Reference

Description Type Needle O-Ring Type Complete End Cap Replacement
Assembly Assembly Needle Assembly
High-Sensitivity Plastic Body Aqueous or Organics Tantalum Kalrez N2010250 N3160146
Plastic Body Aqueous Platinum/Iridium Viton N3150188 N0370392 N3150525
High-Sensitivity Plastic Body Aqueous or Organic Platinum/Iridium Kalrez B0505480 N0370392 B0501022
High-Sensitivity Plastic Body Aqueous or Organic Tantalum Kalrez B0505590 N0370392
Stainless Steel Body Aqueous Stainless Steel Viton 03030352 00570984 03030354
Corrosion Resistant Metal Body Aqueous or Organic Tantalum Kalrez 03030404 00570984 03030402
Platinum Alloy Nebulizer Aqueous Platinum/Iridium Kalrez 03030299 00570984 03030433
Universal GemTip Aqueous Plastic with Sapphire Tip Viton N0370394 N0370392 N0371520
High-Sensitivity GemTip Aqueous or Organic Plastic with Sapphire Tip Kalrez N0370393 N0370392 N0371522

Nebulizer Accessories
Description Part No.
Capillary Tubing 09908265
Nebulizer Cleaning Wires Pkg. 5 03030135
Nebulizer Grease 03030405
Nebulizer Capillary Tubing Nebulizer Cleaning Wires Nebulizer Grease



Autosampler Cups and Supplies

88-Position Tray 148-Position Tray

Furnace Autosampler Trays Graphite Furnace Autosampler Cups

For a quick change to another series of samples, a second sample Sample cups are of heavy-duty construction to prevent cracking
tray is recommended. or tipping. Their conical design allows for use of nearly the
For Model AS-800/AS-900 entire sample.

Description Part No.

Your Choice of Materials:
88-Position Tray, Polypropylene B3001507
80 sample locations for 2.0, 2.5 or 3.5 mL sample cups. • Polystyrene – Clear, recommended for use with most
Each sample tray also has 8 positions for 7.0 mL aqueous solutions
reagent containers
• Polyethylene – Translucent, low-density, recommended for use with
148-Position Tray, Polypropylene B3001506
132 sample locations for 1.2 mL sample cups and eight
most aqueous solutions
locations for 2.5 or 3.5 mL sample cups. Each sample tray • PTFE – Recommended for use with most concentrated acids
also has 8 positions for 7.0 mL reagent containers. including HF, and for analyses where the lowest detection levels
One is provided with the autosampler
are required
Cover B3001505
Pipette Arm B3002046 • Polypropylene – Translucent; preferred for most solvents

Volume Composition Qty. Part No.

1.2 mL* Polypropylene 2,000 B0510397
2.0 mL Polyethylene 1,000 B0087056
Furnace Sampling Probe 2.0 mL Polystyrene 1,000 B0119079
2.0 mL PTFE 30 B0087600
Made of PTFE, these are capable of pipetting a variety of corrosive
2.5 mL Polypropylene 1,000 B3001566
matrices and organic solutions.
3.5 mL Polystyrene 100 B0129303
7.0 mL** Polypropylene 100 B3001567
Features and Benefits
* For use with AS-71/72/800/900 ** For use with AS-800/AS-900
• Works well with solvent and acid-resistant sampling components
• PTFE pipette tips and capillaries reduce contamination
• Easy replacement

Description Part No.

For Models AS-60/AS-70/AS-71/AS-72/AS-800/AS-900 B0129258
Cutting Tool for Furnace Sampling Probe B0510268 Pliers and Accessories
Description Part No.
Reagent Containers For 1.2 mL sample cups. B0510398
For blank solutions, reagent solutions or matrix modifiers. Drain Bottle without Cap 2 L B0104344
Rinse Bottle B0104281
Description Part No.
Round Reagent Containers B0101164 Check Valves
For Models AS-40/AS-60/AS-70/AS-71/AS-72.
25 mL polypropylene. Suitable for organic solutions Description Aqueous Part No. Organics Part No.
30 mL Polystyrene – Not for organic solutions B0102332 Check Valve Inlet B3002007 B0105973
Cloverleaf-shaped Reagent Containers B0132799 Check Valve Outlet B3002006 B0105974
For Models AS-60/AS-70/AS-71/AS-72. Inlet and Outlet Kit B3001485
30 mL polypropylene



Air Compressors
AA Ultra Quiet Oil-Less Air Compressor
PerkinElmer is expanding its compressor product portfolio
to include an industrial grade, quiet, oil-less compressor for
dependable and clean air supply. With the addition of a water
separator with a 5 micron particle filter, no liquid transfers into
the air supply, providing you with contaminant free air. Each quiet,
vibration free compressor comes standard with an internally and
externally coated air tank with automatic condensate drain system
and collection bottle. The AA Ultra Quiet Oil-Less Air Compressor
features a low operating sound level of 60 dB and comes
completely outfitted to operate the PerkinElmer Atomic Absorption
(AA) Spectrometers.

Features and Benefits

• Completely quiet oil-less operation
• Delivers clean and dry instrument grade air
• Water separator with 5 micron particle filter assures no liquid transfer
• Specialty coated cylinders and high temperature piston rings
for long service life
• Durable air tank with automatic condensate drain, internal coating Specifications
and 5 year warranty Horse Power 1 HP

• Low annual operating costs Output CFM 4.2 CFM

• 2-year system warranty Output L 120 L/min

Max Pressure PSI 120 PSI
• A complete compressed air station incorporating an outlet
pressure regulator, tank and outlet pressure gauge, shut off ball Max Pressure Bar 8 bar
valve, ASME safety valve, and pressure switch allowing for complete Max Current 110 V 7.8 Amps
automatic operation
Max Current 220 V 3.8 Amps
Noise Level 60 db/A
Tank Size Gallons 6
Tank Size L 24
Dimensions 16 in. x 16 in. x 21 in.
Weight 53.8 lbs.
Packed Dimensions 20 in. x 20 in. x 25 in.
Packed Weight 65.8 lbs.

Description Part No.

Compressor 115V/60Hz N9306345
Compressor 220V/50-60Hz N9306346
Replacement Air Intake Filter N0777870
ISO 13485-2008
Certified Micron Dryer Filter Element N0777871



THGA Graphite Tubes Standard THGA Graphite Tubes

Today’s analysts expect exceptional
analytical performance from their
graphite furnace atomic absorption
THGA Graphite Tubes with Advanced Platform™ spectrometers. That performance
The exclusive and patented Advanced Platform design offers an must be reproducible from day
alternative to our Standard Integrated Platform design. With the to day with respect to sensitivity
current Integrated Platform design, the platform attaches to the (characteristic mass), accuracy and precision.
tube wall along a single side that runs the length of the platform. The graphite tube, the heart of the graphite furnace, plays a vital
The new Advanced Platform design suspends the platform in role in the overall stability of an analysis. In order to assure stable
the tube using three small pins in a triangular layout. This has analytical conditions from one atomization cycle to the next and
the advantage of minimizing wall contact and reducing thermal from graphite tube to graphite tube, all graphite parts – contacts,
conduction from the tube walls resulting in even and rapid heating tubes and platforms – must be subject to strict quality control by
almost exclusively from thermal radiation, an ideal platform. both the instrument manufacturer and the graphite manufacturer.
PerkinElmer’s unique, transversely-heated graphite tube includes
an integrated platform. The exceptionally uniform temperature
distribution obtained with transverse heating significantly reduces
or eliminates condensation of the sample matrix components
and ‘memory’ effects and improves the atomization efficiency for
refractory elements.

Standard THGA Graphite Tubes with End Caps

Advanced Platform Features
For improved characteristic mass with volatile and medium
• Even and rapid heating refractory elements such as Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, Se and Tl,
• Improved sensitivity for some applications the THGA graphite tubes with end caps are recommended.
• Improved batch to batch reliability Note: THGA graphite tubes with end caps are not recommended
• Exclusive and patented design – only from PerkinElmer! for refractory elements such as V or Ba.

Description Advanced Platform Advanced Platform

Part No. with End Caps
Part No.
5-Pack N9307830 N9307832
10-Pack NEW N9304644 N9304645
20-Pack N9307831 N9307833

Features and Benefits

• Improved detection limits for volatile and medium
refractory elements
• Faster drying for complex matrices due to enlarged dosing hole

Description Standard THGA Standard THGA

Part No. with End Caps
Part No.
5-Pack B3000641 B3000653
10-Pack NEW N9304642 N9304643
20-Pack B0504033 B3000655
100-Pack N3110147



UltraClean THGA THGA Contact Cylinders

Graphite Tubes
These graphite contact cylinders are
For the lowest possible engineered for a precise fit so that
detection limits, residual variations in electrical contact – which
contaminant levels may not might affect the analytical performance – are reduced to a
be low enough to meet your minimum. Contact cylinders with a modified injection port area
requirements. For the most demanding analyses, PerkinElmer help to minimize condensation and improve analytical performance
offers UltraClean THGA graphite tubes – delivering exceptionally with difficult matrices.
low levels of contamination due to advanced high-temperature
Standard THGA Graphite Contact Cylinders
gas-phase cleaning procedures. UltraClean graphite tubes offer
unmatched analytical advantages for special applications such as Description Part No.
the determination of extremely low traces of Na, Ca, Fe, Cr and 1 Pair B0504035
Ni in ultra-clean reagents used in the semiconductor industry, and 5 Pairs B0504036
ultra-trace analyses of environmental, clinical, or food samples.
Modified THGA Contact Cylinders
Features and Benefits
Description Part No.
• UltraClean THGA graphite tubes have the lowest possible
contamination levels due to extensive high-temperature gas-phase 1 Pair B3002103
cleaning procedures 5 Pairs B3002102
• UltraClean THGA graphite tubes are tested and specified for blank
levels of Cr, Ni, V, Mo, Ti (<0.003 integrated absorbance units) and
Na, Fe, Al, Si, Ca (<0.0005 integrated absorbance units) Accessories and Spare Parts
Description Part No.
Description Part No.
O-Ring (behind Contact Cylinder, front and back) B0500748
5-Pack B3140361 Contact Cylinder Removal Tools B3120405
20-Pack B3140362 THGA Filter Cartridge AA600 Fume Extractor Qty. 50 B0509065
Spare Graphite Tip for Fume Extraction System B0506722
Pliers 09907925
THGA Quartz Window B0198005
THGA Quartz Window O-Ring B0501236

Three-Piece Sample Preparation Tool Kit

Stainless-Steel tools are coated with an inert carbon surface so they
will not transfer trace metals to graphite tubes or the sample that
is being handled. Tool kit comes with one straight tweezer, one
spatula and a customized PerkinElmer pen.

Features and Benefits

• Metal-free handling of graphite and solid samples
• Coating leaves a non-porous surface on the tools that is easy to clean
THGA Instrument Mirror
• Coated tools have a temperature resistance up to 400ºC
Used to optimize drying temperatures and times.
Description Part No. Description Part No.
Three-Piece Sample Preparation Tool Kit N9304648 THGA Instrument Mirror B0851900



HGA Graphite Tubes

The production of high-quality graphite components requires
stringent quality control. To ensure high quality and consistency,
a specific grade of high-density base graphite material has been
developed for PerkinElmer’s exclusive use. This base graphite material
is used for the manufacturing of all PerkinElmer graphite tubes.
Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes
Selection and careful control of raw materials are extremely with Integrated Platforms
important. The composition and the microstructure of the base
graphite material determine the specific resistivity of the tube and Proven in labs throughout the world, graphite tubes with
its heating characteristics. integrated platforms provide superior performance and are easy
to use. Graphite tubes with integrated platforms are machined
When you purchase graphite supplies from PerkinElmer, you from one piece of graphite and are totally pyrocoated, providing
get the results of our many years of experience with quality exceptional tube-to-tube reproducibility. The spherically-shaped
graphite parts. platform accommodates up to 50 µL of sample.
The proper performance, maintenance and serviceability of our
graphite furnace systems can be assured only through the use of Features and Benefits
genuine PerkinElmer graphite components. • Provide STPF conditions for volatile and nonvolatile refractory
elements due to the significantly higher heating rates of tube and
Pyrocoated Advanced Platform Graphite Tubes platform, which can be used for all elements
The exclusive and patented Advanced Platform • Offer an extra measure of convenience versus manually inserting a
design offers an alternative to our Standard separate platform
Integrated Platform design. With the current • Provide longer life with many aggressive sample matrices, such as
Integrated Platform design, the platform attaches concentrated acids
to the tube wall along a single side that runs
the length of the platform. The new Advanced
Platform design suspends the platform in the Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes with Integrated Platforms
tube using three small pins in a triangular layout. Description Part No.
This has the advantage of minimizing wall contact and 5-Pack B3001262
reducing thermal conduction from the tube walls resulting in 10-Pack NEW N9304647
even and rapid heating almost exclusively from thermal radiation, 20-Pack B3001264
an ideal platform. 40-Pack N9300651

Advanced Platform Features

Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes*
• Even and rapid heating
Description Part No.
• Improved sensitivity for some applications
5-Pack B0105197
• Improved batch to batch reliability
10-Pack B0135653
• Exclusive and patented design – only from PerkinElmer! 20-Pack B3000342
20-Pack (Forked Platform) B0505057
Graphite Tubes with Advanced Platform 50-Pack B0091504
Description Part No. *Not compatible with L’vov platforms.
5-Pack N9307834
10-Pack NEW N9304646
Grooved Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes
20-Pack N9307835 Internally grooved to accept L’vov platforms.
Does not include platform.

Description Part No.

5-Pack B0137111
10-Pack B0121092
20-Pack B3001254



L’vov Platforms Contact Cylinders

The L’vov platform is The graphite contact cylinders used
a small plate of solid in the HGA Graphite Furnace are
pyrocoated graphite engineered for a precise fit so that
that is inserted into variations in electrical contact – which might affect the analytical
the graphite tube. It performance – are reduced to a minimum. The graphite contacts
has a slight depression are shaped so that they completely encase the graphite tube. Thus,
in the center, which can the graphite tube is located in a defined inert environment, which
accommodate up to 50 µL of solution. ensures uniform heating conditions and long tube lifetime.
The function of the L’vov platform is to isolate
the sample from the tube walls to allow more reproducible Contact Cylinders
atomization of the sample through indirect heating. The For HGA-900/850/800/700/600/300/PinAAcle H Furnaces.
platform heats primarily by the radiation given off from the Includes left-hand Contact, right-hand Contact, Shield Ring.
tube walls. Sample vaporization and atomization occur after
Description Part No.
the tube reaches a steady-state temperature.
1 Set B0128495
5 Sets B3130086
Use of the L’vov platform provides
• Vaporization into a higher temperature gas atmosphere producing
more free atoms, which reduce interferences HGA Contact Removal Tool
• Longer tube life because aggressive samples are only in contact with Description Part No.
the solid pyrolytic graphite platform HGA 900/AA 700/800/PinAAcle 900 B3121301

Description Part No.

HGA Instrument Mirror
20-Pack B3001256
Used to optimize drying temperatures and times.

Description Part No.

HGA Instrument Mirror B0080259

Pyrocoated Graphite Tube with L’vov Platform

Matrix Modifiers for
Graphite Furnace AA
PerkinElmer provides you with the
maximum performance and the
lowest possible detection limits
Cross-section of the PerkinElmer
HGA graphite tube with manually with our high-quality matrix modifiers. PerkinElmer matrix
inserted L’vov platform shown. modifiers thermally stabilize the analyte, allowing higher pyrolysis
temperatures to be used, reducing background absorption and
eliminating potential interferences.

Features and Benefits

Pyrocoated Graphite Tube with Integrated Platforms • High-purity compounds minimize the risk of contamination
• Optimum graphite furnace program can be used due to reduced
analyte volatility

Matrix Modifiers
Cross-section of the PerkinElmer Modifiers Concentration Volume Part No.
HGA graphite tube with integrated Mg(NO3)2 1% Mg (as nitrate) 100 mL B0190634
platform shown.
Pd 1% Pd (as nitrate) 50 mL B0190635
NH4H2PO4 10% NH4H2PO4 100 mL N9303445



AA Graphite for Non-PerkinElmer Instruments

PerkinElmer supplies a wide range of graphite tubes for non- Thermo® Instruments
PerkinElmer instrumentation. Graphite tubes are made with the
Description Qty./Pack Thermo Part No. Part No.
highest quality material guaranteed to work for your AA instrument.
Partridged Tube, Uncoated 10 9423 393 95031 N9304617
Use the convenient tables below to identify the compatible graphite Partridged Tube, Coated 10 9423 393 95071 N9304618
furnace tube for your AA instrument.
Partridged Tube, Coated 10 9423 393 95041 N9304619
(extended lifetime)
GBC Instruments
Zeeman Electrode Contact 2 9423 393 95161 N9304620
Description Qty./Pack GBC Part No. Part No. Standard Electrode Contact 2 9423 393 95011 N9304621
Standard Tube, 10 99-0059-00 N9304600 Omega Tube 10 9423 490 20101 N9304622
Pyrolytically Coated
Platform, Pyrolytically Coated 10 99-0060-00 N9304601
Agilent® Instruments
Standard Tube, Coated, with 10 99-0342-00 N9304602
Description Qty./Pack Agilent Part No. Part No.
Electrode Contacts 2 99-0061-00 N9304603
Plateau Tube, 10 63-100011-00 N9304623
Shroud 1 45-0004-00 N9304604 Pyrolytically Coated
Bone Platform, 10 63-100013-00 N9304624
Pyrolytically Coated
Hitachi Instruments
(for use in plateau tubes)

Description Qty./Pack Hitachi Part No. Part No. Partition Tube, 10 63-100012-00 N9304625
Pyrolytically Coated
Standard Tube, 10 180-7444 N9304605
Pyrolytically Coated Partition Tube, Uncoated 10 63-100015-00 N9304626

Standard Tube, Uncoated 10 180-7400 N9304606 Partition Tube, Pyrolytically 10 63-100012-EL N9304627
Coated Extended Life
Standard Platform, 10 180-7404 N9304607
Pyrolytically Coated Omega-Platform Tube 10 63-100037-00 N9304628

Tube for Extended Injection 10 190-6003 N9304608 Shroud 1 63-100018-00 N9304629

Volume, Pyrolytically Coated Electrode 2 63-100016-00 N9304630
Contacts, AD 20 mm 2 180-7401 N9304609 Zeeman Shroud 1 63-100019-00 N9304631
Zeeman Contacts, AD 18 mm 2 172-8805 N9304610 Zeeman Electrode 2 63-100017-00 N9304632
Omega Tube 10 N/A N9304611 (Older Instruments)
Zeeman Electrode 2 63-100035-00 N9304633
(Newer Instruments)
Shimadzu® Instruments Zeeman Shroud GTA120, 1 63-100036-00 N9304634
Description Qty./Pack Shimadzu Part No. Part No.
Standard Tube, Pyrolytically 10 206-50588 N9304612
Coated (90° contact cone)
See Atomax 1.5 in. Hollow Cathode Lamps
Standard Tube, Uncoated 10 206-50587 N9304613
(90° contact cone) for non-PerkinElmer instruments
Tube with Built-In Platform, 10 206-5887-02RI N9304614 on page 18.
Coated (90° contact cone)
Left Electrode with Housing 1 206-50602 N9304615
(90° cone)
Right Electrode (90° cone) 1 206-50603 N9304616



Mercury Analyzer Supplies SMS 100 Consumables and Supplies

Description Part No.
Nickel Boats (Qty. 42) N9309017
Quartz Combustion Boats (Qty. 10) N9309032
Replacement Carbon 500 g N9309035
Catalyst Tube (Packed) N9309036
Autosampler Boat Shuttle N9309019
Exhaust Tubing Assembly N9309006
Amalgamator Tube N9309007
Mercury Lamp N9309010
Hg Vapor Trap Kit with Carbon Material N9309011
Nafion® Drying Tube N9309021
Sample Substrate 250 mL N9309103
Oxygen Two Stage Regulator N9309004
Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon Supply N9309009
UV Windows 1⁄2 in. d x 1⁄16 in. t 10-20 w (Qty. 2) N9309024
O-Ring 1⁄16 in. ID x 1⁄16 in. w Viton N9309025
O-Ring Amalgamator 1⁄4 in. ID, 3⁄8 in. OD Viton N9309026
O-Ring Injector 5⁄8 in. ID, 3⁄4 in. OD N9309027
O-Ring Catalyst Front Viton N9309028
O-Ring .414D Catalyst Rear N9309030
O-Ring Kit for SMS 100 N9309029

PerkinElmer SMS 100 Mercury Analyzer High Sensitivity Absorption Cell 5 in. N9309033
Low Sensitivity Absorption Cell 1 in. N9309034
The SMS 100 is a dedicated mercury analyzer for the
determination of total mercury in solid and liquid samples using
the principle of thermal decomposition, amalgamation and Spares Kits
atomic absorption described in U.S. EPA Method 7473. Description Qty. Part No.

The SMS 100 uses a decomposition furnace to release mercury Basic Spares Kit N9309109
Kit Includes:
vapor instead of the chemical reduction step used in traditional
Amalgamator Tube 1 N9309007
liquid-based analyzers. Both solid and liquid matrices can
be loaded onto the instrument’s autosampler and analyzed Mercury Source Lamp 1 N9309010

without acid digestion or sample preparation prior to analysis. Nafion® Drying Tube 1 N9309021
Some of the many sample matrices applicable to SMS 100 O-Ring Kit 1 N9309029
technology include sludges, sediments, soils, wastewaters, Extended Spares Parts Kit N9309110
effluents, coal, fly ash, minerals, ores, fertilizers, various Kit Includes:

foodstuffs, blood, urine and hair. Amalgamator Tube 2 N9309007

Sample Gas Tubing Assembly 1 N9309008
Mercury Source Lamp 1 N9309010
Injector Fork Assembly 1 N9309012
CVAAS Tubing Kit 1 N9309013
Amalgamator Heater Coil 1 N9309066
6 g Krytox® Tube Grease 1 N9309020
Nafion® Drying Tube 1 N9309021
Quartz Windows 6 N9309024
Amalgamator Tube Catalyst Tube Nickel Boat O-Ring Kits 2 N9309029
Window End Caps 8 N9309031
5 in. Optical Cells 2 N9309033
1 in. Optical Cell 1 N9309034



Flow Injection System Adapters with Internal Thread

1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) Internal Screw Thread

Type* Description Part No.
A 1.8 mm OD Nipple B0193342
B 3.3 mm OD Nipple B0506716

C 4 mm OD Nipple B0196850

E For the Quartz Cell B0196857

F 0.7 mm OD Pt/lr Capillary Nipple B0193873

G Two Nipples to Connect Tubes to the B0501580

Pre-Concentration Accessory

Type* Description Part No.
IA Connector with Nipples B0199233
for 1.7 to 3.2 mm ID Tubes

IB Connector with Nipples B0196882

for 2.4 to 3.2 mm ID Tubes

Connector with 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) B0196704

Internal Screw Thread

T-piece with Nipples B0199035

for 1.5 to 2.5 mm ID Tubes

T-piece with Nipples B0198201
for 3.5 to 4.5 mm ID Tubes

The use of flow injection saves time, money and

Adapters with External Thread
manpower – while at the same time, extending
your analytical flexibility and capabilities. 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) External Screw Thread
PerkinElmer carries a wide selection of genuine supplies and
Type* Description Part No.
accessories for your FIMS-100, FIMS-400, FIAS-100 or FIAS-400.
K 1.8 mm OD Nipple B0507918
Keeping your system in good working order by using only the best K L
L 2.8 mm OD Nipple B0507920
replacement parts is the first step in assuring quality analytical
performance. Regular maintenance and/or replacement of M
4 mm OD Nipple B0507919

consumables such as tubing, connectors and adapters will

0.7 mm OD Pt/lr Capillary Nipple B0507949
maximize the lifetime and productivity of your PerkinElmer
flow injection system. Screw Plug B0507921

*Type designation refers to diagrams in instrument manuals

FIAS/FIMS Cell Replacement Parts

Description Part No.
Complete FIAS Cell and Windows B0507486
FIAS Cell only (no windows) B0507487
Quartz Window Assembly for FIAS and FIMS (one window) B0066549
FIMS Complete Cell and Windows B0510334
FIMS Cell Only (no windows) B0510370
FIMS Hg Lamp B3000243
FIMS Hg Filter Replacement for Hg Scrubber B3000274



Mixing/Separation Assembly Tubing

Complete modular unit, consisting of two mixing manifolds with Standard PVC clear peristaltic pump tubing has a wall thickness
tubing adapters, a gas liquid separator with a PTFE membrane, of 0.84 mm.
five spare PTFE membranes, one PTFE tube (110 mm long) and
one PTFE tube (300 mm long).
Three-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing, Pkg. 12
Tubing ID Colour Code Part No.
Description Part No.
0.76 mm Black/Black B0506058
Mixing/Separation Assembly B0507957
1.14 mm Red/Red B0193160
Mixing Block 1.52 mm Yellow/Blue B0193161

Modular ‘building block’ type mixing 2.06 mm Violet/Violet B0199034

manifold with one mixing channel and 3.18 mm Black/White B0508310
three connections, two inlet and one outlet.
Made from chemically-resistant plastic. Solvent Resistant Yellow Peristaltic Pump Tubing, Pkg. 12
Several of these blocks can be ‘plugged’
together easily to create a single unit with Tubing ID Colour Code Part No.
enhanced mixing capabilities. 1.02 mm White/White B0507692

Description Part No.

Mixing Block B0507962
PTFE Tubing
Tubing ID Length Part No.
Gas/Liquid Separator
0.35 mm 1m B0506060
Modular ‘building block’ type gas-liquid 0.5 mm 1m B0507020
separator made from chemically-resistant plastic.
0.7 mm 1m B0507021
An exchangeable PTFE membrane in the screw
1.0 mm 1m B0029792
cap of the separator prevents liquid from being
1.75 mm 1m B0017998
carried into the quartz cell when working with
strong foaming samples.
PTFE Tubing Assemblies
Description Part No.
Gas/Liquid Separator B0507959 Tubing ID Screw Length Part No.
Glass Gas/Liquid Separator B0193772 Color
Gas/Liquid Separator Holder for Glass Separator B0509479 0.35 mm White 60 mm B0501594
PTFE Membrane (Pkg. 50) B0508306 1.0 mm Blue 110 mm B0191058
Mixing Manifold for Glass Gas/Liquid Separator B0187258 1.0 mm Blue 300 mm B0198097
Plug Connector; Mixing Manifold to Gas/Liquid Separator B0507960 1.0 mm Blue 700 mm B0191059
1.0 mm Blue 1,000 mm B0191060
Tool, Screw Connectors
1.75 mm Black 250 mm B0198099
Description Part No. 1.75 mm Black 450 mm B0198100
Tool, Screw Connectors B0501315 3-Dimensional Reactor 0.35 mm (two flanged ends) B0501595

Flow Injection Furnace Supplies

PVC Tubing
Description Part No.
FIAS-Furnace Sample Transfer Tube B0509612 Description Part No.

Quartz Pipette Tip/20 mm (Pkg. 1) B0510032 3 mm ID with 1 mm Wall Thickness, No Fittings B0048139

Silicone Tube B0029796 Price per meter

Sample Loops Silicone Tubing

Description Part No. Description Part No.
200 µL B0194048 1 m x 5 mm ID, No Fittings B0018283
500 µL B0194049 1 m x 3 mm ID B0070126
1,000 µL B0501000 For FIMS Cell Exhaust Outlet, 3 m B0046948



Flow Injection Sampling Supplies

Pump Magazines Naflon® Single Tube Dryer
Description Part No. Continuously and highly selectively removes water
Magazine for Peristaltic Pump B0507792 from gaseous samples without affecting analytes.
One wide (>2 mm) tubing channel (Requires separate flow controller).
Magazine for Peristaltic Pump B0507791
Two narrow (<2 mm) tubing channels Description Part No.

Pump Roller Assembly B3000251 Naflon® Single Tube Dryer N9306016

Alternate Reductant Kit

Permits use of the FIAS-100, FIAS-400 and FIAS-400MS with an
alternate reductant (e.g., SnCl2 instead of NaBH4).

Description Part No.

Alternate Reductant Kit B0508594
Mixing/Separation Assembly B0507957
700 mm Single Flanged PTFE Tubing B0191059 Switching Valves
PTFE Tubing (110 mm) B0191058
Red/Red Pump Tubing (Pkg. 12) B0193160 Description Part No.
Adapter A B0193342 FI Switching Valve*, 5-Port B0507914
PTFE Tubing (300 mm) B0198097 For on-line pre-concentration. Included with all FIAS systems
FI Switching Valve*, 8-Port B0509095
FIAS Accessories Case
Push-Button Assembly B0505650
Includes the most frequently used FIAS supplies, including adapters, For manual program actuation with the FIAS-100 and FIAS-400
pump tubings, connectors, sample loops and PTFE tubings. Included with the FIAS-100
Disassembly Tool B0509590
Description Part No. Valve dismantling tool
FIAS Accessories Case B3000240 One-Way Valve B0198111
* For FI valve repair or replacement parts, please contact your local PerkinElmer Service office.

Flangeless Ferrule
Electrically Heated Mantle (Cell) Adapter Cables
For 1/16 in. tubing, Blue Tefzel®.
Description Part No.
Description Part No. Cable for Adapting New RoHS FIAS/FIMS System to a Non-RoHS N2010255
Flangeless Ferrule 09903799 Heating Mantle
Cable for Adapting New RoHS Heating Mantle to a Non-RoHS N2010262



Mercury/Hydride Systems and Supplies

Mercury/Hydride Systems are well proven accessories for
high-sensitivity determinations of mercury and metallic
hydride-forming elements, including As, Se, Sb, Te, Bi and Sn
by atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Quartz Cell for MHS-10/15

Part No. B0094415
• Complete separation of the
element being studied from Quartz Cells
its sample matrix
Description Part No.
• Simple, highly specific
Quartz Cell for MHS-10 and MHS-15 B0094415
operating procedures Complete with graphite cooling rings and silicone rubber sleeves
• Reliable pneumatic control Quartz Cell for MHS-20
With Windows B0097693
of carrier gas and transport
Without Windows B0097694
of metallic vapors to the
Quartz Window for MHS-20 Quartz Cells B0098452
quartz cell
Universal Quartz Cell Holder B3000350
• Conveniently stands adjacent To mount MHS-10 or MHS-15 quartz cell on burner system
to the sample compartment
of the AA spectrometer Supplies
Description Part No.
Flashback Arrestor B0098640
Graphite Cooling Ring for Quartz Cells* B0094413
Immersion Tube (Pipette Tip) B0094138
Reductant Reservoir (with cap) B0087354
MHS-15 Detection Limits Reductant Reservoir (without cap) B0094032
Sample Flask** B0094321
Element Detection Limit* Detection Limit*
Absolute (ng) Relative (μg/L) Silicone Sleeve for Quartz Cells B0098453
(in 10 mL volume) (in 50 mL volume)
Transfer Hose B0094140
As 1.0 0.02
* For MHS-10 and MHS-15 only. ** Specially formed polypropylene reaction vessel with cover.
Se 1.0 0.02
Bi 2.0 0.10
Sb 5.0 0.10
Te 2.0 0.05
Hg 1.0 0.02

* EDL lamps were used for all elements

MHS-15 Mercury/Hydride System

Manually operated system for the high-sensitivity determination
of Hg and hydride-forming elements. Includes analyzer with
sample flask, reagent reservoir, quartz cell and cell holder. Switch
allows selection of NaBH4 or SnCl2 reductant solution. No electrical
connections are required.

Description Part No.

MHS-15 Mercury/Hydride System B3140760



Inductively Coupled Concentric Nebulizers

PerkinElmer offers a complete
selection of Nebulizers in a
variety of materials for all of your
PerkinElmer offers a wide selection of superior quality application needs.
products designed to work with your PerkinElmer Choose from Concentric, MicroFlow,
instruments. Our precision designed products deliver the GemCone and GemTip Nebulizers.
peace of mind that comes from knowing that you’ll get the
results you need.

Quick Reference Index Page Humidifiers

Argon Humidifiers are commonly used in
Concentric Nebulizers 42 ICP analyses involving samples with high
concentrations of dissolved solids. It helps
MicroFlow Nebulizers 45
to alleviate salt deposits in the nebulizer
Nebulizers with Integrated Probes 46 and torch injector, allowing uninterrupted
and maintenance-free operation.
GemCone Nebulizers 47

GemTip Nebulizers 47

Nebulizer Cleaners 49 Spray Chambers

Humidifiers 49 The spray chamber is an integral part of the
sample introduction System. Each type of
Cyclonic Spray Chambers 50 spray chamber has been tested to provide
the best performance and analytical results.
HF Resistant Spray Chambers 52
Choose from Cyclonic, Baffled Cyclonic, HF
PFA Spray Chambers 52 Resistant, PFA and Scott Spray Chambers.
Scott Spray Chambers 52

Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers 53

Sample Introduction Quick Change Modules 54

PerkinElmer carefully selects the best materials which
Hydride Accessory Kit 57 provide optimal performance. Torches are specifically
designed for your instrument. Trust the consumables
Torches 58
engineered for your instruments.
Load Coils and Purge Components 61 Choose from Demountable Quartz, D-Torch
Injectors 62 and Ceramic Hybrid Torches.

Air Compressors 64

FAST High Productivity Systems 65

prepFAST Autodilution and
PerkinElmer offers a complete
Autocalibration Systems 65
selection of Injectors in various
sizes and materials to meet all of your application needs.
Choose from Alumina, Sapphire and Quartz Injectors.



Copyright © 2018 PerkinElmer, Inc. 400372_09 All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Avio 500 ICP-OES

The Avio 500 ICP-OES - High throughput with low cost of ownership
The Avio® 500 ICP-OES combines the productivity you need with the high-quality performance and faster
return on investment your work demands. With high sensitivity and superior resolution, your lab can
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For more information, visit perkinelmer.com/avio500


Concentric Nebulizers MEINHARD® SilQ Nebulizers

Type A SilQ+ nebulizers are for ultra-high purity.
• Lowest levels of trace elemental impurities
• Reduced sample contamination
• *Quartz reduces blank levels compared to glass nebulizers
Type Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Material Part No.
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500
SILQ+ 1 L/min 0.5 mL/min *Quartz N8122460
Includes: N8121039, GL54, N8121036, N0777460

Nebulizer Solution Fitting Nebulizer Clip PFA Gas Quick Connect

Part No. N0777414 Part No. N0777460 Part No. N8121036
MEINHARD Nebulizers®

The MEINHARD® concentric nebulizers reflect exacting standards

in design and manufacturing. They provide excellent sensitivity and
precision for aqueous solutions and samples with few dissolved Part No. N8121038 Part No. N8121037 Part No. N8121039
solids (less than 1%).
MEINHARD® Nebulizer Replacement Parts
MEINHARD® Glass Nebulizers Description Part No.
Type A nebulizers are for high sensitivity. F5-50 Standard Nebulizer Solution Fitting, N0777414
0.5 mm PTFE. 0.5 mm x 70 cm Capillary
Type C and K are for high solids. Type K are for low argon flow.
F5-50-026-ZZ Liquid-End Connector Kit, N0811288
Type Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Material Part No. 10 in. Length by 0.020 in. ID x 0.062 in. OD
Nebulizer Clip for MEINHARD Nebulizers, Qty. 1 N0777460
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500
FG PFA Gas Quick Connect N8121036
A3 1 L/min 3 mL/min Glass 00472020
F0 Encapsulated Micro Tubing, N8121038
C1 1 L/min 1 mL/min Glass 00472022
0.25 mm ID (Green Marker) 70 cm Long Micro Capillary
K3 0.7 L/min 3 mL/min Glass N0681574 F1 Detachable Capillary, N8121037
K1* 0.7 L/min 1 mL/min Glass N0777707 0.80 mm ID (Blue Marker) 70 cm Long Capillary
F2 Standard Integrated Capillary, N8121039
K1 LDV 0.7 L/min 1 mL/min Glass N0811287
0.5 mm ID (Orange Marker) 70 cm Long Capillary
Includes: N0777414, N8121036, N0777460 *Standard with Avio instrument MEINHARD Nebulizer Gas Line N0791843
PFA Adapter for Glass Nebulizers N8145365
MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers
Quick Disconnect Tubing without Swagelock N0770610
Type A+ nebulizers are for low
Nebulizer Spacer (Avio) N0791438
dead volume and high sensitivity
• Self aspiration rate 0.5 mL/min
Part No. N8145461
with argon flow 1 L/min at
50 PSI (3.4 bar/345 kPa) FAST Valve Connecting Lines
for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers
• Peristaltic pumped rate
0.1 mL/min to 3.0 mL/min Description Part No.
F0 FAST Valve Connecting Line, 0.25 mm ID (Green), 14 cm N8145461
• *Quartz reduces blank levels compared to glass nebulizers
F2 FAST Valve Connecting Line, 0.25 mm ID (Green), 14 cm N8145346
Type Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Material Part No. F0 FAST Valve Connecting Line, 0.5 mm ID (Orange), 14 cm N8145462
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 F2 FAST Valve Connecting Line, 0.5 mm ID (Orange), 14 cm N8145347
TR+ 1 L/min 0.5 mL/min Glass N8122462 F0 FAST Valve Connecting Line, 0.25 mm ID (Green), 25 cm N8145463
TQP+ 1 L/min 0.5 mL/min Quartz* N8122461 F2 FAST Valve Connecting Line, 0.25 mm ID (Green), 25 cm N8145465
Includes: N8121039, GL54, N8121036, N0777460 F0 FAST Valve Connecting Line, 0.5 mm ID (Orange), 25 cm N8145464
F2 FAST Valve Connecting Line, 0.5 mm ID (Orange), 25 cm N8145466



Direct Connection (DC) Nebulizers MicroMist™ Nebulizers

The DC (Direct Connection) nebulizer is the The MicroMist micro-uptake glass concentric nebulizer offers high
latest design. It has a UniFit sample connector performance for limited sample volumes. MicroMists with sample
which slides easily over the sample arm and an uptakes 0.2–0.6 mL/min are fitted with a UniFit connector with 1.3
argon connector configured to connect directly mm OD x 0.50 mm ID x 700 mm long sample tubing (N0777513).
to your ICP. Includes Gas Fitting with ratchet MicroMists with sample uptakes 0.05–0.1 mL/min are fitted a UniFit
connector (N0811308). connector with 1.3 mm OD x 0.25 mm ID x 700 mm long sample
MicroMist DC Nebulizers tubing (N0777514). EzyLok Connector Kit (N0777413) included.
Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Part No.
Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Material Part No.
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500
0.7 L/min 0.05 mL/min N0811303
0.7 L/min 0.1 mL/min N0811302 0.7 L/min 0.05 mL/min Glass N0775349
0.7 L/min 0.2 mL/min N0811301 0.7 L/min 0.1 mL/min Glass N0775348
0.7 L/min 0.6 mL/min N0811300 0.7 L/min 0.2 mL/min Glass N0775347
0.7 L/min 0.6 mL/min Glass N0775346
SeaSpray DC Nebulizers
Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Part No. UniFit Connector EzyFit Connector
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500
0.7 L/min 0.4 mL/min N0811307
0.7 L/min 1 mL/min N0811306
0.7 L/min 2 mL/min N0811305

VeeSpray DC Nebulizers EzyLok Kit Direct

Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Part No.
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 Gas Fitting
0.7 L/min 4 mL/min N0811289

DuraMist DC Nebulizers SeaSpray and MicroMist Nebulizer Replacement Parts

Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Part No. Description Pkg. Part No.
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 UniFit
0.7 L/min 1 mL/min N0811291 0.25 mm ID x 1.3 mm OD x 700 mm 10 N0777514
0.7 L/min 0.4 mL/min N0811292 0.50 mm ID x 1.3 mm OD x 700 mm 10 N0777513
0.75 mm ID x 1.3 mm OD x 700 mm 10 N0777512
OpalMist DC Nebulizers 1.30 mm OD x 0.75 mm ID x 700 mm 3 N0774077
Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Part No. 1/16 in. OD x 0.25 mm ID x 700 mm 10 N0777845
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 1/16 in. OD x 0.50 mm ID x 700 mm 10 N0777846
0.7 L/min 2 mL/min N0811293 1/16 in. OD x 0.75 mm ID x 700 mm 10 N0777847
0.7 L/min 0.6 mL/min N0811294
1/16 in. OD x 0.75 mm ID x 700 mm 3 N0774080
UniFit-EzyFit Sample Tube 6 N0777061
Conikal DC Nebulizers
Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Part No.
0.25 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm 10 N0777437
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500
0.50 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm 10 N0777436
0.7 L/min 2 mL/min N0811298
0.75 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm 10 N0777435
0.7 L/min 1 mL/min N0811299
0.25 mm ID x 1⁄16 in. OD x 700 mm 10 N0777464
SeaSpray™ Nebulizers 0.50 mm ID x 1⁄16 in. OD x 700 mm 10 N0777463
The SeaSpray concentric nebulizer is ideal 0.50 mm ID x 1⁄16 in. OD x 700 mm Twin 6 N0777462
for samples with high dissolved solids and UniFit-EzyFit Sample Tube 6 N0777061
offers outstanding nebulization efficiency Shown with EzyLok Kit
UniFit Connector EzyLok Kit N0777413
for trace level analyses. Includes UniFit
Includes: EzyLok Connector for 4 mm Tubing,
Connector with 0.75 mm ID x 1.3 mm OD EzyLok 6 mm Hose Adaptor, Nebulizer Hose Clip
x 700 mm long tubing (N0777512) and Nebulizer Pressure Hose Clips (standard) N0773197
EzyLok Connector Kit (N0777413). Direct Connection Nebulizer Gas Fitting
Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Material Part No. DC Nebulizer Gas Fitting with Ratchet Nebulizer Connector N0811308
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 for Avio
0.7 L/min 2 mL/min Glass N0775345



Conikal™ Nebulizer OpalMist™ Nebulizer

Ideal for samples containing only moderate concentrations of For high precision analyses
dissolved salts, no particulates and no hydrofluoric acid. Includes requiring the highest chemical
UniFit Connector with 0.75 mm ID x 1.3 mm OD x 700 mm long resistancy of HF, alkalis and organics.
tubing (N0777512) and EzyLok Connector Kit (N0777413). The OpalMist is capable of aspirating
Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Material Part No. high concentrations of dissolved solids without clogging.
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 An ideal nebulizer to handle geochemical samples which are
0.7 L/min 2 mL/min Glass N0777487 typically dissolved in HF and are high is dissolved solids.

Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Material Part No.

Slurry™ Nebulizer Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500
Ideal for the analysis of used engine oils for wear metals. 0.7 L/min 0.6 mL/min PFA N0777735
A sample which consists of small particulates in liquid matrix is a 0.7 L/min 0.05 mL/min PFA N0777738
slurry and is suited to this nebulizer. Includes UniFit Connector with 0.7 L/min 0.1 mL/min PFA N0777737
0.75 mm ID x 1.3 mm OD x 700 mm long tubing (N0777512) and 0.7 L/min 0.2 mL/min PFA N0777736
EzyLok Connector Kit (N0777413). 0.7 L/min 2 mL/min PFA N0777734

Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Material Part No.

Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 Mira Mist® and Ari Mist Nebulizers
0.7 L/min 4 mL/min Glass N0777488
The PEEK Mira Mist handles most
0.7 L/min 4 mL/min Glass N0811304 liquids, most flow ranges used in
(DC Nebulizer)
ICP and is one of the most rugged
and longest life nebulizers due to
VeeSpray™ Nebulizer its outer body being strong PEEK
The VeeSpray nebulizer is made from material. The Ari Mist has a very
alumina ceramic, making it ideal for low sample flow, enhanced parallel
HF analyses. It provides reproducible path design. Standard pressure
performance when working with (40-50 psi). Black PEEK body,
samples containing large particulates. PTFE sample and gas capillaries. Can operate on 0.050 mL/min
to 1.0 mL/min. Only for samples that are particulate free.
Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Material Part No.
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 Description Uptake Rate Part No.
0.7 L/min 0.6-3.0 mL/min Alumina Ceramic N0777489 Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500
PEEK Mira Mist 0.2 to N0775330
Excellent mist and can handle high level of 2.5 mL/min
DuraMist™ Nebulizer particulates in sample
The DuraMist is an economical PTFE Mira Mist 0.2 to N0777031
nebulizer for high precision For samples with high HF, Sulfuric and some 2.5 mL/min
other solvents that attack PEEK
analyses involving samples
PEEK Ari Mist 0.050 to N0777032
digested in HF. Recommended for Very low sample flow, enhanced parallel 1.0 mL/min
samples containing up to 5% HF. path design

Ar Flow Rate Uptake Rate Material Part No.

Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 Mira Mist® and Ari Mist Nebulizer Replacement Parts
0.7 L/min 0.4 mL/min PEEK N0777713 Description Pkg. Part No.
0.7 L/min 1.0 mL/min PEEK N0777714 0.5 m, 0.44 in. OD x .018 in. ID 1 N0777111
0.5 m, 0.44 in. OD x .018 in. ID 10 N0777112
2 mm Gas Line with Upchurch Fittings 1 N0777113
Mira Mist Quick Release 1 N0777114
1/4 in. Adapter 1 N0777115
0.44 in. OD x .018 in. ID Polyethylene Tubing 3 m 1 N0777116
0.44 in. OD x .018 in. ID Polyethylene Tubing 30 m 1 N0777117



High Efficiency MicroFlow Nebulizers

MicroFlow nebulizers are resistant to clogging, reliably self-aspirated or pumped
to produce a fine aerosol for high transport efficiency and high sensitivity.

PFA-ST3 Nebulizer
The PFA-ST3 Nebulizer is
PFA-ST Nebulizers
designated for superior clog
The PFA-ST MicroFlow nebulizer is resistance and higher sensitivity
made from high purity, HF resistant compared to the standard PFA nebulizer. The PFA MicroFlow is
PFA. It has an exchangeable external sample uptake capillary. The a high solids large bore nebulizer with external 1/4-28 threaded
sample uptake rate is controlled by the diameter of the external connector. Ideal for strong acids, high solids, alkalis, organic
capillary or probe. solvents, soils and high salt solutions.

Features and Benefits Features and Benefits

• Chemically resistant – ideal for strong acids, alkalis and organics • Produces a fine aerosol for high transport efficiency
• Can be pumped from < 0.1 mL/min to 3.0 mL/min and high sensitivity

• Direct analysis of volatile and non-volatile organic solvents • Low BECs even for concentrated high purity acids
(e.g. 49% HF, 69% HNO3)
• Resistant to clogging – reliably self-aspirated or pumped
• Direct analysis of volatile and non-volatile organic solvents
• Low, spike free background for important elements such as Fe and Ca
• Ideal for VPD samples, high purity peroxide and ammonia

Description Part No.

Description Part No.
PFA-ST Nebulizer N0777049
PFA-ST3 Nebulizer N0777676
PFA-ST Self-Aspirating Nebulizer for prepFAST Systems N8145368

apex PFA Nebulizers

PolyPro-ST Nebulizer
apex PFA nebulizers allow
The PolyPro-ST Nebulizer is an HF
self-aspiration at low sample
resistant alternative to the PFA
consumption rates with the apex
nebulizers but has the same high
high-sensitivity desolvation system.
efficiency aerosol generation.
It is a robust nebulizer that can self aspirate with an exchangeable Description Part No.
external sample uptake capillary or be used with a peristaltic pump. High Temperature apex-ST PFA MicroFlow Nebulizer with N0777375
External 1/4-28 Threaded Connector

Features and Benefits High Temperature apex-100 PFA Nebulizer with N0777376
Integrated 90-150 μL/min Self-Aspiration Capillary
• Polypropylene construction
High Temperature apex-100 PFA Nebulizer with N0777828
• Hydrofluoric acid resistant Ultem Manual Sampling Probe, 90-150 µL/min, 80 cm Capillary

• 0-3 mL/min sample flow rate with peristaltic pumping

• Resistant to clogging and accidental breakage

Sample Capillaries for ST Nebulizers

Description Part No.
PolyPro-ST Nebulizer N0777219 ID Self-aspiration rate ID (@1 L/m Ar) Part No.
0.15 mm 20 μL/min (Red) N8122382
0.2 mm 50 μL/min (Purple) N8145135
0.25 mm 100 μL/min (Green) N8122383
0.3 mm 200 μL/min (Yellow) N8145136
0.5 mm 400 μL/min (Orange) N8122384
0.8 mm 700 μL/min (Blue) N8145137
1.0 mm 1 mL/min (Gray) N8145138



Nebulizers with Integrated Probes

These nebulizers self-aspirate at low flow rates with any autosampler and provide the same benefits of the PFA MicroFlow
nebulizer. The integrated sampling probe is constructed by encapsulating a rigid support material between layers of PFA to provide a
chemically-resistant probe that is mechanically stable and resilient.

PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with PFA Nebulizers with Integrated

Integrated Autosampler Probes Fluoropolymer Capillaries
For environmental/clinical applications. These nebulizers self- Self-aspirating PFA MicroFlow nebulizers
aspirate at low flow rates with any autosampler and provide the are constructed entirely from chemically
same benefits of the PFA MicroFlow nebulizer. The integrated resistant fluoropolymers ideal for strong
sampling probe is constructed by encapsulating a rigid support acids, alkalis, organics and high-salt
material between layers of PFA to solutions. They are resistant to clogging and produce a fine
provide a chemically-resistant aerosol for high transport efficiency and high sensitivity.
probe that is mechanically
stable and resilient. • Integrated capillary for self-aspiration, ideal for low flow,
clean applications
• Low, spike-free background for important elements such as Fe and Ca
• Produces a fine aerosol for high transport efficiency and
Carbon Fiber support for Environmental/Clinical Applications. high sensitivity
Description Aspiration Rate Part No. • Direct analysis of volatile and non-volatile organic solvents
@ 1 L/m Ar
PFA-20 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support), 20 μL/min N0777214
Description Aspiration Rate Part No.
Length 80 cm
@ 1 L/m Ar
PFA-50 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support), 50 μL/min N0777215
PFA-20 20 μL/min N8122350
Length 80 cm
PFA-50 50 μL/min N8145102
PFA-100 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support), 100 μL/min N0777216
Length 100 cm PFA-100 100 μL/min N8122351
PFA-200 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support), 200 μL/min N0777217 PFA-200 200 μL/min N8145103
Length 100 cm
PFA-400 400 μL/min N8145104
PFA-400 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support), 400 μL/min N0777218
Length 100 cm
Carbon Fiber Probes for ST Nebulizers
Ultem support for High Purity Semiconductor Applications. ST nebulizer probes connect directly
Description Aspiration Rate Part No. to any ST-type nebulizer. The 1/4-28
@ 1 L/m Ar threaded fitting provides a secure,
PFA-20 PFA (Ultem Support), 20 μL/min N8145141 zero-dead-volume connection with
Length 100 cm no additional fittings required.
PFA-50 PFA (Ultem Support), 50 μL/min N8145142
Length 100 cm
ID Aspiration Rate Length Part No.
PFA-100 PFA (Ultem Support), 100 μL/min N8145143 @ 1 L/m Ar
Length 100 cm
0.25 mm 100 µL/min 80 cm N0777223
PFA-200 PFA (Ultem Support), 200 μL/min N8145144
0.50 mm 400 µL/min 80 cm N0777225
Length 100 cm
0.25 mm 100 µL/min 150 cm N0777826
PFA-400 PFA (Ultem Support), 400 μL/min N8145275
Length 100 cm 0.50 mm 100 µL/min 150 cm N0777827
S10 Autosampler 100 µL/min 100 cm N8145139
Probe for ST
0.25 mm
S10 Autosampler 400 µL/min 100 cm N8145140
Probe for ST
0.50 mm



GemCone and GemTip Nebulizers

GemCone™ Low-Flow Nebulizer
Low-flow GemCones permit lower
nebulizer gas flow rates, useful for
spectral lines with high excitation energies
and for providing a more robust plasma.
GemCone Nebulizers require an end cap
for use with Scott Spray Chambers.

Description Part No.

GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizers
GemCone Low-Flow Nebulizer N0770358
Excellent general purpose nebulizer for the analysis of strong
mineral acids (including HF) and samples with less than 5%
GemCone High Dissolved Solids Nebulizer dissolved solids. It can routinely handle 50% (v/v) solutions of HCl,
High solids GemCones are for samples HNO3, H2SO4, H2PO4, 20% (v/v) HF and 30% (v/v) NaOH. Up to
with high dissolved solids (up to 20%). This 20% NaCl can be aspirated by the nebulizer for 1 hour without
conespray nebulizer allows you to analyze clogging. Uses chemically resistant GemTips made of sapphire and
samples with higher solids concentration ruby in a chemically resistant end cap.
than is possible with a Cross-Flow nebulizer. ICP Model Part No.
GemCone nebulizers require an end cap
Optima 8x00 / Avio 200/500 N0780546
(Part No. N0680343) for use with Scott
Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 N0770546
Spray Chambers.

Description Part No. GemTip Nebulizer O-Ring Kit

GemCone High Dissolved Solids Nebulizer N0690670
Description Part No.
GemCone High Dissolved Solids Nebulizer with Quick Disconnect N0770720
Tubing (N0770336) GemTip™ Cross-Flow Nebulizer O-Ring Kit N9300067
Includes: 09902001 Qty. 2, 09902033 Qty. 2,
09902151 Qty. 3, 09921003 Qty. 1,
3 cm of PTFE Sample Tubing

GemCone Nebulizer Replacement Parts

GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Tip Kits
Description Part No.
GemCone Sample Capillary Adapter N0371505
The Tip Kit includes a clear sapphire sample tip and a red
ruby argon tip. The tips are constructed of PEEK with the gem
Scott Spray Chamber End Cap for GemCone Nebulizers N0680504
inserts noted for maximum corrosion resistance.
Quick Disconnect Tubing with Swagelock N0770336
Quick Disconnect Tubing without Swagelock N0770610 ICP Model Part No.
Capillary Tubing (10 ft.) 09908265 Optima 8x00 / Avio 200/500 N0780676

PTFE Capillary Tubing (1 ft.) 09985708 Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 N0690676

Argon Flow Rates

Nebulizer Typical Value Operating Range
See next page for GemTip Cross-Flow II
GemTip Cross-Flow 0.6 L/min 0.4-1.3 L/min
Nebulizer Replacement Parts
Low-Flow GemCone 0.6 L/min 0.4-0.95 L/min
High Flow GemCone 1.0 L/min 0.7-1.0 L/min



GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Replacement Parts

Description Part No.
Online Mixing Kits
Screws (two) – Knurled 00473539 The mixing lit kit for online addition of
internal standard is an easy way to use
Ring 00473543
internal standards without having to
O-Ring, 18W, 1-3/8 ID, 1-5/8 OD 09902033
manually spike each sample with internal
Fitting Reducer 1/8 TBG, 1/4 Port 09903471
standard. The kit can also be used to mix
* These parts are included with item 4
any two reagents for other purposes. The
5 Ferrule – TBG 1/8 Tefzel 09920515 low dead-volume, fluoropolymer mixing tee
Nut – TBG Flanged 0.0625 PEEK 09920546 ensures good mixing at typical flow rates
Nut – TBG Flanged 0.125 PEEK 09920545 for a wide variety of liquids, including HF.
8 Ferrule – TBG 1/16 Tefzel 09920518
Tubing, 0.032 ID x 0.016 Wall, PTFE (per foot ) 09985708
• Low dead-volume, fluoropolymer mixing tee
Tubing, 0.06 ID x 1/8 OD, PTFE (per foot ) 02506483
11 Tip Kit for Cross-Flow Nebulizer N0690676 • 0.25 mm ID (green) for flow rates < 1 mL/min
Argon and Sample tip (one each)
a Argon Tip (Red) • 0.5 mm ID (orange) for flow rates > 0.3 mL/min
b Sample Tip (Clear)
• Internal standard probe and addition line
End Cap Cross-Flow Nebulizer N8122239
• Fluoropolymer peripump fittings
O-Rings (two) 0.126 ID, 0.040 WD, Viton 09921045
Tubing (10 ft. ) – 0.023 ID, Clear 09908265 • Peristaltic pump tubing starter pack
Nut – Hex – 0.250 TBG BRS 09903199 Online Dilution:
Ferrule – Back 1/4 BRS 09903104
The online mixing kits include a starter pack of peristaltic pump
17 Ferrule – Front 1/4 BRS 09903103 tubing for the MP2 micro peristaltic pump.
18 Insert – Tubing 00473578
Description Part No.
Barbed coupler – Not Shown 09920186
Online Mixing Kit N8145358
For use with PFA-ST nebulizers. 0.25 mm ID (Green)
Online Mixing Kit N8145360
For use with MEINHARD Plus nebulizers. 0.25 mm ID (Green)
3 12 Online Mixing Kit N8145359
2 1 For use with PFA-ST nebulizers. 0.5 mm ID (Orange)
Online Mixing Kit N8145361
11 a For use with MEINHARD Plus nebulizers. 0.5 mm ID (Orange)
Online Mixing Kit N8145362
5 For use with MiraMist and similar nebulizers. 0.5 mm ID (Orange)
Online Mixing Kit N8145363
For use with PFA-ST nebulizers. Includes PFA-ST nebulizer.
13 0.25 mm ID (Green)
11 b Online Mixing Kit N8145364
17 For use with MEINHARD Plus nebulizers. Includes TR+ high
8 16 sensitivity glass nebulizer. 0.5 mm ID (Orange)
9 * Part No. N8145365
Description Part No.
PFA Adapter for Glass Nebulizers N8145365
Allows MEINHARD Plus mixing kit to be used with other types
of glass nebulizers



Nebulizer Cleaners Humidifiers

The Eluo™ Nebulizer Cleaner Capricorn Argon Humidifier
with Bypass
The Argon Humidifier is commonly
The Eluo is designated to efficiently deliver a cleanser through the used in ICP analyses of samples
nebulizer capillary to dislodge particle build-up and thoroughly with very high concentrations of
clean the nebulizer. One simple action does it all. No more dissolved solids. Helping to prevent
messy procedures, waiting overnight or shattered nebulizers in salt build-up inside the sample
ultrasonic baths. introduction system, the Argon
Humidifier allows uninterrupted
Description Part No.
and maintenance-free operation.
For Newer OpalMist, PolyCon, DuraMist, MEINHARD, N0777712
Other Glass Nebulizers ICP Model Part No.
For OLD Style OpalMist or PolyCon Nebulizers N0775358 Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 N0775331

Pearl Nebulizer Cleaner Elegra Argon Humidifier

The Elegra Argon Humidifier
helps to alleviate salt
With the Pearl, a cleaning solution can be pumped manually in deposits in the nebulizer
reverse, through both the sample and gas passages. When the and torch injector, allowing
wet-cleaning process is finished, rinse with DI water and flush dry uninterrupted and
with compressed air or inert gas. maintenance-free operation.

Description Part No. ICP Model Part No.

For Glass and Quartz Concentric Nebulizers N8145457 Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 N0781598

Syringe Flush Kit pergo Argon Humidifier

The pergo improves performance of all
concentric nebulizers for the routine
analysis of brines, fusion digests and
other high-TDS samples. A high-
Use syringe and white adapter to back-flush the carrier line or pressure membrane positioned inside a
tee-line. Use syringe and red adapter to forward flush the carrier temperature-controlled water reservoir
line, the side port of the tee-line and to forward flush the PFA perfuses water vapor into the ICP nebulizer
nebulizer. Includes 3 mL syringe, two luer to 1/4-28 adapters. gas stream. By increasing humidity in
the argon nebulizer gas, the pergo prevents salt deposits at the
Description Part No. nebulizer tip, improving short and long-term signal stability.
Syringe Flush Kit N8121035 pergo 2 dual Argon humidifier is for analyses dealing with high
concentrations of dissolved solids on instruments using auxiliary
gas. Includes gas line connector kit.
Fused Silica Obstruction Removal Kit
ICP Model Description Part No.
Optima/Avio pergo 1 without Nebulizer N8145315
Optima/Avio pergo 1 with MEINHARD Type C N8145316
Fused silica obstruction removal kit for ST-type nebulizers. Nebulizer
Includes one guide, 10 pieces of fused silica and instructions. Optima/Avio pergo 1 with PFA-ST Nebulizer N8150427
Use this kit to safely remove obstructions in all PFA-ST nebulizers
for long-term high performance.

Description Part No.

Nebulizer Obstruction Removal Kit N8145236



Cyclonic Spray Chambers

Cinnabar Spray Chamber

Part No. N0777494

Standard Cyclonic Cyclonic O-Ring Free

Cinnabar™ Cyclonic Spray Chamber
Spray Chamber Spray Chamber
Part No. N0776052 Part No. N0775351 The Cinnabar glass spray chamber is a mini-cyclonic spray chamber
which gives good sensitivity at very low uptakes. The Cinnabar’s
The spray chamber is an integral part of the sample introduction design and low volume is ideal for the reduction of memory and
system responsible for filtering the sample mist to permit the matrix effects and very fast washout. Volume 20 mL.
appropriate droplet size distribution to reach the plasma.
ICP Model Type Part No.
Standard and 0-Ring Free glass cyclonic spray chambers can be
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 O-Ring Free N0777494
used with either GemCone or concentric glass nebulizers. HF
resistant cyclonic spray chambers should be used with GemCone,
SeaSpray or MicroMist nebulizers. Twinnabar™ Cyclonic Spray Chamber
The Twinnabar glass cyclonic spray chamber is a low volume spray
Glass Spray Chambers
chamber with baffle combining the benefits of the Twister and the
ICP Model Type Part No. Cinnabar. It combines excellent precision with a very fast washout.
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 Standard* N0776052 Volume 20 mL.
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 O-Ring Free N0775351
ICP Model Type Part No.
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 O-Ring Free N0772017
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 O-Ring Free N0777495
with Easy-Seal
*Standard Cyclonic Spray Chamber (N0776052) with Adapter (N0770614):
Spray Chamber Kit with Mount Part No. N0770605

C2 Cyclonic Spray Chamber

Part No. N0782012
Quartz Spray Chamber
Part No. N0777036

C2 Cyclonic Spray Chambers

Quartz Spray Chambers The C2 dual cyclonic spray chamber improves both sensitivity and
ICP Model Type Part No. precision with its unique dual cyclonic aerosol flow path, improving
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 Non-baffled N0777635 detection limits. Even at very high sample flow rates, the C2
Cyclonic Spray chamber significantly reduces droplet buildup in the injector that
can cause plasma instability or outages.
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 7 mm Baffled N0777036
Cyclonic Spray Description ICP Model Part No.
Quartz C2 Dual Cyclonic Spray Chamber 2x00/4x00/5x00 N0782012
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 7 mm Baffled Micro N0777637 Threaded drain port, connection for ESI /7x00/8x00
Cyclonic Spray injector, drain line assembly included
Quartz Hydride C2 Dual Cyclonic 2x00/4x00/5x00 N0782014
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 5 mm Baffled Micro N0777638 Spray Chamber /7x00/8x00
Cyclonic Spray Threaded drain port, connection for
Chamber with ESI injector, hydride gas port, drain line
additional gas port assembly included
Include drain line (N8141425)



Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber

Spray Chambers Replacement Parts
and Accessories

Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber Oxygen Port Spray Chamber

Part No. N0791352 Part No. N0777731 Part No. N0770614 Part No. N0770600

The Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber features a central transfer

tube which acts as a secondary particle separator, helping to
separate larger aerosol particles from the sample. This reduces Part No. N0777438 Part No. N0777439 Part No. N0791438
solvent load in the plasma without compromising detection limits.

ICP Model Type Part No. Description Part No.

Avio 200/500 O-Ring Free N0791352 Cyclonic Spray Chamber Adapter (Optima) N0770614
Avio 200/500 for Oil Analysis O-Ring Free N0770389 Mounting Block Only (Optima) N0770600
with Oxygen Port
Drain Adapter Assembly for Scott Spray Chamber N0770613
Avio 200 Quartz O-Ring Free N0791841 Includes the spray chamber fitting and tubing to pump out
the waste solution from the spray chamber
Avio 200 Quartz 8 mm PFA Adapter O-Ring Free N0791842
(does not include the peristaltic pump tubing)
Avio 500 Quartz 12/5 Socket O-Ring Free N0811900
Carboy, 15 L 09904991
Avio 500 Quartz 8 mm PFA Adapter O-Ring Free N0811901 Drain Cap Assembly N0690271
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 Standard N0776053 EzyLok Connector for Jacketed Spray Chamber, Pkg. 4 N0774101
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 O-Ring Free N0775352 Helix Locking Screw, Pkg. 1 N0777438
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 Standard N0776090 Helix Seal, Pkg. 4 N0777439
for Oil Analysis (4 mm Baffle)
Nebulizer Adaptor Plug 16/6 N0776006
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 O-Ring Free N0775355 for N0776052 Spray Chamber
for Oil Analysis (4 mm Baffle)
O-Ring Set for Nebulizer Adaptor Plug 16/6 N0776007
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 for Oil O-Ring Free N0777731
Analysis (4 mm Baffle) with Oxygen Port O-Ring Kit for Tracey TFE Spray Chamber (N0777496) with Helix N0777844

4300V/5300V/7300V Standard N0771501 Nebulizer Spacer (Avio) N0791438

4300V/5300V/7300V O-Ring Free N0775356 Quick-Change Torch Module Support Stand (Optima) N0770609

Metal Ball Joint Clip

Used to connect spray chamber and torch.
See Quick Change Torch Modules
Description Part No.
and Sample Introduction Kits
Metal Ball Joint Clip 09200593
on the following pages



Scott Spray Chamber

Part No. N0770357
HF Spray Chamber HF Spray
Part No. Chamber
N0777497 Part No.

Scott Spray Chamber

Part No. N0790384

HF Resistant Scott Spray Chambers

Spray Chambers
The Scott Spray Chamber is made from a corrosion-resistant
material, which is inert to most mineral acids including HF, aqua
regia and all organic solvents normally used in ICP analyses. The
ICP Model Part No.
Scott-type design minimizes pulsations from the peristaltic pump.
Avio 200/500 (with grounding strap) N0790373
4300/5300/7300V N0777497 ICP Model Part No.
TFE PTFE, 50 mL Avio 200/500 N0790384
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 N0777496 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 N0770357
O-Ring Kit for N0777496 Spray Chamber N0777844
Scott Spray Chamber Replacement Parts

Description Part No.

Scott Spray Chamber Clamp Adapter (Avio) N0790296
O-Ring 09902033
End Cap Ring 00473543
End Cap (not complete assembly) N0681688
Knurled Screw Qty. 2 00473539

PFA Spray Chambers Spray chamber, end cap and associated parts
All-purpose spray chambers which offers resistance
Illustration shows cross-flow nebulizer end cap assembly
to hydrofluoric acid. Constructed entirely from chemically inert
Part No. N0780546.
PFA, the PureChamber is available in low flow format for maximum
Description Part No.
aerosol transport and high flow format, ideal for
Scott Spray Chamber N0790384
ICP-AES applications. The PureCap accepts any 6 mm nebulizer
but is ideally suited for the PFA MicroFlow nebulizer providing an O-Ring 09902033

O-Ring free PFA sample introduction system. End Cap Ring 00473543
End Cap (not complete assembly) N0681688
• Chemically inert PFA construction results in low contamination
5 Knurled Screw (2) 00473539
and long life time
• O-Ring free seal reduces contamination and provides an easy to
clean low maintenance system 3

Description ICP Model Part No. 5
PFA 47 mm M-200 Avio 200/500 N0791847
PFA 47 mm M-200 with Gas Port Avio 200/500 N0791848 1



Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers

PC3 Peltier Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers
The PC3x for Avio is a compact, Peltier-heated or cooled inlet system
which incorporates the ESI cyclonic spray chamber. In cooling
mode the PC3x cools the outer walls of the cyclonic spray chamber
that operates at -10°C to +80°C, reducing the water or solvent
vapor loading on the plasma, resulting in enhanced stability and
performance. In heating mode, sensitivity can be improved for low
flow rate applications.
The PC3 is a compact Peltier cooled inlet system which incorporates
the ESI cyclonic spray chamber. The peltier within the PC3 is air PC3x Spray Chamber
cooled, as such the system can be connected to any ICP. The PC3 IsoMist Spray Chamber
cools the outer walls of the cyclonic spray chamber reducing the
water or solvent vapor loading on the plasma resulting in enhanced IsoMist Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers
stability and performance. The PC3-LT operates at -20°C to reduce The IsoMist Programmable Temperature Controlled Spray Chamber
the solvent load on the plasma for analysis of 100% volatile provides the benefits of a temperature-controlled ICP sample
organic solvents. introduction system in a compact, convenient package. The
temperature is electronically controlled using a powerful inbuilt
Features and Benefits Peltier device. You can select any temperature between -10°C and
• Thermal stabilization of spray chamber improves long-term stability +60°C in 1°C increments to provide the optimum conditions for any
• Default settings of spray chamber temperature (+2°C/ -5°C) for application. The rapid response of the Peltier device allows a spray
aqueous or organic solvents. Custom temperature settings are chamber temperature of -5°C to be reached within 15 minutes.
available upon request The IsoMist XR programmable temperature controlled cyclonic
• Interchangeable quartz, PFA and borosilicate cyclonic spray spray chamber now features an improved thermodynamic design
chambers available providing an extended temperature range and faster cool-down,
• Fast rinse-out using PFA-ST nebulizer and O-Ring free quartz so your ICP is ready to go sooner. IsoMist XR has a peltier unit with
cyclonic spray chamber a range of -25°C to +80°C.
• Reduced oxides
Features and Benefits
Description Part No. • Improve Analytical Stability
PC Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers for Avio
3 • Reduce Oxide Formation
PC3x Peltier Cooled Cyclonic Spray Chamber for Avio 200 N0790959 • Perfect for Volatile Organics
PC3 Peltier Cooled Cyclonic Spray Chamber for Avio 200 N0790953 • Constant Temperature Improves Analytical Stability
PC3x Peltier Cooled Cyclonic Spray Chamber for Avio 500 N0810860 • Enhance Sensitivity with Elevated Sample Introduction Temperatures
PC3 Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers for Optima
PC3 Organic Sample Introduction Kit, 1.5 mm Quartz injector N0777354
ICP Model Description Part No.
PC3 Organic Sample Introduction Kit N0777355
Avio IsoMist XR Glass N0810856
HF PC3 Organic Sample Introduction Kit, 1.5 mm Sapphire Injector N0777824
Avio IsoMist XR PFA N0810857
PC3-LT Organic Sample Introduction Kit, 1.0 mm Quartz Injector N0777356
Avio IsoMist XR Quartz N0810858
PC3-LT Organic Sample Introduction Kit N0777357
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 IsoMist XR Glass N0780759
PC3x Complete system N0777836
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 IsoMist XR PFA N0780760
PC3x System with Baffled Quartz Spray Chamber and connector N0786019
Optima 4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 IsoMist XR Quartz N0780761
for ESI Injector*
Optima 4300/5300/7300 V IsoMist XR Glass N0770755
PC3x System for Optima V with Baffled Quartz Spray Chamber* N0786020
Optima 4300/5300/7300 V IsoMist XR PFA N0770756
*Injector and nebulizer are not included.
Optima 4300/5300/7300 V IsoMist XR Quartz N0770757



Sample Introduction
Quick Change
Torch Modules
Part No. N0810606
Part No. N0790607

Quick Change Torch Module Quick Change Torch Module

Cyclonic Spray Chamber/Concentric Nebulizer Scott Spray Chamber/Cross-Flow Nebulizer
ICP Model Part No. ICP Model Part No.
Avio 200 N0790607 Avio 200 N0790606
Includes: Includes:
Type K1 Standard Nebulizer N0777707 GemTip Cross-Flow Nebulizer N0780546
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0790131 1 Slot Quartz Torch N0790131
2.0 mm Alumina Injector N0791183 2.0 mm Alumina Injector N0791183
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber N0791352 Scott Spray Chamber N0791499
Torch Body Assembly for Avio 200 N0790138 Torch Body Assembly for Avio 200 N0790138
Injector Adapter N0790141 Injector Adapter N0790156
Avio 500 N0810607 Avio 500 N0810606
Includes: Includes:
Type K1 Standard Nebulizer N0777707 GemTip Cross-Flow Nebulizer N0780546
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0790131 1 Slot Quartz Torch N0790131
2.0 mm Alumina Injector N0791183 2.0 mm Alumina Injector N0791183
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber N0791352 Scott Spray Chamber N0791499
Torch Body Assembly for Avio 500 N0810128 Torch Body Assembly for Avio 500 N0810128
Injector Adapter N0790141 Injector Adapter N0790156

Organics Sample Introduction System

ICP Model Part No.
Avio 200 N0790611
GemCone Low-Flow Nebulizer N0770358
Injector Adapter Kit-Cyclonic with O-Rings N0790141
Hybrid XLT 3 Slot Torch Avio N0790249
Alumina Injector 1.2 mm Length Avio N0791182
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber Avio N0791352
Torch Body Assembly for Avio 200 N0790138
Part No. N0791352 Avio 500 N0810609
GemCone Low-Flow Nebulizer N0770358
Injector Adapter Kit-Cyclonic with O-Rings N0790141
Hybrid XLT 3 Slot Torch Avio N0790249
Alumina Injector 1.2 mm Length Avio N0791182
Part No. N0770358 Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber Avio N0791352
Torch Body Assembly for Avio 500 N0810128



Quick-Change Torch Module with Cyclonic Quick-Change Torch Module with Scott
Spray Chamber and Concentric Nebulizer Spray Chamber and GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer
ICP Model Part No. ICP Model Part No.
Optima 8x00 N0780607 Optima 8x00 N0780606
Includes: Includes:
MEINHARD Type K1 Nebulizer 1 mL/Min N0777707 1 Slot Quartz Torch N0780130
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0780130 GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N0780546
Alumina Injector 2.0 mm ID N0781014 Alumina Injector 2.0 mm ID N0781014
Polyethylene Tubing,10 ft. 09908265 Scott Spray Chamber N0770357
Adjustable Torch Assembly N0770600 Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV N0770606
Cyclonic Spray Chamber with Adjustable Mount N0770605
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0770338
Tubing Assembly N0770610
GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N0770546
Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 N0770607
Includes: Adjustable Torch Assembly N0770600
MEINHARD Type C1 Nebulizer 1 mL/Min 00472022 Alumina Injector 2.0 mm N0775177
Polyethylene Tubing,10 ft. 09908265 Scott Spray Chamber N0770357
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0770338
Adjustable Torch Assembly N0770600
Cyclonic Spray Chamber with Adjustable Mount N0770605
Mounting Block
Tubing Assembly N0770610
Alumina Injector 2.0 mm N0775177
Mounting block only. Does not include
torch, injector, spray chamber or nebulizer.

Quick-Change Torch Module for HF Analysis ICP Model Part No.

Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 N0770600
ICP Model Part No.
Optima 4300V/5300V/7300V N0770911
GemCone High Dissolved Solids Nebulizer N0690670 Quick-Change Torch Module
Alumina Sample Injector 2.0 mm ID N0695362 Support Stand
Quick Disconnect Tubing N0770336
A free-standing support stand to hold your
3 Slot Quartz Torch N0771500
spare Quick-Change Torch Module.
Tracey TFE Spray Chamber N0777497
Includes: Fittings, O-Rings and Spares ICP Model Part No.
Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 N0770609

Quick-Change Torch Module for Oil Analysis

ICP Model Part No.
Optima 4300V/5300V/7300V N0770910 End Cap for Concentric Glass,
GemCone and Similar Nebulizers
GemCone Low-Flow Nebulizer N0770358
End cap to fit any concentric nebulizer
Alumina Injector 1.2 mm N0771531
onto a Scott Spray Chamber.
Quick Disconnect Tubing N0770336
3 Slot Quartz Torch N0771500 ICP Model Part No.

Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber N0771501 Optima 2x00/3x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 N0680504
Includes: Fittings, O-Rings and Spares



Sample Introduction Kits

Part No. N0777707

Part No. N0780546

Part No. N0790384

Part No. N0791352

Cyclonic/Concentric Kits Scott/Cross-Flow II Kits

ICP Model Part No. ICP Model Part No.

Avio 200/500 N0790608 Avio 200/500 N0790609

Includes: Includes:

1 Slot Quartz Torch N0790131 1 Slot Quartz Torch N0790131

2.0 mm ID Alumina Injector N0791183 2.0 mm ID Alumina Injector N0791183

Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber N0791352 Scott Spray Chamber N0790384

MEINHARD Type K1 Nebulizer

N0777707 GemTip™ Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N0780546

Injector Adapter N0790141 Injector Adapter N0790156

Optima 8x00 N0780617 Scott Spray Chamber Clamp Adapter N0790296

Includes: Optima 8x00 N0780616
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0780130 Includes:

2.0 mm ID Alumina Injector N0781014 1 Slot Quartz Torch N0780130

Glass Cyclonic Spray Chamber N0776052 2.0 mm ID Alumina Injector N0781014

MEINHARD® Type K1 Nebulizer N0777707 Scott Spray Chamber N0770357

Quartz Torch Copper Ignitor Tape – Qty. 50 pcs. N0781097 GemTip™ Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N0780546

Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV N0770730 Quartz Torch Copper Ignitor Tape – Qty. 50 pcs. N0781097
Includes: Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV N0770731
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0770338 Includes:

Quartz Bonnet N0775289 1 Slot Quartz Torch N0770338

2.0 mm ID Alumina Injector N0775177 Quartz Bonnet N0775289

Glass Cyclonic Spray Chamber N0776052 2.0 mm ID Alumina Injector N0775177

MEINHARD Type C High Dissolved Solids Nebulizer

00472022 Scott Spray Chamber N0770357

Quartz Torch Copper Ignitor Tape – Qty. 120 pcs. N0775297 GemTip™ Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N0770546
Quartz Torch Copper Ignitor Tape – Qty. 120 pcs. N0775297



Oxygen Addition Kits

ICP Model Qty. Part No.
Oxygen Addition Kit N0790412
Avio 200/500
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber 4 mm 1 N0770389
for Oils with Oxygen Port
Tygon Tubing 25 ft. 02506516
Insert 4 09903094
Tube Fitting 2 09903150
Part No. N0771500 Part No. N0772006 Mass Flow Controller 1 N0772006

Organics Kits ICP Model Qty. Part No.

DV Oxygen Addition Kit N0770689
ICP Model Qty. Part No.
Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 DV
Avio 200/500 N0790610 Includes:
Includes: Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber 4 mm 1 N0777731
3 Slot Quartz Torch 2 N0790249 for Oils with Oxygen Port

1.2 mm ID Alumina Injector 2 N0791182 Tygon Tubing 25 ft. 02506516

(1.2 mm entire length of tube) Insert 4 09903094
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber 1 N0791352 Tube Fitting 2 09903150
Mass Flow Controller 1 N0772006
GemCone™ Low-Flow Nebulizer 1 N0770358
Adapter for Cyclonic Spray Chamber 1 N0770614
Cyclonic Spray Chamber Adapter 1 N0790141
Nebulizer Spacer 1 N0791438 ICP Model Qty. Part No.
Optima 8x00 N0780608 V Oxygen Addition Kit N0770965
Includes: Optima 4300 V/5300 V/7300 V
3 Slot Quartz Torch 2 N0780132
Torch Adapter with Auxiliary Oxygen Port 1 N0774070
1.2 mm ID Alumina Injector 2 N0781007
Tygon Tubing Per lc/0.3 m 25 ft. 02506516
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber 4 mm 1 N0776090
Insert 4 09903094
Gemcone™ Low-Flow Nebulizer 1 N0770358
Tube Fitting 2 09903150
Cyclonic Spray Chamber Adapter 1 N0770614
Mass Flow Controller 1 N0772006
Injector Adapter Washer 1 N0776014
Injector Adapter 1 N0776091 Hydride Accessory Kit
Injector Adapter Nut 1 N0776025
O-Ring 1 09902207 ICP Model Qty. Part No.
O-Ring 8.74 ID 1.78 WD 2 09921028 Hydride Accessory Kit N0810433
Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV N0770420 Avio 200/500
Includes: Includes:

3 Slot Quartz Torch 1 N0772005 Silicone Tubing ID 5mm Thickness x 2 mm 1 B0018283

1.2 mm ID Alumina Injector 1 N0776093 PVC Tube 3X1 TR 75 Shore 1 B0048139

Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber 4 mm 1 N0776090 PTFE Tubing, 110 mm 1 B0191058

Gemcone™ Low-Flow Nebulizer 1 N0770358 PTFE Tubing, 700 mm 1 B0191059

Cyclonic Spray Chamber Adapter 1 N0770614 1.52 mm ID Tubing, Blue/Yellow/Blue, Pkg. 12 1 B0193161

Injector Adapter Washer 1 N0776014 Adapter A/D with Intern Screw Thread 1.8mm 1 B0193342

Injector Adapter Nut 1 N0776025 Adapter C / D = 4,0 1 B0196850

Injector Adapter 1 N0776091 Adapter E / D = 6,0 1 B0196857

O-Ring 1 09902207 Tubing Connector for FIAS-400MS 2 B0196882

O-Ring 8.74 ID 1.78 WD 2 09921028 PTFE Tubing, 300 mm 2 B0198097

Optima 4300 V/5300 V/7300 V N0770732 Tubing Adapter K 1 B0507918

Includes: Mixing/Separation Assembly 1 B0507957
3 Slot Quartz Torch 1 N0771500 PTFE Membrane, Pkg. 50 1 B0508306
Quartz Bonnet 1 N0775289 3.18 mm ID, Black/White/Black Pkg. 12 1 B0508310
1.2 mm ID Alumina Injector 1 N0771531 PVC Tubing for 2 mL/mm, P40 1 N0680375
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber 1 N0771501 Ultrasonic Axial Adapter 1 N0695426
GemCone™ Low-Flow Nebulizer 1 N0770358 Quick Disconnect Tubing for 2000/4000 1 N0770336
Quartz Torch Copper Ignitor Tape 120 N0775297 Glass Ball Joint Adapter 1 N8126045



Demountable Torch Body Assemblies

Quartz Torches ICP Model

Avio 200
Part No.
Avio 500 N0810128

Avio Torch
Part No. N0790131

Demountable design using one-piece quartz tubing 1 1

for plasma and auxiliary gas flow. Torches without
slots are recommended for organic solvents.
1-slot torches are the standard torch for aqueous
solutions. 3-slot torches are typically used for
organic analysis.

ICP Model No. of Slots Part No.

Avio 200/500 (Standard Torch) 1 N0790131
Avio 200/500 (with PVDF O-Ring-free holder) 1 N0811908 2
Avio 200/500 Organics (not ceramic) 3 N0790249
8x00 HybridXLT (ceramic tip) 1 N0780128 3 3
8x00 0 N0780133
8x00 (Standard) 1 N0780130
8x00 3 N0780132 7 4 7 4
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 0 N0770343
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV (short ver.) 0 N0770344
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 1 N0770338
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 3 N0772005
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV Organics 3 N0772008
4300V/5300V/7300V 3 N0771500
6 5a 6 5b
7300 V Organics 3 N0771561

Fixed Torches can be found on the next page.

Avio 200 Torch Body Assembly Avio 500 Torch Body Assembly
Part No. N0790138 Part No. N0810128
Torch Bonnet
The torch bonnet is used as a spacer
Torch Body Assembly Replacement Parts
between the torch and RF load coil.
Description Part No.
ICP Model Part No.
Torch Glass N0790131
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 N0775289
Knurled Nut N0776027
Washer N0776028
Copper Ignitor Tape Spacer N0791125
ICP Model Qty. Part No. 5a Cassette for Avio 200 Torch Body Assembly N0790214
8x00 50 N0781097* 5b Cassette for Avio 500 Torch Body Assembly N0810214
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 120 N0775297 O-Ring Color Coded Blue N0791334

*Ignitor tape for Optima and HybridXLT Torches O-Ring 09902223



Torch O-Ring Kits Fixed Torches

ICP Model Part No.
One Piece Fixed
Avio 200/500 O-Ring Kit for Adjustable Torch N0790437
Includes: Quartz Torches with
0.799 ID 0.103 WD 09902223 (2) PVDF O-Ring Free Holders Part No. N0811902
0.101 ID 0.070 WD N0791334 (2)
Avio 200/500 O-Ring Kit for Scott Injector N0790440 The one-piece torch has the injector
Includes: integrated directly into the torch.
8.74 ID 1.78 WD 09200518 (2)
0.239 ID 0.70 WD 09902207 (2) ICP Model Description Part No.
0.344 ID 0.070 WD N0791333 (2)
Avio 200/500 One Piece Quartz Torch with 1mm injector N0811902
Avio 200/500 O-Ring Kit for Cyclonic Injector N0790441
Includes: Avio 200/500 One Piece Quartz Torch with 1.5mm injector N0811903
0.239 ID 0.70 WD 09902207 (2) Avio 200/500 One Piece Quartz Torch with 2mm injector N0811906
0.301 ID 0.70 WD 09926070 (2)
0.344 ID 0.070 WD N0791333 (2) Avio 200/500 One Piece Quartz Torch with 2.5mm injector N0811907
8x00 Complete O-Ring Kit N0780437

Ceramic Hybrid
1.171 ID, 0.139 WD 09902131 (1)
0.799 ID, 0.103 WD 09902223 (2)
1.109 ID, 0.139 WD 09921061 (1)
1.046 ID, 0.139 WD 09921062 (1)
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV Complete O-Ring Kit
XLT Quartz Torch
0.801 ID 0.070 WD 09902045 (1)
PerkinElmer’s HybridXLT™ torch is the
1.171 ID 0.139 WD 09902131 (1)
0.799 ID 0.103 WD 09902223 (2) latest addition to the family of PerkinElmer
1.109 ID 0.139 WD 09921061 (1) genuine sample introduction components.
1.046 ID 0.139 WD 09921062 (1)
The ceramic/quartz hybrid design provides
4300V/5300V/7300V Complete O-Ring Kit N0770916
Includes: the highest performance for your Optima®
0.612 ID 0.103 WD 09902155 (1) ICP-OES 8x00 spectrometer. Available
0.239 ID 0.070 WD 09902207 (2) only from PerkinElmer, this torch has an
0.364 ID 0.070 WD 09902247 (2)
0.301 ID 0.070 WD 09926070 (1) extended lifetime of up to 10x your current
Avio 200/500 0.101 ID, 0.070 WD N0791334 quartz torch, increasing instrument uptime
Avio 200/500 0.344 ID, 0.070 WD N0791333 and decreasing maintenance costs.
Avio 200/500 8.74 ID, 1.78 WD 09200518
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 (Viton) 1.171 ID, 0.139 WD 09902131
Features and Benefits
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 (Viton) 0.799 ID, 0.103 WD 09902223 • Extended Torch Lifetime – up to 10x improvement
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 1.109 ID, 0.139 WD 09921061 • Viewable plasma compared to a full ceramic design
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 1.046 ID, 0.139 WD 09921062 • Ideal for all sample types, except organic solvents
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 0.801 ID, 0.070 WD 09902045 • Increased instrument uptime
4300V/5300V/7300V (For Ball Joint) 0.301 ID, 0.070 WD 09926070
• Lower cost per analysis
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 SCX 0.239 ID, 0.070 WD 09902006
• Exclusive patented design
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 SCX 0.364 ID, 0.070 WD 09902015
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 SCX 8.74 ID, 1.78 WD 09921028 • Lower cost than full ceramic torches
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 0.239 ID, 0.070 WD 09902207
SCX/4300V/5300/7300V (Inside)
Only From PerkinElmer!
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 0.301 ID, 0.070 WD 09902247
SCX/4300V/5300/7300V (Outside)
All, O-Ring Lube 2 grams 09200078 ICP Model No. of Slots Part No.

O-Ring Removal Tool 09220410 8x00 1 N0780128



D-Torch D-Torch™ and Replacement Parts

Demountable Torch ICP Model

Avio 200
D-Torch Complete
Part No.
Assembly with Quartz
D-Torch Demountable Torch Outer Tube
Part No. N0790442 Avio 500 D-Torch Complete N0810861
Assembly with Quartz
Outer Tube
Avio 200 D-Torch Ceramic N0791303
The D-Torch™ provides a demountable torch
Outer Tube (optional)
design without sacrificing performance or
Avio 500 D-Torch Ceramic N0811912
usability. Featuring a torch body with fixed Outer Tube (optional)
alumina intermediate tube for greater robustness, Avio 200 D-Torch Body N0791300
in addition to a demountable outer tube and
Avio 500 D-Torch Body N0811904
injector, the D-Torch significantly reduces torch
Avio 200/500 D-Torch Outer Tube N0791301
replacement costs for the analysis of challenging
8x00 D-Torch Assembly N0777840
sample matrices.
including Quartz
The optional ceramic outer tube is of particular Outer Tube

benefit for ICP applications where a quartz outer 8x00 Ceramic Outer Tube N0777880
tube will suffer from a short lifetime. High TDS applications cause
8x00 Base and Inner Tube N0777841
quartz to rapidly devitrify and organic solvents can cause quartz to
fracture, whereas the ceramic outer tube will last years under the 8x00 Quartz Outer Tube N0777842
same conditions. 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00* DV D-Torch Quartz N0777508
including Outer Tube

Features and Benefits 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV Base N0777509

and Inner Tube
• Analysis of high-matrix solutions (i.e. fusion samples, samples with
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV Quartz Outer Tube N0777510
high-dissolved solids, samples with high-acid content) which can
cause early devitrification or sample deposition when using quartz 4300/5300/7300V D-Torch with Quartz N0777051
Outer Tube
• Demountable outer tube – With the D-Torch, you need only replace
4300/5300/7300V Quartz Outer Tube N0777053
the outer tube
4300/5300/7300V Ceramic Outer Tube N0777052
• Interchangeable quartz and ceramic outer tubes
4300/5300/7300V Base and Inner Tube N0777054
• Interchangeable injectors – choose the optimum injector for your
application. Select from quartz for aqueous solutions, narrow bore for Retaining Ring for N0777055
Outer Tube
organics, wide bore for high dissolved solids or ceramic for HF
Copper Tape for N0777843
D-Torch Outer Tube
O-Ring Kit N0777715
Torch Adapter with N0774070
Auxiliary Port
*Ceramic outer tube is not available for this model

Ceramic D-Torch Assembly Ceramic D-Torch with Base and Inner Tube Ceramic Outer Tube Quartz Outer Tube
Part No. N0777840 Quartz Outer Tube Part No. N0777054 Part No. N0777880 Part No. N0777053
Part No. N0777051



Load Coils and Purge Components

Radial Window
Part No. N0581497

Axial Window
Part No. 09992731

RF Load Coils* Purge Extension Windows

ICP Model Part No. The Axial View Purge Extension Window is a replaceable quartz
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV N0775300 window that slides into the purge extension between the torch
4300V/5300V/7300V N0771536
and the optics. The Radial View Purge Extension Window Tube is
a replaceable quartz tube that slides into the mount between the
3x00 XL/3x00 DV N0690772
torch and the optics for the radial view.
3000/3000 SCR/3x00 RL N0690668
(For instruments manufactured AFTER 9/21/94) ICP Model Description View Part No.
* Installation by PerkinElmer Service is required, but not included Avio 200/500 Purge Window Axial 09992731
Avio 200 Purge Window Radial N0690672
RF Load Coil Accessories
Avio 500 Purge Window Radial N0810346
Description Part No. Avio 200 Optical Kit Axial/Radial N0790439
Igniter Spark Gap Assembly for Type II Demountable Torch N0680275 (includes Windows
Nylon Igniter Standoff 09989859
Avio 200 Axial Flat Mirror Kit Axial N0790196
Avio 500 Optical Kit Axial/Radial N0810439
Purge Component Replacement Parts (includes Windows
and O-Rings)
Description Part No.
Avio 500 Flat Mirror Kit Axial N0810194
For 5x00/7100/7200/7300 DV/8300
2x00/7000/8000 Purge Window DV Axial 09992731
O-Ring (for Dual View Radial Purge Tube) 09200064
2x00/7000/8000 Purge Window DV Radial N0690672
O-Ring (for Dual View Axial Purge Window) 09902143
2X00 (long tube) Purge Window Radial B0810377
O-Ring (for Torch Clamp on Vertical Torch Module) 09902155
3x00/4x00/5x00/7100 Purge Window DV Axial N0771116
DV Axial Window Cap N0773084 /7200/7300 DV /8300
DV Axial Window Holder N0773090 5x00/7100/7200/7300 Purge Window DV Radial N0770944
For Optima 2100/7000/8000 DV/8300

O-Ring (for Dual View Radial Purge Tube) 09921036 3x00 DV (tube) Purge Window DV Axial N0691678

O-Ring (for Dual View Axial Purge Window) 09921062 3x00 DV (long tube) Purge Window DV Radial N0691689
(38 mm/1.5 in.)
Purge Outlet O-Ring 09921057
3000 SCX/3x00 XL Purge Window Axial 09992731
3000/3000 Purge Window Radial N0581497
SCR/3x00 RL
4x00 DV/5x00 DV** Purge Window DV Radial N0770322
** Pre November 2004

Nitrogen Purge Gas Generator

Description Part No.
Nitrogen Purge Gas Generator N0695468
without Air Compressor, 115V, 60 Hz.
Nitrogen Purge Gas Generator N0695469
without Air Compressor, 220 V, 50 Hz.



Injectors Quartz Injectors

Quartz injectors are designed for organic solvents
and non-HF matrices.
ICP Model Dimensions Part No.
Avio 200/500 0.80 mm ID N0791185
Avio 200/500 1.2 mm ID N0791186
Avio 200/500 1.2 mm ID N0791187
(1.2 mm entire length of tube)
Avio 200/500 1.6 mm ID N0791188
Alumina Injectors Avio 200/500 2.0 mm ID N0791189

Alumina injectors are corrosion-resistant to all mineral acids Avio 200/500 3.0 mm ID N0791190
8x00 0.80 mm ID N0781018
including HF and aqua regia. They are also used with less
8x00 1.2 mm ID N0781019
volatile organic solvents, e.g., xylene.
8x00 (1.2 mm entire length of tube) 1.2 mm ID N0781013
ICP Model Dimensions Part No. 8x00 1.6 mm ID N0781016
Avio 200/500 0.80 mm ID N0791180 8x00 2.0 mm ID N0781050
Avio 200/500 1.2 mm ID N0791181 8x00 3.0 mm ID N0781017
Avio 200/500 1.2 mm ID N0791182 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 0.80 mm ID N0775225
(1.2 mm entire length of tube)
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 1.2 mm ID N0775226
Avio 200/500 2.0 mm ID N0791183
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 1.6 mm ID N0775223
(standard with Avio instrument)
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 2.0 mm ID N0775014
8x00 0.80 mm ID N0781009
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 3.0 mm ID N0775224
8x00 1.2 mm ID N0781015
4300V/5300V/7300V 0.8 mm ID N0695461
8x00 1.2 mm ID N0781007
(1.2 mm entire length of tube) 4300V/5300V/7300V 1.2 mm ID N0695460
8x00 2.0 mm ID N0781014 4300V/5300V/7300V 1.6 mm ID N0695449
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 0.80 mm ID N0775227 4300V/5300V/7300V 2.0 mm ID N0695442
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 1.2 mm ID N0775228
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 1.2 mm ID N0776093 ESI Demountable Injectors
(1.2 mm entire length of tube)
Dimensions Type Part No.
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 2.0 mm ID N0775177
For Avio 200/500
4300V/5300V/7300V 1.2 mm ID N0771531
2.0 mm Platinum N0791849
3000/3000 SCR/3x00 RL 0.85 mm ID N0582186
1.5 mm Sapphire N0791850
3000/3000 SCR/3x00 RL 1.5 mm ID N0582185
3000/3000 SCR/3x00 RL 2.0 mm ID N0582184 2.0 mm Sapphire N0791851

3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 SCX 2.0 mm ID N0695362 For Optima 8x00

/4300V/5300V/7300V 2.0 mm Platinum N0786021
1.5 mm Sapphire N0782004
1.8 mm Sapphire N0782005
1.8 mm with adapter for 7x00 Sapphire N0782006
2.5 mm Sapphire N0786022
1 mm Quartz N0782007
Sapphire Injectors
1.5 mm Quartz N0782008
Sapphire injectors are ideal for silicon applications 2 mm Quartz N0782009
ICP Model Dimensions Part No. 2.5 mm Quartz N0782010

Avio 200/500 2.0 mm ID N0791184 For Optima 4x00, 5x00, 7x00

1.5mm Sapphire N0777630
8x00 2.0 mm ID N0781008
1.8mm Sapphire N0777044
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 1.8 mm ID N0777044
Sapphire in PFA base, 2.5mm Sapphire N0777374
(connects directly to ESI spray chambers) 1.0mm Quartz N0777631
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 2.0 mm ID N0775247 1.5mm Quartz N0777632
3000/3000 SCR/3x00 RL 2.0 mm ID N0695495 2.0mm Quartz N0777633
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 SCX 2.0 mm ID N0695494 2.5mm Quartz N0777634
/4300V/5300V/7300V 2.0mm Platinum N0777373



Avio Injector Assembly


Avio Injector Assembly Replacement Parts

4 Description Part No.

Cyclonic Injector Assembly N0790141

5 Scott Injector Assembly N0790156

O-Ring Kit for Avio Scott Injector N0790440
9 O-Ring Kit for Avio Cyclonic Injector N0790441
O-Ring Kit for Avio Torch N0790437

6 O-Ring Removal Tool 09220410

Injector Support Adapters
and Replacement Parts

Injector Support Adapters

ICP Model Spray Chamber Part No.
Avio 200/500 Cyclonic N0790141
Includes one of each: 09902207,
09926070, N0791333, N0776014,
N0790143, N0791163
Avio 200/500 Scott N0790156
Includes one of each: 09902207,
09200518, N0791333, N0776014,
N0790154, N0791163
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 8x00 All N0770603
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 8x00* All N0776091
Description Part No.
4300V/5300V/7300V (bottom) Cyclonic N0771526
1 Knurled Nut
4300V/5300V/7300V (top) Cyclonic N0771527
2 O-Ring – Color Coded Blue N0791333
*For 1.2 mm entire length injectors N0776093 and N0781007
3 Lock Collar N0791163
4 Washer N0776014 Injector Support Adapter O-Ring Kits
5 O-Ring 09902207
ICP Model Part No.
6 Cyclonic Injector Adapter N0790143
Avio 200/500 Cyclonic N0790441
7 O-Ring 09926070
Avio 200/500 Scott N0790440
8 Scott Injector Adapter N0790154 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 N0770438
9 O-Ring 09200518 3000/3000 SCR/3X00 RL N0690269
10 Injector 2 mm Alumina N0791183 3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 SCX N0690769



Oil-Less Air Compressors

PerkinElmer is expanding its product portfolio to include
an industrial grade quiet oil-less compressor with a 2 year
manufacturer’s warranty for a dependable, clean and dry air supply.
Each compressor comes assembled on an internally and externally
coated air tank carrying a 5 year manufacturer’s warranty.
Also included are an optional self-purging regenerative air dryer, Air Compressor with Dryer
Part No. N0777602
aftercooler and 5 micron line filters assuring that the compressed
air delivered to the instrument is of highest quality moisture and
particle free. One version includes a silencing cabinet resulting
in a compressor operating at a very quiet noise level of 55 dB/A.
All models are equipped with ASME rated pressure tanks and
safety valves, line pressure regulator, gauges and line ball valve
for a complete turnkey compressor station.

Horse Power 1.5 HP
Output CFM/Output L 6.0 CFM/170 L/min
Max Pressure PSI/Max Pressure Bar 120 PSI/8 bar
Noise Level 72 dB/A, with Enclosure 55 dB/A
Tank Size Gal./Tank Size L 13 Gal./50 L
Dimensions without Enclosure 25 in. x 18 in. x 29 in.
with Enclosure 29 in. x 23 in. x 32 in.
Weight without Enclosure 97 lbs. 207 lbs.
with Enclosure
Packed Dimensions without Enclosure 28 in. x 21 in. x 29 in.
with Enclosure 33 in. x 28 in. x 39 in.

Description 115 V/60 Hz 220 V/50 Hz 220 V/60 Hz
Part No. Part No. Part No.
Air Compressor N0777881 N0777882 N0777883
Air Compressor N0777602 N0777603 N0777604
with Dryer
Air Compressor N0777605 N0777606 N0777607
with Dryer in
Silencing Cabinet
Product meets both U.S. and Canadian CSA standards. ASME® certified tank
Please note: Silencing cabinet cannot be sold separately

Replacement parts
Description Part No.
Replacement Air Intake Filter N0777608
Micron Dryer Filter Element N0777609
Replacement Piston Assembly N0777610
Replacement Reed Valve N0777611
Replacement Head Gasket N0777612



FAST High Productivity Systems

The FAST is a high-throughput automated sample introduction
system for PerkinElmer ICP-OES and ICP-MS. The FAST increases
productive instrument time by reducing sample uptake, stabilization
and rinse steps, allowing you to run more samples each day.

Features and Benefits

• Sample never touches peristaltic pump tubing
• FAST uptake, stabilization and washout
• P-Series valve and loop combination has superb washout
• Carrier stream without segmented air bubbles ensures
high-precision sample introduction
• Direct integration of MP2 peripump and FAST valve with instrument

Description Type Part No.

2 DX FAST DXi System Optima 2 Rack N0777618

4 DX FAST DXi System Optima 4 Rack N0777612

2 DX FAST DXi System Avio 200 2 Rack N0790964

4 DX FAST DXi System Avio 200 4 Rack N0790965

2 DX FAST DXi System Avio 500 2 Rack N0810870

4 DX FAST DXi System for Optima ICP-OES
4 DX FAST DXi System Avio 500 4 Rack N0810871

8 rack and 14 rack FAST DXi Systems are also available

prepFAST Autodilution
and Autocalibration Systems
prepFAST is an inline dilution system that automatically performs
precise and accurate dilutions for samples and standards, improving
laboratory workflow, productivity and data quality.

Features and Benefits

• Autodilution • Auto QC dilution
• Autocalibration • Automatic standard addition
• Automatic IS addition

Description Type Part No.

2 DX prepFAST System Optima 2 Rack N0777743

4 DX prepFAST System Optima 4 Rack N0777744

2 DX prepFAST System Avio 200 2 Rack N0790960

4 DX prepFAST System Avio 200 4 Rack N0790961

2 DX prepFAST System Avio 500 2 Rack N0810862

4 DX prepFAST System Avio 500 4 Rack N0810863

8 rack and 14 rack prepFAST Systems are also available

See page 89 for

additional ESI DX Autosamplers 2 DX prepFAST System for Avio ICP-OES



Inductively Coupled Nebulizers

PerkinElmer offers a complete selection
of Nebulizers in a variety of materials
for all of your application needs.
PerkinElmer offers a wide selection of superior quality Choose from Concentric, MicroFlow and GemClean Nebulizers.
products designed to work with your PerkinElmer
instruments. Our precision designed products deliver the
peace of mind that comes from knowing that you’ll get the
results you need.
Spray Chambers
The spray chamber is an integral part of

Quick Reference Index Page the sample introduction System. Each

type of spray chamber has been tested
to provide the best performance and
Concentric Nebulizers 68 analytical results.

MicroFlow Nebulizers 70 Choose from Baffled Cyclonic, Scott Spray

and PFA Spray Chambers.
Nebulizers with Integrated Probes 71

GemClean Nebulizers 72

Nebulizer Cleaners 72 Injectors

Humidifiers 72 PerkinElmer offers a complete selection of Injectors in various
sizes and materials to meet all of your application needs.
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chambers 73 Choose from Quartz and Sapphire Injectors.
Scott Spray Chambers 74

Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers 75

Injectors 77
PerkinElmer carefully selects the best materials which provide
Load Coils 78 optimal performance. Torches are specifically designed for
your instrument. Trust the consumables engineered for your
Torches 79 instruments.
Sample Introduction Kits 80 Choose from Demountable Quartz, D-Torch,
and Integrated Torch/Injectors.
Detectors 82

Cones 83

Consumable Kits 84 Cones

FAST High Productivity Systems 87 PerkinElmer Cones are precision-
designed and manufactured
prepFAST Autodilution and providing the best analytical
Autocalibration Systems 87 results. Large-orifice sampler and skimmer cones provide superior
long-term stability and resist clogging, allowing analysis under
both high and low sample-uptake conditions.
Choose from Nickel and Platinum Cones.


Copyright © 2018 PerkinElmer, Inc. 400360_12 All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


NexION 2000 ICP Mass Spectrometer

NexION 2000 ICP-MS: Triple quad power meets single quad versatility.
Trace metals in food, nanomaterials in water, impurities in everything from pills to electronic components:
These are the sweet spot for the NexION® 2000 ICP-MS. Its sample introduction technology lets you run samples
with up to 35% total dissolved solids. Plus, its interference removal capabilities give you the best detection limits
for your application. And it delivers superior analysis times and single particle/cell detection capability –
at least 10x faster than competitive systems. So the NexION 2000 ICP-MS is up to the most important
challenge of all: Yours.

For more information, visit perkinelmer.com/NexION2000


Concentric Nebulizers Nebulizer Replacement Parts

Description Part No.

MEINHARD Plus Nebulizers Nebulizer Clip for MEINHARD Nebulizers N0777460

MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers have the Nebulizer Liquid Connector Kit 4 mm N8145016
lowest dead volume of any glass or 4 in. length by 0.020 in. ID x 0.062 in. OD
flanged onto female CTFE fitting. Includes one
quartz nebulizer. The low dead volume male barb CTFE fitting
and high sensitivity provide excellent detection limits and washout. Male Barb CTFE Fitting (Part of N8145016) N8145017
Each nebulizer comes with the FitKit+ gas and sample quick connect Female Barb CTFE Fitting (Part of N8145016) N8145018
fittings. The connections are made with high-purity PFA, minimizing PFA FG Gas Quick Connect N8121036
the chance of contamination during backflow events. The gas F2 Standard Integrated Capillary N8121039
connection fits snugly over the maria on the sidearm of the nebulizer. (0.5 mm ID Orange 70 cm long)
F0 Encapsulated Micro Tubing N8121038
• Self aspiration rate 0.5 mL/min with argon flow 1 L/min (0.25 mm ID Green 70 cm long)
at 50 PSI (3.4 bar/345 kPa) F1 Detachable Capillary N8121037
(0.80 mm ID Blue 70 cm long)
• Peristaltic pumped rate 0.5 mL/min to 1.0 mL/min
Spray Chamber Drain Fitting N8145015
• Includes FG Gas Quick Connect (PFA) and F2 Quick Connect PTFE Sample Capillary 0.062 OD x 0.020 ID WE024375
with 0.5 mm ID (orange marker) capillary, 70 cm
MEINHARD® Nebulizer Internal Standard Tee N8152386
Type ICP-MS Model Material Uptake Part No. MEINHARD Plus Nebulizer Fitting for Concentric
Rate Nebulizer (N8152378)
CT R + NexION 1000/2000 Glass 0.5 mL/min N8152373 MEINHARD® Plus Peripump Union – Male Barb N8152453
CT Q + NexION 1000/2000 Quartz 0.5 mL/min N8152372 CTFE Fitting
CT SilQ + NexION 1000/2000 Ultra-High 0.5 mL/min N8152384 MEINHARD® Plus Peripump Union – Female Barb N8152388
Purity Quartz CTFE Fitting
SilQ+ NexION 300/350 Ultra-High 0.5 mL/min N8122460 MEINHARD® Plus Sample Introduction Line for N8145503
Purity Quartz Concentric Nebulizer
TQ+ NexION 300/350 Quartz 0.5 mL/min N8122461 MEINHARD® Plus Concentric Nebulizer 6 in. Gas N8152385
TR+ NexION 300/350 Glass 0.5 mL/min N8122462 Line

Includes FG Gas Quick Connect (N8121036) and F2 Quick Connect (N8121039) with 0.5 mm ID
(orange marker) capillary, 70 cm
FAST Valve Connecting Lines
MEINHARD Nebulizers ® Description Part No.
FAST Valve Connecting Line for ST-Nebulizer, 0.25 mm ID (Green) N0777287
The MEINHARD Concentric
Attaches to port #3 of the FAST valve, 14 cm
Nebulizer reflects exacting
FAST Valve Connecting Line for ST-Nebulizer, 0.5 mm ID (Orange) N0777288
standards in design and Attaches to port #3 of the FAST valve, 14 cm
manufacturing. Its advantages FAST Valve Connecting Line for ST-Nebulizer, N0777769
include simplicity of design and operation, reproducible and 0.3 mm ID (Yellow) with XL Fitting
self-aligning aerosol and close fabrication control. They provide Internal standard line for P7 valve with XL Fitting, N8145345
0.5 mm ID (Orange)
excellent sensitivity and precision for aqueous solutions and
samples with few dissolved solids (less than 1%). MEINHARD F0 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers, N8145461
0.25 mm ID (Green)
Nebulizers are self-aspirating and not to be used with solutions
F2 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers, N8145346
containing hydrofluoric acid. Nebulizers require an end cap 0.25 mm ID (Green)
(N0680504) for use with Scott Spray Chambers. F0 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers, N8145462
0.5 mm ID (Orange)
Type ICP-MS Model Material Uptake Part No.
Rate F2 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers, N8145347
0.5 mm ID (Orange)
Type A0.5 NexION 300/350 Quartz 0.5 mL/min N8145011
FAST Valve Connecting Line for PerkinElmer Gem Cone Nebulizer, N0777659
Type C0.5 NexION 300/350 Glass 0.5 mL/min N8145012
0.50 mm ID (Orange)
Type C3 ELAN/NexION Glass 3.0 mL/min N8102011
FAST Valve Connecting Line for PerkinElmer Gem Cone Nebulizer, N0777661
1.00 mm ID (Gray)
Type K3 ELAN/NexION Glass 3.0 mL/min N0681574
300/350 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MIRA MIST Nebulizer, N0777658
0.50 mm ID (Orange)
Type A3 ELAN/NexION Quartz 3.0 mL/min WE024371
300/350 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MIRA MIST Nebulizer, N0777660
1 mm ID (Gray)
Solution Fitting N8145016 is not included with MEINHARD nebulizers.



MicroMist Nebulizers OpalMist Nebulizers

The MicroMist micro-uptake glass The OpalMist is ideal for
concentric nebulizer offers high the geochemistry and
performance for limited sample volumes. semiconductor industry. Ideal
MicroMists for ELAN/NexION 300/350 are for high precision analyses involving
fitted with a UniFit connector with 1.3 analyses requiring high chemical resistancy
OD X 0.50 mm ID x 700 mm long sample to HF, alkalis and organics. It also
tubing. MicroMists for NexION 1000/2000 provides excellent results for trace analyses.
Direct Connection (DC) Nebulizers are
NexION 1000/2000 DC Nebulizer
fitted with a UniFit connector and an ICP-MS Model Uptake Rate Part No.
Argon connector. All NexION 1000/2000 MicroMist Nebulizers ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.4 mL/min N0777485
include a Gas Fitting with ratchet connector (N8151079). ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.1 mL/min N0777486
ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.2 mL/min N8121056
ICP-MS Model Uptake Rate Part No.
ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.05 mL/min N8121057
ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.05 mL/min N0775344
ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.1 mL/min N0775343 ELAN/NexION 300/350 2 mL/min N8121061

ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.2 mL/min N0775342

ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.4 mL/min N0775341 UniFit EzyFit Direct Connection
Connector Connector Nebulizer Gas Fitting
NexION 1000/2000 0.05 mL/min N8151076
NexION 1000/2000 0.1 mL/min N8151075
NexION 1000/2000 0.2 mL/min N8151074
Connectors for MicroMist and SeaSpray Nebulizers
NexION 1000/2000 0.4 mL/min N8151073
Description Pkg. Part No.

SeaSpray Nebulizers Unifit

The SeaSpray Concentric Nebulizer is ideal for samples with high 0.25 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777514

dissolved solids and offers outstanding nebulization efficiency 0.50 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777513
for trace level analysis. It offers freedom from clogging while 0.75 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777512
nebulizing solutions near the limit of solubility of most mineral salts 1.30 mm OD x 0.75 mm ID x 700 mm Long 3 N0774077
and conferring significant sensitivity gains. All SeaSpray Nebulizers 1/16 in. OD x 0.75 mm ID x 700 mm Long 3 N0774080
are supplied with the EzyLok Argon connector. All NexION UniFit-EzyFit Sample Tube 6 N0777061
1000/2000 SeaSpray Nebulizers are Direct Connection (DC) and
include a Gas Fitting with ratchet connector (N8151079).
0.25 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777437
ICP-MS Model Uptake Rate Part No. 0.50 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777436
ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.4 mL/min N0777484 0.75 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777435
ELAN/NexION 300/350 1 mL/min Quartz N0774069
0.25 mm ID x 1⁄16 in. OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777464
ELAN/NexION 300/350 2 mL/min N0775340
0.50 mm ID x 1⁄16 in. OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777463
NexION 1000/2000 0.4 mL/min N8151070
0.50 mm ID x 1⁄16 in. OD x 700 mm Long Twin 6 N0777462
NexION 1000/2000 1.0 mL/min Quartz N8151072
1/16 in. OD x 0.25 mm ID x 700 mm 10 N0777845
NexION 1000/2000 2.0 mL/min N8151071
1/16 in. OD x 0.50 mm ID x 700 mm 10 N0777846

DuraMist Nebulizers 1/16 in. OD x 0.75 mm ID x 700 mm 10 N0777847

The DuraMist concentric UniFit-EzyFit Sample Tube 6 N0777061

nebulizer is an economical nebulizer for high Direct Connection Nebulizer Gas Fitting
precision analyses involving samples digested 1/8 Gas Fitting with Ratchet Nebulizer Connector (DC) 1 N8151079
in HF. The DuraMist nebulizer is recommended for
samples containing up to 5% HF. For samples with higher
End Cap for Concentric Nebulizers
concentrations of HF, the OpalMist PFA nebulizer is recommended.
End cap to fit any concentric nebulizer onto a
ICP-MS Model Uptake Rate Part No. Scott Spray Chamber.
ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.4 mL/min N8121046
ELAN/NexION 300/350 1.0 mL/min N8121045 Description Part No.

NexION 1000/2000 0.4 mL/min N8151077 End Cap for Concentric Nebulizers N0680504
NexION 1000/2000 1.0 mL/min N8151078



High Efficiency
MicroFlow Nebulizers
MicroFlow nebulizers are constructed entirely from chemically PFA Nebulizer Replacement Parts
resistant fluoropolymers, ideal for strong acids, alkalis, organics,
Description Part No.
high salt solutions and high solid concentrations. They are resistant
Union Fittings for LC to PFA Nebulizer N8152478
to clogging, are reliably self-aspirated or pumped and produce a
fine aerosol for high transport efficiency and high sensitivity. PTFE Connection Line for PFA LC Microflow Nebulizer N8152479
0.15 mm ST Capillary Line for PFA Microflow Nebulizer N8152480
PFA-ST Nebulizer PFA Nebulizer Gas Line for PFA-ST Nebulizer N8145531
The PFA-ST nebulizer features Sample Introduction Line for PFA-ST Nebulizer N8152455
high purity, HF-resistance and Internal Standard Addition Tee for ST-Nebulizer, 0.25 mm ID N0777294
high performance, along with an (Green). Attaches to port #3, 14 cm

exchangeable external sample Internal Standard Addition Tee for ST-Nebulizer, 0.5 mm ID N0777295
(Orange). Attaches to port #3, 14 cm
uptake capillary. The sample
uptake rate is controlled by the dimension of the external capillary
or probe. Chemically resistant – ideal for strong acids, alkalis, apex High Temperature Nebulizers
organics. Resistant to clogging – reliably self-aspirated or pumped.
Description Part No.
ICP-MS Model Part No. High Temperature apex-ST PFA MicroFlow Nebulizer with N0777375
ELAN/NexION (Concentric) N8122192 External 1/4-28 Threaded Connector

ELAN/NexION (Self-Aspirating for prepFAST) N8145368 High Temperature apex-100 PFA Nebulizer with Integrated N0777376
90-150 μL/min Self-Aspiration Capillary
High Temperature apex-100 PFA Nebulizer with N0777828
PFA-ST3 Nebulizer Ultem Manual Sampling Probe, 90-150 µL/min, 80 cm Capillary

Designed for superior clog

resistance and higher sensitivity.
PFA-ST3 nebulizer with external
threaded connector is a high
performance, clog resistant and PTFE Sample Capillaries
chemically inert nebulizer for ICP-MS.
For use with ST Nebulizers.
ICP-MS Model Part No.
ID Self-Aspiration Rate Part No.
ELAN/NexION 300/350 N8145101
0.15 mm Red 20 µL/min N8122382
0.2 mm Purple 50 µL/min N8145135
PolyPro-ST Nebulizer
0.25 mm Green 100 µL/min N8122383
The PolyPro-ST Nebulizer is 0.3 mm Yellow 200 µL/min N8145136
an HF resistant alternative to 0.5 mm Orange 400 µL/min N8122384
the PFA nebulizer. The PolyPro
0.8 mm Blue 700 µL/min N8145137
has lower chemical resistance
1.0 mm Gray 1 mL/min N8145138
than the PFA nebulizer but
has the same high efficiency
aerosol generation. A robust nebulizer that can self aspirate with
an exchangeable external sample uptake capillary or used with a
peristaltic pump.

Description Part No.

PolyPro-ST Nebulizer N0777220



Carbon Fiber Supported Autosampler Probes PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with

for ST Nebulizers Integrated Autosampler Probes for NexION 300/350

Self-aspiration rate @ 1 L/m Ar Measured self-aspiration rate @ 1 L/m Ar

Description Part No. Description Uptake Rate Part No.

0.25 mm ID, Capillary Length 80 cm, N0777223 PFA-20 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support) 20 μL/min, length 80 cm N0777214
Self-Aspiration Rate (@ 1 L/m Ar) 100 µL/min
PFA-50 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support) 50 μL/min, length 80 cm N0777215
0.50 mm ID, Capillary Length 80 cm, N0777225
PFA-100 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support) 100 μL/min, length 100 cm N0777216
Self-Aspiration Rate (@ 1 L/m Ar) 400 µL/min
PFA-200 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support) 200 μL/min, length 100 cm N0777217
0.25 mm ID, Capillary Length 150 cm, N0777826
Self-Aspiration Rate (@ 1 L/m Ar) 100 µL/min PFA-400 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support) 400 μL/min, length 100 cm N0777218
0.50 mm ID, Capillary Length 150 cm, N0777827 PFA-20 PFA (Ultem Support) 20 μL/min, length 100 cm N8145141
Self-Aspiration Rate (@ 1 L/m Ar) 100 µL/min
PFA-50 PFA (Ultem Support) 50 μL/min, length 100 cm N8145142
Reset Probe Weight Kit. PTFE coated Stainless Steel Weight N0786043
with Black PEEK Retainer Assembly PFA-100 PFA (Ultem Support) 100 μL/min, length 100 cm N8145143
PFA-200 PFA (Ultem Support) 200 μL/min, length 100 cm N8145144
PFA-400 PFA (Ultem Support) 400 μL/min, length 100 cm N8145275
PTFE Autosampler Probes for ST Nebulizers
Description Part No.
PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Capillaries
PTFE Sampling Probe Assembly with Carbon Fiber Support N8145139
for NexION 1000/2000
and Female Fitting, 0.25 mm ID for ICP-MS.
Requires but does not include N8145017
Measured self-aspiration rate @ 1 L/m Ar
PTFE Sampling Probe Assembly with Carbon Fiber Support N8145140
and Female Fitting, 0.5 mm ID for ICP/ICP-MS. Description Uptake Rate Part No.
Requires but does not include N8145017
PFA-20 PFA Nebulizer 20 μL/min N8152582
PTFE Internal Standard Probe, 0.5 mm with Carbon Fiber N8145344
Support with female nut. Connects to standard addition tee PFA-50 PFA Nebulizer 50 μL/min N8152583
or internal standard line PFA-100 PFA Nebulizer 100 μL/min N8152584
PTFE Sampling Probe Assembly with Carbon Fiber Support N2024132 PFA-200 PFA Nebulizer 200 μL/min N8152585
and Male Screw Fitting, 0.55 mm ID for AA/ICP/ICPMS.
For ICP/ICPMS requires but does not include N8145018*. PFA-400 PFA Nebulizer 400 μL/min N8152586
For AA with a stainless steel nebulizer, the male connect should
be removed so that tubing can be directly connected to the
nebulizer, no additional tubing is required PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Autosampler Probes
*Keep spare ferrules on hand, N8145237 Qty. 10 for NexION 1000/2000

Measured self-aspiration rate @ 1 L/m Ar

PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers Description Uptake Rate Part No.
with Integrated Capillaries PFA-20 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support) 20 μL/min, length 80 cm N8152587
for NexION 300/350 PFA-50 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support) 50 μL/min, length 80 cm N8152588
PFA-100 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support) 100 μL/min, length 100 cm N8152589
Measured self-aspiration rate @ 1 L/m Ar
PFA-200 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support) 200 μL/min, length 100 cm N8152590
Description Uptake Rate Part No.
PFA-400 PFA (Carbon Fiber Support) 400 μL/min, length 100 cm N8152591
PFA-20 PFA Nebulizer 20 μL/min N8122350
PFA-20 PFA (Ultem Support) 20 μL/min, length 100 cm N8152592
PFA-50 PFA Nebulizer 50 μL/min N8145102
PFA-50 PFA (Ultem Support) 50 μL/min, length 100 cm N8152593
PFA-100 PFA Nebulizer 100 μL/min N8122351
PFA-100 PFA (Ultem Support) 100 μL/min, length 100 cm N8152594
PFA-200 PFA Nebulizer 200 μL/min N8145103
PFA-200 PFA (Ultem Support) 200 μL/min, length 100 cm N8152420
PFA-400 PFA Nebulizer 400 μL/min N8145104
PFA-400 PFA (Ultem Support) 400 μL/min, length 100 cm N8152595



GemClean Nebulizer Nebulizer Cleaners

GemClean Cross-Flow II Nebulizer The Eluo™ Nebulizer Cleaner
Complete chemically inert Cross-Flow II nebulizer The Eluo is designated to
assembly specially processed to reduce BEC efficiently deliver a cleanser through the nebulizer capillary to
levels below 1 ppb. Contains an end cap with a dislodge particle build-up and thoroughly clean the nebulizer.
GemTip clear sapphire sample tip and a GemTip
Description Part No.
red ruby argon tip optimized for ICP-MS.
For Newer OpalMist, PolyCon, DuraMist, MEINHARD, N0777712
Description Part No. Other Glass Nebulizers
GemClean Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N8120516 For OLD Style OpalMist or PolyCon Nebulizers N0775358

Cross-Flow Replacement GemTips and Spares

PFA Nebulizer Obstruction
Includes a clear sapphire sample tip and a red ruby Removal Kit
argon tip optimized for ICP-MS. Tips are constructed
Obstruction Removal Kit while naturally resistant to obstructions,
of PEEK for maximum corrosion resistance.
PFA nebulizers may occasionally require maintenance. Use this kit
Description Part No. to safely remove obstructions in all PFA-ST nebulizers for long-term
Cross-Flow II Replacement GemTips N8120515 high performance.
Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Argon Ferrule 09920515
Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Ferrule Kit* N0680612 Description Part No.
Cross-Flow II Nebulizer End Cap N8122239 Nebulizer Obstruction Removal Kit N8145236
Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Sample Ferrule 09920518
GemTip II O-Ring 09921045
Syringe Flush Kit
End Cap O-Ring 09902033
Sample Tubing 09985708 Use syringe and white adapter to
Argon Tubing 09985723 back-flush the carrier line or tee-
*Includes 09920515 and 09920518 line. Use syringe and red adapter to forward flush the carrier line,
the side port of the tee-line and to forward flush the PFA nebulizer.
GemClean Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Replacement Parts
Description Part No.
Description Part No.
Syringe Flush Kit N8121035
Sample Ferrule – TBG 1/16 Tefzel 09920518 Includes 3 mL syringe, two luer to 1/4-28 adapters
Nut – TBG PEEK 09920516
Nut 09920517
pergo Argon Humidifier
Argon Ferrule – TBG 1/8 Tefzel 09920515
5 O-Ring, 18W, 1 3/8 ID, 1 5/8 OD 09902033 The pergo improves performance of all
6 Ring 00473543 concentric nebulizers for the routine analysis
O-Rings (2) 0.126 ID, 0.040 WD, Viton 09921045 of brines, fusion digests and other high-TDS
8 End Cap Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N8122239 samples. pergo 2 for ICP-MS humidifies both
GemTip Kit for Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N8120515 the nebulizer gas flow and the AMS gas
(Contains one each: Argon and Sample tip)
9a flow for optimum performance.
Red Ruby Nebulizer, Argon Tip
Clear Nebulizer Sample Tip
ICP-MS Model Description Part No.
Screws (2) – Knurled 00473539
ELAN/NexION pergo 1 without Nebulizer N8145315
6 8
10 ELAN/NexION pergo 1 with MEINHARD Type C N8145316
ELAN/NexION pergo 1 with PFA-ST Nebulizer N8150427
7 9a 4 3
ELAN/NexION pergo 2 without Nebulizer N8150743
ELAN/NexION pergo 2 with MEINHARD Type C N8150428
7 Plus Nebulizer
ELAN/NexION pergo 2 with PFA-ST Nebulizer N8150429
10 9b
NexION 1000/2000 pergo 1 NexION 1000/2000 N8152683
1 gas line conversion kit
2 NexION 1000/2000 pergo 2 NexION 1000/2000 N8152692
gas line conversion kit



Baffled Cyclonic
Spray Chambers
The spray chamber is an integral part of the sample introduction
system responsible for filtering the sample mist to permit the
appropriate droplet size distribution to reach the plasma. The
baffled cyclonic spray chamber features a central transfer tube
which acts as a secondary particle separator helping separate
High Sensitivity Spray Chamber
larger aerosol particles from the sample. This reduces solvent with Matrix Gas Port
load in the plasma without compromising detection limits. Part No. N8152389
The distance between the bottom of the baffle and the chamber
wall is carefully controlled so that droplets cannot form on the Description Material Part No.
bottom of the baffle. The advantage is smooth draining and
For NexION 2000 B
improved precision.
High Sensitivity All-Purpose Spray Chamber Glass N8152375
for Non-Hf Samples
For NexION 1000 and 2000 C/P
High Sensitivity Spray Chamber Glass N8152389
with Matrix Gas Port
For NexION 2000 S
High Sensitivity All-Purpose Spray Chamber SilQ N8152424
for Non-Hf Samples. Provides Excellent
Sensitivity, Stability And Ultra-Low Blanks
For NexION 1000 and 2000
Part No. N0775350 High Sensitivity Spray Chamber with Matrix Quartz N8152383
Gas Port for Applications Requiring Low Levels
Of Boron and Silicon Detection
For NexION 300/350
O-Ring Free Spray Chamber Quartz N8145013
Spray Chamber Quartz WE025221
For NexION (Standard with NexION 300/350 Q/X/D)*

Part No. N8152375 Spray Chamber Glass N8145014

Spray Chamber Glass N8122188
For ELAN/NexION 300/350
O-Ring Free Spray Chamber Glass N0775350

UV Light Shields UV PC3 Light Shield

Part No. N8152475 Asperon™ Spray Chamber
ICP-MS Model Description Part No. ICP-MS Model Description Part No.
NexION 1000/2000 ICP-MS UV Light Shield N8152425 NexION 1000/2000 Asperon Spray Chamber N8152493
‘B‘ Configuration
NexION 2000 ICP-MS ‘C’,’P’ UV Light Shield N8152475
and ‘S’ Configurations
(for use with PC3)
See page 129 for
Single Cell Sample Introduction Kits



Spray Chamber
Replacement Parts
Part No. N8150450 Part No. N8142000

Part No.
Part No.
Part No.
PFA Spray Chambers
Description Part No. ICP-MS Model Description Part No.
Threaded Spray Chamber Drain Line PTFE 1/4-28 N8152456 NexION 1000/2000 PFA Barrel Spray Chamber N8152390
Double Pass Spray Chamber
Argon Matrix Gas Line for NexION 2000, AMS. N8152374 for use with HF acid
For Gas Dilution of High TDS Samples
NexION 1000/2000 PFA Barrel Spray Chamber with N8150450
Argon Matrix Gas Line for NexION 300/350. N8152720 Additional Gas Port
For Gas Dilution of High TDS Samples Double Pass Spray Chamber
Addition Gas Line 0.8 mm ID for NexION 2000. N8152426 for use with HF acid
Attaches to AMS Spray Chamber Port NexION 300/350 PFA Spray Chamber N8142000
Addition Gas Line 0.8 mm ID for NexION 2000 47 mm PFA N8152449 with PFA End Cap*
Spray Chamber. Attaches to AMS Spray Chamber Port ELAN PFA PTFE Spray Chamber N8122356
Cyclonic Spray Chamber Matrix Gas Plug N8145516
* Requires PFA body injector N8122411 or N8122412 or N8122413
Spray Chamber Nebulizer Port Plug N8145517

PC3 Replacement
Spray Chamber Outlet Plug N8145518
Long (6 mm) PFA Spray Chamber Secure Nut N8145321

Spray Chambers
Short (6 mm) PFA Spray Chamber Secure Nut N8141420
Cyclonic Spray Chamber Adapter N8152551
Helix Locking Screw N0777438
Helix Seal Pkg. 4 N0777439
O-Ring for Baffled Quartz Cyclonic Spray Chamber 09210011

Part No. N8145120

NexION O-Ring Free Baffled Cyclonic

PC3 /PC3x Spray Chambers
Description Part No.
Part No. N8120124
High Purity Quartz Cyclonic Spray Chamber N8145120
Micro Cyclonic Spray Chamber N8145121

Scott Spray Chambers

Borosilicate Glass Spray Chamber N8145119
PFA Cyclonic Spray Chamber N8145122

Complete HF-resistant Scott Spray Chamber

Includes (1) large O-Ring (WE013060), (1) Retaining Ring
(WE014081) and (1) Right-Angled Drain Connector (WE013119).

Description Part No.

Part No. N0777034
For ELAN 9000/6x00/5000/DRC-e/NexION 300/350
Scott Spray Chamber N8120124
ELAN Baffled Quartz Cyclonic PC3 Spray Chambers
Scott Spray Chamber Large O-Ring WE013060
Description Part No.
Scott Spray Chamber Retaining Ring WE014081
With Auxiliary Gas Port N0777034
End-Cap for Concentric Nebulizer. Ryton Endcap to Fit Nebulizer N0680504
onto Scott Spray Chamber Without Auxiliary Gas Port N0777035



Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers

Part No. N8145314

Part No. N8145340 Part No. N8152382

PC3x Peltier Controlled Heated or Cooled Thermally

Stabilized Inlet Systems
The PC3x is a compact Peltier heated or cooled inlet system that
controls the spray chamber temperature and improves long-term
Part No. N8142003
stability. In cooling mode, water or solvent is removed from the
aerosol, reducing water or solvent loading on the plasma. In
heating mode, sensitivity is increased and volatility-related sample
transport effects can be reduced or eliminated.
Part No. N8145099
• Variable temperature control from -10 °C to +80 °C
PC Peltier Coolers
3 • Thermal stabilization of spray chamber improves long-term stability

The PC3 is a small and robust Peltier cooler for ICP-MS cyclonic • USB or Bluetooth connectivity
spray chambers. The cyclonic spray chamber offers the advantages • Remote monitoring and control
of low memory effects, fast rinseout and high sample transport
efficiency. The PC3 cools the outer walls of the cyclonic spray ICP-MS Model Spray Chamber Part No.
chamber to a constant temperature, enhancing long-term signal NexION 1000/2000 Not included N8152382
stability, reducing polyatomic interferences such as oxides and NexION 300/350 Quartz N8145340
reducing solvent loading when volatile organic solvents are NexION 300/350 Quartz N8145446
analyzed. The PC3 has 2 preset temperatures +2 °C / -5 °C and
is ideal for analysis of aqueous or aqueous/organic mixtures. PC3x Thermally Stabilized Inlet System
The PC3-LT operates at -20 °C to reduce the solvent load on the
The PC3X for the High Performance PFA
plasma for analysis of 100% volatile organic solvents.
spray chamber is a compact, Peltier-
Description Injector Temperature Additional Part No. heated or cooled inlet system that offers
Size Gas Port the advantages of low memory effects,
NexION 300/350 constant temperature, rapid wash-out and
PC3 Sample 1.5 mm +2 °C / -5 °C Yes N8142003 high sample transport efficiency. In cooling
Introduction Kit* mode the PC3X cools the outer walls of the
PC3 Sample 1.5 mm +2 °C / -5 °C No N8145314 chamber, reducing the water or solvent
Introduction Kit with
Quartz SSI Cyclonic/ vapor loading on the plasma, achieving enhanced stability and
Scott Dual Spray performance. In heating mode, sensitivity can be improved for low-
Chamber flow applications. Includes spray chamber and nebulizer.
HF PC3 Sample 1.5 mm +2 °C / -5 °C Yes N8145309
Introduction Kit* ICP-MS Model Description Part No.
PC3-LT Organic Sample 1.0 mm +2 °C / -20 °C Yes N8145099 NexION 1000/2000 Includes PFA Nebulizer N8150446
Introduction Kit* and Spray Chamber
HF PC3-LT Organic 1.5 mm +2 °C / -20 °C Yes N8145310 NexION 1000/2000 Includes PFA Spray Chamber N8150445
Sample Introduction Kit*

* All PC3 kits include a PFA-ST nebulizer (N8122192) See next page for more
Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers



Temperature Controlled Sample Introduction Kits

Spray Chambers
Complete high purity
sample introduction
system for NexION
PC3 Peltier Coolers 300/350.
The PC3 is a small and robust All wetted surfaces are
Peltier cooler for ICP-MS cyclonic PTFE and Pt. Used by a
spray chambers. The cyclonic spray majority of semiconductor
chamber offers the advantages of labs worldwide for the
low memory effects, fast rinse-out analysis of semiconductor
and high sample transport efficiency. grade chemicals and
The PC3 cools the outer walls of the Si wafer samples.
cyclonic spray chamber to a constant
Description Part No.
temperature, enhancing long-term
PFA-Platinum HF resistant Sample Introduction Kit N8142001
signal stability, reducing polyatomic interferences such as oxides Includes: Microflow PFA-100 Nebulizers Qty. 2 (N8122351),
and reducing solvent loading when volatile organic solvents are 47 mm PFA Spray Chamber, PFA PureCap Endcap (N8122357),
Threaded Drain Line (N8141425), 2 mm Pt Cassette
analyzed. The PC3 has two present temperatures +2 °C / -5 °C Injector with PFA Base (N8122412), Pt Injector Shield Disc
and is ideal for analysis of aqueous or aqueous/organic mixtures. (N0777366), Quartz Torch (N8122006)
The PC3-LT operates at +2 °C / -20 °C to reduce the solvent load
on the plasma for analysis of 100% volatile organic solvents.

ICP-MS Model Description Part No.

Complete HF-resistant
ELAN Cassette Torch Mount N8122410
sample introduction system
ELAN Twist Type Torch Mount N8122389
for NexION 300/350. All
ELAN PC3-LT N8122452
wetted surfaces are PTFE
and Sapphire. Provides a
IsoMist Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers
chemically inert and clean
The IsoMist Programmable introduction system.
Temperature Controlled Spray
Description Part No.
Chamber provides the benefits
of a temperature-controlled ICP PFA-Sapphire HF-Resistant Sample Introduction Kit N8142002
Includes: 47 mm PFA Spray Chamber, PFA PureCap Endcap
sample introduction system in a (N8122357), 1.8 mm Sapphire Injector (N8122411),
compact, convenient package. Quartz Torch (N8122006), Platinum Shield Disc (N0777366),
The temperature is electronically PFA-ST Nebulizer (N8122192)

controlled using a powerful inbuilt

Peltier device. The rapid response of
the Peltier device allows a spray chamber temperature
of -5°C to be reached within 15 minutes.
HF Sample Introduction Kit
Description Part No.
The IsoMist XR programmable temperature controlled cyclonic
HF Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 300/350 N8140507
spray chamber now features an improved thermodynamic design
Includes: Tygon Tubing 0.3 m/per ft. (02506516), PTFE Coated
providing an extended temperature range and faster cool-down, O-Ring 0.239 ID x 0.070 WD (09210011), PTFE Coated O-Ring
so your ICP is ready to go sooner. IsoMist XR has a peltier unit with 0.364 ID x 0.070 WD (09210012), Polyethylene Tubing for
AA Neb,10 ft. (09908265), PVC Black/Black Tubing 0.76 mm
a range of -25°C to +80°C. ID, Pkg. 12 (09908587), Adapter Kit 1/8x1/8 (09920379),
Sapphire Injector 2.0 mm 3000/SCR/3x00 RL (N0695495),
ICP-MS Model Description Part No. Cross-Flow II Nebulizer End Cap ELAN (N8120516), Quartz
NexION 300/350 IsoMist XR Glass N8140747 Torch (N8122006), 3.18 mm ID Black/White PVC Pkg. 12
(N8122012), HF Sample Introduction Kit (N8140507),
NexION 300/350 IsoMist XR PFA N8140748 Spray Chamber Kit Etched (N8140511), Injector Nut
NexION 300/350 IsoMist XR Quartz N8140749 (W1012408), Injector Spacer (W1012409), Torch Spacer
(W1012410), Cassette Torch Mount Adapter (W1013266),
PTFE O-Ring 5/8 in. ID x 1/8 in. Wide (W1013545), Scott Spray
Chamber Adapter (W1024879)



Part No. N8125029 Part No. N8152444 Part No. N8122412

Quartz Injectors Injectors for Demountable Torches

ICP-MS Model Dimensions Part No. Description Dimensions Part No.
For use when using the HF-Resistant Sample Introduction System (WE024782) NexION 1000/2000
ELAN/NexION 300/350 1.2 mm ID N0681631 Quartz (Black/Orange/Orange) 1.0 mm N8152444
ELAN/NexION 300/350 1.6 mm ID 00473292 Quartz (Black/Orange) 1.5 mm N8152445

ELAN/NexION 300/350 2.0 mm ID N8125029 Quartz (Black) 2.0 mm N8152376

Quartz (Black/Green) 2.5 mm N8152446
Sapphire (Black/Gold/Gold) 1.5 mm N8152606
Sapphire (Black/Gold) 2.0 mm N8152447
Platinum (Gray/Gray/Gray) 1.0 mm N8152603

Part No. WE023948 Platinum (Gray/Gray) 1.5 mm N8152604

Platinum (Gray) 2.0 mm N8152429
NexION 300/350
Quartz Ball Joint Injectors
Quartz 1.0 mm N0777410
ICP-MS Model Dimensions Part No. Quartz 1.5 mm N8122413
For use with Pass-Through Ball Joint Injector Support Adapters Quartz 2.0 mm N0777457
(WE023951 or W1012406)
Quartz 2.5 mm N8145118
ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.85 mm ID* WE027030 Quartz (O-Ring Free) 1.0 mm N8145114
ELAN/NexION 300/350 1.5 mm ID* WE027005 Quartz (O-Ring Free High TDS) 1.0 mm N8145117
ELAN/NexION 300/350 2.0 mm ID WE023948 Quartz (O-Ring Free) 1.5 mm N8145115
*For reduced sample loading Quartz (O-Ring Free) 2.0 mm N8145116
Sapphire 1.6 mm N8145112
Sapphire 1.8 mm N8122411
Sapphire 2.5 mm N8145338
Sapphire (O-Ring Free) 1.5 mm N8145113
Part No. N0695495
Sapphire (O-Ring Free) 1.6 mm N8145072
Sapphire (O-Ring Free) 2.5 mm N8145339
Sapphire Injector
Platinum 1.0 mm N8145107
Demountable injector for use with the HF-resistant sample Platinum 1.5 mm N8145108
introduction system. Not for use with PFA sample introduction Platinum 2.0 mm N8122412
system. Platinum (O-Ring Free) 1.0 mm N8145109
ICP-MS Model Dimensions Part No. Platinum (O-Ring Free) 1.5 mm N8145110

ELAN/NexION 300/350 2.0 mm N0695495 Platinum (O-Ring Free) 2.0 mm N8145111

Torch Injector Replacement Parts for NexION 1000/2000

Description Part No.
Torch Injector Nut N8152451
Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool N8152443
Torch O-Ring Kit N8152476 Injector Assemblies and Support Adapters
Viton O-Ring Kit Includes 2.8 mm ID (Qty. 4), 14 mm ID (Qty. 1) can be found on the next page
and 16 mm ID (Qty. 1)



Injector Assemblies and Support Adapters

Part No. N8122358

PFA Injector Assemblies Injector Adapter Kits and O-Rings

Description Recommended Use Part No. Description Qty. Part No.
PFA/Quartz Torch Injector Assembly For NexION 300/350 Injector Adapter Kit N8140360
Kit Includes:
PFA/Quartz Twist Type 1.5 mm ID N8122394
Adapter 1 W1012406
PFA/Quartz Cassette 1.5 mm ID N8122413
O-Ring 3/8 in. ID x 1/16 in. 1 W1008572
PFA/Sapphire Torch Injector Assembly
O-Ring 1/4 in. ID x 1/16 in. 1 W1008573
PFA/Sapphire Twist Type 1.8 mm ID N8122358
Injector Spacer 1 W1012409
PFA/Sapphire Cassette 1.8 mm ID N8122411
Injector Nut 1 W1012408
PFA/Platinum Torch Injector Assembly
For NexION 300/350 Injector Adapter Kit 2 N8140527
PFA/Platinum Twist Type 2.0 mm ID N8122359
Kit Includes:
PFA/Platinum Cassette 2.0 mm ID N8122412
Injector O-Ring 0.239 ID x 0.070 WD 1 09210011
O-Ring 0.551 ID x 0.070 WD 1 N8122010
O-Ring 3/8 in. ID x 1/16 in. 1 W1008572
Adapter 1 W1012406
Injector Nut 1 W1012408
Part No. W1012406 Part No. N8122007 Part No. WE023951
Injector Spacer 1 W1012409
Injector Support Adapters O-Ring 5/8 in. ID x 1/8 in. WD 1 W1013545
For ELAN Cassette O-Ring Kit for Injector Support N8120100
ICP-MS Model Part No.
Kit Includes:
Injector O-Ring 0.239 ID x 0.070 WD 2 09210011
Ball Joint Twist Type Torch Injector Support Adapter WE023951
Torch O-Ring 0.364 ID x 0.070 WD 2 09210012
O-Ring 0.551 ID x 0.070 WD 1 N8122010
Ball Joint Cassette Torch Injector Support Adapter W1012406
O-Ring 5/8 in. ID x 1/8 in. WD 1 W1013545
ELAN 9000/6x00/5000/DRC-e
Twist Type Torch Injector Support Adapter N8122007
Twist Type Torch Injector Support Adapter
(Assembled with O-Rings)
Load Coils
ELAN 9000/6x00/5000/DRCs/NexION 300/350
Injector Support Adapter O-Ring Kit N8120100
Cassette Torch Injector Support Adapter W1013266 LumiCoil™ Plasma Load Coil
For Non-Ball Joint Injectors
ICP-MS Model Part No.
Ball Joint Cassette Torch Injector Support Adapter W1012406
NexION 1000/2000 N8150279

Injector Support Adapter O-Rings

Position Torch Type Part No.
Internal Twist/Cassette 09210011 RF Load Coil Assemblies
External (Large) Cassette W1013545
ICP-MS Model Part No.
External Twist/Cassette 09210012
ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs/NexION 300/350 WE021816
Internal Cassette (Non-Ball Joint Only) N8122010
ELAN 5000 WE012411
Internal Twist (Non-Ball Joint) WE013060



Torches D-Torch
Part No. N8152473
Demountable and Fixed Quartz Torches
The one-piece quartz torch has the injector integrated directly into
Demountable Torch
the torch. The D-Torch™ provides a demountable torch design without
sacrificing performance or usability. Featuring a torch body with
Torch Description Part No. fixed alumina intermediate tube for greater robustness, in addition
NexION 1000/2000 to a demountable outer tube and injector, the D-Torch significantly
Demountable Quartz Torch Demountable Quartz Torch, N8152379 reduces torch replacement costs for the analysis of challenging
(Black) PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for
Demountable Injectors
sample matrices.
Demountable UHP Demountable Ultra Pure Quartz Torch, N8152448
Quartz Torch PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for
(Gray) Demountable Injectors
Demountable Quartz Torch Demountable Quartz Torch for N8152596
(Organics) Organic Analysis
Fixed 2.0 mm One Piece Ultra Pure Quartz Torch N8152428
Injector UHP Quartz Torch with 2.0 mm Injector, PVDF O-Ring
(White) Free Holder for ‘S’ Configuration
Fixed 2.0 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 2.0 mm N8152472
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for
(Blue/Purple) ‘B’ Configuration
Fixed 2.5 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 2.5 mm N8152473 Part No. Part No. Part No.
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for N0777419 N0777415 N0777417
(Green) ‘C’ Configuration
Fixed 1.5 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 1.5 mm N8152427 Description Part No.
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder For ELAN/NexION 300/350
Fixed 1.5 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 1.5 mm N8152616 D-Torch Complete with Quartz Outer Tube N0777419
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for D-Torch Complete with Ceramic Outer Tube N0777415
(Orange) Organic Solvents
Base and Inner Tube N0777416
Fixed 1.5 mm One Piece Ultra Pure Quartz Torch N8152601
Injector UHP Quartz Torch with 1.0 mm Injector, Ceramic Outer Tube N0777417
(White/White) PVDF O-Ring Free Holder
Quartz Outer Tube N0777420
Fixed 1.0 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 1.0 mm N8152474
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for Retaining Ring N0777055
(Orange/Orange) High Volatility Organic Solvents
Fixed 1.0 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 1.0 mm N8152699
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder
Fixed 1.0 mm One Piece Ultra Pure Quartz Torch N8152600
Injector UHP Quartz Torch with 1.0 mm Injector, Torch Alignment Tool
(White/White/White) PVDF O-Ring Free Holder
Torch Injector Nut N8152451 Used to align the torch in the load coil.
Torch Injector Nut N8152443
Removal Tool ICP-MS Model Part No.
Torch O-Ring Kit Viton O-Ring Kit Includes: N8152476 NexION 1000/2000 N8157042
for Torch Cassette 2.8 mm ID (Qty. 4), 14 mm ID (Qty. 1)
and 16 mm ID (Qty. 1) ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs/NexION 300/350 WE015554

Demountable Quartz Torch

ICP-MS Model Part No.
ELAN/NexION 300/350 N8122006
ELAN (Organics)/NexION 300/350 N8141315
ELAN/NexION 300/350 (O-Ring Free for ESI Injectors) N8145106
Cassette Torch Mount

High Efficiency Demountable Quartz Torch ICP-MS Model Part No.

NexION 300/350 W1037485
ICP-MS Model Part No.
ELAN DRC II W1020672
NexION 300/350 N8145318
ELAN 9000/DRC-e W1020668
ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs W1008384
Does not include Demountable Quartz Torch or Injector.



Sample Introduction Kits for NexION 1000/2000

NexION 2000 SMARTintro sample introduction solutions are tested as a complete unit to ensure intra- and inter-laboratory performance. Each
system utilizes specific combinations of sample introduction components and the kits are color-coded according to the application of the user.

SMARTintro Sample Introduction Kit Description Part No.

PFA-Platinum HF-Resistant Sample Introduction Kit
Kit Includes:

PFA Spray Chamber with PFA End Cap (N8150450), Cyclonic Spray Chamber Adapter (N8152551), Demountable SilQ
Torch (N8152448), Platinum 2 mm Injector (N8152429), Plasma Light Shield (N8152377), Cassette Only Platinum
(N8152434), Gas Line Addition (N8152449), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), PFA-200 PFA
MicroFlow Nebulizer (N8152420), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Torch Injector Nut (N8152451)

Organics Sample Introduction Kit (Orange)

Kit Includes:

Quartz Nebulizer Type C (N8152372), Cyclonic Quartz Spray Chamber (N8152383), Quartz 1.5 mm Organics Torch
One-Piece (N8152616), MEINHARD Nebulizer Sample Line (N8145503), Plasma Light Shield (N8152377), MEINHARD
Internal Standard Nebulizer Tee (N8152386), Spray Chamber Light Shield (N8152425), Gas Line Addition (N8152426),
Cassette Only Orange (N8152435), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Torch Injector Nut (N8152451),
Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2 (N8152452), PeriPump Union Male Fitting (N8152453), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28
Fitting (N8152456)

Geological Sample Introduction Kit (Gold)

Kit Includes:

PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060), PFA Spray Chamber with PFA End Cap (N8150450), Plasma Light Shield
(N8152377), PFA Nebulizer (N8152378), Quartz Torch (N8152379), Internal Standard Addition Tee for PFA-ST Nebulizer
(N8152423), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Sapphire 2 mm Injector (N8152447), Gas Line Addition
(N8152449), Torch Injector Nut (N8152451), Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2 (N8152452), Sample Introduction Line for
PFA-ST Nebulizer (N8152455), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), PC3 Spray Chamber Light Shield
(M8152475), Cassette Only Gold (N8152532)

Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 1000 ICP-MS (Purple)

Kit Includes:

MEINHARD Nebulizer Sample Line (N8145503), PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060), Glass Nebulizer Type C
(N8152373), Matrix Gas Line 9 in. (N8152374), Plasma Light Shield (N8152377), Glass Cyclonic C3 High Sensitivity
Spray Chamber with Matrix Port (N8152389), Spray Chamber Light Shield (N8152425), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool
(N8152443), Torch Injector Nut (N8152451), Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2 (N8152452), PeriPump Union Male Fitting
(N8152453), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), One Piece 2.0 mm Quartz Torch (N8152472),
Cassette Only Purple (N8152533)

Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000 Base Configuration (Blue)

Kit Includes:

Glass Nebulizer Type C (N8152373), Glass Cyclonic Spray Chamber (N8152375), One Piece 2.0 mm Quartz Torch
(N8152472), MEINHARD Nebulizer Sample Line (N8145503), PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060), Plasma Light
Shield (N8152377), MEINHARD Internal Standard Nebulizer Tee (N8152386), Spray Chamber Light Shield (N8152425),
Cassette Only Blue (N8152430), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2
(N8152452), PeriPump Union Male Fitting (N8152453), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), Torch
Injector Nut (N8152451)

Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000 Core Configuration (Green)

Kit Includes:

Glass Nebulizer Type C (N8152373), Glass Cyclonic C3 High Sensitivity Spray Chamber with Matrix Port (N8152389),
Quartz Torch (N8152473), MEINHARD Nebulizer Sample Line (N8145503), PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060),
Matrix Gas Line 9 in. (N8152374), Plasma Light Shield (N8152377), PC3 Peltier Cooler (N8152382), MEINHARD Internal
Standard Nebulizer Tee (N8152386), Spray Chamber Light Shield (N8152425), Cassette Only Green (N8152431),
Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2 (N8152452), PeriPump Union Male Fitting
(N8152453), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), PC3 Spray Chamber Light Shield (N8152475), Torch
Injector Nut (N8152451)



SMARTintro Sample Introduction Kit Description Part No.

Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000 Productivity Configuration (Black)
Kit Includes:
PFA Nebulizer (N8152378), Quartz Torch (N8152379), Glass Cyclonic C3 High Sensitivity Spray Chamber with Matrix Port
(N8152389), Cyclonic Peltier Cooler (N8152382), CTFE Liquid Fitting Female (N8145018), FAST 1 Valve (N8152359),
MP2 Micro Peristaltic Pump with Single FAST Valve (N8152364), Matrix Gas Line 9 in. (N8152374), 2 mm Demountable
Quartz Injector (N8152376), Plasma Light Shield (N8152377), FAST Pump Tubing Starter Kit (N8152380), Spray
Chamber Light Shield (N8152425), Cassette Only Black (N8152433), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443),
PFA-ST Nebulizer Sample Introduction Line (N8152455), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), Spray
Chamber Light Shield (N8152475), Nuts/Ferrules 1/4-28 for HF Valve Qty.10 (N0777283), Sample Loop for Ports 1 and 4,
0.5 mL (N0777289), HF Ferrule/Nut Set, 1/4-28 Qty.10 (N0777297), 0.8 mm ID Sample Loop PTFE, 300 μL (N0777430),
2 mL Sample Loop (N0777479), 4 mL Sample Loop (N0777480), 1 mL Loop 1 mm ID (N0777664), 1.5 mL Loop
1 mm ID (N0777665), 0.5 mL Loop 1 mm ID (N0777666), L 3 mL Loop 1 mm ID (N0777667), Holder with FAST Bottles
(N0777777), RS485 Serial Cable – Power/Communication (N2024191), CTFE Female Barb Fitting (N8145018), Waste
Line for SC-FAST (N8145536), FAST 1 Valve with P7 (N8152359), Torch Injector Nut (N8152451)
Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000 Semi-Conductor Configuration (White)
Kit Includes:

PFA Nebulizer (N8152378), Quartz SilQ Spray Chamber (N8152424), Quartz Fixed Torch (N8152428), Cyclonic Peltier
Cooler (N8152382), CTFE Liquid Fitting Female (N8145018), PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060), Plasma Light
Shield (N8152377), Internal Standard Addition Tee for PFA ST Nebulizer (N8152423), Cassette Only White (N8152432),
Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2 (N8152452), PFA-ST Nebulizer Sample
Introduction Line (N8152455), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), Spray Chamber Light Shield

SMARTintro Sample Introduction Modules and Cassettes

SMARTintro Sample Introduction Modules and Cassettes include
Cassettes, Torch, PTFE Torch Light Shield and Torch Injector
Removal Tool.
Sample Introduction Cassettes Only
Description Part No. Color Part No.
Blue Colored Cassette, N8152437 Blue N8152430
One-Piece Quartz Torch, (Included with NexION 2000 ICP-MS
2.0 mm Quartz Injector Base ‘B’ Configuration)

Green Colored Cassette, N8152438 Green N8152431

One-Piece Quartz Torch, (Included with NexION 2000 ICP-MS
2.5 mm Quartz Injector Core ‘C’ Configuration)

White Colored Cassette, N8152439 White N8152432

One-Piece SilQ Torch, (Included with NexION 2000 ICP-MS
2.0 mm Quartz Injector High Purity ‘S’ Configuration)

Black Colored Cassette, N8152440 Black N8152433

Demountable Quartz Torch, (Included with NexION 2000 ICP-MS
2.0 mm Quartz Injector Productivity ‘P’ Configuration)

Purple Colored Cassette, N8152536 Purple N8152533

One-piece Quartz Torch, (included with NexION 1000 ICP-MS)
2.0 mm Quartz Injector

Platinum Colored Cassette, N8152441 Platinum N8152434

Demountable Quartz Torch, (High Purity/HF Resistant)
2.0 mm Platinum Injector

Orange Colored Cassette, N8152442 Orange N8152435

One-Piece Quartz Torch, (Organic Solvents)
1.5 mm Quartz Injector

Gold Colored Cassette, N8152535 Gold N8152532

One-Piece Quartz Torch, (For Geological Samples)
2.0 mm Quartz Injector



Mass Spectrometer Detector Electronics Upgrade Kit

Boosts detector life at least 20%.

Hardware ICP-MS Model

ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs* Manufactured Prior to April, 2005
Part No.
* Service installation is required, but not included.

Ion Optics
PerkinElmer offers the industry’s only single-ion lens with the
exclusive SwiftMount™ II cassette lens mount. No tools are required
Part No. N8145027 Part No. N8145000 as the design incorporates a clean capture-and-release concept.

Ion Lens
SimulScan Dual-Stage Detector Description ICP-MS Model Part No.
The dual -stage detector is an integral part of the NexION Cassette Ion Lens Upgrade Kit ELANs Manufactured W1017871
ICP-MS SimulScan™ system. This discrete dynode electron multiplier Before April, 2005

measures both high- and low-level analytes simultaneously. This Series II Ion Lens ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs WE018034
Manufactured After January, 1998
conserves valuable or limited samples eliminates the need to
Ion Lens ELAN 6000s Manufactured WE014777
perform time-consuming sample dilutions and allows you to
Before January, 1998
quickly characterize unknown samples.
Series II Lens Removal Tool ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs W1010620
ICP-MS Model Part No. Manufactured Between
January,1998 and April, 2005
NexION 350/1000/2000* N8145027
NexION 300/350** N8145000 Series II Series II
Ion Lens ShadowStop
* Service installation is required, but not included.
**Not compatible with NexION 350 shipped after March 1, 2016

Original SimulScan Dual-Stage Detector

The original dual-stage detector
is an integral part of the ELAN Description ICP-MS Model Part No.
SimulScan™ system. This Cassette Lens ShadowStop ELAN 9000/DRCs W1013361
Manufactured After April, 2005
electron multiplier measures
both high- and low-level Series II ShadowStop ELAN 9000/6X00/DRCs WE029011
Manufactured Between
analytes simultaneously. This January, 1998 and April, 2005
conserves valuable or limited samples, eliminates the need to
perform time-consuming sample dilutions and allows you to Vacuum Pump Fluid for ELAN
quickly characterize unknown samples.
For use with roughing pumps.
ICP-MS Model Part No.
ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs* Manufactured Prior to April, 2005 N8125001 Pump Model Part No.
Leybold N8122004
Varian N8122308
Improved SimulScan Dual-Stage Detector
ELAN instruments produced Vacuum Pump Fluid for NexION
after April, 2005 have For use with NexION ICP-MS only. 1 L Fomblin GV80 fluid
the proper electronics to (perfluoro polyether). 1 L required per pump.
accept this detector without
Description Part No.
modification. ELAN instruments
manufactured before April, 2005 will require a one-time upgrade NexION Vacuum Pump Fluid N8145003

to the Detector Electronics (W1013195). Using this detector in an

instrument without the upgraded electronics will result in higher High Vacuum Silicon Grease
noise levels and shorter lifetime. For lubrication of vacuum system O-Rings.
ICP-MS Model Part No. Description Part No.
ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs* N8125050 High Vacuum Silicon Grease 09905147



Cones and Accessories

Sampler and Skimmer Cones
Precision-designed and manufactured, large-orifice sampler and
skimmer cones provide superior long-term stability and resist
clogging, allowing analysis under both high and low sample-uptake
conditions. Nickel is a very rugged, long-lasting material for the
majority of sample types, while platinum is the material of choice
NexION Cones
for more corrosive samples. They have been designed to maximize
signal stability and to minimize clogging during extended runs of
samples containing high dissolved solids.

Nickel Sampler and Skimmer Cones

ICP-MS Model Type Part No.
NexION Sampler W1033612
NexION Skimmer W1026356
ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC Sampler WE021140
ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC Skimmer WE021137
NexION Sampler Gasket W1040148 ELAN Cones

Platinum Sampler and Skimmer Cones*

ICP-MS Model Type Part No.
NexION Sampler W1033614
NexION Sampler for Sulfur Based N8145028
Acids/Solvents (18 mm)
NexION Skimmer W1026907
NexION Sampler Gasket W1040148

ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC Sampler WE027802 Cone Removal Tool

ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC Skimmer WE027803 ICP-MS Model Part No.
* Prices subject to change based on volatile precious metal prices. NexION W1034694
ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC WE017142

Hyper Skimmer Cone and Spares Part No. Part No.

N8145319 N8145320
ICP-MS Model Description Part No.
NexION Hyper Skimmer Cone W1033995
ConeGuard Thread Protector
NexION Hyper Skimmer O-Ring 09902123
NexION Hyper Skimmer Screw WE027484 When cleaning cones which have a screw thread, it is important
that the thread is not contacted by any corrosive solution. If the
thread gets corroded, the cone may not seal correctly or it may
bond to the base and be difficult to remove.

ICP-MS Model Type Part No.

Sampler and Skimmer Cone O-Rings NexION Sampler ConeGuard N8145319
ICP-MS Model Type Qty. Part No. NexION Skimmer ConeGuard N8145320
ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC Sampler 5 N8120511 ELAN Skimmer ConeGuard N8121086
ELAN 9000/6x00/DRC Skimmer 5 N8120512



NexION Consumable Kits

NexION 1000/2000 Consumable Kits

Typical one year’s supply of consumables.

Description Qty. Part No.

Configuration 2000 B 2000 C 2000 P 2000 S 1000

NexION 1000/2000 Consumables Kit Part No.

N8150054 N8150055 N8150056 N8150057 N8150058
Kit Includes:

Fixed 2.0 mm Injector Quartz Torch 2 N8152472 ✔ ✔

(Blue/Purple Mark)
Fixed 2.5 mm Injector Quartz Torch (Green Mark) 2 N8152473 ✔
Demountable Quartz Torch PVDF 2 N8152379 ✔
2.0 mm Demountable Quartz Injector 2 N8152376 ✔
Fixed 2.0 mm Injector UHP Quartz Torch 2 N8152428 ✔
Glass Cyclonic High Sensitivity Spray Chamber 1 N8152375 ✔
Glass Cyclonic High Sensitivity Spray Chamber 1 N8152389 ✔ ✔ ✔
with Matrix Gas Port
SilQ Cyclonic High Sensitivity Spray Chamber 1 N8152424 ✔
Threaded Spray Chamber Drain Line 2 N8152456 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Nickel Skimmer Cone 2 W1026356 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Nickel Sampler Cone 2 W1033612 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Platinum Skimmer Cone 2 W1026907 ✔
Platinum Sample Cone 2 W1033614 ✔
Hyper Skimmer Cone 1 W1033995 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Sampler Cone Gasket 3 W1040148 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Hyper Skimmer O-Ring 2 09902123 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Gray/Gray Pump Tubing 2 N8152415 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Gray/Gray Pump Tubing MP2 2 N8145173 ✔
Flared PVC 0.51 mm 4 N8152405 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Orange/Yellow Pump Tubing
Flared PVC 0.51 mm 4 N8145150 ✔
Orange/Yellow Pump Tubing MP2
Drain Tubing (ft.) 6 02506495 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
PTFE Sample Uptake Tubing 12 WE024375 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Sample Introduction Line for PFA-ST Nebulizer 1 N8152455 ✔ ✔
Sample Introduction Line for Concentric Nebulizer 1 N8145503 ✔ ✔ ✔
Female Barb CTFE Fitting 4 N8152388 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Male Barb CTFE Fitting 4 N8152453 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Instrument Filter (Left) 2 N8152167 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Instrument Filter (Right) 2 N8152136 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Instrument Filter (Rear) 2 N8152465 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Torch Injector Nut 2 N8152451 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔



NexION 300/350Q/X/D Consumable Kits NexION 300/350S Consumable Kits

Typical one year’s supply of consumables. Typical one year’s supply of consumables.

Description Qty. Part No. Description Qty. Part No.

NexION 300/350Q/X/D Consumables Kit N8140513 NexION 300/350S Consumables Kit N8140514
Kit Includes: Kit Includes:
Demountable Quartz Torch 2 N8122006 Demountable Quartz Torch 2 N8122006
Load Coil 1 WE021816 Load Coil 1 WE021816
Quartz Ball Joint Injector 2.0 mm ID 2 WE023948 Quartz Ball Joint Injector 2.0 mm ID 2 WE023948
Cassette Torch Injector Support Adapter 1 W1012406 Cassette Torch Injector Support Adapter 1 W1012406
for Ball Joint Injectors for Ball Joint Injectors
Glass Cyclonic Spray Chamber 1 N8145014 Quartz Cyclonic Spray Chamber 1 N8145013
Nickel Skimmer Cone 2 W1026356 Platinum Skimmer Cone 1 W1026907
Nickel Sampler Cone 2 W1033612 Platinum Sampler Cone 1 W1033614
Hyper Skimmer Cone 1 W1033995 Hyper Skimmer Cone 1 W1033995
Sampler Cone Gasket 3 W1040148 Sampler Cone Gasket 3 W1040148
Hyper Skimmer O-Ring 2 09902123 Hyper Skimmer O-Ring 2 09902123
Hyper Skimmer Screw 2 09919737 Hyper Skimmer Screw 2 09919737
Santoprene® 1.30 mm Gray/Gray Pump Tubing 4 N0777444 Santoprene® 1.30 mm Gray/Gray Pump Tubing 4 N0777444
Flared PVC 0.38 mm Green/Orange Pump Tubing 4 N0777042 Flared PVC 0.38 mm Green/Orange Pump Tubing 4 N0777042
Drain Tubing (ft.) 6 02506495 Drain Tubing (ft.) 6 02506495
PTFE Sample Uptake Tubing (cm) 12 WE024375 PTFE Sample Uptake Tubing (cm) 12 WE024375
Instrument Filter (left) 2 W1036712 Instrument Filter (left) 1 W1036712
Instrument Filter (back right) 2 W1036713 Instrument Filter (back right) 1 W1036713
Spray Chamber Drain Fitting 2 N8145015 Spray Chamber Drain Fitting 2 N8145015
Nebulizer Fitting 2 N8145016 Nebulizer Fitting 2 N8145016
Male Barb CTFE Fitting 2 N8145017 Male Barb CTFE Fitting 2 N8145017
Female Barb CTFE Fitting 2 N8145018 Female Barb CTFE Fitting 2 N8145018



ELAN Consumable Kits

Glass Cyclonic Sample Introduction System for ELAN ELAN® DRC-e/9000 Spares Kit
Description Part No. Description Qty. Part No.
Glass Cyclonic Sample Introduction System N8120518 ELAN DRC-e/9000 Spares Kit
Kit Includes (1 of each): Kit Includes:
Baffled Glass Cyclonic Spray Chamber O-Ring Free N0775352 Demountable Quartz Torch 1 N8122006
Cyclonic Spray Chamber Mount WE014034 RF Coil Assembly 1 WE021816
MicroMist Micro-uptake Glass Concentric Nebulizer 0.2 mL/min N0775342 Alumina Injector 2.0 mm ID 1 N8126041
Quartz Injector 2.0 mm ID N8125029 Cross-Flow II Replacement GemTips™ 1 N8120515
Tygon Tubing (1 foot) 02506516 Series II Ion Lens 1 WE018034
Insert 09903094 Nickel Sampler Cones 2 WE021140
1⁄4 in. Front Ferrule 09903456 Nickel Skimmer Cones 2 WE021137
Fitting 09903464 Sampler Cone O-Rings (Pkg. 5) 1 N8120511
Tube Fitting 09903465 Skimmer Cone O-Rings (Pkg. 5) 1 N8120512
Red/Red Standard PVC Tubing 1.14 mm ID (Pkg. 12) 09908585
Green/Yellow Flared End PVC Tubing 0.44 mm ID (Pkg. 12) N0773113 ELAN® DRC II Spares Kit
Description Qty. Part No.
Quartz Cyclonic Sample Introduction System for ELAN
ELAN® DRC II Spares Kit N8120611
Kit Includes:
Description Part No.
Demountable Quartz Torch 1 N8122006
Quartz Cyclonic Sample Introduction System N8120519
Kit Includes (1 of each): RF Coil Assembly 1 WE021816
Baffled Quartz Cyclonic Spray Chamber Baffled Quartz Spray WE025221 Quartz Ball Joint Injector 2.0 mm ID 1 WE023948
Chamber (PTFE O-Ring Type) with Ball Joint
Series II Ion Lens 1 WE018034
MicroMist Micro-Uptake Glass Concentric Nebulizer 0.2 mL/min N0775342
Platinum Sampler Cone 1 WE027802
Quartz Ball Injector 2.0 mm ID WE023948
Platinum Skimmer Cone 1 WE027803
Tygon Tubing (1 foot) 02506516
Sampler Cone O-Rings (Pkg. 5) 1 N8120511
Insert 09903094
Skimmer Cone O-Rings (Pkg. 5) 1 N8120512
1⁄4 in. Front Ferrule 09903456
Fitting 09903464
Tube Fitting 09903465
Red/Red Standard PVC Tubing 1.14 mm ID (Pkg. 12) 09908585
Green/Yellow Flared End PVC Tubing 0.44 mm ID (Pkg. 12) N0773113
Ball Joint Cassette Torch Injector Support Adapter W1012406
UV Safety Shield W1020996
Connector 1A B0199233



FAST High Productivity Systems

The FAST is a high-throughput automated sample introduction
system for PerkinElmer ICP-OES and ICP-MS. The FAST increases
productive instrument time by reducing sample uptake, stabilization
and rinse steps, allowing you to run more samples each day.

Features and Benefits

• Sample never touches peristaltic pump tubing
• FAST uptake, stabilization and washout
• P-Series valve and loop combination has superb washout
• Carrier stream without segmented air bubbles ensures
high-precision sample introduction
• Direct integration of MP2 peripump and FAST valve with instrument

Description Type Part No.

2 DX FAST DXi System NexION 350 2 Rack N8145074

4 DX FAST DXi System NexION 350 4 Rack N8145075

2 DX FAST DXi System NexION 2000 B,C,S / 1000 2 Rack N8150478

4 DX FAST DXi System NexION 2000 B,C,S / 1000 4 Rack N8150479

8 rack and 14 rack FAST DXi Systems also available.

NexION 2000P ICP-MS includes DXi FAST valve; just add N8150390 (2DX Autosampler)
or N8150391 (4DX Autosampler) 4 DX FAST DXi System for NexION 300 and 350 ICP-MS

prepFAST Autodilution
and Autocalibration Systems
prepFAST is an inline dilution system that automatically performs
precise and accurate dilutions for samples and standards, improving
laboratory workflow, productivity and data quality.

Features and Benefits

• Autodilution • Auto QC dilution
• Autocalibration • Automatic standard addition
• Automatic IS addition

Description Type Part No.

2 DX prepFAST System NexION 350 2 Rack N8145280

4 DX prepFAST System NexION 350 4 Rack N8145281

2 DX prepFAST System NexION 2000 B,C,S / 1000 2 Rack N8150468

4 DX prepFAST System NexION 2000 B,C,S / 1000 4 Rack N8150469

2 DX prepFAST System NexION 2000 P 2 Rack N8150472

4 DX prepFAST System NexION 2000 P 4 Rack N8150473

8 DX prepFAST System NexION 2000 B,C, S/ 1000 8 Rack N8150470

14 DX prepFAST System NexION 2000 B,C, S/ 1000 14 Rack N8150471

See page 89 for

additional ESI DX Autosamplers 2 DX prepFAST System for NexION 2000 ICP-MS



Atomic Spectroscopy Chillers

General Supplies
PerkinElmer offers a PolyScience®
WhisperCool™ Recirculating Chiller for
your ICP-OES and ICP-MS instruments. The
PerkinElmer offers a wide selection of superior quality products WhisperCool Chiller is designed to deliver
designed to work with your PerkinElmer instruments. Our quiet and reliable performance over a broad
precision designed products deliver the peace of mind that range of operating temperatures and conditions.
comes from knowing that you’ll get the results you need.

Quick Reference Index Page

Power Conditioners
Autosamplers 89

Chillers 90 and UPS Systems

Powervar power quality solutions combine
Noise Enclosures 91
specific technologies that ensure sensitive
Power Conditioners and UPS Systems 92 analytical equipment will operate optimally
on a day to day basis and for the long
Regulators and Filters 94 run. Power disturbances can result in
Peristaltic Pump Tubing 96 quality issues undermining instrument
performance and user confidence.
Internal Standard Kits 98

Autosampler Racks and Probes 100

Autosampler Tubes 104

Peristaltic Pump Tubing
Benches and Accessory Carts 106 PerkinElmer offers a wide range
of high-quality peristaltic pump
tubing for all of your AA, ICP-
OES and ICP-MS applications.
Remember to replace your tubing frequently and always keep
spares on hand.

Autosampler Supplies
PerkinElmer offers a wide variety of Autosampler
Racks, Probes and Tubes for
your PerkinElmer, Cetac and
ESI Autosamplers.

Benches and
Accessory Carts
PerkinElmer offers custom Benches
and Accessory carts for your
instrumentation and accessories.



PerkinElmer offers a wide range of Autosamplers to perform your
routine analysis and your high productivity lab.

PerkinElmer S10 Autosampler

Ruggedly designed, the S10
features corrosion-resistant
components to ensure long-
term reliability, reproducibility
and precise performance. The
PerkinElmer® S10 autosampler ESI DX Autosamplers
is a computer-controlled, multi- DX Autosampler systems are customizable solutions specially
purpose sampling system for designed for your application needs. We offer a comprehensive
AA, ICP-OES and ICP-MS. The selection of sample introduction products for specific trace-
autosampler automates standard metal and non-metal applications, including semiconductor pure
and sample introduction for chemicals, environmental, clinical, organic solvents, isotope ratio
instrument calibration and sample and many other types of trace metal determinations. The DX
analysis, extending the spectrometer’s capabilities to those of a systems are durable, acid resistant autosamplers which feature
fully automated analytical workstation. dual rinse stations (each with dedicated rinse pump) to eliminate
Description Type Part No. carryover. All DX models may be upgraded to analyze samples up
PerkinElmer S10 Autosampler for AA 3 Rack N2020005
to 3X faster (FAST) and with auto dilution (prep3 or prepFAST).
PerkinElmer S10 Autosampler for ICP-OES 3 Rack N2020006 DXe models also have dual rinse stations (supplied by one rinse
PerkinElmer S10 Autosampler for ICP-MS 3 Rack N2020007 pump) and can be upgraded with 2nd rinse pump with vacuum
pump for FAST automation.

Description Type Part No.

2 DXe Dual Rinse Autosampler 2 Rack N0786010
Cetac ASX Autosamplers and Prep Station 2 DX FAST Ready Dual Rinse Autosampler 2 Rack N8150390
More features and improved performance define the latest 4 DXe Dual Rinse Autosampler 4 Rack N0786011
generation of autosamplers from Teledyne CETAC Technologies. 4 DX FAST Ready Dual Rinse Autosampler 4 Rack N8150391
CETAC Automation provides immediate solutions to the various 8 DX FAST Ready Dual Rinse Autosampler 8 Rack N0777342
challenges typical in laboratory environments with a variety of 8 DX Benchtop FAST Ready Dual Rinse 8 Rack N8145400
products and accessories including autosamplers, autodilutors and Autosampler
liquid handling stations. 14 DX FAST Ready Dual Rinse Autosampler 14 Rack N0777319
14 DX Benchtop FAST Ready Dual Rinse 14 Rack N8145329
Description Type Part No.
ASX-280 Autosampler 2 Rack N0782036
ASX-280 Autosampler Oils 2 Rack N0780825
ASX-560 Autosampler 4 Rack N0782035
ASX-860 Extended 8 Rack Autosampler 8 Rack N0780826
ASX-1400 with CETAC 96-Position Racks 4 Rack N0771650
ASX-1400 with Gilson 60-Position Racks 4 Rack N0777174
ASX-1400 with CETAC 80-Position Racks 4 Rack N0777175
ASX-1400 with CETAC 90-Position Racks 4 Rack N0777176
ASX-1400 with PerkinElmer OE4 Racks 4 Rack N0777196
ASX-1600 with CETAC 96-Position Racks 6 Rack N0777687
APS-1650 Automated Preparation Station 4 Rack N0777177



Cooling Systems Part No.

Electrical Requirements
208-230 V, 60 Hz, 12.2 A
240 V, 50 Hz, 12.2 A

PolyScience WhisperCool Refrigerated Chiller

® ™ Operating Temperature -10 to 40 ˚C -10 to 40 ˚C
The PolyScience® WhisperCool® Refrigerated Chiller is designed Temperature Stability ±0.1 ˚C (±1.8 ˚F) ±0.1 ˚C (±1.8 ˚F)
to deliver quiet and reliable performance over a broad range of Cooling Capacity at 20 ˚C 2900 Watts (9889 BTU/hr) 2650 Watts (9889 BTU/hr)
operating temperatures and conditions. Extremely dependable and at 10 ˚C 1925 Watts (6574 BTU/hr) 1900 Watts (6574 BTU/hr)
energy efficient, it features a -10 to 40 ˚C operating temperature at 0 ˚C 1000 Watts (3410 BTU/hr) 1200 Watts (3410 BTU/hr)

range, built-in process and equipment protection and highly Compressor 1.0 HP 1.0 HP

intuitive user interface. This chiller is designed for use on both Reservoir Capacity 4.2 L 4.2 L
ICP-OES and ICP-MS instruments. Pump Type Turbine Turbine
Maximum Pump Pressure 90 PSI 83 PSI
Features and Benefits Maximum Pump Flow 13.2 L/min 13.2 L/min
• 50% quieter operation than comparable models (62 dB*) Dimensions 22 5/8 x 14 1/2 x 27 5/8 in. / 57.6 x 36.8 x 70.2 cm
• 2900 watts (9889 BTU/hour) cooling capacity Shipping Weight 189 lbs. / 85.7 kg

• Built-in temperature, pressure and flow rate alarms Replacement Air Filter N0777095 (Air Filter with Frame, 13 x 14 in.)
* WhisperCool® environmental control reduces operational noise (62 dB) ICP Chiller Coolant Mix N0776200 (Five Half-gallon bottles)
ICP-MS Chiller Coolant Mix WE016558 (1 L bottles) for ELAN/NexION
Stainless Steel Strainer for N0691907

ICP Chiller Coolant Mix

Part No: N0776200

At-a-glance access to pressure

and flow rate information ±0.1 ˚C Temperature stability

Adaptive environmental technology High performance turbine pump with

optimizes compressor and evaporator vibration isolators for quiet fluid flow
performance to reduce overall energy

Compact portable design

Smart electronics control fan speed based
on cooling demand, reducing operating
noise by as much as 50%
Washable air filter removes
quickly for easy cleaning

Louvered side and rear vents for added

noise dampening



Noise Enclosures for Vacuum Pumps and Chillers

Chiller noise in the lab can be distracting, tiring, irritating and stressful.
But many people are unaware of the presence of environmental
sound at damaging levels, or at the level on which sound becomes
Vacuum Pump harmful.
Noise Reduction Cover

Chiller Noise Enclosure Features and Benefits

• Performance: average sound level decrease is – 15 dB(A)
(equivalent to a 75% reduction in noise perception)
Vacuum Pump
Noise Enclosure • Environment friendly noise adsorbing material, oil and water resistant
• Heat exchange controlled by six internal silent fans
Laboratories can be loud and noise in labs is distracting, stressful and
potentially harmful to your hearing. While noise in labs may not be • Worldwide electrical compatibility-enclosures are delivered
with European, US, Japan and UK plugs
frequently talked about, it is something you should be concerned with.
• Easy access to front monitor and switch
Our noise reduction enclosures are designed specifically for your (the transparent window can be opened)
instrument. They provide noise reduction performance from
• Easy water level check (window on the back panel)
-12 db(A) up to -20 db(A), equivalent to a 75% reduction in
noise perception! Thick 50 mm Polyurethane acoustic open cell • Includes overheating temperature alarm
foam covers the interior part of the enclosure, delivering good • The noise reduction is in conformity with the European directive
noise absorption. The wave shape of the foam multiplies the related to low voltage equipment (2006/95/EC) and electromagnetic
compatibility (2004/108/EC)
absorption capacity, providing you with a quieter, safer lab.

Vacuum Pump Noise Enclosure

For NexION® Leybold SV40 Vacuum Pump Chiller Noise Enclosure
For Polyscience 6000 Series
External Dimensions Centimeters Inches
(cm) (in.) External Dimensions Centimeters Inches
(cm) (in.)
Depth 67.4 26.5
Depth 88 34.7
Width 45.6 17.95
Width 57 23.7
Height 55 21.65
Height 71 30.7
Height with Oil Tray 64.6 25.39
Weight Kilograms (kg) Pounds (lbs) Description Part No.
Enclosure 14 30.8 Chiller Enclosure N0777920
Oil Tray 8 16.75

Description Part No.

Noise Enclosure (Dolly not Included) N8121068
Noise Enclosure with Built-In Overheating Temperature Alarm N8145407
(Dolly not Included)
Noise Enclosure Dolly (Option) N8121069

Vacuum Pump Noise Reduction Cover

Description Part No. Chiller Noise Enclosure
Noise Reduction Cover (Dolly not Included) MZ321146
Noise Reduction Cover Dolly (Option) MZ321147



Power Conditioners and UPS Systems

PerkinElmer/Powervar power quality solutions combine specific technologies that ensure sensitive analytical equipment will operate
optimally on a day to day basis and for the long run. Power disturbances can result in quality issues undermining instrument performance
and user confidence. Damaged or compromised components, disrupted processes, lack of reliability – they all add up to frustration,
broken schedules and costly downtime. The problem is caused by a host of power disturbances – some visible and many invisible – that
threaten your equipment’s operation every year. Power ‘disturbances‘ are simply those large and small variations in the quality of the
electric power you use day in and day out. Some come from your local utility company, but most are created within your own facility as
a result of the distribution and use of electrical power. These variations include high-energy voltage transients, sags and swells, electrical
noise and common mode voltage, as well as the power outages everyone witnesses when the lights go out.

Power Conditioners
Features and Benefits
• Conditioners provide clean power at 120, 208, or 240 VAC for loads
up to 62 amps
• Dual-output models can protect both high-voltage system loads
and low-voltage peripherals at less expense and effort than installing
two conditioners
• Protects against: high-voltage surges, common-mode voltage,
electrical noise, voltage swells and sags, power outages, unstable
AC frequency, ground loops

Instrument Model Description Input Voltage Frequency (Hz) Part No.

Atomic Absorption
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400 520 VA 120 V 60 N9307504
PinAAcle 500/900 F 840 VA 120 V 60 N9307517
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400, PinAAcle 500/900 F 750 VA 220/230 V 50 N9307521
AAnalyst 600/800 5.8 kVA 208/240 V 60 N9307511
AAnalyst 600/800 6.0 kVA 220/230 V 50 N9307523
AAnalyst 700 3.8 kVA 208/240 V 60 N9307509
AAnalyst 700 3.6 kVA 220/230 V 50 N9307522
PinAAcle 900 H/T/Z 5.8 kVA 208/240 V 60 N9307760
PinAAcle 900 H/T/Z 6.0 kVA 220/230 V 50 N9307523
PinAAcle 500/900 F 1440 VA 120 V 60 N9307503
PinAAcle 500/900 F 1500 VA 220/230 V 50 N9306752
Inductively Coupled Plasma-OES
Optima™ 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00, Avio 200/500 3.8 kVA 208/240 V 60 N9307512
Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00, Avio 200/500 3.6 kVA 220/230 V 50 N9307522
Inductively Coupled Plasma-MS
ELAN® 6x00/9000 Controller Side 3.8 kVA 208/240 V 60 N9307519
ELAN 6x00/9000 Controller Side 3.6 kVA 220/230 V 50 N9307522
ELAN 6x00/9000 RF Generator Side 5.8 kVA 208/240 V 60 N9307511
ELAN 6x00/9000, NexION® RF Generator Side 6.0 kVA 220/230 V 50 N9307523
NexION 300/350/1000/2000 5.0 kVA 208/240 V 60 N0777690
Titan MPS™
Titan MPS 2.0 kVA 208/240 V 60 N9306758
Titan MPS 2.0 kVA 220/230 V 50 N9306755

Power Conditioners include a POWERVAR five-year warranty on parts and labor.



UPS Systems
On-Line Conditioned Uninterruptable Power Supply Systems
With the Security Plus Series, you get much more protection
and a higher comfort level than you get with most other
UPS systems. The Security Plus Series also provides complete
power conditioning and, because the Security Plus Series
features on-line inverter design, added peace of mind. And
regardless of input fluctuations, the Security Plus Series
insures that the output remains continuous and regulated.

Instrument Model Description Input Voltage Frequency (Hz) Part No.

Atomic Absorption
PinAAcle 500 1440 VA 120 V 60 N9306750
PinAAcle 500 1440 VA 220/230 V 50 N0777798
PinAAcle 900F, AAnalyst 100/200/300/400 800 VA 120 V 60 N0777681
PinAAcle 900F,AAnalyst 100/200/300/400 800 VA 220/230 V 50 N0777689
AAnalyst 700, HGA 900 5.2 kVA 208/240 V @ 50Hz 50/60 N9308150
220/230 V @ 60Hz
PinAAcle 900 T/H/Z 10 kVA 208/240 V @ 50Hz 50/60 N9306757
220/230 V @ 60Hz
AAnalyst 600/800 10 kVA 208/240 V @ 50Hz 50/60 N0777613
220/230 V @ 60Hz
Inductively Coupled Plasma-OES
Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00, Avio 200/500 5.2 kVA 208/240 V @ 50Hz 50/60 N0777511
220/230 V @ 60Hz
Inductively Coupled Plasma-MS
NexION 300/350/1000/2000 8.0 kVA 208/240 V @ 50Hz 50/60 N0777682
220/230 V @ 60Hz
ELAN 12 kVA 208/240 V @ 50Hz 50/60 N0777719
220/230 V @ 60Hz

UPS Systems include a POWERVAR three-year warranty (two-year on batteries) on parts and labor.

Extended Run Battery Cabinets

Description Shipping Weight Part No.
Extended Run Battery Cabinet 413 lbs. (187 kg) N0777727
30 min additional run time battery for Optima/Avio. 208/240 Volt, 8 Amp input for internal charger
Compatible with: N0777511 or N9308150
Extended Run Battery Cabinet 497 lbs. (225 kg) N0777728
60 min additional run time battery for Optima/Avio. 208/240 Volt, 8 Amp input for internal charger
Compatible with: N0777511 or N9308150
Extended Battery Cabinet 746 lbs. (338 kg) N0777729
45 min additional run time battery for NexION. 208/240 Volt input for internal charger
Compatible with: N0777682

The ABC’s of power conditioning



Laboratory Products
Acetylene Regulator Matheson Flashback Arrestor
For AA labs, this regulator includes an Because acetylene is an extremely
adapter so that the pressure regulator unstable gas, users can experience
can be connected to cylinders requiring flashbacks at the instrument
either CGA 300 or CGA 510 fittings and burner head. The flash arrestor prevents these potentially
a connector for attaching the fuel hose dangerous flashbacks from reaching the regulator or cylinder.
assembly supplied with the instrument.
Description Part No.
Includes hose assembly.
Acetylene Max Operating Pressure: 15 psig N9300068
Description Part No.
Max Inlet Pressure: 400 psig 03030106

Hose Assemblies
Hose assemblies for connecting
Air Regulator fuel, air and nitrous oxide from
supply to instrument.
For AA labs. Regulator to cylinder
CGA no. 590. Includes hose assembly. Description Part No.
Acetylene, Red Neoprene, 3.7 m (12 ft.) 00570559
Description Part No.
Air/Argon, Black, 3.7 m (12 ft.) 00570567
Max Inlet Pressure: 3,000 psig 03030264
Nitrous Oxide, Blue, 3.7 m (12 ft.) 00470258

Nitrous Oxide Regulator Blower and Vent Assembly for AA and ICP
For use in AA labs with gas cylinders A venting system is required to remove fumes and vapors from
with a CGA 326 connection. Provides the torch of ICP emission spectrometers. A vent is recommended
pressure control from 350-520 kPA for use over the power supply unit of most ICP spectrometers for
(50-75 psig) and contains an integral removal of dissipated heat.
thermostatted heater to prevent
freezing of the regulator diaphragm. Use exhaust venting to:

Description Part No. • Protect lab personnel from toxic vapors

115 V 03030204 • Protect your instrument from corrosive vapors
220 V 03030349 • Improve stability of the ICP torch

Blower and vent assemblies

do not include ducting.
Description Part No.
Argon/Nitrogen Regulator
110 V PinAAcle/Optima 03030447
For AA and ICP, this regulator can be used Includes Exhaust Hood, Blower and Adapter
with argon or nitrogen and has a CGA 580 230 V PinAAcle/Optima 03030448
fitting. A color-coded hose with 1⁄4 in. Includes Exhaust Hood, Blower and Adapter
SWAGELOK® fittings is also included. 110 V Avio 200/500 N0790188
Includes Blower and Adapter
Description Part No.
230 V Avio 200/500 N0790189
Max Inlet Pressure: 3,000 psig 03030284 Includes Blower and Adapter
Flexible Gas Hosing N0691578
100 mm ID x 3 m hosing for RF Generator Exhaust Vent
PerkinElmer service engineers are not permitted to install this unit



Parker Balston® 73-099 AA Gas Purifier Air Dryer Filter Assembly

For AA labs, this wall-mounted system with R250 Regulator
designed to purify the compressed air and To filter compressed air for AA and ICP
acetylene gases used in atomic absorption. instrumentation. Replaces 00470652
It consists of two independent filtration and N0770198.
systems, one for compressed air and one
Description Part No.
for acetylene. The unit also has a flashback
arrestor on the acetylene line and a pressure Air Dryer Filter Assembly with R250 Regulator N0775325

regulator on the compressed air line. Replacement Filter Element N9306067

The 2-stage air filtration assembly consists of a Balston Grade DX Float Assembly N0777710

coalescing filter and a Balston Grade BX coalescing filter. Bowl O-Ring N0777328
Together these filters remove trace amounts of oil, water and
particulate contamination (99.99% at 0.01 micron) from the Wilkerson® Air Dryer Filter Accessories*
compressed air supply.
Description Pre-Filter Final Filter
Warning, this filter will not protect an instrument from Part No. Part No.
acetylene tanks that have been overfilled with acetone, Filter Elements 09923464 09907120
or from standard sized tanks that are below 85 psi. Filter Bowls N9302199 N9302199
Description Part No. Bowl O-Ring Kit, Final Filter N9302197 N9301715
Parker Balston 73-099 AA Gas Purifier N9301398
* For Wilkerson Filter PerkinElmer (00470652)

Parker Balston® Replacement Filters ICP Filter Replacement Parts

Description Cartridges Seal Sets ICP Model Filter Element Final Filter
Part No. Part No. Part No.
1st Air Filter N9301710 N9301712 2x00/3x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 Air Filter in Front of 09995098
2nd Air Filter N9301711 N9301712 Spectrometer Fan
Acetylene Filter N9301714 N9301715 2x00/3x00/4x00 Water Filter 09904845
2x00/3x00/4x00 Cartridge for Water Filter 09904846
Balston® 95A Acetylene Filter
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 Air Filter for the N0775220
For your AA lab, this filter includes a Balston RF Generator Inlet
Grade BQ filter cartridge to remove trace 3x00 Washable Air Filter for the 02509115
amounts of liquid and solid contaminants from RF Generator Inlet
the acetylene supply to 99.99% at 0.01 micron. 3x00 Disposable Air Filter for the 09923517
Max working pressure: 15 psig. RF Generator Inlet

Warning, this filter will not protect an instrument from

acetylene tanks that have been overfilled with acetone, Instrument Filters
or from standard sized tanks that are below 85 psi. Description Part No.

Description Part No. For AAnalyst 100/300/PinAAcle 900 09995097

Acetylene Filter N9301399 For AAnalyst 200/400/600/700/800 B0501696
Replacement Acetylene Filter Cartridge N9301714 For AAnalyst 600/700/800 (80x80) B0502706
For Optima 2x00/3x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 Avio 200/500 09995098
Balston® Air Filter Assembly Type A-82 For NexION 300/350 (Left) W1036712
For AA and ICP labs, this filter is specifically For NexION 300/350 (Back Right) W1036713
designed to remove water, oil and dirt particles NexION 1000/2000 Instrument Filter (Left) N8152167
down to 0.6 microns in diameter from NexION 1000/2000 Instrument Filter (Right) N8152136
compressed air lines. It is recommended for use NexION 1000/2000 Instrument Filter (Back) N8152465
with oil-type compressors and for removing
moisture and dirt particles from air supplied by Polyscience Replacement Air Filters
oil-less compressors. Also recommended to filter
Description Part No.
argon for the PinAAcle furnace.
Polyscience Air Filter N0777359
Description Part No. Polyscience Air Filter with Frame N0777095
Air Filter Assembly N0580531 Heat Exchanger Air Filter N0777360
Replacement Filter Cartridge Element N0582251



Peristaltic Pump Tubing

PerkinElmer offers a wide range of high-quality peristaltic pump tubing for all of your AA, ICP-OES and
ICP-MS applications. Remember to replace your tubing frequently and always keep spares on hand.

Two-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing for Optima, Avio and NexION 300/350
ID Stop Colors Standard PVC Flared PVC Solvent Flex Viton® Santoprene® Silicone
(mm) (Pkg. 12) (Pkg. 12) (Pkg. 12) (Pkg .12) (Pkg. 12) (Pkg. 6)
0.19 orange red N0695476 N0773111
0.25 orange blue N0773117 N0773112
0.38 orange green N0777110 N0777042 N0777874
0.44 green yellow N0773113
0.51 orange yellow N0777476 N0777446
0.64 orange white N0777711
0.76 black black 09908587 N0777043 00473550 N0773118 00473552
1.02 white white N0777442 N0777441
1.14 red red 09908585 09923037 N0773115 N0773119 N0691595
1.3 gray gray N0777445 N0777444 N0777443
1.42 yellow yellow N0777521
1.52 yellow blue 09923536
1.65 blue blue N0777447
1.85 green green N0777518 N0773116
2.06 purple purple N0777561
2.79 purple white 02508080 09923448
3.18 black white N8122012

Three-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing for FIAS, FIMS and S10

ID Stop Colors Standard PVC Pharmed Solvent Resistant
(mm) Clear (Pkg. 12) Tan (Pkg. 12) Yellow (Pkg. 12)
1.65 black black black B0506058 N0773111
1.75 white white white B0507692
1.85 red red red B0193160 *B3140730 (Pkg. 6)
2.06 yellow blue yellow B0193161
2.2 purple purple purple B0199034
2.54 purple white purple *B3140721 (Pkg. 6)
2.79 black white black B0508310
0.51 orange yellow orange B0506737
* Used for S10 and AS9X autosamplers
Standard Pump Tubing – for NexION 1000/2000*
ID (mm) Stop Colors PVC Pure Solvent Flex Santoprene
(Pkg. 12) (Pkg. 12) (Pkg. 12)
Part No. Part No. Part No.
Peristaltic Pump Tubing Starter Kit 0.19 orange red N8152401 N8152408
for NexION 1000/2000 – for Standard Pump 0.25 orange blue N8152402

Peripump Tubing Kit (Starter Pack of Tubing Part No. 0.38 orange green N8152403 N8152409
Includes 4 of each commonly used sizes) N8150060 0.44 green yellow N8152404 N8152410
ID (mm) Stop Colors Qty. Type
0.51 orange yellow N8152405
0.19 orange red 4 PVC Pure 0.64 orange white N8152406 N8152411
0.44 green yellow 4 PVC Pure 0.76 black black N8152407 N8152412
0.51 yellow orange 4 PVC Pure 1.14 red red N8152413 N8152414
1.3 gray gray 4 Santoprene 1.3 gray gray N8152415
* Excluding NexION 2000 P Configuration



Peristaltic Pump Tubing Starter Kit

for NexION 2000 P Configuration – for MP2 Pump
Peripump Tubing Kit (Starter Pack of Tubing, Part No.
Includes 4 of each commonly used sizes) N8152380
ID (mm) Stop Colors Qty. Type

1.30 gray gray 4 Santoprene

0.76 black black 4 PVC Flared
0.51 orange yellow 4 PVC Flared
0.38 orange green 4 PVC Flared
0.19 orange red 4 PVC Flared

MP2 Two-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing

Non-Flared Flared

ID Stop Colors Slope PVC 2-Stop Santoprene 2-Stop Solva 2-Stop PVC 2-Stop Solva 2-Stop
(mm) (L/min per RPM)
0.13 orange black 0.6 N8145145 N8145194 N8145208
0.19 orange red 1.3 N8145146 N8145195 N8145209
0.27 orange blue 2.7 N8145147 N8145196 N8145210
0.38 orange green 4.7 N8145148 N8145171 N8145197 N8145211
0.44 green yellow 7.6 N8145149 N8145198 N8145212
0.51 orange yellow 9.5 N8145150 N8145199 N8145213
0.57 white yellow 11 N8145151 N8145200 N8145214
0.64 orange white 14 N8145152 N8145201 N8145215
0.76 black black 19 N8145153 N8145172 N8145176 N8145202 N8145216
0.89 orange orange 24 N8145154 N8145177 N8145203 N8145217
0.95 white black 28 N8145155 N8145178 N8145204 N8145218
1.02 white white 31 N8145156 N8145179 N8145205 N8145219
1.09 white red 33 N8145157 N8145180 N8145206 N8145220
1.14 red red 35 N8145158 N8145181 N8145207
1.22 red gray 46 N8145159 N8145182
1.3 gray gray 47 N8145160 N8145173 N8145183
1.42 yellow yellow 50 N8145161 N8145184
1.52 yellow blue 51 N8145162 N8145174 N8145185
1.65 blue blue 55 N8145163 N8145186
1.75 blue green 58 N8145164 N8145187
1.85 green green 61 N8145165 N8145188
2.06 purple purple 64 N8145166 N8145189
2.2 purple black 65 N8145167 N8145190
2.54 purple orange 67 N8145168 N8145191
2.79 purple white 69 N8145169 N8145192
3.17 black white 70 N8145170 N8145175 N8145193



Internal Standard Kits

In-line Standard Additions kits, one which includes a glass mixing chamber/combiner for solutions which do not contain HF and another
which includes an inert mixing chamber/combiner. Both kits are completely modular so that damaged or worn components can easily be
replaced. The heart of the kit is the mixing chamber/combiner. It is designed for zero dead volume on the input ends which accommodate
the sample and addition lines. The output end is designed with a small mixing chamber so that the sample and added reagent are
intimately mixed prior to introduction to the nebulizer. All connections to the mixing chamber/combiner use EzyFit connectors. A sampling
probe for the reagent addition bottle is included so that it remains well anchored in the bottle. In-line addition of internal standards and
ionization buffers provides an efficient means of accurately and precisely dosing all of your samples without extra effort or the risk of error
or contamination. Internal standardization is often used to compensate for physical and mass-space interferences in ICP spectrometry.
In many cases, it also enhances short-term and long-term reproducibility.

HF-Resistant Internal Standard Kit

Description Part No.
HF-Resistant Internal Standard Kit N0774067
HF Mixing T-Piece N0777466
Internal Standard Sample Probe 0.25 mm ID N0777465
EzyFit Sample Tube 0.5 mm ID N0777463
UniFit-EzyFit Sample Tube N0777061
EzyFit Internal Standard Tube 0.25 mm ID N0777464
Vitex Gripper Paper – Qty. 6
Orange/Blue Flared End PVC Tubing 0.25 mm ID – Qty. 12 N0773112

Non HF-Resistant Internal Standard Kit

Description Part No.
Non HF-Resistant Internal Standard Kit N0774068
Kit Includes:
EzyFit Glass Mixing T-piece N0777461
Internal Standard Sample Probe 0.25 mm ID N0777465
EzyFit Sample Tube – Twin N0777462
EzyFit Sample Tube 0.5 mm ID N0777463
EzyFit Internal Standard Tube 0.25 mm ID N0777464
Vitex® Gripper Paper – Qty. 6 N0777848
Orange/Blue Flared End PVC Tubing 0.25 mm ID – Qty. 12 N0773112
UniFit-EzyFit Sample Tube N0777061



Part No. N8152423

Part No. N8152386

Part No. N8152571

Internal Standard Internal Standard

Addition Kits Addition Tees
NexION 1000/2000 internal standard mixing tee is perfect for
NexION 1000/ 2000 internal standards kits utilize a low-internal
online addition of internal standard or online dilution. Achieves
volume mixing tee for in-line addition of internal standard with
excellent mixing with minimal dead volume.
sample. Utilizing the MP2 micro peristaltic pump to achieve the
highest level of accuracy and precision, the internal standards kit Description Part No.
is available for both PFA-ST and MEINHARD® Plus nebulizers. Internal Standard Addition Tee 0.5 mm ID (Orange) N8152423
for PFA-ST Nebulizer
Includes: Internal Standard Addition Tee 0.5 mm ID (Orange) N8152386
for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizer
• Fluoropolymer mixing tee (0.5 mm ID)
• Internal standard probes
• Fluoropolymer peripump fittings Fittings
• MP2 peripump tubing
Description Qty. Part No.
Description Part No. Black, High-Flow Nut (1/4-28) for FAST Valve and 10 N0777283
1/16 in. (1.6 mm) Ferrule
Internal Standards Kit for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizer. N8152421
Includes PFA Tee, Fittings, IS Probe, White, High-Flow Nut (1/4-28) for FAST Valve and 10 N0777297
SPP Starter Flared Pump Tubing Pack 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) Ferrule
(Orange/Green, Black/Black, Pharmed Gray/Gray)
1/16 in. (1.6 mm) Ferrule for High-Flow Fitting (1/4-28) 10 N8145237
Internal Standards Kit for PFA-ST Nebulizer. N8152571
1/8 in. (3.2 mm) Ferrule for High-Flow Fitting (1/4-28) 10 N8145238
Includes PFA Tee, Fittings, IS Probe, SPP Starter Flared Pump
Tubing Pack (Orange/Green, Black/Black, Pharmed Gray/Gray) Black, Low-Flow Nut (M5/10-32) for FAST Valve 10 N0777284
Organic Solvent IS Kit for Nebulizer. N8152422 Female Perilink Fitting, Barbed 1 N8152388
Includes PFA Tee, fittings, IS Probe,
Female Perilink Fitting 5 N0786030
SPP Starter Viton Pump Tubing Pack
(PVC Orange/Green/ Viton Black/Black, Viton Gray/Gray) Male Perilink Fitting, Barbed 1 N8152453
Male Perilink Fitting 5 N0786036
PFA-ST Nebulizer to Micro Fitting Adapter, PFA 1 N8145520
MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizer to Micro Fitting Adapter 1 N8152387
Barbed for Low Pressure Applications (Female) 1 N8145018
Barbed for High Pressure Applications (Male) 1 N8145017
Non-Barbed for Low Pressure Applications (Female) 1 N0777829
Non-Barbed for High Pressure Applications (Male) 1 N0777830



PerkinElmer Autosampler Supplies

PTFE probes provide laminar flow and are the most resistant to
chemical degradation.

Description Part No.

PTFE Sampling Probe Assembly with Carbon Fiber N8145139
Support and Female Fitting, 0.25 mm ID for ICP-MS.
Requires but does not include N8145017
PTFE Sampling Probe Assembly with Carbon Fiber Support N8145140
and Female Fitting, 0.5 mm ID for ICP/ICP-MS.
Requires but does not include N8145017
PTFE Internal Standard Probe, 0.5mm with Carbon Fiber Support N8145344
with female nut. Connects to standard addition tee or internal
standard line
PTFE Sampling Probe Assembly with Carbon Fiber Support N2024132
and Male Screw Fitting, 0.55 mm ID for AA/ICP/ICPMS.
For ICP/ICPMS requires but does not include N8145018*.
For AA with a stainless steel nebulizer, the male connect should
be removed so that tubing can be directly connected to the
nebulizer, no additional tubing is required
PTFE Flame Sampling Probe Assembly and Male Screw Fitting, N0777434
0.8 mm ID for AA. Requires but does not include B0172053*
PerkinElmer AS-9x/S10 Sampling Probe Assemblies PTFE Flame Sampling Probe Assembly with Carbon Fiber Support N2024131
and Male Screw Fitting, 1.0 mm ID for FIAS*
Stainless Steel *Keep spare ferrules on hand, N8145237 Qty. 10

Description Part No.

Flame Sampling Probe Assembly, 0.6 mm ID B3000159
Includes Stainless Steel Sampling Probe and Screw Fitting
Part No. B3000152
(B3000152) and Flame Capillary (B3000157 – Replaces
B0196963) Tubing Assembly Sampling Probe Assembly Components
FIAS™ Sampling Probe Assembly, 0.6 mm ID B3000160
Description Part No.
Includes Stainless Steel Sampling Probe and Screw Fitting
(B3000152) and FIAS Capillary Tubing Assembly Stainless Steel Sampling Probe with Screw Fitting B3000152
(B3000158 – Replaces B0196966) Requires, but does not include, one of the capillary tubing
assemblies described below:
FIAS Standard Sampling Probe Assembly, 1.0 mm ID B3000161
Includes Stainless Steel Sampling Probe and Screw Fitting Flame Capillary Tubing Assembly B3000157
(B3000152) and FIAS Capillary Tubing Assembly 1 m Length, 0.6 mm ID, One Fitting (Red)
(B0191060 – Replaces B0501044)
FIAS Capillary Tubing Assembly B3000158
1 m Length, 0.6 mm ID, Two Fittings (Red)

Corrosion-Resistant FIAS Capillary Tubing Assembly B0191060

1 m Length, 1.0 mm ID, Two Fittings (Blue)
Corrosion-resistant probes are suitable for inorganic acids and most Corrosion-Resistant Probe only 0.6 mm B3000055
organic solvents, except NMP.
Corrosion-Resistant Probe only 1.0 mm B3001769
Description Part No. O-Ring to Hold Probe B0172053
Flame Sampling Probe Assembly, 0.6 mm ID* B3001770 Probe Holder (White Plastic) B3000151
Includes Sampling Probe with FEP Tube and Screw Fitting
(B3000055) and Capillary Tubing Assembly (B3000157).
Standard with AS93plus/S10
FIAS Sampling Probe Assembly, 0.6 mm ID* B3001771
Includes Sampling Probe with FEP Tube and Screw Fitting
(B3000055) and FIAS Capillary Tubing Assembly (B3000158)
FIAS Standard Sampling Probe Assembly, 1.0 mm ID* B3001772
Includes Sampling Probe with FEP Tube and Screw Fitting
(B3001769) and Capillary Tubing Assembly (B0191060)

*This probe cannot be used with AS-90s, with the older sampling probe holder



PerkinElmer Autosampler Cetac Autosampler

Supplies Supplies

PerkinElmer AS-93plus/S10 Sample Racks Cetac Carbon Fiber

Autosampler Probes
Description/Capacity Sample Vessel Size Part No.
Tray F – 9/29*1 50 mL/15 mL B3001647 Description Part No.
Tray E – 902 4.5 mL, 6 mL, 8 mL B3140617 0.5 mm Blue 0.5 mm ID x 108 in. – PTFE N0777547
Tray H and Tray F – 603 15 mL, 16 mL B3140618 1.0 mm 2 Blue 1.0 mm ID x 75 in. – PTFE N0777568
Tray E, H and Tray G – 214 50 mL B3140621
* AS-93plus/S10 sample trays are polypropylene.
Rack B3001647 (rinsing-port rack) with rinsing port location (location 0), 8 locations for 50 mL solution
containers (calibration and/or test sample solutions) and 29 locations for 15 mL solution containers
(test sample solutions)
Rack B3140617 each with 90 locations for 6 mL and 8 mL solution containers (test sample solutions)
Rack B3140618 with 60 locations for 15 mL solution containers (test sample solutions)
Rack B3140621 with 21 locations each for 50 mL solution containers (calibration and/or test sample solutions). Cetac Ultem
Location 0 in the first rack is for the rinsing port
Autosampler Probes
PerkinElmer AS-90/90A/90plus Sample Racks Description Part No.

Description/Capacity Sample Vessel Size Part No. 0.5 mm Blue 0.5 mm ID x 108 in. – PTFE N0774088

Tray A – 144 4.5 mL, 6 mL, 8 mL B3000133 1.0 mm 2 Blue 1.0 mm ID x 75 in. – PTFE N0777565

Tray B – 98* 15 mL, 16 mL B3000132

Blank Tray B0501056
*Polypropylene sample tray

PerkinElmer AS-91 Sample Racks Cetac Stainless Steel Autosampler Probe

Description/Capacity Sample Vessel Size Part No.
Description Part No.
Tray E – 218 4.5 mL, 6 mL, 8 mL B0509554
Steel Probe with Screen Tip (100 mesh) Designed for Oil Analysis N0771529
8 – 50 mL Spots and Tray F – 152 / 8 (160) 15 mL, 16 mL B0509555
Tray G – 55 50 mL B0508520
Cetac Autosampler Racks
Trays A, C, E, F and G are powder-coated, corrosion-resistant aluminum
Rack Vial Size Part No.
PerkinElmer AS-93plus/S10 Rinsing Kit 21-Position, 30.5 mm Square Opening 50 mL N0777152

Description/Capacity Part No. 24-Position, 25.2 mm Square Opening 30 mL N0777151

AS-93plus/S10 Rinsing Kit B3140236 40-Position, 20.6 mm Square Opening 20 mL N0777150

Spare Parts 30-Position Tall Rack, Square Opening 14 mL N0777062

Rinsing Port B3140622 40-Position/Gilson 29 20 mL N0777155

Adapter M B0507919 45-Position/120 cc Round Opening (Oils) N0777298

Pump Tube – 2.79 mm ID (Pkg. 6) Purple/White B3140721 60-Position, 17.0 mm Square Opening 14 mL or 15 mL N0777149

Pump Tube – 1.14 mm ID (Pkg. 6) B3140730 80-Position, Collection Metal for Oil 15 mL N0774085

Tygon® Drain Tube – 2 m Red/Red/Red B0018283 90-Position, Round Opening 2 mL N0777717

PVC Rinse Liquid Feed Tube – 1 m B0048139 90-Position, 13.5 mm Square Opening 7 mL or 8 mL N0777148

Connector B3140715 90-Position, 13.3 mm Round Opening 7 mL or 8 mL N0777153

90-Position, 13 mm Collection Metal for Oil 8 mL N0777154
96-Position, 13 mm Collection Metal for Oil 15 mL N0777368



ESI Autosampler Supplies

Part No. N0777225 Part No. N0777214

PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated Autosampler

ESI Autosampler Probes Probes (carbon fiber support)
Description Part No. ICP Model Description Part No.
Carbon Fiber Autosampler Probes for ST Nebulizers Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-20 PFA, Capillary Length 80 cm N0777214
Autosampler Probe, 0.15 mm, Capillary Length 80 cm N0777221 NexION 1000/2000 PFA-20 PFA, Capillary Length 80 cm N8152587
Autosampler Probe, 0.2 mm, Capillary Length 80 cm N0777222 Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-50 PFA, Capillary Length 80 cm N0777215
Autosampler Probe, 0.25 mm, Capillary Length 80 cm N0777223 NexION 1000/2000 PFA-50 PFA, Capillary length 80 cm N8152588
Autosampler Probe, 0.25 mm, Capillary Length 150 cm N0777826 Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-100 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N0777216
Autosampler Probe, 0.3 mm, Capillary Length 80 cm N0777224 NexION 1000/2000 PFA-100 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152589
Autosampler Probe, 0.5 mm, Capillary Length 80 cm N0777225 Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-200 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N0777217
Autosampler Probe, 0.5 mm, Capillary Length 150 cm N0777827 NexION 1000/2000 PFA-200 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152590
Autosampler Probe, 0.8 mm, Capillary Length 80 cm N0777226 Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-400 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N0777218
Sample Probes NexION 1000/2000 PFA-400 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152591
High Flow, Carbon Fiber Support, 0.8 mm ID (Blue) N0777285
Sample Probe Line Holder N0777227
Carrier Probes
High Flow, Carbon Fiber Support, 0.5 mm ID (Orange) N0777286

Part No. N8145504 Part No. N8152420

Additional ESI Autosampler Probes PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated Autosampler
Probes (Ultem Support)
Description Part No. ICP Model Description Part No.
PFA FAST Sample Probe for High-flow FAST Valve, N0777522 Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-20 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8145141
1.0 mm ID (Gray), 150 cm
NexION 1000/2000 PFA-20 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152592
PFA FAST Sample Probe for High-flow FAST Valve, N0777523
Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-50 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8145142
0.8 mm ID (Blue), 150 cm
NexION 1000/2000 PFA-50 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152593
PFA FAST Carrier / Probe FAST Valve, N0777286
0.5 mm ID (Orange), 150 cm Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-100 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8145143
PFA Internal Standard Probe for use with Standard Addition Tee N8145344 NexION 1000/2000 PFA-100 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152594
0.5 mm ID (Orange), 150 cm
Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-200 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8145144
Sample Probe with Ultem Support, 0.5 mm ID (Orange). N8145504
NexION 1000/2000 PFA-200 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152420
Includes Fluoropolymer Micro Fitting
Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-400 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8145275
Internal Standard Probe with Carbon Fiber Support for NexION N8152452
2000, 0.5 mm ID (Orange), 150 cm. NexION 1000/2000 PFA-400 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152595
Includes Fluoropolymer Micro Fitting



ESI Autosampler Racks and Rack Covers

Part No. N8145131 Part No. N0777231 Part No. N0777822

Description Size Diameter Part No. Description Size Diameter Part No.

Standard Racks Super Racks

5-Position Priority Samples Rack for 60 mm N8145317 12-Position for 125 mL Bottles. 2x6 50 mm N0777252
8 mL, 15 mL, 50 mL, 125 mL and 250 mL For 2DX Autosampler only
Bottles. Fits over DX Rinse Station
15-Position Super Sample Rack for 60 mm N0777823
5-Position Extra Standards Rack for 60 mm N0782019 250 mL Bottles. For 4DX Autosampler only
3x 50mL Tubes and 2x 250 mL Bottles.
20-Position Super Sample Rack for 50 mm N0777822
Fits over DX Rinse Station
125 mL Bottles. For 4DX Autosampler only
7-Position for 250 mL Bottles. 60 mm N8122464
21-Position. For 2DX Autosampler only 3x7 22 mm N0777251
For 4DX Autosampler only
21-Position. For 2DX Autosampler only 3x7 28 mm N0777250
9-Position for 125 mL Bottles. 50 mm N0777771
Recommended for prepFAST. 21-Position. For 2DX Autosampler only 3x7 30 mm N0777249
For 4DX Autosampler only 27-Position. For 2DX Autosampler only 3x9 28 mm N0777248
9-Position for 125 mL Bottles. 50 mm N0777772 27-Position Super Sample Rack 31 mm N8145130
Recommended for prepFAST. for 30 mL and 60 mL Tubes.
For 2DX Autosampler only For 2DX Autosampler only
10-Position Standards Rack for 20 mL 28 mm N0777228 60-Position Super Sample Rack for 14 mm N0777397
and 50 mL Tubes 1 mL, 2 mL and 4 mL Tubes.
10-Position for 30 mL and 60 mL Tubes 31 mm N8145131 For 2DX and 4DX Autosamplers
Micro Racks Cover for 60-Position Super Rack N0777398
10-Position Micro Sample Rack 30 mm N8122463 80-Position. For 2DX Autosampler only 5 x 16 16 mm N0777247
for 15 mL and 30 mL Tubes
10-Position for Gemetec/Cetac 2x5 61 mm N0777253
ASX-100’s Racks Microtiter Plates
21-Position 3x7 14 mm N0777229 Description Qty. Part No.
24-Position 4x6 14 mm N0777234
24 Well, 10 mL, Square Well, Pyramid Bottom 5 N0777236
40-Position 4 x 10 14 mm N0777230
48 Well, 5 mL, Square Well, Pyramid Bottom 5 N0777237
60-Position 5 x 12 8 mm N0777231
48 Well, 7.5 mL, Square Well, Pyramid Bottom 3 N0777238
90-Position 5 x 12 8 mm N0777232
96 Well, 500 µL, Polystyrene 2 N8145354
Adapter Plate to adapt Gemetec Rack N0777235
96 Well, 2 mL, Square Well, Pyramid Bottom 5 N0777239
to ESI DX Autosampler
Cover for Micro Racks N0777233 X-Piercing Film Cover for 96 Well Microtiter Plate 25 N8145129

Large Racks
21-Position for 50 mL and 60 mL Tubes 3x7 30 mm N0777242
21-Position for 50 mL and 60 mL Tubes 30 mm N0777641
– Metal
40-Position 4 x 10 20 mm N0777243 Part No. N0777639

60-Position for 15 mL Tubes – Metal 16 mm N0777642

Heated Racks
60-Position 5 x 12 16 mm N0777244
90-Position for 8 mL Tubes – Metal 13 mm N0777643 Description Size Part No.
90-Position 3 Tier for 8 mL Tubes – Metal 13 mm N0777644 21-Position for 50 mL and 60 mL Tubes – Heated 30 mm N0777639
90-Position 6 x 15 13 mm N0777245 60-Position for 15 mL Tubes – Heated 16 mm N0777640



Autosampler Tubes
PerkinElmer translucent polypropylene tubes are designed to provide excellent chemical resistance.
PerformR™ 15 mL and 50 mL conical tubes are designed for your routine everyday applications and
storage needs. SuperClear™ tubes are made from a unique medical grade resin.

Round Bottom Tubes

Description Type Size Pack Qty Part No.
5 mL without Caps Standard 12 mm x 75 mm Bulk 500 B0193235
8 mL without Caps Standard 13 mm x 100 mm Bulk 1200 N0777156
8 mL without Caps Standard 13 mm x 100 mm 250/Bag 1000 N0777159
8 mL without Caps Standard 13 mm x 100 mm Bulk 1000 B0508901
14 mL without Caps Standard 17 mm x 100 mm Bulk 1000 N0777940
14 mL with Dual-Position, Polyethylene Caps Included Standard 17 mm x 100 mm Bulk 1000 N0777941
Dual-Position Caps for 14 mL, N0777940 Tubes (Clear) Caps Only Standard Bulk 1000 N0777942
14 mL without Caps Standard 17 mm x 100 mm 250/Bag 1000 N0777168
15 mL without Plugs Standard 17 mm x 100 mm Bulk 1200 N0777167
Plugs for 15 mL N0777167 Tubes, (Blue) Plugs Only Standard Bulk 1200 N0777599
15 mL Graduated without Plugs Standard 17 mm x 100 mm Bulk 2000 N0777099
16 mL without Caps Standard 17 mm x 100 mm 250/Bag 1000 N9301205

Conical Bottom Tubes with Graduation

Description Type Size Pack Qty Part No.
15 mL with Red Flat Caps, (Standard PerkinElmer S10 Tubes) Standard 17 mm x 120 mm 50/Bag 500 B0193233
15 mL Sterile Tubes, with Teal Flat Caps Attached Sterile 17 mm x 118 mm 50/Bag 500 N0774095
15 mL Metal Free Sterile Tubes with White Flat Caps Sterile 17 mm x 118 mm 50/Bag 500 N0776117
15 mL Metal Free Sterile Tubes Racked with White Flat Caps Sterile 17 mm x 118 mm 25/Rack 500 N0776118
15 mL with Teal Flat Caps Attached SuperClear 17 mm x 118 mm 50/bag 500 N0777701
15 mL with Teal Flat Caps Attached SuperClear 17 mm x 118 mm Racked 50/Bag 500 N0777702
15 mL with Teal Flat Caps Attached SuperClear 17 mm x 118 mm Bulk 500 N0777703
15 mL with Teal Flat Caps Attached SuperClear 17 mm x 118 mm 50/Bag 500 N0777704
15 mL with Teal Flat Caps Attached SuperClear Racked 50/Bag 500 N0777705
15 mL with Teal Plug Caps SuperClear 17 mm x 118 mm Bulk 500 N0777706
50 mL with Red Flat Caps Attached, Standard 28 mm x 115 mm 25/Bag 500 B0193234
(Standard PerkinElmer S10 Tubes), Freestanding
50 mL with Red Flat Caps Attached Standard 28 mm x 114 mm 25/Bag 300 N0777901
50 mL with Teal Flat Caps Attached, Freestanding PerformR 30 mm x 116 mm 50/Bag 500 N0777697
50 mL with Teal Flat Caps Attached, Freestanding PerformR 30 mm x 116 mm Bulk 500 N0777698
50 mL with Teal Plug Caps Attached, Freestanding PerformR 30 mm x 116 mm 50/Bag 500 N0777699
50 mL with Teal Plug Caps Included, Freestanding PerformR 30 mm x 116 mm Bulk 500 N0777700
50 mL Sterile Tubes with Teal Flat Caps Attached Sterile 29 mm x 115 mm 50/Bag 500 N0774096
50 mL Metal Free Sterile Tubes with White Flat Caps Sterile 29 mm x 115 mm 50/Bag 500 N0776115
50 mL Metal Free Sterile Tubes Racked with White Flat Caps Sterile 30 mm x 116 mm 25/Rack 500 N0776116
50 mL with Teal Flat Caps Attached SuperClear 29 mm x 115 mm 50/Bag 500 N0777691
50 mL with Teal Flat Caps Attached SuperClear 29 mm x 115 mm Racked 50/Bag 500 N0777692
50 mL with Teal Flat Caps Included SuperClear 29 mm x 115 mm Bulk 500 N0777693
50 mL with Teal Plug Caps Attached SuperClear 29 mm x 115 mm 50/Bag 500 N0777694
50 mL with Teal Plug Caps Attached SuperClear 29 mm x 115 mm Racked 50/Bag 500 N0777695
50 mL with Teal Plug Caps Included SuperClear 29 mm x 115 mm Bulk 500 N0777696



PFA Sample Vessels

Description Qty Part No.
1 mL, 14 mm OD Graduated PFA Micro Vial 10 N0777403
2 mL, 14 mm OD Graduated PFA Micro Vial 10 N0777404
4 mL, 14 mm OD Graduated PFA Micro Vial 10 N0777405
PFA Snap-On Cap for 14 mm Graduated PFA Micro Vials 10 N0777393
PFA Cap with Knob for 14 mm Graduated PFA Micro Vials 10 N0777392
ETFE Tweezers for Removal of PFA Cap with Knob 1 N0777396

PVDF Autosampler Vials

Description Qty Part No.
2 mL PVDF Vial 10 N8145473
2 mL PVDF Vial 100 N8145474
2 mL PVDF Vial 1000 N8145475
2 mL Pre-Cleaned PVDF Vial 100 N8145352

PFA Bottles, Vials and Caps

Description Qty Part No.
15 mL, 30 mm OD Graduated PFA Vial 10 N8145132
30 mL, 30 mm OD Graduated PFA Vial 10 N8145133
60 mL, 30 mm OD Graduated PFA Vial 10 N8145134
Screw Cap for 30 mm OD Vials 10 N8145105
10 mL, 16 mm OD Graduated PFA Tubes 10 N8145348
PFA Insert Cap for 16 mm PFA Tube, Knurled Grip 10 N8145349
PFA Septum Pierce Cap for 16 mm PFA Tube (PFA-T16), Knurled Grip 10 N8145350
PFA Sheet for Septum Pierce Cap with 16 mm PFA Tube 100 N8145351
PFA Cap for 14 mm Micro Vials 10 N0777402
PFA Cap for 14 mm Micro Vials 100 N8145476
Pre-Cleaned PFA Cap for 14 mm Vials 100 N8145353
20 mL, 28 mm OD PFA Bottle and Cap 5 N0777406
125 mL, 50 mm OD PFA Bottle and Cap with TFM Insert 1 N0777407

Non-PFA Bottles and Vials

Description Qty Part No.
20 mL, 20 mm OD Polypropylene Tube with Screw Cap 50 N8145079
20 mL, 20 mm OD Polypropylene Tube with Screw Cap 500 N0777815
8 mL, 13 mm OD Polypropylene Tube with Rounded Bottom 90 N8145125
8 mL, 13 mm OD Polypropylene Tube with Rounded Bottom 500 N0777814
0.5 mL, 8 mm OD Centrifuge Tube 100 N8121043
0.5 mL, 8 mm OD Centrifuge Tube 500 N0777813
4 L, Polypropylene Rinse Container with Filtered Air Inlet 1 N0777258
250 mL, 61 mm OD Polyethylene Wide Mouth Bottle 12 N0777818
250 mL, 61 mm OD Polyethylene Wide Mouth Bottle 100 N0777819
125 mL, 50 mm OD Polyethylene Bottle with Screw Cap 12 N0777820
125 mL, 50 mm OD Polyethylene Bottle with Screw Cap 24 N0777821



Instrument Benches
and Accessory Carts

NexION 350 Bench with

Optional Monitor Arm

Avio 200/500 Bench

Part No. N0782060

A Customized Approach
Lab space is precious and it can be a challenge to find room for
a new instrument or accessory. To make the transition easier,
we’ve customized every bench we offer for your instrument and
NexION 1000/2000 Bench
accessory configuration, enabling you to use your lab space to its
Part No. N8142011
full potential. Whether you’re making room for a new instrument
or replacing an old system, we have a bench solution for you.

Dimensions Model Product Line Part No.

(Depth x Width x Height – inches)
30 x 60 x 34 PinAAcle 500/900 AA N0777783
30 x 35 x 35 Avio 200/500 ICP-OES N0782060
30 x 60 x 35 Optima Basic ICP-OES N0773106
33 x 21 Optional Large Shelf for Optima Basic Bench (Shelf Only) ICP-OES N0777930
30 x 60 x 35 Optima Advanced ICP-OES N0771725
30 x 35 x 29 NexION 1000/2000 Bench Not Including Vacuum Pump Dolly ICP-MS N8142011
NexION 1000/2000 Vacuum Pump Dolly Only ICP-MS N8142012
30 x 60 x 29 NexION 350 Bench Including Vacuum Pump Dolly ICP-MS N8141230
NexION 350 Vacuum Pump Dolly Only ICP-MS N8121069
26 Monitor Arm for Optima Advanced or NexION 350 Bench ICP-OES/ICP-MS N0771726
32 x 30 x 29 Titan MPS AA/ICP-OES/ICP-MS N0777900
16 x 19 x 34 Accessory Cart Various N0777784
16 x 22 x 34 Accessory Cart Various N0777785



30 in. 60 in.

34 in.

PinAAcle Bench Part No. N077783

shown as depth/width/height

30 in. 35 in. 30 in.

18 in. x 30 in.

35 in.
12 in. x 30 in.

Avio 200/500 Bench Part No. N0782060

shown as depth/width/height

30 in. 35 in. 30 in.

29 in.

NexION 1000/2000 Bench Part No. N8142011

shown as depth/width/height

30 in. 60 in. 30 in.

29 in.

NexION 350 Bench Part No. N8141230

shown as depth/width/height



Reference Materials PerkinElmer is a leading provider of Atomic Spectroscopy

solutions. We've used our expertise to bring you a portfolio
of the highest quality standards to enhance your instrument
PerkinElmer offers a complete selection of Atomic performance. From our Pure and Pure Plus Inorganic Aqueous
Spectroscopy reference materials. Each solution is supplied Standards to our Metallo-Organic Standards, inside this guide
with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis that documents you will find a range of standards that are certified and tested
the quality and reliability. to provide you the quality and reliability you expect, for all your
application needs.

Quick Reference Index Page At PerkinElmer, we're committed to helping you achieve
success for your laboratory – starting with the standards
Aqueous Standards 109-123 you use everyday.

Aqueous Standards
Single-Element Standards 109
Custom Standards 112
PerkinElmer offers a wide selection
Matrix Modifiers 112
of PerkinElmer Pure and Pure Plus
Multi-Element Standards 113 Aqueous Standards for all of your
application needs.
Environmental Analysis Standards 115
Universal Calibration Standards 121

Pharmaceutical Analysis Standards 122

Gold Nanoparticle Standards 123

Metallo-Organic Standards 124-128
V-21, V-23, V-26 Wear Metal Standards 125 Standards
Matrix Oils and Solvents 126 PerkinElmer offers a wide
selection of Metallo-Organic
Metal Additive Standards 126 Standards for all of your
Acid Number Standards 126 application needs.

Fuel Dilution Standards 126

Base Number Standards 127
Karl Fischer Standards 127

Soot Content Standards
OilExpress Standards
Single Cell Sample
Viscosity Reference Standards 127 Introduction Kit
Biodiesel Standards 128 The Single Cell Application Module within
Sulfur Standards 128 PerkinElmer’s
Syngistix™ for ICP-MS
Proficiency Testing Standards 128 software is the ideal
tool for laboratories
analyzing metal
Single Cell Sample Introduction Kits 129 content in cells,
either from bioaccumulation of metals or metallic
nanoparticles in solution or measuring the intrinsic
metal content of the cell.



Single-Element Standards
We understand how important standards are to your laboratory. That’s why we offer
a complete selection of PerkinElmer Pure (AA and ICP-OES) and Pure Plus (ICP-MS)
grade Standards supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis. Each solution
is certified to provide you with the quality and reliability you expect, every time.
We offer 1 µg/mL, 10 μg/mL, 1,000 µg/mL and 10,000 µg/mL single-element
standards in a variety of volumes and purity levels.

Single-Element Standards – 1,000 µg/mL

Element Symbol Matrix Pure Grade Pure Grade Pure Plus Element Symbol Matrix Pure Grade Pure Grade Pure Plus
125 mL 500 mL Grade 125 mL 500 mL Grade
Part No. Part No. 125 mL Part No. Part No. 125 mL
Part No. Part No.
Aluminum Al 2% HNO3 N9300184 N9300100 N9303726 Neodymium Nd 2% HNO3 N9303787 N9300135
Antimony Sb 2% HNO3 N9300101 Nickel Ni 2% HNO3 N9300177 N9300136 N9303747
Antimony Sb H2O/0.6% Tart. N9300207 N9303750 Niobium Nb H2O/0.4% HF N9303786 N9300137
Acid/Tr. HNO3
Palladium Pd 10% HCl N9303789 N9300138
Arsenic As 2% HNO3 N9300180 N9300102 N9303727
Phosphorus P H2O N9303788 N9300139
Barium Ba 2% HNO3 N9300181 N9300103 N9303729
Platinum Pt 10% HCl N9303791 N9300140
Beryllium Be 2% HNO3 N9300172 N9300104 N9303730
Potassium K 2% HNO3 N9303779 N9300141 N9303742
Bismuth Bi 10% HNO3 N9303761 N9300105 N9303731
Praseodymium Pr 2% HNO3 N9303790 N9300142
Boron B H2O N9303760 N9300106
Rhenium Re H2O N9303793 N9300143
Cadmium Cd 2% HNO3 N9300176 N9300107 N9303734
Rhodium Rh 10% HCl N9303794 N9300144
Calcium Ca 2% HNO3 N9303763 N9300108 N9303733
Rubidium Rb 2% HNO3 N9303792 N9300145
Carbon C H2O N9303762 N9300109
Ruthenium Ru 10% HCl N9303795 N9300146
Cerium Ce 2% HNO3 N9303765 N9300110
Samarium Sm 2% HNO3 N9303800 N9300147
Cesium Cs 2% HNO3 N9303767 N9300111
Scandium Sc 2% HNO3 N9303798 N9300148
Chromium Cr 2% HNO3 N9300173 N9300112 N9303736
Selenium Se 2% HNO3 N9300182 N9300149 N9303752
Cobalt Co 2% HNO3 N9303766 N9300113 N9303735
Silicon Si H2O/0.4% F- N9303799 N9300150
Copper Cu 2% HNO3 N9300183 N9300114 N9303737
Silver Ag 2% HNO3 N9300171 N9300151 N9303725
Dysprosium Dy 2% HNO3 N9303768 N9300115
Sodium Na 2% HNO3 N9303785 N9300152 N9303746
Erbium Er 2% HNO3 N9303769 N9300116
Strontium Sr 2% HNO3 N9303802 N9300153
Europium Eu 2% HNO3 N9303770 N9300117
Sulfur S H2O N9303796 N9300154
Gadolinium Gd 2% HNO3 N9303773 N9300118
Tantalum Ta H2O/0.8% HF N9303803 N9300155
Gallium Ga 2% HNO3 N9303772 N9300119
Tellurium Te 10% HNO3 N9304385 N9304384
Germanium Ge H2O/0.16% F- N9303774 N9300120
Terbium Tb 2% HNO3 N9303804 N9300157
Gold Au 10% HCl N9303759 N9300121
Tin Sn 20% HCl N9303801 N9300161
Hafnium Hf 2% HCl N9303775 N9300122
Tin Sn 1% HNO3/1% HF N9303838
Holmium Ho 2% HNO3 N9303776 N9300123
Thallium Tl 2% HNO3 N9300170 N9300158 N9303755
Indium In 2% HNO3 N9303777 N9300124
Thorium Th 2% HNO3 N9303842
Iridium Ir 10% HCl N9303778 N9300125
Thulium Tm 2% HNO3 N9303807 N9300160
Iron Fe 2% HNO3 N9303771 N9300126 N9303738
Titanium Ti H2O/0.24% F- N9303806 N9300162 N9303754
Lanthanum La 2% HNO3 N9303780 N9300127
Tungsten W H2O N9303809 N9300163
Lead Pb 2% HNO3 N9300175 N9300128 N9303748
Uranium U 2% HNO3 N9303844
Lithium Li 2% HNO3 N9303781 N9300129
Vanadium V 2% HNO3 N9303808 N9300165 N9303756
Lutetium Lu 2% HNO3 N9303782 N9300130
Ytterbium Yb 2% HNO3 N9303811 N9300166
Magnesium Mg 2% HNO3 N9300179 N9300131 N9303743
Yttrium Y 2% HNO3 N9303810 N9300167
Manganese Mn 2% HNO3 N9303783 N9300132 N9303744
Zinc Zn 2% HNO3 N9300178 N9300168 N9303758
Mercury Hg 10% HNO3 N9300174 N9300133 N9303740
Zirconium Zr 2% HNO3 N9303812 N9300169
Molybdenum Mo H2O N9303784 N9300134 N9303745



Single-Element Pure Plus ICP-MS Grade Standards – 1 µg/mL

Element Symbol Matrix Pure Plus Grade Element Symbol Matrix Pure Plus Grade
125 mL 125 mL
Part No. Part No.
Aluminum Al 2% HCl N9304200 Mercury Hg 2% HNO3 N9304246
Aluminum Al 2% HNO3 N9304201 Potassium K 2% HCl N9304247
Antimony Sb 5% HCl N9304202 Potassium K 2% HNO3 N9304248
Antimony Sb H2O/Tr. HNO3/Tr. Tart N9304203 Molybdenum Mo H2O N9304249
Arsenic As 2% HCl N9304204 Niobium Nb H2O/tr HF N9304250
Arsenic As 2% HNO3 N9304205 Neodymium Nd 2% HNO3 N9304251
Barium Ba 2% HCl N9304206 Nickel Ni 2% HNO3 N9304252
Barium Ba 2% HNO3 N9304207 Palladium Pd 2% HCl N9304253
Beryllium Be 2% HNO3 N9304208 Phosphorus P H2O N9304254
Bismuth Bi 2% HNO3 N9304209 Platinum Pt 2% HCl N9304255
Boron B H2O N9304210 Praseodymium Pr 2% HNO3 N9304256
Cadmium Cd 2% HCl N9304211 Rubidium Rb 2% HNO3 N9304257
Cadmium Cd 2% HNO3 N9304212 Rhenium Re H2O N9304258
Calcium Ca 2% HCl N9304213 Rhodium Rh 2% HCl N9304259
Calcium Ca 2% HNO3 N9304214 Ruthenium Ru 2% HCl N9304260
Carbon C H2O N9304215 Samarium Sm 2% HNO3 N9304261
Cerium Ce 2% HNO3 N9304216 Scandium Sc 2% HNO3 N9304262
Cesium Cs 2% HNO3 N9304217 Selenium Se 2% HNO3 N9304263
Chromium Cr 2% HCl N9304218 Silicon Si H2O/Tr. F- N9304264
Chromium Cr 5% HNO3 N9304219 Silver Ag 2% HNO3 N9304265
Chromium Cr H2O N9304220 Sodium Na 2% HCl N9304266
Cobalt Co 2% HCl N9304221 Sodium Na 2% HNO3 N9304267
Cobalt Co 2% HNO3 N9304222 Strontium Sr 2% HCl N9304268
Copper Cu 2% HCl N9304223 Strontium Sr 2% HNO3 N9304269
Copper Cu 2% HNO3 N9304224 Sulfur S H2O N9304270
Dysprosium Dy 2% HNO3 N9304225 Tantalum Ta H2O/tr HF N9304271
Erbium Er 2% HNO3 N9304226 Tellurium Te 5% HCl N9304272
Europium Eu 2% HNO3 N9304227 Tellurium Te 5% HNO3 N9304273
Gadolinium Gd 2% HNO3 N9304228 Terbium Tb 2% HNO3 N9304274
Gallium Ga 2% HNO3 N9304229 Thallium Tl 2% HNO3 N9304275
Germanium Ge H2O N9304230 Thorium Th 2% HNO3 N9304276
Gold Au 1% HNO3/3% HCL N9304231 Thulium Tm 2% HNO3 N9304277
Hafnium Hf 2% HCl N9304232 Tin Sn 5% HCl N9304278
Holmium Ho 2% HNO3 N9304233 Tin Sn 2% HNO3/tr HF N9304279
Indium In 2% HNO3 N9304234 Titanium Ti H2O/tr HF N9304280
Iridium Ir 2% HCl N9304235 Tungsten W 2% HNO3/tr HF N9304281
Iron Fe 2% HCl N9304236 Tungsten W H2O N9304282
Iron Fe 2% HNO3 N9304237 Uranium U 2% HNO3 N9304283
Lanthanum La 2% HNO3 N9304238 Vanadium V 2% HCl N9304284
Lead Pb 2% HNO3 N9304239 Vanadium V 2% HNO3 N9304285
Lithium Li 2% HCl N9304240 Ytterbium Yb 2% HNO3 N9304286
Lithium Li 2% HNO3 N9304241 Yttrium Y 2% HNO3 N9304287
Lutetium Lu 2% HNO3 N9304242 Zinc Zn 2% HCl N9304288
Magnesium Mg 2% HCl N9304243 Zinc Zn 2% HNO3 N9304289
Magnesium Mg 2% HNO3 N9304244 Zirconium Zr 2% HCl N9304290
Manganese Mn 2% HNO3 N9304245 Zirconium Zr 2% HNO3 N9304291



Single-Element Pure Plus ICP-MS Grade Standards – 10 µg/mL

Pure Grade Standards for AA and ICP-OES
Element Symbol Matrix Pure Plus Grade
125 mL • Analyzed by ICP-OES
Part No.
• Analyzed by Classical Wet Assay
Bismuth Bi 2% HNO3 N9303731
Germanium Ge H2O tr HF N9303739 • 32 trace impurities analyzed by ICP-MS
Indium In 2% HNO3 N9303741 of the final solution and reported
Rhodium Rh 2% HCl N9303749
on the certificate
Scandium Sc 2% HNO3 N9303751 • Impurities reported at ppm level
Terbium Tb 2% HNO3 N9303753 •A
 ll Standards are prepared and certified
Yttrium Y 2% HNO3 N9303757 under ISO Guide 34 and ISO 17025

Single-Element Pure Standards – 10,000 µg/mL

Element Symbol Matrix Pure Plus Grade Pure Grade
125 mL 500 mL Pure Plus Grade Standards for ICP-MS
Part No. Part No.
Aluminum Al 5% HNO3 N9304111 N9304110 • Analyzed by ICP-OES
Antimony Sb 20% HCl N9304292 • Analyzed by Classical Wet Assay
Antimony Sb H2O/Tartaric N9304293 N9304294
Acid/Tr HNO3
• 67 trace impurities analyzed by ICP-MS of the
final solution and reported on the certificate
Arsenic As 5% HNO3 N9304295 N9304296
Barium Ba 5% HNO3 N9304297 N9304298 • Impurities reported at ppb level
Beryllium Be 5% HNO3 N9304299 N9304300
 ll Standards are prepared and certified
Boron B H2O N9304301 N9304302 under ISO Guide 34 and ISO 17025
Cadmium Cd 5% HNO3 N9304303 N9304304
Calcium Ca 5% HNO3 N0691581 N9303764
Cerium Ce 5% HNO3 N9304305 N9304306
Cesium Cs 5% HNO3 N9304307 N9304308
Element Symbol Matrix Pure Plus Grade Pure Grade
Chromium Cr 5% HNO3 N9304309 N9304311
125 mL 500 mL
Chromium Cr 5% HCl N9304310 Part No. Part No.
Chromium Cr H2O N9304312 Silicon Si H2O/4% F- N9304122
Cobalt Co 5% HNO3 N9304313 N9304314 Silver Ag 5% HNO3 N9304337 N9304338
Copper Cu 5% HNO3 N9304112 N9300283 Sodium Na 5% HNO3 N9304124 N9304123
Erbium Er 5% HNO3 N9304315 Strontium Sr 5% HCl N9304339
Gadolinium Gd 5% HNO3 N9304316 N9304317 Strontium Sr 5% HNO3 N9304340 N9304341
Iron Fe 5% HNO3 N9304113 N9307117 Sulfur S H 2O N9304126 N9304125
Lanthanum La 5% HNO3 N9304318 N9304319 Tantalum Ta H 2O N9304342
Lead Pb 5% HNO3 N9304321 N9304320 Tantalum Ta H2O/0.8% HF N9304343
Lithium Li 5% HCl N9304322 Tin Sn 2%/HNO3/2% HF N9304344
Lithium Li 5% HNO3 N9304323 N9304324 Tin Sn 20% HCl N9304345 N9304346
Magnesium Mg 5% HNO3 N0691745 N9304114 Titanium Ti 40% HCl N9304347
Manganese Mn 5% HNO3 N9304115 Titanium Ti H2O/2.4% F- N9304348 N9304349
Mercury Hg 10% HNO3 N9304325 N9304326 Tungsten W 2% HNO3/5% HF N9304350
Molybdenum Mo H2O/0.4% HF N9304327 N9304328 Tungsten W H 2O N9304351 N9304352
Nickel Ni 5% HNO3 N9304117 N9304116 Uranium U 5% HNO3 N9304353 N9304354
Niobium Nb H2O/0.4% HF N9304330 N9304329 Vanadium V 15% HCl N9304355
Phosphorus P H2O N9304119 N9304118 Vanadium V 15% HNO3 N9304356 N9304357
Potassium K 5% HNO3 N9304121 N9304120 Yttrium Y 5% HNO3 N9304128 N9304127
Rubidium Rb 2% HNO3 N9304331 N9304332 Zinc Zn 5% HNO3 N9304129
Scandium Sc 5% HNO3 N9304333 N9304334 Zirconium Zr 10% HCl N9304358
Selenium Se 5% HNO3 N9304335 N9304336 Zirconium Zr 5% HNO3 N9304359 N9304360



Custom Single and Matrix Modifiers

Multi-element Standards and AA Test Mixes
for Inorganic Analysis We offer standards specifically for
your Atomic Absorption (AA)
instrument. From mixed standards to
We understand how important
reagents, we have what you need for
Standards are to your laboratory. That’s
your AA analysis.
why we’ve expanded PerkinElmer
Pure and Pure Plus Standards to Matrix Modifiers for Graphite
include custom Standards. We offer a Furnace AA
complete selection of stock, single and
multi-element, atomic spectroscopy Matrix Content Volume Part No.
aqueous Standards, and now provide Mg(NO3)2 1% Mg (NO3)2 (as nitrate) 100 mL B0190634

single-element and multi-element Pd 1% Pd (as nitrate) 50 mL B0190635

custom Standards, prepared to NH4H2PO4 10% NH4H2PO4 100 mL N9303445

meet your exact specifications. Each solution is supplied with a

comprehensive Certificate of Analysis to provide you with the GFAAS Mixed Standard
quality and reliability you expect, every time.
Matrix Content Volume Part No.
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Al, As, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl 125 mL N9300244
Design your own custom standard with trace HF 50 µg/mL: Ba, Co, Cu, Ni
to fit your laboratory needs. 20 µg/mL: Cr, Fe, Mn
10 µg/mL: Ag
Choose PerkinElmer as your Standards provider 5 µg/mL: Be, Cd

and request your quote today. For a complete selection

of Pure Atomic Spectroscopy Standards, please visit AA Test Mix
www.perkinelmer.com/standards Matrix Content Volume Part No.
2% HCl 50 µg/mL: Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni 125 mL 02900540
Custom Standards are now available in North 20 µg/mL: K
America and select countries in Europe. 10 µg/mL: Na, Zn

Description Volume Part No.
Triton® X-100 Wetting Agent 100 mL N9300260
Antifoaming Silicone Emulsion 500 mL B0507226
Glycerol 1L B3141064

You can order Custom Standards online by visiting

or over the phone by calling your local
PerkinElmer sales office.



Multi-Element Standards
Our go-to multi-element standards are suitable for your daily
laboratory needs. Spanning across a wide range of applications
and methods, you’ll find the right solution to help you achieve
laboratory success.

Multi-Element Standards
Matrix Content Volume Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
Multi-Element Solution PerkinElmer Pure I
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Ca, Fe, Mg 500 mL N9307113 5% HNO3 400 µg/mL: Tl 125 mL N9303940
200 µg/mL: Bi, In, Pb
Multi-Element Solution
150 µg/mL: Ga
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: K, Na, P 500 mL N9307114 100 µg/mL: Al
50 µg/mL: Ag, Ni
Multi-Element Solution
25 µg/mL: Cr
2-5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mo, Sb, Sn, W, Zr 500 mL N9307115 20 µg/mL: Cd, Co, Cu, Zn
Multi-Element Solution 15 µg/mL: B, Fe
5 µg/mL: Ba, Mn
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, 500 mL N9307116 1 µg/mL: Be, Sr
Co, Cu, La, Pb, Li, Mn, Ni, Sc, Sr,
V, Y, Zn PerkinElmer Pure IV (Quality Control Standard 23)

N9308541 10% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Bi, 125 mL N9303941
5% HNO3/trace HF 100 µg/mL: Ge, Mo, S, Si, Ti 125 mL
Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, In, K,
20% HCl/1% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Au, Cr, Sb, Sn, Te 125 mL N9308542 Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr, Tl, Zn
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Ag, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, 125 mL N9308543 PerkinElmer Pure VIII
Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn,
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Al, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, 125 mL N9303942
Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V, Zn
Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, Li, Mg,
Multi-Element Solution 1 Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Te, Tl, Zn
2% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Be, Bi, Ce, Co, In, Mg, 125 mL N9300231 PerkinElmer Pure IX
Ni, Pb, U
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: As, Be, Pb, Cd, Cr, 125 mL N9303943
Multi-Element Solution 2 Ni, Se, Tl
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Ce, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, 125 mL N9300232 PerkinElmer Pure X
Ho, La, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sc, Sm, Tb, Th,
2% HNO3 35,000 μg/L: Ca 125 mL N9303944
Tm, Y, Yb
15,000 μg/L: Mg
Multi-Element Solution 3 8,000 μg/L: Na
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, 125 mL N9300233 3,000 μg/L: K
Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, 100 μg/L: B, Fe, Mo, Sr
Hg*, In, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, 50 μg/L: As, Ba, Ni, V, Zn
Rb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V, Zn 30 μg/L: Mn
*Supplied in separate bottle. 25 μg/L: Co, Pb
20 μg/L: Be, Cd, Cr, Cu
Multi-Element Solution 3 without Mercury 10 μg/L: Bi, Se, Tl
125 mL N9301720 8 µg/mL Mercury in 5% HNO3
Multi-Element Solution 4 5% HNO3 8 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9303954
10% HCl/1% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Au, Hf, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh, 125 mL N9300234 PerkinElmer Pure XI
Ru, Sb, Sn, Te
5% HNO3 2,500 µg/mL: Zn 125 mL N9303945
Multi-Element Solution 5 900 µg/mL: Cr, Pb
H2O/trace HF/ 10 µg/mL: B, Ge, Mo, Nb, P, Re, S, 125 mL N9300235 800 µg/mL: Cu
trace HNO3 Si, Ta, Ti, W, Zr 200 µg/mL: Ni
10 µg/mL: Cd
Set of Multi-Element Solutions N9300236
Includes: (1 bottle of each) 5 µg/mL Mercury in 5% HNO3
Multi-Element Solution 2 125 mL N9300232 5% HNO3 5 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9303949

Multi-Element Solution 3 125 mL N9300233 PerkinElmer Pure XIII

Multi-Element Solution 4 125 mL N9300234 5% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Al 125 mL N9303946
250 µg/mL: V
Multi-Element Solution 5 125 mL N9300235 100 µg/mL: As, Be, Co, Cr, Cu,
Water Blank 125 mL N9303814 Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn
25 µg/mL: Cd, Se
Hydrochloric Acid Blank 125 mL N9300238
2% Nitric Acid Blank 125 mL N9300239



Multi-Element Standards Continued Mixed Calibration Standards

Matrix Content Volume Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
PerkinElmer Pure XVI (Quality Control Standard, 21 Elements) Mixed Calibration Standard
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: As, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, 125 mL N9300281 2% HNO3 50 µg/mL: As, K 500 mL N0691579
Tartaric Acid/ Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, 10 µg/mL: La, Li, Mn, Ni, Sr, Zn
trace HF Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Ti, Tl, V, Zn 1 µg/mL: Ba, Mg
PerkinElmer Pure XVII Mixed Calibration Standard 1
15% HCl/trace HF 100 µg/mL: Hf, Ir, Sb, Sn, Ta, Tl, Zr 125 mL N9303948 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Pb 125 mL N9300200
200 µg/mL: Se
PerkinElmer Pure VI 150 µg/mL: Cd, Zn
1 mol/L HNO3/ 10 µg/mL: Ag, Al, Ba, Bi, Cd, Co, 125 mL N9307741 100 µg/mL: Mn
trace Tartaric Acid Cr, Cu, Ga, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, 50 µg/mL: Be
Na, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, Te, Tl, U, V,
Mixed Calibration Standard 2
100 µg/mL: As, B, Be, Fe, Se, Zn,
1000 µg/mL: Ca 5% HNO3 10,000 µg/mL: Fe 125 mL N9300201
100 µg/mL: Ba, Co, Cu, V
Multi-Element Standard
Mixed Calibration Standard 3
10% HNO3 100 μg/mL: As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Be, Bi, 125 mL N9308544
Ce, Cs, Cr, Co, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, 2% HNO3/Tr. HF 500 µg/mL: As 125 mL N9300202
Ga, Ho, In, La, Pb, Li, Lu, Mn, Nd, 100 µg/mL: Mo, Si
Ni, Pr, Rb, Sm, Sc, Se, Sr, Tb, Tl, Th, Mixed Calibration Standard 4
Tm, U, V, Yb, Y, Zn
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N9300203
Multi-Element Standard A 400 µg/mL: K
5% HNO3/1% HF/ 100 μg/mL: Ge, Hf, Mo, Nb, Sb, 125 mL N9308545 200 µg/mL: Al, Na
trace Tartaric Acid Sn, Ta, Te, Ti, W, Zr 20 µg/mL: Cr, Ni

Multi-Element Standard B Mixed Calibration Standard 5

10% HNO3 10,000 μg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na, P 125 mL N9308546 5% HNO3/trace 1,000 µg/mL: Mg 125 mL N9300204
Tartaric Acid/ 200 µg/mL: Sb, Tl
Multi-Element Standard C trace HF 100 µg/mL: B
5% HNO3 10,000 μg/mL: Al, Fe 125 mL N9308547 50 µg/mL: Ag
Multi-Element Standard D
5% HCl 10 μg/mL: Au, Pd, Pt 125 mL N9308548 Spike Standards
Multi-Element Standard E Matrix Content Volume Part No.
5% HNO3 10 μg/mL: Ag, Hg 125 mL N9308549 Spike Sample Standard I
5% HNO3/trace 200 µg/mL: Al, As, Ba, Se, Tl 125 mL N9300230
Quality Control Standards Tartaric Acid/ 100 µg/mL: Fe
trace HF 50 µg/mL: Co, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, Zn
Matrix Content Volume Part No. 25 µg/mL: Cu
20 µg/mL: Cr
Quality Control Standard 1A 5 µg/mL: Ag, Be, Cd
5% HNO3/trace 1,000 µg/mL: Sb, Ti 125 mL N9304130
Spike Sample Standard I (Water)
Tartaric Acid HF
5% HNO3/trace 500 µg/mL: Fe 125 mL N9303839
Quality Control Standard 1B 250 µg/mL: Ba, Zn
Tartaric Acid/
10% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: As, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, 125 mL N9304131 trace HF 100 µg/mL: Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Sb, V
Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, 50 µg/mL: As, Pb
Se, Sr, Ti, Tl, V, Zn 25 µg/mL: Ag, Be, Cd, Se, Tl
Quality Control Standard, 21 Elements Pure (Pure XVI) Spike Sample Standard 2 (Soil)
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: As, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, 125 mL N9300281 5% HNO3/trace 250 µg/mL: Ba, Cr, Cu, Zn 125 mL N9303840
Tartaric Acid/ Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Tartaric Acid/ 150 µg/mL: V
trace HF Sb, Se, Sr, Ti, Tl, V, Zn trace HF 125 µg/mL: Ni
100 µg/mL: Co, Pb, Sb
Quality Control Standard, 21 Elements Pure Plus
50 µg/mL: As, Cd
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: As, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, 125 mL N9303837 25 µg/mL: Ag, Be, Se, Tl
Tartaric Acid/ Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb,
Spike Sample Standard 3 (for ILM 05.2)
trace HF Sb, Se, Sr, Ti, Tl, V, Zn
5% HNO3/trace 200 µg/mL: Al, Ba 125 mL N9303841
Quality Control Standard, 7A Elements
Tartaric Acid/ 50 µg/mL: Co, Mn, Ni, V, Zn
5% HNO3/trace HF 1,000 µg/mL: K 125 mL N9300280 trace HF 25 µg/mL: Cu
500 µg/mL: Si 20 µg/mL: Cr
100 µg/mL: Al, B, Ba, Na 10 µg/mL: Sb
50 µg/mL: Ag 5 µg/mL: Ag, Be, Cd, Tl
4 µg/mL: As
2 µg/mL: Pb
1 µg/mL: Se



Environmental Analysis Matrix Content

Environmental Standard Kit for ELAN DRC Instruments
Includes 1 bottle of each:
Volume Part No.

Standards 5% HNO3
5% HNO3
1,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na
1,000 µg/mL: Al, Fe
125 mL
125 mL
We offer a variety of environmental analysis standards for all your 5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, 125 mL N9301721
environmental application needs. Tartaric acid/ Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn,
trace HF Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti,
Environmental Method Sets Tl, V, Zn
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: B, Th, U 125 mL N9307807
Matrix Content Volume Part No. 5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300253
Environmental Standard Kit for NexION Standard Mode N9307118
5% HNO3/trace HCl Internal Standard Mix 125 mL N9307738
Includes 1 bottle of each: 200 µg/mL: Sc
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9307805 20 µg/mL: Ga
10 µg/mL: In, Ir, Rh, Tm
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Fe 125 mL N9307806
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, 125 mL N9301721 Contract Lab Program Modification Set N9307103
Tartaric Acid/ Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Includes 1 bottle of each:
trace HF Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti, 2% HNO3/5% HCl 10 µg/mL: Ba, Be, Ce, Co, In, Li, 125 mL N9303843
Tl, V, Zn Mg, Pb, Rh, Tl, U, Y
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: B, Th, U 125 mL N9307807 2% HNO3/trace 20 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, 125 mL N9303816
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300253 Tartaric Acid Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se,
Th, Tl, U, V, Zn
2% HNO3 50 µg/mL: Sc, Ge 125 mL N9308591
10 µg/mL: Rh, In, Tb 5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, 125 mL N9301721
Tartaric Acid/ Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn,
Environmental Standard Kit for NexION KED/DRC Mode N9307119 trace HF Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti,
Includes 1 bottle of each: Tl, V, Zn
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9307805 5% HNO3/trace 500 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9303819
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Fe 125 mL N9307806 Tartaric Acid 20 µg/mL: Al, Ba
10 µg/mL: Fe
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, 125 mL N9301721 6 µg/mL: Sb
Tartaric Acid/ Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, 5 µg/mL: Co, V
trace HF Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti, 4 µg/mL: Ni
Tl, V, Zn 2.5 µg/mL: Cu
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: B, Th, U 125 mL N9307807 2 µg/mL: Zn
1.5 µg/mL: Mn
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300253
1 µg/mL: Ag, As, Cr, Tl
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Sc 125 mL N9308592 0.5 µg/mL: Be, Cd, Se
50 µg/mL: Ge 1 µg/mL: Rh, In, Tb 0.3 µg/mL: Pb
Environmental Standard Kit for ELAN non-DRC/ N9307111 2% HNO3/trace 10 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, 125 mL N9303821
Standard ICP-MS Instruments Tartaric Acid/ Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se,
Includes 1 bottle of each: trace HF Tl, V, Zn
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9307805 5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300253
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Fe 125 mL N9307806 2% HNO3 200 µg/mL: Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9303822
100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, 125 mL N9301721 2% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Mo, Th, U 125 mL N9303823
Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, 2% HNO3/trace HF 10 µg/mL: Mo, Sn, Sr, Ti 125 mL N9303824
Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti,
Tl, V, Zn 5% HNO3/trace HF 21,215 µg/mL: Cl 125 mL N9303827
3,000 µg/mL: Ca
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: B, Th, U 125 mL N9307807 2,500 µg/mL: Fe, Na
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300253 2,000 µg/mL: C
1,000 µg/mL: Al, K, Mg, P, S
Internal Standard Mix
20 µg/mL: Mo, Ti
5% HNO3/ 50 µg/mL: Sc 125 mL N9307808 2% HNO3 20 µg/mL: Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, V 125 mL N9303829
trace HCL 20 µg/mL: Ge 10 µg/mL: As, Cd, Se, Zn
10 µg/mL: In, Ir, Li6, Rh, Tb, Y 5 µg/mL: Ag



Matrix Content Volume Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
5% HNO3/trace 500 µg/mL: Fe 125 mL N9303839 Interference Solutions for Method 6010 N9307106
Tartaric Acid/ 250 µg/mL: Ba, Zn Includes 1 bottle of each:
trace HF 100 µg/mL: Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al 125 mL N9300184
Ni, Sb, V
50 µg/mL: As, Pb 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 500 mL N9300108
25 µg/mL: Ag, Be, Cd, Se, Tl 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mg 125 mL N9300179
5% HNO3/trace 250 µg/mL: Ba, Cr, Cu, Zn 125 mL N9303840 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Fe 500 mL N9300126
Tartaric Acid/ 150 µg/mL: V 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: K 500 mL N9300141
trace HF 125 µg/mL: Ni
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Na 500 mL N9300152
100 µg/mL: Co, Pb, Sb
50 µg/mL: As, Cd 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cr 500 mL N9300112
5 µg/mL: Ag, Be, Se, Tl 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cu 500 mL N9300114
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Ca, Fe, K, 125 mL N9303835 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mn 500 mL N9300132
Mg, Na 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ni 500 mL N9300136
20 µg/mL: Ag, As, Ba, Be,
H2O/trace HF 1,000 µg/mL: Ti 500 mL N9300162
Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb,
Se, Tl, V, Zn 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: V 500 mL N9300165
H2O/trace HF 7,200 µg/mL: Cl 125 mL N9303836 5% HNO3 5,000 µg/mL: Al, Ca, Mg 500 mL N9300226
2,000 µg/mL: C 2,000 µg/mL: Fe
1,000 µg/mL: P, S 5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Cd, Ni, Zn 125 mL N9300227
20 µg/mL: Mo, Sb, Ti Tartaric Acid/ 60 µg/mL: Sb
trace HF 50 µg/mL: Ba, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, V
Calibration Standards Set for Method 6010 N9307104
20 µg/mL: Ag
Includes 1 bottle of each:
10 µg/mL: As, Tl
5% HNO3 5,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9300218 5 µg/mL: Pb, Se
5% HNO3 400 µg/mL: Ni 125 mL N9300219 5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Ti, V 500 mL N9300228
200 µg/mL: Zn
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Al, As, B, Mo, Na, 125 mL N9300229
150 µg/mL: Mn
Tartaric Acid/ Sb, Se, Tl
100 µg/mL: Ag, Cr
trace HF 10 µg/mL: Ca, Fe, Mg, Si
5% HNO3 2,000 µg/mL: Al, Ba 125 mL N9300220
Calibration Standards for Method 200.7 N9307107
1,000 µg/mL: Fe
500 µg/mL: Co, V
Includes 1 bottle of each:
250 µg/mL: Cu 5% HNO3 5,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9300218
50 µg/mL: Be 5% HNO3 400 µg/mL: Ni 125 mL N9300219
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: As, Tl 125 mL N9300221 200 µg/mL: Zn
50 µg/mL: Cd, Pb, Se 150 µg/mL: Mn
H2O/trace HF 10 µg/mL: B, Ge, Mo, Nb, P, Re, S, 125 mL N9300235 100 µg/mL: Ag, Cr
Si, Ta, Ti, W, Zr 5% HNO3 2,000 µg/mL: Al, Ba 125 mL N9300220
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Li 500 mL N9300129 1,000 µg/mL: Fe
500 µg/mL: Co, V
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Sb 500 mL N9300101 250 µg/mL: Cu
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Sr 500 mL N9300153 50 µg/mL: Be
20% HCl 1,000 µg/mL: Sn 500 mL N9300161 5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: As, Tl 125 mL N9300221
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cr 500 mL N9300112 50 µg/mL: Cd, Pb, Se
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cu 500 mL N9300114 H2O/trace HF 10 µg/mL: B, Ge, Mo, Nb, P, Re, S, 125 mL N9300235
Si, Ta, Ti, W, Zr
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mn 500 mL N9300132
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Li 500 mL N9300129
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ni 500 mL N9300136
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Sb 500 mL N9300101
H2O/tr HF 1,000 µg/mL: Ti 500 mL N9300162
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Sr 500 mL N9300153
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: V 500 mL N9300165
20% HCl 1,000 µg/mL: Sn 500 mL N9300161
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al 500 mL N9300100
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 500 mL N9300108 Interference Solutions for Method 200.7 N9307108
Includes 1 bottle of each:
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Fe 500 mL N9300126
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al 125 mL N9300184
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mg 500 mL N9300131
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 500 mL N9300108
Internal Standard Set for Method 6010 and 200.7 N9307105
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mg 125 mL N9300179
Includes 1 bottle of each:
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Fe 500 mL N9300126
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Y 500 mL N9300167
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: K 500 mL N9300141
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Sc 500 mL N9300148
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Na 500 mL N9300152
5% HNO3 5,000 µg/mL: Al, Ca, Mg 500 mL N9300226
2,000 µg/mL: Fe
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Cd, Ni, Zn 125 mL N9300227
Tartaric Acid/ 60 µg/mL: Sb
trace HF 50 µg/mL: Ba, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, V
20 µg/mL: Ag
10 µg/mL: As, Tl
5 µg/mL: Pb, Se



Matrix Content Volume Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
Environmental EPA Set 1 N9307110 5% HNO3 6,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N9300208
Includes 1 bottle of each: 5,000 µg/mL: Fe
3,000 µg/mL: Mg
2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Pb 125 mL N9300200
1,200 µg/mL: Al
200 µg/mL: Se
1,000 µg/mL Na
150 µg/mL: Cd, Zn
100 µg/mL: Mn H2O/trace HNO3/ 1,000 µg/mL: Sb 125 mL N9300207
50 µg/mL: Be 0.6% Tartaric Acid
5% HNO3 10,000 µg/mL: Fe 125 mL N9300201 5% HNO3 ASTM® Type I Water 500 mL N9307809
100 µg/mL: Ba, Co, Cu, V 5% HCl ASTM® Type I Water 500 mL N9307810
2% HNO3/trace HF 500 µg/mL: As 125 mL N9300202
100 mg/mL: Mo, Si Water Pollutant Standards
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N9300203
400 µg/mL: K Matrix Content Volume Part No.
200 µg/mL: Al, Na Primary Drinking Water Metals
20 µg/mL: Cr, Ni
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Ba 125 mL N9300216
5% HNO3/trace 1,000 µg/mL: Mg 125 mL N9300204 10 µg/mL: Ag, As, Cr, Hg*, Pb
Tartaric Acid/ 200 µg/mL: Sb, Tl 5 µg/mL: Cd, Se
trace HF 100 µg/mL: B
50 µg/mL: Ag Secondary Drinking Water Metals
5% HNO3 20,000 µg/mL: K 125 mL N9300205 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Zn 125 mL N9300217
1,000 µg/mL: As, Pb, Tl 100 µg/mL: Cu
500 µg/mL: Se 30 µg/mL: Fe
300 µg/mL: Ag, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, 5 µg/mL: Mn
Cu, Ni, V, Zn Trace Metals I
200 µg/mL: Mn 5% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Al 125 mL N9300211
100 µg/mL: Be 250 µg/mL: V
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300223 100 µg/mL: As, Be, Co, Cr, Cu,
5% HNO3 6,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N9300208 Fe Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn
5,000 µg/mL: Fe 25 µg/mL: Cd, Se
3,000 µg/mL: Mgs 10 µg/mL: Hg*
1,200 µg/mL: Al Trace Metals II
1,000 µg/mL: Na
2% HNO3 20 µg/mL: Sb, Tl 125 mL N9300212
H2O/trace 1,000 µg/mL: Sb 125 mL N9300207 10 µg/mL: Ag
HNO3/0.6% Tartaric
Acid Trace Metals III
5% HNO3 ASTM Type I Water
500 mL N9307809 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Ba, Ca, Mo, Na 125 mL N9300213
100 µg/mL: K, Mg
5% HCl ASTM Type I Water
500 mL N9307810
Alternate Metals I
Environmental EPA Set 2 N9307109
Includes 1 bottle of each: 2% HNO3 20 µg/mL: Al, Fe, V 125 mL N9300214
10 µg/mL: Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn
2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Pb 125 mL N9300200
5 µg/mL: Be, Sb, Tl
200 µg/mL: Se
150 µg/mL: Cd, Zn Alternate Metals II
100 µg/mL: Mn 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Ca, Na 125 mL N9300215
50 µg/mL: Be 100 µg/mL: K, Mg
5% HNO3 10,000 µg/mL: Fe 125 mL N9300201 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Ca, Na 500 mL N9303952
100 µg/mL: Ba, Co, Cu, V 100 µg/mL: K, Mg
2% HNO3/trace HF 500 µg/mL: As 125 mL N9300202
100 µg/mL: Mo, Si
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N9300203 Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure (TCLP)
400 µg/mL: K Standard
200 µg/mL: Al, Na
20 µg/mL: Cr, Ni Matrix Content Volume Part No.
5% HNO3/trace 1,000 µg/mL Mg 125 mL N9300204
TCLP Standard 1
Tartaric Acid/ 200 µg/mL: Sb, Tl
trace HF 100 µg/mL: B 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Ba 500 mL N9300241
50 µg/mL: Ag 25 µg/mL: Ag, As, Cr, Pb
100 µg/mL: Hg*
5% HNO3 20,000 µg/mL: K 125 mL N9300205
5 µg/mL: Cd, Se
1,000 µg/mL: As, Pb, Tl
500 µg/mL: Se
*Supplied in separate bottle
300 µg/mL: Ag, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr,
Cu, Ni, V, Zn
200 µg/mL: Mn
100 µg/mL: Be



Instrument Set-Up and SmartTune Standards

Matrix Content Volume Part No.

Calibration Standards SmartTune Solution for Standard ELANs/DRC-e

1% HNO3 10 μg/L: Ba, Be, Ce, Co, In, Pb,
Mg, Rh, U
1,000 mL N8125040

From instrument installation to instrument calibration, SmartTune Solution for DRC/DRCplus/DRC II

we provide quality set-up, check and calibration 0.5% HNO3 10 μg/L: Ba 1,000 mL N8125041
standards to ensure instrument performance. 1 μg/L: Be, Ce, Co, In, Fe, Pb,
Mg, Th, U
Instrument Calibration Standards Tuning Solution 1
2% HNO3/ 10 µg/mL: Ba, Be, Ce, Co, In, Li, 125 mL N9303843
Matrix Content Volume Part No. 5% HCl Mg, Pb, Rh, Tl, U, Y
Instrument Calibration Standard 1 NexION Setup Solution
5% HNO3/trace 20 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, 125 mL N9303816 1% HNO3 1 μg/L: Be, Ce, Fe, In, Li, Mg, Pb, U 500 mL N8145051
Tartaric Acid/ Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, 1% HNO3 10 μg/L: Be, Ce, Fe, In, Li, Mg, Pb, U 500 mL N8145284
trace HF Th, Tl, U, V, Zn
Instrument Calibration Standard 2 ICP-OES Solutions
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Ca, 125 mL N9301721
Tartaric Acid/ Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Matrix Volume Part No.
trace HF Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti, Tl, V, Zn UV Wavecal Solution 500 mL N0582152
Instrument Calibration Standard 3 Mixed Calibration Standard 500 mL N0691579
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9303818 Low UV Standard 250 mL N0691580
Initial Calibration Verification Standard 1 Calcium Stray Light Standard 125 mL N0691581
5% HNO3/trace 1,000 µg/mL: Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Sr 125 mL N9303825 VIS Align Solution 100 mL N0691743
Tartaric Acid 10 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd,
Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Magnesium Standard Pure 125 mL N0691745
Tl, V, Zn, Th, U Optima Blank in 2% HNO3 500 mL N0773120
Initial Calibration Verification Standard 2 Instrument Calibration Standard 4 125 mL N9300221
2% HNO3/trace HF 10 µg/mL: Sn, Ti 125 mL N9303826 Vis Wavecal Solution 250 mL N9302946
ELAN® 6100 DRC Setup/Stab/Masscal Solution
0.5% HNO3 10 μg/L: Ba 1,000 mL N8125035 Instrument Setup Solutions
1 μg/L: Al, Cd, Ce, Cr, Cu, In, Pb,
Mg, Mn, Rh, Th Matrix Content Volume Part No.
ELAN DRC/DRCplus/DRC II Solution Kit N8120541 Vis Wavecal Solution
Kit Includes: 2% HNO3 50 µg/mL: K 250 mL N9302946
2 x 1,000 mL: N8125035 10 µg/mL: La, Li, Mn, Na, Sr
Setup/Stability/Masscal Solution 1 µg/mL: Ba, Ca
2 x 250 mL: Wash Solution N8125033 UV Wavecal Solution
1 x 250 mL: Sensitivity/Detection N8125034 5% HCl 100 µg/mL: K, P, S 250 mL N0681470
Limit Solution 20 µg/mL: As, La, Li, Mn, Mo, Na,
Mo, Na, Ni, Sc
1 x 125 mL: Methanol N8125037
Blank Solution 5% HCl 100 µg/mL: K, P, S 500 mL N0582152
1 x 125 mL: Chromium in N8125038 20 µg/mL: As, La, Li, Mn, Mo,
Methanol Solution Na, Ni, Sc
1 µg/mL: Ca
ELAN 9000/6100 Solution Kit N8120522
Kit Includes: Low UV Standard
2 x 1,000 mL: Setup/Stability/ N8125030 2% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Al, P, S 250 mL N0691580
Masscal Solution Calcium Stray Light Standard
1 x 125 mL: Dual-Detector N8125010 H2O 10,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N0691581
1 x 1,000 mL: Wash Solution N8122038 1% HNO3 10 μg/L: Be, Ce, Fe, In, Li, Mg, Pb, U 500 mL N8145284
1 x 250 mL: Detection Limit N8125031
ELAN 9000/6100 Setup/Stability/Masscal Solution
1% HNO3 10 μg/L: Ba, Cd, Ce, Cu, In, Pb, 1,000 mL N8125030
Mg, Rh, U
ELAN 9000/6x00 Dual-Detector Calibration Solution
1% HNO3 200 μg/L: Cd, Cu, Pb, Mg, Rh 125 mL N8125032
ELAN 6000/5000 Plasma Setup Solution
2% HNO3 10 μg/L: Ba, Cd, Ce, Cu, Ge, Pb, 1,000 mL N8122014
Mg, Rh, Sc, Tb, Tl
ELAN 5000 Detection Limit Solution
2% HNO3 10 μg/L: Be, Co, Ge, In, Tl, U 125 mL N8122017



Initial Calibration Verification Standards Interference Check Standards

Matrix Contents Volume Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
5% HNO3/trace 500 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 500 mL N9300224 Interference Check Standard 1
Tartaric Acid 200 µg/mL: Al, Ba H2O/trace HNO3/ 1,000 µg/mL: Sb 125 mL N9300207
100 µg/mL: Fe 0.6% Tartaric Acid
60 µg/mL: Sb
Interference Check Standard 5
50 µg/mL: Co, V
40 µg/mL: Ni 5% HNO3 6,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N9300208
25 µg/mL: Cu 5,000 µg/mL: Fe
20 µg/mL: Zn 3,000 µg/mL: Mg
15 µg/mL: Mn 1,200 µg/mL: Al
10 µg/mL: Ag, As, Cr, Tl 1,000 µg/mL: Na
5 µg/mL: Be, Cd, Se Interference Check Standard 18
3 µg/mL: Pb 5% HNO3 20,000 µg/mL: K 125 mL N9300205
5% HNO3/trace 500 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9303953 1,000 µg/mL: As, Pb, Tl
Tartaric Acid 200 µg/mL: Al, Ba 500 µg/mL: Se
100 µg/mL: Fe 300 µg/mL: Ag, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr,
60 µg/mL: Sb Cu, Ni, V, Zn
50 µg/mL: Co, V 200 µg/mL: Mn
40 µg/mL: Ni 100 µg/mL: Be, Hg*
25 µg/mL: Cu Interferents A
20 µg/mL: Zn
5% HNO3 5,000 µg/mL: Al, Ca, Mg 500 mL N9300226
15 µg/mL: Mn
2,000 µg/mL: Fe
10 µg/mL: Ag, As, Cr, Tl
5 µg/mL: Be, Cd, Se Alternate Interferents A
3 µg/mL: Pb 5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Ti, V 500 mL N9300228
Analytes B
Instrument Calibration Standards for CLP 5% HNO3/ 100 µg/mL: Cd, Ni, Zn 125 mL N9300227
trace Tartaric Acid/ 60 µg/mL: Sb
Matrix Content Volume Part No. trace HF 50 µg/mL: Ba, Be, Co, Cr, Cu,
Instrument Calibration Standard 1 Mn, V
5% HNO3 5,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9300218 20 µg/mL: Ag
10 µg/mL: As, Tl
Instrument Calibration Standard 2
5 µg/mL: Pb, Se
5% HNO3 400 µg/mL: Ni 125 mL N9300219
Alternate Analytes B
200 µg/mL: Zn
150 µg/mL: Mn 5% HNO3/ trace 100 µg/mL: Al, As, B, Mo, Na, 125 mL N9300229
100 µg/mL: Ag, Cr Tartaric Acid/ Sb, Se, Tl
trace HF 10 µg/mL: Ca, Fe, Mg, Si
Instrument Calibration Standard 3
Interference Check Standards
5% HNO3 2,000 µg/mL: Al, Ba 125 mL N9300220
1,000 µg/mL: Fe H2O/trace HNO3/ 1,000 µg/mL: Sb 500 mL N9303797
500 µg/mL: Co, V 0.6% Tartaric Acid
250 µg/mL: Cu Interference Check Solution 1 (for SW-846 and ILM 05.2)
50 µg/mL: Be 5% HNO3/trace HF 10,000 µg/mL: Cl 125 mL N9303828
Instrument Calibration Standard 4 2,000 µg/mL: C
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: As, Tl 125 mL N9300221 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg,
50 µg/mL: Cd, Se Na, P, S
30 µg/mL: Pb 20 µg/mL: Mo, Ti
Interference Check Solution 2 (for SW-846)
Instrument Calibration Standards for CLP 2% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, 125 mL N9303830
Mn, Ni, Zn
Matrix Content Volume Part No. Analytes C (for ILM 05.2)
Instrument Check Standard 1 2% HNO3/ 2 µg/mL: Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, 125 mL N9303831
2% HNO3/ trace 10 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, 125 mL N9303821 trace Tartaric Acid/ Cr, Cu, Hg*, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se,
Tartaric Acid/ Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, trace HF Tl, V, Zn
trace HF Tl, V, Zn
*Supplied in separate bottle

Instrument Check Standard 3

2% HNO3 200 µg/mL: Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9303822
Instrument Check Standard 4
2% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Mo, Th, U 125 mL N9303823
Instrument Check Standard 5
2% HNO3/trace HF 10 µg/mL: Mo, Sn, Sr, Ti 125 mL N9303824



Internal Standard Solutions Performance Verification Standards continued

Matrix Content Volume Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
Multi-Element Internal Standard NexION Setup Solution
2% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Bi, Ho, In, Li6, Sc, Tb, Y 125 mL N9303834 1% HNO3 1 μg/L: Be, Ce, Fe, In, Li, Mg, 500 mL N8145051
Multi-Element Internal Standard Pb, U
2% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Bi, Ho, In, Li6, Sc, Tb, Y 100 mL N9301722 1% HNO3 10 μg/L: Be, Ce, Fe, In, Li, Mg, 500 mL N8145284
Internal Standard Mix Pb, U
5-10% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Bi, Ge, In, Li6, Sc, Tb, Y 125 mL N9303832 NexION KED Setup Solution
Internal Standard Mix 1% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Be, Ce, Fe, In, Li, Mg, 500 mL N8145289
5-10% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Bi, Ge, In, Li6, Sc, Tb, Y 500 mL N9303833 Pb, U
1% HCl 10 μg/L: Co 250 mL N8145052
1 μg/L: Ce
Contract Required Detection Limits (CRDL)
NexION Fit Spec. Verify Solution
Matrix Content Volume Part No. 1% HNO3 1 mg/L ± 5 % Li, Be, Mg, Fe, In, 125 mL N8145049
% HNO3/ 120 µg/mL: Sb 125 mL N9300225 Ce, Pb, U
trace Tartaric Acid/ 100 µg/mL: Co, V Internal Stock Solution
trace HF 80 µg/mL: Ni 5% HNO3 12.5 µg/mL Ni, Sc, Te, Y 100 mL N8145419
50 µg/mL: Cu
40 µg/mL: Zn Internal Stock Solution
30 µg/mL: Mn 5% HNO3 12.5 µg/mL Ni, Sc, Te, Y 500 mL N8145420
20 µg/mL: Ag, As, Cr, Tl Special 1 Pure Plus
10 µg/mL: Be, Cd, Se
6 µg/mL: Pb 2% HNO3 200 µg/mL Ca, K, Na, P 100 mL N8145421
40 µg/mL Mg
4 µg/mL Fe, Zn
Performance Verification Standards 200 µg/L Cu
100 µg/L Mn
Matrix Content Volume Part No. 40 µg/L Cr, Mo, Se
Methanol Blank Solution Special 2 Pure Plus
1% Semiconductor Grade 125 mL N8125037 5% HNO3 1000 µg/mL Ca, K, Na, P 100 mL N8145422
Chromium in Methanol Solution 200 µg/mL Mg
1% Semiconductor 10 µg/mL: Cr 125 mL N8125038 20 µg/m: Fe, Zn
Grade Methanol 1000 µg/: Cr, Mo, Se
Selenium Solution NexION 350Q/2000 Non-cell Stability Solution
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Se 250 mL N8125039 1% HNO3 1 μg/L: Cd, Cu, Mg, Pb 500 mL N8145053
NexION 350Q Solution Kit – Non-Cell N8140503 NexION 350X/D/S/1000/2000 Cell Stability Solution
Kit Includes: 1% HNO3 1 μg/L: Cd, Cr, Fe, Mg, Pb 500 mL N8145054
1% HNO3 1 x 250 mL NexION Wash Solution N8145050 10 μg/L: Co, Cu, In, Se
1 x 500 mL NexION Setup Solution N8145051 NexION 1000/2000 Cell Stability Solution without Se
1 x 500 mL NexION 300Q N8145053 1% HNO3 1 μg/L: Cd, Cr, Fe, In, Mg, Pb 500 mL N8151033
Non-cell Stability Solution 10 μg/L: Co, Cu
1 x 100 mL NexION Standard/ DRC Mode N8145055 NexION 350X/D Internal Standard Stock Solution
Detection Limit Blank Solution 2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Sc 125 mL N9308592
1 x 100 mL NexION Standard/ DRC Mode N8145056 50 µg/mL: Ge
Detection Limit Solution 1 µg/mL: Rh, In, Tb
1 x 100 mL NexION Dual Detector Solution N8145059 NexION 350Q Internal Standard Stock Solution
NexION 350 X/D/S 1000/2000 Solution Kit N8140504 2% HNO3 50 µg/mL: Sc, Ge 125 mL N9308591
– Cell Instruments 10 µg/mL: Rh, In, Tb
Kit Includes:
NexION Standard/DRC Mode Detection Limit Blank Solution
1 x 250 mL NexION Wash Solution N8145050
0.5% HNO3 100 mL N8145055
1 x 500 mL NexION Setup Solution N8145051
NexION Standard/DRC Mode Detection Limit Solution
1 x 250 mL NexION KED Setup Solution N8145052
0.5% HNO3 1 μg/L: Be, Ca, Co, Fe, In, U 100 mL N8145056
1 x 500 mL NexION 350X/D/S N8145054
Cell Stability Solution NexION KED Mode Detection Limit Blank Solution
1 x 100 mL NexION Standard/DRC Mode N8145055 1% HCl 100 mL N8145057
Detection Limit Blank Solution NexION KED Mode Detection Limit Solution
1 x 100 mL NexION Standard/DRC Mode N8145056 1% HCl 10 μg/L: V, As, Se 100 mL N8145058
Detection Limit Solution
NexION Dual Detector Solution
1 x 100 mL NexION KED Mode Detection N8145057
Limit Blank Solution 2% HNO3 200 μg/L: Al, Ba, Ce, Co, ,Cu, In, 100 mL N8145059
Li, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Tb, U, Zn
1 x 100 mL NexION KED Mode Detection N8145058
Limit Solution
1 x 100 mL NexION Dual Detector Solution N8145059



Performance Verification Standards continued

Matrix Content Volume Part No.
Isotope Standard
NexION AFT Single-Element Solution Matrix Content Volume Part No.
2% HNO3 2 μg/L: Fe 100 mL N8145060 Lithium 6 Standard
NexION AFT Multi-Element Solution 2% HNO3 100 mg/L: Li6 125 mL N9303955
2% HNO3 2 μg/L: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, 100 mL N8145061
Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu,
Fe, Ga, In, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na,
Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V, Zn
NexION AFT Single-Element Solution (H/He)

2% HNO3 10 μg/L Se 125 mL N8151037

NexION AFT Multi-Element Solution (H/He)

2% HNO3 10 μg/L Ag, Al, AS, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, 125 mL N8151038
Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, In, K,

Universal Data
Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr,
Tl, U, V, Zn
Cold Plasma Optimization Solution

0.1% HNO3 1 µg/L Li, Co, Rb, In, Cs, Pb 250 mL N8151032 Calibration Standards Kit
Matrix Content Volume Part No.

Wash Standards Solution Kit

Includes 1 bottle of each:

and Matrix Blanks

5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Ce, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, 125 mL N9303816
Ho, La, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sm, Sc, Tb, Th,
Tm, Y, Yb
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Al, Ag, As, Ba, Be, Bi, 125 mL
Wash Standards Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga,
Hg*, In, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb,
Matrix Volume Part No. Rb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V, Zn
ELAN DRC Wash Solution 10% HCl/ 10 µg/mL: Au, Hf, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh, 125 mL
0.5% HNO3 250 mL N8125033 1% HNO3 Ru, Sb, Sn, Te
ELAN 9000/6X00/DRC-e Wash Solution 5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg* 125 mL
1% HNO3 1,000 mL N8122038 H2O /trace HF/ 10 µg/mL: B, Ge, Mo, Nb, P, Re, S, 125 mL
trace HNO3 Si, Ta, Ti, W, Zr
NexION Wash Solution
1% HNO3 250 mL N8145050 *Supplied in separate bottle

Matrix Blanks
Matrix Volume Part No.
Water Blank N8125033
ASTM® Type I Water, 18 megohm 125 mL N9303814
ASTM® Type I Water, 18 megohm 250 mL N9303813
Hydrochloric Acid Blanks
2% HCl in ASTM® Type I Water 125 mL N9300238
5% HNO3 in ASTM® Type I Water 500 mL N9308571
Nitric Acid Blanks
1% HNO3 in ASTM® Type I Water 125 mL N9303732
2% HNO3 in ASTM Type I Water
500 mL N0773120
2% HNO3 in ASTM® Type I Water 500 mL N9308550
5% HNO3 in ASTM® Type I Water 500 mL N9308571



Pharmaceutical Analysis Standards

USP Standards
As a part of our United States Pharmacopeia (USP) compliant offering, we provide calibration and
check standards for the analysis of metals in drugs, pharmaceutical substances and raw materials
to verify Oral Daily Dose PDE, Parenteral Component Limit and Parenteral Daily Dose PDE.
Our trace metal USP standards can be used to calibrate Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury, the
four toxic metals as part of the USP regulations. When you couple our accurate and reliable USP
standards with your ICP-MS you will remain compliant with the new and changing regulations.

ICH Standards
In conjunction with our United States Pharmacopeia (USP) calibration standards,
we offer six calibration standards for the analysis of metals in pharmaceutical materials and
products following the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines.
The ICH standards verify Elemental Impurities, Precious Metals Impurities and Parenteral Elemental
Impurities. Couple our accurate and reliable ICH standards with your ICP-MS and you will remain
compliant with the new and changing regulations.

USP and ICH Standards

Matrix Content Volume Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
ICH Elemental Impurities Standards Kit – Oral PDEs N9304361 ICH Elemental Impurities Standards Kit – Parenteral PDEs N9304368
Kit Includes: Kit Includes:
5% HNO3/ ICH Class 1 Elements + Tl 125 mL N9304362 5% HNO3/ ICH Class 1 Elements 125 mL N9304369
2% HCl – Oral PDE: 2% HCl + Tl – Parenteral PDE:
30 µg/mL Hg 15 µg/mL As
15 µg/mL As 8 µg/mL Tl
8 µg/mL Tl 5 µg/mL Pb
5 µg/mL Cd, Pb 3 µg/mL Hg
2 µg/mL Cd
2% HNO3 ICH Class 2A Elements – 125 mL N9304363
Oral and Parenteral PDEs: 2% HNO3 ICH Class 2A Elements – 125 mL N9304363
200 µg/mL Ni Oral and Parenteral PDEs:
100 µg/mL V 200 µg/mL Ni
50 µg/mL Co 100 µg/mL V
50 µg/mL Co
2% HCl 100 µg/mL Au 125 mL N9303728
2% HCl 100 µg/mL Au 125 mL N9303728
15% HCl ICH Class 2B Precious Metal 125 mL N9304364
Elements (no Os) – All PDEs: 15% HCl ICH Class 2B Precious Metal 125 mL N9304364
100 µg/mL Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru Elements (no Os) – All PDEs:
100 µg/mL Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru
2% HNO3 ICH Class 2B Se and Ag 125 mL N9304365
– Oral PDE: 2% HNO3 ICH Class 2B Se and Ag – 125 mL N9304372
150 µg/mL Ag, Se Parenteral PDE:
80 µg/mL Se
5% HNO3/trace ICH Class 3 Elements – Oral PDEs: 125 mL N9304366
10 µg/mL Ag
Tartaric Acid/ 1100 µg/mL Cr
trace HF 600 µg/mL Sn 2% HNO3/trace ICH Class 3 Elements – 125 mL N9304373
300 µg/mL Cu, Mo Tartaric Acid/ Parenteral PDEs:
140 µg/mL Ba trace HF 150 µg/mL Mo
120 µg/mL Sb 110 µg/mL Cr
55 µg/mL Li 60 µg/mL Sn
30 µg/mL Cu
2% HNO3 Internal Standards – All PDEs: 125 mL N9304367
70 µg/mL Ba
50 µg/mL Ge
25 µg/mL Li
20 µg/mL Ga
9 µg/mL Sb
1 µg/mL In, Tb
2% HNO3 Internal Standards – All PDEs: 125 mL N9304367
50 µg/mL Ge
20 µg/mL Ga
1 µg/mL In, Tb



USP and ICH Standards continued

Matrix Content Volume Part No.
Gold Nanoparticle
ICH Elemental Impurities Standards Kit – Inhalational PDEs
Kit Includes:
5% HNO3/ ICH Class 1 Elements + Tl – 125 mL

2% HCl Inhalational PDE: Fully characterized gold nanospheres designed for Single
8 µg/mL Tl Particle-ICP-MS. These particle standards have a nearly perfect
5 µg/mL Pb
2 µg/mL As, Cd
spherical shape, narrow size (CV < 5%) and particle number
1 µg/mL Hg distributions (CV < 5%).
2% HNO3 ICH Class 2A Elements – 125 mL N9304377
Inhalational PDEs:
Description Diameter Volume Part No.
5 µg/mL Ni (nm)
3 µg/mL Co Ultra Uniform Gold Nanospheres 30 25 mL N8151034
1 µg/mL V Particle Standard 1e7 particles/mL,
2% HCl 100 µg/mL Au 125 mL N9303728 PEG Carboxyl 0.8 kDa
15% HCl ICH Class 2B Precious Metal 125 mL N9304364 Ultra Uniform Gold Nanospheres 50 25 mL N8151035
Elements (no Os) – All PDEs: Particle Standard 1e7 particles/mL,
100 µg/mL Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru PEG Carboxyl 0.8 kDa
2% HNO3 ICH Class 2B Se and Ag – 125 mL N9304379 Ultra Uniform Gold Nanospheres 100 25 mL N8151036
Inhalational PDE: Particle Standard 1e7 particles/mL,
130 µg/mL Se PEG Carboxyl 0.8 kDa
7 µg/mL Ag
2% HNO3/trace ICH Class 3 Elements – 125 mL N9304380
Tartaric Acid/ Inhalational PDEs:
trace HF 300 µg/mL Ba
60 µg/mL Sn
30 µg/mL Cu
25 µg/mL Li
20 µg/mL Sb
10 µg/mL Mo
3 µg/mL Cr
2% HNO3 Internal Standards – All PDEs: 125 mL N9304367
50 µg/mL Ge
20 µg/mL Ga
1 µg/mL In, Tb

Matrix Content Volume Part No.

ICH Class 2B Precious Metal Elements – All PDEs
15% HCl ICH Class 2B Precious Metal 125 mL N9304382
Elements – All PDEs:
100 µg/mL Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru

Matrix Content Volume Part No.

15% HCl 100 µg/mL Os 125 mL N9304383



Metallo-Organic Standards
PerkinElmer Metallo-Organic Standards provide a comprehensive
solution to your application needs.
Our product offering includes:
• Single and multi-element standards for the analysis of wear
metals and metal additives in oil
• Reference materials for used oil analysis of fuel, soot, water,
acid number, base number or viscosity
• Sulfur standards made from polysulfide oil
• High purity matrix oils and solvents
• Proficiency testing standards with instant feedback
Each product is shipped with a comprehensive Certificate of
Analysis. Our Metallo-Organic Standards have been designed to give
you the confidence you need when analyzing difficult samples.

Single-Element, Metallo-Organic Standards

Element Symbol Matrix Size Part No. Element Symbol Matrix Size Part No.
Aluminum 1000 μg/g Al Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308200 Nickel 1000 μg/g Ni Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308220
Aluminum 5000 μg/g Al Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308729 Phosphorus 1000 μg/g P Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308221
Antimony 1000 μg/g Sb Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308201 Potassium 1000 μg/g K Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308222
Arsenic 1000 μg/g As Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308202 Scandium 1000 μg/g Sc Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308223
Barium 1000 μg/g Ba Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308203 Selenium 1000 μg/g Se Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308224
Beryllium 1000 μg/g Be Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308204 Silicon 1000 μg/g Si Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308225
Bismuth 1000 μg/g Bi Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308205 Silver 1000 μg/g Ag Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308226
Boron 1000 μg/g B Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308206 Sodium 1000 μg/g Na Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308227
Cadmium 1000 μg/g Cd Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308207 Strontium 1000 μg/g Sr Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308228
Calcium 1000 μg/g Ca Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308208 Sulfur 10 μg/g S Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308229
Calcium 5000 μg/g Ca Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308322 Sulfur 100 μg/g S Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308230
Chromium 1000 μg/g Cr Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308209 Sulfur 1000 μg/g S Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308231
Cobalt 1000 μg/g Co Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308210 Thallium 1000 μg/g Tl Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308232
Copper 1000 μg/g Cu Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308211 Tin 1000 μg/g Sn Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308233
Iron 1000 μg/g Fe Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308212 Titanium 1000 μg/g Ti Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308234
Lanthanum 1000 μg/g La Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308213 Vanadium 1000 μg/g V Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308235
Lead 1000 μg/g Pb Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308214 Yttrium 1000 μg/g Y Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308236
Lithium 1000 μg/g Li Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308215 Yttrium 5000 μg/g Y Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308323
Magnesium 1000 μg/g Mg Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308216 Zinc 1000 μg/g Zn Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308237
Manganese 1000 μg/g Mn Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308217 Zirconium 1000 μg/g Zr Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308238
Mercury 1000 μg/g Hg Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308218
Molybdenum 1000 μg/g Mo Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308219

Lubricant Guide
For more information on our Lubricants consumables offering visit
www.PerkinElmer.com/lubricants. You’ll find everything from application notes
to a comprehensive guide of consumables for all your Lubricants analysis needs.



V-21 Wear Metal Standards V-23 Wear Metal Standards

Includes: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn Includes: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn
Description Matrix Size Part No. Description Matrix Size Part No.
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 10 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308300 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 10 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308239
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 10 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308301 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 10 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776109
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 10 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308324 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 10 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308315
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 30 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308302 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 30 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308241
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 30 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308303 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 30 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308242
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 30 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308325 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 30 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308316
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 50 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308304 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 50 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308243
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 50 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308305 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 50 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776104
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 50 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308326 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 50 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308317
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 100 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308306 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 100 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308245
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 100 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308307 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 100 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776105
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 100 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308327 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 100 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308318
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 300 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308308 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 300 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308247
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 300 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308309 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 300 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308248
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 300 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308328 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 300 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308319
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 500 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308310 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 500 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308249
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 500 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308311 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 500 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776106
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 500 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308329 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 500 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308320
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 900 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308312 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 900 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308251
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 900 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308313 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 900 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308252
V-21 Wear Metals Standard 900 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308330 V-23 Wear Metals Standard 900 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308321

V-21+K Wear Metal Standards V-26 Wear Metal Standards

Includes: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn Includes: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, In, Li, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb,
Sb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn
Description Matrix Size Part No.
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 10 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308355 Description Matrix Size Part No.
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 10 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308356 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 10 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N0776130
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 30 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308357 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 10 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776131
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 30 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308358 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 10 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308743
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 30 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308371 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 30 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N0776132
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 50 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308359 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 30 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776133
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 50 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308360 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 30 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308745
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 50 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308372 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 50 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N0776134
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 100 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308361 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 50 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776135
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 100 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308362 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 50 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308747
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 100 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308373 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 100 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N0776136
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 300 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308363 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 100 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N0776137
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 300 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308364 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 100 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308742
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 500 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308365 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 300 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N0776138
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 500 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308366 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 300 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776139
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 500 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308374 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 300 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308744
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 900 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308367 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 500 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N0776140
V-21+K Wear Metals Standard 900 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308368 V-26 Wear Metals Standard 500 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776141
V-26 Wear Metals Standard 500 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308746
V-26 Wear Metals Standard 900 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N0776142
Internal Standards
V-26 Wear Metals Standard 900 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776143
Description Matrix Size Part No. V-26 Wear Metals Standard 900 µg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308748
Cobalt (Co) Internal Standard, 6% Mineral Spirits 200 g N0776107
Cobalt (Co) Internal Standard, 6% Mineral Spirits 400 g N9308334 Setup Solutions
Cobalt (Co) Internal Standard, 5000 μg/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308258
Cobalt Sulfur-Free Metallo-Organic Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9304168 Description Matrix Size Part No.
Concentrate: Co @ approx 3% Setup Solution in Hydrocarbon Oil 75 cSt Mineral Oil 100 g N9308384
Contents: Be, Ce, Fe, In, Li, Pb @ 10 µg/g
Setup Solution in Hydrocarbon Oil 75 cSt Mineral Oil 400 g N9308387
Contents: Be, Ce, Fe, In, Li, Pb @ 10 µg/g



Metal Additive Standards Acid Number Standards

Description Matrix Size Part No. Description Matrix Size Part No.
Metal Additive Standard 3: Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308369 Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308160
Ca @ 5000 μg/g; P, Zn @ 1600 μg/g Material, 0.1 mg KOH/g
Metal Additive Standard 3: Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308370 Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308161
Ca @ 5000 μg/g; P, Zn @ 1600 μg/g Material, 0.1 mg KOH/g
Metal Additive Standard 3: Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308552 Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308166
Ca @ 5000 μg/g; P, Zn @ 1600 μg/g Material, 0.5 mg KOH/g
Metal Additive Standard 4: Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308259 Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308167
Ca @ 5000 μg/g; Mg, P, Zn @ 1600 μg/g Material, 0.5 mg KOH/g
Metal Additive Standard 4: Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N0776108 Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308162
Ca @ 5000 μg/g; Mg, P, Zn @ 1600 μg/g Material, 1 mg KOH/g
Metal Additive Standard 4: Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308333 Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308163
Ca @ 5000 μg/g; Mg, P, Zn @ 1600 μg/g Material, 1 mg KOH/g
Metal Additives Standard: Hydrocarbon Oil 200 g N9308551 Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 100 g N9308164
Ca @ 5000 μg/g; Material, 1.5 mg KOH/g
P -Phosphorus @ 1600 μg/g,
Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308165
Zn – Zinc (1600) @ 1600 μg/g
Material, 1.5 mg KOH/g
Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308170
Material, 2 mg KOH/g
Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308171
Material, 2 mg KOH/g
Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308168
Material, 3 mg KOH/g
Acid Number (AN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308169
Material, 3 mg KOH/g

Fuel Dilution Standards

V-Solv™ ICP Description Matrix Size Part No.

Solvent 1 Gallon Blank for Diesel Fuel Dilution Standard 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308266
6% w/w Custom Fuel Dilution Standard 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308741
Matrix Oils and Solvents
Blank for Gas Fuel Dilution Standard 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308270
Description Matrix Size Part No. 100 µg/g Ethylene Glycol Standard Multi-grade Diesel 80 mL N9308388
Engine Oil
Hydrocarbon Oil 75 cSt Oil 500 mL N0776103
500 µg/g Ethylene Glycol Standard Multi-grade Diesel 80 mL N9308389
Hydrocarbon Oil 75 cSt Oil 1 Gal. N9308262 Engine Oil
Mineral Oil (low sulfur) 20 cSt Mineral Oil 500 mL N9308263 600 µg/g Ethylene Glycol QC Standard Multi-grade Diesel 80 mL N9308398
Mineral Oil (low sulfur) 20 cSt Mineral Oil 1/2 Gal. N9308264 Engine Oil
1000 µg/g Ethylene Glycol Standard Multi-grade Diesel 80 mL N9308396
V-Solv™ ICP Solvent V-Solv™ 1 Gal. N9308265
Engine Oil
V-Solv™ ICP Solvent V-Solv™ 5 Gal. N9308378 2000 µg/g Ethylene Glycol Standard Multi-grade Diesel 80 mL N9308397
Citrajet Liquid Acid Cleaner 1 Gal. N0777063 Engine Oil
Citrajet Liquid Acid Cleaner 5 Gal. N0777064 Ethylene Glycol Standards Set Multi-grade Diesel 6x N9308399
Engine Oil 80 mL
V-Solv + Cobalt ICP Solvent

V-Solv ™
1 Gal. N9308198
Ethylene Glycol Standards Set Multi-grade Diesel 80 mL N9308379
V-Solv™ + Cobalt ICP Solvent V-Solv™ 5 Gal. N9308199 Engine Oil

Devolatilized Diesel Fuel Standards

Description Matrix Size Part No.
2% w/w Devolatilized Diesel Fuel 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308151
4% w/w Devolatilized Diesel Fuel 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308152
5% w/w Devolatilized Diesel Fuel 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308153
10% w/w Devolatilized Diesel Fuel 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308154
Custom Fuel Dilution Std. 6% (w/w) 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308155
2% w/w Devolatilized Gasoline 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308156
5% w/w Devolatilized Gasoline 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308157
10% w/w Devolatilized Gasoline 75 cSt Hydrocarbon Oil 100 mL N9308158



Base Number Standards Soot Content Standards

Description Matrix Size Part No. Nominal Soot Content Range (%) Matrix Size Part No.
Base Number (BN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308554 Nominal Soot Content Range: Blank 15W40 Diesel Oil 50 mL N9308282
Material, 6 mg KOH/g
Nominal Soot Content Range: 0.5-2% 15W40 Diesel Oil 50 mL N9308283
Base Number (BN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308181
Nominal Soot Content Range: 2-4% 15W40 Diesel Oil 50 mL N9308284
Material, 6 mg KOH/g
Nominal Soot Content Range: 4-6% 15W40 Diesel Oil 50 mL N9308285
Base Number (BN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308555
Material, 10 mg KOH/g
Base Number (BN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308173 Soot Content Standard Set
Material, 10 mg KOH/g
Nominal Soot Content Range (%) Matrix Size Part No.
Base Number (BN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308174
Material, 15 mg KOH/g Nominal Soot Content Range: 15W40 Diesel Oil 6x N9308730
0.0, 0.5-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-9, 9-12wt% 50 mL
Base Number (BN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308176
Material, 30 mg KOH/g
Base Number (BN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308177 OilExpress Standards
Material, 30 mg KOH/g
Description Matrix Size Part No.
Base Number (BN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308178
Material, 40 mg KOH/g In-Service Lubricants FT-IR 15W40 Diesel Oil 100 mL N9308350
Control Standard
Base Number (BN) Reference Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308182
Material, 70 mg KOH/g In-Service Lubricants FT-IR 15W40 Diesel Oil 500 mL N9308375
Control Standard
Base Number Standard 15 mg KOH/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308175
OilExpress 4 Test Oil 120 cSt PAO Oils 500 mL N9308351
Base Number Standard 30 mg KOH/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50 g N9308553
OilExpress 4 Test Oil 360 cSt PAO Oils 100 mL N9308352
Base Number Standard 40 mg KOH/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308179
OilExpress 4 System Liquid 100 mL N9308354
Base Number Standard 70 mg KOH/g Hydrocarbon Oil 400 g N9308133
Detergent Additive
OilExpress 4 System Liquid 500 mL N9308376
Detergent Additive
OilExpress 4 System Liquid 1 Gal. N9308380
Detergent Additive
Pathlength Calibration 50 mL N9308377
Fluid (Squalane)
OilExpress 4 Installation Kit N9300850
(includes N9308350, N9308351,
N9308352, N9308354,
and N9308377)

Dilution Oil Karl Fischer Standards

Viscosity Reference Standards
Description Matrix Size Part No.
Karl Fischer Standards Viscosity Standard Reference Kit Hydrocarbons 5x N5316000
Kit includes: N5316001, N5316002, 500 mL
Nominal Water Concentration (%) Matrix Size Part No. N5316003, N5316004, N5316005
Karl Fischer Water in Oil, 0.05% 10W30 Motor Oil 100 mL N9308298 Nominal Viscosity: Hydrocarbons 500 mL N9307740
4.5 cSt at 40 °C and 1.6 cSt at 100 °C
Karl Fischer Water in Oil, 0.1% 10W30 Motor Oil 100 mL N9308279
Nominal Viscosity: Hydrocarbons 500 mL N5316001
Karl Fischer Water in Oil, 0.5% 10W30 Motor Oil 100 mL N9308280
10 cSt at 40 °C and 2.7 cSt at 100 °C
Karl Fischer Water in Oil, 1.0% 10W30 Motor Oil 100 mL N9308281
Nominal Viscosity: Hydrocarbons 500 mL N5316002
30 cSt at 40 °C and 5.3 cSt at 100 °C
Crackle Test Reference Standards Nominal Viscosity: Hydrocarbons 1 Gal. N5316025
30 cSt at 40 °C and 5.3 cSt at 100 °C
Description Matrix Size Part No. Nominal Viscosity: Hydrocarbons 500 mL N5316003
Crackle Test Reference Standard 10W30 Motor Oil 100 g N9308337 100 cSt at 40 °C and 16.8 cSt at 100 °C
0 wt% H2O
Nominal Viscosity: Hydrocarbons 1 Gal. N5316024
Crackle Test Reference Standard 10W30 Motor Oil 100 g N9308338
100 cSt at 40 °C and 16.8 cSt at 100 °C
0.1 wt% H2O
Nominal Viscosity: Hydrocarbons 500 mL N5316004
Crackle Test Reference Standard 10W30 Motor Oil 100 g N9308339
360 cSt at 40 °C and 42 cSt at 100 °C
0.5 wt% H2O
Nominal Viscosity: Hydrocarbons 500 mL N5316005
930 cSt at 40 °C and 82 cSt at 100 °C



Biodiesel Standards Coolant Standards

Description Matrix Size Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
Biodiesel Blank B100 Biodiesel 100 mL N9308286 Custom Standard HI 1A
Biodiesel Blank B100 Biodiesel 500 mL N9308287 3% HNO3 (v/v) Al @ 10 μg/mL, Mg @ 20 μg/mL, 500 mL N9308341
Sulfur @ 20 μg/g in Biodiesel B100 Biodiesel 100 mL N9308288 Ca @ 32 μg/mL,
Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn @ 50 μg/mL,
Metals in Biodiesel – Ca, K, Mg, Na, B100 Biodiesel 100 g N9308289
B @ 1000 μg/mL, P @2000 μg/mL,
P @ 20 μg/g
K @ 5000 μg/mL,
Multi-Element Biodiesel Standard B100 Biodiesel 100 g N9308726 Na @10,000 μg/mL
5 μg/g, Ca, K, Mg, Na, P
Custom Standard QC 1A
3% HNO3 (v/v) Al, Cu @5 μg/mL, 500 mL N9308342
Biodiesel Blends Mg @ 10 μg/mL, Zn @ 20 μg/mL,
Fe, Pb @ 25 μg/mL, Ca @ 50 μg/mL,
Description Matrix Size Part No. B @ 250 μg/mL, P @1000 μg/mL,
100% High Cetane Diesel High Cetane Diesel Fuel 20 mL N9308290 K @ 2500 μg/mL, Na @ 5000 μg/mL
2% (v/v) Biodiesel High Cetane Diesel Fuel 20 mL N9308291 Custom Standard LO 1A
5% (v/v) Biodiesel High Cetane Diesel Fuel 20 mL N9308292 3% HNO3 (v/v) Al, Cu @ 2 μg/mL, 500 mL N9308343
Mg, Zn @ 4 μg/mL, Fe, @ 5 μg/mL,
10% (v/v) Biodiesel High Cetane Diesel Fuel 20 mL N9308293
Ca, Pb@ 10 μg/mL, B @ 50 μg/mL,
15% (v/v) Biodiesel High Cetane Diesel Fuel 20 mL N9308294
P @ 400 μg/mL, K, Na @ 1000 μg/mL
20% (v/v) Biodiesel High Cetane Diesel Fuel 20 mL N9308295
Custom Standard QC 1B
100% (v/v) Biodiesel B100 Biodiesel 20 mL N9308296
3% HNO3 (v/v)/ Sn @ 10 μg/mL, 500 mL N9308344
trace HF Si @ 30 μg/mL, Mo @ 50 μg/mL
Sulfur Standards Custom Standard LO 1B
3% HNO3 (v/v)/ Sn @ 5 μg/mL, 500 mL N9308345
Description Matrix Size Part No.
trace HF Si @ 10 μg/mL, Mo @ 20 μg/mL
Polysulfide Oil Blank 13 cSt Mineral Oil 500 mL N9308390
Custom Standard HI 1B
Sulfur @ 500 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil 13 cSt Mineral Oil 500 mL N9308391
3% HNO3 (v/v)/ Sn @ 20 μg/mL, 500 mL N9308346
Sulfur @ 1000 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil 13 cSt Mineral Oil 500 mL N9308392 trace HF Mo, Si @ 100 μg/mL
Sulfur @ 5000 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil 13 cSt Mineral Oil 500 mL N9308393
Sulfur @ 1 wt%, from Polysulfide Oil 13 cSt Mineral Oil 500 mL N9308394
Proficiency Testing Standards
Sulfur @ 5 wt%, from Polysulfide Oil 13 cSt Mineral Oil 500 mL N9308395
Sulfur @ 0 µg/g (Blank) #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308714 Proficiency Testing Program
Sulfur @ 5 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308715
The Proficiency Testing Program offered
Sulfur @ 10 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308716
Sulfur @ 15 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308717
by PerkinElmer has been designed to
Sulfur @ 20 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308718 provide laboratories with a method of
Sulfur @ 25 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308719 monitoring their analytical performance
Sulfur @ 50 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308720 as measured against Certified Reference
Proficiency Testing
Sulfur @ 100 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308721 Materials (CRMs). Standards
Sulfur @ 500 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308722
1. Analyze a sample
Sulfur @ 1000 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308723
Sulfur @ 1500 µg/g, from Polysulfide Oil #2 Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308724
2. Report the results online
Sulfur at 3.00wt% in Heavy Mineral Oil 75 cSt Mineral Oil 100 mL N9307739 3. R
 eceive an instant response to submitted values
Sulfur @10 μg/g in B100 Biodiesel B100 Biodiesel 100 mL N9308727 Confirm the accuracy of your analytical results, quickly,
easily and definitively.
Petroleum Physical Test Standard
Description Size Part No.
Description Matrix Size Part No. PTP Standard for Elemental Analysis of Oils 25 g N9308314
ASTM D86 Distillation Standard Diesel Fuel 500 mL N9308728
Note: Analyze a sample for up to 23 common elements and report the concentrations in µg/g (ppm). Enter all
elements or only those that are of interest to you. Results are color-coded pass/fail indications in green (pass),
yellow (borderline) and red (fail).
Detection Limit Calibration Standard
Description Size Part No.
Description Matrix Size Part No. Sample for Particle Count Analysis 125 mL N9308725
Detection Limits Calibration Standard: Hydrocarbon Oil 4 oz. N9307102
Note: Particle count PTP test standards includes 8 channels (4,6,8,14,21,38, 50 and 70 μm). One bottle for ISO
a, Mg @ 5 µg/g; 11171 only.
La, Li, Mn, Ni, Sr, Zn @ 50 µg/g;
As, K @ 250 µg/g Description Size Part No.
Viscosity PTP Test Standard 50 mL N9308540
Note: Report viscosity values in cSt at 40 °C, 100 °C, or both



ICP-MS Single Cell Sample Introduction Kits

The Single Cell Application Module within PerkinElmer’s Syngistix™ for ICP-MS
software is the ideal tool for laboratories analyzing metal content in cells, either
from bioaccumulation of metals or metallic nanoparticles in solution or measuring
the intrinsic metal content of the cell. This unique combination of hardware
and software module allows the differentiation and quantification between the
media and cellular fractions of the same analyte. In a single analysis, cell metal
or particulate content, cell-containing metal concentration, mass per cell and Single Cell Micro DX
mass distribution can all be determined without the need for subsequent data Autosampler
processing. Coupled with the NexION® series ICP-MS, the Syngistix Single Cell
Application Module is the world’s first single cell ICP-MS dedicated software,
delivering speed, flexibility, automation and ease-of-use. Asperon Spray Chamber

Description Qty. Part No. Description Qty. Part No.

Single Cell Kit for NexION 1000/2000 N8150032 Single Cell Kit for NexION 350 N8140032
Kit Includes: Kit Includes:
Asperon™ Spray Chamber 1 N8152493 Asperon™ Spray Chamber 1 N8152493
Spray Chamber Drain Line 1 N8152494 Spray Chamber Drain Line 1 N8152494
Spray Chamber Addition Gas Tee 1/8 Fitting 1 N8152495 Sample Line for HEN MEINHARD Nebulizer
1 N8152489
Nebulizer HEN 1 N8152496 Spray Chamber Gas Fitting 1 N8142045
Sample Line for HEN MEINHARD Nebulizer
1 N8152489 Nebulizer Hen 1 N8142046
UV Light Shield 1 N8152497 UV Light Shield 1 N8142047
Plasma Light Shield 1 N8152377 Quartz Injector 2 mm 1 N8145508
Fixed 2.0 mm Injector UHP Quartz Torch 1 N8152428 Syngistix Single Cell Software 1 N8150321
Torch Cassette White 1 N8152432 CTFE Male Barb Fitting 2 N8145017
Torch Injector Nut 1 N8152451 CTFE Female Barb Fitting 2 N8145018
Syngistix Single Cell Software 1 N8150321 0.19 mm ID Orange/Red Flared PVC Pkg. 12 1 N0773111
CTFE Male Barb Fitting 2 N8145017 Autosampler Probe, 0.15 mm 1 N0777221
CTFE Female Barb Fitting 2 N8145018 Not Included in the Kit
Orange/Red 0.19 mm i.d. PVC Pkg.12 1 N8152401 Make-up Gas Mass Flow Controller Upgrade W1028686
MP PVC Flared 0.19mm Orange/Red Pkg.12
1 N8145195
Autosampler Probe 0.15 mm 1 N0777221 Description Part No.
Single Cell Automation Kit for NexION 300/350 N8140039
Description Part No. Kit Includes:
Single Cell Automation Kit for NexION 1000/2000 N8150039 Includes Single Cell Micro DX Autosampler.
Kit Includes: Does not include Single Cell Kit (N8140032)
Includes Single Cell Micro DX Autosampler.
Does not include Single Cell Kit (N8150032)



Sample Preparation Sample

Blocks and Titan MPS Preparation
Sample preparation is one of the most critical steps in Blocks and
the analytical process. Often accounting for 60% of your
timetable, it has a fundamental impact on laboratory
throughput and analytical performance. Any errors within Better laboratory practices demand modern
the sample preparation process will undermine the quality techniques in sample preparation. In the
of your data at all subsequent stages of your analysis. At past, hot plates were used to digest samples
PerkinElmer, we provide you with a portfolio of sample where common digestion problems involved rusting,
preparation solutions that ensure sample preparation cross contamination of digestion system to sample,
success. and poor sample temperature control.

Quick Reference Index Page

Sample Preparation Blocks
and Controllers 131
Titan MPS
SPB Start Up Kits 132
DigiFILTERs 132 Systems
DigiTUBES 133 With the Titan MPS™ microwave
sample preparation system,
Watch Glasses 133 we’re delivering on the promise
of a simple, safe, cost-effective
microwave – one that provides the
Titan MPS Systems and Accessories 135 quick return on investment that
Turntables 136 labs are looking for in these times
of constrained budgets. The Titan MPS microwave sample
Vessels and Vessel Caps 136
preparation system delivers the instrument-ready solutions
Consumable Run Kits 137 you need for high throughput and reliable results.

Tubes and Vessels

PerkinElmer offers a complete selection of consumables
and supplies for your Sample Preparation products.



Open Digestion
Ideal for: Liquid and solid samples in regulated industries.
Common Applications: water, soil and food testing.
Overview: Open vessel, atmospheric pressure digestion is a common approach to sample
preparation for regulatory and compliance laboratories. With the ability to prepare large quantities
of samples, open digestion is great for labs with modest digestion requirements that rely on high
throughput. Hot block digestion using open vessels meets the regulatory requirements for sample
extraction and a number of approved methods are in place to support this.
All PerkinElmer sample preparation blocks are manufactured under a certified ISO 9001: 2008 Quality
Management System to meet our high quality requirements.
Upgrade from a Hot Plate: Better laboratory practices demand modern techniques in sample
preparation. In the past, hot plates were used to digest samples where common digestion problems
involved low throughput, dealing with fragile beakers, cleanliness of glassware, rusting and
corrosion, cross contamination of digestion system to sample, loss of volatile elements and poor
sample temperature control.

Sample Preparation Blocks Controllers

The SPB series of block digestion systems offers the latest in The user friendly SPB Digital Controller includes programmable
graphite block technology in many different packages. Graphite features such as: temperature set-point to 0.1 ˚C, even sample
blocks are PTFE-coated to resist aggressive corrosive attack for heating and evaporation results, timer shutdown option and
guaranteed long life in harsh laboratory environments. programmable alarm for end of cycle.
Our sample blocks operate with either a SPB Digital Controller or The SPB Touch Controller includes all of the SPB Digital Controller
SPB Touch Controller*. Please select a controller below and the features and more. Added features include: a graphical
appropriate Start Up Kit* which includes RackLock DigiTUBE®s, representation of the heating profile in real-time to identify the
disposable watch glasses, DigiFILTER™s and much more. Each SPB current stage of the method heating program. Safety features
Block includes one set of racks. include the ability of the controller to monitor the heating cycle of
the block to prevent run away situations. The controller allows for
Description Capacity Part No.
the SPB Probe to be calibrated to meet your SOP requirements.
SPB 15-40, (115 V/230 V) 40 Tubes/15 mL N9300800
SPB 15-108, (115 V/230 V) 108 Tubes/15 mL N9300801 The SPB Probe, used with either the Digital or Touch models, can
directly monitor and control the block’s heating rate via sample
SPB 50-24, (115 V/230 V) 24 Tubes/50 mL N9300802
temperature feedback to the controller.
SPB 100-12, (115 V/230 V) 12 Tubes/100 mL N9300805
SPB 50-48, (115 V/230 V) 48 Tubes/50 mL N9300803 Description Part No.
SPB 100-30, (115 V/230 V) 30 Tubes/100 mL N9300806 SPB Digital Controller N9300808
SPB 50-72, (230 V) 72 Tubes/50 mL N9300804 SPB Touch Controller N9300809
SPB 100-42, (230 V) 42 Tubes/100 mL N9300807
*Sold separately



Start Up Kits Temperature Probes

PerkinElmer’s SPB Start Up kits contain all consumable items Why use a thermometer to monitor and manually adjust sample
required to operate the system including: RackLock DigiTUBE®s and temperature when a SPB Probe will automatically do the job? The
Caps, disposable Watch Glasses, DigiFILTER™s, RackLock Racks and SPB Probe provides direct control and monitoring of actual sample
Storage Racks. temperature via a corrosion-resistant, PFA-coated temperature
probe. Available with different holders in a 6 in. configuration for
Description DigiTUBEs Watch Racks Part No.
/Caps Glasses use with 50 and 100 mL DigiTUBEs. Each probe is supplied with
Start Up Kit for SPB 15-40 540 – 2 N9308704 five Probe Watch Glasses and a probe holder.
Start Up Kit for SPB 15-108 540 – 2 N9308706 Description Qty. Part No.
Start Up Kit for SPB 50-24 500 1000 1 N9308017 SPB Probe 6 in. for 15 mL Tubes 1 N9308707
Start Up Kit for SPB 100-12 200 500 1 N9308011 SPB Probe 6 in. for 50 mL Tubes 1 N9308018
Start Up Kit for SPB 50-48 500 1000 2 N9308002 SPB Probe 6 in. for 100 mL Tubes 1 N9308009
Start Up Kit for SPB 100-30 200 500 2 N9308013 SPB Probe Watch Glass (replacement) 25 N9308041
Start Up Kit for SPB 50-72 500 1000 3 N9308025 for 50 mL Tubes
SPB Probe Watch Glass (replacement) 25 N9308073
Start Up Kit for SPB 100-42 200 500 2 N9308015 for 100 mL Tubes
SPB Probe Holder for DigiTUBEs 15 mL 1 N9308703
SPB Probe Holder for DigiTUBEs 50 mL 1 N9308044
SPB Probe Holder for DigiTUBEs 100 mL 1 N9308045

Automatic Shut-Off System DigiFILTER

Designed to shut-off SPB systems with no lab supervision. Ideal The vacuum assisted DigiFILTER assembly provides a quick
for overnight digestions and evaporations where samples require and easy way to filter samples prior to analysis. Increase lab
volume reductions (volume control ±2.5 mL). Increase lab efficiency productivity by filtering particulates from digested samples in a
by automatically digesting samples off-hours. Select appropriate matter of seconds directly from the digestion tube. Available
Probe for Tube use. with a 0.45 or 1.0 µ hydrophilic PTFE membrane. Field Filtration Kit
conforms to Item 8.2 in the EPA 200.7, 200.8 and 200.9 Methods.
Description Qty. Part No.
TempSET, without Probe 1 N9300810 Description Qty. Part No.
TempSET Probe for 50 mL Tubes 1 N9308023 DigiFILTER 0.45 micron for 50 mL DigiTUBEs 100 N9308031
TempSET Probe for 100 mL Tubes 1 N9308029 DigiFILTER 1.0 micron for 50 mL DigiTUBEs 100 N9308032
TempSET Probe Holder for 100 mL Tubes 1 N9308065 Field Filtration Kit 0.45 for 50 mL DigiTUBEs 1 N9308033
Contains: 25 0.45 µ DigiFILTERs,
30 x 50 mL DigiTUBEs,
1 x 6 mL bottle of PlasmaPURE® Nitric acid,
1 x 50 mL storage rack, 1 Sharpie® pen
and 2 x 60 mL plastic syringes
DigiFILTER Manifold 1 N9308034



Tubes, Caps and Watch Glasses

PerkinElmer offers 50 and 100 mL, disposable, sample digestion tubes with
easy-to-read graduations. Accurate 50 or 100 mL graduation is calibrated to
meet Class A specifications to allow normalization directly in the tube. RackLock
design allows for easy, one-handed closure of leak-free screw cap. All-in-one
tubes eliminate the need for five separate vessels: Digestion beakers, volumetric
flasks, graduated cylinders, autosampler tubes and storage containers.

DigiTUBE Dimensions (OD/ID)
15 mL 12 mm x 11 mm
50 mL 30 mm x 28 mm
100 mL 46 mm x 44 mm Screw Caps

Description Qty. Part No. Description Qty. Part No.

DigiTUBEs 15 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 1620 N9308711 Screw Caps, Blue, for 15 mL DigiTUBEs 540 N9308705
DigiTUBEs 15 mL with RackLock (no caps) 1620 N9308712 Screw Caps, Clear, for 15 mL DigiTUBEs 540 N9308708
DigiTUBEs 15 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 540 N9308713 Screw Caps, Orange, for 50 mL DigiTUBEs 250 N9308058
DigiTUBEs 50 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 750 N9308008 Screw Caps, Red, for 50 mL DigiTUBEs 250 N9308059
DigiTUBEs 50 mL non-RackLock (incl. caps) 750 N9308037 Screw Caps, Clear, for 50 mL DigiTUBEs 250 N9308060
DigiTUBEs 50 mL with RackLock (no caps) 750 N9308340 Screw Caps, Yellow, for 50 mL DigiTUBEs 250 N9308056
DigiTUBEs 100 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 300 N9308016 PTFE Screw Cap for PTFE 50 mL 6 N9308027
Digestion Tube
DigiTUBEs 100 mL non-RackLock (incl. caps) 300 N9308066
PTFE Digestion Tube 50 mL (incl. Blue caps) 6 N9308024
Tube, Quartz, 62.5 mL, Uncalibrated 6 N9308048
Tube, Borosilicate, 62.5 mL, Uncalibrated 6 N9308049
Watch Glasses
Tube, Borosilicate, 62.5 mL, Calibrated at 50 mL 6 N9308050
Description Qty. Part No.
Disposable Watch Glasses, 50 mL 1000 N9308003
VersaTube™ Disposable Watch Glasses, 100 mL 500 N9308030
A unique, patented tube with attached cap – simplifying digestion
analysis and no watch glasses are required.
• Integrated cap and vial – single unit design of cap and vial which
is easily manipulated with one hand.
• Ability to vent samples with cap – the attached cap can ‘lock’
open at an angle, which enables venting of your sample if
desired. No watch glasses required.
• Certified accuracy of graduations and levels of trace metals
– graduations in 5 mL increments to 50 mL, certification of
accuracy available.
• Heat resistant homopolymer polypropylene – for good heat
resistance and minimal background interference.
• Etched cap surface for writing – provides labeling area on the cap
for sample identification.
Description Qty. Part No.
• Ready to use out of the box – limits possible contamination with
VersaTube 50 mL 500 N9308383
improved efficiency.



SPB Block Racks

For busy labs, additional acid resistant, polycarbonate Racks
are available for all SPB systems. Exclusive RackLock feature
locks DigiTUBE®s in position within the rack allowing for easy,
one-handed closure of screw cap.

Foam Storage Rack DigiTUBE Rack

Part No. N9308382
Storage Racks
Description Qty. Part No. Description Qty. Part No.
40-Position Rack for SPB 15-40, 15 mL 1 N9308700 Foam Storage Rack 15 mL 5 N9308702
54-Position Rack for SPB 15-108, 15 mL 1 N9308701 Plastic Storage Rack 50 mL 5 N9308381
12-Position Rack for SPB-100-12, 100 mL 1 N9308067 Foam Storage Rack 100 mL 5 N9308382
15-Position Rack for SPB-100-30, 100 mL 1 N9308068
21-Position Rack for SPB-100-42, 100 mL 1 N9308069
24-Position Rack for SPB-50-24, 50 mL 1 N9308070
24-Position Rack for SPB-50-48 1 N9308042
and SPB-50-72, 50 mL

Fume Hoods and Accessories

The bench top fume hoods for SPB systems are the right choice
for trace-metal digestions. Made from clear, acid resistant
polycarbonate with a solid surface material base, the fume hood
eliminates the risk of trace-metal contamination common with
traditional fume hoods. HEPA® filters ensure clean input air. The
fume hood can be connected to an in-house laboratory exhaust
system or used with the SPB blower unit (N9308022). Fume hoods SPBVAC Block
come flatpacked to save transport costs and can be assembled in
minutes without tools.

Description Part No.

Fume Hood for SPB 50-24/100-12, 50-48 / 100-30 N9308000
23.5 in. D x 26 in. W x 20 in. H
Fume Hood for SPB 50-72/100-42 N9308001
28 in. D x 27 in. W x 20 in. H
Filter for SPB Fume Hoods N9308078
Fume Hood II for Autosampler N9308036
23.5 in. D x 26 in. W x 25 in. H Part No.
SPBVAC™ Evacuation Hood, N9308021
mounts directly on SPB 50-48/SPB 100-30
SPB Blower Unit, for use with all systems N9300811
Vacuum Pump 20 L/min 115 V N9308035
Vacuum Pump 60 L/min 115 V N9308063
Vacuum Pump 17 L/min 230 V N9308331
Vacuum Pump 58 L/min 230 V N9308332



Microwave Digestion
Ideal for: Difficult sample types and regulated laboratories.
Common Applications: Plant waste streams, alloys, pigments, simple and precious metal ores and
heavy organic samples.
Overview: Microwave digestion provides high-performance, pressure digestion using sealed vessels
to deliver complete sample digestion, allowing total elemental measurement. Able to digest difficult
sample types quickly and completely, microwave digestion provides the most accurate sample
preparation. Using ultra-clean sealed digestion vessels, the Titan MPS avoids loss of volatile analytes
and prevents sample contamination from the working environment. With its high performance,
microwave digestion is ideal for mining/geologic, environmental, petrochemical and
pharmaceutical industries.
The Titan MPS microwave sample preparation system delivers the instrument-ready solutions you
need for high throughput and reliable results. With its Direct Pressure Control™ (DPC) and Direct
Temperature Control™ (DTC) sensing technologies, the Titan MPS system accurately monitors
digestion reactions and the sample temperature in each digestion vessel to provide outstanding
reaction control and deliver consistent digestion results.

Titan MPS Systems

Before you prepare your first sample, you’ll notice the difference:
The Titan MPS is a top-loading microwave sample preparation
system protected by hardware interlocks to ensure safety during
operation. And it’s simple to load and unload samples, which
keeps everyone more productive – and saves your lab time
and money. System Accessories
Description Part No. Description Part No.
Titan MPS Standard Pressure 16-Position, (230V 50/60Hz) N3130100 External Exhaust System 230V 50/60 Hz N3131009
Includes: 16-Position turntable, gas containment manifold, O
 ptional accessory for exhausting Titan MPS oven cavity
16 standard pressure 75 mL (40 bar) digestion vessels, in laboratories that do not have exhaust systems.
15 vessel caps without pressure sensor, Includes one 1.5 m exhaust tube. ID 76 mm, OD 82 mm
1 vessel cap with pressure sensor, a lip seal forming tool,
Exhaust Tube 1.5 m (one included with Titan) N3134015
exhaust hose, consumables for approximately 500 runs,
power cord (US) Titan MPS Bench N0777900
The Titan MPS bench is a heavy-duty Chemsurf laminated
Titan MPS High Pressure 8-Position, (230V 50/60Hz) N3130110
rolling cart. The top working surface is constructed with
Includes: 8-Position turntable, gas containment manifold,
durable Chemsurf material, a chemically-resistant laminate
8 high pressure 100 mL (100 bar) digestion vessels, 8 TFM
specifically designed for applications in laboratories with
sample vessel inserts, 8 ceramic pressure jackets,
routine exposure to chemicals. A full lower shelf with durable
7 vessel caps without pressure sensor,
Chemsurf laminate provides storage space for digestion
1 vessel cap with pressure sensor, a vessel opening station,
vessels and other Titan MPS spares and accessories. Locking
a lip seal forming tool, exhaust hose, consumables for
4 in. diameter casters provide stability and easy movement.
approximately 500 runs, power cord (US)
Dimensions: 32 in. D x 30 in. W x 29 in. H



Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
N3131010 N3131011 N3132011 N3132013 N3132015

Turntables Vessels and Vessel Caps

Description Part No. Description Qty. Part No.
16-Position Turntable with Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) N3131010 Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel 1 N3132010
Digestion Vessels, with DPC (complete) with DPC (Complete)
16-Position Turntable with Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) N3131005 Includes: Pressure Seal, Vessel Cap with
Digestion Vessels, without DPC (complete) DPC, Rupture Disc and Vessel Base
16-Position Turntable for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) N3131006 Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel 1 N3132009
Digestion Vessels (turntable only) without DPC.
Includes: Pressure Seal, Vessel Cap, Rupture
8-Position Turntable with High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3131011
Disc and Vessel Base
Digestion Vessels, with DPC (complete)
8-Position Turntable with High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3131007 Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel 1 N3132011
Digestion Vessels, without DPC (complete) TFM Base (base only)

8-Position Turntable for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3131008 TFM Cap for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) 1 N3132012
Digestion Vessels (turntable only) Digestion Vessels without Pressure Sensor
TFM DPC Cap for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) 1 N3132013
Digestion Vessels with Pressure Sensor
High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion 1 N3133012
Vessel without DPC (complete)
Part No. Part No. Includes: Pressure seal, Vessel cap, Rupture
N3133017 N3133019 Disc, TFM Vessel Insert, Ceramic Pressure
Jacket and Vessel Base
High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion 1 N3133013
Accessories Vessel with DPC (complete)
Includes: Pressure seal, Closure Cap with
Description Part No. DPC, Rupture Disc, TFM Vessel Insert,
High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3133017 Ceramic Pressure Jacket and Vessel Base
Digestion Vessel Opening Station High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion 1 N3133014
Single Lip Seal Forming Tool for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) N3132015 Vessel Base (base only)
Digestion Vessel Pressure Seals TFM Cap for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) 1 N3133015
8-Position Lip Seal Forming Tool N3132014 Digestion Vessels without Pressure Sensor
for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel Pressure Seals. TFM DPC for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) 1 N3133016
Forms up to 8 Seals Simultaneously Digestion Vessels with Pressure Sensor
8-Position Lip Seal Forming Tool N3133018
for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel
Pressure Seals. Forms up to 8 Seals Simultaneously
Single Lip Seal Forming Tool N3133019
for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel
Pressure Seals. Forms 1 Seal
PTFE 2 mL Sample Weighing Cup N3134009
for Use in Standard 75 mL (40 Bar)
or High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel, Qty. 1
PTFE 2 mL Sample Weighing Cup N3134010 Vessel Rack Holder
for Use in Standard 75 mL (40 Bar)
or High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel, Qty. 16 Vessel rack holder for Titan 75 mL vessels.
Vessel Cap Disassembly Tools for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) N3134011 Acrylic box holds eight 75 mL vessels.
Digestion Vessel
Description Part No.
Vessel Cap Disassembly Tools for High Pressure 100 mL N3134012
(100 Bar) Digestion Vessel 75 mL Vessel Rack Holder N3134094



Part No.
Part No.

Part No.
Part No. N3134004

Spares and Replacement Parts Gas Containment Manifold Spares

Description Part No. Description Part No.
Rupture Disc for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels. N3132001 End Cap Plug for Gas Containment Manifold. N3134004
Made of aluminum, set of 25 pcs Sealing Plug for 8 and 16-Position Gas Containment Manifold to
seal the gas collection system at unused vessel positions
Rupture Disc for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion N3133022
Vessels. Made of titanium, set of 10 pcs Clamping Screw (PTFE) for the Top Seal of the 8 and 16-Position N3134002
Gas Containment Manifold
Pressure Seal for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels. N3132002
Made of TFM, set of 10 pcs Lip Seal Ring of the Gas Containment Manifold. N3134000
PTFE Sealing Ring for use with 8 and 16-Position Gas
Pressure Seal for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion N3133023 Containment Manifolds. Seals the top PFA gas tube to the
Vessels. Made of TFM, set of 5 pcs Gas Containment Manifold
DPC Glass Prism for Standard or High Pressure Digestion Vessels N3132004 Tube for Connection of Vessel to Gas Containment Manifold (PTFE). N3134005
PTFE connecting tube for connection to digestion vessels with
DPC Glass-Ring for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel N3132003
8 and 16-Position Gas Containment Manifold
DPC Glass-Ring for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3133003 Connector for Gas Containment Manifold to Digestion Vessel. N3134007
Digestion Vessel PTFE connector for use with 8 and 16-Position Gas
DPC Polarization Foil for Digestion Vessel Caps N3132005 Containment Manifold
with Pressure Control for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) and Gas Containment Manifold PFA Vent Line 1 m N3134014
High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel, set of 24 pcs
Gas Containment Manifold Vent Line Replacement N3134072
DPC TFM Cap Insert N3132006 O-Ring (Qty. 2)
for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel
DPC TFM Cap Insert N3133006
for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel
DPC Clamp Screw for Glass Prism N3132007
for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel
DPC ClampScrew for Glass Prism N3133007
for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel
DPC Viton O-Ring (25 x 3 mm) for Digestion Vessel caps N3132008
with Pressure Control for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion
Vessel, Qty. 1. Two are required per vessel cap
DPC O-Ring for Digestion Vessel Caps N3133008
with Pressure Control for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar)
Digestion Vessel, Qty. 1. Two are required per vessel cap Part No. N3132000

TFM Sample Vessel Insert N3133009

Consumable Run Kits
for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel
Description Part No.
Ceramic Pressure Jacket N3133010
Run Kit for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels N3132000
for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel
Consumables for Approximately 2500 Digestions with Standard
PEEK Ring Nut for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3133011 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels
Digestion Vessel closure cap. (Left handed threads) Includes: 10 Pressure Seals (N3132002),
4 Rupture Discs (N3132001),
PEEK Ring Nut Removal Tool N3133021
5 Lip Seal Rings of the Gas Containment Manifold (N3134000)
Turntable Base Ring N3134013
Run Kit for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels N3133024
Consumables for Approximately 2500 Digestions with High
Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels
Includes: 10 Pressure Seals (N3133023);
7 Rupture Discs (N3133022),
50 PEEK Ring Nuts (N3133011)
5 Lip Seal Rings of the Gas Containment Manifold (N3134000)



Education Services to Help Accelerate Your Science

Invest in Instrument Training PerkinElmer Education Services enables you to:

You are under tremendous pressure to meet tight budget • Keep your instrument running at peak performance
constraints while performing more experiments than ever. with less downtime.
Due to these dynamics, instrument training can seem like
• Discover new instrument capabilities.
a luxury versus a necessity, and important benefits can
be overlooked. • Advance your knowledge base and skill set.
• Overcome the unique challenges of your application.
Choose the Option That's Right for You:

Classroom Training Basic Training: Operation Essentials Advanced: Optimization Training

Conducted by faculty at PerkinElmer Conducted by a certified Service and Applications
Centers of Excellence Engineer in your lab Conducted by a specialized Field
• Courses ranging from the basics • For the beginner to intermediate user Application Scientist in your lab
to advanced techniques • For the experienced user
• Courses adapted to meet your
• Hands-on experience in lab's needs • Courses designed to address
a laboratory environment your unique challenges
• System overview and basic principles
• Peer networking and collaboration • Customized hands-on training
• Hands-on training using
• Small class size to ensure your instruments – In-depth instrument and
individual attention – Operational techniques software operations
– Instrument optimization/maintenance – Method optimization
• 1-5 day options – Application-specific,
– Software operations/data acquisition
consultative training
• 1-3 day options;
up to four users per session • 1-5 day options;
up to four users per session

For more information including custom training options:

Email OnSiteTraining@PerkinElmer.com Visit www.perkinelmer.com/OneSourceTraining



PerkinElmer OneSource Service Contracts

Improve your instrument investment and avoid the high costs
associated with instrument failure with a OneSource® service
plan. Unexpected instrument failure not only disrupts laboratory
productivity, but can be expensive to fix. Choosing a service
contract that provides breakdown coverage can help protect you
from unexpected costs.
Regular preventive maintenance will help optimize your Choose the OneSource Plan That’s Right for your
instrumentation, increasing the efficiency of your laboratory and Laboratory
extending the lifetime of your instrument. Consider combining
your scheduled preventive maintenance with instrument Platinum
qualification in a single visit to help minimize disruption to your For laboratories where instrument uptime is critical to
laboratory. performance. Includes a proactive alert system, for enabled
We offer the most robust compliance solution in the industry. With instruments, that triggers corrective actions to help avoid
our suite of qualification services covering many technologies, from equipment downtime and unnecessary expenses.
a classical paper-based solution to a metrology-based approach, Gold
we can help your laboratory produce accurate and compliant
Enhance laboratory productivity by maintaining instrument
results, day after day.deliver consistent digestion results.
efficiency with priority response, remote technical support and
• Ensure against the cost of unexpected instrument failure. regular preventive maintenance.
• Ensure optimum instrument performance. Bronze
• Control service costs. An excellent and cost-effective way to extend all the benefits
• End users produce accurate and reproducible results. of a first year instrument warranty.

Features Bronze Plan Gold Plan Platinum Plan

Response Time1 Priority over Billable Priority Response Highest Level Priority
PerkinElmer Certified Repair Parts2 ✓ ✓ ✓
Travel To Your Location3 ✓ ✓ ✓
Emergency Breakdown Visits ✓ ✓ ✓
Preventive Maintenance Visits N/A 1 or 2 PM visits 1 or 2 PM visits
Technical And Remote Support ✓ ✓ ✓
Software Updates 4
✓ ✓ ✓
Radian™ Remote Monitoring5 ✓ ✓ ✓
Premium Qualification Solutions N/A optional optional
24 Hour Response Time6 N/A N/A optional
Training Discount 7
eligible for 5% discount eligible for 10% discount eligible for 15% discount
Upgrades Discount8 eligible for 10% discount eligible for 15% discount eligible for 20% discount
Discount on New Purchase of Power Protection Unit 8
eligible for 10% discount eligible for 15% discount eligible for 20% discount
Consumables Discount8 eligible for 5% discount eligible for 10% discount eligible for 15% discount
1. Priority response varies by region and is based on a ‘best effort’ basis. Please consult your local service engineers for additional information.
2. Excludes all consumables. Certain parts may also be excluded based on instrument type. Please contact your local service engineer for details.
3. Zone 1 travel is 100% included in all Service Plans. Travel outside Zone 1 may incur additional travel costs.
4. Software updates do not include software upgrades.
5. For Radian enabled instruments. Service Contract discount available on instruments monitored by Radian.
6. Only available to select Platinum Plan customers. Please consult your local service manager for availability and pricing.
7. Excludes training related to the following products: Informatics, diagnostics, all imaging instruments, automation and liquid handling, high content screening, radiometric detection, newborn screening, and microplate readers.
8. Discounts may not be available for all products or product lines. Please consult your local service engineers for additional information.

Visit www.perkinelmer.com/servicecontracts



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

00470258................................................. 94 09200271............................................24-26 09920379................................................. 76
00470988................................................. 21 09200272............................................24-25 09920483............................................24-25
00472014................................................. 21 09200273............................................24-26 09920515........................................... 48, 72
00472020................................................. 42 09200274............................................24-26 09920516................................................. 72
00472022...................................... 42, 55-56 09200275........................................... 21, 25 09920517................................................. 72
00473292................................................. 77 09200276........................................... 24, 25 09920518........................................... 48, 72
00473539..................................... 48, 52, 72 09200277........................................... 21, 25 09920545................................................. 48
00473543..................................... 48, 52, 72 09200278................................................. 25 09920546................................................. 48
00473550................................................ 96 09200341................................................. 25 09921003................................................. 47
00473552................................................. 96 09200342................................................. 25 09921028........................................... 57, 59
00473578................................................. 48 09200369................................................. 25 09921036................................................. 61
00570559................................................. 94 09200486........................................... 21, 27 09921045........................................... 48, 72
00570567................................................. 94 09200518........................................... 59, 63 09921057................................................. 61
00570948................................................. 21 09200593................................................. 51 09921061................................................. 59
00570984..................................... 21, 25, 27 09210011..................................... 74, 76, 78 09921062........................................... 59, 61
00572561................................................. 21 09210012........................................... 76, 78 09923037................................................. 96
00572615................................................. 21 09220410........................................... 59, 63 09923448................................................. 96
00572624................................................. 21 09902001................................................. 47 09923464................................................. 95
02506483................................................. 48 09902005................................................. 26 09923517................................................. 95
02506495............................................84-85 09902006................................................. 59 09923536................................................. 96
02506516..................................... 57, 76, 86 09902015...................................... 24-26, 59 09926068................................................. 24
02507987................................................. 21 09902033................................ 47-48, 52, 72 09926070........................................... 59, 63
02508080................................................. 96 09902045................................................. 59 09926083................................................. 26
02509115................................................. 95 09902047................................................. 24 09926127............................................24-25
02900540............................................... 112 09902102........................................... 24, 26 09985708................................ 26, 47-48, 72
02901518................................................. 17 09902123............................................83-84 09985723................................................. 72
03030106................................................. 94 09902131................................................. 59 09989859................................................. 61
03030133................................................. 27 09902143................................................. 61 09992731................................................. 61
03030135................................................. 27 09902147................................................. 21 09995097................................................. 95
03030204................................................. 94 09902151................................................. 47 09995098................................................. 95
03030264................................................. 94 09902155........................................... 59, 61 172-8805.................................................. 34
03030284................................................. 94 09902207..................................... 57, 59, 63 180-7400.................................................. 34
03030299................................................. 27 09902219................................................. 21 180-7401.................................................. 34
03030349................................................. 94 09902223............................................58-59 180-7404.................................................. 34
03030352............................................26-27 09902236................................................. 21 180-7444.................................................. 34
03030353................................................. 26 09902239................................................. 26 190-6003.................................................. 34
03030354...................................... 24, 26-27 09902240................................................. 21 206-50587................................................ 34
03030358................................................. 25 09902247................................................. 59 206-50588................................................ 34
03030402............................................26-27 09902473................................................. 26 206-50602................................................ 34
03030404................................................. 27 09903094........................................... 57, 86 206-50603................................................ 34
03030405................................................. 27 09903103................................................. 48 206-5887-02RI.......................................... 34
03030433............................................26-27 09903104................................................. 48 45-0004-00............................................... 34
03030447................................................. 94 09903150................................................. 57 63-100011-00........................................... 34
03030448................................................. 94 09903199................................................. 48 63-100012-00........................................... 34
03030793................................................. 17 09903456................................................. 86 63-100012-EL........................................... 34
03030997................................................. 17 09903464................................................. 86 63-100013-00........................................... 34
03030998................................................. 17 09903465................................................. 86 63-100015-00........................................... 34
03031456................................................. 26 09903471................................................. 48 63-100016-00........................................... 34
03031460........................................... 24, 26 09903799................................................. 38 63-100017-00........................................... 34
03031573................................................. 20 09904845................................................. 95 63-100018-00........................................... 34
03031802........................................... 24, 26 09904846................................................. 95 63-100019-00........................................... 34
03031806........................................... 24, 26 09904991................................................. 51 63-100035-00........................................... 34
03031808................................................. 26 09905147................................................. 82 63-100036-00........................................... 34
03031810........................................... 24, 26 09907120................................................. 95 63-100037-00........................................... 34
03031812........................................... 24, 26 09907925................................................. 31 9423 393 95011....................................... 34
03031920................................................. 26 09908265............... 24, 26-27, 47-48, 55, 76 9423 393 95031....................................... 34
03033124................................................. 26 09908585.......................................... 86, 96 9423 393 95041....................................... 34
09200064................................................. 61 09908587.......................................... 76, 96 9423 393 95071....................................... 34
09200078................................................. 59 09919737................................................. 85 9423 393 95161....................................... 34
09200253................................................. 21 09920186................................................. 48 9423 490 20101....................................... 34



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

99-0059-00............................................... 34 B0193772................................................. 37 B0507921................................................. 36
99-0060-00............................................... 34 B0193873................................................. 36 B0507949................................................. 36
99-0061-00............................................... 34 B0194048................................................. 37 B0507957...................................... 37-38, 57
99-0342-00............................................... 34 B0194049................................................. 37 B0507959................................................. 37
B0017998................................................. 37 B0196704................................................. 36 B0507960................................................. 37
B0018283.................................... 37, 57,101 B0196850........................................... 36, 57 B0507962................................................. 37
B0029792................................................. 37 B0196857........................................... 36, 57 B0508306........................................... 37, 57
B0029796................................................. 37 B0196882........................................... 36, 57 B0508310..................................... 37, 57, 96
B0046948................................................. 37 B0196963............................................... 100 B0508520............................................... 101
B0048139.................................... 37, 57,101 B0196966............................................... 100 B0508594................................................. 38
B0066549................................................. 36 B0198005................................................. 31 B0508901............................................... 104
B0070126................................................. 37 B0198097...................................... 37-38, 57 B0509065................................................. 31
B0080259................................................. 33 B0198099................................................. 37 B0509095................................................. 38
B0087056................................................. 28 B0198100................................................. 37 B0509479................................................. 37
B0087354................................................. 39 B0198111................................................. 38 B0509554............................................... 101
B0087600................................................. 28 B0198201................................................. 36 B0509555............................................... 101
B0091504................................................. 32 B0199034........................................... 37, 96 B0509590................................................. 38
B0094032................................................. 39 B0199035................................................. 36 B0509612................................................. 37
B0094138................................................. 39 B0199233........................................... 36, 86 B0510032................................................. 37
B0094140................................................. 39 B0500748................................................. 31 B0510268................................................. 28
B0094321................................................. 39 B0501000................................................. 37 B0510334................................................. 36
B0094413................................................. 39 B0501022........................................... 25, 27 B0510370................................................. 36
B0094415................................................. 39 B0501025................................................. 25 B0510397................................................. 28
B0097693................................................. 39 B0501026................................................. 25 B0510398................................................. 28
B0097694................................................. 39 B0501044............................................... 100 B0810377................................................. 61
B0098452................................................. 39 B0501056............................................... 101 B0851900................................................. 31
B0098453................................................. 39 B0501236................................................. 31 B3000055............................................... 100
B0098640................................................. 39 B0501315................................................. 37 B3000132............................................... 101
B0101164................................................. 28 B0501580................................................. 36 B3000133............................................... 101
B0102332................................................. 28 B0501594................................................. 37 B3000135............................................... 101
B0104281................................................. 28 B0501595................................................. 37 B3000151............................................... 100
B0104344................................................. 28 B0501696................................................. 95 B3000152............................................... 100
B0105197................................................. 32 B0502706................................................. 95 B3000157............................................... 100
B0105973................................................. 28 B0504033................................................. 30 B3000158............................................... 100
B0105974................................................. 28 B0504035................................................. 31 B3000159............................................... 100
B0119079................................................. 28 B0504036................................................. 31 B3000160............................................... 100
B0121092................................................. 32 B0505057................................................. 32 B3000161............................................... 100
B0128495................................................. 33 B0505086............................................24-26 B3000240................................................. 38
B0129258................................................. 28 B0505480................................................. 27 B3000243................................................. 36
B0129303................................................. 28 B0505590................................................. 27 B3000251................................................. 38
B0132799................................................. 28 B0505650................................................. 38 B3000274................................................. 36
B0135653................................................. 32 B0506058........................................... 37, 96 B3000342................................................. 32
B0137111................................................. 32 B0506060................................................. 37 B3000350................................................. 39
B0148615................................................. 17 B0506666................................................. 25 B3000641................................................. 30
B0165332................................................. 25 B0506716................................................. 36 B3000653................................................. 30
B0172053............................................... 100 B0506722................................................. 31 B3000655................................................. 30
B0174378............................................25-26 B0506737................................................. 96 B3001254................................................. 32
B0187258................................................. 37 B0507020................................................. 37 B3001256................................................. 33
B0190634......................................... 33, 112 B0507021................................................. 37 B3001262................................................. 32
B0190635......................................... 33, 112 B0507226............................................... 112 B3001264................................................. 32
B0190672................................................. 25 B0507486................................................. 36 B3001485................................................. 28
B0191058...................................... 37-38, 57 B0507487................................................. 36 B3001505................................................. 28
B0191059...................................... 37-38, 57 B0507692........................................... 37, 96 B3001506................................................. 28
B0191060......................................... 37, 100 B0507708................................................. 25 B3001507................................................. 28
B0193160...................................... 37-38, 96 B0507791................................................. 38 B3001566................................................. 28
B0193161..................................... 37, 57, 96 B0507792................................................. 38 B3001567................................................. 28
B0193233............................................... 104 B0507914................................................. 38 B3001647............................................... 101
B0193234............................................... 104 B0507918........................................... 36, 57 B3001769............................................... 100
B0193235............................................... 104 B0507919......................................... 36, 101 B3001770............................................... 100
B0193342..................................... 36, 38, 57 B0507920................................................. 36 B3001771............................................... 100



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

B3001772............................................... 100 N0681688................................................. 52 N0770911................................................. 55
B3002006................................................. 28 N0690269................................................. 63 N0770916................................................. 59
B3002007................................................. 28 N0690271................................................. 51 N0770944................................................. 61
B3002046................................................. 28 N0690668................................................. 61 N0770965................................................. 57
B3002102................................................. 31 N0690670........................................... 47, 55 N0771116................................................. 61
B3002103................................................. 31 N0690672................................................. 61 N0771500...................................... 55, 57-58
B3120405................................................. 31 N0690676............................................47-48 N0771501..................................... 51, 55, 57
B3121301................................................. 33 N0690769................................................. 63 N0771526................................................. 63
B3130086................................................. 33 N0690772................................................. 61 N0771527................................................. 63
B3140236............................................... 101 N0691578................................................. 94 N0771529............................................... 101
B3140361................................................. 31 N0691579....................................... 114, 118 N0771531..................................... 55, 57, 62
B3140362................................................. 31 N0691580............................................... 118 N0771536................................................. 61
B3140617............................................... 101 N0691581....................................... 111, 118 N0771561................................................. 58
B3140618............................................... 101 N0691595................................................. 96 N0771650................................................. 89
B3140621............................................... 101 N0691678................................................. 61 N0771725............................................... 106
B3140622............................................... 101 N0691689................................................. 61 N0771726............................................... 106
B3140715............................................... 101 N0691743............................................... 118 N0772005............................................57-58
B3140721......................................... 96, 101 N0691745....................................... 111, 118 N0772006................................................. 57
B3140730......................................... 96, 101 N0691907................................................. 90 N0772008................................................. 58
B3140760................................................. 39 N0695362........................................... 55, 62 N0772017................................................. 50
B3141064............................................... 112 N0695426................................................. 57 N0773084................................................. 61
B3150169................................................. 17 N0695442................................................. 62 N0773090................................................. 61
B3150458................................................. 24 N0695449................................................. 62 N0773106............................................... 106
B3150462............................................24-25 N0695460................................................. 62 N0773111................................................. 96
B3150525...................................... 24-25, 27 N0695461................................................. 62 N0773112........................................... 96, 98
B3150531............................................24-25 N0695468................................................. 61 N0773113........................................... 86, 96
M8152475................................................ 80 N0695469................................................. 61 N0773115................................................. 96
MZ321146................................................ 91 N0695476................................................. 96 N0773116................................................. 96
MZ321147................................................ 91 N0695494................................................. 62 N0773117................................................. 96
N0370392........................................... 21, 27 N0695495...................................... 62, 76-77 N0773118................................................. 96
N0370393................................................. 27 N0770322................................................. 61 N0773119................................................. 96
N0370394............................................26-27 N0770336..................................... 47, 55, 57 N0773120....................................... 118, 121
N0370398................................................. 26 N0770338...................................... 55-56, 58 N0773197................................................. 43
N0370399................................................. 26 N0770343................................................. 58 N0774067................................................. 98
N0371485................................................. 26 N0770344................................................. 58 N0774068................................................. 98
N0371492................................................. 26 N0770357...................................... 52, 55-56 N0774069................................................. 69
N0371493................................................. 26 N0770358................................ 47, 54-55, 57 N0774070........................................... 57, 60
N0371505........................................... 26, 47 N0770389........................................... 51, 57 N0774077........................................... 43, 69
N0371520........................................... 26, 27 N0770420................................................. 57 N0774080........................................... 43, 69
N0371522........................................... 26, 27 N0770437................................................. 59 N0774085............................................... 101
N0400058........................................... 21, 27 N0770438................................................. 63 N0774088............................................... 101
N0400100................................................. 20 N0770546...................................... 47, 55-56 N0774095............................................... 104
N0400101................................................. 20 N0770600........................................... 51, 55 N0774096............................................... 104
N0400102................................................. 20 N0770603................................................. 63 N0774101................................................. 51
N0400103................................................. 20 N0770605................................................. 55 N0775014................................................. 62
N0401171................................................. 21 N0770606................................................. 55 N0775177...................................... 55-56, 62
N0580531................................................. 95 N0770607................................................. 55 N0775220................................................. 95
N0581497................................................. 61 N0770609........................................... 51, 55 N0775223................................................. 62
N0582152............................................... 118 N0770610........................................... 47, 55 N0775224................................................. 62
N0582184................................................. 62 N0770613................................................. 51 N0775225................................................. 62
N0582185................................................. 62 N0770614........................................... 51, 57 N0775226................................................. 62
N0582186................................................. 62 N0770689................................................. 57 N0775227................................................. 62
N0582251................................................. 95 N0770720................................................. 47 N0775228................................................. 62
N0680275................................................. 61 N0770730................................................. 56 N0775247................................................. 62
N0680375................................................. 57 N0770731................................................. 56 N0775289............................................56-58
N0680504................................47, 55, 69, 74 N0770732................................................. 57 N0775297............................................56-58
N0680612................................................. 72 N0770755................................................. 53 N0775300................................................. 61
N0681470............................................... 118 N0770756................................................. 53 N0775325................................................. 95
N0681574........................................... 42, 68 N0770757................................................. 53 N0775330................................................. 44
N0681631................................................. 77 N0770910................................................. 55 N0775331................................................. 49



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N0775340................................................. 69 N0777044................................................. 62 N0777236............................................... 103
N0775341................................................. 69 N0777049................................................. 45 N0777237............................................... 103
N0775342........................................... 69, 86 N0777051................................................. 60 N0777238............................................... 103
N0775343................................................. 69 N0777052................................................. 60 N0777239............................................... 103
N0775344................................................. 69 N0777053................................................. 60 N0777242............................................... 103
N0775345................................................. 43 N0777054................................................. 60 N0777243............................................... 103
N0775346................................................. 43 N0777055........................................... 60, 79 N0777244............................................... 103
N0775347................................................. 43 N0777061..................................... 43, 69, 98 N0777245............................................... 103
N0775348................................................. 43 N0777062............................................... 101 N0777247............................................... 103
N0775349................................................. 43 N0777063............................................... 126 N0777248............................................... 103
N0775350................................................. 73 N0777064............................................... 126 N0777249............................................... 103
N0775351................................................. 50 N0777095........................................... 90, 95 N0777250............................................... 103
N0775352........................................... 51, 86 N0777099............................................... 104 N0777251............................................... 103
N0775355................................................. 51 N0777110................................................. 96 N0777252............................................... 103
N0775356................................................. 51 N0777111................................................. 44 N0777253............................................... 103
N0775358........................................... 49, 72 N0777112................................................. 44 N0777258............................................... 105
N0776006................................................. 51 N0777113................................................. 44 N0777283........................................... 81, 99
N0776007................................................. 51 N0777114................................................. 44 N0777284................................................. 99
N0776014........................................... 57, 63 N0777115................................................. 44 N0777285............................................... 102
N0776025................................................. 57 N0777116................................................. 44 N0777286............................................... 102
N0776027................................................. 58 N0777117................................................. 44 N0777287................................................. 68
N0776028................................................. 58 N0777148............................................... 101 N0777288................................................. 68
N0776052........................................... 50, 56 N0777149............................................... 101 N0777289................................................. 81
N0776053................................................. 51 N0777150............................................... 101 N0777294................................................. 70
N0776090........................................... 51, 57 N0777151............................................... 101 N0777295................................................. 70
N0776091........................................... 57, 63 N0777152............................................... 101 N0777297........................................... 81, 99
N0776093........................................... 57, 62 N0777153............................................... 101 N0777298............................................... 101
N0776103............................................... 126 N0777154............................................... 101 N0777319................................................. 89
N0776104............................................... 125 N0777155............................................... 101 N0777328................................................. 95
N0776105............................................... 125 N0777156............................................... 104 N0777342................................................. 89
N0776106............................................... 125 N0777159............................................... 104 N0777354................................................. 53
N0776107............................................... 125 N0777167............................................... 104 N0777355................................................. 53
N0776108............................................... 126 N0777168............................................... 104 N0777356................................................. 53
N0776109............................................... 125 N0777174................................................. 89 N0777357................................................. 53
N0776115............................................... 104 N0777175................................................. 89 N0777359................................................. 95
N0776116............................................... 104 N0777176................................................. 89 N0777360................................................. 95
N0776117............................................... 104 N0777177................................................. 89 N0777366................................................. 76
N0776118............................................... 104 N0777196................................................. 89 N0777368............................................... 101
N0776130............................................... 125 N0777214................................... 46, 71, 102 N0777373................................................. 62
N0776131............................................... 125 N0777215................................... 46, 71, 102 N0777374................................................. 62
N0776132............................................... 125 N0777216................................... 46, 71, 102 N0777375........................................... 45, 70
N0776133............................................... 125 N0777217................................... 46, 71, 102 N0777376........................................... 45, 70
N0776134............................................... 125 N0777218................................... 46, 71, 102 N0777392............................................... 105
N0776135............................................... 125 N0777219................................................. 45 N0777393............................................... 105
N0776136............................................... 125 N0777220................................................. 70 N0777396............................................... 105
N0776137............................................... 125 N0777221....................................... 102, 129 N0777397............................................... 103
N0776138............................................... 125 N0777222............................................... 102 N0777398............................................... 103
N0776139............................................... 125 N0777223................................... 46, 71, 102 N0777402............................................... 105
N0776140............................................... 125 N0777224............................................... 102 N0777403............................................... 105
N0776141............................................... 125 N0777225................................... 46, 71, 102 N0777404............................................... 105
N0776142............................................... 125 N0777226............................................... 102 N0777405............................................... 105
N0776143............................................... 125 N0777227............................................... 102 N0777406............................................... 105
N0776200................................................. 90 N0777228............................................... 103 N0777407............................................... 105
N0777031................................................. 44 N0777229............................................... 103 N0777410................................................. 77
N0777032................................................. 44 N0777230............................................... 103 N0777413........................................... 43, 44
N0777034................................................. 74 N0777231............................................... 103 N0777414................................................. 42
N0777035................................................. 74 N0777232............................................... 103 N0777415................................................. 79
N0777036................................................. 50 N0777233............................................... 103 N0777416................................................. 79
N0777042........................................... 85, 96 N0777234............................................... 103 N0777417................................................. 79
N0777043................................................. 96 N0777235............................................... 103 N0777419................................................. 79



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N0777420................................................. 79 N0777610................................................. 64 N0777729................................................. 93
N0777430................................................. 81 N0777611................................................. 64 N0777731........................................... 51, 57
N0777434................................................. 71 N0777612........................................... 64, 65 N0777734................................................. 44
N0777435........................................... 43, 69 N0777613................................................. 93 N0777735................................................. 44
N0777436........................................... 43, 69 N0777618................................................. 65 N0777736................................................. 44
N0777437........................................... 43, 69 N0777630................................................. 62 N0777737................................................. 44
N0777438........................................... 51, 74 N0777631................................................. 62 N0777738................................................. 44
N0777439........................................... 51, 74 N0777632................................................. 62 N0777743................................................. 65
N0777441................................................. 96 N0777633................................................. 62 N0777744................................................. 65
N0777442................................................. 96 N0777634................................................. 62 N0777769................................................. 68
N0777443................................................. 96 N0777635................................................. 50 N0777771............................................... 103
N0777444........................................... 85, 96 N0777637................................................. 50 N0777772............................................... 103
N0777445................................................. 96 N0777638................................................. 50 N0777777................................................. 81
N0777446................................................. 96 N0777639............................................... 103 N0777783............................................... 106
N0777447................................................. 96 N0777640............................................... 103 N0777784............................................... 106
N0777457................................................. 77 N0777641............................................... 103 N0777785............................................... 106
N0777460........................................... 42, 68 N0777642............................................... 103 N0777798................................................. 93
N0777461................................................. 98 N0777643............................................... 103 N0777813............................................... 105
N0777462..................................... 43, 69, 98 N0777644............................................... 103 N0777814............................................... 105
N0777463..................................... 43, 69, 98 N0777658................................................. 68 N0777815............................................... 105
N0777464..................................... 43, 69, 98 N0777659................................................. 68 N0777818............................................... 105
N0777465................................................. 98 N0777660................................................. 68 N0777819............................................... 105
N0777466................................................. 98 N0777661................................................. 68 N0777820............................................... 105
N0777476................................................. 96 N0777664................................................. 81 N0777821............................................... 105
N0777479................................................. 81 N0777665................................................. 81 N0777822............................................... 103
N0777480................................................. 81 N0777666................................................. 81 N0777823............................................... 103
N0777484................................................. 69 N0777667................................................. 81 N0777824................................................. 53
N0777485................................................. 69 N0777676................................................. 45 N0777826................................... 46, 71, 102
N0777486................................................. 69 N0777681................................................. 93 N0777827................................... 46, 71, 102
N0777487................................................. 44 N0777682................................................. 93 N0777828........................................... 45, 70
N0777488................................................. 44 N0777687................................................. 89 N0777829................................................. 99
N0777489................................................. 44 N0777689................................................. 93 N0777830................................................. 99
N0777494................................................. 50 N0777690................................................. 92 N0777836................................................. 53
N0777495................................................. 50 N0777691............................................... 104 N0777840................................................. 60
N0777496................................................. 52 N0777692............................................... 104 N0777841................................................. 60
N0777497........................................... 52, 55 N0777693............................................... 104 N0777842................................................. 60
N0777508................................................. 60 N0777694............................................... 104 N0777843................................................. 60
N0777509................................................. 60 N0777695............................................... 104 N0777844............................................51-52
N0777510................................................. 60 N0777696............................................... 104 N0777845........................................... 43, 69
N0777511................................................. 93 N0777697............................................... 104 N0777846........................................... 43, 69
N0777512..................................... 43, 44, 69 N0777698............................................... 104 N0777847........................................... 43, 69
N0777513........................................... 43, 69 N0777699............................................... 104 N0777848................................................. 98
N0777514........................................... 43, 69 N0777700............................................... 104 N0777870................................................. 29
N0777518................................................. 96 N0777701............................................... 104 N0777871................................................. 29
N0777521................................................. 96 N0777702............................................... 104 N0777874................................................. 96
N0777522............................................... 102 N0777703............................................... 104 N0777880................................................. 60
N0777523............................................... 102 N0777704............................................... 104 N0777881................................................. 64
N0777547............................................... 101 N0777705............................................... 104 N0777882................................................. 64
N0777561................................................. 96 N0777706............................................... 104 N0777883................................................. 64
N0777565............................................... 101 N0777707...................................... 42, 54-56 N0777900....................................... 106, 135
N0777568............................................... 101 N0777710................................................. 95 N0777901............................................... 104
N0777599............................................... 104 N0777711................................................. 96 N0777920................................................. 91
N0777602................................................. 64 N0777712........................................... 49, 72 N0777930............................................... 106
N0777603................................................. 64 N0777713................................................. 44 N0777940............................................... 104
N0777604................................................. 64 N0777714................................................. 44 N0777941............................................... 104
N0777605................................................. 64 N0777715................................................. 60 N0777942............................................... 104
N0777606................................................. 64 N0777717............................................... 101 N0780128............................................58-59
N0777607................................................. 64 N0777719................................................. 93 N0780130...................................... 55-56, 58
N0777608................................................. 64 N0777727................................................. 93 N0780132............................................57-58
N0777609................................................. 64 N0777728................................................. 93 N0780133................................................. 58



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N0780437................................................. 59 N0790373................................................. 52 N0810861................................................. 60
N0780546...................................... 47, 54-56 N0790384........................................... 52, 56 N0810862................................................. 65
N0780606................................................. 55 N0790412................................................. 57 N0810863................................................. 65
N0780607................................................. 55 N0790437........................................... 59, 63 N0810870................................................. 65
N0780608................................................. 57 N0790439................................................. 61 N0810871................................................. 65
N0780616................................................. 56 N0790440........................................... 59, 63 N0811287................................................. 42
N0780617................................................. 56 N0790441........................................... 59, 63 N0811288................................................. 42
N0780676................................................. 47 N0790442................................................. 60 N0811289................................................. 43
N0780759................................................. 53 N0790606................................................. 54 N0811291................................................. 43
N0780760................................................. 53 N0790607................................................. 54 N0811292................................................. 43
N0780761................................................. 53 N0790608................................................. 56 N0811293................................................. 43
N0780825................................................. 89 N0790609................................................. 56 N0811294................................................. 43
N0780826................................................. 89 N0790610................................................. 57 N0811298................................................. 43
N0781007........................................... 57, 62 N0790611................................................. 54 N0811299................................................. 43
N0781008................................................. 62 N0790953................................................. 53 N0811300................................................. 43
N0781009................................................. 62 N0790959................................................. 53 N0811301................................................. 43
N0781013................................................. 62 N0790960................................................. 65 N0811302................................................. 43
N0781014...................................... 55-56, 62 N0790964................................................. 65 N0811303................................................. 43
N0781015................................................. 62 N0790965................................................. 65 N0811305................................................. 43
N0781016................................................. 62 N0791125................................................. 58 N0811306................................................. 43
N0781017................................................. 62 N0791163................................................. 63 N0811307................................................. 43
N0781018................................................. 62 N0791180................................................. 62 N0811308................................................. 43
N0781019................................................. 62 N0791181................................................. 62 N0811900................................................. 51
N0781050................................................. 62 N0791182..................................... 54, 57, 62 N0811901................................................. 51
N0781097........................................... 56, 58 N0791183................................ 54, 56, 62-63 N0811902................................................. 59
N0781598................................................. 49 N0791184................................................. 62 N0811903................................................. 59
N0782004................................................. 62 N0791185................................................. 62 N0811904................................................. 60
N0782005................................................. 62 N0791186................................................. 62 N0811906................................................. 59
N0782006................................................. 62 N0791187................................................. 62 N0811907................................................. 59
N0782007................................................. 62 N0791188................................................. 62 N0811908................................................. 58
N0782008................................................. 62 N0791189................................................. 62 N0811912................................................. 60
N0782009................................................. 62 N0791190................................................. 62 N1010215................................................. 26
N0782010................................................. 62 N0791300................................................. 60 N2010245................................................. 27
N0782012................................................. 50 N0791301................................................. 60 N2010246........................................... 25, 27
N0782014................................................. 50 N0791303................................................. 60 N2010247............................................26-27
N0782019............................................... 103 N0791333........................................... 59, 63 N2010250........................................... 25, 27
N0782035................................................. 89 N0791334........................................... 58, 59 N2010255................................................. 38
N0782036................................................. 89 N0791352................................ 51, 54, 56-57 N2010262................................................. 38
N0782060............................................... 106 N0791438..................................... 42, 51, 57 N2011074................................................. 21
N0786010................................................. 89 N0791499................................................. 54 N2020005................................................. 89
N0786011................................................. 89 N0791841................................................. 51 N2020006................................................. 89
N0786019................................................. 53 N0791842................................................. 51 N2020007................................................. 89
N0786020................................................. 53 N0791843................................................. 42 N2024131................................................. 71
N0786021................................................. 62 N0791847................................................. 52 N2024132................................................. 71
N0786022................................................. 62 N0791848................................................. 52 N2024191................................................. 81
N0786030................................................. 99 N0791849................................................. 62 N2025300................................................. 19
N0786036................................................. 99 N0791850................................................. 62 N2025301................................................. 19
N0786043................................................. 71 N0791851................................................. 62 N2025302................................................. 19
N0790131..................................... 54, 56, 58 N0810128........................................... 54, 58 N2025303................................................. 19
N0790138........................................... 54, 58 N0810194................................................. 61 N2025304................................................. 19
N0790141................................ 54, 56-57, 63 N0810214................................................. 58 N2025305................................................. 19
N0790143................................................. 63 N0810346................................................. 61 N2025306................................................. 19
N0790154................................................. 63 N0810439................................................. 61 N2025307................................................. 19
N0790156........................................... 56, 63 N0810606................................................. 54 N2025308................................................. 19
N0790188................................................. 94 N0810607................................................. 54 N2025309................................................. 19
N0790189................................................. 94 N0810609................................................. 54 N2025310................................................. 19
N0790196................................................. 61 N0810856................................................. 53 N2025311................................................. 19
N0790214................................................. 58 N0810857................................................. 53 N2025312................................................. 19
N0790249...................................... 54, 57-58 N0810858................................................. 53 N2025313................................................. 19
N0790296........................................... 52, 56 N0810860................................................. 53 N2025314................................................. 19



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N2025315................................................. 19 N3050114................................................. 14 N3050206................................................. 15
N2025316................................................. 19 N3050115................................................. 14 N3050208................................................. 15
N2025317................................................. 19 N3050118................................................. 14 N3050209................................................. 15
N2025318................................................. 19 N3050119................................................. 14 N3050212................................................. 15
N2025319................................................. 19 N3050121................................................. 14 N3050213................................................. 15
N2025320................................................. 19 N3050122................................................. 14 N3050214................................................. 15
N2025321................................................. 19 N3050123................................................. 14 N3050217................................................. 15
N2025322................................................. 19 N3050124................................................. 14 N3050218................................................. 15
N2025323................................................. 19 N3050126................................................. 14 N3050302................................................. 15
N2025324................................................. 19 N3050128................................................. 14 N3050303................................................. 14
N2025325................................................. 19 N3050129................................................. 14 N3050305................................................. 14
N2025326................................................. 19 N3050130................................................. 14 N3050309................................................. 14
N2025327................................................. 19 N3050133................................................. 14 N3050314................................................. 14
N2025328................................................. 19 N3050134................................................. 14 N3050315................................................. 14
N2025329................................................. 19 N3050135................................................. 14 N3050319................................................. 14
N2025330................................................. 19 N3050137................................................. 14 N3050321................................................. 14
N2025331................................................. 19 N3050138................................................. 14 N3050326................................................. 14
N2025332................................................. 19 N3050139................................................. 14 N3050339................................................. 14
N2025333................................................. 19 N3050141................................................. 14 N3050344................................................. 14
N2025334................................................. 19 N3050142................................................. 14 N3050345................................................. 14
N2025335................................................. 19 N3050144................................................. 14 N3050348................................................. 15
N2025336................................................. 19 N3050145................................................. 14 N3050352................................................. 14
N2025337................................................. 19 N3050146................................................. 14 N3050357................................................. 14
N2025338................................................. 19 N3050148................................................. 15 N3050365................................................. 14
N2025339................................................. 19 N3050149................................................. 14 N3050370................................................. 14
N2025340................................................. 19 N3050150................................................. 14 N3050391................................................. 15
N2025341................................................. 19 N3050152................................................. 14 N3050605................................................. 17
N2025342................................................. 19 N3050155................................................. 14 N3050611................................................. 17
N2025343................................................. 19 N3050157................................................. 14 N3050615................................................. 17
N2025344................................................. 19 N3050158................................................. 14 N3050620................................................. 17
N2025345................................................. 19 N3050161................................................. 14 N3050630................................................. 17
N2025346................................................. 19 N3050162................................................. 14 N3050634................................................. 17
N2025347................................................. 19 N3050165................................................. 14 N3050655................................................. 17
N2025348................................................. 19 N3050166................................................. 14 N3050657................................................. 17
N2025349................................................. 19 N3050168................................................. 14 N3050664................................................. 17
N2025350................................................. 19 N3050170................................................. 14 N3050670................................................. 17
N2025351................................................. 19 N3050171................................................. 15 N3050672................................................. 17
N2025352................................................. 19 N3050172................................................. 15 N3050675................................................. 17
N2025353................................................. 19 N3050173................................................. 15 N3050680................................................. 17
N2025354................................................. 19 N3050174................................................. 14 N3050683................................................. 17
N2025355................................................. 19 N3050175................................................. 15 N3050691................................................. 17
N2025356................................................. 19 N3050176................................................. 15 N3050860................................................. 17
N2025357................................................. 19 N3050177................................................. 15 N3050861................................................. 17
N2025358................................................. 19 N3050178................................................. 15 N3050862................................................. 17
N2025359................................................. 19 N3050180................................................. 15 N3050863................................................. 17
N2025360................................................. 19 N3050182................................................. 15 N3050864................................................. 17
N2025361................................................. 19 N3050183................................................. 15 N3050865................................................. 17
N2025362................................................. 19 N3050184................................................. 15 N3050866................................................. 17
N2025363................................................. 19 N3050186................................................. 15 N3050867................................................. 17
N2025364................................................. 19 N3050187................................................. 15 N3050868................................................. 17
N2025365................................................. 19 N3050189................................................. 15 N3050869................................................. 17
N2025366................................................. 19 N3050190................................................. 15 N3050870................................................. 17
N3050102................................................. 15 N3050191................................................. 15 N3050871................................................. 17
N3050103................................................. 14 N3050192................................................. 15 N3050872................................................. 17
N3050105................................................. 14 N3050197................................................. 17 N3050873................................................. 17
N3050107................................................. 14 N3050201................................................. 15 N3050874................................................. 17
N3050108................................................. 14 N3050202................................................. 15 N3051050................................................. 17
N3050109................................................. 14 N3050203................................................. 15 N3110147................................................. 30
N3050110................................................. 14 N3050204................................................. 15 N3130100............................................... 135
N3050111................................................. 14 N3050205................................................. 15 N3130110............................................... 135



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N3131005............................................... 136 N3150525................................................. 27 N8121045................................................. 69
N3131006............................................... 136 N3151205............................................24-25 N8121046................................................. 69
N3131007............................................... 136 N3160133................................................. 24 N8121056................................................. 69
N3131008............................................... 136 N3160143................................................. 27 N8121057................................................. 69
N3131009............................................... 135 N3160144................................................. 27 N8121061................................................. 69
N3131010............................................... 136 N3160146........................................... 25, 27 N8121068................................................. 91
N3131011............................................... 136 N3160152................................................. 27 N8121069......................................... 91, 106
N3132000............................................... 137 N3160153........................................... 24, 27 N8121086................................................. 83
N3132001............................................... 137 N3160154........................................... 24, 27 N8122004................................................. 82
N3132002............................................... 137 N3160156................................................. 27 N8122006................................ 76, 79, 85-86
N3132003............................................... 137 N3160157................................................. 27 N8122007................................................. 78
N3132004............................................... 137 N3160158................................................. 27 N8122010................................................. 78
N3132005............................................... 137 N3160159................................................. 27 N8122012........................................... 76, 96
N3132006............................................... 137 N3160188........................................... 21, 27 N8122014............................................... 118
N3132007............................................... 137 N3160189........................................... 21, 27 N8122017............................................... 118
N3132008............................................... 137 N3160192................................................. 27 N8122038....................................... 118, 121
N3132009............................................... 136 N3160193................................................. 27 N8122188................................................. 73
N3132010............................................... 136 N3160194................................................. 27 N8122192........................................... 70, 76
N3132011............................................... 136 N3160231................................................. 17 N8122239........................................... 48, 72
N3132012............................................... 136 N3160505........................................... 21, 27 N8122308................................................. 82
N3132013............................................... 136 N3160506................................................. 21 N8122350........................................... 46, 71
N3132014............................................... 136 N3160511........................................... 21, 27 N8122351..................................... 46, 71, 76
N3132015............................................... 136 N3160545................................................. 21 N8122356................................................. 74
N3133003............................................... 137 N3160683........................................... 21, 27 N8122357................................................. 76
N3133006............................................... 137 N3160809................................................. 21 N8122358................................................. 78
N3133007............................................... 137 N3160811................................................. 17 N8122359................................................. 78
N3133008............................................... 137 N3161006................................................. 24 N8122382........................................... 45, 70
N3133009............................................... 137 N3161057................................................. 24 N8122383........................................... 45, 70
N3133010............................................... 137 N3161224................................................. 21 N8122384........................................... 45, 70
N3133011............................................... 137 N3161240................................................. 20 N8122389................................................. 76
N3133012............................................... 136 N3180626................................................. 17 N8122394................................................. 78
N3133013............................................... 136 N5316000............................................... 127 N8122410................................................. 76
N3133014............................................... 136 N5316001............................................... 127 N8122411............................................76-78
N3133015............................................... 136 N5316002............................................... 127 N8122412............................................76-78
N3133016............................................... 136 N5316003............................................... 127 N8122413............................................77-78
N3133017............................................... 136 N5316004............................................... 127 N8122452................................................. 76
N3133018............................................... 136 N5316005............................................... 127 N8122460........................................... 42, 68
N3133019............................................... 136 N5316024............................................... 127 N8122461........................................... 42, 68
N3133021............................................... 137 N5316025............................................... 127 N8122462........................................... 42, 68
N3133022............................................... 137 N8102011................................................. 68 N8122463............................................... 103
N3133023............................................... 137 N0810433................................................. 57 N8122464............................................... 103
N3133024............................................... 137 N8120100................................................. 78 N8125001................................................. 82
N3134000............................................... 137 N8120116................................................. 78 N8125010............................................... 118
N3134002............................................... 137 N8120124................................................. 74 N8125029........................................... 77, 86
N3134004............................................... 137 N8120511........................................... 83, 86 N8125030............................................... 118
N3134005............................................... 137 N8120512........................................... 83, 86 N8125031............................................... 118
N3134007............................................... 137 N8120515........................................... 72, 86 N8125032............................................... 118
N3134009............................................... 136 N8120516........................................... 72, 76 N8125033....................................... 118, 121
N3134010............................................... 136 N8120518................................................. 86 N8125034............................................... 118
N3134011............................................... 136 N8120519................................................. 86 N8125035............................................... 118
N3134012............................................... 136 N8120522............................................... 118 N8125037....................................... 118, 120
N3134013............................................... 137 N8120541............................................... 118 N8125038....................................... 118, 120
N3134014............................................... 137 N8120610................................................. 86 N8125039............................................... 120
N3134015............................................... 135 N8120611................................................. 86 N8125040............................................... 118
N3134072............................................... 137 N8121035........................................... 49, 72 N8125041............................................... 118
N3134094............................................... 136 N8121036........................................... 42, 68 N8125050................................................. 82
N3150131................................................. 17 N8121037........................................... 42, 68 N8126041................................................. 86
N3150188................................................. 27 N8121038........................................... 42, 68 N8126045................................................. 57
N3150230................................................. 21 N8121039........................................... 42, 68 N8140032............................................... 129
N3150303................................................. 17 N8121043............................................... 105 N8140360................................................. 78



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N8140503............................................... 120 N8145109................................................. 77 N8145174................................................. 97
N8140504............................................... 120 N8145110................................................. 77 N8145175................................................. 97
N8140507................................................. 76 N8145111................................................. 77 N8145176................................................. 97
N8140511................................................. 76 N8145112................................................. 77 N8145177................................................. 97
N8140513................................................. 85 N8145113................................................. 77 N8145178................................................. 97
N8140527................................................. 78 N8145114................................................. 77 N8145179................................................. 97
N8140747................................................. 76 N8145115................................................. 77 N8145180................................................. 97
N8140748................................................. 76 N8145116................................................. 77 N8145181................................................. 97
N8140749................................................. 76 N8145117................................................. 77 N8145182................................................. 97
N8141230............................................... 106 N8145118................................................. 77 N8145183................................................. 97
N8141315................................................. 79 N8145119................................................. 74 N8145184................................................. 97
N8141420................................................. 74 N8145120................................................. 74 N8145185................................................. 97
N8141425................................................. 76 N8145121................................................. 74 N8145186................................................. 97
N8142000................................................. 74 N8145122................................................. 74 N8145187................................................. 97
N8142001................................................. 76 N8145125............................................... 105 N8145188................................................. 97
N8142002................................................. 76 N8145129............................................... 103 N8145189................................................. 97
N8142003................................................. 75 N8145130............................................... 103 N8145190................................................. 97
N8142011............................................... 106 N8145131............................................... 103 N8145191................................................. 97
N8142012............................................... 106 N8145132............................................... 105 N8145192................................................. 97
N8142045............................................... 129 N8145133............................................... 105 N8145193................................................. 97
N8142046............................................... 129 N8145134............................................... 105 N8145194................................................. 97
N8142047............................................... 129 N8145135........................................... 45, 70 N8145195......................................... 97, 129
N8145000................................................. 82 N8145136........................................... 45, 70 N8145196................................................. 97
N8145003................................................. 82 N8145137........................................... 45, 70 N8145197................................................. 97
N8145011................................................. 68 N8145138........................................... 45, 70 N8145198................................................. 97
N8145012................................................. 68 N8145139........................................... 46, 71 N8145199................................................. 97
N8145013........................................... 73, 85 N8145140........................................... 46, 71 N8145200................................................. 97
N8145014........................................... 73, 85 N8145141................................... 46, 71, 102 N8145201................................................. 97
N8145015........................................... 68, 85 N8145142................................... 46, 71, 102 N8145202................................................. 97
N8145016........................................... 68, 85 N8145143................................... 46, 71, 102 N8145203................................................. 97
N8145017........................68, 71, 85, 99, 129 N8145144................................... 46, 71, 102 N8145204................................................. 97
N8145018..................68, 71, 81, 85, 99, 129 N8145145................................................. 97 N8145205................................................. 97
N8145027................................................. 82 N8145146................................................. 97 N8145206................................................. 97
N8145028................................................. 83 N8145147................................................. 97 N8145207................................................. 97
N8145049............................................... 120 N8145148................................................. 97 N8145208................................................. 97
N8145050........................................120-121 N8145149................................................. 97 N8145209................................................. 97
N8145051....................................... 118, 120 N8145150........................................... 84, 97 N8145210................................................. 97
N8145052............................................... 120 N8145151................................................. 97 N8145211................................................. 97
N8145053............................................... 120 N8145152................................................. 97 N8145212................................................. 97
N8145054............................................... 120 N8145153................................................. 97 N8145213................................................. 97
N8145055............................................... 120 N8145154................................................. 97 N8145214................................................. 97
N8145056............................................... 120 N8145155................................................. 97 N8145215................................................. 97
N8145057............................................... 120 N8145156................................................. 97 N8145216................................................. 97
N8145058............................................... 120 N8145157................................................. 97 N8145217................................................. 97
N8145059............................................... 120 N8145158................................................. 97 N8145218................................................. 97
N8145060............................................... 121 N8145159................................................. 97 N8145219................................................. 97
N8145061............................................... 121 N8145160................................................. 97 N8145220................................................. 97
N8145072................................................. 77 N8145161................................................. 97 N8145236........................................... 49, 72
N8145074................................................. 87 N8145162................................................. 97 N8145237................................................. 99
N8145075................................................. 87 N8145163................................................. 97 N8145238................................................. 99
N8145079............................................... 105 N8145164................................................. 97 N8145275................................... 46, 71, 102
N8145099................................................. 75 N8145165................................................. 97 N8145280................................................. 87
N8145101................................................. 70 N8145166................................................. 97 N8145281................................................. 87
N8145102........................................... 46, 71 N8145167................................................. 97 N8145284....................................... 118, 120
N8145103........................................... 46, 71 N8145168................................................. 97 N8145289............................................... 120
N8145104........................................... 46, 71 N8145169................................................. 97 N8145309................................................. 75
N8145105............................................... 105 N8145170................................................. 97 N8145310................................................. 75
N8145106................................................. 79 N8145171................................................. 97 N8145314................................................. 75
N8145107................................................. 77 N8145172................................................. 97 N8145315........................................... 49, 72
N8145108................................................. 77 N8145173........................................... 84, 97 N8145316........................................... 49, 72



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N8145317............................................... 103 N8150035................................................. 80 N8151066............................................... 112
N8145318................................................. 79 N8150036................................................. 81 N8151067............................................... 112
N8145319................................................. 83 N8150037................................................. 81 N8151068............................................... 112
N8145320................................................. 83 N8150038................................................. 80 N8151069............................................... 112
N8145321................................................. 74 N8150040................................................. 80 N8151070................................................. 69
N8145329................................................. 89 N8150054................................................. 84 N8151071................................................. 69
N8145338................................................. 77 N8150055................................................. 84 N8151072................................................. 69
N8145339................................................. 77 N8150056................................................. 84 N8151073................................................. 69
N8145340................................................. 75 N8150057................................................. 84 N8151074................................................. 69
N8145344............................................... 102 N8150058................................................. 84 N8151075................................................. 69
N8145345................................................. 68 N8150060............................................80-81 N8151076................................................. 69
N8145346........................................... 42, 68 N8150279................................................. 78 N8151077................................................. 69
N8145347........................................... 42, 68 N8150321............................................... 129 N8151078................................................. 69
N8145348............................................... 105 N8150390........................................... 87, 89 N8151079................................................. 69
N8145349............................................... 105 N8150391........................................... 87, 89 N8151093............................................... 112
N8145350............................................... 105 N8150427................................................. 72 N8151094............................................... 112
N8145351............................................... 105 N8150428................................................. 72 N8151095............................................... 112
N8145352............................................... 105 N8150429................................................. 72 N8151096............................................... 112
N8145353............................................... 105 N8150445................................................. 75 N8151097............................................... 112
N8145354............................................... 103 N8150446................................................. 75 N8151098............................................... 112
N8145358................................................. 48 N8150450........................................... 74, 80 N8152136........................................... 84, 95
N8145359................................................. 48 N8150468................................................. 87 N8152167........................................... 84, 95
N8145360................................................. 48 N8150469................................................. 87 N8152359................................................. 81
N8145361................................................. 48 N8150478................................................. 87 N8152364................................................. 81
N8145362................................................. 48 N8150479................................................. 87 N8152372........................................... 68, 80
N8145363................................................. 48 N8150743................................................. 72 N8152373........................................... 68, 80
N8145364................................................. 48 N8151032............................................... 121 N8152374...................................... 74, 80-81
N8145365........................................... 42, 48 N8151033............................................... 120 N8152375..................................... 73, 80, 84
N8145368........................................... 45, 70 N8151034............................................... 123 N8152376..................................... 77, 81, 84
N8145400................................................. 89 N8151035............................................... 123 N8152377.................................... 80-81, 129
N8145407................................................. 91 N8151036............................................... 123 N8152378............................................80-81
N8145419............................................... 120 N8151037............................................... 121 N8152379...................................... 79-81, 84
N8145420............................................... 120 N8151038............................................... 121 N8152380................................................. 81
N8145421............................................... 120 N8151039............................................... 112 N8152382...................................... 75, 80-81
N8145422............................................... 120 N8151040............................................... 112 N8152383........................................... 73, 80
N8145446................................................. 75 N8151041............................................... 112 N8152384................................................. 68
N8145457................................................. 49 N8151042............................................... 112 N8152385................................................. 68
N8145461........................................... 42, 68 N8151043............................................... 112 N8152386..................................... 68, 80, 99
N8145462........................................... 42, 68 N8151044............................................... 112 N8152387........................................... 68, 99
N8145463................................................. 42 N8151045............................................... 112 N8152388..................................... 68, 84, 99
N8145464................................................. 42 N8151046............................................... 112 N8152389................................ 73, 80-81, 84
N8145465................................................. 42 N8151047............................................... 112 N8152390................................................. 74
N8145466................................................. 42 N8151048............................................... 112 N8152401......................................... 97, 129
N8145473............................................... 105 N8151049............................................... 112 N8152402................................................. 97
N8145474............................................... 105 N8151050............................................... 112 N8152403................................................. 97
N8145475............................................... 105 N8151051............................................... 112 N8152404................................................. 97
N8145476............................................... 105 N8151052............................................... 112 N8152405........................................... 84, 97
N8145503..................................... 68, 80, 84 N8151053............................................... 112 N8152406................................................. 97
N8145504............................................... 102 N8151054............................................... 112 N8152407................................................. 97
N8145508............................................... 129 N8151055............................................... 112 N8152408................................................. 97
N8145516................................................. 74 N8151056............................................... 112 N8152409................................................. 97
N8145517................................................. 74 N8151057............................................... 112 N8152410................................................. 97
N8145518................................................. 74 N8151058............................................... 112 N8152411................................................. 97
N8145520................................................. 99 N8151059............................................... 112 N8152412................................................. 97
N8145531................................................. 70 N8151060............................................... 112 N8152413................................................. 97
N8145536................................................. 81 N8151061............................................... 112 N8152414................................................. 97
N8150031................................................. 80 N8151062............................................... 112 N8152415........................................... 84, 97
N8150032............................................... 129 N8151063............................................... 112 N8152420................................... 71, 80, 102
N8150033................................................. 80 N8151064............................................... 112 N8152421................................................. 99
N8150034................................................. 80 N8151065............................................... 112 N8152422................................................. 99



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N8152423...................................... 80-81, 99 N8152591......................................... 71, 102 N9300144............................................... 109
N8152424..................................... 73, 81, 84 N8152592......................................... 71, 102 N9300145............................................... 109
N8152425...................................... 73, 80-81 N8152593......................................... 71, 102 N9300146............................................... 109
N8152426........................................... 74, 80 N8152594......................................... 71, 102 N9300147............................................... 109
N8152427................................................. 79 N8152595......................................... 71, 102 N9300148....................................... 109, 116
N8152428..............................79, 81, 84, 129 N8152596................................................. 79 N9300149............................................... 109
N8152429........................................... 77, 80 N8152603................................................. 77 N9300150............................................... 109
N8152430............................................80-81 N8152604................................................. 77 N9300151............................................... 109
N8152431............................................80-81 N8152606................................................. 77 N9300152....................................... 109, 116
N8152432......................................... 81, 129 N8152616................................................. 80 N9300153....................................... 109, 116
N8152433................................................. 81 N8152683................................................. 72 N9300154............................................... 109
N8152434............................................80-81 N8152692................................................. 72 N9300155............................................... 109
N8152435............................................80-81 N8152720................................................. 74 N9300157............................................... 109
N8152437................................................. 81 N9300065................................................. 26 N9300158............................................... 109
N8152438................................................. 81 N9300067................................................. 47 N9300160............................................... 109
N8152439................................................. 81 N9300068................................................. 94 N9300161....................................... 109, 116
N8152440................................................. 81 N9300100....................................... 109, 116 N9300162....................................... 109, 116
N8152441................................................. 81 N9300101....................................... 109, 116 N9300163............................................... 109
N8152442................................................. 81 N9300102............................................... 109 N9300165....................................... 109, 116
N8152443...................................... 77, 79-81 N9300103............................................... 109 N9300166............................................... 109
N8152444................................................. 77 N9300104............................................... 109 N9300167....................................... 109, 116
N8152445................................................. 77 N9300105............................................... 109 N9300168............................................... 109
N8152446................................................. 77 N9300106............................................... 109 N9300169............................................... 109
N8152447........................................... 77, 80 N9300107............................................... 109 N9300170............................................... 109
N8152448................................................. 80 N9300108....................................... 109, 116 N9300171............................................... 109
N8152449........................................... 74, 80 N9300109............................................... 109 N9300172............................................... 109
N8152451........................ 77, 79-81, 84, 129 N9300110............................................... 109 N9300173............................................... 109
N8152452.................................... 80-81, 102 N9300111............................................... 109 N9300174............................................... 109
N8152453................................68, 80, 84, 99 N9300112....................................... 109, 116 N9300175............................................... 109
N8152455................................ 70, 80-81, 84 N9300113............................................... 109 N9300176............................................... 109
N8152456................................ 74, 80-81, 84 N9300114....................................... 109, 116 N9300177............................................... 109
N8152465........................................... 84, 95 N9300115............................................... 109 N9300178............................................... 109
N8152472...................................... 79-80, 84 N9300116............................................... 109 N9300179....................................... 109, 116
N8152473...................................... 79-80, 84 N9300117............................................... 109 N9300180............................................... 109
N8152474...................................... 73, 79-81 N9300118............................................... 109 N9300181............................................... 109
N8152476........................................... 77, 79 N9300119............................................... 109 N9300182............................................... 109
N8152478................................................. 70 N9300120............................................... 109 N9300183............................................... 109
N8152479................................................. 70 N9300121............................................... 109 N9300184....................................... 109, 116
N8152480................................................. 70 N9300122............................................... 109 N9300200....................................... 114, 117
N8152489............................................... 129 N9300123............................................... 109 N9300201....................................... 114, 117
N8152493......................................... 73, 129 N9300124............................................... 109 N9300202....................................... 114, 117
N8152494............................................... 129 N9300125............................................... 109 N9300203....................................... 114, 117
N8152495............................................... 129 N9300126....................................... 109, 116 N9300204....................................... 114, 117
N8152496............................................... 129 N9300127............................................... 109 N9300205....................................... 117, 119
N8152497............................................... 129 N9300128............................................... 109 N9300207............................... 109, 117, 119
N8152532............................................80-81 N9300129....................................... 109, 116 N9300208....................................... 117, 119
N8152533............................................80-81 N9300130............................................... 109 N9300211............................................... 117
N8152535................................................. 81 N9300131....................................... 109, 116 N9300212............................................... 117
N8152536................................................. 81 N9300132....................................... 109, 116 N9300213............................................... 117
N8152551........................................... 74, 80 N9300133............................................... 109 N9300214............................................... 117
N8152571................................................. 99 N9300134............................................... 109 N9300215............................................... 117
N8152582................................................. 71 N9300135............................................... 109 N9300216............................................... 117
N8152583................................................. 71 N9300136....................................... 109, 116 N9300217............................................... 117
N8152584................................................. 71 N9300137............................................... 109 N9300218....................................... 116, 119
N8152585................................................. 71 N9300138............................................... 109 N9300219....................................... 116, 119
N8152586................................................. 71 N9300139............................................... 109 N9300220....................................... 116, 119
N8152587......................................... 71, 102 N9300140............................................... 109 N9300221................................ 116, 118-119
N8152588......................................... 71, 102 N9300141....................................... 109, 116 N9300223............................................... 117
N8152589......................................... 71, 102 N9300142............................................... 109 N9300224............................................... 119
N8152590......................................... 71, 102 N9300143............................................... 109 N9300225............................................... 120



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N9300226....................................... 116, 119 N9303736............................................... 109 N9303796............................................... 109
N9300227....................................... 116, 119 N9303737............................................... 109 N9303797............................................... 119
N9300228....................................... 116, 119 N9303738............................................... 109 N9303798............................................... 109
N9300229....................................... 116, 119 N9303739............................................... 111 N9303799............................................... 109
N9300230............................................... 114 N9303740............................................... 109 N9303800............................................... 109
N9300231............................................... 113 N9303741............................................... 111 N9303801............................................... 109
N9300232............................................... 113 N9303742............................................... 109 N9303802............................................... 109
N9300233............................................... 113 N9303743............................................... 109 N9303803............................................... 109
N9300234............................................... 113 N9303744............................................... 109 N9303804............................................... 109
N9300235....................................... 113, 116 N9303745............................................... 109 N9303806............................................... 109
N9300236............................................... 113 N9303746............................................... 109 N9303807............................................... 109
N9300238....................................... 113, 121 N9303747............................................... 109 N9303808............................................... 109
N9300239............................................... 113 N9303748............................................... 109 N9303809............................................... 109
N9300241............................................... 117 N9303749............................................... 111 N9303810............................................... 109
N9300244............................................... 112 N9303750............................................... 109 N9303811............................................... 109
N9300253............................................... 115 N9303751............................................... 111 N9303812............................................... 109
N9300260............................................... 112 N9303752............................................... 109 N9303813............................................... 121
N9300280............................................... 114 N9303753............................................... 111 N9303814....................................... 113, 121
N9300281............................................... 114 N9303754............................................... 109 N9303816............................... 115, 118, 121
N9300283............................................... 111 N9303755............................................... 109 N9303818............................................... 118
N9300651................................................. 32 N9303756............................................... 109 N9303819............................................... 115
N9300800............................................... 131 N9303757............................................... 111 N9303821....................................... 115, 119
N9300801............................................... 131 N9303758............................................... 109 N9303822....................................... 115, 119
N9300802............................................... 131 N9303759............................................... 109 N9303823....................................... 115, 119
N9300803............................................... 131 N9303760............................................... 109 N9303824....................................... 115, 119
N9300804............................................... 131 N9303761............................................... 109 N9303825............................................... 118
N9300805............................................... 131 N9303762............................................... 109 N9303826............................................... 118
N9300806............................................... 131 N9303763............................................... 109 N9303827............................................... 115
N9300807............................................... 131 N9303764............................................... 111 N9303828............................................... 119
N9300808............................................... 131 N9303765............................................... 109 N9303829............................................... 115
N9300809............................................... 131 N9303766............................................... 109 N9303830............................................... 119
N9300810............................................... 132 N9303767............................................... 109 N9303831............................................... 119
N9300811............................................... 134 N9303768............................................... 109 N9303832............................................... 120
N9300850............................................... 127 N9303769............................................... 109 N9303833............................................... 120
N9301205............................................... 104 N9303770............................................... 109 N9303834............................................... 120
N9301398................................................. 95 N9303771............................................... 109 N9303835............................................... 116
N9301399................................................. 95 N9303772............................................... 109 N9303836............................................... 116
N9301710................................................. 95 N9303773............................................... 109 N9303837............................................... 114
N9301711................................................. 95 N9303774............................................... 109 N9303838............................................... 109
N9301712................................................. 95 N9303775............................................... 109 N9303839....................................... 114, 116
N9301714................................................. 95 N9303776............................................... 109 N9303840....................................... 114, 116
N9301715................................................. 95 N9303777............................................... 109 N9303841............................................... 114
N9301720............................................... 113 N9303778............................................... 109 N9303842............................................... 109
N9301721....................................... 115, 118 N9303779............................................... 109 N9303843....................................... 115, 118
N9301722............................................... 120 N9303780............................................... 109 N9303844............................................... 109
N9302197................................................. 95 N9303781............................................... 109 N9303940............................................... 113
N9302199................................................. 95 N9303782............................................... 109 N9303941............................................... 113
N9302946............................................... 118 N9303783............................................... 109 N9303942............................................... 113
N9303445......................................... 33, 112 N9303784............................................... 109 N9303943............................................... 113
N9303725............................................... 109 N9303785............................................... 109 N9303944............................................... 113
N9303726............................................... 109 N9303786............................................... 109 N9303945............................................... 113
N9303727............................................... 109 N9303787............................................... 109 N9303946............................................... 113
N9303728........................................122-123 N9303788............................................... 109 N9303948............................................... 114
N9303729............................................... 109 N9303789............................................... 109 N9303949............................................... 113
N9303730............................................... 109 N9303790............................................... 109 N9303952............................................... 117
N9303731....................................... 109, 111 N9303791............................................... 109 N9303953............................................... 119
N9303732............................................... 121 N9303792............................................... 109 N9303954............................................... 113
N9303733............................................... 109 N9303793............................................... 109 N9303955............................................... 121
N9303734............................................... 109 N9303794............................................... 109 N9304110............................................... 111
N9303735............................................... 109 N9303795............................................... 109 N9304111............................................... 111



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N9304112............................................... 111 N9304239............................................... 110 N9304299............................................... 111
N9304113............................................... 111 N9304240............................................... 110 N9304300............................................... 111
N9304114............................................... 111 N9304241............................................... 110 N9304301............................................... 111
N9304115............................................... 111 N9304242............................................... 110 N9304302............................................... 111
N9304116............................................... 111 N9304243............................................... 110 N9304303............................................... 111
N9304117............................................... 111 N9304244............................................... 110 N9304304............................................... 111
N9304118............................................... 111 N9304245............................................... 110 N9304305............................................... 111
N9304119............................................... 111 N9304246............................................... 110 N9304306............................................... 111
N9304120............................................... 111 N9304247............................................... 110 N9304307............................................... 111
N9304121............................................... 111 N9304248............................................... 110 N9304308............................................... 111
N9304122............................................... 111 N9304249............................................... 110 N9304309............................................... 111
N9304123............................................... 111 N9304250............................................... 110 N9304310............................................... 111
N9304124............................................... 111 N9304251............................................... 110 N9304311............................................... 111
N9304125............................................... 111 N9304252............................................... 110 N9304312............................................... 111
N9304126............................................... 111 N9304253............................................... 110 N9304313............................................... 111
N9304127............................................... 111 N9304254............................................... 110 N9304314............................................... 111
N9304128............................................... 111 N9304255............................................... 110 N9304315............................................... 111
N9304129............................................... 111 N9304256............................................... 110 N9304316............................................... 111
N9304130............................................... 114 N9304257............................................... 110 N9304317............................................... 111
N9304131............................................... 114 N9304258............................................... 110 N9304318............................................... 111
N9304168............................................... 125 N9304259............................................... 110 N9304319............................................... 111
N9304200............................................... 110 N9304260............................................... 110 N9304320............................................... 111
N9304201............................................... 110 N9304261............................................... 110 N9304321............................................... 111
N9304202............................................... 110 N9304262............................................... 110 N9304322............................................... 111
N9304203............................................... 110 N9304263............................................... 110 N9304323............................................... 111
N9304204............................................... 110 N9304264............................................... 110 N9304324............................................... 111
N9304205............................................... 110 N9304265............................................... 110 N9304325............................................... 111
N9304206............................................... 110 N9304266............................................... 110 N9304326............................................... 111
N9304207............................................... 110 N9304267............................................... 110 N9304327............................................... 111
N9304208............................................... 110 N9304268............................................... 110 N9304328............................................... 111
N9304209............................................... 110 N9304269............................................... 110 N9304329............................................... 111
N9304210............................................... 110 N9304270............................................... 110 N9304330............................................... 111
N9304211............................................... 110 N9304271............................................... 110 N9304331............................................... 111
N9304212............................................... 110 N9304272............................................... 110 N9304332............................................... 111
N9304213............................................... 110 N9304273............................................... 110 N9304333............................................... 111
N9304214............................................... 110 N9304274............................................... 110 N9304334............................................... 111
N9304215............................................... 110 N9304275............................................... 110 N9304335............................................... 111
N9304216............................................... 110 N9304276............................................... 110 N9304336............................................... 111
N9304217............................................... 110 N9304277............................................... 110 N9304337............................................... 111
N9304218............................................... 110 N9304278............................................... 110 N9304338............................................... 111
N9304219............................................... 110 N9304279............................................... 110 N9304339............................................... 111
N9304220............................................... 110 N9304280............................................... 110 N9304340............................................... 111
N9304221............................................... 110 N9304281............................................... 110 N9304341............................................... 111
N9304222............................................... 110 N9304282............................................... 110 N9304342............................................... 111
N9304223............................................... 110 N9304283............................................... 110 N9304343............................................... 111
N9304224............................................... 110 N9304284............................................... 110 N9304344............................................... 111
N9304225............................................... 110 N9304285............................................... 110 N9304345............................................... 111
N9304226............................................... 110 N9304286............................................... 110 N9304346............................................... 111
N9304227............................................... 110 N9304287............................................... 110 N9304347............................................... 111
N9304228............................................... 110 N9304288............................................... 110 N9304348............................................... 111
N9304229............................................... 110 N9304289............................................... 110 N9304349............................................... 111
N9304230............................................... 110 N9304290............................................... 110 N9304350............................................... 111
N9304231............................................... 110 N9304291............................................... 110 N9304351............................................... 111
N9304232............................................... 110 N9304292............................................... 111 N9304352............................................... 111
N9304233............................................... 110 N9304293............................................... 111 N9304353............................................... 111
N9304234............................................... 110 N9304294............................................... 111 N9304354............................................... 111
N9304235............................................... 110 N9304295............................................... 111 N9304355............................................... 111
N9304236............................................... 110 N9304296............................................... 111 N9304356............................................... 111
N9304237............................................... 110 N9304297............................................... 111 N9304357............................................... 111
N9304238............................................... 110 N9304298............................................... 111 N9304358............................................... 111



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N9304359............................................... 111 N9304646................................................. 32 N9308003............................................... 133
N9304360............................................... 111 N9304647................................................. 32 N9308008............................................... 133
N9304361............................................... 122 N9304648................................................. 30 N9308009............................................... 132
N9304362............................................... 122 N9306016................................................. 38 N9308011............................................... 132
N9304363............................................... 122 N9306067................................................. 95 N9308013............................................... 132
N9304364........................................122-123 N9306225............................................... 121 N9308015............................................... 132
N9304365............................................... 122 N9306345................................................. 29 N9308016............................................... 133
N9304366............................................... 122 N9306346................................................. 29 N9308017............................................... 132
N9304367........................................122-123 N9306752................................................. 92 N9308018............................................... 132
N9304368............................................... 122 N9306755............................................92-93 N9308021............................................... 134
N9304369............................................... 122 N9306757................................................. 93 N9308023............................................... 132
N9304372............................................... 122 N9306758................................................. 92 N9308024............................................... 133
N9304373............................................... 122 N9307102............................................... 128 N9308025............................................... 132
N9304375............................................... 123 N9307103............................................... 115 N9308027............................................... 133
N9304376............................................... 123 N9307104............................................... 116 N9308029............................................... 132
N9304377............................................... 123 N9307105............................................... 116 N9308030............................................... 133
N9304379............................................... 123 N9307106............................................... 116 N9308031............................................... 132
N9304380............................................... 123 N9307107............................................... 116 N9308032............................................... 132
N9304382............................................... 123 N9307108............................................... 116 N9308033............................................... 132
N9304383............................................... 123 N9307109............................................... 117 N9308034............................................... 132
N9304384............................................... 109 N9307110............................................... 117 N9308035............................................... 134
N9304385............................................... 109 N9307111............................................... 115 N9308036............................................... 134
N9304600................................................. 34 N9307112............................................... 115 N9308037............................................... 133
N9304601................................................. 34 N9307113............................................... 113 N9308041............................................... 132
N9304602................................................. 34 N9307114............................................... 113 N9308042............................................... 134
N9304603................................................. 34 N9307115............................................... 113 N9308044............................................... 132
N9304604................................................. 34 N9307116............................................... 113 N9308045............................................... 132
N9304605................................................. 34 N9307117............................................... 111 N9308048............................................... 133
N9304606................................................. 34 N9307118............................................... 115 N9308049............................................... 133
N9304607................................................. 34 N9307119............................................... 115 N9308050............................................... 133
N9304608................................................. 34 N9307503................................................. 92 N9308056............................................... 133
N9304609................................................. 34 N9307504................................................. 92 N9308058............................................... 133
N9304610................................................. 34 N9307509................................................. 92 N9308059............................................... 133
N9304611................................................. 34 N9307511................................................. 92 N9308060............................................... 133
N9304612................................................. 34 N9307512................................................. 92 N9308063............................................... 134
N9304613................................................. 34 N9307517................................................. 92 N9308065............................................... 132
N9304614................................................. 34 N9307519................................................. 92 N9308066............................................... 133
N9304615................................................. 34 N9307521................................................. 92 N9308067............................................... 134
N9304616................................................. 34 N9307522................................................. 92 N9308068............................................... 134
N9304618................................................. 34 N9307523................................................. 92 N9308069............................................... 134
N9304619................................................. 34 N9307738............................................... 115 N9308070............................................... 134
N9304620................................................. 34 N9307739............................................... 128 N9308073............................................... 132
N9304621................................................. 34 N9307740............................................... 127 N9308133............................................... 127
N9304622................................................. 34 N9307741............................................... 114 N9308150................................................. 93
N9304623................................................. 34 N9307760................................................. 92 N9308151............................................... 126
N9304624................................................. 34 N9307805............................................... 115 N9308152............................................... 126
N9304625................................................. 34 N9307806............................................... 115 N9308153............................................... 126
N9304626................................................. 34 N9307807............................................... 115 N9308154............................................... 126
N9304627................................................. 34 N9307808............................................... 115 N9308155............................................... 126
N9304628................................................. 34 N9307809............................................... 117 N9308156............................................... 126
N9304629................................................. 34 N9307810............................................... 117 N9308157............................................... 126
N9304630................................................. 34 N9307830................................................. 30 N9308158............................................... 126
N9304631................................................. 34 N9307831................................................. 30 N9308160............................................... 126
N9304632................................................. 34 N9307832................................................. 30 N9308161............................................... 126
N9304633................................................. 34 N9307833................................................. 30 N9308162............................................... 126
N9304634................................................. 34 N9307834................................................. 32 N9308163............................................... 126
N9304642................................................. 30 N9307835................................................. 32 N9308164............................................... 126
N9304643................................................. 30 N9308000............................................... 134 N9308165............................................... 126
N9304644................................................. 30 N9308001............................................... 134 N9308166............................................... 126
N9304645................................................. 30 N9308002............................................... 132 N9308167............................................... 126



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N9308168............................................... 126 N9308248............................................... 125 N9308329............................................... 125
N9308169............................................... 126 N9308249............................................... 125 N9308330............................................... 125
N9308170............................................... 126 N9308251............................................... 125 N9308331............................................... 134
N9308171............................................... 126 N9308252............................................... 125 N9308332............................................... 134
N9308173............................................... 127 N9308258............................................... 125 N9308333............................................... 126
N9308174............................................... 127 N9308259............................................... 126 N9308334............................................... 125
N9308175............................................... 127 N9308262............................................... 126 N9308337............................................... 127
N9308176............................................... 127 N9308263............................................... 126 N9308338............................................... 127
N9308177............................................... 127 N9308264............................................... 126 N9308339............................................... 127
N9308178............................................... 127 N9308265............................................... 126 N9308340............................................... 133
N9308179............................................... 127 N9308266............................................... 126 N9308341............................................... 128
N9308181............................................... 127 N9308270............................................... 126 N9308342............................................... 128
N9308182............................................... 127 N9308279............................................... 127 N9308343............................................... 128
N9308198............................................... 126 N9308280............................................... 127 N9308344............................................... 128
N9308199............................................... 126 N9308281............................................... 127 N9308345............................................... 128
N9308200............................................... 124 N9308282............................................... 127 N9308346............................................... 128
N9308201............................................... 124 N9308283............................................... 127 N9308350............................................... 127
N9308202............................................... 124 N9308284............................................... 127 N9308351............................................... 127
N9308203............................................... 124 N9308285............................................... 127 N9308352............................................... 127
N9308204............................................... 124 N9308286............................................... 128 N9308354............................................... 127
N9308205............................................... 124 N9308287............................................... 128 N9308355............................................... 125
N9308206............................................... 124 N9308288............................................... 128 N9308356............................................... 125
N9308207............................................... 124 N9308289............................................... 128 N9308357............................................... 125
N9308208............................................... 124 N9308290............................................... 128 N9308358............................................... 125
N9308209............................................... 124 N9308291............................................... 128 N9308359............................................... 125
N9308210............................................... 124 N9308292............................................... 128 N9308360............................................... 125
N9308211............................................... 124 N9308293............................................... 128 N9308361............................................... 125
N9308212............................................... 124 N9308294............................................... 128 N9308362............................................... 125
N9308213............................................... 124 N9308295............................................... 128 N9308363............................................... 125
N9308214............................................... 124 N9308296............................................... 128 N9308364............................................... 125
N9308215............................................... 124 N9308298............................................... 127 N9308365............................................... 125
N9308216............................................... 124 N9308300............................................... 125 N9308366............................................... 125
N9308217............................................... 124 N9308301............................................... 125 N9308367............................................... 125
N9308218............................................... 124 N9308302............................................... 125 N9308368............................................... 125
N9308219............................................... 124 N9308303............................................... 125 N9308369............................................... 126
N9308220............................................... 124 N9308304............................................... 125 N9308370............................................... 126
N9308221............................................... 124 N9308305............................................... 125 N9308371............................................... 125
N9308222............................................... 124 N9308306............................................... 125 N9308372............................................... 125
N9308223............................................... 124 N9308307............................................... 125 N9308373............................................... 125
N9308224............................................... 124 N9308308............................................... 125 N9308374............................................... 125
N9308225............................................... 124 N9308309............................................... 125 N9308375............................................... 127
N9308226............................................... 124 N9308310............................................... 125 N9308376............................................... 127
N9308227............................................... 124 N9308311............................................... 125 N9308377............................................... 127
N9308228............................................... 124 N9308312............................................... 125 N9308378............................................... 126
N9308229............................................... 124 N9308313............................................... 125 N9308379............................................... 126
N9308230............................................... 124 N9308314............................................... 128 N9308380............................................... 127
N9308231............................................... 124 N9308315............................................... 125 N9308381............................................... 134
N9308232............................................... 124 N9308316............................................... 125 N9308382............................................... 134
N9308233............................................... 124 N9308317............................................... 125 N9308383............................................... 133
N9308234............................................... 124 N9308318............................................... 125 N9308384............................................... 125
N9308235............................................... 124 N9308319............................................... 125 N9308387............................................... 125
N9308236............................................... 124 N9308320............................................... 125 N9308388............................................... 126
N9308237............................................... 124 N9308321............................................... 125 N9308389............................................... 126
N9308238............................................... 124 N9308322............................................... 124 N9308390............................................... 128
N9308239............................................... 125 N9308323............................................... 124 N9308391............................................... 128
N9308241............................................... 125 N9308324............................................... 125 N9308392............................................... 128
N9308242............................................... 125 N9308325............................................... 125 N9308393............................................... 128
N9308243............................................... 125 N9308326............................................... 125 N9308394............................................... 128
N9308245............................................... 125 N9308327............................................... 125 N9308395............................................... 128
N9308247............................................... 125 N9308328............................................... 125 N9308396............................................... 126



Part No. Page Part No. Page Part No. Page

N9308397............................................... 126 N9309006................................................. 35 WE017142................................................ 83
N9308398............................................... 126 N9309007................................................. 35 WE018034.......................................... 82, 86
N9308399............................................... 126 N9309008................................................. 35 WE021137.......................................... 83, 86
N9308540............................................... 128 N9309009................................................. 35 WE021140.......................................... 83, 86
N9308541............................................... 113 N9309010................................................. 35 WE021816..................................... 78, 85-86
N9308542............................................... 113 N9309011................................................. 35 WE023948..................................... 77, 85-86
N9308543............................................... 113 N9309012................................................. 35 WE023951...........................................77-78
N9308544............................................... 114 N9309013................................................. 35 WE024371................................................ 68
N9308545............................................... 114 N9309017................................................. 35 WE024375..................................... 68, 84-85
N9308546............................................... 114 N9309019................................................. 35 WE024782................................................ 77
N9308547............................................... 114 N9309020................................................. 35 WE025221.......................................... 73, 86
N9308548............................................... 114 N9309021................................................. 35 WE027005................................................ 77
N9308549............................................... 114 N9309024................................................. 35 WE027030................................................ 77
N9308550............................................... 121 N9309025................................................. 35 WE027484................................................ 83
N9308551............................................... 126 N9309026................................................. 35 WE027802.......................................... 83, 86
N9308552............................................... 126 N9309027................................................. 35 WE027803.......................................... 83, 86
N9308553............................................... 127 N9309028................................................. 35 WE029011................................................ 82
N9308554............................................... 127 N9309029................................................. 35
N9308555............................................... 127 N9309030................................................. 35
N9308571............................................... 121 N9309031................................................. 35
N9308591....................................... 115, 120 N9309032................................................. 35
N9308592....................................... 115, 120 N9309033................................................. 35
N9308700............................................... 134 N9309034................................................. 35
N9308701............................................... 134 N9309035................................................. 35
N9308702............................................... 134 N9309036................................................. 35
N9308703............................................... 132 N9309066................................................. 35
N9308704............................................... 132 N9309103................................................. 35
N9308705............................................... 133 W1008384................................................ 79
N9308706............................................... 132 W1008572................................................ 78
N9308707............................................... 132 W1008573................................................ 78
N9308708............................................... 133 W1010620................................................ 82
N9308711............................................... 133 W1012406............................... 77, 78, 85-86
N9308712............................................... 133 W1012408.......................................... 76, 78
N9308713............................................... 133 W1012409.......................................... 76, 78
N9308714............................................... 128 W1013195................................................ 82
N9308715............................................... 128 W1013266.......................................... 76, 78
N9308716............................................... 128 W1013361................................................ 82
N9308717............................................... 128 W1013545.......................................... 76, 78
N9308718............................................... 128 W1017871................................................ 82
N9308719............................................... 128 W1020668................................................ 79
N9308720............................................... 128 W1020672................................................ 79
N9308721............................................... 128 W1020996................................................ 86
N9308722............................................... 128 W1024879................................................ 76
N9308723............................................... 128 W1026356...........................................83-85
N9308724............................................... 128 W1026907...........................................83-85
N9308725............................................... 128 W1033612...........................................83-85
N9308726............................................... 128 W1033614...........................................83-85
N9308727............................................... 128 W1033995...........................................83-85
N9308728............................................... 128 W1034694................................................ 83
N9308729............................................... 124 W1036712.......................................... 85, 95
N9308730............................................... 127 W1036713.......................................... 85, 95
N9308741............................................... 126 W1037485................................................ 79
N9308742............................................... 125 W1040148...........................................83-85
N9308743............................................... 125 WE012411................................................ 78
N9308744............................................... 125 WE013060.......................................... 74, 78
N9308745............................................... 125 WE014034................................................ 86
N9308746............................................... 125 WE014081................................................ 74
N9308747............................................... 125 WE014777................................................ 82
N9308748............................................... 125 WE015554................................................ 79
N9309004................................................. 35 WE016558................................................ 90



1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) External Screw Thread..................................36 Calibration Standards Set for Method 6010.........................116
148-Position Tray...................................................................28 Capricorn Argon Humidifier with Bypass...............................49
88-Position Tray.....................................................................28 Carbon Fiber Probes for ST Nebulizers...................................46
AA Test Mix.........................................................................112 Carbon Fiber Supported Autosampler Probes
AA Ultra Quiet Oil-Less Air Compressor.................................29 for ST Nebulizers................................................................71
Accessory Carts...................................................................106 Cassette Torch Mount...........................................................79
Acetylene Regulator..............................................................94 Catalyst Tube........................................................................35
Acid Number Standards.......................................................126 Ceramic Hybrid XLT Quartz Torch...........................................59
Adapters with External Thread...............................................36 Ceramic Pressure Jacket......................................................137
Air Compressors..............................................................29, 64 Cetac ASX Autosamplers and Prep Station............................89
Air Dryer Filter Assembly with R250 Regulator.......................95 Cetac Autosampler Racks....................................................101
Air Regulator.........................................................................94 Cetac Autosampler Supplies................................................101
Alternate Reductant Kit.........................................................38 Cetac Carbon Fiber Autosampler Probes..............................101
Alumina Injectors..................................................................62 Cetac Stainless Steel Autosampler Probe.............................101
Amalgamator Tube................................................................35 Cetac Ultem Autosampler Probes........................................101
Antifoaming Silicone Emulsion............................................112 Check Valves.........................................................................28
apex High Temperature Nebulizers.........................................70 Chiller Noise Enclosure..........................................................91
apex PFA Nebulizers..............................................................45 Chillers..................................................................................90
Aqueous Standards.............................................................109 Cinnabar™ Cyclonic Spray Chamber......................................50
Argon/Nitrogen Regulator.....................................................94 Compressors...................................................................29, 64
Ari Mist Nebulizers................................................................44 Concentric Nebulizers......................................................42, 68
Ari Mist Nebulizer Replacement Parts....................................44 Cone Removal Tool................................................................83
Asperon Spray Chamber......................................................73
™ ConeGuard Thread Protectors...............................................83
Atomax Hollow Cathode Lamps...................................... 18-19 Cones...................................................................................83
Autosamplers........................................................................89 Conical Bottom Tubes with Graduation...............................104
Autosampler Cups.................................................................28 Conikal™ Nebulizer................................................................43
Autosampler Supplies..........................................................100 Connectors for MicroMist and SeaSpray Nebulizers...............69
Autosampler Tubes..............................................................104 Consumable Run Kits..........................................................137
Avio Injector Assembly..........................................................63 Contact Cylinders..................................................................33
Avio Injector Assembly Replacement Parts.............................63 Contract Lab Program Modification Set...............................115
Avio Torch.............................................................................58 Contract Required Detection Limits (CRDL)..........................120
Background Corrector Sources..............................................17 Coolant Standards...............................................................128
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chambers....................................51, 73 Cooling Systems....................................................................90
Balston 95A Acetylene Filter................................................95
® Copper Ignitor Tape...............................................................58
Balston Air Filter Assembly Type A-82..................................95
® Corrosion-Resistant Probes..................................................100
Base Number Standards......................................................127 Crackle Test Reference Standards........................................127
Basic Spares Kit.....................................................................35 Cross-Flow Replacement GemTips and Spares.......................72
Benches and Accessory Carts...............................................106 Cyclonic Spray Chambers......................................................50
Biodiesel Blends...................................................................128 Cyclonic/Concentric Kits........................................................56
Biodiesel Standards.............................................................128 D-Torch™ Demountable Torch..........................................60, 79
Blower and Vent Assembly for AA and ICP............................94 D-Torch™ and Replacement Parts...........................................60
Burner Head Adjustment Tool................................................20 Demountable and Fixed Quartz Torches.................................79
Burner Head Cleaning Tool....................................................20 Demountable Quartz Torches..........................................58, 79
Burner Heads........................................................................20 Detection Limit Calibration Standard...................................128
Burner System Components..................................................20 Detectors..............................................................................82
C2 Cyclonic Spray Chambers.................................................50 Devolatilized Diesel Fuel Standards......................................126
Calibration Standards for Method 200.7.............................116 DigiFILTER............................................................................132



DigiTUBE Caps....................................................................133 FIAS/FIMS Cell Replacement Parts..........................................36

DigiTUBES...........................................................................133 Fixed One Piece Injectors/Torches.....................................59, 77
DPC Clamp Screw for Glass Prism........................................137 Flangeless Ferrule..................................................................38
DPC Glass Prism..................................................................137 Flashback Arrestor.................................................................39
DPC Glass-Ring for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Flow Injection Connectors.....................................................36
Digestion Vessel...............................................................137 Flow Injection Furnace Supplies.............................................37
DPC Glass-Ring for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Flow Injection Sampling Supplies...........................................38
Digestion Vessel...............................................................137
Flow Injection System............................................................36
DPC O-Ring for Digestion Vessel Caps.................................137
Fuel Dilution Standards........................................................126
DPC Polarization foil for Digestion Vessel caps.....................137
Fume Hoods........................................................................134
DPC TFM Cap Insert............................................................137
Furnace Autosampler Trays....................................................28
DPC Viton O-Ring (25 x 3 mm) for Digestion Vessel caps.....137
Furnace Sampling Probe........................................................28
DuraMist Nebulizers........................................................44, 69
Fused Silica Obstruction Removal Kit.....................................49
DV Oxygen Addition Kit........................................................57
Gas Containment Manifold Spares......................................137
EDL Driver Assemblies...........................................................17
Gas/Liquid Separator.............................................................37
EDL Driver Components........................................................17
GemClean Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Replacement Parts............72
Eight Position Lip Seal Forming Tool for High Pressure
GemClean Nebulizer.............................................................72
100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel Pressure Seals.............136
GemCone Nebulizer Replacement Parts.................................47
Eight Position Lip Seal Forming Tool for Standard 75 mL
(40 Bar) Digestion Vessel Pressure Seals............................136 GemCone Nebulizers.............................................................47

ELAN Baffled Quartz Cyclonic PC3 Spray Chambers...............74 GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Tip Kits.................................47

ELAN Consumable Kits..........................................................86 GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizers............................................47

ELAN® DRC II Spares Kit.........................................................86 GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Replacement Parts................48

ELAN® DRC-e/9000 Spares Kit...............................................86 GemTip Nebulizer O-Ring Kit.................................................47

Electrically Heated Mantle (Cell) Adapter Cables....................38 GemTip Nebulizers................................................................47

Electrodeless Discharge Lamps......................................... 16-17 GemTip Nebulizers for AAnalyst ...........................................26

Elegra Argon Humidifier........................................................49 Geological Sample Introduction Kit........................................80

End Cap for Concentric Glass, GemCone GFAAS Mixed Standard.......................................................112

and Similar Nebulizers........................................................55 Glass Cyclonic Sample Introduction System for ELAN.............86
End Cap for Concentric Nebulizers........................................69 Glass Gas/Liquid Separator....................................................37
Environmental Analysis Standards........................................115 Glass Spray Chambers...........................................................50
Environmental EPA Set........................................................117 Glycerol...............................................................................112
Environmental Method Sets.................................................115 Gold Nanoparticle Standards...............................................123
Environmental Standard Kits................................................115 Graphite Cooling Ring for Quartz Cells..................................39
ESI Autosampler Probes...............................................102, 129 Graphite Furnace Accessories and Spare Parts.......................31
ESI Autosampler Rack..........................................................103 Graphite Furnace Autosampler Cups.....................................28
ESI Autosampler Supplies....................................................102 Graphite Tubes with Advanced Platform................................32
ESI Demountable Injectors.....................................................62 Grooved Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes......................................32
ESI DX Autosamplers.............................................................89 Heated Racks......................................................................103
Exhaust Tube 1.5 m.............................................................135 HF Resistant Spray Chambers................................................52
Extended Run Battery Cabinets..............................................93 HF Sample Introduction Kit....................................................76
Extended Spares Parts Kit......................................................35 HF-Resistant Internal Standard Kit..........................................98
External Exhaust System 230V 50/60 Hz..............................135 HGA Contact Removal Tool...................................................33
FAST High Productivity Systems.......................................75, 87 HGA Graphite Tubes.............................................................32
FAST Valve Connecting Lines.................................................68 HGA Instrument Mirror.........................................................33
FAST Valve Connecting Lines High Efficiency Demountable Quartz Torch............................79
for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers.........................................42 High Efficiency MicroFlow Nebulizers...............................45, 70
FIAS Accessories Case............................................................38



High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel LumiCoil™ Plasma Load Coil..................................................78
Opening Station..............................................................136 Lumina Hollow Cathode Lamps.............................................14
High-Sensitivity Nebulizer Parts..............................................25 Mass Spectrometer Hardware................................................82
High Vacuum Silicon Grease..................................................82 Matrix Blanks......................................................................121
High-Sensitivity Nebulizer with Pt/Ir Capillary.........................22 Matrix Modifiers for Graphite Furnace AA...............31, 33, 112
Hose Assemblies....................................................................94 Matrix Oils and Solvents......................................................126
Humidifiers......................................................................49, 72 MEINHARD® Nebulizers...................................................42, 68
Hydride Accessory Kit............................................................57 Mercury Analyzer Supplies.....................................................35
Hyper Skimmer Cone and Spares...........................................83 Mercury/Hydride Systems......................................................39
ICH Standards............................................................. 122-123 Metal Additive Standards....................................................126
ICP Filter Replacement Parts..................................................95 Metal Ball Joint Clip...............................................................51
ICP-MS Single Cell Sample Introduction Kits........................129 Metal Body Corrosion-Resistant Nebulizers............................23
ICP-OES Solutions................................................................118 Metal Body Nebulizer Parts..............................................24, 26
Immersion Tube (Pipette Tip).................................................39 Metal Body Platinum Alloy Nebulizers....................................23
Initial Calibration Verification Standards...............................119 Metal Body Stainless Steel Nebulizers....................................23
Injector Adapter Kits and O-Rings..........................................78 Metallo-Organic Standards..........................................108, 124
Injector Assemblies................................................................78 MHS-15................................................................................39
Injector Support Adapter O-Ring Kits.....................................63 Micro Racks.........................................................................103
Injector Support Adapter O-Rings..........................................78 MicroMist Nebulizer Replacement Parts.................................43
Injector Support Adapters................................................63, 78 MicroMist™ Nebulizers.....................................................43, 69
Injectors..........................................................................62, 77 Microtiter Plates..................................................................103
Injectors for Demountable Torches.........................................77 Mira Mist® Nebulizers............................................................44
Instrument Benches.............................................................106 Mira Mist® Nebulizer Replacement Parts................................44
Instrument Calibration Standards........................................118 Mixed Calibration Standards................................................114
Instrument Calibration Standards for CLP............................119 Mixing Block.........................................................................37
Instrument Filters...................................................................95 Mixing Manifold for Glass Gas/Liquid Separator.....................37
Instrument Setup Solutions..................................................118 Mixing/Separation Assembly..................................................37
Interference Check Standards..............................................119 Modified THGA Contact Cylinders.........................................31
Interference Solutions for Method 200.7.............................116 Mounting Block.....................................................................55
Interference Solutions for Method 6010..............................116 MP2 Two-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing...................................97
Internal Standard Addition Kits..............................................99 Multi-Element Standards............................................. 113-114
Internal Standard Addition Tees.............................................99 Naflon® Single Tube Dryer.....................................................38
Internal Standard Kits............................................................98 Nebulizers.................................................................22, 42, 68
Internal Standard Mix..........................................................115 Nebulizer Accessories............................................................27
Internal Standard Set for Method 6010 and 200.7..............116 Nebulizer Assemblies.............................................................24
Internal Standard Solutions..................................................120 Nebulizer Capillary Tubing.....................................................27
Internal Standards...............................................................125 Nebulizer Cleaners..........................................................49, 72
Ion Lens................................................................................82 Nebulizer Cleaning Wires......................................................27
Ion Optics..............................................................................82 Nebulizer Clip........................................................................42
IsoMist Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers.............53, 76 Nebulizer Grease...................................................................27
Isotope Standard.................................................................121 Nebulizer Selection Guide......................................................43
Kalrez O-Ring Kits for Sampling Accessories..........................27 Nebulizer Solution Fitting......................................................42
Karl Fischer Standards.........................................................127 Nebulizers and Assemblies Quick Reference...........................27
L’vov Platforms......................................................................33 Nebulizers with Integrated Probes.........................................46
Lamp Adapters .....................................................................17 NexION Consumable Kits.......................................................84
Large Racks.........................................................................103 NexION O-Ring Free Baffled Cyclonic PC3 Spray Chambers....74
Load Coils.............................................................................78 Nickel Boats..........................................................................35



Nickel Sampler and Skimmer Cones.......................................83 PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated
Nitrogen Purge Gas Generator..............................................61 Autosampler Probes...........................................................46
Nitrous Oxide Regulator........................................................94 PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated
Autosampler Probes (Carbon Fiber Support).....................102
Noise Enclosures for Vacuum Pumps......................................91
PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated
Non HF-Resistant Internal Standard Kit..................................98
Autosampler Probes (Ultem Support)...............................102
Non-Coded Intensitron Lamp Plug Adapter...........................17
PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated
Non-PFA Bottles and Vials....................................................105 Autosampler Probes for NexION 300/350...........................71
Oil-Less Air Compressors.......................................................64 PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated
OilExpress Standards...........................................................127 Capillaries for NexION 300/350..........................................71
On-Line Conditioned Uninterruptable PFA Nebulizer Obstruction Removal Kit..................................72
Power Supply Systems.......................................................93 PFA Nebulizer Replacement Parts...........................................70
Online Mixing Kits.................................................................48 PFA Nebulizers.......................................................................70
OpalMist Nebulizers........................................................44, 69 PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Autosampler Probes
Organics Kits.........................................................................57 for NexION 1000/2000......................................................71
Organics Sample Introduction Kit (Orange)............................80 PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Capillaries
Organics Sample Introduction System....................................54 for NexION 1000/2000......................................................71
Original SimulScan Dual-Stage Detector................................82 PFA Nebulizers with Integrated
Oxygen Addition Kits.............................................................57 Fluoropolymer Capillaries...................................................46
Oxygen Port Spray Chamber..................................................51 PFA Sample Vessels..............................................................105
Parker Balston 73-099 AA Gas Purifier.................................95
® PFA Spray Chambers.......................................................52, 74
Parker Balston® Replacement Filters.......................................95 PFA-Platinum HF-Resistant Sample Introduction Kit................80
PC Peltier Coolers........................................................... 75-76
3 PFA-ST Nebulizer.............................................................45, 70
PC3 Peltier Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers..............53 PFA-ST Self-aspirating Nebulizer for prepFAST Systems..........45
PC Replacement Spray Chambers.........................................74
3 PFA-ST3 Nebulizer...........................................................45, 70
PC3x Peltier Controlled Heated or Cooled Thermally Pharmaceutical Analysis Standards......................................122
Stabilized Inlet Systems......................................................75 PinAAcle Burner System Components...................................21
PC Thermally Stabilized Inlet System....................................75
3x PinAAcle High-Sensitivity Nebulizer........................................22
Pearl Nebulizer Cleaner.........................................................49 PinAAcle Nebulizers and Assemblies Quick Reference............27
PEEK Ari Mist........................................................................44 Plastic Body GemTip™ Nebulizers...........................................23
PEEK Mira Mist......................................................................44 Plastic Body Nebulizer Parts for AAnalyst AA Instruments......25
PEEK Ring Nut for High Pressure 100 mL.............................137 Plastic Body Nebulizer Parts for PinAAcle AA Instrument........24
PEEK Ring Nut Removal Tool................................................137 Platinum Sampler and Skimmer Cones..................................83
Performance Verification Standards............................. 120-121 Pliers and Accessories............................................................28
pergo Argon Nebulizer....................................................49, 72 Plug Connector; Mixing Manifold to Gas/Liquid Separator.....37
Peristaltic Pump Tubing.........................................................96 PolyCon™ Nebulizer...............................................................44
PerkinElmer AS-90/90A/90plus Sample Racks......................101 PolyPro-ST Nebulizer........................................................45, 70
PerkinElmer AS-91 Sample Racks.........................................101 Polyscience Replacement Air Filters........................................95
PerkinElmer AS-93plus/S10 Rinsing Kit................................101 PolyScience® WhisperCool™ Refrigerated Chiller....................90
PerkinElmer AS-93plus/S10 Sample Racks............................101 Power Conditioners...............................................................92
PerkinElmer AS-9x/S10 Sampling Probe Assemblies.............100 Power Conditioners and UPS Systems....................................92
PerkinElmer Autosampler Supplies............................... 100-101 prepFAST Autodilution and Autocalibration Systems........65, 87
PerkinElmer S10 Autosampler................................................89 Pressure Seal for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar)
PerkinElmer S10 Autosampler Probes for ST Nebulizers..........71 Digestion Vessels.............................................................137
PerkinElmer SMS 100 Mercury Analyzer................................35 Pressure Seal for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar)
Digestion Vessels.............................................................137
Petroleum Physical Test Standard.........................................128
Proficiency Testing Standards...............................................128
PFA Bottles and Vials...........................................................105
PTFE 2 mL Sample Weighing Cup........................................136
PFA Gas Quick Connect.........................................................42
PFA Injector Assemblies.........................................................78



PTFE Membrane....................................................................37 Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000

PTFE Mira Mist......................................................................44 Base Configuration (Blue)..................................................80
PTFE Probes.........................................................................100 Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000
Core Configuration (Green)...............................................80
PTFE Sample Capillaries.........................................................70
Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000
PTFE Tubing...........................................................................37
Productivity Configuration (Black)......................................81
PTFE Tubing Assemblies.........................................................37
Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000
Pump Magazines...................................................................38 Semi-Conductor Configuration..........................................81
Purge Component Replacement Parts....................................61 Sample Introduction Kits.................................................56, 76
Purge Extension Windows.....................................................61 Sample Introduction Kits for NexION 1000/2000...................80
PVC Tubing...........................................................................37 Sample Introduction Quick Change Torch Modules................54
PVDF Autosampler Vials......................................................105 Sample Loops........................................................................37
Pyrocoated Advanced Platform Graphite Tubes......................32 Sample Preparation Blocks and Controllers..........................131
Pyrocoated Graphite Tube with L’vov Platform.......................33 Sampler and Skimmer Cone O-Rings.....................................83
Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes with Integrated Platforms......32, 33 Sampler and Skimmer Cones.................................................83
Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes....................................................32 Sampling Probe Assembly Components...............................100
Quality Control Standards...................................................114 Sapphire Injectors............................................................62, 77
Quartz Ball Joint Injectors......................................................77 Scott Spray Chambers.....................................................52, 74
Quartz Cells..........................................................................39 Scott Spray Chamber Replacement Parts...............................52
Quartz Cyclonic Sample Introduction System for ELAN..........86 Scott/Cross-Flow II Kits..........................................................56
Quartz Injectors...............................................................62, 77 Screw Caps.........................................................................133
Quartz Spray Chambers.........................................................50 SeaSpray™ Nebulizers......................................................43, 69
Quick Change Torch Module Cyclonic Spray SeaSpray™ Nebulizer Replacement Parts................................43
Chamber/Concentric Nebulizer..........................................54
Setup Solutions...................................................................125
Quick Change Torch Module Scott Spray
Chamber/Cross-Flow Nebulizer..........................................54
Silicone Sleeve for Quartz Cells..............................................39
Quick-Change Torch Module for HF Analysis.........................55
Silicone Tubing......................................................................37
Quick-Change Torch Module for Oil Analysis.........................55
SimulScan Dual-Stage Detector.............................................82
Quick-Change Torch Module Support Stand..........................55
Single Cell Kits....................................................................129
Quick-Change Torch Module with Cyclonic Spray Chamber and
Concentric Nebulizer.........................................................55 Single Lip Seal Forming Tool for High Pressure 100 mL
(100 Bar) Digestion Vessel Pressure Seals..........................136
Quick-Change Torch Module with Scott Spray Chamber and
GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer..........................................55 Single Lip Seal Forming Tool for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar)
Digestion Vessel Pressure Seals.........................................136
Rack Covers........................................................................103
Single-Element Standards....................................................109
Reagent Containers...............................................................28
Single-Element, Metallo-Organic Standards.........................124
Single-Slot Air-Acetylene 10 cm.............................................20
Red Filter...............................................................................17
Single-Slot Air-Acetylene 5 cm...............................................20
Reductant Reservoir...............................................................39
Single-Slot Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene 5 cm..............................20
RF Load Coil Accessories..................................................61, 78
Slurry™ Nebulizer...................................................................44
RF Load Coils.........................................................................61
SMARTintro Sample Introduction Modules and Cassettes......81
Round Bottom Tubes...........................................................104
SmartTune Standards...........................................................118
Rupture Disc for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar)
Digestion Vessels.............................................................137 SMS 100 Consumables and Supplies.....................................35
Rupture Disc for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Solvent Resistant Yellow Peristaltic Pump Tubing....................37
Digestion Vessels.............................................................137 Soot Content Standard Set..................................................127
Sample Capillaries for ST Nebulizers......................................45 Soot Content Standards......................................................127
Sample Flask.........................................................................39 Spares and Replacement Parts.............................................137
Sample Introduction Cassettes Only.......................................81 Spares Kits............................................................................35
Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 1000 ICP-MS..................80 SPB Automatic Shut-Off System..........................................132



SPB Block Racks...................................................................134 Tubing...................................................................................37

SPB Controllers....................................................................131 Turntable Base Ring.............................................................137
SPBVAC Block.....................................................................134 Turntables...........................................................................136
Spike Standards...................................................................114 Twinnabar™ Cyclonic Spray Chamber.....................................50
Spray Chamber Accessories...................................................51 Two-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing..........................................96
Spray Chamber Replacement Parts..................................51, 74 UltraClean THGA Graphite Tubes..........................................31
Spray Chamber, End Cap and Associated Parts......................52 Universal Data Calibration Standards Kit..............................121
Spray Chambers..............................................................66, 73 UPS Systems..........................................................................93
Stainless Steel Probes..........................................................100 USP Standards............................................................. 122-123
Standard Pump Tubing..........................................................97 UV Light Shields....................................................................73
Standard Racks....................................................................103 V Oxygen Addition Kit...........................................................57
Standard THGA Graphite Contact Cylinders..........................31 V-21 Wear Metal Standards.................................................125
Standard THGA Graphite Tubes.............................................30 V-21+K Wear Metal Standards............................................125
Standard THGA Graphite Tubes with End Caps......................30 V-23 Wear Metal Standards.................................................125
Start Up Kits........................................................................132 V-26 Wear Metal Standards.................................................125
Storage Racks......................................................................134 Vacuum Pump Fluid...............................................................82
Sulfur Standards..................................................................128 Vacuum Pump Noise Enclosure..............................................91
Super Racks.........................................................................103 Vacuum Pump Noise Reduction Cover...................................91
Supplies................................................................................39 VeeSpray™ Nebulizer.............................................................44
Supplies Small Diameter Lamp Adapter Kit............................17 VersaTube™.........................................................................133
Switching Valves....................................................................38 Vessel Cap Disassembly Tools for High Pressure 100 mL
Syringe Flush Kit..............................................................49, 72 (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel...............................................136
Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers................... 53, 75-76 Vessel Cap Disassembly Tools for Standard 75 mL
(40 Bar) Digestion Vessel..................................................136
Temperature Probes.............................................................132
Vessel Caps.........................................................................136
TFM Sample Vessel Insert.....................................................137
Vessel Rack Holder..............................................................136
The Eluo™ Nebulizer Cleaner...........................................49, 72
THGA Contact Cylinders........................................................31
Viscosity Reference Standards..............................................127
THGA Graphite Tubes............................................................30
Wash Standards..................................................................121
THGA Graphite Tubes with Advanced Platform™....................30
Watch Glasses.....................................................................133
THGA Instrument Mirror........................................................31
Water Pollutant Standards...................................................117
Three-slot Air-acetylene 10 cm..............................................20
Wilkerson® Air Dryer Filter Accessories*.................................95
Three-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing..................................37, 96
Titan MPS Bench.................................................................135
Titan MPS Systems......................................................130, 135
Torch Alignment Tool.............................................................79
Torch Body Assemblies..........................................................58
Torch Body Assembly Replacement Parts................................58
Torch Bonnet.........................................................................58
Torch Injector Replacement Parts...........................................77
Torch O-Ring Kits...................................................................59
Torches......................................................................66, 58, 79
Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure
(TCLP) Standard...............................................................117
Transfer Hose........................................................................39
Triton® X-100 Wetting Agent..............................................112
Tubes and Vessels................................................................130










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Quick Reference
Introduction to Automation

SC DX Autosamplers
Durable, chemically inert autosamplers featuring dual flowing rinse stations to reduce carryover. DX
autosamplers are FAST ready and have two rinse pumps to supply independent solutions to each rinse
station, while DXe autosamplers have a common rinse pump that uses a tee connection to supply single
rinse solution to both stations. (Pages 4-5)
High-throughput, automated sample introduction system that uses valve injection with rapid vacuum sample
loading to more than double the productivity, minimize instrument maintenance, and reduce operating costs.
(Pages 6-7)
Automated inline dilution system that eliminates manual dilution, reduces reagent usage, and improves
laboratory productivity. These systems use a syringe module to perform precise and accurate inline
dilutions of standards and samples. prepFAST, base version; prepFAST e, economical; prepFAST M5,
syringe-driven sample loading. (Pages 8-19)
Application Systems
Advanced automation systems that combine FAST and prepFAST technologies with application specific
sample introduction components to allow for the analysis of nanoparticles, high matrix samples,
semiconductor chemicals and chromatography samples. (Pages 20-29)
Argon humidifier with a water vapor permeable membrane that improves performance and stability of
all concentric nebulizers, specifically when analyzing brines, fusion digests, and high TDS samples.
(Pages 42-43)
Peltier-cooled or heated inlet system for cyclonic spray chambers that provides thermal stabilization to
improve short and long-term stability. (Page 56)
Peltier-cooled low temperature inlet system for cyclonic spray chambers that reduces the solvent load on
the plasma for the analysis of 100% organic solvents. (Page 57)

Rinse Pump Supplies solution to rinse station; DXe has common rinse pump that uses a tee connection
to supply single rinse solution to each station; DX has two rinse pumps to supply
independent rinse solutions to each station.
Dual Rinse DX autosamplers come with two rinse stations; the first to remove residue from the previous
sample from the probe exterior, and the second for vacuuming rinse solution to rinse the
entire system.
MP2 Precision micro peristaltic pump.
FAST (DXe & DX) Valve and loop combination that rapidly vacuum loads and injects sample.
FAST Pump Allows rapid, vacuum sample loading into a loop on a FAST valve.
FAST Basic FAST system that includes nebulizer.
FAST Complete FAST system that includes torch, injector, spray chamber, nebulizer, and PC.3

Page 2
SC DX family of autosamplers ......................................................4-5
FAST high sample throughput system ..........................................6-7
prepFAST inline dilution system .................................................. 8-11
prepFAST e economical autodilution system ............................12-13
prepFAST (prepFAST 2) autodilution system............................14-15

prepFAST M5 syringe sample loading autodilution system ......16-17
prepFAST complete systems comparison ..................................... 18
prepFAST Ordering information ..................................................... 19
Application Systems
prep3 inline peristaltic pump dilution system ............................20-23
brineFAST S4 preconcentration system ...................................24-25
hydrideICP system ....................................................................26-27
hydride S31 ...............................................................................28-29
Autosampler Accessories
Enclosures and ULPA filtered environments .................................. 30
Mobile autosampler stations .......................................................... 31

Nebulizers, Spray Chambers, Torches and Injectors

PFA and polypro ST nebulizers and accessories ......................33-34
Probes and Capillaries for ST-nebulizers....................................... 35
PFA nebulizers with integrated sample capillaries ......................... 36
PFA nebulizers with integrated autosampler probes ...................... 37

MEINHARD® glass nebulizers ....................................................... 38
PFA FitKit MEINHARD® nebulizer connectors ..........................39-40
Pearl concentric nebulizer cleaner ................................................. 41
pergo argon nebulizer gas humidifier........................................42-43
Online mixing kits for addition of internal standard ........................ 44
Spray chambers and accessories .............................................45-46
ZipTorches and Injectors ...........................................................47-51
Peristaltic and Syringe Pumps
FAST DXi integrated peristaltic pumps with FAST valve................ 52
Stand alone peristaltic pumps ........................................................ 53
MP2 peristaltic pump tubing ........................................................... 54
Spare syringes and pipette tips...................................................... 55
High Performance Sample Introduction
Peltier coolers and heaters .......................................................56-57
HF-resistant sample introduction kit............................................... 59

High purity valves, stators and rotors........................................60-61
Manual sampling probes / nebulizer lines .................................62-63
Fittings, tubing and sample loops .............................................64-65

High purity HF-resistant sample vials and bottles .....................66-68

PVDF autosampler vials ................................................................ 67
Sample vessels .............................................................................. 69
Microplates and accessories.....................................................70-71
Large autosampler racks ............................................................... 72
Heated and micro autosampler racks ............................................ 73
Super autosampler racks ..........................................................74-75
Standards autosampler racks ...................................................76-77
FAST Spares Kits ........................................................................... 78

Installation and Training ..................................................................... 79

Autosampler Dimensions ..............................................................80-81
Page 3
SC DX Family
of Autosamplers
SC DX autosamplers are durable, chemically
inert, and feature dual flowing rinse stations to
reduce carryover. Versatile rack configurations
along with the ability to upgrade to any high--
throughput FAST or autodiluting prepFAST
system, make the SC DX autosampler the
perfect foundation for automation in any
trace metal lab. They are available in seven
models having five capacities ranging from
the SC Micro to the SC 14DX, the largest
on the market. SC14
C14 DX

• Durable dual rail system
• Dual flowing rinse stations
• Precision sampling
• Reset probe – prevents probe damage
• Flexible rack configurations
• Upgradeable to FAST or prepFAST SC8 DX SCMicro DX
• SC2 DXe and SC4 DXe economical
versions available

SC DXe Economical Autosampler

SC DX FAST Ready Autosampler
Configurations DX DXe

Probe 2 1
Sample &
1 1
Standards Rack Pkg
2 1
Rinse Bottle (4L) SC2 DX
FAST Vacuum
1 0
Dual Flowing Rinse
1 1 Autosamplers
Au mplers
Rinse Pump 2 1


Page 4
SC DX Autosamplers are Engineered to be Precise and Durable
All SC DX autosamplers are designed for the trace metal lab. They utilize a Dual X-rail design combined
with a large diameter Z-rail with theta angular motion for precise sampling. All SC DX components are
constructed using chemically resistant materials for an exceptionally long lifetime.

Motion Z-Rail

Dual X-Rail

SC Micro DX autosampler shown

Dual Rinse Stations Reduce Carryover Dual Flowing Rinse Stations

Eliminating carryover is vital for accurate data and paramount R1 R2 R1 R2

to the production laboratory.
All SC DX and SC DXe autosamplers have dual rinse stations
to minimize sample-to-sample carryover. Rinse liquid is
supplied by a common rinse pump (DXe) split between two
rinse stations or with two independent rinse pumps (DX), one
for each rinse station. With independent rinse pumps, each
station can use a different rinse solution to effectively rinse
wide-ranging sample types while minimizing rinse solution
consumption. 1st Rinse Then 2nd Rinse
Remove residue Rinse entire system
from previous sample
SC DX Autosamplers are Versatile
and Upgradeable
Versatile Rack Configurations
SC DX autosamplers are available in a range of sizes, with
capacities from 2 micro racks (SC Micro DX) to 14 large
racks (SC14 DX). 5 x 12 3x7

Flexible rack configurations permit almost any sample size,

from microplates and micro vials up to 500 mL and larger 3x7 96 pos 13 x 27
bottles to be automatically analyzed.
All SC DX autosamplers have the ability to upgrade to any SC4 DX shown with 5 x 12 and 3 x 7 large racks, 3 x 7 micro
FAST high throughput or prepFAST autodilution system. rack (MR), 96 well microplate, MR bottles - 2 x 250 mL


Large Microplate/
Rack Micro Rack 50mL 15mL 8mL MT-96
Model Part Number Capacity Capacity
SCMicro DX N8150392 0 2 20 42 80 192
SC2 DX N8150390
2 4 52 120 180 384
SC2 DXe N0786010
SC4 DX N8150391
4 6 94 240 360 576
SC4 DXe N0786011
SC8 DX N8150393 8 - 208 480 720 -
SC14 DX N8150394 14 30* 304 840 1260 2880*

*Special version SC14 for microplates

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 5

FAST SYSTEM for Avio 200/500 ICP
The FAST is a high-throughput, automated
sample introduction system for the Avio Normal Analysis
200/500 ICP. The FAST system uses valve
injection with rapid vacuum sample loading
to more than double the productivity of the
Avio ICP, minimize instrument maintenance,
and reduce operating costs. VDPSOH UHDG
Six Steps in a
• High sample throughput Standard Analysis
• FAST uptake, stabilization, and washout 1. Autosampler Movement
• Specially-designed P-Series valve 2. Uptake
and loop combination has superb
washout PHDVXUHPHQW 3. Stabilization
GHOD\ RYHUKHDG 4. Measurement
• Options with and without segmented air
bubbles ensures high precison for every
XSWDNH 5. Wash
application DXWRVDPSOHU
6. Overhead

Improved Efficiency V V V

The SC-FAST system has the fastest signal stabilization and most
By presenting the sample for a short period complete rinse-out of any sample introduction system. This reduces
of time while the measurement is being uptake and wash times while increasing sample throughput.
performed, contamination of the sample
introduction system is minimized, resulting
in stable analytical runs with reduced
sample carryover and maintenance. The
SC-FAST reduces consumption of argon,
power, and reagents.

Increased Sample Throughput

In addition to higher throughput gained by
using an autosampler, the FAST system
analyzes a sample 2-5 times faster than it
takes a standard autosampler to perform
the same task.
FAST also benefits labs with relatively few
samples by reducing operating costs and
shortening analytical runs.


Page 6
Superior P-Series FAST Valve
• PFA rotors for long life and low maintenance
• Chemically resistant compression ring
- Uniform pressure
- Keyed for easy assembly
- Prevents damage from overtightening
• All fluoropolymer flow path Valve

• Internal components PTFE-coated
to prevent corrosion
• In-valve mixing of internal standard
(P7 valve)

• Integrated MP2 peristaltic pump Avio 500 ICP
and FAST valve for the Avio
• High quality ceramic bearing Single Valve FAST DXi
for Avio 500 ICP
peristaltic pump for long lifetime
and high precision
• Upgradeable to prepFAST

The FAST loads the sample loop as the

nebulizer and tubing are cleaned.
Single Valve FAST DXi
Rinse Nebulizer / Load Sample
for Avio 200 ICP
Peristaltic Pump 3 5
7 Loop

Peristaltic Pump
2 6
Internal 1 Vacuum

7-Port Valve To Waste

Solution © Elemental Scientific

Inject Sample / Rinse Probe

Peristaltic Pump 3 5
7 Loop

Peristaltic Pump
2 6
Internal 1 Vacuum

7-Port Valve To Waste

Solution © Elemental Scientific

The autosampler probe and tubing are rinsed

while the sample is analyzed.

FAST basic systems for high throughput and Avio 200 N0790964 N0790965 N0790966 N0790967
FAST washout (Includes SC-DX autosampler )
Avio 500 N0810870 N0810871 N0810872 N0810873
See page 4 for more information on SC DX autosamplers.

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 7

prep FAST TM
Inline Dilution
Variable Autodilution, Inline Autocalibration, and Overrange Dilution
The prepFAST is an automated inline dilution system. The prepFAST eliminates manual dilution,
reduces reagent usage, and improves laboratory productivity. These systems combine the
SC DX autosampler, high-throughput FAST technology and a syringe module to perform
precise and accurate inline dilutions of standards and samples.

prepFAST Automates Daily Lab Functions

Samples are automatically inline syringe-diluted and prepared for
or analysis.
• Automatic inline dilution modes
- Constant dilution (e.g. all samples diluted 10x)
- Variable dilution (i.e. user-specified dilution factor
• Improve precision and accuracy
• Reduce vial and reagent usage
• Improve sample throughput and washout

Automate inline preparation of ICP calibration standards.
• Save time and improve laboratory efficiency
• Improve linearity
• Standards rack (9 x 125 mL) holds both calibration
and QC compliance standards
• Save time and improve laboratory efficiency

Overrange Dilution
Automatically dilute and reanalyze samples having
analyte concentrations above the calibration range.
• Autodilute overrange samples

• Automatic serial dilution brings even extremely high

concentration samples into range SC2 DX prepFAST

• Optimize laboratory throughput by generating

reportable results from the initial sample run

PerkinElmer Offers Three prepFAST Systems:

• prepFAST e – Economical two syringe dilution system; max dilution factor of 50x

• prepFAST "prepFAST 2" – High-throughput dilution system with rapid washout; max dilution factor of 400x

• prepFAST M5 – High-throughput dilution system with ultimate washout and precision sample loading for
viscous and small volume (<2-3 mL) samples; max dilution factor of 400x

Page 8
prep FAST Autodilution TM

Rapid, Variable, In-Valve Autodilution

Samples are quickly vacuum-loaded (prepFAST e, prepFAST and prepFAST M5) or precision
syringe-loaded (prepFAST M5) into a loop. Sample is mixed with diluent and internal standard using

a patented mixing valve at the dilution factor prescribed by Syngistix software. The diluted and mixed
sample is then introduced into the ICP while the sample loop is syringe rinsed and readied for the
next sample. This sampling and dilution process takes place in seconds.

Sample Load & Dilution

10x Diluted Undiluted

Sample + IS Sample

Avio 500

SC DX Autosampler
Avio 500 ICP Carrier,
Diluent, IS

S400V Syringe Pump

Sample Analysis & Washout

10x Diluted
Sample + IS Rinse

Avio 500

SC DX Autosampler
Avio 500 ICP

S400V Syringe Pump

prepFAST dilution diagram for Avio 500 ICP

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 9

prep FAST Autocalibration TM

The prepFAST can create multipoint calibration curves from a single bottle of stock standard. Each point
of the calibration curve is prepared by autodilution of a single stock calibration standard placed on the
autosampler deck. The prepFAST automatically generates highly linear and consistent ICP calibration
curves. If necessary, multiple standards can be used for large concentration ranges or when standard
matrices are incompatible.

prepFAST Autocalibration
Inline Prep from 1 Blank + 1 Standard

Inline Standard
STD Dilution Concentration
Position Factor ppm
1 blank 0
3 2 20x 0.5
10 ppm 7
Stock 2 10x 1
2 5x 2
1 2 1x 10

Autocalibration of Mg from a 10ppm stock standard

Autocalibration improves laboratory efficiency by eliminating the need for labor-intensive and error prone
standard preparation. It reduces laboratory waste by reducing calibration vial, reagent, and standard waste.
prepFAST autocalibration is particularly important for low concentration standards near the detection limit.

Manual Calibration vs. Autocalibration

- Manual Labor - - AUTOMATED -

- High Risk of - - Reduced -


- Risk of - - Reduced Risk of -

- Airborne, Pipettes, - Single high stock
Vials - standard -

- High use of - - Reduced use of -


Page 10
prep FAST Overrange Dilution TM

Overrange Analyte Autodilution

The prepFAST automatically dilutes samples when an analyte goes above method-specified quality
control levels. The sample is automatically reinserted into the sample list and reanalyzed at a higher

dilution factor until the determined concentration falls within the specified range.

Overrange Result

Initial Fail –
Analysis Analyte Above
(with or without Calibration
inline dilution) Range

Reinsert Sample

Re-analyze Pass –
Sample at Report Corrected
Higher Dilution Concentration
Factor (e.g.10x)

Inrange Result

Automated overrange sample dilution maximizes laboratory throughput. Without this feature
high concentration samples have to be manually diluted and rerun later. Overrange autodilution
automatically dilutes samples into the appropriate range without any user input or time lost waiting
for a result.

Out-of-Range Internal Standard Autodilution

Internal standard out-of-range conditions occur when a high matrix present in a sample causes
response changes in the ICP signal, which is identified by monitoring internal standard recoveries.
Syngistix can be configured to automatically detect these limit failures, and instructs the prepFAST
to automatically dilute the sample for reanalysis during the same analysis run.

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prep FAST e

for Avio 200/500 ICP

Economical Inline Autodilution System

The prepFAST e economical inline dilution system
provides low cost syringe dilution and laboratory
automation. The prepFAST e is especially effective
for applications having long analysis times or lower
sample throughput requirements. Capable of dilution
factors ranging from 1 to 50, the prepFAST e is
recommended for use with sample volumes greater ater
than 2-3 mL. The prepFAST e supports final analysis
volumes between 0.5 and 6.0 mL.

• Autocalibration

• Autodilution - 1 to 50x

• Automatic overrange dilution

• Peristaltic-pumped internal
standard addition

• Fast vacuum sample loading

• Automate sample dilution

• Reduce laboratory waste

• Available in SC2, SC4, SC8,

and SC14 models

prepFAST e

Page 12
prepFAST e Features Diagram
Vented Enclosure

ULPA filter option
Resetting Probe Dual Overflowing
Reduces Probe Damage Rinse Stations

Sample Containers
<1mL up to 500mL
Vacuum Pump
Chemically inert diaphragm pump
for vacuum sample loading
High Precision
SC DX Autosampler

Inline Syringe
Sample Preparation Small Footprint
• Autodilution
• Auto QC dilution
• Autocalibration

Large Reagent Bottles Portable

Allows for flexible positioning

prepFAST e Automated Calibrations

r = 0.9998 r = 0.9999

Autocalibrations on Avio 500 with prepFAST e. Standard concentrations prepared at 20, 100, 200, and 1000 μg/L.

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 13

prep FAST

for Avio 200/500 ICP

Fully Automated Inline Dilution

The prepFAST (prepFAST 2) inline dilution system fully automates laboratory dilutions
while providing high sample throughput. The prepFAST delivers high precision autodilution,
syringe-driven internal standard addition, and high speed washout. Capable of dilution factors
from 1 to 400, the prepFAST is suggested for labs requiring the highest sample throughput
and where the available sample volume is about 2-3 mL or more.

• Autocalibration
• Autodilution – 1 to 400x
• Auto QC dilution
• Syringe-driven internal standard
• High speed rinse
• FAST vacuum sample loading

• Automate sample dilution
• Improve sample throughput
• Reduce laboratory waste
• Available in SC2, SC4, SC8,
and SC14 models


Page 14
prepFAST Features Diagram

Weighted Optional

Resetting Probe Vented Enclosure
Reduces Probe Damage ULPA filter option

Sample Containers Dual Overflowing

<1mL up to 500mL Rinse Stations

High Precision Vacuum Pump

SC DX Autosampler Vacuum loaded sampling
Rapid rinsing & cleaning

Inline Syringe
Sample Preparation
Small Footprint
- Sample dilution
- Internal standard addition
- Overrange dilution

Large Volume
Reagent Bottles Portable
Allows for flexible positioning

prepFAST Performance

< 2.5% RSD over 14 hours

FAST washout even for memory-prone elements Long-term stability

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 15

prep FAST M5

for Avio 200/500 ICP

Syringe Sample Loading + Syringe-driven Inline Dilution

The prepFAST M5 inline dilution system delivers maximum laboratory automation.
The prepFAST M5 provides precision syringe loading of samples or high-throughput
vacuum loading. Syringe loading is used when sample volumes are limited – 2-3 mL –
or when sample viscosity becomes an issue, such
as organic solvents, viscous brines or biological
samples. FAST vacuum loading can be used
when sample volumes are large – above 2-3 mL
– or when sample viscosity is not an issue. The
prepFAST M5 delivers high precision autodilution,
syringe-driven internal standard addition, flexible
sample loading and ultimate sample washout.
Capable of dilution factors from 1 to 400, the
prepFAST M5 is perfect for labs requiring high
sample throughput and where available sample S500V2 Syringe Module
volumes are as low as 0.1 mL.


• Autocalibration
• Autodilution – 1 to 400x
• Auto QC dilution
• Syringe-driven internal standard addition
• High speed rinse
• Ultimate washout
• Precision syringe loading or high speed
vacuum loading
• High pressure syringe-driven probe rinsing


• Automate sample dilution

• High sample throughput
• Minimize sample use
• Reduce laboratory waste
• Best rinse-out performance
• Available in SC2, SC4, SC8,
and SC14 models SC4 DX
prepFAST M5

Page 1616
prepFAST M5 Features Diagram
Optional Vented Enclosure
Weighted ULPA filter option

Resetting Probe
Reduces Probe Damage Dual Overflowing
Rinse Stations

Sample Containers
<1mL up to 500mL Vacuum Pump
Optional vacuum loaded sampling.
Rapid rinsing & cleaning.
High Precision
SC DX Autosampler
Syringe Sample Loading
Precise sample loading for small
Inline Syringe samples or multiple reanalysis.
Sample Preparation
• Sample dilution
• Internal standard addition Small Footprint
• Washing
• Overrange dilution

Large Reagent Bottles

Automated micro sample analysis in a difficult matrix

prepFAST M5 with 100μL Urine Samples

250 Replicate Urine Analysis

Average RSDs <4%

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prep FAST TM

prepFAST inline dilution systems
automatically perform precise and
accurate dilutions for samples
and standards, improving
laboratory workflow, productivity,
and data quality.
SC4 DX Autosampler
with Mobile Station

prepFAST e Provides:
• Autocalibration
• Autodilution
• Auto overrange dilution prepFAST e
• Peristaltic pump driven internal standard addition
• Dilution range: 1-50

prepFAST Provides:
• Autocalibration
• Autodilution
• Auto overrange dilution
• Improved washout and higher throughput prepFAST
• Syringe-driven internal standard addition
• Dilution range: 1-400

prepFAST M5 Provides:
• Autocalibration
• Autodilution
• Auto overrange dilution
• Precision syringe sample loading for micro or viscous samples
• Best washout performance of any sample introduction system
• Syringe-driven internal standard addition
• Dilution range: 1-400 prepFAST

Page 18
prep FAST Ordering Information TM

prepFAST Systems Comparison

PerkinElmer offers three versions of prepFAST: prepFAST e, prepFAST, and the prepFAST M5.
Compare each system's features below to determine which prepFAST system is right for your lab.

Syringe- Pressure Micro Volatile

Auto Driven Rinse Volume Organic
Overrange Internal Ultimate Sample Solvent Dilution
Description Autocalibration Autodilution Dilution Standard Washout Analysis Analysis Range

prepFAST e
   1 - 50

    1 - 400

prepFAST M5
       1 - 400

Avio 200 Avio 500

prepFAST e prepFAST e
Part Number Part Number
SC2 DX N0790976 SC2 DX N0810879
SC4 DX N0790977 SC4 DX N0810880
SC8 DX N0790978 SC8 DX N0810881
SC14 DX N0790979 SC14 DX N0810882

prepFAST prepFAST
Part Number Part Number

SC2 DX N0790960 SC2 DX N0810862

SC4 DX N0790961 SC4 DX N0810863
SC8 DX N0790962 SC8 DX N0810864
SC14 DX N0790963 SC14 DX N0810865

prepFAST M5 prepFAST M5
Part Number Part Number
SC2 DX N0790968 SC2 DX N0810866
SC4 DX N0790969 SC4 DX N0810867
SC8 DX N0790970 SC8 DX N0810868
SC14 DX N0790971 SC14 DX N0810869

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 19


f o r A v io 2 0 0 & 5 0 0 ICP

Automated Inline Dilution System for PerkinElmer Avio

prep3 is an inline dilution system which uses peristaltic pumps to perform precise and accurate inline
dilution of samples and standards. Syngistix software controls three microperistaltic pumps that deliver
sample, diluent, and internal standard to an inline, low-volume mixing device and then into the nebulizer.
The total liquid flow is constant, but the ratio of sample to diluent varies to perform the inline dilutions.

• Triple low-pulsing
microperistaltic pump
- P1 = Carrier
- P2 = Diluent
- P3 = Internal standard
• Low-volume mixing device

• Automatic calibration from
stock standard solution(s)
• Automatic sample dilution
• Automatic over-range dilution
• Automatic internal standard
out-of-range dilution
• Analyze samples from SC2 DXe prep3 on
the Avio 200 ICP
undiluted to up to 25x diluted
• Fully supported by Syngistix

Manual Calibration vs. Autocalibration with Avio prep3

- Manual Labor - - AUTOMATED -
- Risk of - - Reduced Risk of -
- Reduced -
- High Risk of - HUMAN ERROR

- High use of - - Reduced use of -


Page 20
Autocalibration of multiple stock standards

Defining stock standard concentration and autosampler location in Syngistix software is performed in the calibration tab. In this
example, autocalibration from two stock standards creates a calibration curve from 0.025 ppm to 10 ppm for Fe, Mg, Mn, V, and
2.5 ppm to 50 ppm for Ca. Syngistix uses the stock standard locations, concentrations, and dilutions to autocalibrate the Avio.

Automatic predefined dilution of samples

to eliminate manual offline dilution of samples


Syngistix flexibility allows autodilution factors to be the same for all samples (example A) or sample specific (example B). The
prep3 eliminates offline manual dilution of samples.

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f o r Av io 2 0 0 & 5 0 0 ICP

Autodilution of over-range samples

for over-range analytes

The upper concentration range for one or more analytes can be defined for automatic dilution of over-range samples. Set the
upper limit (A) and the over-range dilution factor (B).

Autodilution for out-of-range internal standard

Dilute Further

Syngistix monitors the internal standard and the prep3 automatically dilutes out-of-range samples further for reanalysis.

Page 22
Internal Standard Recovery - 1 ppm Y

% Recovery

120% 99.1% Internal Standard Recovery

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Sample Number

10 hours internal standard recovery. Average recovery: 99.1%

Average Analyte Recoveries



% Recovery




Al Mg Ni Co Mn Ba Be Zn B

Average recovery for 10 ppm analytes over 13 hours of continuous test. Average recovery: 98.6%

Description Part Number

prep3 Flow Path prep3 Inline Autodilution System

for PerkinElmer Avio: Includes

prep3 nebulizer, Triple micro peristaltic

pump and autodilution tee
assembly, lines, and fittings.
1 2 3 (DX Autosampler required, not
2DXe prep3 Inline Autodilution N0786013
System for PerkinElmer Avio:
To Instrument
Includes 2DXe autosampler,
triple micro peristaltic pump
and autodilution tee assembly,
Diluent Internal
Standard nebulizer, lines, and fittings.
4DXe prep3 Inline Autodilution N0786014
System for PerkinElmer Avio:
Sample Diluted Sample Internal Standard
Includes 4DXe autosampler,
SC2 DXe Autosampler Diluent IS & Diluted Sample Mix
triple micro peristaltic pump
and autodilution tee assembly,
nebulizer, lines, and fittings.

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 23

brine FAST S4

f o r Av io 5 0 0 IC P

Improve Detection Limits For Alkaline Earth

and Transition Metals In High Purity Brines
The brineFAST is a fully-automated, online preconcentration and matrix removal system that
improves detection limits for Ca, Mg, Fe, Ba, Sr, Mn and other elements in undiluted brines by
more than an order of magnitude making trace impurity analysis possible with ICP.

Early detection of low and sub-ppb alkaline earth and transition metals in high-
purity brines improves chlor-alkali plant process control and prevents costly
damage to fluoropolymer membrane cells. Undiluted 30% brines may
be sampled and analyzed directly, eliminating sample preparation and
reducing contamination.

• Fully automated, inline preconcentration and matrix removal
• Direct mode with up to 50x fixed inline dilution
• Syringe-driven reagents
- Consistent chemistry
- Maximum throughput
- Cleanliness
• No daily maintenance
• Detection limits in brine up to 400x better
than traditional sample introduction

• Preconcentration mode for
determination of low and sub-ppb Ca,

Mg, and other metals in 30% brine

• Chlor-alkali plant product monitoring for SC2 DX brineFAST S4 system
caustic soda and bleach for PerkinElmer Avio 500
• Determination of alkali earth metals
and many transition metals in any high-
Elution Profiles
matrix sample
Simultaneous elution profiles for
• High throughput FAST analysis with preconcentration elements allows simple
inline dilution in direct mode quantification after matrix removal.

Typical calibration for 50% caustic soda (10x diluted) Typical calibration for ultra-pure brine, <10 ppb.
demonstrating linearity at higher concentrations. If
needed, higher level calibrations at the ppm level are
also linear.
Page 24
All brineFAST S4 Systems brineFAST
Include: Ŷ Preconcentration or Direct Mode
• DX FAST autosampler Ŷ Direct mode

• S400V syringe pump module
• FAST DXi dual valve module
and all connections
• brineFAST S4 concentrator
• brineFAST S4 cleanup
• Mobile autosampler station

Spike recovery in 50% Spike recoveries in

caustic soda (10x diluted)
50% caustic soda
(10x diluted) show
Analyte % Recovery excellent recovery
against a calibration
Fe 99 prepared in diluted
nitric acid. Spike level
Ni 99
is 50 ppb (500 ppb
Cu 99 for Fe).
Pb 101

Method Detection Limits Comparison in 30% Brine

Spectral data shows equal response for a Mg spike Traditional brineFAST S4 Improvement
in a 1% HCl standard and 30% brine. Analyte
(ppb) (ppb) Factor
Ca 8.0 0.02 410
Mg 1.7 0.01 190
Percent Spike Recovery Comparison in 30% Brine
Fe 6.3 0.2 28
Traditional Introduction brineFAST S4
Analyte Ba 1.4 0.2 7
(spiked at 100 ppb) (spiked at 5 ppb)
Sr 1.1 0.01 150
Ca 132 103
Mn 1.2 0.02 57
Mg 64 96

Fe 104 95

Ba 106 99
Description Part Number
Sr 75 99
Mn SC2 DX brineFAST S4 system for
111 99 N0810874
Avio 500
Comparison of spike recoveries for traditional
analysis and the brineFAST S4 preconcentration Spare brine preconcentration column N0777470
technique. Note that the spike levels are 20x
lower with the brineFAST S4 than with the original Spare trace metals cleanup column N8145357
introduction system.

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER

TODAY Page 25

Compact Hydride Generation System for Avio 200/500 ICP

The hydrideICP, a standalone hydride generation

system with precision micro peristaltic pump,
provides sub-ppb detection limits for hydride-
forming elements such as As, Se, Sb and Hg.

• Increased sensitivity, up to 100x for hydride-
forming elements (As, Hg, Se, Sb,)
• Simultaneous hydride generation and
nebulization for high sensitivity multielement
• Improved stability
- MP2 micro peristaltic pump precisely
mixes sample and reagents, producing a
stable formation of H2 gas and hydrides
• Compact
- hydrideICP is the smallest system of its kind
on the market (95 mm x 118 mm x 140 mm)
• Chemically resistant construction
- MP2 micro peristaltic pump with ceramic pins,
a PFA mixing block and quartz GLS
• Convenient
- hydrideICP is completely integrated into the
MP2 pump

hydrideICP System

Universal spray chamber adapter N0810919

Universal spray chamber adapter replaces

the nebulizer on a cyclonic spray chamber

Universal spray chamber adaptor (P/N N0782031) Dual-Inlet spray chamber (P/N
used with hydrideICP operating in hydride-only mode. N0810919) used with hydrideICP
operating in simultaneous hydride and
direct nebulization mode.

Page 26
out to ICP

in in

Sample In (As3+, Se4+) Ar
Reagents (HCl, NaBH4)
Sweep Gas (Ar)
Matrix (Na+, Cl-, B[OH]3)
Analytes (AsH3, SeH2)


HydrideICP’s gas liquid separator is the smallest, Hg Calibration – 0, 0.5, 1, 5, and

highest performing and most stable on the market. The 10 ppb (Normal Resolution)
design promotes rapid mixing of sample and reagents,
resulting in an efficient reaction and separation of
hydride gases from sample liquids in a small volume.


Reagents MP2

Sweep Avio 200


Separator PE Avio 200 (or 500)

Liquid Nebulizer
Sample Hydride
Avio Spray Chamber

SC DX Autosampler © Elemental Scientific

HydrideICP configured to operate in simultaneous mode with both hydride generation

and direct nebulization introduction being analyzed in one analysis.

Description Part Number

HydrideICP Generation System. HydrideICP Generator Kit (Hydride N8122470
quartz gas-liquid separator, four way tee, MP2 precision micro peristaltic
pump, universal spray chamber adapter and mounting plate).
Quartz spray chamber with two inlets. Supports simultaneous hydride N0810919
and direct nebulization modes with the hydrideICP.

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER

TODAY Page 27
hydride S31

f o r Av io 5 0 0 ICP

Hydride Generation with hydride S31 FAST

The hydride S31 is a compact, syringe-driven hydride
generation system that produces ultra-low detection
limits for hydride-forming elements.

The 3-in-1 syringe barrel on the syringe module

provides pulse-free reagent delivery for the best
precision, and the patent-pending hydride gas liquid
separator provides high sensitivity. The FAST
sample valve in the S31 system provides high sample
throughput and excellent analyte washout.
hydride S31 system
for the Avio 500 ICP
Design Features:
• Syringe-driven reagents for hydride generation; no peristaltic pump reagent lines to replace
• FAST for high-throughput and excellent washout
• Sub-ppb detection limits for hydride-forming elements
• Simple operation with Avio 500 ICP and SC-DX autosamplers

hydride S31 for the PerkinElmer Avio 500 ICP

Detection limits (3s) for Analyte LOD (ppb)

hydride-forming elements
As 0.08
(in hydride mode)
Se 0.1
Sb 0.3
Hg 0.1

hydride S31
Hydride-forming elements, analyzed in
hydride or nebulization modes

Direct nebulization elements

Page 28
Simultaneous Hydride Generation and
Direct Nebulization with hydride S31

The integration of an additional FAST valve provides multi-mode
functionality to the hydride S31 and the Avio 500 for the highest
flexibility and sample throughput.

• Selection between the following modes of operation:

- Simultaneous determination of hydride-forming
elements with hydride generation and direct nebulization for
other elements
- Hydride and direct nebulization determinations Single Valve FAST DXi for
run sequentially Avio 500 ICP required for
simultaneous hydride and direct
- Independent analysis by either hydride or nebulization option (not included)
direct nebulization

Gas/Liquid hydride S31

Avio 500


Avio 500 ICP

Additional FAST valve option

for multimode operation


hydride S31 system diagram including autosampler and FAST valve

Hydride S31 configuration with additional FAST valve for high throughput multi-mode analysis. Non-
hydride forming elements are analyzed through the Liquid Sample pathway using a nebulizer. Hydride
forming elements benefit from high sensitivity hydride generation through Gaseous Sample pathway.
The Avio 500 acquisition can be configured to analyze hydride-forming elements while the nebulizer
is introducing carrier liquids, thus analyzing only for the hydride species. Hydride S31 can also be
operated simultaneously or sequentially with direct nebulization.

hydride S31 System

Description Part Number
Turn ANY DX FAST System
hydride S31 module for any DX FAST system. Includes S31 module for hydride
Into a hydride S31 System!
generation. (SC DX FAST autosampler and N8145562 spray chamber required, N0786018
not included) Just add the
hydride S31 module
Quartz AMS Hydride spray chamber; includes matrix gas port, AMS metal-free
matrix gas line, additional hydride port, and drain line (see page 45). For use N0811909
with Avio ZipTorches (see page 47).

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 29

Enclosures and ULPA Filtered Environments

Autosampler Enclosures and ULPA Filtered Environments

Autosampler Enclosures
Enclosures protect samples and standards
from airborne contamination. An exhaust port
(100 mm, included) may be connected to the
laboratory ventilation system to exhaust acid
fumes and protect the laboratory environment
and equipment. Enclosures can be purchased
with or without an ULPA filter.

Enclosure Enclosure with

Autosampler Model Only ULPA Filter
Enclosure for SC-Micro DX N8145080 N8145332
Enclosure for 2 DX N0777209 N0777208
Enclosure for 4 DX N0777210 N0777040
Enclosure for 8 DX N0777347 N0777346
Enclosure for 14 DX N0777325 N0777041 Enclosure for DX autosampler with
ULPA Filter (autosampler not included)

Ultra-Low Particulate Arrester Air Filter and Mounting Plate

The ULPA filter creates a clean, positive pressure environment for samples
and standards and prevents airborne contamination. The ULPA filter
removes 99.999% of 0.12 micron particles.
ULPA Filter Specifications ULPA Filter
Air Volume Noise level Power
1 m3/min 56 dBA 25W

Description Part Number

ULPA filter for DX autosampler N8145081
ULPA filter mounting plate for N0777831
2 DX or 4 DX

The ULPA filter mounting plate fits the 2 DX

and 4 DX on either the right or left side of the

Page 30
Mobile Autosampler Stations

Mobile Stations for 2 DX and 4 DX Autosampler

2 DX and 4 DX Mobile Autosampler Stations

The mobile autosampler station provides a small-footprint platform for the 2 DX or 4 DX.

• Mobile with locking wheels for flexible positioning
• Convenient location for rinse and waste containers
• Shelf for additional sample introduction equipment, such as prepFAST

N0777206 mobile station with N0777748 mobile station with

2 DX autosampler 4 DX autosampler

Description Part Number Description Part Number

Mobile autosampler station for N2024021 Mobile autosampler station for N2024041
2 DX including electrical conduit 4 DX including electrical conduit
(autosampler not included) (autosampler not included)
Mobile autosampler station for 2 DX N8145574 Mobile autosampler station for 4 DX N8145575
(autosampler not included) (autosampler not included)

Accessible rinse
bottle can be refilled
in place

Storage space for

racks, solutions
and accessories

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 31

brine FAST

Improved Detection Limits For Alkaline Earth

And Transition Metals In High Purity Brines

The brineFAST is a fully-automated, online preconcentration

and matrix removal system that improves detection limits for
Ca, Mg, Fe, Ba, Sr, Mn and other elements in undiluted brines
by more than an order of magnitude.
See page 24 for more information.
PFA and Polypropylene ST-Nebulizers

PFA and Polypropylene High-Efficiency MicroFlow Nebulizers

for the Avio 200 and 500 ICP
MicroFlow nebulizers are resistant to clogging and are reliably self-aspirated or pumped to produce a fine
aerosol for high transport efficiency and high sensitivity.

PFA-ST Nebulizers
The PFA-ST MicroFlow nebulizer is made from high purity, HF
resistant PFA. It has an exchangeable external sample uptake
capillary. The sample uptake rate is controlled by the diameter of the
external capillary or probe.

• All PFA construction • Can be pumped from < 0.02 mL/min to 3.0 mL/min
• Exchangeable uptake capillaries allow one • Direct analysis of volatile and non-volatile
nebulizer to be used at different self-aspiration organic solvents
rates from 20 μL/min to 700 μL/min • Longer lifetime than glass or quartz nebulizers
• Chemically resistant—ideal for strong acids,
alkalis and organics

Description Application Part Number
ST3-70 MicroFlow PFA For general high N0777676
nebulizer with external 1/4-28 sensitivity and
threaded connector. high performance
PFA-ST for prepFAST self- prepFAST N8145368
aspirating nebulizer with
external 1/4-28 threaded

PolyPro-ST Nebulizer

The PolyPro-ST nebulizer is a low-cost, HF-resistant

alternative to the PFA nebulizer. The PolyPro nebulizer
has a lower chemical resistance than the PFA nebulizer
but has the same high-efficiency aerosol generation.
Both are robust nebulizers that can self-aspirate with
an exchangeable external sample uptake capillary or
can be used with a peristaltic pump.

Description Part Number

Poly-pro self-aspirating nebulizer with external N0777219
1/4-28 threaded connector.

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 33

ST Nebulizer Accessories

Syringe Flush Kit / Nebulizer Gas Line / Obstruction Removal

Syringe Flush Kit for ST Nebulizers

The syringe flush kit is used in two ways. With the white
fitting it can back flush the sample capillary leading to the
ST nebulizer. With the red fitting it can attach to the sample
liquid port on the ST nebulizer for foreflushing.

Description Part Number

Syringe flush kit. Includes 3 mL syringe, two luer to N8121035
1/4-28 adapters.

Nebulizer Gas Line

The Nebulizer Gas Line connects the nebulizer to the

argon gas supply on the instrument. This nebulizer gas
line contains quick connects for a secure connection to
any PFA-ST nebulizer.

Description Part Number

Gas line for PFA-ST nebulizers N0791856

Nebulizer Obstruction Removal Kit

While naturally resistant to obstructions, PFA nebulizers
may occasionally require maintenance. Use this kit to
safely remove obstructions in all PFA-ST nebulizers for
long-term high performance. Never back-flush a PFA-ST

Description Part Number

Fused silica obstruction removal kit for ST-type N8145236
nebulizers. Includes one guide, 10 pieces of fused
silica and instructions.

Page 34
Probes and Capillaries for ST-Nebulizers

Sample Capillaries / Probes

Sample Capillaries for ST Nebulizers

Self-aspiration rate Part

I.D. (@1L/m Ar) Number
0.15 mm 20 μL/min  (red) N8122382
0.20 mm 50 μL/min  (purple) N8145135
0.25 mm 100 μL/min  (green) N8122383
0.30 mm 200 μL/min  (yellow) N8145136
0.50 mm 400 μL/min  (orange) N8122384
0.80 mm 700 μL/min  (blue) N8145137 N8145138
1.00 mm 1 mL/min  (gray) N8145138
Sample capillary
attached to PFA

Carbon Fiber Supported Autosampler Probes for ST Nebulizers
ST nebulizer probes connect directly to any ST-type nebulizer. The 1/4-28
threaded fitting provides a secure, zero-dead-volume connection with no
additional fittings required.

Probes for SC DX Autosamplers

Capillary Self-aspiration
Probe i.d. Length rate (@1L/m Ar) Part Number
0.25 mm 80 cm 100 μL/min N0777223
0.50 mm 80 cm 400 μL/min N0777225 N0777223
0.25 mm 150 cm 100 μL/min N0777826
0.50 mm 150 cm 400 μL/min N0777827
Also available with Ultem support.

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 35

PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Sample Capillaries

PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Capillaries

for the Avio 200/500 ICP

PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Capillaries

Self-aspirating PFA MicroFlow fluoropolymer

nebulizers are chemically resistant and an
essential part of the ICP laboratory. PFA
nebulizers can produce a fine aerosol from
aggressive acids, alkalis, organics, and high-
salt solutions. They are resistant to clogging and
produce high sensitivity at a low sample flow rate.
They are the ideal nebulizer for ICP instruments
with a wide range of sample types
or when unknown samples are analyzed.


• Integrated capillary for connection-free

introduction of samples at low flow rates

• Available with self-aspiration rates between 20
and 400 microliters per minute

• Chemically-resistant, ideal for strong acids,

alkalis, and organic solvents
PFA Nebulizers with
Integrated Fluoropolymer Capillaries
• Produces a fine aerosol for high transport
Measured self-aspiration
efficiency and high-sensitivity Model rate (@1L/m Ar) Part Number

PFA-20 20 μL/min N8122350

• Can be peristaltic pumped when introducing
PFA-50 50 μL/min N8145102
organic solvents
PFA-100 100 μL/min N8122351

PFA-200 200 μL/min N8145103

PFA-400 400 μL/min N8145104

Other flow rates made to order

Page 36
PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Autosampler Probes

PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Probes

for the Avio 200/500 ICP

Self-Aspirating PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Probes

These nebulizers self-aspirate at

low flow rates with the same benefits
of the PFA MicroFlow nebulizer.
The integrated sampling probe is
constructed by encapsulating a rigid
support material between layers of
fluoropolymer to provide a chemically- N0777216
resistant probe that is mechanically PFA-100 Nebulizer
stable and resilient. Carbon Fiber Support

Probes can be custom made to

specific lengths and materials at
no extra charge.

PFA-50 Nebulizer
Ultem Support

PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated Autosampler Probe

Autosampler Self-aspiration rate

Model Type (@1L/m Ar) Length support material Application Part Number
80 cm Carbon Fiber Environmental/Clinical N0777214
SCMicro DX
PFA-20 20 μL/min
SC DX 100 cm Ultem High Purity Semiconductor N8145141

80 cm Carbon Fiber Environmental/Clinical N0777215

SCMicro DX
PFA-50 50 μL/min
SC DX 100 cm Ultem High Purity Semiconductor N8145142

Carbon Fiber Environmental/Clinical N0777216

SCMicro DX
PFA-100 100 μL/min 100 cm
SC DX Ultem High Purity Semiconductor N8145143

SCMicro DX Carbon Fiber Environmental/Clinical N0777217

PFA-200 200 μL/min 100 cm
SC DX Ultem High Purity Semiconductor N8145144

SCMicro DX Carbon Fiber Environmental/Clinical N0777218

PFA-400 400 μL/min 100 cm
SC DX Ultem High Purity Semiconductor N8145275

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 37

MEINHARD® Glass Nebulizers

Concentric Nebulizers for Avio 200/500 ICP
MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers have the lowest dead volume of any glass or quartz nebulizer. The low dead
volume and high sensitivity provide excellent detection limits and washout.
Each MEINHARD® Plus nebulizer comes with the FitKit+ gas and sample quick connect fittings. Patented
permanent non-degradable PFA connector eliminates contamination risk and risk of leak. The gas connection
fits snugly over the maria on the sidearm of the nebulizer.

Features for all MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers:

• Self aspiration rate 0.5 mL/min with argon flow 1 L/min at 50 PSI (3.4 bar/345 kPa).
• Peristaltic pumped rate 0.1 mL/min to 3.0 mL/min.
• Includes FG Gas Quick Connect (PFA).

Glass Concentric Nebulizers

The Type K borosilicate glass nebulizer is an
economical concentric nebulizer used for high solids.

Description Part Number

MEINHARD borosilicate glass, high solids
nebulizer, Type K, 0.7mL/min, 50 PSI

Type K low dead volume
TR+ glass high sensitivity concentric nebulizer with high performance nebulizer
low internal volume.

Description Part Number

MEINHARD® TR+ glass nebulizer, Type K, N0777707
low internal volume

Nebulizer Lines

Description Part Number

FAST connector for MEINHARD Plus Series
Nebulizer (F2), 0.25mm i.d

Description Part Number Description Part Number

4 mm nebulizer liquid-end connnector kit F2. N0811288 Nebulizer gas line for MEINHARD® N0791843
concentric nebulizers

Page 38
PFA FitKit MEINHARD® Nebulizer Connectors

Plus Nebulizer PFA Liquid Quick Connectors

The sample connector is a low dead-volume quick connect for MEINHARD® Plus nebulizers. It offers a fast
stabilization time and a reliable seal with chemically resistant PFA. Three versions are available in a variety
of flow rates for different ICP applications.

• Fast stabilization time and ultra-low dead-volume
• High purity PFA fluoropolymer construction
• Easy to connect and disconnect

Sample connectors available:

F0: Encapsulated micro tubing for microflow rates with the lowest internal volume of any nebulizer.
F1: Detachable solution capillary for a wide range of applications, optional for all Plus-series nebulizers.
F2: Integrated solution capillary for self-aspiration or pumping, included with all Plus-series nebulizers.

F0 Encapsulated Micro Tubing

F0 Encapsulated micro tubing for low uptake rates from

0.1 to 0.5 mL/min and the lowest internal volume of any


Includes Part Number

0.25 mm i.d. (green marker) N8121038
70 cm long micro capillary.

F1 Detachable Capillary

F1 Detachable capillary for a wide range of applications.

Includes Part Number

0.80 mm i.d. (blue marker) 70 N8121037
cm long capillary.

F2 Standard Integrated Capillary

F2 Standard integrated capillary for self-aspiration or pumping.

Includes Part Number

0.5 mm i.d.  (orange marker) N8121039
70 cm long capillary.

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 39

PFA FitKit MEINHARD® Nebulizer Connectors

Plus Nebulizer PFA FitKit Nebulizer Gas Quick Connect

The PFA FitKit Quick Connects are, a revolutionary new gas and sample fitting system for MEINHARD® Plus
nebulizers. The kit includes a gas connection (FG), standard integrated capillary sample connection (F2) and
two other sample connection (F1 and F0) options to choose from.

FG gas connection forms a tight seal over the maria on the sidearm of the MEINHARD® nebulizers.
FG offers the benefits of an easy-to-use quick connect while maintaining high purity for sensitive
ICP applications. In a test that simulated a backflow event, FG produced
concentrations of elements like Fe and Cr that were four orders of magnitude
lower than concentrations leached from a conventional fitting (Figure 1).

• High-purity PFA fluoropolymer construction
• Easy to connect and disconnect nebulizer line maria
• One connection fits any MEINHARD nebulizer

FG Gas Quick Connect for MEINHARD® Nebulizers

FG Gas Quick Connect for MEINHARD® Nebulizers with

maria for both small bore and standard bore nebulizers.

Application Part Number

For use with all MEINHARD nebulizers

FG Gas Quick Connect with

connector for PFA tubing

Conventional gas
line connector

PFA quick
connect gas line

Figure 1. Leach test of a conventional gas line connector and PFA FG

Page 40
Pearl Nebulizer Cleaner

Pearl Nebulizer Cleaner For All Quartz

And Glass Concentric Nebulizers
With this device a cleaning solution can be pumped manually in reverse,
through both the sample and gas passages. Recommended cleaning
solutions are - Sigma-Aldrich RBS-25 diluted about 20x, Deconex similarly
diluted; - or - either of these, but with the addition of 10% methanol. When
the wet-cleaning process is finished, rinse with DI water and flush dry with
compressed air or inert gas.

The diagram below shows the 3 main types of blockages that can occur in
pneumatic concentric nebulizers.

PRL-02 PRL-02
2 Nebulizer
earl Nebulizer

3 1

1. Deposits at this point are typically composed of salts coming out of
solution. Such deposits can usually be removed by repeated rinsing of a
concentric nebulizer with an appropriate solvent.

2. This sort of obstruction is the worst type, capable of breaking the tip of a
glass capillary. If the deposit is insoluble, the only sure way to remove it is
with a PEARL cleaner.

3. Deposits inside the capillary may go unnoticed for quite a while, particularly
if the sample is pumped. Paper and textile fibers are often at fault.

Description Part Number

Pearl nebulizer cleaner for all glass N8145457
and quartz concentric nebulizers

Pumping cleaning solution through concentric nebulizer.

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 41

pergo Argon Nebulizer Gas Humidifier

pergo High Solids Accessory

The pergo improves performance of all concentric nebulizers

for the routine analysis of brines, fusion digests, and other
high-TDS samples.
A water vapor permeable membrane humidifies the ICP
nebulizer gas stream. By increasing humidity in the argon
nebulizer gas, the pergo prevents salt deposits at the nebulizer,
improving short and long-term signal stability.

• Improved RSDs
• Improved short and long-term stability
• Improved detection limits
• Faster washout
• Ability to use high-sensitivity nebulizers for high-TDS samples
• Reduce long-term drift
• Extends the length of analytical runs
N8145315 pergo
high solids accessory


Water microdroplets
continuously clean the
inside of the nebulizer
and prevent salt deposits.

Ar nebulizer gas is humidified using a tube-shaped membrane placed in a PFA water

reservoir at atmospheric pressure. The water vapor condenses inside the nebulizer tip,
preventing salt build-up.

Page 42




 RSDs for seawater samples

     improve significantly when
   the pergo is utilized



with pergo without pergo

,N 4

The unique pergo design offers

many advantages over other types
of argon humidifiers.


• Higher, more consistent humidity  

• Superior long-term stability 

• Safe and easy to use 
- Atmospheric pressure water 
• Optional USB communication for 

programmable humidity levels
with pergo without pergo

Improved long term stability is achieved when utilizing the pergo, reducing
signal drift and extending the length of analysis runs.

Description Part Number
pergo argon high solids accessory. N8145315
pergo argon high solids accessory. Includes a MEINHARD TR+ high performance nebulizer.
pergo argon high solids accessory. Includes a PFA-ST HF-resistant high performance N8150427

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 43

Online Mixing Kits

Online Mixing Kits for Addition of Internal Standard

Online Mixing Kit

Online mixing kit for
The kit for online addition of internal standard is an easy addition of internal standard
way to use internal standards without having to manually
spike each sample with internal standard. The kit can
also be used to mix any two reagents for other purposes.
The low dead-volume, fluoropolymer mixing tee ensures
good mixing at all typical ICP flow rates for a wide variety
of liquids, including HF.

• Low dead-volume, fluoropolymer mixing tee
• 0.25 mm I.D. (green) for flow rates < 1 mL/min
• 0.5 mm I.D. (orange) for flow rates > 0.3 mL/min
• Internal standard probe and addition line
• Fluoropolymer peripump fittings
• Peristaltic pump tubing starter pack

Online Dilution:
The online mixing kits include a starter pack of peristaltic
pump tubing for the MP2 micro peristaltic pump.
Approximate dilution factors are defined by choosing the
size of the sample and internal standard peristaltic
pump tubing. Other pump tubing sizes are available.

Dilution Factors with Starter Pack Tubing

Sample IS / Diluent Tubing
Tubing Orange Green Black Black Red Red
Orange Green 2 5 10
Black Black 1.25 2 3.25
Red Red 1.11 1.44 2

Online Mixing Kits Online Mixing Kits with Nebulizer Included

Part Numbers Part Numbers
0.25 mm I.D. 0.5 mm I.D. 0.25 mm I.D. 0.5 mm I.D.
(Green) (Orange) Description (Green) (Orange) Description
For use with PFA-ST For use with PFA-ST
N8145358 N8145359 N8145363 N/A nebulizers. Includes
PFA-ST nebulizer.
For use with MEINHARD®
N8145360 N8145361 For use with MEINHARD®
Plus nebulizers.*
Plus nebulizers. Includes
N/A N8145364
For use with MiraMist and TR+ high sensitivity glass
N/A N8145362
similar nebulizers. nebulizer.
* Adapter below for other glass nebulizers

Page 44
Spray Chambers

Quartz Cyclonic Spray Chambers

Press Fit Cyclonic Spray Chambers for ZipTorch

Avio 200 Avio 500 Addition PC3

Description Part Number Part Number Gas Port Hydride Compatible

Quartz cyclonic baffled N0791842 N0811901
cyclonic spray chamber
with PFA outlet connection
for One-Piece ZipTorch

 
Quartz cyclonic baffled N0790981 N0810884
cyclonic spray chamber
with addition gas port and
PFA outlet connection for
One-Piece ZipTorch

 
Quartz cyclonic baffled N0790980 N0810919
cyclonic spray chamber
with hydride gas port and
PFA outlet connection for
One-Piece ZipTorch
Used with one-piece ZipTorches on page 47, 51.

Ball/Socket Cyclonic Spray Chambers for Standard Avio Torch

Avio 200 Avio 500 Addition PC3

Description Part Number Part Number Gas Port Hydride Compatible

Quartz cyclonic baffled N0791841 N0811900
cyclonic spray chamber
with 12/5 socket
connection for standard
Avio injector

 
Quartz cyclonic baffled N0790983 N0810883 N0790983
cyclonic spray chamber
with addition gas port and
12/5 socket connection for
standard Avio injector

Quartz baffled cyclonic N0790984
spray chamber with
hydride gas port and 12/5
socket connection for
standard Avio injector

High Performance HF-resistant PFA Spray Chambers

High Performance PFA Spray Chambers

HF resistant, high sensitivity PFA spray chambers for high purity

Description Application Part Number
High Performance PFA spray chamber HF resistant, high N0791847
with o-ring-free PFA endcap sensitivity PFA
spray chamber for
High Performance PFA spray chamber semiconductor and N0791848
with o-ring-free PFA endcap and other high purity
additional gas port applications.

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Spray Chamber Accessories

Spray Chamber Accessories

Spray Chamber Clamp

The socket clamp maintains a secure connection between the 12/5

injector ball and spray chamber socket.

Description Part Number

Clamp for 12/5 socket. N8145311

Spare Spray Chamber Drain Line

Description Part Number

Spray chamber drain line kit for Avio 200/500.
Includes 32 cm line leading from spray chamber
drain to peripump and 160 cm line from peripump
to waste bottle. 32 cm line has ¼-28 fitting
common to all Avio 200/500 spray chamber drain

Spray Chamber Plugs

Description Application Part Number N8145516 N8145518

Cyclonic spray chamber Plugs the matrix gas port when AMS
AMS matrix gas plug gas is not used or during storage.
Spray chamber Plugs the nebulizer port to prevent
nebulizer port plug contamination during storage.
Spray chamber outlet Plugs the spray chamber outlet to
plug prevent contamination.
N8145518 N8145517

PFA Secure Nut

Description Application Part Number

Long (6mm) PFA spray Secures nebulizer to Avio spray
chamber secure nut chamber. N8145321

Spray Chamber Adapter

Description Application Part Number

Avio 200/500 cyclonic spray Adapts cyclonic spray chamber
chamber adapter to Avio sapphire and platinum N8152551

Page 46
Innovative ZipTorch f o r Av io 2 0 0 & 5 0 0 ICP

Avio 200 and 500 One-Piece Torch

Interchangeable ZipTorches Material Options
• Quartz
• Organics Resistant Quartz
The ZipTorch is a new torch design for Avio
200 and Avio 500 ICPs. ZipTorches can Demountable Torch
be used interchangeably between the two Material Options
systems. They are available with fixed or PTFE Light • Quartz
demountable injector options to work with any Shield • Organics Resistant Quartz
application on either – or both – Avio systems. • Silicon Nitride

ZipTorch Design
• One-piece base
• Dual gas connections to support both PVDF
Avio 200 & 500 Torch Holder
• No internal o-rings Patented One-piece
• Quick-press and socket-free spray O-ring-free Torch Design
chamber connection • No internal o-rings or gaskets,
• Available in metal free
• Easy cleaning, no assembly
- One-piece or demountable required
- Silicon nitride, quartz or organics quartz

ZipTorch Benefits Dual Gas

• Easy cleaning

• Highly reproduceable installation position
For Avio 200
• No user contact with torch tubes and Avio 500
• One torch for both Avio 200 and 500
• Torch or injector can be exchanged in seconds
• Eliminate ground glass ball joint connectors Quick-Press and Socket-Free
and clamps Spray chamber connection

ZipTorch For Avio – Ease of Installation

The interchangeable ZipTorch can be installed in seconds in either the Avio 200 or 500

Installing a ZipTorch on Avio 200

Installing a ZipTorch on Avio 500

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Nitride ZipTorch for Avio 200 & 500 ICP

in Chemical Resistance
and Extended Lifetime

The Nitride ZipTorch is a direct replacement for

the standard Avio 200 & 500 torches. It provides
substantial enhancements in chemical resistance
over standard quartz torches, significantly
reducing both replacement costs and observed
backgrounds levels.
Nitride torch while nebulizing Yttrium on the Avio ICP

con Nitride
Material Benefits
Over Quartz

• Silicon nitride is a ceramic material that is not compromised by the

high temperatures of the argon plasma.

• Heat is conducted more evenly across the silicon nitride torch body,
reducing thermal stress and resulting in significant advantages over
quartz torches that can form stress cracks and fail.

Chemical Resistance
• The Nitride torch is highly resistant to chemical attack by high matrix
components in the plasma. Nitride torches do not devitrify and have a
long lifetime.

• Nitride ZipTorch is the optimal torch for analyzing samples high in

salts, fusion digests, and organic solvents.

• Low background levels for silicon measurements are achieved.

• Compared to quartz, up to 100x lifespan can be expected when
running high matrix samples.
N0811913 • Eliminating frequent replacement of quartz torches results in
Demountable Nitride significantly reduced operating costs.

Page 48
Nitride ZipTorch installed in Avio 500

Nitride ZipTorch Design Advantages

• Direct replacement of standard Avio 200 and 500 torches

• No impact on analytical performance – same detection


• Utilizes the same interchangeable injectors (quartz, sapphire,

and platinum) as the Quartz Demountable ZipTorch for
flexibility when application demands change

• Unique construction with both the intermediate and outer

tubes made from silicon nitride provides the longest life and
highest possible chemical resistance

Quickly and easily

install injectors into
demountable torches

Every ICP-OES System Should Experience the Benefits of a Silicon Nitride ZipTorch

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ZipTorches and Injectors for Avio 200 & 500 ICP

Selecting the Best Torch for your Application(s)

= Good = Better = Best

1-1.5 mm injectors for organic solvents, 2 mm standard size, and 2.5 mm for high matrix samples

Low Volatility High Volatility High Salt

Torch Aqueous Organics Organics Matrix / Fusion Benefits
Quartz One-Piece Simplicity with one-piece design

Quartz Demountable Flexibility to change injectors, injector

material, injector diameter

Quartz One-Piece -Greater resistance to cracking from

Organic heat
-Simplicity with one-piece design
Quartz Demountable -Greater resistance to cracking from
Organic heat
-Added flexibility to change injectors
Silicon Nitride -No devitrification from sample matrix
Demountable -Greatly extended life without
replacement--lower cost
-Flexibility to change injectors
-Appropriate for all sample types

One-piece ZipTorches

The one-piece ZipTorch has an integrated quartz injector for simplicity,

easy maintenance and quick torch alignment.

Injector Avio 200/500

Size Part Number
1 mm N0811902

Quartz one-piece ZipTorch with injector and PVDF o-ring- 1.5 mm N0811903
free holder for Avio ICP 2 mm N0811906
2.5 mm N0811907
1 mm N0791864
Organics quartz one-piece ZipTorch with injector and PVDF
1.5 mm N0791865
o-ring-free holder for Avio ICP
2 mm N0791866

N0811906 One-piece ZipTorch

Page 50
Demountable ZipTorches

The demountable ZipTorch utilizes a removable

and replaceable injector. Recommended for
use with HF applications (using sapphire or Pt
injectors) or when the user prefers to remove
the injector for cleaning without dismounting
the torch.

Avio 200/500
Part Number
Demountable quartz ZipTorch with PVDF
o-ring-free holder for Avio ICP
Demountable organic ZipTorch with
PVDF o-ring-free holder for Avio ICP
Demountable silicon nitride ZipTorch
with PVDF o-ring-free holder for Avio N0811913

N0811908 N0811935 N0811913

Demountable Demountable Demountable
Quartz Quartz Organics Silicon Nitride
ZipTorch ZipTorch ZipTorch

Injectors for Demountable ZipTorches

These injectors are designed for use with the quartz, organics and
silicon nitride demountable torches.

• Quartz is used for wide range of non-HF aqueous applications and

organic solvents

• Sapphire is utilized for environmental, geochemistry, and HF


• Platinum is used with volatile organic solvents and HF-containing

semiconductor-grade chemicals

Avio 200/500
Size Part Number
Quartz demountable injectors for Avio 1 mm N0791859
1.5 mm N0791860
2 mm N0791861
2.5 mm N0791862
Sapphire demountable injectors for Avio 1.5 mm N0791850
2 mm N0791851
N0791860 N0791850 N0791849
Platinum demountable injector for Avio Quartz Sapphire Platinum
2 mm N0791849
ZipTorches Injector Injector Injector

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Upgradable Integrated Precision Micro
Peristaltic Pump for Avio 200/500

The FAST DXi is a microperistaltic pump

integrated to the Avio 200/500. It can be
easily upgraded to FAST, prepFAST or other
automation applications by adding valve
actuators and other necessary components.
It allows laboratories the flexibility to start with
a high-quality, long-lived peristaltic pump and
add automation components as needed.
• Direct replacement for standard FAST DXi populated with
peristaltic pump a dual valve actuator.
(Valve shown but not included)
• Connects to any SC-DX autosampler
• Integrated to Syngistix software

• Accurate pumping across a wide
range of rates from low 0.20 μL/min to
10 mL/min
• Faster analysis with high precision.
FAST DXi populated with a
Low Pulsation single valve actuator.
• 12 closely-spaced rollers maintain (Valve shown but not included)

consistent flow rate and improve

signal stability
FAST DXi's for Avio 200/500
Chemical Resistance # of Valve Avio 200 Avio 500
Description Actuators Part Number Part Number
• Ceramic pins and PTFE-coated
FAST DXi integrated 4 1 N0790954 N0810852
metal components are resistant channel MP2 peripump with
to acids and organic solvents single FAST valve actuator
• Long-life motor and drive assembly FAST DXi integrated 4 2 N0790982 N0810885
channel MP2 peripump with
dual FAST valve actuators
Valve not included with actuators.

FAST Valve Actuator

Avio 200 Avio 500
Description Part Number Part Number
Additional FAST valve actuator to N0790956 N0810853
convert integrated MP2 to FAST with
one actuator for FAST.
Additional FAST valve actuator to N0790955 N0810854
convert FAST DXi from FAST to
N0790956 prepFAST with two actuators for
FAST valve actuator prepFAST.

Page 52
Stand Alone Peristaltic Pumps

Stand Alone MP2 Precision Micro Peristaltic Pumps

MP2 Precision Micro Peristaltic Pumps

The MP2 is a compact, precise, stand-alone micro peristaltic
pump with a flow rate range from 0.20 μL/min to 10 mL/min
and is available with one to eight channels. Optimized for
low-flow rates, the MP2 uses either MPP tubing or standard
3-stop pump tubing.


Number of Channels Part Number
1 channel MP precision micro peristaltic pump
2 channel MP precision micro peristaltic pump
3 channel MP2 precision micro peristaltic pump N8145094
4 channel MP precision micro peristaltic pump
6 channel MP2 precision micro peristaltic pump N8145096
8 channel MP precision micro peristaltic pump
N0777833 N8145095
stand-alone, precision
Includes: Cable to control with DX Autosampler micro peristaltic pump


Used in Low Pressure Applications High Pressure Applications
Qty Size Part Number Qty Size Part Number

Female Female
1 N8145018 1 N0777829
(small) (small)

Male Male
1 N8145017 1 N0777830
(small) (small)

5 Female N0786030 5 Female N8152388

5 Male N0786036 5 Male N8152453


1400 1.4
1200 1.2
Flow Rate ( L/min)
Flow Rate ( L/min)
Flow Rate (nL/min)

1000 1 8000
y = .633x y = 69.606x
800 R =1 0.8 R = 0.99999
600 0.6
400 0.4
200 0.2

0 0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
Pump Speed (RPM) Pump Speed (RPM)

MP2 pump linearity < 1 μL/min MP2 pump linearity up to 10 mL/min

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MP2 Peristaltic Pump Tubing

MP2 Pump Tubing

Tubing for MP2 Micro Peristaltic Pumps (Packs of 12)

Non-Flared Flared*
Calibration Slope PVC *Santoprene® Solva PVC Solva
i.d. Stop Colors (μL/min per RPM) 2-stop 2-stop 2-stop 2-stop 2-stop
0.13 mm Orange Black 0.6 N8145145 N8145194 N8145208
0.19 mm Orange Red 1.3 N8145146 N8145195 N8145209
0.27 mm Orange Blue 2.7 N8145147 N8145196 N8145210
0.38 mm Orange Green 4.7 N8145148 N8145171 N8145197 N8145211
0.44 mm Green Yellow 7.6 N8145149 N8145198 N8145212
0.51 mm Orange Yellow 9.5 N8145150 N8145199 N8145213
0.57 mm White Yellow 11 N8145151 N8145200 N8145214
0.64 mm Orange White 14 N8145152 N8145201 N8145215
0.76 mm Black Black 19 N8145153 N8145172 N8145176 N8145202 N8145216
0.89 mm Orange Orange 24 N8145154 N8145177 N8145203 N8145217
0.95 mm White Black 28 N8145155 N8145178 N8145204 N8145218
1.02 mm White White 31 N8145156 N8145179 N8145205 N8145219
1.09 mm White Red 33 N8145157 N8145180 N8145206 N8145220
1.14 mm Red Red 35 N8145158 N8145181 N8145207
1.22 mm Red Grey 46 N8145159 N8145182
1.30 mm Grey Grey 47 N8145160 N8145173 N8145183
1.42 mm Yellow Yellow 50 N8145161 N8145184
1.52 mm Yellow Blue 51 N8145162 N8145174 N8145185
1.65 mm Blue Blue 55 N8145163 N8145186
1.75 mm Blue Green 58 N8145164 N8145187
1.85 mm Green Green 61 N8145165 N8145188
2.06 mm Purple Purple 64 N8145166 N8145189
2.29 mm Purple Black 65 N8145167 N8145190
2.54 mm Purple Orange 67 N8145168 N8145191
2.79 mm Purple White 69 N8145169 N8145192
3.17 mm Black White 70 N8145170 N8145175 N8145193
Bridge Length 72 mm 72 mm 72 mm 72 mm 72 mm
*For easy insertion of PFA capillaries i.d. = internal diameter
Non-Flared Flared

PVC Santoprene® SOLVA

Description Part Number
MP2 Pump Tubing Kit comprised of 34 packs of 12 tubes, one package of each white highlighted part number N8145221
in the table above. Includes: 26 packs of PVC tubing (0.13 to 3.17 mm i.d.) 3 packs of *Santoprene® tubing and
5 packs of Solva tubing. Kit also includes: 30 CTFE Fluoropolymer Peristaltic pump Fittings: 5 small female, 5
small male, 5 medium female, 5 medium male, 5 large female and 5 large male.
*Santoprene® is a product of ExxonMobil.

Page 54
Spare Syringes

Replacement Syringes for Syringe Pumps


Replacement Syringes

Size Material Application Part Number

0.3 mL Quartz Micro volume applications N8145222

0.3 mL CTFE Micro volume applications N8145225

3 mL Quartz prepFAST N8145223

3 mL CTFE HF applications N8145226

6 mL Quartz prepFAST e N8152754

6 mL CTFE HF applications N8152756

12 mL CTFE prepFAST N8145227

0.3 mL quartz syringe

3 mL quartz syringe 6 mL Quartz syringe 12 mL CTFE syringe
N8145223 N8152754 N8145227

High Purity PFA Pipette Tips

High purity PFA pipette tips are used to minimize

contamination of semiconductor and biological samples.

Description Volume Qty Part Number

Pre-cleaned PFA Pure Tip 100-200 μL 10 pk N0777394
pipette tips
Pre-cleaned PFA Pure Tip 100-200 μL 96 pk N8145342
pipette tips
Pre-cleaned PFA Pure Tip 1000 μL 10 pk N0777395
pipette tips
Pre-cleaned PFA Pure Tip 1000 μL 60 pk N8145343
pipette tips

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Peltier Coolers and Heaters for Avio 200 & 500 ICP

PC3 Peltier Cooled Cyclonic

Spray Chambers

The PC3 is a small, robust Peltier cooled

cyclonic spray chamber. The PC3 spray
chambers offer the advantages of low
memory effects, constant temperature,
fast rinse-out, and high sample transport
efficiency when coupled with the Avio
200/500 ICP systems. The cooled outer
walls of the PC3 spray chamber enhances
long-term signal stability and reduces solvent
loading when both aqueous and organic
solvents are analyzed. For low flow rate
applications, the heating mode can be used
to improve sensitivity by increasing transport
efficiency into the plasma.
N0790959 PC3X on the Avio 200

PC3X Peltier Cooler / Heater

The PC3X is a compact, Peltier-cooled or heated inlet system which incorporates the Avio cyclonic spray
chamber. It operates in both cooling and heating modes for the spray chamber. The thermal stabilization of
the spray chamber improves the long-term stability of the ICP response by isolating the sample introduction
from laboratory temperature changes during the analysis.

System Design PC3X Complete Kit for Avio Includes:

• Temperature control from -10°C to +80°C • PFA-ST MicroFlow Nebulizer
• Temperature stability +/- 0.1 °C • Quartz Cyclonic Spray Chamber
• Improved long-term stability through thermal • PC3 Adjustable Mounting Shelf
stabilization of spray chamber
• Completey o-ring-free for organic solvent analysis

Avio 200 Avio 500

Description Part Number Part Number
PC3X Complete system for Avio ICP N0790959 N0810860

PC3X thermally stabilized inlet system N0790972

for Avio cyclonic spray chamber
(Spray chamber and mounting shelf
not included)
PC3X adjustable mounting shelf for N0790973 N0810876
Avio ICP

PC3X on the Avio 200

Page 56
PC-LT on the Avio 500
for volatile organic
solvent analysis

The PC3-LT is a low temperature Peltier cooler for cyclonic spray chambers on the Avio 200 / 500 ICP
systems. It provides lower temperatures to reduce the solvent load on the plasma for the analysis of volatile
organic solvents.

System Design PC-LT Complete Kit for Avio Includes:

• Controlled directly through Syngistix 2.0 and higher • PFA-ST MicroFlow Nebulizer
• Temperature control from -20°C to +2°C • Quartz Cyclonic Spray Chamber
• Temperature stability +/- 0.1 °C • Transfer Line
• Completey o-ring-free for organic solvent analysis

Description Temperature Part Number

PC -LT Peltier-cooled sample
+2°C / -20°C N0790025
introduction system with spray
chamber for Avio.

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Direct ICP Analysis of Solid Samples

NWR Series Laser Ablation
Elemental Scientific Lasers (ESL)
Laser Ablation (LA) is a direct, solid sample
introduction technique for Inductively Coupled
Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS) and Optical
Emission Spectroscopy (OES). LA can be used
to directly analyze any solid sample. The sample
is accommodated inside an ablation cell and
interrogated by a high power, pulsed laser ranging
from a few microns (for high resolution spatial
analysis) or hundreds of microns (for bulk analysis)
in diameter. The aerosol generated is swept to
the ICP/ICPMS for subsequent vaporization and
ionization via a simple transport line.

The NWR laser ablation platform was designed

and developed with an emphasis on superior
performance and analytical results, application
flexibility, operating convenience and reliability.

Elemental Scientific has a complete laser product NWR

portfolio including:
• UV Femtosecond • Infrared
• 193 nm Eximer • Imaging Systems Applications Include*: Materials Include*:
• 213 nm Solid State• Automated Sampling Geochemistry Alloys
Geochronology Rocks
• 266 nm Solid State Fluid Inclusions Minerals
Elemental ratios Glasses
Isotope ratios Plastics
Purity testing Powders
Material characterization Biological
Bulk Analysis Thin films
Failure Analysis Ceramics
(Bio-) Imaging/Mapping Metals
Depth Profiling

INNOVATION to ILLUMINATE *The lists above are not exhaustive.

© Elemental Scientific Lasers LLC | 685 Old Buffalo Trail | Bozeman, MT, 59715
406-586-3159 | lasers@icpms.com | www.nwrlasers.com
HF Resistant Sample Introduction Kit

HF-Resistant Sample Introduction Kit

Sample Introduction Kit

The PFA kit is an ultra-pure, HF-resistant introduction

system for the Avio ICP. All wetted surfaces are PFA
and the injector is sapphire. It is used for the analysis of
HF-containing samples for mining, semiconductor and
other applications.

• Easy installation
• Clean PFA components for lower background
equivalent concentration (BEC) and detection limits
• O-ring-free connections—ensures lowest
BEC’s, highest chemical resistance and easy
• Chemically resistant—suitable for nearly all samples,
including strong acids, alkalis and organic solvents N0810914 Series HF-Resistant PFA Sapphire

• Low sample consumption—ideal for VPD and Sample Introduction Kit for PE Avio
preconcentrated samples
• Fast washout

Description Part Number

Complete HF-resistant sample N0810914
introduction kit for PerkinElmer Avio
ICP. Includes: High Performance PFA
spray chamber with PFA PureCap
endcap, ST3 High Pressure MicroFlow
PFA nebulizer, Demountable quartz
torch with PVDF o-ring-free holder and
2mm demountable sapphire injector.

N0810914 HF-Resistant Sample Introduction Kit

installed on the Avio 500

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High Purity Valves, Stators and Rotors

High Purity Valves

High purity valve stators and rotors provide for the selection of liquid flow path with low contamination and
low carryover for the optimum ICP results.
P-Series Two position sampling valves
V-Series Syringe pump refill valves
M-Series Multiposition stream selector/flow director valves
S-Series Semiconductor grade ultra-high purity valves

8 Port Valve - P7+ Part Number: N0777750

Description: P7+ CTFE high-flow 8 port valve head for prepFAST
Specifications: CTFE stator, PFA rotor, 1 mm, 0.5 mm
Applications: prepFAST, inline dilution and internal standard addition

6 Port Valve - P7 Part Number: N8145371

Description: 7 port syringe loading valve
Specifications: CTFE stator, PFA rotor, 1.0 mm
Applications: FAST, prepFAST e

12 Port Syringe Valve - V12 Part Number: N8145388

Description: 12 port syringe loading valve
Specifications: CTFE stator, PFA rotor, 1.0 mm
Applications: S400V, brineFAST syringe valve

8 Port Valve - M8 Part Number: N8145454

Description: M8 CTFE high-flow 8 port stream selector valve
Specifications: CTFE stator, PFA rotor
Applications: SmartTuner

11 Port Syringe Valve - S11 Part Number: N8152664

Description: 11 port syringe loading valve
Specifications: CTFE stator, PFA rotor, 1.0 mm
Applications: prepFAST S and scoutDX

Examples of a Stator and Rotor

Description Description
CTFE replacement stator for 1 mm PFA rotor
V12 FAST valve

Page 60
High Purity Valves with Spare Rotors and Stators
Part Number Part Number Part Number
# of Ports Bore Size Stator Material Rotor Material Complete Valve Stator Rotor
3 - P3 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8152617 N8152618 N8152619
4 - P4 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145369 N8145377 N8145383
6 - P6 P6 CTFE PFA N8145370 N8145378 N0777751
7 - P7 P7 CTFE PFA N8145371 N0777752 N0777751
7 - P7 P7 PPS PFA N8145372 N8145380 N0777751
8 - P7+ P7 CTFE PFA N0777750 N8145379 N8145384
8 - P8 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145373 N8145381 N8145385
10 - P10 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145374 N8145382 N8145386
11-P11 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145375 N8145393 N8145386
11-A11b A11b CTFE PFA N8145376 N8145392 N8145396
13 - P13 P13 CTFE PFA N8145455 N8152620 N8152621
5 - A5e A5e CTFE PFA N8145451 N8152622 N8152623
7 - A7μ A7μ CTFE PFA N8145452 N8152624 N8152625
6 - PM6 0.4 mm CTFE PFA N8152626 N8152627 N8152628
8 - PM7+ 0.4 mm CTFE PFA N8152629 N8152630 N8152628
4 - P4H 1.6 mm CTFE PFA N8152631 N8152632 N8152633
5 - P5H 1.6 mm CTFE PFA N8152634 N8152635 N8152633


Part Number Part Number Part Number
# of Ports Bore Size Stator Material Rotor Material Complete Valve Stator Rotor
6 - V6 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145387 N8145390 N8145395
6 - V6H 1.6 mm CTFE PFA N8145453 N8152637 N8152638
9 - V9 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N0777758 N0777761 N0777759
12 - V12 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145388 N8145391 N8145397
13 - V13 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145389 N8145394 N8145398
V8C 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145559 N8152640 N8145397
V9H 1.6 mm CTFE PFA N8152641 N8152642 N8152643


Part Number Part Number Part Number
# of Ports Bore Size Stator Material Rotor Material Complete Valve Stator Rotor
3 - M3H 1.6 mm CTFE PFA N8152644 N8152645 N8152646
4 - M4 M4 CTFE PFA N8152647 N8152648 N8152649
6 - M6 M6 CTFE PFA N8152650 N8152651 N8152652

8 - M8 M8 CTFE PFA N8145454 N8152653 N8152654

10 - M10 M10 CTFE PFA N8152655 N8152656 N8152657


Part Number Part Number Part Number
# of Ports Bore Size Stator Material Rotor Material Complete Valve Stator Rotor
4 - S4 S4 CTFE PFA N8145560 N8152659 N8152660
9 - S9 S9 CTFE PFA N8152661 N8152662 N8152663
11 - S11 S11 CTFE PFA N8152664 N8152665 N8152666

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Manual Sampling Probes / Nebulizer Lines

Manual Sampling Probes


These probes offer high chemical resistance for applications

involving strong acids, alkalis, and organics. A contoured design
reduces carryover, while an all-fluoropolymer wetted sample
flow path reduces contamination.

N0777286 N0777522

Description Size Part Number Description Size Part Number

PFA carrier / internal standard 0.50 mm i.d. N0777286 PFA FAST sample 0.80 mm i.d. N0777523
probe for FAST valve (orange), probe for high-flow (blue),
150 cm FAST valve, carbon 150 cm
PFA internal standard probe N8145344 fiber supported
for use with standard addition 1.00 mm i.d. N0777522
tee or P7 FAST valve internal (gray),
150 cm
standard addition line

Internal Standard Addition Tee for PFA-ST Nebulizer

Specially designed mixing tee is perfect for online addition of

internal standard or online dilution. Achieves excellent mixing
with minimal dead volume. 0.5 mm i.d. capillary is recommended
for applications with flow rates > 0.3 mL/min.
Part Number DXi Part Number
Description (14 cm) (25 cm)
0.25 mm i.d.(green) Attaches to port #3 N0777294 N0777662
0.50 mm i.d.(orange) Attaches to port #3 N0777295 N0777663 PFA-ST Nebulizer

FAST Valve Connecting Line for PFA-ST Nebulizer

Connects the FAST valve to an PFA-ST nebulizer to achieve fast

signal stabilization time and short wash times.

Part Number DXi Part Number

Description (14 cm) (25 cm) N0777049
0.25 mm i.d.(green) Attaches to port #3 N0777287 N0777655
of the FAST valve.
0.50 mm i.d.(orange) Attaches to port N0777288 N0777657
#3 of the FAST valve. PFA-ST Nebulizer

Page 62
PFA-ST or MEINHARD® nebulizers are recommended for use with the FAST system for optimum throughput
and performance. Connecting lines are offered for most nebulizers that laboratories may already have.

Internal Standard Addition Line for P7 FAST Valve

Connects the internal standard peripump tubing or probe to a

P7 valve for online addition of internal standard.

Description Part Number

Internal standard line for P7 valve with XL fitting. N8145345
0.5 mm i.d.(orange) N8145371

FAST Valve Connecting Line for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers

PTFE FAST valve line that connects the FAST valve (port F2
#3) to a MEINHARD® Plus nebulizer to achieve fast signal
stabilization time and short wash times.
Fitting Part Number DXi Part Number
Description Type (14 cm) (25 cm)
0.25 mm i.d.(green), 14 F0 N8145461 N8145463
cm Attaches to port #3 of the N8145461
FAST valve. F2 N8145346 N8145465

0.50 mm i.d.(orange), 14 F0 N8145462 N8145464

cm Attaches to port #3 of the
FAST valve. F2 N8145347 N8145466
MEINHARD® glass and quartz nebulizers
See page 39 for more information about the F0 and F2 fittings.

FAST Valve Connecting Line for PerkinElmer Gem Cone Nebulizer

PTFE FAST valve line that connects the FAST valve (port #3)
to a PerkinElmer Gem Cone nebulizer to achieve fast signal
stabilization time and short wash times.

Description Part Number

0.50 mm i.d.(orange), 25 cm. Attaches to port N8145467
#3 of the FAST valve.
1.00 mm i.d.(gray), 25 cm. Attaches to port #3 N8145468
of the FAST valve. PerkinElmer Gem Cone Low-flow Nebulizer

FAST Valve Connecting Line for MIRA MIST Nebulizer

PTFE FAST valve line that connects the FAST valve (port #3)

to a MIRA MIST nebulizer to achieve fast signal stabilization

time and short wash times.

Description Part Number

0.50 mm i.d.(orange), 17 cm. Attaches to port N0777658
#3 of the FAST valve.
1.00 mm i.d.(gray), 17 cm. Attaches to port #3 N0777660
of the FAST valve.
MIRA MIST PEEK and PTFE Nebulizers
Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 63
Fittings, Tubing and Sample Loops

Fittings / PFA Tubing / Spares Kits

Easy to use, ultra-clean fittings and PFA tubing are ideal for all trace metal analysis applications. Ferrules
install quickly and easily for high-flow applications. Low-flow valve fittings have low dead volume, leak-free
integrated ferrule connections.
Description Qty Suggested Use P/N
Black, high-flow nut (1/4-28) 10 Use with 1/16” (1.6 mm) o.d. PFA
for FAST valve and 1/16” (1.6 tubing for low and moderate flow rates N0777283
mm) ferrule (0.1 mL/min - 2 mL/min)
White, high-flow nut (1/4-28) 10 Use with 1/8” (3.2 mm) o.d. PFA
for FAST valve and 1/8” (3.2 tubing for high-flow rates and vacuum N0777297
mm) ferrule applications (> 2 mL/min)
1/16” (1.6 mm) Ferrule for 10 Use with 1/16” (1.6 mm) o.d. PFA
high-flow fitting (1/4-28) tubing
1/8” (3.2 mm) Ferrule for high- 10 Use with 1/8” (3.2 mm) o.d. PFA tubing
flow fitting (1/4-28)
Black, low-flow nut (M5/10-32) 10 Use with 1/16” (1.6 mm) o.d. PFA
for FAST valve tubing for low-flow rates (<0.1 mL/min) N0777284

Female Perilink fitting, barbed 1 Adapts 10/32 to pump tubing


Female Perilink fitting 5 Adapts 10/32 to pump tubing


Male Perilink fitting, barbed 1 Adapts 10/32 to pump tubing and for
use with internal standard tee N8152453

Male Perilink fitting 5 Adapts 10/32 to pump tubing and for

use with internal standard tee N0786036

PFA-ST Nebulizer to Micro 1 Allows for use of tubing with 10/32

Fitting Adapter, PFA fitting with PFA-ST nebulizer N8145520

MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizer to 1

micro fitting adapter N8152387

CTFE peristaltic pump fittings, 1 For use in low pressure applications.

female N8145018

CTFE peristaltic pump fittings, 1 For use in high pressure applications

female, barbed N0777829

CTFE peristaltic pump fittings, 1 For use in low pressure applications

male N8145017

CTFE peristaltic pump fittings, 1 For use in high pressure applications

male, barbed N0777830

High Purity Fluoropolymer Tubing (5 m coil)

I.D. O.D. Color Code Part Number
0.006” (0.15 mm) 1/16” (1.6 mm)  (red) N8145239
0.008” (0.20 mm) 1/16” (1.6 mm)  (purple) N8145240
0.010” (0.25 mm) 1/16” (1.6 mm)  (green) N8145241
0.014” (0.30 mm) 1/16” (1.6 mm)  (yellow) N8145242
0.019” (0.50 mm) 1/16” (1.6 mm)  (orange) N8145243
0.031” (0.80 mm) 1/16” (1.6 mm)  (blue) N8145244
0.039” (1.00 mm) 1/16” (1.6 mm)  (gray) N8145245
0.063” (1.60 mm) 1/8” (3.2 mm) N8145246

Page 64
Sample Loops
PTFE crimp free FAST or prepFAST loops provide low resistance for fast loading and rinse out.

Standard for FAST Systems

1 mm i.d. FAST High-Flow Sample Loops
Description Size Part Number
Recommended for use with 1.0 mm 300 μL loop N0777477
i.d.(gray) probe. 1.6 mm o.d., 500 μL loop N0777478
1/4-28 fittings.
1.0 mL loop N0777664
1.5 mL loop N0777665
Applications 2.0 mL loop N0777479
FAST, prepFAST, prepFAST M5, 2.5 mL loop N0777666
prepFAST e, brineFAST, 3.0 mL loop N0777667 N0777666 2.5mL sample loop
4.0 mL loop N0777480

0.8 mm i.d. FAST High-Flow Sample Loops

Description Size Part Number
Recommended for use with 0.8 100 μL loop N0777428
mm i.d.(blue) probe. 1.6 mm 200 μL loop N0777429
o.d., 1/4-28 fittings.
300 μL loop N0777430
500 μL loop N0777289
1.0 mL loop N0777290
Applications 1.5 mL loop N0777668
Legacy FAST systems, and special 2.0 mL loop N0777431
applications 2.5 mL loop N0777669 N0777290 1mL sample loop
3.0 mL loop N0777670
4.0 mL loop N0777671

1.6 mm i.d. FAST High-Flow Sample Loops

Description Size Part Number
Recommended for use with 1.0 250 μL loop N0777046
mm i.d. (gray) probes and 500 μL loop N0777832

applications requiring larger

sample volumes or high flow rates. 1.0 mL loop N8145469
3.2 mm o.d., 1/4-28 fittings. 2.0 mL loop N0777291
Applications 3.0 mL loop N0777292
soilFAST, oilFAST, and large 4.0 mL loop N0777293
volume FAST
6.0 mL loop N0777653 N0777292 3mL sample loop
8.0 mL loop N0777654

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 65

High Purity HF-Resistant Sample Vials and Bottles

PFA Sample Vessels

PFA Vials

PFA vials are ideal for applications that require the highest purity. Made of ultra-pure, ultra-chemically
resistant material, these vials are an excellent choice for high purity, semiconductor and micro samples.
• Non-contaminating • Graduated • Temperature range of -200 °C to 260 °C
• HF-resistant • Conical bottom • Self-standing

Vials Fits Racks

N0777404 N0777229 (pg 73), N0777230 (pg 73), N0777397 (pg 75)

Part Number Qty Part Number Qty

N0777403 10 N0777402 10

Description Volume
14 mm o.d. 1 mL
graduated PFA Brim full PFA cap for
micro vial 2 mL 14 mm micro vials

Part Number Qty Part Number Qty

N0777404 10 N0777393 10

Description Volume Description

14 mm o.d. 2 mL
PFA snap-on cap for 14 mm
graduated PFA Brim full graduated PFA micro vials
micro vial 3 mL

Part Number Qty Part Number Qty

N0777392 10
N0777405 10
PFA cap with knob
Description Volume for 14 mm graduated
PFA micro vials.
4 mL
14 mm o.d.
graduated PFA Brim full
micro vial 4.5 mL
PFA cap with knob allows
for precise removal with
the ETFE tweezers
Part Number Qty

N0777396 1


ETFE tweezers for removal

of PFA cap with knob

Page 66
PFA Bottles and Vials

PFA bottles and vials are ideal for a wide range of demanding fluid handling and storage applications in
general laboratory, semiconductor, and environmental industries.

Bottles / Vials Fits Racks

N8145132 N0777249 (pg 74), N8122463 (pg 73)
N8145133 N8145130 (pg 74), N8122463 (pg 73), N8145131 (pg 76)
N8145134 N0777242 (pg 72), N0777641 (pg 72), N8145130 (pg 74), N0777639 (pg 73), N8145131 (pg 76)
N0777406 N0777248 (pg 74), N0777228 (pg 76)
N0777407 N0777252 (pg 74), N0777772 (pg 77), N0777771 (pg 77), N0777822 (pg 75)

Part Number Qty Part Number Qty

N8145132 10
N0777406 5
Description Volume
Description Volume 30 mm o.d.
graduated 15 mL
PFA vial

28 mm o.d. PFA
20 mL
bottle and cap
Part Number Qty

N8145133 10

Description Volume
Part Number Qty

30 mm o.d.
N0777407 1 graduated 30 mL
PFA vial
Description Volume

50 mm o.d. PFA Part Number Qty

bottle and cap 125 mL
with TFM insert
N8145134 10

Description Volume

• Semiconductor, high-purity, and aggressive 30 mm o.d.

chemical applications graduated 60 mL
PFA vial
• The most translucent PFA vials available

• Low absorption of biological materials for

many research applications Part Number Qty

N8145105 10

Screw cap for
30 mm o.d. vials

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 67

High Purity HF-Resistant Sample Vials and Bottles

2 mL PVDF Autosampler Vial

A low cost alternative to PFA for many ultra-trace metal analyses

PVDF sample vials are a lower cost alternative to our high-performance

PFA vials. These high-tensile-strength, fluoropolymer vials can
replace more expensive PFA vials in many applications.

• Semiconductor-grade PVDF fluoropolymer

• High dielectric and mechanical strength, flexible
• Excellent for the analysis of Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Hydrofluoric
Acid, or Ammonium Hydroxide
• Resistant to most mineral and organic acids, as well as aliphatic and
aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, halogenated solvents, and oxidizing
• Self-standing
• Conical internal bottom for micro-sample analysis
• Suitable for most semiconductor pure chemicals
• Not recommended for ketones, acetone,
ethyl acetate, and MIBK
• Optional PFA enclosures
• Available standard or pre-cleaned
autosampler vial
PVDF Vials and PFA Caps
Description Qty Part Number
PVDF vial, 2 mL 10 N8145473
PVDF vial, 2 mL 100 N8145474
PVDF vial, 2 mL 1000 N8145475
PFA cap for V-14 vial 10 N0777402
PFA cap for V-14 vial 100 N8145476

Pre-cleaned PVDF Vials and Caps

Description Qty Part Number
Pre-cleaned PVDF vial, 100 N8145352
2 mL
Pre-cleaned PFA cap for 100 N8145353
V-14 vial

2 mL PVDF autosampler vial
Bottles / Vials Fits Racks with PFA cap
N8145473 N0777229 (pg 73), N0777230
(pg 73), N0777397 (pg 75)

Page 68
Sample Vessels

Non-PFA Sample Vessels

Non-PFA Vials, Tubes and Bottles

Non-PFA sample vessels manufactured from plastics, such as polypropylene, polyethylene and polystyrene,
are a sensible alternative to consider when breakage, surface inertness, and/or disposal costs are a concern.
Vials Fits Racks
N8121043 N0777231 (pg 73), N0777232 (pg 73)
N8145125 N0777245 (pg 72), N0777643 (pg 72), N0777644 (pg 72), N8145317 (pg 76)
N0777815 N0777243 (pg 72)
N0777471 N0777640 (pg 73), N0777244 (pg 72), N0777642 (pg 72), N0777247 (pg 74), N8145317 (pg 76)
N8145124 N0777639 (pg 73), N0777228 (pg 76), N0777242 (pg 72), N0777641 (pg 72), N0777248 (pg 74),
N8145317 (pg 76), N0782019 (pg 76)
N0777820 N0777822 (pg 75), N0777252 (pg 74), N8145317 (pg 76), N0777772 (pg 77), N0777771 (pg 77)
N0777818 N0777823 (pg 75), N8122464 (pg 77), N8145317 (pg 76), N0782019 (pg 76)

Part Number Qty Part Number Qty

N8121043 100 N8145125 90

N0777814 500
N0777813 500
Description Volume
Description Volume
13 mm o.d.
8 mm o.d. 8 mL
0.5 mL tube with
centrifuge tube rounded bottom

Part Number Qty Part Number Qty

N0777471 60 N8145079 50

B0193233 500 N0777815 500

Description Volume Description Volume

16 mm o.d. 20 mm o.d.
polypropylene tube 15 mL polypropylene tube 20 mL
with screw cap with screw cap

Part Number Qty Part Number Qty

N8145124 50 N0777820 12

B0193234 500 N0777821 24

Description Volume Description Volume

28 mm o.d. 50 mm o.d.
polypropylene 50 mL HDPE wide mouth 125 mL
tube with bottle with cap
screw cap

Part Number Qty

N0777818 12

N0777819 100
Description Volume

61 mm o.d.
polyethylene wide 250 mL
mouth bottle

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 69

Microplates and Accessories



Microplates are ideal for micro-volume applications such as storage and sample transfer.
All microplates can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers:

Description Part Number Description Part Number

1 Pk (5 ea) 24 well, 10 mL microplate, N0777236 1 Pk (5 ea) 48 well, 5 mL microplate, N0777237
square well, pyramid bottom square well, pyramid bottom


Description Part Number Description Part Number

1 Pk (3 ea) 48 well, 7.5 mL N0777238 1 Pk (5 ea) 96 well, 2 mL N0777239
microplate, square well, pyramid microplate, square well, pyramid
bottom bottom
1 Pk (5 ea) 96-well, 500 μL N8145354
microplate, polystyrene

Page 70
X-Piercing Film Cover / XP Probe Arm

X-Piercing Microplate Cover

The X-piercing cover minimizes evaporation of micro

samples awaiting analysis and protects against
environmental contamination.


Remove X-Piercing cover

from it’s backing and
place on the microplate

X-Piercing cover helps

N8145129 prevent contamination
during sampling

Description Qty Part Number

X-Piercing film cover for 96 well 25 N8145129

XP Probe Arm

The XP probe arm must be used in place of

the reset probe arm when an X-Piercing cover
has been applied to a 96 well microplate.

Description Qty Part Number

XP Probe arm for 2 DX / 1 N8145271
4 DX Autosampler

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 71

Large Autosampler Racks

Autosampler Racks (LR Size)

Plastic large racks are recommended for aqueous samples.

All LR racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe, SC4 DX/SC4 DXe


Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number

90 position large polypropylene 13 mm N0777245 60 position large polypropylene 16 mm N0777244
sample rack for 8 mL tubes sample rack for 15 mL tubes



Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number

40 position large polypropylene 20 mm N0777243 21 position large polypropylene 30 mm N0777242
sample rack for 20 mL tubes sample rack for 50 mL and 60
mL tubes

Autosampler Coated Metal Racks (LR Size)

Metal racks are coated with an epoxy paint that forms a protective barrier over the rack material.
All coated metal racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe,


Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number

90 position metal large sample 13 mm N0777643 90 position 3 tier metal large 13 mm N0777644
rack for 8 mL tubes sample rack for 8 mL tubes


Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number

60 position metal large sample 16 mm N0777642 21 position metal large sample 30 mm N0777641
rack for 15 mL tubes rack for 50 mL and 60 mL tubes

Page 72
Heated and Micro Autosampler Racks

Autosampler Heated Racks (LR Size)

All heated racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe, SC4 DX/


Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number
60 position heated large 16 mm N0777640 21 position heated large 30 mm N0777639
sample rack for 15 mL tubes sample rack for 50 mL and
60 mL tubes

Autosampler Racks (MR Size)

All MR racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe, SC4 DX/SC4 DXe
SC-Micro DX


Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number

90 position CPVC micro 8 mm N0777232 60 position CPVC micro 8 mm N0777231
sample rack for 0.5 mL tubes sample rack for 0.5 mL tubes N8145473







Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number

40 position CPVC micro 14 mm N0777230 21 position CPVC micro 14 mm N0777229
sample rack for 1 mL, 2 mL sample rack for 1 mL, 2 mL
and 4 mL tubes and 4 mL tubes


Description Diam. Part Number Description Part Number

10 position PVCC micro 30 mm N8122463 PVCC Cover for N0777233
sample rack for 15 mL and 30 SC-micro racks
mL tubes

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 73

Super Autosampler Racks

Large-volume samples can be analyzed using Avio super racks without transferring the sample to a smaller
tube, reducing prep time and chance of contamination.

Autosampler Racks (SR2 Size)

All SR2 racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe



Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number
80 position HMPE super 16 mm N0777247 27 position HMPE super sample 28 mm N0777248
sample rack for 15 mL tubes rack for 20 mL and 50 mL tubes



Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number

27 position HMPE super 31 mm N8145130 21 position HMPE super 30 mm N0777249
sample rack for 15 mL, 30 mL sample rack for 15 mL tubes
and 60 mL tubes


Description Diam. Part Number

12 position HMPE super 50 mm N0777252
sample rack for 125 mL bottles

Page 74
Autosampler Racks (SR4 Size, Type 1)

All SR4 racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe,

PP Cover for 60 position SR-4 super rack




Description Diam. Part NumberN0777405 Description Part Number

60 position HMPE super 14 mm N0777397 PP Cover for 60 position N0777398
sample rack for 1 mL, 2 mL SR-4 super rack
and 4 mL tubes

Autosampler Racks (SR4 Size, Type 2)

All SR4 type 2 racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC4 DX/SC4 DXe


Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number

15 position HMPE super 60 mm N0777823 20 position HMPE super 50 mm N0777822
sample rack for 250 mL bottles sample rack for 125 mL bottles


The N0777823 super rack will

hold fifteen 100 mL volumetric
flasks or 250 mL bottles

N0777823 super
rack with 100 mL
volumetric flasks

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Standards Autosampler Racks

Autosampler Racks (ST Size, Type 1)

All ST type 1 racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe,




Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number

10 position PVDF standards 28 mm N0777228 10 position PP high purity 31 mm N8145131
rack for 20 mL and 50 mL tubes standards rack for 30 mL and
60 mL tubes


Description Diam. Part Number

5 position HMPE extra N0782019
standards rack for 50 mL and 28 mm
250 mL bottles. Fits over SC 60 mm
DX rinse station.




Description Diam. Part Number

13 mm N8145317
5 position HMPE priority samples rack for 8 mL, 16 mm
15 mL, 50 mL, 125 mL and 250 mL bottles. Fits 28 mm
over DX rinse station. For PE prepFAST only. 50 mm
60 mm

Page 76
Autosampler Racks (ST Size, Type 2)

All ST type 2 racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe


Description Diam. Part Number

9 position HMPE standards 50 mm N0777772
rack for 125 mL bottles.
Recommended for prepFAST
with SC DX. Includes 9, 125
mL HDPE bottles w/cap.

Autosampler Racks (ST Size, Type 3)

The ST type 3 rack can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC4 DX/SC4 DXe


Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number

7 position HMPE standards 60 mm N8122464 9 position HMPE standards 50 mm N0777771
rack for 250 mL bottles rack for 125 mL bottles.
Recommended for prepFAST.
Includes 9, 125 mL HDPE wide
mouth standard bottles w/caps.


Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 77

FAST Spares Kits

FAST Spares Kit

SC-FAST & oneFAST (N8145126)
Basic Consumables/Spares Kit 5HGUHG39&WXELQJ  5HRUGHU4W\SNJ1

Assorted fittings and tubing for FAST systems. Tubing Flush Kit 1

Obstruction removal kit (N8145236)



1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6PDOO%DUEHG 6PDOO%DUEHG 3.2 mm 2.4 mm 3.2 mm 2.4 mm 6SDUHPP3)$
Female Union (4) Male Union (4) 0HGLXP)HPDOH/XHU  6PDOO)HPDOH/XHU  0HGLXP0DOH/XHU  6PDOO0DOH/XHU  valve rotor



ST nebulizer extension line

1 (N8145237) 1 (N8145238) \HOORZ 1
ST nebulizer line (green)

Description Part Number


1 Mixing tee (green line) ,QWHUQDOVWDQGDUGOLQH

FAST Spares Kit for Avio 200/500 N8145126 1 (N8145345)

FAST Deluxe Spares Kit

SC-FAST & oneFAST (N0810917)

Consumables/Spares Kit

All of the assorted fittings and tubing in the FAST Spares Kit Tubing Flush Kit (N8121035)


with the addition of a PFA-ST nebulizer, spare FAST valve, and

Obstruction removal kit (N8145236) *UHHQRUDQJHÀDUHG39&WXELQJ  5HRUGHU4W\SNJ1

internal standard tee. (N0777829) (N0777830) (N0777834) (N0777837) (N0777835) (N0777838) (N0777751)
6PDOO%DUEHG 6PDOO%DUEHG 3.2 mm 2.4 mm 3.2 mm 2.4 mm 6SDUHPP3)$
Female Union (4) Male Union (4) 0HGLXP)HPDOH/XHU  Small Female Luer (10) 0HGLXP0DOH/XHU  Small Male Luer (10) valve rotor 3+LJKÀRZYDOYH(N0777750)


Mixing tee (green line)

ST nebulizer extension line
(N0777294) \HOORZ (N0777769) ST nebulizer line (green)
(N0777283) (N8145237) (N0777297) (N8145238)
1/16” HF nuts 1/8” HF nuts (N0777287)
w/ferrules (10) 1/16” ferrules (10) w/ferrules (10) 1/8” ferrules (10)

Description Part Number

(N0777676) (N0777839)
3)$67QHEXOL]HU Female Luer (5) ,QWHUQDOVWDQGDUGOLQH (N8145345)


FAST Deluxe Spares Kit for Avio 200/500 N0810917

prepFAST Spares Kit

prepFAST (N8145367)
Micro Peripump Starter Kit (Contains 4 of ea): (MPP-SK)
Consumables/Spares Kit Reorder Qty 12/pkg:

Includes prepFAST PFA-ST3 nebulizer, P7+ and P6 valves,

N8145197 (org/grn),
N8145202 (blk/blk),
N8145158 (red/red),
Tubing Flush Kit (N8121035) N8145173 (gry/gry)

PFA F6 rotor, tubing flush kit, ST nebulizer line, and spare Obstruction removal kit

fittings and tubing for prepFAST. (N0777829) (N0777830) (N0777834) (N0777837) (N0777835) (N0777838) (N8145384)
Small Barbed Small Barbed 3.2 mm Medium 2.4 mm Small 3.2 mm Medium 2.4 mm Small Spare PFA (N0777750)
Female Union (4) Male Union (4) Female Luer (10) Female Luer (10) Male Luer (10) Male Luer (10) F6 rotor P7+ prepFAST valve

P6 prepFAST valve

(N0777283) (N8145237) (N0777297) (N8145238)

1/16” HF nuts w/ ferrules (10) 1/16” ferrules (10) 1/8” HF nuts w/ ferrules (10) 1/8” ferrules (10)

Description Part Number (N8145368) (N0777839) ST nebulizer line (green) (N0777287)

prepFAST PFA ST nebulizer Female Luer (5)

prepFAST Spares Kit N8145367

seaFAST / brineFAST Spares Kit

seaFAST / brineFAST (N8145478)

Consumables/Spares Kit

(SC-0317-0250-150) ST Nebulizer Line (green)

Includes all of the assorted fittings and tubing in the FAST (N8121035) Tubing Flush Kit (Reorder Qty 12/pkg: N8145173) Grey/grey santoprene tubing (12)

Spares Kit with the addition of a PFA-ST nebulizer, 3 mL quartz (N8145236) Obstruction removal kit

syringe, and assorted fittings. (N0777834) (N0777837) (N0777835) (N0777838) (N8145384) (N8145386) (N8145396)
3.2 mm Medium 2.4 mm Small 3.2 mm Medium 2.4 mm Small Spare PFA Spare PFA Spare PFA
Plugs (5)
Female Luer (10) Female Luer (10) Male Luer (10) Male Luer (10) F6 rotor P11 rotor A11b rotor

(N0777283) (N8145237) (N0777297) (N8145238) (N0777839) (N8145223)

1/16” HF nuts w/ferrules (10) 1/16” ferrules (10) 1/8” HF nuts w/ferrules (10) 1/8” ferrules (10) Female Luer (5) 3.0mL Quartz Syringe

Description Part Number (N8122192)

Low Pressure Nebulizer

(SF-LVA-V1V3) V1 to V3 connector line (green) ST Nebulizer Line (orange)

seaFAST/brineFAST Spares Kit N8145478

Page 78
Installation and Training

Silver Level ESI Installation & Training

The silver level installation and training package is a 1-day
on-site installation and method development for SC-FAST.

Includes: Hardware installation

Software methods
Elemental Scientific
Basic system familiarization
Travel time & expenses for
ESI employee or contractor CERTIFICATE #

SC-FAST standard spares

Thank you for your purchase of an ESI

kit (N8145126)

Installation and Training includes:


Description Part Number ‡


On-site, 1-day installation and N0777426


Elemental Scientific | 7277 World Communications Drive | Omaha, NE 68122 USA

application development for SC-FAST Phone: 402.991.7800 | Fax: 402.991.7799 | Email: esi@icpms.com | Web: www.icpms.com

high throughput system

Gold Level ESI Installation & Training

The gold level installation and training package is a 2½-day,
on-site installation and method development for the SC-FAST
and prepFAST.
Includes: Hardware installation
Software methods Elemental Scientific
Basic system familiarization &HUWL¿FDWHIRU(6,2Q6LWH,QVWDOODWLRQDQG7UDLQLQJ
Necessary method validation CERTIFICATE #

User Training Thank you for your purchase of an ESI


Travel time & expenses for


ESI employee or contractor


Installation and Training includes:

Spares kit (see page 78) ‡



Description Part Number Elemental Scientific | 7277 World Communications Drive | Omaha, NE 68122 USA
Phone: 402.991.7800 | Fax: 402.991.7799 | Email: esi@icpms.com | Web: www.icpms.com

On-site, 2½-day installation and N0777205

application development for SC-FAST
On-site, 2½-day installation and N8145366
application development for
prepFAST systems
On-site, 2½-day installation and N8145477
application development for
seaFAST/brineFAST systems

The FAST Deluxe, prepFAST, or seaFAST/

brineFAST Spares Kit is included with the
Gold Installation & Training.

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 79

Autosampler Dimensions

SC2 DX Autosampler with Enclosure and ULPA Filter Dimensions

SC2 DX Autosampler Enclosure with

ULPA Filter (P/N: N0777208)

SC2 DX autosampler with mobile stand and enclosure and ULPA Filter, W x D X H: 54.2 cm x 34.6 cm x 127.3 cm

SC4 DX Autosampler with Enclosure and ULPA Filter Dimensions

SC4 DX Autosampler Enclosure with

ULPA Filter (P/N: N0777040)

Page 80
SC8 DX Autosampler with and ULPA Filter Enclosure Dimensions

SC8 DX Autosampler Enclosure with

ULPA Filter (P/N: N0777346)

SC14 DX Autosampler with Enclosure and ULPA Filter Dimensions

SC14 DX Autosampler Enclosure with

ULPA Filter (P/N: N0777041)

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 81


Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page

B0193233 ..............69 N0777346 ..............30 N0777671 ..............65 N0790968 ..............19 N0810879 ..............19
B0193234 ..............69 N0777347 ..............30 N0777676 ..............33 N0790969 ..............19 N0810880 ..............19
N0777040 ..............30 N0777392 ..............66 N0777707 ..............38 N0790970 ..............19 N0810881 ..............19
N0777041 ..............30 N0777393 ..............66 N0777750 ..............61 N0790971 ..............19 N0810882 ..............19
N0777046 ..............65 N0777394 ..............55 N0777751 ..............61 N0790972 ..............56 N0810883 ..............45
N0777205 ..............79 N0777395 ..............55 N0777752 ..............61 N0790973 ..............56 N0810884 ..............45
N0777208 ..............30 N0777396 ..............66 N0777758 ..............61 N0790976 ..............19 N0810885 ..............52
N0777209 ..............30 N0777397 ..............75 N0777759 ..............61 N0790977 ..............19 N0810914 ..............59
N0777210 ..............30 N0777398 ..............75 N0777761 ..............61 N0790978 ..............19 N0810917 ..............78
N0777214 ..............37 N0777402 ........66, 68 N0777771 ..............77 N0790979 ..............19 N0810919 ..............27
N0777215 ..............37 N0777403 ..............66 N0777772 ..............77 N0790980 ..............45 N0811287 ..............38
N0777216 ..............37 N0777404 ..............66 N0777813 ..............69 N0790981 ..............45 N0811288 ..............38
N0777217 ..............37 N0777405 ..............66 N0777814 ..............69 N0790982 ..............52 N0811900 ..............45
N0777218 ..............37 N0777406 ..............67 N0777815 ..............69 N0790983 ..............45 N0811901 ..............45
N0777219 ..............33 N0777407 ..............67 N0777818 ..............69 N0790984 ..............45 N0811902 ..............50
N0777223 ..............35 N0777426 ..............79 N0777819 ..............69 N0791841 ..............45 N0811903 ..............50
N0777225 ..............35 N0777428 ..............65 N0777820 ..............69 N0791842 ..............45 N0811906 ..............50
N0777228 ..............76 N0777429 ..............65 N0777821 ..............69 N0791843 ..............38 N0811907 ..............50
N0777229 ..............73 N0777430 ..............65 N0777822 ..............75 N0791847 ..............45 N0811908 ..............51
N0777230 ..............73 N0777431 ..............65 N0777823 ..............75 N0791848 ..............45 N0811909 ........29, 45
N0777231 ..............73 N0777470 ..............25 N0777826 ..............35 N0791849 ..............51 N0811913 ..............51
N0777232 ..............73 N0777471 ..............69 N0777827 ..............35 N0791850 ..............51 N0811935 ..............51
N0777233 ..............73 N0777477 ..............65 N0777829 ........53, 64 N0791851 ..............51 N2024021 ..............31
N0777236 ..............70 N0777478 ..............65 N0777830 ........53, 64 N0791856 ..............34 N2024041 ..............31
N0777237 ..............70 N0777479 ..............65 N0777831 ..............30 N0791859 ..............51 N8121035 ..............34
N0777238 ..............70 N0777480 ..............65 N0777832 ..............65 N0791860 ..............51 N8121036 ..............40
N0777239 ..............70 N0777522 ..............62 N0777833 ..............53 N0791861 ..............51 N8121037 ..............39
N0777242 ..............72 N0777523 ..............62 N0782019 ..............76 N0791862 ..............51 N8121038 ..............39
N0777243 ..............72 N0777639 ..............73 N0786010 ................5 N0791864 ..............50 N8121039 ..............39
N0777244 ..............72 N0777640 ..............73 N0786011 ................5 N0791865 ..............50 N8121043 ..............69
N0777245 ..............72 N0777641 ..............72 N0786012 ..............23 N0791866 ..............50 N8122350 ..............36
N0777247 ..............74 N0777642 ..............72 N0786013 ..............23 N0810852 ..............52 N8122351 ..............36
N0777248 ..............74 N0777643 ..............72 N0786014 ..............23 N0810853 ..............52 N8122382 ..............35
N0777249 ..............74 N0777644 ..............72 N0786018 ..............29 N0810854 ..............52 N8122383 ..............35
N0777252 ..............74 N0777653 ..............65 N0786030 ........53, 64 N0810860 ..............56 N8122384 ..............35
N0777283 ..............64 N0777654 ..............65 N0786036 ........53, 64 N0810862 ..............19 N8122463 ..............73
N0777284 ..............64 N0777655 ..............62 N0790025 ..............57 N0810863 ..............19 N8122464 ..............77
N0777286 ..............62 N0777657 ..............62 N0790954 ..............52 N0810864 ..............19 N8122470 ..............27
N0777287 ..............62 N0777658 ..............63 N0790955 ..............52 N0810865 ..............19 N8145017 ........53, 64
N0777288 ..............62 N0777660 ..............63 N0790956 ..............52 N0810866 ..............19 N8145018 ........53, 64
N0777289 ..............65 N0777662 ..............62 N0790959 ..............56 N0810867 ..............19 N8145079 ..............69
N0777290 ..............65 N0777663 ..............62 N0790960 ..............19 N0810868 ..............19 N8145080 ..............30
N0777291 ..............65 N0777664 ..............65 N0790961 ..............19 N0810869 ..............19 N8145081 ..............30
N0777292 ..............65 N0777665 ..............65 N0790962 ..............19 N0810870 ................7 N8145092 ..............53
N0777293 ..............65 N0777666 ..............65 N0790963 ..............19 N0810871 ................7 N8145093 ..............53
N0777294 ..............62 N0777667 ..............65 N0790964 ................7 N0810872 ................7 N8145094 ..............53
N0777295 ..............62 N0777668 ..............65 N0790965 ................7 N0810873 ................7 N8145095 ..............53
N0777297 ..............64 N0777669 ..............65 N0790966 ................7 N0810874 ..............25 N8145096 ..............53
N0777325 ..............30 N0777670 ..............65 N0790967 ................7 N0810876 ..............56 N8145102 ..............36

Page 82
Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page

N8145103 ..............36 N8145174 ..............54 N8145346 ........38, 63 N8145454 ..............61 N8152629 ..............61
N8145104 ..............36 N8145175 ..............54 N8145347 ..............63 N8145455 ..............61 N8152630 ..............61
N8145105 ..............67 N8145176 ..............54 N8145352 ..............68 N8145457 ..............41 N8152631 ..............61
N8145124 ..............69 N8145177 ..............54 N8145353 ..............68 N8145461 ..............63 N8152632 ..............61
N8145125 ..............69 N8145178 ..............54 N8145354 ..............70 N8145462 ..............63 N8152633 ..............61
N8145126 ..............78 N8145179 ..............54 N8145357 ..............25 N8145463 ..............63 N8152634 ..............61
N8145129 ..............71 N8145180 ..............54 N8145358 ..............44 N8145464 ..............63 N8152635 ..............61
N8145130 ..............74 N8145181 ..............54 N8145359 ..............44 N8145465 ..............63 N8152637 ..............61
N8145131 ..............76 N8145182 ..............54 N8145360 ..............44 N8145466 ..............63 N8152638 ..............61
N8145132 ..............67 N8145183 ..............54 N8145361 ..............44 N8145467 ..............63 N8152640 ..............61
N8145133 ..............67 N8145184 ..............54 N8145362 ..............44 N8145468 ..............63 N8152641 ..............61
N8145134 ..............67 N8145185 ..............54 N8145363 ..............44 N8145469 ..............65 N8152642 ..............61
N8145135 ..............35 N8145186 ..............54 N8145364 ..............44 N8145473 ..............68 N8152643 ..............61
N8145136 ..............35 N8145187 ..............54 N8145366 ..............79 N8145474 ..............68 N8152644 ..............61
N8145137 ..............35 N8145188 ..............54 N8145367 ..............78 N8145475 ..............68 N8152645 ..............61
N8145138 ..............35 N8145189 ..............54 N8145368 ..............33 N8145476 ..............68 N8152646 ..............61
N8145141 ..............37 N8145190 ..............54 N8145369 ..............61 N8145477 ..............79 N8152647 ..............61
N8145142 ..............37 N8145191 ..............54 N8145370 ..............61 N8145478 ..............78 N8152648 ..............61
N8145143 ..............37 N8145192 ..............54 N8145371 ..............61 N8145516 ..............46 N8152649 ..............61
N8145144 ..............37 N8145193 ..............54 N8145372 ..............61 N8145517 ..............46 N8152650 ..............61
N8145145 ..............54 N8145221 ..............54 N8145373 ..............61 N8145518 ..............46 N8152651 ..............61
N8145146 ..............54 N8145222 ..............55 N8145374 ..............61 N8145520 ..............64 N8152652 ..............61
N8145147 ..............54 N8145223 ..............55 N8145375 ..............61 N8145559 ..............61 N8152653 ..............61
N8145148 ..............54 N8145225 ..............55 N8145376 ..............61 N8145560 ..............61 N8152654 ..............61
N8145149 ..............54 N8145226 ..............55 N8145377 ..............61 N8145574 ..............31 N8152655 ..............61
N8145150 ..............54 N8145227 ..............55 N8145378 ..............61 N8145575 ..............31 N8152656 ..............61
N8145151 ..............54 N8145236 ..............34 N8145379 ..............61 N8150390 ................5 N8152657 ..............61
N8145152 ..............54 N8145237 ..............64 N8145380 ..............61 N8150391 ................5 N8152659 ..............61
N8145153 ..............54 N8145238 ..............64 N8145381 ..............61 N8150392 ................5 N8152660 ..............61
N8145154 ..............54 N8145239 ..............64 N8145382 ..............61 N8150393 ................5 N8152661 ..............61
N8145155 ..............54 N8145240 ..............64 N8145383 ..............61 N8150394 ................5 N8152662 ..............61
N8145156 ..............54 N8145241 ..............64 N8145384 ..............61 N8150427 ..............43 N8152663 ..............61
N8145157 ..............54 N8145242 ..............64 N8145385 ..............61 N8152387 ..............64 N8152664 ..............61
N8145158 ..............54 N8145243 ..............64 N8145386 ..............61 N8152388 ........53, 64 N8152665 ..............61
N8145159 ..............54 N8145244 ..............64 N8145387 ..............61 N8152453 ........53, 64 N8152666 ..............61
N8145160 ..............54 N8145245 ..............64 N8145388 ..............61 N8152456 ..............46 N8152754 ..............55
N8145161 ..............54 N8145246 ..............64 N8145389 ..............61 N8152551 ..............46 N8152756 ..............55
N8145162 ..............54 N8145271 ..............71 N8145390 ..............61 N8152617 ..............61
N8145163 ..............54 N8145275 ..............37 N8145391 ..............61 N8152618 ..............61
N8145164 ..............54 N8145311 ..............46 N8145392 ..............61 N8152619 ..............61
N8145165 ..............54 N8145315 ..............43 N8145393 ..............61 N8152620 ..............61
N8145166 ..............54 N8145316 ..............43 N8145394 ..............61 N8152621 ..............61
N8145167 ..............54 N8145317 ..............76 N8145395 ..............61 N8152622 ..............61
N8145168 ..............54 N8145321 ..............46 N8145396 ..............61 N8152623 ..............61
N8145169 ..............54 N8145332 ..............30 N8145397 ..............61 N8152624 ..............61
N8145170 ..............54 N8145342 ..............55 N8145398 ..............61 N8152625 ..............61
N8145171 ..............54 N8145343 ..............55 N8145451 ..............61 N8152626 ..............61
N8145172 ..............54 N8145344 ..............62 N8145452 ..............61 N8152627 ..............61
N8145173 ..............54 N8145345 ..............63 N8145453 ..............61 N8152628 ..............61

Order online at www.perkinelmer.com/supplies ORDER TODAY Page 83


How can the PinAAcle 900 aid in my grain analysis?

Consumers are exposed to low levels of heavy metals on a daily and long term
exposure can have negative health impacts. Since the elements themselves are
distributed unevenly throughout, for example, cereal grain, with the germ and the
outer layers having the highest concentrations, analyzing these grains to detect low
Lumina Hollow Cathode Lamp
analyte levels with accuracy and controlled reproducibility is a challenge.

The atomic absorption analysis technique provides a high performance option with
features like a closed-furnace design that is sealed at both ends with easily removable
bayonet-mount windows. In addition, independently controlled external and internal
gas streams provide maximum flexibility, tube life, and sensitivity.

Systems like the PinAAcle™ 900 AA spectrometer make it faster and easier to get from
sample to results by reducing your grain method development time, while PerkinElmer PinA Acle 900 Series
consumables and superior services will keep your lab at peak performance. Atomic Absorption Spectrometers THGA Graphite Tubes
What consumables are needed for my grain applications?
Some Grain Analysis Applications to Suit Your Lab
Invest in the consumables that are tested and validated to fit your analytical needs.
For repeatable and accurate results that are on-time throughout the lifetime of your
PinAAcle 900, trust the consumables engineered for your instrument. From Lumina
hollow cathode lamps that allow automatic setup to the breadth of certified
standards to yield reliable results, you can relax knowing you have the best.

Our specialized consumables have the ability to control operating costs and increase
your laboratory uptime. Try them in your lab today.

Confidently select your PinAAcle 900 consumables here:

„ AA Lamps
„ Flow Injection Supplies
„ Graphite Tubes Fast Digestion Analysis of Fast Digestion Analysis Analysis of Micronutrients in
Lead and Cadmium in Rice of Lead and Cadmium in Fortified Breakfast Cereal by
„ Nebulizers
Using GFAAS with Rice Using GFAAS with Flame AA Using Microwave
„ Sample Cups Longitudinal Zeeman Deuterium Background Digestion and FAST Flame
Background Correction Correction Sample Automation

Get the complete solution by getting the most out of your instruments, systems, processes and data. OneSource instrument services, including comprehensive instrument
service and repair, asset management, and analytics services, you have the information you need, in a format you need it, to maximize your lab’s productivity.

PerkinElmer, Inc.
940 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451 USA
P: (800) 762-4000 or
(+1) 203-925-4602

For a complete listing of our global offices, visit www.perkinelmer.com/ContactUs

Copyright ©2019, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

014791_01 PKI
New and improved filter probe for oils autosamplers
See reverse side for product details.
Teledyne CETAC’s stainless steel filtered sample probes have been
redesigned for better performance and ease of use. The new design
features larger filter holes to prevent clogging and a rounded tip.
The new probe is a direct replacement to older style probes and is
included with all Oils 7400 and Oils 7600 systems, the Oils 280, and
the Oils completion kit for the ASXpress Plus.

Features and Benefits:

• Drop-in replacement
• Reduced clogging
• Easier to clean

Ordering Information:
Stainless Steel Sample
Probe with Filtered Tip
Close up of stainless steel probe Stainless steel sample probe
Part Number: N0771529 filter tip

To order, visit www.perkinelmer.com/supplies

For a complete listing of our global offices, visit www.perkinelmer.com/ContactUs

Copyright ©2019, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Send us your used Platinum

Sampler or Skimmer Cones DISCOUNT AMOUNTS*:
and receive a discount on
your next consumables order.* for each Platinum Sampler Cone returned
It’s that simple! Qualifying Part Numbers:
N8122025, WE027802, W1033614,
How does it work?
SC2007-Pt, SC2013-Pt, SS2013,
• Send back your old PerkinElmer Platinum Cones PE2013-Pt, PE3013-Pt
(including PerkinElmer Cones from other resellers)
and get a discount on your next Consumables order. $50 DISCOUNT
• Once we receive your used Cone shipment, discount codes for each Platinum Skimmer Cone returned
will be emailed to you to be used towards a future order Qualifying Part Numbers:
on ANY Consumables. Limit one discount code per order. N8122035, WE027803, W1026907,
• Discount codes may be used by web, phone, or fax. SC2010-Pt, SC2014-Pt, SS2014,
• Form on next page must be included with your shipment.
PE2014-Pt, PE3014-Pt

• Any questions, contact Customer Care at 800-762-4000.

*Discount supplied through discount code and may be applied to any future
Consumables order. Individual discount code must be used up at one time. Discount
code may be used on AA, ICP, GC, LC, UV, IR, Fl, Raman, Thermal and Elemental
Consumables. Service parts do not qualify for discount. Only one promotion code
per order and may not be combined with any other discount code or promotional
offer. Limit one time use per code. Discount code must be used within one year of
date issued. Discount does not apply to tax or freight charges. Offer does not apply
to Nickel Cones. Offer only applies to Platinum Cones for PerkinElmer Instruments.
PerkinElmer shall not be responsible for lost or misdirected return shipments. Offer
only valid in the United States.

ELAN DRC 9000 NexION® 350 ICP-MS NexION® 2000 ICP-MS

Complete the following information, cut out and include with your shipment:

Company/Organization Name


First Name Last Name

Phone Number Email Address

Quantity Returned Sampler Cones Skimmer Cones

Cut out and apply to outside of shipment:

PerkinElmer, Inc.
710 Bridgeport Avenue
M/S 219
Shelton, CT 06484
Attention: R. Hazen

PerkinElmer, Inc.
940 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451 USA
P: (800) 762-4000 or
(+1) 203-925-4602

For a complete listing of our global offices, visit www.perkinelmer.com/ContactUs

Copyright ©2010-2017, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® and the PerkinElmer logo are registered trademarks of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

009482D_01 PKI

PerkinElmer Atomic Spectroscopy Sample Preparation


PREPARATION Sample preparation is one of the

most critical steps in the analytical
process. Often accounting for 60% of
your timetable, it has a fundamental
impact on laboratory throughput and
analytical performance. Any errors
within the sample preparation process will undermine the quality of your data at all
subsequent stages of your analysis. At PerkinElmer, we provide you with a portfolio
of sample preparation solutions that ensure sample preparation success.

Open Digestion
We provide a wide range of sample digestion blocks and accessories for this
common sample preparation method.

Microwave Digestion
With the introduction of our new Titan MPS™ Microwave Sample Preparation
System, we’re delivering on the promise of a simple and safe, cost-effective,
high-performance sample preparation solution.

Regulated Lab?
We offer a wide selection of regulatory compliant sample preparation solutions
for all these methods.

PerkinElmer Sample Preparation


Open Digestion

Sample Preparation Blocks 5

Controllers 5

Start-Up Kits 6

Temperature Probes 6

Automatic Shut-off System 6

DigiFILTER™s 6

Tubes, Caps and Watch Glasses 7

Fume Hoods and Accessories 7

Racks 8

VersaTube 8

Microwave Digestion

Titan MPS Systems 10

System Accessories 10

Turntables 11

Vessels and Spares 11

Consumable Run Kits 12

Spares and Replacement Parts 12

Gas Containment Manifold Spares 13

Accessories 14

PerkinElmer Sample Preparation


Solution 1: Open Digestion

Ideal for: Liquid and solid samples in regulated industries
Common Applications: water, soil and food testing
Overview: Open vessel, atmospheric pressure digestion is a common approach to sample
preparation for regulatory and compliance laboratories. With the ability to prepare large quantities
of samples, open digestion is great for labs with modest digestion requirements that rely on high
throughput. Hot block digestion using open vessels meets the regulatory requirements for sample
extraction and a number of approved methods are in place to support this.
All PerkinElmer sample preparation blocks are manufactured under a certified ISO 9001:
2008 Quality Management System to meet our high quality requirements.
Upgrade from a Hot Plate: Better laboratory practices demand modern techniques in
sample preparation. In the past, hot plates were used to digest samples where common
digestion problems involved low throughput, dealing with fragile beakers, cleanliness of
glassware, rusting and corrosion, cross contamination of digestion system to sample, loss
of volatile elements, and poor sample temperature control.

Sample Preparation Blocks

The SPB series of block digestion systems offers the latest in graphite block technology in many different
packages. Graphite blocks are PTFE-coated to resist aggressive corrosive attack for guaranteed long life in
harsh laboratory environments.
Our sample blocks operate with either a SPB Digital Controller or SPB Touch Controller*. Please select a
controller below and the appropriate Start Up Kit* which includes RackLock DigiTUBE®s, disposable watch
glasses, DigiFILTER™s and much more. Each SPB Block includes one set of racks.

Description Capacity Part No.

SPB 15-40, (115 V/230 V) 40 Tubes/15 mL N9300800
SPB 15-108, (115 V/230 V) 108 Tubes/15 mL N9300801
SPB 50-24, (115 V/230 V) 24 Tubes/50 mL N9300802
SPB 100-12, (115 V/230 V) 12 Tubes/100 mL N9300805
SPB 50-48, (115 V/230 V) 48 Tubes/50 mL N9300803
SPB 100-30, (115 V/230 V) 30 Tubes/100 mL N9300806
SPB 50-72, (230 V) 72 Tubes/50 mL N9300804
SPB 100-42, (230 V) 42 Tubes/100 mL N9300807
*sold separately.


The user friendly SPB Digital Controller includes programmable features such as: temperature set-point to 0.1 ˚C,
even sample heating and evaporation results, timer shutdown option, and programmable alarm for end of cycle.
The SPB Touch Controller includes all of the SPB Digital Controller features and more. Added features include: a
graphical representation of the heating profile in real-time to identify the current stage of the method heating
program. Safety features include the ability of the controller to monitor the heating cycle of the block to prevent
run away situations. The controller allows for the SPB Probe to be calibrated to meet your SOP requirements.
The SPB Probe, used with either the Digital or Touch models, can directly monitor and control the block’s heating
rate via sample temperature feedback to the controller.
Description Part No.
SPB Digital Controller N9300808
SPB Touch Controller N9300809

PerkinElmer Sample Preparation


Start Up Kits

PerkinElmer’s SPB Start Up kits contain all consumable items required to operate the system including:
RackLock DigiTUBE®s and Caps, disposable Watch Glasses, DigiFILTER™s, RackLock Racks and Storage Racks.
Description DigiTUBE®s/Caps Watch Glasses Racks Part No.
Start Up Kit for SPB 15-40 540 - 2 N9308704
Start Up Kit for SPB 15-108 540 - 2 N9308706
Start Up Kit for SPB 50-24 500 1000 1 N9308017
Start Up Kit for SPB 100-12 200 500 1 N9308011
Start Up Kit for SPB 50-48 500 1000 2 N9308002
Start Up Kit for SPB 100-30 200 500 2 N9308013
Start Up Kit for SPB 50-72 500 1000 3 N9308025
Start Up Kit for SPB 100-42 200 500 2 N9308015

Temperature Probes

Why use a thermometer to monitor and manually adjust sample temperature when a SPB Probe will automatically do
the job? The SPB Probe provides direct control and monitoring of actual sample temperature via a corrosion-resistant,
PFA-coated temperature probe. Available with different holders in a 6” configuration for use with 50 and 100 mL
DigiTUBE®s. Each probe is supplied with five Probe Watch Glasses and a probe holder.

Description Quantity Part No.

SPB Probe 6" for 15 mL Tubes 1 N9308707
SPB Probe 6” for 50 mL Tubes 1 N9308018
SPB Probe 6” for 100 mL Tubes 1 N9308009
SPB Probe Watch Glass (replacement) for 50 mL Tubes 25 N9308041
SPB Probe Watch Glass (replacement) for 100 mL Tubes 25 N9308073
SPB Probe Holder for DigiTUBE®s 15 mL 1 N9308703
SPB Probe Holder for DigiTUBE®s 50 mL 1 N9308044
SPB Probe Holder for DigiTUBE®s 100 mL 1 N9308045

Automatic Shut-Off System

Designed to shut-off SPB systems with no lab supervision. Ideal for overnight digestions and evaporations
where samples require volume reductions (volume control ±2.5 mL). Increase lab efficiency by automatically
digesting samples off-hours. Select appropriate Probe for Tube use.
Description Quantity Part No.
TempSET, without Probe 1 N9300810
TempSET Probe for 50 mL Tubes 1 N9308023
TempSET Probe for 100 mL Tubes 1 N9308029
TempSET Probe Holder for 100 mL Tubes 1 N9308065


The vacuum assisted DigiFILTER™ assembly provides a quick and easy way to filter samples prior to analysis.
Increase lab productivity by filtering particulates from digested samples in a matter of seconds directly from the
digestion tube. Available with a 0.45 or 1.0 micron hydrophilic PTFE membrane. Field Filtration Kit conforms to
Item 8.2 in the EPA 200.7, 200.8 and 200.9 Methods.
Description Quantity Part No.
DigiFILTER™ 0.45 micron for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 100 N9308031
DigiFILTER™ 1.0 micron for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 100 N9308032
Field Filtration Kit 0.45 for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s* 1 N9308033
DigiFILTER™ Manifold 1 N9308034
*Contains: 25 0.45 micron DigiFILTER™s, 30 50 mL DigiTUBE®s, 1 x 6 mL bottle of PlasmaPURE® Nitric acid, 1 50 mL
storage rack, 1 Sharpie® pen and 2 x 60 mL plastic syringes.

PerkinElmer Sample Preparation


Tubes, Caps and Watch Glasses

PerkinElmer offers 50 and 100 mL, disposable, sample digestion tubes with easy-to-read graduations. Accurate 50 or
100 mL graduation is calibrated to meet Class A specifications to allow normalization directly in the tube. RackLock
design allows for easy, one-handed closure of leak-free screw cap. All-in-one tubes eliminate the need for five separate
vessels: Digestion beakers, volumetric flasks, graduated cylinders, autosampler tubes and storage containers.

Description Quantity Part No.
DigiTUBE®s 15 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 1620 N9308711
DigiTUBE®s 15 mL with RackLock (no caps) 1620 N9308712
DigiTUBE®s 15 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 540 N9308713
DigiTUBE®s 50 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 750 N9308008
DigiTUBE®s 50 mL non-RackLock (incl. caps) 750 N9308037
DigiTUBE®s 50 mL with RackLock (no caps) 750 N9308340
DigiTUBE®s 100 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 300 N9308016
DigiTUBE®s 100 mL non-RackLock (incl. caps) 300 N9308066
PTFE Digestion Tube 50 mL (incl. blue caps) 6 N9308024
Tube, Quartz, 62.5 mL, Uncalibrated 6 N9308048
Tube, Borosilicate, 62.5 mL, Uncalibrated 6 N9308049
Tube, Borosilicate, 62.5 mL, Calibrated at 50 mL 6 N9308050

Description Quantity Part No.
Screw Caps, Blue, for 15 mL DigiTUBE®s 540 N9308705
Screw Caps, Clear, for 15 mL DigiTUBE®s 540 N9308708
Screw Caps, Orange, for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 250 N9308058
Screw Caps, Red, for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 250 N9308059
Screw Caps, Clear, for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 250 N9308060
Screw Caps, Yellow, for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 250 N9308056
PTFE Screw Cap for PTFE 50 mL Digestion Tube 6 N9308027

Watch Glasses
Description Quantity Part No.
Disposable Watch Glasses, 50 mL 1000 N9308003
Disposable Watch Glasses, 100 mL 500 N9308030

Fume Hoods and Accessories

The bench top fume hoods for SPB systems are the right choice for trace-metal digestions. Made from clear,
acid resistant polycarbonate with a solid surface material base, the fume hood eliminates the risk of trace-metal
contamination common with traditional fume hoods. HEPA® filters ensure clean input air. The fume hood can be
connected to an in-house laboratory exhaust system or used with the SPB blower unit (N9308022). Fume hoods come
flatpacked to save transport costs and can be assembled in minutes without tools.

Description Part No.

Fume Hood for SPB 50-24/100-12, 50-48 / 100-30 23.5"D x 26"W x 20"H N9308000
Fume Hood for SPB 50-72/100-42 28"D x 27"W x 20"H N9308001
Filter for SPB Fume Hoods N9308078
Fume Hood II for AutoSampler 23.5"D x 26"W x 25"H N9308036
DigiVAC™ Evacuation Hood, mounts directly on SPB 50-48/SPB 100-30 N9308021
SPB Blower Unit, for use with all systems N9308022
Vacuum Pump 20 L/min 115 V N9308035
Vacuum Pump 60 L/min 115 V N9308063
Vacuum Pump 17 L/min 230 V N9308331
Vacuum Pump 58 L/min 230 V N9308332

PerkinElmer Sample Preparation



For busy labs, additional acid resistant, polycarbonate Racks are available for all SPB systems. Exclusive RackLock feature
locks DigiTUBE®s in position within the rack allowing for easy, one-handed closure of screw cap.

SPB Block Racks

Description Quantity Part No.
40 Position Rack for SPB 15-40, 15 mL 1 N9308700
54 Position Rack for SPB 15-108, 15 mL 1 N9308701
12 Position Rack for SPB-100-12, 100 mL 1 N9308067
15 Position Rack for SPB-100-30, 100 mL 1 N9308068
21 Position Rack for SPB-100-42, 100 mL 1 N9308069
24 Position Rack for SPB-50-24, 50 mL 1 N9308070
24 Position Rack for SPB-50-48 and SPB-50-72, 50 mL 1 N9308042

Storage Racks
Description Quantity Part No.
Foam Storage Rack 15 mL 5 N9308702
Plastic Storage Rack 50 mL 5 N9308381
Foam Storage Rack 100 mL 5 N9308382


A unique, patented tube with attached cap – simplifying digestion analysis
and no watch glasses are required.
• Integrated cap and vial - single unit design of cap and vial which is easily
manipulated with one hand
• Ability to vent samples with cap - the attached cap can “lock” open at
an angle, which enables venting of your sample if desired. No watch
glasses required.
• Certified accuracy of graduations and levels of trace metals - graduations
in 5 mL increments to 50 mL, certification of accuracy available
• Heat resistant homopolymer polypropylene - for good heat resistance
and minimal background interference
• Etched cap surface for writing - provides labeling area on the cap for
sample identification
• Ready to use out of the box - limits possible contamination with
improved efficiency

Description Quantity Part No.
VersaTube™ 50 mL 500 N9308383

PerkinElmer Sample Preparation


PinAAcle 500 and 900 Atomic Absorption Spectrometers

The PinAAcle™ series of atomic absorption (AA) spectrometers brings AA performance to
new heights. Engineered with an array of exciting technological advances, it offers a variety
of configurations and capabilities to deliver exactly the level of performance you need:
• Flame only, furnace only, or space-saving stacked designs featuring both
• Flame, furnace, flow injection, FIAS-furnace and mercury/hydride capabilities on a
single instrument
• Choice of Deuterium or longitudinal Zeeman background correction
• TubeView™ color furnace camera simplifies autosampler tip alignment and
sample dispensing
• Proven Syngistix™ for AA software offering both ease-of-use and exceptional flexibility
And no matter which model you select (500, 900F, 900Z, 900H, 900T), you’ll discover
an intuitive, highly efficient system capable of simplifying your journey from sample to
results – even with the most difficult matrices.

Avio ICP-OES Spectrometer

Capable of handling even the most difficult, high-matrix samples without dilution, the
Avio® ICP-OES series brings a whole new level of performance and flexibility to ICP.
Better yet, that unprecedented performance comes with unparalleled ease-of-use. Unique
hardware features and the industry’s most intuitive software combine to make multielement
measurements as easy as a single-element analysis.
The Avio series offers the most efficient operation, reliable data, and lowest cost of ownership by
• The lowest argon consumption of any ICP.
• The fastest ICP startup (ready in just 10 minutes from power off).
• The best sensitivity and resolution at all wavelengths.
• The fastest analysis times with minimized sample preparation.

NexION 2000 ICP-MS Spectrometer

Unrivaled ppq detection limits. Unparalleled usability. Finally analysts can have the best
of both worlds with the groundbreaking NexION® 2000 ICP-MS.
The most versatile ICP-MS on the market, the NexION 2000 features an array of unique
technologies that combine to deliver the highest performance no matter what your
analytical challenge. Discover the effortless versatility of an instrument that makes it easy to
• Any sample matrix
• Any interference
• Any particle size

PerkinElmer Sample Preparation


Solution 2: Microwave Digestion

Ideal for: Difficult sample types and regulated laboratories
Common Applications: Plant waste streams, alloys, pigments, simple and precious metal ores
and heavy organic samples
Overview: Microwave digestion provides high-performance, pressure digestion using sealed vessels to
deliver complete sample digestion, allowing total elemental measurement. Able to digest difficult sample
types quickly and completely, microwave digestion provides the most accurate sample preparation. Using
ultra-clean sealed digestion vessels, the Titan MPS avoids loss of volatile analytes and prevents sample
contamination from the working environment. With its high performance, microwave digestion is ideal
for mining/geologic, environmental, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries.
The Titan MPS microwave sample preparation system delivers the instrument-ready solutions you
need for high throughput and reliable results. With its Direct Pressure Control™ (DPC) and Direct
Temperature Control™ (DTC) sensing technologies, the Titan MPS system accurately monitors
digestion reactions and the sample temperature in each digestion vessel to provide outstanding
reaction control and deliver consistent digestion results.

Titan MPS Systems

Before you prepare your first sample, you’ll notice the difference: The Titan MPS is a top-loading microwave
sample preparation system protected by hardware interlocks to ensure safety during operation. And it’s simple
to load and unload samples, which keeps everyone more productive – and saves your lab time and money.
Description Part No.
Titan MPS Standard Pressure16 Position, (230V 50/60Hz) N3130100
Includes: 16 position turntable, gas containment manifold, 16 standard pressure 75 mL (40 bar) digestion vessels,
15 vessel caps without pressure sensor, 1 vessel cap with pressure sensor, a lip seal forming tool, exhaust hose, consumables
for approximately 500 runs, power cord (US).

Description Part No.

Titan MPS High Pressure 8 Position, (230V 50/60Hz) N3130110
Includes: 8 position turntable, gas containment manifold, 8 high pressure 100 mL (100 bar) digestion vessels, 8 TFM
sample vessel inserts, 8 ceramic pressure jackets, 7 Vessel Caps without pressure sensor, 1 vessel cap with pressure sensor,
a vessel opening station, a lip seal forming tool, exhaust hose, consumables for approximately 500 runs, power cord (US).

System Accessories

Description Part No.

External Exhaust System 230V 50/60 Hz N3131009
Optional accessory for exhausting Titan MPS oven cavity in laboratories that do not have exhaust systems. Includes one
1.5 m exhaust tube. ID = 76 mm, Od = 82 mm.

Description Part No.

Exhaust Tube 1.5 m (one included with Titan) N3134015

Description Part No.

Titan MPS Bench N0777900
The Titan MPS bench is a heavy-duty Chemsurf laminated rolling cart. The top working surface is constructed with
durable Chemsurf material, a chemically-resistant laminate specifically designed for applications in laboratories with
routine exposure to chemicals. A full lower shelf with durable Chemsurf laminate provides storage space for digestion
vessels and other Titan MPS spares and accessories. Locking 4" diameter casters provide stability and easy movement.
Dimensions: 32"D x 30"W x 29"H
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation



Description Part No.

16 position turntable with Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels, with DPC (complete) N3131010
16 position turntable with Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels, without DPC (complete) N3131005
16 position turntable for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels (turntable only) N3131006

Description Part No.

8 position turntable with High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels, with DPC (complete) N3131011
8 position turntable with High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels, without DPC (complete) N3131007
8 position turntable for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels (turntable only) N3131008

Vessels and Spares

Description Quantity Part No.

Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel with DPC (Complete) 1 N3132010
Consists of: Pressure seal, Vessel cap with DPC, Rupture disc and Vessel base.
Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel without DPC. 1 N3132009
Consists of: Pressure seal, Vessel cap, Rupture disc and Vessel base.
Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel TFM Base (base only) 1 N3132011
TFM Cap for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion vessels without pressure sensor. 1 N3132012
TFM DPC Cap for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion vessels with pressure sensor. 1 N3132013

Description Quantity Part No.

High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel without DPC (complete) 1 N3133012
Consists of: Pressure seal, Vessel cap, Rupture disc, TFM Vessel insert,
Ceramic pressure jacket and Vessel base.
High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel with DPC (complete) 1 N3133013
Consists of: Pressure seal, Closure cap with DPC, Rupture disc, TFM Vessel insert,
Ceramic pressure jacket and Vessel base.
High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel Base (base only). 1 N3133014
TFM Cap for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels without pressure sensor. 1 N3133015
TFM DPC for high pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels with pressure sensor. 1 N3133016

PerkinElmer Sample Preparation


Consumable Run Kits

Description Part No.

Run Kit for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels N3132000
Consumables for approximately 2500 digestions with Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels
Includes: 10 Pressure Seals (N3132002), 4 Rupture Discs (N3132001), and 5 Lip Seal Rings of the
Gas Containment Manifold (N3134000)
Part No.
Run Kit for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels N3133024
Consumables for approximately 2500 digestions with High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels
Includes 10 Pressure Seals (N3133023); 7 Rupture Discs (N3133022), 50 PEEK Ring Nuts (N3133011)
and 5 Lip Seal Rings of the Gas Containment Manifold (N3134000).

Spares and Replacement Parts

Description Part No.

Rupture Disc for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels N3132001
Made of aluminum, set of 25 pcs.
Rupture Disc for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels N3133022
Made of titanium, set of 10 pcs.
Pressure Seal for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessels N3132002
Made of TFM, set of 10 pcs.
Pressure Seal for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessels. N3133023
Made of TFM, set of 5 pcs.
DPC Glass Prism for Standard or High Pressure Digestion Vessels N3132004
DPC Glass-Ring for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel N3132003
DPC Glass-Ring for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel. N3133003
DPC Polarization foil for Digestion Vessel caps with pressure control for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) N3132005
and High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel, set of 24 pcs.
DPC TFM Cap insert for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel. N3132006
DPC TFM Cap Insert for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel. N3133006
DPC Clamp Screw for Glass Prism for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel. N3132007
DPC ClampScrew for Glass Prism for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel N3133007
DPC Viton O-Ring (25 x 3 mm) for Digestion Vessel caps with pressure control for N3132008
Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel, qty 1. Two are required per vessel cap.
DPC O-Ring for Digestion Vessel Caps with pressure control for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3133008
Digestion Vessel, qty 1. Two are required per vessel cap.

Description Part No.

TFM Sample Vessel Insert for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel. N3133009

Description Part No.

Ceramic Pressure Jacket for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel. N3133010

Description Part No.

PEEK Ring Nut for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel closure cap. (Left handed threads) N3133011
PEEK Ring Nut Removal Tool N3133021

Description Part No.

Turntable Base Ring N3134013

PerkinElmer Sample Preparation


Gas Containment Manifold Spares

Description Part No.

End Cap Plug for Gas Containment Manifold. N3134004
Sealing plug for 8 and 16 position Gas Containment Manifold to seal the gas collection system at
unused vessel positions.
Clamping Screw (PTFE) for the top seal of the 8 and 16 position Gas Containment Manifold. N3134002

Description Part No.

Lip Seal Ring of the Gas Containment Manifold. N3134000
PTFE Sealing Ring for use with 8 and 16 position Gas Containment Manifolds.
Seals the top PFA gas tube to the Gas Containment Manifold.
Tube for connection of vessel to Gas Containment Manifold (PTFE). N3134005
PTFE connecting tube for connection to digestion vessels with 8 and 16 position
Gas Containment Manifold.
Connector for Gas Containment Manifold to Digestion Vessel. N3134007
PTFE connector for use with 8 and 16 position Gas Containment Manifold
Gas Containment Manifold PFA Vent Line 1M (O-Ring in picture not included) N3134014
Gas Containment Manifold Vent Line replacement O-Ring (Qty. 2) N3134072

PerkinElmer Sample Preparation



Description Part No.

High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel opening station. N3133017

Description Part No.

Single lip seal forming tool for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel pressure seals. N3132015
Eight position lip seal forming tool for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel pressure seals. N3132014
Forms up to 8 seals simultaneously.

Description Part No.

Eight position lip seal forming tool for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel pressure seals. N3133018
Forms up to 8 seals simultaneously.

Description Part No.

Single lip seal forming tool for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel pressure seals. N3133019
Forms 1 seal.

Description Part No.

PTFE 2 mL sample weighing cup for use in Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) or High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3134009
Digestion Vessel, qty. 1
PTFE 2 mL sample weighing cup for use in Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) or High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3134010
Digestion Vessel, qty. 16

Description Part No.

Vessel cap disassembly tools for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel N3134011
Vessel cap disassembly tools for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel N3134012

PerkinElmer, Inc.
940 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451 USA
P: (800) 762-4000 or
(+1) 203-925-4602

For a complete listing of our global offices, visit www.perkinelmer.com/ContactUs

Copyright ©2013-2017, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

011200B_01 PKI

ICP-Optical Emission Spectroscopy

Yvette Vingerhoets
Henk Lamers
NutriControl BV
Veghel, Netherlands

Wim van Bussel

PerkinElmer Inc.
Groningen, Netherlands

Ken Neubauer
PerkinElmer Inc.
Shelton, CT USA

Determination of Nutrients
in Animal Feed with the Introduction
With the growing importance of
Avio 500 ICP-OES in domesticated animals as both a food source
(i.e. livestock) as well as pets and service
Accordance with EN 15621 animals, their health is important. Healthy,
happy pets provide more pleasure to their
owners, while service animals play a critical
role helping people with physical and/or emotional limitations. Healthy livestock provides more
food per animal, as well as diminishing the possibility of negative health effects being passed
along to humans. As a result, it is important to monitor the nutrient content in animal feed.
Nutrients exist in a variety of forms, including biological, organics, minerals, metals, and
vitamins, which must be accurately measured to ensure that the feed meets the nutritional
needs of the animals. Due to the importance of the analysis, a variety of standardized
methods have been developed to ensure accurate nutrient analysis.
Most mineral and metallic nutrients are present at high concentrations and can be measured
with atomic absorption (AA), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy
(ICP-OES), or ICP mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Considering the benefits and limitations of
these three techniques, ICP-OES is perhaps the preferred instrument for performing these
analyses as it strikes the best balance between simplicity, ruggedness, matrix tolerance,
accuracy, sample throughput, and cost.
PerkinElmer’s Avio® 500 ICP-OES was chosen for this work due to Table 2. Calibration Standards.
its low cost of operation, minimal maintenance requirements and Analyte Standards (mg/L)
its speed of analysis. The low argon flow of the Avio 500 results in
Cu 0.05, 0.2, 10
significantly less argon consumption due to its proprietary Flat
Fe, Mn, Zn 0.05, 0.2, 10, 40
Plate™ plasma technology, leading to a much lower cost per
analysis. The Avio 500’s ability to handle high levels of dissolved Ca, K, Mg, Na, P 0.05, 0.2, 10, 40, 200
solids running over long periods of time is thanks to PlasmaShear™
technology, generating a thin stream of air which cuts off the top Table 3. Avio 500 ICP-OES Instrumental Parameters.
of the plasma, eliminating deposition on the interface window, Parameter Value
resulting in exceptional stability in difficult matrices with no
Sample Uptake Rate 1.5 mL/min
maintenance required. And finally, the instrument’s advanced
optical system provides true simultaneous analysis with excellent Nebulizer SeaSpray™
stability and accuracy for faster sample-to-sample time. Spray Chamber Baffled glass cyclonic
RF Power 1500 W
This work discusses the determination of inorganic nutrients in
several types of animal feeds using the Avio 500 ICP-OES in Injector 2.0 mm alumina
conjunction with the European Standard EN 15621 method for the Plasma Gas Flow 10 L/min
analysis of nutrients in animal feed.1 Aux Gas Flow 0.2 L/min
Nebulizer Gas Flow 0.65 L/min
Torch Position -4
Samples and Sample Preparation
Plasma View Radial
Five different feed samples were supplied as part of an
Replicates 3
interlaboratory testing program sponsored by Bipea (Paris,
France). Table 1 shows the different samples, the required Read Time Range 1-5 sec
analytes, and their concentrations. The samples were prepared Integration Auto
for analysis following a proprietary preparation technique
which meets the requirements of EN 15621. Table 4. Wavelengths.
Calibration standards were prepared in 5% HNO3 (v/v) at the levels Analyte Wavelength (nm)
shown in Table 2. Ytterbium (Yb) was added to all standards and Ca 317.933
samples as an internal standard. All measurements were made
Cu 324.756
against external calibration curves.
Fe 238.204
Instrumental Parameters
K 766.491
All analyses were performed on an Avio 500 ICP-OES using the
Mg 279.071
conditions and parameters in Table 3 and the wavelengths in
Table 4. To minimize matrix effects from the samples and reduce Mn 257.610
analysis time, all measurements were made using radial view. Na 589.592
The analytical time was 30 seconds per sample. P 177.434
Zn 206.197

Table 1. Samples, Analytes, and Assigned Concentrations.

Dog Premix Fish Meal Turkey Feed Soya Meal
Analyte Finishing Pig Meal
(mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Ca 1900 41200 6500 9400 2700
Cu 2670 3 17 12 10
Fe 28090 269 186 140 ---
K 1600 11900 7800 9100 21900
Mg 600 2400 1700 2000 ---
Mn 2157 7 68 69 25
Na 1900 12800 2000 1100 ---
P 700 24100 5700 5700 6500
Zn 38333 74 81 70 50

2 2
Results and Discussion Conclusions
All feed samples were measured during a single analytical run to This work has demonstrated the ability of the Avio 500 ICP-OES to
assess the robustness of the methodology. Figure 1 shows that the accurately and rapidly measure nutrients in animal feed samples
recoveries of each analyte in each sample were within 10% of its which meets the requirements of EN 15621. By performing all
assigned value, despite the wide range of concentrations among the measurements with a radial plasma view, matrix effects are
different feed samples. By performing all measurements in radial minimized, allowing the nutrients in five types of feed samples to
view, potential matrix effects of the samples were removed, allowing be measured over a wide concentration range without the need to
for accurate results between the five different feed samples without matrix-match the calibration standards. The Avio 500 ICP-OES
the need to matrix match the calibration standards. delivers fast analysis time of 30 seconds to meet the demands of
high-throughput labs without sacrificing analytical accuracy.
With the accuracy of the methodology established, stability was
assessed by measuring the turkey feed sample 105 times over 3 hours.
Figure 2 shows the measured concentrations for each analyte over the
analysis. Despite the wide concentration variations between the 1. European Standard EN 15621, EN 15621:2017 E, European
elements, all recoveries are within 10% of their assigned values for Committee for Standardization (CEN), 2017.
each sample. By using auto integration and the default read times, the
analytical time for each sample is only 30 seconds. Sample-to-sample Consumables Used
time could be decreased with the use of the High Throughput System Component Part Number
(HTS) flow-injection sample introduction module, while the analytical
Sample Uptake Tubing, Black/Black
time can be decreased by using a lower minimum read time. N0777043
(0.76 mm id), PVC, Flared
Drain Tubing, Red/Red, (1.14 mm id), PVC 09908585
SeaSpray™ Nebulizer N0811306
N9300183 (125 mL)
Copper Standard, 1000 mg/L
N9300114 (500 mL)
N9303771 (125 mL)
Iron Standard, 1000 mg/L
N9300126 (500 mL)
N9303783 (125 mL)
Manganese Standard, 1000 mg/L
N9300132 (500 mL)
N9303811 (125 mL)
Ytterbium Standard, 1000 mg/L
N9300166 (500 mL)
N9300178 (125 mL)
Zinc Standard, 1000 mg/L
N9300168 (500 mL)
Multielement Standard B:
Figure 1. Analyte recoveries in five different feed samples. 10,000 mg/L Ca, K, Mg, Na, P – 125 mL

Figure 2. Three-hour stability run of turkey feed.

PerkinElmer, Inc.
940 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451 USA
P: (800) 762-4000 or
(+1) 203-925-4602

For a complete listing of our global offices, visit www.perkinelmer.com/ContactUs

Copyright ©2020, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

87060 PKI

ICP-Optical Emission Spectroscopy

Ken Neubauer
Aaron Hineman

PerkinElmer, Inc.
Shelton, CT

Analysis of Allergy Medications

Using ICP-OES Following Introduction
With the implementation of
USP 232/233 Guidelines with USP <232>/<233> for the

Software Designed to Aid in analysis of elemental impurities

in finished drug products,1,2 it

21 CFR Part 11 Compliance is important for manufacturers to

monitor the metal content of the
final products to be in compliance.
A detailed description of the
requirements of USP <232>/<233> is available, so only a brief description is given

here. The maximum permitted daily exposure (PDE) of different target elements is
defined in USP <232> and is based on the route of administration of the medications,
as shown in Table 1 for oral, parenteral, and inhalation administration. Since parenteral
and inhaled medications enter the blood stream faster than oral medications, their daily
maxima are lower.
Table 1. Maximum Oral and Inhalation Daily Exposures for Elements Defined in USP <232>.

Oral Daily Dose Parenteral Daily Dose Inhalation Daily Dose

Element Class
PDE* (µg/day) PDE* (µg/day) PDE* (µg/day)
Cd 1 5 2 2
Pb 1 5 5 5
As (inorganic) 1 15 15 2
Hg (inorganic) 1 30 3 1
Co 2A 50 5 3
V 2A 100 10 1
Ni 2A 200 20 5
Tl 2B 8 8 8
Au 2B 100 100 1
Ir 2B 100 10 1
Pd 2B 100 10 1
Pt 2B 100 10 1
Os 2B 100 10 1
Rh 2B 100 10 1
Ru 2B 100 10 1
Ag 2B 150 10 7
Se 2B 150 80 130
Li 3 550 250 25
Sb 3 1200 90 20
Ba 3 1400 700 300
Mo 3 3000 1500 10
Cu 3 3000 300 30
Sn 3 6000 600 60
Cr 3 11000 1100 3
* PDE = permissible daily exposure based on a 50 kg person.
Table 2. Analytical Criteria Defined in USP <233> for Quantitative Procedures.
USP <233> defines the analytical requirements, which are all
based on the J values for each element. The J values are a Criteria Description
function of the PDE, maximum daily dose of the medication, Spike recoveries at 0.5J, J, and 1.5J must be between
and the dilution factor used in sample preparation. Because of 70-150%
the importance of the J value and the fact that it can vary by The RSDs of measurements of six independent samples
element and medication, a J-Value Calculator is available from spiked at J must be less than 20%
PerkinElmer. The four analytical criteria specified in the validation Six solutions must be analyzed on different days, with
of the quantitative procedures for USP <233> are accuracy, Ruggedness different instruments, or with different analysts. The RSDs
repeatability, ruggedness, and system suitability, with the over the 12 measurements must be less than 25%
requirements of each being summarized in Table 2. The difference in the results of the high calibration
standard (1.5J) measured at the beginning and end of
It is important when analyzing pharmaceutical materials to Suitability
a batch must be < 20%
maintain compliance with 21 CFR Part 11, which is mandatory
for companies and their suppliers that operate in regulated
This work focuses on the analysis of allergy tablets with the
environments to sell products into the United States. This
PerkinElmer Avio® 500 ICP-OES and Syngistix for ICP Enhanced
regulation puts forward the criteria for electronic records,
Security software version 4.0 to aid compliance with 21 CFR Part
electronic signatures, and audit trails to ensure data integrity and
11 regulations, following the criteria defined in USP <232>/<233>.
reliability during the analytical testing. Syngistix™ for ICP Enhanced
Security™ software version 4.0 was developed to help companies
comply with regulations and sustain best practices delineated in
21 CFR Part 11.

Samples and Sample Preparation
Three different brands of allergy medications were purchased Following the USP <233> protocol, calibration standards were
locally; each have loratadine at 10 mg as the active ingredient. prepared at the 0.5J and 1.5J levels in 3% HNO3 + 3% HCl
All tablets weighed 0.10 g and had a daily dose of one tablet. (v/v); the blank contained just the acid. All measurements were
made against external calibration curves. To evaluate potential
Sample preparation was accomplished with the Titan MPS™
interferences, single-element standards of each analyte were
Microwave Sample Preparation System (PerkinElmer, Shelton,
prepared at the J value, analyzed individually, and the spectra
Connecticut, USA) using the samples and reagents in Table 3.
observed. Table 5 shows the concentrations of the analytes at
The goal was to minimize the amount of acid needed for sample
the various J values used in this work.
preparation while maintaining analyte stability in solution to
aid in reducing cost and waste. Nitric acid (HNO3) is used to Table 5. Analyte Concentrations at Different J Values.
maintain most elements in solution, while hydrochloric acid (HCl)
0.5J 1J 1.5J
was necessary to stabilize mercury (Hg) and the platinum group Element
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
elements (PGEs). The presence of HCl could potentially cause
Cd 0.05 0.1 0.15
issues for Ag, which precipitates in the presence of low levels
of HCl. However, Ag is stable in the presence of excess HCl. Pb 0.05 0.1 0.15
Therefore, a balance had to found between minimum acid As 0.15 0.3 0.45
content to accomplish digestion and using enough HCl to stabilize Hg 0.3 0.6 0.9
both Ag and the PGEs. It was found that 3% HNO3 + 3% HCl
Co 0.5 1 1.5
(v/v) resulted in complete digestions and all elements being
stable in solution. Lower HCl concentrations caused issues V 1 2 3
with Ag and/or the PGEs. Ni 2 4 6

Each sample was added to a digestion vessel, followed by HNO3, Tl 0.08 0.16 0.24
HCl, and deionized water. Any pre-digestion spikes were then Au 1 2 3
added. The vessels were allowed to sit uncapped for 10 minutes Ir 1 2 3
before sealing and placing in the microwave for digestion to
Pd 1 2 3
allow for gases produced during initial reactions to vent safely.
Pt 1 2 3
The Titan MPS digestion program used is shown in Table 4. The
Rh 1 2 3
digestion itself is accomplished in the first two steps, with
Step 3 being incorporated to rapidly cool the vessels for safe Ru 1 2 3
handling. If this step were eliminated, the vessels would require Ag 1.5 3 4.5
a significantly longer cooling time. Se 1.5 3 4.5
It should be noted that none of the allergy tablets contained silica Li 5.5 11 16.5
dioxide (SiO2) as an inactive ingredient, although it is commonly Sb 12 24 36
used as an excipient in medications. Tablets containing SiO2 can
Ba 14 28 42
be digested following a similar scheme, but with the addition of
0.5 mL hydrofluoric acid (HF). The digestion and analysis of SiO2- Mo 30 60 90
containing tablets is covered in another application note.4 Cu 30 60 90

Table 3. Sample Amounts and Acids Used per Digestion Vessel. Sn 60 120 180

Amount Per HNO3 HCl Water Cr 110 220 330

Digestion Vessel 70% (mL) 35% (mL) (mL)
Tablet 1 Tablet = 0.10 g 1.5 1.5 7 Instrumental Conditions
All analyses were performed on an Avio 500 ICP-OES system
Table 4. Titan MPS Digestion Program. (PerkinElmer) using the conditions and parameters in Table 6,
along with the analytical wavelengths and view modes listed
Temperature Pressure Ramp Hold Power
Step in Table 7. Standard sample introduction components and
(°C) (Bar) (Min) (Min) (%)
conditions were used, including a total plasma argon flow of 9
1 160 35 5 1 90 L/min. All measurements were made against external calibration
2 190 35 5 5 100 curves prepared in 3% HNO3 +3% HCl (v/v). Yttrium (Y) and
3* 50 35 1 15 0 scandium (Sc) were added to all blanks, standards, and samples
as internal standards.
*Cooling step

Table 6. Avio 500 ICP-OES Instrumental Conditions. To satisfy the data integrity requirements of the pharmaceutical
Parameter Value industry, Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security software version 4.0
was used. This software features all of the power of Syngistix for
Nebulizer MEINHARD® Type K
ICP-OES, with the added features required for 21 CFR Part 11
Spray Chamber Baffled glass cyclonic
compliance for the regulated industry, including electronic
Sample Uptake Rate 1.0 mL/min signatures, electronic data review, the ability to set up different
RF Power 1500 W users and groups with different permissions, audit trail, version
tracking, and much more.5 Figures 1-3 show examples of
Injector 2.0 mm id Alumina
electronic signatures, electronic data review, and showing
Nebulizer Gas Flow 0.70 mL/min differences between versions of the same method, respectively.
Auxiliary Gas Flow 0.2 L/min
Plasma Gas Flow 8 L/min
Torch Position -3
High Purge Off
Read Time Range 1-5 seconds
Replicates 3

Table 7. Elements, Wavelengths, and Plasma View Modes.

Wavelength Plasma
(nm) View
Ag 338.289 Axial
As 193.696 Axial
Au 242.795 Axial
Ba 233.527 Radial
Cd 214.440 Axial
Co 238.892 Axial
Figure 1. Example of electronic signatures in Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security software
Cr 267.716 Axial version 4.0. Electronic signatures require the User Name and Password before proceeding.
Comments can also be added, if desired. The Administrator can set the criteria for when an
Cu 327.393 Axial electronic signature is required.
Hg 194.168 Axial
Ir 208.882 Axial
Li 670.784 Radial
Mo 202.031 Axial
Ni 231.604 Axial
Pb 220.353 Axial
Pd 340.458 Axial
Pt 214.423 Axial
Rh 343.489 Axial
Ru 240.272 Axial
Sb 217.582 Axial
Se 196.026 Axial
Sn 189.927 Axial Figure 2. Example of electronic data review in Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security soft-
Tl 190.801 Axial ware version 4.0. In Data Mode, it is possible to compare side-by-side the results, spectra,
and calibrations, as well as review and add signatures and comments in customizable
V 309.801 Axial windows. This is an easy and quick way to view data. Those with appropriate permis-
sions can approve or reject data.
Sc (int std) 361.383 Radial
Y (int std) 371.029 Axial

Although not shown, MSF was also applied to Rh and Tl, both of
which had molybdenum (Mo) spectral interferences. MSF can aid
in removing interferences and improving detection limits when
correctly applied.

Figure 3. In Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security software version 4.0, File Changes
quickly and easily shows the differences between different versions of the same method
or the differences between two different methods. In File Change Mode, simply select
two methods or two versions of the same method and hit the Show Differences
button. A list of differences between the methods appears, making approving or
rejecting methods much easier.

Results and Discussion

Evaluation of Interferences
To evaluate the potential for interferences, all analytes were
measured as single-element standards, and the spectra compared.
Figure 5. Spectra of As 193.696 nm in an allergy tablet with 1.5J analyte spike before
This study showed that several of the analytes also interfere (blue) and after (black) applying MSF.
with other analytes, creating a bias in the results and causing
inaccuracies. The analyst must be cautious as it is possible to Sample Analysis
successfully pass the USP <233> criteria even though interferences The concentrations for all elements in all samples analyzed were
are being measured. For most analytes, it is possible to select less than 0.3J, a common actionable threshold which is more
wavelengths which do not suffer interferences; the exceptions than three times lower than the PDE.
are arsenic (As), rhodium (Rh), and thallium (Tl). Figure 4 shows Meeting the USP <233> Criteria
a spectrum of As 193.696 nm, along with spectral interferences To meet the criteria outlined in Table 2, one brand of allergy
from platinum (Pt) and chromium (Cr), with each element at its tablets was chosen to run through the full validation requirements.
1.5J concentration. It is evident that the peaks from Cr and Pt
First, the system suitability was determined by measuring the
overlap the As peak.
1.5J standard at the beginning (after the calibration) and end
of a batch analysis. With a drift of less than 4% (Figure 6), the
methodology surpasses the acceptance limit of 20%.

Figure 6. System suitability: drift over a batch analysis from 1.5J standards measured at
Figure 4. Spectrum of As 193.696 nm along with spectra of Pt and Cr. All single-element the beginning and end of the batch analyses.
standards at their 1.5J concentration levels.
With the suitability of the system established, the accuracy
These interferences are easily resolved using Multicomponent of the methodology was evaluated. To meet the accuracy criteria,
Spectral Fitting (MSF), an algorithm included in Syngistix software pre-digestion spikes of 0.5J, 1J, and 1.5J were added to the
to remove the effects of spectral interferences.6,7 Figure 5 shows samples. Adding the spikes to the microwave vessels and carrying
the resulting As spectrum after MSF has been applied, which is free them through the complete sample preparation and analysis
of spectral overlaps, allowing for interference-free analysis of As. proves that analyte is not lost. Figure 7 shows that all recoveries
are within 10%, easily meeting the method criteria of 70-150%.

This work demonstrates the ability of the Avio 500 ICP-OES to meet
the USP <232>/<233> criteria for the analysis of orally-administered
allergy tablets using Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security software
version 4.0, which provides the tools to help laboratories meet 21
CFR Part 11 compliance. Closed-vessel microwave digestion with the
Titan MPS prevented analyte loss and resulted in rapid, complete
digestions, with the minimal use of acids. Spectral interferences were
avoided by choosing alternate analytical wavelengths when possible
and employing MSF for those analytes which did not have
Figure 7. 0.5J, 1J, and 1.5J spike recoveries in allergy tablets. Black lines show interference-free wavelengths.
USP <233> limits.
21 CFR Part 11 compliance is mandatory for pharmaceutical
With the accuracy of methodology proven, the repeatability of companies and their suppliers to sell products into the United States.
the measurements was evaluated next by spiking six samples at Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security software version 4.0 provides the
the elemental impurity limits (J values) prior to digestion. These features necessary that are outlined in 21 CFR Part 11, such as data
samples were then analyzed and showed RSDs less than 6% integrity, electronic signatures and records, and secure audit trails, to
(as shown in Figure 8), easily meeting the method criteria of keep regulated laboratories’ data secure and traceable. The developed
not more than (NMT) 20%. methodology using the Avio 500 ICP-OES with Syngistix for ICP
Enhanced Security software version 4.0 easily meets the USP <233>
criteria for system suitability, accuracy, repeatability, and ruggedness.

1. General Chapter <232> Elemental Impurities – Limits:
2nd Supplement of USP 35-NF 30.
2. General Chapter <233> Elemental Impurities – Procedures:
2nd Supplement of USP 35-NF 30.
3. “Implementation of USP New Chapters <232> and <233> of
Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceutical Products", white paper,
Figure 8. RSDs of six pre-digestion spikes of individual tablets. PerkinElmer, 2013.
4. "Analysis of SiO2- and TiO2-Containing Medications Using
Finally, the ruggedness of the methodology was determined by ICP-OES Following USP 232/233 Guidelines with Software
analyzing the same six solutions used for the repeatability test on Designed to Aid in 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance", application note,
two different days. With RSDs of the 12 measurements being PerkinElmer, 2018.
much less than the method criterion of 25% (Figure 9), the 5. “Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security Software for 21 CFR
requirement is easily met. Part 11 Compliance”, product note, PerkinElmer 2018.
6. “Multicomponent Spectral Fitting”, technical note,
PerkinElmer, 2017.
7. “Using Multicomponent Spectral Fitting to Resolve Difficult
Interferences in Metallurgical Samples with the Avio 500
ICP-OES”, application note, PerkinElmer, 2017.

Consumables Used
Component Part Number
Sample Uptake Tubing, Black/Black N0777043 (flared)
(0.76 mm id), PVC 09908587 (non-flared)
Figure 9. RSDs of six pre-digestion spikes of individual tablets analyzed over two days Drain Tubing, Red/Red (1.14 mm id) 09908585 (PVC) N077319 (Santoprene)
(12 total measurements).
Autosampler Tubes B0193233 (15 mL)B0193234 (50 mL)

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