Web 50 ICP &interferencias 9 de Jun 2020
Web 50 ICP &interferencias 9 de Jun 2020
Web 50 ICP &interferencias 9 de Jun 2020
Junio 9 2020
© 2017 PerkinElmer
◦ Ocurren en el Sistema de introducción de la muestra.
• Matriz:
◦ Incluye interferencias químicas y de ionización.
◦ Ocurre en la solución de la muestra y en el plasma
• Espectral:
◦ Generada por la presencia de luz “extraña”.
◦ Interferencias de ruido de fondo.
◦ Traslapes espectrales.
Descripción general para tratar las interferencias en ICPOES
Descripción general para tratar las interferencias en ICPOES
Interferencia Física/Matriz:
◦ Diluir la muestra y analizar (repetidas ocasiones)
◦ Igualación de matriz
◦ Ajuste condiciones robustas del plasma.
◦ Uso apropiado de estándares internos
◦ Método de adiciones estándar
Interferencia Espectral:
◦ Seleccione una longitude de onda “límpia” o no afectada.
◦ Corrección de ruido de fondo (Back ground).
◦ Corrección de traslapes usando “análisis en alta resolución”.
◦ Corrección via modelos MSF e IEC
Interferencias Físicas
• Ocurren típicamente en el Sistema de introducción de la muestra
◦ Impacta en la “formación de gotas”.
Interferencia de Matriz EIE Elementos fácilmente ionizables
(Easily Ionized Elements)
Interferencia de Matriz EIE Elementos fácilmente ionizables
(Easily Ionized Elements)
Mg Ion / Mg Atom Ratio
No NaCl
10% NaCl
Radial Axial
Minimizando los efectos Físicos y de Matriz
Mg Ion / Mg Atom Ratio
4 No NaCl
Radial Axial Axial-Robust
Corrección con Estándar Interno
Uso de Estándares Internos
• Adición On Line :
◦ Introduce el estándar interno de manera simultánea con la muestra.
- Simple, consistente y automatizado.
- Sin embargo, si las mangueras se desgastan a diferentes velocidades
, la muestra se puede diluir.
• Notas Comunes:
◦ La adición del estándar interno debe ser muy precisa (online u offline).
◦ Se deben seleccionar concentraciones razonables (basados en el nivel de
la señal y en el tipo de visión).
◦ Sc o Y se usan comunmente.
Ejemplo del Sistema de adición On Line
Interferencias Espectrales
Desplazamiento de línea base (Background Shift)
• Que es el desplazamiento de la
línea base?
◦ Movimiento de la línea base.
◦ Produce como resultado un
desplazamiento de la línea base
hacia arriba o hacia abajo.
Desplazamiento simple de ruido de fondo (Simple
Background Shift)
Corrección de ruido de fondo de un solo punto (Single Point
Background Correction)
• Corrección de Un Punto.
• Corrige desplazamientos horizontales de la línea base debido a
la matriz.
Ruido de fondo inclinado (Sloping Background)
Corrección de dos puntos (Two-Point Correction)
• Selección de los Dos puntos de Corrección de Ruido de fondo.
◦ Es básico para corregir el ruido de fondo inclinado.
◦ Puede usarse también para corrección de ruido de fondo “sin pendiente”.
Posición de los puntos de corrección de ruidos de fondo
Pobre corrección: Los puntos de corrección del ruido de fondo del
blanco están posicionados muy cerca. Causa una “sobre- corrección”,
del pico analítico.
Posición de los puntos de corrección de ruidos de fondo
Pobre Corrección: Los puntos de corrección del blanco están
situados muy lejos. Causa una “sobre-corrección”del pico analítico.
Posición de los puntos de corrección de ruido de fondo
Buena Corrección: Los puntos de corrección de ruido de fondo del
blanco estan colocados apropiadmente. Ocurre una Mínima sobre-
corrección del blanco y una apropiada corrección del pico del analito.
Ruido de fondo complejo (Complex Background)
Interferencias Traslapadas
Emisión Observada =
Emisión del Analito + Emision del elemento inerferente.
Tipos de traslape
Cómo determinar si las interferencias espectrales están
presentes un una muestra
Multicomponent Spectral Fitting (MSF)
En esta gráfica abajo está el pico del Indio en una mezcla Tungsteno \ Molibdeno.
¿Cómo extraigo el Indio?
MSF – Componentes de un Espectro de Emisión
+ +
Analito Blanco Matriz \ Interferente
Espectro Medido
Descripción General del Proceso de Ajuste spectral
multicomponente (Multicomponent Spectral Fitting)
Multicomponent Spectral Fitting
Procedimiento MSF
Recolección inicial de
Modelo MSF
Espectros de Cd y As para modelos por MSF
Habilite Corrección MSF (Antes de Reprocesar)
Cd corregido para interferencia de As usando MSF
• Muestra deconocida con
interferencia de As.
• MSF usado para adquirir la señal
corregida de Cd (rosa / amarillo).
• Las contribuciones de As y del
ruido de fondo se “sustraen”. Señal Inicial
Cd Señal
Probando Modelos MSF
Beneficios del Ajuste Espectral Multicomponente (MSF)
Cuándo se puede o no se puede usar MSF
Corrección Inter Elemental(IEC)
Consideraciones Analíticas para IEC
¿Qué es un factor de corrección IEC?
Proceso para IECs
Iniciar la adquisición de
Evaluar Datos
Reprocesar \ Analizar
Implementar modelo en el
Los factores IEC se aplicarán
Seleccionar modeloeen Editor
de Método
Recomendaciones para hacer un Modelo IEC
• Adquisición de datos.
◦ Asegúrese de que haya suficiente enjuague entre las soluciones..
◦ Calibre el método como de costumbre.
◦ Identifique y analice las soluciones que contienen al interferente como
IEC Opción “IEC Model Builder”
Establezca los límites
Calcule los Factores IEC
1) Analito
interferido con
2) Muestra
nombre de muestra
3) Interferente
Actuando sobre el
6) IEC Factor
Resumen de los Factores \ Tabla IEC
Habilitación de la corrección IEC(antes de Reprocesar)
Probando el modelo IEC (similar a MSF)
Recordatorio y consejos para IEC
IEC Recomendaciones
Resumen de Interferencas
• La mejor manera de prevenir resultados imprecisos debido a
interferencias inesperadas con ICP-OES (o cualquier otra
técnica para el caso) es un programa de control de calidad
• Los componentes del control de calidad variarán con el tipo de
muestra, el grado de precisión y exactitud requeridos y la
penalización anticipada si los errores exceden los niveles
aceptables. El procedimiento de control de calidad más
generalmente aplicable es analizar muestras de composición y
concentración conocidas junto con las muestras desconocidas.
Sin embargo, este no debería ser el único elemento de control
de calidad en el programa.
Ts Og
Tennessine Oganesson
When you order our precision designed, genuine PerkinElmer consumables and accessories, you can enjoy the peace of mind, ease of
ordering and best in class service. You’ll get the results you need – accurately and on time. PerkinElmer selects only the highest quality
products for our consumables portfolio and invests heavily to test and validate the quality of our products.
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Table of Contents
Ordering Information
Place your order online at: www.perkinelmer.com/shop
Online ordering is currently available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands,
Norway, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom
and the United States.
Please contact your local PerkinElmer Customer Care Representative. INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA-OES 40-65
Or visit www.perkinelmer.com/lasoffices.
Visit us online at www.perkinelmer.com/lasoffices to obtain the correct address
for mailing your company Purchase Order. INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA-MS 66-87
Return Goods Policy
Before returning any item to PerkinElmer, please obtain a Return Authorization ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY GENERAL SUPPLIES 88-107
Number from a customer service representative. Call your local PerkinElmer office
and please have the following information ready:
• Our Order Number or your Purchase Order Number REFERENCE MATERIALS 108-129
• The PerkinElmer part numbers of the items that you wish to return
• Reason for return SAMPLE PREPARATION 130-137
Our customer service representative will provide you with a Return Authorization
Number and the return address. We cannot accept any returns without a Return
Authorization Number. Policy may vary. Please contact your local PerkinElmer SERVICE CONTRACTS AND TRAINING 138-139
representative for details.
Flow Injection
System Supplies
PerkinElmer offers a complete line of
genuine replacement parts for the FIAS,
FIMS and MHS systems.
Cathode Lamps
Part No. Intensitron®
Part No.
Aluminum Al N3050103 N3050303
Antimony Sb N3050170 N3050370
Arsenic As N3050105 N3050305
Barium Ba N3050109 N3050309
Beryllium Be N3050110
Bismuth Bi N3050111
Boron B N3050108
Cadmium Cd N3050115 N3050315
Calcium Ca N3050114 N3050314
Chromium Cr N3050119 N3050319
PerkinElmer has over
40 years of expertise Cobalt Co N3050118
designing and manufacturing Copper Cu N3050121 N3050321
Hollow Cathode Lamps
Dysprosium Dy N3050122
Erbium Er N3050123
Europium Eu N3050124
Gadolinium Gd N3050129
Gallium Ga N3050128
Features and Benefits:
Germanium Ge N3050130
• Long Life: PerkinElmer’s larger lamp volume results
Gold Au N3050107
in longer lamp lifetime
Hafnium Hf N3050133
• Automation: PerkinElmer coded lamps allow automatic setup
Holmium Ho N3050135
• Electronic Lamp Timer: When combined with a PinAAcle instrument
Indium In N3050137
and Syngistix Software the lamp life is automatically recorded for easy
viewing Iridium Ir N3050138
• Easy Installation: It’s as simple as sliding the lamp into the Iron Fe N3050126 N3050326
instrument’s lamp bracket or turret Lanthanum La N3050141
• Complete Compatibility: Lumina hollow cathode lamps can be used Lead Pb N3050157 N3050357
with PerkinElmer’s entire range of atomic absorption spectrometers Lithium Li N3050142
• Testing: Every lamp is thoroughly tested before leaving the factory Magnesium Mg N3050144 N3050344
• Quality: Carefully selected materials used in the manufacturing of our Manganese Mn N3050145 N3050345
lamps avoid spectral interference Mercury Hg N3050134
• Design: Our design provides you with the low detection limits needed Molybdenum Mo N3050146
for your most difficult determinations Neodymium Nd N3050150
• Selection: PerkinElmer offers a wide selection of Nickel Ni N3050152 N3050352
single-element and multi-element lamps Niobium Nb N3050149
• Easy To Order: It’s easy to find the right lamp for your analytical needs Palladium Pd N3050158
– simply use the selection charts on this page or visit our website for
Phosphorus P N3050155
a complete listing
Platinum Pt N3050162
• Warranty: The performance of every PerkinElmer lamp
is fully warranted* (see next page for details). Potassium K N3050139 N3050339
Praseodymium Pr N3050161
Rhenium Re N3050165 N3050365
Rhodium Rh N3050166
Ruthenium Ru N3050168
Chart continues on next page
Tin Sn N3050175
Titanium Ti N3050182
Tungsten W N3050187
Vanadium V N3050186
Ytterbium Yb N3050190
Yttrium Y N3050189
Zinc Zn N3050191 N3050391
Zirconium Zr N3050192
Red Filter
EDL Driver Components
Linearizes working curves for potassium, lithium, rubidium and
Description Part No. cesium. Recommended for Rb and Cs determinations by flame
Driver Assembly Adapter Cable N3150303 emission. Passes only wavelengths longer than 650 nm.
Allows System 2 EDL Drivers (03030793 and 03030997) to be
used on an AAnalyst 200/400 Description Part No.
Extension cable for 03030997 if a longer length is needed 03030998 Red Filter 02901518
Element Symbol Part No. Element Symbol Part No. Element Symbol Part No.
Aluminum Al N2025301 Iridium Ir N2025325 Samarium Sm N2025351
Antimony Sb N2025347 Iron Fe N2025317 Scandium Sc N2025348
Arsenic As N2025302 Lanthanum La N2025327 Selenium Se N2025349
Barium Ba N2025305 Lead Pb N2025339 Silicon Si N2025350
Beryllium Be N2025306 Lithium Li N2025328 Silver Ag N2025300
Bismuth Bi N2025307 Lutetium Lu N2025329 Sodium Na N2025333
Boron B N2025304 Magnesium Mg N2025330 Strontium Sr N2025353
Cadmium Cd N2025309 Manganese Mn N2025331 Tantalum Ta N2025354
Calcium Ca N2025308 Mercury Hg N2025322 Terbium Tb N2025355
Cesium Cs N2025312 Molybdenum Mo N2025332 Tellurium Te N2025356
Chromium Cr N2025311 Neodymium Nd N2025335 Thallium Tl N2025359
Cobalt Co N2025310 Nickel Ni N2025336 Thorium Th N2025357
Copper Cu N2025313 Niobium Nb N2025334 Thulium Tm N2025360
Dysprosium Dy N2025314 Osmium Os N2025337 Tin Sn N2025352
Erbium Er N2025315 Palladium Pd N2025340 Titanium Ti N2025358
Europium Eu N2025316 Phosphorus P N2025338 Tungsten W N2025362
Gadolinium Gd N2025319 Platinum Pt N2025342 Vanadium V N2025361
Gallium Ga N2025318 Potassium K N2025326 Ytterbium Yb N2025364
Germanium Ge N2025320 Praseodymium Pr N2025341 Yttrium Y N2025363
Gold Au N2025303 Rhenium Re N2025344 Zinc Zn N2025365
Hafnium Hf N2025321 Ruthenium Ru N2025346 Zirconium Zr N2025366
Holmium Ho N2025323 Rhodium Rh N2025345
Indium In N2025324 Rubidium Rb N2025343
Single-slot Air-acetylene 10 cm
The 10 cm burner head is designed to be used with the air-
acetylene flame. Because of its long burner path length, it provides
the best sensitivity for air-acetylene elements. This is the standard
burner head that is shipped with all PinAAcle flame instruments.
• PinAAcle uses the same Burner Heads as AAnalyst series. The latest Three-slot Air-acetylene 10 cm N0400103
design has a hole on the rim for ease of rotation during operation.
The handle is provided with the instrument Burner Head Cleaning Tool
Description Part No.
Burner Head Cleaning Tool 03031573
AAnalyst Burner System Components
1 Burner Head
2 Burner Mixing Chamber
3 Clamping Ring
4 Flow Spoiler 6
5 End Cap O-Ring
6 End Cap Assembly
AAnalyst Burner System Components
High-Sensitivity Nebulizer
with Pt/Ir Capillary
11 Spring 09902473
12 Connector Nut N0371485 13
13 Magnet Holder Assembly N1010215
* AAnlayst 200/400 Require End Cap N0370392 ** For AAnalyst 700/800 Instruments Shipped before Fall 1999
Nebulizer Accessories
Description Part No.
Capillary Tubing 09908265
Nebulizer Cleaning Wires Pkg. 5 03030135
Nebulizer Grease 03030405
Nebulizer Capillary Tubing Nebulizer Cleaning Wires Nebulizer Grease
Air Compressors
AA Ultra Quiet Oil-Less Air Compressor
PerkinElmer is expanding its compressor product portfolio
to include an industrial grade, quiet, oil-less compressor for
dependable and clean air supply. With the addition of a water
separator with a 5 micron particle filter, no liquid transfers into
the air supply, providing you with contaminant free air. Each quiet,
vibration free compressor comes standard with an internally and
externally coated air tank with automatic condensate drain system
and collection bottle. The AA Ultra Quiet Oil-Less Air Compressor
features a low operating sound level of 60 dB and comes
completely outfitted to operate the PerkinElmer Atomic Absorption
(AA) Spectrometers.
Matrix Modifiers
Cross-section of the PerkinElmer Modifiers Concentration Volume Part No.
HGA graphite tube with integrated Mg(NO3)2 1% Mg (as nitrate) 100 mL B0190634
platform shown.
Pd 1% Pd (as nitrate) 50 mL B0190635
NH4H2PO4 10% NH4H2PO4 100 mL N9303445
PerkinElmer supplies a wide range of graphite tubes for non- Thermo® Instruments
PerkinElmer instrumentation. Graphite tubes are made with the
Description Qty./Pack Thermo Part No. Part No.
highest quality material guaranteed to work for your AA instrument.
Partridged Tube, Uncoated 10 9423 393 95031 N9304617
Use the convenient tables below to identify the compatible graphite Partridged Tube, Coated 10 9423 393 95071 N9304618
furnace tube for your AA instrument.
Partridged Tube, Coated 10 9423 393 95041 N9304619
(extended lifetime)
GBC Instruments
Zeeman Electrode Contact 2 9423 393 95161 N9304620
Description Qty./Pack GBC Part No. Part No. Standard Electrode Contact 2 9423 393 95011 N9304621
Standard Tube, 10 99-0059-00 N9304600 Omega Tube 10 9423 490 20101 N9304622
Pyrolytically Coated
Platform, Pyrolytically Coated 10 99-0060-00 N9304601
Agilent® Instruments
Standard Tube, Coated, with 10 99-0342-00 N9304602
Description Qty./Pack Agilent Part No. Part No.
Electrode Contacts 2 99-0061-00 N9304603
Plateau Tube, 10 63-100011-00 N9304623
Shroud 1 45-0004-00 N9304604 Pyrolytically Coated
Bone Platform, 10 63-100013-00 N9304624
Pyrolytically Coated
Hitachi Instruments
(for use in plateau tubes)
Description Qty./Pack Hitachi Part No. Part No. Partition Tube, 10 63-100012-00 N9304625
Pyrolytically Coated
Standard Tube, 10 180-7444 N9304605
Pyrolytically Coated Partition Tube, Uncoated 10 63-100015-00 N9304626
Standard Tube, Uncoated 10 180-7400 N9304606 Partition Tube, Pyrolytically 10 63-100012-EL N9304627
Coated Extended Life
Standard Platform, 10 180-7404 N9304607
Pyrolytically Coated Omega-Platform Tube 10 63-100037-00 N9304628
PerkinElmer SMS 100 Mercury Analyzer High Sensitivity Absorption Cell 5 in. N9309033
Low Sensitivity Absorption Cell 1 in. N9309034
The SMS 100 is a dedicated mercury analyzer for the
determination of total mercury in solid and liquid samples using
the principle of thermal decomposition, amalgamation and Spares Kits
atomic absorption described in U.S. EPA Method 7473. Description Qty. Part No.
The SMS 100 uses a decomposition furnace to release mercury Basic Spares Kit N9309109
Kit Includes:
vapor instead of the chemical reduction step used in traditional
Amalgamator Tube 1 N9309007
liquid-based analyzers. Both solid and liquid matrices can
be loaded onto the instrument’s autosampler and analyzed Mercury Source Lamp 1 N9309010
without acid digestion or sample preparation prior to analysis. Nafion® Drying Tube 1 N9309021
Some of the many sample matrices applicable to SMS 100 O-Ring Kit 1 N9309029
technology include sludges, sediments, soils, wastewaters, Extended Spares Parts Kit N9309110
effluents, coal, fly ash, minerals, ores, fertilizers, various Kit Includes:
C 4 mm OD Nipple B0196850
Type* Description Part No.
IA Connector with Nipples B0199233
for 1.7 to 3.2 mm ID Tubes
T-piece with Nipples B0198201
for 3.5 to 4.5 mm ID Tubes
Quartz Pipette Tip/20 mm (Pkg. 1) B0510032 3 mm ID with 1 mm Wall Thickness, No Fittings B0048139
Flangeless Ferrule
Electrically Heated Mantle (Cell) Adapter Cables
For 1/16 in. tubing, Blue Tefzel®.
Description Part No.
Description Part No. Cable for Adapting New RoHS FIAS/FIMS System to a Non-RoHS N2010255
Flangeless Ferrule 09903799 Heating Mantle
Cable for Adapting New RoHS Heating Mantle to a Non-RoHS N2010262
GemTip Nebulizers 47
Air Compressors 64
Copyright © 2018 PerkinElmer, Inc. 400372_09 All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The Avio 500 ICP-OES - High throughput with low cost of ownership
The Avio® 500 ICP-OES combines the productivity you need with the high-quality performance and faster
return on investment your work demands. With high sensitivity and superior resolution, your lab can
accomplish more, even when dealing with the most difficult samples. And with the lowest argon consumption
of any ICP, simultaneous background correction, and high throughput enabled by Dual View technology,
it all comes together to expand the range of what you can accomplish. High throughput. Low cost of
ownership. Superior performance. It’s everything you want in an ICP-OES system.
PFA-ST3 Nebulizer
The PFA-ST3 Nebulizer is
PFA-ST Nebulizers
designated for superior clog
The PFA-ST MicroFlow nebulizer is resistance and higher sensitivity
made from high purity, HF resistant compared to the standard PFA nebulizer. The PFA MicroFlow is
PFA. It has an exchangeable external sample uptake capillary. The a high solids large bore nebulizer with external 1/4-28 threaded
sample uptake rate is controlled by the diameter of the external connector. Ideal for strong acids, high solids, alkalis, organic
capillary or probe. solvents, soils and high salt solutions.
• Direct analysis of volatile and non-volatile organic solvents • Low BECs even for concentrated high purity acids
(e.g. 49% HF, 69% HNO3)
• Resistant to clogging – reliably self-aspirated or pumped
• Direct analysis of volatile and non-volatile organic solvents
• Low, spike free background for important elements such as Fe and Ca
• Ideal for VPD samples, high purity peroxide and ammonia
Features and Benefits High Temperature apex-100 PFA Nebulizer with N0777376
Integrated 90-150 μL/min Self-Aspiration Capillary
• Polypropylene construction
High Temperature apex-100 PFA Nebulizer with N0777828
• Hydrofluoric acid resistant Ultem Manual Sampling Probe, 90-150 µL/min, 80 cm Capillary
4300V/5300V/7300V O-Ring Free N0775356 Quick-Change Torch Module Support Stand (Optima) N0770609
PFA Spray Chambers Spray chamber, end cap and associated parts
All-purpose spray chambers which offers resistance
Illustration shows cross-flow nebulizer end cap assembly
to hydrofluoric acid. Constructed entirely from chemically inert
Part No. N0780546.
PFA, the PureChamber is available in low flow format for maximum
Description Part No.
aerosol transport and high flow format, ideal for
Scott Spray Chamber N0790384
ICP-AES applications. The PureCap accepts any 6 mm nebulizer
but is ideally suited for the PFA MicroFlow nebulizer providing an O-Ring 09902033
O-Ring free PFA sample introduction system. End Cap Ring 00473543
End Cap (not complete assembly) N0681688
• Chemically inert PFA construction results in low contamination
5 Knurled Screw (2) 00473539
and long life time
• O-Ring free seal reduces contamination and provides an easy to
clean low maintenance system 3
Description ICP Model Part No. 5
PFA 47 mm M-200 Avio 200/500 N0791847
PFA 47 mm M-200 with Gas Port Avio 200/500 N0791848 1
Sample Introduction
Quick Change
Torch Modules
Part No. N0810606
Part No. N0790607
Quick-Change Torch Module with Cyclonic Quick-Change Torch Module with Scott
Spray Chamber and Concentric Nebulizer Spray Chamber and GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer
ICP Model Part No. ICP Model Part No.
Optima 8x00 N0780607 Optima 8x00 N0780606
Includes: Includes:
MEINHARD Type K1 Nebulizer 1 mL/Min N0777707 1 Slot Quartz Torch N0780130
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0780130 GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N0780546
Alumina Injector 2.0 mm ID N0781014 Alumina Injector 2.0 mm ID N0781014
Polyethylene Tubing,10 ft. 09908265 Scott Spray Chamber N0770357
Adjustable Torch Assembly N0770600 Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV N0770606
Cyclonic Spray Chamber with Adjustable Mount N0770605
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0770338
Tubing Assembly N0770610
GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N0770546
Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 N0770607
Includes: Adjustable Torch Assembly N0770600
MEINHARD Type C1 Nebulizer 1 mL/Min 00472022 Alumina Injector 2.0 mm N0775177
Polyethylene Tubing,10 ft. 09908265 Scott Spray Chamber N0770357
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0770338
Adjustable Torch Assembly N0770600
Cyclonic Spray Chamber with Adjustable Mount N0770605
Mounting Block
Tubing Assembly N0770610
Alumina Injector 2.0 mm N0775177
Mounting block only. Does not include
torch, injector, spray chamber or nebulizer.
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chamber N0771501 Optima 2x00/3x00/4x00/5x00/7x00/8x00 / Avio 200/500 N0680504
Includes: Fittings, O-Rings and Spares
Quartz Torch Copper Ignitor Tape – Qty. 50 pcs. N0781097 GemTip™ Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N0780546
Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV N0770730 Quartz Torch Copper Ignitor Tape – Qty. 50 pcs. N0781097
Includes: Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV N0770731
1 Slot Quartz Torch N0770338 Includes:
Quartz Torch Copper Ignitor Tape – Qty. 120 pcs. N0775297 GemTip™ Cross-Flow II Nebulizer N0770546
Quartz Torch Copper Ignitor Tape – Qty. 120 pcs. N0775297
Cyclonic Spray Chamber Adapter 1 N0770614 1.52 mm ID Tubing, Blue/Yellow/Blue, Pkg. 12 1 B0193161
Injector Adapter Washer 1 N0776014 Adapter A/D with Intern Screw Thread 1.8mm 1 B0193342
Avio Torch
Part No. N0790131
Avio 200 Torch Body Assembly Avio 500 Torch Body Assembly
Part No. N0790138 Part No. N0810128
Torch Bonnet
The torch bonnet is used as a spacer
Torch Body Assembly Replacement Parts
between the torch and RF load coil.
Description Part No.
ICP Model Part No.
Torch Glass N0790131
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 N0775289
Knurled Nut N0776027
Washer N0776028
Copper Ignitor Tape Spacer N0791125
ICP Model Qty. Part No. 5a Cassette for Avio 200 Torch Body Assembly N0790214
8x00 50 N0781097* 5b Cassette for Avio 500 Torch Body Assembly N0810214
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 120 N0775297 O-Ring Color Coded Blue N0791334
Ceramic Hybrid
1.171 ID, 0.139 WD 09902131 (1)
0.799 ID, 0.103 WD 09902223 (2)
1.109 ID, 0.139 WD 09921061 (1)
1.046 ID, 0.139 WD 09921062 (1)
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV Complete O-Ring Kit
XLT Quartz Torch
0.801 ID 0.070 WD 09902045 (1)
PerkinElmer’s HybridXLT™ torch is the
1.171 ID 0.139 WD 09902131 (1)
0.799 ID 0.103 WD 09902223 (2) latest addition to the family of PerkinElmer
1.109 ID 0.139 WD 09921061 (1) genuine sample introduction components.
1.046 ID 0.139 WD 09921062 (1)
The ceramic/quartz hybrid design provides
4300V/5300V/7300V Complete O-Ring Kit N0770916
Includes: the highest performance for your Optima®
0.612 ID 0.103 WD 09902155 (1) ICP-OES 8x00 spectrometer. Available
0.239 ID 0.070 WD 09902207 (2) only from PerkinElmer, this torch has an
0.364 ID 0.070 WD 09902247 (2)
0.301 ID 0.070 WD 09926070 (1) extended lifetime of up to 10x your current
Avio 200/500 0.101 ID, 0.070 WD N0791334 quartz torch, increasing instrument uptime
Avio 200/500 0.344 ID, 0.070 WD N0791333 and decreasing maintenance costs.
Avio 200/500 8.74 ID, 1.78 WD 09200518
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 (Viton) 1.171 ID, 0.139 WD 09902131
Features and Benefits
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 (Viton) 0.799 ID, 0.103 WD 09902223 • Extended Torch Lifetime – up to 10x improvement
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 1.109 ID, 0.139 WD 09921061 • Viewable plasma compared to a full ceramic design
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 1.046 ID, 0.139 WD 09921062 • Ideal for all sample types, except organic solvents
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00 0.801 ID, 0.070 WD 09902045 • Increased instrument uptime
4300V/5300V/7300V (For Ball Joint) 0.301 ID, 0.070 WD 09926070
• Lower cost per analysis
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 SCX 0.239 ID, 0.070 WD 09902006
• Exclusive patented design
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 SCX 0.364 ID, 0.070 WD 09902015
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 SCX 8.74 ID, 1.78 WD 09921028 • Lower cost than full ceramic torches
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 0.239 ID, 0.070 WD 09902207
SCX/4300V/5300/7300V (Inside)
Only From PerkinElmer!
3x00 XL/3x00 DV/3000 0.301 ID, 0.070 WD 09902247
SCX/4300V/5300/7300V (Outside)
All, O-Ring Lube 2 grams 09200078 ICP Model No. of Slots Part No.
benefit for ICP applications where a quartz outer 8x00 Ceramic Outer Tube N0777880
tube will suffer from a short lifetime. High TDS applications cause
8x00 Base and Inner Tube N0777841
quartz to rapidly devitrify and organic solvents can cause quartz to
fracture, whereas the ceramic outer tube will last years under the 8x00 Quartz Outer Tube N0777842
same conditions. 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00* DV D-Torch Quartz N0777508
including Outer Tube
Ceramic D-Torch Assembly Ceramic D-Torch with Base and Inner Tube Ceramic Outer Tube Quartz Outer Tube
Part No. N0777840 Quartz Outer Tube Part No. N0777054 Part No. N0777880 Part No. N0777053
Part No. N0777051
Axial Window
Part No. 09992731
O-Ring (for Dual View Radial Purge Tube) 09921036 3x00 DV (tube) Purge Window DV Axial N0691678
O-Ring (for Dual View Axial Purge Window) 09921062 3x00 DV (long tube) Purge Window DV Radial N0691689
(38 mm/1.5 in.)
Purge Outlet O-Ring 09921057
3000 SCX/3x00 XL Purge Window Axial 09992731
3000/3000 Purge Window Radial N0581497
SCR/3x00 RL
4x00 DV/5x00 DV** Purge Window DV Radial N0770322
** Pre November 2004
Alumina injectors are corrosion-resistant to all mineral acids Avio 200/500 3.0 mm ID N0791190
8x00 0.80 mm ID N0781018
including HF and aqua regia. They are also used with less
8x00 1.2 mm ID N0781019
volatile organic solvents, e.g., xylene.
8x00 (1.2 mm entire length of tube) 1.2 mm ID N0781013
ICP Model Dimensions Part No. 8x00 1.6 mm ID N0781016
Avio 200/500 0.80 mm ID N0791180 8x00 2.0 mm ID N0781050
Avio 200/500 1.2 mm ID N0791181 8x00 3.0 mm ID N0781017
Avio 200/500 1.2 mm ID N0791182 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 0.80 mm ID N0775225
(1.2 mm entire length of tube)
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 1.2 mm ID N0775226
Avio 200/500 2.0 mm ID N0791183
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 1.6 mm ID N0775223
(standard with Avio instrument)
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 2.0 mm ID N0775014
8x00 0.80 mm ID N0781009
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 3.0 mm ID N0775224
8x00 1.2 mm ID N0781015
4300V/5300V/7300V 0.8 mm ID N0695461
8x00 1.2 mm ID N0781007
(1.2 mm entire length of tube) 4300V/5300V/7300V 1.2 mm ID N0695460
8x00 2.0 mm ID N0781014 4300V/5300V/7300V 1.6 mm ID N0695449
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 0.80 mm ID N0775227 4300V/5300V/7300V 2.0 mm ID N0695442
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 1.2 mm ID N0775228
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 1.2 mm ID N0776093 ESI Demountable Injectors
(1.2 mm entire length of tube)
Dimensions Type Part No.
2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV 2.0 mm ID N0775177
For Avio 200/500
4300V/5300V/7300V 1.2 mm ID N0771531
2.0 mm Platinum N0791849
3000/3000 SCR/3x00 RL 0.85 mm ID N0582186
1.5 mm Sapphire N0791850
3000/3000 SCR/3x00 RL 1.5 mm ID N0582185
3000/3000 SCR/3x00 RL 2.0 mm ID N0582184 2.0 mm Sapphire N0791851
Avio Injector Assembly Replacement Parts
Injector Support Adapters
and Replacement Parts
Horse Power 1.5 HP
Output CFM/Output L 6.0 CFM/170 L/min
Max Pressure PSI/Max Pressure Bar 120 PSI/8 bar
Noise Level 72 dB/A, with Enclosure 55 dB/A
Tank Size Gal./Tank Size L 13 Gal./50 L
Dimensions without Enclosure 25 in. x 18 in. x 29 in.
with Enclosure 29 in. x 23 in. x 32 in.
Weight without Enclosure 97 lbs. 207 lbs.
with Enclosure
Packed Dimensions without Enclosure 28 in. x 21 in. x 29 in.
with Enclosure 33 in. x 28 in. x 39 in.
Description 115 V/60 Hz 220 V/50 Hz 220 V/60 Hz
Part No. Part No. Part No.
Air Compressor N0777881 N0777882 N0777883
Air Compressor N0777602 N0777603 N0777604
with Dryer
Air Compressor N0777605 N0777606 N0777607
with Dryer in
Silencing Cabinet
Product meets both U.S. and Canadian CSA standards. ASME® certified tank
Please note: Silencing cabinet cannot be sold separately
Replacement parts
Description Part No.
Replacement Air Intake Filter N0777608
Micron Dryer Filter Element N0777609
Replacement Piston Assembly N0777610
Replacement Reed Valve N0777611
Replacement Head Gasket N0777612
prepFAST Autodilution
and Autocalibration Systems
prepFAST is an inline dilution system that automatically performs
precise and accurate dilutions for samples and standards, improving
laboratory workflow, productivity and data quality.
GemClean Nebulizers 72
Injectors 77
PerkinElmer carefully selects the best materials which provide
Load Coils 78 optimal performance. Torches are specifically designed for
your instrument. Trust the consumables engineered for your
Torches 79 instruments.
Sample Introduction Kits 80 Choose from Demountable Quartz, D-Torch,
and Integrated Torch/Injectors.
Detectors 82
Cones 83
NexION 2000 ICP-MS: Triple quad power meets single quad versatility.
Trace metals in food, nanomaterials in water, impurities in everything from pills to electronic components:
These are the sweet spot for the NexION® 2000 ICP-MS. Its sample introduction technology lets you run samples
with up to 35% total dissolved solids. Plus, its interference removal capabilities give you the best detection limits
for your application. And it delivers superior analysis times and single particle/cell detection capability –
at least 10x faster than competitive systems. So the NexION 2000 ICP-MS is up to the most important
challenge of all: Yours.
MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers have the Nebulizer Liquid Connector Kit 4 mm N8145016
lowest dead volume of any glass or 4 in. length by 0.020 in. ID x 0.062 in. OD
flanged onto female CTFE fitting. Includes one
quartz nebulizer. The low dead volume male barb CTFE fitting
and high sensitivity provide excellent detection limits and washout. Male Barb CTFE Fitting (Part of N8145016) N8145017
Each nebulizer comes with the FitKit+ gas and sample quick connect Female Barb CTFE Fitting (Part of N8145016) N8145018
fittings. The connections are made with high-purity PFA, minimizing PFA FG Gas Quick Connect N8121036
the chance of contamination during backflow events. The gas F2 Standard Integrated Capillary N8121039
connection fits snugly over the maria on the sidearm of the nebulizer. (0.5 mm ID Orange 70 cm long)
F0 Encapsulated Micro Tubing N8121038
• Self aspiration rate 0.5 mL/min with argon flow 1 L/min (0.25 mm ID Green 70 cm long)
at 50 PSI (3.4 bar/345 kPa) F1 Detachable Capillary N8121037
(0.80 mm ID Blue 70 cm long)
• Peristaltic pumped rate 0.5 mL/min to 1.0 mL/min
Spray Chamber Drain Fitting N8145015
• Includes FG Gas Quick Connect (PFA) and F2 Quick Connect PTFE Sample Capillary 0.062 OD x 0.020 ID WE024375
with 0.5 mm ID (orange marker) capillary, 70 cm
MEINHARD® Nebulizer Internal Standard Tee N8152386
Type ICP-MS Model Material Uptake Part No. MEINHARD Plus Nebulizer Fitting for Concentric
Rate Nebulizer (N8152378)
CT R + NexION 1000/2000 Glass 0.5 mL/min N8152373 MEINHARD® Plus Peripump Union – Male Barb N8152453
CT Q + NexION 1000/2000 Quartz 0.5 mL/min N8152372 CTFE Fitting
CT SilQ + NexION 1000/2000 Ultra-High 0.5 mL/min N8152384 MEINHARD® Plus Peripump Union – Female Barb N8152388
Purity Quartz CTFE Fitting
SilQ+ NexION 300/350 Ultra-High 0.5 mL/min N8122460 MEINHARD® Plus Sample Introduction Line for N8145503
Purity Quartz Concentric Nebulizer
TQ+ NexION 300/350 Quartz 0.5 mL/min N8122461 MEINHARD® Plus Concentric Nebulizer 6 in. Gas N8152385
TR+ NexION 300/350 Glass 0.5 mL/min N8122462 Line
Includes FG Gas Quick Connect (N8121036) and F2 Quick Connect (N8121039) with 0.5 mm ID
(orange marker) capillary, 70 cm
FAST Valve Connecting Lines
MEINHARD Nebulizers ® Description Part No.
FAST Valve Connecting Line for ST-Nebulizer, 0.25 mm ID (Green) N0777287
The MEINHARD Concentric
Attaches to port #3 of the FAST valve, 14 cm
Nebulizer reflects exacting
FAST Valve Connecting Line for ST-Nebulizer, 0.5 mm ID (Orange) N0777288
standards in design and Attaches to port #3 of the FAST valve, 14 cm
manufacturing. Its advantages FAST Valve Connecting Line for ST-Nebulizer, N0777769
include simplicity of design and operation, reproducible and 0.3 mm ID (Yellow) with XL Fitting
self-aligning aerosol and close fabrication control. They provide Internal standard line for P7 valve with XL Fitting, N8145345
0.5 mm ID (Orange)
excellent sensitivity and precision for aqueous solutions and
samples with few dissolved solids (less than 1%). MEINHARD F0 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers, N8145461
0.25 mm ID (Green)
Nebulizers are self-aspirating and not to be used with solutions
F2 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers, N8145346
containing hydrofluoric acid. Nebulizers require an end cap 0.25 mm ID (Green)
(N0680504) for use with Scott Spray Chambers. F0 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers, N8145462
0.5 mm ID (Orange)
Type ICP-MS Model Material Uptake Part No.
Rate F2 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers, N8145347
0.5 mm ID (Orange)
Type A0.5 NexION 300/350 Quartz 0.5 mL/min N8145011
FAST Valve Connecting Line for PerkinElmer Gem Cone Nebulizer, N0777659
Type C0.5 NexION 300/350 Glass 0.5 mL/min N8145012
0.50 mm ID (Orange)
Type C3 ELAN/NexION Glass 3.0 mL/min N8102011
FAST Valve Connecting Line for PerkinElmer Gem Cone Nebulizer, N0777661
1.00 mm ID (Gray)
Type K3 ELAN/NexION Glass 3.0 mL/min N0681574
300/350 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MIRA MIST Nebulizer, N0777658
0.50 mm ID (Orange)
Type A3 ELAN/NexION Quartz 3.0 mL/min WE024371
300/350 FAST Valve Connecting Line for MIRA MIST Nebulizer, N0777660
1 mm ID (Gray)
Solution Fitting N8145016 is not included with MEINHARD nebulizers.
The SeaSpray Concentric Nebulizer is ideal for samples with high 0.25 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777514
dissolved solids and offers outstanding nebulization efficiency 0.50 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777513
for trace level analysis. It offers freedom from clogging while 0.75 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777512
nebulizing solutions near the limit of solubility of most mineral salts 1.30 mm OD x 0.75 mm ID x 700 mm Long 3 N0774077
and conferring significant sensitivity gains. All SeaSpray Nebulizers 1/16 in. OD x 0.75 mm ID x 700 mm Long 3 N0774080
are supplied with the EzyLok Argon connector. All NexION UniFit-EzyFit Sample Tube 6 N0777061
1000/2000 SeaSpray Nebulizers are Direct Connection (DC) and
include a Gas Fitting with ratchet connector (N8151079).
0.25 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777437
ICP-MS Model Uptake Rate Part No. 0.50 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777436
ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.4 mL/min N0777484 0.75 mm ID x 1.27 mm OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777435
ELAN/NexION 300/350 1 mL/min Quartz N0774069
0.25 mm ID x 1⁄16 in. OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777464
ELAN/NexION 300/350 2 mL/min N0775340
0.50 mm ID x 1⁄16 in. OD x 700 mm Long 10 N0777463
NexION 1000/2000 0.4 mL/min N8151070
0.50 mm ID x 1⁄16 in. OD x 700 mm Long Twin 6 N0777462
NexION 1000/2000 1.0 mL/min Quartz N8151072
1/16 in. OD x 0.25 mm ID x 700 mm 10 N0777845
NexION 1000/2000 2.0 mL/min N8151071
1/16 in. OD x 0.50 mm ID x 700 mm 10 N0777846
nebulizer is an economical nebulizer for high Direct Connection Nebulizer Gas Fitting
precision analyses involving samples digested 1/8 Gas Fitting with Ratchet Nebulizer Connector (DC) 1 N8151079
in HF. The DuraMist nebulizer is recommended for
samples containing up to 5% HF. For samples with higher
End Cap for Concentric Nebulizers
concentrations of HF, the OpalMist PFA nebulizer is recommended.
End cap to fit any concentric nebulizer onto a
ICP-MS Model Uptake Rate Part No. Scott Spray Chamber.
ELAN/NexION 300/350 0.4 mL/min N8121046
ELAN/NexION 300/350 1.0 mL/min N8121045 Description Part No.
NexION 1000/2000 0.4 mL/min N8151077 End Cap for Concentric Nebulizers N0680504
NexION 1000/2000 1.0 mL/min N8151078
High Efficiency
MicroFlow Nebulizers
MicroFlow nebulizers are constructed entirely from chemically PFA Nebulizer Replacement Parts
resistant fluoropolymers, ideal for strong acids, alkalis, organics,
Description Part No.
high salt solutions and high solid concentrations. They are resistant
Union Fittings for LC to PFA Nebulizer N8152478
to clogging, are reliably self-aspirated or pumped and produce a
fine aerosol for high transport efficiency and high sensitivity. PTFE Connection Line for PFA LC Microflow Nebulizer N8152479
0.15 mm ST Capillary Line for PFA Microflow Nebulizer N8152480
PFA-ST Nebulizer PFA Nebulizer Gas Line for PFA-ST Nebulizer N8145531
The PFA-ST nebulizer features Sample Introduction Line for PFA-ST Nebulizer N8152455
high purity, HF-resistance and Internal Standard Addition Tee for ST-Nebulizer, 0.25 mm ID N0777294
high performance, along with an (Green). Attaches to port #3, 14 cm
exchangeable external sample Internal Standard Addition Tee for ST-Nebulizer, 0.5 mm ID N0777295
(Orange). Attaches to port #3, 14 cm
uptake capillary. The sample
uptake rate is controlled by the dimension of the external capillary
or probe. Chemically resistant – ideal for strong acids, alkalis, apex High Temperature Nebulizers
organics. Resistant to clogging – reliably self-aspirated or pumped.
Description Part No.
ICP-MS Model Part No. High Temperature apex-ST PFA MicroFlow Nebulizer with N0777375
ELAN/NexION (Concentric) N8122192 External 1/4-28 Threaded Connector
ELAN/NexION (Self-Aspirating for prepFAST) N8145368 High Temperature apex-100 PFA Nebulizer with Integrated N0777376
90-150 μL/min Self-Aspiration Capillary
High Temperature apex-100 PFA Nebulizer with N0777828
PFA-ST3 Nebulizer Ultem Manual Sampling Probe, 90-150 µL/min, 80 cm Capillary
Baffled Cyclonic
Spray Chambers
The spray chamber is an integral part of the sample introduction
system responsible for filtering the sample mist to permit the
appropriate droplet size distribution to reach the plasma. The
baffled cyclonic spray chamber features a central transfer tube
which acts as a secondary particle separator helping separate
High Sensitivity Spray Chamber
larger aerosol particles from the sample. This reduces solvent with Matrix Gas Port
load in the plasma without compromising detection limits. Part No. N8152389
The distance between the bottom of the baffle and the chamber
wall is carefully controlled so that droplets cannot form on the Description Material Part No.
bottom of the baffle. The advantage is smooth draining and
For NexION 2000 B
improved precision.
High Sensitivity All-Purpose Spray Chamber Glass N8152375
for Non-Hf Samples
For NexION 1000 and 2000 C/P
High Sensitivity Spray Chamber Glass N8152389
with Matrix Gas Port
For NexION 2000 S
High Sensitivity All-Purpose Spray Chamber SilQ N8152424
for Non-Hf Samples. Provides Excellent
Sensitivity, Stability And Ultra-Low Blanks
For NexION 1000 and 2000
Part No. N0775350 High Sensitivity Spray Chamber with Matrix Quartz N8152383
Gas Port for Applications Requiring Low Levels
Of Boron and Silicon Detection
For NexION 300/350
O-Ring Free Spray Chamber Quartz N8145013
Spray Chamber Quartz WE025221
For NexION (Standard with NexION 300/350 Q/X/D)*
Spray Chamber
Replacement Parts
Part No. N8150450 Part No. N8142000
Part No.
Part No.
Part No.
PFA Spray Chambers
Description Part No. ICP-MS Model Description Part No.
Threaded Spray Chamber Drain Line PTFE 1/4-28 N8152456 NexION 1000/2000 PFA Barrel Spray Chamber N8152390
Double Pass Spray Chamber
Argon Matrix Gas Line for NexION 2000, AMS. N8152374 for use with HF acid
For Gas Dilution of High TDS Samples
NexION 1000/2000 PFA Barrel Spray Chamber with N8150450
Argon Matrix Gas Line for NexION 300/350. N8152720 Additional Gas Port
For Gas Dilution of High TDS Samples Double Pass Spray Chamber
Addition Gas Line 0.8 mm ID for NexION 2000. N8152426 for use with HF acid
Attaches to AMS Spray Chamber Port NexION 300/350 PFA Spray Chamber N8142000
Addition Gas Line 0.8 mm ID for NexION 2000 47 mm PFA N8152449 with PFA End Cap*
Spray Chamber. Attaches to AMS Spray Chamber Port ELAN PFA PTFE Spray Chamber N8122356
Cyclonic Spray Chamber Matrix Gas Plug N8145516
* Requires PFA body injector N8122411 or N8122412 or N8122413
Spray Chamber Nebulizer Port Plug N8145517
PC3 Replacement
Spray Chamber Outlet Plug N8145518
Long (6 mm) PFA Spray Chamber Secure Nut N8145321
Spray Chambers
Short (6 mm) PFA Spray Chamber Secure Nut N8141420
Cyclonic Spray Chamber Adapter N8152551
Helix Locking Screw N0777438
Helix Seal Pkg. 4 N0777439
O-Ring for Baffled Quartz Cyclonic Spray Chamber 09210011
The PC3 is a small and robust Peltier cooler for ICP-MS cyclonic • USB or Bluetooth connectivity
spray chambers. The cyclonic spray chamber offers the advantages • Remote monitoring and control
of low memory effects, fast rinseout and high sample transport
efficiency. The PC3 cools the outer walls of the cyclonic spray ICP-MS Model Spray Chamber Part No.
chamber to a constant temperature, enhancing long-term signal NexION 1000/2000 Not included N8152382
stability, reducing polyatomic interferences such as oxides and NexION 300/350 Quartz N8145340
reducing solvent loading when volatile organic solvents are NexION 300/350 Quartz N8145446
analyzed. The PC3 has 2 preset temperatures +2 °C / -5 °C and
is ideal for analysis of aqueous or aqueous/organic mixtures. PC3x Thermally Stabilized Inlet System
The PC3-LT operates at -20 °C to reduce the solvent load on the
The PC3X for the High Performance PFA
plasma for analysis of 100% volatile organic solvents.
spray chamber is a compact, Peltier-
Description Injector Temperature Additional Part No. heated or cooled inlet system that offers
Size Gas Port the advantages of low memory effects,
NexION 300/350 constant temperature, rapid wash-out and
PC3 Sample 1.5 mm +2 °C / -5 °C Yes N8142003 high sample transport efficiency. In cooling
Introduction Kit* mode the PC3X cools the outer walls of the
PC3 Sample 1.5 mm +2 °C / -5 °C No N8145314 chamber, reducing the water or solvent
Introduction Kit with
Quartz SSI Cyclonic/ vapor loading on the plasma, achieving enhanced stability and
Scott Dual Spray performance. In heating mode, sensitivity can be improved for low-
Chamber flow applications. Includes spray chamber and nebulizer.
HF PC3 Sample 1.5 mm +2 °C / -5 °C Yes N8145309
Introduction Kit* ICP-MS Model Description Part No.
PC3-LT Organic Sample 1.0 mm +2 °C / -20 °C Yes N8145099 NexION 1000/2000 Includes PFA Nebulizer N8150446
Introduction Kit* and Spray Chamber
HF PC3-LT Organic 1.5 mm +2 °C / -20 °C Yes N8145310 NexION 1000/2000 Includes PFA Spray Chamber N8150445
Sample Introduction Kit*
* All PC3 kits include a PFA-ST nebulizer (N8122192) See next page for more
Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers
Part No. N8125029 Part No. N8152444 Part No. N8122412
Torches D-Torch
Part No. N8152473
Demountable and Fixed Quartz Torches
The one-piece quartz torch has the injector integrated directly into
Demountable Torch
the torch. The D-Torch™ provides a demountable torch design without
sacrificing performance or usability. Featuring a torch body with
Torch Description Part No. fixed alumina intermediate tube for greater robustness, in addition
NexION 1000/2000 to a demountable outer tube and injector, the D-Torch significantly
Demountable Quartz Torch Demountable Quartz Torch, N8152379 reduces torch replacement costs for the analysis of challenging
(Black) PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for
Demountable Injectors
sample matrices.
Demountable UHP Demountable Ultra Pure Quartz Torch, N8152448
Quartz Torch PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for
(Gray) Demountable Injectors
Demountable Quartz Torch Demountable Quartz Torch for N8152596
(Organics) Organic Analysis
Fixed 2.0 mm One Piece Ultra Pure Quartz Torch N8152428
Injector UHP Quartz Torch with 2.0 mm Injector, PVDF O-Ring
(White) Free Holder for ‘S’ Configuration
Fixed 2.0 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 2.0 mm N8152472
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for
(Blue/Purple) ‘B’ Configuration
Fixed 2.5 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 2.5 mm N8152473 Part No. Part No. Part No.
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for N0777419 N0777415 N0777417
(Green) ‘C’ Configuration
Fixed 1.5 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 1.5 mm N8152427 Description Part No.
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder For ELAN/NexION 300/350
Fixed 1.5 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 1.5 mm N8152616 D-Torch Complete with Quartz Outer Tube N0777419
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for D-Torch Complete with Ceramic Outer Tube N0777415
(Orange) Organic Solvents
Base and Inner Tube N0777416
Fixed 1.5 mm One Piece Ultra Pure Quartz Torch N8152601
Injector UHP Quartz Torch with 1.0 mm Injector, Ceramic Outer Tube N0777417
(White/White) PVDF O-Ring Free Holder
Quartz Outer Tube N0777420
Fixed 1.0 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 1.0 mm N8152474
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder for Retaining Ring N0777055
(Orange/Orange) High Volatility Organic Solvents
Fixed 1.0 mm One Piece Quartz Torch with 1.0 mm N8152699
Injector Quartz Torch Injector, PVDF O-Ring Free Holder
Fixed 1.0 mm One Piece Ultra Pure Quartz Torch N8152600
Injector UHP Quartz Torch with 1.0 mm Injector, Torch Alignment Tool
(White/White/White) PVDF O-Ring Free Holder
Torch Injector Nut N8152451 Used to align the torch in the load coil.
Torch Injector Nut N8152443
Removal Tool ICP-MS Model Part No.
Torch O-Ring Kit Viton O-Ring Kit Includes: N8152476 NexION 1000/2000 N8157042
for Torch Cassette 2.8 mm ID (Qty. 4), 14 mm ID (Qty. 1)
and 16 mm ID (Qty. 1) ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs/NexION 300/350 WE015554
PFA Spray Chamber with PFA End Cap (N8150450), Cyclonic Spray Chamber Adapter (N8152551), Demountable SilQ
Torch (N8152448), Platinum 2 mm Injector (N8152429), Plasma Light Shield (N8152377), Cassette Only Platinum
(N8152434), Gas Line Addition (N8152449), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), PFA-200 PFA
MicroFlow Nebulizer (N8152420), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Torch Injector Nut (N8152451)
Quartz Nebulizer Type C (N8152372), Cyclonic Quartz Spray Chamber (N8152383), Quartz 1.5 mm Organics Torch
One-Piece (N8152616), MEINHARD Nebulizer Sample Line (N8145503), Plasma Light Shield (N8152377), MEINHARD
Internal Standard Nebulizer Tee (N8152386), Spray Chamber Light Shield (N8152425), Gas Line Addition (N8152426),
Cassette Only Orange (N8152435), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Torch Injector Nut (N8152451),
Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2 (N8152452), PeriPump Union Male Fitting (N8152453), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28
Fitting (N8152456)
PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060), PFA Spray Chamber with PFA End Cap (N8150450), Plasma Light Shield
(N8152377), PFA Nebulizer (N8152378), Quartz Torch (N8152379), Internal Standard Addition Tee for PFA-ST Nebulizer
(N8152423), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Sapphire 2 mm Injector (N8152447), Gas Line Addition
(N8152449), Torch Injector Nut (N8152451), Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2 (N8152452), Sample Introduction Line for
PFA-ST Nebulizer (N8152455), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), PC3 Spray Chamber Light Shield
(M8152475), Cassette Only Gold (N8152532)
MEINHARD Nebulizer Sample Line (N8145503), PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060), Glass Nebulizer Type C
(N8152373), Matrix Gas Line 9 in. (N8152374), Plasma Light Shield (N8152377), Glass Cyclonic C3 High Sensitivity
Spray Chamber with Matrix Port (N8152389), Spray Chamber Light Shield (N8152425), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool
(N8152443), Torch Injector Nut (N8152451), Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2 (N8152452), PeriPump Union Male Fitting
(N8152453), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), One Piece 2.0 mm Quartz Torch (N8152472),
Cassette Only Purple (N8152533)
Glass Nebulizer Type C (N8152373), Glass Cyclonic Spray Chamber (N8152375), One Piece 2.0 mm Quartz Torch
(N8152472), MEINHARD Nebulizer Sample Line (N8145503), PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060), Plasma Light
Shield (N8152377), MEINHARD Internal Standard Nebulizer Tee (N8152386), Spray Chamber Light Shield (N8152425),
Cassette Only Blue (N8152430), Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2
(N8152452), PeriPump Union Male Fitting (N8152453), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), Torch
Injector Nut (N8152451)
Glass Nebulizer Type C (N8152373), Glass Cyclonic C3 High Sensitivity Spray Chamber with Matrix Port (N8152389),
Quartz Torch (N8152473), MEINHARD Nebulizer Sample Line (N8145503), PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060),
Matrix Gas Line 9 in. (N8152374), Plasma Light Shield (N8152377), PC3 Peltier Cooler (N8152382), MEINHARD Internal
Standard Nebulizer Tee (N8152386), Spray Chamber Light Shield (N8152425), Cassette Only Green (N8152431),
Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2 (N8152452), PeriPump Union Male Fitting
(N8152453), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), PC3 Spray Chamber Light Shield (N8152475), Torch
Injector Nut (N8152451)
PFA Nebulizer (N8152378), Quartz SilQ Spray Chamber (N8152424), Quartz Fixed Torch (N8152428), Cyclonic Peltier
Cooler (N8152382), CTFE Liquid Fitting Female (N8145018), PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060), Plasma Light
Shield (N8152377), Internal Standard Addition Tee for PFA ST Nebulizer (N8152423), Cassette Only White (N8152432),
Torch Injector Nut Removal Tool (N8152443), Internal Standard Probe Qty. 2 (N8152452), PFA-ST Nebulizer Sample
Introduction Line (N8152455), Spray Chamber Drain Line 1/4-28 Fitting (N8152456), Spray Chamber Light Shield
Ion Optics
PerkinElmer offers the industry’s only single-ion lens with the
exclusive SwiftMount™ II cassette lens mount. No tools are required
Part No. N8145027 Part No. N8145000 as the design incorporates a clean capture-and-release concept.
Ion Lens
SimulScan Dual-Stage Detector Description ICP-MS Model Part No.
The dual -stage detector is an integral part of the NexION Cassette Ion Lens Upgrade Kit ELANs Manufactured W1017871
ICP-MS SimulScan™ system. This discrete dynode electron multiplier Before April, 2005
measures both high- and low-level analytes simultaneously. This Series II Ion Lens ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs WE018034
Manufactured After January, 1998
conserves valuable or limited samples eliminates the need to
Ion Lens ELAN 6000s Manufactured WE014777
perform time-consuming sample dilutions and allows you to
Before January, 1998
quickly characterize unknown samples.
Series II Lens Removal Tool ELAN 9000/6x00/DRCs W1010620
ICP-MS Model Part No. Manufactured Between
January,1998 and April, 2005
NexION 350/1000/2000* N8145027
NexION 300/350** N8145000 Series II Series II
Ion Lens ShadowStop
* Service installation is required, but not included.
**Not compatible with NexION 350 shipped after March 1, 2016
Glass Cyclonic Sample Introduction System for ELAN ELAN® DRC-e/9000 Spares Kit
Description Part No. Description Qty. Part No.
Glass Cyclonic Sample Introduction System N8120518 ELAN DRC-e/9000 Spares Kit
Kit Includes (1 of each): Kit Includes:
Baffled Glass Cyclonic Spray Chamber O-Ring Free N0775352 Demountable Quartz Torch 1 N8122006
Cyclonic Spray Chamber Mount WE014034 RF Coil Assembly 1 WE021816
MicroMist Micro-uptake Glass Concentric Nebulizer 0.2 mL/min N0775342 Alumina Injector 2.0 mm ID 1 N8126041
Quartz Injector 2.0 mm ID N8125029 Cross-Flow II Replacement GemTips™ 1 N8120515
Tygon Tubing (1 foot) 02506516 Series II Ion Lens 1 WE018034
Insert 09903094 Nickel Sampler Cones 2 WE021140
1⁄4 in. Front Ferrule 09903456 Nickel Skimmer Cones 2 WE021137
Fitting 09903464 Sampler Cone O-Rings (Pkg. 5) 1 N8120511
Tube Fitting 09903465 Skimmer Cone O-Rings (Pkg. 5) 1 N8120512
Red/Red Standard PVC Tubing 1.14 mm ID (Pkg. 12) 09908585
Green/Yellow Flared End PVC Tubing 0.44 mm ID (Pkg. 12) N0773113 ELAN® DRC II Spares Kit
Description Qty. Part No.
Quartz Cyclonic Sample Introduction System for ELAN
ELAN® DRC II Spares Kit N8120611
Kit Includes:
Description Part No.
Demountable Quartz Torch 1 N8122006
Quartz Cyclonic Sample Introduction System N8120519
Kit Includes (1 of each): RF Coil Assembly 1 WE021816
Baffled Quartz Cyclonic Spray Chamber Baffled Quartz Spray WE025221 Quartz Ball Joint Injector 2.0 mm ID 1 WE023948
Chamber (PTFE O-Ring Type) with Ball Joint
Series II Ion Lens 1 WE018034
MicroMist Micro-Uptake Glass Concentric Nebulizer 0.2 mL/min N0775342
Platinum Sampler Cone 1 WE027802
Quartz Ball Injector 2.0 mm ID WE023948
Platinum Skimmer Cone 1 WE027803
Tygon Tubing (1 foot) 02506516
Sampler Cone O-Rings (Pkg. 5) 1 N8120511
Insert 09903094
Skimmer Cone O-Rings (Pkg. 5) 1 N8120512
1⁄4 in. Front Ferrule 09903456
Fitting 09903464
Tube Fitting 09903465
Red/Red Standard PVC Tubing 1.14 mm ID (Pkg. 12) 09908585
Green/Yellow Flared End PVC Tubing 0.44 mm ID (Pkg. 12) N0773113
Ball Joint Cassette Torch Injector Support Adapter W1012406
UV Safety Shield W1020996
Connector 1A B0199233
prepFAST Autodilution
and Autocalibration Systems
prepFAST is an inline dilution system that automatically performs
precise and accurate dilutions for samples and standards, improving
laboratory workflow, productivity and data quality.
Autosampler Supplies
PerkinElmer offers a wide variety of Autosampler
Racks, Probes and Tubes for
your PerkinElmer, Cetac and
ESI Autosamplers.
Benches and
Accessory Carts
PerkinElmer offers custom Benches
and Accessory carts for your
instrumentation and accessories.
PerkinElmer offers a wide range of Autosamplers to perform your
routine analysis and your high productivity lab.
range, built-in process and equipment protection and highly Compressor 1.0 HP 1.0 HP
intuitive user interface. This chiller is designed for use on both Reservoir Capacity 4.2 L 4.2 L
ICP-OES and ICP-MS instruments. Pump Type Turbine Turbine
Maximum Pump Pressure 90 PSI 83 PSI
Features and Benefits Maximum Pump Flow 13.2 L/min 13.2 L/min
• 50% quieter operation than comparable models (62 dB*) Dimensions 22 5/8 x 14 1/2 x 27 5/8 in. / 57.6 x 36.8 x 70.2 cm
• 2900 watts (9889 BTU/hour) cooling capacity Shipping Weight 189 lbs. / 85.7 kg
• Built-in temperature, pressure and flow rate alarms Replacement Air Filter N0777095 (Air Filter with Frame, 13 x 14 in.)
* WhisperCool® environmental control reduces operational noise (62 dB) ICP Chiller Coolant Mix N0776200 (Five Half-gallon bottles)
ICP-MS Chiller Coolant Mix WE016558 (1 L bottles) for ELAN/NexION
Stainless Steel Strainer for N0691907
Chiller noise in the lab can be distracting, tiring, irritating and stressful.
But many people are unaware of the presence of environmental
sound at damaging levels, or at the level on which sound becomes
Vacuum Pump harmful.
Noise Reduction Cover
Power Conditioners
Features and Benefits
• Conditioners provide clean power at 120, 208, or 240 VAC for loads
up to 62 amps
• Dual-output models can protect both high-voltage system loads
and low-voltage peripherals at less expense and effort than installing
two conditioners
• Protects against: high-voltage surges, common-mode voltage,
electrical noise, voltage swells and sags, power outages, unstable
AC frequency, ground loops
UPS Systems
On-Line Conditioned Uninterruptable Power Supply Systems
With the Security Plus Series, you get much more protection
and a higher comfort level than you get with most other
UPS systems. The Security Plus Series also provides complete
power conditioning and, because the Security Plus Series
features on-line inverter design, added peace of mind. And
regardless of input fluctuations, the Security Plus Series
insures that the output remains continuous and regulated.
UPS Systems include a POWERVAR three-year warranty (two-year on batteries) on parts and labor.
Laboratory Products
Acetylene Regulator Matheson Flashback Arrestor
For AA labs, this regulator includes an Because acetylene is an extremely
adapter so that the pressure regulator unstable gas, users can experience
can be connected to cylinders requiring flashbacks at the instrument
either CGA 300 or CGA 510 fittings and burner head. The flash arrestor prevents these potentially
a connector for attaching the fuel hose dangerous flashbacks from reaching the regulator or cylinder.
assembly supplied with the instrument.
Description Part No.
Includes hose assembly.
Acetylene Max Operating Pressure: 15 psig N9300068
Description Part No.
Max Inlet Pressure: 400 psig 03030106
Hose Assemblies
Hose assemblies for connecting
Air Regulator fuel, air and nitrous oxide from
supply to instrument.
For AA labs. Regulator to cylinder
CGA no. 590. Includes hose assembly. Description Part No.
Acetylene, Red Neoprene, 3.7 m (12 ft.) 00570559
Description Part No.
Air/Argon, Black, 3.7 m (12 ft.) 00570567
Max Inlet Pressure: 3,000 psig 03030264
Nitrous Oxide, Blue, 3.7 m (12 ft.) 00470258
Nitrous Oxide Regulator Blower and Vent Assembly for AA and ICP
For use in AA labs with gas cylinders A venting system is required to remove fumes and vapors from
with a CGA 326 connection. Provides the torch of ICP emission spectrometers. A vent is recommended
pressure control from 350-520 kPA for use over the power supply unit of most ICP spectrometers for
(50-75 psig) and contains an integral removal of dissipated heat.
thermostatted heater to prevent
freezing of the regulator diaphragm. Use exhaust venting to:
The 2-stage air filtration assembly consists of a Balston Grade DX Float Assembly N0777710
coalescing filter and a Balston Grade BX coalescing filter. Bowl O-Ring N0777328
Together these filters remove trace amounts of oil, water and
particulate contamination (99.99% at 0.01 micron) from the Wilkerson® Air Dryer Filter Accessories*
compressed air supply.
Description Pre-Filter Final Filter
Warning, this filter will not protect an instrument from Part No. Part No.
acetylene tanks that have been overfilled with acetone, Filter Elements 09923464 09907120
or from standard sized tanks that are below 85 psi. Filter Bowls N9302199 N9302199
Description Part No. Bowl O-Ring Kit, Final Filter N9302197 N9301715
Parker Balston 73-099 AA Gas Purifier N9301398
* For Wilkerson Filter PerkinElmer (00470652)
Two-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing for Optima, Avio and NexION 300/350
ID Stop Colors Standard PVC Flared PVC Solvent Flex Viton® Santoprene® Silicone
(mm) (Pkg. 12) (Pkg. 12) (Pkg. 12) (Pkg .12) (Pkg. 12) (Pkg. 6)
0.19 orange red N0695476 N0773111
0.25 orange blue N0773117 N0773112
0.38 orange green N0777110 N0777042 N0777874
0.44 green yellow N0773113
0.51 orange yellow N0777476 N0777446
0.64 orange white N0777711
0.76 black black 09908587 N0777043 00473550 N0773118 00473552
1.02 white white N0777442 N0777441
1.14 red red 09908585 09923037 N0773115 N0773119 N0691595
1.3 gray gray N0777445 N0777444 N0777443
1.42 yellow yellow N0777521
1.52 yellow blue 09923536
1.65 blue blue N0777447
1.85 green green N0777518 N0773116
2.06 purple purple N0777561
2.79 purple white 02508080 09923448
3.18 black white N8122012
Peripump Tubing Kit (Starter Pack of Tubing Part No. 0.38 orange green N8152403 N8152409
Includes 4 of each commonly used sizes) N8150060 0.44 green yellow N8152404 N8152410
ID (mm) Stop Colors Qty. Type
0.51 orange yellow N8152405
0.19 orange red 4 PVC Pure 0.64 orange white N8152406 N8152411
0.44 green yellow 4 PVC Pure 0.76 black black N8152407 N8152412
0.51 yellow orange 4 PVC Pure 1.14 red red N8152413 N8152414
1.3 gray gray 4 Santoprene 1.3 gray gray N8152415
* Excluding NexION 2000 P Configuration
ID Stop Colors Slope PVC 2-Stop Santoprene 2-Stop Solva 2-Stop PVC 2-Stop Solva 2-Stop
(mm) (L/min per RPM)
0.13 orange black 0.6 N8145145 N8145194 N8145208
0.19 orange red 1.3 N8145146 N8145195 N8145209
0.27 orange blue 2.7 N8145147 N8145196 N8145210
0.38 orange green 4.7 N8145148 N8145171 N8145197 N8145211
0.44 green yellow 7.6 N8145149 N8145198 N8145212
0.51 orange yellow 9.5 N8145150 N8145199 N8145213
0.57 white yellow 11 N8145151 N8145200 N8145214
0.64 orange white 14 N8145152 N8145201 N8145215
0.76 black black 19 N8145153 N8145172 N8145176 N8145202 N8145216
0.89 orange orange 24 N8145154 N8145177 N8145203 N8145217
0.95 white black 28 N8145155 N8145178 N8145204 N8145218
1.02 white white 31 N8145156 N8145179 N8145205 N8145219
1.09 white red 33 N8145157 N8145180 N8145206 N8145220
1.14 red red 35 N8145158 N8145181 N8145207
1.22 red gray 46 N8145159 N8145182
1.3 gray gray 47 N8145160 N8145173 N8145183
1.42 yellow yellow 50 N8145161 N8145184
1.52 yellow blue 51 N8145162 N8145174 N8145185
1.65 blue blue 55 N8145163 N8145186
1.75 blue green 58 N8145164 N8145187
1.85 green green 61 N8145165 N8145188
2.06 purple purple 64 N8145166 N8145189
2.2 purple black 65 N8145167 N8145190
2.54 purple orange 67 N8145168 N8145191
2.79 purple white 69 N8145169 N8145192
3.17 black white 70 N8145170 N8145175 N8145193
*This probe cannot be used with AS-90s, with the older sampling probe holder
Description/Capacity Sample Vessel Size Part No. 0.5 mm Blue 0.5 mm ID x 108 in. – PTFE N0774088
Tray A – 144 4.5 mL, 6 mL, 8 mL B3000133 1.0 mm 2 Blue 1.0 mm ID x 75 in. – PTFE N0777565
Pump Tube – 2.79 mm ID (Pkg. 6) Purple/White B3140721 60-Position, 17.0 mm Square Opening 14 mL or 15 mL N0777149
Pump Tube – 1.14 mm ID (Pkg. 6) B3140730 80-Position, Collection Metal for Oil 15 mL N0774085
PVC Rinse Liquid Feed Tube – 1 m B0048139 90-Position, 13.5 mm Square Opening 7 mL or 8 mL N0777148
Additional ESI Autosampler Probes PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated Autosampler
Probes (Ultem Support)
Description Part No. ICP Model Description Part No.
PFA FAST Sample Probe for High-flow FAST Valve, N0777522 Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-20 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8145141
1.0 mm ID (Gray), 150 cm
NexION 1000/2000 PFA-20 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152592
PFA FAST Sample Probe for High-flow FAST Valve, N0777523
Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-50 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8145142
0.8 mm ID (Blue), 150 cm
NexION 1000/2000 PFA-50 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152593
PFA FAST Carrier / Probe FAST Valve, N0777286
0.5 mm ID (Orange), 150 cm Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-100 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8145143
PFA Internal Standard Probe for use with Standard Addition Tee N8145344 NexION 1000/2000 PFA-100 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152594
0.5 mm ID (Orange), 150 cm
Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-200 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8145144
Sample Probe with Ultem Support, 0.5 mm ID (Orange). N8145504
NexION 1000/2000 PFA-200 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152420
Includes Fluoropolymer Micro Fitting
Optima/Avio/NexION 350 PFA-400 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8145275
Internal Standard Probe with Carbon Fiber Support for NexION N8152452
2000, 0.5 mm ID (Orange), 150 cm. NexION 1000/2000 PFA-400 PFA, Capillary Length 100 cm N8152595
Includes Fluoropolymer Micro Fitting
Description Size Diameter Part No. Description Size Diameter Part No.
Large Racks
21-Position for 50 mL and 60 mL Tubes 3x7 30 mm N0777242
21-Position for 50 mL and 60 mL Tubes 30 mm N0777641
– Metal
40-Position 4 x 10 20 mm N0777243 Part No. N0777639
Autosampler Tubes
PerkinElmer translucent polypropylene tubes are designed to provide excellent chemical resistance.
PerformR™ 15 mL and 50 mL conical tubes are designed for your routine everyday applications and
storage needs. SuperClear™ tubes are made from a unique medical grade resin.
Instrument Benches
and Accessory Carts
A Customized Approach
Lab space is precious and it can be a challenge to find room for
a new instrument or accessory. To make the transition easier,
we’ve customized every bench we offer for your instrument and
NexION 1000/2000 Bench
accessory configuration, enabling you to use your lab space to its
Part No. N8142011
full potential. Whether you’re making room for a new instrument
or replacing an old system, we have a bench solution for you.
30 in. 60 in.
34 in.
18 in. x 30 in.
35 in.
12 in. x 30 in.
Quick Reference Index Page At PerkinElmer, we're committed to helping you achieve
success for your laboratory – starting with the standards
Aqueous Standards 109-123 you use everyday.
Aqueous Standards
Single-Element Standards 109
Custom Standards 112
PerkinElmer offers a wide selection
Matrix Modifiers 112
of PerkinElmer Pure and Pure Plus
Multi-Element Standards 113 Aqueous Standards for all of your
application needs.
Environmental Analysis Standards 115
Universal Calibration Standards 121
Metallo-Organic Standards 124-128
V-21, V-23, V-26 Wear Metal Standards 125 Standards
Matrix Oils and Solvents 126 PerkinElmer offers a wide
selection of Metallo-Organic
Metal Additive Standards 126 Standards for all of your
Acid Number Standards 126 application needs.
Single-Element Standards
We understand how important standards are to your laboratory. That’s why we offer
a complete selection of PerkinElmer Pure (AA and ICP-OES) and Pure Plus (ICP-MS)
grade Standards supplied with a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis. Each solution
is certified to provide you with the quality and reliability you expect, every time.
We offer 1 µg/mL, 10 μg/mL, 1,000 µg/mL and 10,000 µg/mL single-element
standards in a variety of volumes and purity levels.
Description Volume Part No.
Triton® X-100 Wetting Agent 100 mL N9300260
Antifoaming Silicone Emulsion 500 mL B0507226
Glycerol 1L B3141064
Multi-Element Standards
Our go-to multi-element standards are suitable for your daily
laboratory needs. Spanning across a wide range of applications
and methods, you’ll find the right solution to help you achieve
laboratory success.
Multi-Element Standards
Matrix Content Volume Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
Multi-Element Solution PerkinElmer Pure I
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Ca, Fe, Mg 500 mL N9307113 5% HNO3 400 µg/mL: Tl 125 mL N9303940
200 µg/mL: Bi, In, Pb
Multi-Element Solution
150 µg/mL: Ga
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: K, Na, P 500 mL N9307114 100 µg/mL: Al
50 µg/mL: Ag, Ni
Multi-Element Solution
25 µg/mL: Cr
2-5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mo, Sb, Sn, W, Zr 500 mL N9307115 20 µg/mL: Cd, Co, Cu, Zn
Multi-Element Solution 15 µg/mL: B, Fe
5 µg/mL: Ba, Mn
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, 500 mL N9307116 1 µg/mL: Be, Sr
Co, Cu, La, Pb, Li, Mn, Ni, Sc, Sr,
V, Y, Zn PerkinElmer Pure IV (Quality Control Standard 23)
N9308541 10% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Bi, 125 mL N9303941
5% HNO3/trace HF 100 µg/mL: Ge, Mo, S, Si, Ti 125 mL
Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, In, K,
20% HCl/1% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Au, Cr, Sb, Sn, Te 125 mL N9308542 Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr, Tl, Zn
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Ag, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, 125 mL N9308543 PerkinElmer Pure VIII
Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn,
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Al, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, 125 mL N9303942
Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V, Zn
Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, Li, Mg,
Multi-Element Solution 1 Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Te, Tl, Zn
2% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Be, Bi, Ce, Co, In, Mg, 125 mL N9300231 PerkinElmer Pure IX
Ni, Pb, U
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: As, Be, Pb, Cd, Cr, 125 mL N9303943
Multi-Element Solution 2 Ni, Se, Tl
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Ce, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, 125 mL N9300232 PerkinElmer Pure X
Ho, La, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sc, Sm, Tb, Th,
2% HNO3 35,000 μg/L: Ca 125 mL N9303944
Tm, Y, Yb
15,000 μg/L: Mg
Multi-Element Solution 3 8,000 μg/L: Na
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, 125 mL N9300233 3,000 μg/L: K
Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, 100 μg/L: B, Fe, Mo, Sr
Hg*, In, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, 50 μg/L: As, Ba, Ni, V, Zn
Rb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V, Zn 30 μg/L: Mn
*Supplied in separate bottle. 25 μg/L: Co, Pb
20 μg/L: Be, Cd, Cr, Cu
Multi-Element Solution 3 without Mercury 10 μg/L: Bi, Se, Tl
125 mL N9301720 8 µg/mL Mercury in 5% HNO3
Multi-Element Solution 4 5% HNO3 8 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9303954
10% HCl/1% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Au, Hf, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh, 125 mL N9300234 PerkinElmer Pure XI
Ru, Sb, Sn, Te
5% HNO3 2,500 µg/mL: Zn 125 mL N9303945
Multi-Element Solution 5 900 µg/mL: Cr, Pb
H2O/trace HF/ 10 µg/mL: B, Ge, Mo, Nb, P, Re, S, 125 mL N9300235 800 µg/mL: Cu
trace HNO3 Si, Ta, Ti, W, Zr 200 µg/mL: Ni
10 µg/mL: Cd
Set of Multi-Element Solutions N9300236
Includes: (1 bottle of each) 5 µg/mL Mercury in 5% HNO3
Multi-Element Solution 2 125 mL N9300232 5% HNO3 5 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9303949
Standards 5% HNO3
5% HNO3
1,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na
1,000 µg/mL: Al, Fe
125 mL
125 mL
We offer a variety of environmental analysis standards for all your 5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, 125 mL N9301721
environmental application needs. Tartaric acid/ Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn,
trace HF Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti,
Environmental Method Sets Tl, V, Zn
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: B, Th, U 125 mL N9307807
Matrix Content Volume Part No. 5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300253
Environmental Standard Kit for NexION Standard Mode N9307118
5% HNO3/trace HCl Internal Standard Mix 125 mL N9307738
Includes 1 bottle of each: 200 µg/mL: Sc
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9307805 20 µg/mL: Ga
10 µg/mL: In, Ir, Rh, Tm
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Fe 125 mL N9307806
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, 125 mL N9301721 Contract Lab Program Modification Set N9307103
Tartaric Acid/ Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Includes 1 bottle of each:
trace HF Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti, 2% HNO3/5% HCl 10 µg/mL: Ba, Be, Ce, Co, In, Li, 125 mL N9303843
Tl, V, Zn Mg, Pb, Rh, Tl, U, Y
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: B, Th, U 125 mL N9307807 2% HNO3/trace 20 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, 125 mL N9303816
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300253 Tartaric Acid Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se,
Th, Tl, U, V, Zn
2% HNO3 50 µg/mL: Sc, Ge 125 mL N9308591
10 µg/mL: Rh, In, Tb 5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, 125 mL N9301721
Tartaric Acid/ Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn,
Environmental Standard Kit for NexION KED/DRC Mode N9307119 trace HF Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti,
Includes 1 bottle of each: Tl, V, Zn
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9307805 5% HNO3/trace 500 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9303819
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Fe 125 mL N9307806 Tartaric Acid 20 µg/mL: Al, Ba
10 µg/mL: Fe
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, 125 mL N9301721 6 µg/mL: Sb
Tartaric Acid/ Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, 5 µg/mL: Co, V
trace HF Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti, 4 µg/mL: Ni
Tl, V, Zn 2.5 µg/mL: Cu
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: B, Th, U 125 mL N9307807 2 µg/mL: Zn
1.5 µg/mL: Mn
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300253
1 µg/mL: Ag, As, Cr, Tl
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Sc 125 mL N9308592 0.5 µg/mL: Be, Cd, Se
50 µg/mL: Ge 1 µg/mL: Rh, In, Tb 0.3 µg/mL: Pb
Environmental Standard Kit for ELAN non-DRC/ N9307111 2% HNO3/trace 10 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, 125 mL N9303821
Standard ICP-MS Instruments Tartaric Acid/ Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se,
Includes 1 bottle of each: trace HF Tl, V, Zn
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9307805 5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300253
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Fe 125 mL N9307806 2% HNO3 200 µg/mL: Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9303822
100 µg/mL: Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, 125 mL N9301721 2% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Mo, Th, U 125 mL N9303823
Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, 2% HNO3/trace HF 10 µg/mL: Mo, Sn, Sr, Ti 125 mL N9303824
Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti,
Tl, V, Zn 5% HNO3/trace HF 21,215 µg/mL: Cl 125 mL N9303827
3,000 µg/mL: Ca
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: B, Th, U 125 mL N9307807 2,500 µg/mL: Fe, Na
5% HNO3 10 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300253 2,000 µg/mL: C
1,000 µg/mL: Al, K, Mg, P, S
Internal Standard Mix
20 µg/mL: Mo, Ti
5% HNO3/ 50 µg/mL: Sc 125 mL N9307808 2% HNO3 20 µg/mL: Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, V 125 mL N9303829
trace HCL 20 µg/mL: Ge 10 µg/mL: As, Cd, Se, Zn
10 µg/mL: In, Ir, Li6, Rh, Tb, Y 5 µg/mL: Ag
Matrix Content Volume Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
5% HNO3/trace 500 µg/mL: Fe 125 mL N9303839 Interference Solutions for Method 6010 N9307106
Tartaric Acid/ 250 µg/mL: Ba, Zn Includes 1 bottle of each:
trace HF 100 µg/mL: Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al 125 mL N9300184
Ni, Sb, V
50 µg/mL: As, Pb 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 500 mL N9300108
25 µg/mL: Ag, Be, Cd, Se, Tl 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mg 125 mL N9300179
5% HNO3/trace 250 µg/mL: Ba, Cr, Cu, Zn 125 mL N9303840 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Fe 500 mL N9300126
Tartaric Acid/ 150 µg/mL: V 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: K 500 mL N9300141
trace HF 125 µg/mL: Ni
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Na 500 mL N9300152
100 µg/mL: Co, Pb, Sb
50 µg/mL: As, Cd 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cr 500 mL N9300112
5 µg/mL: Ag, Be, Se, Tl 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cu 500 mL N9300114
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al, Ca, Fe, K, 125 mL N9303835 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mn 500 mL N9300132
Mg, Na 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ni 500 mL N9300136
20 µg/mL: Ag, As, Ba, Be,
H2O/trace HF 1,000 µg/mL: Ti 500 mL N9300162
Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb,
Se, Tl, V, Zn 2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: V 500 mL N9300165
H2O/trace HF 7,200 µg/mL: Cl 125 mL N9303836 5% HNO3 5,000 µg/mL: Al, Ca, Mg 500 mL N9300226
2,000 µg/mL: C 2,000 µg/mL: Fe
1,000 µg/mL: P, S 5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Cd, Ni, Zn 125 mL N9300227
20 µg/mL: Mo, Sb, Ti Tartaric Acid/ 60 µg/mL: Sb
trace HF 50 µg/mL: Ba, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, V
Calibration Standards Set for Method 6010 N9307104
20 µg/mL: Ag
Includes 1 bottle of each:
10 µg/mL: As, Tl
5% HNO3 5,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9300218 5 µg/mL: Pb, Se
5% HNO3 400 µg/mL: Ni 125 mL N9300219 5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Ti, V 500 mL N9300228
200 µg/mL: Zn
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Al, As, B, Mo, Na, 125 mL N9300229
150 µg/mL: Mn
Tartaric Acid/ Sb, Se, Tl
100 µg/mL: Ag, Cr
trace HF 10 µg/mL: Ca, Fe, Mg, Si
5% HNO3 2,000 µg/mL: Al, Ba 125 mL N9300220
Calibration Standards for Method 200.7 N9307107
1,000 µg/mL: Fe
500 µg/mL: Co, V
Includes 1 bottle of each:
250 µg/mL: Cu 5% HNO3 5,000 µg/mL: Ca, K, Mg, Na 125 mL N9300218
50 µg/mL: Be 5% HNO3 400 µg/mL: Ni 125 mL N9300219
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: As, Tl 125 mL N9300221 200 µg/mL: Zn
50 µg/mL: Cd, Pb, Se 150 µg/mL: Mn
H2O/trace HF 10 µg/mL: B, Ge, Mo, Nb, P, Re, S, 125 mL N9300235 100 µg/mL: Ag, Cr
Si, Ta, Ti, W, Zr 5% HNO3 2,000 µg/mL: Al, Ba 125 mL N9300220
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Li 500 mL N9300129 1,000 µg/mL: Fe
500 µg/mL: Co, V
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Sb 500 mL N9300101 250 µg/mL: Cu
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Sr 500 mL N9300153 50 µg/mL: Be
20% HCl 1,000 µg/mL: Sn 500 mL N9300161 5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: As, Tl 125 mL N9300221
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cr 500 mL N9300112 50 µg/mL: Cd, Pb, Se
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Cu 500 mL N9300114 H2O/trace HF 10 µg/mL: B, Ge, Mo, Nb, P, Re, S, 125 mL N9300235
Si, Ta, Ti, W, Zr
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mn 500 mL N9300132
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Li 500 mL N9300129
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ni 500 mL N9300136
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Sb 500 mL N9300101
H2O/tr HF 1,000 µg/mL: Ti 500 mL N9300162
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Sr 500 mL N9300153
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: V 500 mL N9300165
20% HCl 1,000 µg/mL: Sn 500 mL N9300161
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al 500 mL N9300100
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 500 mL N9300108 Interference Solutions for Method 200.7 N9307108
Includes 1 bottle of each:
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Fe 500 mL N9300126
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Al 125 mL N9300184
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mg 500 mL N9300131
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 500 mL N9300108
Internal Standard Set for Method 6010 and 200.7 N9307105
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Mg 125 mL N9300179
Includes 1 bottle of each:
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Fe 500 mL N9300126
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Y 500 mL N9300167
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: K 500 mL N9300141
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Sc 500 mL N9300148
2% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Na 500 mL N9300152
5% HNO3 5,000 µg/mL: Al, Ca, Mg 500 mL N9300226
2,000 µg/mL: Fe
5% HNO3/trace 100 µg/mL: Cd, Ni, Zn 125 mL N9300227
Tartaric Acid/ 60 µg/mL: Sb
trace HF 50 µg/mL: Ba, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, V
20 µg/mL: Ag
10 µg/mL: As, Tl
5 µg/mL: Pb, Se
Matrix Content Volume Part No. Matrix Content Volume Part No.
Environmental EPA Set 1 N9307110 5% HNO3 6,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N9300208
Includes 1 bottle of each: 5,000 µg/mL: Fe
3,000 µg/mL: Mg
2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Pb 125 mL N9300200
1,200 µg/mL: Al
200 µg/mL: Se
1,000 µg/mL Na
150 µg/mL: Cd, Zn
100 µg/mL: Mn H2O/trace HNO3/ 1,000 µg/mL: Sb 125 mL N9300207
50 µg/mL: Be 0.6% Tartaric Acid
5% HNO3 10,000 µg/mL: Fe 125 mL N9300201 5% HNO3 ASTM® Type I Water 500 mL N9307809
100 µg/mL: Ba, Co, Cu, V 5% HCl ASTM® Type I Water 500 mL N9307810
2% HNO3/trace HF 500 µg/mL: As 125 mL N9300202
100 mg/mL: Mo, Si Water Pollutant Standards
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N9300203
400 µg/mL: K Matrix Content Volume Part No.
200 µg/mL: Al, Na Primary Drinking Water Metals
20 µg/mL: Cr, Ni
2% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Ba 125 mL N9300216
5% HNO3/trace 1,000 µg/mL: Mg 125 mL N9300204 10 µg/mL: Ag, As, Cr, Hg*, Pb
Tartaric Acid/ 200 µg/mL: Sb, Tl 5 µg/mL: Cd, Se
trace HF 100 µg/mL: B
50 µg/mL: Ag Secondary Drinking Water Metals
5% HNO3 20,000 µg/mL: K 125 mL N9300205 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Zn 125 mL N9300217
1,000 µg/mL: As, Pb, Tl 100 µg/mL: Cu
500 µg/mL: Se 30 µg/mL: Fe
300 µg/mL: Ag, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, 5 µg/mL: Mn
Cu, Ni, V, Zn Trace Metals I
200 µg/mL: Mn 5% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Al 125 mL N9300211
100 µg/mL: Be 250 µg/mL: V
5% HNO3 100 µg/mL: Hg 125 mL N9300223 100 µg/mL: As, Be, Co, Cr, Cu,
5% HNO3 6,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N9300208 Fe Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn
5,000 µg/mL: Fe 25 µg/mL: Cd, Se
3,000 µg/mL: Mgs 10 µg/mL: Hg*
1,200 µg/mL: Al Trace Metals II
1,000 µg/mL: Na
2% HNO3 20 µg/mL: Sb, Tl 125 mL N9300212
H2O/trace 1,000 µg/mL: Sb 125 mL N9300207 10 µg/mL: Ag
HNO3/0.6% Tartaric
Acid Trace Metals III
5% HNO3 ASTM Type I Water
500 mL N9307809 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Ba, Ca, Mo, Na 125 mL N9300213
100 µg/mL: K, Mg
5% HCl ASTM Type I Water
500 mL N9307810
Alternate Metals I
Environmental EPA Set 2 N9307109
Includes 1 bottle of each: 2% HNO3 20 µg/mL: Al, Fe, V 125 mL N9300214
10 µg/mL: Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn
2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Pb 125 mL N9300200
5 µg/mL: Be, Sb, Tl
200 µg/mL: Se
150 µg/mL: Cd, Zn Alternate Metals II
100 µg/mL: Mn 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Ca, Na 125 mL N9300215
50 µg/mL: Be 100 µg/mL: K, Mg
5% HNO3 10,000 µg/mL: Fe 125 mL N9300201 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Ca, Na 500 mL N9303952
100 µg/mL: Ba, Co, Cu, V 100 µg/mL: K, Mg
2% HNO3/trace HF 500 µg/mL: As 125 mL N9300202
100 µg/mL: Mo, Si
5% HNO3 1,000 µg/mL: Ca 125 mL N9300203 Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure (TCLP)
400 µg/mL: K Standard
200 µg/mL: Al, Na
20 µg/mL: Cr, Ni Matrix Content Volume Part No.
5% HNO3/trace 1,000 µg/mL Mg 125 mL N9300204
TCLP Standard 1
Tartaric Acid/ 200 µg/mL: Sb, Tl
trace HF 100 µg/mL: B 2% HNO3 500 µg/mL: Ba 500 mL N9300241
50 µg/mL: Ag 25 µg/mL: Ag, As, Cr, Pb
100 µg/mL: Hg*
5% HNO3 20,000 µg/mL: K 125 mL N9300205
5 µg/mL: Cd, Se
1,000 µg/mL: As, Pb, Tl
500 µg/mL: Se
*Supplied in separate bottle
300 µg/mL: Ag, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr,
Cu, Ni, V, Zn
200 µg/mL: Mn
100 µg/mL: Be
2% HNO3 10 μg/L Ag, Al, AS, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, 125 mL N8151038
Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, In, K,
Universal Data
Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr,
Tl, U, V, Zn
Cold Plasma Optimization Solution
0.1% HNO3 1 µg/L Li, Co, Rb, In, Cs, Pb 250 mL N8151032 Calibration Standards Kit
Matrix Content Volume Part No.
Matrix Blanks
Matrix Volume Part No.
Water Blank N8125033
ASTM® Type I Water, 18 megohm 125 mL N9303814
ASTM® Type I Water, 18 megohm 250 mL N9303813
Hydrochloric Acid Blanks
2% HCl in ASTM® Type I Water 125 mL N9300238
5% HNO3 in ASTM® Type I Water 500 mL N9308571
Nitric Acid Blanks
1% HNO3 in ASTM® Type I Water 125 mL N9303732
2% HNO3 in ASTM Type I Water
500 mL N0773120
2% HNO3 in ASTM® Type I Water 500 mL N9308550
5% HNO3 in ASTM® Type I Water 500 mL N9308571
ICH Standards
In conjunction with our United States Pharmacopeia (USP) calibration standards,
we offer six calibration standards for the analysis of metals in pharmaceutical materials and
products following the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines.
The ICH standards verify Elemental Impurities, Precious Metals Impurities and Parenteral Elemental
Impurities. Couple our accurate and reliable ICH standards with your ICP-MS and you will remain
compliant with the new and changing regulations.
2% HCl Inhalational PDE: Fully characterized gold nanospheres designed for Single
8 µg/mL Tl Particle-ICP-MS. These particle standards have a nearly perfect
5 µg/mL Pb
2 µg/mL As, Cd
spherical shape, narrow size (CV < 5%) and particle number
1 µg/mL Hg distributions (CV < 5%).
2% HNO3 ICH Class 2A Elements – 125 mL N9304377
Inhalational PDEs:
Description Diameter Volume Part No.
5 µg/mL Ni (nm)
3 µg/mL Co Ultra Uniform Gold Nanospheres 30 25 mL N8151034
1 µg/mL V Particle Standard 1e7 particles/mL,
2% HCl 100 µg/mL Au 125 mL N9303728 PEG Carboxyl 0.8 kDa
15% HCl ICH Class 2B Precious Metal 125 mL N9304364 Ultra Uniform Gold Nanospheres 50 25 mL N8151035
Elements (no Os) – All PDEs: Particle Standard 1e7 particles/mL,
100 µg/mL Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru PEG Carboxyl 0.8 kDa
2% HNO3 ICH Class 2B Se and Ag – 125 mL N9304379 Ultra Uniform Gold Nanospheres 100 25 mL N8151036
Inhalational PDE: Particle Standard 1e7 particles/mL,
130 µg/mL Se PEG Carboxyl 0.8 kDa
7 µg/mL Ag
2% HNO3/trace ICH Class 3 Elements – 125 mL N9304380
Tartaric Acid/ Inhalational PDEs:
trace HF 300 µg/mL Ba
60 µg/mL Sn
30 µg/mL Cu
25 µg/mL Li
20 µg/mL Sb
10 µg/mL Mo
3 µg/mL Cr
2% HNO3 Internal Standards – All PDEs: 125 mL N9304367
50 µg/mL Ge
20 µg/mL Ga
1 µg/mL In, Tb
Metallo-Organic Standards
PerkinElmer Metallo-Organic Standards provide a comprehensive
solution to your application needs.
Our product offering includes:
• Single and multi-element standards for the analysis of wear
metals and metal additives in oil
• Reference materials for used oil analysis of fuel, soot, water,
acid number, base number or viscosity
• Sulfur standards made from polysulfide oil
• High purity matrix oils and solvents
• Proficiency testing standards with instant feedback
Each product is shipped with a comprehensive Certificate of
Analysis. Our Metallo-Organic Standards have been designed to give
you the confidence you need when analyzing difficult samples.
Lubricant Guide
For more information on our Lubricants consumables offering visit
www.PerkinElmer.com/lubricants. You’ll find everything from application notes
to a comprehensive guide of consumables for all your Lubricants analysis needs.
Open Digestion
Ideal for: Liquid and solid samples in regulated industries.
Common Applications: water, soil and food testing.
Overview: Open vessel, atmospheric pressure digestion is a common approach to sample
preparation for regulatory and compliance laboratories. With the ability to prepare large quantities
of samples, open digestion is great for labs with modest digestion requirements that rely on high
throughput. Hot block digestion using open vessels meets the regulatory requirements for sample
extraction and a number of approved methods are in place to support this.
All PerkinElmer sample preparation blocks are manufactured under a certified ISO 9001: 2008 Quality
Management System to meet our high quality requirements.
Upgrade from a Hot Plate: Better laboratory practices demand modern techniques in sample
preparation. In the past, hot plates were used to digest samples where common digestion problems
involved low throughput, dealing with fragile beakers, cleanliness of glassware, rusting and
corrosion, cross contamination of digestion system to sample, loss of volatile elements and poor
sample temperature control.
DigiTUBE Dimensions (OD/ID)
15 mL 12 mm x 11 mm
50 mL 30 mm x 28 mm
100 mL 46 mm x 44 mm Screw Caps
Microwave Digestion
Ideal for: Difficult sample types and regulated laboratories.
Common Applications: Plant waste streams, alloys, pigments, simple and precious metal ores and
heavy organic samples.
Overview: Microwave digestion provides high-performance, pressure digestion using sealed vessels
to deliver complete sample digestion, allowing total elemental measurement. Able to digest difficult
sample types quickly and completely, microwave digestion provides the most accurate sample
preparation. Using ultra-clean sealed digestion vessels, the Titan MPS avoids loss of volatile analytes
and prevents sample contamination from the working environment. With its high performance,
microwave digestion is ideal for mining/geologic, environmental, petrochemical and
pharmaceutical industries.
The Titan MPS microwave sample preparation system delivers the instrument-ready solutions you
need for high throughput and reliable results. With its Direct Pressure Control™ (DPC) and Direct
Temperature Control™ (DTC) sensing technologies, the Titan MPS system accurately monitors
digestion reactions and the sample temperature in each digestion vessel to provide outstanding
reaction control and deliver consistent digestion results.
Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
N3131010 N3131011 N3132011 N3132013 N3132015
8-Position Turntable for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3131008 TFM Cap for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) 1 N3132012
Digestion Vessels (turntable only) Digestion Vessels without Pressure Sensor
TFM DPC Cap for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) 1 N3132013
Digestion Vessels with Pressure Sensor
High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion 1 N3133012
Vessel without DPC (complete)
Part No. Part No. Includes: Pressure seal, Vessel cap, Rupture
N3133017 N3133019 Disc, TFM Vessel Insert, Ceramic Pressure
Jacket and Vessel Base
High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion 1 N3133013
Accessories Vessel with DPC (complete)
Includes: Pressure seal, Closure Cap with
Description Part No. DPC, Rupture Disc, TFM Vessel Insert,
High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) N3133017 Ceramic Pressure Jacket and Vessel Base
Digestion Vessel Opening Station High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion 1 N3133014
Single Lip Seal Forming Tool for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) N3132015 Vessel Base (base only)
Digestion Vessel Pressure Seals TFM Cap for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) 1 N3133015
8-Position Lip Seal Forming Tool N3132014 Digestion Vessels without Pressure Sensor
for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) Digestion Vessel Pressure Seals. TFM DPC for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) 1 N3133016
Forms up to 8 Seals Simultaneously Digestion Vessels with Pressure Sensor
8-Position Lip Seal Forming Tool N3133018
for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel
Pressure Seals. Forms up to 8 Seals Simultaneously
Single Lip Seal Forming Tool N3133019
for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel
Pressure Seals. Forms 1 Seal
PTFE 2 mL Sample Weighing Cup N3134009
for Use in Standard 75 mL (40 Bar)
or High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel, Qty. 1
PTFE 2 mL Sample Weighing Cup N3134010 Vessel Rack Holder
for Use in Standard 75 mL (40 Bar)
or High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel, Qty. 16 Vessel rack holder for Titan 75 mL vessels.
Vessel Cap Disassembly Tools for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar) N3134011 Acrylic box holds eight 75 mL vessels.
Digestion Vessel
Description Part No.
Vessel Cap Disassembly Tools for High Pressure 100 mL N3134012
(100 Bar) Digestion Vessel 75 mL Vessel Rack Holder N3134094
Part No.
Part No.
Part No.
Part No. N3134004
Visit www.perkinelmer.com/servicecontracts
1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) External Screw Thread..................................36 Calibration Standards Set for Method 6010.........................116
148-Position Tray...................................................................28 Capricorn Argon Humidifier with Bypass...............................49
88-Position Tray.....................................................................28 Carbon Fiber Probes for ST Nebulizers...................................46
AA Test Mix.........................................................................112 Carbon Fiber Supported Autosampler Probes
AA Ultra Quiet Oil-Less Air Compressor.................................29 for ST Nebulizers................................................................71
Accessory Carts...................................................................106 Cassette Torch Mount...........................................................79
Acetylene Regulator..............................................................94 Catalyst Tube........................................................................35
Acid Number Standards.......................................................126 Ceramic Hybrid XLT Quartz Torch...........................................59
Adapters with External Thread...............................................36 Ceramic Pressure Jacket......................................................137
Air Compressors..............................................................29, 64 Cetac ASX Autosamplers and Prep Station............................89
Air Dryer Filter Assembly with R250 Regulator.......................95 Cetac Autosampler Racks....................................................101
Air Regulator.........................................................................94 Cetac Autosampler Supplies................................................101
Alternate Reductant Kit.........................................................38 Cetac Carbon Fiber Autosampler Probes..............................101
Alumina Injectors..................................................................62 Cetac Stainless Steel Autosampler Probe.............................101
Amalgamator Tube................................................................35 Cetac Ultem Autosampler Probes........................................101
Antifoaming Silicone Emulsion............................................112 Check Valves.........................................................................28
apex High Temperature Nebulizers.........................................70 Chiller Noise Enclosure..........................................................91
apex PFA Nebulizers..............................................................45 Chillers..................................................................................90
Aqueous Standards.............................................................109 Cinnabar™ Cyclonic Spray Chamber......................................50
Argon/Nitrogen Regulator.....................................................94 Compressors...................................................................29, 64
Ari Mist Nebulizers................................................................44 Concentric Nebulizers......................................................42, 68
Ari Mist Nebulizer Replacement Parts....................................44 Cone Removal Tool................................................................83
Asperon Spray Chamber......................................................73
™ ConeGuard Thread Protectors...............................................83
Atomax Hollow Cathode Lamps...................................... 18-19 Cones...................................................................................83
Autosamplers........................................................................89 Conical Bottom Tubes with Graduation...............................104
Autosampler Cups.................................................................28 Conikal™ Nebulizer................................................................43
Autosampler Supplies..........................................................100 Connectors for MicroMist and SeaSpray Nebulizers...............69
Autosampler Tubes..............................................................104 Consumable Run Kits..........................................................137
Avio Injector Assembly..........................................................63 Contact Cylinders..................................................................33
Avio Injector Assembly Replacement Parts.............................63 Contract Lab Program Modification Set...............................115
Avio Torch.............................................................................58 Contract Required Detection Limits (CRDL)..........................120
Background Corrector Sources..............................................17 Coolant Standards...............................................................128
Baffled Cyclonic Spray Chambers....................................51, 73 Cooling Systems....................................................................90
Balston 95A Acetylene Filter................................................95
® Copper Ignitor Tape...............................................................58
Balston Air Filter Assembly Type A-82..................................95
® Corrosion-Resistant Probes..................................................100
Base Number Standards......................................................127 Crackle Test Reference Standards........................................127
Basic Spares Kit.....................................................................35 Cross-Flow Replacement GemTips and Spares.......................72
Benches and Accessory Carts...............................................106 Cyclonic Spray Chambers......................................................50
Biodiesel Blends...................................................................128 Cyclonic/Concentric Kits........................................................56
Biodiesel Standards.............................................................128 D-Torch™ Demountable Torch..........................................60, 79
Blower and Vent Assembly for AA and ICP............................94 D-Torch™ and Replacement Parts...........................................60
Burner Head Adjustment Tool................................................20 Demountable and Fixed Quartz Torches.................................79
Burner Head Cleaning Tool....................................................20 Demountable Quartz Torches..........................................58, 79
Burner Heads........................................................................20 Detection Limit Calibration Standard...................................128
Burner System Components..................................................20 Detectors..............................................................................82
C2 Cyclonic Spray Chambers.................................................50 Devolatilized Diesel Fuel Standards......................................126
Calibration Standards for Method 200.7.............................116 DigiFILTER............................................................................132
ELAN Baffled Quartz Cyclonic PC3 Spray Chambers...............74 GemTip Cross-Flow II Nebulizer Tip Kits.................................47
High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar) Digestion Vessel LumiCoil™ Plasma Load Coil..................................................78
Opening Station..............................................................136 Lumina Hollow Cathode Lamps.............................................14
High-Sensitivity Nebulizer Parts..............................................25 Mass Spectrometer Hardware................................................82
High Vacuum Silicon Grease..................................................82 Matrix Blanks......................................................................121
High-Sensitivity Nebulizer with Pt/Ir Capillary.........................22 Matrix Modifiers for Graphite Furnace AA...............31, 33, 112
Hose Assemblies....................................................................94 Matrix Oils and Solvents......................................................126
Humidifiers......................................................................49, 72 MEINHARD® Nebulizers...................................................42, 68
Hydride Accessory Kit............................................................57 Mercury Analyzer Supplies.....................................................35
Hyper Skimmer Cone and Spares...........................................83 Mercury/Hydride Systems......................................................39
ICH Standards............................................................. 122-123 Metal Additive Standards....................................................126
ICP Filter Replacement Parts..................................................95 Metal Ball Joint Clip...............................................................51
ICP-MS Single Cell Sample Introduction Kits........................129 Metal Body Corrosion-Resistant Nebulizers............................23
ICP-OES Solutions................................................................118 Metal Body Nebulizer Parts..............................................24, 26
Immersion Tube (Pipette Tip).................................................39 Metal Body Platinum Alloy Nebulizers....................................23
Initial Calibration Verification Standards...............................119 Metal Body Stainless Steel Nebulizers....................................23
Injector Adapter Kits and O-Rings..........................................78 Metallo-Organic Standards..........................................108, 124
Injector Assemblies................................................................78 MHS-15................................................................................39
Injector Support Adapter O-Ring Kits.....................................63 Micro Racks.........................................................................103
Injector Support Adapter O-Rings..........................................78 MicroMist Nebulizer Replacement Parts.................................43
Injector Support Adapters................................................63, 78 MicroMist™ Nebulizers.....................................................43, 69
Injectors..........................................................................62, 77 Microtiter Plates..................................................................103
Injectors for Demountable Torches.........................................77 Mira Mist® Nebulizers............................................................44
Instrument Benches.............................................................106 Mira Mist® Nebulizer Replacement Parts................................44
Instrument Calibration Standards........................................118 Mixed Calibration Standards................................................114
Instrument Calibration Standards for CLP............................119 Mixing Block.........................................................................37
Instrument Filters...................................................................95 Mixing Manifold for Glass Gas/Liquid Separator.....................37
Instrument Setup Solutions..................................................118 Mixing/Separation Assembly..................................................37
Interference Check Standards..............................................119 Modified THGA Contact Cylinders.........................................31
Interference Solutions for Method 200.7.............................116 Mounting Block.....................................................................55
Interference Solutions for Method 6010..............................116 MP2 Two-Stop Peristaltic Pump Tubing...................................97
Internal Standard Addition Kits..............................................99 Multi-Element Standards............................................. 113-114
Internal Standard Addition Tees.............................................99 Naflon® Single Tube Dryer.....................................................38
Internal Standard Kits............................................................98 Nebulizers.................................................................22, 42, 68
Internal Standard Mix..........................................................115 Nebulizer Accessories............................................................27
Internal Standard Set for Method 6010 and 200.7..............116 Nebulizer Assemblies.............................................................24
Internal Standard Solutions..................................................120 Nebulizer Capillary Tubing.....................................................27
Internal Standards...............................................................125 Nebulizer Cleaners..........................................................49, 72
Ion Lens................................................................................82 Nebulizer Cleaning Wires......................................................27
Ion Optics..............................................................................82 Nebulizer Clip........................................................................42
IsoMist Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers.............53, 76 Nebulizer Grease...................................................................27
Isotope Standard.................................................................121 Nebulizer Selection Guide......................................................43
Kalrez O-Ring Kits for Sampling Accessories..........................27 Nebulizer Solution Fitting......................................................42
Karl Fischer Standards.........................................................127 Nebulizers and Assemblies Quick Reference...........................27
L’vov Platforms......................................................................33 Nebulizers with Integrated Probes.........................................46
Lamp Adapters .....................................................................17 NexION Consumable Kits.......................................................84
Large Racks.........................................................................103 NexION O-Ring Free Baffled Cyclonic PC3 Spray Chambers....74
Load Coils.............................................................................78 Nickel Boats..........................................................................35
Nickel Sampler and Skimmer Cones.......................................83 PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated
Nitrogen Purge Gas Generator..............................................61 Autosampler Probes...........................................................46
Nitrous Oxide Regulator........................................................94 PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated
Autosampler Probes (Carbon Fiber Support).....................102
Noise Enclosures for Vacuum Pumps......................................91
PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated
Non HF-Resistant Internal Standard Kit..................................98
Autosampler Probes (Ultem Support)...............................102
Non-Coded Intensitron Lamp Plug Adapter...........................17
PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated
Non-PFA Bottles and Vials....................................................105 Autosampler Probes for NexION 300/350...........................71
Oil-Less Air Compressors.......................................................64 PFA MicroFlow Nebulizers with Integrated
OilExpress Standards...........................................................127 Capillaries for NexION 300/350..........................................71
On-Line Conditioned Uninterruptable PFA Nebulizer Obstruction Removal Kit..................................72
Power Supply Systems.......................................................93 PFA Nebulizer Replacement Parts...........................................70
Online Mixing Kits.................................................................48 PFA Nebulizers.......................................................................70
OpalMist Nebulizers........................................................44, 69 PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Autosampler Probes
Organics Kits.........................................................................57 for NexION 1000/2000......................................................71
Organics Sample Introduction Kit (Orange)............................80 PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Capillaries
Organics Sample Introduction System....................................54 for NexION 1000/2000......................................................71
Original SimulScan Dual-Stage Detector................................82 PFA Nebulizers with Integrated
Oxygen Addition Kits.............................................................57 Fluoropolymer Capillaries...................................................46
Oxygen Port Spray Chamber..................................................51 PFA Sample Vessels..............................................................105
Parker Balston 73-099 AA Gas Purifier.................................95
® PFA Spray Chambers.......................................................52, 74
Parker Balston® Replacement Filters.......................................95 PFA-Platinum HF-Resistant Sample Introduction Kit................80
PC Peltier Coolers........................................................... 75-76
3 PFA-ST Nebulizer.............................................................45, 70
PC3 Peltier Temperature Controlled Spray Chambers..............53 PFA-ST Self-aspirating Nebulizer for prepFAST Systems..........45
PC Replacement Spray Chambers.........................................74
3 PFA-ST3 Nebulizer...........................................................45, 70
PC3x Peltier Controlled Heated or Cooled Thermally Pharmaceutical Analysis Standards......................................122
Stabilized Inlet Systems......................................................75 PinAAcle Burner System Components...................................21
PC Thermally Stabilized Inlet System....................................75
3x PinAAcle High-Sensitivity Nebulizer........................................22
Pearl Nebulizer Cleaner.........................................................49 PinAAcle Nebulizers and Assemblies Quick Reference............27
PEEK Ari Mist........................................................................44 Plastic Body GemTip™ Nebulizers...........................................23
PEEK Mira Mist......................................................................44 Plastic Body Nebulizer Parts for AAnalyst AA Instruments......25
PEEK Ring Nut for High Pressure 100 mL.............................137 Plastic Body Nebulizer Parts for PinAAcle AA Instrument........24
PEEK Ring Nut Removal Tool................................................137 Platinum Sampler and Skimmer Cones..................................83
Performance Verification Standards............................. 120-121 Pliers and Accessories............................................................28
pergo Argon Nebulizer....................................................49, 72 Plug Connector; Mixing Manifold to Gas/Liquid Separator.....37
Peristaltic Pump Tubing.........................................................96 PolyCon™ Nebulizer...............................................................44
PerkinElmer AS-90/90A/90plus Sample Racks......................101 PolyPro-ST Nebulizer........................................................45, 70
PerkinElmer AS-91 Sample Racks.........................................101 Polyscience Replacement Air Filters........................................95
PerkinElmer AS-93plus/S10 Rinsing Kit................................101 PolyScience® WhisperCool™ Refrigerated Chiller....................90
PerkinElmer AS-93plus/S10 Sample Racks............................101 Power Conditioners...............................................................92
PerkinElmer AS-9x/S10 Sampling Probe Assemblies.............100 Power Conditioners and UPS Systems....................................92
PerkinElmer Autosampler Supplies............................... 100-101 prepFAST Autodilution and Autocalibration Systems........65, 87
PerkinElmer S10 Autosampler................................................89 Pressure Seal for High Pressure 100 mL (100 Bar)
PerkinElmer S10 Autosampler Probes for ST Nebulizers..........71 Digestion Vessels.............................................................137
PerkinElmer SMS 100 Mercury Analyzer................................35 Pressure Seal for Standard 75 mL (40 Bar)
Digestion Vessels.............................................................137
Petroleum Physical Test Standard.........................................128
Proficiency Testing Standards...............................................128
PFA Bottles and Vials...........................................................105
PTFE 2 mL Sample Weighing Cup........................................136
PFA Gas Quick Connect.........................................................42
PFA Injector Assemblies.........................................................78
Copyright ©2020, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer is a trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Quick Reference
Introduction to Automation
SC DX Autosamplers
Durable, chemically inert autosamplers featuring dual flowing rinse stations to reduce carryover. DX
autosamplers are FAST ready and have two rinse pumps to supply independent solutions to each rinse
station, while DXe autosamplers have a common rinse pump that uses a tee connection to supply single
rinse solution to both stations. (Pages 4-5)
High-throughput, automated sample introduction system that uses valve injection with rapid vacuum sample
loading to more than double the productivity, minimize instrument maintenance, and reduce operating costs.
(Pages 6-7)
Automated inline dilution system that eliminates manual dilution, reduces reagent usage, and improves
laboratory productivity. These systems use a syringe module to perform precise and accurate inline
dilutions of standards and samples. prepFAST, base version; prepFAST e, economical; prepFAST M5,
syringe-driven sample loading. (Pages 8-19)
Application Systems
Advanced automation systems that combine FAST and prepFAST technologies with application specific
sample introduction components to allow for the analysis of nanoparticles, high matrix samples,
semiconductor chemicals and chromatography samples. (Pages 20-29)
Argon humidifier with a water vapor permeable membrane that improves performance and stability of
all concentric nebulizers, specifically when analyzing brines, fusion digests, and high TDS samples.
(Pages 42-43)
Peltier-cooled or heated inlet system for cyclonic spray chambers that provides thermal stabilization to
improve short and long-term stability. (Page 56)
Peltier-cooled low temperature inlet system for cyclonic spray chambers that reduces the solvent load on
the plasma for the analysis of 100% organic solvents. (Page 57)
Rinse Pump Supplies solution to rinse station; DXe has common rinse pump that uses a tee connection
to supply single rinse solution to each station; DX has two rinse pumps to supply
independent rinse solutions to each station.
Dual Rinse DX autosamplers come with two rinse stations; the first to remove residue from the previous
sample from the probe exterior, and the second for vacuuming rinse solution to rinse the
entire system.
MP2 Precision micro peristaltic pump.
FAST (DXe & DX) Valve and loop combination that rapidly vacuum loads and injects sample.
FAST Pump Allows rapid, vacuum sample loading into a loop on a FAST valve.
FAST Basic FAST system that includes nebulizer.
FAST Complete FAST system that includes torch, injector, spray chamber, nebulizer, and PC.3
Page 2
SC DX family of autosamplers ......................................................4-5
FAST high sample throughput system ..........................................6-7
prepFAST inline dilution system .................................................. 8-11
prepFAST e economical autodilution system ............................12-13
prepFAST (prepFAST 2) autodilution system............................14-15
prepFAST M5 syringe sample loading autodilution system ......16-17
prepFAST complete systems comparison ..................................... 18
prepFAST Ordering information ..................................................... 19
Application Systems
prep3 inline peristaltic pump dilution system ............................20-23
brineFAST S4 preconcentration system ...................................24-25
hydrideICP system ....................................................................26-27
hydride S31 ...............................................................................28-29
Autosampler Accessories
Enclosures and ULPA filtered environments .................................. 30
Mobile autosampler stations .......................................................... 31
MEINHARD® glass nebulizers ....................................................... 38
PFA FitKit MEINHARD® nebulizer connectors ..........................39-40
Pearl concentric nebulizer cleaner ................................................. 41
pergo argon nebulizer gas humidifier........................................42-43
Online mixing kits for addition of internal standard ........................ 44
Spray chambers and accessories .............................................45-46
ZipTorches and Injectors ...........................................................47-51
Peristaltic and Syringe Pumps
FAST DXi integrated peristaltic pumps with FAST valve................ 52
Stand alone peristaltic pumps ........................................................ 53
MP2 peristaltic pump tubing ........................................................... 54
Spare syringes and pipette tips...................................................... 55
High Performance Sample Introduction
Peltier coolers and heaters .......................................................56-57
HF-resistant sample introduction kit............................................... 59
High purity valves, stators and rotors........................................60-61
Manual sampling probes / nebulizer lines .................................62-63
Fittings, tubing and sample loops .............................................64-65
• Durable dual rail system
• Dual flowing rinse stations
• Precision sampling
• Reset probe – prevents probe damage
• Flexible rack configurations
• Upgradeable to FAST or prepFAST SC8 DX SCMicro DX
• SC2 DXe and SC4 DXe economical
versions available
Probe 2 1
Sample &
1 1
Standards Rack Pkg
2 1
Rinse Bottle (4L) SC2 DX
FAST Vacuum
1 0
Dual Flowing Rinse
1 1 Autosamplers
Au mplers
Rinse Pump 2 1
Page 4
SC DX Autosamplers are Engineered to be Precise and Durable
All SC DX autosamplers are designed for the trace metal lab. They utilize a Dual X-rail design combined
with a large diameter Z-rail with theta angular motion for precise sampling. All SC DX components are
constructed using chemically resistant materials for an exceptionally long lifetime.
Motion Z-Rail
Dual X-Rail
The SC-FAST system has the fastest signal stabilization and most
By presenting the sample for a short period complete rinse-out of any sample introduction system. This reduces
of time while the measurement is being uptake and wash times while increasing sample throughput.
performed, contamination of the sample
introduction system is minimized, resulting
in stable analytical runs with reduced
sample carryover and maintenance. The
SC-FAST reduces consumption of argon,
power, and reagents.
Page 6
Superior P-Series FAST Valve
• PFA rotors for long life and low maintenance
• Chemically resistant compression ring
- Uniform pressure
- Keyed for easy assembly
- Prevents damage from overtightening
• All fluoropolymer flow path Valve
• Internal components PTFE-coated
to prevent corrosion
• In-valve mixing of internal standard
(P7 valve)
• Integrated MP2 peristaltic pump Avio 500 ICP
and FAST valve for the Avio
• High quality ceramic bearing Single Valve FAST DXi
for Avio 500 ICP
peristaltic pump for long lifetime
and high precision
• Upgradeable to prepFAST
Peristaltic Pump
2 6
Internal 1 Vacuum
Solution © Elemental Scientific
Peristaltic Pump 3 5
7 Loop
Peristaltic Pump
2 6
Internal 1 Vacuum
Solution © Elemental Scientific
FAST basic systems for high throughput and Avio 200 N0790964 N0790965 N0790966 N0790967
FAST washout (Includes SC-DX autosampler )
Avio 500 N0810870 N0810871 N0810872 N0810873
See page 4 for more information on SC DX autosamplers.
Automate inline preparation of ICP calibration standards.
• Save time and improve laboratory efficiency
• Improve linearity
• Standards rack (9 x 125 mL) holds both calibration
and QC compliance standards
• Save time and improve laboratory efficiency
Overrange Dilution
Automatically dilute and reanalyze samples having
analyte concentrations above the calibration range.
• Autodilute overrange samples
• prepFAST "prepFAST 2" – High-throughput dilution system with rapid washout; max dilution factor of 400x
• prepFAST M5 – High-throughput dilution system with ultimate washout and precision sample loading for
viscous and small volume (<2-3 mL) samples; max dilution factor of 400x
Page 8
prep FAST Autodilution TM
a patented mixing valve at the dilution factor prescribed by Syngistix software. The diluted and mixed
sample is then introduced into the ICP while the sample loop is syringe rinsed and readied for the
next sample. This sampling and dilution process takes place in seconds.
Avio 500
SC DX Autosampler
Avio 500 ICP Carrier,
Diluent, IS
10x Diluted
Sample + IS Rinse
Avio 500
SC DX Autosampler
Avio 500 ICP
The prepFAST can create multipoint calibration curves from a single bottle of stock standard. Each point
of the calibration curve is prepared by autodilution of a single stock calibration standard placed on the
autosampler deck. The prepFAST automatically generates highly linear and consistent ICP calibration
curves. If necessary, multiple standards can be used for large concentration ranges or when standard
matrices are incompatible.
prepFAST Autocalibration
Inline Prep from 1 Blank + 1 Standard
Inline Standard
STD Dilution Concentration
Position Factor ppm
1 blank 0
3 2 20x 0.5
10 ppm 7
Stock 2 10x 1
2 5x 2
1 2 1x 10
Autocalibration improves laboratory efficiency by eliminating the need for labor-intensive and error prone
standard preparation. It reduces laboratory waste by reducing calibration vial, reagent, and standard waste.
prepFAST autocalibration is particularly important for low concentration standards near the detection limit.
Page 10
prep FAST Overrange Dilution TM
dilution factor until the determined concentration falls within the specified range.
Overrange Result
Initial Fail –
Analysis Analyte Above
(with or without Calibration
inline dilution) Range
Reinsert Sample
Re-analyze Pass –
Sample at Report Corrected
Higher Dilution Concentration
Factor (e.g.10x)
Inrange Result
Automated overrange sample dilution maximizes laboratory throughput. Without this feature
high concentration samples have to be manually diluted and rerun later. Overrange autodilution
automatically dilutes samples into the appropriate range without any user input or time lost waiting
for a result.
• Autocalibration
• Autodilution - 1 to 50x
• Peristaltic-pumped internal
standard addition
• Automate sample dilution
prepFAST e
Page 12
prepFAST e Features Diagram
Vented Enclosure
ULPA filter option
Resetting Probe Dual Overflowing
Reduces Probe Damage Rinse Stations
Sample Containers
<1mL up to 500mL
Vacuum Pump
Chemically inert diaphragm pump
for vacuum sample loading
High Precision
SC DX Autosampler
Inline Syringe
Sample Preparation Small Footprint
• Autodilution
• Auto QC dilution
• Autocalibration
r = 0.9998 r = 0.9999
Autocalibrations on Avio 500 with prepFAST e. Standard concentrations prepared at 20, 100, 200, and 1000 μg/L.
• Autocalibration
• Autodilution – 1 to 400x
• Auto QC dilution
• Syringe-driven internal standard
• High speed rinse
• FAST vacuum sample loading
• Automate sample dilution
• Improve sample throughput
• Reduce laboratory waste
• Available in SC2, SC4, SC8,
and SC14 models
Page 14
prepFAST Features Diagram
Weighted Optional
Resetting Probe Vented Enclosure
Reduces Probe Damage ULPA filter option
Inline Syringe
Sample Preparation
Small Footprint
- Sample dilution
- Internal standard addition
- Overrange dilution
Large Volume
Reagent Bottles Portable
Allows for flexible positioning
prepFAST Performance
• Autocalibration
• Autodilution – 1 to 400x
• Auto QC dilution
• Syringe-driven internal standard addition
• High speed rinse
• Ultimate washout
• Precision syringe loading or high speed
vacuum loading
• High pressure syringe-driven probe rinsing
Page 1616
prepFAST M5 Features Diagram
Optional Vented Enclosure
Weighted ULPA filter option
Resetting Probe
Reduces Probe Damage Dual Overflowing
Rinse Stations
Sample Containers
<1mL up to 500mL Vacuum Pump
Optional vacuum loaded sampling.
Rapid rinsing & cleaning.
High Precision
SC DX Autosampler
Syringe Sample Loading
Precise sample loading for small
Inline Syringe samples or multiple reanalysis.
Sample Preparation
• Sample dilution
• Internal standard addition Small Footprint
• Washing
• Overrange dilution
Large Reagent Bottles
prepFAST inline dilution systems
automatically perform precise and
accurate dilutions for samples
and standards, improving
laboratory workflow, productivity,
and data quality.
SC4 DX Autosampler
with Mobile Station
prepFAST e Provides:
• Autocalibration
• Autodilution
• Auto overrange dilution prepFAST e
• Peristaltic pump driven internal standard addition
• Dilution range: 1-50
prepFAST Provides:
• Autocalibration
• Autodilution
• Auto overrange dilution
• Improved washout and higher throughput prepFAST
• Syringe-driven internal standard addition
• Dilution range: 1-400
prepFAST M5 Provides:
• Autocalibration
• Autodilution
• Auto overrange dilution
• Precision syringe sample loading for micro or viscous samples
• Best washout performance of any sample introduction system
• Syringe-driven internal standard addition
• Dilution range: 1-400 prepFAST
Page 18
prep FAST Ordering Information TM
Syringe- Pressure Micro Volatile
Auto Driven Rinse Volume Organic
Overrange Internal Ultimate Sample Solvent Dilution
Description Autocalibration Autodilution Dilution Standard Washout Analysis Analysis Range
prepFAST e
1 - 50
1 - 400
prepFAST M5
1 - 400
prepFAST prepFAST
Part Number Part Number
prepFAST M5 prepFAST M5
Part Number Part Number
SC2 DX N0790968 SC2 DX N0810866
SC4 DX N0790969 SC4 DX N0810867
SC8 DX N0790970 SC8 DX N0810868
SC14 DX N0790971 SC14 DX N0810869
f o r A v io 2 0 0 & 5 0 0 ICP
• Triple low-pulsing
microperistaltic pump
- P1 = Carrier
- P2 = Diluent
- P3 = Internal standard
• Low-volume mixing device
• Automatic calibration from
stock standard solution(s)
• Automatic sample dilution
• Automatic over-range dilution
• Automatic internal standard
out-of-range dilution
• Analyze samples from SC2 DXe prep3 on
the Avio 200 ICP
undiluted to up to 25x diluted
• Fully supported by Syngistix
Page 20
Autocalibration of multiple stock standards
Defining stock standard concentration and autosampler location in Syngistix software is performed in the calibration tab. In this
example, autocalibration from two stock standards creates a calibration curve from 0.025 ppm to 10 ppm for Fe, Mg, Mn, V, and
2.5 ppm to 50 ppm for Ca. Syngistix uses the stock standard locations, concentrations, and dilutions to autocalibrate the Avio.
Syngistix flexibility allows autodilution factors to be the same for all samples (example A) or sample specific (example B). The
prep3 eliminates offline manual dilution of samples.
f o r Av io 2 0 0 & 5 0 0 ICP
The upper concentration range for one or more analytes can be defined for automatic dilution of over-range samples. Set the
upper limit (A) and the over-range dilution factor (B).
Dilute Further
Syngistix monitors the internal standard and the prep3 automatically dilutes out-of-range samples further for reanalysis.
Page 22
Internal Standard Recovery - 1 ppm Y
% Recovery
% Recovery
Al Mg Ni Co Mn Ba Be Zn B
Average recovery for 10 ppm analytes over 13 hours of continuous test. Average recovery: 98.6%
f o r Av io 5 0 0 IC P
Early detection of low and sub-ppb alkaline earth and transition metals in high-
purity brines improves chlor-alkali plant process control and prevents costly
damage to fluoropolymer membrane cells. Undiluted 30% brines may
be sampled and analyzed directly, eliminating sample preparation and
reducing contamination.
• Fully automated, inline preconcentration and matrix removal
• Direct mode with up to 50x fixed inline dilution
• Syringe-driven reagents
- Consistent chemistry
- Maximum throughput
- Cleanliness
• No daily maintenance
• Detection limits in brine up to 400x better
than traditional sample introduction
• Preconcentration mode for
determination of low and sub-ppb Ca,
Typical calibration for 50% caustic soda (10x diluted) Typical calibration for ultra-pure brine, <10 ppb.
demonstrating linearity at higher concentrations. If
needed, higher level calibrations at the ppm level are
also linear.
Page 24
All brineFAST S4 Systems brineFAST
Include: Ŷ Preconcentration or Direct Mode
• DX FAST autosampler Ŷ Direct mode
• S400V syringe pump module
• FAST DXi dual valve module
and all connections
• brineFAST S4 concentrator
• brineFAST S4 cleanup
• Mobile autosampler station
Fe 104 95
Ba 106 99
Description Part Number
Sr 75 99
Mn SC2 DX brineFAST S4 system for
111 99 N0810874
Avio 500
Comparison of spike recoveries for traditional
analysis and the brineFAST S4 preconcentration Spare brine preconcentration column N0777470
technique. Note that the spike levels are 20x
lower with the brineFAST S4 than with the original Spare trace metals cleanup column N8145357
introduction system.
• Increased sensitivity, up to 100x for hydride-
forming elements (As, Hg, Se, Sb,)
• Simultaneous hydride generation and
nebulization for high sensitivity multielement
• Improved stability
- MP2 micro peristaltic pump precisely
mixes sample and reagents, producing a
stable formation of H2 gas and hydrides
• Compact
- hydrideICP is the smallest system of its kind
on the market (95 mm x 118 mm x 140 mm)
• Chemically resistant construction
- MP2 micro peristaltic pump with ceramic pins,
a PFA mixing block and quartz GLS
• Convenient
- hydrideICP is completely integrated into the
MP2 pump
hydrideICP System
Universal spray chamber adaptor (P/N N0782031) Dual-Inlet spray chamber (P/N
used with hydrideICP operating in hydride-only mode. N0810919) used with hydrideICP
operating in simultaneous hydride and
direct nebulization mode.
Page 26
out to ICP
in in
Sample In (As3+, Se4+) Ar
Reagents (HCl, NaBH4)
Sweep Gas (Ar)
Matrix (Na+, Cl-, B[OH]3)
Analytes (AsH3, SeH2)
Reagents MP2
Separator PE Avio 200 (or 500)
Liquid Nebulizer
Sample Hydride
Avio Spray Chamber
f o r Av io 5 0 0 ICP
hydride S31
Hydride-forming elements, analyzed in
hydride or nebulization modes
Page 28
Simultaneous Hydride Generation and
Direct Nebulization with hydride S31
The integration of an additional FAST valve provides multi-mode
functionality to the hydride S31 and the Avio 500 for the highest
flexibility and sample throughput.
Gas/Liquid hydride S31
Avio 500
Hydride S31 configuration with additional FAST valve for high throughput multi-mode analysis. Non-
hydride forming elements are analyzed through the Liquid Sample pathway using a nebulizer. Hydride
forming elements benefit from high sensitivity hydride generation through Gaseous Sample pathway.
The Avio 500 acquisition can be configured to analyze hydride-forming elements while the nebulizer
is introducing carrier liquids, thus analyzing only for the hydride species. Hydride S31 can also be
operated simultaneously or sequentially with direct nebulization.
Autosampler Enclosures
Enclosures protect samples and standards
from airborne contamination. An exhaust port
(100 mm, included) may be connected to the
laboratory ventilation system to exhaust acid
fumes and protect the laboratory environment
and equipment. Enclosures can be purchased
with or without an ULPA filter.
Page 30
Mobile Autosampler Stations
The mobile autosampler station provides a small-footprint platform for the 2 DX or 4 DX.
• Mobile with locking wheels for flexible positioning
• Convenient location for rinse and waste containers
• Shelf for additional sample introduction equipment, such as prepFAST
Accessible rinse
bottle can be refilled
in place
PFA-ST Nebulizers
The PFA-ST MicroFlow nebulizer is made from high purity, HF
resistant PFA. It has an exchangeable external sample uptake
capillary. The sample uptake rate is controlled by the diameter of the
external capillary or probe.
• All PFA construction • Can be pumped from < 0.02 mL/min to 3.0 mL/min
• Exchangeable uptake capillaries allow one • Direct analysis of volatile and non-volatile
nebulizer to be used at different self-aspiration organic solvents
rates from 20 μL/min to 700 μL/min • Longer lifetime than glass or quartz nebulizers
• Chemically resistant—ideal for strong acids,
alkalis and organics
Description Application Part Number
ST3-70 MicroFlow PFA For general high N0777676
nebulizer with external 1/4-28 sensitivity and
threaded connector. high performance
PFA-ST for prepFAST self- prepFAST N8145368
aspirating nebulizer with
external 1/4-28 threaded
PolyPro-ST Nebulizer
The syringe flush kit is used in two ways. With the white
fitting it can back flush the sample capillary leading to the
ST nebulizer. With the red fitting it can attach to the sample
liquid port on the ST nebulizer for foreflushing.
Page 34
Probes and Capillaries for ST-Nebulizers
Carbon Fiber Supported Autosampler Probes for ST Nebulizers
ST nebulizer probes connect directly to any ST-type nebulizer. The 1/4-28
threaded fitting provides a secure, zero-dead-volume connection with no
additional fittings required.
• Available with self-aspiration rates between 20
and 400 microliters per minute
Page 36
PFA Nebulizers with Integrated Autosampler Probes
PFA-50 Nebulizer
Ultem Support
Concentric Nebulizers for Avio 200/500 ICP
MEINHARD® Plus Nebulizers have the lowest dead volume of any glass or quartz nebulizer. The low dead
volume and high sensitivity provide excellent detection limits and washout.
Each MEINHARD® Plus nebulizer comes with the FitKit+ gas and sample quick connect fittings. Patented
permanent non-degradable PFA connector eliminates contamination risk and risk of leak. The gas connection
fits snugly over the maria on the sidearm of the nebulizer.
Type K low dead volume
TR+ glass high sensitivity concentric nebulizer with high performance nebulizer
low internal volume.
Nebulizer Lines
Page 38
PFA FitKit MEINHARD® Nebulizer Connectors
• Fast stabilization time and ultra-low dead-volume
• High purity PFA fluoropolymer construction
• Easy to connect and disconnect
F1 Detachable Capillary
FG gas connection forms a tight seal over the maria on the sidearm of the MEINHARD® nebulizers.
FG offers the benefits of an easy-to-use quick connect while maintaining high purity for sensitive
ICP applications. In a test that simulated a backflow event, FG produced
concentrations of elements like Fe and Cr that were four orders of magnitude
lower than concentrations leached from a conventional fitting (Figure 1).
• High-purity PFA fluoropolymer construction
• Easy to connect and disconnect nebulizer line maria
• One connection fits any MEINHARD nebulizer
Conventional gas
line connector
PFA quick
connect gas line
Page 40
Pearl Nebulizer Cleaner
The diagram below shows the 3 main types of blockages that can occur in
pneumatic concentric nebulizers.
PRL-02 PRL-02
2 Nebulizer
earl Nebulizer
3 1
1. Deposits at this point are typically composed of salts coming out of
solution. Such deposits can usually be removed by repeated rinsing of a
concentric nebulizer with an appropriate solvent.
2. This sort of obstruction is the worst type, capable of breaking the tip of a
glass capillary. If the deposit is insoluble, the only sure way to remove it is
with a PEARL cleaner.
3. Deposits inside the capillary may go unnoticed for quite a while, particularly
if the sample is pumped. Paper and textile fibers are often at fault.
• Improved RSDs
• Improved short and long-term stability
• Improved detection limits
• Faster washout
• Ability to use high-sensitivity nebulizers for high-TDS samples
• Reduce long-term drift
• Extends the length of analytical runs
N8145315 pergo
high solids accessory
Water microdroplets
continuously clean the
inside of the nebulizer
and prevent salt deposits.
Page 42
RSDs for seawater samples
improve significantly when
the pergo is utilized
with pergo without pergo
The unique pergo design offers
many advantages over other types
of argon humidifiers.
• Higher, more consistent humidity
Improved long term stability is achieved when utilizing the pergo, reducing
signal drift and extending the length of analysis runs.
Description Part Number
pergo argon high solids accessory. N8145315
pergo argon high solids accessory. Includes a MEINHARD TR+ high performance nebulizer.
pergo argon high solids accessory. Includes a PFA-ST HF-resistant high performance N8150427
• Low dead-volume, fluoropolymer mixing tee
• 0.25 mm I.D. (green) for flow rates < 1 mL/min
• 0.5 mm I.D. (orange) for flow rates > 0.3 mL/min
• Internal standard probe and addition line
• Fluoropolymer peripump fittings
• Peristaltic pump tubing starter pack
Online Dilution:
The online mixing kits include a starter pack of peristaltic
pump tubing for the MP2 micro peristaltic pump.
Approximate dilution factors are defined by choosing the
size of the sample and internal standard peristaltic
pump tubing. Other pump tubing sizes are available.
Page 44
Spray Chambers
Quartz cyclonic baffled N0791842 N0811901
cyclonic spray chamber
with PFA outlet connection
for One-Piece ZipTorch
Quartz cyclonic baffled N0790981 N0810884
cyclonic spray chamber
with addition gas port and
PFA outlet connection for
One-Piece ZipTorch
Quartz cyclonic baffled N0790980 N0810919
cyclonic spray chamber
with hydride gas port and
PFA outlet connection for
One-Piece ZipTorch
Used with one-piece ZipTorches on page 47, 51.
Ball/Socket Cyclonic Spray Chambers for Standard Avio Torch
Quartz cyclonic baffled N0791841 N0811900
cyclonic spray chamber
with 12/5 socket
connection for standard
Avio injector
Quartz cyclonic baffled N0790983 N0810883 N0790983
cyclonic spray chamber
with addition gas port and
12/5 socket connection for
standard Avio injector
Quartz baffled cyclonic N0790984
spray chamber with
hydride gas port and 12/5
socket connection for
standard Avio injector
Page 46
Innovative ZipTorch f o r Av io 2 0 0 & 5 0 0 ICP
ZipTorch Design
• One-piece base
• Dual gas connections to support both PVDF
Avio 200 & 500 Torch Holder
• No internal o-rings Patented One-piece
• Quick-press and socket-free spray O-ring-free Torch Design
chamber connection • No internal o-rings or gaskets,
• Available in metal free
• Easy cleaning, no assembly
- One-piece or demountable required
- Silicon nitride, quartz or organics quartz
• Highly reproduceable installation position
For Avio 200
• No user contact with torch tubes and Avio 500
• One torch for both Avio 200 and 500
• Torch or injector can be exchanged in seconds
• Eliminate ground glass ball joint connectors Quick-Press and Socket-Free
and clamps Spray chamber connection
in Chemical Resistance
and Extended Lifetime
con Nitride
Material Benefits
Over Quartz
• Heat is conducted more evenly across the silicon nitride torch body,
reducing thermal stress and resulting in significant advantages over
quartz torches that can form stress cracks and fail.
Chemical Resistance
• The Nitride torch is highly resistant to chemical attack by high matrix
components in the plasma. Nitride torches do not devitrify and have a
long lifetime.
• Compared to quartz, up to 100x lifespan can be expected when
running high matrix samples.
N0811913 • Eliminating frequent replacement of quartz torches results in
Demountable Nitride significantly reduced operating costs.
Page 48
Nitride ZipTorch installed in Avio 500
Every ICP-OES System Should Experience the Benefits of a Silicon Nitride ZipTorch
1-1.5 mm injectors for organic solvents, 2 mm standard size, and 2.5 mm for high matrix samples
One-piece ZipTorches
Quartz one-piece ZipTorch with injector and PVDF o-ring- 1.5 mm N0811903
free holder for Avio ICP 2 mm N0811906
2.5 mm N0811907
1 mm N0791864
Organics quartz one-piece ZipTorch with injector and PVDF
1.5 mm N0791865
o-ring-free holder for Avio ICP
2 mm N0791866
Page 50
Demountable ZipTorches
Avio 200/500
Part Number
Demountable quartz ZipTorch with PVDF
o-ring-free holder for Avio ICP
Demountable organic ZipTorch with
PVDF o-ring-free holder for Avio ICP
Demountable silicon nitride ZipTorch
with PVDF o-ring-free holder for Avio N0811913
Demountable Demountable Demountable
Quartz Quartz Organics Silicon Nitride
ZipTorch ZipTorch ZipTorch
These injectors are designed for use with the quartz, organics and
silicon nitride demountable torches.
Avio 200/500
Size Part Number
Quartz demountable injectors for Avio 1 mm N0791859
1.5 mm N0791860
2 mm N0791861
2.5 mm N0791862
Sapphire demountable injectors for Avio 1.5 mm N0791850
2 mm N0791851
N0791860 N0791850 N0791849
Platinum demountable injector for Avio Quartz Sapphire Platinum
2 mm N0791849
ZipTorches Injector Injector Injector
Upgradable Integrated Precision Micro
Peristaltic Pump for Avio 200/500
• Accurate pumping across a wide
range of rates from low 0.20 μL/min to
10 mL/min
• Faster analysis with high precision.
FAST DXi populated with a
Low Pulsation single valve actuator.
• 12 closely-spaced rollers maintain (Valve shown but not included)
Page 52
Stand Alone Peristaltic Pumps
Used in Low Pressure Applications High Pressure Applications
Qty Size Part Number Qty Size Part Number
Female Female
1 N8145018 1 N0777829
(small) (small)
Male Male
1 N8145017 1 N0777830
(small) (small)
1000 1 8000
y = .633x y = 69.606x
800 R =1 0.8 R = 0.99999
600 0.6
400 0.4
200 0.2
0 0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
Pump Speed (RPM) Pump Speed (RPM)
Non-Flared Flared*
Calibration Slope PVC *Santoprene® Solva PVC Solva
i.d. Stop Colors (μL/min per RPM) 2-stop 2-stop 2-stop 2-stop 2-stop
0.13 mm Orange Black 0.6 N8145145 N8145194 N8145208
0.19 mm Orange Red 1.3 N8145146 N8145195 N8145209
0.27 mm Orange Blue 2.7 N8145147 N8145196 N8145210
0.38 mm Orange Green 4.7 N8145148 N8145171 N8145197 N8145211
0.44 mm Green Yellow 7.6 N8145149 N8145198 N8145212
0.51 mm Orange Yellow 9.5 N8145150 N8145199 N8145213
0.57 mm White Yellow 11 N8145151 N8145200 N8145214
0.64 mm Orange White 14 N8145152 N8145201 N8145215
0.76 mm Black Black 19 N8145153 N8145172 N8145176 N8145202 N8145216
0.89 mm Orange Orange 24 N8145154 N8145177 N8145203 N8145217
0.95 mm White Black 28 N8145155 N8145178 N8145204 N8145218
1.02 mm White White 31 N8145156 N8145179 N8145205 N8145219
1.09 mm White Red 33 N8145157 N8145180 N8145206 N8145220
1.14 mm Red Red 35 N8145158 N8145181 N8145207
1.22 mm Red Grey 46 N8145159 N8145182
1.30 mm Grey Grey 47 N8145160 N8145173 N8145183
1.42 mm Yellow Yellow 50 N8145161 N8145184
1.52 mm Yellow Blue 51 N8145162 N8145174 N8145185
1.65 mm Blue Blue 55 N8145163 N8145186
1.75 mm Blue Green 58 N8145164 N8145187
1.85 mm Green Green 61 N8145165 N8145188
2.06 mm Purple Purple 64 N8145166 N8145189
2.29 mm Purple Black 65 N8145167 N8145190
2.54 mm Purple Orange 67 N8145168 N8145191
2.79 mm Purple White 69 N8145169 N8145192
3.17 mm Black White 70 N8145170 N8145175 N8145193
Bridge Length 72 mm 72 mm 72 mm 72 mm 72 mm
*For easy insertion of PFA capillaries i.d. = internal diameter
Non-Flared Flared
Page 54
Spare Syringes
Replacement Syringes
3 mL quartz syringe 6 mL Quartz syringe 12 mL CTFE syringe
N8145223 N8152754 N8145227
PC3X on the Avio 200
Page 56
PC-LT on the Avio 500
for volatile organic
solvent analysis
The PC3-LT is a low temperature Peltier cooler for cyclonic spray chambers on the Avio 200 / 500 ICP
systems. It provides lower temperatures to reduce the solvent load on the plasma for the analysis of volatile
organic solvents.
NWR Series Laser Ablation
Elemental Scientific Lasers (ESL)
Laser Ablation (LA) is a direct, solid sample
introduction technique for Inductively Coupled
Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS) and Optical
Emission Spectroscopy (OES). LA can be used
to directly analyze any solid sample. The sample
is accommodated inside an ablation cell and
interrogated by a high power, pulsed laser ranging
from a few microns (for high resolution spatial
analysis) or hundreds of microns (for bulk analysis)
in diameter. The aerosol generated is swept to
the ICP/ICPMS for subsequent vaporization and
ionization via a simple transport line.
© Elemental Scientific Lasers LLC | 685 Old Buffalo Trail | Bozeman, MT, 59715
406-586-3159 | lasers@icpms.com | www.nwrlasers.com
HF Resistant Sample Introduction Kit
• Easy installation
• Clean PFA components for lower background
equivalent concentration (BEC) and detection limits
• O-ring-free connections—ensures lowest
BEC’s, highest chemical resistance and easy
• Chemically resistant—suitable for nearly all samples,
including strong acids, alkalis and organic solvents N0810914 Series HF-Resistant PFA Sapphire
• Low sample consumption—ideal for VPD and Sample Introduction Kit for PE Avio
preconcentrated samples
• Fast washout
Description Description
CTFE replacement stator for 1 mm PFA rotor
V12 FAST valve
Page 60
High Purity Valves with Spare Rotors and Stators
Part Number Part Number Part Number
# of Ports Bore Size Stator Material Rotor Material Complete Valve Stator Rotor
3 - P3 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8152617 N8152618 N8152619
4 - P4 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145369 N8145377 N8145383
6 - P6 P6 CTFE PFA N8145370 N8145378 N0777751
7 - P7 P7 CTFE PFA N8145371 N0777752 N0777751
7 - P7 P7 PPS PFA N8145372 N8145380 N0777751
8 - P7+ P7 CTFE PFA N0777750 N8145379 N8145384
8 - P8 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145373 N8145381 N8145385
10 - P10 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145374 N8145382 N8145386
11-P11 1.0 mm CTFE PFA N8145375 N8145393 N8145386
11-A11b A11b CTFE PFA N8145376 N8145392 N8145396
13 - P13 P13 CTFE PFA N8145455 N8152620 N8152621
5 - A5e A5e CTFE PFA N8145451 N8152622 N8152623
7 - A7μ A7μ CTFE PFA N8145452 N8152624 N8152625
6 - PM6 0.4 mm CTFE PFA N8152626 N8152627 N8152628
8 - PM7+ 0.4 mm CTFE PFA N8152629 N8152630 N8152628
4 - P4H 1.6 mm CTFE PFA N8152631 N8152632 N8152633
5 - P5H 1.6 mm CTFE PFA N8152634 N8152635 N8152633
N0777286 N0777522
Page 62
PFA-ST or MEINHARD® nebulizers are recommended for use with the FAST system for optimum throughput
and performance. Connecting lines are offered for most nebulizers that laboratories may already have.
PTFE FAST valve line that connects the FAST valve (port #3)
to a PerkinElmer Gem Cone nebulizer to achieve fast signal
stabilization time and short wash times.
PTFE FAST valve line that connects the FAST valve (port #3)
Male Perilink fitting, barbed 1 Adapts 10/32 to pump tubing and for
use with internal standard tee N8152453
Page 64
Sample Loops
PTFE crimp free FAST or prepFAST loops provide low resistance for fast loading and rinse out.
PFA vials are ideal for applications that require the highest purity. Made of ultra-pure, ultra-chemically
resistant material, these vials are an excellent choice for high purity, semiconductor and micro samples.
• Non-contaminating • Graduated • Temperature range of -200 °C to 260 °C
• HF-resistant • Conical bottom • Self-standing
N0777403 10 N0777402 10
Description Volume
14 mm o.d. 1 mL
graduated PFA Brim full PFA cap for
micro vial 2 mL 14 mm micro vials
N0777404 10 N0777393 10
14 mm o.d. 2 mL
PFA snap-on cap for 14 mm
graduated PFA Brim full graduated PFA micro vials
micro vial 3 mL
N0777392 10
N0777405 10
PFA cap with knob
Description Volume for 14 mm graduated
PFA micro vials.
4 mL
14 mm o.d.
graduated PFA Brim full
micro vial 4.5 mL
PFA cap with knob allows
for precise removal with
the ETFE tweezers
Part Number Qty
N0777396 1
Page 66
PFA Bottles and Vials
PFA bottles and vials are ideal for a wide range of demanding fluid handling and storage applications in
general laboratory, semiconductor, and environmental industries.
N8145132 10
N0777406 5
Description Volume
Description Volume 30 mm o.d.
graduated 15 mL
PFA vial
28 mm o.d. PFA
20 mL
bottle and cap
Part Number Qty
N8145133 10
Description Volume
Part Number Qty
30 mm o.d.
N0777407 1 graduated 30 mL
PFA vial
Description Volume
Description Volume
N8145105 10
Screw cap for
30 mm o.d. vials
2 mL PVDF autosampler vial
Bottles / Vials Fits Racks with PFA cap
N8145473 N0777229 (pg 73), N0777230
(pg 73), N0777397 (pg 75)
Page 68
Sample Vessels
Non-PFA sample vessels manufactured from plastics, such as polypropylene, polyethylene and polystyrene,
are a sensible alternative to consider when breakage, surface inertness, and/or disposal costs are a concern.
Vials Fits Racks
N8121043 N0777231 (pg 73), N0777232 (pg 73)
N8145125 N0777245 (pg 72), N0777643 (pg 72), N0777644 (pg 72), N8145317 (pg 76)
N0777815 N0777243 (pg 72)
N0777471 N0777640 (pg 73), N0777244 (pg 72), N0777642 (pg 72), N0777247 (pg 74), N8145317 (pg 76)
N8145124 N0777639 (pg 73), N0777228 (pg 76), N0777242 (pg 72), N0777641 (pg 72), N0777248 (pg 74),
N8145317 (pg 76), N0782019 (pg 76)
N0777820 N0777822 (pg 75), N0777252 (pg 74), N8145317 (pg 76), N0777772 (pg 77), N0777771 (pg 77)
N0777818 N0777823 (pg 75), N8122464 (pg 77), N8145317 (pg 76), N0782019 (pg 76)
N0777471 60 N8145079 50
N8145124 50 N0777820 12
N0777819 100
Description Volume
61 mm o.d.
polyethylene wide 250 mL
mouth bottle
Microplates are ideal for micro-volume applications such as storage and sample transfer.
All microplates can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers:
Page 70
X-Piercing Film Cover / XP Probe Arm
XP Probe Arm
Metal racks are coated with an epoxy paint that forms a protective barrier over the rack material.
All coated metal racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe,
Page 72
Heated and Micro Autosampler Racks
All heated racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe, SC4 DX/
Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number
60 position heated large 16 mm N0777640 21 position heated large 30 mm N0777639
sample rack for 15 mL tubes sample rack for 50 mL and
60 mL tubes
All MR racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe, SC4 DX/SC4 DXe
SC-Micro DX
Large-volume samples can be analyzed using Avio super racks without transferring the sample to a smaller
tube, reducing prep time and chance of contamination.
All SR2 racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe
Description Diam. Part Number Description Diam. Part Number
80 position HMPE super 16 mm N0777247 27 position HMPE super sample 28 mm N0777248
sample rack for 15 mL tubes rack for 20 mL and 50 mL tubes
Page 74
Autosampler Racks (SR4 Size, Type 1)
All SR4 racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe,
All SR4 type 2 racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC4 DX/SC4 DXe
N0777823 super
rack with 100 mL
volumetric flasks
All ST type 1 racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe,
Page 76
Autosampler Racks (ST Size, Type 2)
All ST type 2 racks can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC2 DX/SC2 DXe
The ST type 3 rack can be used on the following SC DX autosamplers: SC4 DX/SC4 DXe
Assorted fittings and tubing for FAST systems. Tubing Flush Kit 1
1 Mixing tee (green line) ,QWHUQDOVWDQGDUGOLQH
Consumables/Spares Kit
All of the assorted fittings and tubing in the FAST Spares Kit Tubing Flush Kit (N8121035)
internal standard tee. (N0777829) (N0777830) (N0777834) (N0777837) (N0777835) (N0777838) (N0777751)
6PDOO%DUEHG 6PDOO%DUEHG 3.2 mm 2.4 mm 3.2 mm 2.4 mm 6SDUHPP3)$
Female Union (4) Male Union (4) 0HGLXP)HPDOH/XHU Small Female Luer (10) 0HGLXP0DOH/XHU Small Male Luer (10) valve rotor 3+LJKÀRZYDOYH(N0777750)
PFA F6 rotor, tubing flush kit, ST nebulizer line, and spare Obstruction removal kit
fittings and tubing for prepFAST. (N0777829) (N0777830) (N0777834) (N0777837) (N0777835) (N0777838) (N8145384)
Small Barbed Small Barbed 3.2 mm Medium 2.4 mm Small 3.2 mm Medium 2.4 mm Small Spare PFA (N0777750)
Female Union (4) Male Union (4) Female Luer (10) Female Luer (10) Male Luer (10) Male Luer (10) F6 rotor P7+ prepFAST valve
P6 prepFAST valve
Consumables/Spares Kit
Includes all of the assorted fittings and tubing in the FAST (N8121035) Tubing Flush Kit (Reorder Qty 12/pkg: N8145173) Grey/grey santoprene tubing (12)
Spares Kit with the addition of a PFA-ST nebulizer, 3 mL quartz (N8145236) Obstruction removal kit
syringe, and assorted fittings. (N0777834) (N0777837) (N0777835) (N0777838) (N8145384) (N8145386) (N8145396)
3.2 mm Medium 2.4 mm Small 3.2 mm Medium 2.4 mm Small Spare PFA Spare PFA Spare PFA
Plugs (5)
Female Luer (10) Female Luer (10) Male Luer (10) Male Luer (10) F6 rotor P11 rotor A11b rotor
(SF-LVA-V1V3) V1 to V3 connector line (green) ST Nebulizer Line (orange)
Page 78
Installation and Training
kit (N8145126)
application development for SC-FAST Phone: 402.991.7800 | Fax: 402.991.7799 | Email: esi@icpms.com | Web: www.icpms.com
Description Part Number Elemental Scientific | 7277 World Communications Drive | Omaha, NE 68122 USA
Phone: 402.991.7800 | Fax: 402.991.7799 | Email: esi@icpms.com | Web: www.icpms.com
SC2 DX autosampler with mobile stand and enclosure and ULPA Filter, W x D X H: 54.2 cm x 34.6 cm x 127.3 cm
Page 80
SC8 DX Autosampler with and ULPA Filter Enclosure Dimensions
Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page
B0193233 ..............69 N0777346 ..............30 N0777671 ..............65 N0790968 ..............19 N0810879 ..............19
B0193234 ..............69 N0777347 ..............30 N0777676 ..............33 N0790969 ..............19 N0810880 ..............19
N0777040 ..............30 N0777392 ..............66 N0777707 ..............38 N0790970 ..............19 N0810881 ..............19
N0777041 ..............30 N0777393 ..............66 N0777750 ..............61 N0790971 ..............19 N0810882 ..............19
N0777046 ..............65 N0777394 ..............55 N0777751 ..............61 N0790972 ..............56 N0810883 ..............45
N0777205 ..............79 N0777395 ..............55 N0777752 ..............61 N0790973 ..............56 N0810884 ..............45
N0777208 ..............30 N0777396 ..............66 N0777758 ..............61 N0790976 ..............19 N0810885 ..............52
N0777209 ..............30 N0777397 ..............75 N0777759 ..............61 N0790977 ..............19 N0810914 ..............59
N0777210 ..............30 N0777398 ..............75 N0777761 ..............61 N0790978 ..............19 N0810917 ..............78
N0777214 ..............37 N0777402 ........66, 68 N0777771 ..............77 N0790979 ..............19 N0810919 ..............27
N0777215 ..............37 N0777403 ..............66 N0777772 ..............77 N0790980 ..............45 N0811287 ..............38
N0777216 ..............37 N0777404 ..............66 N0777813 ..............69 N0790981 ..............45 N0811288 ..............38
N0777217 ..............37 N0777405 ..............66 N0777814 ..............69 N0790982 ..............52 N0811900 ..............45
N0777218 ..............37 N0777406 ..............67 N0777815 ..............69 N0790983 ..............45 N0811901 ..............45
N0777219 ..............33 N0777407 ..............67 N0777818 ..............69 N0790984 ..............45 N0811902 ..............50
N0777223 ..............35 N0777426 ..............79 N0777819 ..............69 N0791841 ..............45 N0811903 ..............50
N0777225 ..............35 N0777428 ..............65 N0777820 ..............69 N0791842 ..............45 N0811906 ..............50
N0777228 ..............76 N0777429 ..............65 N0777821 ..............69 N0791843 ..............38 N0811907 ..............50
N0777229 ..............73 N0777430 ..............65 N0777822 ..............75 N0791847 ..............45 N0811908 ..............51
N0777230 ..............73 N0777431 ..............65 N0777823 ..............75 N0791848 ..............45 N0811909 ........29, 45
N0777231 ..............73 N0777470 ..............25 N0777826 ..............35 N0791849 ..............51 N0811913 ..............51
N0777232 ..............73 N0777471 ..............69 N0777827 ..............35 N0791850 ..............51 N0811935 ..............51
N0777233 ..............73 N0777477 ..............65 N0777829 ........53, 64 N0791851 ..............51 N2024021 ..............31
N0777236 ..............70 N0777478 ..............65 N0777830 ........53, 64 N0791856 ..............34 N2024041 ..............31
N0777237 ..............70 N0777479 ..............65 N0777831 ..............30 N0791859 ..............51 N8121035 ..............34
N0777238 ..............70 N0777480 ..............65 N0777832 ..............65 N0791860 ..............51 N8121036 ..............40
N0777239 ..............70 N0777522 ..............62 N0777833 ..............53 N0791861 ..............51 N8121037 ..............39
N0777242 ..............72 N0777523 ..............62 N0782019 ..............76 N0791862 ..............51 N8121038 ..............39
N0777243 ..............72 N0777639 ..............73 N0786010 ................5 N0791864 ..............50 N8121039 ..............39
N0777244 ..............72 N0777640 ..............73 N0786011 ................5 N0791865 ..............50 N8121043 ..............69
N0777245 ..............72 N0777641 ..............72 N0786012 ..............23 N0791866 ..............50 N8122350 ..............36
N0777247 ..............74 N0777642 ..............72 N0786013 ..............23 N0810852 ..............52 N8122351 ..............36
N0777248 ..............74 N0777643 ..............72 N0786014 ..............23 N0810853 ..............52 N8122382 ..............35
N0777249 ..............74 N0777644 ..............72 N0786018 ..............29 N0810854 ..............52 N8122383 ..............35
N0777252 ..............74 N0777653 ..............65 N0786030 ........53, 64 N0810860 ..............56 N8122384 ..............35
N0777283 ..............64 N0777654 ..............65 N0786036 ........53, 64 N0810862 ..............19 N8122463 ..............73
N0777284 ..............64 N0777655 ..............62 N0790025 ..............57 N0810863 ..............19 N8122464 ..............77
N0777286 ..............62 N0777657 ..............62 N0790954 ..............52 N0810864 ..............19 N8122470 ..............27
N0777287 ..............62 N0777658 ..............63 N0790955 ..............52 N0810865 ..............19 N8145017 ........53, 64
N0777288 ..............62 N0777660 ..............63 N0790956 ..............52 N0810866 ..............19 N8145018 ........53, 64
N0777289 ..............65 N0777662 ..............62 N0790959 ..............56 N0810867 ..............19 N8145079 ..............69
N0777290 ..............65 N0777663 ..............62 N0790960 ..............19 N0810868 ..............19 N8145080 ..............30
N0777291 ..............65 N0777664 ..............65 N0790961 ..............19 N0810869 ..............19 N8145081 ..............30
N0777292 ..............65 N0777665 ..............65 N0790962 ..............19 N0810870 ................7 N8145092 ..............53
N0777293 ..............65 N0777666 ..............65 N0790963 ..............19 N0810871 ................7 N8145093 ..............53
N0777294 ..............62 N0777667 ..............65 N0790964 ................7 N0810872 ................7 N8145094 ..............53
N0777295 ..............62 N0777668 ..............65 N0790965 ................7 N0810873 ................7 N8145095 ..............53
N0777297 ..............64 N0777669 ..............65 N0790966 ................7 N0810874 ..............25 N8145096 ..............53
N0777325 ..............30 N0777670 ..............65 N0790967 ................7 N0810876 ..............56 N8145102 ..............36
Page 82
Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page Item # ..................Page
N8145103 ..............36 N8145174 ..............54 N8145346 ........38, 63 N8145454 ..............61 N8152629 ..............61
N8145104 ..............36 N8145175 ..............54 N8145347 ..............63 N8145455 ..............61 N8152630 ..............61
N8145105 ..............67 N8145176 ..............54 N8145352 ..............68 N8145457 ..............41 N8152631 ..............61
N8145124 ..............69 N8145177 ..............54 N8145353 ..............68 N8145461 ..............63 N8152632 ..............61
N8145125 ..............69 N8145178 ..............54 N8145354 ..............70 N8145462 ..............63 N8152633 ..............61
N8145126 ..............78 N8145179 ..............54 N8145357 ..............25 N8145463 ..............63 N8152634 ..............61
N8145129 ..............71 N8145180 ..............54 N8145358 ..............44 N8145464 ..............63 N8152635 ..............61
N8145130 ..............74 N8145181 ..............54 N8145359 ..............44 N8145465 ..............63 N8152637 ..............61
N8145131 ..............76 N8145182 ..............54 N8145360 ..............44 N8145466 ..............63 N8152638 ..............61
N8145132 ..............67 N8145183 ..............54 N8145361 ..............44 N8145467 ..............63 N8152640 ..............61
N8145133 ..............67 N8145184 ..............54 N8145362 ..............44 N8145468 ..............63 N8152641 ..............61
N8145134 ..............67 N8145185 ..............54 N8145363 ..............44 N8145469 ..............65 N8152642 ..............61
N8145135 ..............35 N8145186 ..............54 N8145364 ..............44 N8145473 ..............68 N8152643 ..............61
N8145136 ..............35 N8145187 ..............54 N8145366 ..............79 N8145474 ..............68 N8152644 ..............61
N8145137 ..............35 N8145188 ..............54 N8145367 ..............78 N8145475 ..............68 N8152645 ..............61
N8145138 ..............35 N8145189 ..............54 N8145368 ..............33 N8145476 ..............68 N8152646 ..............61
N8145141 ..............37 N8145190 ..............54 N8145369 ..............61 N8145477 ..............79 N8152647 ..............61
N8145142 ..............37 N8145191 ..............54 N8145370 ..............61 N8145478 ..............78 N8152648 ..............61
N8145143 ..............37 N8145192 ..............54 N8145371 ..............61 N8145516 ..............46 N8152649 ..............61
N8145144 ..............37 N8145193 ..............54 N8145372 ..............61 N8145517 ..............46 N8152650 ..............61
N8145145 ..............54 N8145221 ..............54 N8145373 ..............61 N8145518 ..............46 N8152651 ..............61
N8145146 ..............54 N8145222 ..............55 N8145374 ..............61 N8145520 ..............64 N8152652 ..............61
N8145147 ..............54 N8145223 ..............55 N8145375 ..............61 N8145559 ..............61 N8152653 ..............61
N8145148 ..............54 N8145225 ..............55 N8145376 ..............61 N8145560 ..............61 N8152654 ..............61
N8145149 ..............54 N8145226 ..............55 N8145377 ..............61 N8145574 ..............31 N8152655 ..............61
N8145150 ..............54 N8145227 ..............55 N8145378 ..............61 N8145575 ..............31 N8152656 ..............61
N8145151 ..............54 N8145236 ..............34 N8145379 ..............61 N8150390 ................5 N8152657 ..............61
N8145152 ..............54 N8145237 ..............64 N8145380 ..............61 N8150391 ................5 N8152659 ..............61
N8145153 ..............54 N8145238 ..............64 N8145381 ..............61 N8150392 ................5 N8152660 ..............61
N8145154 ..............54 N8145239 ..............64 N8145382 ..............61 N8150393 ................5 N8152661 ..............61
N8145155 ..............54 N8145240 ..............64 N8145383 ..............61 N8150394 ................5 N8152662 ..............61
N8145156 ..............54 N8145241 ..............64 N8145384 ..............61 N8150427 ..............43 N8152663 ..............61
N8145157 ..............54 N8145242 ..............64 N8145385 ..............61 N8152387 ..............64 N8152664 ..............61
N8145158 ..............54 N8145243 ..............64 N8145386 ..............61 N8152388 ........53, 64 N8152665 ..............61
N8145159 ..............54 N8145244 ..............64 N8145387 ..............61 N8152453 ........53, 64 N8152666 ..............61
N8145160 ..............54 N8145245 ..............64 N8145388 ..............61 N8152456 ..............46 N8152754 ..............55
N8145161 ..............54 N8145246 ..............64 N8145389 ..............61 N8152551 ..............46 N8152756 ..............55
N8145162 ..............54 N8145271 ..............71 N8145390 ..............61 N8152617 ..............61
N8145163 ..............54 N8145275 ..............37 N8145391 ..............61 N8152618 ..............61
N8145164 ..............54 N8145311 ..............46 N8145392 ..............61 N8152619 ..............61
N8145165 ..............54 N8145315 ..............43 N8145393 ..............61 N8152620 ..............61
N8145166 ..............54 N8145316 ..............43 N8145394 ..............61 N8152621 ..............61
N8145167 ..............54 N8145317 ..............76 N8145395 ..............61 N8152622 ..............61
N8145168 ..............54 N8145321 ..............46 N8145396 ..............61 N8152623 ..............61
N8145169 ..............54 N8145332 ..............30 N8145397 ..............61 N8152624 ..............61
N8145170 ..............54 N8145342 ..............55 N8145398 ..............61 N8152625 ..............61
N8145171 ..............54 N8145343 ..............55 N8145451 ..............61 N8152626 ..............61
N8145172 ..............54 N8145344 ..............62 N8145452 ..............61 N8152627 ..............61
N8145173 ..............54 N8145345 ..............63 N8145453 ..............61 N8152628 ..............61
The atomic absorption analysis technique provides a high performance option with
features like a closed-furnace design that is sealed at both ends with easily removable
bayonet-mount windows. In addition, independently controlled external and internal
gas streams provide maximum flexibility, tube life, and sensitivity.
Systems like the PinAAcle™ 900 AA spectrometer make it faster and easier to get from
sample to results by reducing your grain method development time, while PerkinElmer PinA Acle 900 Series
consumables and superior services will keep your lab at peak performance. Atomic Absorption Spectrometers THGA Graphite Tubes
What consumables are needed for my grain applications?
Some Grain Analysis Applications to Suit Your Lab
Invest in the consumables that are tested and validated to fit your analytical needs.
For repeatable and accurate results that are on-time throughout the lifetime of your
PinAAcle 900, trust the consumables engineered for your instrument. From Lumina
hollow cathode lamps that allow automatic setup to the breadth of certified
standards to yield reliable results, you can relax knowing you have the best.
Our specialized consumables have the ability to control operating costs and increase
your laboratory uptime. Try them in your lab today.
Get the complete solution by getting the most out of your instruments, systems, processes and data. OneSource instrument services, including comprehensive instrument
service and repair, asset management, and analytics services, you have the information you need, in a format you need it, to maximize your lab’s productivity.
PerkinElmer, Inc.
940 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451 USA
P: (800) 762-4000 or
(+1) 203-925-4602
Copyright ©2019, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
014791_01 PKI
New and improved filter probe for oils autosamplers
See reverse side for product details.
Teledyne CETAC’s stainless steel filtered sample probes have been
redesigned for better performance and ease of use. The new design
features larger filter holes to prevent clogging and a rounded tip.
The new probe is a direct replacement to older style probes and is
included with all Oils 7400 and Oils 7600 systems, the Oils 280, and
the Oils completion kit for the ASXpress Plus.
Ordering Information:
Stainless Steel Sample
Probe with Filtered Tip
Close up of stainless steel probe Stainless steel sample probe
Part Number: N0771529 filter tip
Copyright ©2019, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Company/Organization Name
PerkinElmer, Inc.
710 Bridgeport Avenue
M/S 219
Shelton, CT 06484
Attention: R. Hazen
PerkinElmer, Inc.
940 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451 USA
P: (800) 762-4000 or
(+1) 203-925-4602
Copyright ©2010-2017, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® and the PerkinElmer logo are registered trademarks of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
009482D_01 PKI
PREPARATION Sample preparation is one of the
most critical steps in the analytical
process. Often accounting for 60% of
your timetable, it has a fundamental
impact on laboratory throughput and
analytical performance. Any errors
within the sample preparation process will undermine the quality of your data at all
subsequent stages of your analysis. At PerkinElmer, we provide you with a portfolio
of sample preparation solutions that ensure sample preparation success.
Open Digestion
We provide a wide range of sample digestion blocks and accessories for this
common sample preparation method.
Microwave Digestion
With the introduction of our new Titan MPS™ Microwave Sample Preparation
System, we’re delivering on the promise of a simple and safe, cost-effective,
high-performance sample preparation solution.
Regulated Lab?
We offer a wide selection of regulatory compliant sample preparation solutions
for all these methods.
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation
Open Digestion
Controllers 5
Start-Up Kits 6
Temperature Probes 6
DigiFILTER™s 6
Racks 8
VersaTube 8
Microwave Digestion
System Accessories 10
Turntables 11
Accessories 14
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation
The SPB series of block digestion systems offers the latest in graphite block technology in many different
packages. Graphite blocks are PTFE-coated to resist aggressive corrosive attack for guaranteed long life in
harsh laboratory environments.
Our sample blocks operate with either a SPB Digital Controller or SPB Touch Controller*. Please select a
controller below and the appropriate Start Up Kit* which includes RackLock DigiTUBE®s, disposable watch
glasses, DigiFILTER™s and much more. Each SPB Block includes one set of racks.
The user friendly SPB Digital Controller includes programmable features such as: temperature set-point to 0.1 ˚C,
even sample heating and evaporation results, timer shutdown option, and programmable alarm for end of cycle.
The SPB Touch Controller includes all of the SPB Digital Controller features and more. Added features include: a
graphical representation of the heating profile in real-time to identify the current stage of the method heating
program. Safety features include the ability of the controller to monitor the heating cycle of the block to prevent
run away situations. The controller allows for the SPB Probe to be calibrated to meet your SOP requirements.
The SPB Probe, used with either the Digital or Touch models, can directly monitor and control the block’s heating
rate via sample temperature feedback to the controller.
Description Part No.
SPB Digital Controller N9300808
SPB Touch Controller N9300809
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation
Start Up Kits
PerkinElmer’s SPB Start Up kits contain all consumable items required to operate the system including:
RackLock DigiTUBE®s and Caps, disposable Watch Glasses, DigiFILTER™s, RackLock Racks and Storage Racks.
Description DigiTUBE®s/Caps Watch Glasses Racks Part No.
Start Up Kit for SPB 15-40 540 - 2 N9308704
Start Up Kit for SPB 15-108 540 - 2 N9308706
Start Up Kit for SPB 50-24 500 1000 1 N9308017
Start Up Kit for SPB 100-12 200 500 1 N9308011
Start Up Kit for SPB 50-48 500 1000 2 N9308002
Start Up Kit for SPB 100-30 200 500 2 N9308013
Start Up Kit for SPB 50-72 500 1000 3 N9308025
Start Up Kit for SPB 100-42 200 500 2 N9308015
Temperature Probes
Why use a thermometer to monitor and manually adjust sample temperature when a SPB Probe will automatically do
the job? The SPB Probe provides direct control and monitoring of actual sample temperature via a corrosion-resistant,
PFA-coated temperature probe. Available with different holders in a 6” configuration for use with 50 and 100 mL
DigiTUBE®s. Each probe is supplied with five Probe Watch Glasses and a probe holder.
Designed to shut-off SPB systems with no lab supervision. Ideal for overnight digestions and evaporations
where samples require volume reductions (volume control ±2.5 mL). Increase lab efficiency by automatically
digesting samples off-hours. Select appropriate Probe for Tube use.
Description Quantity Part No.
TempSET, without Probe 1 N9300810
TempSET Probe for 50 mL Tubes 1 N9308023
TempSET Probe for 100 mL Tubes 1 N9308029
TempSET Probe Holder for 100 mL Tubes 1 N9308065
The vacuum assisted DigiFILTER™ assembly provides a quick and easy way to filter samples prior to analysis.
Increase lab productivity by filtering particulates from digested samples in a matter of seconds directly from the
digestion tube. Available with a 0.45 or 1.0 micron hydrophilic PTFE membrane. Field Filtration Kit conforms to
Item 8.2 in the EPA 200.7, 200.8 and 200.9 Methods.
Description Quantity Part No.
DigiFILTER™ 0.45 micron for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 100 N9308031
DigiFILTER™ 1.0 micron for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 100 N9308032
Field Filtration Kit 0.45 for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s* 1 N9308033
DigiFILTER™ Manifold 1 N9308034
*Contains: 25 0.45 micron DigiFILTER™s, 30 50 mL DigiTUBE®s, 1 x 6 mL bottle of PlasmaPURE® Nitric acid, 1 50 mL
storage rack, 1 Sharpie® pen and 2 x 60 mL plastic syringes.
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation
PerkinElmer offers 50 and 100 mL, disposable, sample digestion tubes with easy-to-read graduations. Accurate 50 or
100 mL graduation is calibrated to meet Class A specifications to allow normalization directly in the tube. RackLock
design allows for easy, one-handed closure of leak-free screw cap. All-in-one tubes eliminate the need for five separate
vessels: Digestion beakers, volumetric flasks, graduated cylinders, autosampler tubes and storage containers.
Description Quantity Part No.
DigiTUBE®s 15 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 1620 N9308711
DigiTUBE®s 15 mL with RackLock (no caps) 1620 N9308712
DigiTUBE®s 15 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 540 N9308713
DigiTUBE®s 50 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 750 N9308008
DigiTUBE®s 50 mL non-RackLock (incl. caps) 750 N9308037
DigiTUBE®s 50 mL with RackLock (no caps) 750 N9308340
DigiTUBE®s 100 mL with RackLock (incl. caps) 300 N9308016
DigiTUBE®s 100 mL non-RackLock (incl. caps) 300 N9308066
PTFE Digestion Tube 50 mL (incl. blue caps) 6 N9308024
Tube, Quartz, 62.5 mL, Uncalibrated 6 N9308048
Tube, Borosilicate, 62.5 mL, Uncalibrated 6 N9308049
Tube, Borosilicate, 62.5 mL, Calibrated at 50 mL 6 N9308050
Description Quantity Part No.
Screw Caps, Blue, for 15 mL DigiTUBE®s 540 N9308705
Screw Caps, Clear, for 15 mL DigiTUBE®s 540 N9308708
Screw Caps, Orange, for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 250 N9308058
Screw Caps, Red, for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 250 N9308059
Screw Caps, Clear, for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 250 N9308060
Screw Caps, Yellow, for 50 mL DigiTUBE®s 250 N9308056
PTFE Screw Cap for PTFE 50 mL Digestion Tube 6 N9308027
Watch Glasses
Description Quantity Part No.
Disposable Watch Glasses, 50 mL 1000 N9308003
Disposable Watch Glasses, 100 mL 500 N9308030
The bench top fume hoods for SPB systems are the right choice for trace-metal digestions. Made from clear,
acid resistant polycarbonate with a solid surface material base, the fume hood eliminates the risk of trace-metal
contamination common with traditional fume hoods. HEPA® filters ensure clean input air. The fume hood can be
connected to an in-house laboratory exhaust system or used with the SPB blower unit (N9308022). Fume hoods come
flatpacked to save transport costs and can be assembled in minutes without tools.
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation
For busy labs, additional acid resistant, polycarbonate Racks are available for all SPB systems. Exclusive RackLock feature
locks DigiTUBE®s in position within the rack allowing for easy, one-handed closure of screw cap.
Storage Racks
Description Quantity Part No.
Foam Storage Rack 15 mL 5 N9308702
Plastic Storage Rack 50 mL 5 N9308381
Foam Storage Rack 100 mL 5 N9308382
A unique, patented tube with attached cap – simplifying digestion analysis
and no watch glasses are required.
• Integrated cap and vial - single unit design of cap and vial which is easily
manipulated with one hand
• Ability to vent samples with cap - the attached cap can “lock” open at
an angle, which enables venting of your sample if desired. No watch
glasses required.
• Certified accuracy of graduations and levels of trace metals - graduations
in 5 mL increments to 50 mL, certification of accuracy available
• Heat resistant homopolymer polypropylene - for good heat resistance
and minimal background interference
• Etched cap surface for writing - provides labeling area on the cap for
sample identification
• Ready to use out of the box - limits possible contamination with
improved efficiency
Description Quantity Part No.
VersaTube™ 50 mL 500 N9308383
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation
Before you prepare your first sample, you’ll notice the difference: The Titan MPS is a top-loading microwave
sample preparation system protected by hardware interlocks to ensure safety during operation. And it’s simple
to load and unload samples, which keeps everyone more productive – and saves your lab time and money.
Description Part No.
Titan MPS Standard Pressure16 Position, (230V 50/60Hz) N3130100
Includes: 16 position turntable, gas containment manifold, 16 standard pressure 75 mL (40 bar) digestion vessels,
15 vessel caps without pressure sensor, 1 vessel cap with pressure sensor, a lip seal forming tool, exhaust hose, consumables
for approximately 500 runs, power cord (US).
System Accessories
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation
PerkinElmer Sample Preparation
PerkinElmer, Inc.
940 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451 USA
P: (800) 762-4000 or
(+1) 203-925-4602
Copyright ©2013-2017, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
011200B_01 PKI
Yvette Vingerhoets
Henk Lamers
NutriControl BV
Veghel, Netherlands
Ken Neubauer
PerkinElmer Inc.
Shelton, CT USA
Determination of Nutrients
in Animal Feed with the Introduction
With the growing importance of
Avio 500 ICP-OES in domesticated animals as both a food source
(i.e. livestock) as well as pets and service
Accordance with EN 15621 animals, their health is important. Healthy,
happy pets provide more pleasure to their
owners, while service animals play a critical
role helping people with physical and/or emotional limitations. Healthy livestock provides more
food per animal, as well as diminishing the possibility of negative health effects being passed
along to humans. As a result, it is important to monitor the nutrient content in animal feed.
Nutrients exist in a variety of forms, including biological, organics, minerals, metals, and
vitamins, which must be accurately measured to ensure that the feed meets the nutritional
needs of the animals. Due to the importance of the analysis, a variety of standardized
methods have been developed to ensure accurate nutrient analysis.
Most mineral and metallic nutrients are present at high concentrations and can be measured
with atomic absorption (AA), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy
(ICP-OES), or ICP mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Considering the benefits and limitations of
these three techniques, ICP-OES is perhaps the preferred instrument for performing these
analyses as it strikes the best balance between simplicity, ruggedness, matrix tolerance,
accuracy, sample throughput, and cost.
PerkinElmer’s Avio® 500 ICP-OES was chosen for this work due to Table 2. Calibration Standards.
its low cost of operation, minimal maintenance requirements and Analyte Standards (mg/L)
its speed of analysis. The low argon flow of the Avio 500 results in
Cu 0.05, 0.2, 10
significantly less argon consumption due to its proprietary Flat
Fe, Mn, Zn 0.05, 0.2, 10, 40
Plate™ plasma technology, leading to a much lower cost per
analysis. The Avio 500’s ability to handle high levels of dissolved Ca, K, Mg, Na, P 0.05, 0.2, 10, 40, 200
solids running over long periods of time is thanks to PlasmaShear™
technology, generating a thin stream of air which cuts off the top Table 3. Avio 500 ICP-OES Instrumental Parameters.
of the plasma, eliminating deposition on the interface window, Parameter Value
resulting in exceptional stability in difficult matrices with no
Sample Uptake Rate 1.5 mL/min
maintenance required. And finally, the instrument’s advanced
optical system provides true simultaneous analysis with excellent Nebulizer SeaSpray™
stability and accuracy for faster sample-to-sample time. Spray Chamber Baffled glass cyclonic
RF Power 1500 W
This work discusses the determination of inorganic nutrients in
several types of animal feeds using the Avio 500 ICP-OES in Injector 2.0 mm alumina
conjunction with the European Standard EN 15621 method for the Plasma Gas Flow 10 L/min
analysis of nutrients in animal feed.1 Aux Gas Flow 0.2 L/min
Nebulizer Gas Flow 0.65 L/min
Torch Position -4
Samples and Sample Preparation
Plasma View Radial
Five different feed samples were supplied as part of an
Replicates 3
interlaboratory testing program sponsored by Bipea (Paris,
France). Table 1 shows the different samples, the required Read Time Range 1-5 sec
analytes, and their concentrations. The samples were prepared Integration Auto
for analysis following a proprietary preparation technique
which meets the requirements of EN 15621. Table 4. Wavelengths.
Calibration standards were prepared in 5% HNO3 (v/v) at the levels Analyte Wavelength (nm)
shown in Table 2. Ytterbium (Yb) was added to all standards and Ca 317.933
samples as an internal standard. All measurements were made
Cu 324.756
against external calibration curves.
Fe 238.204
Instrumental Parameters
K 766.491
All analyses were performed on an Avio 500 ICP-OES using the
Mg 279.071
conditions and parameters in Table 3 and the wavelengths in
Table 4. To minimize matrix effects from the samples and reduce Mn 257.610
analysis time, all measurements were made using radial view. Na 589.592
The analytical time was 30 seconds per sample. P 177.434
Zn 206.197
2 2
Results and Discussion Conclusions
All feed samples were measured during a single analytical run to This work has demonstrated the ability of the Avio 500 ICP-OES to
assess the robustness of the methodology. Figure 1 shows that the accurately and rapidly measure nutrients in animal feed samples
recoveries of each analyte in each sample were within 10% of its which meets the requirements of EN 15621. By performing all
assigned value, despite the wide range of concentrations among the measurements with a radial plasma view, matrix effects are
different feed samples. By performing all measurements in radial minimized, allowing the nutrients in five types of feed samples to
view, potential matrix effects of the samples were removed, allowing be measured over a wide concentration range without the need to
for accurate results between the five different feed samples without matrix-match the calibration standards. The Avio 500 ICP-OES
the need to matrix match the calibration standards. delivers fast analysis time of 30 seconds to meet the demands of
high-throughput labs without sacrificing analytical accuracy.
With the accuracy of the methodology established, stability was
assessed by measuring the turkey feed sample 105 times over 3 hours.
Figure 2 shows the measured concentrations for each analyte over the
analysis. Despite the wide concentration variations between the 1. European Standard EN 15621, EN 15621:2017 E, European
elements, all recoveries are within 10% of their assigned values for Committee for Standardization (CEN), 2017.
each sample. By using auto integration and the default read times, the
analytical time for each sample is only 30 seconds. Sample-to-sample Consumables Used
time could be decreased with the use of the High Throughput System Component Part Number
(HTS) flow-injection sample introduction module, while the analytical
Sample Uptake Tubing, Black/Black
time can be decreased by using a lower minimum read time. N0777043
(0.76 mm id), PVC, Flared
Drain Tubing, Red/Red, (1.14 mm id), PVC 09908585
SeaSpray™ Nebulizer N0811306
N9300183 (125 mL)
Copper Standard, 1000 mg/L
N9300114 (500 mL)
N9303771 (125 mL)
Iron Standard, 1000 mg/L
N9300126 (500 mL)
N9303783 (125 mL)
Manganese Standard, 1000 mg/L
N9300132 (500 mL)
N9303811 (125 mL)
Ytterbium Standard, 1000 mg/L
N9300166 (500 mL)
N9300178 (125 mL)
Zinc Standard, 1000 mg/L
N9300168 (500 mL)
Multielement Standard B:
Figure 1. Analyte recoveries in five different feed samples. 10,000 mg/L Ca, K, Mg, Na, P – 125 mL
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87060 PKI
Ken Neubauer
Aaron Hineman
PerkinElmer, Inc.
Shelton, CT
here. The maximum permitted daily exposure (PDE) of different target elements is
defined in USP <232> and is based on the route of administration of the medications,
as shown in Table 1 for oral, parenteral, and inhalation administration. Since parenteral
and inhaled medications enter the blood stream faster than oral medications, their daily
maxima are lower.
Table 1. Maximum Oral and Inhalation Daily Exposures for Elements Defined in USP <232>.
Samples and Sample Preparation
Three different brands of allergy medications were purchased Following the USP <233> protocol, calibration standards were
locally; each have loratadine at 10 mg as the active ingredient. prepared at the 0.5J and 1.5J levels in 3% HNO3 + 3% HCl
All tablets weighed 0.10 g and had a daily dose of one tablet. (v/v); the blank contained just the acid. All measurements were
made against external calibration curves. To evaluate potential
Sample preparation was accomplished with the Titan MPS™
interferences, single-element standards of each analyte were
Microwave Sample Preparation System (PerkinElmer, Shelton,
prepared at the J value, analyzed individually, and the spectra
Connecticut, USA) using the samples and reagents in Table 3.
observed. Table 5 shows the concentrations of the analytes at
The goal was to minimize the amount of acid needed for sample
the various J values used in this work.
preparation while maintaining analyte stability in solution to
aid in reducing cost and waste. Nitric acid (HNO3) is used to Table 5. Analyte Concentrations at Different J Values.
maintain most elements in solution, while hydrochloric acid (HCl)
0.5J 1J 1.5J
was necessary to stabilize mercury (Hg) and the platinum group Element
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
elements (PGEs). The presence of HCl could potentially cause
Cd 0.05 0.1 0.15
issues for Ag, which precipitates in the presence of low levels
of HCl. However, Ag is stable in the presence of excess HCl. Pb 0.05 0.1 0.15
Therefore, a balance had to found between minimum acid As 0.15 0.3 0.45
content to accomplish digestion and using enough HCl to stabilize Hg 0.3 0.6 0.9
both Ag and the PGEs. It was found that 3% HNO3 + 3% HCl
Co 0.5 1 1.5
(v/v) resulted in complete digestions and all elements being
stable in solution. Lower HCl concentrations caused issues V 1 2 3
with Ag and/or the PGEs. Ni 2 4 6
Each sample was added to a digestion vessel, followed by HNO3, Tl 0.08 0.16 0.24
HCl, and deionized water. Any pre-digestion spikes were then Au 1 2 3
added. The vessels were allowed to sit uncapped for 10 minutes Ir 1 2 3
before sealing and placing in the microwave for digestion to
Pd 1 2 3
allow for gases produced during initial reactions to vent safely.
Pt 1 2 3
The Titan MPS digestion program used is shown in Table 4. The
Rh 1 2 3
digestion itself is accomplished in the first two steps, with
Step 3 being incorporated to rapidly cool the vessels for safe Ru 1 2 3
handling. If this step were eliminated, the vessels would require Ag 1.5 3 4.5
a significantly longer cooling time. Se 1.5 3 4.5
It should be noted that none of the allergy tablets contained silica Li 5.5 11 16.5
dioxide (SiO2) as an inactive ingredient, although it is commonly Sb 12 24 36
used as an excipient in medications. Tablets containing SiO2 can
Ba 14 28 42
be digested following a similar scheme, but with the addition of
0.5 mL hydrofluoric acid (HF). The digestion and analysis of SiO2- Mo 30 60 90
containing tablets is covered in another application note.4 Cu 30 60 90
Table 3. Sample Amounts and Acids Used per Digestion Vessel. Sn 60 120 180
Table 6. Avio 500 ICP-OES Instrumental Conditions. To satisfy the data integrity requirements of the pharmaceutical
Parameter Value industry, Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security software version 4.0
was used. This software features all of the power of Syngistix for
Nebulizer MEINHARD® Type K
ICP-OES, with the added features required for 21 CFR Part 11
Spray Chamber Baffled glass cyclonic
compliance for the regulated industry, including electronic
Sample Uptake Rate 1.0 mL/min signatures, electronic data review, the ability to set up different
RF Power 1500 W users and groups with different permissions, audit trail, version
tracking, and much more.5 Figures 1-3 show examples of
Injector 2.0 mm id Alumina
electronic signatures, electronic data review, and showing
Nebulizer Gas Flow 0.70 mL/min differences between versions of the same method, respectively.
Auxiliary Gas Flow 0.2 L/min
Plasma Gas Flow 8 L/min
Torch Position -3
High Purge Off
Read Time Range 1-5 seconds
Replicates 3
Although not shown, MSF was also applied to Rh and Tl, both of
which had molybdenum (Mo) spectral interferences. MSF can aid
in removing interferences and improving detection limits when
correctly applied.
Figure 3. In Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security software version 4.0, File Changes
quickly and easily shows the differences between different versions of the same method
or the differences between two different methods. In File Change Mode, simply select
two methods or two versions of the same method and hit the Show Differences
button. A list of differences between the methods appears, making approving or
rejecting methods much easier.
Figure 6. System suitability: drift over a batch analysis from 1.5J standards measured at
Figure 4. Spectrum of As 193.696 nm along with spectra of Pt and Cr. All single-element the beginning and end of the batch analyses.
standards at their 1.5J concentration levels.
With the suitability of the system established, the accuracy
These interferences are easily resolved using Multicomponent of the methodology was evaluated. To meet the accuracy criteria,
Spectral Fitting (MSF), an algorithm included in Syngistix software pre-digestion spikes of 0.5J, 1J, and 1.5J were added to the
to remove the effects of spectral interferences.6,7 Figure 5 shows samples. Adding the spikes to the microwave vessels and carrying
the resulting As spectrum after MSF has been applied, which is free them through the complete sample preparation and analysis
of spectral overlaps, allowing for interference-free analysis of As. proves that analyte is not lost. Figure 7 shows that all recoveries
are within 10%, easily meeting the method criteria of 70-150%.
This work demonstrates the ability of the Avio 500 ICP-OES to meet
the USP <232>/<233> criteria for the analysis of orally-administered
allergy tablets using Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security software
version 4.0, which provides the tools to help laboratories meet 21
CFR Part 11 compliance. Closed-vessel microwave digestion with the
Titan MPS prevented analyte loss and resulted in rapid, complete
digestions, with the minimal use of acids. Spectral interferences were
avoided by choosing alternate analytical wavelengths when possible
and employing MSF for those analytes which did not have
Figure 7. 0.5J, 1J, and 1.5J spike recoveries in allergy tablets. Black lines show interference-free wavelengths.
USP <233> limits.
21 CFR Part 11 compliance is mandatory for pharmaceutical
With the accuracy of methodology proven, the repeatability of companies and their suppliers to sell products into the United States.
the measurements was evaluated next by spiking six samples at Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security software version 4.0 provides the
the elemental impurity limits (J values) prior to digestion. These features necessary that are outlined in 21 CFR Part 11, such as data
samples were then analyzed and showed RSDs less than 6% integrity, electronic signatures and records, and secure audit trails, to
(as shown in Figure 8), easily meeting the method criteria of keep regulated laboratories’ data secure and traceable. The developed
not more than (NMT) 20%. methodology using the Avio 500 ICP-OES with Syngistix for ICP
Enhanced Security software version 4.0 easily meets the USP <233>
criteria for system suitability, accuracy, repeatability, and ruggedness.
1. General Chapter <232> Elemental Impurities – Limits:
2nd Supplement of USP 35-NF 30.
2. General Chapter <233> Elemental Impurities – Procedures:
2nd Supplement of USP 35-NF 30.
3. “Implementation of USP New Chapters <232> and <233> of
Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceutical Products", white paper,
Figure 8. RSDs of six pre-digestion spikes of individual tablets. PerkinElmer, 2013.
4. "Analysis of SiO2- and TiO2-Containing Medications Using
Finally, the ruggedness of the methodology was determined by ICP-OES Following USP 232/233 Guidelines with Software
analyzing the same six solutions used for the repeatability test on Designed to Aid in 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance", application note,
two different days. With RSDs of the 12 measurements being PerkinElmer, 2018.
much less than the method criterion of 25% (Figure 9), the 5. “Syngistix for ICP Enhanced Security Software for 21 CFR
requirement is easily met. Part 11 Compliance”, product note, PerkinElmer 2018.
6. “Multicomponent Spectral Fitting”, technical note,
PerkinElmer, 2017.
7. “Using Multicomponent Spectral Fitting to Resolve Difficult
Interferences in Metallurgical Samples with the Avio 500
ICP-OES”, application note, PerkinElmer, 2017.
Consumables Used
Component Part Number
Sample Uptake Tubing, Black/Black N0777043 (flared)
(0.76 mm id), PVC 09908587 (non-flared)
Figure 9. RSDs of six pre-digestion spikes of individual tablets analyzed over two days Drain Tubing, Red/Red (1.14 mm id) 09908585 (PVC) N077319 (Santoprene)
(12 total measurements).
Autosampler Tubes B0193233 (15 mL)B0193234 (50 mL)
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Copyright ©2018, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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