Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive Verbs
2 Video: 5923
Match the following people with
the time they get up 1
Natalia Yuliana
7:40 7:30 5:00 8:00
Hernan Alvaro
2 In pairs.
Tell your partner what time you get up. Make sure you include: one reflexive verb the time
Here are some more useful reflexive verbs in Spanish. Extra vocab
bañarse (to have a bath) acostarse (to go to bed)
ducharse (to have a shower) cepillarse los dientes (to brush your teeth) de...a…
lavarse (to wash) maquillarse (to put on makeup) temprano
vestirse (to get dressed) tarde
4.30 a.m.
Hernan Ana Arrive at university
Get up 6 a.m. 6 a.m.
Eat breakfast 6.30 a.m. Shower and breakfast
Bath/shower 7a.m.-9a.m. Classes start
Arrive at university 9.30 a.m. 6 p.m.
Classes finish 10 a.m. Go home
Back to university midday 8 p.m.
yo me acuesto
If you're going to use reflexive verbs to talk about tú te acuestas
other people, you need to use different reflexive él/ella se acuesta
pronouns as well as changing the verb. nosotros nos acostamos
vosotros os acostáis
ellos/ellas se acuestan
In pairs. 5
Tell your partner about your daily routine in English, they must then translate it into Spanish. Swap!