8 Iwori Okanran Ingles
8 Iwori Okanran Ingles
8 Iwori Okanran Ingles
IWORI Nikanran
1. Ifa dice que hay alguien que ha sido bendecida con un solo hijo, él / ella tiene que
ofrecer ebo con el fin de no perder el niño y para poder tener más hijos. Ifá dice que
para alguien que está a punto de casarse, está la necesidad de que dicha persona para
ofrecer ebo para que la esposa sea bendecida con más de un niño y de los niños a una
vida larga y feliz. Los materiales incluyen ebo 4 ratas, 4 peces, 4 gallinas, 4 gallos y
dinero. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Afefe fe odo ma mi
O gbebo, o rubo
Iwori o Rikan
A a ti sí e rin enikan
La descendencia de Olodumare
Owo ni e ka
E ma KAA Segi
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Pluck dinero
3. Ifá dice que prevé la ira de la prosperidad y de la realización de fuera del dominio de
esta persona. Ifá dice que prevé también la ira de la larga vida de esta persona.
Materiales Ebo: 16 gallinas de guinea, 16 palomas, 16 gallinas y dinero. También
tienen que alimentar a Orisa Oko, según corresponda. En esta, Dice Ifa:
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E ba ni laruuse Ogun
Iwori-o-nikan rin
Eyi ti ganó ni ko ni le bi
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Orunmila ni nijo a ba bi
Yoo lo oda ni o
Iwori Onikan-rin
Ifa o nii jomo orin oun nikan soso girogiro
Y salir a la calle
Orunmila declaró que una gallina va al bosque lleno de pegatinas y devolver sin ningún
tipo de pegatinas
Ifa nunca permitirá que el bebé vino al mundo solo, sin la placenta
6. Ifá dice que existe la necesidad de tener buen cuidado de una persona enferma en
este signo se revela. Incluso los que cuidan del enfermo tiene que tener mucho cuidado
y cuidar de sí mismos espiritualmente. Ifá dice que existe la necesidad de reducir el
gasto en esta enfermo, ya que sólo queda un poco de tiempo para esta persona para
pasar en la tierra. Materiales Ebo: cuatro gallos, cuatro gallinas de guinea, cuatro
palomas y dinero. También es necesario para alimentar a Ifa con cuatro ratas y cuatro
peces. en esto, Dice Ifa:
Abeje pada wa o
Ki o mai o lo
O ni oun o wa
Oun o ma lo o
Ko je gbowo
Omo la ba diversión
No te vayas todavía
Ella se va a desaparecer
7. Ifá dice que prevé la ira de la prosperidad de este usuario. Esta persona necesita
para alimentar a su / su Ori. El método de alimentación de su / su Ori es diferente de
otros métodos en el sentido de que él / ella tiene que propiciar el Ori con el dinero
primero antes de usar kolants, bitterkola, alcohol y otros materiales. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Iwori o rinkan
Tisale oja
Ko pe, ko jinna
Ka wa ba ni ni jebutu ire
Iwori o rinkan
8. Ifá dice que prevé la ira de la maternidad. Ifa también promete que el niño no va a
morir joven. Materiales Ebo aquí son tres gallos, tres gallinas, dos ratas, dos pescados
y dinero. en esto, Dice Ifa:
Iwori o rinkan
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo
Iwori o rinkan
9. Ifá dice que prevé la longevidad de este usuario. Ifa asegura esta persona que él /
ella va a disfrutar de los privilegios de Ifa al máximo. Ifá aconseja a esa persona para
ofrecer ebo con tres gallos y dinero. Él / ella también necesita alimentarse IFA con una
gallina. En esta, Dice Ifa:
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ma ro eku loja
Emi o Sanwo
Odogbo minikan
Ma ro eja loja
Emi o Sanwo
Odogbo minikan
Ma ro Eran loja
Emi o Sanwo
Odogbo minikan
Ma ro aso loja
Emi o Sanwo
Odogbo minikan
Cuando lamentando su incapacidad para recibir la bendición de todas las iras de la vida
Odogbo minikan
Estoy disfrutando el privilegio de Ifa
Odogbo minikan
Odogbo minikan
Odogbo minikan
Odogbo minikan
10. Ifá dice que prevé la prosperidad de esta persona de fuera de su / su dominio. Ifá
dice que él / ella se le da el espacio y la aceptación de realizar. Ifá dice que esta
persona va a ser muy popular y su popularidad se conoce en todas partes. Materiales
Ebo: dos palomas, dos gallos y dinero.
Iwori o rinkan
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Los que se preparan los alimentos golpean de ñame no había terminado de golpear el
11. Ifá aconseja a una mujer embarazada que ofrecer ebo con el fin de tener un parto
seguro. Ifá dice que esta mujer va a entregar de forma segura y sin ningún tipo de
complicación. Materiales Ebo dos gallinas, cuatro ratas, cuatro peces y dinero.
Después de esto la descamación de la piel de una serpiente que se golpeó con el jabón
y el jabón se le dará a la mujer embarazada para baño con. Antes de dar a la mujer que
nos pegaremos un huevo fresco en la parte superior del jabón. El huevo no se rompa
del todo. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Iwori o rinkan
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Iwori o rinkan
Ella obedeció
Ahora Oloree qué la mujer embarazada en su casa que tenga un parto seguro o no
12. Ifá dice que esta persona se convertirá en un personaje muy importante. Él / ella
tendrá éxito a través regalo. Ifá aconseja a esa persona para ofrecer ebo con cuatro
palomas y dinero. en esto, Dice Ifa:
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ofe ni n o je la nitemi
13. Ifá dice que prevé la ira de la prosperidad de este usuario. Él / ella tiene que ir y
alimentar la base de un mercado. Existe la necesidad de pedir ifa lo que el suelo de la
plaza del mercado tomará de este usuario. Materiales Ebo aquí son tres palomas, tres
gallinas de guinea y dinero.
Tisale oja
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire
Iwori o rinkan
14. Ifá aconseja a esa persona para ofrecer ebo con el fin de traer de vuelta el éxito, la
prosperidad, el logro y la elevación general de su / su estancia. Ifá aconseja a esa
persona para ofrecer ebo con dos palomas, dos gallos y dinero. Él / ella también
necesita alimentarse Ifa con un plato y una gallina. En esta, Dice Ifa:
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E ba ni ni jebutu ire
15. Ifá dice que prevé la ira de éxito financiero para esta persona. Materiales Ebo: dos
ratas, dos peces, dos gallinas, dos palomas y dinero. Él / ella también necesita
alimentarse Ifa con dos ratas y dos peces.
Mo kiri titi
Mo rinna titi
Mo Foke ihin
Mo Foke ohun
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Nunca he visto donde venden el cráneo de los líderes del mercado en el mercado
16. Ifá dice que la situación en esa zona no favorece en absoluto. La razón es que los
hombres habían abandonado sus responsabilidades y se han dejado todo haciendo
esfuerzos para que las mujeres de decisiones. Es por eso que las cosas están al revés
en el que se reveló este signo. Ifá dice que existe la necesidad de corregir esta
situación y permitir que los hombres asumen que la responsabilidad de ser la cabeza
de sus familias. Los hombres también tienen que tomar decisiones. Materiales de Ebo,
dos ratas, dos peces, dos gallinas, dos palomas, dos gallinas de guinea, dos gallos y
dinero. en esto, Dice Ifa:
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Aje Akuko o ko mo o
Agbebo lo nko
E o reyin-i re bi yoo ti ri
Aboru Aboye
2. Nunca debe utilizar iGun y Akala, buitres para cualquier cosa - para evitar la fortuna
y el fracaso consumado
3. Nunca debe permitir que las mujeres se toman las principales decisiones - para
evitar la fortuna y el fracaso consumado
4. Nunca debe abandonar sus responsabilidades a las mujeres - para evitar la fortuna y
el fracaso consumado
5. Nunca debemos abandonar Ifa por cualquier razón - para evitar la fortuna y el
fracaso consumado
Ìwòrì Nikanran
1. Ifa says that there is someone who is blessed with only one
child; he/she needs to offer ebo in order not to lose the child
and to be able to bear more children. Ifa says that for
someone who is about to get married, there is the need for
such person to offer ebo so that the wife will be blessed with
more than one child and for those children to live long and
happily. The ebo materials include 4 rats, 4 fish, 4 hens, 4
roosters and money. On this, Ifa says:
Afefe fe odo ma mi
Dia fun Okanna
Tii somo Olodumare
Ebo aiku ni won ni ko wa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Iwori o rikan
A a ti se e rin enikan
The wind blows but the river keeps still (alias of Awo)
Cast Ifa for Okanna
The offspring of Olodumare
He was advised to offer ebo for longevity
He complied
Iwori that does not walk unaccompanied
It is not pleasurable to walk alone.
2. Ifa says that there is the need to feed Ifa so that the situation
of this person that had been going down can improve. Ebo
materials here are: two guinea-fowls, two pigeons, two
roosters and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with four
rats and four fish. on this, Ifa says:
Owo ni e ka
E ma kaa segi
Dia fun Oba Omini
Nijo ti aye Onife nbaje
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ifa ma jee o baa je o
Ikin ba mi tun aye mi se e
Pluck money
Do not pluck Segi blue coral bead
Ifa’s message for Oba Omini
When the world of Onife was going down
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ifa don’t let my life get spoilt
Ikin the holy kernel please help me mend my life
If an elder sits down without resting his back
It will appear as somebody who is stooping
Ifa’s message for Adebiyi
He who uses a beaded staff to Ile Ife
When he was going to the life of longevity
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of prosperity
4. Ifa says that this person will overcome all his/her enemies.
Many people are fighting against him/her over something.
Ifa assures this person that he/she will overcome. Ifa
advises this person to offer ebo with one matured he-goat
and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with one guinea-
fowl. On this, Ifa says:
Iwori o-nikan rin
The resident awo of Onilaree
He cast Ifa for Orunmila
When he was in the midst of enemies
And when he was contemplating the problem of conspiracy
and crises on a daily basis
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
Iwori-o-nikan rin
Awo ile Onilaree
Dia fun Onilaree
Dia fun Aboyun ilee re
Eyi ti won ni ko ni le bi
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Orunmila ni yoo bii
Orunmila ni nijo to ba bi
Aayan yoo gbooko, yoo lo oko
Eera yoo gbagbe yii lo odo
Romi awe tii se iya Aje
Yoo maso korun
Yoo lo ode ni o
Won ni to ba bi tan nko?
Won ni sebi o ku ibi tii se ikeyin omo
Orunmila ni ogbo won o nii je won o le gbo
Imo won o nii je won o le mo
Eruku won o nii je o le ku
Orunmila ni fini ladie nbo oko eyin
Iwori onikan-rin
Ifa o nii jomo orin oun nikan soso girogiro
Iwori o-nikan rin
The resident awo of Onilaree
He cast Ifa for Onilaree
And also for the pregnant woman in his home
Whom everyone had vowed will never have a safe delivery
Orunmila responded that she will deliver safely
Orunmila declared that on the day of her delivery
Aayan the cockroach will carry his hoe and go to the farm
Eera the ant will carry his calabash and go to the stream
Romi awe the mother of the witches will pick her dress
And go outside
They said that what if she delivered
What about the placenta which is the companion of a baby
Orunmila responded that
Ogbo will never allow them to hear
And Imoo will never allow them to know anything
Ekuku will never allow her to die in the process
Orunmila declared that a fowl goes to the forest filled with
stickers and return without any stickers
Iwori o nikan rin
Ifa will never allow the baby to come into the world alone
without the placenta
6. Ifa says that there is the need to take proper care of a sick
person where this Odu is revealed. Even those taking care
of the sick person needs to be very careful and take care of
themselves spiritually. Ifa says that there is the need to
reduce spending on this sick person because it only remains
a little period for this person to spend on earth. Ebo
materials: four roosters, four guinea-fowls, four pigeons and
money. You also need to feed Ifa with four rats and four
fish. on this, Ifa says:
The delegate of heaven does not ride on horses to the world
The principalities in heaven does not accept payments
A heavy deluge is it that removes his sword from the carved
Ifa’s message for the mother of Abeje
Offspring of the owner of the land filled with coral bead
She who had everything in 200s
She was advised to offer ebo
Abeje please come back
Do not go yet
Come back and take a matured she-goat
She responded that she is not coming back
She will be going away
The delegate of heaven does not accept payment
He does not accept any payment
We would have payed any amount
The delegate of heaven does not accept money
7. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of prosperity for this person.
This person needs to feed his/her Ori. The method of
feeding his/her Ori is different from other methods in the
sense that he/she needs to propitiate the Ori with money first
before using kolants, bitterkola, alcohol and other materials.
On this, Ifa says:
Iwori o rinkan
Awo ile Oloree-Agbon
Dia fun Oloree-Agbon
Tisale oja
Omo a fobi sile kowo bori
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
Ka wa ba ni ni jebutu ire
Iwori o rinkan
The resident awo of Oloree Agbon household
He cast Ifa for Oloree Agbon
The one whose house is by the market place
He who lives kolanuts and uses money to propitiate his Ori
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all ire of life
8. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of childbearing. Ifa also
promises that the child will not die young. Ebo materials
here are three roosters, three hens, two rats, two fish and
money. on this, Ifa says:
Iwori o rinkan
Awo ile Ologun-un Aweroro
Dia fun Ologun-un Aweroro
Nijo to nmoju ekun sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo
Iwori o rinkan
The resident awo of Ologun-un Aweroro
He cast ifa for Ologun-un Aweroro
When lamenting his inability to beget his own baby
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of children
9. Ifa says that it foresees longevity for this person. Ifa assures
this person that he/she will enjoy the privileges of Ifa to the
maximum. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with three
roosters and money. He/she also needs to feed IFa with
one hen. On this, Ifa says:
Igbo nla nii so warowaro
Ope aginka nii gase garun
Ifa’s message for Odogbo
When lamenting his inability to receive the blessing of all ire
of life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
I bought rats in the market
And I did not pay any money
Odogbo minikan
I am enjoying the privilege of Ifa
I bought fish in the market
And I did not pay any money
Odogbo minikan
I am enjoying the privilege of Ifa
I bought birds in the market
And I did not pay any money
Odogbo minikan
I am enjoying the privilege of Ifa
I bought beasts in the market
And I did not pay any money
Odogbo minikan
I am enjoying the privilege of Ifa
I bought clothes in the market
And I did not pay any money
Odogbo minikan
I am enjoying the privilege of Ifa
10. Ifa says that it foresees prosperity for this person from
outside his/her domain. Ifa says that he/she will be giving
space and acceptance to perform. Ifa says that this person
will become very popular and his popularity will be known
throughout. Ebo materials: two pigeons, two roosters and
Iwori o rinkan
Aase e rin enikan soso
Dia fun Ninikun-inni
Ti nreti okun loo duro
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Igun o tii gun tan
Tii a fi gbosin loke
Okeere la gbe gbosin awo
Iwori does not walk alone
Why should one be walking alone
Ifa’s message for Ninikun-inni
When going to the sea side to settle down
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Those preparing pounded yam food had not finished
pounding the yam
Before we began to hear the reputation of the awo
It is from afar that we hear of the popularity of an awo
Iwori o rinkan
Awo ile Oloree
Dia fun Aboyun ile Oloree
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje Oloree, aboyun ile e re bi nbi obi o
O ni aboyun ile toun bi tibi-tire
Werewerewere lejo nbaho
A kii ri atiye adie
Iwori o rinkan
The resident awo of Oloree
He cast Ifa for the pregnant woman in Oloree’s home
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Now Oloree did the pregnant woman in your home
have a safe delivery or not
Oloree responded that the pregnant woman had a safe
He said that gradually does a snake shed his skin
Nobody understands how a fowl lays its eggs
12. Ifa says that this person will become a very important
personality. He/she will succeed through free gift. Ifa
advises this person to offer ebo with four pigeons and
money. on this, Ifa says:
Iwori kan-an kan-an
Ifa’s message for Igun the Vulture
Who consumes free food outside
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Freely does Igun vulture consume sacrifice material
Freely does Akala vulture consume corpses
Freely does the cattle egret consume insect from the
body of the cattle
Freely will I be eating to succeed in life
13. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of prosperity for this
person. He/she needs to go and feed the ground of a
market place. There is the need to ask ifa what the ground
of the market place will take from this person. Ebo materials
here are three pigeons, three guinea-fowls and money.
Iwori o rinkan awo ile Oloree-Agbon
Tisale oja
Dia fun Oloree-Agbon tisale Oja
Nigba tin mu omi oju sungbere ire gbogbo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire
Iwori o rinkan
The resident awo of Oloree Agbon household
He cast Ifa for Oloree Agbon
The one whose house is by the market place
When he was lamenting his inability to receive the
blessing of all ire of life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all ire
Iwori kan-an kan-an
Ifa’s message for Agbigbo, the hoopoe
When going to the forest of joy and laughter
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire
15. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of financial success for
this person. Ebo materials: two rats, two fish, two hens, two
pigeons and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with two
rats and two fish.
Mo kiri titi
Mo o ribi ti won nta Eegun ra Eegun
Mo rinna titi
Mi o ribi ti won nta Oosa ra Oosa
Mo foke ihin
Mo foke ohun
Mi o ribi ti won nta ori oloja lori ate
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti nsunkun own o laje lowo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje Iwori o nikan rin
Aje waa wole de tuturu
I have wandered to many places
I have never seen where they buy and sell Egungun
I have being to many lands
I have never seen where they buy and sell Orisa
I have travelled over this hill and that hill
I have never seen where they sell the skull of market
leaders in the market
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When lamenting his inability to have financial success
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Now Iwori does not walk alone
Aje had entered the house in abundance
16. Ifa says that the situation in that area is not favourable
at all. The reason is that the men there had abandoned their
responsibilities and they have left all decision making efforts
to the women. That is why things are upside down where
this Odu is revealed. Ifa says that there is the need to
correct this situation and allow the men to assume there
responsibility being the head of their families. The men also
need to take decision. Ebo materials, two rats, two fish, two
hens, two pigeons, two guinea-fowls, two roosters and
money. on this, Ifa says:
The hawk has no wing that can be used to eat
A featherless fowl has not wing to fly to the roof top
Ifa’s message for the indigenes of Oyo Oroo meko
Where females were the heads of the households
They were advised to offer ebo
Now the roosters are no longer crowing
It is the hens that are crowing
Will all be witnesses to the consequences of these
Aboru Aboye
1. Ifa – for direction, protection, elevation, progress, success,
victory, achievement, love, and general wellbeing
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, protection, support, victory,
elevation, progress, love, contentment, peace of mind and
self actualization
3. Esu-Odara – for refuge, sanctuary victory, support,
protection, justice, equality and overall wellbeing
4. Egbe - for support, love, comradeship, leadership, victory,
progress, success and general wellbeing
5. Aje – for financial success, elevation, progress and
6. Sango – for victory over enemies and leadership
7. Ogun – for victory over enemies and leadership