P 1333 Apaza Machaca, Carlos

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A mis padres por ser el pilar
fundamental en todo lo que soy, en
toda mi educación, tanto académica,
como de la vida, por su incondicional
apoyo perfectamente mantenido a
través del tiempo. Todo este trabajo
ha sido posible gracias a ellos.

A mis padres, hermanos y

docentes que a través del tiempo
me enseñaron el valor del
sacrificio. Por su infinita
paciencia y su inagotable apoyo


Introducción 1
1.1 Descripción breve de las actividades de la empresa. 3
i. Misión. 3
ii. Visión. 3
1.2 Servicios que presta el Grupo Moreira. 3
1.2.1 Servicio técnico para copiadoras Konica Minolta y Ricoh. 4
1.2.2 Alquiler de copiadoras Ricoh y Konica Minolta. 4
1.2.3 Leasing o arrendamiento financiero. 4
1.2.4 Distribución a nivel nacional de copiadoras y equipos de impresión. 5
1.3 Estructura orgánica de la empresa. 6
1.4 Oficina de recepción. 6
1.5 Departamento técnico informático. 7
1.6 Departamento de servicio técnico. 7
1.7 Sala de demostraciones. 7


2.1 Informe detallado del trabajo desarrollado. 9

2.2 Las ocho fases del proceso de copiado electroestático. 18
a) Carga principal (Cargador Principal). 18
b) Exposición de la información (Unidad Óptica). 18
c) Revelado ( Unidad Reveladora). 18
d) Transferencia. 19
e) Separación (Cargador de Separación). 19
f) Fusión (Unidad de Fusión). 19
g) Limpieza (Unidad de Limpieza). 19
h) Descarga (Lámpara de Descarga). 19
2.3 El proceso de copiado del documento original al papel. 20
2.4 Etapa de exposición. 21
2.5 Los espejos en la etapa de escaneo. 23
2.5.1 Servicio técnico para la etapa óptica y el proceso de exposición. 24
2.5.2 Mantenimiento preventivo de la etapa de exposición. 24
2.6 Unidad de revelado de imagen. 25
2.6.1 El rodillo magnético. 26
2.6.2 Servicio técnico de la unidad de revelado. 29
2.6.3 Mantenimiento preventivo de la unidad de revelado. 29
2.7 Etapa de transferencia de imagen al papel. 30
2.8 Etapa de separación entre el cilindro y papel. 31
2.8.1 Servicio a la unidad de separación de papel. 32
2.8.2 Mantenimiento preventivo de la etapa de separación de papel. 33
2.9 Etapa de fusión del tóner con el papel. 33
2.9.1 Servicio técnico a la unidad de fusión. 35
2.9.2 Mantenimiento preventivo de la unidad de fusión. 35
2.9.3 Limpieza del cilindro. 35
2.9.4 Servicio técnico de la unidad de limpieza. 36
2.9.5 Mantenimiento preventivo de la unidad de limpieza. 37
2.10 Proceso de descarga del cilindro. 37
2.10.1 Servicio técnico de la lámpara de descarga. 38
2.10.2 Mantenimiento preventivo de la etapa de descarga. 39
2.11 El proceso de copiado con cilindros de selenio. 39
2.11.1 Servicio técnico del cilindro en la unidad de imagen. 40
2.12 Proceso de la carga principal en el hilo de corona. 41
2.12.1 Servicio técnico del sistema de carga. 42
2.12.2 Mantenimiento preventivo de la etapa de carga. 43
2.13 Fotointerruptores y fotoreflectores. 43
2.14 Otras componentes importantes. 44
2.14.1 El solenoide. 44
2.14.2 El embrague electromagnético llamado “clutch”. 44


3.1 La tecnología digital en el proceso de copiado. 46

3.2 El proceso de escaneo. 47
3.2.1 Proceso de conversión de la luz reflejada del papel en señal eléctrica. 47
3.2.2 Funcionamiento del dispositivo CCD. 47
3.2.3 Conversión analógica / digital de la señal de imagen. 48
3.2.4 Proceso de división para convertir imágenes en blanco y negro sin
niveles de contraste. 49
3.2.5 Proceso para crear diferentes niveles de contraste. 49
3.2.6 Elementos de la unidad de escaneo laser. 50
3.2.7 Espejo poligonal y motor. 51
3.3 Etapa de impresión digital. 52
3.4 Proceso de impresión de las copiadoras digitales. 53
3.5 El proceso escalado gris durante la impresión. 55
3.6 Creando escalas gris calculando el porcentaje de blanco y negro. 57
3.7 Creando escalas de gris cambiando el ciclo de servicio de laser. 57
3.7.1 Funcionamiento del ciclo de servicio del pulso del laser. 57
3.8 Proceso de imágenes a color. 58
3.9 Proceso de escaneo de imagen a color. 58
3.9.1 Conversión Fotoeléctrica. 59
3.9.2 Conversión Análogo – Digital. 60
3.9.3 Corrección de Sombra. 60
3.9.4 Corrección de variación línea a línea. 60
3.9.5 Proceso de ampliación y reducción. 61
3.9.6 Construcción de un Histograma. 61
3.9.7 Edición de los datos de la imagen. 62
3.9.8 Procesamiento AE (Automatic Extractión). 62 Conversión Densidad/Reflexión. 62 Muestreo. 63 Suavizado (Smoothing). 63 Ajuste de Densidad y Balance de Color. 64 Corrección Gamma. 64
3.10 Sección de impresión. 65
3.10.1 Compresión GBTC ( General Block Truncation Coding). 65



4 Aporte académico. 66
5 Conclusiones. 68
6 Recomendaciones. 68

Bibliografía. 69
Glosario de términos. 69

Figura 1. Estructura Orgánica de la empresa Grupo Moreira. 6

Figura 2. Circuito interno de un SSR simplificado. 15
Figura 3. Tarjeta de suministro de energía de una copiadora. 16
Figura 4. Capas del cilindro de selenio. 20
Figura 5. Proceso de exposición de la imagen. 22
Figura 6. Proceso de copiado desde otro ángulo. 23
Figura 7. Espejos con revestimiento. 23
Figura 8. Componentes del Revelador. 25
Figura 9. La escobilla magnética. 26
Figura 10. La escobilla magnética llevando tóner. 27
Figura 11. Formación de líneas de la fuerza magnética. 27
Figura 12. Transferencia de tóner al cilindro. 28
Figura 13. Proceso magnético entre el tóner y el papel. 30
Figura 14. Proceso de separación del papel. 32
Figura 15. Proceso de fusión del tóner sobre el papel. 34
Figura 16. Proceso de limpieza y realimentación. 36
Figura 17. Lámpara de descarga. 38
Figura 18. Proceso de copiado con un cilindro selenio. 39
Figura 19. Cambios en la carga eléctrica en la superficie del cilindro. 40
Figura 20. Proceso de carga principal. 42
Figura 21. Sensores de detección de fallas. 43
Figura 22. Embrague electromagnético “clutch”. 45
Figura 23. Comparación del copiado convencional y digital. 46
Figura 24. Operación del scanner y el CCD. 47
Figura 24. Conversión analógico/digital de la imagen. 48
Figura 25. Unidad Láser. 50
Figura 26. Función del espejo Poligonal. 51
Figura 27. Carga negativa. 53
Figura 28. Proceso de exposición láser. 53
Figura 29. Corona de transferencia. 55
Figura 30. Formación de las escalas de gris. 56
Figura 31. Ciclo de servicio del láser (corto y largo) 57
Figura 32. Proceso de escaneo a color. 58
Figura 33. Proceso de corrección FIFO. 61
Figura 34. Histogramas de Saturación y luminosidad en la
fotocopiadora a color Konica Minolta CF2001. 62

Figura 35. Conversion Densidad/Reflexion 63

Figura 36. Corrección de ruidos en la imagen 64
Figura 37. Ajuste de Densidad y Color 64
Figura 38. Correccion de Gamma 64

Figura 39. Proceso de impresión a color. 65

Tabla 1. Trabajo desarrollado - mantenimiento y reparación
de la copiadora Minolta Di250. 11

Tabla 2. Trabajo Desarrollado - Configuración de IP’s de la copiadora

multifunción RICOH SP 221n 13

Tabla 3. Traducción del “Technical Service’s Manual” de

la copiadora Minolta 2010 17

Tabla 4. Fallas comunes en la óptica y etapa de exposición. 24

Tabla 5. Fallas comunes en la unidad de revelado. 29

Tabla 6. Fallas comunes en la etapa de transferencia. 31

Tabla 7. Fallas comunes de la etapa de separación. 32

Tabla 8. Fallas comunes en la unidad de fusión. 35

Tabla 9. Fallas comunes en la unidad de limpieza. 37

Tabla 10. Fallas comunes de la lámpara de descarga. 38

Tabla 11. Causas comunes del daño al cilindro. 41

Tabla 12. Fallas comunes en el proceso de carga. 42

Tabla 13. Proporciones CMYK para la obtención de diferentes colores. 58



La gente ha venido haciendo copias de su información desde principios de la historia.

Las sociedades antiguas grababan símbolos en tablillas de arcilla. Era un proceso
lento y costoso. Luego vino el estilo, el papiro y diferentes tipos de tintes los cuales
fueron utilizados para hacer rollos de pergamino de una manera trabajosa. Los
escribas pasaban sus vidas enteras copiando a mano los pergaminos para reyes,
duques, y otros jefes de estado. En el siglo quince, la idea de caracteres móviles
colocó a la prensa de impresión de Gutenberg en los anales de la historia, dejando a
muchos escribas sin trabajo. Ese avance tecnológico redujo el tiempo de copiado de
un volumen estándar de la Biblia de unos cuantos años a unos cuantos meses. Y
después de esto, solo tomó quinientos años más para que las maquinas de
mimeógrafo aparecieran en colegios públicos en varios países. A partir de ese
momento los avances tecnológicos se produjeron de manera acelerada. En 1954
Eastman Kodak™ presento Verifax™, un sistema de transferencia de tinta que
combino la fotografía y la impresión para duplicar un documento original. La
tomografía fue presentada por 3M™ en 1956. Al eliminar la necesidad de un negativo
principal, el proceso de transferencia de calor modernizo el proceso de copiado. Se
podía efectuar una copia en cuatro a seis segundos, y las copias eran más baratas.
Pero esto aun requería de un tipo de papel especial y tenía otras limitaciones. En
1960, el mundo de la tecnología de copiadoras tomó un paso gigante con la aparición
del proceso de copiado electrostático indirecto. Este proceso, propiedad de
Xerox™, gano para sí el nombre de “Xerografía” que en Griego quiere decir “escritura
seca”. El proceso electrostático permite hacer copias en papel común en lugar de
utilizar un papel tratado químicamente. Era rápido y automático. Copiaba originales de
nueve por catorce pulgadas. Claramente, la tecnología de copiadoras de la edad
moderna había empezado.

El desarrollo de los equipos de impresión B/N o a Color ha evolucionado a tal punto

que éstos se hacen indispensables en instituciones administrativas, gubernamentales,
educativas y demás. La demanda de estos equipos de impresión van relacionadas
con su rendimiento: alta velocidad, resolución, interconectividad con computadoras,
configuración de accesorios (grapadora, guillotina, perforadora, compaginadora, etc.)
que cumplan las exigencias del cliente.

El proceso de impresión y/o copiado con estos equipos parece muy sencillo. Sin
embargo, desde que la hoja ingresa por la maquina hasta la impresión de la
información conlleva una serie de pasos electrónicos, eléctricos e informáticos. Lo
cual debe realizarse en pocos segundos.

En Bolivia el uso creciente de la tecnología de impresión en las actividades

económicas se reflejan en el ámbito comercial. Como también en las entidades
gubernamentales, lo que supone una gran demanda de servicio técnico calificado
capaz de resolver diversas situaciones. Desde el simple manejo hasta las fallas
electrónicas e informáticas más complejas.
1.1. Descripción breve de las actividades de la empresa.

El Grupo Moreira Representaciones inicio sus actividades en Bolivia el año 1992, a la

cabeza del Lic. Luis Moreira Encinas. Actualmente se encarga de distribuir equipos de
impresión digital de las marcas Ricoh y Konica Minolta. Esto incluye el soporte técnico
en toda Bolivia para dichas marcas.

El soporte técnico incluye el mantenimiento preventivo, correctivo, capacitación e

instalación de los equipos mencionados.

iii. Misión

Mantenerse en constante esfuerzo para poner a disposición del público los equipos
más modernos en el mercado. Por lo que se cuenta con un amplio stock de máquinas
conformadas por más de 400 equipos para entrega inmediata y brindar a los clientes
soluciones digitales. Se cuenta también con un amplio stock de repuestos e insumos
para brindar a los clientes el soporte técnico de tecnologías de impresión digital.

iv. Visión

Mantenerse como los lideres en la provisión de equipos para copiado y oficina,

impresión, escaneo y comunicación digital de documentos a lo largo y ancho del país.
Además de permanecer como la empresa más grande en Bolivia en este rubro.

1.2. Servicios que presta el Grupo Moreira.

El Grupo Moreira ofrece al público en general: Fotocopiadoras multifuncionales,

monocromos, escáners, impresoras digitales, duplicadoras digitales, copiadoras de
planos, imprentas digitales, etc. Así como insumos y repuestos originales para tales
maquinas. También se encarga de analizar los documentos comerciales como ser:
Facturas, recibos, órdenes de compra, órdenes de pago, etc. de instituciones o
personas. Para proporcionarles el leasing o arrendamiento financiero. Viendo las
mejores opciones para economizar y optimizar estos procesos en otra empresa.
1.2.1. Servicio técnico para copiadoras Konica Minolta y Ricoh.

El Grupo Moreira se especializa en proporcionar al público soluciones para todos los

equipos de impresión digital que hayan sido adquiridos en la empresa.

El área de servicio técnico se encarga de realizar las instalaciones y configuraciones

al momento de la distribución de los equipos.

1.2.2. Alquiler de copiadoras Ricoh y Konica Minolta.

No es necesario comprar un equipo para poder usarlo y usufructuar de él. La empresa

permite optar por el sistema de alquiler incluyendo insumos, repuestos y servicio
técnico. Por un monto fijo mensual o por número de copias o impresiones hechas.

Con esta modalidad el Grupo Moreira se encarga del suministro de tóner, insumos
repuestos y mano de obra tanto preventiva como correctiva. El cliente decide si desea
alquilar un equipo reacondicionado o nuevo.

1.2.3. Leasing o arrendamiento financiero.

Sin necesidad de comprar un equipo el público puede disfrutar o usufructuar de los

equipos. El Grupo Moreira tiene un acuerdo con el Banco Nacional de Bolivia y con
Fortaleza leasing para este efecto. Se puede obtener cualquier equipo arrendándolo.
Con una cuota inicial de un 20 o incluso 10 % del valor real del equipo. El saldo se
cancela pagando una cuota mensual mínima al Banco o a la financiera.

El cliente de esta manera no necesita comprar el equipo al contado invirtiendo altas

sumas de dinero en adquirir equipos. Así, se evita los costos de depreciación.

1.2.4. Distribución a nivel nacional de copiadoras y equipos de impresión.

El Grupo Moreira cuenta con oficinas en los principales departamentos del País.
Oficina Central La Paz:Av. Villazón Nº 1958 (Edf. Villazón Mezzanine) Telf. 2331045
- 2315235 - 2316744 Fax. (591-2) 2316744

Sucursal La Paz: C/Eloy Salmón Nº 960 Telf. 2451778

Oficina Central El Alto: Av. Juan Pablo II Nº 2827 Cel. 70564096

Oficina Central Cbba.: Av. Ayacucho Nº 465

Telf. 4521605 Fax (591-4) 4521605 Cel. 72702696

Oficina Central Sta. Cruz.: Av. Uruguay y C/Aroma Nº790

Telf. 3302304 - 3301997 Fax (591-3) 3301997

Oficina Central Tarija: C/ Sucre esq. Virginio Lema Nº 409

Telf. 6658597 Fax (591-4) 6658597

Oficina Central Sucre: Av. Jaime Mendoza Nº 1104 - B

Telf. / Fax (591-4) 6465885 Cel. 70540448
1.3. Estructura orgánica de la empresa.

Figura 1. Estructura Orgánica de la empresa Grupo Moreira.

Donde el Gerente General es el Dr. Luis Moreira Encinas.

La Gerente Comercial es la Lic. Rosario del Pilar Morales Lema.
Además la empresa cuenta con:

 28 Técnicos en todo el país, 12 en La Paz

 8 pasantes, 3 en La Paz
 14 Secretarias y asistentes en todo el país
 4 Técnicos en Marketing

1.4. Oficina de recepción.

La secretaria se encarga de recibir a representantes de instituciones estatales o

privadas que requieren información sobre las características de las copiadoras,
precios y formas de pago.
1.5. Departamento técnico informático.

El personal de este departamento se encarga de hacer soporte informático al

departamento de servicio técnico. Es decir: buscando manuales técnicos para los
diferentes modelos de copiadoras; probar software para el mejor desempeño de los
equipos; el desbloqueo de cartuchos de impresión y configuración de IP’s.
Estos trabajos también se hacen desde el departamento de servicio técnico, ya que el
responsable de esa área de trabajo no siempre está a disposición.

También se encarga de:

 Mantenimiento y actualización de la página web de la empresa: www.moreira-
 La publicidad que se realiza en medios escritos y virtuales utilizando software
para diseño gráfico como el photoshop cs4, flash macromedia, etc.

1.6. Departamento de servicio técnico.

El personal de esta área está conformado por 8 técnicos que se encargan de hacer el
mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de las copiadoras que se vendieron. Esta
actividad se hace también viajando a distintas partes del país.
Las copiadoras que ingresan en esta área son de clientes que requieren el servicio
técnico o equipos que necesiten ser reacondicionadas para su posterior venta.

1.7. Sala de demostraciones.

En este espacio se encuentran copiadoras donde el público puede ver el

funcionamiento y las características de los equipos. Se demuestran la velocidad de
impresión, resolución, interconectividad. Y también unidades opcionales como la
grapadora, la compaginadora, etc. Ver anexo A
Los equipos se preparan para su demostración con anticipación de 24 horas por parte
de los clientes. Detallando las operaciones que la copiadora debe realizar.
Los equipos y accesorios que están instalados en esta sala son:
 Computadora Personal
 Cables USB 2.0
 Cables de Red UTP Cat. 5 con conectores RJ-45
 Drivers de la copiadora.
 Cartuchos de Tóner para diferentes modelos
 Insumos: Papel de diferentes tamaños y gramajes.


2.1. Informe detallado del trabajo desarrollado.

En el Departamento Técnico se realizaron los siguientes trabajos:

Lo primero que se hizo fue reconocer cada área de trabajo. Y de esta manera
observar sus características y modo de trabajo. Así como también de los equipos
electrónicos e informáticos que son usados en dichas áreas.

Se realizaron los siguientes trabajos:

 Mantenimiento de las copiadoras Minolta 2010, 1015, Minolta EP 4000,

EP5000. Éstas se encontraban con fallas en las unidades de revelado e
imagen que repercutían en la calidad de las copias y el correcto funcionamiento
del equipo.

 Mantenimiento y configuración de las computadoras de las oficinas de

recepción y del departamento técnico. Se formatearon los discos duros
cuidando de no borrar la información que requerían. Además, se instalaron los
sistemas operativos Windows XP SP3 y MAC OS 10.4 y todo el software que
se necesita para el servicio técnico.

 Ensamblaje, instalación y configuración de tres computadoras personales para

las oficinas de Cochabamba, Santa Cruz y Tarija.

 Desbloqueo y cargado de tóner de los cartuchos de impresión para la

copiadora multifunción RICOH FX200.
 Distribución de copiadoras multifunción Konica Minolta modelo Bizhub 184 al
Ministerio de Salud. En el momento de la instalación se recargo el “starter” a la
unidad de revelado y se utilizo la opción F5 en modo “Technical Service” para
la distribución del tóner y “starter” por los rodillos magnéticos. Esta operación
se realiza solamente si la copiadora que se entrega es nueva. También se
configuraron el tamaño de papel de las bandejas de alimentación (Letter, FLS y

 Mantenimiento y reparación de la copiadora Minolta Di250. La copiadora no

encendía por lo que se realizaron los siguientes pasos:


Primera Revisión de la copiadora: Antes del mantenimiento
- Fuente de alimentación se registran los datos del
cliente, tiempo de
Debido a una mala conexión de garantía y recorrido del
voltaje 110-220V se quemaron: un contador electrónico. Con
varistor, una resistencia de 100Ω/5W estos datos se entrega al
y un fusible. Todos estos cliente un recibo para que
componentes están en la etapa de pueda recogerla en un
protección, conectada antes de la tiempo determinado.
fuente. Todos fueron reemplazados. Cliente: Sr. Luis Mercado
Modelo: Minolta Di 250
Contador: 260365 copias
Observaciones: Ya no
está en garantía.

Segunda Revisión de la copiadora Si esto no cambia la

calidad de copia se debe
- Entrada de papel manual (Bypass) probar cambiando otro
y desde las bandejas cilindro. Para ver su
correspondientes. funcionamiento.
- Calidad de Copia (si aun copia).
En este caso:
Probar cambiando los valores de los
voltajes de carga Vg y Vb para reconocer
si la falla esta en el cilindro o está en otra
etapa. Para ello se recurren a los
manuales “Minolta Di 250
Tercera Debido al tiempo de uso de esta máquina Si esto tampoco cambiara
y tomando en cuenta el recorrido del la calidad de copia
contador mecánico. Se concluye que el entonces se debe revisar
cilindro está agotado y debe ser las tarjetas de Alto Voltaje
cambiado. HV o la Unidad Laser
“PH” y finalmente la
tarjeta PWB-A. En ese
Cuarto Se hace una limpieza total de la Una vez que se detecta la
copiadora: en las tarjetas electrónicas, la falla se realiza una
parte óptica, en las unidades de fusión, limpieza y mantenimiento
imagen y revelado. Como también en los en general.
componentes mecánicos.
Quinto Una vez cambiado el cilindro. Se hace La copiadora es
una prueba final copiando unas 40 – 50 entregada al cliente.
hojas. Se prueban todas las bandejas de
entrada de papel.

Tabla 1. Trabajo desarrollado - mantenimiento y reparación de la copiadora

Minolta Di250.

 Se realizo un viaje a las ciudades de Cochabamba y Santa Cruz llevando 150

copiadoras. Las marcas y modelos fueron diversas: RICOH modelos
2010/350/CP4000 y en KONICA MINOLTA modelos Bizhub
Entre todas estas maquinas, la mayor parte fueron de segunda mano (usadas).
Se anotaron los números de serie, modelo y las condiciones de llegada.
 Configuración de IP’s de la Copiadora Multifunción RICOH SP 221n. En el
momento de entrega el cliente solicito que se conectara en red junto a todos
los demás equipos que se tenía en su oficina (Ministerio de Defensa). Para ello
la configuración que se debía hacer era mediante software ya que la maquina
tenía un panel reducido (Reset, Job, Scan). El departamento informático nos
brindo los manuales técnicos de la maquina donde indicaba el proceso de
borrado de IP’s mediante software. A continuación detallamos en una tabla, el
procedimiento hecho para la configuración de la copiadora.
Instalar los drivers en la PC que la Cuando se venden
copiadora RICOH SP221N provee junto al
equipo nuevo. Este software además de los
reacondicionados los
Primera drivers, contiene aplicaciones para su
drivers son obtenidos
mantenimiento. de la página de Konica
Minolta en Internet.
Se conecta el cable UTP Cat. 5 cruzado Según los manuales
entre la PC y la Copiadora. técnicos, la única forma
de cambiar los IP’s de
este modelo es usando
un cable de red.

Seguir los pasos que indica el manual de

Todo lo que está en
hardware del equipo:
cursiva es traducción
del manual de
Sigua el siguiente procedimiento para
Hardware del equipo.
especificar la dirección IP usando el “Smart
Organizing Monitor”.
Como existen varios
modelos de esta marca.
Para desarrollar el siguiente procedimiento,
Los pasos varían de
primero debes retornar a la configuración
acuerdo a sus
de fábrica. Para hacer esto: primero debes
características. En este
apagar la impresora y esperar unos
caso esta máquina
Tercera segundos y luego, mientras presionas las
tiene un tablero
teclas Job Reset y Stop/Start vuelves a
reducido (solo tiene tres
encenderla hasta que los indicadores Alert
botones: START, JOB
y Ready se enciendan.
READY) por eso era
1. Con el cable de red conectado ir al
necesario el cableado.
menú Inicio, luego a programas,
luego Smart Organizing Monitor for
PCL, luego Smart Organizing
Monitor for PCL Status.
Aparecerá el cuadro de dialogo Smart
Organizing Monitor

2. Hacer click en IP Address

El cuadro de Configuracion de IP
3. Hacer los cambios de IP que se
requieran y finalmente Reiniciar el

Tabla 2. Trabajo Desarrollado - Configuración de IP’s de la Copiadora

Multifunción RICOH SP 221n
 Apoyo en la instalación de maquinas en la sala de convenciones del Hotel
Radisson con el fin de demostrar toda la capacidad de las copiadoras-
imprentas Konica Minolta Bizhub PRO 950 y la de Color bizhub PRO
C6501e/eP. Estos modelos tuvieron especial interés por sus características de
funcionalidad y velocidad (95 copias por minuto). La convertían en la estrella de
la convención. Se instalaron en red y configuraron para la demostración junto a
sus unidades de grapado, guillotina, encuadernado, doblado y compaginado.
Posteriormente ambas maquinas fueron vendidas y se instalaron en la ciudad
de Oruro. Al momento de presentar este trabajo ya se solicitaron 8 de estas
maquinas por parte del Ministerio de Educación en nuestro país.

 Servicio técnico para la copiadora Konica Minolta Di 250

La lámpara de la unidad de fusión de no enciende.
Para comprobar el funcionamiento de la lámpara se debe revisar un SSR. Este
componente electrónico se encuentra entre la tarjeta principal y la lámpara.

Primero. Con la maquina encendida. Colocamos las clavijas del multimetro en

los puntos 3 y 4 del SSR. Si obtenemos 0 voltios entonces el circuito está
cerrado y el SSR está en buen estado.

Segundo. Si obtenemos una lectura de 220V entonces el circuito está abierto y

se notara que el SSR no conduce.

Tercero. Colocamos las clavijas en los puntos 1 y 2 del SSR. De esta manera
se sabrá si la tarjeta está enviando voltaje al SSR. Y si lo está haciendo se
concluye que el SSR está abierto y se encuentra en mal estado.

Figura 2. Circuito interno de un SSR simplificado.

Cuando no hay voltaje de la tarjeta principal, el LED del SSR está apagado. Por
lo tanto el fototriac no está expuesto a la luz y no conduce electricidad. De tal
manera, el circuito de energía de la lámpara permanece abierto y la lámpara
continúa apagada.

Como los SSRs no tienen partes móviles o mecánicas, son más confiables que
los relays. Así se protege el circuito DC de la tarjeta principal del circuito AC de
la lámpara. La única interacción entre los lados DC y AC es la luz del LED.

 Servicio técnico a la copiadora Konica Minolta Bizhub Di350.

La copiadora no enciende. Debe comprobarse el voltaje de la fuente:

Colocamos la terminal roja del multimetro en la clavija 1 y la terminal negra en

la clavija 2. Si se obtiene 5 voltios, el problema puede estar en la tarjeta lógica
posterior a la fuente. Si no se obtiene los 5 voltios se debe hacer la
comprobación en las clavijas 6 y 7. Si leemos 10.5 voltios AC, el problema
puede estar en el suministro de energía. Hay que revisar fusibles. Si no
obtenemos 10.5 voltios AC, entonces es necesario regresar al tomacorrientes
AC. Si hay energía en el tomacorrientes, entonces la falla podría estar en el
transformador o interruptor mecánico.
Figura 3. Tarjeta de suministro de energía de una copiadora,

 Servicio técnico para la copiadora Ricoh Aficio 2010.

El panel de control se enciende pero la copiadora no funciona.

La energía llega a la maquina, pero la copiadora no funciona. Se sospecha que

es la fuente de energía.

Primero. Desconectar el conector de salida de energía y luego comprobar

todas las salidas de 24 y 33 voltios a, b, c, d de la figura anterior. Si se leen
estos datos, entonces la fuente de energía está funcionando correctamente.

Segundo. Si todas las salidas no tienen voltaje, entonces se debe regresar y

verificar la entrada de 26 VAC al suministro de energía. Si existe ese voltaje,
entonces la fuente de poder está en mal estado.

 Mal funcionamiento de la copiadora Minolta Di 200.

El panel de control de la maquina indica código: C004C.
Para saber que significa este código recurrimos al manual técnico de esta
máquina: Ver anexo B
Se reemplaza el servomotor M8 (DMQ 12AB4LIA 24VDC) y se comprueba su
funcionamiento con el resto de los dispositivos.

 Servicio técnico a la copiadora Minolta 2010.

Las copias que salían eran negras.
Consultando el Manual Técnico se realizo lo siguiente:

Copia en Negro

Sección Paso Revisar Resultado Acción Tabl

¿Está el terminal de carga de voltaje Revisar y hacer a 3.
Motor 1 del Cilindro PC en buenas NO cambios si es Trad
condiciones? necesario
Revisar y hacer
¿Está el terminal de voltaje de la rejilla ón
2 NO cambios si es
en buenas condiciones? del
Revisar y hacer “Tec
¿Está el terminal Bias de revelado en
3 NO cambios si es hnic
buenas condiciones?
necesario al
¿Persiste la copia negra incluso
4 después de que el I/C haya sido SI Cambiar el HV1.
reemplazado con uno nuevo? ice’s
de la copiadora Minolta 2010

Se reemplazo la tarjeta de alto voltaje HV1. Siguiendo los pasos que muestra el
manual técnico. Ver anexo C

 Mal funcionamiento de la copiadora Minolta Di550.

El panel de control muestra el siguiente código C0400

Para saber qué significa este código recurrimos al manual técnico de esta
máquina: Ver anexo D

Se verifican las partes eléctricas relevantes que se indican en el manual. Y

posteriormente se detecta la rotura del cable de datos flexible (FLAT). Una vez
reemplazado se verifica su funcionamiento.
Para una mejor comprensión del funcionamiento de las copiadoras se detallan los
diferentes diagramas, esquemas, circuitos, equipos y otros que componen la

2.2. Las ocho fases del proceso de copiado electroestático.

Todas las fases del proceso de copiado, excepto la fusión, actúan sobre el Cilindro
Fotoconductivo. Al que en el futuro llamaremos solamente “cilindro”. Este recibe la
imagen en su superficie sensible a la luz y luego transfiere la imagen a la superficie
del papel de copiado. De manera general el proceso de copiado se desarrolla en las
siguientes etapas:

i) Carga principal (Cargador Principal).

En la preparación de la imagen latente, el Cargador Principal genera un voltaje
negativo alto el cual coloca una carga negativa uniforme a lo largo de la superficie del
Cilindro. La carga permanece en el cilindro debido a que la superficie tiene una alta
resistencia a la oscuridad.

j) Exposición de la información (Unidad Óptica).

El sistema óptico (lámparas, espejos, lentes, etc.) refleja el documento original a la
superficie del cilindro cargado negativamente. La carga negativa en el cilindro se
disipa en proporción directa a la intensidad de la luz reflejada. La luz de alta
intensidad reflejada de los espacios en blanco transforma a la superficie del cilindro
en un conductor y la carga negativa disminuye. La luz de baja intensidad reflejada de
la impresión y de los gráficos originales permite que el cilindro retenga su propiedad
aislante y la carga negativa permanece por más tiempo o de manera más uniforme. El
resultado es una imagen latente cargada negativamente en el cilindro.
k) Revelado (Unidad Reveladora).
La imagen cargada negativamente atrae a las partículas de tóner cargadas
positivamente y forma una imagen de tóner visible en la superficie del cilindro.

l) Transferencia.
El papel es alimentado a la superficie del cilindro. El Cargador de Transferencia
coloca una carga negativa más alta en el papel que la existente en la superficie del
cilindro. La imagen revelada cargada positivamente de esta manera es removida del
cilindro y colocada en el papel. El papel es también atraído hacia el cilindro y necesita
ser separado.

m) Separación (Cargador de Separación).

El cargador de separación aplica un potencial AC fuerte al reverso del papel. La
atracción entre el papel y el cilindro disminuye y el papel se separa del cilindro.

n) Fusión (Unidad de Fusión).

La imagen de tóner en el papel pasa entre dos rodillos. Se aplica calor y presión para
fijar la imagen al papel.

o) Limpieza (Unidad de Limpieza).

Una hoja de plástico “raspa” la superficie del cilindro para recobrar el exceso de tóner.
p) Descarga (Lámpara de Descarga).
La luz de la lámpara de descarga hace que la superficie del cilindro sea conductora
nuevamente. Todas las cargas son disipadas a tierra y el cilindro queda listo para un
nuevo ciclo de copiado.
2.3. El proceso de copiado del documento original al papel.

Se utilizan distintos materiales para hacer distintos tipos de cilindros. Los Cilindros
Fotoconductores Orgánicos (PC) y de Selenio son los más comunes.

Figura 4. Capas del cilindro de selenio.

El cilindro contiene capas de materiales semiconductivos colocados sobre una

aleación de aluminio. Sobre la cual una imagen electrostática latente es formada.

En la oscuridad la capa fotosensitiva tiene una alta resistencia eléctrica la cual la

convierte en aislante. Cuando se expone a la luz, la resistencia se reduce y el material
se convierte en un conductor. Estas dos propiedades son cruciales para la ejecución
del proceso de copiado.

Un fotoconductor es definido como un material sensible a la luz que actúa como un

conductor cuando es expuesto a la luz, y como aislante en la oscuridad. El
Fotoconductor Orgánico cumple con esta definición.

El cilindro consiste de una capa fotoconductiva en el exterior y una base de aluminio

en el interior. Cambios en la intensidad de la luz que llega al cilindro ocasionan
cambios en la resistencia eléctrica de la superficie del cilindro. Cuando es expuesta a
la luz, la resistencia eléctrica disminuye y el cilindro se convierte en conductor.
Mientras mayor es la intensidad de la luz, menor es la resistencia y la superficie se
convierte en mejor conductor. En la oscuridad, la conductividad no cambia. A medida
que la luz cambia la conductividad y las características aislantes del cilindro, los
electrones pueden moverse más o menos libremente entre el material fotosensitivo en
la superficie y la base de aluminio, cambiando de esta manera el potencial de carga
en la superficie.
Al aplicar una carga negativa uniforme a la superficie del cilindro, y luego al exponer el
cilindro a la luz reflejada del documento original, ocurre un cambio en la carga de la
superficie el cual corresponde a los detalles del documento original. La intensidad de
la luz reflejada de las partes en blanco del documento hace que la superficie del
cilindro se torne más conductiva en esas áreas y que la carga negativa se disipe. Las
áreas de baja intensidad de texto, gráficos, fotos, etc., hacen que la superficie del
cilindro actúe como aislante y que la carga negativa general en esas áreas se
mantenga. Las porciones oscuras de la imagen de documento son recreadas como
una carga negativa en el cilindro.

Este cambio en el potencial de la carga sobre la superficie del cilindro es lo que

permite al sistema crear un duplicado del documento original, cargado negativamente
(invisible), en la superficie del cilindro. La imagen invisible es llamada “imagen
latente”. Cuando las partículas del tóner con una carga opuesta (positiva) son atraídas
a la imagen negativa latente, se convierte en un duplicado visible del documento
original que puede ser transferido al papel. Ver anexo E.

2.4. Etapa de exposición.

El proceso de exposición permite que la maquina ilumine el documento original y

transporte la luz reflejada al cilindro donde se convierte en una imagen latente. Este
proceso prepara al cilindro para recibir las partículas de tóner las cuales formaran una
imagen visible. Sus componentes principales son:

- Vidrio de exposición
- Lámpara de exposición
- Espejos
- Lentes

El documento original es colocado en el vidrio de exposición. El documento es

colocado sobre el vidrio. Una lámpara expone la superficie del documento original
(ambas: imágenes y áreas sin imágenes) a la luz. La luz es reflejada de las áreas sin
imágenes. Muy poca luz es reflejada de las imágenes oscuras, tales como: texto,
gráficos e ilustraciones. Por el contrario, las áreas más oscuras absorben la luz, los
espejos dirigen la luz reflejada a los lentes. Los lentes reúnen y enfocan la luz hacia el

Figura 5. Proceso de exposición de la imagen.

La luz de alta intensidad de las áreas en blanco llega al cilindro. La resistencia

eléctrica en esa área disminuye y se convierte conductiva. La carga negativa se disipa
en ese lugar. Las áreas del cilindro no expuestas a la luz (que corresponde a las
áreas oscuras del documento original) permanecen aislantes y mantienen las cargas
negativas en los niveles altos originales.

Una réplica exacta del original cargada negativamente es creada en el cilindro. Es

invisible, por lo tanto es llamada latente. Ver anexo F.
Figura 6. Proceso de copiado desde otro ángulo.

2.5. Los espejos en la etapa de escaneo.

Generalmente los espejos están revestidos en la superficie posterior del vidrio. Sin
embargo, los espejos utilizados en las copiadoras, son diferentes. Estos son espejos
revestidos en la superficie frontal, lo que significa que la superficie reflectora es la
superficie frontal. No hay profundidad. Este tipo de espejo previene que la luz sea
reflejada del lado posterior y del frontal, lo que crearía imágenes dobles.

Figura 7. Espejos con revestimiento.

2.5.1. Servicio técnico para la etapa óptica y el proceso de exposición.

Cualquier contaminación (polvo, humedad, película, etc.) o de formación
(resquebrajaduras) del sistema óptico obstruirá la luz reflejada y reducirá la calidad de
la copia. Lo siguiente, son problemas de calidad de copiado asociados con problemas
de óptica y exposición.

PROBLEMA Efecto en el Sistema Efecto en la Copiadora

No hay luz, no hay
Lámpara de exposición cambio en la resistencia
Copias Negras
malograda. del cilindro, no se forma
la imagen latente.
Falta de luz ocasiona que Trasfondo; copias
Tierra, polvo, etc. mas carga queda en el oscuras o copias
cilindro desiguales
Intensidad de la lámpara Menos luz significa que
es inferior a lo más carga quedara en el Copias Oscuras
especificado cilindro
Obstrucción en el Más carga quedara en el Línea negra o banda en
trayecto óptico. cilindro en ese punto. el trasfondo.
Podrá generar luz Calidad desigual del
Lámpara antigua
desigual copiado.

Tabla 4. Fallas comunes en la óptica y etapa de exposición.

2.5.2. Mantenimiento preventivo de la etapa de exposición.

Limpiar las superficies reflectoras, polvo y filtros en los intervalos especificados por el
Manual de Mantenimiento para el modelo especificado. Cambiar las lámparas cuando
sea necesario. Mantener limpio el vidrio de exposición.

2.6. Unidad de revelado de imagen.

Durante la fase de revelado, la imagen latente negativa en el cilindro atrae a las
partículas de tóner cargadas positivamente de la unidad reveladora y forma una
imagen visible de los documentos originales. Ver anexo G.

Sus componentes principales son:

o Revelador (tóner y portador)

o La Unidad Reveladora (incluyendo la envoltura y el rodillo magnético)

El material revelador consiste del tóner y del portador. El tóner esta hecho de carbón
(para pigmentación) y de plástico con resina. El portador es una partícula en forma de
granulo hecha de ferrita (hierro). El tóner y las partículas del portador son agitadas por
sondas (una canilla en forma de tornillo dentro de la unidad reveladora). La agitación
genera fricción entre el portador y el tóner lo cual crea una carga estática conocida
como “Carga Triboelectrica”. Esto hace que el tóner tome una carga positiva y la
portadora una carga negativa. Por lo tanto, el tóner es atraído al portador.

Tóner + Portador = Revelador

Carbón/plástico/resina ferrita

Figura 8. Componentes del Revelador.

“La triboelectricidad hace que el tóner tome una carga positiva (+) y el portador tome
una negativa (-) El tóner es atraído al portador.”

Bajo condiciones normales, cuando hay un porcentaje adecuado de portador en la

mezcla de tóner (la cual varia de maquina en maquina), la carga opuesta hace que las
partículas de tóner se adhieran de manera uniforme a las partículas del portador.
Si se acumula demasiado tóner junto a la portadora, la conexión es demasiado suelta
y el tóner es fácilmente atraído a la superficie del cilindro. En este caso, demasiado
tóner podría terminar en el cilindro generando un trasfondo. Si hay muy pocas
partículas de tóner en la portadora, entonces no llegara suficiente tóner al cilindro. El
resultado será una copia demasiado clara, con baja densidad de imagen. La escasez
de tóner en la portadora también podrá causar desgaste prematuro de portadora, que
es un insumo, debido al contacto excesivo entre ellas. Por lo que se hace necesario
cambiar el revelador en los intervalos adecuados.

2.6.1. El rodillo magnético.

Una “Escobilla Magnética” rota o “cepilla” al tóner cargado positivamente desde la

unidad del revelador hacia la imagen cargada negativamente en el cilindro. Así es
como funciona:


Base de Magnética


Figura 9. La escobilla magnética.

Figura 10. La escobilla magnética llevando tóner.

Varios magnetos están contenidos dentro de la manga del rodillo magnético. La

manga gira alrededor de los magnetos. Los campos magnéticos son creados y hacen
que las cuentas portadoras (con el tóner unido) sean atraídas a los polos opuestos
dentro del rodillo. Mientras la manga continua girando, el revelador se mueve a lo
largo de los magnetos adyacentes. Esto hace que se produzca un nuevo suministro
de revelador en el punto de contacto entre el rodillo y el cilindro.

Figura 11. Formación de líneas de la fuerza magnética.

El rodillo magnético rota en dirección opuesta al Cilindro PC, pero en el punto de
contacto, la superficie se mueve en la misma dirección. La cantidad de carga en la
superficie del cilindro y la concentración de tóner en el revelador determinan cuánto
tóner es transferido a la superficie del cilindro.

Cuando la carga negativa de la capa foto sensitiva del cilindro es inferior a la carga
negativa del portador, el tóner permanece unido al portador. Cuando la carga negativa
de la imagen latente de la imagen del cilindro es superior a la carga negativa del
portador, el tóner es atraído a la porción de la imagen latente. En áreas solidas de
color negro la carga en la superficie del cilindro es alta. En áreas de tonos medios o
de color, el potencial de la superficie es menor. Y en las áreas en blanco podrá existir
un pequeño voltaje negativo residual.

Para prevenir que el tóner se adhiera a las áreas en blanco, un pequeño voltaje
(generalmente alrededor de 200v) es aplicado a la manga del rodillo. Esta polaridad
del revelador previene que el tóner cruce a las áreas donde no hay imágenes. De esta
manera, el tóner crea una réplica visible del documento original con todas las
graduaciones de negro, tonos medios y blancos.

Portador Magneto Rodillo Magnetico


Cuando la carga Existe una carga pero es infectiva por la polaridad

(-) en la capa del voltaje, por lo tanto no ocurre ningún revelado
fotosensitiva es
Toner inferior a la
carga (-) en el
Areas Blancas
del Original

Cuando la carga
Voltaje Bias
Voltaje Bias Toner
(-) en la capa
-200V DC
fotosensitiva es
superior a la Tonos
carga (-) en el Medios

Negro Solido
Capa Fotosensitiva
Base de Aluminio


Figura 12. Transferencia de tóner al cilindro.

2.6.2. Servicio técnico de la Unidad Reveladora.
Es importante efectuar el mantenimiento preventivo de la Unidad Reveladora ya que
las consecuencias de no hacerlo pueden ser graves. Es muy difícil limpiar la maquina
después de un derrame de revelador. Esto generalmente debe hacerse en el taller y
es causado por un mantenimiento inadecuado.

Problema Efecto en el sistema Efecto en la Copiadora

o Baja densidad de la
La eficiencia del imagen.
Portador muy usado
portador se deteriora o Tóner esparcido
o Opacidad
o Trasfondo
Alto porcentaje de Tóner o Demasiado tóner en la
Demasiado Tóner
Sobre Portador maquina

o Baja densidad de la
Bajo porcentaje de Tóner imagen
Muy poco tóner
Sobre Pórtador o Menor vida del revelador
o Daño del OPC (cilindro)

Tabla 5. Fallas comunes en la unidad de revelado.

2.6.3. Mantenimiento preventivo de la unidad de revelado.

Reemplazar el material del revelador y otras partes de los intervalos recomendados.
Cuando se reemplace el revelador, revisar el desgaste en los bujes, rodajes y el
mylar. Estos se deben reemplazar si están gastados. Aspirar el material revelador del
interior de la maquina, sobre todo alrededor de los engranajes donde causaría gran
desgaste. El sensor de tóner (ATS) debe ser aspirado con mucho cuidado porque la
estática podría dañarlo.
2.7. Proceso de transferencia de imagen al papel.

Durante el proceso de transferencia, la imagen del tóner (imagen visible) que ha sido
revelada en la superficie del cilindro es transferida al papel. Sus componentes
principales son:

o Cilindro e imagen revelada.

o Cargador de trasferencia e hilo de corona.
o Papel.

A medida que el sistema de rodillos y sensores transporta el papel entre la imagen

revelada en el cilindro y el Cargador de Transferencia, una carga negativa similar a la
creada por el Cargador Principal es generada por el Cargador de Transferencia. Una
carga negativa fuerte es dirigida hacia la base del papel de copiado. La carga
negativa del Cargador de Transferencia es más fuerte que la carga negativa que
sostiene la imagen del tóner en el cilindro. El tóner cargado positivamente, es atraído
hacia el papel. Durante este proceso, la mayor parte del tóner del cilindro es
transferido hacia el papel. Con la imagen ahora en el papel, el tóner residual en el
cilindro será removido posteriormente. Ver anexo H.

Figura 13.Proceso magnético entre el tóner y el papel

“La carga negativa del Cargador de Transferencia es más fuerte que la carga negativa
que sostiene la imagen de tóner en el cilindro. El tóner cargado positivamente es
atraído hacia el papel de copiado.”
El mantenimiento adecuado del Cargador de Transferencia es similar a lo requerido
para el Cargador Principal.

Problema Efecto en el sistema Efecto en la Copiadora

Cargador de Imagen de tóner no o Copias en blanco
Transferencia falla transfiere o muy claras.
Transferencia o Densidad de la
Hilo Desgastado
inadecuada imagen baja
Potencial de carga Potencial de o Densidad de la
menor a lo especificado transferencia muy bajo imagen baja
Tabla 6. Fallas comunes en la etapa de transferencia.

La carga negativa del cargador de transferencia atrae a la mayor parte de la imagen

del cilindro y lo coloca en el papel.
Durante el proceso de transferencia el papel de copiado es atraído hacia el cilindro.

2.8. Etapa de separación entre el cilindro y papel.

Durante el proceso de separación, el papel que acaba de recibir la imagen de tóner es

separado del cilindro. Sus componentes principales son:

- Cilindro
- Papel con la imagen de tóner
- Cargador de separación (hilo de corona)

Durante el proceso de transferencia anterior, el papel fue atraído al cilindro por la

fuerza electroestática creada por la polaridad opuesta del tóner y la carga de
transferencia. Para neutralizar la atracción y ayudar a separar el papel, una corona
AC de alta frecuencia es generada dentro de la envoltura del cargador de separación.
La polaridad negativa del papel disminuye y la estática entre el papel y el cilindro se
debilita. Por lo tanto el papel se puede separar del cilindro por su propio peso y
Figura 14. Proceso de separación del papel.

“La corona AC reduce la polaridad negativa del papel, y la estática entre el papel y el
cilindro se debilita. Por lo tanto el papel se puede separar del cilindro por su propio
peso y rigidez.”

2.8.1. Servicio a la unidad de separación de papel.

El mantenimiento adecuado del cargador de separación es similar al requerido para el

cargador principal

Problema Efecto en el sistema Efecto en la Copiadora

El cargador de La estática entre el papel El papel no se separa
Separación falla. y el cilindro no del cilindro Puede
disminuye. ocasionar un Atasco.
Potencial AC inferior El efecto de Separación Mala separación. Puede
que lo especificado reducido. ocasionar marcas o
atascos de papel.

Tabla 7. Fallas comunes de la etapa de separación.

2.8.2. Mantenimiento preventivo de la etapa de separación de papel.

Reemplazar el hilo de corona en los intervalos indicados. Limpiar la envoltura como se

indica en el manual de servicio del modelo de copiadora en servicio.

- Durante el proceso de separación el papel de copiado que recibió la

imagen de tóner es separado del cilindro.
- Una corona AC de alta frecuencia disminuye la polaridad negativa del papel
y debilita la atracción estática.

2.9. Etapa de fusión del tóner con el papel.

Durante el proceso de fusión, se utiliza calor y presión para unir permanentemente la

imagen a las fibras de papel. Sus componentes principales son:

- Papel con imagen de tóner.

- Rodillo de Calor (Teflón).
- Lámpara de fusión.
- Rodillo de presión.

Antes que la fusión ocurra, el tóner es sostenido en el papel por el potencial negativo
del papel y por la carga positiva del tóner. El tóner sin embargo, puede ser removido

El fusor consiste de un rodillo superior e inferior entre los cuales pasa el papel. Ver
anexo I.
Figura 15. Proceso de fusion del toner sobre el papel.

El rodillo superior esta hecho generalmente de aluminio con una superficie de teflón y
contiene una lámpara de halógeno que mantiene la temperatura a aprox. 200ºC
durante el proceso de fusión. El rodillo inferior está cargado de resortes y presiona
contra el rodillo superior para crear presión.

El punto de fusión del tóner (recordando la resina que el tóner contiene) es

aproximadamente de entre 100 a 110ºC. Cuando el papel pasa entre los rodillos, el
calor del rodillo superior funde el tóner y la presión entre los rodillos fija el tóner en las
fibras del papel.

Ya que los rodillos están hechos de materiales muy suaves con muy poca tensión en
la superficie, generalmente una pequeña cantidad de tóner residual se pegará a los
rodillos. Para prevenir que el tóner se deposite en la siguiente copia (lo que causaría
una imagen desalineada), una sonda u hoja de limpieza toca los rodillos y retira
cualquier exceso de tóner.
2.9.1. Servicio técnico a la unidad de fusión.

El mantenimiento adecuado de la unidad de fusión evitara que se produzcan marcas

en las copias, pliegues en el papel, ruidos y problemas de alimentación.

Problema Efecto en el sistema Efecto en la Copiadora

Temperatura del El rodillo de calor no El tóner no se funde.
fusor muy baja calienta bien El tóner se despega
Superficie del El tóner se pega al Marcas en la copia.
Rodillo de Calor rodillo
Tabla 8. Fallas comunes en la unidad de fusión.

2.9.2. Mantenimiento preventivo de la unidad de fusión.

Reemplazar las partes apropiadas según la tabla arriba indicada. Limpiar el tóner de
las guías de papel. Limpiar y lubricar los lugares que más trabajan, y reemplazar los
rodajes desgastados.

2.9.3. Limpieza del cilindro.

Durante el proceso de limpieza, el tóner residual es retirado de la superficie del

cilindro en preparación para el siguiente ciclo de copiado. Sus componentes son:

o Cilindro y tóner residual.

o Hoja de limpieza.
o Hoja de recuperación.
Figura 16. Proceso de limpieza y realimentación.

Parte del tóner aplicado al cilindro durante el proceso de revelado permanece como
residuo incluso después que la imagen ha sido transferida al papel. Ese residuo debe
ser limpiado y capturado. Se utilizan dos hojas para efectuar esa función. La hoja de
limpieza toca la superficie del cilindro para retirar el tóner. El tóner es atrapado por la
hoja de recuperación y es depositado en un recipiente de reciclado. La sonda de
recuperación mueve el tóner a un recipiente de desperdicio de tóner donde
permanece hasta que es descartado.

2.9.4. Servicio técnico de la unidad de limpieza.

Generalmente, la unidad de limpieza no falla completamente. El mal funcionamiento o

la falta de mantenimiento pueden causar líneas, trasfondo, hacer que el cilindro se
trabe, reducir la vida del cilindro, y caída de tóner.
Problema Efecto en el sistema Efecto en la Copiadora
Cortes o asperezas Posibles daños en el
Rayas en la copias
en la hoja OPC
Polvo del papel u
otros Mala limpieza
Hoja de
El tóner se escapa por la
hoja. Maquina Sucia
Tabla 9. Fallas comunes en la unidad de limpieza.

2.9.5. Mantenimiento preventivo de la unidad de limpieza.

El mantenimiento adecuado incluye la limpieza y el reemplazo de las partes en los

intervalos indicados. Ya que el polvo del papel puede causar la falla de la hoja de
limpieza, es necesario efectuar la limpieza de toda la máquina para prolongar la vida
de la hoja. Se debe reemplazar la hoja de limpieza cuando también se reemplace el
cilindro para asegurarse que ambos componentes tengan un desgaste similar. Evitar
tocar la hoja de limpieza con los dedos. El aceite de sus manos podría dañar la hoja o
la superficie del cilindro.

2.10. Proceso de descarga del cilindro.

Durante el proceso de descarga, cualquier carga de la imagen latente que permanece

en el cilindro es eliminado por la luz de la lámpara. Sus componentes son:

o Cilindro con carga residual.

o Lámpara de Descarga.

Una lámpara expone al cilindro a la luz. La resistencia eléctrica de la superficie del

cilindro cae. El cilindro se torna conductivo y todas las cargas remanentes se disipan
a tierra.
Figura 17. Lámpara de descarga.
“La luz hace que el cilindro sea conductivo y todas las cargas en el cilindro son
disipadas a tierra en preparación para el siguiente ciclo de copiado.”

El proceso de descarga prepara al cilindro para recibir la carga principal. La cual

marca el principio del siguiente ciclo de copiado. Si el proceso de descarga no fuera
efectuado, la carga residual se acumularía y la carga principal del siguiente ciclo seria
dispareja. En ese caso, la imagen previa sería superpuesta en la imagen del siguiente

2.10.1. Servicio técnico de la lámpara de descarga.

Las fallas de la lámpara de descarga pueden causar cambios en la densidad.

Problema Efecto en el sistema Efecto en la Copiadora

- Cambios en la densidad
Falla de la Cargas residuales en el
- Imágenes superpuestas.
lámpara cilindro no son disipadas
- Trasfondo

Tabla 10. Fallas comunes en la lámpara de descarga.

2.10.2. Mantenimiento preventivo de la etapa de descarga.

El mantenimiento de la lámpara de descarga consiste únicamente de la limpieza de

los empalmes y el cristal.

2.11. El proceso de copiado con cilindros de selenio.

Los cilindros de selenio responden un poco más rápido a la luz y por lo tanto son
utilizados en las unidades más rápidas y de mayor volumen.

En teoría, los procesos de copiado de selenio y fotoorgánicos son muy similares.

Cada uno hace uso de un cilindro fotosensitivo. Ambos emplean las mismas ocho
fases: carga principal, exposición, transferencia, separación, revelado, fusión, limpieza
y descarga.

Figura 18. Proceso de copiado con un cilindro selenio.

La principal diferencia entre el proceso de copiado de selenio y el fotoorgánico es el

potencial de carga. Como se ha notado, el proceso de copiado fotoorgánico empieza
con la aplicación de una carga negativa uniforme en el cilindro. Sin embargo el
sistema de selenio, aplica una carga positiva al cilindro y por lo tanto todos los
potenciales de las cargas en cada fase del proceso son opuestos a las utilidades en el
proceso fotoorgánico. Por ejemplo, la polaridad y la carga de transferencia también
son positivas. Además, los materiales utilizados por el tóner y el revelador son
diferentes para que el tóner pueda recoger una carga triboelectrica negativa durante
el proceso de revelado.

Figura 19. Cambios en la carga eléctrica en la superficie del cilindro.

“Este diagrama muestra los cambios en la carga eléctrica de la superficie del cilindro
en relación a la luz reflejada del original con tres tipos distintos de propiedades
reflectoras de luz. Como se puede ver, el área negra de la imagen deja la superficie
relativamente intacta. Mientras más alta sea la intensidad de la luz reflejada, más
conductivo se volverá el cilindro y la carga negativa se disipará más.”

2.11.1. Servicio técnico del cilindro en la unidad de imagen.

o Si la condición de la superficie del cilindro se deteriora, la calidad de
impresión se verá afectada negativamente.
o El cilindro es sensible tanto a la temperatura como a la luz.
o Almacenar el cilindro en un lugar fresco y seco.
o La exposición a la luz por un periodo largo de tiempo podría ocasionar
un choque de luz, el cual podría recuperarse si es colocado en la

La siguiente tabla también muestra algunas causas potenciales de daños al cilindro, y

por lo tanto en la calidad de la copia.

Fatiga Desgaste con el transcurrir del tiempo.

Disminuye la capacidad del cilindro para
aceptar un potencial de carga.
El raspar o frotar la superficie del cilindro
Daño Físico
ocasionara imperfecciones en la copia.
Si el sistema no está debidamente
Contaminación de limpiado y conservado, los contaminantes
la Superficie pueden cubrir el cilindro ocasionando
problemas de calidad de impresión.
Tabla 11. Causas comunes del daño al cilindro.

2.12. Proceso de la carga principal en el hilo de corona.

El proceso de copiado empieza cuando el cargador principal crea una carga negativa
en el hilo de la corona. La corona genera una carga negativa uniforme a lo largo de la
superficie externa del cilindro. Esto prepara a la capa fotoconductiva para el proceso
de exposición. Sus componentes son:

o Transformador de alto voltaje (HVT).

o Hilo de corona y rejilla.
o Cilindro.

El transformador de alto voltaje genera un alto voltaje negativo al hilo de carga y a la

rejilla. Una fuerte carga negativa dentro de la envoltura del cargador principal es
creada y –a través de la rejilla- distribuida de manera pareja a lo largo del cilindro.

La fuerte carga negativa en la superficie es balanceada por las cargas positivas que
son formadas en el núcleo de aluminio bajo la capa fotosensistiva. Ya que la carga
principal ocurre en la oscuridad, el cilindro mantiene una resistencia alta la cual
previene que cualquier tipo de conductividad neutralice los iones. Como resultado,
una carga negativa uniforme es establecida mantenida a lo largo de toda la superficie
del cilindro. El propósito final de la carga principal es preparar a la capa
fotoconductiva para el proceso de exposición que viene a continuación. Ver anexo J
El transformador de alto voltaje
genera una carga de voltaje
negativo para cargar el hilo y la
rejilla. La carga es distribuida a
través de la rejilla a la superficie del

La fuerte carga negativa en la

superficie del cilindro es
balanceada por las cargas positivas
que son formadas en el núcleo de
aluminio bajo la capa fotosensitiva.

Figura 20. Proceso de carga principal.

2.12.1. Servicio técnico del sistema de carga.

Cualquier contaminación (polvo, tóner, oxidación, etc.) o deformación (flexión o rotura)

del hilo o rejilla de la corona ocasionaran problemas en la calidad de la impresión. Los
siguientes son algunos problemas de calidad de impresión asociados con el cargador

Problema Efecto en el sistema Efecto en la Copiadora

Hilo de Corona Roto No hay carga principal Copias en Blanco
Hilo de la Corona o Densidad de imagen
Carga Irregular
Rejilla gastada o sucia Desigual
Potencial de Carga Más Carga Excesiva en el Trasfondo y menor vida
Alto que el especificado. cilindro del cilindro
Potencial de Carga Más Carga Escasa en el Baja densidad de
Bajo que el especificado. cilindro imagen.

Tabla 12. Fallas comunes en el proceso de carga.

2.12.2. Mantenimiento preventivo de la etapa de carga.
Reemplazar los hilos y rejilla, y limpiar la envoltura en los intervalos especificados.
Cambiar el hilo de corona tomando en cuenta la tensión física que tenía

2.13. Fotointerruptores y fotoreflectores

Estos dispositivos se utilizan para generar señales de sincronización así como para
detectar problemas de alimentación y problemas en otros puntos del trayecto del
papel. El fotointerruptor consiste de un LED y un fototransistor con un espacio entre
ellos. Los transistores conducen electricidad cuando una carga pequeña DC es
aplicada a la base y puede ser utilizado como un dispositivo de interrupción. Un
fototransistor trabaja de manera similar, pero se vuelve conductivo en respuesta a la
luz en lugar de una corriente eléctrica. Cuando el espacio entre el LED y el
fototransistor esta vacio, el LED destella luz en el fototransistor, lo que hace que el
transistor conduzca corriente y cierre el circuito del interruptor. Pero, cuando una hoja
u otro activador se mueve entre el LED y el fototransistor, la luz del LED es boqueada
y el fototransistor se apaga. El sistema funciona como un interruptor o sensor. Ver
anexo K

Un fotoreflector es similar, pero en lugar de dirigir la luz a trabes de una abertura al

fototransistor, el LED dirige la luz a una hoja de papel u otro material reflectivo. La luz
se refleja del papel y va hacia el fototransistor al cual activa.

Figura 21. Sensores de detección de fallas.

2.14. Otros componentes electromecánicos también importantes.

Existen componentes en la copiadora que son mecánicos y electromecánicos. Estas

piezas, como las electrónicas, son muy importantes para el funcionamiento de las

2.14.1. El solenoide.

El solenoide es un dispositivo electromagnético que consiste de un pistón móvil y un

núcleo de hierro, el cual está envuelto con un cable conductivo para formar una
bobina. Al estar unido a un solenoide, las distintas partes tales como los rodillos de
captura, de separación y otros mecanismos pueden moverse dentro y fuera de
posición. Cuando se aplica corriente al cable, este magnetiza el núcleo de hierro y
este hace que el pistón sea atraído hacia la bobina. Dependiendo del diseño del
pistón, este podría caer fuera del cilindro debido a su propio peso, o podrá ser jalado
hacia afuera por un resorte cuando la fuerza magnética es liberada.

o El área alrededor del solenoide deberá mantenerse siempre limpia,

especialmente cerca a los puntos de giro.

2.14.2. El embrague electromagnético llamado “Clutch”

El embrague electromagnético utiliza una fuerza magnética para enganchar y

desenganchar los platos rotatorios que generalmente están unidos a alguna clase de
eje. Cuando el plato de transmisión y el de accionamiento desenganchan, el
mecanismo se detiene. Cuando engancha, el mecanismo continúa. Ver anexo L.
Figura 22. Embrague electromagnético “clutch”.

La figura anterior es el de un embrague electromagnético. El sistema está diseñado

para girar y detener la rotación del rodillo. Cuando la corriente fluye a través de la
bobina dentro del embrague, el magnetismo atrae al plato accionador hacia el plato
accionado y la alta fricción entre los dos hace que las secciones separadas giren en


3.1 La tecnología digital en el proceso de copiado.

El proceso de copiado utilizado por la copiadora digital es muy similar a los sistemas
de copiado convencionales. El cilindro aun es cargado. El documento original aun es
expuesto a la luz que es usada para crear una imagen latente en el cilindro. Las
diferencias más grandes están en cómo la luz es reunida (scanning); y como es
entregada al cilindro (impresión). Para entender mejor el proceso de copiado digital,
se necesita entender cómo la maquina hace el escaneo del original y como el láser
imprime en el cilindro. Ver anexo M.

Figura 23. Comparación del copiado convencional y digital.

3.2 El proceso de escaneo.

En una copiadora convencional la luz reflejada es transmitida directamente al cilindro

para crear una imagen “electrostática” latente. En una copiadora digital, la luz
reflejada del original es transmitida a un dispositivo de escaneo (Generalmente un
CCD) el cual convierte la luz en señal eléctrica análoga. Las señales análogas son
convertidas a información binaria (digital) y es almacenada en la memoria de acceso
aleatorio (RAM).

3.2.1 Proceso de conversión de la luz reflejada del papel en señal eléctrica.

Durante el proceso de scanning, la luz reflejada del documento original es transmitida

-una a la vez- a un dispositivo fotoeléctrico, generalmente un dispositivo par-cargado
(CCD) o un sensor de imagen de contacto (CIS). En nuestra ilustración utilizaremos
un CCD.

El CCD consiste en una serie de elementos sensibles a la luz que son capaces de
percibir la luz entrante y convertirla a un voltaje análogo con un valor que corresponde
a la densidad de la imagen original scaneada en un punto específico en la línea.

3.2.2 Funcionamiento del dispositivo CCD.

Figura 24. Operación del scanner y el CCD.

H: Salida análoga de alto voltaje de CCD (sin imagen)
L: Salida análoga de bajo voltaje de CCD (imagen)

Mientras más densa es la imagen (áreas oscuras), menos intensa es la luz reflejada, y
menor es la señal de salida del CCD. Mientras menos densa es la imagen (áreas
blancas), más intensa será la luz reflejada, y mayor será el valor de la salida de la

3.2.3 Conversión analógica / digital de la señal de imagen.

Antes de ser almacenados en el RAM, la señal análoga de cada elemento del CCD
debe ser convertida a un número binario (señal digital). Un convertidor análogo a
digital (A/D) en la tarjeta de control convierte la salida de voltaje análogo de cada
elemento de la figura del CCD a un número binario. El número (información digital)
también corresponde a la densidad del documento original en un punto específico de
la línea. La información es almacenada en la memoria (RAM).

Figura 25. Conversión analógico/digital de la imagen.

“Diferentes maquinas tienen diferentes habilidades para registrar tonos de gris. En

este ejemplo el scanner puede discriminar 256 niveles de contraste. Los numerales
binarios que serán almacenados en el RAM, variaran de cero a 255. El cuadro
muestra como convierte el sistema la señal análoga continua a una señal digital
3.2.4 Proceso de división para convertir imágenes en blanco y negro sin
niveles de contraste.

Si el documento original es blanco y negro sin tonos de gris, un sistema llamado

proceso de división (Slice level) es calculado. Todas las salidas debajo del nivel de
división corresponden a los espacios en negro. Todas las salidas por encima del nivel
de división serán blancas. El proceso de división es la mejor técnica para copiar texto
o imágenes lineales en blanco y negro. Sin embargo cuando el usuario desea
preservar los tonos de gris, el método de procesamiento de escala gris es utilizado

3.2.5 Proceso para crear diferentes niveles de contraste.

El proceso para convertir y almacenar información para imágenes de escala gris es

diferente al proceso utilizado para convertir y almacenar información de imágenes en
blanco y negro.

El proceso de nivel de división establece un punto de corte sobre el cual la señal

análoga será convertida a “blanco”, y por debajo del cual será convertida a “negro”.
En este proceso, existen básicamente dos valores binarios almacenados en el RAM:
uno para negro y otra para blanco.

Para capturar graduaciones de contraste (escala gris), se debe almacenar un rango

más amplio de valores para cada elemento de figura. Diferentes maquinas tienen
diferentes habilidades para discriminar tonos de gris. Si el escáner puede discriminar
16 tonos de gris, entonces el numeral binario que es almacenado en la memoria
variará de cero a 15. Si el scanner puede leer 256 niveles de gris, entonces el número
de almacenado para cada salida de cada elemento de figura variará de cero a 255.
Generalmente el usuario determinara que proceso será utilizado: el proceso de
división o escala de gris. Esta selección se efectúa desde panel de control.
3.2.6 Elementos de la unidad de escaneo laser.
o Diodo laser.
o Lente colimador y abertura.
o Lente del cilindro.
o Circuitos Impresos.
o Elementos del vidrio ranurado.
o Un espejo poligonal y motor.
o Tarjeta de detección y espejos
o Varios espejos y lentes.

Figura 26. Unidad Láser.

“El laser recibe una señal digital generada por la información en la memoria y
convierte la señal digital a pulsos ópticos de luz que son transmitidos punto por punto,
línea por línea a la superficie fotosensitiva del cilindro. El rayo pulsante (Encendido y
Apagado) de luz pasa a través del lente Colimador y de la Apertura y luego es
enfocada hacia una de las superficies del Espejo poligonal por el lente del Cilindro. El
espejo poligonal gira de manera rápida durante la fase de impresión. Los pulsos de
luz son reflejados de la superficie del espejo giratorio al cilindro fotosensitivo.”

3.2.7 Espejo poligonal y motor.

La rotación del espejo poligonal está sincronizada con la rotación del cilindro
fotosensitivo para que la luz reflejada de cada cara del espejo equivalga a una línea
completa de información de la imagen del documento original. Ya que hay ocho caras
en este ejemplo, cada rotación del espejo poligonal escribe ocho líneas de
información de imagen en el cilindro.

A medida que el espejo gira y el cilindro gira, la luz del laser cambia el potencial de
carga del cilindro de acuerdo a la densidad de la imagen. Esto es equivalente al
proceso de “exposición” de las copiadoras convencionales y crea una imagen
electrostática latente. Ver anexo N

Figura 24. Función del espejo Poligonal.

“Cada rotación del espejo poligonal escribe ocho líneas de información de la

imagen en el cilindro”

3.3 Etapa de impresión digital.

La información de imagen en la RAM (la que corresponde a las densidades de la
imagen del original escaneado) es enviada a un laser semiconductor. El láser
proyecta pulsos separados de luz hacia el cilindro. Los pulsos de luz, los cuales
corresponden a las áreas oscuras del documento original, descargan el cilindro.

Las señales que corresponden a las áreas oscuras del documento original, descargan
el cilindro. Las señales que corresponden a las áreas blancas dejan la carga en el
cilindro casi intacta. Las áreas descargadas atraerán el tóner y crearan una imagen
visible la que puede ser transferida al papel de copiado. Ya que las áreas oscuras de
la imagen copiada resultan de las áreas descargadas del cilindro, es común decir que
el láser “escribe en negro”.

El revelado, transferencia, separación, fusión, limpieza y descarga en una copiadora

digital funcionan de manera similar que en las copiadoras convencionales.

Durante el proceso de impresión, las señales eléctricas que han sido almacenadas en
el RAM son convertidas a pulsos ópticos. Los pulsos son dirigidos al cilindro
fotosensitivo para crear una imagen electrostática latente.

Ya que el laser es un dispositivo binario, todo lo que hace es encender o apagar cada
elemento de figura (dot) a medida que hace el escaneo línea por línea a lo largo de la
superficie del cilindro. Donde se enciende, el cilindro es descargado, lo que reduce la
carga negativa que fue colocada en el cilindro por el cargador principal. Donde
permanece apagado, la carga en el cilindro permanece relativamente intacta.
Después del proceso de revelado, los elementos de figura atraen al tóner de acuerdo
a los distintos potenciales de carga que han sido creados en el cilindro, y la copia
visible de la imagen original es creada.

El siguiente grafico es de una unidad de escaneo laser típica. Esta consiste de varios

3.4 Proceso de impresión en las copiadoras digitales.

a) Carga (Una carga negativa uniforme)

El cargador principal, coloca una carga negativa uniforme a lo largo de la superficie

del cilindro. Asumiremos -600V.

Figura 27. Carga negativa.

“El HVT genera un voltaje negativo para cargar el cargar el hilo y la rejilla. La carga es
distribuida a través de la rejilla a la superficie del cilindro.”

b) Exposición del Laser (descargando el cilindro)

Figura 28. Proceso de exposición del laser.

La información digital en el RAM es convertida a pulsos ópticos, y estos pulsos son
dirigidos por un laser semiconductor al cilindro fotosensitivo.

Donde el laser toca el cilindro, la carga negativa se reduce a un voltaje menor

(descargado) y donde no existe, la carga del cilindro permanece intacta.

Los cambios en el potencial de carga a lo largo de la superficie del cilindro crean una
imagen electrostática latente la cual está lista para el proceso de revelado.

c) Revelado (tóner cargado negativamente)

El revelado es similar al proceso de copiado convencional. Las partículas de tóner

cargadas son utilizadas para convertir la imagen electrostática latente en el cilindro a
una imagen visible que puede ser transferida al papel. La principal diferencia es que la
carga estática en el tóner, bias y cilindro están configurados para que el tóner sea
atraído a las áreas del cilindro que han sido descargadas por el laser.

El material revelador es alimentado a la superficie del cilindro fotosensitivo por los

rodillos magnéticos.

Mientras el cilindro regresa, el tóner cargado negativamente se une a las áreas en el

cilindro fotosensitivo que tienen un potencial al bias del revelador. Estas son las áreas
que han sido descargadas por el láser. Si el potencial de carga en el cilindro (del
cargador principal) es -600 V, por ejemplo, y el voltaje del bias del revelador es -
425VDC, solo esos puntos en el cilindro que han sido descargados (por el láser)
atraerán el tóner y crearan una imagen visible.

NOTA: Puede ser contradictorio que una carga negativa sea atraída a otra carga
negativa, pero recuerde que el voltaje es una medida relativa de un punto a otro. Si el
tóner tiene una carga de -425VDC y el cilindro tiene una carga de -300V, entonces el
tóner será atraído al cilindro como si tuviera un potencial de carga positivo. El área
descargada del cilindro de -300 V es relativamente positiva desde el punto de vista de
una partícula de tóner a -425V
d) Transferencia (Corona cargada positivamente).

Como el proceso de copiado convencional, cuando el papel pasa entre el tóner

cargado negativamente en el cilindro y la corona del cargador de transferencia
fuertemente cargada positivamente, el tóner es atraído hacia el papel y queda listo
para la separación y la fusión.

Figura 29. Corona de transferencia.

“La carga positiva de la corona de transferencia atrae el tóner cargado negativamente

hacia la superficie del papel de copiado.”

3.5 El proceso escalado gris durante la impresión.

Así como hay un mecanismo para crear escala gris durante el proceso de escaneo,
también hay una técnica para alcanzar las graduaciones de contraste durante el
proceso de impresión.

En una copiadora convencional, los tonos medios (graduaciones de gris) son creados
cuando las diferentes intensidades de luz que han sido reflejadas del documento
original cambian el potencial de carga del cilindro. Diferentes cantidades de tóner son
atraídas a diferentes aéreas y así se obtiene gris.
En una copiadora digital, se pueden usar diferentes técnicas para generar imágenes
de tonos medios. Una técnica es variar el porcentaje de puntos negros a puntos
blancos en cierta área. Otra técnica es variar la duración del ciclo de servicio del laser.

3.6 Creando escalas gris calculando el porcentaje de blanco y negro.

Los procesos de imagen digital como los que traen las maquinas de Fax distribuyen
los puntos blancos y negros en cierta área para crear escalas gris. La información de
salida de la memoria es utilizada para calcular el porcentaje de puntos blancos y
puntos negros que tomarán para duplicar las graduaciones que fueron detectadas
durante el proceso de scanning. Luego, el láser descarga el cilindro para crear el
porcentaje correcto de blanco y negro.

Si el CCD detecta una intensidad de luz que cae a la mitad entre los valores alto y
bajo, entonces el láser será instruido a distribuir 50% de los puntos en un área
determinada y dejar el resto en blanco. El ojo percibirá el grupo de 50% negro y 50%
blanco como gris. Hay diferentes maneras de ubicar los puntos en el cilindro para
poder lograr una escala gris más agradable al ojo, pero el principio permanece igual:
el laser es encendido y apagado para crear las diferentes densidades de puntos
blancos y negros dentro de una determinada área, que cuando sea revelada, creara
diferentes niveles de gris.

Figura 30. Formación de las escalas de gris.

3.7 Creando escalas de gris cambiando el ciclo de servicio de laser.

Otra técnica para crear escala de gris con un sistema digital es cambiando el ciclo de
servicio de laser. Es cierto, no se puede cambiar la salida de energía, pero cuando se
enciende, puede cambiar la cantidad de tiempo que el láser permanece encendido.

3.7.1 Funcionamiento del ciclo de servicio del pulso del laser.

El laser se enciende por un breve instante cada vez que se crea un punto. (El
porcentaje de “tiempo encendido” y “tiempo apagado” es llamado el ciclo de servicio).
Cambiando este periodo de tiempo -ciclo de servicio- podemos hacer que el pulso
óptico sea más largo o más corto. Cuando el pulso alcanza al cilindro, la cantidad de
carga se reduce proporcionalmente. Disminuya el ciclo de servicio y el laser crea un
punto más pequeño el cual aclarara la imagen general. Aumente el ciclo de servicio
y la carga será mayor, lo que oscurecerá la imagen.

Figura 31. Ciclo de servicio del láser (corto y largo)

“Observe que la frecuencia de cada pulso es el mismo para ambos ciclos de

servicio, el corto y el largo. La única cosa que cambia es la duración del pulso de
luz. El pulso más corto descarga menos, resultando en una imagen más clara. El
pulso más largo descarga mas creando una imagen más oscura.”
3.8 Proceso de imágenes a color.

Las imágenes de color pueden ser producidas de dos maneras, dependiendo si son
producidas por luz o por pigmentos. Las imágenes de la TV o monitor de PC son
creadas a partir de la luz y estas son llamadas colores RGB. Pero si las imágenes son
creadas al mezclar pigmentos sobre un objeto físico, por ejemplo tinta sobre el papel,
estas son llamadas proceso de color CMYK.

El modelado de color CMYK es abreviación de las cuatro tintas de color que pueden
ser combinadas en diferentes formas para ampliar el espectro visual. Estos colores
son: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Si se mezclan las tres primeras en la misma
proporción se obtiene el color negro, o al menos un color muy cercano a él. En la
tabla de abajo (Tabla 13) se puede apreciar las proporciones para obtener el color

Tabla 13. Proporciones CMYK para la obtención de diferentes colores.

3.9 Proceso de escaneo de imagen a color

La luz reflejada de la superficie original del papel se somete a la separación del color
a través de filtros (R, G y B). Posteriormente un sensor CCD las convierte en señales
eléctricas y las emite a la unidad de proceso de imagen IR (Image Reader).
La señal eléctrica es convertida a una señal digital de 8 bits. Después de hacer
algunas correcciones, la unidad de proceso de imagen emite una señal de video (C,
M, Y y Bk) a la unidad de proceso de impresión de imagen.

Figura 32. Proceso de escaneo a color.

3.9.1 Conversión Fotoeléctrica.

 Para hacer que el proceso sea más rápido, la transferencia de datos se hace a
través de dos canales: una para pixeles pares numerados y otro para pixeles
impares numerados.
 El sensor CCD ofrece una resolución de 600 dpi sobre la superficie del cristal
proveniente de las originales.
 Cada chip R, G y B tiene 7,500 pixeles.
3.9.2 Conversión Análogo – Digital

La emisión de las señales analógicas pares e impares provenientes del sensor CCD
son convertidas a una señal digital de 8 bits las cuales entonces son sintetizadas o

3.9.3 Corrección de Sombra

Existe un error debido a las variaciones en la sensibilidad de cada chip CCD y la

distribución de luz que es corregida variando el largo y ancho de la lámpara de
exposición. De la siguiente manera:

1ro. Antes de comenzar el ciclo de copia, la luz de la lámpara de exposición

golpea la hoja sombreada y el sensor CCD lee la luz que se refleja desde
esta hoja.

2do. Esta lectura es comparada con los valores de referencia de la hoja de

sombra (valor de referencia blanca = máximo valor de datos de imagen)
para determinar el valor de corrección de cada pixel.

3ro. Cuando la imagen es escaneada, cada dato de pixel es corregido con el

valor de corrección ya mencionado.

3.9.4 Corrección de variación línea a línea.

Los chips RGB del sensor CCD están colocados de tal manera que hay una brecha
de 4 líneas en la dirección de subescaneo entre los dos chips adyacentes (R -> G ->
B). Esto resulta en una desviación en la posición de escaneo del original.
Figura 33. Proceso de corrección FIFO
“Una memoria llamada FIFO (First – in - first - out) es usada para compensar
esta desviación. Retarda el tiempo de salida de datos para R, G para
emparejarse con los datos de B. Los datos de salida van en el mismo orden
que los de entrada.”

3.9.5 Proceso de ampliación y reducción

La imagen es editada de acuerdo a las características seleccionadas desde el panel

de control (ampliación y/o reducción) para lo cual se utilizan dos memorias FIFO para
editar la imagen como es requerida.

La sincronía en la entrada de datos (lectura) y los datos de salida es variada para

decrecer (reducción) o crecer (ampliación) el original. De esa manera se amplía o
reduce la imagen en la dirección de escaneo principal.

La imagen es reducida o ampliada en la dirección de sub escaneo al variar la

velocidad a la cual el escáner se mueve.

3.9.6 Construcción de un Histograma.

 El área de escaneo es dividido en múltiples bloques.
 Los datos de la imagen tomados del original (excluyendo los bordes) es
muestreado durante el pre escaneo después de la corrección de sombra.
 Se genera un histograma de luminosidad y saturación.
 Se cuentan el número de puntos de color en cada bloque.
 Los resultados del conteo son usados para determinar si cada bloque del
original (excluyendo los bordes) es de color o monocromático.
 Basándose sobre los resultados de la evaluación color/monocromo hechas en
cada bloque, la copiadora determina si el original completo es de color o
monocromo (ACS o Auto Color Selection)
Figura 34. Histogramas de Saturación y luminosidad en la fotocopiadora a color
Konica Minolta CF2001.

3.9.7 Edición de los datos de la imagen

Los datos de R, G y B son convertidos a V (Valor), Cr y Cb (componentes del color)
para ajustes de color (saturación, luminosidad y matiz).

3.9.8 Procesamiento AE (Automatic Extractión)

Al leer los datos de la imagen se etiquetan cada uno de los cuatro niveles de
gradación usando muestreo de datos en la etapa de “Construccion de Histograma”

Estas lecturas de datos de luminosidad etiquetados para cada uno de los cuatro
niveles de gradación son totalizadas para generar un histograma de luminosidad. Conversión Densidad/Reflexión

 La reproducción fiel del original no es posible si los datos de reflexión del

original (R, G y B) obtenidos a través del sensor CCD sean convertidos a un
dato de color complementario para el revelado.
Figura 35. Conversion Densidad/Reflexion

 Los datos R, G y B están por consiguiente introducidos a la tabla

LOG(mostrado abajo) para convertir a los datos de densidad (DR, DG y DB) Muestreo

Considerando las características de transmisión espectral de los filtros R, G y B del

sensor CCD y las características de reflexión espectral del tóner, los datos de imagen
son corregidos y los datos DR, DG y DB son remplazados con datos C, M y Y, de
esta manera hace posible la reproducción de color fiel al original. Suavizado (Smoothing)

Los componentes ruidosos contenidos en la imagen son retirados para “suavizarlos”.

Figura 36. Corrección de ruidos en la imagen Ajuste de Densidad y Balance de Color

 El ajuste de densidad esta hecho al cambiar el ángulo de la curva (fi) que
representa la relación entre la entrada y salida de la imagen.
 El balance de color es ajustado al cambiar el angulo de la curva (fi) de cada

Figura 37. Ajuste de Densidad y Color Corrección Gamma

 El tipo de curva (fi) es cambiado para hacer la imagen más brillosa, oscura,
definida o borrosa.

Figura 38. Corrección de Gamma

3.10 Sección de impresión

La sección de impresión hace las correcciones necesarias de los datos de imagen

obtenidas del IR.
La luz del LED ilumina la superficie del cilindro PC para formar una imagen
electrostática latente.

Figura 40. Proceso de Impresión a color.

3.10.1 Compresión GBTC ( General Block Truncation Coding)

Comprime las imágenes Y,M,C y Bk (8 bits, 256 nivele de gradación, 4 colores) para
reducir su volumen. Estos se guardan temporalmente en la memoria Buffer.



4 Aporte académico.
Durante el tiempo de pasantía en el departamento técnico, las funciones que se
realizaron fueron de transporte, instalación, configuración y capacitación al cliente
para el uso de equipos de impresión. Por consiguiente los trabajos fueron diversos y
es necesario considerar lo siguiente:

- El peso de las copiadoras oscila entre 50 y 300 Kg. (Dependiendo del modelo).
Su transporte se hace riesgoso. Por lo cual es necesario tomar en cuenta las
normas de seguridad en el trabajo, utilizando ropa de trabajo adecuada:
guantes de cuero, overol de lona gruesa y casco de seguridad.

- Con la adquisición de equipos electrónicos para la escritura/lectura/borrado de

circuitos integrados CMOS, ahora se reutilizan para utilizarlos en otras
maquinas. Anteriormente se desechaban. El departamento técnico aprovecha o
adapta estos componentes para otros modelos. Esto ahorra gastos y amplía
los servicios que la empresa provee.

- En el momento de instalar una copiadora se debe hacer la conexión a tierra. En

muchos casos, los clientes piden no tomar en cuenta esta conexión. El
personal técnico les explica la importancia que eso tiene para evitar daños al
equipo o tener accidentes como incendios provocados por una mala conexión.

- En la instalación de copiadoras, se utiliza tóner y revelador que son tóxicos

para el ser humano. Las normas de seguridad industrial en el trabajo indican la
prevención sobre el manipuleo de compuestos de esta naturaleza. Por esto es
necesario el uso de mascarillas y guantes de goma cuando se hace el servicio
técnico a una copiadora especialmente en las unidades de revelado y fusión.

- Cuando se hace el servicio técnico a una copiadora, muchas veces se lo hace

con la maquina encendida. Es por eso que se deben tomar en cuenta los altos
voltajes que circulan en el cargador de transferencia y de separación. Estos
voltajes altos son producidos en la tarjeta HVT de la copiadora que es similar al
Flyback de un televisor. Para su medición es necesario utilizar un multimetro.
Relacionando así las materias de Instrumentos y medidas, electricidad general
y control. Ya que el uso inadecuado de los instrumentos nos llevaría a

- La mayor parte de los manuales de servicio técnico que se utilizan están en

idioma inglés. Cuando se necesitan, se utiliza software de traducción. Pero se
sabe que ningún programa de traducción es 100% fiable. Los estudiantes de la
Facultad Técnica tenemos conocimientos en este idioma. Lo que ayudo en la
verificación y corrección en su traducción. De no hacerlo se corren riesgos de
mal ensamblaje de los equipos.

- El evento que se realizo en el Hotel Radisson para el lanzamiento de

copiadoras-imprenta de última generación. Conto con el soporte técnico de la
empresa. En dicho evento se requerían los conocimientos de varias áreas de la
electrónica. Ya que se instalaron equipos de iluminación sonido y video. Con
estas actividades realizadas se demostró la capacidad técnica para llevar
adelante dicho evento.
5 Conclusiones
El periodo de pasantía se ha desarrollado en dos áreas: Departamento de servicio
técnico y el departamento técnico informático. En ambas áreas se conocieron las
diferentes actividades que se realizan en forma práctica. Lo que permitió cumplir con
los objetivos trazados desde un enfoque técnico. Así como en todas las áreas que
comprenden la empresa.

De esta manera se puso en práctica los conocimientos técnicos en cuanto al

mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de diferentes copiadoras multifuncionales.
Como también en equipos de oficina.

La experiencia adquirida durante este periodo en el área técnica, dio la oportunidad

de consolidar los conocimientos como Técnico Superior en Electrónica.

6 Recomendaciones
Por todo lo observado y experimentado se recomienda lo siguiente:

 Para tener los manuales técnicos a disposición durante el mantenimiento de las

copiadoras en lugares lejanos. Se recomienda llevar una PC portátil (laptop)
que contenga textos e información sobre diversos modelos y tipos de fallas.
Esto facilitaría su mantenimiento y reparación.

 El inventario de repuestos y componentes debe estar mejor catalogado.

Muchos de esos componentes son desechados como chatarra. Pudiéndose
reutilizar o adaptándolos para otros modelos.
7 Bibliografía
 Toshiba American Information Systems, Inc. Electronic Imaging Division.
Tecnología Básica de Copiadoras. Miami Florida – USA, 1995
 Service Manual Di250f/Di350f, Minolta Co., Ltd. Tokio, Japan 1999
 Service Manual Di2510/Di3010/Di3510/Di2510f/Di3010f/Di3510f Minolta Co.,
Ltd. Tokio, Japan 2003
 http://www.ricoh-usa.com/downloads/downloads.aspx
 http://www.konicaminoltasupport.com/
 http://kmbs.konicaminolta.us/content/support/supporthome.html

8 Glosario de Términos

Área de imagen: Área del documento original que contiene texto, imágenes de tonos
medios o en blanco y negro.
Área sin imagen: Espacio en blanco del original
Bias: Cuando el término bias es usado es utilizado por sí solo, generalmente se
refiere al bias del revelador.
Bias del Revelador: Una carga aplicada a la unidad reveladora para ayudar a evitar
en trasfondo.
Bujes: Tipo de eje que soporta fricción.
Mylar: Hoja de un plástico o sonda. Resistente que se encarga de limpiar los restos
de tóner que quedan en el cilindro.
Carga Triboelectrica: La carga estática que es creada en el tóner cuando se mezcla
con el portador. La carga tribolectrica ocurre porque los dos materiales son distintos.
La carga triboeléctrica hace que el tóner sea atraída a las áreas de imágenes del
cilindro la carga triboelectrica recibida por el tóner siempre es de polaridad opuesta a
la carga colocada en el cilindro de una copiadora análoga.
Corona: Un dispositivo utilizado para colocar una carga en el cilindro o el papel. Una
corona es conectada a un suministro de alto voltaje y crea la carga utilizando un cable
muy fino.
Choque de luz: Algunas veces, cuando el cilindro es expuesto a la luz del ambiente
puede perder su habilidad de sostener una carga. Esta condición es conocida como
“Choque de luz”
Diodo emisor de luz (LED): Un componente eléctrico que actúa como un bombillo de
luz semiconductivo conectado a un circuito. Los LEDs operan cuando es aplicada
suficiente Bias, lo que hace que el área de unión del procesador destelle luz.
Dot: En español significa punto. Estos puntos forman la imagen en el proceso de
copiado digital.
DPI: (Dots Per Inch) Puntos por pulgada
Embrague: Un embrague es utilizado para transmitir energía a un dispositivo. Un
embrague es utilizado cuando la fuente activadora (generalmente un motor) continua
girando mientras el dispositivo activado debe activarse y detenerse.
Elementos de imagen PEL/PIXEL: Estos tres términos se refieren a un “punto” de la
imagen digital. Todas las imágenes digitales son hechas de una configuración de tres
Embrague Electromagnético: Un embrague construido generalmente con platos que
contienen una bobina incorporada utilizada para activar el embrague.
Escobilla del Revelador: Patrón del material revelador formado en los polos
magnéticos del rodillo magnético. La escobilla magnética toca al cilindro para revelar
la imagen.
Embrague de resorte: Un embrague construido con un resorte. Activado
generalmente por un solenoide o activador mecánico.
Fotoconductor: Otra palabra para llamar al cilindro. El término es utilizado porque el
material del que está hecho el cilindro conduce electricidad (conductor) cuando es
expuesto a la luz (foto). Por lo tanto, en la oscuridad un fotoconductor sostiene una
carga. Y cuando es expuesto a la luz la carga se disipa.
Fotoconductor orgánico (PC): Un tipo de fotoconductor (cilindro) utilizado en
muchas copiadoras
Fotointerruptor: Un dispositivo utilizado como un sensor que trabaja bloqueando o
liberando un pequeño rayo de luz. Generalmente está construido de un LED y un
fototransistor, cuando la luz es liberada, ésta toca al fototransistor lo que hace que
este se convierta en conductor. La señal eléctrica resultante generalmente informa al
circuito lógico de la condición de la maquina.
Fotoreflector: Un dispositivo utilizado como un sensor, que trabaja rebotando
(reflejando) un pequeño rayo de luz de otra superficie (como una hoja de papel). El
fotoreflector es similar al fotointerruptor, excepto que el rayo de luz rebota de una
superficie reflectora en lugar de ser bloqueada o liberada del movimiento de una
armadura mecánica.
Flyback: Es un conjunto de varias bobinas que generalmente se encuentra en un
televisor. Este componente provee de alto voltaje del cual el Tubo de Rayos
Catódicos desprende iones.
Fototransistor: Un transistor con su base expuesta a la luz a través de un lente en la
envoltura. El dispositivo funciona controlado por la luz que golpea la base.
Fusible térmico: Un fusible que se funde en respuesta a la temperatura. Corta un
circuito en caso de producirse una falla eléctrica y nunca debe ser saltado o desviado.
Imagen Latente: Patrón de cargas en el cilindro luego que el cilindro ha sido
expuesto a la luz reflejada del original, pero antes que la imagen haya sido revelada
con tóner. La imagen es latente ya que no es visible.
Lámpara halógena: Un tipo de lámpara comúnmente utilizada en el sistema de
fusión y el sistema óptico. Las lámparas de halógeno se dañan con las marcas de
huellas digitales en la superficie.
Letter, FLS y A4: Tamaños de papel más utilizados en las oficinas.
Limitador de torsión: Un limitador de torsión es utilizado para activar un dispositivo
cuando el dispositivo debe patinar si encuentra una cantidad de resistencia. Un
limitador de torsión está construido generalmente utilizando un resorte, aunque
existen muchos tipos de diseño.
Mac Os 10.4: Sistema operativo de computadora perteneciente a la compañía Apple.
Mantenimiento Preventivo: Acción tomada de manera regular para mantener la
maquina en buenas condiciones operativas.
Memoria de Acceso Aleatorio (RAM): Memoria que permite almacenar información
de manera aleatoria y recuperarla directamente por una ubicación. En algunas
ocasiones el RAM es conocido como memoria para leer-escribir porque se puede leer
información de la memoria o escribir información en ella; esto se contrasta con el
ROM que significa “Read Only Memory”
Mode Technical Service: Modo de trabajo para mantenimiento técnico. Las
copiadoras tienen esta opción para su reparación o ajustes que requieren de personal
técnico calificado.
Motor de Pulso: Un motor de pulso está diseñado para que el rotor se mueva una
cantidad pequeña y fija cada vez que el motor es activado. Un motor de pulso es
utilizado para colocar con precisión un dispositivo mecánico o cuando la velocidad del
motor debe ser controlada con precisión.
Offsetting: Algunas veces, la carga residual del toner de un ciclo de copiado
permanece y es transferido al siguiente ciclo. La imagen “offset” se asemeja a la
imagen de la copia anterior.
Opacidad: Trasfondo (tóner) a lo largo de toda la copia cuando la copia debería estar
Presión del Revelador: Punto en el rodillo magnético donde el material revelador
toca el cilindro.
Rejilla: Una trama de metal delgada utilizada algunas veces en las unidades de
Relay Transistorizado: Un SSR es utilizado para encender un dispositivo de
corriente alta (generalmente una lámpara) aplicando una señal controlada de bajo
voltaje. Un SSR es por lo tanto un dispositivo electrónico que funciona como un relay
Resistencia Térmica: Un dispositivo que cambia la resistencia en respuesta a la
temperatura. Utilizado para sentir la temperatura de un dispositivo como un rodillo de
Revelador: Utilizado para indicar la unidad reveladora o el material (polvo) dentro de
Rodaje de Agujas: Un tipo de rodaje de solo sentido. Un rodaje de agujas será
activado cuando el eje activador gira en un sentido pero no gira en el otro.
Rodillo de Calor: El rodillo superior en la unidad de fusión. Es llamado el rodillo de
calor porque contiene a la lámpara de calor.
Rodillo de Presión: El rodillo inferior en la unidad de fusión. Es llamado el rodillo de
presión porque el material suave proporciona presión uniforme al papel mientras viaja
a través del fusor. En las maquinas de alta velocidad, el rodillo de presión puede tener
una lámpara de calor dentro.
Rodillo Magnético: Un rodillo dentro de la unidad reveladora. El portador es atraído a
este rodillo porque magnético.
Selenio: Un material utilizado en algunos cilindros.
Sensor Automático de Tóner (ATS): El sensor automático de tóner determina el
porcentaje de tóner y tener y portador de la unidad reveladora. Si la porción de tóner
es baja, es necesario añadir más tóner desde el recipiente de tóner.
Solenoide: Un dispositivo eléctrico con una bobina y un pistón magnético. Activando
la bobina, el pistón es jalado hacia el cuerpo del solenoide.
Starter: Llamado también “developer”, portador o revelador. Es un compuesto de
ferrita utilizado en la unidad de revelado en copiadoras.
Termostato o termoswitch: Un interruptor que se abre en respuesta a la
Teflón: Rodillo que se encarga de fusionar el tóner con el papel utilizando calor.
Tóner: Una de las dos partes del material revelador. El tóner esta hecho de carbón,
plástico y resina, y es utilizado para revelar la imagen latente en una imagen visible.
Transformador de alto Voltaje (HVT): Genera el alto voltaje (5000V – 10000V)
utilizado por las unidades de corona. También genera bajo voltaje (Aprox. 200V)
utilizado por el Bias del Revelador.
Portador: El componente más grande de las dos partes del material revelador, e l
portador, es la cuenta cargada a la cual se unen las partículas de tóner. El portador
magnético “transporta” literalmente las partículas de tóner hacia la imagen latente en
el cilindro.
Trasfondo: El tóner no deseado se adhiere a las áreas blancas (sin imagen) de la
Trayecto Óptico: El trayecto de luz entre la lámpara de exposición y el cilindro.
Cosas que afectan el trayecto óptico – suciedad, polvo, tóner, raspaduras de los
espejos- afectan la calidad de imagen.
UTP Cat. 5: Tipo de cable utilizado en computadoras y copiadoras para el intercambio
de datos.
Unidad de suministro de Energía (PSU): Toma energía AC y crea voltaje DC
necesaria para activar la copiadora. Los transformadores de Alto Voltaje algunas
veces también son llamados PSU.

Konica Minolta Bizhub 211 Konica Minolta Bizhub 601 y Bizhub 751
Copier specifications Especificaciones copiadora
Copying process: Proceso de copiado Láser electrofotográfico
Dry laser electrostaticphotographic transfer Sistema de tóner Tóner polimerizado
system Simitri®
Copy/print speed A4 Velocidad copia/impres.A4 Hasta 60 cpm
16 ppm (bizhub 163) (bizhub 601)
21 ppm (bizhub 211) Hasta 75 cpm (bizhub 751)
Warm-up time Calentamiento Aprox. 270 seg. (bizhub 601)
Less than 15 sec. Aprox. 300 seg. (bizhub 751)
Copy resolution Resolución 1.200 x 600 ppp
600 x 600 dpi Gradación 256 gradaciones
Gradation Copia múltiple 1– 9.999; modo interrupción
256 gradations
Especificaciones impresora (opcional)
Printer specifications Resolución Equivalente a 2.400 x 600 ppp
Print resolution Procesador Celeron-M @ 1GHz 32 BIT
1,200 x 600 dpi Lenguajes impresión PCL5e/6; PostScript 3
Operating systems Sistemas operativos Windows
Windows 98/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP/ 2000/XP/XP64; Windows VISTA 32/64;
Server 2003
Interface Especificaciones escáner
USB 2.0 (standard) Velocidad escáner Hasta 75 opm (300 ppp
10-Base-T/100-Base-TX Ethernet desde ADF)

System specifications Especificaciones sistema

System memory Memoria 1 GB
Standard: 32 MB Disco duro 80 GB (opcional)
Max.: 160 MB Conexiones 10/100/1000BaseT; USB 2.0
Protocolos de red TCP/IP; IPX/SPX;
Power consumption NetBEUI; AppleTalk (EtherTalk); SMB;
1,000 W or less (bizhub 163) LPD; IPP; SNMP; HTTP
1,200 W or less (bizhub 211) Duración tóner 55k Duración
tambor/revelador 500k/250k

Códigos de avería de la copiadora Minolta Di200.

Servomotor (M8) reemplazado


Estos datos fueron tomados del manual de servicio técnico Minolta 2010.
Aquí se pueden apreciar los pasos que este manual indica para solucionar el
problema de copias negras.

Cilindros Fotoorgánicos son sensibles a la luz.


Estos datos fueron tomados del Manual de Servicio Técnico Konica Minolta Di250.

Unidad de Revelado de la Minolta Di450


Cargador de Transferencia

Unidad de fusión y lámpara de calor.


Tarjeta HV
Input: 24 VDC / 1A Output: 15uA / 2000V
5VDC / 4mA -3uA / -1000V

Sensor de la copiadora RICOH FX200


Clutch o embrague electromagnético.


Tarjeta Principal de la Minolta Di1050


Motor poligonal de una RICOH Aficio 2020



Safety Precautions for Inspection and Service
When performing inspection and service procedures, observe the following precautions to
prevent accidents and ensure utmost safety.

✽ Depending on the model, some of the precautions given in the following do not apply.

Different markings are used to denote specific meanings as detailed below.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

WARNING could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

CAUTION may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to
alert against unsafe practices.

The following graphic symbols are used to give instructions that need to be observed.

Used to call the service technician’s attention to what is graphically represented

inside the marking (including a warning).

Used to prohibit the service technician’s from doing what is graphically repre-
sented inside the marking.

Used to instruct the service technician’s to do what is graphically represented

inside the marking.

1. Always observe precautions.
• Parts requiring special attention in this product will include a label containing the
mark shown on the left plus precautionary notes. Be sure to observe the pre-
• Be sure to observe the “Safety Information” given in the Operator’s Manual.

2. Before starting the procedures, be sure to unplug the power cord.

• This product contains a high-voltage unit and a circuit with a large current
capacity that may cause an electric shock or burn.
• The product also contains parts that can jerk suddenly and cause injury.
• If this product uses a laser, laser beam leakage may cause eye damage or

3. Use the specified parts.

• For replacement parts, always use the genuine parts specified in the manufac-
turer’s parts manual. Installing a wrong or unauthorized part could cause
dielectric breakdown, overload, or undermine safety devices resulting in possi-
ble electric shock or fire.
• Replace a blown electrical fuse or thermal fuse with its corresponding genuine
part specified in the manufacturer’s parts manual. Installing a fuse of a different
make or rating could lead to a possible fire. If a thermal fuse blows frequently,
the temperature control system may have a problem and action must be taken
to eliminate the cause of the problem.

4. Handle the power cord with care and never use a multiple outlet.
• Do not break, crush or otherwise damage the power cord. Placing a heavy
object on the power cord, or pulling or bending it may damage it, resulting in a
possible fire or electric shock.
• Do not use a multiple outlet to which any other appliance or machine is con-
• Be sure the power outlet meets or exceeds the specified capacity.

5. Be careful with the high-voltage parts.

• A part marked with the symbol shown on the left carries a high voltage. Touch-
ing it could result in an electric shock or burn. Be sure to unplug the power cord
before servicing this part or the parts near it.

6. Do not work with wet hands.

• Do not unplug or plug in the power cord, or perform any kind of service or
inspection with wet hands. Doing so could result in an electric shock.

7. Do not touch a high-temperature part.

• A part marked with the symbol shown on the left and other parts such as the
exposure lamp and fusing roller can be very hot while the machine is energized.
Touching them may result in a burn.
• Wait until these parts have cooled down before replacing them or any surround-
ing parts.

8. Maintain a grounded connection at all times. (This item may not apply in the USA.)
• Be sure to connect the ground wire to the ground terminal even when perform-
ing an inspection or repair. Without proper grounding, electrical leakage could
result in an electric shock or fire.
• Never connect the ground wire to a gas pipe, water pipe, telephone ground wire,
or a lightning conductor.

9. Do not remodel the product.

• Modifying this product in a manner not authorized by the manufacturer may
result in a fire or electric shock. If this product uses a laser, laser beam leakage
may cause eye damage or blindness.

10. Restore all parts and harnesses to their original positions.

• To promote safety and prevent product damage, make sure the harnesses are
returned to their original positions and properly secured in their clamps and sad-
dles in order to avoid hot parts, high-voltage parts, sharp edges, or being
• To promote safety, make sure that all tubing and other insulating materials are
returned to their original positions. Make sure that floating components mounted
on the circuit boards are at their correct distance and position off the boards.

1. Precautions for Service Jobs
• A toothed washer and spring washer, if used originally, must be reinstalled.
Omitting them may result in contact failure which could cause an electric shock
or fire.
• When reassembling parts, make sure that the correct screws (size, type) are
used in the correct places. Using the wrong screw could lead to stripped
threads, poorly secured parts, poor insulating or grounding, and result in a mal-
function, electric shock or injury.
• Take great care to avoid personal injury from possible burrs and sharp edges on
the parts, frames and chassis of the product.
• When moving the product or removing an option, use care not to injure your
back or allow your hands to be caught in mechanisms.

2. Precautions for Servicing with Covers and Parts Removed

• Wherever feasible, keep all parts and covers mounted when energizing the
• If energizing the product with a cover removed is absolutely unavoidable, do not
touch any exposed live parts and use care not to allow your clothing to be
caught in the moving parts. Never leave a product in this condition unattended.
• Never place disassembled parts or a container of liquid on the product. Parts
falling into, or the liquid spilling inside, the mechanism could result in an electric
shock or fire.
• Never use a flammable spray near the product. This could result in a fire.
• Make sure the power cord is unplugged before removing or installing circuit
boards or plugging in or unplugging connectors.
• Always use the interlock switch actuating jig to actuate an interlock switch when
a cover is opened or removed. The use of folded paper or some other object
may damage the interlock switch mechanism, possibly resulting in an electric
shock, injury or blindness.

3. Precautions for the Working Environment

• The product must be placed on a flat, level surface that is stable and secure.
• Never place this product or its parts on an unsteady or tilting workbench when
• Provide good ventilation at regular intervals if a service job must be done in a
confined space for a long period of time.
• Avoid dusty locations and places exposed to oil or steam.
• Avoid working positions that may block the ventilation ports of the product.

4. Precautions for Handling Batteries

• Replace a rundown battery with the same type as specified in the manufac-
turer’s parts manual.
• Before installing a new battery, make sure of the correct polarity of the installa-
tion or the battery could burst.
• Dispose of used batteries according to the local regulations. Never dispose of
them at the user’s premises or attempt to try to discharge one.

5. Precautions for the Laser Beam (Only for Products Employing a Laser)
• Removing the cover marked with the following caution label could lead to possi-
ble exposure to the laser beam, resulting in eye damage or blindness. Be sure
to unplug the power cord before removing this cover.
• If removing this cover while the power is ON is unavoidable, be sure to wear pro-
tective laser goggles that meet specifications.
• Make sure that no one enters the room when the machine is in this condition.
• When handling the laser unit, observe the “Precautions for Handling Laser


Invisible laser radiation when open.


Other Precautions
• To reassemble the product, reverse the order of disassembly unless otherwise specified.
• While the product is energized, do not unplug or plug connectors into the circuit boards
or harnesses.
• The magnet roller generates a strong magnetic field. Do not bring it near a watch, floppy
disk, magnetic card, or CRT tube.
• An air gun and vacuum cleaner generates a strong electrostatic charge that can destroy
the ATDC sensor and other sensors. Before cleaning a component with one of these
devices, be sure to remove all the sensors. Otherwise, use a blower brush and cloth
when cleaning parts.
• When handling circuit boards with MOS ICs, observe the “INSTRUCTIONS FOR HAN-
DLING THE PWBs WITH MOS ICs” (applicable only to the products using MOS ICs).
• The PC Drum is a very delicate component. Observe the precautions given in “HAN-
DLING OF THE PC DRUM” because mishandling may result in serious image problems.
• Note that replacement of a circuit board may call for readjustments or resetting of partic-
ular items, or software installation.
• After completing a service job, perform a safety check. Make sure that all parts, wiring
and screws are returned to their original positions.
• Check the area surrounding the service site for any signs of damage, wear or need of
• Do not pull out the toner hopper while the toner bottle is turning. This could result in a
damaged hopper motor or locking mechanism.
• If the product is to be run with the front door open, make sure that the toner hopper is in
the locked position.

Used Batteries Precautions
ALL Areas
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgemäßem Austausch der Batterie.
Ersatz nur durch denselben oder einen vom Hersteller empfohlenen ähnlichen Typ.
Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien nach Angaben des Herstellers.

Ily a danger d’explosion s’ily a remplacement incorrec de la batterie.
Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du meme type ou d’un type équivalent recom-
mande par le constructueur.
Mettre au rebut les batteries usageés conformément aux instructions du fabricant.

Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering Udskiftning må kun ske med bat-
teri af samme fabrikat og type.
Levér det brugte batteri tilbage til leverandøren.

Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri.
Benytt samme batteritype eller en tilsvarende type anbefalt av apparatfabrikanten.
Brukte batterier kasseres i henhold til fabrikantens instruksjoner.

Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte.
Använd samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent typ som rekommenderas av apparat-
Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion.

Paristo voi räjähtää, los se on virheellisesti asennettu.
Vaihda paristo ainoastaan laitevalmistajan suosittelemaan tyyppiin. Hävitä Käytetty paristo
valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti.

When performing inspection and service procedures, observe the following precautions to
prevent mishandling of the machine and its parts.
✽ Depending on the model, some of the precautions given in the following do not apply.

Precautions Before Service

• When the user is using a word processor or personal computer from a wall outlet of the
same line, take necessary steps to prevent the circuit breaker from opening due to over-
• Never disturb the LAN by breaking or making a network connection, altering termination,
installing or removing networking hardware or software, or shutting down networked
devices without the knowledge and express permission of the network administrator or
the shop supervisor.

How to Use this Book

• To reassemble the product, reverse the order of disassembly unless otherwise specified.
• If a component on a PWB or any other functional unit including a motor is defective, the
text only instructs you to replace the whole PWB or functional unit and does not give trou-
bleshooting procedures applicable within the defective unit.
• All troubleshooting procedures contained herein assume that there are no breaks in the
harnesses and cords and all connectors are plugged into the right positions.
• The procedures preclude possible malfunctions due to noise and other external causes.

Precautions for Service

• Check the area surrounding the service site for any signs of damage, wear or need of
• Keep all disassembled parts in good order and keep tools under control so that none will
be lost or damaged.
• After completing a service job, perform a safety check. Make sure that all parts, wiring
and screws are returned to their original positions.
• Do not pull out the toner hopper while the toner bottle is turning. This could result in a
damaged motor or locking mechanism.
• If the product is to be run with the front door open, make sure that the toner hopper is in
the locked position.
• Do not use an air gun or vacuum cleaner for cleaning the ATDC Sensor and other sen-
sors, as they can cause electrostatic destruction. Use a blower brush and cloth. If a unit
containing these sensors is to be cleaned, first remove the sensors from the unit.

Precautions for Dis/Reassembly
• Be sure to unplug the copier from the outlet before attempting to service the copier.
• The basic rule is not to operate the copier anytime during disassembly. If it is absolutely
necessary to run the copier with its covers removed, use care not to allow your clothing to
be caught in revolving parts such as the timing belt and gears.
• Before attempting to replace parts and unplug connectors, make sure that the power
cord of the copier has been unplugged from the wall outlet.
• Be sure to use the Interlock Switch Actuating Jig whenever it is necessary to actuate the
Interlock Switch with the covers left open or removed.
• Do not plug in or unplug print jacks on the PWB or connect or disconnect the PWB con-
nectors while power is being supplied to the copier.
• Never use flammable sprays near the copier.
• A battery (lithium, nickel-cadmium, etc.) is used in this machine. Do not charge or short
circuit it and make sure of the correct polarity at replacement.
• A used battery should be disposed of according to the local regulations and never be dis-
carded casually or left unattended at the user's premises.
• When reassembling parts, make sure that the correct screws (size, type) and toothed
washer are used in the correct places.
• If it becomes necessary to replace the thermal fuse or any other fuse mounted on a
board, be sure to use one of the rating marked on the blown fuse. Always note the rating
marked on the fuse, as the rating and mounting site or number used are subject to
change without notice.

Precautions for Circuit Inspection

• Never create a closed circuit across connector pins except those specified in the text and
on the printed circuit.
• When creating a closed circuit and measuring a voltage across connector pins specified
in the text, be sure to use the GND wire.

Handling of PWBs
1. During Transportation/Storage:
• During transportation or when in storage, new P.W. Boards must not be indiscriminately
removed from their protective conductive bags.
• Do not store or place P.W. Boards in a location exposed to direct sunlight and high tem-
• When it becomes absolutely necessary to remove a Board from its conductive bag or
case, always place it on its conductive mat in an area as free as possible from static elec-
• Do not touch the pins of the ICs with your bare hands.
• Protect the PWBs from any external force so that they are not bent or damaged.

2. During Inspection/Replacement:
• Avoid checking the IC directly with a multimeter; use connectors on the Board.
• Never create a closed circuit across IC pins with a metal tool.
• Before unplugging connectors from the P.W. Boards, make sure that the power cord has
been unplugged from the outlet.
• When removing a Board from its conductive bag or conductive case, do not touch the
pins of the ICs or the printed pattern. Place it in position by holding only the edges of the
• When touching the PWB, wear a wrist strap and connect its cord to a securely grounded
place whenever possible. If you cannot wear a wrist strap, touch a metal part to dis-
charge static electricity before touching the PWB.
• Note that replacement of a PWB may call for readjustments or resetting of particular

Handling of Other Parts

• The magnet roller generates a strong magnetic field. Do not bring it near a watch, floppy
disk, magnetic card, or CRT tube.

Handling of the PC Drum
✽ Only for Products Not Employing an Imaging Cartridge.
1. During Transportation/Storage:
• Use the specified carton whenever moving or storing the PC Drum.
• The storage temperature is in the range between –20°C and +40°C.
• In summer, avoid leaving the PC Drum in a car for a long time.

2. Handling:
• Ensure that the correct PC Drum is used.
• Whenever the PC Drum has been removed from the copier, store it in its carton or protect
it with a Drum Cloth.
• The PC Drum exhibits greatest light fatigue after being exposed to strong light over an
extended period of time. Never, therefore, expose it to direct sunlight.
• Use care not to contaminate the surface of the PC Drum with oil-base solvent, finger-
prints, and other foreign matter.
• Do not scratch the surface of the PC Drum.
• Do not apply chemicals to the surface of the PC Drum.
• Do not attempt to wipe clean the surface of the PC Drum.

If, however, the surface is contaminated with fingerprints, clean it using the following proce-

1. Place the PC Drum into one half of its carton.


2. Gently wipe the residual toner off the surface of the

PC Drum with a dry, Dust-Free Cotton Pad.
A. Turn the PC Drum so that the area of its surface on
which the line of toner left by the Cleaning Blade is
present is facing straight up. Wipe the surface in
one continuous movement from the rear edge of
the PC Drum to the front edge and off the surface
of the PC Drum.
B. Turn the PC Drum slightly and wipe the newly
exposed surface area with a CLEAN face of the
Dust-Free Cotton Pad. Repeat this procedure until
the entire surface of the PC Drum has been thor-
oughly cleaned.
✽ At this time, always use a CLEAN face of the dry
Dust-Free Cotton Pad until no toner is evident on the
face of the Pad after wiping.

3. Soak a small amount of either ethyl alcohol or iso-
propyl alcohol into a clean, unused Dust-Free Cot-
ton Pad which has been folded over into quarters.
Now, wipe the surface of the PC Drum in one con-
tinuous movement from its rear edge to its front
edge and off its surface one to two times.
✽ Never move the Pad back and forth.


4. Using the SAME face of the Pad, repeat the proce-

dure explained in the latter half of step 3 until the
entire surface of the PC Drum has been wiped.
Always OVERLAP the areas when wiping. Two
complete turns of the PC Drum would be appropri-
ate for cleaning.


• Even when the PC Drum is only locally dirtied, wipe the entire surface.
• Do not expose the PC Drum to direct sunlight. Clean it as quickly as possible even under
interior illumination.
• If dirt remains after cleaning, repeat the entire procedure from the beginning one more

Handling of the Imaging Cartridge

✽ Only for Products Employing an Imaging Cartridge.
1. During Transportation/Storage:
• The storage temperature is in the range between –20°C and +40°C (-4°F and +104°F).
• In summer, avoid leaving the Imaging Cartridge in a car for a long time.

2. Handling:
• Store the Imaging Cartridge in a place that is not exposed to direct sunlight.

3. Precautionary Information on the PC Drum Inside the Imaging Cartridge:

• Use care not to contaminate the surface of the PC Drum with oil-base solvent, finger-
prints, and other foreign matter.
• Do not scratch the surface of the PC Drum.
• Do not attempt to wipe clean the surface of the PC Drum.






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DC Power Supply Main Inverter Board

PU1 <100 V Areas> INV 250 V 2 A (F1)
125 V 15 A (F1)
125 V 4 A (F2) Power Supply Board
125 V 15 A (F3) PWB-C 250 V 4 A (6 pcs.)
125 V 6.3 A (F4)
<200 V Areas>
250 V 8 A (F1)
250 V 3.15 A (F2)
250 V 8 A (F3)
250 V 3.15 A (F4)

DC Power Supply Sub

PU2 <100 V Areas>
125 V 4 A (F1)
250 V 3.15 A (F2)
<200 V Areas>
250 V 3.15 A (F1) Upper Fusing Roller Thermostat
250 V 1.60 A (F2) TS1 250 V 10 A 4002M014AB


• The laser used in this copier is a semiconductor laser having the following specifications.

Max. power: 5 mW × 2
Output wavelength: 770 to 800 nm

• When laser protective goggles are to be used, select ones with a lens conforming to the
above specifications.
• When a disassembly job needs to be performed in the laser beam path, such as when
working around the printerhead and PC Drum, be sure first to turn the copier OFF.
• If the job requires that the copier be left ON, take off your watch and ring and wear laser
protective goggles.
• A highly reflective tool can be dangerous if it is brought into the laser beam path. Use
utmost care when handling tools on the user’s premises.
• The printerhead is not maintainable in the field. It is to be replaced as an assembly
including the control board. Never, therefore, attempt to remove the laser diode or adjust
trimmers on the control board.

• The Organic Photoconductor Drum is softer than CdS and Selenium Drums and is there-
fore susceptible to scratches.
• Even when the PC Drum is only locally dirtied, wipe the entire surface.
• Do not expose the PC Drum to direct sunlight. Clean it as quickly as possible even under
interior illumination.
• If dirt remains after cleaning, repeat the entire procedure from the beginning one more


(1) Red painted Screws

Purpose of Application of Red Paint

Red painted screws show that the assembly or unit secured can only be adjusted or set at
the factory and should not be adjusted, set, or removed in the field.
Note that when two or more screws are used on the part in questions, only one representa-
tive screw may be marked with red paint.

(2) Variable Resistors on Board

Do not turn the variable resistors on boards for which no adjusting instructions are given in

(3) Other Screws

Although not marked with red paint, the following screws must not be loosened or read-

8 screws on the PH Unit Cover 4 screws on the Image Transfer/

Paper Separator Coronas

4002D104AB 4002D256AA

2 screws on the Separator

Finger Solenoid



1 2 3

11 5


9 8




16 14

No. Part Name Removal Procedure
1 Original Glass Remove No.3.
2 EDH Glass Remove No.3.
3 EDH Glass Holder Raise No.13. → Remove four EDH Glass Holder mounting
4 Control Panel Raise No.13. → Swing down No.5. → Remove No.18. → Remove
No.11. → Remove five Control Panel mounting screws. → Unplug
two connectors.
5 Front Door Swing down the Front Door. → Remove two Front Door hinge
shafts. → Remove two belt mounting screws inside the Front
6 1st Drawer Slide out the drawer. → Remove one screw and the right stopper.
7 2nd Drawer → Pressing the tab on the left rail, pull out the drawer.

8 Middle Left Door Remove No.11. → Remove two Middle Left Door mounting
9 Upper Left Door ☞ D-17
Switching Unit)
10 Filter Cover Unhook one tab on the Filter Cover.
11 Left Cover Slide out No.6. → Swing down No.5. → Remove seven Left Cover
mounting screws.
12 Rear Upper Cover Remove No.13. → Remove No.11. → Remove No.18. → Remove
two Rear Upper Cover mounting screws.
13 Original Cover Remove the Original Cover by pulling up.
14 Rear Cover Remove nine Rear Cover mounting screws.
15 Connector Cover Remove one Connector Cover mounting screws.
16 Upper Right Door ☞ D-9
(Multi Bypass
17 Counter Cover Unhook two tabs on the Counter Cover.
18 Right Cover Slide out No.6. → Swing down No.5. → Open No.16. → Open the
Multi Bypass Table. → Remove seven Right Cover mounting

• When removing a circuit board or other electrical component, refer to “Handling of
PWBs” and follow the corresponding removal procedures.
• The removal procedures given in the following omit the removal of connectors and
screws securing the circuit board support or circuit board.
• Where it is absolutely necessary to touch the ICs and other electrical components on the
board, be sure to ground your body.









PWB-C 4002M013AC

Symbol Part Name Removal Procedure
INV Inverter Board Remove the Scanner. → Unplug two connectors and
remove two screws and the Inverter Board Mounting
Bracket Assy. → INV
PWB-A Master Board Remove the Right Cover. → Remove the Rear Cover. →
Remove three screws and the Cover. → Remove four
screws and the Cover. → PWB-A
PWB-B Image Processing ☞ D-7
PWB-C Power Supply Remove the Right Cover. → Remove the Rear Cover. →
Board Remove six screws and the Board Cover. → PWB-C
PWB-G AIDC Sensor ☞ D-41
PWB-I1 Paper Size Remove four screws and the PC Drum Charge/Developing
Detecting Board 1 Bias HV Mountaing Bracket Assy. → Remove two screws
PWB-I2 Paper Size and the Board Cover. → PWB-I
Detecting Board 2
PWB-IC SCP Board Remove the Rear Upper Cover. → PWB-IC
PWB-M Memory Board Remove the Original Glass. → Remove four screws and the
IR Base Plate Left Cover. → PWB-M
PWB-R HDD Power Sup- Remove the Rear Cover. → Remove the Left Cover. →
ply Board Remove three screws and the HDD Mounting Bracket Assy.
PWB-S Tech. Rep. Setting Swing down the Front Door. → Remove the Left Cover. →
Switches Board Remove four screws and the Cover. → PWB-S
UN1 Control Panel Remove the Control Panel Unit. → UN1
UN2 ATDC Sensor ☞ D-41
PU1 DC Power Supply Remove the Rear Cover. → Remove six screws and the
Main Board Cover. → PU1
PU2 DC Power Supply Remove the Rear Cover. → Remove the Left Cover. →
Sub Remove three screws and the DC Power Supply Sub
Mounting Bracket Assy. → PU2
HV1 PC Drum Charge/ Remove the Rear Cover. → Remove six screws and the
Developing Bias Board Cover. → Remove ten screws and the DC Power
HV Supply Main Mounting Bracket Assy. → HV1

PWB-M and PWB-R: optional on both the 45-cpm copier and 55-cpm copier.

Removal of the Image Processing Board

1. Remove the Rear Cover and Right Cover.

2. Remove the Original Glass and EDH Glass.
3. Remove eight screws and the CCD Unit Cover.


4. Remove four screws and the cover on the left.

5. Remove three screws and the cover on the right.


6. Remove three screws and the PH Cooling Fan

Motor mounting bracket Assy.
7. Remove six screws and the mounting bracket.


8. Remove five screws and the Cover.



9. Remove five screws and the Master Board Mount-

ing Bracket Assy.


10. Unplug two connectors, one flat cable.


11. Unplug five connectors, two flat cables.

12. Remove the harness from the edge cover.


13. Unplug four connectors.

14. Remove five screws and the Imaging Processing
Board Mounting Bracket Assy.


15. Remove ten screws and the Imaging Processing



2-3. Removal of the Unit
(1) Removal of the Multi Bypass Unit

1. Open the Upper Right Door.

2. Remove two connectors and the cover.
3. Unplug two connectors.


4. Remove two screws and the Upper Right Cover.

When reinstalling the Upper Right Cover, Adjustment
of the Upper Right Door (Multi Bypass Unit).
☞ D-106


(2) Removal of the Suction Unit

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the Developer Unit.
2. Remove the Paper Dust Remover Assy.
3. Slide out the Fusing Unit.
4. Slide out the 1st and 2nd Drawers.

5. Unplug two connectors from lower end of the Suc-

tion Unit.


6. Swing the Transport Section Release Lever back to

its original position.
7. Pressing down the Transfer/Paper Separator Coro-
nas Unit, pull out of the copier.


8. Swing down the Transport Section Release Lever.
9. Holding up the Suction Unit, remove the compres-
sion coil.


10. Remove the Suction Unit by sliding it to the right.


When reinstalling the Suction Unit, make sure that two
positioning pins on the copier fit into the positioning
holes in the Suction Unit.


(3) Removal of the Main Hopper Unit

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the Developer Unit.
2. Remove the Right Cover.

3. Unplug two connectors, remove four screws and

remove the Main Hopper Unit.


(4) Removal of the IR Unit
1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the Developer Unit.
2. Remove the Right Door, Left Door, Rear Upper Cover, Rear Cover and Control Panel.
3. Slide out the Fusing Unit.

4. Remove four screws and the Cover.

Do not remove the belt mounting screw on the cover.


5. Unplug two connectors, remove four screws and

remove the Main Hopper Unit.


6. Remove three screws and the PH Cooling Fan

Motor mounting bracket Assy.
7. Remove six screws and the mounting bracket.


8. Remove the Original Grass and EDH Glass.

9. Remove eight screws and the CCD Unit Cover.


10. Remove four screws and the Cover.


11. Unplug two connectors, one flat cable from the
Imaging Processing Board.


12. Unplug four connectors at the front.


13. Remove five screws and the Cover.



14. Remove five screws and the Master Board Mount-

ing Bracket Assy.


15. Unplug ten connectors in the rear.

16. Remove one screw and the ground wire.


17. Remove two screws and the relay connector.


18. Remove four screws and the right mounting



19. Remove four screws and the left mounting bracket.


20. Remove five screws that secure the IR Unit on the

front side.


21. Remove four screws that secure the IR Unit in the



22. Remove the IR Unit.


(5) Removal of the PH Unit

• Do not place the PH Unit upside down, tilt it excessively, or subject it to excessive shock.
• Replace the PH Unit as one unit.
• NEVER attempt to disassemble or adjust the PH Unit.
• Whenever the PH Unit has been removed, make the following adjustments:
Lead/Trail Edge Erase and Registration (CD/FD).

1. Remove the Right Cover.

2. Remove the Original Glass and EDH Glass.
3. Remove eight screws and the CCD Unit Cover.


4. Remove three screws and the cover.


5. Unplug two connectors, two flat cables.

6. Remove the harness from the edge cover.


7. Remove three screws and the PH Cooling Fan
Motor mounting bracket Assy.
8. Remove six screws and the mounting bracket.


9. Remove the harness from two cord clamps and

one edge cover.


10. Unplug two relay connectors and remove the har-

ness from the cord clamp.


11. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the
Developer Unit.
12. Remove two thumbscrews and one bolt.


13. Remove the PH Unit.


(6) Removal of the Developing Unit

1. Swing down the Front Door.

2. Swing down the Transport Section Release Lever.


3. Loosen two screws and remove the Developing



(7) Removal of the Sub Hopper Unit

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developing Unit.
2. Unplug one connector and remove three screws
and the Sub Hopper Unit.


(8) Removal of the Fusing Unit

1. Open the Left Door.

2. Swing Down the Front Door.
3. Remove one screw and slide out the Fusing Unit.


(9) Removal of the Upper Left Door (Exit/Duplex Switching Unit)

1. Swing down the Front Cover and slide out the Fus-
ing Unit.
2. Remove the cable from the spring.


3. Remove the Rear Cover.

4. Open the Upper Left Door.
5. Remove the Left Cover.
6. Unplug one connector and remove the harness
from the edge cover.
7. Remove one screw, holding bracket, and the band.


8. Remove one screw and the holding bracket.

9. Remove the Upper Left Door.


(1) Removal of the Paper Take-Up Roll, Paper Feed Roll and Paper Separator Roll

1. Remove the Right Door.

2. Remove one screw and the Paper Guide Plate
from each drawer.


3. Remove the Paper Separator Roll/Paper Guide

Plate Assy. by turning it about 90 in the direction of
the arrow.


4. Loosen one screw and remove the Paper Separa-

tor Roll Mounting Bracket Assy.


5. Disassemble the Paper Separator Roll Assy.


6. Unbending one tab of the holder, remove the


7. Remove the Paper Take-Up Roll and Paper Feed



(2) Cleaning of the Paper Take-Up Roll and Paper Feed Roll

1. Remove the Paper Separator Roll Mounting

Bracket Assy.
2. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, wipe
each roll clean of dirt.


(3) Cleaning of the Paper Separator Roll

1. Remove the Paper Separator Roll Mounting

Bracket Assy.
2. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, clean
the Paper Separator Roll.


(4) Removal of the Drawer Lift-Up Motor

1. Remove the Right Door.

2. Slide out the drawer and remove one screw and
the right stopper.


3. Pushing the tab on the left rail, pull out the drawer.


4. Remove three screws and the Drawer Set Sensor

Mounting Bracket Assy.
5. Unplug one connector.

Reinstall the Drawer Set Sensor Mounting Bracket as
you hold the lever.


6. Unplug two connectors.

7. Remove one screw and the Drawer Lift-Up Unit.

When reinstalling the Drawer Lift-Up Unit, make sure
that the mounting bracket is properly aligned with the
positioning dowel pin on the copier.


8. Disassemble the Drawer Lift-Up Unit.


(5) Removal of the Upper and Lower Transport Rollers

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developing Unit.
2. Slide out the 1st Drawer.
3. Remove the Rear Cover.
4. Remove the Right Cover.
5. Remove five screws and the Cover.


6. Remove five screws and the Master Board Mount-

ing Bracket Assy.


7. Remove six screws and the board cover.


8. Remove three screws and the Power Supply Board
Mounting Bracket Assy.


9. Remove three screws and the Flywheel.


10. Remove three screws and the Transport/Synchro-

nizing Rollers Drive Assy.


11. Snap off the E-ring and remove the gear.

12. Unhook one spring and snap off one E-ring. Then
remove the bushing from the rear end of the Upper
Transport Roller.
13. Snap off one E-ring and remove the bearing from
the rear end of the Lower Transport Roller.


14. Remove three screws and the Cover.

Do not remove the belt mounting screw on the cover.


15. Unhook one spring and snap off two E-rings. Then
remove the bushings from the front end of the
Upper and Lower Transport Roller.


16. Remove the Upper Transport Roller.

17. Remove the Lower Transport Roller.


(6) Cleaning of the Upper Transport Roller

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developing Unit.
2. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, clean
the Upper Transport Roller.


(7) Cleaning of the Lower Transport Roller

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developing Unit.
2. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, clean
the Lower Transport Roller.


(8) Cleaning of the Vertical Transport Rollers

1. Open the Upper Right Door.

2. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, wipe
each roller clean of dirt.


(9) Removal of the Synchronizing Roller

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developing Unit.
2. Remove the Rear Cover.
3. Remove the Right Cover.
4. Remove five screws and the Cover.


5. Remove five screws and the Master Board Mount-

ing Bracket Assy.


6. Remove six screws and the board cover.


7. Remove three screws and the Power Supply Board

Mounting Bracket Assy.


8. Remove three screws and the Flywheel.


9. Unplug two connectors and remove five screws

and the Developing Unit Drive Assy.


10. Unplug two connectors and remove three screws

and the Transport/Synchronizing Rollers Drive


11. Snap off the E-ring and remove the gear.

12. Snap off one E-ring and remove the bushing from
the rear end of the Upper Synchronizing Roller.


13. Remove three screws and the Cover.

Do not remove the belt mounting screw on the cover.


14. Snap off the E-ring and remove the bushing from
the front end of the Upper Synchronizing Roller.
15. Remove the Upper Synchronizing Roller.


(10) Cleaning of the Upper Synchronizing Roller

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developing Unit.
2. Using a brush or a vacuum cleaner, clean the
Upper Synchronizing Roller.


(11) Removal of the Lower Synchronizing Roller

1. Remove the Suction Unit.

2. Unhook the spring, snap off the E-ring, and remove
the bushing from the front end of the Lower Syn-
chronizing Roller.


3. Unhook the spring, snap off the E-ring, and remove

the gear and bushing from the rear end of the
Lower Synchronizing Roller.


4. Remove the Lower Synchronizing Roller.


(12) Cleaning of the Lower Synchronizing Roller

1. Swing down the Transport Section Release Lever.

2. Using a brush or a vacuum cleaner, clean the
Lower Synchronizing Roller.


(13) Removal of the Synchronizing Paper Dust Remover

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developing Unit.
2. Remove one screw and the Synchronizing Paper
Dust Remover Assy.


When only the Paper Dust Remover is to be replaced,
affix the new one along the reference line as shown on
the left.


(14) Removal of the Transport Paper Dust Remover

1. Open the Upper Right Door.

2. Remove the Transport Paper Dust Remover Assy.


When only the Paper Dust Remover is to be replaced,
affix the new one along the reference line as shown on
the left.

1 mm

(15) Cleaning of the Paper Dust Remover

1. Remove the Synchronizing Paper Dust Remover

2. Using a brush, whisk dust off the Synchronizing
Paper Dust Remover.


1. Remove the Transport Paper Dust Remover Assy.

2. Using a brush, whisk dust off the Transport Paper
Dust Remover.


(16) Disassembly of the Suction Unit

1. Remove the Suction Unit.

2. Remove two screws and the duct.
3. Remove four screws and the Suction Drive Unit.

When reinstalling the Suction Drive Unit, try to press it
down against the Suction Base Plate.


4. Remove four driven rolls.


5. Remove four Suction Belts.


6. Remove the Suction Roller as shown on the left.


(17) Disassembly of the Multi Bypass Unit

1. Remove the Right Door.

2. Remove four screws and the Separator Guide
Plate Assy.


3. Remove the Spring.

When reinstalling the Spring, place it so that its close-
coiled end faces the Separator Unit.


4. Snap off the C-clip and remove the Separator Assy.


5. Snap off the C-clip and remove the Separator Roll


6. Remove five screws and the Solenoid Mounting

Bracket Assy.

Whenever a solenoid has been replaced or a solenoid
mounting screw removed, be sure to adjust the posi-
tion of the solenoid.
☞ D-72

7. Snap off the E-ring and remove the gear.

8. Unhook the spring and remove the gear assy.


9. Snap off the E-ring and remove the Paper Take-Up

Roll Assy.


10. Snap off the E-ring and remove the Paper Feed


11. Snap off the E-ring and remove the Paper Take-Up


(18) Cleaning of the Multi Bypass Paper Take-Up Roll/Paper Feed Roll

1. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, clean

the Paper Take-Up Roll/Paper Feed Roll.


(19) Cleaning of the Multi Bypass Paper Separator Roll Assy.

1. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, clean

the Paper Separator Roll Assy.


(1) Cleaning of the Original Glass and EDH Glass

1. Wipe clean the Original Glass and EDH Glass with

a soft cloth.


(2) Cleaning of the Mirrors

1. Remove the Original Glass.

2. Wipe the surface of each mirror clean of dirt using
a soft cloth.


(3) Cleaning of the Lens

1. Remove the Original Glass and EDH Glass.

2. Remove eight screws and the CCD Unit Cover.
3. Remove four screws and the Lens Cover.


4. Wipe clean the Lens with a soft cloth.


(4) Cleaning of the Scanner Rails/bushings

1. Remove the Original Glass.

2. Wipe clean the Scanner Rails/bushings with a soft

Apply lubricant to the Scanner Rails/Bushings after
they have been cleaned.


(5) Cleaning of the PH Glass

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developing Unit.
2. Open the cover.


3. Wipe clean the PH Glass with a soft cloth.


(6) Removal of the Scanner

1. Remove the Original Glass.

2. Slide the Scanner to the position shown.
3. Remove the two Scanner mounting screws at the
front and rear.


Scanner mounting screws
Do not remove the Scanner positioning screws.

Scanner positioning screws


4. Swing the Scanner counterclockwise and take it

out of the copier.

At this point, the Scanner is kept connected to a flat
cable and cannot be taken off.


5. Unplug one connector.

6. Remove two screws and the flat cable board.
7. Remove the Scanner.


(7) Removal of the Exposure Lamp

1. Remove the Scanner.

2. Unplug one connector from the Inverter Board.
3. Remove the harnesses from the corresponding
wiring saddles.


4. Remove one screw and the Exposure Lamp.


(8) Removal of the EDH Glass

1. Remove four screws and the EDH Glass Holder.

2. Remove the EDH Glass.


(9) Removal of the Scanner Drive Cable

1. Remove the Original Glass and EDH Glass.
2. Remove the Left Cover, Right Cover, Rear Upper Cover and Control Panel.
3. Remove the CCD Unit Cover.
4. Remove the Scanner.

5. Unhook the springs of the Scanner Drive Cables

on the hook side, one each at the front and in the
6. Remove the front and rear Scanner Drive Cables.


7. Remove three screws and the Scanner Motor

Mounting Bracket Assy.


8. Remove one screw and then slide the front pulley

and bushing toward the rear.


9. Remove one screw and the slide the rear pulley
and bushing toward the front.


10. Remove the Scanner Drive Gear, pulleys and

bushings at the front and rear, and the shaft.


(10) Winding of the Scanner Drive Cable

Pulley E Pulley F

Pulley D
Pulley C

Pulley B

Pulley A

Bead Front
1. Position the round bead of the Scanner Drive
Cable in the pulley as shown.

Make sure that the bead snugly rests in the slit in the

2. Wind the fixed bead end of the cable around the
pulley five turns clockwise, from the rear toward the
front side.


3. Wind the hook end of the cable around the pulley

five turns counterclockwise, from the front toward
the rear side.

Make sure that no part of the cable rides on the other.


4. Slip the Cable Holding Jig onto the pulley to secure

the cable in position.


Bead Rear
5. Position the round bead of the Scanner Drive
Cable in the pulley as shown.

Make sure that the bead snugly rests in the slit in the

6. Wind the fixed bead end of the cable around the

pulley five turns clockwise, from the front toward
the rear side.


7. Wind the hook end of the cable around the pulley
five turns counterclockwise, from the rear toward
the front side.

Make sure that no part of the cable rides on the other.


8. Slip the Cable Holding Jig onto the pulley to secure

the cable in position.


9. Mount the front and rear pulleys and bushings on

the shaft and install the shaft to the IR Unit.
10. Mount the Scanner Drive Gear on the shaft and
secure it in position with one screw.


11. Install an Allen wrench into the holes in the shaft

and the IR Base Plate.


12. Slide the front pulley and bushing to the front and
install one mounting screw.


13. Slide the rear pulley and bushing to the rear and
secure install one mounting screw.


Pulley C Front
14. Wind the bead end of the cable around pulley C
and pulley B, then hook the bead onto the Adjust-
able Anchor.

Pulley B 4002D008AA

15. Wind the hook end of the cable around pulley A

Pulley B
and pulley B.

Pulley A

16. Fit the hook end of the cable into the groove in the
Cable Guide and hook the spring.

Cable Guide

Pulley F Rear
17. Wind the bead end of the cable around pulley F
and pulley E, then hook the bead onto the Adjust-
able Anchor.

Pulley E

18. Wind the hook end of the cable around pulley D
and pulley E.
Pulley E

Pulley D

19. Fit the hook end of the cable into the groove in the
Cable Guide and hook the spring.

Cable Guide

20. Mount the Scanner Motor Mounting Bracket Assy.

21. Remove the Cable Holding Jigs from the front and rear pulleys.
22. Remove the Allen wrench.
23. Mount the Scanner.
24. Reinstall the Left Cover, Right Cover, Rear Upper Cover and Control Panel.
25. Reinstall the Original Glass and EDH Glass.
26. Adjust the position of the Scanner and 2nd/3rd Mirrors Carriage.
☞ D-107

Whenever the Scanner Drive Cables have been removed, be sure to carry out the following
check and adjustment: Orig. Size Adjust and Registration (CD).

(1) Remove of the Developing Unit

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developing Unit.
2. Move the PC Drum Charge Corona to the rear,
raise it, and take it off.


3. Loosen the two screws of the PC Drum stopper

and remove the PC Drum stopper.
4. Remove the PC Drum.


• When reinstalling the PC Drum, refer to the illustra-
tion on the left and make sure of the correct direction
of installation. Be also sure to hold the PC Drum on
both sides with care not to touch the surface of the
drum with bare hands.
• When the PC Drum has been replaced, clear the
4002D123AB counts of “PC Drum 1”, “PC Drum 2” and “PC Drum
3” of “PM” of “Counter” available from the Tech. Rep.

5. Remove two screws and the Developing Unit Front



6. Remove two screws and the Stopper and Devel-
oper Scattering Prevention Plate.


7. Remove two screws and the Cleaning Blade.


When reinstalling the Cleaning Blade, press the blade
tightly up against the mounting bracket.


8. Remove two screws, unplug one connector, and

remove the ATDC Sensor.


9. Unplug one connector.

10. Remove three screws and the PC Drum Paper Fin-
ger Holder Assy.


Coupling Holder
When reinstalling the PC Drum Paper Separator Fin-
ger Holder Assy., fit the collar of the assy onto the cou-
pling holder in the rear.


11. Remove the PC Drum Paper Fingers and AIDC Sensor Board as shown below.


AIDC Sensor Board


• At removal and reinstallation, use care not to damage the tip of the fingers.
Also, use care not to get hurt by the tip of the fingers.
• After reinstallation, perform the following adjustment procedure: Positioning of the PC
Drum Paper Separator Fingers.
☞ D-76

PC Drum Paper Separator Finger Installed

Hook the spring property.

Top View Rear View After installation, check that the
Paper Separator Fingers operate
1156D063AA smoothly.

(2) Cleaning of the Developer Scattering Prevention Plate

1. Using a brush, whisk dust off the Developer Scat-

tering Prevention Plate.


(3) Cleaning of the DS Positioning Collars

1. Using a brush or a soft cloth dampened with alco-

hol, clean the DS Positioning Collars.


(4) Cleaning of the Toner Antispill Trap

1. Using a brush or a soft cloth, clean the Toner Anti-

spill Trap.


(5) Replacement of the Cleaning Blade

1. Remove two screws and the Cleaning Blade, and

replace the Cleaning Blade with a new one.


2. Remove the Toner Bottle from Main Hopper. Insert
a brush through the toner port and into the toner.


3. Apply toner to the entire surface of the new Clean-

ing Blade.


4. Using the brush, apply lubricant shipped with the

Cleaning Blade to the two side seals shown.


5. Install the PC Drum.


6. Fit the PC Drum stopper and tighten the screws.


7. Apply a thin coat of toner to the surface of the PC


8. Holding onto the both sides of the PC Drum with

hands, turn the PC Drum a half turn in the direction
of the arrow.


9. Holding onto the both sides of the PC Drum with

hands, turn the PC Drum a half turn in the direction
of the arrow.


(6) Replacement of the Developer

1. Remove the Sub Hopper Unit.

2. Dump the developer out the Developing Unit.


3. Turning the Bucket Roller, pour fresh developer
evenly into the chamber.

• Shake the packet of developer well before opening
• When the developer has been replaced, clear the
counts of “Developer 1” and “Developer 2” of “PM” of
1134D051AA “Counter” available from the Tech. Rep. mode and
run the F8 ATDC Sensor operation.
☞ D-81

(7) Cleaning of the AIDC Sensor Board

1. Remove the PC Drum.

2. Using a brush or a soft cloth dampened with alco-
hol, clean the AIDC Sensor Board.


(8) Cleaning of the PC Drum Paper Separator Fingers

1. Remove the PC Drum.

2. Using a brush or a soft cloth dampened with alco-
hol, clean the PC Drum Paper Separator Fingers.

During the cleaning procedure, use care not to
scratch, bend, or otherwise damage the tips of the PC
Drum Paper Separator Fingers. Be also careful not to
4002D137AA get hurt with the tips.

(9) Removal of the Toner Antispill Seal

1. Remove the PC Drum Paper Separator Fingers

2. Remove two screws and the Toner Antispill Plate
and Toner Antispill Seal.


When reinstalling the Toner Antispill Plate and Toner
Antispill Seal, press them in the direction of the arrows.


(10) Cleaning of the Toner Antispill Seal

1. Remove the Toner Antispill Seal.

2. Using a brush, clean the Toner Antispill Seal.


(11) Removal of the Main Erase Lamp

1. Swing down the Front Door.

2. Unplug one connector.
3. Remove one screw and the Main Erase Lamp.


(12) Cleaning of the Main Erase Lamp Filter

1. Swing down the Front Door.

2. Remove the Main Erase Lamp Filter.


3. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, wipe
clean the Main Erase Lamp Filter.


(13) Removal of the Ozone Filter (PC Drum Charge Corona)

1. Swing down the Front Door.

2. Swing out the Main Hopper.
3. Slide out the Ozone Filter.


(14) Removal of the Ozone Filter (Image Transfer/Paper Separator Coronas)

1. Unhook one tab and remove the Filter Cover.

2. Pull out the Ozone Filter.


(15) Removal of the Toner Collecting Bottle

1. Slide out the drawers from the applicable paper

source option.
(There is no need of sliding out the drawer for
2. Swing down the Toner Collecting Bottle Cover.
3. Remove the Toner Collecting Bottle.

4640U006AA When the Toner Collecting Bottle has been replaced,
clear the “Waste Toner-Count” count of “Consumables”
available from “Counter” under the Tech. Rep. mode.

(1) Removal of the PC Drum Charge Corona

1. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developing Unit.
2. Move the PC Drum Charge Corona to the rear,
raise it, and take it off.


(2) Cleaning of the PC Drum Charge Corona Housing

1. Remove the PC Drum Charge Corona.

2. Press the Mesh Holder on the front of the Corona
Unit in the direction of arrow A to remove the Grid


3. Remove the Cleaning Pad Holder.

4. Remove the End Caps from the front and rear ends
of the Unit.


5. Remove the Comb Electrode.

• Use care not to deform the Comb Electrode.
• When removing the electrode, first snap off its spring


When handling the Comb Electrode, be sure to hold it
onto its both ends.

10 mm 17 mm


6. Wipe clean the Housing with a soft cloth.


(3) Cleaning of the PC Drum Charge Corona Grid Mesh

1. Blow all foreign matter off the Grid Mesh with a

blower brush.


• If the blower brush is not effective in cleaning seri-
ous contamination of the Grid Mesh, use a soft cloth
dampened with alcohol. At this time, place the Grid
Mesh on a flat surface and sweep the cloth along the
• After cleaning, use care not to touch the cleaned
1136D196AA Grid Mesh with bare hands.

(4) Cleaning of the Comb Electrode

1. Clean Comb Electrode using the PC Drum Charge

Corona Cleaning Lever.


(5) Removal of the Image Transfer/Paper Separator Coronas

1. Swing down the Front Door.

2. Pull out the Transfer/Paper Separator Coronas.


(6) Cleaning of the Image Transfer Corona Wire

1. Swing down the Front Door.

2. Clean Image Transfer Corona Wire using the
Image Transfer Corona Wire Cleaning Lever.


If the Image Transfer Corona Wire is seriously contam-
inated, dampen a soft cloth with alcohol, hold it with a
pair of tweezers, and wipe the wire gently in one direc-
tion-from the hook end to the spring end.


(7) Removal of the Image Transfer Corona Wire

1. Remove the End Caps from the front and rear ends
of the Unit.


2. Remove the corona wire, first at the spring end.


(8) Cleaning of the Paper Separator Corona Wire

1. Remove the four Paper Guides.


2. Dampen a soft cloth with alcohol, hold it with a pair

of tweezers, and wipe the Paper Separator Corona
Wire gently in one direction.

Wipe the wire from the hook to spring end.


(9) Removal of the Paper Separator Corona Wire

1. Remove the End Caps from the front and rear ends
of the Unit.


2. Remove the four Paper Guides.


3. Remove the corona wire, first at the spring end.


(10) Cleaning of the Image Transfer/Paper Separator Coronas Housing

1. Remove the four Paper Guides.

2. Remove the End Caps from the front and rear ends
of the Unit.
3. Remove the corona wire, first at the spring end.
4. Wipe clean the Housing with a soft cloth.


(11) Cleaning of the Pre-Image Transfer Guide Plate

1. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, wipe

clean the Pre-Image Transfer Guide Plate.


(1) Disassembly of the Fusing Unit

1. Slide out the Fusing Unit.

2. Remove two screws and the Fusing Unit Front


When reinstalling the Front Cover, hook the tab into


3. Remove four harness holders.

4. Unplug the connector of the Heater Lamp on the
5. Remove the Heater Lamp cord from the one edge


6. Remove five harness holders.

7. Remove one screw and the Heater Lamp cord.


8. Remove one screw each and the upper and lower

lamp holders at the front.


9. Remove four harness holders.
10. Remove the Upper Fusing Roller Heater Lamp har-
ness from one wiring saddle.
11. Unplug two connectors of the Heater Lamp on the
12. Remove the Upper and Lower Fusing Roller
Heater Lamp harnesses from three edge covers.


13. From the front side, slide out the Upper and Lower
Fusing Roller Heater Lamps.


14. Unplug one Thermistor connector.

15. Remove the Thermistor harness from the harness
16. Remove one screw and the cord.


17. Remove two screws and the Harness Guide.


18. Remove two screws and the Upper Cover.


19. Remove two screws and the Web Roller Assy.


20. Remove two springs.

21. Remove one shoulder screw and the Lower Exit
Guide Assy.


When reinstalling the Upper Fusing Guide Plate Assy,
press both ends of the guide plate up against the


22. Remove two screws and the Upper Fusing Guide

Plate Assy.


23. Loosen the front roller pressure screw and unhook

the upper end of the spring.

Repeat the same step for the spring in the rear.


When tightening the roller pressure screws with the
springs installed, tighten the front and rear ones alter-
nately until there is no clearance in the mounting


24. Remove two screws and the rear holder.


25. Remove two screws and the front holder.


26. Remove two screws and the bracket.


When installing the mounting bracket, press its both
ends up against the frame.


27. Remove one shoulder screw and the Pre-Fusing
Guide Plate.
28. Remove two springs.


When reinstalling the Pre-Fusing Guide Plate, make
sure that the rear harness is on the inside of the shoul-
der screw.


29. Remove one E-ring, two shoulder screws, and two



30. Remove two bearings.

31. Remove the bushing and Upper Fusing Roller.


32. Remove the bearing and Lower Fusing Roller.


(2) Removal of the Upper Fusing Paper Separator Fingers

1. Remove the Upper Fusing Guide Plate Assy.

2. Remove five springs.
3. Slide out the shaft to remove five Upper Fusing
Paper Separator Fingers.


(3) Cleaning of the Upper Fusing Paper Separator Fingers

1. Remove the Upper Fusing Guide Plate Assy.

2. Using a soft cloth dampened with oil, wipe the five
Upper Fusing Paper Separator Fingers clean of


(4) Cleaning of the Lower Fusing Paper Separator Fingers

1. Remove the Fusing Unit Front Cover.

2. Swing open the Lower Fusing Guide Plate Assy.
Using a soft cloth dampened with oil, wipe the five
Lower Fusing Paper Separator Fingers clean of


(5) Cleaning of the Entrance Guide Plate

1. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, wipe

clean the Entrance Guide Plate.


(6) Removal of the Upper Fusing Roller Thermistor

1. Slide out the Fusing Unit.

2. Unplug one connector.
3. Remove one screw and the Upper Fusing Roller
Thermistor Assy.


4. Remove one screw and the Upper Fusing Roller



(7) Cleaning of the Upper Fusing Roller Thermistor

1. Remove the Upper Fusing Roller Thermistor Assy.

2. Using a soft cloth dampened with oil, wipe the
Upper Fusing Roller Thermistor clean of dirt.


(8) Removal of the Lower Fusing Roller Thermistor

1. Slide out the Fusing Unit.

2. Remove the Fusing Unit Front Cover.
3. Remove the Pre-Fusing Guide Plate.
4. Remove one screw to free the Lower Fusing Roller
Thermistor Assy.


5. Remove the rubber stopper, and slide out the shaft.
6. Remove the Lower Fusing Roller Thermistor.


(9) Cleaning of the Lower Fusing Roller Thermistor

1. Remove the Lower Fusing Roller Thermistor Assy.

2. Using a soft cloth dampened with oil, wipe the
Lower Fusing Roller Thermistor clean of dirt.


(10) Removal of the Upper Fusing Roller Thermostat

1. Remove the Harness Guide.

2. Remove two screws and the Upper Fusing Roller
Thermostat Assy.
3. Remove two screws and the Upper Fusing Roller


(11) Cleaning of the Upper Fusing Roller Thermostat

1. Remove the Upper Fusing Roller Thermostat Assy.

2. Using a soft cloth dampened with silicone oil, wipe
the Upper Fusing Roller Thermostat clean of dirt.


(12) Removal of the Web Roller

1. Remove the Web Roller Assy.

2. Remove two screws and the Web Roller bushing
and Web Take-Up Roller bushing.

When reinstalling the Web Roller bushing and Web
Take-Up Roller bushing, ensure that they are in correct
position without being tilted or out of position.

3. Remove the Web Roller and Web Take-Up Roller.

• When reinstalling the Web Roller and Web Take-Up
Roller, wind the web around the Web Take-Up Roller
at least one complete turn. Make also sure that the
web is not slack off.
• When the Web Roller has been removed, clear
4002D190AB Web-Count of Consumables Counter available from
Tech. Rep. mode.

(13) Removal of the Web Pressure Roller

1. Remove the Web Roller Assy.

2. Remove the Web Roller and Web Take-Up Roller.
3. Remove the springs at the front and rear.


4. Remove the E-rings and bushings from the front

and rear end and remove the Web Pressure Roller.


(14) Removal of the Misfeed Removal Knob Bushing

1. Slide out the Fusing Unit.

2. Remove one E-ring and the gear and bearing.


3. Remove the Misfeed Removal Knob Assy. and



(15) Removal of the Fusing Unit Drive Coupling Gear

1. Slide out the Fusing Unit.

2. Remove one E-ring and the Fusing Unit Drive Cou-
pling Gear.



(1) Cleaning of the Turnover Roller, Transport Rollers

1. Open the Lower Left Door.

2. Using a soft cloth dampened with alcohol, wipe
clean the Turnover Roller, Transport Rollers.



1. Front Door Interlock Switch 2. Predrive Inhibit Switch

Actuating Jig Actuating Jig

1136D001AA 1136D005AA

3. Scanner Positioning Jig 4. Scanner Positioning Jig

(Front) (Rear)

4002D505AA 4002D504AA

5. Sleeve/Magnet Roller 6. D.B. Adjusting Jigs

Positioning Jig

1136D003AA 1074D129AA

7. PC Drum Paper Separator 8. Scanner Drive Cable

Finger Positioning Jig Holding Jig

1136D004AA 4002D503AA


Adjustment Item Requirements Ref. Page

Touch Panel Adj. Automatically adjusted ☞ D-79
Orig. Size Adjust ☞ D-80

→ → →
F8 ATDC Sensor ☞ D-81
F5 AIDC Sensor ☞ D-82
Registration (CD) 5.0 ± 0.5 mm ☞ D-83
Registration (FD) ☞ D-85

Lead Edge Erase 3.0 ± 1.0 mm ☞ D-87
Trail Edge Erase ☞ D-89

Loop Adjustment Approx. 4.0 mm ☞ D-91
Erasure Width 3.0 mm ☞ D-93
Zoom (CD) 200 ± 1.0 mm ☞ D-95
Zoom (FD) 300 ± 1.0 mm ☞ D-97
Scale (CD) ☞ D-99
Scale (FD) ☞ D-101

(1) Microswitches
The following microswitches are used in various parts of this copier.

Blue (NC)
Yellow (NO)

Red (COM) Red (COM)

1136D007AA 1136D008AA

Wiring for the NO Type Wiring for the NC Type

NC (Normally-Closed) : Current flows between NC and COM when the actuator is

NO (Normally-Open) : Current flows between NC and COM when the actuator is
COM (Common) : Common contact for NC and NO.

Actuator The gap between the switch and actuator should be
0.1 to 0.5 mm when the actuator is closed.

0.1 mm to NO
0.5 mm


Out-of-Adjustment (When the actuator is closed)

• If the gap between the switch and actuator is too big, current does not at times flow to NC
or NO.
• If there is no gap between the switch and actuator, the actuator is bent or the switch can
be broken.

(2) Adjustment of Front Door Interlock Switch

1. Swing down the Front Door.

2. Remove the Left Cover.
3. Slide out the Fusing Unit.
4. Remove four screws and the Cover.

Do not remove the belt mounting screw on the cover.


5. Loosen two screws that secure Front Door Inter-

lock Switch.


6. If the interlock switch is OFF when the Front Door

is closed in position, move the interlock switch
toward the front.
7. If it is impossible to close the Front Door in position
because of the interlock switch located excessively
to the front, move the switch to the rear.


8. After the Interlock Switch is moved, tighten two

mounting screws.
9. Check the Interlock Switch ON/OFF by closing and
opening the Front Door.

An NO type switch is used for the Interlock Switch.



Checks after Adjustment

• Turn the Timing Belt and check that all the Pulleys and grooves of the Belt fit securely.
• Each Belt should flex a little when the Belt is lightly pressed with a finger.

Since a given tension is applied by a tension spring to the Tension Lever that maintains the
tension of each timing belt, adjustment is completed by re-tightening the mounting screw
after it has been loosened.

(1) Adjustment of the Suction Drive Timing Belt

1. Remove the Rear Cover.

2. Loosen the screw by which the Tension Lever is
mounted as shown on the left and then re-tighten


(2) Adjustment of the Developing Unit Drive Timing Belt

1. Remove the Rear Cover.

2. Remove the Master Board mounting bracket Assy.
and FlyWheel.
3. Remove five screws and the Developing Unit Drive


Tension Lever 2 Tension 4. Remove two screws and the Tension Lever 2.
Lever 1 5. Loosen the screw by which the Tension Lever 1 is
mounted as shown on the left and then re-tighten
6. Reinstall the Tension Lever 2.


Tension Lever 2 7. Loosen two screws by which the Tension Lever 2 is
mounted as shown on the left and then re-tighten


(3) Adjustment of the Scanner Motor Timing Belt

1. Remove the Rear Upper Cover.

2. Loosen three screws on the Scanner Motor mount-
ing bracket and then re-tighten them.


(1) Adjustment of Manual Feed Paper Pick-Up Solenoid

The Paper Stoppers should be fixed perpendicularly when the Pick-Up Solenoid is ON.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Remove the Right Cover.
2. Remove five screws and the Manual Feed Paper
Pick-Up Solenoid mounting bracket Assy.


3. Remove two screws and the bracket.


4. Set the Pick-Up Solenoid to ON.

Since a keeper solenoid is used as the Pick-Up Sole-
noid, the set condition is kept when the Pick-Up Sole-
noid is on.


5. Move the Pick-Up Solenoid in the direction of arrow ➀, then slowly move it in the direc-
tion of arrow ➁.
6. Move the Pick-Up Solenoid up to the position where the Lock Lever of the Paper Stop-
per becomes perpendicular (the position where the Paper Stopper is locked).

• Be careful that the Pick-Up Solenoid is canceled from its set condition if moved exces-
• If the set condition is canceled, set the solenoid to the energized (ON) position again and
repeat steps starting with step 6.

4002D208AA 4002D209AA

7. After the adjustment has been made, tighten the two the Pick-Up Solenoid mounting

Check after Adjustment

Check that the Paper Stopper is securely locked perpendicularly when the Pick-Up Sole-
noid is ON.

(2) Adjustment of Turnover Roller Retraction Solenoid

The gap between the E-ring of the plunger and the Retraction Solenoid should be 3 ± 0.2
mm when the Retraction Solenoid OFF.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Slide out the Fusing Unit.
2. Loosen two screws by which the Retraction Sole-
noid is mounted.


3. Move the Retraction Solenoid so that the gap between the E-ring of the plunger and the
Solenoid is 3 ± 0.2 mm when the Retraction Solenoid OFF.

3 ± 0.2 mm


4. After adjustment is completed, tighten the two Retraction Solenoid mounting screws.

(3) Adjustment of Exit/Duplex Switching Solenoid

The gap between the E-ring of the plunger and the Switching Solenoid should be 3 ± 0.2
mm when the Switching Solenoid OFF.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Remove the Left Cover.
2. Slide out the Fusing Unit.
3. Remove the Left Inner Cover.
4. Loosen two screws by which the Switching Sole-
noid is mounted.


5. Move the Switching Solenoid so that the gap between the E-ring of the plunger and the
Solenoid is 3 ± 0.2 mm when the Switching Solenoid OFF.

3 ± 0.2 mm


6. After adjustment is completed, tighten the two Switching Solenoid mounting screws.

(4) Positioning of the PC Drum Paper Separator Fingers
(Separator Finger Solenoid)

The gap between the three PC Drum Paper Separator Fingers and the PC Drum should be
0.3 to 1.0 mm when the Separator Finger Solenoid OFF.

Use care not to deform the Separator Fingers during the adjustment procedure.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Attach the PC Drum Paper Separator Finger Posi-
tioning Jig to the Developer Unit.


2. With the Separator Finger Solenoid in the deener-

gized position, adjust the position of the three
Paper Separator Fingers using an Allen wrench.


Adjustment Instructions
• With the solenoid in the deenergized position, the tip
of the finger should be at a point between A to B
• With the solenoid energized, the tip of the finger
should touch C.


If the requirements are not met, loosen the hexagon
socket head screw, loosen the two screws indicated on
the left, reposition the solenoid, and make the adjust-
ment once again.


(5) Adjustment of Turnover Route Switching Solenoid

The gap between the E-ring of the plunger and the Switching Solenoid should be 3 ± 0.2
mm when the Switching Solenoid OFF.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Remove the Left Cover.
2. Loosen two screws by which the Switching Sole-
noid is mounted.


3. Move the Switching Solenoid so that the gap between the E-ring of the plunger and the
Solenoid is 3 ± 0.2 mm when the Switching Solenoid OFF.

3 ± 0.2 mm


4. After adjustment is completed, tighten the two Switching Solenoid mounting screws.

(1) Accessing the Tech. Rep. Mode
1. Press the Utility key.
2. Touch [Meter Count].
3. Press the following keys in this order:
Stop → 0 → 0 → Stop → 0 → 1

(2) Accessing the Adjust Mode

1. Enter the Tech. Rep. mode.
2. Press the following keys in this order:
Start → Stop

(1) Touch Panel Adj.

Make this adjustment after either of the following procedures have been performed:
• Memory Clear
• Control Panel replacement

Adjustment Procedure
1. Call the Tech. Rep. mode to the screen.
2. Touch [Tech. Rep. Choice] and [System Set], in that order.
3. Touch [Touch Panel Adj.].

4. With the tip of a pen or similar object, touch the

four crosses (+) on the screen in sequence.

• These crosses may be touched in any order; but be
sure to touch the center of each cross.
• Use care not to damage the screen surface with the
tip of the pen.

5. The cross touched changes into a grid marker (that

consists of a square with a cross superimposed).
6. Touch [END].


(2) Orig. Size Adjust

Make this adjustment after any of the following procedures have been performed:
• Memory Clear
• The original size is incorrectly detected
• Replacement of the CCD Unit and Scanner parts
• An Original Size Detecting Sensor has been replaced or added

Adjustment Procedure
1. Place a blank sheet of A3 or 11 × 17 paper on the
Original Glass and lower the Original Cover.


2. Call the Tech. Rep. mode to the screen.

3. Touch [I.R. & EDH Check].
4. Touch [Function (I.R.)].
5. Touch [Orig. Size Adjust].
6. Press the Start Key to execute Orig. Size Adjust.

The Start key remains lit up orange while this function is being run and lights up green as
soon as the sequence is completed.

7. If the adjustment results have been made okay, touch [Save].

If the adjustment results have been NG, refer to “I/O Check List” of TROUBLESHOOTING.

(3) F8 ATDC Sensor

Make this adjustment after any of the following procedures have been performed:
• Developer replacement
• ATDC replacement
• Memory Clear

Make this adjustment before running an F5 AIDC Sensor operation.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Load the Developing Unit with fresh developer.
2. Install the Developing Unit in the copier.
3. Close the Front Door.

Do not open and close the Front Door until the F8
ATDC Sensor operation is completed after the Power
Switch has been turned ON.

4. Turn the Power Switch ON.

5. Call the Tech. Rep. mode to the screen.
6. Touch [Function].
7. Touch [Printer].
8. Touch [F8 ATDC Sensor].
9. Press the Start Key to let the copier make the F8 ATDC Sensor. (It will run for about 4

• Note that the press of the Start Key lets the ATDC Sensor Adjustment run automatically.
Run this function only after the developer has been changed, ATDC Sensor replaced.
• While the copier is in the adjustment cycle, the Start Key is lit up orange. The key turns
green as soon as the adjustment cycle is completed.

10. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.

11. Touch [Printer].
12. Touch [ATDC Control].
13. Write down the value for “Current” in the ATDC column on the Adjust Label.

(4) F5 AIDC Sensor

Make this adjustment after any of the following procedures have been performed:
• Developer replacement
• ATDC replacement
• Memory Clear

This adjustment must be made after F8 ATDC Sensor.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Turn the Power Switch ON.
2. Call the Tech. Rep. mode to the screen.
3. Touch [Function].
4. Touch [Printer].
5. Touch [F5 AIDC Sensor].
6. Press the Start Key to let the copier make the F5 AIDC Sensor. (It will run for about 30

While the copier is in the adjustment cycle, the Start Key is lit up orange. The key turns
green as soon as the adjustment cycle is completed.

(5) Registration (CD)

Width A on the test pattern output should fall within the
following range.
lead edge


Specification Adjust Mode Setting Range

5.0 ± 0.5 mm Registration (CD) -8.2 to +8.2

This adjustment must be made after the PH Unit has been replaced.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
2. Touch [Printer].
3. Touch [Registration (CD)].
4. Select the paper source to be checked and adjusted.
5. Press the Start Key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
6. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to the specifications. If it is outside the
specified range, perform the following adjustment steps.

7. Press the Clear key to clear the current
Use to clear the
setting value. setting value.

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C

Use to change the

+ or - sign.

8. Use the 10-key pad to change the setting


Use the Access key to select the sign of
+ or -.

Setting Value

Setting Instructions
If width A is longer than the specifications, make the setting value smaller than the current
If width A is shorter than the specifications, make the setting value greater than the current

9. Press the Start key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
10. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to the specifications.
If it is outside the specified range, change the setting value and make a check again.
11. If width A falls within the specified range, touch [END] to validate the setting value.

(6) Registration (FD)

Width A on the test pattern output should fall within the
lead edge following range.


Specification Adjust Mode Setting Range

5.0 ± 0.5 mm Registration (FD) -8.2 to +8.2

This adjustment must be made after the PH Unit has been replaced.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
2. Touch [Printer].
3. Touch [Registration (FD)].
4. Press the Start Key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
5. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to the specifications. If it is outside the
specified range, perform the following adjustment steps.

6. Press the Clear key to clear the current
Use to clear the
setting value. setting value.

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C

Use to change the

+ or - sign.

7. Use the 10-key pad to change the setting


Use the Access key to select the sign of
+ or -.

Setting Value

Setting Instructions
If width A is longer than the specifications, make the setting value smaller than the current
If width A is shorter than the specifications, make the setting value greater than the current

8. Press the Start key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
9. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to the specifications.
If it is outside the specified range, change the setting value and make a check again.
10. If width A falls within the specified range, touch [END] to validate the setting value.

(7) Lead Edge Erase

Width A on the test pattern output should fall within the
following range.

The measurement shall be taken at the center on the
leading edge of the paper.


Specification Adjust Mode Setting Range

3.0 ± 1.0 mm Lead Edge Erase 0 to 5

This adjustment must be made after the PH Unit has been replaced and following Registra-
tion (CD/FD).

Adjustment Procedure
1. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
2. Touch [Printer].
3. Touch [Lead Edge Erase].
4. Press the Start Key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
5. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to the specifications. If it is outside the
specified range, perform the following adjustment steps.

6. Press the Clear key to clear the current
setting value.
Use to clear the
setting value.

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C


7. Use the 10-key pad to change the setting


Setting Value

Setting Instructions
If width A is longer than the specifications, make the setting value smaller than the current
If width A is shorter than the specifications, make the setting value greater than the current

8. Press the Start key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
9. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to the specifications.
If it is outside the specified range, change the setting value and make a check again.
10. If width A falls within the specified range, touch [END] to validate the setting value.

(8) Trail Edge Erase

Width A on the test pattern output should fall within the
following range.

The measurement shall be taken at the center on the
trailing edge of the paper.


Specification Adjust Mode Setting Range

3.0 ± 1.0 mm Trail Edge Erase 0 to 5

This adjustment must be made after the PH Unit has been replaced and following Registra-
tion (CD/FD).

Adjustment Procedure
1. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
2. Touch [Printer].
3. Touch [Trail Edge Erase].
4. Press the Start Key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
5. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to the specifications. If it is outside the
specified range, perform the following adjustment steps.

6. Press the Clear key to clear the current
setting value.
Use to clear the
setting value.

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C


7. Use the 10-key pad to change the setting


Setting Value

Setting Instructions
If width A is longer than the specifications, make the setting value smaller than the current
If width A is shorter than the specifications, make the setting value greater than the current

8. Press the Start key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
9. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to the specifications.
If it is outside the specified range, change the setting value and make a check again.
10. If width A falls within the specified range, touch [END] to validate the setting value.

(9) Loop Adjustment

Adjust so that a correct loop is formed at part A when paper is fed through.

Specification Adjust Mode Setting Range

Approx. 4.0 mm (visual) Loop Adjustment -3 to +3

This adjustment is to be made when any of the following symptoms occurs: variation in the
amount of print leading edge void, paper skew, folded edge, and misfeed.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Swing down the Front Door and fit the Front Door
Interlock Switch Actuating Jig.


2. Remove three screws and the Cover.

Do not remove the belt mounting screw on the cover.


3. Press the Start Key to let the copier take up and feed a sheet of paper and visually
check that a correct loop is formed at part A of the location shown below.

4002D526AA 4002D527AA 4002D528AA

Advanced Correct Retarded

The loop length is too long A good length of loop is No loop is formed causing
causing the paper to have formed as the paper moves the paper to be taut.
too much slack. into the Synchronizing Roll-

If the loop length falls outside the specified range, perform the following adjustment steps.
4. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
5. Touch [Printer].
6. Touch [Loop Adjustment].
7. Touch [Drawer].

8. Press the Clear key to clear the current Use to clear the
setting value. setting value.

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C

Use to change the

+ or - sign.

9. Use the 10-key pad to change the setting


Use the Access key to select the sign of
+ or -.

Setting Value

Setting Instructions
If the loop length is longer than the specifications, decrease the setting value.
If the loop length is shorter than the specifications, increase the setting value.

10. Touch [END] to validate the setting value.

11. Go back to the Basic screen.
12. Press the Start key and check for the loop length again.
13. If the loop length falls outside the specified range, change the setting value and make a
check again.
14. Place a sheet of paper on the Multi Bypass Tray.
15. Following the same procedures, make the loop adjustment for the Multi Bypass Tray.

(10) Erasure Width

Adjust so that no shade of the Original Scale is produced on the sample copy.

Adjust Mode Setting Range

Erasure Width 0 to 5

This adjustment must be made when a shadow is produced from the Original Scale.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Call the Tech. Rep. mode to the screen.
2. Touch [I.R. (EDH) Check].
3. Touch [Tech. Rep. Choice].
4. Touch [Erasure Width].

5. Press the Clear key to clear the current

setting value.
Use to clear the
setting value.
1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C


6. Using the 10-Key Pad, set “3” for Erasure


Setting Value

7. Touch [END] to validate the setting value.

8. Go back to the Basic screen.
9. Set Lead Edge Erase to 0.
☞ D-87

Be sure to record to current setting value.

10. Go back to the Basic screen.

11. Place a sheet of A3 or 11 × 17 paper on the Origi-
nal Glass and lower the Original Cover.
12. Make a copy in the full size (× 1.000) mode.
13. Check to see if a shadow of the Original Scale is
produced on the sample copy.
If no shadow is produced, return Lead Edge Erase
to the value which has been recorded.
If a shadow is produced, perform the following
adjustment steps.
14. Call the Tech. Rep. mode to the screen.
15. Touch [I.R. (EDH) Check].
16. Touch [Tech. Rep. Choice].
17. Touch [Erasure Width].

18. Press the Clear key to clear the current

setting value.
Use to clear the
setting value.
1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C


19. Use the 10-key pad to change the setting


Setting Value

20. Touch [END] to validate the setting value.

21. Go back to the Basic screen.
22. Make another sample copy for rechecking.
If a shadow from the Original Scale is produced, try another setting value and check
If no shadow is produced, return Lead Edge Erase to the value which has been

(11) Zoom (CD)

Adjust to eliminate any difference in width between the original test pattern and a test pat-
tern copy.

Adjust Mode Setting Range

Zoom (CD) 0.990 to 1.010

This adjustment must be made when the CCD Unit has been replaced.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Call the Tech. Rep. mode to the screen.
2. Touch [Function].
3. Touch [Printer].
4. Touch [F12 Test Pattern].
5. Touch [F12-3 (64-dot checkered)].
6. Select the paper source loaded with A4 crosswise or Letter crosswise paper.
7. Press the Start key, and without any delay, press the Stop key to let the copier produce
a test pattern.
8. Go back to the Basic screen.

9. Place the test pattern on the Original Glass and

lower the Original Cover.
10. Make a copy in the full size (× 1.000) mode.


11. Measure width A on the original test pattern and

lead edge

the copy of the test pattern and find any difference

between the two measurements.
If there is any difference, perform the following
A adjustment steps.


12. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
13. Touch [IR].
14. Touch [Zoom (CD)].

15. Press the Clear key to clear the current

setting value.
Use to clear the
setting value.
1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C


16. Use the 10-key pad to change the setting


Setting Value

Setting Instructions
If width A on the test pattern copy is greater than that on the original test pattern, decrease
the setting value.
If width A on the test pattern copy is smaller than that on the original test pattern, increase
the setting value.

17. Touch [END] to validate the setting value.

18. Go back to the Basic screen.
19. Perform steps 9 and 10.
20. Check for any difference in width A between the original test pattern and the test pattern
If there is any difference, try another setting value for rechecking.

(12) Zoom (FD)

Adjust to eliminate any difference in width between the original test pattern and a test pat-
tern copy.

Adjust Mode Setting Range

Zoom (FD) 0.990 to 1.010

This adjustment must be made when the Scanner Drive Cable has been replaced.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Call the Tech. Rep. mode to the screen.
2. Touch [Function].
3. Touch [Printer].
4. Touch [F12 Test Pattern].
5. Touch [F12-3 (64-dot checkered)].
6. Select the paper source loaded with A4 lengthwise or Letter lengthwise paper.
7. Press the Start key, and without any delay, press the Stop key to let the copier produce
a test pattern.
8. Go back to the Basic screen.

9. Place the test pattern on the Original Glass and

lower the Original Cover.
10. Make a copy in the full size (× 1.000) mode.


lead edge
11. Measure width A on the original test pattern and
the copy of the test pattern and find any difference
between the two measurements.
If there is any difference, perform the following
adjustment steps.

A 4002D532AA

12. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
13. Touch [IR].
14. Touch [Zoom (FD)].

15. Press the Clear key to clear the current

setting value.
Use to clear the
setting value.
1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C


16. Use the 10-key pad to change the setting


Setting Value

Setting Instructions
If width A on the test pattern copy is greater than that on the original test pattern, decrease
the setting value.
If width A on the test pattern copy is smaller than that on the original test pattern, increase
the setting value.

17. Touch [END] to validate the setting value.

18. Go back to the Basic screen.
19. Perform steps 9 and 10.
20. Check for any difference in width A between the original test pattern and the test pattern
If there is any difference, try another setting value for rechecking.

(13) Scale (CD)

Adjust so that the leading edge of the image of the scale on the copy sample meets the

Adjust Mode Setting Range

Scale (CD) -10.0 to +10.0

This adjustment must be made when the CCD Unit or Original Glass has been replaced.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Place a scale on the Original Glass so that it runs
parallel with the Original Width Scale and its lead-
ing edge is aligned with the Original Length Scale.


2. Set Registration (CD) to +8.2.

☞ D-83
3. Set Erasure Width to 0.
☞ D-93

Be sure to record the current setting value.

4. Go back to the Basic screen.

5. Select the paper source that has been checked for “Registration (CD).”
6. Make a copy in the full size (× 1.000) mode.
7. Make a copy at an enlargement ratio (e.g.: × 1.294).

8. Check to see if the leading edge of the scale is

Scale Leading Edge Position reproduced on the full-size copy.
9. Check to see if the position of the leading edge of
the scale reproduced on the enlarged copy does
not deviate from that on the full-size copy.
If the conditions of steps 8 and 9 are met, return
Registration (CD) and Erasure Width to the values
Full-Size Copy Enlarged Copy
If conditions of steps 8 and 9 are not met, perform
the following adjustment steps.

10. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
11. Touch [IR].
12. Touch [Scale (CD)].

13. Press the Clear key to clear the current

Use to clear the
setting value. setting value.

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C

Use to change the

+ or - sign.

14. Use the 10-key pad to change the setting


Use the Access key to select the sign of
+ or -.

Setting Value

Setting Instructions
If the position of the leading edge of the scale reproduced on the enlarged copy deviates
from that on the full-size copy, decrease the setting value.
If the leading edge of the scale is not reproduced on the full-size copy, increase the setting

15. Go back to the Basic screen.

16. Perform steps 5 through 9.
17. Check to see if conditions of steps 8 and 9 are met.
If the conditions are not met, try another setting value for rechecking.
18. If the conditions are met, return Registration (CD) and Erasure Width to the values

(14) Scale (FD)

Adjust so that the leading edge of the image of the scale on the copy sample meets the

Adjust Mode Setting Range

Scale (FD) -7.0 to +7.0

This adjustment must be made when the Scanner has been removed the Scanner Drive
Cable or Original Glass has been replaced.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Place a scale on the Original Glass so that it runs
parallel with the Original Length Scale and its lead-
ing edge is aligned with the Original Width Scale.


2. Set Lead Edge Erase to 0.

☞ D-87
3. Set Registration (FD) to +8.2.
☞ D-85
4. Set Erasure Width to 0.
☞ D-93

Be sure to record the current setting value.

5. Go back to the Basic screen.

6. Make a copy in the full size (× 1.000) mode.
7. Make a copy at an enlargement ratio (e.g.: × 1.294).

Scale Leading Edge Position 8. Check to see if the leading edge of the scale is
reproduced on the full-size copy.
9. Check to see if the position of the leading edge of
the scale reproduced on the enlarged copy does
not deviate from that on the full-size copy.
If the conditions of steps 8 and 9 are met, return
Lead Edge Erase, Registration (FD), and Erasure
Full-Size Copy Enlarged Copy Width to the values recorded.
If conditions of steps 8 and 9 are not met, perform
the following adjustment steps.

10. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
11. Touch [IR].
12. Touch [Scale (FD)].

13. Press the Clear key to clear the current

Use to clear the
setting value. setting value.

4 5 6

7 8 9
Use to enter the
setting value. 0 C

Use to change the

+ or - sign.

14. Use the 10-key pad to change the setting


Use the Access key to select the sign of
+ or -.

Setting Value

Setting Instructions
If the position of the leading edge of the scale reproduced on the enlarged copy deviates
from that on the full-size copy, decrease the setting value.
If the leading edge of the scale is not reproduced on the full-size copy, increase the setting

15. Go back to the Basic screen.

16. Perform steps 6 through 9.
17. Check to see if conditions of steps 8 and 9 are met.
If the conditions are not met, try another setting value for rechecking.
18. If the conditions are met, return Lead Edge Erase, Registration (FD), and Erasure
Width to the values recorded.

(1) Adjustment of the Reference Position of Each Drawer

Width A on the test pattern output should fall within the
lead edge following range.

5 ± 0.5 mm


The adjustment should be made after Registration (CD/FD).

Adjustment Procedure
1. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
2. Touch [Printer].
3. Touch [Registration (CD)].
4. Select the paper source to be checked and adjusted.
5. Press the Start Key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
6. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to the specifications. If it is outside the
specified range, perform the following adjustment steps.

7. Slide out the drawer used as the paper source for
the test pattern and then loosen the seven screws
shown on the left.


8. Watching the scale on the adjustment plate in the

drawer, move the Edge Guide.


Setting Instructions
If width A on the test pattern is greater than the specifications, move the Edge Guide to the
If width A on the test pattern is smaller than the specifications, move the Edge Guide to the

9. Press the Start key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
10. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to specifications.
If the width falls outside the specified range, move the Edge Guide as necessary and
check again.
11. Following the same procedures, make the adjustment for all drawers.

(2) Adjustment of the Reference Position of the Multi Bypass Tray

Width A on the test pattern output should fall within the
lead edge
following range.

5 ± 0.5 mm


The adjustment should be made after Registration (CD/FD).

Adjustment Procedure
1. Place a sheet of paper on the Multi Bypass Tray.
2. Call the Adjust mode to the screen.
3. Touch [Printer].
4. Touch [Registration (CD)].
5. Touch [Manual].
6. Press the Start Key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
7. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to the specifications. If it is outside the
specified range, perform the following adjustment steps.

8. Loosen one screw that secures the Multi Bypass

Tray in position and move the tray as necessary.


Setting Instructions
If width A on the test pattern is greater than the specifications, move the Multi Bypass Tray
to the rear.
If width A on the test pattern is smaller than the specifications, move the Multi Bypass Tray
to the front.

9. Press the Start key to let the copier produce a test pattern.
10. Check to see if width A on the test pattern is up to specifications.
If the width falls outside the specified range, move the tray as necessary and check

(3) Adjustment of the Upper Right Door (Multi Bypass Unit)
If the Right Door has been removed and reinstalled, the position of the actuator of Upper
Right Door Set Sensor may deviate from the correct position. Hence, the necessity of the
following adjustment.

1. Lifting the front end slightly, tighten the two mount-

ing screws.

At this time, only temporarily tighten these screws.


2. Lightly close the Upper Right Door so that the Set

Sensor actuator will not contact the frame.


3. Due to its own weight, the front end of the Upper

Right Door tends to hang lower. Lifting the front
end slighting the two mounting screws.


4. Open and close the Upper Right Door two to three

times to make sure that the actuator of the Upper
Right Door Set Sensor does not contact the frame.


(4) Adjustment of the Position of the Scanner and 2nd/3rd Mirrors Carriage

With the Scanner fixed to the Scanner Drive Cables, there should be no gap between the
Scanner/Mirrors Carriage Positioning Jig and the Scanner and also between the Scanner/
Mirrors Carriage Positioning Jig and the 2nd/3rd Mirror Carriage.

Make this adjustment after either of the following procedures have been performed:
• After the Scanner Drive Cable has been replaced.
• When the Scanner Fixing Bracket has been removed from Scanner Drive Cable.
• When the Scanner Drive Cable comes unwound.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Remove the Original Glass and Rear Upper Cover.
2. Move the Scanner so that the Scanner Positioning
Screw is aligned with the hole in the upper frame.
3. Insert a screwdriver into the hole in the upper
frame and loosen the Scanner Positioning Screw
(so that the Scanner Drive Cables and the Scanner
can be moved independently of each other).


4. Install the Scanner Positioning Jigs between the

Scanner and the 2nd/3rd Mirrors Carriage Assy.


When installing the Scanner Positioning Jigs, be sure
to fit the tabs on the jigs into the holes at the front and
rear ends of the frame.


5. Press the Scanner and the 2nd/3rd Mirrors Car-
riage Assy tightly up against the Scanner Position-
ing Jigs.
6. Check that there is no clearance between the
Scanner and the Scanner Positioning Jig, and
between the 2nd/3rd Mirrors Carriage Assy and
the Scanner Positioning Jig.
If there is any clearance, adjust parallel alignment
of the 2nd/3rd Mirrors Carriage Assy after this
adjustment has been completed.

7. Tighten the two Scanner Positioning Screws.


(5) Adjustment of the 2nd/3rd Mirrors Carriage Assy for Parallel Alignment

1. Remove the Original Glass.

2. Loosen one screw that secures the adjusting plate.


3. Turn the adjusting screw as necessary.

a b

Adjusting Screw

Setting Instructions
If there is a gap between the 2nd/3rd Mirrors Carriage Assy and the Scanner Positioning
Jig at the front, turn the adjusting screw clockwise.
If there is a gap between the 2nd/3rd Mirrors Carriage Assy and the Scanner Positioning
Jig in the rear, turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise.

4. Lightly press the 2nd/3rd Mirrors Carriage Assy up against the Scanner Positioning Jig
and check that there is no clearance between the two.
5. Tighten one screw to secure the adjusting plate in position.

(6) Adjustment of the Gap Between the Doctor Blade and Sleeve Roller
(D.B. Adjustment)

The gap between the Doctor Blade and Sleeve Roller should be 0.6 + 0.03 - 0.05 mm.

Adjustment Procedure
1. Slide out the Developer Unit and remove the PC
Drum Charge Corona and PC Drum.
2. Remove two screws and the Developer Scattering
Prevention Plate.


3. Using a brush, whisk developer off the surface of

the Sleeve Roller.


4. Install the Sleeve/Magnet Roller Positioning Jig into

the Developer Unit.


5. Loosen three screws that secure the Doctor Blade.

Insert the D.B. Adjusting Jigs between the Doctor
Blade and Sleeve Roller.
6. Press down the Doctor Blade until it positively con-
tacts the D.B. Adjusting Jigs. Then, tighten the
three screws to secure the Doctor Blade.



1. Remove the Right Cover.

2. Remove the Counter Cover.


3. Swing down the Front Door and slide out the

Developer Unit.
4. Remove three screws and the cover.

Do not remove the belt mounting screw on the cover.


5. Connect the Key Counter Socket connector.

6. Using one screw and nut, secure the counter

When the Key Counter Socket is mounted, set to “ON”
the “Key Counter” available from the Security mode.



When an Original Size Detecting Sensor has been added, turn “ON” “Original Size Detect-
ing Option” of “System Input” under the Tech. Rep. mode and make the “Orig. Size Adjust-
☞ D-80

1. Remove the Original Glass and EDH Glass.

2. Install the Original Size Detecting Sensor.

FD3 (✽2)

FD1 (✽1)

CD2 (✽2)

G 4002D268AB

✽ 1: Standard for the Except U.S.A., Canada

✽ 2: Standard for the Other Areas (Except Korea, Taiwan)
✽ 3: Mount the sensor in hole D for Korea and Taiwan.
Mount it in hole E for areas other than Korea and Taiwan.

Software has conventionally been upgraded by replacing ROM on each board. This copier
employs flash memory for the system control IC mounted on the Master Board and Image
Processing Board. Its contents are reprogrammed easily by performing the following steps
using the IC card (memory card), into which data has been previously downloaded.

• NEVER remove or insert the memory card with the copier power turned ON.
• An error code appears on the Touch Panel while data is being rewritten. It does not, how-
ever, indicate any problematic symptom and can be ignored.

(1) Rewriting the Master Board Data

1. With the Power Switch in the OFF position, unplug the power cord from the power out-
2. Remove the Rear Cover.

3. Insert the memory card into the Master Board.


4. Plug the power cord into the power outlet.

LD4 5. Turn ON the Power Switch.
6. This starts the data rewriting sequence.


While the data is being rewritten, LD3 on the Master
Board remains blinking and LD4 remains OFF.

4002D267AA 7. Check that LD3 and LD4 on the Master Board turn

8. Unplug the power cord from the power outlet.

Do not turn OFF the Power Switch at this time.

9. Remove the memory card.


10. Turn OFF the Power Switch.
11. Plug the power cord into the power outlet.
12. Turn ON the Power Switch.
13. Call the Tech. Rep. Mode to the screen.
14. Touch [ROM Version].
15. Check to see if the printer version shown on the screen matches the version marked on
the flash memory.

(2) Rewriting the Image Processing Board Data

1. With the Power Switch in the OFF position, unplug the power cord from the power out-
2. Remove the Right Cover.
3. Close the Front Cover.

4. Remove three screws and the PH Cooling Fan

Motor mounting bracket Assy.

Do not disconnect the connector of the PH Cooling
Fan Motor.

5. Remove six screws and the mounting bracket.


6. Insert the memory card into the Image Processing



7. Plug the power cord into the power outlet.

8. Holding down the particular numeric key of the 10-
Key Pad corresponding to the language in which
the data is to be rewritten, turn ON the Power

For the specific numeric key of the 10-Key Pad, refer to
1154D277AA the “List of Numeric Keys Corresponding to Lan-
☞ D-114

9. The data rewriting sequence starts.

(The Start key starts blinking red.)
10. Check that a message appears on the Touch
Panel, indicating that the data has been rewritten
(The Start key lights up green steadily.)

Check Items
• “Downloading Completed.” is shown.
• The number shown to the left of “Language”
matches that entered from the 10-Key Pad when the
Power Switch is turned ON.
• The Check Sum value matches the value given on
the memory card.

11. If rewriting has been NG (as indicated by the Start

key lighting up red), perform steps 12 and 13 and
then start the procedure over, beginning with step

If the second rewriting fails, perform steps 12 and 13
and abandon the procedure.

12. Unplug the power cord from the power outlet.

At this time, do not turn OFF the Power Switch.

13. Remove the memory card.


<List of Numeric Keys Corresponding to Languages>

10-Key Pad None pressed 1 2 3 4

Marketing U.S.A. and Other Other
Europe 1 Europe 2 Europe 3
Areas Canada Areas 1 Areas 2
English English English English English English
French German Ukrainian Czech Spanish Chinese 1
Spanish French Lithuanian Slovak Portuguese Chinese 2
Japanese Dutch Estonian Turkish French Japanese
Italian Hungarian French Russian
Spanish Romanian German Thai
Portuguese Polish Greek Malay
Danish Croatian Chinese Indonesian
Norwegian German Arabic Arabic
Swedish Russian Slovenian Japanese
Finnish Chinese 1
Japanese Chinese 2

(3) Rewriting the ECC Board Data (option)
1. Unplug the power cord from the power outlet with the Power Switch OFF.
2. Remove the Rear Cover.

3. Insert the memory card into the ECC Board.


4. Plug the power cord into the power outlet.

5. Turn ON the Power Switch.
6. This starts the rewriting sequence.

D1 on the Master Board remains blinking while data is
being rewritten.

4002D540AB 7. Check that D3 on the ECC Board turns ON.

8. If an LED other than D3 turns ON or if it takes
longer than 3 min. to rewrite the data, perform
steps 9 and 10, turn OFF the Power Switch, and
start the procedure over beginning with step 4.

9. Unplug the power cord from the power outlet.

At this time, do not turn OFF the Power Switch.

10. Remove the memory card.


(4) Rewriting the Master Board, Image Processing Board, and ECC Board (Option)

Steps 4 and 9 are to be performed only when the ECC Board (option) is mounted.

1. With the Power Switch in the OFF position, unplug the power cord from the power out-
2. Insert the memory card into the Image Processing Board.
☞ D-113
3. Insert the memory card into the Master Board.
☞ D-112
4. Insert the memory card into the ECC Board.
☞ D-115
5. Plug the power cord into the power outlet.
6. Turn ON the Power Switch.
7. Check that a message appears on the Touch
Panel, indicating that the data has been rewritten

Check Items
• “Downloading Completed.” is shown.
• The number shown to the left of “Language”
matches that entered from the 10-Key Pad when the
4002D525AA Power Switch is turned ON.
• The Check Sum value matches the value given on
the memory card.

8. Check that LD3 and LD4 on the Master Board are




9. Check that D3 on the ECC Board turns ON.


10. Unplug the power cord from the power outlet.

Do not turn OFF the Power Switch at this time.

11. Remove the memory card.


If the PW Board has replaced, be sure to remount EPROM from the old to new PW Board.
If the PW Board has been replaced and EPROM has not been remounted, be sure to
replace the PC Drum with a new one. EPROM contains no data in this case, so make
entries again of numeric values given on the Adjust Label.

(1) Remounting EPROM on the Master Board

1. Remove the Master Board.
2. Remove EPROM (IC101) from the new Master Board.
3. Remove EPROM (IC101) from old Master Board and remount it onto the new Master


Note the alignment notch (A) on EPROM (IC101) when
mounting the IC.


(2) Remounting EPROM on the Image Processing Board
1. Remove the Image Processing Board.
2. Remove EPROM (IC400) from the new Image Processing Board.
3. Remove EPROM (IC400) from old Image Processing Board and remount it onto the
new Image Processing Board.


Note the alignment notch (A) on EPROM (IC400) when
mounting the IC.


1. CONTROL PANEL KEYS AND TOUCH PANEL ............................................. S-1
1-1. Control Panel Keys .................................................................................. S-1
1-2. Explanation of the Touch Panel ............................................................... S-3
(1) Basis Screen ................................................................................... S-3
(2) Warning Screens ............................................................................. S-4
2. FUNCTION OF SWITCHES AND OTHER PARTS ON PWBs ........................ S-5
2-1. PWB Location .......................................................................................... S-5
2-2. PWB-S (Tech. Rep. Setting Switches Board) .......................................... S-5
(1) Clearing Procedures ........................................................................ S-6
(2) Data/Conditions Cleared by Reset Switches/Pins ........................... S-6
3. UTILITY MODE ................................................................................................ S-7
3-1. Utility Mode selection Screen .................................................................. S-7
3-2. Utility Mode Function Tree ....................................................................... S-7
3-3. Settings in the Utility Mode ...................................................................... S-8
(1) User’s Choice Mode ........................................................................ S-8
(2) Administrator Mode ......................................................................... S-15
4. TECH. REP. MODE ......................................................................................... S-17
4-1. Tech. Rep. Mode Menu Screen ............................................................... S-17
4-2. Tech. Rep. Mode Function Setting Procedure ......................................... S-17
4-3. Tech. Rep. Mode Menu Function Tree .................................................... S-18
4-4. Setting in the Tech. Rep. Mode ............................................................... S-21
(1) Function ........................................................................................... S-21
(2) Tech. Rep. Choice ........................................................................... S-24
(3) System Input .................................................................................... S-26
(4) Counter ............................................................................................ S-27
(5) I/O Check ......................................................................................... S-32
(6) I.R. & EDH Check ............................................................................ S-32
(7) ROM Version ................................................................................... S-33
(8) RD Mode ......................................................................................... S-34
(9) Level History .................................................................................... S-36
(10) Admin. Mode ................................................................................... S-37
(11) Finisher ............................................................................................ S-37
5. SECURITY MODE ........................................................................................... S-38
5-1. Security Mode Menu Screen ................................................................... S-38
5-2. Security Mode Setting Procedure ............................................................ S-38
5-3. Settings in the Security Mode .................................................................. S-39
6. ADJUST MODE ............................................................................................... S-41
6-1. Adjust Mode Menu Screen ...................................................................... S-41
6-2. Adjust Mode Setting Procedure ............................................................... S-41
6-3. Adjust Mode Function Tree ...................................................................... S-42
6-4. Settings in the Adjust Mode ..................................................................... S-43

1-1. Control Panel Keys

1 2 3 4


17 10

16 11

15 12


14 13

1. HDD Lamp 11. Original Key
• Lights up to indicate that the Hard Disk • Press to select the Mixed Orig. Detec-
Drive Kit (option) is being accessed. tion and other document-related func-
2. Access Key tions setting screen.
• Press to enter the access number when 12. Job List Key
Copy Track of the Administrator mode • Press to check for the settings made for
available. a job (Mode Check), modify the settings
Press the access Key. of a job (Change), delete a job (Delete),
3. Energy Saver Key and unlock a job (Unlock).
• Press to set machine into the Energy 13. Ready Key
Saver mode. • Lights up to indicate that data can be
4. Interrupt Key transferred.
• Press to select the Interrupt mode. 14. On Line Key
5. Panel Reset Key • Press to select either Online or Offline
• Press to set the machine into the initial mode.
mode, clearing all settings made on the 15. Display Contrast Knob
control panel. • Use to adjust the brightness of the
6. Clear Key Touch Panel.
• Clear the various numeric values. 16. Utility Key
7. Stop Key • Press to show the Utility Mode menu.
• Stop a print cycle. 17. Job Recall Key
• Stop a scanning cycle. • Press to show the Job Recall screen on
8. Start Key which you can check or recall a copy-
• Start a print cycle. job program previously stored in mem-
9. Touch Panel ory.
• Shows various screens and message. 18. 10-Key pad
10. Mode Check Key • The number of copies to be made.
• Press to show the Mode Check screen. • The various numeric values.
19. Scan Key
• Press to select the Scanner mode.
20. Copy Key
• Press to select the Copy mode.

1-2. Explanation of the Touch Panel
(1) Basis Screen
The Basic screen is the initial screen that appears when the copier is turned ON.


1. Supplementary Function Keys

• The auxiliary, Density, Orig. Copy, and Basics keys are displayed.
2. Message Display
• Shows the current machine status, operating instructions and precautions, and other
data including the number of copies selected and the amount of paper still available for
3. Basic Function/Key
• Shows the basic function keys and the corresponding functions currently selected for
4. Set Function
• Shows graphic representations of the settings currently made for Orig. Copy and Fin-
5. Sub-message Display
• Shows what is being done with the currently reserved job.

(2) Warning Screens
The Warning screen may be a malfunction display, error display, warning display, or a cau-
tion display.

<Malfunction Display>
Given when a malfunction occurs.
E.g.: Malfunctions that can be identified with a specific code.

4003P201CA 4003P200CA

<Error Display> <Warning Display>

Given when an error occurs. Given when only a defective copy will be
E.g.: Paper misfeed, door open, etc. produced because of erroneous or illegal
panel settings.
E.g.: Unmatched paper size in Auto Paper.

4003P189CA 4003P601DA

<Caution Display>
Given when, though further copier opera-
tion will be possible, it could eventually
result in a malfunction.
E.g.: Toner near empty, etc.


2-1. PWB Location



2-2. PWB-S (Tech. Rep. Setting Switches Board)


Symbol Name Description

S25 Trouble Reset Switch Resets the malfunction display.
S26 Tech. Rep. Switch Display the Tech. Rep. mode screen.
PJ2 Initialize Switch Resets a misfeed, malfunction, and
erratic display.
TP1 Memory Clear Test Point Clears all data.

• It does not, however, clear data of
Electronic counters, Adjust mode,
Administrator and RD mode func-

TP3 COM Test Point Ground used for memory clear.

(1) Clearing Procedures
1. Turn OFF the Power Switch.
2. With the circuit across pins of PJ2 closed, turn ON the Power Switch.
3. Open the circuit in about 5 seconds.
4. Check that the message “Initialize Completed” is displayed on the Touch Panel and then
touch the “OK” key.

<Memory Clear>
1. Turn OFF the Power Switch.
2. With the circuit across TP1 and TP3 closed, turn ON the Power Switch.
3. Open the circuit in about 5 seconds.
4. Check that the message “Memory Clear Completed” is displayed on the Touch Panel
and then touch the “OK” key.

• If the copier exhibits an erratic display or operation, reset and clear in the following order:
Initialize → Memory Clear.
• If Memory Clear has been performed, make settings of various functions once again.

(2) Data/Conditions Cleared by Reset Switches/Pins

Clearing Method Memory

Front Door Trouble Reset Initialize
Open/Close Switch S25 PJ2
Data Cleared TP1
Misfeed display ❍ – ❍ ❍
Malfunction – ❍ ❍ ❍
Others ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
Erratic operation/display – ❍ ❍ ❍
Job/Image – – – ❍
User’s Choice – – – ❍
Tech. Rep. Mode – – – ❍
Security Mode – – – ❍
❍: Cleared –: Not cleared

• Utility Mode is used to make various settings according to the user’s need.

3-1. Utility Mode selection Screen

• Press the Utility key on the control panel.


3-2. Utility Mode Function Tree

Job Memory Input

Job/Image Mem. Input
Image Memory Input

Meter Count

User’s Choice 1/6

User’s Choice 2/6
User’s Choice 3/6
Utility User’s Choice
User’s Choice 4/6
User’s Choice 5/6
User’s Choice 6/6

Copy Track
Copy Track Data
Administrator Mode Max. Copy Sets
✽1 Disable Auto Shut off
✽2 Data Send

Toner Replenisher

✽ 1: The description of the function displayed on the Touch Panel is “Disable Sleep” when
a Printer Controller is connected to the machine and “Disable Auto Shut off” when one
is not connected.
✽ 2: The description of the function is displayed when a Data Terminal is connected to the

3-3. Settings in the Utility Mode

Touch Panel
Job/Image Permits programming of various functions, including copying jobs.
Men. Input
Meter Count Displays the counts of various counters.
User’s Choice User’s Choice is used to make various settings according to the user’s
Administrator The entry of the “Administrator #” set using the Tech. Rep. mode per-
Mode mits the settings of the following functions.
Toner Replenisher Replenishes the supply of toner.

(1) User’s Choice Mode

• User’s Choice is used to make various settings according to the user’s need.

1. User’s Choice Function Setting Procedure

1. Press the Utility key.
2. Touch the “User’s Choice” key.
3. Select the appropriate screen from the menu.
4. Select the appropriate function.
5. After the settings are complete, touch the “Enter” key to validate the settings.

<Exiting the Mode>

• Press the Panel Reset key.

2. User’s Choice Function Tree

Original Copy Default

Language selected
User’s Choice 1/6 Mixed Original Detect
Memory Recall
Auto Paper/Auto Size
Tray Priority

2in1, 4in1, Booklet, copy Zoom

Density Priority
User’s Choice 2/6 Default Level
Output Priority
Intelligent Sorting
Criss Cross Mode

“Small” Originals
4in1 Copy Order
User’s Choice Mode User’s Choice 3/6 Date Printing Format
Date Printing Position
Page Number Position

User’s Choice 4/6 Confirmation Beep

Universal Tray
Special Paper
User’s Choice 5/6 Auto Panel Reset
Energy Save Mode
Plug-in Counter Reset
✽ Sleep

Date/Time Set
Print Exposure
User’s Choice 6/6 Priority Device
Density (ADF)
Priority Offset Tray

✽ The function displayed on the Touch Panel is “Sleep” when a Printer Controller is con-
nected to the machine and “Auto Shut off” when one is not connected.

3. Settings in the User’s Choice Mode

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Original Copy Select the priority type of Original Copy setting selected automati-
Default cally when the Power Switch is turned ON or Panel Reset key

1-Sided 1-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 2-Sided 2-Sided

Language Select the language of the Touch Panel messages.

<Metric Areas> <Inch Areas>

Mixed Original Select the priority Mixed Original Detection mode that is automatically
Detect selected when the Power Switch is turned ON or Panel Reset key


Memory Recall Select whether to enable or disable the Memory Recall function.


Auto Paper/Auto Select the priority Auto mode (Auto Paper or Auto Size) selected
Size when the Power Switch is turned ON or Panel Reset key pressed.

Auto Paper Auto Size Manual

Tray Priority Select the priority paper source that is automatically selected when
the copier is set into the Auto Size or Manual mode.

1st Drawer 2nd Drawer

3rd Drawer 4th Drawer

2in1, 4in1, Select whether to enable or disable recalling a default zoom ratio
Booklet Copy when Auto Paper is selected for 2in1, 4in1, or Booklet Creation.
Zoom <2in1 4in1>

<Booklet Creation>

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Density Priority Specify the priority exposure mode that is selected automatically
when the Power Switch is turned ON or the Panel Reset key pressed.
Auto Exposure Manual
<Original Image Type>
Text Text/Photo Photo

Default Level Auto: Select the priority exposure level in the Auto Exposure mode.
Manual: Select the priority exposure level in the Manual Exposure

Lighter Normal Darker


Lighter Darker

Output Priority Select the priority finishing type.

• The contents of the display vary depending on the types of finishing
options mounted on the machine.

Non Sort Corner Staple 2-Hole Punch

Sort 2-Point Staple 3-Hole Punch

Intelligent Sorting Select whether to enable or disable the function that automatically
switches between Sort and Non-Sort according to the number of orig-
inals and the number of copy sets to be made.
Applicable when the system is equipped with a finishing option and
using an EDH.


Criss Cross Mode Select whether to enable or disable crisscross sorting automatically.


Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
“Smaller” Originals Select whether to enable or disable a copy cycle when it is initiated
with an original of a small size that is not detectable by the system
placed on the Original Glass.


✽ Default: Metric areas OFF/Inch Areas ON.

4in1 Copy Order Specify the default copying order in the 4in1 mode.

1 2 1 3
3 4 2 4

Date Printing Select the delimiter and format for date printing.
Format <Punctuation>
’yy yyyy
<Date Format>
’00/12/24 DEC/24/’00 24/DEC/’00
12/24/’00 24/12/’00

Date Printing Select the position at which to print the date.

<Metric Areas> <Inch Areas>
X 4 to 40 ( 8 mm ) X 3/16 to 1-9/16” ( 1/4” )
Y 4 to 40 ( 20 mm ) Y 3/16 to 1-9/16” ( 3/4” )

Page Number Set the position at which to print the page number, how many millime-
Position ters or inches from the bottom of the page.

<Metric Areas> <Inch Areas>

4 to 40 ( 8 mm ) 3/16 to 1-9/16” ( 1/4” )

Confirmation Beep Select whether to enable or disable the beep that sounds each time a
key on the control panel is pressed or a function on the Touch Panel


Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Universal Tray Set the paper size for the Universal Tray.

Auto Detect Size Input

Special Paper Define the type of paper used for each paper source, or designate a
particular paper source for special paper.

Normal Cover/Insert
Recycled Cover
Not for 2-Sided Insert

Auto Panel Reset Select the time it takes the Auto Panel Reset function, which resets
the panel settings when the set period of time elapses after a copy
cycle has been completed or the last key operated, to be activated.

30 sec. 1 min. 2 min.

3 min. 5 min. No Reset

Energy Saver Select the time it takes the copier to enter the Energy Saver mode
Mode after a copy cycle has been completed or the last key operated.
Use the 10-Key Pad to set the time.

1 to 90 ( 15 min. )

Plug-In Counter Select whether or not to activate the Panel Reset function when the
Reset Plug-In Counter or a magnetic card is pulled out.


Sleep Select the time it takes the Sleep function, which shuts down the
copier when the set period of time elapses after a copy cycle has
✽ When a Printer been completed or the last key operated, to be activated.
Controller is
connected. NOTE:
• The option of “OFF” becomes available on the screen if “Yes” is
selected for “Disable Sleep” of the “Administrator Mode” function.

OFF 15 to 90 ( 90 min. )

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Auto Shut-Off Select the time it takes the Auto Shut Off function, which shuts down
Mode the copier when the set period of time elapses after a copy cycle has
been completed or the last key operated, to be activated.
✽ When a Printer
Controller is not NOTE:
connected. • The option of “OFF” becomes available on the screen if “Yes” is
selected for “Disable Auto Shut off” of the “Administrator Mode”

OFF 15 to 90 ( 90 min. )

Date/Time Set Set the date and time-of-day for Date Printing.

Year 1999 to 2089 Month 1 to 12

00 to 23 (hour)
Day 1 to 31 Time
00 to 59 (min)

Print Exposure Set the image density level for printing.

Lighter Normal Darker

Priority Device Select the priority configuration of the copier established when the
Power Switch is turned ON or the Panel Reset key pressed.

Copier Printer

Density (ADF) Adjust the copy image density level when the ADF is being used.

Mode 1 When the standard original (text, etc.) is used.

Mode 2 To give better reproduction of faint original.

Priority Offset Tray Select the particular Offset Tray to which priority is given.

Top Tray Bottom Tray

(2) Administrator Mode
• The entry of the “Administrator #” set using the Tech. Rep. mode permits the settings of
the following functions.

1. Administrator Mode Function Setting Procedure

1. Press the Utility key.
2. Touch the “Administrator Mode” key.
3. Enter the Administrator number.
4. Select the appropriate function.
5. After the settings are complete, touch the “Enter” key to validate the settings.

<Exiting the Mode>

• Press the Panel Reset key.

2. Settings in the Administrator Mode

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Copy Track Select the number of accounts to be controlled.
-Copy Track-
<Copy> <Printer>

• Printer is displayed when an external I/F is connected.

-Copy Track method-

100 Accounts
1000 Accounts

Copy Track Select whether or not to initialize the copy track data so far taken.

Yes (initialize) No (do not initialize)

Copy Track Data Select the particular account number.

When “All Counter Reset” is touched, it clears all data under control.

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
100 Accounts The copy track data of the selected page is displayed.
“No.”: Enter the set account number from the 10-Key Pad.
“Total Count”: Displays the count of the Total Counter.
“Size Count”: Displays the count of the Size Counter.
“Copy Limit”: Enter the maximum number of copies that can be made
from the 10-Key Pad.
“Access Code”: Enter the access number, which can range from 0001
to 9999, from the 10-Key Pad.
These data can be cleared with the Clear key.
1000 Accounts The copy track data of the selected page is displayed.
“No.”: Displays the account number. (Setting cannot be changed.)
“Total Count”: Displays the count of the Total Counter. (It can be
cleared with the Clear key.)

• The account number corresponds to the access code (ID) of that
particular account.

Permission Level Determine the number of copies or copy sets that can be set using the
10-Key Pad.

1 to 99 OFF

Disable Sleep Select whether to enable or disable the setting of the “Sleep” function
available from User’s Choice.
✽ When a Printer
Controller is No Not displayed.
connected. Yes Displayed.

Disable Auto Select whether to enable or disable the setting of the “Auto Shut Off”
Shut off function available from User’s Choice.

✽ When a Printer No Not displayed.

Controller is not Yes Displayed.
Data Send Transmits various data to the Center when a Data Terminal is

• This mode is used by the Tech. Rep. to check, set, adjust, and/or program various ser-
vice functions.

4-1. Tech. Rep. Mode Menu Screen


4-2. Tech. Rep. Mode Function Setting Procedure

1. Press the Utility key.
2. Press the Meter Count key.
3. Press the following keys in this order:
Stop → 0 → 0 → Stop → 0 → 1
4. Select the desired Tech. Rep. Mode function.

<Exiting the Mode>

• Press the Panel Reset key.

4-3. Tech. Rep. Mode Menu Function Tree

F1: Paper Passage

F2: HV Output
Printer F5: AIDC Sensor
F8: ATDC Sensor
F12: Test Pattern

Opt. Mem. Check
Memory Check
Image I.R. → Mem. → Prn.
→ →
Memory Hard Disk Format
Hard Disk Check
ECC Check
Date/Time Check

FLS Paper
Auto Paper Configuration
Function Limit
System Set Touch Panel Adj.
Smoothing (Text)
Maintenance Call
Universal Tray

Toner Empty Stop

Tech. Rep. T/C Abnormal
Tech. Rep. Mode Printer
Choice Fusing (°C) Input
T/C Auto Recover

Controller Type
Main. Sw notice
Printer Time-out
Warning Level
Peripheral Mode

Change Fixed Zoom

Paper Size Input
Marketing Area
System Input
Orig. Size Option
Tel. # Input
Hard Disk

~ Trouble

I/O Check

Focus Check
Zoom (CD)
Function Zoom (FD)/Scale
(IR) Scale (CD)
Scanning Check
Orig. Size Adjust

Position/Zoom (FD)
Position (CD)
S-ADF Mode (CD)
S-ADF Mode (FD)
Skew Check

I/O Check
Tech. Rep. Mode I.R. & EDH Check

I/O Check

Tech. Rep Erasure Width

Choice ID in Photo Mode

EDH Paper 2-Sided
Passage Auto size
Single Feed

ROM Version

RD Mode

Level History

Admin. Mode


Tech. Rep. Mode

Punch Loop


I/O Check
Port Signals

4-4. Setting in the Tech. Rep. Mode
(1) Function
• This function allows the Tech. Rep. to make the various function tests and adjustments.
Printer: Used for making the various function tests and adjustments for the printer.
Image Memory: Used for making the various function tests and adjustments for image

Touch Panel
F1: A check is made for paper passage performance.
Paper Passage <Procedure>
1. Select the paper source.
2. Touch “Duplex” for paper passage output on paper fed from the
Duplex Unit.
3. Press the Start key to start the paper passage cycle.
4. Press the Stop key to stop the paper passage cycle.
F2: HV Output This test is for factory adjustment only and should NOT be used.
F5: AIDC Sensor Adjusts the output level of the AIDC Sensor.
F8: ATDC Sensor Adjusts the output level of the ATDC Sensor.
F12: Test Pattern Outputs the test pattern.
1. Touch “Duplex” for test pattern output on paper fed from the
Duplex Unit.
2. Select the test pattern type.
3. Select the paper source.
4. Press the Start key to start the output sequence.
5. Press the Stop key to stop the output sequence.

Display Type Display Type

F12-0 Dots F12-5 ID self printing
F12-1 Gradation F12-6 Double dots
F12-2 Halftone F12-7 45° slant line
F12-3 64-dot checkered F12-8 2-dot line pair
LD beam position
F12-4 Solid black F12-9

Opt. Men. Check Checks for the connection of optional memory.

Touch Panel
Memory Check Writes data in the image memory and reads it out to check for exact
The Touch Panel shows the percentage of processing completed of
each diagnostic sequence and the number of diagnostic sequences
carried out. If a fault is encountered, it gives the message of “NG”
together with the address at which the fault occurred.
1. Press the Start key to start the diagnostic sequence.
2. Press the Stop key to stop the diagnostic sequence.
Comp./Expansion Comp.: Checks to determine if the image data has been properly
compressed in memory.
Expansion: Checks to determine if the compressed image data is
properly expanded in memory.
The Touch Panel shows the percentage of processing completed of
the diagnostic sequence. If the sequence has been completed okay, it
gives the message of “OK”; if a fault was encountered, it gives the
message of “NG” together with the corresponding malfunction code.
• Press the Start key to start the diagnostic sequence.
I.R. → Mem. → Prn. I.R. → Memory: Checks for correct image signal transfer between I.R.
→ →
and memory.
The Touch Panel shows the percentage of processing completed of
the diagnostic sequence. If the sequence has been completed okay, it
gives the message of “OK”; if a fault was encountered, it gives the
message of “NG” together with the corresponding malfunction code.
1. Touch “IR → Memory”.
2. Press the Start key to start the diagnostic sequence.

Memory → Printer: Checks for correct image signal transfer between

memory and printer.
The Touch Panel shows the percentage of processing completed of
the diagnostic sequence. If the sequence has been completed okay, it
gives the message of “OK”; if a fault was encountered, it gives the
message of “NG” together with the corresponding malfunction code.
During the sequence, the copier also produces a test copy which can
be checked for correct image.
1. Touch either “Memory → Prn” or “Memory → Prn”.
2. Load the Multi Bypass Table with A4 lengthwise paper.
3. Press the Start key to start the diagnostic sequence.

Touch Panel
Hard Disk Format Formats the Hard Disk.
The Touch Panel shows the percentage of processing completed.
If formatting has been normally completed, the panel gives the mes-
sage of “OK”; if it has been abnormally terminated, the panel gives
the message of “NG” together with the corresponding malfunction
• Press the Start key to start the formatting sequence.
Hard Disk Check Checks for proper connection and read/write operation of the Hard
The Touch Panel shows the percentage of sequence completed. If the
check has been completed okay, it gives the message of “OK”; if a
fault was encountered, it gives the message of “NG” together with the
corresponding malfunction code.
• Press the Start key to start the check sequence.
ECC Check Checks for proper connection of the ECC.
The Touch Panel shows the percentage of sequence completed. If the
check has been completed okay, it gives the message of “OK”; if a
fault was encountered, it gives the message of “NG” together with the
corresponding malfunction code.
• Press the Start key to start the check sequence.
Date/Time Check Checks for the current time-of-day and date.

(2) Tech. Rep. Choice
• This function allows the Tech. Rep. to make various settings and adjustments.

System Set: Choice functions relating to the printer.
Printer: Choice functions relating to image memory.
Controller Set: Choice functions relating to the Printer Controller.

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
FLS Paper Set the size for FLS.

F: 330.2 mm F: 330 mm F: 330.2 mm F: 330 mm

C: 203.2 mm C: 210 mm C: 215.9 mm C: 220 mm

Auto Paper Select the method of rounding of the detected original size.
The measurement is rounded to the nearest
Inch/Metric standard inch or metric size.
The measurement is rounded to the nearest
standard metric size.

Function Limit Select whether to limit the functions to be set on the control panel or
Limits the functions to the paper, zoom ratio, den-
sity, number of copies to be made, Mixed Orig.
Detection, Free Orig. Placement, and Small Orig.
Disable Enables all functions (no Limit).

Touch Panel Adj. Corrects deviation in the sensitive area of the Touch Panel.
• Sequentially touch the four points marked with + on the screen.

• Be sure to touch the exact center of the + marking.

Smoothing (Text) Select whether to turn ON or OFF the smoothing for function for the
Text mode.


Maintenance Call Select whether to enable or disable the maintenance call reminder
(M1) message that is displayed when the maintenance counter count
reaches the preset value.

Call Indicated Call Not Indicated

Universal Tray Set the inch size of paper to be used.

14 × 81/4 14 × 81/2

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Toner Empty Stop Select whether or not to inhibit copying when a toner-empty condition
is detected.

Enable Disable

T/C Abnormal Select whether to enable or disable copying when an abnormal T/C is

Enable Disable

Fusing (°C) Input Set the temperature for fusing temperature control according to the
operating environment and the type of paper used.

1 2 3
180 °C 190 °C 195 °C

T/C Auto Recover Select whether to enable or disable auto recovery of T/C when it

Enable Disable

Controller Type Set the type of the Printer Controller.

0 to 9 ( 0 )

✽ After the setting has been made, touch “END” and turn OFF and
ON the Power Switch.
Main. Sw. notice Select the timing at which the Printer Controller power is turned ON.

After the machine has completed its initial opera-

Mode 1 tion.
Mode 2 When the machine is turned ON.
✽ After the setting has been made, touch “END” and turn OFF and
ON the Power Switch.
Printer Time-Out Set the timeout period for the printer.

Disable 1 to 99 ( 10 min. )

✽ After the setting has been made, touch “END” and turn OFF and
ON the Power Switch.
Warning Level Select the type of warning display given when an error occurs in the
Printer Controller.

Trouble Attention

✽ After the setting has been made, touch “END” and turn OFF and
ON the Power Switch.

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Peripheral Mode Select the type of external I/F operation.

Mode 1 External I/F operation mode 1

Mode 2 External I/F operation mode 2
Mode 3 External I/F operation mode 3
✽ After the setting has been made, touch “END” and turn OFF and
ON the Power Switch.

(3) System Input

• This function allows the Tech. Rep. to change the fixed zoom ratios, set the paper size,
define the marketing area, and make other settings.

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Change Fixed Change a fixed zoom ratio to a desired value.
Zoom <Procedure>
1. Touch the key of the fixed zoom ratio to be changed.
2. Press the Clear key.
3. Enter the new ratio from the 10-Key Pad.
4. Touch “Input” to validate the new setting.
Paper Size Input Set the paper size.
1. Select the paper source.
2. Select the paper size.
3. Touch “END” to validate the new setting.
Marketing Area Set the marketing area.

MSJ MC ME Other Areas

Original Size Select “ON” when the optional Original Size Detecting Sensor is
Detecting Option mounted.


Tel. # Input Enter the telephone number that will appear on the Touch Panel when
a malfunction occurs in the copier.
1. Enter the phone number from the 10-Key Pad. Use the Interrupt
key to enter a hyphen “-.”
2. Touch “END” to validate the phone number setting.
Hard Disk Select “ON” if a Hard Disk is mounted.


(4) Counter
• Shows the number of copies made on each paper size or type.

<Clearing a Count>
1. Open the counter menu screen.
2. Select the counter to be cleared.
3. Press the Clear key.
4. Touch “END”.
Press the Interrupt key to undo the clearing operation, restoring the original count.

<Clearing All Counts of a Counter Type at Once>

1. Touch the “Counter Reset” key.
2. Select the counters to be cleared all at once.
3. Touch “OK”.

Touch Panel
Paper Counts the number of sheets of paper used according to the size and
Paper size Paper Type
A3 11 × 17 Not-2-Sided
B4 11 × 14 Normal
A4 Letter Recycle
B5 Legal Cover
A5 5-1/2 × 8-1/2 Insert
B6 FLS Cover/Insert
A6 Executive

Maintenance Set different count values for the Maintenance Counter.

When the preset count is reached, the maintenance call reminder
message and maintenance code “M1” appear on the Touch Panel.

• Whether the maintenance call reminder message and maintenance
code is given or not depends on the setting made in Tech. Rep.

1. Touch “Maintenance Set”.
2. Press the Clear key to clear the current value.
Press the Interrupt key to undo the clearing operation, restoring
the original value.
3. Enter the value from the 10-Key Pad.
4. Touch “END”.

Touch Panel
Jam Counts the number of misfeeds that have occurred at different loca-
tions in the copier.
Display Description
MCBJ System Total Counter divided by the sum of all misfeed-
counters (including misfeeds in the Finisher)
MCBJ Machine Total Counter divided by the sum of machine mis-
Only feed counter (excluding misfeeds in the Finisher)
Manual Feed No. of misfeeds that occurred at the Multi Bypass
1st Drawer No. of misfeeds that occurred at the 1st Drawer
2nd Drawer No. of misfeeds that occurred at the 2nd Drawer
3rd Drawer No. of misfeeds that occurred at the 3rd Drawer
4tht Drawer No. of misfeeds that occurred at the 4th Drawer

Display Description
LCT No. of misfeeds that occurred at the LCT
Vertical Transport No. of misfeeds that occurred at the paper take-up
(Upper) upper vertical transport section
Vertical Transport No. of misfeeds that occurred at the paper take-up
(Lower) lower vertical transport section
Horizontal Transport No. of misfeeds that occurred at the vertical trans-
Separator port section
No. of misfeeds that occurred at the paper separa-
Fusing tion section
Turnover No. of misfeeds that occurred at the Fusing Unit
No. of misfeeds that occurred at the exit/turnover

Display Description
MCBJ (EDH) EDH paper feed counter divided by EDH misfeed
EDH Feed No. of misfeeds that occurred at the document take-
up section of the EDH
EDH Transport No. of misfeeds that occurred at the document
transport section of the EDH
EDH Reverse No. of misfeeds that occurred at the document turn-
over section of the EDH
EDH Exit No. of misfeeds that occurred at the document exit
section (straight) of the EDH
EDH Exit-Reverse No. of misfeeds that occurred at the document exit
section (turnover) of the EDH
SADF Feed No. of misfeeds that occurred at the SADF

Touch Panel
Display Description
Fold No. of misfeeds that occurred at the Folding Unit
Staple No. of misfeeds that occurred at the Stapling Unit
Finisher No. of misfeeds that occurred in the Finisher, other
than above
Needle No. of staple misfeeds that occurred.
Duplex Entrance No. of misfeeds that occurred at the turnover/stor-
age section of the Duplex Unit
Duplex Exit No. of misfeeds that occurred at the horizontal trans-
port section of the Duplex Unit

PM Counts the frequency of use of each of the different parts of the

Display Description
Manual Feed No. of sheets of paper fed from the Multi Bypass Tray
1st Drawer No. of sheets of paper fed from the 1st Drawer
2nd Drawer No. of sheets of paper fed from the 2nd Drawer
3rd Drawer (LCC) No. of sheets of paper fed from the 3rd Drawer
LCC Parts No. of sheets of paper fed from the 3rd Drawer
4th Drawer No. of sheets of paper fed from the 4th Drawer

Display Description
LCT No. of sheets of paper fed from the LCT
LCT Parts No. of sheets of paper fed from the LCT
PC Drum 1 No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through
PC Drum 2 No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through
PC Drum 3 No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through

Display Description
Developer 1 Time over which the PC Drum has turned (H), the num-
ber of copies made as calculated from the time (K)
Developer 2 Time over which the PC Drum has turned (H), the num-
ber of copies made as calculated from the time (K)
Others PM Parts 1 No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through
Others PM Parts 2 No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through
Cleaning 1 No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through
Cleaning 2 No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through
Cleaning 3 No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through

Display Description
Fusing Unit No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through
Fusing Roller No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through
Image Reader No. of scan motions carried out for originals placed
EDH Simplex No. of scan motions carried out for 1-sided originals
EDH Duplex No. of scan motions carried out for 2-sided originals
EDH Single Feed No. of scan motions carried out for single feed
Fold No. of copies fed out in the Folding mode

Touch Panel
Display Description
Staple 1 No. of stapling sequences performed
Staple 2 No. of stapling sequences performed (FN-105)
Punch No. of holes made (FN-105)
Sort/Group No. of copies fed out in the Sort/Group mode
Trans./Sepa. pass No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through
Ozone Filter No. of times a sheet of paper is fed through
✽ See MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (machine/options) for the appli-
cable parts.
Consumables Enter the count of the Waste Toner and Web Roller counters. When
the count reaches the set value, the maintenance code is displayed.

Waste Toner: Maintenance code “M2”

Description Maintenance code Machine stop
Initial set 45 cpm Approx. 220 k 45 cpm Approx. 240 k
value 55 cpm Approx. 270 k 55 cpm Approx. 300 k
The set value -
If the initial 45 cpm 45 cpm Set value
Approx. 20 k
set value is
changed The set value -
55 cpm 55 cpm Set value
Approx. 30 k
Web: Maintenance code “M3”
Description Maintenance code Machine stop
Initial set 45 cpm 460 k 45 cpm 480 k
value 55 cpm 470 k 55 cpm 500 k
If the initial 45 cpm 480 k
When the count reaches
set value is
the set value 55 cpm 500 k
changed ✽ “-”: Subtract
1. Touch “Set”.
2. Press the Clear key to clear the current value.
Press the Interrupt key to undo the clearing operation, restoring
the original value.
3. Enter the value from the 10-Key Pad.
4. Touch “END”.
Trouble Counts the number of malfunctions that have occurred at different
parts of the copier.
Malfunction Malfunction
Description Description
Code Code
C0000 Main Drive Motor C004C Ventilation Fan
C0010 PC Drum Drive Motor C0045 Image Unit Cooling Fan
C0040 Suction Fan C0046 PH Cooling Fan 1
C0044 EDH Cooling Fan C0047 PH Cooling Fan 2

Touch Panel
Malfunction Malfunction
Description Description
Code Code
C004E/F Cooling Fan C0210 Transfer Corona
C0042 Fusing Unit Fan C04X0 Exposure Lamp
C0070/2 Toner Hopper Motor C05X0 Fusing Unit
C0090 Dev. Unit Drive Motor C0602 Scanner Drive

Malfunction Malfunction
Description Description
Code Code
C0650 Scanner Home C095X 4th Drawer
C090X 3rd Drawer C099X LCC
C091X 2nd Drawer C09CX LCT
C092X 1st Drawer

Malfunction Malfunction
Description Description
Code Code
C0B0X Finisher Transport C0B5X Staple Unit (Rotation)
Staple Unit (CD direc-
C0B2X C0B7X Punch
C0B3X Finisher Alignment C0B8X Finisher Shift Tray
C0B4X Finisher Staple Transport C0BAX Finisher Elevator Tray

Malfunction Malfunction
Description Description
Code Code
C0BCX Finisher Fold Unit C1200/3/4 Memory
C0E00 Main Erase C12XX Memory Board
C0F24 AIDC Sensor C128A/B/C Load TimeOut
C0F3X ATDC Sensor C128D/E Save TimeOut

Malfunction Malfunction
Description Description
Code Code
C12A0/4 Peripheral Signal (Input) C13F0 SOS Sensor
Peripheral Signal
C12A8/9/C C1330 VD Trouble
C12CX HDD Trouble LaserBeam Adj. Trouble
C1300 Polygon Motor C13F9 Printer EEPROM Trouble

Touch Panel
Malfunction Malfunction
Description Description
Code Code
C1430 H. sysnc Trouble C1461/2 Serial GA Trouble
C143E EDH Trouble C1499 IR Cooling Fan
C1440 Gain Adjust Trouble C14XX IR Sequence Trouble
C1441 CCD Trouble C1802 SPC Error

Malfunction Code Description

C1803 Memory Check Trouble
C180X ECC Control Trouble
C10A1/2, C11EX Communication (IR)
C10A5/6, C11FX, C1326/34 Com. (Prin.)
C133B Communication (Option)
C10XX, C11XX Others

(5) I/O Check

• The following functions are used to locate the faulty spot.
• Shows the states of the I/O ports when the copier is in the standby state.
✽ For details, see TROUBLESHOOTING.

(6) I.R. & EDH Check

• Allows the Tech. Rep. to make the various functional tests and adjustments of the IR

Touch Panel
Function (IR) Displays the screens used to adjust and check the IR.
Focus Check Adjusts the focus level and displays the results of the adjustment
Zoom (CD) Adjusts the zoom ratio in the CD direction and displays the results of
the adjustment made.
Zoom (FD)/Scale Adjusts the zoom ratio and the position of the scale in the FD direc-
tion, and displays the results of the adjustment made.
Scale (CD) Adjusts the position of the scale in the CD direction and displays the
results of the adjustment made.

Touch Panel
Scanning Check Check the operations from image scanning to image processing.
Normal: OK: Abnormal: NG
See the following for details of “NG” display
Display Action
Analog ✽ Check the optical system, change PWB-IA or B.
Digital Change PWB-B.
✽ Made for correct alignment of the optical axis.
Orig. Size Adjust Adjusts the threshold of original detection level.
Function (EDH) Displays the screens used to adjust and check the EDH.
Position./Zoom Adjusts the zoom ration and the scanning position in the FD direction
(FD) when the EDH is used.
✽ For details, see the relevant option service manual.
Position (CD) Adjusts the scanning position in the CD direction when the EDH is
✽ For details, see the relevant option service manual.
S-ADF Mode (CD) Adjusts the scanning position in the CD direction for a single feed
✽ For details, see the relevant option service manual.
S-ADF Mode (FD) Adjusts the scanning position in the FD direction for a single feed
✽ For details, see the relevant option service manual.
Skew Check Checks the EDH for correct alignment.
✽ For details, see the relevant option service manual.
I/O Check (IR) Checks the function of sensors.
I/O Check (EDH) Checks the function of sensors.
✽ For details, see the relevant option service manual.
Tech. Rep. Choice Displays the screens for setting the various Tech. Rep. functions.
Erasure Width Set the fixed erase width from the scales in the CD and FD directions.
0 to 5 ( 3 mm )

ID in Photo Mode This function does not function because it is applicable on a case-by-
case basis.
EDH Paper Makes a paper passage check through the EDH.
Passage <Procedure>
1. Select the paper passage mode.
2. Place paper on the Document Feed Tray.
3. Press the Start key.

(7) ROM Version

• Shows the ROM versions.

(8) RD Mode
• Make the initial settings of the copier for the Data Terminal.

1. RD Mode Menu Function Tree

System Set


TEL. No.
DT Setting
(Setting Modem)
Initial Mail Address
Billing Center Transmission (Setting e-mail)
(Setting Modem)
RAM Clear


TEL. No.
DT Setting
(Setting Modem)
Initial Mail Address
RD Mode Maint. Center Transmission (Setting e-mail)
(Setting Modem)

RAM Clear


Dial Mode
Common DT
(Setting Modem) YES
Auto Receive

✽ The “System Set” portion is displayed when the machine has been set up for the Center
for communication.

2. Setting in the RD Mode

Touch Panel
System Set Set the control system.

e-mail Modem

Billing Center Displays the various setting screens.

DT Setting Displays the setting screens for CT-ID, DT-ID, and telephone number.
The mail address is also displayed if “e-mail” is set for System Set.
CT-ID Enter the ID number of the Center PC from the 10-Key Pad.
DT-ID Enter the ID number of the Data Terminal from the 10-Key Pad.
TEL No. Enter the telephone number of the modem connected to the Center
Initial Performs the initial transmission from the PPC to the Center to check
Transmission for correct communication after the Data Terminal has been set up.
Billing RAM Clear Initializes the Data Terminal settings.


Maint. Center Displays the various setting screens.

ID Code Enter the ID code.
1. Touch the ID Code key.
2. Enter the ID code from the 10-Key Pad.
3. Touch the ID Code key. (This executes the transmission of MAINT.
START to the Center.)
DT Setting Displays the setting screens for CT-ID, DT-ID, and telephone number.
The mail address is also displayed if “e-mail” is set for System Set.
CT-ID Enter the ID number of the Center PC from the 10-Key Pad.
DT-ID Enter the ID number of the Data Terminal from the 10-Key Pad.
TEL No. Enter the telephone number of the modem connected to the Center
Initial Performs the initial transmission from the PPC to the Center to check
Transmission for correct communication after the Data Terminal has been set up.
Call Completion Transmits the signal of notifying the completion of service job to the
Maint. RAM Clear Initializes the Data Terminal settings.


Touch Panel
Date/Time Set Set the date and time-of-day for Date Printing.
Common DT Displays the screens for communications settings.
Dial Mode Sets the type of telephone line of the user.

Tone Pulse

Auto Receive Sets the auto reception function.


(9) Level History

• Displays the various level histories.

Touch Panel
Fuser (Upper) Displays the current value of the fusing temperature.
Fuser (Lower) Displays the current value of the fusing temperature.
ATDC Set Displays the voltage set with ATDC Sensor Automatic Adjustment
ATDC Current Displays the output voltage of the ATDC Sensor.
AIDC Fine Set Displays the AIDC Sensor LED control voltage.
AIDC Coarse Set Displays the load resistance level of the phototransistor used in the
AIDC Sensor.
AIDC Current Displays the output voltage of the AIDC Sensor.
Vg Current Displays the current value of the grid voltage.
Vb Current Displays the current value of the developing bias voltage.
LD1 Displays the intensity value of LD1.
LD2 Displays the intensity value of LD2.

(10) Admin. Mode
• Makes the various settings.

Touch Panel
Copy Track See User’s Choice.
Copy Track Data See User’s Choice.
Max. Copy Sets See User’s Choice.
Administrator # Set an ID number for opening the “Administrator Mode” screen of Util-
Input ity Mode from the 10-Key Pad.
Data send See User’s Choice.
Telephone num-
ber of Copy Track See User’s Choice.
on the LAN

(11) Finisher
• Checks the Finisher for operation and makes necessary adjustments.

Touch Panel
Punch Loop Adj. Adjust the loop length for Hole Punch.
✽ For details, see the relevant option service manual.
I/O Check Displays the screens for sensor monitor and port input check.
Sensors Checks the function of sensors (on the paper path).
✽ For details, see the relevant option service manual.
Port Signals Checks the function of sensors (installed in different places other than
the paper path).
✽ For details, see the relevant option service manual.

• Allows the Tech. Rep. to set the various counters.

5-1. Security Mode Menu Screen


5-2. Security Mode Setting Procedure

1. Show the Tech. Rep. mode menu screen.
2. Press the following keys in this order:
Stop → 9
3. Select the particular function.

<Exiting the Mode>

• Press the Panel Reset key.

5-3. Settings in the Security Mode

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Key Counter Set to “ON” if a Key Counter is plugged in.

• If “OFF” is set, copies can be made without having to plugging the
Key Counter into the socket.


Plug-In Counter Select the condition by which the Counter count is increased.

Copy Made Copy Cycles

Size Counter Select the size of the paper to be counted by the Size Counter.

No Count 7 A3/11 × 17 A6
A3/B4/11 × 17/Legal
A3/B4/FLS/11 × 17/Legal

Total Counter Select the condition by which the Counter count is increased.

Mode 1 1 Copy per 1 copy cycle

Multiple count-up according to paper size 1/2-sided
Mode 2
Multiple count-up according to paper size 1/2-sided
Mode 3

<Count-up Table>
Copying 1-Sided 2-Sided
Sizes Sizes
Other Set Other Set
than sizes than sizes
those set those set
Mode Mode Mode Mode
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Total Counter 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4
Size Counter 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 0
2-sided Total Counter 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 4
2-sided Size Counter 0 0 0 1 1 4
1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 4
Plug-in copies
Counter Counting
1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4
copy cycle
0: No count 1: 1 count 2: 2 counts 4: 4 counts

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Vendor Mode Set the initial screen according to the type of vendor mounted on the

OFF Coin Card

Admin. Unit Select the model of the Data Controller mounted on the copier.

OFF D102 D103

• Used at the factory for making adjustments.

• Use only when the RAM Board has been replaced. If any of the adjustment values has
been changed, be sure to enter the value in the label affixed to the copier.

6-1. Adjust Mode Menu Screen


6-2. Adjust Mode Setting Procedure

1. Show the Tech. Rep. mode menu screen.
2. Press the following keys in this order:
Stop → Start
3. Select the desired function.

<Exiting the Mode>

• Press the Panel Reset key.

6-3. Adjust Mode Function Tree

Registration (CD)
Registration (CD)
PHC beam Adjust
Image Density
ATDC Control
Printer Separator Charge
LD Bias
Leading Edge Erase
Trailing Edge Erase
Loop Adjustment
Vg adjust

Zoom (CD)
Zoom (FD)/Manual
Adjust Mode Image Reader
Scale (FD)
Scale (CD)

Zoom (FD)/EDH
Feed (2)
Feed (FD)
Feed (CD)
S-ADF Feed (CD)
Regist. Loop (1)
Regist. Loop (2)
Feed Position

6-4. Settings in the Adjust Mode
Printer: Adjust functions relating to the printer.
I.R.: Adjust functions relating to the I.R.
EDH: Adjust functions relating to the EDH.

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Registration (CD) Adjust registration in the CD direction on the engine side.

Setting -8.2 ................................ 0 ...............................+8.2

Description Smaller Greater

Registration (FD) Adjust registration in the FD direction on the engine side.

Setting -8.2 ................................ 0 ...............................+8.2

Description Smaller Greater

PHC beam Adjust Adjust the intervals which the laser beam is illuminated (for the main-
scanning and sub-scanning).

Setting -5 ................................... 0 ..................................+5

Description Smaller Greater

Image Density Set the image density for the printer. The value set for this function
becomes the central value of “Print Exposure” of User’s Choice.

Setting -3 ................................... 0 ..................................+3

Description Lighter Darker

ATDC Control Current: Displays the current ATDC control voltage.

Set: Displays the set value entered.
If a spare Developing Unit is to be used, input the F8 adjustment
value for that particular Developing Unit.
1. Clear the Set value using the Clear key.
2. Enter the F8 value of the Developing Unit to be used from the 10-
Key Pad.

0 to 9.4 (V)

Separator Charge Adjust the output voltage of the Paper Separator Corona.

-12 to +12

LD Bias Current: Displays the current intensity of the laser light.

Set: Displays the adjustment value for the intensity of the laser light.

0 to 255

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Leading Edge Select whether to enable or disable the leading edge erase.
0 to 5 ( 3 mm )

Trailing Edge Select whether to enable or disable the trailing edge erase.
0 to 5 ( 3 mm )

Loop Adjustment Set the length of the loop to be formed in paper before the Synchro-
nizing Rollers.

Setting -3 ................................... 0 ..................................+3

Description Smaller Greater

VG Adjust Vary the Vg voltage to set the desired image density.

Setting -4 ................................... 0 ..................................+4

Description Lighter Darker

Zoom (CD) Set the correction value for the zoom ratio in the CD direction on the
IR side.

0.990 to 1.010 ( 1.000 )

Zoom (FD)/Manual Set the correction value for the zoom ratio in the FD direction on the
IR side.

0.990 to 1.010 ( 1.000 )

Scale (FD) Set the correction value for the start-of-scan position of the original in
the FD direction with respect to the Original Width Scale position.

-4.0 to +4.0 ( 0.0 mm )

Scale (CD) Set the correction value for the start-of-scan position of the original in
the CD direction with respect to the Original Length Scale position.

-10.0 to +10.0 ( 0.0 mm )

Zoom (FD) EDH Set the correction value for the zoom ratio in the FD direction when
the EDH is used.

0.980 to 1.020 ( 1.000 )

Feed (2) Set the correction value for the original scanning position for the sec-
ond page of a 2-sided original when the EDH is used.

-5.0 to +5.0 ( 0.0 mm )

Touch Panel
Setting (The default is Highlighted ).
Feed (FD) Set the correction value for the original scanning position in the FD
direction when the EDH is used.

-4.0 to +4.0 ( 0.0 mm )

Feed (CD) Set the correction value for the original scanning position in the CD
direction when the EDH is used.

-3.0 to +3.0 ( 0.0 mm )

S-ADF Feed (FD) Set the correction value for the original scanning position in the FD
direction in the single feed mode.

-4.0 to +4.0 ( 0.0 mm )

S-ADF Feed (CD) Set the correction value for the original scanning position in the CD
direction in the single feed mode.

-3.0 to +3.0 ( 0.0 mm )

Regist Loop (1) Set the length of the loop formed in the 1-sided original before the
Registration Roller of the EDH.

-5.0 to +5.0 ( 0.0 mm )

Regist Loop (2) Set the length of the loop formed in the 2-sided original before the
Registration Roller of the EDH.

-5.0 to +5.0 ( 0.0 mm )

Feed Position Set the target stop position of the Scanner during scanning by the

Setting 0 ................................... ......................................4

Description Smaller Greater


1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. T-1
1-1. Reading the Text ..................................................................................... T-1
2. I/O CHECK ...................................................................................................... T-1
2-1. Controlled Parts Check Procedure .......................................................... T-1
2-2. I/O Check List .......................................................................................... T-2
3. PAPER TRANSPORT FAILURE ..................................................................... T-8
3-1. Paper Misfeed .......................................................................................... T-8
3-2. Misfeed Detection Sensor Layout ............................................................ T-9
3-3. Types of Misfeed Detection and Detection Timings ................................ T-10
3-4. Misfeed Troubleshooting Procedures ...................................................... T-12
(1) Copier Paper Take-Up Misfeed ....................................................... T-12
(2) Multi Bypass Misfeed ....................................................................... T-15
(3) Transport/Separator Misfeed ........................................................... T-17
(4) Fusing/Exit Misfeed ......................................................................... T-20
(5) PF-208 Paper Take-Up Misfeed ...................................................... T-21
(6) PF-115 Paper Take-Up Misfeed ...................................................... T-24
(7) Duplex Paper Take-Up Misfeed ...................................................... T-26
4. MALFUNCTIONS ............................................................................................ T-29
4-1. Detection Timing by Malfunction Code .................................................... T-29
4-2. Troubleshooting Procedures by Malfunction Code .................................. T-36
(1) C0000: Fusing Motor’s failure to turn
C0010: PC Drum Drive Motor’s failure to turn ................................. T-36
(2) C0040: Suction Fan Motor’s failure to turn
C004C: Ventilation Fan Motor’s failure to turn ................................. T-37
(3) C0042: Fusing Unit Cooling Fan Motor’s failure to turn ................... T-38
(4) C0045: IR Cooling Fan Motor malfunction
C0046: PH Cooling Fan Motor 1 malfunction
C0047: PH Cooling Fan Motor 2 malfunction .................................. T-39
(5) C0049: Paper source option Vertical Transport Cooling Fan Motor
malfunction ...................................................................................... T-41
(6) C004E: Power Supply Unit Cooling Fan Motor 1’s failure to turn
C004F: Power Supply Unit Cooling Fan Motor 2’s failure to turn .... T-42
(7) C0072: Main Hopper Toner Replenishing Motor’s failure to turn
C0090: Developing Unit Drive Motor’s failure to turn ...................... T-44
(8) C0210: Image Transfer/Paper Separator Corona charge leak
detected ........................................................................................... T-46
(9) C0400: Exposure Lamp’s failure to turn ON
C0420: Exposure Lamp turning ON at abnormal timing .................. T-47
(10) C0500: Warming-up failure
C0510: Abnormally low fusing temperature
C0520: Abnormally high fusing temperature ................................... T-48
(11) C0602: Cable unwound
C0650: SHOME signal error ............................................................ T-51
(12) C0910: 2nd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor malfunction
C0914: 2nd Drawer Lift-Up Motor’s failure to turn
C0920: 1st Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor malfunction

C0924: 1st Drawer Lift-Up Motor’s failure to turn ............................ T-53
(13) C0900: 3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor malfunction
C0904: 3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor’s failure to turn
C0950: 4th Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor malfunction
C0954: 4th Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor’s failure to turn ................. T-55
(14) C0990: Main Tray lifting motion failure
C0994: Main Tray Elevator Motor’s failure to turn ........................... T-57
(15) C0996: Main Tray lock release failure
C0997: Shift Gate malfunction ......................................................... T-59
(16) C0998: Shifter return failure
C099C: Shift Motor’s failure to turn ................................................. T-61
(17) C0D50: Duplex Horizontal Transport Motor malfunction ................. T-63
(18) C0E00: Main Erase Lamp’s failure to turn ON ................................ T-64
(19) C0F24: AIDC Sensor contamination correction failure .................... T-65
(20) C0F32: ATDC Sensor malfunction
C0F33: Abnormally low T/C as detected by ATDC Sensor ............. T-66
(21) C10XX to C18XX ............................................................................. T-67
(22) Copier does not turn ON. ................................................................. T-69
5. IMAGE FAILURE ............................................................................................. T-71
5-1. Image Failure Troubleshooting ................................................................ T-71
5-2. Initial Checks ........................................................................................... T-71
5-3. Troubleshooting Procedures Classified by Image Failure ....................... T-72
(1) Blank copy ....................................................................................... T-73
(2) Black copy ....................................................................................... T-73
(3) Low image density ........................................................................... T-74
(4) Foggy background ........................................................................... T-74
(5) High image density .......................................................................... T-74
(6) Black streaks or bands .................................................................... T-75
(7) Black spots ...................................................................................... T-75
(8) Blank streaks or bands .................................................................... T-76
(9) Void areas ....................................................................................... T-76
(10) Smear on back ................................................................................ T-77
(11) Uneven image density ..................................................................... T-77
(12) Gradation reproduction failure ......................................................... T-77
(13) Rough image ................................................................................... T-78
(14) Traces of PC Drum Paper Separator Fingers ................................. T-78
(15) Void areas along leading edge ........................................................ T-78
6. RESETTING THE MAINTENANCE CODE DISPLAY ..................................... T-79
6-1. Details of Maintenance Codes ................................................................. T-79
6-2. Resetting the Maintenance Code Display ................................................ T-79
(1) Entering the Tech. Rep. Mode ......................................................... T-79
(2) Resetting the Maintenance Code Display ....................................... T-79

1-1. Reading the Text
1. The paper transport failure troubleshooting procedures are given according to the
symptom. First identify the location where the paper is present and start the procedure
for that particular location. For malfunction troubleshooting, start with step 1 and
2. Make checks in the numerical order of steps and, if an item is checked okay, go to the
next step.

Pattern 1 Pattern 2
Step Check Result Action Step Check Result Action
1 ~ YES ~ 1 ~ YES ~
2 NO ~
Go to step 2 if you answered No.
Go to step 2 if it checks okay.

2-1. Controlled Parts Check Procedure

To allow the Tech. Rep. to easily and safely determine whether a particular controlled part
is fully operational, this copier provides the following provision. Checking the data of the
input port of the board IC with the copier in the standby state (including a misfeed, malfunc-
tion, and closure failure condition) allows the Tech. Rep. to determine whether signals are
properly input to a controlled part.

1. When a misfeed or malfunction occurs, locate on a circuit diagram accompanying the
text the controlled part which is probably defective.
2. Select “I/O Check” from the Tech. Rep. Mode menu screen and access the screen that
contains the controlled part picked out in step 1 above. (See SWITCHES ON PWBs/
3. Check the input port data to determine if a signal is properly input to the controlled part.

<Controlled Part Check Procedure Through Checking Input Port Data>

When a paper misfeed occurs in the paper take-up section of the copier, the Synchronizing
Roller Sensor (PC1) is considered to be responsible for it.
1. Remove the sheet of paper misfed.
2. From the I/O Check list, it is found that the signal input to PC1 is “Timing Roller.”
3. Select “Tech. Rep. Mode” → “I/O Check” → “Printer.” Then access the screen that con-
tains “Timing Roller.”
4. Check that the input port data of “Timing Roller” is “0” (sensor is blocked).
5. Move the PC1 actuator to unblock the sensor.
6. Check at this time that the input port data on the screen changes from “0” to “1.”
1: PC1 is operational. 0: PC1 is faulty.

2-2. I/O Check List
<I/O Check Screens>
• The following screen is only typical and the port data shown does not necessarily repre-
sent the actual one.


<I/O Check List>

Operation Characteris-
tics/Panel Display Input IC Port CN/PJ
Symbol Panel Display Parts/Signal Name
Board No. No. No.
1 0
PC53 Orig. Size S1 Original Size Detect- Original Original Image — — PJ6B-1
ing Sensor FD1 present not present Process-
ing Board
PC54 Orig. Size S2 Original Size Detect- Original Original — — PJ6B-14
ing Sensor FD2 present not present
PC54 Orig. Size S3 Original Size Detect- Original Original — — PJ6B-14
ing Sensor FD2 present not present
PC55 Orig. Size S4 Original Size Detect- Original Original — — PJ7B-10
ing Sensor FD3 present not present
PC55 Orig. Size S5 Original Size Detect- Original Original — — PJ7B-10
ing Sensor FD3 present not present
PC56 Orig. Size S6 Original Size Detect- Original Original — — PJ6B-9
ing Sensor CD1 present not present
PC56 Orig. Size S7 Original Size Detect- Original Original — — PJ6B-9
ing Sensor CD1 present not present
PC57 Orig. Size S8 Original Size Detect- Original Original — — PJ7B-5
ing Sensor CD2 present not present
PC51 Home Scanner Reference At home Not at — — PJ306B-9
Position Sensor home
S51 EDH Open/Close Size Reset Switch When When low- — — PJ306B-7
raised ered
PC52 15° Sensor Original Cover Less than 15° or — — PJ5B-2
Detecting Sensor 15° more

<I/O Check Screens>
• The following screens are only typical and the port data shown does not necessarily rep-
resent the actual one.

4002T004CA 4002T005CB

Next Previous
Screen Screen

4002T009CA 4002T006CA

Previous Next Next Previous

Screen Screen Screen Screen


4002T008CA 4002T007CB

<I/O Check List>
Operation Characteris-
tics/Panel Display Input IC Port CN/PJ
Symbol Panel Display Parts/Signal Name
Board No. No. No.
1 0
PC10 1st Set 1st Drawer Set Sen- In position Out of Master IC3 PJ0 PJ3A-9A
Drawer sor position Board
PC3 Take-up 1st Drawer Paper Paper Paper not IC3 PI4 PJ3A-6A
Take-Up Sensor present present

PC14 Lift-up 1st Drawer Paper At upper Not at IC3 PI6 PJ4A-6B
Lift-Up Sensor limit upper limit

PC16 Paper 1st Drawer Paper Paper not Paper IC3 PJ2 PJ4A-9B
Empty Empty Sensor present present

PC5 Leading Paper Leading Paper Paper not IC3 PI4 PJ3A-3A
Edge Edge Sensor SW1 present present
PC12 Lift-up 1st Drawer Lift-Up Blocked Unblocked IC3 PI0 PJ3A-11A
Pulse Motor Pulse Sensor
PC11 2nd Set 2nd Drawer Set In position Out of IC3 PJ1 PJ3A-9B
Drawer Sensor position

PC4 Take-up 2nd Drawer Paper Paper Paper not IC3 PI3 PJ3A-6B
Take-Up Sensor present present

PC15 Lift-up 2nd Drawer Paper At upper Not at IC3 PI7 PJ4A-12B
Lift-Up Sensor limit upper limit

PC17 Paper 2nd Drawer Paper Paper not Paper IC3 PJ3 PJ4A-15B
Empty Empty Sensor present present

PC6 Leading Paper Leading Paper Paper not IC3 PI5 PJ3A-3B
Edge Edge Sensor SW2 present present
PC13 Lift-up 2nd Drawer Lift-Up Blocked Unblocked IC3 PI1 PJ3A-11B
Pulse Motor Pulse Sensor
PC18 Manual Empty Manual Feed Paper Paper Paper not IC3 PK7 PJ2A-3
Feed Empty Sensor present present
PC121 3rd Set 3rd Drawer Set In position Out of Control IC1 PB3 PJ5A-6B
Drawer Sensor position Board
(PF- (PWB-A)
PC117 Take-up 3rd Drawer Paper Paper Paper not IC1 PE0 PJ9A-11
Take-Up Sensor present present

PC115 Lift-up 3rd Drawer Paper At upper Not at IC1 PD4 PJ8A-2
Lift-Up Sensor limit upper limit

PC116 Paper 3rd Drawer Paper Paper Paper not IC1 PD3 PJ8A-5
Empty Empty Sensor present present

PC113 Leading Paper Leading Paper Paper not IC1 PD6 PJ9A-5
Edge Edge Sensor 3 present present
PC123 Lift-up 3rd Drawer Lift-Up Blocked Unblocked IC1 PB2 PJ5A-9B
Pulse Motor Pulse Sensor
PC122 4th Set 4th Drawer Set Sen- In position Out of IC1 PB3 PJ5A-8A
Drawer sor position
PC125 Take-up 4th Drawer Paper Paper Paper not IC1 PB0 PJ5A-2A
Take-Up Sensor present present

PC119 Lift-up 4th Drawer Paper At upper Not at IC1 PB6 PJ6A-2
Lift-Up Sensor limit upper limit

PC120 Paper 4th Drawer Paper Paper not Paper IC1 PB5 PJ6A-5
Empty Empty Sensor present present

PC118 Leading Paper Leading Paper Paper not IC1 PD7 PJ9A-8
Edge Edge Sensor 4 present present

Operation Characteris-
tics/Panel Display Input IC Port CN/PJ
Symbol Panel Display Parts/Signal Name
Board No. No. No.
1 0
PC124 4th Lift-up 4th Drawer Lift-Up Blocked Unblocked Control IC1 PB1 PJ5A-5A
Drawer Pulse Motor Pulse Sensor Board
(PF- (PWB-A)
PC135 Cabinet Toner Toner Collecting Out of In position IC1 PG1 PJ13A-2
Box Set Bottle Set Sensor position
— Duplex —— In position Out of IC1 PE5 PJ12A-1
Set position
— Duplex —— In position Out of IC1 PE4 PJ11A-7B
Turn position
— Area 1 —— —— —— IC1 PG6 ——
— Area 2 —— —— —— IC1 PG7 ——
PC1 LCT Raised Paper Plate Raised At raised Not at Drive IC1 PC0 PJ2A-8A
(C-306 · Position Position Sensor position raised Control
C-306L) position Board
PC6 Low- Paper Plate Low- At lowered Not at low- IC1 PG6 PJ2A-5A
ered ered Position Sen- position ered posi-
Position sor tion
PC4 Take-up Paper Take-Up Paper Paper not IC1 PG0 PJ2A-2B
Sensor present present
PC5 Door Cassette Door Sen- When When IC1 PG2 PJ2A-2A
sor closed opened
PWB-B Descent Paper Plate ON OFF IC1 PG1 PJ3A-2
SW Descent Key Board
PC3 Set Set Sensor In position Out of IC1 PC2 PJ2A-5B
PC2 Paper Paper Empty Sen- Paper Paper not IC1 PC1 PJ2A-8B
Empty sor present present
PC115 LCC1 Raised 3rd Drawer Paper At raised Not at Control IC1 PD4 PJ8A-2
(PF- Position Lift-Up Sensor position raised Board
115) position (PWB-A)
PC139 Low- Elevator Lower At lowered Not at low- IC1 PD0 PJ7A-9A
ered Position Sensor position ered posi-
Position tion
PC117 Take-up 3rd Drawer Paper Paper Paper not IC1 PE0 PJ9A-11
Take-Up Sensor present present

PC116 Paper 3rd Drawer Paper Paper not Paper IC1 PD3 PJ8A-5
Empty Empty Sensor present present

PC141 Shift Shifter Return Posi- Not at At return IC1 PD2 PJ7A-7A
Tray tion Sensor return position
UN21 Paper Paper Descent Key ON OFF IC1 PB7 PJ7A-10A
PC138 Shift Shift Tray Paper Paper not Paper IC1 PB1 PJ7A-4A
Tray Empty Sensor present present
PC140 Shift Shifter Home Posi- At home Not at IC1 PD1 PJ7A-8A
Tray tion Sensor home
PWB-E Elev. Elevator Tray Paper Paper not Paper IC1 PB6 PJ7A-6A
Tray Empty Board present present
PC144 Set 3rd Drawer Set In position Out of IC1 PB4 PJ10A-3
Sensor position

Operation Characteris-
tics/Panel Display Input IC Port CN/PJ
Symbol Panel Display Parts/Signal Name
Board No. No. No.
1 0
PC113 LCC2 Leading Paper Leading Paper Paper not Control IC1 PD6 PJ9A-5
(PF- Edge Edge Sensor 3 present present Board
115) (PWB-A)
PC142 Elev. Mtr Elevator Motor Blocked Unblocked IC1 PB3 PJ7A-5A
Pulse Pulse Sensor
PC143 Shift Mtr Shift Motor Pulse Blocked Unblocked IC1 PB5 PJ7A-3A
Pulse Sensor
PC137 Lower Lower Position At lowered Not at low- IC1 PB0 PJ7A-2A
Overrun Overrun Detecting position ered posi-
Sensor tion
PC136 Plate Shift Gate Position At home Not at IC1 PB2 PJ7A-1B
Position Sensor home
TH1 Fusing Upper Upper Fusing Voltage value (A/D con- Master IC1 PORT12 PJ7A-9A
Unit Roller Roller Thermistor version) Board
(°C) (PWB-A)
TH2 Lower Lower Fusing Voltage value (A/D con- IC1 PORT13 PJ7A-12A
Roller Roller Thermistor version)
UN2 Devel- ATDC-S ATDC Sensor Voltage value (A/D con- IC1 PORT10 PJ7A-10B
oping version)
PWB-G AIDC-S AIDC Sensor Board Voltage value (A/D con- IC1 PORT11 PJ7A-7B
S4 Sub Sub Hopper Toner Toner Toner not IC1 PB7 PJ7A-12B
Hopper Empty Switch loaded loaded
PC21 Toner Toner Bottle Home At home Not at IC3 PK6 PJ11A-5A
Bottle Position Sensor home
S21 Doors Front Front Door Interlock When When IC3 PA0 PJ6A-1
Switch opened closed
PC114 Take-up Paper Take-Up When When Control IC1 PD5 PJ9A-2
Lower Door Sensor opened closed Board
PC29 Take-up Upper Right Door When When Master IC3 PA1 PJ11A-8
Upper Set Sensor opened closed Board
S22 Exit Upper Left Door When When IC3 PA2 PJ6A-2
Interlock Switch opened closed
PC19 Reverse Lower Left Door Set When When IC3 PA3 PJ9A-6
Sensor opened closed
PC111 Turn Turnover Door Sen- When When Control IC1 PE3 PJ11A-10B
Over sor opened closed Board
(Lower) (PWB-A)
S1 Power — Power Switch ON OFF Master IC101 R41 —
Switch Board
PC20 Pre- — Pre-Drive OFF Blocked Unblocked IC3 PB0 PJ2A-3B
drive Rear Sensor
S1 Finisher — Set Switch Out of In position Control — — —
Set position Board
PWB-I1 Univer- FD1 Paper Size Detect- ON OFF Master IC3 PJ4 PJ4A-1A
sal Tray ing Board 1 Board
1 (PWB-A)
PWB-I1 FD2 Paper Size Detect- ON OFF IC3 PJ5 PJ4A-2A
ing Board 1
PWB-I1 FD3 Paper Size Detect- ON OFF IC3 PJ6 PJ4A-3A
ing Board 1
PWB-I1 FD4 Paper Size Detect- ON OFF IC3 PJ7 PJ4A-4A
ing Board 1

Operation Characteris-
tics/Panel Display Input IC Port CN/PJ
Symbol Panel Display Parts/Signal Name
Board No. No. No.
1 0
PC23 Univer- CD1 Paper Size Detect- Blocked Unblocked Master IC3 PK0 PJ12A-3A
sal Tray ing Sensor CDA1 Board
1 (PWB-A)
PC24 CD1 Paper Size Detect- Blocked Unblocked IC3 PB3 PJ12A-6A
ing Sensor CDB1
PC1 Paper Timing Synchronizing Paper Paper not Master IC1 PORT17 PJ4A-3B
Pas- Roller Roller Sensor present present Board
sage (PWB-A)
PC2 Roller Transport Roller Paper Paper not IC1 PORT16 PJ4A-13A
Front Sensor present present
PC112 Dup. Duplex Unit Turn- Paper Paper not Control IC1 PF2 PJ11A-2A
Rev. over Entry Sensor present present Board
Entr. (PWB-A)
PC131 Dup. Turnover Feed Jam Paper Paper not IC1 PE1 PJ11A-5A
Rev. Sensor present present
PC9 Exit Paper Exit Sensor Paper Paper not Master IC3 PB5 PJ9A-3A
present present Board
PC7 Exit Turnover Feed Paper Paper not IC3 PA6 PJ8A-9
Rev. Entry Sensor present present
PC8 Exit Turnover Feed Jam Paper Paper not IC3 PA7 PJ8A-6
Reverse Sensor present present
PC27 Exit Turnover/Exit Sen- Paper Paper not IC3 PA4 PJ8A-3
Reverse sor present present
PC132 Horiz. Horizontal Trans- Paper Paper not Control IC1 PG0 PJ12A-6
Remain. port Entry Sensor present present Board
S1 (PWB-A)
PC133 Horiz. Horizontal Trans- Paper Paper not IC1 PE6 PJ12A-3
Remain. port Jam Sensor present present
PC134 Horiz. Horizontal Trans- Paper Paper not IC1 PE7 PJ12A-4
Remain. port Exit Sensor present present
PWB-I2 Univer- FD1 Paper Size Detect- ON OFF Master IC3 PK1 PJ4A-6A
sal Tray ing Board 2 Board
2 (PWB-A)
PWB-I2 FD2 Paper Size Detect- ON OFF IC3 PK2 PJ4A-7A
ing Board 2
PWB-I2 FD3 Paper Size Detect- ON OFF IC3 PK3 PJ4A-8A
ing Board 2
PWB-I2 FD4 Paper Size Detect- ON OFF IC3 PK4 PJ4A-9A
ing Board 2
PC25 CD2 Paper Size Detect- Blocked Unblocked IC3 PK5 PJ12A-9A
ing Sensor CDA2
PC26 CD2 Paper Size Detect- Blocked Unblocked IC3 PB4 PJ12A-12A
ing Sensor CDB2

3-1. Paper Misfeed
When a paper misfeed occurs, the Touch Panel shows the corresponding message, mis-
feed location, and paper location.

Blinking Misfeed location

ON Paper location
2 1

5 4 7 8 9
17 12
18 16


Display Misfeed/Paper Location Ref. Page

1 EDH take-up
2 EDH reverse, EDH exit
See the relevant
3 EDH transport
option service
4 Finisher transport, Finisher exit
5 Finisher copy set/stack exit
7 Copier Fusing Unit (4)
8 Copier separator (3)
9 Copier transport (3)
10 Multi Bypass take-up, take-up vertical transport (2)
(upper right section of copier)
11 Take-up vertical transport (lower right section of (1)
12 1st Drawer (1)
13 2 nd
Drawer (1)
14 3rd Drawer, LCC (5) (6)
15 4th Drawer (5)
16 Duplex horizontal transport (7)
17 Exit/turnover (7)
18 Duplex turnover/storage (7)

<Resetting the Display>

Misfeed in the copier Open the appropriate door, remove all sheets of paper
Misfeed in the option misfed and left inside, and close the door.

3-2. Misfeed Detection Sensor Layout
• When PF-115 is Mounted

Synchronizing Roller
Paper Exit Sensor Sensor (PC1)
Transport Roller Sensor
Paper Leading Edge
Sensor SW1 (PC5)
Turnover Feed Entry
Sensor (PC7) 1st Drawer Paper Take-Up
Sensor (PC3)
Turnover Feed Jam Paper Leading Edge
Sensor (PC8) Sensor SW2 (PC6)
Turnover/Exit Sensor 2nd Drawer Paper Take-Up
(PC27) Sensor (PC4)
Horizontal Transport Exit
Horizontal Transport Sensor (PC134)
Entry Sensor (PC132)
Paper Leading Edge
Duplex Unit Turnover Sensor 3 (PC113)
Entry Sensor (PC112) Paper Leading Edge
Sensor 4 (PC118)
3rd Drawer Paper Take-Up
Turnover Feed Jam Sensor (PC117)
Sensor (PC131)
Horizontal Transport Jam
Sensor (PC133)

• When PF-208 is Mounted

Horizontal Transport Jam

Sensor (PC133)

Horizontal Transport Exit

Sensor (PC134)

Horizontal Transport Paper Leading Edge Sen-

Entry Sensor (PC132) sor 3 (PC113)
Duplex Unit Turnover Paper Leading Edge Sen-
Entry Sensor (PC112) sor 4 (PC118)
Turnover Feed Jam 3rd Drawer Paper Take-Up
Sensor (PC131) Sensor (PC117)

4th Drawer Paper Take-Up

Sensor (PC125)

3-3. Types of Misfeed Detection and Detection Timings
• The following lists the types of misfeed detection and detection timings for different mis-
feed locations.
• The symbol “L” (for the leading edge) and “T” (for the trailing edge) given in ( ) indicate
the particular edge of the paper detected by the sensor.

For the types of misfeed detection and detection timings of options, see the relevant option
service manual.

<Copier Paper Take-Up Misfeed>

Type Detection Start Detection
Paper take-up failure detection 1st Drawer Paper Take-Up 1st Drawer Paper Take-Up
Motor energized Sensor (L)
2nd Drawer Paper Take-Up 2nd Drawer Paper Take-Up
Motor energized Sensor (L)
Paper take-up trailing edge 1st Drawer Paper Take-Up 1st Drawer Paper Take-Up
detection Sensor (L) Sensor (T)
2nd Drawer Paper Take-Up 2nd Drawer Paper Take-Up
Sensor (L) Sensor (T)

<Multi Bypass Misfeed>

Type Detection Start Detection
Bypass paper take-up failure Upper Vertical Transport/ Transport Roller Sensor
detection Manual Feed Motor ener- (L)

<Transport/Separator Misfeed>
Type Detection Start Detection
Leading edge detection by Syn- Transport Roller Sensor Synchronizing Roller Sen-
chronizing Roller Sensor (L) sor (L)
Leading edge detection by Paper Synchronizing Roller Sen- Paper Exit Sensor (L)
Exit Sensor sor (L)
Leading edge detection by Turn- Synchronizing Roller Sen- Turnover Feed Entry Sen-
over Feed Entry Sensor sor (L) sor (L)

<Fusing/Exit Misfeed>
Type Detection Start Detection
Trailing edge detection by Paper Synchronizing Roller Sen- Paper Exit Sensor (T)
Exit Sensor sor (T)
Trailing edge detection by Turn- Synchronizing Roller Sen- Turnover Feed Entry Sen-
over Feed Entry Sensor sor (T) sor (T)

<Duplex Paper Take-Up Misfeed>
Type Detection Start Detection
Leading edge detection by Paper Turnover Feed Entry Sen- Paper Exit Sensor (L)
Exit Sensor during turnover exit sor (T)
Trailing edge detection by Paper Paper Exit Sensor (L) Paper Exit Sensor (T)
Exit Sensor during turnover exit
Leading edge detection by Turn- Turnover Feed Entry Sen- Turnover/Exit Sensor (L)
over/Exit Sensor sor (L)
Leading edge detection by Turnover/Exit Sensor (L) Duplex Unit Turnover Entry
Duplex Unit Turnover Entry Sen- Sensor (L)
Trailing edge detection by Duplex Turnover/Exit Sensor (T) Duplex Unit Turnover Entry
Unit Turnover Entry Sensor Sensor (T)
Leading edge detection by Hori- Duplex Unit Turnover Entry Horizontal Transport Entry
zontal Transport Entry Sensor Sensor (T) Sensor (L)
Leading edge detection by Hori- Horizontal Transport Entry Horizontal Transport Exit
zontal Transport Exit Sensor Sensor (L) Sensor (L)

3-4. Misfeed Troubleshooting Procedures
(1) Copier Paper Take-Up Misfeed

Relevant Electrical Parts

1st Drawer Paper Take-Up Sensor (PC3) 1st Drawer Paper Take-Up Motor (M4)
2 Drawer Paper Take-Up Sensor (PC4) 2nd Drawer Paper Take-Up Motor (M5)
Paper Leading Edge Sensor SW1 (PC5) Upper Vertical Transport/Manual Feed
Paper Leading Edge Sensor SW2 (PC6) Motor (M6)
Lower Vertical Transport Motor (M7)
Master Board (PWB-A)

3 PJ3A-1A(DC5V)
2 PJ3A-2A(GND)
PC5 1 PJ3A-3A(PC5 ON)

3 PJ3A-4A(DC5V)
2 PJ3A-5A(GND)
PC3 1 PJ3A-6A(PC3 ON)

3 PJ3A-1B(DC5V)
2 PJ3A-2B(GND)
PC6 1 PJ3A-3B(PC6 ON)

3 PJ3A-4B(DC5V)
2 PJ3A-5B(GND)
PC4 1 PJ3A-6B(PC4 ON)

1 PJ5A-1A(1U)
M4 2 PJ5A-2A(1V)
3 PJ5A-3A(1W)

1 PJ5A-4A(2U)
M5 2 PJ5A-5A(2V)
3 PJ5A-6A(2W)

1 PJ5A-7A(1U)
M6 2 PJ5A-8A(1V)
3 PJ5A-9A(1W)

1 PJ5A-1B(2U)
M7 2 PJ5A-2B(2V)
3 PJ5A-3B(2W)


Copier Paper Take-Up Misfeed Troubleshooting Procedures

• Paper is not taken up at all.

Step Check Result Action
1 Paper meets product specifications. NO Change paper.
2 Paper is curled, wavy, or damp. YES Change paper.
Instruct user in correct
paper storage.
3 Edge Guide and Trailing Edge Stop are at cor- NO Set.
rect position to accommodate paper.
4 Paper Take-Up Roll is dirty with paper dust, YES Clean or change.
deformed, or worn.
5 Paper Lifting Plate is dirty or deformed. YES Clean or change.
6 Paper Separator Pad is dirty with paper dust, YES Clean or change.
deformed, or worn.
7 Paper take-up guide plate is dirty or deformed. YES Clean or change.
8 1st Drawer Paper Take-Up Motor turns when NO Correct drive coupling.
st Change motor or Master
the Start key is pressed with the 1 Drawer
9 2nd Drawer Paper Take-Up Motor turns when NO Correct drive coupling.
nd Change motor or Master
the Start key is pressed with the 2 Drawer

• Paper is stopped in the Vertical Transport Section.
Step Check Result Action
1 Vertical Transport Rollers are dirty with paper NO Change paper.
dust, deformed, or worn.
2 Paper take-up guide plate or vertical transport YES Clean or change.
guide plate is dirty or deformed.
3 I/O check for 1st Drawer Paper Take-Up Sensor YES Change Master Board.
operation when the 1st
Drawer is used: the volt- NO Correct actuator.
age across PJ3A-6A on Master Board and Change sensor.
GND is DC0V when the sensor is unblocked
and DC5V when the sensor is blocked.
4 I/O check for 2nd Drawer Paper Take-Up Sen- YES Change Master Board.
sor operation when the 2nd Drawer is used: the NO Correct actuator.
voltage across PJ3A-6B on Master Board and Change sensor.
GND is DC0V when the sensor is unblocked
and DC5V when the sensor is blocked.
5 I/O check for Paper Leading Edge Sensor SW1 YES Change Master Board.
operation when the 1st Drawer is used: the volt- NO Correct actuator.
age across PJ3A-3A on Master Board and Change sensor.
GND is DC0V when the sensor is unblocked
and DC5V when the sensor is blocked.
6 I/O check for Paper Leading Edge Sensor SW2 YES Change Master Board.
operation when the 2nd Drawer is used: the NO Correct actuator.
voltage across PJ3A-3B on Master Board and Change sensor.
GND is DC0V when the sensor is unblocked
and DC5V when the sensor is blocked.
7 Upper Vertical Transport/Manual Feed Motor NO Correct drive coupling.
turns when the Start key is pressed with the 1 st Change motor or Master
Drawer selected. Board.
8 Lower Vertical Transport Motor turns when the NO Correct drive coupling.
Start key is pressed with the 2nd Drawer Change motor or Master
selected. Board.

(2) Multi Bypass Misfeed

Relevant Electrical Parts

Transport Roller Sensor (PC2) Manual Feed Paper Pick-Up Solenoid (SL5)
Manual Feed Paper Empty Sensor (PC18) Master Board (PWB-A)
Upper Vertical Transport/Manual Feed
Motor (M6)


3 1 3 PJ2A-1(DC5V)
2 2 2 PJ2A-2(GND)
PC18 1 3 1 PJ2A-3(PC18 ON)

1 1 PJ2A-4(DC24V)
SL5 2 2 PJ2A-5(SL5 ON)
3 3 PJ2A-6(SL5 OFF)

PJ2 CN19
3 1 4 PJ4A-11A(DC5V)
2 2 3 PJ4A-12A(GND)
PC2 1 3 2 PJ4A-13A(PC2 ON)
4 1

1 PJ5A-7A(1U)
M6 2 PJ5A-8A(1V)
3 PJ5A-9A(1W)


Multi Bypass Misfeed Troubleshooting Procedures

• Paper is not detected.

Step Check Result Action
1 I/O check for Manual Feed Paper Empty Sen- YES Change Master Board.
sor operation: the voltage across PJ2A-3 on NO Correct actuator.
Master Board and GND is DC0V when the sen- Change sensor.
sor is unblocked and DC5V when the sensor is

• Paper is not taken up at all.

Step Check Result Action
1 Paper meets product specifications. NO Change paper.
2 Paper is curled, wavy, or damp. YES Change paper.
Instruct user in correct
paper storage.
3 Friction Pad and guide plate are dirty with YES Clean or change.
paper dust, deformed, or worn.
4 Manual Bypass Take-Up Roll is dirty with paper YES Clean or change.
dust, deformed, or worn.
5 Upper Vertical Transport/Manual Feed Motor NO Correct drive coupling.
turns when the Start key is pressed with the Change motor or Master
Multi Bypass Tray selected. Board.

• Paper is stopped at the Transport Rollers.

Step Check Result Action
1 Manual Feed Paper Pick-Up Solenoid opera- YES Change solenoid.
tion when the Start key is pressed with paper NO Change Master Board.
loaded in the Multi Bypass Tray: the voltage
across PJ2A-6 on Master Board and GND is
DC24V when the solenoid is deenergized and
DC0V when the solenoid is energized.
2 Transport Rollers are dirty with paper dust, YES Clean or change.
deformed, or worn.
3 I/O check for Transport Roller Sensor opera- YES Change Master Board.
tion: the voltage across PJ4A-13A on Master NO Correct actuator.
Board and GND is DC0V when the sensor is Change sensor.
unblocked and DC5V when the sensor is

(3) Transport/Separator Misfeed

Relevant Electrical Parts

Transport Roller Sensor (PC2) Suction Fan Motor (M17)
Synchronizing Roller Sensor (PC1) Separator Finger Solenoid (SL4)
Transport Roller Motor (M8) Master Board (PWB-A)
Synchronizing Roller Motor (M9)


3 1 4 PJ4A-11A(DC5V)
2 2 3 PJ4A-12A(GND)
PC2 1 3 2 PJ4A-13A(PC2 ON)
4 1

PJ1 CN20
3 1 3 PJ4A-1B(DC5V)
2 2 2 PJ4A-2B(GND)
PC1 1 3 1 PJ4A-3B(PC1 ON)

1 PJ5A-4B(U)
M8 2 PJ5A-5B(V)
3 PJ5A-6B(W)

1 PJ5A-7B(U)
M9 2 PJ5A-8B(V)
3 PJ5A-9B(W)
CN204 1 1

1 2 7 7 PJ7A-3B(DC24V)
SL4 2 1 8 8 PJ7A-4B(SL4 REM)

24 24
1 1
2 2 GND
M17 3 3 PJ13A-1B(LOCK)
4 4 PJ13A-2B(H/L CHANGE)


Transport/Separator Misfeed Troubleshooting Procedures

• Paper is stopped at the Synchronizing Rollers.

Step Check Result Action
1 Synchronizing Rollers are dirty with paper YES Clean or change.
dust, deformed, or worn.
2 The length of the loop formed before the Syn- NO Adjust loop length.
chronizing Rollers is okay.
3 I/O check for Synchronizing Roller Sensor YES Change Master Board.
operation: the voltage across PJ4A-3B on Mas- NO Correct actuator.
ter Board and GND is DC0V when the sensor Change sensor.
is unblocked and DC5V when the sensor is
4 Synchronizing Roller Motor turns when the NO Correct drive coupling.
Start key is pressed. Change motor or Master

• Paper is stopped near the PC Drum.

Step Check Result Action
1 Image Transfer Entrance Guide Plate is dirty YES Clean or change.
with paper dust, deformed, or worn.
2 Image Transfer/Paper Separator Corona wires YES Clean or change.
are dirty or deteriorated.
3 Paper guide above Paper Separator Corona is YES Clean or change.
dirty or deformed.

• Paper is stopped near the PC Drum Paper Separator Finger.

Step Check Result Action
1 PC Drum Paper Separator Fingers are dirty or YES Clean or change.
2 Separator Finger Solenoid operation: the volt- YES Change solenoid.
age across PJ7A-4B on Master Board and NO Change Master Board.
GND is DC24V when the solenoid is deener-
gized and DC0V when the solenoid is ener-

• Paper is stopped on the Suction Belts.

Step Check Result Action
1 Suction Belts turn correctly. NO Correct drive coupling.
2 Suction Fan Motor rotation when the Start key YES Change Suction Belts or
is pressed: the voltage across PJ13A-2B on motor.
Master Board and GND is DC0V when the NO Change Master Board.
motor is deenergized and DC5V when the
motor is energized.

• Paper is stopped at the Transport Rollers.
Step Check Result Action
1 Transport Rollers are dirty with paper dust, YES Clean or change.
deformed, or worn.
2 Transport Roller Motor turns when the Start NO Correct drive coupling.
key is pressed. Change motor or Master

(4) Fusing/Exit Misfeed

Relevant Electrical Parts

Paper Exit Sensor (PC9) Exit/Duplex Switching Solenoid (SL3)
Fusing Motor (M2) Master Board (PWB-A)

4 PJ7A-2A(M2 ON)
3 PJ7A-1A(M2 LOCK)
M2 2

PJ9 CN30
3 1 11 PJ9A-1A(DC5V)
2 2 10 PJ9A-2A(GND)
PC9 1 3 9 PJ9A-3A(PC9 ON)

11 1
CN203 CN22
1 1 1 7 PJ9A-1B(DC24V)
SL3 2 2 2 6 PJ9A-2B(SL3 ON)

7 1


Fusing/Exit Misfeed Troubleshooting Procedures

• Paper is stopped at the Fusing Unit.

Step Check Result Action
1 Fusing Guide Plate is dirty or deformed. YES Clean or change.
2 Fusing Rollers are dirty or scratched. YES Clean or change.
3 Fusing Roller Paper Separator Fingers are YES Clean, correct, or change.
dirty, deformed, or worn.
4 Fusing Motor turns when the Start key is NO Correct drive coupling.
pressed. Change motor or Master

• Paper is stopped at the exit section.

Step Check Result Action
1 Exit Roller is dirty or scratched. YES Clean or change.
2 I/O check for Paper Exit Sensor: the voltage YES Change Master Board.
across PJ9A-3A on Master Board and GND is NO Correct actuator.
DC0V when the sensor is unblocked and DC5V Change sensor.
when the sensor is blocked.
3 Fusing Motor turns when the Start key is NO Correct drive coupling.
pressed. Change motor or Master

(5) PF-208 Paper Take-Up Misfeed

Relevant Electrical Parts

3 Drawer Paper Take-Up Sensor (PC117) 3rd Drawer Paper Take-Up Motor (M122)
4thDrawer Paper Take-Up Sensor (PC125) 4th Drawer Paper Take-Up Motor (M123)
Paper Leading Edge Sensor 3 (PC113) Vertical Transport Motor (M121)
Paper Leading Edge Sensor 4 (PC118) Control Board (PWB-A): PF-208
Master Board (PWB-A)

3 PJ3A-3(W)
M121 2 PJ3A-2(V)
1 PJ3A-1(U)

3 PJ3A-6(W)
M122 2 PJ3A-5(V)
1 PJ3A-4(U)

3 PJ4A-1(U)
M123 2 PJ4A-2(V)
1 PJ4A-3(W)

3 PJ35A-1A(GND)
2 PJ35A-2A(PC125 ON)
PC125 1 PJ35A-3A(DC5V)

3 PJ9A-4(GND)
2 PJ9A-5(PC113 ON)
PC113 1 PJ9A-6(DC5V)

3 PJ9A-7(GND)
2 PJ9A-8(PC118 ON)
PC118 1 PJ9A-9(DC5V)

3 PJ9A-10(GND)
2 PJ9A-11(PC117 ON)
PC117 1 PJ9A-12(DC5V)

PJ13A-6A(DC5V) 1 1 PJ2A-1(DC5V1)
PJ13A-7A(TXD) 2 2 PJ2A-2(OUT)
PJ13A-8A(RXD) 3 3 PJ2A-3(IN)
PJ13A-9A(SP DC5V1) 4 4 PJ2A-4(DC5V1)
5 5 PJ2A-5(ACHE)
PWB-A 6 6
7 7


PF-208 Paper Take-Up Misfeed Troubleshooting Procedures

• Paper is not taken up at all.

Step Check Result Action
1 Paper meets product specifications. NO Change paper.
2 Paper is curled, wavy, or damp. YES Change paper.
Instruct user in correct
paper storage.
3 Edge Guide and Trailing Edge Stop are at cor- NO Set.
rect position to accommodate paper.
4 Paper Lifting Plate is dirty or deformed. YES Clean or change.
5 Paper Separator Pad is dirty with paper dust, YES Clean or change.
deformed, or worn.
6 Paper take-up guide plate is dirty or deformed. YES Clean or change.
7 Paper Take-Up Roll and Separator Roll are YES Clean or change.
dirty with paper dust, deformed, or worn.
8 3rd Drawer Paper Take-Up Motor turns when NO Correct drive coupling.
rd Change motor or Control
the Start key is pressed with the 3 Drawer
Change Master Board.
9 4th Drawer Paper Take-Up Motor turns when NO Correct drive coupling.
Change motor or Control
the Start key is pressed with the 4th Drawer
Change Master Board.

• Paper is stopped at the Vertical Transport Rollers.
Step Check Result Action
1 Vertical Transport Rollers are dirty with paper YES Clean or change.
dust, deformed, or worn.
2 Paper take-up guide plate or vertical transport YES Clean, correct, or change.
guide plate is dirty or deformed.
3 Vertical Transport Motor turns when the Start NO Correct drive coupling.
key is pressed with the cabinet selected. Change motor or Control
Change Master Board.
4 I/O check for 3rd Drawer Paper Take-Up Sensor YES Change Control Board or
rd Master Board.
operation when the 3 Drawer is used: the
voltage across PJ9A-11 on Control Board and NO Correct actuator.
GND is DC5V when the sensor is unblocked Change sensor.
and DC0V when the sensor is blocked.
5 I/O check for 4th Drawer Paper Take-Up Sensor YES Change Control Board or
th Master Board.
operation when the 4 Drawer is used: the volt-
age across PJ5A-2A on Control Board and NO Correct actuator.
GND is DC5V when the sensor is unblocked Change sensor.
and DC0V when the sensor is blocked.
6 I/O check for Paper Leading Edge Sensor 3 YES Change Control Board or
operation when the 3rd Drawer is used: the Master Board.
voltage across PJ9A-5 on Control Board and NO Correct actuator.
GND is DC5V when the sensor is unblocked Change sensor.
and DC0V when the sensor is blocked.
7 I/O check for Paper Leading Edge Sensor 4 YES Change Control Board or
operation when the 4th Drawer is used: the volt- Master Board.
age across PJ9A-8 on Control Board and GND NO Correct actuator.
is DC5V when the sensor is unblocked and Change sensor.
DC0V when the sensor is blocked.

(6) PF-115 Paper Take-Up Misfeed

Relevant Electrical Parts

3 Drawer Paper Take-Up Sensor (PC117) 3rd Drawer Paper Take-Up Motor (M122)
Paper Leading Edge Sensor 3 (PC113) Vertical Transport Motor (M121)
Paper Leading Edge Sensor 4 (PC118) Control Board (PWB-A): PF-115
Master Board (PWB-A)

3 PJ3A-3(W)
M121 2 PJ3A-2(V)
1 PJ3A-1(U)

3 PJ3A-6(W)
M122 2 PJ3A-5(V)
1 PJ3A-4(U)

3 PJ9A-4(GND)
2 PJ9A-5(PC113 ON))
PC113 1 PJ9A-6(DC5V)

3 PJ9A-7(GND)
2 PJ9A-8(PC118 ON))
PC118 1 PJ9A-9(DC5V)

3 PJ9A-10(GND)
2 PJ9A-11(PC117 ON)
PC117 1 PJ9A-12(DC5V)

PJ13A-6A(DC5V) 1 1 PJ2A-1(DC5V1)
PJ13A-7A(TXD) 2 2 PJ2A-2(OUT)
PJ13A-8A(RXD) 3 3 PJ2A-3(IN)
PJ13A-9A(SP DC5V1) 4 4 PJ2A-4(DC5V1)
5 5 PJ2A-5(ACHE)
PWB-A 6 6
7 7


PF-115 Paper Take-Up Misfeed Troubleshooting Procedures

• Paper is not taken up at all.

Step Check Result Action
1 Paper meets product specifications. NO Change paper.
2 Paper is curled, wavy, or damp. YES Change paper.
Instruct user in correct
paper storage.
3 Paper Lifting Plate is dirty or deformed. YES Clean or change.
4 Paper Separator Pad is dirty with paper dust, YES Clean or change.
deformed, or worn.
5 Paper take-up guide plate is dirty or deformed. YES Clean or change.
6 Paper Take-Up Roll and Separator Roll are YES Clean or change.
dirty with paper dust, deformed, or worn.
7 3rd Drawer Paper Take-Up Motor turns when NO Correct drive coupling.
rd Change motor or Control
the Start key is pressed with the 3 Drawer
Change Master Board.

• Paper is stopped at the Vertical Transport Rollers.

Step Check Result Action
1 Vertical Transport Rollers are dirty with paper YES Clean or change.
dust, deformed, or worn.
2 Paper take-up guide plate or vertical transport YES Clean, correct, or change.
guide plate is dirty or deformed.
3 Vertical Transport Motor turns when the Start NO Correct drive coupling.
key is pressed with the cabinet selected. Change motor or Control
Change Master Board.
4 I/O check for 3rd Drawer Paper Take-Up Sensor YES Change Control Board or
Master Board.
operation when the 3rd Drawer is used: the
voltage across PJ9A-11 on Control Board and NO Correct actuator.
GND is DC5V when the sensor is unblocked Change sensor.
and DC0V when the sensor is blocked.
5 I/O check for Paper Leading Edge Sensor 3 YES Change Control Board or
operation when the 3rd Drawer is used: the Master Board.
voltage across PJ9A-5 on Control Board and NO Correct actuator.
GND is DC5V when the sensor is unblocked Change sensor.
and DC0V when the sensor is blocked.

(7) Duplex Paper Take-Up Misfeed

Relevant Electrical Parts

Turnover Feed Entry Sensor (PC7) Turnover Motor (M10)
Turnover Feed Jam Sensor (PC8) Vertical Transport Motor (M121)
Turnover/Exit Sensor (PC27) Duplex Unit Turnover Motor (M130)
Duplex Unit Turnover Entry Sensor (PC112) Horizontal Transport Motor (M131)
Turnover Feed Jam Sensor (PC131) Turnover Roller Retraction Solenoid (SL1)
Horizontal Transport Entry Sensor (PC132) Turnover Route Switching Solenoid (SL6)
Horizontal Transport Jam Sensor (PC133) Turnover Roller Interval Solenoid (SL111)
Horizontal Transport Exit Sensor (PC134) Control Board (PWB-A): Cabinet
Master Board (PWB-A)

PWB-A(Cabinet) PJ101
PJ27 PJ3A-1(U) 1
PJ3A-2(V) 2 M121
PJ3A-3(W) 3
PC27 1 CN21 PWB-A
1 6 PJ8A-1(DC5V)
2 5 PJ8A-2(GND)
PJ8 3 4 PJ8A-3(PC27 ON) CN5 2
3 4 3 PJ8A-4(DC5V)
3 PC131
PJ11A-6A(DC5V) 1 6
2 5 2 PJ8A-5(GND)
PJ11A-5A(PC131 ON) 2 5
PC8 1 6 1 PJ8A-6(PC8 ON)
PJ11A-4A(GND) 3 4 PJ20
PJ11A-3A(DC5V) 4 3 1
PJ11A-2A(PC112 ON) 5 2 2
PJ7 CN33 PJ11A-1A(GND) 6 1 3 PC112
3 1 4 PJ8A-7(DC5V)
2 2 3 PJ8A-8(GND) CN7
PC7 1 3 2 PJ8A-9(PC7 ON) CN4
4 1 2 1
1 12 1 2 SL111
PJ11A-6B(DC24V) 7 6 CN6
1 2 PJ8A-10(DC24V) PJ11A-5B(SL111 ON) 8 5
SL1 2 1 PJ8A-11(SL1 REM) PJ11A-4B(B) 9 4 1 4
PJ11A-3B(A) 10 3 2 3
PJ11A-2B(B) 11 2 3 2 M130
CN110 PJ11A-1B(A) 12 1 4 1

1 4 PJ8A-12(A)
2 3 PJ8A-13(B) GND PJ25
M10 3 2 PJ8A-14(A) CN8
4 1 PJ8A-15(B)
12 12 6
PJ12A-12(DC5V) 11 11 5 M131
PJ12A-10(GND) 10 10 4
PJ12A-9(DC24V) 9 9 3
CN206 1 7
PJ12A-8(M131 CLK) 8 8 2
2 6
PJ12A-7(M131 LOCK) 7 7 1
1 1 3 5 PJ9A-3B(DC24V)
SL6 2 2 4 4 PJ9A-4B(SL6 REM)
PJ12A-6(PC132 ON) 6 6
PJ12A-5(M131 REM) 5 5
PJ12A-4(PC134 ON) 4 4 3
7 1
3 3
PJ12A-3(PC133 ON) 2
2 2 1 PC132
1 1
1 PC134

1 PC133


Duplex Paper Take-Up Misfeed Troubleshooting Procedures

• Paper is stopped at the turnover section.

Step Check Result Action
1 Rollers at the turnover section are dirty, YES Clean or change.
deformed, or worn.
2 Guide plate at the turnover section is dirty or YES Clean, correct, or change.
3 A torn piece of paper is left at the turnover sec- YES Clean.
4 I/O check for Turnover Feed Entry Sensor oper- YES Change Master Board.
ation: the voltage across PJ8A-9 on Master NO Correct actuator.
Board and GND is DC0V when the sensor is Change sensor.
unblocked and DC5V when the sensor is
5 I/O check for Turnover Feed Jam Sensor oper- YES Change Master Board.
ation: the voltage across PJ8A-6 on Master NO Correct actuator.
Board and GND is DC0V when the sensor is Change sensor.
unblocked and DC5V when the sensor is
6 I/O check for Turnover/Exit Sensor operation: YES Change Master Board.
the voltage across PJ8A-3 on Master Board NO Correct actuator.
and GND is DC0V when the sensor is Change sensor.
unblocked and DC5V when the sensor is
7 Horizontal Transport Motor rotation: the voltage YES Change motor.
across PJ12A-5 on Control Board and GND is NO Change Control Board.
DC0V when the motor is deenergized and
DC5V when the motor is energized.
8 Turnover Motor rotation NO Correct drive coupling.
Change motor or Master

• Paper is stopped at the horizontal transport section.
Step Check Result Action
1 Horizontal Transport Rollers are dirty with YES Clean or change.
paper dust, deformed, or worn.
2 Horizontal transport guide plate is dirty or YES Clean, correct, or change.
3 I/O check for Horizontal Transport Entry Sensor YES Change Control Board.
operation: the voltage across PJ12A-6 on Con- NO Correct actuator.
trol Board and GND is DC5V when the sensor Change sensor.
is unblocked and DC0V when the sensor is
4 I/O check for Horizontal Transport Jam Sensor YES Change Control Board or
operation: the voltage across PJ12A-3 on Con- Master Board.
trol Board and GND is DC5V when the sensor NO Correct actuator.
is unblocked and DC0V when the sensor is Change sensor.
5 I/O check for Horizontal Transport Exit Sensor YES Change Control Board or
operation: the voltage across PJ12A-4 on Con- Master Board.
trol Board and GND is DC5V when the sensor NO Correct actuator.
is unblocked and DC0V when the sensor is Change sensor.
6 Vertical Transport Motor turns when the Start NO Correct drive coupling.
key is pressed with the cabinet selected. Change motor or Control
Change Master Board.

The copier’s CPU is equipped with a self-diagnostics function that, on detecting a malfunc-
tion, gives the corresponding malfunction code on the Touch Panel.

Resetting a Malfunction
• Press the Trouble Reset Switch on the Tech. Rep. Setting Switches Board to reset fusing-
and Exposure Lamp-related malfunctions.
• For any other malfunctions, open and close the Front Door or turn OFF and ON the
Power Switch.

4-1. Detection Timing by Malfunction Code

Code Description Detection Timing

C0000 Fusing Motor’s failure to • The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous
turn period of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec.
after the motor has started turning.
• The Lock signal remains LOW for a continuous
period of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec.
after the motor has stopped turning.
C0010 PC Drum Drive Motor’s • The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous
failure to turn period of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec.
after the motor has started turning.
• The Lock signal remains LOW for a continuous
period of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec.
after the motor has stopped turning.
C0040 Suction Fan Motor’s fail- The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous period
ure to turn of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec. after the
motor has started turning at high speed.
C0042 Fusing Unit Cooling Fan The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous period
Motor’s failure to turn of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec. after the
motor has started turning at high speed.
C0044 EDH Fan Motor malfunc-
See the relevant option service manual.
C0045 IR Cooling Fan Motor The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous period
malfunction of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec. after the
motor has stopped turning.
C0046 PH Cooling Fan Motor 1 The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous period
malfunction of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec. after the
motor has started turning.
C0047 PH Cooling Fan Motor 2 The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous period
malfunction of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec. after the
motor has started turning.
C0049 Paper source option Ver-
tical Transport Cooling See the relevant option service manual.
Fan Motor malfunction

Code Description Detection Timing
C004C Ventilation Fan Motor’s • The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous
failure to turn period of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec.
after the motor has started turning.
• The Lock signal remains LOW for a continuous
period of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec.
after the motor has stopped turning.
C004E Power Supply Unit Cool- The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous period
ing Fan Motor 1’s failure of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec. after the
to turn motor has started turning at high speed.
C004F Power Supply Unit Cool- The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous period
ing Fan Motor 2’s failure of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec. after the
to turn motor has started turning at high speed.
C0072 Main Hopper Toner • The Toner Bottle Home Position Sensor does not go
Replenishing Motor’s fail- HIGH within 5 sec. after the motor has started turn-
ure to turn ing.
• The Toner Bottle Home Position Sensor does not go
LOW within 10 sec. after the motor has started turn-
ing and the sensor has gone HIGH.
• The motor is stationary or the Toner Bottle Home
Position Sensor is HIGH 2 sec. after the motor has
stopped turning.
C0090 Developing Unit Drive • The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous
Motor’s failure to turn period of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec.
after the motor has started turning.
• The Lock signal remains LOW for a continuous
period of 1.5 sec. or more after the lapse of 10 sec.
after the motor has stopped turning.
C0210 Image Transfer/Paper The Charge Leak Detection signal (SCD) remains ON
Separator Corona for a continuous period of 0.3 sec. after the Image
charge leak detected Transfer/Paper Separator Corona output has been
turned ON.
C0400 Exposure Lamp’s failure • During a light intensity adjustment sequence, the
to turn ON CCD read data does not exceed the specified level
when the peak of the intensity of light is detected
within 1 min. after the Exposure Lamp has turned
• Under normal conditions, the CCD read data does
not exceed the specified level 450 ms after the
Exposure Lamp has turned ON.
C0420 Exposure Lamp turning During a light intensity adjustment sequence, the
ON at abnormal timing adjusted value for the intensity of light remains at the
lower limit and the CCD output level is at the saturation
level even after the lapse of 2 sec. after the Exposure
Lamp has turned ON.

Code Description Detection Timing
C0500 Warming-up failure The surface temperature of the Upper Fusing Roller
does not reach a specified level even after the lapse of
a predetermined period of time during warming-up as
detailed below:
• From room temperature to 90°C: Within 180 sec.
• From 90°C to 140°C: Within 140 sec.
• From 140°C to 170°C: Within 135 sec.
The copier fails to complete its warm-up cycle within
135 sec. after the temperature has reached 170°C.
C0510 Abnormally low fusing • The surface temperature of the Upper Using Roller
temperature remains less than 120°C for a continuous period of
2 sec. or more after the copier has completed warm-
ing up.
• The surface temperature of the Lower Using Roller
remains 80°C or less for a continuous period of 2
sec. or more after the copier has completed warm-
ing up.
C0520 Abnormally high fusing • The surface temperature of the Upper Using Roller
temperature remains 215°C or more for a continuous period of 2
sec. or more after the copier has completed warm-
ing up.
• The surface temperature of the Lower Using Roller
remains 200°C or more for a continuous period of 2
sec. or more after the copier has completed warm-
ing up.
C0602 Cable unwound A Scanner drive command is issued when the Scan-
ner is at its home position and the Scanner Reference
Position Sensor remains blocked even after the lapse
of a given period of time (after the Scanner has been
driven to move a given distance thereafter).
C0650 SHOME signal error A Scanner drive command is issued when the Scan-
ner is at a position other than its home and the Scan-
ner Reference Position Sensor is not blocked even
after the lapse of a given period of time (after the
Scanner has been driven to move a given distance
C0900 3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up
Sensor malfunction
See the relevant option service manual.
C0904 3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up
Motor’s failure to turn

Code Description Detection Timing
C0910 2nd Drawer Paper Lift-Up • The 2nd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor is not blocked
Sensor malfunction (LOW) even after the lapse of 5 sec. after the 2nd
Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor has started turning.
• The 2nd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor is not acti-
vated even when the 2nd Drawer Paper Lift-Up
Motor Pulse Sensor detects 150 edges of rotation
detection pulses after the 2nd Drawer Paper Lift-Up
Motor has started turning.
C0914 2nd Drawer Lift-Up The 2nd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor Pulse Sensor
Motor’s failure to turn detects no edges of rotation detection pulses even
after the lapse of 500 ms after the 2nd Drawer Paper
Lift-Up Motor has started turning.
C0920 1st Drawer Paper Lift-Up • The 1st Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor is not blocked
Sensor malfunction (LOW) even after the lapse of 5 sec. after the 1st
Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor has started turning.
• The 1st Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor is not activated
even when the 1st Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor Pulse
Sensor detects 150 edges of rotation detection
pulses after the 1st Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor has
started turning.
C0924 1st Drawer Lift-Up The 1st Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor Pulse Sensor
Motor’s failure to turn detects no edges of rotation detection pulses even
after the lapse of 500 ms after the 1st Drawer Paper
Lift-Up Motor has started turning.
C0950 4th Drawer Paper Lift-Up
Sensor malfunction
C0954 4th Drawer Paper Lift-Up
Motor’s failure to turn
C0990 Main Tray lifting motion
C0994 Main Tray Elevator
Motor’s failure to turn
See the relevant option service manual.
C0996 Main Tray lock release
C0997 Shift Gate malfunction
C0998 Shifter return failure
C099C Shift Motor’s failure to
C09C0 LCT Elevator ascent/
descent failure

Code Description Detection Timing
C0B02 Transport mechanism
C0B03 malfunction
Stapling Unit drive sys-
tem malfunction
C0B34 Paper Aligning Mecha-
C0B35 nism malfunction
C0B48 Neat copy stack trans-
port mechanism mal-
See the relevant option service manual.
C0B4B Copy stack transport
C0B4D mechanism malfunction
C0B51 Stapling drive system
C0B73 Hole Punch mechanism
C0B74 malfunction
C0B78 Hole Punch mechanism
C0B80 Shifting mechanism mal-
Elevator mechanism mal-

Code Description Detection Timing
C0BC1 Paper folding mechanism
C0BC2 malfunction
C0BC3 See the relevant option service manual.
C0BF0 Control system malfunc-
C0D50 Duplex Horizontal Trans-
port Motor malfunction
C0E00 Main Erase Lamp’s fail- • The Main Erase Lamp Malfunction signal remains
ure to turn ON LOW for a continuous 1-sec. period while the Main
Erase Lamp remains OFF.
• The Main Erase Lamp Malfunction signal remains
HIGH for a continuous 1-sec. period while the Main
Erase Lamp remains ON.
C0F24 AIDC Sensor contamina- The output voltage from the AIDC Sensor Board does
tion correction failure not fall within the range of 0.9V to 1.1V even after the
contamination correction and variation adjustment
have been made.
C0F32 ATDC Sensor malfunc- • The output voltage from the ATDC Sensor remains
tion 0.2V or less, or 4.5V or more, for a continuous 3-
sec. period after the Developing Unit Drive Motor
has been energized.
• The output voltage from the ATDC Sensor does not
fall within the range of 2.45V to 2.55V during an F8
C0F33 Abnormally low T/C as A T/C of 2.5% or less (ATDC Sensor output being
detected by ATDC Sen- 2.86V or more) is detected.
C10XX Memory Board failure
C12CX Hard Disk Drive failure
C1300 Polygon Motor malfunc- • No Lock signals are detected for the period of 5 to
tion 20 sec. after the motor has started turning after the
Power Switch was turned ON.
• No Lock signals are detected for the period of 5 to
20 sec. after the motor has started turning at full
speed after the Start key was pressed.
• The Lock signal remains HIGH for a continuous
period of 3 sec. or more while the motor is running
at steady speed.
C1326 ARMS interface failure No answer is received within 1.5 sec. to a report trans-
mitted by the engine.
C1330 VD signal error A LOW VD signal is not detected even after the lapse
of 60 sec. after an IDREQ signal has been output.

Code Description Detection Timing
C1334 Duplex take-up print • A Duplex take-up print command is not received for
command error the paper to be taken up from the Duplex after the
paper has moved past the horizontal transport, but
before it reaches the Transport Roller.
• The number of Duplex take-up print commands falls
short of the number of sheets of paper to be taken
up from the Duplex, or the leading edge of a sheet
of paper, for which a Duplex take-up print command
is yet to be received, activates the Transport Roller
C133B Option I/F communications error
C13F1 600dpi SOS Sensor failure
C13F4 Optical System out of adjustment range
C13F5 LD1 intensity adjustment failure
C13F6 LD2 intensity adjustment failure
C13F7 Sub-scanning direction beam position adjustment failure
C13F8 Main scanning direction beam position adjustment failure
C13F9 EPROM communications error
C13FA LD2 out of correction range
C13FC APC failure
C1401 IR main routine timeout
C1402 IR illegal interrupt vector occurred
C1410 IR watchdog
C1426 Report retransmitted
C1428 Transmission buffer full
C1429 Reception buffer full
C142A Transmission hard error
C1430 H-Sync error
C143E EDH malfunction
C1440 Gain adjustment failure
C1441 CCD failure (clamp adjustment failure)
C1450 Sequence trouble timeout
C1461 Serial GA1 failure
C1462 Serial GA2 failure
C1470 Module-to-module communication (CCM-EVM)
C1471 Module-to-module communication (EVM-SQM)
C1472 Module-to-module communication (EVM-AMM)
C1499 IR cooling fan malfunction
C18XX SCSI communications unit failure

4-2. Troubleshooting Procedures by Malfunction Code
(1) C0000: Fusing Motor’s failure to turn
C0010: PC Drum Drive Motor’s failure to turn

Relevant Electrical Parts

Fusing Motor (M2) Master Board (PWB-A)
PC Drum Drive Motor (M21)

5 PJ7A-5A(M21 FR)
4 PJ7A-4A(M21 LOCK)
M21 3 PJ7A-3A(M21 START)

4 PJ7A-2A(M2 LOCK)
M2 2



Step Check Result Action
1 Fusing Motor turns when the Start key is NO Correct drive coupling.
2 Fusing Motor rotation: the voltage across NO Change Master Board.
PJ7A-1A on Master Board and GND is DC5V
(motor deenergized) and DC0V (motor ener-
gized) when the Start key is pressed.
3 Fusing Motor rotation: the voltage across YES Change Master Board.
PJ7A-2A on Master Board and GND is DC5V NO Change motor.
(motor deenergized) and DC0V (motor ener-
gized) when the Start key is pressed.

Step Check Result Action
1 PC Drum Drive Motor turns when the Start key NO Correct drive coupling.
is pressed.
2 PC Drum Drive Motor rotation: the voltage NO Change Master Board.
across PJ7A-3A on Master Board and GND is
DC5V (motor deenergized) and DC0V (motor
energized) when the Start key is pressed.
3 PC Drum Drive Motor rotation: the voltage YES Change Master Board.
across PJ7A-4A on Master Board and GND is NO Change motor.
DC5V (motor deenergized) and DC0V (motor
energized) when the Start key is pressed.

(2) C0040: Suction Fan Motor’s failure to turn
C004C: Ventilation Fan Motor’s failure to turn

Relevant Electrical Parts

Suction Fan Motor (M17) Master Board (PWB-A)
Ventilation Fan Motor (M18)

CN118 1 7
3 3 5 3 PJ9A-5B(M18 LD)
M18 2 2 6 2 PJ9A-6B(GND)
1 1 7 1 PJ9A-7B(DC24V)

1 1
2 2 GND
M17 3 3 PJ13A-1B(M17 LOCK)
4 4 PJ13A-2B(M17 H/L)


Step Check Result Action
1 Suction Fan Motor turns when the malfunction NO Check motor for installa-
is reset. tion.
2 Suction Fan Motor rotation: the voltage across YES Change Master Board.
PJ13A-1B on Master Board and GND is DC5V NO Change motor.
after the malfunction has been reset.

Step Check Result Action
1 Ventilation Fan Motor rotation: the voltage NO Change Master Board.
across PJ9A-7B on Master Board and GND is
DC24V when the Start key is pressed.
2 Ventilation Fan Motor rotation: the voltage YES Change Master Board.
across PJ9A-5B on Master Board and GND is NO Check motor for installa-
DC0V when the Start key is pressed. tion.
Change motor.

(3) C0042: Fusing Unit Cooling Fan Motor’s failure to turn

Relevant Electrical Parts

Fusing Unit Cooling Fan Motor (M23) Power Supply Board (PWB-C)

CN123 1 11
1 3 9 3 PJ13C-1 (DC24V)
M23 2 2 10 2 PJ13C-2 (GND)
3 1 11 1 PJ13C-3 (M23 LD)


Step Check Result Action
1 Fusing Unit Cooling Fan Motor rotation: the NO Change Power Supply
voltage across PJ13C-1 on Power Supply Board.
Board and GND is DC24V (during high-speed
rotation) and DC16V (during low-speed rota-
tion) after the malfunction has been reset.
2 Fusing Unit Cooling Fan Motor rotation: the YES Change Master Board.
voltage across PJ13C-3 on Power Supply NO Check motor for installa-
Board and GND is DC5V after the malfunction tion.
has been reset. Change motor.

(4) C0045: IR Cooling Fan Motor malfunction
C0046: PH Cooling Fan Motor 1 malfunction
C0047: PH Cooling Fan Motor 2 malfunction

Relevant Electrical Parts

PH Cooling Fan Motor 2 (M19) IR Cooling Fan Motor (M52)
PH Cooling Fan Motor 1 (M22) SCP Board (PWB-IC)

1 3 PJ4IC-1(DC24V)
M22 2 2 PJ4IC-2(GND)
3 1 PJ4IC-3(M22 LD)

1 3 PJ4IC-4(DC24V)
M52 2 2 PJ4IC-5(GND)
3 1 PJ4IC-6(M52 LD)

1 3 PJ4IC-7(DC24V)
M19 2 2 PJ4IC-8(GND)
3 1 PJ4IC-9(M19 LD)


Step Check Result Action
1 IR Cooling Fan Motor rotation: the voltage NO Change SCP Board.
across PJ4IC-4 on SCP Board and GND is
DC24V (during high-speed rotation) and
DC12V (during low-speed rotation) after the
malfunction has been reset.
2 IR Cooling Fan Motor rotation: the voltage YES Change SCP Board.
across PJ4IC-6 on SCP Board and GND is NO Check motor for installa-
DC5V after the malfunction has been reset. tion.
Change motor.

Step Check Result Action
1 PH Cooling Fan Motor 1 rotation: the voltage NO Change SCP Board.
across PJ4IC-1 on Master Board and GND is
DC24V after the malfunction has been reset.
2 PH Cooling Fan Motor 1 rotation: the voltage YES Change SCP Board.
across PJ4IC-3 on Master Board and GND is NO Check motor for installa-
DC0V after the malfunction has been reset. tion.
Change motor.

Step Check Result Action
1 PH Cooling Fan Motor 2 rotation: the voltage NO Change SCP Board.
across PJ4IC-7 on Master Board and GND is
DC24V after the malfunction has been reset.
2 PH Cooling Fan Motor 2 rotation: the voltage YES Change SCP Board.
across PJ4IC-9 on Master Board and GND is NO Check motor for installa-
DC0V after the malfunction has been reset. tion.
Change motor.

(5) C0049: Paper source option Vertical Transport Cooling Fan Motor malfunction

Relevant Electrical Parts

Vertical Transport Cooling Fan Motor (M132) Control Board (PWB-A)

1 3 PJ14A-1(DC24V)
M132 2 2 PJ14A-2(GND)
3 1 PJ14A-3(M132 LOCK)


Step Check Result Action
1 Vertical Transport Cooling Fan Motor rotation: NO Change Control Board.
the voltage across PJ14A-1 on Power Supply
Board and GND is DC24V after the malfunction
has been reset.
2 Vertical Transport Cooling Fan Motor rotation: YES Change Control Board.
the voltage across PJ14A-3 on Power Supply NO Check motor for installa-
Board and GND is DC0V after the malfunction tion.
has been reset. Change motor.

(6) C004E: Power Supply Unit Cooling Fan Motor 1’s failure to turn
C004F: Power Supply Unit Cooling Fan Motor 2’s failure to turn

Relevant Electrical Parts

Power Supply Unit Cooling Fan Motor 1 Master Board (PWB-A)
(M16) Power Supply Board (PWB-C)
Power Supply Unit Cooling Fan Motor 2

1 3 PJ6A-11(DC24V)
M15 2 2 PJ6A-12(GND)
3 1 PJ6A-13(M15 LD)

PJ3C-1 (DC24V)
M16 PJ3C-2 (GND)
PJ3C-3 (M16 LD)


Step Check Result Action
1 Power Supply Unit Cooling Fan Motor 1 rota- NO Change Power Supply
tion: the voltage across PJ3C-1 on Power Sup- Board.
ply Board and GND is DC24V after the
malfunction has been reset.
2 Power Supply Unit Cooling Fan Motor 1 rota- YES Check motor for installa-
tion: the voltage across PJ3C-3 on Power Sup- tion.
ply Board and GND is DC5V after the Change motor.
malfunction has been reset. NO Change Power Supply

Step Check Result Action
1 Power Supply Unit Cooling Fan Motor 2 rota- NO Change Master Board.
tion: the voltage across PJ6A-11 on Power
Supply Board and GND is DC24V after the
malfunction has been reset.
2 Power Supply Unit Cooling Fan Motor 2 rota- YES Check motor for installa-
tion: the voltage across PJ6A-13 on Power tion.
Supply Board and GND is DC5V after the mal- Change motor.
function has been reset. NO Change Master Board.

(7) C0072: Main Hopper Toner Replenishing Motor’s failure to turn
C0090: Developing Unit Drive Motor’s failure to turn

Relevant Electrical Parts

Toner Bottle Home Position Sensor (PC21) Sub Hopper Toner Replenishing Motor
Developing Unit Drive Motor (M1) (M14)
Main Hopper Toner Replenishing Motor Master Board (PWB-A)

4 PJ7A-7A(M1 LOCK)
M1 2 DC24V
CN114 1 1
2 2
1 2 3 3 PJ7A-1B(DC24V)
M14 2 1 4 4 PJ7A-2B(M14 ON)

24 24

1 2 PJ11A-1(M13+)
M13 2 1 PJ11A-2(M13-)

PJ21 CN37
3 1 3 PJ11A-3(DC5V)
2 2 2 PJ11A-4(GND)
PC21 1 3 1 PJ11A-5(PC21 HOME)


Step Check Result Action
1 Toner Bottle turns when the Toner Bottle is NO Correct drive coupling.
turned a half turn and the Front Door is closed.
2 I/O check for Toner Bottle Home Position Sen- YES Change Master Board.
sor operation: the voltage across PJ11A-5 on NO Check sensor for installa-
Master Board and GND is DC5V (Toner Bottle tion.
at home position) and DC0V (Toner Bottle at a Correct detecting plate.
position other than home) when step 1 is per- Change sensor.
3 Main Hopper Toner Replenishing Motor rota- YES Change motor.
tion: the voltage across PJ11A-1 on Master NO Change Master Board.
Board and GND is DC0V (Toner Bottle at a
stop) and DC24V (Toner Bottle turning) when
step 1 is performed.

Step Check Result Action
1 Developing Unit Drive Motor rotation: the volt- NO Change Master Board.
age across PJ7A-7A on Master Board and
GND is DC5V (motor deenergized) and DC0V
(motor energized) when the Start key is
2 Developing Unit Drive Motor rotation: the volt- YES Correct drive coupling.
age across PJ7A-6A on Master Board and Correct installed position
GND is DC5V (motor deenergized) and DC0V of the Developing Unit.
(motor energized) when the Start key is Change motor.
pressed. NO Change Master Board.

(8) C0210: Image Transfer/Paper Separator Corona charge leak detected

Relevant Electrical Parts

PC Drum Charge/Developing Bias HV Master Board (PWB-A)

8 PJ12A-4B(SCD)
7 PJ12A-5B(Sep BIAS)
6 PJ12A-6B(Sep REM)
5 PJ12A-7B(Tra REM)
HV1 4 PJ12A-8B(Dev BIAS)
3 PJ12A-9B(Dev REM)
2 PJ12A-10B(GRID)
1 PJ12A-11B(C.G.REM)

1 2


Step Check Result Action
1 The Image Transfer/Paper Separator Coronas NO Correct installed position.
Unit is installed properly.
2 The Image Transfer/Paper Separator Coronas YES Clean or change.
wires are dirty or have snapped.
3 The malfunction code appears even with YES Change Master Board.
PJ2HV1 unplugged. NO Change the HV.

(9) C0400: Exposure Lamp’s failure to turn ON
C0420: Exposure Lamp turning ON at abnormal timing

Relevant Electrical Parts

Exposure Lamp (FL51) Image Processing Board (PWB-B)
Inverter Board (UN51) Power Supply Board (PWB-C)
Lamp Flat Cable (PWB-IF) SCP Board (PWB-IC)

FL51 CN2UN51-1
CN1UN51-1 PJ1IF-4 PJ301B-14(GND)
CN1UN51-2 PJ1IF-3 PJ301B-15(DC24V)
CN1UN51-3 PJ1IF-2
F1 PJ1IF-1



C0400, C0420
Step Check Result Action
1 Exposure Lamp has discolored. YES Change Exposure Lamp.
2 “NG” is displayed when “Scanning Check” of YES Check the optical path.
“Function (IR)” is run. Change Image Process-
ing Board or CCD Board.
3 Power Supply Board operation: the voltage YES Check and change, as
across PJ9C-4 on Power Supply Board and necessary, flat cable.
GND is DC24V after the malfunction has been Change Inverter Board or
reset. Image Processing Board.
NO Change Power Supply

(10) C0500: Warming-up failure
C0510: Abnormally low fusing temperature
C0520: Abnormally high fusing temperature

Relevant Electrical Parts

Upper Fusing Roller Heater Lamp (H1) Upper Fusing Roller Thermostat (TS1)
Lower Fusing Roller Heater Lamp (H2) DC Power Supply Main (PU1)
Upper Fusing Roller Thermistor (TH1) Master Board (PWB-A)
Lower Fusing Roller Thermistor (TH2)

CN11 PU1
CN217 1 1 CN3-1(HIL)
2 2 CN3-4(HIN)
1 4 3 3 CN14-1(H1 REM)
2 3 4 4 CN14-2(H2 REM)
3 2 5 5 CN5-1(H2L)
4 1 6 6 CN5-4(H2N)
7 7
8 8
TH2 9 9
CN218 10 10
11 11
1 4 12 12
2 3 13 13
15 PWB-A
16 16 PJ7A-13A(GND)
CN212 PJ7A-11A(TH2 REM)
TS1 1 1 PJ7A-9A(TH1)
CN210 CN211
1 1 H1 1 1 H2


C0500, C0510
Step Check Result Action
1 Upper Fusing Roller Heater Lamp turns ON YES Correct thermistor for
when the Power Switch is turned ON. mounting position and/or
2 Lower Fusing Roller Heater Lamp turns ON NO Check step 7 and onward.
when the malfunction is reset with the surface
temperature of Lower Fusing Roller Heater
Lamp is 140°C or less as indicated on “Level
History” under the Tech. Rep. mode.
3 Upper and Lower Fusing Roller Thermistors NO Reinstall.
are installed properly.
4 Upper and Lower Fusing Roller Thermistors NO Clean.
are dirty.
5 Upper Fusing Roller Thermistor operation: the YES Change Upper Fusing
resistance across CN217-2 and 3 on the Fus- Roller Thermistor.
ing Unit end is infinity with CN217 (4P) discon-
6 Lower Fusing Roller Thermistor operation: the YES Change Lower Fusing
resistance across CN218-2 and 3 on the Fus- Roller Thermistor.
ing Unit end is infinity with CN218 (4P) discon-
7 Upper Fusing Roller Thermostat and Upper NO Change thermostat and
Fusing Roller Heater Lamp continuity: there is heater lamp.
continuity across CN11-1 and 8 with CN11
(16P) disconnected.
8 Lower Fusing Roller Heater Lamp continuity: NO Change heater lamp.
there is continuity across CN11-9 and 16 with
CN11 (16P) disconnected.

Step Check Result Action
1 Upper Fusing Roller Heater Lamp is ON even YES Change DC Power Supply
after the copier has completed warming up. Or Main.
Lower Fusing Roller Heater Lamp is ON when
the surface temperature of Lower Fusing Roller
Heater Lamp is 140°C or more as indicated on
“Level History” under the Tech. Rep. mode.
2 Upper and Lower Fusing Roller Thermistors NO Reinstall.
are installed properly.
3 Upper and Lower Fusing Roller Thermistors NO Clean.
are dirty.
4 Upper Fusing Roller Thermistor operation: the YES Change Upper Fusing
resistance across CN217-2 and 3 on the Fus- Roller Thermistor.
ing Unit end is infinity with CN217 (4P) discon-
5 Lower Fusing Roller Thermistor operation: the YES Change Lower Fusing
resistance across CN218-2 and 3 on the Fus- Roller Thermistor.
ing Unit end is infinity with CN218 (4P) discon-

(11) C0602: Cable unwound
C0650: SHOME signal error

Relevant Electrical Parts

Scanner Motor (M51) Image Processing Board (PWB-B)
Scanner Reference Position Sensor (PC51) SCP Board (PWB-IC)

3 PJ306B-10(GND)
2 PJ306B-9(PC51 ON)
PC51 1 PJ306B-11(DC5V)

1 PJ3IC-1 (U)
M51 2 PJ3IC-2 (V)
3 PJ3IC-3 (W)


Step Check Result Action
1 Scanner moves as moved manually. NO Correct drive coupling.
Rewind cables.
2 Connector on SCP Board is connected prop- NO Connect.
erly: PJ3IC on PWB-IC.
3 Scanner Motor turns when the Start key is NO Correct drive coupling.
pressed. Change motor or SCP
4 Connector on Image Processing Board is con- NO Connect.
nected properly: PJ306B on PWB-B.
5 I/O check for Scanner Reference Position Sen- YES Change Image Process-
sor ing Board.
NO Correct actuator. Change

Step Check Result Action
1 Scanner moves as moved manually. NO Correct drive coupling.
Rewind cables.
2 Connector on Image Processing Board is con- NO Connect.
nected properly: PJ306B on PWB-B.
3 Light Blocking Plate is installed properly. NO Correct.
4 I/O check for Scanner Reference Position Sen- YES Change Image Process-
sor ing Board.
NO Correct actuator.
Change sensor.

(12) C0910: 2nd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor malfunction
C0914: 2nd Drawer Lift-Up Motor’s failure to turn
C0920: 1st Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor malfunction
C0924: 1st Drawer Lift-Up Motor’s failure to turn

Relevant Electrical Parts

2nd Drawer Set Sensor (PC11) 1st Drawer Set Sensor (PC10)
2ndDrawer Lift-Up Motor Pulse Sensor 1st Drawer Lift-Up Motor Pulse Sensor
(PC13) (PC12)
2nd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor (PC15) 1st Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor (PC14)
2 Drawer Lift-Up Motor (M12) 1st Drawer Lift-Up Motor (M11)
Master Board (PWB-A)

3 PJ3A-7A(DC5V)
2 PJ3A-8A(GND)
PC10 1 PJ3A-9A(PC10 ON)

PJ12 CN25
3 1 3 PJ3A-10A(GND)
2 2 2 PJ3A-11A(PC12 ON)
PC12 1 3 1 PJ3A-12A(DC5V)

2 PJ3A-13A(M11+)
M11 1 PJ3A-14A(M12 )

3 PJ3A-7B(DC5V)
2 PJ3A-8B(GND)
PC11 1 PJ3A-9B(PC11 ON)

PJ13 CN28
3 1 3 PJ3A-10B(GND)
2 2 2 PJ3A-11B(PC13 ON)
PC13 1 3 1 PJ3A-12B(DC5V)

2 PJ3A-13B(M12+)
M12 1 PJ3A-14B(M12 )

PJ14 CN17
3 1 6 PJ4A-4B(DC5V)
2 2 5 PJ4A-5B(GND)
PC14 1 3 4 PJ4A-6B(PC14 ON)

6 1

PJ15 CN18
3 1 6 PJ4A-10B(DC5V)
2 2 5 PJ4A-11B(GND)
PC15 1 3 4 PJ4A-12B(PC15 ON)

6 1


C0910, C0914
Step Check Result Action
1 Lift-Up Motor turns when the 2nd Drawer is slid NO Correct drive coupling.
out and then back in.
2 2nd Drawer Lift-Up Motor rotation: the voltage YES Change motor.
across PJ3A-13B on Master Board and GND is NO Change Master Board.
DC0V (motor deenergized) and DC24V (motor
energized) after the 2nd Drawer has been slid
back in.
3 I/O check for 2nd Drawer Lift-Up Motor Pulse YES Change Master Board.
Sensor operation: the voltage across PJ3A- NO Correct drive coupling.
11B on Master Board and GND changes in the Change sensor.
range between DC0V and DC5V while 2nd
Drawer Lift-Up Motor is turning.
4 I/O check for 2nd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor: YES Change Master Board.
the voltage across PJ4A-12B on Master Board NO Change sensor.
and GND is DC0V (sensor unblocked) and
DC5V (sensor blocked).

C0920, C0924
Step Check Result Action
1 st
Lift-Up Motor turns when the 1 Drawer is slid NO Correct drive coupling.
out and then back in.
2 1st Drawer Lift-Up Motor rotation: the voltage YES Change motor.
across PJ3A-13A on Master Board and GND is NO Change Master Board.
DC0V (motor deenergized) and DC24V (motor
energized) after the 1st Drawer has been slid
back in.
3 I/O check for 1st Drawer Lift-Up Motor Pulse YES Change Master Board.
Sensor operation: the voltage across PJ3A- NO Correct drive coupling.
11A on Master Board and GND changes in the Change sensor.
range between DC0V and DC5V while 1st
Drawer Lift-Up Motor is turning.
4 I/O check for 1st Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor: YES Change Master Board.
the voltage across PJ4A-6B on Master Board NO Change sensor.
and GND is DC0V (sensor unblocked) and
DC5V (sensor blocked).

(13) C0900: 3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor malfunction
C0904: 3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor’s failure to turn
C0950: 4th Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor malfunction
C0954: 4th Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor’s failure to turn

Relevant Electrical Parts

3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor (PC115) 4th Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor (PC119)
3rd Drawer Set Sensor (PC121) 4th Drawer Set Sensor (PC122)
3rdDrawer Lift-Up Motor Pulse Sensor 4th Drawer Lift-Up Motor Pulse Sensor
(PC123) (PC124)
3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor (M124) 4th Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor (M125)
Control Board (PWB-A): PF-208


3 1 3 PJ5A-4A(GND)
2 2 2 PJ5A-5A(PC124 ON)
PC124 1 3 1 PJ5A-6A(DC5V)

3 PJ5A-7A(GND)
2 PJ5A-8A(PC122 ON)
PC122 1 PJ5A-9A(DC5V)

1 PJ5A-2B(M125-)
M125 2 PJ5A-1B(M125+)

1 PJ5A-4B(M124-)
M124 2 PJ5A-3B(M124+)

1 PJ5A-7B(DC5V)
2 PJ5A-6B(PC121 ON)
PC121 3 PJ5A-5B(GND)

PJ6 CN11
1 3 1 PJ5A-10B(DC5V)
2 2 2 PJ5A-9B(PC123 ON)
PC123 3 1 3 PJ5A-8B(GND)

PJ19 CN16
3 1 6 PJ6A-1(GND)
2 2 5 PJ6A-2(PC119 ON)
PC119 1 3 4 PJ6A-3(DC5V)

6 1

PJ15 CN15
3 1 6 PJ8A-1(GND)
2 2 5 PJ8A-2(PC115 ON)
PC115 1 3 4 PJ8A-3(DC5V)

6 1


C0900, C0904
Step Check Result Action
1 Lift-Up Motor turns when the 3rd Drawer is slid NO Correct drive coupling.
out and then back in.
2 3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor rotation: the YES Change motor.
voltage across PJ5A-3B on Control Board and NO Change Control Board.
GND is DC0V (motor deenergized) and DC24V
(motor energized) after the 3rd Drawer has
been slid back in.
3 I/O check for 3rd Drawer Lift-Up Motor Pulse YES Change Control Board.
Sensor operation: the voltage across PJ5A-9B NO Correct drive coupling.
on Control Board and GND changes in the Change sensor.
range between DC0V and DC5V while 3rd
Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor is turning.
4 I/O check for 3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor: YES Change Control Board.
the voltage across PJ8A-2 on Control Board NO Change sensor.
and GND is DC0V (sensor unblocked) and
DC5V (sensor blocked).

C0950, C0954
Step Check Result Action
1 th
Lift-Up Motor turns when the 4 Drawer is slid NO Correct drive coupling.
out and then back in.
2 4th Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor rotation: the YES Change motor.
voltage across PJ5A-1B on Control Board and NO Change Control Board.
GND is DC0V (motor deenergized) and DC24V
(motor energized) after the 4th Drawer has
been slid back in.
3 I/O check for 4th Drawer Lift-Up Motor Pulse YES Change Control Board.
Sensor operation: the voltage across PJ5A-5A NO Correct drive coupling.
on Control Board and GND changes in the Change sensor.
range between DC0V and DC5V while 4th
Drawer Paper Lift-Up Motor is turning.
4 I/O check for 4th Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor: YES Change Control Board.
the voltage across PJ6A-2 on Control Board NO Change sensor.
and GND is DC0V (sensor unblocked) and
DC5V (sensor blocked).

(14) C0990: Main Tray lifting motion failure
C0994: Main Tray Elevator Motor’s failure to turn

Relevant Electrical Parts

3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor (PC115) Elevator Motor Pulse Sensor (PC142)
Elevator Motor (M126)
3rd Drawer Paper Empty Sensor (PC116)
Cabinet Transport Board (PWB-H)
Lower Position Overrun Detecting Sensor
Control Board (PWB-A): PF-115
Elevator Lower Position Sensor (PC139)


2 PJ2H-2A
PC137 3 (PF-115)
PJ1H-10A PJ7A-2A(PC137 ON)

2 PJ2H-5A
PC142 3
PJ1H-7A PJ7A-5A(PC142 ON)

2 PJ2H-9A
PC139 3
PJ1H-3A PJ7A-9A(PC139 ON)
PJ1H-6B PJ7A-6B(+)
PJ1H-5B PJ7A-7B(-)
1 PJ2H-6B
M126 2 PJ2H-7B

PJ15 CN15
3 1 6 PJ8A-1(GND)
2 2 5 PJ8A-2(PC115 ON)
PC115 1 3 4 PJ8A-3(DC5V)
4 3 PJ8A-4(GND)
5 2 PJ8A-5(PC116 ON)
6 1 PJ8A-6(DC5V)
PC116 1


Step Check Result Action
1 I/O check for 3rd Drawer Paper Lift-Up Sensor YES Change Control Board.
operation: the voltage across PJ8A-2 on Con- NO Change sensor.
trol Board and GND is DC5V (sensor
unblocked) and DC0V (sensor blocked).
2 I/O check for Lower Position Overrun Detecting YES Change Control Board.
Sensor operation: the voltage across PJ7A-2A
on Control Board and GND is DC5V (sensor NO Change sensor or Cabinet
unblocked) and DC0V (sensor blocked). Transport Board.
Change flat cable.
3 I/O check for Elevator Lower Position Sensor YES Change Control Board.
operation: the voltage across PJ7A-9A on Con- NO Correct actuator. Change
trol Board and GND is DC5V (sensor sensor or Cabinet Trans-
unblocked) and DC0V (sensor blocked). port Board. Change flat

Step Check Result Action
1 Elevator Motor turns when the Paper Descent NO Correct drive coupling.
key is pressed.
2 Elevator Motor rotation: the voltage across YES Change motor or Cabinet
PJ7A-6B (ascent)/PJ7A-7B (descent) on Con- Transport Board. Change
trol Board and GND is DC0V (motor deener- flat cable.
gized) and DC24V (motor energized) when the NO Change Control Board.
drawer is slid in or the Paper Descent key is
3 I/O check for Elevator Motor Pulse Sensor YES Change Control Board.
operation: the voltage across PJ7A-5A on Con- NO Change gear or sensor.
trol Board and GND changes in the range
between DC0V and DC5V while the Elevator
Motor is turning.

(15) C0996: Main Tray lock release failure
C0997: Shift Gate malfunction

Relevant Electrical Parts

Shift Gate Position Sensor (PC136) 3rd Drawer Lock Solenoid (SL112)
3 Drawer Set Sensor (PC144) Cabinet Transport Board (PWB-H)
Shift Gate Motor (M128) Control Board (PWB-A): PF-115


PJ1H-11B PJ7A-1B(PC136 ON)
2 PJ2H-1B
PC136 3

PJ1H-10B PJ7A-2B(+)
PJ36 PJ1H-9B PJ7A-3B(-)
1 PJ2H-2B
M128 2 PJ2H-3B
3 PJ10A-2(GND)
2 PJ10A-3(PC144 ON)
PC144 1 PJ10A-4(DC5V)

1 PJ10A-5(DC24V)
SL112 2
3 PJ10A-6(SL112 ON)


Step Check Result Action
1 3rd Drawer Lock Solenoid operation: the volt- YES Change solenoid.
age across PJ10A-6 on Control Board and NO Change Control Board.
GND is DC24V (solenoid deenergized) and
DC0V (solenoid energized) when the Paper
Descent key is pressed and the Main Tray com-
pletes its descent motion.

Step Check Result Action
1 Shift Gate Motor rotation: the voltage across YES Correct drive coupling.
PJ7A-2B on Control Board and GND is DC0V Change motor or flat
(motor deenergized) and DC24V (motor ener- cable.
gized) when the drawer is slid in with paper NO Change Control Board.
loaded on the Shift Tray only. Change Cabinet Transport
2 I/O check for Shift Gate Position Sensor opera- YES Change Control Board.
tion: the voltage across PJ7A-1B on Control Change Cabinet Transport
Board and GND is DC5V (sensor unblocked) Board.
and DC0V (sensor blocked) when the drawer is NO Change sensor.
slid in with paper loaded on the Shift Tray only. Change flat cable.

(16) C0998: Shifter return failure
C099C: Shift Motor’s failure to turn

Relevant Electrical Parts

Shifter Home Position Sensor (PC140) Shift Motor (M127)
Shifter Return Position Sensor (PC141) Cabinet Transport Board (PWB-H)
Shift Motor Pulse Sensor (PC143) Control Board (PWB-A): PF-115


PJ1H-9A PJ7A-3A(PC143 ON)
2 PJ2H-3A
PC143 3

PJ1H-5A PJ7A-7A(PC141 ON)
2 PJ2H-7A
PC141 3 PWB-A
PJ1H-4A PJ7A-8A(PC140 ON)
2 PJ2H-8A
PC140 3

PJ1H-8B PJ7A-4B(+)
PJ37 PJ1H-7B PJ7A-5B(-)
1 PJ2H-4B
M127 2 PJ2H-5B


Step Check Result Action
1 I/O check for Shifter Return Position Sensor YES Change Control Board.
operation: the voltage across PJ7A-7A on Con- NO Change sensor or Cabinet
trol Board and GND is DC5V (sensor Transport Board.
unblocked) and DC0V (sensor blocked). Change flat cable.
2 I/O check for Shifter Home Position Sensor YES Change Control Board.
operation: the voltage across PJ7A-8A on Con- NO Change sensor or Cabinet
trol Board and GND is DC5V (sensor Transport Board.
unblocked) and DC0V (sensor blocked). Change flat cable.

Step Check Result Action
1 rd
Shift Motor turns when the 3 Drawer is slid in NO Correct drive coupling.
with paper loaded on the Shift Tray (paper is
moved to the Main Tray).
2 Shift Motor rotation: the voltage across PJ7A- YES Change motor or Cabinet
4B on Control Board and GND is DC0V (motor Transport Board.
deenergized) and DC24V (motor energized) in Change flat cable.
step 1. NO Change Control Board.
3 I/O check for Shift Motor Pulse Sensor opera- YES Change Control Board.
tion: the voltage across PJ7A-3A on Control NO Correct drive coupling.
Board and GND changes in the range between Change sensor.
DC0V and DC5V while the Shift Motor is turn-

(17) C0D50: Duplex Horizontal Transport Motor malfunction

Relevant Electrical Parts

Horizontal Transport Motor (M131) Control Board (PWB-A)

PJ25 CN8 (Cabinet)
6 12 12 PJ12A-13(GND)
M131 5 11 11 PJ12A-12(DC5V)
4 10 10 PJ12A-10(GND)
3 9 9 PJ12A-9(DC24V)
2 8 8 PJ12A-8(M131 CLK)
1 7 7 PJ12A-7(M131 LOCK)
6 6
5 5 PJ12A-5(M131 REM)
4 4
3 3
2 2 PJ12A-1(GND)
1 1


Step Check Result Action
1 Horizontal Transport Motor turns when the NO Correct drive coupling.
Start key is pressed.
2 Horizontal Transport Motor rotation: the voltage NO Change Control Board.
across PJ12A-5 on Control Board and GND is
DC5V (motor deenergized) and DC0V (motor
energized) when the Start key is pressed.
3 Horizontal Transport Motor rotation: the voltage YES Change Control Board.
across PJ12A-7 on Control Board and GND is NO Change motor.
DC5V (motor deenergized) and DC0V (motor
energized) when the Start key is pressed.

(18) C0E00: Main Erase Lamp’s failure to turn ON

Relevant Electrical Parts

Main Erase Lamp (LA2) Master Board (PWB-A)

1 11
3 7 5 PJ9A-7A
LA2 2 8 4 (LA2 REM)
11 1



Step Check Result Action
1 Main Erase Lamp ON: the voltage across YES Change Master Board.
PJ9A-7A on Master Board and GND is DC24V
(lamp OFF) and DC0V (lamp ON) when the
Start key is pressed.
2 Main Erase Lamp ON: the voltage across YES Change lamp.
PJ9A-7A on Master Board and GND is DC24V NO Change Master Board.
in the standby state.

(19) C0F24: AIDC Sensor contamination correction failure

Relevant Electrical Parts

AIDC Sensor Board (PWB-G) Master Board (PWB-A)

CN41 1 1
PWB-G 1 3 10 10 PJ7A-5B(AIDC LED)
2 2 11 11 PJ7A-6B(GND)
AIDC 3 1 12 12 PJ7A-7B(AIDC OUT)

24 24


Step Check Result Action
1 PJ7A, CN10, and CN41 are plugged securely NO Plug them in securely.
into Master Board.
2 Photosensor/LED of the AIDC Sensor are con- YES Clean.
taminated. NO Change AIDC Sensor
Change Master Board.

(20) C0F32: ATDC Sensor malfunction
C0F33: Abnormally low T/C as detected by ATDC Sensor

Relevant Electrical Parts

ATDC Sensor (UN2) Master Board (PWB-A)


1 1
1 15 15 PJ7A-8B(CONTROL)
UN2 2 16 16 PJ7A-9B(DC24V)
ATDC 3 17 17 PJ7A-10B(OUT)
4 18 18 PJ7A-11B(GND)

24 24


C0F32, C0F33
Step Check Result Action
1 PJ7A on Master Board, CN10, and PJ7 on the NO Plug them in securely.
sensor are properly connected.
2 ATDC Sensor operation: the voltage across YES Change Master Board.
PJ7A-10B on Master Board and GND changes NO Change sensor.
in the range between DC0.5V and DC4.5V dur-
ing a copy cycle.

(21) C10XX to C18XX
• These malfunctions are concerned with faulty symptoms relating to software, hardware,
and communications.

Code Action
C10XX 1. Reset the malfunction and turn OFF and ON the Power Switch.
C11XX 2. If the same malfunction persists, check cables and connectors for proper
C12XX connection.
3. If they are okay, change Image Processing Board, Memory Board, or Hard
Disk Drive.
C12CX 1. Run “Hard Disk Format” selected in the following sequence: Tech. Rep.
Mode → Function → Image Memory.
2. If the same malfunction persists, change Hard Disk Drive.
3. If the malfunction is detected a third time, change Memory Board.
C1300 1. Reset the malfunction and turn OFF and ON the Power Switch.
2. If the same malfunction persists, check connectors of Polygon Motor and
Master Board.
3. If connections are okay, change PH Unit, Master Board, or Power Supply
C1326 1. Reset the malfunction and turn OFF and ON the Power Switch.
2. If the same malfunction persists, change Memory Board or Master Board.
C1330 1. Reset the malfunction and turn OFF and ON the Power Switch.
C1334 2. If the same malfunction persists, run “Mem. → Prn” selected from “I.R. → →

Mem. → Prn” selected in the following sequence: Tech. Rep. Mode →

Function → Image Memory.
3. If the malfunction is detected a third time, change Master Board or Image
Processing Board.
C133B 1. Reset the malfunction and turn OFF and ON the Power Switch.
2. Check the option I/F cable for proper connection.
3. If the connection is okay, change the CPU Board of the option, or Master
C13F1 1. Reset the malfunction.
2. If the same malfunction persists, check the Image Processing Board connec-
tor for proper connection.
3. If the connection is okay, change the PH Unit, Image Processing Board, or
Master Board.
C13F4~ 1. Reset the malfunction.
C13F8 2. If the same malfunction persists, change the PH Unit.
C13FAB 3. If the same malfunction is detected again, change the PH Unit.
C13FC 4. If the malfunction is detected a third time, change Image Processing Board.
C13F9 1. Reset the malfunction.
2. If the same malfunction persists, change the Master Board.

Code Action
C1401 1. Reset the malfunction.
C1402 2. If the same malfunction persists, change the Image Processing Board.
C143E See the option service manual.
C1440 1. Reset the malfunction.
2. Check that the Original Glass is properly installed.
3. Check the optical system.
4. If the optical system has been checked okay, change Memory Board.
C1441 1. Reset the malfunction.
2. Check that the Original Glass is properly installed.
3. Check for extraneous light and check to see if the CCD Assy and mirrors are
installed at the correct positions.
4. If the same malfunction is detected again, change Image Processing Board.
C1450 1. Reset the malfunction.
2. If the same malfunction persists, check the cables, timing belt, and other
drive transmission mechanism from the Scanner Motor to the Scanner.
3. If step 2 has been checked okay, change Image Processing Board.
C1461 1. Reset the malfunction.
C1470 2. If the same malfunction persists, change Image Processing Board.
C143E See the option service manual.
C1499 1. Reset the malfunction.
2. If the same malfunction persists, check CN152 of IR Cooling Fan Motor and
PJ4IC of SCP Board for proper connection.
3. If the connections are okay, change motor or SCP Board.
C18XX 1. Reset the malfunction.
2. If the same malfunction persists, change Image Processing Board.

(22) Copier does not turn ON.

Relevant Electrical Parts

Power Switch (S1) DC Power Supply Main (PU1)
Front Door Interlock Switch (S21) DC Power Supply Sub (PU2)
Upper Left Door Interlock Switch (S22) Power Supply Board (PWB-C)
Main Relay (RY1) Master Board (PWB-A)

• Main Relay does not turn ON.

Step Check Result Action
1 Power supply voltage check: there is a rated NO Check wall power outlet
AC voltage supply across CN1PU1-1 and 3 of voltage. Check power cord
DC Power Supply Main and across PJ1PU2-1 for continuity. Check har-
and 3 of DC Power Supply Sub when the ness between DC Power
power cord is plugged in the power outlet. Supply Main and Sub for
2 DC Power Supply Sub operation: the voltage NO Change DC Power Supply
across PJ2PU2-1 and 2 of DC Power Supply Sub.
Sub is DC5V when the power cord is plugged
in the power outlet.
3 DC Power Supply Main operation: the voltage NO Check harness.
across PJ12PU1-1 and 5 of DC Power Supply
Main is DC5V and the voltage across
PJ12PU1-2 and 5 of DC Power Supply Main is
DC5V when the Power Switch is turned ON.
4 DC Power Supply Main operation: the voltage NO Check harness.
across PJ12PU1-2 and 5 of DC Power Supply YES Change DC Power Supply
Main is DC0.5V to 1.0V when the Power Switch Main.
is turned ON.
5 Power Switch operation: the voltage across NO Check and change, as
PJ15A-3 on Master Board and GND is DC5V necessary, Power Switch.
(switch OFF) and DC0V (switch ON).
6 Front Door Interlock Switch operation: the volt- NO Check harness.
age across PJ6C-1 on Power Supply Board Change Power Supply
and GND is DC0V (Power Switch OFF) and Board.
DC24V (Power Switch ON).
7 Upper Left Door Interlock Switch operation: the NO Check harness.
voltage across PJ6A-2 on Master Board and Change Master Board.
GND is DC5V when the Upper Left Door is
8 Front Door Interlock Switch and Upper Left NO Readjust the position of,
Door Interlock Switch operation: the voltage check, or change Front
across PJ6C-2 on Power Supply Board and Door Interlock Switch.
GND is DC24V when both doors are closed. Check and change, as
necessary, Upper Left
Door Interlock Switch.

Step Check Result Action
9 Power Supply Board operation: the voltage NO Change Power Supply
across PJ5C-3 on Power Supply Board and Board.
GND is AC10V when Power Switch is turned YES Check Main Relay.

5-1. Image Failure Troubleshooting
• In this chapter, troubleshooting is divided into “initial checks” and “troubleshooting proce-
dures classified by image failures.”
• If any image failure has occurred, first make the initial checks, then proceed to the corre-
sponding image failure troubleshooting procedure.

5-2. Initial Checks

• Determine if the failure is attributable to a basic cause or causes.
Section Step Check Result Action
Installation 1 See “PRECAUTIONS FOR NO Change the installation site.
2 Recommended paper is used. NO Instruct user.
Paper 3 Paper is damp. YES Change paper.
Instruct user in paper storage.
4 Original not flat YES Correct.
5 Faint original YES Instruct user.

Original 6 Highly transparent original YES Instruct user.

(OHP transparencies, etc.)
7 Dirty or scratched Original YES Clean or change.
8 PM parts relating to image for- YES Clean or change.
mation have reached the end (See Maintenance Schedule.)
PM parts
of cleaning/replacement

• Determine if the failure is attributable to an input system (IR) or output system (engine)
Check Result Cause
Copy made at a reduced



1177T03YA system


5-3. Troubleshooting Procedures Classified by Image Failure
• Image Failure Samples
1. Blank copy 2. Black copy 3. Low image density

4. Foggy background 5. Black streaks or bands 6. Black spots

7. Blank streaks or bands 8. Void areas 9. Smear on back

10. Uneven image density 11. Gradation reproduction 12. Rough image

13. Periodically uneven 14. Traces of PC Drum Paper 15. Void areas along
image Separator Fingers leading edge


(1) Blank copy
Section Step Check Result Action
1 Developing Unit is installed in NO Install correctly.
2 There is drive to the Develop- NO Correct or change drive cou-
ing Unit. pling.
3 Image Transfer Corona wire is NO Install properly.
installed properly.
Engine 4 Wiring between HV and Image YES Change HV.
Transfer Corona is connected. NO Connect.
5 Dust-proof shutter is in correct NO Correct.
6 Wiring between PH Unit and YES Change PH Unit.
Image Processing Board is Change Image Processing
connected. Board.
1 Scanner shading position is NO Correct IR shading position.
correct. (See ADJUSTMENT.)

(2) Black copy

Section Step Check Result Action
1 PC Drum Charge Corona is NO Install correctly.
installed correctly.
2 Wiring between HV and PC NO Connect.
Drum Charge Corona is con-
3 PC Drum is properly NO Clean or change PC Drum
Engine grounded. ground plate.
4 Developing bias contact is YES Clean or change developing
dirty or deformed. bias contact.
5 Wiring between HV and devel- YES Change HV.
oping bias is connected. NO Connect.
6 Wiring between PH Unit and YES Change PH Unit. Change
Master Board is connected. Master Board.
1 Exposure Lamp is ON. NO Change Exposure Lamp.
2 CCD Assy is correctly NO Correct installed position.
installed. (See DISASSEMBLY.)
IR 3 Wiring between CCD Assy YES Change CCD Assy.
and Image Processing Board Change Image Processing
is connected. Board.
NO Connect.

(3) Low image density
Section Step Check Result Action
1 Image Transfer Corona is dirty. YES Clean or change.
2 Wiring between HV and Image NO Connect.
Transfer Corona is connected.
3 Developing bias contact is YES Clean or change.
dirty or deformed.
4 PH lens is dirty. YES Clean.
5 Wiring between HV and devel- NO Connect.
oping bias is connected.
6 ATDC Sensor gain value is NO Re-input.
1 Shading position is correct. NO Correct IR shading position.

(4) Foggy background

Section Step Check Result Action
1 Extraneous light entered YES Protect copier from extrane-

copier. ous light.
1 Cleaning Blade is dirty with YES Clean or change.
foreign matter and paper dust.
2 PC Drum is dirty with foreign YES Clean or change.
3 Sleeve/Magnet Roller is dirty. YES Clean.
4 Developing bias contact is YES Clean or change.
dirty or deformed.
5 Main Erase Lamp is dirty. YES Clean.
IR 1 Mirrors and lens are dirty. YES Clean.

(5) High image density

Section Step Check Result Action
1 Image Transfer Corona is dirty. YES Clean or change.
2 Wiring between HV and Image NO Connect.
Transfer Corona is connected.
3 Developing bias contact is YES Clean or change.
Engine dirty or deformed.
4 Wiring between HV and devel- NO Connect.
oping bias is connected.
5 ATDC Sensor gain value is NO Re-input.
1 Shading position is correct. NO Correct IR shading position.

(6) Black streaks or bands
Section Step Check Result Action
1 PC Drum is dirty. YES Clean or change.
2 Cleaning Blade has correct NO Correct lateral movement
lateral movement. mechanism.
3 Cleaning Blade is curled YES Change.
Engine upward or deteriorated.
4 Comb Electrode and grid YES Clean or change.
mesh are dirty.
5 Upper Fusing Roller is dirty. YES Clean.
6 PH Unit window is dirty. YES Clean.
1 Mirrors and lens are dirty. YES Clean.
2 Original Glass is dirty or YES Clean.
3 Exposure Lamp is dirty. YES Clean.

(7) Black spots

Section Step Check Result Action
1 PC Drum is dirty. YES Clean or change.
2 PC Drum Paper Separator YES Clean or change.
Fingers are dirty.
3 Toner spilled over areas inside YES Clean.
Engine copier.
4 Upper Fusing Roller is dirty. YES Clean or change.
5 Toner is caked in the Develop- YES Changer developer.
ing Unit.
6 Main Erase Lamp is dirty. YES Clean.
1 Mirrors and lens are dirty. YES Clean.
IR 2 Original Glass is dirty or YES Clean or change.

(8) Blank streaks or bands
Section Step Check Result Action
1 PC Drum is scratchy and dirty. YES Clean or change.
2 PC Drum Paper Separator YES Clean of change.
Fingers are dirty or deformed.
3 PC Drum is properly NO Clean or change PC Drum
grounded. ground plate.
4 Image Transfer Corona wire is YES Clean or change.
5 Comb Electrode and grid YES Clean or change.
mesh are dirty.
6 Upper Fusing Roller is YES Clean or change.
scratchy or dirty.
7 Fusing Paper Separator Fin- YES Change.
gers are scratchy or dirty.
8 DB is plugged with caked YES Remove foreign matter.
toner and foreign matter. Change developer.
9 PH Unit window is dirty. YES Clean.
1 Mirror is dirty. YES Clean.
2 Shading sheet is dirty. YES Clean.
3 Scanner shading position is YES Correct IR shading position.
correct. (See ADJUSTMENT.)

(9) Void areas

Section Step Check Result Action
1 Image Transfer Corona is NO Install correctly.
installed properly.
2 Image Transfer Corona wire is NO Install correctly.
installed correctly.
3 Upper Fusing Roller is YES Change.
Engine scratchy or dirty.
4 Toner is even on Sleeve/Mag- NO Adjust DB. (See ADJUST-
net Roller. MENT.) Correct developer
conveying mechanism.
5 DB is plugged with caked YES Remove foreign matter.
toner and foreign matter. Change developer.

(10) Smear on back
Section Step Check Result Action
1 Suction Belts are dirty. YES Clean.
2 Image Transfer Corona is dirty. YES Clean.
3 Image Transfer Guide Plate is NO Clean.
Engine 4 Pre-Fusing Guide Plate is YES Clean.
5 Fusing Rollers are dirty. YES Clean or change.
6 Toner spilled over area inside YES Clean.

(11) Uneven image density

Section Step Check Result Action
1 PC Drum is properly NO Clean or change PC Drum
grounded. ground plate.
2 Comb Electrode and grid YES Clean or change.
mesh are dirty or deteriorated.
Engine 3 Image Transfer Corona is dirty YES Change.
or deteriorated.
4 Toner is even on Sleeve/Mag- NO Adjust DB. (See ADJUST-
net Roller. MENT.) Correct developer
conveying mechanism.
1 Mirrors and lens are dirty. YES Clean.
IR 2 Exposure Lamp is dirty or YES Clean or change.

(12) Gradation reproduction failure

Section Step Check Result Action
1 Wiring between PH Unit and YES Change PH Unit.
Engine Image Processing Board is Change Image Processing
connected. Board.
1 Shading sheet is dirty. YES Clean.
2 Wiring between CCD Assy YES Change CCD Assy.
IR and Image Processing Board Change Image Processing
is connected. Board.
NO Connect.

(13) Rough image
Section Step Check Result Action
1 Foreign matter and caked YES Remove foreign matter and
toner inside Developing Unit caked toner. Change devel-
and DB. oper.
Engine 2 Image Transfer Corona wire is YES Clean or change.
dirty or deteriorated.
3 Wiring between HV and Image YES Change HV.
Transfer Corona is connected. NO Connect.
1 Wiring between CCD Assy YES Change CCD Assy.
and Image Processing Board Change Image Processing
IR is connected. Board.
NO Connect.

(14) Traces of PC Drum Paper Separator Fingers

Section Step Check Result Action
1 Traces come from PC Drum YES Adjust Paper Separator
Paper Separator Fingers. Corona output: Change the
value to one 3 to 5 steps
greater than the current set-
ting. (See the adjustment pro-
cedure given below.)

(15) Void areas along leading edge

Section Step Check Result Action
1 Image density along the lead- YES Adjust Paper Separator
ing edge is low. Corona output: Change the
value to one 3 to 5 steps
greater than the current set-
ting. (See the adjustment pro-
cedure given below.)

<Paper Separator Corona Output Adjustment Procedure>

1. Press the Utility key.
2. Touch Meter Count.
3. Press the following keys in this order: Stop → 0 → 0 → Stop → 0 → 1.
4. Select Tech. Rep. Mode.
5. Press the following keys in this order: Stop → Start.
6. Select “Printer” of the Adjust mode.
7. Select “Separator Charge.”
8. Select “1-side” or “2-side.”
9. Press the Clear key and enter a value from the 10-Key Pad.
10. Use the Access key to change the + or – sign.
11. After the setting has been made, go back to the Basic screen.

6-1. Details of Maintenance Codes

Code Description
The count of “Waste Toner” of the Consumables counter reaches a predeter-
mined value before the setting value.
M3 The count of “Web” of the Consumables counter reaches the setting value.

6-2. Resetting the Maintenance Code Display

(1) Entering the Tech. Rep. Mode
1. Press the Utility key.
2. Touch Meter Count.
3. Press the following keys in this order: Stop → 0 → 0 → Stop → 0 → 1.
4. Select Tech. Rep. Mode.

(2) Resetting the Maintenance Code Display

• M2: Waste Toner
<Resetting procedure>
1. Enter the Tech. Rep. mode.
2. Select “Counter.”
3. Select “Consumables.”
4. Select the count of Waste Toner.
5. Press the Clear key.

• M3: Web
<Resetting procedure>
1. Enter the Tech. Rep. mode.
2. Select “Counter.”
3. Select “Consumables.”
4. Select the count of Web.
5. Press the Clear key.

2000 MINOLTA Co., Ltd.
Printed in Japan

Use of this manual should

be strictly supervised to
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confidential information.

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