PDNI 2022 (Digital)

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El departamento de internacional de
la UPB a desarrollado un programa de
5 semanas de duración con 42 horas
académicas, orientado a nuestros
alumnos de maestría, con la interacción
de profesores internacionales en
clases online vía plataforma zoom,
con el objetivo de generar en nuestra
comunidad de empresarios y ejecutivos
graduados de la UPB un programa de
formación orientado a desarrollar la
visión global de sus negocios desde
Bolivia al mundo.
El programa tiene el objetivo de generar
en nuestra comunidad de empresarios
y ejecutivos graduados de la UPB un
programa de formación orientado
a desarrollar la visión global de sus

Del 3 al 31 de marzo
Jueves y Viernes
de 10:30 a 13:00

Programa a dictarse en ingles.

Con docentes Internacionales.

Cupos limitados a los primeros 30


400 $us

Precio Alumni UPB: 200 $us

Estudiantes que están cursando

maestrias en dirección de empresas
beca del 100%

Posibilidad de pago en dos cuotas


Certificado Ejecutivo
Empresarial de Desarrollo de
Negocios Internacional

01 Negocios Internacionales en USA

02 Negocios internacionales en Europa

03 Negocios Internacionales en ASIA

04 Negocios internacionales en Africa

05 Negocios internacionales en Australia

06 Negocios Internacionales en

07 Panel Doing Business Around the


3 y 4 de marzo Usha Raghunath– India

Doing busisness in Asia

10 de marzo Marcia Osundwa – Kenia

Doing Business in Africa

11 de marzo Santiago Vela – Australia

Doing Business in Australia

17 de marzo Joerg Hruby – Europe

Doing Business in Europe

18 de marzo Menahem Prywes - USA

Panel: Doing Business
Around the world

24 de marzo Sergio García Agreda -

Doing Business in Latam

25 de marzo Gurram Gopal – USA

Doing Business in USA

Mgr. Santiago Vela

• Ingeniero en Negocios, Gestión,
Marketing y Servicios de Soporte,
cuenta con una amplia experiencia
de trabajo en emprendedurismos en
theMonsterclass.com.au, SonicBrandy.
com.au, y SchoolofDigital.com.au, trainer
en negocios y gestión de proyectos para
School of Digital y Lonsdale Institute,
y profesor en negocios y marketing
endiversas organizaciones internacionales
en Australia.

Gurram Gopal Ph.D.

• Ph.D., Industrial Engineering &

• Sciences, Northwestern University
• M.S., Industrial Engineering &
• Sciences, Northwestern University
• B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology
• Industry Professor - Illinois Institute of
• Visiting Professor - ISM University of
• Management and Economics

MBA Usha Raghunath

• Council Member, WICCI at Womens

Indian Chamber of Commerce and
• Design Thinking for Busines
• IF Certified Executive and Career Cc
• MBA, Business Strategy, Internationa
• Marketing, Financial Management
Creativity, Innovation and Change

Marcia Osundwa

• Business Development Specialist

• Business advisory services
• Market Research and analysis
• Regional Business Development
Manager Sulma & Sulma
• International Business Consultant
Afrobizlinks Consultants

Joerg Hruby Ph.D.

Graduate in Business Economics
from the University of Duisburg-Essen
and Doctorate from the Department
of Organization and Economics of
Institutions of the University of Graz,
Austria. He has gained experience
as a business consultants at various
organisations and undertaken research
and lecturing at several universities.
The Universities are located in Germany
and Brazil, e.g. FDC, Insper, FIA and FGV
EAESP – leading Universities in Brazil.
Moreover, Dr. Jörg Hruby is supporting
students with their Bachelor/ Master/
MBA/ DBA and Ph.D. Thesis. More on
www.phd-web.de Jörg Hruby is one of
the leading experts and authors in the
field of Global Mindset.

Menahem Prywes, Ph.D.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Economics,

University of Pennsylvania

My commitment is to pass on what I’ve

learned by teaching economics. At the
World Bank, I worked with poor and post-
conflict countries, to deliver good quality and
cost-efficient social programs--in even the
toughest circumstances.

Led teams that prepared and supervised post-

conflict reconstruction projects in Burundi,
the Central African Republic, Rwanda,
and Transnistria (Moldova). Contributed to
reconstruction strategies in field missions to
the Congo-Kinshasa, the Congo- Brazzaville,
Haiti, and Sri Lanka. Restructured projects to
respond to cyclone damage in Madagascar

and drought and flood damage in Moldova.

Public works and employment. Led the
team that prepared a labor-intensive public
works project in Moldova in response to
unemployment caused by the financial
crisis of 2008-2009. Public health. Led
preparation of an Avian Influenza Project
for Moldova and prepared parts of HIV-AIDS
projects in Burundi, the Congo-Brazzaville,
Ethiopia, Ghana, and Rwanda. Orphans
and other vulnerable children. Led the
team that prepared a project to reintegrate
orphans into families and to subsidize their
basic education in Burundi; prepared and
supervised programs for orphans in the
Congo- Brazzaville, Ethiopia, Ghana, and
Rwanda; prepared and supervised child
nutrition projects in Tajikistan and Burundi.
Village development. Led preparation of
and/or supervision of social fund projects in
Burundi, Moldova, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, and
Ukraine. Public expenditure. Main author of a
public expenditure review for Sri Lanka; led a
review of expenditures in the social sectors in
Rwanda. Poverty studies. Author of statistical
studies of poverty in the Congo-Kinshasa,
the Congo-Brazzaville, Chad, Equatorial
Guinea, Moldova, Sri Lanka, and Ukraine.

Sergio García - Agreda Ballivian. Ph.D.

Doctor en integración de las tecnologías
de la información en organizaciones por la
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)
Profesor de Estrategias para Negocios digitales
y transformación digital en la Olave School of
Business de la UPB y UPV.
Facilitador internacional, Mentor y Consultor
Senior en negocios digitales.
Director de Internacionalización y del Centro
de Desarrollo Global UPB.
Director del Master en gestión de negocios
digitales doble titulación UPB – UPV.
Director del Global Business Academy, Red
global de profesores en negocios digitales
para entornos globales.
Director General y Fundador de la
Corporación García Agreda.
Para ser parte del programa
favor registrarte en el siguiente


Adriana Prado
+591 70798321

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