La Guía Definitiva para Observar La Luna - Celestrón
La Guía Definitiva para Observar La Luna - Celestrón
La Guía Definitiva para Observar La Luna - Celestrón
La guía definitiva para observar la
23 de abril de 2021
¡La luna! ¡La luna! Oh, cómo disfrutamos todos mirando la Luna. La Luna es hermosa y
tranquilizadora, pero misteriosa y premonitoria. A lo largo de la historia, la Luna ha inspirado
tradiciones y leyendas. Algunas culturas creían que la Luna poseía poderes míticos y tortuosos
que podían afectar el comportamiento de uno, lo que dio lugar a la palabra "lunático", que
deriva del nombre latino de la Luna, "Luna". Y, por supuesto, se dice que criaturas míticas como
hombres lobo y vampiros merodean bajo la luz de la luna llena.
La Luna ayuda a dar forma a la vida y es vital para el medio ambiente aquí en la Tierra. Las
pequeñas criaturas nocturnas aprovechan la luz natural de la luna para rastrear el suelo en
busca de su próxima comida mientras están atentos a los depredadores que pueden querer
hacer una comida con ellos. Los excursionistas descarriados que se pierden en el bosque
pueden usar la luz de la luna para encontrar el camino a casa. A veces, la Luna se mueve frente
al Sol, sumergiendo temporalmente partes del mundo en una espeluznante oscuridad mientras
su sombra atraviesa la superficie de la Tierra. La humanidad ha estado desconcertada por la
Luna desde que los humanos aparecieron por primera vez en la Tierra y seguirá estando así
mientras haya una Luna en el cielo.
No es de extrañar que nos atraiga la Luna; para muchos de nosotros, ha despertado nuestra
imaginación desde una edad muy temprana. Con innumerables poemas, canciones infantiles y
canciones escritas sobre la Luna, juega un papel profundo en nuestras vidas, nos demos cuenta
o no. Si es un recién llegado a la astronomía o un aficionado a la Luna, esta guía lo ayudará a
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familiarizarse por tuvecino
más con nuestro privacidad
celestial más cercano en el espacio: ¡su primer objetivo
de observación, la Luna!
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observando la luna 1/17
1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
La Luna es el objetivo de observación más fácil y popular para comenzar su viaje astronómico.
Es el único objeto celeste en el que se pueden ver detalles de la superficie sin ayuda óptica.
Cada noche, puede realizar un seguimiento de la fase de la Luna a medida que pasa por su ciclo
lunar mensual con solo usar sus ojos desnudos. Las características de la superficie, como
yeguas gris oscuro y tierras altas reflectantes blancas, son fácilmente visibles sin ayuda óptica.
A medida que la Luna se mueve en su órbita alrededor de la Tierra, notará cómo la luz del sol
incide sobre su superficie desde diferentes ángulos, lo que hace que crezca o crezca. Los
cráteres y las cadenas montañosas comenzarán a mostrar detalles más dramáticos a medida
que se definan gracias a las sombras cada vez mayores. El mejor momento para observar la
superficie de la Luna es unos pocos días después de la fase del primer cuarto. En este
momento, los cráteres de la Luna se vuelven más evidentes desde su región sur. Los detalles
"aparecerán", especialmente cerca del terminador (la línea divisoria entre la noche y el día en la
superficie lunar).
Esto contradice la antigua creencia de que la Luna llena es el mejor momento para observar la
Luna. Si bien es cierto que la Luna es muy pintoresca durante su fase llena, en realidad no es el
mejor momento para observar las características lunares. ¿Por qué? La luz del sol que golpea la
Luna de frente lava la mayor parte de la superficie con su intenso resplandor. Una luna llena
puede ser incómodamente brillante cuando se ve a través de la óptica, pero un filtro lunar, un
filtro de densidad neutra o un filtro polarizador reducirán el resplandor para una visualización
cómoda. Las características de la superficie, como los impresionantes rayos de impacto del
cráter Tycho, se distinguen fácilmente cuando se usan filtros como estos: 2/17
1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
que pueda explorarlos por sí mismo. Las ubicaciones de las cadenas montañosas, mares, valles
y arroyos más fascinantes dejarán de ser un misterio con un mapa a tu lado:
Montes Apenninus
Aristarchus 3/17
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Lunares X y V
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Yegua Crisium
Platón 5/17
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seno iridum
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Named after the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, Tycho is a
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younger para
crater brindar
which la mejor
formed experiencia
about en nuestro
108 million sitioand
years ago web.
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is one of the most prominent craters on the Moon. It’s very
noticeable as a bright “button,” or the “Lady
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pendant.” Located on the Moon’s southern highlands, Tycho’s 6/17
1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
Moon Facts
• The Moon was formed shortly after the Earth, about 4.5 billion years ago. There are several
theories of how the Moon was formed. Some scientists believe it was captured by the Earth’s
gravity while passing nearby. However, most present-day scientists theorize that early on in
the Solar System’s existence, a wandering Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth. This fiery
collision hypothesis known as Theia Impact or “Big Splash,” may have resulted in huge
amounts of vaporized debris ejected into space that eventually condensed to form the Moon.
Imagine having ringside seats to witness that cosmic collision!
• Like most objects in the Solar System, the Moon orbits around Earth in an elliptical pattern. At
its closest approach (perigee), it comes within 225,623 miles. At its farthest approach
(apogee), it is 252,088 miles away from Earth. On average, the distance from Earth to the
Moon is approximately 238,855 miles away.
• The Moon’s diameter is 2,159 miles, about the same distance from Los Angeles to Grand
Rapids, Michigan.
• The Moon is our closest neighbor in the Solar System. Although it may appear to be the same
size as the Sun as seen from Earth, this is a sheer coincidence. The Sun’s diameter is about
400 times larger than that of the Moon, but it is also about 400 times farther away!
• The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite and is the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. It’s
even larger than the dwarf planet, Pluto.
• There is hardly any erosion visible on the Moon’s surface features because there is no wind
and no weather. Footprints from astronauts who once walked on the Moon in the 1960s and
1970s are still there today and will not be going anywhere unless there is a meteor strike or
future astronauts or spacecraft trample them.
• The Moon’s atmosphere is called the exosphere. Although it does not contain any oxygen for
humans to breathe, scientists have discovered a very thin layer of gases including sodium and
potassium not found in the atmospheres of Venus, Earth, or Mars.
• October 26, 2020, NASA announced that its Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy
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(SOFIA) por tu
had detected water on privacidad
the sunlit surface of the moon. Previously, it was thought the
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similares of water except
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la mejor in itsen
experiencia dark polarsitio
nuestro crater
Políticawhere sunlight never penetrates.
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• Temperatures on the moon are extreme, ranging from boiling hot to freezing cold, depending
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on which side of the Moon is in sunlight or darkness. Highs can hit 260 degrees Fahrenheit, 7/17
1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
Lunar Halo
Lunar Occultation
Lunar Conjunction
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A lunar conjunction occurs when the Moon comes within close
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rangesimilares parastar
of a bright brindar la mejorItexperiencia
or planet. en nuestro
usually takes place insitio
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evening or morning sky. The most common conjunctions occur
during the Moon’s waxing or waning crescent
OK phases.
famous lunar conjunction occurred back in 2008 when the 9/17
1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
Solar Eclipses
A solar eclipse can only take place when the Moon is new and
comes between the Sun and Earth to cast its shadow (umbra)
on the Earth. However, a solar eclipse does not take place each
new Moon because the Moon’s orbit is tilted relative to Earth’s
orbit. Therefore, the Moon’s shadow often passes above or
below Earth. There are three types of solar eclipses: total,
annular (ring of fire), and partial. Remember, the only time it
is safe to observe a solar eclipse with your unaided eyes is
during totality. Under no circumstances should you ever
observe an annular or partial eclipse without safe solar glasses
or through a proper solar filter for your optics. The next
annular eclipse visible in the US will take place on October 14,
2023. The next total solar eclipse visible in the US will take
place six months later, on April 8, 2024. The two paths will
cross through the state of Texas.
Lunar Eclipses
A lunar eclipse can only take place during a Full Moon when
the Earth is between the Sun and Moon, and the Moon moves
into the Earth’s shadow. Anyone located on the night side of
Earth will be able to witness the eclipse, and it will be
completely safe to do so. No eye protection is required. There
are three types of lunar eclipses: total, partial, and penumbral.
Unlike a total solar eclipse where totality only lasts a few
minutes, the length of totality during a total lunar eclipse can
last longer than 90 minutes. The Earth also casts a lighter
shadow called the penumbra. If it touches the Moon, any
darkening will most likely be seen if the Moon is closer to the
umbra shadow zone. In most penumbral eclipses, the shadow
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is quite subtle, so that most people will hardly notice that a
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is occurring.
brindar laThe next
mejor total lunar
experiencia eneclipse
nuestrovisible in
sitio web.
Política de privacidad the US will take place on May 26, 2021 and favors mainland
western US, Alaska, and Hawaii.
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1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
Moon Illusion
One theory is that the Moon looks bigger because there are
smaller land objects around to compare it with. When the
Moon is higher up in the sky, there isn’t anything other than
stars or planets to compare it with. In modern times,
psychologists concluded that the Moon illusion is just a trick of
the imagination.
There are a few ways you can see for yourself that the Moon is
the same size no matter where it is in the sky. Next time you
see the Moon rise, take several photos of it, and later take
photos of the Moon after several hours have passed. You can
see for yourself that the Moon is the same size in both images.
You can also use a paperclip to bend and shape to the Moon’s
outline and compare it again several hours later. These simple
experiments are easy to do, and you’ll see for yourself that
some things are not always what they seem.
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1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
New Moon: When the Moon is between the Earth and Sun and
is not visible 12/17
1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
Full Moon: When the Sun and Moon are aligned on opposite
sides of Earth, and the Moon’s face is fully illuminated. 13/17
1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
the Autumnal Equinox, is famous for the extra moonlight it provides on fall evenings. The extra
light aided farmers as they harvested their summertime crops. The 12 full Moons of the Rupes
year include:
• January’s Moon: Wolf Moon, Moon After Yule, Old Moon, Ice Moon, Snow Moon
• February’s Moon: Snow Moon, Hunger Moon, Storm Moon, Chaste Moon
• March’s Moon: Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Sap Moon, Lenten Moon
• April’s Moon: Pink Moon, Seed Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, Fish Moon
• May’s Moon: Flower Moon, Milk Moon, Corn Planting Moon
• June’s Moon: Strawberry Moon, Mead Moon, Rose Moon, Honey Moon
• July’s Moon: Buck Moon, Hay Moon, Thunder Moon
• August’s Moon: Sturgeon Moon, Corn Moon, Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, Grain Moon
• September’s Moon: Harvest Moon, Full Corn Moon
• October’s Moon: Hunter’s Moon, Blood Moon, Sanguine Moon
• November’s Moon: Beaver Moon, Frosty Moon
• December’s Moon: Cold Moon, Oak Moon, Long Nights Moon
A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are on the same
side of the Earth, and we cannot see the front facing side
because it is not lit up by the Sun. On that day, the Sun and
New Moon
Moon rise and set near the same time, although the Moon will
usually pass above or below the Sun. A New Moon is opposite
of a full Moon in its monthly orbit.
Black Moon every 19 years, February does not have a full Moon. This
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phenomenon also creates two Blue Moons: one in January and
one in
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dark skies of the
la mejor Black Moon
experiencia make itsitio
en nuestro theweb.
Política de privacidad perfect time to observe deep space objects.
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Blue Moon 14/17
1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
Use an Astronomy Using a detailed Moon map is a great way of learning where to
App or Moon Chart locate these celestial wonders or any other celestial objects
anytime of the year. It may be an old fashion learning tool, but
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it just privacidad
(See link under Observing the Moon.) The most
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similares para brindar tools today
la mejor can be found
experiencia in sitio web.
en nuestro
Política de privacidad astronomy apps such as Celestron’s SkyPortal mobile app. This
full featured planetarium app is included with the purchase of
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any Celestron telescope, available from the Apple App Store or 15/17
1/8/22, 17:28 La guía definitiva para observar la Luna | Celestrón
Tip #2:
Steady seeing conditions are critical while observing objects
Seeing Conditions such as planets, the Moon, or double stars, although deep sky
objects such as nebulae and galaxies are less affected by poor
seeing conditions. Avoid nights of bad seeing when our
atmosphere is turbulent, and your lunar targets appear like
shimmering blobs in your telescope’s eyepiece. Start with low
magnification and work your way up if the views remain
steady. During a night of good seeing, you will be amazed how
sharp and detailed lunar features can appear.
Tip #3:
Cool your telescope down! Make sure you bring your telescope
outside about an hour or so before you plan to observe to cool
it to ambient temperature. It is important for the telescope to
reach thermal equilibrium with the outside air temperature to
avoid distorted views. Telescopes with large mirrors and lenses
may take longer to properly cool down for the best views.
Tip #4:
We are quite fortunate to have such a beautiful Moon, like an old friend who will always be
there to inspire us. It’s hard to imagine life as we know it without the Moon shining down upon
us. Today, we know more about the Moon than ever before. Countless missions were sent to
study the Moon since the 1950s, and twelve Apollo astronauts successfully walked on the
Moon’s surface and brought home hundreds of pounds of lunar rocks and soil for analysis. But
there is always more to be learned in humankind’s quest for knowledge.
The Moon, with its desolate landscapes, is just waiting to be explored again by a new
generation of backyard astronomers and future astronaut explorers. Next time you observe the
Moon, you may want to think of what Galileo must have felt when he first looked at the Moon
through his modest telescope. There’s no doubt he would be amazed at the lunar views seen
through your telescope and that would give you something to smile about.
To browse Celestron telescopes, binoculars, and accessories that will make your lunar viewing
experience more enjoyable, please click here.
Other articles you might be interested in: Ultimate Guide to Observing the Universe
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