Chancos DCH4
Chancos DCH4
Chancos DCH4
Tamariz-Angeles et al.
sequencing reactions were 518F and 800R. Contigs of approximately 4 hours to obtain a constant weight. For
edited and assembled sequences were compared with the chemical-thermal pretreatment, 100 g of sample was
similar sequences of NCBI GenBank (The National Cen- mixed with 1 L of NaOH (24 g.L-1) and autoclaved at 121
ter for Biotechnology Information U. S. http://www.ncbi. °C, 1 atm, 20 minutes. using BLASTN. They were alignment with
Next, it was washed with tap water until pH 7 was
CLUSTALX v.2.0 and analyzed with MEGA5 using Neigh-
obtained, and it was allowed to dry at room temperature
bor-Joining methodology and Kimura 2-parameter with
until constant weight. It was ground and sieved with AST
1000 Bootstraps to make the taxonomic identification.
meshes at 2 mm diameter for submerged fermentation,
Optimum growth temperature and metabolic and 150 – 75 μm diameter for saccharification using
characterization.- Trypticase Soy Broth (5 mL) was in- crude enzymatic extract.
oculated with 250 µL of fresh culture (8 hours) diluted
Agriculture waste degradation and enzymatic ac-
to 0.1 OD620nm; and incubated in an orbital shaker at 180
tivity.- The strain with the high enzymatic activity was
rpm at 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 or 60 °C. Two replicates of
evaluated in its ability to degrade pretreated substrates
each treatment were prepared. The growth was mea-
(sugar cane bagasse, quinoa stalk and wheat straw) It
sured with a UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Spectroquant®
included: (i) degradation/saccharification during sub-
Pharo 300, Merck) at 620 nm each 2.5 hours up to 12.5
merged fermentation, (ii) enzyme production with agri-
hours. For each temperature evaluated a growth curve
culture waste as carbon source, and (iii) saccharification
was obtained to calculate the growth rate during the ex-
of agriculture waste using the crude enzyme extract. For
ponential phase. A correlation between growth rate and
(i) and (ii), it was used substrates sieved at 2 mm, and for
temperature were obtained(Madigan et al. 1998) to find
(iii) substrates sieved at 75 μm of diameter.
the optimum temperature.
Submerged fermentation was performed using a bas-
Quantification of enzymatic activity.- Crude extracts
al salt medium (BMS2) with the following composition
were used for the determination of endoglucanase activity
(g·L-1): NaCl (5), MgSO4.7H2O (0.1), CaCl2.2H2O (0.6), KH-
(or CMCase), total cellulase (FPA) and xylanases.
PO4 (0.1), FeCl3.6H2O (0.01), nitrogen source (5) (pep-
To prepare enzymatic crude extracts, 25 mL of Luria tone or ammonium nitrate), carbon source (0.5 of agri-
broth (LB) supplemented with CMC or beechwood xylan culture waste, or 0.25 of CMC or 0.25 beechwood xylan),
(1%) was inoculated with 5% (v/v) of fresh culture (8h) and glycerol (0.5% v/v). The pH was adjusted to pH 6.5.
diluted to 0.1 OD620nm, and was incubated for 20 hours at
For saccharification during submerged fermentation
50ºC and 180 rpm. The crude extract was obtained by
(i), Flasks containing 50 mL of BMS2 were inoculated
centrifugation at 10.595 g, and filtration with bacterio-
with 2.5 mL fresh culture of 8 hours (0.08 – 0.1 OD620nm)
logical membrane (0.22 µm sterile membrane, Millipore,
and incubated at the optimum growth temperature of
Merck). All samples were prepared with three replicates.
selected strain at 180 rpm. Cultures were performed by
Enzymatic activities were quantified with the micro- duplicate for each strain.
well 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method proposed
Cultures of 72, 144 or 216 hours were used to evalu-
by King et al. (2009) and modified by Tamariz-angeles
ate the degradation or saccharification ability during the
et al. (2014). Total cellulase activity and endoglucanase
submerged fermentation. Reducing sugars release in the
were calculated from a standard curve with anhydrous
submerged fermentations were measure by DNS method
glucose and with anhydrous xylose for xylanase activ-
described previously. Results were expressed as reduc-
ity. These curves were prepared at 7, 8, 9 and 10 min. of
ing sugar release per 1 mL of extract, and it was used
reaction time to get a better DNS colorimetric reaction
the glucose standard curve. Moreover, xylan and CMC
at 91.5 °C, which is the boiling temperature of water in
were considering as standard substrates, their values of
the laboratory condition (3160 m of altitude). Enzymatic
reducing sugar release were taken as 100% to compare
activity was expressed in enzyme unit (U), which is the
them with values obtained for agriculture wastes.
amount of enzyme necessary to release 1μmol of prod-
uct (reducing sugar) per minute under determined con- To evaluate the enzyme production using agriculture
ditions (temperature, pH). waste as carbon source (ii), BMS2 supplemented with ag-
riculture waste (2% w/v) and the better nitrogen source
Optimum pH and temperature, and thermal sta-
found in the previous assay was used. Culture conditions
bility.- The crude extract with the highest enzymatic ac-
were the same as above. Samples of 2 mL were collected
tivity was selected to evaluate temperature and optimum
by duplicate each 4 hours until 28 hours. Endoglucanase
pH, and its thermal stability following the methodology
and xylanase activity were quantified.
described by Tamariz-Angeles et al. (2014). For thermal
stability, the crude extract was incubated at 50, 60, 70, For saccharification assay using the diluted crude en-
and 80 °C during 1 hour previously to evaluate the re- zyme (iii), two enzymatic extracts were selected accord-
sidual enzymatic activity. ing to their enzymatic titers. 500 mL of crude enzymatic
extract was concentrated and partially purified using
Thermal-alkaline pretreatment of agriculture
centrifugal filters Ultra-15 3K (Amicon®, Merck Milli-
waste.- Agricultural waste (300 g) washed with tap wa-
pore, Ireland). Endoglucanase and xylanase activities of
ter, was dried at room temperature for 48 hours. For its
the concentrated extract were quantified and dilute with
complete drying, it was placed in an oven at 65 °C for
phosphate buffer (50 mM pH 6) to obtain 120 U/L-1 of situ enrichment bait of sugar cane bagasse yield more
endoglucanase activity (DE). Immediately, 35 mL of di- isolated and selected strains (Figure 1A). Tamariz-Ange-
luted DE was mixed with 1.4 g of substrate (agriculture les et al. (2014) found similar results for in situ enrich-
waste, CMC or beechwood xylan) and incubated in agita- ment with sugar cane bagasse, but they did not isolate
tion at 180 rpm and optimal temperature for 12, 24, 36, any strains from direct isolation from Huancarhuaz hot
48, 60 and 72 hours. Negative control without the crude spring water samples (near 70°C). Sugar cane bagasse
enzyme extracts were prepared. Reducing sugar release is known as a suitable substrate for production of cellu-
(RSR) was quantified using the DNS method Results lases and xylanases (Adsul et al. 2004, Camassola & Dil-
were expressed as RSR (mg) per gram of substrate (g). lon 2007, Ajijolakewu et al. 2013, Saha 2003).
Amplification of endoglucanase and xylanase
genes.- DNA was used for the amplification of endogluca- A
nase and xylanase genes. Primers CelF/CelR were used 10
for endoglucanases of Bacillus (Nurachman et al. 2010), Isolated
CbgF/CbglR for endoglucanase bgl C of B. licheniformis Selected
Number of strains
(Aftab et al. 2012), xynAoli1/xynAoli2 for xylanase xynA
gene of B. subtilis (Wolf et al. 1995), and XtF/XtR for cel- 6
lulase free alkaline xylanase gene of Bacillus sp. (Kumar
et al. 2011). The master mix of 50 µL was prepared in 1X 4
Dream Taq reaction buffer with 0.2 mM dNTP, 0.1 mM of
each primer, 0.5 U Dream Taq polymerase (Thermo Sci- 2
entific), and 5 ng of template DNA. PCR protocol for CelF/
CelR, xynAoli1/xynAoli2, and XtF/XtR includes 2 min of 0
initial denaturation step at 94 °C, followed by 30 cycles Direct Ex situ In situ
of 1 min at 94 °C for denaturation, 1 min at 53 °C for an-
nealing, and 2 min at 72 °C for extension; and 8 min at B 30
72 °C for final extension. PCR protocol for CbglF/CbglR Endoglucanase (mm)
consists of 5 min of initial denaturation at 94 °C, followed 25 Xylanase (mm)
by 30 cycles of 30 s at 94 °C for denaturation, 30s at 54 °C
Diameter of hydrolysis halo (mm)
Table 1. Molecular and biochemical test characterization of selected strains from Chancos hot spring.
16S DNAr identification GenBank Accession Growth temperature (C°) Metabolic characteristics
Specie Identity (%)* number 16S DNAr Optimum Interval Citrate Urea Catalase RM Amylase
ICHB1 B. subtilis 99.33 MK564697 45 30-55 + + + + +
ICHB2 B. licheniformis 99.8 MK564698 50 30-55 + + - - -
ICHB3 B. licheniformis 99.46 MK564699 50 30-55 - + + - -
ICHB4 B. licheniformis 99.53 MK564700 50 30-55 - + + - -
ICHB5 B. licheniformis 99.87 MK564701 50 30-55 - + + - -
ICHB6 B. licheniformis 99.66 MK564702 50 30-55 - + + - -
ICHB7 B. licheniformis 99.06 MK564703 50 30-55 - + + - -
ICHP1 B. licheniformis 99.87 MK564704 50 30-55 - + - - -
DCH1 B. licheniformis 99.87 MK564705 50 30-55 - + + + -
DCH2 B. licheniformis 99.66 MK564706 50 30-55 - + + - +
DCH3 B. licheniformis 99.87 MK564707 50 30-55 - + + - -
DCH4 B. subtilis 99.19 MK564708 45 30-50 + + + + +
DCH5 B. licheniformis 99.53 MK564709 45 30-55 - + + - -
ECHC4 B. licheniformis 99.14 MK564710 45 30-50 - + - - -
*, it shows the highest percentage obtained using BlastN platform and type culture collection of Genbank ( RM, red methyl test.
The optimum growth temperatures found of selected was higher with xylan in most of the strains (Fig 2B). Ac-
strains (Table 1) suggest that most of B. licheniformis cording to Jonnadula et al. (2018), xylan or intermediates
strains are moderate or facultative thermophiles accord- produced during xylan degradation might be involved in
ing to the classification proposed by Mehta and Tulasi cross-induction of endoglucanase, and some of the heter-
(2013). Likewise, B. subtilis strains exhibited optimum ologous oligosaccharides structurally related may cause
growth temperature at 45 °C, showing their thermotol- cross-induction of unrelated carbohydrolases.
erant condition. A similar result has been reported for
In submerged fermentation, enzymatic production
a strain of B. subtilis isolated from YangLing hot springs
could be influenced by nutritional (especially carbon
in China (Li et al. 2008). According to biochemical tests
and nitrogen sources) and environmental culture factors
performed, all strains were urease producers and most
(Acharya & Chaudhary 2011). In some species of Bacil-
of them were catalase positive. A reduced number of
lus cultured with organic source of nitrogen increased
strains were citrate positive, and acid producers. Finally,
the production of xylanases, while (NH4)2SO4 could in-
only two strains showed amylolytic activity.
hibit secretion and synthesis of xylanases (Sepahy et al.
Determination of enzymatic activity.- Both endo- 2011). According to the quantitative method, B. subti-
glucanase and xylanase activities of selected strains were lis DCH4 showed better results for both endoglucanase
tested using DNS method (Figure 2A-B). From 31 isolates, and xylanase activities with tryptone and yeast extract
only six strains showed endoglucanase activity, and 14 se- as a nitrogen source. Additionally, the extract LB-CMC of
lected strains displayed xylanase activity. It was observed B. subtilis DCH4 showed the best total cellulase activity
that endoglucanase activity was significantly induced by reaching 108 ±14 UL-1. This strain was selected for agri-
xylan (Fig 2A) while xylanase activity promoted by CMC culture waste degradation assays.
B 2500
Endoglucanase activity (U.l-1)
Xylanase activity (U.l-1)
0 0
Figure 2: Hydrolytic activities of selected strains. A. Endoglucanase activity of crude extract; and B. Xylanase activity of the crude extract.
LB-X, Luria broth-xylan; LB-CMC, Luria broth-Carboxymethyl cellulose; NS, none significant t-student with 99% of confidence. Values repre-
sent the mean of six replicates ± SD.
Optimum pH and temperature; and thermal sta- the neutralization step after acid or alkali pre-treatment
bility.- According to quantitative enzymatic assay, the of biomass (Bhalla et al. 2013).
strain DCH4 was selected to evaluated hydrolytic activi-
In the other hand, thermal stability is the capacity of
ties using agriculture waste. Due that enzymes require
an enzyme to retain its active structural conformation
optimum environmental conditions such as temperature
at a selected high temperature for a prolonged period
and pH (Anwar et al. 2014), these parameters were de-
(Bhalla et al. 2013). According to figure 3C, crude enzy-
termined for endoglucanase and xylanase of B. subtilis
matic extract of DCH4 retained 37 %, 25, 25% and 25%
DCH4 as well as thermal stability (Fig. 3). Both, tempera-
of endoglucanase activity after 1 h of incubation to 60,
ture fluctuation and pH changes can affect the integrity
70 and 80°C respectively. However, CelDR −cataloged
of the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of
with high thermal stability retained 70% of its cellulase
the enzyme protein, denaturing and inactivating it, thus
activity after incubation at 75°C for only 30 min. (Li et
affecting enzymatic activity (Chen et al. 2016). Accord-
al. 2008). Our results suggest that endoglucanase DCH4
ing to the results, the optimal temperatures for both en-
could be exhibited moderate thermal stability.
zymes were around 55 oC while optimal pH was in the
range 5-6 (Fig. 3A and 3B). But endoglucanase activity of About xylanase activity, thermostable xylanases
DCH4 showed more thermal stability (Fig. 3C). which can tolerate extreme conditions pH, and high salt
concentrations are of great interest for bioprocessing
Specifically, endoglucanase activity of crude extract
(Bhalla et al. 2013). The optimum xylanase activity was
of B. subtilis DCH4 showed optimum endoglucanase ac-
55°C, retaining 87% and 74% of its activity at 50°C and
tivity between 45 – 55°C and retaining more than 70% of
60 °C, respectively (Fig. 3A). The optimum pH was 6, re-
activity when the hydrolysis was performed at 70°C (Fig.
taining 51, 72 and 40 % of activity at pH of 5, 7and 8 re-
3A). This feature shows that DCH4 has endoglucanase
spectively (Fig. 3B). But the crude extract of DCH4 lost its
activity useful for some industrial bioprocess, especially
xylanase activity after 1 hour of incubation at 60°C. Simi-
in lignocellulose conversions that has several limitations
lar results were described for xylanase of a mesophyll
when being carried out at ≤50 °C (Bhalla et al., 2013).
B. subtilis R5 (Jalal et al., 2009). However, thermostable
Li et al. (2008) purified endoglucanase of family 5 (Cel-
xylanases from thermo-alkaliphilic, thermo-acidophil-
DR) from B. subtilis DR isolated from a hot spring, which
ic, and thermo-halophilic bacteria have been reported
showed 40°C optimum temperature and retained more
(Bhalla et al. 2013).
than 80% of its maximum activity at temperatures be-
tween 45°C and 70°C. Another condition to get optimum Agriculture waste degradation and enzymatic
enzymatic activity is the pH. Adaptability of thermophilic activity.- Biochemical conversion of lignocellulosic sub-
microbes and thermostable enzymes to a wide range of strates through saccharification and fermentation is a
pH also makes them suitable candidates bioprocess- major pathway for bioethanol production (Balat 2011).
ing (Bhalla et al. 2013). Hence, DCH4 showed optimum Then, three lignocellulosic agriculture wastes (sugar-
endoglucanase activity at pH 5, but retained more than cane bagasse, wheat straw, quinoa stalks) were selected
52% activity between 5 and 7.8 of pH (Fig. 3B) DCH4 and to evaluate the degradation ability of B. subtilis DCH4.
certain stability at pH range 4 – 7. For lignocellulose bio- Then, saccharification and enzyme production assays
conversion, acidophilic and alkalophilic thermotolerant were performed to evaluate the potential of B. subtilis
enzymes have several advantages because could avoid DCH4.
A 3500 B C A Xyl
4000 a 100 a
3000 3500
Enzymatic activity (UL-1)
2500 3000 b
Residual activity (%)
2000 60
D c
1500 a d B
ab ab 40
b E 1500
d C C
1000 A
e c 1000 B B
F 20
500 D
500 C b b b
0 0 0
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 4 5 6 7 8 50 60 70 80
Temperature (°C) pH Temperature (°C)
Figure 3. Temperature and pH condition for enzymatic activity of crude extract of B. subtilis DCH4. A. optimum temperature, B. op-
timum pH, and C. thermal stability (Residual activity after incubation for 1 hour at 50, 60, 70°C). Values represent mean of six replicates ±
SD, and means with different letters show significance difference (p<0.05).
A 4500 a
B 70 α α
WS β
4000 60
3500 X
50 α
Reducing sugar (µg.mL-1) 3000 a a
c µ
40 b µ
β β
Percentage (%)
b b b
2000 30
e c c
1500 g g f
1000 h
j j i j
j 10
500 k l
m m m mm mmm m
0 0
P AN P AN P AN X (100%) CMC (100%) X (100%) CMC (100%) X (100%) CMC (100%)
C 2000
D 2000 a
b* e
1500 1500
Endoglucanase activity (U.L-1)
d* e* g f
o* m
500 500
12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
hours hours
E a F a
G *
b *
140 SCB b 140 SCB16
d c
QS 35 QS16
WS c
120 120 *
X d
100 100
e 25 *
Reducing sugar (mg.g-1)
80 80
Percentage (%)
60 60 a
a b 15
b a*
d* c* c
40 e* b* 40
c d 10
f* e
d a
e c b a
20 f c b 20 f e dD a* 5
d Ff E C
c* Bb* A
e A d*
f B f* e*
0 0 0
12 24 36 48 60 72 12 24 36 48 60 72 12 24 36 48 60 72
Time (hours) Time (hours) Time (hours)
Figure 4: Agriculture waste degradation and enzymatic activity of a selected strain. Submerged fermentation: A. Reducing sugars release;
B. Percentage of reducing sugars released from agriculture (considering 100% RSR of CMC or beechwood xylan). Enzyme production by
submerged fermentation in medium with agriculture wastes: C. Endoglunacase activity; D. Xylanase activity. Saccharification using diluted
crude enzyme: E. Reducing sugar released using crude enzyme of sugar cane bagasse fermentation; F. Reducing sugar released using crude
enzyme of quinoa stalk fermentation; and G. Percentage of saccharification of wheat straw related to xylan (100%). P, peptone; AN, ammo-
nium nitrate; SCB, sugar cane bagasse; QS, quinoa stalks; WS, wheat straw; X, xylan of beechwood; CMC, carboxymethyl cellulose. Values
represent mean of six replicates ± SD, and means with different letters show significance difference (p<0.01). *, significance difference (p<0.01)
First, saccharification during submerged cultures was found that sugar cane bagasse released 44% of reducing
measure as reducing sugars release of different lignocel- sugar compared with xylan during the first 72 hours, and
luloses substrates (sugarcane bagasse, wheat straw, qui- the other substrates attained percentages at around to
noa stalks, CMC and xylan). It was found that B. subtilis 30%. These results showed that B. subtilis DCH4 not only
DCH4 hydrolyzed all carbon sources substrates assayed have the ability to hydrolyze commercial substrates, fur-
(Fig.4A). Due that xylan and CMC are common substrates thermore, it can degrade natural pre-treated substrates
for cellulase and xylanase assays (Acharya & Chaudhary such as sugar cane bagasse, quinoa stalks, and wheat
2011, Lynd et al. 2002, Sharma & Kumar 2013) and are straw. Additionally, the influence of nitrogen source in
less recalcitrant than agriculture wastes, they have been the saccharification yield was evaluated using organic
used as a reference substrate to evaluate the level of deg- and inorganic source. Peptone allows the higher yield of
radation ability calculating an index expressed yield of reducing sugars while ammonium nitrate produced the
reducing sugar released as percentage (Fig. 4B). It was lower release of reducing sugars. Nitrogen source used
in the production medium is one of the major factors cal step for bioethanol production because various fac-
affecting the level of enzyme production (Kumar et al. tors influence yields of monomer sugars from lignocel-
2016). Organic nitrogen influences the formation of ex- lulose such as temperature, pH, enzyme doses, substrate
tracellular enzymes as a precursor for protein synthesis concentration (Sarkar et al. 2012).
(Bajaj et al. 2011). Furthermore, peptone has been re-
Endoglucanase and xylanase genes.- For improv-
ported as a good supplement for microbial growth and
ing enzymatic lignocellulose hydrolysis it is necessary
xylanase production (Raj et al. 2013, Shanthi & Roymon
to know which enzymes are involved in the bioprocess.
2018). The largest amount of reducing sugars released
Some researches of hydrolytic B. subtilis have been fo-
occurred at 72 hours and decreased after that time prob-
cused on fermentation optimization to obtain higher
ably by the depletion of the macro and micronutrient in
yields, and increase recovery rates employing genetic
the growth medium (Bibi et al. 2014). Moreover, hydro-
engineering (Sarkar et al. 2012). In this sense, there are
lysis of carbon substrates could provide an easily acces-
some reports of characterization of complete genomes,
sible source of simple sugars for bacterial growth, which
genes and proteins and cloning to get more efficient en-
decreased in the culture medium in the resting 144 and
zymes (Yang et al. 2009, Nurachman et al. 2010, Vallenet
216 hours. Bibi et al. (2014), suggest that high yield of
et al., 2017, Chang et al. 2018).
the final product (xylose) produced after the degrada-
tion of xylan during fermentation could be responsible Then, some genes involved in the enzymatic activity of
of enzyme inhibition due to feedback regulation. DCH4 were explored. Four sets of primers proposed for
Bacillus genus were used but only two of them allowed
The use of inexpensive agriculture residues as sub-
the amplification at performed PCR conditions. Primer
strates for the production of industrial enzymes is a
set that amplified endoglucanase gene was CelF/CelR,
significant way to reduce the cost of the overall process
which was designed using conserved sequences from
and literature shows that several microbial species have
GenBank of endoglucanase of genus Bacillus (Nurachman
been reported to use lignocellulose for xylanase produc-
et al. 2010). Primer set that amplified xylanase gene was
tion (Bhalla et al. 2015). Related with that, it was evalu-
xynAoli1/xynAoli2 designed for xynA gene from Bacillus
ated the production of hydrolytic enzymes (cellulases
subtilis (Wolf et al. 1995). CbgF/CbglR and XtF/XtR prim-
and xylanases) using a culture medium supplemented
er sets did not produce any amplification products.
with agricultural waste as the sole carbon source, find-
ing that sugar cane bagasse, wheat straw and quinoa The DNA sequence of the cellulase gene was edited
stalk induced the production of endoglucanase and xy- to 1401 pb, deposited to Genbank as AN MK644599, and
lanase (Fig. 4C, 4D). The highest production in all cases compared with GenBank data using BlastN. It was found
was attained at 16 hours of culture, and quinoa stalk 99.57% of identity with CDS of completed genome of B.
produces the highest endoglucanase and xylanase activi- subtilis (AN: CP0237555, CP011534), 98.86% with cellu-
ties (1865.67 U·L-1 and 1986.43 U·L-1, respectively) and lase gene of B. subtilis (EF070194, JQ346089), 98.79 and
sugar cane bagasse reached similar xylanase activity 98.72% with endo-beta-1,4-glucanase gene of B. subtilis
(1963.82 U·L-1). Enzyme production is dependent on the (MH923517, KC477685, respectively), and 98.50% with
nature of carbon source, favorable degradability, chemi- endo-beta-1,4-glucanase gene of B. amyloliquefaciens
cal composition, physical associations, accessibility of strain IARI-SP-2 (KF240848). Phylogenetic tree obtained
substrate, and presence of some nutrients (Kumar et al. is shown in figure 5A. The translated chain had 463 ami-
2016). Thus, when microorganisms degrade different no acid residues and was compared with other proteins
polysaccharides, they released small, medium or large using Standard Blast Protein. It was found that 35 - 281
sized oligosaccharides that enter the cell and induce the fragment showed high identity with the cellulase - gly-
expression of enzymes responsible for respective poly- cosyl hydrolase domain family 5 (AN pfam0150); while
saccharide degradation (Jonnadula et al. 2018). In conse- the interval of 341 to 422 has a high identity with cel-
quence, the chemical composition of each type of agricul- lulose binding domain family 3 (CBM-3) (AN pfam0042).
ture waste evaluated may influence on the induction and This information was confirmed with protein SmartBlast
production of hydrolytic enzymes; but others micro and analysis (Fig 5B.), where DCH4 cellulase chain earned
macronutrients could be necessary to evaluate for gain 98% of identity with an endo-beta-1,4-glucanase of B.
better cellulase and xylanase production. subtilis subsp. subtilis 168 (NP_389695). According to
protein structural analysis, translated chain contains
In addition, enzymatic crude extracts of quinoa stalks
two monomers, a catalytic domain which has 99.34%
and sugar cane bagasse cultures by 16 hours were used
identity with endo-1,4-beta-glucanase with manganese
to saccharification of SCB, QS, and WS. Beechwood xy-
(II) ion from Bacillus subtilis 168, and other non-catalytic
lan and CMC was used as standard substrates. After 72
domain with 98.45% of identity to CBM3 lacking the cal-
hours of saccharification, low yield of reducing sugar
cium-binding site from Bacillus subtilis 168. Both struc-
were obtained for all substrates including standard ones
tures were used for the model of cellulase of DCH4 (Fig.
(Fig. 4E, 4F). Wheat straw yields 35 and 38% of reducing
5C-E). The endoglucanase of DCH4 model comprised 14-
sugars with quinoa or bagasse extract, respectively (Fig.
326 residual amino acids, it includes a ligand for manga-
4G). Miyazaki et al. (2005) found that during enzymatic
nese (Mn+2) shaped by four residues (142, 180, 182, 183)
hydrolysis, wheat straw releases more sugars than other
where 180 and 182 residues are metal complexes. The
lignocellulosic substrates probably by its higher content
cellulose binding CBM3 model used 339-467 residues.
of cellulose and xylan. Enzymatic hydrolysis is the criti-
Bhalla et al. (2013) refer that endoglucanases contain- tilis (AN CP007173), 99.07% with xylanase gene of B.
ing carbohydrate-binding modules (CBM) − also called subtilis (Z34519, KJ540228), 99.38% endo-1,4-beta-
primary cellulases − are the most crucial in enabling ef- xylanase of B. subtilis MW10 (DQ100307), and 98.92%
ficient utilization of crystalline cellulose. This type of cel- with xlnA gene of xylanase EC from B. circulans
lulase is bifunctional, where both two domains interact strain (XO7723) were obtained. Figure 6A shows the
together in cellulose recognition increasing the enzyme corresponding phylogenetic tree. Its translated chain
efficiency. In this case, DCH4 endoglucanase is supposed containing 217 amino acids was trimmed to 214 and
to have a ligand to Mn+2. Studies of endoglucanase of B. compared with other protein chains of NCBI database
subtilis 168 (BsCel5A) found that Mn+2 improved drasti- using Standard Blast Protein tool. It was found 100%
cally the thermal stability and lifetime at high temper- of identity with a secreted endo-1,4-beta-xylanase of B.
ature, did not change of substrate preference affinity subtilis 168 (NP389765) and 99.53% with an endo-1,4-
(Santos et al. 2012). In the same way, studies of the role beta-xylanase of B. pumilus (AAZ17390). Concordantly,
of CMB3 of Bacillus sp. KD1014 suggest that it contribute Protein SmartBlast analysis found 100% of identity with
in thermostability, and affinity and substrate specificity a multispecies endo-1,4-beta-xylanase A for Bacillales
for small substrates (Lee et al. 2018). (WP003231377), and endo-1,4-beta-xylanase of B. sub-
tilis subsp. subtilis str. 168 (Fig. 6B). Structural protein
Endo-β-1,4-glucanases are the major enzymes re-
analysis showed that the protein is a monomer similar
sponsible for the breakdown of internal glycosidic bonds
to endo-1,4-beta-xylanase from Bacillus subtilis 168
of cellulose chains producing oligosaccharides, cellobi-
(1A1) (98.36%), which was used as a template to pre-
ose, and glucose (Bhalla et al. 2013, Santos et al. 2012).
dict a structural model for xylanase DCH4 (Fig. 6C) with
Xylanase consense sequence was edited to 651 30-212 residues. This model included a ligand to meso-
pb and deposited in Genbank with MK644600 acces- tartaric acid shaped by six residues (131, 132, 133, 161,
sion number. From BlastN analysis, a 99.69 % of iden- 162, 163) where 133, 162 and 163 residues form hydro-
tity with CDS sequences of complete genome B. sub- gen bonds, and 161 form salt bridges.
Figure 5. Analysis of endoglucanase gene of B. subtilis DCH4. A. Phylogenetic tree of endoglucanase gene using Neighbor-Joinning,
Kimura 2-parameter, and 1000 bootstraps; B. Protein SmartBlast of the translated endoglucanase gene (NCBI, Standard protocol); C. Struc-
tural model of endoglucanase with cellulose binding molecule (CMB3); D. Alignment of DCH4 translated chain with endoglucanase of B.
subtilis 168; and E. Alignment of DCH4 translated chain with CMB3 of B. subtilis 168. C, D, E were prepared with (https://swissmodel.expasy.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of xylan involves a multi-enzyme Finally, it was found the presence of interesting re-
system where the endoxylanase attack the main chain of sults obtained for isolation of cellulolytic and xylanolytic
xylan (Balat 2011). Xylanase of DCH4 showed adequate microorganisms from Chancos hot spring, indicating that
optimum temperature (55 °C), but after incubation at 60 the strain DCH4, which showed the better performance
°C by 1 hour, its activity has lost completely. Protein struc- is a B. subtilis thermotolerant strain. Its enzymatic activi-
ture studies of endoxylanase rXynA from Bacillus subtilis ties could be related with bifunctional thermostable en-
168 (1A1) ‒ similar to xylanase DCH4 ‒ revels that the doglucanase of family 5, and an endoxylanase of family
transition from the native to the denatured enzyme starts 11 identified by molecular analysis from genomic DNA.
at a temperature of 55 ° C and for higher temperatures, This results, suggest that the strain B. subtilis DCH4 is a
both the catalytic activity and β-sheet secondary structure suitable candidate to perform biochemical and genetic
were lost (Murakami et al. 2005). Then, some studies to studies in order to improve its enzymatic activity for bio-
improve thermal stability have been performed by other technological applications related to lignocellulose con-
researchers (Miyazaki et al. 2006). version process.
Figure 6. Analysis of xylanase gene of B. subtilis DCH4. A. Phylogenetic tree of xylanase gene using Neighbor-Joining, Kimura 2-parameter,
and 1000 bootstraps; B. Protein SmartBlast of the translated xylanase gene (NCBI, Standard protocol); C. Model of xylanase of DCH4; D.
Alignment of DCH4 translated gene with the closer template (xylanase of B. subtilis 168 (1A1). SRT, meso-tartaric acid. C and D were pre-
pared with (
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