Suplemento La Paz 2da. Edición, Agosto 2011
Suplemento La Paz 2da. Edición, Agosto 2011
Suplemento La Paz 2da. Edición, Agosto 2011
Queridos santos, Hemos reunido stos himnos para ser usados en las reuniones de nios y jvenes principalmente. Hemos considerado que cada nuevo himno que aprendamos en la iglesia se aada a ste libro, es decir, podremos aadirle hojas y reemplazar el ndice fcilmente. Queremos cantar algunas melodas alternativas de los himnos de nuestro himnario en espaol de 500 himnos publicado por Living Stream Ministry (LSM); por lo que hemos aadido a ste libro solo la versin en ingls de algunos himnos para alentar el uso de ambos himnarios. Amamos la compenetracin! Por eso nuestro suplemento est en ingls y espaol. Queremos mezclarnos con los santos que nos visitan por medio de cantar en ingls. Tambin queremos ayudarnos a entrar en el ministerio y un gran porcentaje de ste an est solo en ingls o chino. Ya hemos comenzado la comunin con LSM y otros hermanos e iglesias que posiblemente retengan derechos sobre stos himnos para solicitar su uso. No queremos ser descuidados en solicitar los permisos necesarios pues no queremos ser un problema para el Cuerpo. Por causa de que una obra de publicacin puede convertirse en un problema si se extiende ms all del mbito local, hemos diseado ste libro solo para nuestra localidad. Es posible que algn momento nuestro suplemento llegue a alguien fuera de nuestra localidad y lo quieran usar en sus reuniones, por lo que les alentamos que pasen por la misma comunin que mencionamos arriba, para que entre todos nos honremos y agrademos a la Cabeza. Hemos intentado usar traducciones de Centro Amrica de himnos que ya conocemos y no nos fue muy bien por lo que hemos decidido usar la traduccin ms conocida en la regin sudamericana, aunque a veces no sea la mejor. Pero elegimos ese camino con la salvedad de que si la comunin entre las iglesias en Sud Amrica y otras iglesias de habla hispana se incrementa, por causa de cooperar con la compenetracin, reaprenderemos las versiones mejores que sean necesarias. Este suplemento cuenta con un himnario bilingue para msicos con acordes en todas las estrofas para cada himno, por esa razn ste libro no tiene acordes. Es posible que encuentre errores en el suplemento, nos faltan muchos datos de autores y fuentes de referencia tambin. La fe de erratas y futuras actualizaciones de sta publicacin se encontrarn publicadas en nuestro sitio web Iglesia en La Paz, agosto, 2011
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Da tu ser, para amar al Seor Give Yourself to Love the Lord 3 Proseguid Let's go on 4 Dios nos llama a Su intencin God has called us for His purpose 5 Que yo ame sin ser respetado Let me love and not be requited 6 Yo te amo cada da ms Lord, I love You more and more each day 7 Estoy dispuesto Lord, I've set my heart 8 El Jess Maravilloso The wonderful Jesus 9 Sin Zion 10 Contmplale a Diario Take time to behold Him 11 Hay momentos There are times 12 Throughout the past twenty centuries) 13 Fuente de vida eres, oh Dios (Himnos, #7) O God, Thou art the source of life (Hymns, #12) 14 Tu amor, Jess, excede mi pensar (Himnos, #77) It passeth telling, that dear love of Thine (Hymns, #154) 15 Anhelo respirarte ms (Himnos, #82) I cannot breathe enough of Thee (Hymns, #172) 16 Jess, Jess oh mi Seor (Himnos, #95) O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord (Hymns, #208) 17 Me am con un amor (Himnos, #137) Loved with everlasting love (Hymns, #284) 18
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Vivamente anhelaba (Himnos, #157) All my life long I had panted (Hymns, #325) 19 Mi objetivo es el mismo Dios (Himnos, #167) My goal is God Himself (Hymns, #350) 20 Descbreme, Seor (Himnos, #80) Remove My Covering, Lord (Hymns, #426) 21 Tu fuerte amor me constrie Seor (Himnos, #183) Thy mighty love, O God, constraineth me (Hymns, #431) 22 No le has visto y conocido? (Himnos, #186) Hast thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him? (Hymns, #437) 23 Mi Dios, mi amor y mi porcin (Himnos, #283) My God, my Portion, and my Love (Hymns, #600) 24 Nada es ms precioso Nothing's Quite So Precious 25 De mi tristeza y oscuridad (Himnos, #482) Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night (Hymns, #1050) 26 Se propuso el Dios eterno (Himnos, #459) God eternal has a purpose (Hymns, #1325) 27 El Romance Divino Divine Romance 28 No prometi Dios God hath not promised skies always blue 29 La economa de Dios es Su plan de dispensarse a Si mismo God's economy is His plan to dispense Himself 30 Dnde est mi Jess I Do Not Know where They Have Laid Him 31 Dio Mara su ofrenda de amor Mary poured out her love offering 32 T eres el primer amor Jesus Lord, You're our first love 33 Nunca pens que Dios sera disfrutable I never thought that God would be enjoyable 34 Recobra mi ser Make me wholly Thine 35 La meta del evangelio The goal of the gospel 36
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Viviente vid The Living Vine 37 Solo estando en Ti Just to be in You 38 Ante Pilato est Jess Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall 39 La cancin del nazareno In this godless age 40 Guarda Seor mi corazn Lord, keep my heart always true to You 41 Los ministros del nuevo pacto The new covenant ministers 42 Tantas cosas que gan What things were gains to me 43 Un amante de Cristo es aquel A lover of Christ 44 Vivo para amarte mi Jess The best love for the Lord 45 Seor, Solo Te Amo a Ti Lord, I just love You 46 Seguirlo y conocerlo Pursue Him and know Him 47 Quiero tocarte Seor Just one touch 48
Lord, You love me so immensely 49 Nunca antes yo so Never did I dream before 50 La visin gloriosa The Uniqueness of the Lord's Recovery 51 Dios Triuno, Qu misterio The Triune God, a mystery 52 La gloria del Seor The glory of the Lord 53 Amor de Dios, gracia de Cristo The Love of God and the Grace of Christ 54
Seor Jess, mi vida rindo hoy a Ti To You, dear Lord 55 Uno soy, Seor, contigo I am one with Thee, Lord Jesus 56 Qu te llev a morir por m What made You die for me 57 Nadie tenga nunca en poco tu fresca juventud
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58 Qu de mi pasado atroz That's Why I Love Him 59 El Hijo con el Padre por el Espritu The Son with the Father by the Spirit 60 Asi que hermanos os exhorto 61 Cuan debil es mi voluntad My will is weak, my strength is frail 62 Dios es Amor God is love 63 Estuve lejos de Ti My heart was far from You 64 Donde vayas tu, yo ir Wherever you go, I will go 65 Amor que nunca me abandona O Love, that wilt not let me go 66 Existe alguien, un amigo Someone 67 Hay un evangelio hoy There's a gospel of today 68 Oh, dame el suplir de gracia hoy Lord, grant me today's supply of grace 69 Qu profundo, tan extenso (Himnos, #76) O how deep and how far-reaching (Hymns, #152) 70 Querido y cerca a mi Nearer each day 71 Seor tu amor constrindome est The love of Christ is now constraining me 72
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Seor, Cunto ms? Lord, how long 73 Seor, yo me entrego hoy a Ti Lord, I Give Myself to You Right Now 74 Todo corazn ama algo Something every heart is loving 75 Cristo es un hombre genuino Christ is a Genuine Man 76
1. Canales de vida 1. Sihablas la palabra, El te llenar por dentro y por fuera; Llena de poder, autoridad e impacto fluir. Canal de vida soy - Permito a Dios fluir! Dentro y fuera de mi, as vida impartir. 2. Tras recibir tal suplir: Ser enriquecidos; Crean,salgan y hablenacerca de Esta vida./Coro/ 3. Teniendo espritu de fe - Se fuerte y valiente! Por el Seor, as tambin tu puedes hablar. /Coro/3./ 1. Channels of Life 1. When you speak the Word, He fills you within and clothes you without; Then wordsfullofpower, authority, impact flow out. Channels of life are we - allowing God to flow! Through us and out of us - that others life may know! 2. After you receive, are filledandenriched by such a supply Go! Open your mouth! Speak to all men the words of this life! 3. And having the same spirit of faith - Be strong! Be not weak! We also believe, Therefore we also must speak!
Ref.: URL: 2 Co. 4:13
2. Mirando Tu vivir humano veo 1. Mirando Tu vivir humano veo, Que como esclavo viniste a servir; Y as cumplir con Su eterno deseo, Sumiso al Padre, fuiste en Tu vivir. Tal como Tu quiero llevar la vida Para cumplir asi Tu eterno plan Te entrego todo sin buscar salida Para que en mi obtengas Tu afn. 2. A diario encuentra en mi plena cabida Que en todo Tu me puedas reemplazar. Reproduciendo en mi Tu misma vida Para que Te puedas magnificar./Coro/ 3. Haz de mi corazn el mejor suelo, Quita ansiedad, afn y corrupcin; Libre de engaos Te cedo el terreno, Replica en mi, Seor Tu corazn. /coro/ Como un esclavo a Ti yo quiero darme Para servirte fielmente hasta el fin Y por amor deseo consagrarme Declaro que libre no he de salir
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3. Da tu ser, para amar al Seor 1. Da tu ser, paraamaralSeor, No hay manera, tan prevaleciente; Nohayotro camino, otro tan seguro, no lo hay. 2. Da tu ser, paraamaralSeor, No hay camino, que sea tan rico, Y tan lleno, oh tan lleno, de disfrute. Debemos de maana, levantarnosy decir, Seor Jess, hoy te amo. 3. Da tu ser, paraamaralSeor, No te preocupes, por nada ms; Solomale! Sin afn! Da tu ser, paraamaralSeor! No nos pertenecemos, Y te damos todo a Ti; Seor Jess! Seor Jess! Seor Jess, te amamos!
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4. Proseguid 1. Proseguid, avanzad, Uncoraznqueamaa El, Quesolo deseaaEl, No, derrotado no!, Mas, levantado si!. Proseguid, avanzad, al Hijo. Somos Tus vasos hechos a Tu imagen, Predestinados paraser llenos de Ti. Mi regocijo, desborda de mi, Serhecho aTuimagen, ParaExpresarte. 2. Proseguid, avanzad, Quemandoenespritu, Bullendo elcorazn, Bebiendo, comiendo, Lossantos estarn. Proseguid, avanzad, al Hijo. 3. Proseguid, avanzad, Festejando enlareunin Usando tuespritu Evita analizar o tambincriticar. Proseguid, avanzad, al Hijo. 4. Proseguid, avanzad, Lavidadisfrutablees, Aunquetristetambin, Mas maravilloso, Y disponibleEles. Proseguid, avanzad, al Hijo.
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4. Let's go on!
1. Let's go on! Forward come! A heart that is loving Him, A heart that is willing, A heart that's uplifted, No, not defeated! Let's go on! Forward come to the Son! We are Your vessels, created to be Man in Your image, To be filled up with Thee. You're my enjoyment overflowing me! I'm a man in Your image, Thus expressing Thee! 2. Let's go on! Forward come! A spirit that's burning, A heart that is bubbling, Saints that are eating, And always drinking! Let's go on! Forward come to the Son! 3. Let's go on! Forward come! Spirit releasing, Saints that are feasting, Not analyzing, or criticizing. Let's go on! Forward come to the Son! 4. Let's go on! Forward come! Life so enjoyable, Else it be terrible, But He's so wonderful, And so available! Let's go on! Forward come to the Son!
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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5. Nuestro Dios nos ha llamado 1. Nuestro Dios nos ha llamado A Su economa eterna, Por la cual se ha procesado; Consumado ahora est. Como Espritu en nosotros Nos habita y es las arras; Plena salvacin realiza Y nos hace igual a l. Que me gobierne una clara visin, Su economa en mi corazn, Y arda en mi espritu hasta que en fuego est! Con fuerte espritu hay que proseguir Y consumar Su plan: Nueva Jerusaln! Aleluya! 2. Es Jess nuestro modelo: l vivi como un Dios-hombre, Obediente hasta la muerte, Su hombre natural neg. Era el nico Dios-hombre, Mas se duplic en nosotros; Como granos bien mezclados Somos Su reproduccin. 3. Su resurreccin vivimos No en la carne ni en el alma Nuestro espritu mezclado Niega as lo natural. Hoy vivimos en el Cuerpo, Cada da en l vencemos; Por llegar a Sin luchamos, Aguardando Su venida. 4. Vivirn Dios y el hombre En espritu mezclados, Siendo as incorporados: Una orgnica entidad! Tal visin de las edades Rige nuestra vida diaria, Para que l obtenga el Cuerpo, Refulgente ciudad santa!
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6. Que yo ame sin ser respetado 1. Que yo ame sin ser respetado, Que yo sirva sin ser respaldado; Que yo obre sin ser compensado, Que yo sufra sin ser recordado. 2. Es partir el pan sin comerlo, Es servir el vino sin beberlo; Una vida que sufra bendiciendo, Una vida que ame sosteniendo. 3. Que no espere piedad y compasin, Que no acepte elogios y consuelos; Mas la soledad yel olvido; Que rechace el aplauso ofrecido. Sangrey lgrimas la corona ha de costar, Prdida total es el precio a pagar, Peregrina vida llevaste T, Alandar por la tierra Seor, Con gusto sufristeinjuriay dolor, Para darnos reposoy salvacin. 4. No puedo ver cuanto mas deboavanzar, Deeste camino nohay como regresar; Que yo siga Tu senda perfectay veras, Cuando cargueingratitudes sin odiar, 5. En el tiempo cruel, te ruego Seor, Mis escondidas lgrimas secar, Mi consuelo eres Tu en verdad, Quiero ser bendicin a los dems.
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7. Yo te amo cada da ms 1. Yo te amo cada da ms, Ahora mismo yo te amo ms. Yo no puedo vivir ms sin Ti, Ya no logro como antes vivir./2./ 2. Cuantos aos yo vagu sin Ti, Y en rescate viniste por m. Yo recuerdo cun vaco and, Y cun angustiado yo llor. Da tras da, te amo ms. Y hoy te amo a Ti, mucho ms, Seor. 3. Esa intensa sed en mi interior En vano busqu satisfacer. Todo cuanto intent hacer, Me dej ms sed e insatisfaccin./4./ 4. En mi eterna bsqueda interior, Por Ti siempre fue mi clamor; Era ciego al todo intentar, Hasta que de Ti, logr beber./Coro/ 5. Entonces, T viniste a m, Como sublime satisfaccin. Cual Espritu que es todo a m, Haces T bullir mi espritu./6./ 6. Gracias pues habitas hoy en m, Y te expandes da a da as. Tu morada es mi corazn, Que como un tesoro guardando ests./Coro/
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8. Estoy dispuesto 1. Estoy dispuesto; solo te amo a Ti; Yo solo deseo estar junto a Ti, No hay otro deseo en mi. Seor te amo por amarme a mi; Me gusta vivirte a Ti, Recibir instantneo guiar a cada momento. 2. Toda la tierra, llena de vanidad, No me satisfar, no me har cambiar: Mi anhelo solo eres T. Gracias Amado, me predestinaste, Tambin me llamaste, me salvaste Seor, Me amaste para ste da.
8. Lord, I've set my heart 1. Lord, I've set my heart; Lord, I just love You. Beside You I have no other desire. Lord, I just like to live You. Lord, I love You because You love me. I just like to live You, And be under Your instant moment by moment leading. 2. On the entire earth, in the whole universe, I have no int'rest or other desire: My desire is only You. Thank You, dearest Lord; You've predestinated me. You've called me and saved me and, Lord, preserved me. You have brought me, Lord, to this day.
Ref.: URL:
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9. El Jess Maravilloso
1. El Jess maravilloso quien est, Entronizado en los cielos, Y coronado con gloria y honor, Es la mayor atraccin, Que existe en el universo. El es como un enorme imn, Que atrae a todos los que le buscan, Los que le buscan. 2. Al ser atrados por Su belleza, Encantadora, Dejamos de ver todo lo que no es El. Si no tuviramos, Un objeto tan atractivo, Cmo podramos dejar, De mirar tantas cosas, que nos distraen en la tierra?
Ref.: URL:
Hebreos 12:2#2
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10. Sin
1. Sin: all Dios habita, Cantemos alabanzas En la ciudad del Rey. Sin, Dios ha escogido Los santos gozando_estn, En Dios su salvacin. Hermosa Sin, en las alturas El gozo de todos, su satisfaccin El gozo de la tierra es. 2. Sin: cuan bueno y cuan dulce, Que disfrute inmenso es! Como_ungento valioso. Sin: cuan bueno y cuan dulce, Moramos all en_unidad Como_el roco tan fresco! Hermosa Sin, en las alturas Cuan bueno y cuan dulce Que disfrute es! Nuestra_unidad solo es El 3. Sin: Dios nuestra_unidad es Se mueve como_un blsamo Desciende como_el roco. Sin: nuestra morada_es Dios Como ungento nos da valor Y como el roco nos suple Hermosa Sin, en las alturas Cuan bueno y cuan dulce Que satisfaccin! Vivimos tal unidad. 4. Sin: En Dios habitamos Viviendo_en tal unidad Siendo Dios nuestro todo. Sin: bendicin eterna Dios y_el hombre mezclados Dios Triuno dispensando. Bellas iglesias, todas de oro La mezcla completa De Dios y_el hombre La_ultima consumacin! - 22 -
1. Zion is God's habitation. Sing praises in Zion, The city of our King. Zion, the place of His choosing Where saints are rejoicing. Here God is their salvation. Beautiful Zion, in elevation, The joy of our King, His satisfaction, The joy of the whole earth. 2. Zion: how good and how pleasant, The greatest enjoyment! It's like the precious ointment. Zion, how good and how pleasant, In oneness we're dwelling. The dew, oh how refreshing! Beautiful Zion, in elevation. How good and how pleasant, The best enjoyment! Our oneness is just Him. 3. Zion: our oneness a Person, As ointment, He's moving, As dew He is descending, Zion: our God is our dwelling, As ointment, He's strengthening, As dew, He's so supplying. Beautiful Zion, in elevation. How good and how pleasant, Man's satisfaction, Our dwelling is this One. 4. Zion: in God we're abiding, Our oneness and living, The processed God, our all. Zion, the ultimate blessing, Of God with man mingling, The Triune God dispensing.
10. Zion
Beautiful churches, the golden lampstands. God mingling with man; His satisfaction, The ultimate consummation!
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11. Contmplale a diario 1. Contmplalea diario, Con Cristohabla ms; Come Su Palabra Paraen l morar. Quedaen Su presencia Sumiso a l; Su bendicin busca En todo tuhacer. 2. Contmplalea diario, El mundo se va; Ms tiempoen secreto Con l, nada ms. Mirandoa Cristo, Comol t sers; En ti tus amigos Suimagen vern. 3. Contmplalea diario, Que te gue l; No te leanticipes Por doquier ests. En gozo oen pena Al Seor ve, t, Ten feen Su Palabra Mirandoa Jess. 4. Contmplalea diario, Calmael corazn, Pon tus sentimientos Bajo Su control. SuEspritu gua A fuentes deamor, All l te viste De Su compasin.
Ref.: URL:
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12. Hay momentos 1. Hay momentos que mialma, Es llena deamargura; Preguntas sin respuesta, Mas T me atraes. A ir yentrar, En Tu bendito santuario, A lo alto volver mi mirar, Vuelves mis persistentes dudas, En dulce oracin. 2. A quien tengo en los cielos, Sino a ti, Seor; Mi corazn y carne, Fallan sin cesar. Mas Dios es Mi porcin y mi fortaleza; Por siempre a l me acercar. Mi dulce y eterno refugio, Mi Salvador es. 3. Vulveme, necesito, Verte a ti, Jess; Aun cuando no comprendo, Tus sendas Seor. Haz de m Un tierno lactante que alabe y Tu bien disfrute cada vez. Imprtete en cada experiencia Que en todo yo exhiba Hoy Tu Ser.
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Ref.: URL:
Salmo 73
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13. Durante los veinte siglos 1. Durante los veinte siglos, Miles de vidas preciosas, Tesoros del corazn, Puestos altos y futuros brillantes han sido, "Desperdiciados" en el Seor. 2. Aquellos que lo aman as, Lo encuentran digno de ser, Amado de esta manera, Y digno de su ofrenda. /Lo que han derramado sobre El no es desperdicio, Sino un fragante testimonio de Su dulzura.//
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1. O God, Thou art the source of life, Divine, and rich, and free! As living water flowing out Unto eternity! In love Thou in the Son didst flow Among the human race; Thou dost as Spirit also flow Within us thru Thy grace. 2. Though we in sin and wickedness Went far from Thee apace, Yet in the Son Thou didst redeem, Bestowing life and grace. Though we have often slighted Thee, Thy Spirit often grieved, Yet Thou dost still as Spirit come As life to be received. 3. Thou as the Spirit in the Son Hast mingled heretofore; Thou wilt thru fellowship anoint And increase more and more. The love of God, the grace of Christ, The Spirits flowing free, Enable us Gods wealth to share Thru all eternity. The Father, Son, and Spirit - one, So richly care for us; Thy love with one accord we sing And eer would praise Thee thus.
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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1. It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine, My Savior, Jesus; yet this soul of mine Would of Thy love in all its breadth and length, Its height and depth, its everlasting strength, Know more and more. 2. It passeth telling, that dear love of Thine, My Savior, Jesus; yet these lips of mine Would fain proclaim to sinners, far and near, A love which can remove all guilty fear, And love beget. 3. It passeth praises, that dear love of Thine, My Savior, Jesus; yet this heart of mine Would sing that love, so full, so rich, so free, Which brings a rebel sinner, such as me, Nigh unto God. 4. But though I cannot sing, or tell, or know The fulness of Thy love, while here below, My empty vessel I may freely bring; O Thou, who art of love the living spring, My vessel fill. 5. I am an empty vesselnot one thought Or look of love to Thee I've ever brought; Yet I may come, and come again to Thee, With this the empty sinner's only plea, Thou lovest me. 6. Oh, fill me, Jesus, Savior, with Thy love! Lead, lead me to the living fount above; Thither may I, in simple faith draw nigh, And never to another fountain fly, But unto Thee. 7. Lord Jesus, when Thee face to face I see, When on Thy lofty throne I sit with Thee, Then of Thy love, in all its breadth and length, Its height and depth, its everlasting strength, My soul shall sing.
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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1. I cannot breathe enough of Thee, O gentle breeze of love; More fragrant than the myrtle tree The Henna-flower* is to me, The Balm of Heaven above. I cannot yield enough to Thee, My Savior, Master, Friend; I do not wish to go out free, But ever, always, willingly, To serve Thee to the end. 2. I cannot gaze enough on Thee, Thou Fairest of the Fair; My heart is filled with ecstasy, As in Thy face of radiancy I see such beauty there. 3. I cannot sing enough of Thee, The sweetest name on earth; A note so full of melody Comes from my heart so joyously, And fills my soul with mirth. 4. I cannot speak enough of Thee, I have so much to tell; Thy heart it beats so tenderly As Thou dost draw me close to Thee, And whisper, "All is well." * An Old World plant, prized for its fragrant yellow and white flowers. (Song of Sol. 1:14, A.S.V.)
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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1. O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord! Forgive me if I say, For very love, Thy sacred name A thousand times a day. O Jesus, Lord, with me abide; I rest in Thee, whate'er betide; Thy gracious smile is my reward; I love, I love Thee, Lord! 2. I love Thee so I know not how My transports to control; Thy love is like a burning fire Within my very soul. 3. For Thou to me art all in all; My honor and my wealth; My heart's desire, my body's strength, My soul's eternal health. 4. Burn, burn, O love, within my heart, Burn fiercely night and day, Till all the dross of earthly loves Is burned, and burned away. 5. O light in darkness, joy in grief, O heaven's life on earth; Jesus, my love, my treasure, who Can tell what Thou art worth? 6. What limit is there to this love? Thy flight, where wilt Thou stay? On, on! our Lord is sweeter far Today than yesterday.
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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1. Loved with everlasting love, Led by grace that love to know; Spirit, breathing from above, Thou hast taught me it is so. Oh, this full and perfect peace! Oh, this transport all divine! In a love which cannot cease, I am His, and He is mine. 2. Heaven above is softer blue, Earth around is sweeter green; Something lives in every hue Christless eyes have never seen: Birds with gladder songs o'erflow, Flow'rs with deeper beauties shine, Since I know, as now I know, I am His, and He is mine. 3. Things that once were wild alarms Cannot now disturb my rest; Closed in everlasting arms, Pillowed on the loving breast. Oh, to lie forever here, Doubt and care and self resign, While He whispers in my ear, I am His, and He is mine. 4. His forever, only His: Who the Lord and me shall part? Ah, with what a rest of bliss Christ can fill the loving heart. Heaven and earth may fade and flee, Firstborn light in gloom decline; But, while God and I shall be, I am His, and He is mine.
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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1. All my life long I had panted For a draught from some cool spring, That I hoped would quench the burning Of the thirst I felt within. 2. Feeding on the husks around me, Till my strength was almost gone, Longed my soul for something better, Only still to hunger on. 3. Poor I was, and sought for riches, Something that would satisfy, But the dust I gathered round me Only mocked my soul's sad cry. 4. Well of water, ever springing, Bread of life, so rich and free, Untold wealth that never faileth, My Redeemer is to me.
URL: Ref: Living Stream Ministry
1. My goal is God Himself, not joy, nor peace, Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God; 'Tis His to lead me therenot mine, but His At any cost, dear Lord, by any road. 2. So faith bounds forward to its goal in God, And love can trust her Lord to lead her there; Upheld by Him, my soul is following hard Till God hath full fulfilled my deepest prayer. 3. No matter if the way be sometimes dark, No matter though the cost be oft-times great, He knoweth how I best shall reach the mark, The way that leads to Him must needs be strait. 4. One thing I know, I cannot say Him nay; One thing I do, I press towards my Lord; My God my glory here, from day to day, And in the glory there my great Reward.
Ref.: Living Stream Ministry URL:
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1. Remove my covering, Lord, That I may see Thy light, And be deceived no more, /But all things see aright.// 2. I hardly know myself; Deceived so much by pride, I often think I'm right /And am self-satisfied.// 3. I know Thee even less; In doctrine, shallowly; True revelation lack /Of Thy reality.// 4. As for Thy life within, In darkness I mistake If spirit or the flesh, /One for the other take.// 5. As for Thy way, O Lord, I often am not clear; I toward seclusion tend /And from the pathway veer.// 6. As for Thy will for me, I do not know it well; I substitute my own /And often would rebel.// 7. As for the church, I need Thy revelation more, The Body-life to know, /Thy wisdom to explore.// 8. I long to be unveiled, In everything made clear, No more to be deceived /Or to my pride adhere.//
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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1. Thy mighty love, O God, constraineth me, As some strong tide it presseth on its way, Seeking a channel in my self-bound soul, Yearning to sweep all barriers away. 2. Shall I not yield to that constraining power? Shall I not say, O tide of love, flow in? My God, Thy gentleness hath conquered me, Life cannot be as it hath hither been. 3. Break through my nature, mighty, heavenly love, Clear every avenue of thought and brain, Flood my affections, purify my will, Let nothing but Thine own pure life remain. 4. Thus wholly mastered and possessed by God, Forth from my life, spontaneous and free, Shall flow a stream of tenderness and grace, Loving, because God loved, eternally.
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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1. Hast thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him? Is not thine a captured heart? Chief among ten thousand own Him; Joyful choose the better part. 2. Idols once they won thee, charmed thee, Lovely things of time and sense; Gilded thus does sin disarm thee, Honeyed lest thou turn thee thence. 3. What has stripped the seeming beauty From the idols of the earth? Not a sense of right or duty, But the sight of peerless worth. 4. Not the crushing of those idols, With its bitter void and smart; But the beaming of His beauty, The unveiling of His heart. 5. Who extinguishes their taper Till they hail the rising sun? Who discards the garb of winter Till the summer has begun? 6. 'Tis that look that melted Peter, 'Tis that face that Stephen saw, 'Tis that heart that wept with Mary, Can alone from idols draw: 7. Draw and win and fill completely, Till the cup o'erflow the brim; What have we to do with idols Who have companied with Him?
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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1. My God, my Portion, and my Love, My everlasting All, I've none but Thee in heav'n above, Or on this earthly ball. What empty things are all the skies, And this inferior clod! There's nothing here deserves my joys, There's nothing like my God. 2. To Thee I owe my wealth, and friends, And health, and safe abode; Thanks to Thy name for meaner things, But they are not my God. How vain a toy is glittering wealth, If once compared to Thee! Or what's my safety, or my health, Or all my friends to me. 3. Were I possessor of the earth, And called the stars my own, Without Thy graces and Thyself, I were a wretch undone. Let others stretch their arms like seas, And grasp in all the shore; Grant me the visits of Thy grace, And I desire no more.
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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25. Nada es ms precioso 1. Nada es ms precioso, que Cristo en mi espritu. Puede todo acabar y aqu l estar. Y cual simiente plantado fue en m, Es slo invocar, pues disponible l est. Seor JessVen a socorrerme en mis flaquezas; Ven con Tu vida, Que hemos probado cada da, que es suficiente. 2. Nada es ms precioso, que Cristo en mi espritu. Es donde puedo hallarlo y or Su voz. Puedo seguirlo, fiel siendo a la uncin, Que todo me ensea, permanece en m y es real. 3. Nada es ms precioso, Que Cristo en m espritu. Seor esa_es la clave de Tu eterno plan. Para llenarme y saturar mi ser, S que en mi espritu te comienzas a dispensar. Seor Jess De Tus riquezas quiero disfrutar; Tu rica vida, Que hemos probado cada da, que es suficiente. 25. Nothing's quite so precious 1 Nothing's quite so precious As Jesus in my spirit. He takes away the care And fills me with His peace. He never leaves me, Even as the days grow weary. His presence goes with me. My soul delights to hide in His arms. I call His name, Lord Jesus, help me in my weakness. So faithfully, each day in me, He proves His life is so sufficient. 2 Nothing's quite so precious As Jesus in my spirit. He turns my heart to Him, To feast upon His life. It's nothing I do His mercy's just upon me. And God's free gift of grace Becomes an endless joy to me. - 38 -
Ref: URL:
1. Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night, Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come! Into Thy freedom, gladness, and light, Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of my sickness into Thy health, Out of my want and into Thy wealth, Out of my sin and into Thyself, Jesus, I come to Thee! 2. Out of my shameful failure and loss, Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come! Into the glorious gain of Thy cross, Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of earth's sorrows into Thy balm, Out of life's storm and into Thy calm, Out of distress to jubilant psalm, Jesus, I come to Thee! 3. Out of unrest and arrogant pride, Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come! Into Thy blessed will to abide, Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of myself to dwell in Thy love, Out of despair into raptures above, Upward for aye on wings like a dove, Jesus, I come to Thee! 4. Out of the fear and dread of the tomb, Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come! Into the joy and pleasure, Thine own, Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of the depths of ruin untold, Into the flock Thy love doth enfold, Ever Thy glorious face to behold, Jesus, I come to Thee!
Ref.: URL: Living Stream Ministry
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27. God eternal has a purpose H459 1. God eternal has a purpose, Formed in His eternal past, Spreading to eternal future; 'Twixt these ends all time is cast. For with time there is the process, Time for His accomplishment; And in time we're merely travelers For eternity we're meant.
(Se propuso el Dios eterno en Su pasado eternal)
2. God would have a group of people Built together in His plan, Blended, knit, coordinated As His vesselone new man. God would come into this vessel With His nature, life and ways, Mingling Spirit with our spirits For His joy and to His praise. 3. God has worked in three directions For His plan so marvelous: As the Father, Son, and Spirit 6. As the product, the fulfillment, To dispense Himself to us! Will the church in glory stand, All creation gives the setting Heav'n and earth are for this plan; Consummation of the purpose In eternal ages planned. 'Tis for this God made a body, God will have His corporate vessel, Soul and spiritthree-part man. All His glory to contain; Lord, we're wholly for Thy purpose 4. As the center, as the kernel, All Thy goal in us attain. Of God's plan our spirit is; Calling on the name of Jesus Makes our spirit one with His. From the center to circumference God would saturate each part; Feeling, mind, and will renewing, Making home in all our heart. 5. Thus in life we're built together, Then in love we're knit as one; God is now His plan fulfilling, Finishing what He's begun. Lord, increase Thyself within us That we might be built by Thee Into that great corporate vessel Filled with God exclusively.
Ref.: Salmo 16, Salmo 90, Living Stream Ministry URL:
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28. Divine Romance 1. How could a country girl like me Become Your match Your bride to be? You're holy and You are divine But I'm fallen and human. Without You, Lord, I have no chance To be like You in this romance. But You chose me ere the world began Nothing could change Your plan. This divine romance Is My heart's deep plan. I became a lowly man To court My country girl. Nothing could deter, Nothing can alter My eternal love for her; I'll gain My country girl. 2. No man or angel ever knew This secret hidden deep in You That You desired to be one with man Before the world began. Though sin came in to ruin me Through Satan's scheme and subtlety Nothing could break Your love for me To gain me totally. This divine romance Is My heart's deep plan, I became a lowly man To court My country girl. Nothing could deter, Nothing can alter My eternal love for her; I'll gain My country girl. 3. As King of kings You became a man, You died for meI've been redeemed, In resurrection made us queen To marry You, my King. From death You 'rose and entered me, I now possess Your divinity; In life and nature we're the same: Both human and divine. - 42 -
In Your love I'm drawn, To You I belong; I am not my own, Lord, I'm Yours alone. By Your love I'm drawn, In Your name I'm charmed, And Your Person captured me, For I've been kissed by Thee. 4. Lord, in this close sweet fellowship, Lord, be with me so intimate, So personal and affectionate; A sweet relationship. Lord, daily change my inward being Lord, all my heart possessing In all my beingtransforming To be Your bride and queen. In Your love I'm drawn, To You I belong; I am not my own, Lord, I'm Yours alone. By Your love I'm drawn, In Your name I'm charmed, And Your Person captured me, For I've been kissed by Thee.
Ref.: URL: Song of Songs
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29. No prometi Dios 1. No prometi Dios en tu vivir Senda de flores, cielo feliz; No prometi Dios sol sin turbin, Gozo sin llanto, paz sin dolor. Coro: Ms prometi Dios: diario vigor, Luz en la senda, fuerza en labor, Gracia en las pruebas y Su sostn, Su infinito amor, Su compasin. 2. No prometi Dios nunca pasar Tentacin, pena y dificultad; El nunca dijo: No llevars Cargas pesadas, ni ansiedad./Coro/ 3. No prometi Dios peregrinar Fcil y ancho, sin extraviar; Sin escarpados, riscos y pen, Sin ningn ro hondo y feroz./Coro/ 29. God hath not promised skies always blue 1. God hath not promised skies always blue, Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through; God hath not promised sun without rain, Joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day, Rest for the labor, light for the way, Grace for the trials, help from above, Unfailing sympathy, undying love. 2. God hath not promised we shall not know Toil and temptation, trouble and woe; He hath not told us we shall not bear Many a burden, many a care. 3. God hath not promised smooth roads and wide, Swift, easy travel, needing no guide; Never a mountain, rocky and steep, Never a river, turbid and deep.
Ref.: URL: Song of Songs LSM Hymns 720
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30. La economa de Dios es Su plan de dispensarse a Si mismo 1. La_economa de_Dios_es Su dispensar En Sus elegidos, predestinados y redimidos Como vida (Su vida) Como suplir (Su suplir) Como Su todo Y producir (Si producir) Constituir (Constituir) Edificar_el_Cuerpo de Cristo Para consumar_la Nueva Jerusaln. 2. La economa de Dios Es_hacernos igual a Dios En vida_y naturaleza, Mas_no en la Deidad. Y ser_uno con el hombre, Y l uno_con_Dios, A fin de agrandar y extender Su expresin. Que todos Sus a----tribu-tos divinos Se expresen por las virtudes huma---nas. 3. Su_economa_y_meta Como_en_Su_corazn desea Es edi-ificar-se_en nuestro ser Y nue-estro ser dentro de El Y as-i mezclar, Su_divinidad_con_nuestra humanidad En una so-ola entidad (Una entidad) El cuerpo-o de Cri-isto Para consumar_la Nueva Jerusaln.
30. God's economy is His plan to dispense Himself 1. God's economy is His_plan to dispense Himself Into His chosen, predestinated and redeemed_people As their life (as their life) Their life supply (their life supply) And their e--ee-verything To produce (to produce) Constitute (constitute) And build up_the organic Booody of Christ Which consummates the New Jerusalem.
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2. God's eternal economy Is to make man the same as He is In life and nature but not in_the_Go-odhead And to_make_Himself_one with man And_man one with Him Thus to be enlarged And expanded in His expression That all His divine, That all His divine attributes May be expressed in human vi-ir-tues. 3. God's_economy and goal According_to_His_heart's desire Are to bui-ild Himself into-o our being And to bui-i-ild us into-o His being In o-order to-o mingle_His_divinity with_our humanity-y Into-o one entity (one entity) The Body of Chri-i-ist Which consummates the New Jerusalem.
Video: URL:
31. Dnde est mi Jess 1. Yo lloro pues llevado fue el Seor, De la tumba la piedra fuera est. Dnde fue puesto mi Seor? Oh! Dnde est? 2. Cuando vinieron los discpulos, Dejaron el lugar al nada ver, Y eso ya los content. Mas, dnde est? Coro1: Dnde est, oh, mi Jess? Dnde est mi amor? El Amado de mi alma. Jess, mi-i-i amor, Slo te amo a Ti. 3. Hay un vaco tan profundo en m, Oh! ngeles no pregunten por qu. S-lo-l-lo-puede llenar, Mas, dnde est? - 46 -
4. Percibo_alguien_en_pi_trs_de_m, El hortelano? Yo mal puedo ver. Me dijo: Dnde est el Seor? Oh! Dnde est? Coro2: Dnde est, oh, mi Jess? Dnde est mi amor? Dnde lo pu-usieron? Yo lo lle-evar, Lo llevar de aqu. 5. Entonces escuch: "Mara". Tal dulce voz cal bien hondo en m. S, es la voz de mi Seor, De mi Je-ss. Coro3: Encontr a mi Jess, Encontr a mi amor, Al Amado de mi alma. Jess, mi-i-i amor, Slo te amo a Ti. 6. An no me toques, l me dijo a m. Porque al Padre no he subido an, Con tus hermanos ve ahora ya, Ve y di-i-les. Coro4: Subo a Mi Padre, l es vuestro Padre. Subo donde est Mi Dios, Tambin vuestro Dios. Ve_y_dile_a_los_dems.
Chorus 1: Where is He, my Jesus? Where is He, my Beloved? Where is He whom my soul doth love? Jesus, my Love, I just want You. 3. My heart is broken from my deepest need. Dont ask me, angels, why Im weeping. Nothing but Jesus fills my inner being. Oh! Wheres my Love? 4. Someone is standing right behind me. Its just the gardener; I can barely see. Sir, if you carried Him away... Oh! Where is He? Chorus 2: Where is He, my Jesus? Where is He, my Beloved? Tell me where you have laid Him And Ill carry Him away; Ill carry Him away. 5. And then I heard a voice say, Mary. That sweetest voice that penetrated me. It is the voice of my Beloved, Jesus, my Love. Chorus 3: I have found my Jesus! I have found my Beloved! I have found Whom my soul doth love, Jesus, my Love, I just love You! 6. But Jesus told me not to touch Him yet. He must ascend first to the Father, "And to My Father and your Father, To My God and your God." Chorus 4: Go and tell My brothers, I ascend to the Father, To My Father and your Father, And My God and your God; go tell My brothers.
Ref.: URL: Juan 20:1-17
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2. As I love You_I set my being, my spirit, my soul and body, With my heart, my mind, and my strength, a-absolutely on Thee. Lord, I let my entire being, be_occupied by Thee, As I enter in Your heart, I sense a fellowship sweet, Occupied and lost in You; My Lord, You're my everything, Fellowship so intimate; in spirit Lord I enjoy Thee. 3. Lord there's none_in_heav'n_nor_on earth, that I desire but Thee. Though my heart and flesh faileth, Lord, thou_ever my portion will be, All is vanity, all is dung; I count all other things loss; Everything else drains my love, but You have captured my heart. Lord, I've seen Thy preciousness, Thy worth, Thy reality, Now, my Lord, I must confess, my heart is only for Thee. Occupied and lost in You; My Lord, You're my everything, Fellowship so intimate; in spirit Lord I enjoy Thee. She took_opportunity, to love You; Lord, with her best. Like her, Lord, I too would pour, my love and all that I have.
Ref.: URL: Mateo 26:6-13
33. T eres el primer amor 1. T eres el primer amor, De todos es el mejor. Y as el corazo--n, Descansa slo en Tu amor. 2. Te amamos por ser T, No por lo que T nos das. No se puede compara--ar, El gozo de amarte a Ti. Distrados hemos sido, Nuestro corazn se vuelve a Ti. No amamos nada ms que a Ti, T eres el primer amor. - 50 3. Nada deseamos ya. Nada que no seas T; Nada admiramos ya--a, Slo ser llenos de Ti. 4. T eres el primer amor, De todos es el mejor. Y as el corazo--n, Descansa slo en Tu amor.
3. Mis amigos dicen: "No te des tanto a l, S muy normal y sin al extremo llegar". Ms no lo puedo_impedir, no hay otro igual, l me toc y_ahora vivo feliz. Tu_amor me-e toc, Tu_amor_me ha-a "arruinado", Jess, Jess. 4. Cada momento quiero vivir para l, En todo mi Seor, T me debes ganar, Soy solo un vaso, T el tesoro en m, Seor esprcete en todo mi ser. Seor Jess! Clamando, El precioso nombre, Jess, Jess. 5. Ahora espero que T vuelvas otra vez, Mantenme fiel a Ti, Seor hasta el final, A fin de verte cara a cara Seor, Este es mi gran deseo, ser vencedor. Seor, Tu vienes pronto, Oh, amado Novio, Jess, Jess. 34. I never thought that God would be enjoyable 1. I never thought that God would be enjoyable, And my experience of Him is indescribable; When first I opened up my heart to Him, He came in me and filled me to the brim. O Lord, You're wonderful. You're wonderful. Jesus, Jesus. 2. I never sought Him nor I ever asked for Him. Sometimes I wonder, am I in a heavenly dream; I don't deserve Him, oh, a sinner like me, My explanation, friends, it's just His mercy. O Lord, Your mercy reached me. Your mercy reached me. Jesus, Jesus. 3. My friends they tell me, "Don't be too much for Him." "Just be so normal and not go to the extreme." But I can't help it, there is no one like Him. - 52 -
His love has touched me, so I now have meaning. O Lord, Your love has touched me. Your love has wrecked me. Jesus, Jesus. 4. My every moment is to live unto You. In everything dear Lord, You must now break through. I'm just a vessel, You're my treasure within. O Lord, keep spreading in my entire being By calling, O Lord Jesus, That name most precious. Jesus, Jesus. 5. And now I'm waiting for Your coming again. Lord, keep me faithful to You unto the end. To see You face to face on that great day, 'Tis my desire that I'd go all the way. O Lord, You're coming soon. O lovely Bridegroom. Jesus, Jesus.
Ref.: URL: Album:
35. Make me wholly Thine 1. Sometimes it seems like I have no room in my heart for You. But then You touched me And_soften_me to turn to You. Recover my heart, Rekindle my love for You. Fill me with love Eternally, ever new. Make me who-lly Thine. 2. Lord, I long to Empty myself of all but You; Give You my best love, Preeminence in all I do. 3. I want to love You With all my heart and all my soul. I want no other, I give myself to be_Yours alone.
Ref.: URL:
36. La meta del evangelio La meta del evangelio es que, al amar al Seor Jess, con nuestro primer amor Debemos derramar sobre el Seor Jess Lo que considera-amos ms precioso. Incluso nuestro tesoro espiritual ms costoso y valioso Y nos desperdiciemos sobre_El Incluso nuestro tesoro espiritual mas costoso y valioso Y nos desperdiciemos, sobre_El. 36. The goal of the gospel The goal of the gospel is that, Loving the Lord Jesus with the first love, We would pour out upon Him, Pour out upon Him what is most precious to us, Even our most costly and valuable spiritual treasure, Wasting ourselves upon Him, Even our most costly and valuable spiritual treasure, Wasting ourselves upon Him.
Ref.: URL:
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37. Viviente vid 1. Viviente vid en mi, es la realidad Del hombre y Dios, orgnica_unin Mutuo habitar, dulce comunin, La expresin, del mezclar total. 2. Permaneciendo en El, siento el fluir, Siendo_ramas de_El, hay el expresar; Requiere Dios de mi, depender de El, Para_fruto dar_asi, ramas aadir. Coro: Padre, labrador--- Hombre-Esposo, fuente es El, Suelo, sol y aire dan--- nutricin total. Hijo, vid viviente--- expresin de Dios es El. Y el Espritu real--- jugo de vida! Varones cantan Estrofa 1 mientras Mujeres cantan Coro Mujeres cantan Estrofa 2 mientras Varones cantan Coro 37. The Living Vine The Living vine, a reality Of God and man, one organically Mutual abode, organism sweet. Expression full, mingling complete. When we abide, there's a flow within. As branches we - - are expressing Him. Our God needs us, we depend on Him. To bear much fruit, to bring others in. Counter Melody: Father, Cultivator, Husbandman, the source is He Soil, sunshine and the air Nutrients complete. Son, the living vine is The embodiment of God. And the Spirit makes Him real As the life juice sweet!
Ref.: URL:
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38. Solo estando en Ti 1. Solo estando en ti, como t en m Moramos as Seor, en unin Aqu estamos ya, mezclndonos ms, Mutuamente asi Seor en unin Coro Dios se expande En su economa En su trinidad Se transfunde Y se mescla En todo mi ser 2. Soy un pmpano y t, la vid Cuando estoy en ti todo esta bien Todo el tiempo as quisiera estar, Mo eres Seor y yo tuyo soy 3. Cuando me hallo en ti, y t en m Me uno ms a ti, seor, que bendicin. Cuando me hallo en ti y t en m Subjetiva es, Seor, nuestra unin 4. Al morar en ti, seor fluye mas Llname as e inunda todo en m Somos uno aqu, expresndote a ti Qu alegra hoy en ti somos uno ya. 5. Me deleito en Ti al amarte ms Vienes como la palabra rhema Cuando oro en Ti, T oras en m, Muchos frutos yo podr llevar. 6. Al morar en Ti, Seor, fluye ms. Llname as e inunda todo en m Somos uno aqu, expresndote a Ti. Que alegra hoy somos uno en Ti! 38. Just to be in You 1. Just to be in You as You're in me. Just abide in You, Lord, constantly. Here I'm one with You, as You're with me. Here we're joined as one, Lord, mutually. - 56 -
God's dispensing, His economy, In His Trinity, He's transfusing, and He's mingling All He is to me. 2. I am just a branch, and You're the vine. As I dwell in You, everything is fine. Here I'd like to be, Lord, all the time. Here I'm Yours, dear Lord, and You are mine. 3. I'm a branch that's been, Lord, grafted in. I'm supplied in You in this life union. Here Your riches, Lord, in this sweet life flow. As I dwell in You, I will surely grow. 4. As I dwell in You, and You in me, Here I'm joined to You, Lord, practically. As I stay with You, as You're with me, We will mingle, Lord, subjectively. 5. As I'm loving You and enjoying You, Lord, You become in me the rhema word. Here I'll pray in You as You pray in me. You'll bear fruit in me, Lord, abundantly. 6. As I dwell in You, Lord You're flowing through. Lord, You're filling me, overflowing too. Here we all are one and expressing You. Here our joy is full as we dwell in You.
Ref.: URL:
39. Ante Pilato est Jess 1. Ante Pilato est Jess, Solo est y espera la cruz. Una pregunta hace el juez, Qu har yo de Cristo? Qu hars t de Cristo? No puedes ser neutral; Para que un da no digas, Por qu Jess a m? 2. Mudo en el juicio est Jess. Puedes ser falso y declinar, O aceptarlo y serle fiel, Qu hars t de Cristo? - 57 -
3. Como Pilato vas a evadir, O escoger a Jess seguir. En vano tratas de ignorar, Qu hars t de Cristo? 4. Negars como Pedro al Seor, te esconders de persecusin, te atrevers por Jesus morir, Qu hars t de Cristo? 5. Te doy Jess yo mi corazn, Para seguirte sin condicin. Al obedecerte yo dir: Eso har de Cristo! 39. Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall 1. Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall Friendless, forsaken, betrayed by all: Hearken! what meaneth the sudden call? What will you do with Jesus? What will you do with Jesus? Neutral you cannot be; Some day your heart will be asking, "What will He do with me?" 2. Jesus is standing on trial still, You can be false to Him if you will, You can be faithful through good or ill: What will you do with Jesus? 3. Will you evade Him as Pilate tried? Or will you choose Him, whate'er betide? Vainly you struggle from Him to hide: What will you do with Jesus? 4. Will you, like Peter, your Lord deny? Or will you scorn from His foes to fly, Daring for Jesus to live or die? What will you do with Jesus? 5. "Jesus, I give Thee my heart today! Jesus, I'll follow Thee all the way, Gladly obeying Thee!" will you say: "This will I do with Jesus!"
Ref.: URL:
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40. La cancin del nazareno 1. En la era de hoy, necesitas de Samueles. Cargados de clara visin De Tu economa. Tu arca, dnde est? Y los Tuyos, dnde estn? El negarse de_ellos Y Tu corazn ganar? Mira Tu necesidad, los nazareos, Profetas, jueces, sacerdotes. Que por Ti hablen Con toda_autoridad, Sean una foto de Tu corazn. 2. Hoy entrnanos, A buscarte con visin. Esperamos Tu tiempo Seor en sumisin. Tesoro es Tu faz, Permaneciendo en Ti, Obedeciendo_al menor, Guio de Tus ojos. Suple Tu necesidad, los nazareos Que traigan Tu reino, a la tierra hoy. Te tomen como el Rey, Para as verte volver, Pongan fin a sta era, Seor. 3. Dios por Su mover, Instrumento ha de ganar, Vencedores separados del mundo actual; Estn en unidad, Al desear Su deseo, Al ser constitudos por la santa palabra. Mira Tu necesidad, los nazareos, Voluntarios, aquellos consagrados; Se_unieron por Tu, deseo y palabra, Vivo tee-estimonio en-la-tierra.
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4. Hombres que oran, Le dan_el medio para, Su_econoo-oma pueda_avanzar en_la_tierra; Se sacrifican, Se_han negaa-ado para El, Temen ofenderle_y perder Su presencia. Logra Tu necesidad, yo, Nazareo, Hazme aquel que pueda cerrar la_era; Tu reino traers, por aquel que se Te da, Joven_absoluto por Tu mover.
40. In this godless age 1. In this godless age Lord, You need some Samuels Burdened with a vision clear of Your economy Where's Your ark today? And the ones who'd care for You, E'en to put themselves aside to gain Your heart's desire? Raise up some to meet Your need, some Nazarites Prophets, priests and judges, and men of prayer Speaking forth Your word, with Your authority A photo of Your heart for Your move. 2. Train us up today, Full of vision, seeking You We'd await Your timing, fully subject to Your will, Treasuring Your face, Staying in Your presence, Lord; E'en the very index of Your eyes would we obey. Raise up some to meet Your need, some Nazarites, To bring in Your kingdom on earth today; Taking You as King that You may return; To usher in the end of this age. 3. When God wants to move, He must gain an instrument; Overcomers separated from the current age. They have joined themselves Through His word to His desire. Overcomers constituted with the holy word - 60 -
Raise up some to meet Your need, some Nazarites, Voluntary consecrated ones, Who through Your word are joined to Your desire; Your living testimony on the earth. 4. God needs men who pray; Those who lay the tracks for Him; God's economy is carried out through men of prayer. They love not themselves; But a willing sacrifice. What they fear - offending God, losing His presence dear. Make us those who meet Your need, the Nazarites. Make us those through whom You'd close this age; Who are one with You to bring the kingdom in, Young people absolute for Your move.
Ref.: URL:
41. Lord, keep my heart always true to You 1. Lord, keep my heart always true to You, Never backsliding, always viewing You, A heart that is pure that sees only You, A heart that loves You and treasures only You. Your love constrains me to give my all to You. Lord, I can't help it; my heart is drawn to You. Oh what a privilege! I give myself to You! I love You, Lord, dearest Lord. I love You! I just love You! 2. Lord, keep my love burning brightly for You, A love never dwindling always hot for You, A love, shining brighter all the way for You, A love, so fresh like the day I first touched You. 3. Lord, take my life, I present it to You! If I had a thousand, I'd pour all on You! Nothing withholding, my all is for You. My life and my future, dear Lord, is all for You.
Ref.: URL:
42. Los ministros del nuevo pacto 1. Los ministros del nuevo pacto Cautivos en una procesin Derrotados y sometidos En regocijo victorioso 2. Los ministros del nuevo pacto Son incensarios de Cristo Emanan Su dulce aroma Siempre trayendo muerte y vida. 3. Los ministros del nuevo pacto Cartas vivientes de Cristo Inscritas con Espritu, La exhibicin del rico Cristo 4. Los ministros del nuevo pacto Espejos de Su gloria son Mirando, reflejndole Transformados interiormente - 62 Hazme Tu cautivo No me dejes ganar Siempre vence en mi Haz Tu hogar en mi Ten la libertad Seor De llenarme asi. Diariamente llname! Haz Tu hogar en mi Inscrbete en mi Seor Escribe en mi corazn Que escriba en los dems. Haz Tu hogar en mi Vuelvo todo mi corazn Enfocandome en Ti. Brilla y transfrmame Haz Tu hogar en mi
5. Los ministros del nuevo pacto Vasos terrenos sin precio Que viven excelente poder De Cristo como el invaluable. 6. Concdeme las experiencias Y el ministerio producir Por sufrimientos y revelacin Para forjarte en mi Seor.
Amado tan precioso! Te doy todo mi ser; Quibra, renuevame! Haz Tu hogar en mi. Por Tu vida invaluable He ganado el vivir Suficiente gracia, Haz Tu hogar en mi.
1. The new covenant ministers Are captives in a procession Defeated and subdued by Christ For His victorious celebration
Lord, make me your captive Never let me win Defeat me all the time Lord. Make home in me. Lord, have the liberty To fill me wholly. Dear Lord, fill me daily! Lord, make home in me.
2. The new covenant ministers Are incense-bearers of Christ Scattering His sweet fragrance In every place bringing death and life. 3. The new covenant ministers Are Christ's own living letters Inscribed with the Spirit of God, To express the rich Christ to others. 4. The new covenant ministers Are mirrors of the Christ of glory Beholding and reflecting Him So as to be transformed inwardly.
Lord, write Yourself in me. Inscribe in my heart That I may write on others. Lord, make home in me. Lord, I turn my whole heart To focus on You. Shine in me, transform me. Lord, make home in me.
5. The new covenant ministers Are earthen vessels that are worthless Who live by the excellent p'wer Lord, You are so precious! Of Christ as the treasure -- priceless. I give You my whole being; Break me, renew me, Lord! Lord, make home in me. 6. Lord, grant me the experiences To produce such a ministry. Through revelation and sufferings, By Your all-fitting life, Lord, constitute Yourself in me. Lord, I learn to live. By Your sufficient grace, Lord, make home in me.
Ref.: URL: 2 Co. 3:6; 2:10, 12-17; 3:1-3, 16, 18; 4:1, 6-7
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43. Tantas cosas que gan 1. Tantas cosas que gane Como perdida ahora son Jess me ha liberado De lo que fui! Todo lo que yo tena: Fuera; bueno o malo, Lo he rehusado Para ganar a Cristo! No me rendir! (No)! Sigo corriendo hasta Poder alcanzar A lo que fui llamado! Me adelantar! (Si)! Debo proseguir por ver Si logro asir, Asirlo a El. 2: Olvidando todo atrs! Para extenderme hacia adelante! No ocupados en la mente: Que quiere ms! Buscando en l crecer, Y conocer ms de El Me energiza a diario Y soy hallado en El. 43. What things were gains to me 1. What things were gains to me, These I now count as loss. Jesus has set me free From what I was! All of the things I had; Everything, good or bad, I count as refuse That I may gain Christ! I won't give up! I will keep running until I have attained The goal of my calling! I must press on! I must pursue until I lay hold of Him Who laid hold of me! - 64 -
2. Forget the things behind! Stretch for the things before! Press onward with this mind: Always want more! Seeking in Him to grow, Increasingly to know Him that I daily might Be found in Christ.
Ref.: URL: Fil. 3:7-8; 12-15
44. Un amante de Cristo es aquel 1. Un amante de Cristo es aquel, Atraido por Su amor, derretido en Su dulzor; Para perseguirle, intensamente, Ser satisfecho por completo. 2. Un amante de Cristo es aquel, Quin es llamado por El para ser liberado; Del yo por medio de, Experimentar ser uno con la cruz de Cristo. 3. Un amante de Cristo es aquel, Quin es llamado por El a vivir en ascensin; Como la nueva cree-eacin de Dios, En la resurreccin de Cristo. 4. Un amante de Cristo es aquel, Quin es llamado por El a_un_intenso vivir dentro; Del velo, por la cruz, en pos de ms de, La_amante experiencia de Cristo.
44. A lover of Christ 1. A lover of Christ should be one Who's attracted by His love and drawn by His sweetness To pursue after Him, pursue after Him, Pursue Him for full satisfaction. 2. A lover of Christ should be one Who is called by Him to be delivered From the self through His oneness With the cross, with the cross of Christ. - 65 -
3. A lover of Christ should be one Who is called by Him to live in ascension As the new creation, creation of God, In the resurrection of Christ. 4. A lover of Christ should be one Who's called by Him more strongly to live within The veil, thru His cross after the lover's Experience of His resurrection.
Ref.: URL: Cantar de Cantares
45. Vivo para amarte mi Jess l. Vivo para amarte mi Jess, Pues T eres mi mejor amor. Si yo te olvid, te pido perdn, Vuelvo a mi amor nupcial. 2. T excedes lo que amo aqu, Eres bello y sin comparacin, Quin podr igualar el amor sin par De mi Novio para m? Coro: Hoy por fe declaro Que en mi corazn T siempre el primer lugar tendrs, Que Tu ser inunde todo mi ser. Mi Jess, mi amor, Yo te amar hasta el fin. 3. Lo que quieras puedes T quitar, Ms remplzalo con ms de Ti. Qu ms quiero yo si te tengo a Ti? Todo en Ti precioso es. 4. Todos buscan lo que es vanidad Todo llega pronto a su fin. Yo te tengo a Ti, Tuyo soy, Seor, Para amarnos con fervor. 5. Cunto amo dedicar Seor, Tiempo a solas para amarnos ms, Para contemplar Tu gloriosa faz, Qu tesoro tengo en m! - 66 -
6. En mi vida, en toda relacin; En mi obra y servicio a Ti. En todo mi ser, con gozo, Seor, T el primer lugar tendrs. 1. Loving You, Lord's all I'm living for; Loving You, Lord, to the uttermost. Lord, forgive me if I've left my first love, That's the bridal love to You. You are more than any one I love. You are more than anything I have, Even my dear self; nothing can compare To my beloved Bridegroom.
I give You the first place in all things by faith. Let nothing take Your place in all my heart. Infuse me with Yourself abundantly 'Til we meet, dear Lord. I'll love You with the best love. 2. You've the right to take all that I love, But replace it with Yourself much more. You are what I need, give Yourself to me, Do not give all that I want. Everything is sure to pass away, Everyone is going their own way. But I still have You and You have me too, Loving one another's sweet. 3. I treasure my time alone with You, Just to gain the best love You long for. My dearest Husband, draw me with Yourself Into Your chambers right now. Be the first in all my work and life, Be the first in all my service too. In relationships, You must be the first; Have preeminence in me.
Ref.: URL:
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46. Seor, Solo Te Amo a Ti Seor, slo te amo a Ti, Y no hay nadie como T. En el universo no tengo a nadie como T; Te amo, mi Seor. 46. Lord, I just love You Lord, I just love You. And there's no one like You. In the whole universe I have no other one like You. Lord Jesus, I love You.
Ref.: URL: y
47. Seguirlo y conocerlo 1. Seguirlo y conocer, estar en El. Central visin Cristo es. Asirlo, ganarlo, confiar en El Perder, si todo por El. Olvidar las cosas que estn atrs, Sigue con ste mismo entender; Por cualquier medio, Asindome a El, sigo hacia la meta. 2. Seguirlo, tenerlo, Supremo es El, Amo sta Persona. Olvidar y dejar otras cosas, Amar con todo mi ser. 3. Cristo es mi centro y realidad, Es mi vida eterna. Las cosas frente a Ti, opacas son, Ama solo a Cristo. 47. Pursue Him and know Him 1. Pursue Him and know Him; be found in Him. Count all things loss for Him. Just gain Him, obtain Him; lay hold of Him. It's Christ the central vision. - 68 -
Forgetting the things which are behind, Press on, pursue with this mind. By any means each hour now redeem; Stretch forth, lay hold of Him. 2. Pursue Him and seize Him, Christ the supreme. Just love this precious Person. Forgetting and leaving all other things, Love Him with your whole being. 3. Christ now is my center and reality, My life for eternity. All things are just dung compared to Him, So love and just gain Him!
Ref.: URL: Fil. 3
1. Quiero tocarte Seor, Quiero contemplar Tu faz, Ven y bsame, Te necesito hoy. 2. Djame or Tu voz Me entrego a ti Seor, Hblame en amor. Mi ser derramo en Ti.
Coro: Nada ni nadie me puede satisfacer, solo T. Jess, Te amo, mi nico anhelo eres T, te amo, Seor. 3. Djame tocarte a Ti; Pues te anhelo ms y ms. T eres lo mejor! Oh, bsame Seor! 4. Por los besos de Tu amor, Te alabo con fervor. Oh, dulce sabor! Oh, gracia sin igual!/Coro/ 5. Me infunde Tu mirada, Satisface esta unin, Contemplndote Me llenas, mi amor!
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6. Nada puedo hacer sin Ti. Quiero en Ti permanecer, Como un pmpano, Morando solo en Ti. Coro: Nada ni nadie me puede satisfacer, slo T. Prndeme en fuego, mi nico anhelo eres T, te amo, Seor. 7. Me arrepiento y vuelvo a Ti. Eres mi primer amor. S mi realidad, Arde en mi corazn. (Se repite la estrofa 7)/Coro/ Coro: Jess precioso, mi amado te amo. me abro hoy a Ti. Jess precioso, mi amado, mi todo, te amo, te amo, Jess. 48. Just one touch 1. Just one touch of You, dear Lord, Just one look into Your eyes, Just one kiss from You, You're all I need, my Love. 2. Let me hear again Your voice. You are now my final choice. Speak in love to me. I'll waste myself on Thee. Nothing and no one can satisfy me but You anymore. Jesus, I love You, my only desire. Oh Lord, I just love You. 3. Let me touch You as before, Craving for You more and more, You're the very best! I'll drop the rest for You. 4. Oh, the kisses of Your mouth Make my lips to praise and shout. Lord, You're full of grace Oh, what a taste my Love! - 70 -
Nothing and no one can satisfy me but You anymore. Jesus, my first Love, oh set me on fire For You, my only desire. 5. Just infuse me with Your eyes. Oh! This union satisfies! As I gaze on You. I'm filled with You, my Love. 6. Only You alone will do. I can't make it without You. Keep me close to You, Just joined to You as one. Nothing and no one can satisfy me but You anymore. Jesus, I love You, my only desire. Oh, set my heart on fire. 7. I repent and now return, Grant my heart for You to burn. Flame in me this zeal. Lord, be in me so real! Jesus, my first Love! Oh Jesus, my best Love, I now return to You. Jesus, my first Love! Oh Jesus, my best Love, I love You. I just love You!
Ref.: URL:
Coro: Atraeme Seor Quita mis velos Te vere con corazon puro. Solo to Amo a Ti Nada buscar; Nada para mi. Total y absolutamente Doy mi ser entero a Ti 49. Lord, You love me so immensely 1. Lord, You love me so immensely; I would love You more intensely. Every day and every moment, O Lord, capture me. 2. Let my goal and my life's theme be, Lord, to love You more supremely; With all my heart, Lord Jesus, Keep me faithful unto Thee. Draw me, Lord, each day. Take my veils away. With a pure heart will I seek You; Lord I just love You. Nothing else I seek; No one else for me. I would fully and absolutely Give my whole being unto Thee.
Ref.: URL:
50. Nunca antes yo so 1. Nunca antes yo so Que exista tal lugar El pasado quedo atrs Hoy el gozo es sin fin El que rara vez cant Hoy con gozo alza su voz Entonando en unidad Alabanzas al Seor
2. Gira el mundo sin parar Y con l su trajinar Miles viven de pensar Que existe algo ms Tal sera mi condicin Mas su compasin me hallo Tengo gozo y gratitud Pues en su familia estoy - 72 -
3. Que deleite es disfrutar Del gran gozo y realidad Que hay en cada reunin De la iglesia, nuestro hogar Vida en abundancia hay Paz, descanso, luz y amor Yo te alabo mi Jess Porque en tu familia estoy
4. Al cerrar la era oh Dios Y que venga aqu Tu reino Un hogar puedas ganar Tu habitacin, Tu pueblo. Todo diste Tu por mi Todo dejo yo por Ti Por la iglesia doy mi ser As te complacer
1. Never did I dream before, Such a place could e'er be found, Where the tears of sorrow cease, Songs of endless joy abound. One who seldom ever sang, Now delights his voice to raise; Singing hymns with all the saints, Echoing the ceaseless praise.
2. Day by day the world goes on, Just as it has gone before. Millions grasp and clutch at life, Wond'ring if there could be more; Such was I and would be, yet Mercy found me out somehow; With what gratefulness I say, "I'm in God's own family now. 3. How delightful 'tis to know; How subjective, real, and sweet Is this inward joy of grace We experience when we meet; Life abundant Jesus gives As my full reality; Praise You, Lord, it's really true, I'm in Your own family. 4. At the closing of this age, Just before Your kingdom's dawn, May You gain a people, Lord, For Your dwelling place, Your home. Since for me You gave Your all, Everything I lay aside; For Your church my all I'd give, That You would be satisfied.
Ref.: URL:
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51. La visin gloriosa 1.La visin gloriosa he visto, Su_economa rige mi vida Los placeres he_abandonado, Su recobro todo mi anhelo es La Trinidad, Su imparticin. Cristo es mi vida y realidad Iglesia de Dios Su Cuerpo, Nueva Jerusaln hoy mi meta es. CORO Me entrego todo a ti Seor, mi vida en tus manos hoy Entrenado, moldeado, vaso de honra hazme hoy. La unicidad de Su recobro, marque mi obra y vivir Para Su Cuerpo y novia ser y as satisfacer Su corazn. 2. Hay una vida en tierra, Dios y el hombre, orgnica unin E imparte el poder de resurreccin, hoy ya no vivo yo. Seguir Su modelo y paso, salir de la religin, Ser sumiso a la cabeza, trae hoy Su reino el nuevo hombre. 3. Miembros del Cuerpo ayudando edificndome en amor, Impartir a Cristo y en espritu uno somos en El. Todo nuestro ser para en grupos vitales Su edificacin Propagar el evangelio, pastorear para el avivamiento. 4. Nuestro corazn a Sin, hacia adelante, nunca marcha atrs Debemos pagar el precio para alcanzar su mxima expresin, Vencedores, el camino para Su vuelta; preparmonos, Con Dios vence al enemigo, Su economa que bello Sin. 51. The Uniqueness of the Lord's Recovery 1. Glorious vision, I have seen it: My life is meant for God's economy! Earthly bondage, I have left it: My heart outpours for the Lord's recovery! Divine Trinity, Divine dispensing: Christ to be life as Spirit real is He; Churches of God, Body of Christ, New Jerusalemhow I long to see. Chorus: O Lord, we give ourselves afresh, Into Your training hands to be, Molded, shaped, and worked on daily, To be vessels of Your glory! May all my life and work declare, Uniqueness of Your recovery To build Your Body, prepare Your bride, To bring You back, fulfill Your longing! - 74 -
2. Heav'n and earth shall have one living: God and man in organic union live, Resurrection power supplying, Conformed to Christ's death, no longer I live! Take His model, tread His footsteps, Go out the camp to live within the veil, Walk with God, obey His headship, New man un'versal, God's kingdom to bring. 3. As the members of one Body, Built up in love, support in spirit each, Christ dispensing, Spirit minist'ring, Blending until we're all made one in Him. Give our whole being, one soul to be, Vital groups forming, build up Body His, Gospelize and truthize widely, Shepherd as God, New Revival to reach. 4. Zion Highways, Our heart's longing, Though pass through Baca valley yet not cease, All loss count we, Refuse, rubbish; Care for God's interests, vision ever heed. My Lord shall be no more delayed, Be overcomers, pave the way for Him! Conquering all foes, reigning with Him, How splendid, beauteous, Zion the High Peak!
Ref.: URL:
Hermanas: El ltimo Adn, Hermanos: Se hizo Espritu. Hermanas: Cristo el Espritu, Hermanos: Todo-inclusivo es. Hermanas: El ltimo Adn, Hermanos: Se hizo Espritu. Hermanas: Cristo el Espritu, Todos: Y hoy habita en m. 3. Dios vino en el Hijo, Y aqu me alcanz. Dios, el Espritu entr en m. Morada soy de l. Manantial es Dios Padre, Dios el Hijo el canal, Y Dios el Espritu el fluir, Fluyendo sin cesar. Hermanos: El Dios Triuno en m, Hermanas: Es un misterio s. Hermanos: Oh qu glorioso es, Hermanas: El Dios Triuno en mi! Hermanos: El Dios Triuno en m, Hermanas: Es un misterio s. Hermanos: Maravilloso es, Todos: El Dios Triuno en m.
52. The Triune God, a mystery 1. The Triune God: a mystery God is one and He's three. Oh, Triune God, You're wonderful! You're wonder- wonderful! The Triune God: a mystery God is one and He's three. Oh, Triune God, You're wonderful! You're wonder- wonderful! (Brothers) A child is born to us, A son is giv'n to us, The child, the mighty God, The Son and Father one. (Sisters) The mighty God is He, Eternal Father, He, His name is Wonderful, A wonderful Person. - 76 -
2. The Lord is now the Spirit, A wondrous mystery! Christ, the life-giving Spirit, Has entered into me! The Lord is now the Spirit, Oh this is glorious! Christ, the life-giving Spirit, Has entered into us! (Brothers) The last Adam became The Lord is the Spirit, The last Adam became Christ is the Lord Spirit. 3. Our Father God, the source; God, the Son, has reached me. God as the Spirit entered me! 'Tis the greatest mystery. Our Father God, the source; God, the Son, is the course. God as the Spirit's flowing free. He flowed God into me! (Brothers) The Triune God in me: Oh this is glorious! The Triune God in me: Oh this is marvelous!
Ref.: URL:
(Sisters) The life-giving Spirit! The all-inclusive Christ The life-giving Spirit! He's now indwelling us!
(Sisters) The greatest mystery! The Triune God in us! The greatest mystery! The Triune God in us!
2. Asi siendo transformados, Metablicamente, Su vida_obtener, Transformados en -la mente renovar-, Con Su esencia y por Su poder. 53. The glory of the Lord 1. When we are with unveiled face Beholding and reflecting the glory of the Lord, He infuses us with the elements Of what He is and of what He has done. But we all with unveiled face, Beholding and reflecting Like a mirror the glory of the Lord, Are being transformed Into the same image From glory to glory, Even as from the Lord Spirit. 2. Thus we are being transformed Metabolic'lly to have His life-shape By His life-pow'r with His life-essence, Transfigured by renewing our mind.
Ref.: URL: 2 Corintios 3:18
54. Amor de Dios, gracia de Cristo Amor de Dios, Gracia de Cristo Y comunin del Espritu Sean con todos, sean con todos Sean con todos, sean con todos. Desde el trono de Dios y del Cordero Fluye un ro de agua de vida Resplandeciente, como el cristal Alcanzando al hombre. 54. The Love of God and the Grace of Christ The love of God and the grace of Christ, And fellowship of the Holy Spirit Be with you, be with you all, Be with you all, be with you all. - 78 -
From the throne of our God and the Lamb, Flows a river of water of life, Bright as crystal, reaching man.
Ref.: 2 Co. 13:14; Ap. 22:1 URL:
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56. Uno soy, Seor, contigo 1. Uno soy, Seor, contigo, En espritu uno soy; Lo que eres yo poseo, En mi ser T vives hoy. T y yo, en unin, T y yo, en unin, Tus riquezas tomo a diario, Eres toda mi porcin. 2. Yo Tu vida tengo. Lleno de Tu humanidad, Todo Tu vivir humano Disponible ahora est. 3. En crucifixin contigo, En la cruz en Ti mor, Para el mundo estoy muerto, Y el mundo para m.
4. En resurreccin contigo, Levantado vivo en Ti; Esa vida eres T Mismo, Ahora en m, Seor, en m. 5. Ascendido yo contigo, En los cielos ahora estoy, Escondida en Ti mi vida, Peregrino al mundo soy. 6. Entronado estoy contigo, Con Tu autoridad en m, Participo de Tu vida, T en mi y yo en Ti.
56. I am one with Thee, Lord Jesus 1. I am one with Thee, Lord Jesus, One in spirit now with Thee; All Thyself I now possess, Lord, All Thou art now lives in me. One with Thee, one with Thee, One with Thee, one with Thee; Day by day I share Thy riches, Thou art everything to me. 2. Now I share Thy human life, Lord, Filled with Thy humanity, All of Thy complete obedience Is available to me. 3. One with Thee in crucifixion, On the cross I died in Thee; I am dead unto the world, Lord, And the world is dead to me. 4. One with Thee in resurrection, Risen now to live in Thee, With that life which is Thyself, Lord, Now in me, Lord, even me. - 80 -
5. One with Thee in Thine ascension, In the heavens now with Thee; Here a pilgrim and a stranger, My true life is hid in Thee. 6. One with Thee in Thine enthronement, Sharing Thine authority, Even as I share Thy life, Lord, I in Thee and Thou in me.
Ref.: URL:
57. Qu te llev a morir por m 1.Qu te llev a morir por m? Morir por m quien Tu enemigo fui? Tomaste en la cruz mi lugar, Maldito, maldito, llegaste a ser. Por qu morir por m? Yo Tu enemigo fui; Maldito T llegaste a ser. Que gran misterio es, Que muera Dios por m! Por m quien Su enemigo fui. 2.Nunca pens que eras un Ser, Lleno de amor, bondad y compasin. Cmo Seor? Por qu me amaste T? Te odiaba; me amaste; te amo, Jess. 3.Por largo tiempo amaste T, Perseverante y fuerte, tal amor. Yo te maldije y escarnec; Paciente orabas, orabas por m. 4.Un hombre de pecado fui, Pecaminoso, sucio, mi vivir. Mi corazn rebelde hacia Ti; Tocaste mi alma con Tu compasin. Tu amor me conquist, Vencido hoy estoy; Viniste a m con Tu amor. Nada antes me cambi, Pero Tu amor venci. Tu amor, Seor, me conquist! - 81 -
5.Volv mi corazn a Ti, Estabas esperndome ah. Podra an Tu enemigo ser? No puedo, Tu amor, Jess me gan. 57. What made You die for me 1. What made You, Lord, to die for me? Why would You die for me, Your enemy? You took my place to hang on a tree, To be a curse, a curse for me. What made You die for me? I was Your enemy. Lord, You became a curse for me. Oh, what a mystery! My God, You died for me! You died for me, Your enemy. 2. I never thought that You would be So full of love and tender mercy. How could You love a person like me? You loved me, dear Jesus, Your enemy. 3. You loved me, Lord, so very long; And with a love enduring and strong. Although I mocked and cursed You so long, You waited and prayed for me all along. 4. I was a man who was just sin, Which issued in a life full of sins. My heart toward You was in rebellion, But, Lord, You touched me with Your compassion. Your love has conquered me, Even Your enemy. In love, dear Lord, You came to me. Nothing could change me But love and mercy. Your love, dear Lord, has conquered me. 5. One little turn and You were there, Waiting for me with Your loving care. How could I still remain Your enemy? Your love, dear Jesus, disarmed me.
Ref.: URL:
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58. Nadie tenga nunca en poco tu fresca juventud 1.Nadie tenga nunca en poco tu fresca juventud Ms s ejemplo a los creyentes en conducta y amor En palabra, en pureza, espritu y fe No descuides nunca el don que hay en ti Siempre busca estar nutrido con las palabras de fe Y que a la buena enseanza la siguas por doquier Si esto haces y esto enseas muy til tu sers Buen ministro de Jess si sers 2.Toda fbula profana tu puedas desechar Para diligentemente ejercitarte en la piedad, Para nada aprovecha el ejercicio corporal Para todo aprovecha la piedad 3. En la pblica lectura tambin la exhortacin y en la enseanza sana te debes preocupar Si esto haces y esto enseas as te salvaras a ti mismo y al os que oigan tu hablar 4. De pasiones juveniles tambin debes huir Para que no haya barreras que te impidan seguir La justicia, el amor, la fe y tambin la paz Con aquellos que invocan al Seor
Ref.: URL:
59. That's Why I Love Him 1. What about my sinful past? And my conscience has no rest. Deep within I feel the pain. I'm condemned from all my guilty stains. 2. O my life of misery, In the world of vanity, As I searched for happiness, My reward I received just emptiness. 3. God was far away from me, Great and highest One is He. Yet You took on humanity. You came for me, Hung on a tree, Bled there to die for me. That's why I love Him. That's why I treasure Him. That's why I give my life and all to Him. That's why I love Him. That's why I treasure Him. That's why I give my life and all to Him.
Ref.: URL:
60. El Hijo con el Padre por el Espritu 1. El Hijo con el Padre por el Espritu Gran misterio es! Corporalmente mora en l toda la plenitud De la Deidad. Coro 1: Hijo con el Padre -;Cun Admirable es! Por el Espritu - Maravilloso! Es Jesucristo. Cun admirable, el Dios Triuno es! 2. El Hijo con el Padre por el Espritu Concebido fue. Naci el Dios-hombre, Jess, Admirable, Divino y humano. Coro 1. - 84 -
3. Tal hombre perfecto su vida neg, escogi Vivir a Dios. Pecado, Satn, mundo, no le invadieron, Su sangre es sin pecar. Coro 2: Humanidad - Su sangre limpia, Divinidad - Mi garanta. Su sangre me limpi, M garanta, Mi garanta es Dios. 4. A la carne de pecado l se uni y Prendi a Satans. Pecado, Satn, y la carne colgados, Qu gran terminacin! Coro 3: Aniquil - la creacin vieja, Anul a Satn - pecado y carne Qu gran simiente es l! Aplast al Diablo, Aplast al Diablo, su cabeza aplast. 5. En resurreccin, tal persona admirable el Espritu vino a ser. El cual es hoy el Hijo con el Padre y es la consumacin. Coro 4: El Espritu - vivificante, Es el Hijo hoy - ya consumado, Hijo con el Padre, Viven en mi hoy, como el Espritu. 6. En Su ascensin, en el trono de Dios este hombre se sent. La posicin ms alta a l se le dio, Hoy l, rige y reina. Coro 5: Seor de seores - y Rey de reyes. El nombre ms alto - dado a Jess. En el trono de Dios Este hombre est, ;Cun admirable es l! 7. En el trono est y es cabeza sobre todo el Procesado Dios. Se imparte como el Espritu vivo y Produce Su Cuerpo. Coro 6: El Triuno Dios - no es doctrina. La Trinidad - para impartirse es. El se imparte a nos, Le disfrutamos, le disfrutamos, Cun disfrutable es l! - 85 -
60. The Son with the Father by the Spirit 1. The Son with the Father by the Spirit O what a mystery! The fulness of all the Godhead Dwells in Him bodily. Wonderful One, Son with the Father, Wonderful One, Son by the Spirit, Wonderful Jesus Christ, Wonderful Triune, Wonderful Triune God. 2. The Son with the Father by the Spirit, Conceived in a virgin's womb The issue: a God-man, a wonderful Person, Jesus divine and human. Wonderful One, Son with the Father, Wonderful One, Son by the Spirit, Wonderful Jesus Christ, Wonderful Triune, Wonderful Triune God. 3. This man in perfection chose God as His living; He lived the life of God. The sin, world, and Satan could not penetrate Him; Jesus had sinless blood. Humanity, His blood has cleansed me. Divinity, my guarantee. His sinless blood cleansed me. God's now my guaran, God's now my guarantee. 4. His flesh without sin joined man's flesh full of sin And this trapped Satan. Man's flesh, sin and Satan were hanging upon Him O what a termination! Terminating, the old creation, Penetrating, flesh, sin and Satan. O what a promised seed! He crushed the Devil's, He crushed the Devil's head. 5. And in resurrection, this wonderful Person The Spirit He became. The Spirit right now is the Son with the Father To be the consummation. - 86 -
Wonderful One, life-giving Spirit! Son has become the consummation. Son with the Father, He As Spirit dwells in, as Spirit dwells in me. 6. And in His ascension, this wonderful Person, This man is on God's throne. The highest position, to Him it was given, He's ruling and reigning. As Lord of lords and King of kings, The highest name to Jesus given. This man is on God's throne. Most wonderful, most wonderful Person! 7. And in His enthronement as Head over all things The processed God is He, Dispensing Himself as the life-giving Spirit, Producing His Body. The Triune God is not for doctrine. The Trinity is for dispensing. He's now dispensing And we're enjoying, and we're enjoying Him.
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62. Cuan debil es mi voluntad 1. Cuan dbil es mi voluntad, Ya casi estoy sin esperanza Solo confo en Tu obrar /Que con ternura es mi sostn// 2. Yo me esforc, pero an fall Tal como antes fracas En Tu paciencia confiar /Que en Tu Palabra guardar// 3. Volviendo a Ti mi corazn, Cuando muy cerca estoy de errar Nada har ni pensar /Pues T eres todo para m// 4. Mi Salvador, fuerza y poder, Seor Tu rostro busco yo Dbil de dbiles yo soy /Tu gracia es mi fuerza hoy// 62. My will is weak, my strength is frail 1. My will is weak, my strength is frail, And all my hope is nearly gone; I can but trust Thy working true To gently hold and lead me on. 2. I've tried my best, but still have failed, E'en as before I've failed and erred; Thy patience is my only trust To hold and keep me to Thy word. 3. Whene'er my heart is lifted up, How very near I am to fall; I dare not do, I dare not think, I need Thyself in great or small. 4. Thou art my Savior, strength and stay, O Lord, I come to seek Thy face; Though I'm the weakest of the weak, My strength is nothing but Thy grace.
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3. God so loved the world that He gave us His Son. Just believe in Him. Be not perishing, But have eternal life. Just believe in Him. Be not perishing, But have eternal life.
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64. Estuve lejos de Ti 1. Estuve lejos de Ti, Mi fe no era veraz. Mi boca Te honraba, Mas vacio_estaba. Solo Tu, Seor Jess, Eres la realidad. Todo es vanidad, Quiero la realidad. 2. Las vanas tradiciones, Nunca te satisfarn, No sirve tu esfuerzo, Igual ests seco. Seco y sediento estoy, Vengo a beber de Ti; Soplo de vida, libra Mi ser de gran pesar. 3. Creencias y doctrinas no resolvieron nada, las letras me han matado, Quiero el pan de vida. Vida y satisfaccn, En Ti puedo encontrar, Tomar de Tu persona, Es una realidad. 4. Te necesito tanto, Para ganar mas de Ti. Te bebo como pneuma, Te como al leer. Arbol y ro eres T, No hay carencia en Ti; Yo satisfecho en Ti, Festejar siempre.
64. My heart was far from You 1. My heart was far from You. My worship was not true. My lips were honoring Thee But I was so empty. Lord, help me! Have mercy! Lord, now deliver me! All else is vanity. You are reality! 2. Traditions are a lie. Mere practice can't satisfy. No matter how hard you try Inside you feel so dry. Lord water me! I'm so thirsty! I come to drink of Thee. You are the Spirit of life To free me from all strive.
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3. The doctrines and the creeds Have never met my needs. The letters have killed me dead My need is Living Bread. Lord, feed me! I'm so hungry! I come to eat of Thee. Your Person now I can take. The Living Word partake. 4. I need You desperately To get You into me! I drink You as the Spirit, Lord, And eat You in the Word. I'm satisfied! And You're testified! There is no lack in Thee. You are the river and the tree, My feast eternally.
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And your God will be my God. Wherever you die, I will die; And there will I be buried. Jehovah do to me, and more as well, If anything but death parts me from you. Jehovah do to me, and more as well, If anything but death parts me from you.
Ref.: URL: Ruth 1:16
66. Amor que nunca me abandona 1. Amor que nunca me abandona Mi alma hall descanso en Ti, Anhelo darte a Ti mi vida A Ti, de quien la recib Y vivir por Ti 2. Oh luz que siempre me iluminas! En Ti Seor yo puedo ver, Teniendo el brillo celestial No necesito otra luz Sino la del cielo 3. Oh gozo que llena mi alma! Todo dolor en mi se fue! Y cuando veo el arco iris Todo mi llanto termin Pues Tu promesa est. 4. Oh cruz que siempre me alienta! Mi corazn descansa en Ti, La sangre de Jess que fluye Es base de mi salvacin Y dame paz con Dios 66. O Love, that wilt not let me go 1. O Love, that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee; I give Thee back the life I owe, That in Thine ocean depths its flow May richer, fuller be. 2. O Light, that followest all my way, I yield my flickering torch to Thee; My heart restores its borrowed ray, That in Thy sunshine's blaze its day May brighter, fairer be. - 92 -
3. O Joy, that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain, And feel the promise is not vain That morn shall tearless be. 4. O Cross, that liftest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from Thee; I lay in dust life's glory dead, And from the ground there blossoms red Life that shall endless be.
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3. Existe alguien, que me acepte, Acepte tal como soy, Alguien que no huya, En quien confiar hasta el fin. Uno que me conoce, Y aun me quiere as. No existe nadie, como l. 4.Si existe alguien, Que te acepte como eres. Si existe alguien, Cerca o lejos llegar a Ti. Si existe alguien, El ms encantador. A El elige, Admirable.
Existe alguien que si llegue A lo profundo en mi ser. Alguien que afine Las cuerdas rotas en m. Alguien que me ame, Cuando no hay ms amor. No existe nadie, como El. Si existe alguien, Que te puede conmover. Si existe alguien, Que te puede hacer cantar. Si existe alguien, El es el gran Amor. A Este ama, Admirable. Cristo es el Alguien Que te puede conmover. Cristo es el Alguien Que te puede hacer cantar. Cristo es el Alguien Cristo precioso es. A Cristo ama, el Admirable.
67. Someone 1. Is there someone who's a friend that I can open to A someone who understands all that I'm going through A someone when there's no one I can always come to There is no someone like this One. 2. Is there someone who can care through all may hardest times A someone always there though it may rain or shine A someone I can lean on when the stormy times come There is no someone like this One. 3. Is there someone who will take take me just as I am A someone who'll not forsake one I can trust to the end A someone who know me yet He still wants me There is no someone like this One. - 94 -
4. Is there someone who can reach down to the depths of my being A someone who can fix all of my broken heart strings A someone who can love in me when there's no love in me There is no someone like this one. 1. There is a Someone, Someone you can open to. There is a Someone, Someone who will take you through. There is a Someone, when there is no one. There is a Someone, a wonderful One. 2. There is a Someone, Someone in my hardest times. There is a Someone, always there through rain or shine. There is a Someone, when there is no one. There is a Someone, a special One. 3. There is a Someone, who will take you as you are. There is a Someone, He will reach you near or far. There is a Someone, He's the most lovely One. Just take this Someone, the loveliest One. 4. There is a Someone, Who can touch your inmost being. There is a Someone, He can make your heart to sing. There is a Someone, Love is this precious One. Finish Just love this Someone, Christ is this Someone, the wonderful 0ne. Who can touch your inmost being. Christ is this Someone, He can make your heart to sing. Christ is this Someone, Christ is this precious One. Just love this Someone, the wonderful One.
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68. Hay un evangelio hoy 1. Hay un evangelio hoy Que dice: cree y salvo t sers Luego iras al cielo a ver las perlas y, En calles de oro andars estas palabras Solo exaltan la vanidad Que est escondida en m. 2. Pero el evangelio es: El Dios Triuno en la humanidad, Viene como Espritu y es en m La nica realidad grande amor T eres el evangelio hoy Bella historia eterna es. 3. Las noventa y nueve dej En busca de la que se le perdi. Me carg en sus hombros El me lleva y cuida con su tierno amor con gozo Me encontraste aunque pequeo soy T dejaste todo por m. 4. Barres en mi corazn, La lmpara enciendes para buscar Al santificarme, T brillas en m Expones mi pecado. Me arrepiento. Hoy yo veo que l me roca Con la sangre que verti. 5. Con anhelo esperas Tu. Que yo, Padre, a ti pueda volver. Aunque viva en ruina Tu corres, te hechas sobre mi con afecto Me besaste, mataste el becerro E hiciste fiesta por m. 68. There's a gospel of today 1. There's a gospel of today That says believe and you'll be saved and then You can go to heaven and see the pearly gates And walk the golden streets; Words like these fail to treat All the vanity that is hidden in me. 2. But the gospel is to me The Triune God within humanity - 96 -
As the Spirit reaching me to be in me The one reality; Love untoldGospel theme Never getting oldstory told eternally. 3. Left the ninety-nine behind You searched until the lost sheep You did find, Laid me on Your shoulders there, You bore me in Your tender loving care; RejoicingYou found me Though a small lost sheepYou gave all to come find me. 4. Sweeping in my deepest parts, You lit a lamp and searched my inward heart, Sanctifying deep within You shined in me, Exposed me of my sin; Repentingnow I see Lord, You're sprinkling mewith the blood You shed for me. 5. Eagerly awaiting me That I the slightest turn to Thee would make Though my life had been a wreck, You ran to me And fell upon my neck Kissing me, affectionately; Killed the calf for me"Let us eat and be merry."
Ref.: URL: Lucas 15
3. Estar tranquilo, cada dia que sepa Que Tu legado me suple Jesucristo intercede por m Un miembro de T cuerpo Oh, dame corporativa visin Creciendo y orando a Ti Seor Poco a poco, da a da La Iglesia edificar 4. Tu cuerpo crecer perseverando en Ti Hasta llegar a tu plenitud Transformando y conformndonos Tu pueblo manifestado Oh, Dame el suplir de gracia hoy Tu vida divina crezca en m Poco a poco, da a da, creciendo Ms y ms en Ti Oh, dame corporativa visin Creciendo y orando a Ti Seor Poco a poco, d a da La Nueva Jerusaln edificar 69. Lord, grant me today's supply of grace Chorus 1: Lord, grant me todays supply of grace; May Your divine life grow_apace; Little by little, day by day, to grow More and mo-ore, into You. 1. Day by day, bit by bit, life will grow as is fit, Increasing gradual--ly until, However imperceptibly, Your life matures with-in me. 2. I would be desperately, constantly, patiently, Drawing each breath of life from You, Lord; Knowing that every day_while I breathe, Your life will permeate me. 3. Every day, may I rest, knowing that each bequest, Matches my daily need exactly; Jesus Christ intercedes for me, a member of His body. - 98 -
Chorus 2: Lord, grant me a heavenly, corporate view; That all of my growth and prayers to You, Little by little, day by day, would cause building up into You. 4. We would be corporately, growing up steadily Till we reach the stature of Your fullness; Transforming and conforming us, Your Manifested people. (Chorus 1) (Chorus 2) Lord, grant me a heavenly, corporate view; That all of my growth and prayers to You, Little by little, day by day, Would cause building up into the New Jerusalem.
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4. What from Thee can separate me? Thou wilt love me to the end! Oh! Thy love is so prevailing, Een Thyself with me to blend! We two one will be for ever; I am Thine and Thou art mine! This will be my testimony: In Thy love well ever twine!
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71. Querido y cerca a mi 1. Querido y cerca a mi Ms cada da a mi Su Persona dentro de mi Se hace realidad. Esperanza y fe me da Al salvarme y a amar Mi todo en todo T, Eres Seor. 71. Nearer each day 1. Nearer each day to me, Dearer each day to me, This Person inside me is Becoming reality. Saving me, loving me, Faith and hope giving me. You're all the world to me Jesus, My Lord.
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2. Si esperanza no hay Y corta es mi fe Oigo Su voz decir Confa y vers. Todo lo suplir Si solo Tu me crees Toda duda se ir 2. Even when faith is small, When there's no hope at all, I hear Him say to me, Trust in Me and you'll see, That I'll supply all your needs, If only you will believe. All anxious doubts will cease, While trusting in Me.
72. Seor tu amor constrindome est 1. Seor tu amor constrindome est, A fin de amarte solamente a Ti Tu fuerte amor cal dentro de m Para consagrar todo mi ser a Ti Coro 1: Encantadora es tu persona! Al tocarme yo respondo; Me rindo a Ti, solamente a Ti, Seor! - 100 -
2. Tu amor como un torrente fluye a mi Tan_constante, va calando_aun ms Ya soy de Ti, aun ms all de m res mi amor y meta nica. Coro 2: Tu incansa-able_amor me empuja A desearte ms cercano Me lleva a Ti, para solo amarte a Ti. 3. Seor Tu amor Constrindome est, a fin de amarte a ti Tu fuerte amor Cal dentro de m, mi todo doy a Ti. /Coro 1/ 4. Fluye Tu amor De Ti viene hacia mi, y an sigue ms y ms Ya soy de Ti No pude evitar, cambiaste mi meta./Coro 2/ 1. The love of Christ is now constraining me That I would love and love Him utterly. His mighty love has touched me deep within To consecrate my life and all to Him. This charming One so excelling; To His touch I'm now responding; To surrender, to surrender to Him. 2. This tide of love has flowed to me from Him; Unchanging love that keeps on rushing in. Now I'm for Him beyond my own control; He is now my love and my only goal. His dying love so compelling, And this tide has made me willing To love Him, I can't help but love Him. 3. The love of Christ Is now constraining me to love Him utterly. His mighty love Has touched me deep within to consecrate to Him. This charming One so excelling; To His touch I'm now responding; To surrender, to surrender to Him. - 101 -
4. This tide of love Has flowed to me from Him that keeps on rushing in. Now I'm for Him Beyond my own control; He's now my final goal. His dying love so compelling, And this tide has made me willing To love Him, I can't help but love Him.
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73. Seor, Cunto ms? 1. Cuanto mas oh Seor, Que vendrs, cuan pronto? No tardes en volver //otra vez//! Dispnsate en mi ser, Cada da Oh Seor!. Tmame a tu manera. Ven, oh Seor Jess Por favor ven, amado! Precioso, ven pronto, pronto! Seor, quebrntame! No me permitas desviarme Fiel a todo tu guiar 2. Haz Tu hogar, en m ser En lo secreto y profundo Oh Seor todo es //para Ti//. T tendrs la preeminencia En todo y cada asunto. Poseme hasta tal grado. 3. En mi oracin y splica, En mi espritu estar Saturado y empapado //de Ti// sa ser mi vida, cada hora Te esperar. Por esto oro, cada instante! 5. Tu amor me ha constreido Y no puedo detenerlo Oh Seor no lo puedo //frenar//. En Tu amor, sumrgenos, Y tu iglesia, ser tu novia Es mi eleccin voluntaria!
4. El universo, nos muestra ms El toque de Tu dulzura Mi destino Eres y //mi eleccin//. A costa de cualquier precio Oh Seor, permtelo!. Oh, mi Amor, por favor vuelve! - 102 -
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74. Seor, yo me entrego hoy a Ti Seor, yo me entrego hoy a Ti contigo quiero ocuparme Seor Yo dejo todo atrs y concentro mi ser solo en Ti Tu eres mi meta Tu eres mi enfoque Seor yo me entrego hoy a Ti 74. Lord, I Give Myself to You Right Now Lord, I give myself to You right now. I want to be_occupied with You. I leave_all_else behind And concentrate my being on You alone. Lord, You are my focus, You are my goal. Lord, I give myself to You right now.
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75. Todo corazn ama algo 1. Todo corazn ama algo 2. Ms si dejo el mundo atrs hoy Si no es Cristo, no hay paz El ser amado ms, A Ti doy mi corazn hoy El ms bello de los bellos Para amarte a Ti mejor Solo El mi gozo es 3. Ms radiante y brillante Es la gloria de Tu faz Amoroso, tierno y dulce Lleno de gracia y perdn 4. Yo te odie mas, T me amaste Y Tu sangre fue por m Derramada, T me amaste Como no te he de amar
5. Aun mi corazn mantn fiel Para que mi caminar Sea la sombra de la gloria De mi oculta vida en Ti 75. Something every heart is loving 1. Something every heart is loving: If not Jesus, none can rest; Lord, my heart to Thee is given; Take it, for it loves Thee best. 2. Thus I cast the world behind me; Jesus most beloved shall be; Beauteous more than all things beauteous, He alone is joy to me. - 104 -
3. Bright with all eternal radiance Is the glory of Thy face; Thou art loving, sweet, and tender, Full of pity, full of grace. 4. When I hated, Thou didst love me, Shedd'st for me Thy precious blood; Still Thou lovest, lovest ever, Shall I not love Thee, my God? 5. Keep my heart still faithful to Thee, That my earthly life may be But a shadow to that glory of my hidden life in Thee.
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-AA IR Y ENTRAR,...12 Algunas veces...35 Amor de Dios, gracia de Cristo...54 Amor que nunca me abandona...66 Anhelo respirarte ms, brisa de grato olor...16 Ante Pilato est Jess...39 Asi que hermanos os exhorto...61 Atraeme Seor...49
-CCANAL DE VIDA SOY - PERMITO A DIOS FLUIR!...1 Cmo podra llegar a ser...28 Como un esclavo a Ti yo quiero darme...2 Con la cara descubierta,...53 Contmplale a diario,...11 CRISTO ES EL MODELO, DEL VIVIR HUMANO...76 Cristo es un hombre genuino...76 Cuan debil es mi voluntad...62 Cuanto mas oh Seor,...73
-DDa tu ser, para amar al Seor,...3 De mi tristeza y oscuridad, vengo Jess, vengo Jess...26 DEBEMOS DE MAANA, LEVANTARNOS Y DECIR,...3 Descbreme Seor, alumbra mi interior ...21 DA TRAS DA, TE AMO MS....7 Di Mara su ofrenda de amor...32 DIOS COMO UN NIO NACI,...52 Dios es amor, a Su Hijo amado envi....63 DIOS SE EXPANDE...38 DISTRADOS HEMOS SIDO,...33 DNDE EST, OH, MI JESS...31 Donde vayas tu, yo ir...65 Durante los veinte siglos,...13
-EEl Hijo con el Padre por el Espritu...60 El Jess maravilloso quien est,...9 En la era de hoy, necesitas de Samueles...40 EN MI CORAZN,...28 Estoy dispuesto; solo te amo a Ti;...8 Estuve lejos de Ti...64 Existe alguien, un amigo...67
-FGHFuente de vida eres, oh Dios, cun libre es Tu caudal...14 Guarda, Seor, hoy mi corazn,...41 Hay momentos que mi alma,...12 Hay un evangelio hoy...68 HAZME TU CAUTIVO...42 HERMOSA SIN, EN LAS ALTURAS...10 HOY POR FE DECLARO...45 INCOMPARABLE! EL CON EL PADRE...60
-JLJess, Jess oh mi Seos, yo amo repetir...17 La economa de Dios es Su dispensar... 30 La meta del evangelio...36 La visin gloriosa he visto, Su economa rige mi vida...51 Los ministros del nuevo pacto...42
-MMS PROMETI DIOS: DIARIO VIGOR,...29 Me am con un amor tan divino y eternal...18 ME ENTREGO TODO A TI SEOR, MI VIDA EN TUS MANOS...51 Mi Dios, mi amor y mi porcin, mi herencia eternal...24 Mi objetivo es el mismo Dios, no paz o gozo ni ms...20 MIRA TU NECESIDAD, LOS NAZAREOS,...40 Mirando Tu vivir humano veo,...2 Misterio tan profundo, Dios es uno y es tres....52
-NNada es ms precioso,...25 NADA NI NADIE ME PUEDE SATISFACER, SOLO T....48 Nadie tenga nunca en poco tu fresca juventud...58 No les visto y conocido? Te prendi el corazn?...23 NO ME RENDIR! (NO)!...43 No prometi Dios en tu vivir...29 Nuestro Dios nos ha llamado,...5 Nunca antes yo so...50 Nunca pens que Dios sera disfrutable...34
-OPOh Seor cuanto me amas...49 Oh, Dame el suplir de gracia hoy...69 OLVIDAR LAS COSAS QUE ESTN ATRS,...47 PADRE, LABRADOR--- HOMBRE-ESPOSO, FUENTE ES EL,...37 PERO NOSOTROS TODOS,...53 POR ESO LE AMO, Y FIEL LE ADORO A L....59 POR QU MORIR POR M?...57 Proseguid, avanzad,...4
-QRQu de mi pasado atroz...59 QU HARS T DE CRISTO...39 Qu profundo, tan extenso...70 Qu te llev a morir por m...57 QUE UNA FUERTE Y CLARA VISIN...5 Que yo ame sin ser respetado...6 Querido y cerca a mi...71 Quiero tocarte Seor,...48 RECOBRA MI SER...35
Seguirlo y conocer, estar en El....47 SEOR JESS, DE TUS RIQUEZAS QUIERO DISFRUTAR;...25 Seor Jess, mi vida rindo hoy a Ti...55 SEOR TE AMO POR AMARME A MI;...8 Seor tu amor constrindome est...72 Seor, Solo Te Amo a Ti...46 Seor, yo me entrego hoy a Ti...74 Si existe alguien,...67 Si hablas la palabra, El te llenar por dentro y por fuera;...1 SIEMPRE BUSCA ESTAR NUTRIDO CON LAS PALABRAS DE FE...58 Sin: all Dios habita,...10 Solo estando en ti, como t en m...38 SOLO TU, SEOR JESS,...64 SOMOS TUS VASOS HECHOS A TU IMAGEN,...4 SU HIJO, EL PADRE NO ESCATIM....63
-TTAL COMO TU QUIERO LLEVAR LA VIDA...2 Tantas cosas que gane...43 Todo corazn ama algo...75 Tu amor Jess, excede mi pensar, pero mi alma quiere...15 TU AMOR ME ATRAE A CONSAGRARME A TI....41 T eres el primer amor...33 Tu fuerte amor me constrie Seor...22 T Y YO, EN UNIN,...56
-UVYUn amante de Cristo es aquel,...44 Uno soy, Seor, contigo...56 VEN, OH SEOR JESS...73 Vivamente anhelaba yo un fresco manantial...19 Viviente vid en mi, es la realidad...37 Vivo para amarte mi Jess...45 Yo lloro pues llevado fue el Seor,...31 Yo te amo cada da ms,...7
ADORACIN AL PADRE Como la fuente de vida...14 ALABANZA AL SEOR Su belleza...9 Su amor...15, 70 Su belleza...16 Satisfaccin con El...17 Su humanidad...76 ALIENTO Para amar al Seor...3 Para proseguir...4 La comunin con el Seor...11 ANHELOS Por Dios...20 Por luz...21 Por Cristo...48 Por gracia...69 BENDICIN A LA TRINIDAD Su revelacin...52, 60 CNTICOS BBLICOS...53, 54, 61, 65
CONSUELO EN LAS PRUEBAS Por el disfrute en sufrimientos...12 Por la gracia para sufrir...29 EL CAMINO DE LA CRUZ La manera de seguir al Seor...6 EL EVANGELIO Viniendo al Seor...26 Persuasin...39, 67 El Salvador...57 Amor...59 La redencin...63 General...68 ESPERANZA DE GLORIA Anhelando y orando...73 EXPERIENCIA DE CRISTO Amndole...7, 8, 28, 31, 33, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 75 Como el Espritu...25 Satisfaccin rebosante con El...34 Permaneciendo en El...37, 38 Por Dios como vida...43 Siguindole...47 Confiando en El...62, 71 Para amar al Seor...64 General...58
CONSAGRACION Constreidos por el amor del Seor...13, 22, 32, 35, 66, 72 Respondiendo al llamado del EXPERIENCIA DE DIOS Seor...40 Amndole...24 Cristo como nuestra ofrenda quemada...55 Rindiendo todo al Seor...2, 36, 74 LA IGLESIA Como la ciudad de Dios...23 Para proseguir...10
La manera de seguir al Seor...50 El recobro del Seor...51 LA PREDICACION DEL EVANGELIO Impartiendo a Cristo...1 LA SEGURIDAD Y EL GOZO DE LA SALVACIN Amados por el Seor...18 Satisfechos con Cristo...19 ULTIMA MANIFESTACIN El propsito eterno de Dios...5, 27, 30, 30 UNIN CON CRISTO Uno con El...56