Dokumen - Tips - Comandos Datamine Studio
Dokumen - Tips - Comandos Datamine Studio
Dokumen - Tips - Comandos Datamine Studio
csw stereo-close
2 ctp clip-to-perimeter Recorta strings seleccionando un perimetro, eliges la parte interna o externa.
6 dab deselect-al l-blocks Des-selecciona todos los bl oques del modelo seleccionado
3 dal deselect-all-limits Des-selecciona los limites del SOL y SIL
5 dan annot-delete Elimina un cuadro de texto y flechas de anotaciones
1 dap deselect-all-points Des-selecciona todos los puntos
2 das deselect-all-strings Des-selecciona todos los strings
4 dat active-dh-attribute Activa la ventana de atributos de Drillholes
dco default-colour-order
dde delete-dependency-string
4 ddp set-dh-display-params Abre la ventana de propiedades y edicion avanzadas para drillholes
4 de interactive-dh-editor Activa ventana de dialogo del Editor interactivo para Drillholes
dfa deselect-face
5 dfi delete-file Elimina archivos de carpeta en donde esta el proyecto
4 dh display-drillholes Muestra drillholes
dig digitise-mode-switch
5 dip gvp-set-params Parametriza el visualizer para guardar un GVP
5 dir list-directory muestra una lista de archivos que pertenecen al proyecto (marcar * para ver todos)
3 dli deselect-limit Des-selecciona limites activados con "SOL" y "SIL" individualmente
5 dpc set-plot-colour Asigna un color a definir en los bordes del archivo plot
5 dpl delete-from-plot-file Elimina Layers de un plot file a elegir
1 dpo delete-points-mode Elimina puntos a seleccionar
7 dro delete-rosette Elimina Roseta de la ventana design
drp reference-points
dsc delete-schedule
2 dst string-display-switch Oculta/Muestra los strings
dt assign-results
3 dw display-wireframe Muestra Wireframes en Pantalla (No edita)
4 ead erase-all-drillholes Borrar todos los taladros en pantalla
2 eal erase-all Borra todos los strings
1 eap erase-all-points Borrar todos los puntos en pantalla
2 eat edit-attributes Cambia de color strings
3 eaw erase-wireframes Borra todos los wireframes de la pantalla
4 ed edit-dh-attributes Cambia de Atributos de un Drillhole a seleccionar
elb end-link-boundary
3 eli end-link crea wf al linkear o cerrar plantas (crea tapas de contorneos, etc)
ep edit-prate
2 ers erase-string Borra string seleccionado
3 erw erase-wireframe Borra grupos de wireframe a seleccionar
4 esd erase-drillhole Borra taladro a seleccionar
6 ev1 evaluate-1-string Evalua un modelo de bloques de cualquier vista mediante un string tipo rectangulo
6 ev2 evaluate-2-strings Evalua modelos de bloques dentro de WF que han sido creados por 2 strings cerrados
6 eva evaluate-all-strings Evalua un modelo por todos los string proyectados ortogonalmente a la vista(igual a ev1)
evp evaluation-control
6 evw evaluate-wireframe Evalua un modelo de bloques mediante un wireframe delimitador (PIT)
3 ewa edit-wireframe-attributes Cambia de color a wireframes a seleccionar
3 ews erase-wireframe-surface Borra toda la superficie(triangulos) de un Wf a seleccionar
exl set-exposure-limits
2 exp offset-string Tipo Offset del CAD
2 ext extend-string Extiende un string referente a otro (E xtend en CAD) agregando puntos hasta el fi nal
fa scheduling-control
7 fan set-face-angle Asigna un angulo para proyectar strings (cara del talud)
fc fit-cross-section
4 fdh filter-drillholes Filtra taladros
2 fe fit-elevation Eleva un string al nivel de otro existente
6 fm filter-model-file Filtra archivos abiertos de modelos de bloques
1 fp filter-points Filtra puntos
2 fs filter-strings Filtra strings
ftr sched-field-treatment
3 fwp filter-wireframe-points Filtra wireframes (puntos)
3 fwt filter-wireframe-triangles Filtra wireframes (triangulos)
2 g1 get-si ngle-string Carga un solo stri ng de un archiv o pidi endo el PV ALUE correspondiente
2 ga get-all-strings Carga Strings
4 gd get-drillholes Carga Drillholes
1 gp get-points Carga Puntos
4 gra set-attribute-graph Acti va cuadro para edi tar histograma de leyes de dri llholes
grc set-gradient-convention
5 gvi get-view Carga vista o seccion de un listado generado
3 gw get-wf-data Carga Wireframes
3 hts convert-wf-hull Convierte en strings los slices del W HU (del wireframe proyectado)
ibl insert-by-segment-length
2 ii insert-at-intersections Inserta puntos en las intersecciones de una linea con otras activas u ocultas
ipe view-model-in-perimeter
ipg grid-interval-on-string
1 ipo insert-points-mode Inserta Puntos en un string
5 jf join-files Une archivos similares, wf, etc..
ko keep-combined-switch
3 lbo link-boundary Linkea 2 strings contenidas y cerradas
lde link-drive-ends
8 ldr link-complete-drive Crea galeria en WF, controlado por un string central. Crea archivo de estadisticas
pfo set-panel-field-format
5 plo save-to-plot-file Activa el panel de control de Ploteo en el design
2 pre reduction-percentage Asigna un % para luego reducir la cantidad de puntos de un string usando RED
7 pro project-string-at-angle Proyecta un string con un angulo predefinido, direccion y distancia dada (cresta y Pie)
pse previous-selection
psp perspective-view-switch
pss scale-symbol-switch
2 ptv project-to-view-plane Proyecta un string cualquiera al plano actual en el design
2 ptw project-string-onto-wf Proyecta strings en un wireframe o DTM existente
5 pv set-to-previous-view Regresa a la vista Previa
5 qf query-current-file-filters Muestra en el Output las caracteristicas del filtro actual
5 ql query-lines Tipo Distance de CAD, da la distancia y metricas entre 2 lineas o 2 puntos
1 qp query-points Propiedades de puntos
7 qr query-rosette Propiedades de Roseta
qsc end-schedule-session
2 qst query-string Propiedades de String
3 qt query-triangle Propiedades de Wireframes (triangulos)
7 r2 ramp-between-2-points Diseño de una Rampa entre 2 puntos
7 r3 ramp-by-three-points Diseño de una Rampa dando 3 puntos
7 rbc road-design-string-pair Diseño de un camino siguiendo un par de strings
7 rbe create-road-berm Crea el pie de un talud en un nivel dado
rcf ramp-curve-fit
7 rcol road-string-colour Asigna un color para el diseño de la rampa del pit
7 rcon create-road-contour Crea la cresta de un talud en un nivel dado
5 rd redraw-display REGEN(Autocad)
2 red reduce-points Reduce puntos de un string (Inverso al SMS)
resp resolve-string-points
2 rev reverse-string Cambia el sentido la continuidad del string
7 rfc road-design-string-single Diseño de un camino siguiendo un solo string
5 rla redefine-label-annot Redef ine o edita el conteni do de un cuadro de texto
7 rli create-road-line Crea una linea de camino partiendo de un string existente
roc roof-string-colour
5 rov rotate-view Actualiza en el Design una vista predefinida por el AZI y el DIP.
7 rseg create-road-segment Crea un segmento de Camino
7 rsl set-ramp-segment-length Asigna una longitud para un diseñar un segmento de rampa
2 rst rotate-string Rota los string definiendo un punto de rotacion
5 rvi reset-view Resetea y cambia las coordenadas de las principales ejes de orientacion
5 rvv read-vi suali ser-v iew Captura Pantall a del vi sual izador al Design
sab select-all-blocks
1 sap select-all-points Selecciona todos los puntos
5 splo send-to-plotter Activa una ventana de dialogo para enviar a plotear un plot file
1 spn select-points Selecciona puntos del Design
1 spo point-display-switch Oculta/Muestra puntos en la pantalla
srp set-rosette-power
ssc set-scheduling-screen
ssd set-step-distance
5 ssi set-symbol-size DDPYTE(Autocad)
std start-learn-mode
4 stdh string-to-drillhole Convierte en Drillholes los String seleccionados
stm stop-mining
sto set-tolerance
5 stpl snap-to-plane Traslada la vista de planta a una altura referente a un punto (Snap) de un string
stra string-trace
7 stro string-to-road Convierte string en camino señalando la direccion, ancho inicial y final.
5 sup superimpose-pl ot Agrega nuev as caracteri sti cas a un archi vo de pl oteo ya existente
5 svi save-view Graba o salva vista o seccion actual de pantalla en archivo
sw select-wireframe
taa drillhole-ann-switch
2 taco tag-string-colour Asigna un color determinado para los strings TAGS
tag drillhole-graph-switch
tap auto-progress-switch
4 tba drillhole-bhid-switch Muestra / Oculta los nombres de taladros
6 tbm model-plane-switch Muestra y Oculta el modelo de planos(del modelo de bloques en el design)
tcc check-crossover-switch
tch crosshair-switch
2 tcr remove-string-crossovers Regenera strings que tienen intersecciones, eliminandolas!!!
tcs dtm-coordinate-switch
tde drive-evaluation-switch
4 tdhd drillhole-display-switch Oculta/Muestra taladros en pantalla
4 tdhi dri ll hole-i con-switch Cambia entre que aparezca o no el icono de Drill holes
tdx x-sections-switch
tea link-radii-method-switch
tem drillhole-eohmark-switch
tet delete-trace-switch
tf model-polygon-fill-switch
2 tgs create-tag-string Crea tags(strings pata linkear)
tim drillhole-intmark-switch
tiw wf-intersection-switch
tlc link-crossover-switch
tlev list-evaluation-switch
3 tli dtm-limit-include-switch Cambia entre el considerar o no el limite del string al crear un DTM
3 tlm linking-method-switch Cambia entre el linkeo full optimizado o medianamente optimizado
tma link-area-method-switch
6 tmw model-wf-display-switch Muestra la interseccion del Modelo de bloques con el WF actual en el design
tpc dtm-point-check-switch
tpl model-display-plane
tpo annotate-point-switch
tpr link-shape-method-switch
2 tra translate-string copia strings usando desplazamientos en x,y,z
trc converge-segments
2 tri trim-to-string Trim del CAD, corta strings referente a otro
trs outline-batch-switch
tsa wf-attr-from-str-switch
tsc colour-wf-slice-switch
tse colour-selected-switch
tsf use-fillcode-rendering-switch
tshm drillhole-sohmark-switch
tsif outline-storage-switch
tsin outline-selection-switch
tsm blend-proportion-switch
tsp status-panel-switch
tssd show-selected-data-switch
tssh gvp-gouraud-switch
tsti drillhole-tickmark-switch
tum use-modelfile-switch
tur use-rosettes-switch
tvud gvp-dhole-update-switch
tvumc gvp-cells-update-switch
tvump gvp-modelp-update-switch
tvumw gvp-modelwf-update-switch
tvun gvp-unload-planes-switch
tvupc gvp-modelpc-update-switch
tvupo gvp-point-update-switch
tvus gvp-string-update-switch
tvuw gvp-wf-update-switch
twcd wf-pid-check-switch
twcl wf-convert-line-switch
3 twd wf-display-switch Oculta/Muestra wireframes en la pantalla
6 twfr model-display-wireframe
twn wf-sfvalue-switch
Type Command k Key Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3 Menu Text
Este comando suprimirá cualquier rastro de la secuencia
Design abort-string-tracing ast Design String Tools generado hasta ahora y el trazo de l a secuencia del extremo.
Los campos de la cualidad se pueden definir como “inactivos” o
“activos”. Los campos i nactivos se exhiben simplemente durante
comando. Los campos activos se exhiben, y pueden ser
Design add-dependency-string ade Applications Blending and Scheduling Blending modificados si están deseados.
Design blend-fam-faces-switch uf Applications Blending and Scheduling Blending Use Face Advance
Design blend-mining-blocks bb Applications Blending and Scheduling Blending Blend Blocks
Design blend-proportion-switch tsm Applications Blending and Scheduling Blending Use Selective Mining
Design classify-categories clc Appli cations Bl ending and Sc hedul ing Setup Cl ass ify Categori es
Design delete-dependency-string dde Applications Blending and Scheduling Blending Delete Dependency
Design delete-schedule dsc Applications Blending and Scheduling Advance Delete Schedule
Design deselect-face dfa Applications Blending and Scheduling Advance Deselect Face
Design dtm-new-point-separation nps Wireframes Interactive DTM Creation New Point Separation
Design edit-prate ep Applications Blending and Scheduling Edit Production Rate
Design gvp-cells-update-switch tvumc Dialog
Design gvp-modelwf-update-switch w Dialog
Design gvp-point-update-switch tvupo Dialog
Design lock-bhole-plane-switch lh Applications Grade Control Lock Holes When Moving
Design new-wireframe-surface nws Right Click Define New Data New Wireframe Surface
Design outl-deselect-outer dol Applications Grade Control Outlines... Deselect Outer Limit
Design outl-limit-switch uo Applications Grade Control Outlines... Use Outer Limit
Design outl-select-outer ool Applications Grade Control Outlines... Select Outer Limit
Design results-annotation awr Applications Blending and Scheduling Annotate with Results
Design select-all-blocks sab Applications Blending and Scheduling Select All Blocks
Design select-inner-face sfa Applications Blending and Scheduling Advance Select Face
Design set-adjustment-cut-off scu Models Adjust to Ore Outline Set Cut Off
Design switch am Models Adjust to Ore Outline Adjustment Method
Design set-calendar sca Applications Blending and Scheduling Advance Set Calendar
Design set-default-catg-dest cad Applications Blending and Scheduling Setup Category Destinations
Design set-exposure-limits exl Appli cations Bl ending and Sc hedul ing Setup Expos ure Limits
Design set-face-advance-method adm Applications Blending and Scheduling Advance Advance Method
Design set-ore-categories soc Models Adjust to Ore Outline Set Ore Categories
Design set-step-distance ssd Models Adjust to Ore Outline Set Step Distance
Design set-tolerance sto Wireframes Interactive DTM Creation Set Point Tolerance
Design shade-blocks-switch shb Appli cations Bl ending and Sc hedul ing Setup Shade Bloc ks
Design shade-periods-switch shp Appli cations Bl ending and Sc hedul ing Setup Shade Peri ods
Design shade-selected-switch shs Appli cations Bl ending and Sc hedul ing Setup Shade Selected
Design show-dependencies sde Applications Blending and Scheduling Blending Show Dependencies
Design sort-file
Design use-dependency-switch ude Applications Blending and Scheduling Blending Use Dependencies
Batch CLUSTR Applications Statistics Statistics R Mode Cluster Analysis
Batch COGTRI Wireframes Batch Tools Calculate Centre of Triangle
Batch COMPBE Drillholes Composite Over Benches
Batch COMPBR Drillholes Composite With Recovery
Batch COMPDH Drillholes Composite Down Drillholes
Batch CONPOL File Utilities Create Polygon
Batch CONTOU Tools Batch Plotting Isometrics Contours from Block Model
Batch CONTST Models Manipulate Model Create Contour Strings
Batch COPYNR Edit Transform Add Record Number
Batch COPY File Copy...
Batch CORREL Applications Statistics Bivariate Statistics
Batch COUNT Applications Statistics Utilities Count on Keyfields
Batch COZONE Models Reserves Classify Model by Contact Zone
Batch CRSCOR Applications Statistics Statistics Cross Correlation Analysis
Batch DDLIST File Utilities List Data Definition
Batch DECLUST Applications Statistics Utilities Decluster Sample Data
Batch DECODE Edit Transform Decode Field
Batch DEFPARM Models Interpolate Grade Define Estimation Parameters
Batch DEFPARM Applications Statistics s Define Estimation Parameters
Batch DELETE File Delete...
Batch DIFFRN Data Merge Difference
Batch DILUTE Drillholes Extend for Dilution
Batch DISCAN Applications Statistics Statistics Multiple Discriminant Analysis
Batch DISCLA Applications Statistics Statistics Multiply Discriminant Classify
Batch DISPLA Tools Display Plot File
IGES and
Batch DXFOUT Data Transfer In/Out Output Plotfile in DXF Format
Batch ELLIPSE Models Interpolate Grade Create Wireframe Ellipse
Batch ENVSEQ Applications Mineable Envelopes Sequence Envelopes
Batch ESTIMA Models Interpolate Grade Interpolate Grades into Model
Batch ESTIMATE Models Interpolate Grade Interpolate Grades from Menu
Batch EXPFLD File Utilities Expand File
Batch EXTEND Data Transfer Extend File in CSV Format
Batch EXTNDF Data Transfer Extend File in Fixed Format
Batch EXTRA Edit Transform General
Batch FACTOR Applications Statistics Statistics R Mode Factor Analysis
Batch FDIN Data Transfer Whittle Input FOUR-D Results File
Batch FDOUT Data Transfer Whittle Output Model FOUR-D Format
Batch FFUNC Applications Statistics cal Utilities Estimate F Function
Batch FILCOM File Utilities Make Fields Implicit
Batch FILEXP File Utilities Make Fields Explicit
Batch FILTPO File Utilities Filter Points
Batch FORMAT File Utilities Create Report - 1
Batch FXIN Data Transfer Whittle Input FOUR-X
Batch FXOUT Data Transfer Whittle Output FOUR-X
Batch GRADE Models Interpolate Grade Basic Grade Interpolation
Batch HISFIT Applications Statistics Create Histograms Interactively
Batch HISTOG Applications Statistics Create Histogram File
Batch HOLMER Drillholes Merge Downhole Files
IGES and
Batch IGESIN Data Transfer In/Out Input Plotfile in IGES Format
IGES and
Batch IGESOUT Data Transfer In/Out Output Plotfile in IGES Format
Batch IJKGEN Models Create Model Create Model From XYZ Data
Batch INDATA Data Transfer Input CSV Data with Old DD
Batch INPDDF Data Transfer Input Datamine Text File
Batch INPFIL Data Transfer Input DD and CSV Data
Batch INPFML Data Transfer Input DD and Fixed Format Data
Batch INPUTC Data Transfer Input Text Data
Batch INPUTD Data Transfer Enter Data Definition (DD)
Batch INPUTW Data Transfer Input Fixed Format Data
Batch ISOHOL Tools Batch Plotting Isometrics Drillhole Isometric
Batch ISOPER Tools Batch Plotting Isometrics String Isometric
Batch JOIN Data Merge Join
Batch LISTDR File List Project Tables
Batch LIST File Utilities List File
Batch MANOVA Applications Statistics Statistics Multiple Analysis of Variance
Batch MDTRAN Models Manipulate Model Rotate Block Model
Batch MGSORT Data Sort
Batch MODENV Applications Mineable Envelopes Mineable Envelope
Batch MODRES Models Reserves Calculate Reserves in Model
Batch MODTRA Models Manipulate Model Create Drillholes From Model
Batch MONACO Applications Statistics Utilities Generate Random Numbers
Batch ORIGIN Models Create Model Calculate Rotated Model Origin
Batch OUTPUT Data Transfer Output File as Datamine Text
Batch PANELEST Models Interpolate Grade Estimate Grade of Panels
Batch PANELEST Applications Statistics cal Utilities Estimate Grades of Panels
Batch PCA Applications Statistics Statistics Principal Components Analysis
Batch PDRIVE File Plot...
Batch PDRIVE Tools Send Plot File to Plotter
Batch PERDTM Wireframes Batch Tools Project String to Wireframe
Batch PERFIL Models Create Model Fill Perimeters with Cells
Batch PICTED Tools Batch Plotting Combine Plots
Batch PLOTAN Tools Batch Plotting Plots Single Variable
Batch PLOTAR Tools Batch Plotting Plots Arrows
Batch PLOTDA Tools Batch Plotting Plots Variable Size Symbols
Frame and
Batch PLOTFR Tools Batch Plotting Text Chart Frame
Frame and
Batch PLOTFT Tools Batch Plotting Text Log and Probability Frame
Frame and
Batch PLOTFX Tools Batch Plotting Text Normal Frame
Frame and
Batch PLOTGR Tools Batch Plotting Text Rotated Frame
Batch PLOTHI Tools Batch Plotting Histogram
Batch PLOTLI Tools Batch Plotting Line Joining XY Points
Batch PLOTLN Tools Batch Plotting Line Segments
Batch PLOTMX Tools Batch Plotting Model Section
Batch PLOTPE Tools Batch Plotting Strings
Batch PLOTPI Tools Batch Plotting Plots Pie Charts
Batch PLOTSI Tools Batch Plotting Plots Multi Symbol
Batch PLOTSX Tools Batch Plotting Drillholes
Frame and
Batch PLOTTI Tools Batch Plotting Text Chart Title
Batch PLOTTR Tools Batch Plotting Wireframe Triangles
Frame and
Batch PLOTTX Tools Batch Plotting Text Text Box
Batch PLOTVA Tools Batch Plotting Plots Multi Variable
Batch PLOTWS Tools Batch Plotting Wireframe Section
Batch POLREG Applications Statistics Utilities Polynomial Regression
Batch PROMOD Models Manipulate Model Optimise Block Model
Batch PROPER File Utilities Process Strings
Batch PROTOM Models Create Model Define Prototype
Batch PROTOP Tools Batch Plotting Define Prototype
Batch QNLM Applications Statistics Statistics Q Mode Non Linear Mapping
Batch QUANTILE Applications Statistics Utilities Calculate Quantiles
Batch QUIG Tools Batch Plotting Quick Charts
Batch RANK Applications Statistics Utilities Generate Rank Orders
Batch REGMOD Models Manipulate Model Regularise Block Model
Batch RENAME File Rename...
Batch REPORK File Utilities Create Report - 2
Batch REPORT File Utilities Create Report - 3
Batch RESTRI Data Merge Restrict
Batch RNLM Applications Statistics Statistics R Mode Non Linear Mapping
Batch SELCOP Data Copy Fields
Batch SELDEL Data Delete Fields
Batch SELEXY File Utilities Select in 2D Perimeters
Batch SELPER File Utilities Select in 3D Perimeters
Batch SELWF Wireframes Batch Tools Select Data Using Wireframe
Batch SETVAL Edit Transform Set Field Value
Batch SLIMOD Models Manipulate Model Put Model onto New Prototype
Batch SMUHIS Applications Statistics cal Utilities SMU Reserves Shortcut Method
Batch SMUMOD Applications Statistics cal Utilities SMU Model Shortcut Method
Batch SPLAT Data Merge Splat
Batch SPLICO Tools Batch Plotting Isometrics Spline Contours
Batch SPLIT Data Split
Batch ST1GX Applications Statistics Utilities Sturgess Rule Statistics
Batch STATNP Applications Statistics Nonparametric Statistics
Batch STATS Applications Statistics Compute Statistics
Batch STPMOD Models Locate Ore with Floating Stope
Batch SUBJOI Data Merge Subjoin
Batch SUBWVE Data Merge Subweave
Batch SUDTTR Data Transfer Surpac Input Surpac DTM
Batch SUPES2 Data Transfer Surpac Output Surpac2 String File
Batch SUPEST Data Transfer Surpac Output Surpac String File
Batch SUPOOB Data Transfer Surpac Output Surpac Point File
Batch SURFIP Models Interpolate Grade Interpolate Seam Elevations
Batch SURTRI Wireframes Batch Tools Create a DTM
Batch SUSTP2 Data Transfer Surpac Input Surpac2 String File
Batch SUSTPE Data Transfer Surpac Input Surpac String File
Batch TABRES Models Reserves Tabulate Reserves Report
Batch TDIN Data Transfer Whittle Input THREE-D Results File
Batch TDOUT Data Transfer Whittle Output Model THREE-D Format
Batch TONGRAD Models Reserves Calculate Model Tonnes and Grade
Batch TREND Applications Statistics Utilities Polynomial Trend Surface
Batch TRICON Tools Batch Plotting Isometrics Contour Data or DTM
Batch TRIFIL Models Create Model Fill Wireframe with Cells
Batch UNFOLD Applications Statistics cal Utilities Transform to Unfolded System
Batch VARFIT Applications Statistics s Fit Model
Batch VGRAM Applications Statistics s Calculate
Batch WEAVE Data Merge Weave
Batch WFTREND Wireframes Batch Tools Extend Wireframe Along a Trend
Batch WIREPE Wireframes Batch Tools Strings From Wireframe Section
Batch XVALID Applications Statistics s Cross Validate