EN 10034-1993 - en

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CEN EN*L003Li 73 m 3LiOY587 0052730 7 7 T m



UDC 669.14.018.29-423.1: 621.753.1

Descriptors: Iron and steel products, I beams, structurai steels, dimensional tolerances, form tolerances

English version

Structural steel I and H sections - Tolerances on shape

and dimensions

Poutrelles I et H en acier de construction - I- und H-Profile aus Baustahl -

'Merances de formes et de dimensions GrenZabmaBe und Formtoleranzen

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1993-08-30. CEN members

are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the
Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

O 1993 Copyright reserved to CEN members

Ref. No. EN 10034 : 1993 E
CEN E N x 1 0 0 3 4 93 3404589 00527LL bob
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EN 10034 : 1993

Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by
ECISS/TCl1 Sections: lblerances and Dimensions;
the Secretariat of which is held by BSI. Foreword
The discussions within ECISSITC11 were based on 1 Scope 3
Euronorm 34-62 Broadmnged beams with parallel 2 Normative references 3
sides. Rolling tolemnces 3 Definitions 3
and 4 Rolling tolerances for structural
Euronorm 44-63 Hot rolled IPE joists. Rolling steel I and H sections 3
tolerances 5 lblerance on mass 3
This European Standard shall be given the status of 6 Tolerance on length 3
a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at least by March 'Iábles
1994, and conflicting national standards shall be 1 Dimensional tolerances for
withdrawn at the latest by March 1994. structural steel I and H sections 4
According to the CENKENELEC Internal 2 Tolerances on out-of-square and
Regulations, the following countries are bound to web off-centre of structural steel
implement this European Standard: Austria, I and H sections 5
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, 3 Tolerances on straightness of
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, structural steel I and H sections 6
Switzerland and United Kingdom. Annex
A (informative) Straightness
measurement 6
CEN EN*L0034 93 9 3404589 0052732 542 9
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EN 10034 : 1993

1 Scope 4.3 Web thickness (s)

This European Standard specifies tolerances on The deviation from nominal on web thickness
shape dimensions and mass of structural steel I and measured at the mid-point of dimension h shall be
H sections. These requirements do not apply to I within the tolerance given in table 1.
and H sections rolled from stainless steel. These 4.4 Flange thickness (t)
requirements do not apply to taper flange sections. The deviation from nominal on flange thickness
NOTE. Until a European Standard for dimensions of I and H measured at the quarter flange width point shall be
beams is published Euronorm 19 and Euronorm 53 or
corresponding national standards may be used. within the tolerance given in table 1.
4.5 Out-of-squareness (k + k’)
2 Normative references The out-of-squareness of the section shall not
This European Standard incorporates by dated or exceed the maximum given in table 2.
undated reference, provisions from other 4.6 Web off-centre (e)
publications. These normative references are cited The mid-thickness of the web shall not deviate
at the appropriate places in the text and the from the mid-width position on the flange by more
publications are listed hereafter. For dated than the distance ( e ) given in table 2.
references, subsequent amendments to or revisions
of any of these publications apply to this European 4.7 Straightness (qxx or qyy)
Standard only when incorporated in it by The straightness shall comply with the
amendment or revision. For undated references the requirements given in table 3 .
latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
EN 10079 Definition of steel products
5 Tolerance on mass
Euronorm 19 : 1957 IPE beams, parallelflanged
beams The deviation from the nominal mass of a batch or
a piece shall not exceed f 4.0 %.
Euronorm 53 : 1962 Wideflange b e a m with
parallel flanges The mass deviation is the difference between the
actual mass of the batch or piece and the
calculated mass.
3 Definitions The calculated mass shall be determined using a
For the purpose of this European Standard, the density of 7,85 kg/dm3.
definitions in EN 10079 apply.
6 Tolerance on length
4 Rolling tolerances for structural steel The sections shall be cut to ordered lengths to
I and H sections tolerances of:
4.1 Section height (h) a) f 50 mm; or
The deviation from nominal on section height b) + 100 mm where minimum lengths are
measured at the centre line of web thickness shall requested.
be within the tolerance given in table 1. L represents the longest useable length of the
section assuming that the ends of the section have
4.2 Flange width (b) ben cut square (see figure i ) .
The deviation from nominal on flange width shall
be within the tolerance given in table 1.
CEN EN+30034 93 3404589 0052333 489
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EN 10034 : 1993

lhble 1. Dimensional tolerances for structural steel I and H sections

- I +*

h X-----

* is measured at 94
(see clause 4.4.)
kction height h Flange width b Web thickness s - thickness t
ieight tolerance width tolerance thickness tolerance thickness tolerance
im mm mm mm mm mm mm
h I +3,0
18í b I 110 +4,0 se7 f0,7 t e 6,5 + 1,5
-2,0 - l,o -0,5
80 < h I 400 + 4,0 110 b I210 +4,0 '7SS<lO i l,o 6.5 It 10 +2,0
-2,0 -2,0 - l,o
.O0 h I700 + 5,0 210 < b I325 +4,0 10 I s < 20 f1,5 10 It < 20 +2,5
- 3,o -4,O - 1,5
h > 70C + 5,0 b > 325 +6,o
20 Is < 40 f2,O 20 It < 30 +2,5
- 5,0
40 Is < 60 f 2 , 5 30 I t 40 + 2,5
s 260 f3,O 40 I t < 60 +3,0
- 3,O
t L 60 + 4,O
- 4,0
CEN EN*l10034 93 W 3Y04589 005271Y 315 W
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EN 10034 : 1993

lbble 2. lòlerances on out-of-square and web off-centre of structural steel I and H sections


I I, b

Out-of-square Web off-centre

k + k' b l - b2
e where e = ___

fiange width b tolerance fiange width b tolerance

mm mm mm

b I110 1,5 Where t < 40

b > 110 2%ofb b I 110 295
(max 6,5 mm) 110 < b I325 3,5
b > 325 5-0
Where t 1 40
110 < b 5 325 5,o
b > 325 8,O
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EN 10034 : 1993

a b l e 3. Tolerances on straightness of structural steel I and H sections

--__ __----

I Section height h
80 e h < 180
Tolerance on straightness qmr and qn, on length L
0,30 L
180 < h 5 360 0,15L
h > 360 0,l L

L max.

Figure 1. Measurement of length L on I and H steel sections

Annex A (informative)
Straightness measurement
Straightness measurement requires a reference straight edge from which deviations in section straightness
are measured. A taut string line is an acceptable straight edge provided that deviations in the horizontal
plan only are measured.
Measurement is carried out as follows:
for qxx:
The beam is laid in the H position on a flat surface and the string is taken along the outside of the centre
of the flange width between the two ends of the unconstrained section.
for qyy:
The beam is laid in the I position on a flat surface and the string is taken along the flange tip between
the two ends of the unconstrained section.

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