EN 10034-1993 - en
EN 10034-1993 - en
EN 10034-1993 - en
Descriptors: Iron and steel products, I beams, structurai steels, dimensional tolerances, form tolerances
English version
European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung
Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by
ECISS/TCl1 Sections: lblerances and Dimensions;
the Secretariat of which is held by BSI. Foreword
The discussions within ECISSITC11 were based on 1 Scope 3
Euronorm 34-62 Broadmnged beams with parallel 2 Normative references 3
sides. Rolling tolemnces 3 Definitions 3
and 4 Rolling tolerances for structural
Euronorm 44-63 Hot rolled IPE joists. Rolling steel I and H sections 3
tolerances 5 lblerance on mass 3
This European Standard shall be given the status of 6 Tolerance on length 3
a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at least by March 'Iábles
1994, and conflicting national standards shall be 1 Dimensional tolerances for
withdrawn at the latest by March 1994. structural steel I and H sections 4
According to the CENKENELEC Internal 2 Tolerances on out-of-square and
Regulations, the following countries are bound to web off-centre of structural steel
implement this European Standard: Austria, I and H sections 5
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, 3 Tolerances on straightness of
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, structural steel I and H sections 6
Switzerland and United Kingdom. Annex
A (informative) Straightness
measurement 6
CEN EN*L0034 93 9 3404589 0052732 542 9
Page 3
EN 10034 : 1993
- I +*
h X-----
* is measured at 94
(see clause 4.4.)
kction height h Flange width b Web thickness s - thickness t
ieight tolerance width tolerance thickness tolerance thickness tolerance
im mm mm mm mm mm mm
h I +3,0
18í b I 110 +4,0 se7 f0,7 t e 6,5 + 1,5
-2,0 - l,o -0,5
80 < h I 400 + 4,0 110 b I210 +4,0 '7SS<lO i l,o 6.5 It 10 +2,0
-2,0 -2,0 - l,o
.O0 h I700 + 5,0 210 < b I325 +4,0 10 I s < 20 f1,5 10 It < 20 +2,5
- 3,o -4,O - 1,5
h > 70C + 5,0 b > 325 +6,o
20 Is < 40 f2,O 20 It < 30 +2,5
- 5,0
40 Is < 60 f 2 , 5 30 I t 40 + 2,5
s 260 f3,O 40 I t < 60 +3,0
- 3,O
t L 60 + 4,O
- 4,0
CEN EN*l10034 93 W 3Y04589 005271Y 315 W
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EN 10034 : 1993
lbble 2. lòlerances on out-of-square and web off-centre of structural steel I and H sections
I I, b
--__ __----
I Section height h
80 e h < 180
Tolerance on straightness qmr and qn, on length L
0,30 L
180 < h 5 360 0,15L
h > 360 0,l L
L max.
Annex A (informative)
Straightness measurement
Straightness measurement requires a reference straight edge from which deviations in section straightness
are measured. A taut string line is an acceptable straight edge provided that deviations in the horizontal
plan only are measured.
Measurement is carried out as follows:
for qxx:
The beam is laid in the H position on a flat surface and the string is taken along the outside of the centre
of the flange width between the two ends of the unconstrained section.
for qyy:
The beam is laid in the I position on a flat surface and the string is taken along the flange tip between
the two ends of the unconstrained section.