Instructivo N.4
Instructivo N.4
Instructivo N.4
El pasado simple del verbo "To be" (ser o estar) se forma cambiando las
formas "am" e "is"por "was" y la forma "are" por "were".
- I was: yo era o yo estaba.
- You were: tú eras o tú estabas.
- He was: él era o él estaba.
- She was: ella era o ella estaba.
- It was: eso era o eso estaba.
- We were: nosotros éramos o nosotros estábamos.
- You were: vosotros erais o vosotros estabais.
- They were: ellos eran o ellos estaban.
- I was not: yo no era o yo no estaba.
- You were not: tú no eras o tú no estabas.
- He was not: él no era o él no estaba.
- She was not: ella no era o ella no estaba.
- It was not: eso no era o eso no estaba.
- We were not: nosotros no éramos o nosotros no estábamos.
- You were not: vosotros no erais o vosotros no estabais.
- They were not: ellos no eran o ellos no estaban.
- Was I?: ¿era yo? o ¿estaba yo?
- Were you?: ¿eras tú? o ¿estabas tú?
- Was he?: ¿era él? o ¿estaba él?
- Was she?: ¿era ella? o ¿estaba ella?
- Was it?: ¿era eso? o ¿estaba eso?
- Were we?: ¿éramos nosotros? o ¿estábamos nosotros?
- Were you?: ¿erais vosotros? o ¿estabais vosotros?
- Were they?: ¿eran ellos? o ¿estaban ellos?
- He was my friend when I was twelve years old → Él era mi amigo cuando yo tenía doce
- I wasn't at school at half-past eleven → Yo no estaba en el colegio a las once y media.
- Were they at home yesterday? → ¿Estaban ellos ayer en casa? (no confundir "where
(donde)" con were).
El pasado simple funciona de manera similar al Presente simple, salvo que empleamos el
auxiliar 'did' para todas las personas (incluida la tercera persona singular 'he / she / it'). En la
forma afirmativa, el auxiliar 'did' no aparece, empleando en su lugar la terminación ' ed'. Esta
es la forma de pasado para todos los 'Verbos Regulares'
Ejemplos: trabajar- work-worked; vivir: live-lived, jugar: play-played
I played Yo jugué I did not play Yo no jugué
You played Tú jugaste You did not play Tú no jugaste
He played Él jugó He did not play Él no jugó
We played Nosotros jugamos We did not play Nosotros no jugamos
You played Vosotros jugasteis You did not play Vosotros no jugasteis
They played Ellos jugaron They did not play Ellos no jugaron
Did I play? ¿Jugué? Didn't I play? ¿No jugué?
Did you play? ¿Jugaste? Didn't you play? ¿No jugaste?
Did he play? ¿Jugó? Didn't he play? ¿No jugó?
Did we play? ¿Jugamos? Didn't we play? ¿No jugamos?
Did you play? ¿Jugasteis? Didn't you play? ¿No jugasteis?
Did they play? ¿Jugaron? Didn't they play? ¿No jugaron?
Existe un amplio conjunto de verbos que no cumplen esta condición, es decir, para la forma
afirmativa no emplean la terminación 'ed' sino que su forma es irregular. No siguen ninguna
regla, por lo que la única manera de conocer su forma de pasado es aprenderla. Se
denominan 'Verbos Irregulares'.
A continuación se presenta una tabla con los principales verbos irregulares del inglés. Su forma
afirmativa se construye con la segunda columna (pasado simple), la forma negativa e interrogativa
requieren del auxiliar did como en los verbos regulares.
PARTICI Borne / Soportar,
PIO Born dar a luz
PASADO Beat Beat Beaten Golpear
Arise Arose Arisen Llegar a
Levantarse Become Became Become
Awake Awoke Awoken Begin Began Begun Empezar
Bend Bent Bent Doblar
Be/ am, Was /
Been Ser / Estar Bet Bet Bet Apostar
are, is Were
Bind Bound Bound Atar,
encuadern Fight Fought Fought Luchar
ar Find Found Found Encontrar
Bid Bid Bid Pujar Flee Fled Fled Huir
Bite Bit Bitten Morder Fly Flew Flown Volar
Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar Forbidde
Forbid Forbade Prohibir
Blow Blew Blown Soplar n
Break Broke Broken Romper Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar
Breed Bred Bred Criar Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar
Traer Freeze Froze Frozen Helar
Bring Brought Brought
Llevar Got /
Get Got Obtener
Broadca Broadca Broadcas Gotten
st st t Give Gave Given Dar
Build Built Built Edificar Go
Went Gone Ir
Burnt Burnt / (Goes)
Burn Quemar
/Burned Burned Grow Grew Grown Crecer
Burst Burst Burst Reventar Grind Ground Ground Moler
Buy Bought Bought Comprar Hang Hung Hung Colgar
Cast Cast Cast Arrojar Haber o
Have Had Had
Catch Caught Caught Coger Tener
Come Came Come Venir Hear Heard Heard Oir
Cost Cost Cost Costar Hide Hid Hidden Ocultar
Cut Cut Cut Cortar Hit Hit Hit Golpear
Choose Chose Chosen Elegir Agarrar
Hold Held Held
Cling Clung Clung Agarrarse
Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir
Creep Crept Crept Arrastrarse
Keep Kept Kept Conservar
Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar
Dig Dug Dug Cavar Know Knew Known
Did Done Hacer Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse
Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar Knit Knit Knit
Dreamt / Dreamt /
Dream Soñar Lay Laid Laid Poner
Dreamed Dreamed
Lead Led Led Conducir
Drink Drank Drunk Beber
Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse
Drive Drove Driven Conducir
Leap Leapt Leapt Brincar
Eat Ate Eaten Comer
Learnt / Learnt /
Fall Fell Fallen Caer Learn Aprender
Learned Learned
Feed Fed Fed Alimentar
Leave Left Left Dejar
Feel Felt Felt Sentir
Lend Lent Lent Prestar Sleep Slept Slept Dormir
Let Let Let Permitir Slide Slid Slid Resbalar
Lie Lay Lain Echarse Smell Smelt Smelt Oler
Light Lit Lit Encender Sowed /
Sow Sowed Sembrar
Lose Lost Lost Perder
Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar
Make Made Made Hacer
Speed Sped Sped Acelerar
Mean Meant Meant Significar
Spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear
Meet Met Met Encontrar
Spend Spent Spent Gastar
Mistake Mistook Mistaken Equivocar
Spilt / Spilt /
Overcom Overcam Overcom Spill Derramar
Vencer Spilled Spilled
e e e
Spin Spun Spun Hilar
Pay Paid Paid Pagar
Spit Spat Spat Escupir
Put Put Put Poner
Hender /
Read Read Read Leer
Split Split Split partir /
Ride Rode Ridden Montar rajar
Ring Rang Rung Llamar Spoilt / Spoilt /
Spoil Estropear
Rise Rose Risen Levantarse Spoiled Spoiled
A- Complete the sentences with the simple past of the irregular verbs in the box.
C Write the correct verb in simple past and then translate the text
Sarah and the man __ (have)coffee. After that, they__ (go)to the cinema and then to
a disco. They ___(dance) for 3 hours. Sarah didn’t ask the man’s name; she didn’t
add him on Facebook or WhatsApp. At midnight, the man ____(say) he had to go to
the bathroom, but he didn’t come back.
One day, Sarah was waiting in line in the bank when a man came up to her
and ___(ask) her what time it was. His voice sounded familiar, it __(be)the same
man; his name was Joseph.
- La historia fue sobre un pequeño pianista: The story was about a Little pianist
- El adoraba tocar el piano: He loved to play the piano
* Affirmative
* Negative
*Interrogative (Yes / No)
1. My father / buy / a jeep / last week.
8. The children / play / tennis and basketball /at the sports Centre.
9. My friend / study / German / last year.
1. What did you do last night before going to house? I watched T.V and spoke with my family. And you?