Ingles Capitulo 8

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ceil | Seeing RE OE AMERICAN ee iN eet e da i tPA) t } i | — a Nee ke . oe AMERICAN ENGLISH COURSE KIGHT WINTER CARNIVAL Distribuido por: Instituto Mexicano Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales, A.C. Hamburgo 115 México 6, D.F. Distribuidor Autorizado para Venezuela: Fundacién Universidad de Carabobo, Av. Bolivar Norte - C.C. Majay - 2do piso - Oficinas 22-23 Valencia, Edo. Carabobo Derechos Reservados (c) Fomento Educacional, A.C. Rio Marne N® 19 - 402 Mexico 5, D. F. Segunda edicién revisada y modificada: agosto de 1960 16a, reimpresién de la segunda edicién revisada y modificada: noviembre 28, 1977 Colaboraron en la primera edicion: James Patric Carter Jack Mason Morris Kenneth Wilson Johason Guillermo Luis Castelazo Norman Arthur Glass Jane Griswold Colaboraron en la segunda edicidn revisada y modificada: James Patrick Carter Jone Griswold PREFACE TO THE TEACHER ‘This text is Book B of the series of nine textbooks of the AMERICAN ENG WSN COURSE, each designed to cover the work of 36 hours of classes at this ite. This series of texts has been written in the light of the Institute's syperience in teaching English to almost 200,000 Spanish-speaking people during fwenty-four year petiod, and has been successfully tried out in preliminary form (th several thousand students. This book is based on our conviction that the teaching of a second language s more effective if the student first learns to speak, regardless of whether the venwual aim is speaking, understanding, writing, reading, or all four. We believe wt in order to learn to speak, one must become familiar the oral use of fe language through repetition, until the pattems of pronunciation, structure and ym become automatic. Our experience has made us certain that lengthy expla- wilons or “rules,?? with their still lengthier lists of exceptions, although possi- ly teaching the stuaent » great deal about a language, do not teach him to use Our aim has therefore been to present, through the use of examples, the prin- ipa! patterns of the English language as used by educated speakers in the nited States, following these examples with practice, corrections and original fork within the framework of the pattern in question. We have found in teaching structural material that we achieve the best results If we adhere to certain practices, which we shall describe briefly: 1, Patterns of structure, form and pronunciation are presented inductively through choral repetition a, The Choral Repetitions present the material in context. A minimum of three repetitions by the group as a whole should serve to introduce a given pattem initially. Since the sound patterns of English ace of equal importance with the grammatical structure, it is essential that the teacher, in reading the Choral Repetitions, use nonmal, unhurried, clear speech, and that he insist that the students, in repeating after him, observe the proper patterns of rhychm, breath groups and sentence stress. . Explanations ate avoided whenever possible, the time being spent on hearing and practicing actual usage, rather than talking about it. Occa- sionally, of course, it will prove useful, after the students have begun to be familiar with a certain pattem, to help them formulate a simple statement of how and when that pattern is used. . All material is presented in class before the students attempt to study it outside. a. The exercises are intended for individual recitation after the corre sponding Choral Repetitions have familiarized the class with the pat- tems involved, and are designed to help the students gain fluency and (Ie is not intended that the teacher necessarily cover every sentence of every exercise; the number and choice of sentences are left to h discretion in accordance with the needs of the class.) b. As homework, sometimes it will be advisable co assign some of sentences not covered in class, and sometimes it will seem better have the students review sentences done in class. The important thin is that no assignment should be made of any pattern which has not bees thoroughly practiced in class. . Dialogs are presented in class, memorized at home, and then practice in the following class period. d. Revidws are handled in class, using the same approach as for ne material, although they should normally go more rapidly. 3. The length of each lesson and the number of lessons in each book m be adapted to the schedule of any school. a. Books One through Five of the American English Course each contain| thirty-three units, each unit planned for a course of thirty-six, fift minute classes (the remaining three class periods are w be used a follows: one class wo give the mid-term examination; one class (th following) to go over this examination with the students; one cla: (the final one) to give the final examination. Books Six through Eight contain twenty-one units cach, and are planae: for twenty-four, eighty-minute classes, the remaining three classes be utilized as indicated above. Book Nine has 17 units, and is planne for two review periods, chtee examinations and two or three classe: to go over exams. b. The Director and/or Director of Courses of the local school shoul consider carefully the problem of adapting the book to the local sched ule. For example, the first four books may be offered in daily classes, fifty minutes each, through a period of seven weeks each, or a coursi may be offered at an accelerated pace, with cwo units being presente each day. If Books Six and above ate to be presented in fifty-minute classes the schedule should be prepared so that one unit will be presente: during one-and-a-half classes--that is, the first unit during all of th first class and the first half of the second; the second unit durin the second half of the second class, and all of the third; etc. 2 The Directors of the Institute wish to express their deep appreciation Mrs. Gloria Wasilewski Kreisher and the late Francis C. St. John, under whos auspices this textbook program originated, and to all of the members of th Institute staff who have given of their time, their experience and their imagina. tion to make this project a reality. Instituto Mexicano Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales, A. vi AL ESTUDIANTE Este libro tiene como fin el enseiiac el inglés que habla la gente instrulde y culea en los Estados Unidos. Ya que todos los idiomas son esencialmente un fedio de comunicacién oral, este libro presenta el inglés para que se aprenda oralmence. (La forma escrita, In que no es mas que un esfuerzo por indicar me- dinnce signs tos sonidos de Ia lengua hablada, se aprenderé mucho més eficaz~ mente si antes se aprende a hablar.) Al hablar su idioma materno, todo el mundo sigue inconscientemente ciertos patroaes de formas, de estructura y de pronunciaciéa. Por consiguiente, el aprender un idioma consiste sobre todo en Hegar a dominar el uso de estas {émulas establecidas por In costumbre. Aqui los patrones se presentan por medio de ejercicios de repeticién oral y ejercicios de sustitucién, para que Usted los aprenda en una forma natural. No se debe creer que esto implica un Uescuido de Ia gramética: estos patrones son la gramética, pero no en forma de abstractas, sino de ejemplos vivos. Lo importante es cémo poder expre- feg! samos, y no el por qué nos exptesdmos de tal o cual manera, Para que el estudiante aproveche su aprendizaje lo més posible, queremos hacerle algunas sugerencia 1. Debe escuchar cui exactamente posible, sin preocuparse si Ins primeras veces sale muy extraiia ou dosamente al maestro y esforzarse para imitarlo lomas imitacién. 2, Debe reconocer que las modalidades del espaiiol en muchos casos no se pueden aplicar al inglés, y que por lo tanto no debe pensar en cémo se dice algo en espafiol, sino en dominar Ia forma de decitlo en inglés. Para lograr esto, debe concentrarse especialmente en lo siguiente: a. El orden de las palabras, el que en a mayoria de las veces determina el al contrario del espafiol, no significado de Ia frase en inglés. El ing! es un idioma de inflexiones, sino que se expresa principalmente por medio de cambios de orden. b. El sistema de pronunciacién y de entonacién. El espatol mal pronunc do se entiende, aunque quiz sea desagradable. El inglés mal pronun- ciado jamas se entiende bien. 3. Debe estudi posible, tanto en Ia clase como fuera de ella, (Esta prictica se puede realizar no solamente con personas de habla inglesa sino @ solas, en cuslyuier momento li- y articularlos con nacur- y practicar los patrones tan frecuentemente como le sea bre, hasta que se logre aprender los patrones de memot alidad y soleuce.) La experiencia ha demostrado que se puede aprender a hablar - y también a comprender, a leer y a escribir - si se sigue concienzudamente el plan trazado aqui. Le deseamos buena suerte y el tesén necesario para lograr su propésito. GULF OF MEXICO = «< w ° ° ° - ° oe < Heweli TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface to the Teacher . Al Estudiance Map Synopsis UNIT ONE............ Review (Part) Exercise I Past Tense—> Past Perfect Tense Exercise It Adjective Clauses Exercise I Questions with Interrogative Words Exercise IV General Questions + « Review (Part II) Exercise | Passive Voice Exercise Il Verb Tenses Exercise III General Questions . Free Conversation Period I eee Dictation 1 UNIT THREE .......... Have someone do something Have ‘something done vee Dialog I UNIT FOUR........... Time Clauses (I) eee Dialog 11 UNIT FIVE... + +20 Time Clauses (11) eee Dictation IT UNIT SIX... ++. Exercise I Review of Verb Tenses Exercise II Review of Questions with Interrogative Words Exercise II General Questions ° Free Conversation Period I WHIT SEVEN.......... Purpose Clauses ove Dialog I WHIT EIGHT .......... Word Study I Are Free Conversation Petiod II eee Pronunciation Exercise I ve Dictation 1 . Reading I eee Conversation I WHIT NINE........... Midterm Review(Part One) Exercise | Have someone do something Have something done Exercise Il Time Clauses Exercise IM Purpose Clauses Exercise IV General Questions UNIT TEN ++... Midterm Review (Part Two) Exercise I Expressions with Get Exercise Il Verb Forms in Questions Exercise Ill Questions with Interrogative Words Exercise IV General Questions eee Word Lise I UNIT ELEVEN...,..... Clauses with éf (I) UNIT TWELVE ......... Clauses with #f (11) cee Dialog IV UNIT THIRTEEN... .... -Word Study II eee Free Conversation Period IV eee Pronunciation Exercise I Dictation IV eee Conversation I eee Reading II UNIT FOURTEEN... .... Exercise I Review of Verb Tenses Exercise Il Review of would, should, could, might and must Exercise II General Questions eee Free Conversation Period V UNIT FIFTEEN ........ would have, should bave, could have, might bave, must bave vee \ Dialog V UNIT SIXTEEN....... Result Clauses e log VI UNIT SEVENTEEN... ... Word Seudy II eee Free Conversation Period VI eee Pronunciation Exercise II eee Dictation V eee Reading III cee Conversation III UNIT EIGHTEEN....... Exercise Review of Purpose Clauses Exercise II Review of Result Clauses Exercise [Il Review of Purpose Clauses and Result Clauses Exercise IV Review of Comparisons Exercise V General Questions eee Free Conversation Period VII UNIT NINETEEN ....... Final Review (Part One) Exercise 1 Have someone do something Have something done Exercise I Time Clauses Exercise UI Purpose Clauses and Result Clauses UNIT TWENTY ......... Final Review (Pare Two) Exercise! would + would'ue sbould « should've could « could've might - might've must must've Exercise Il Clauses with if SUR iit TWENTY-ONE... .- 869 QENERAL WORD LIST List OF DIALOGS PHONEMIC ALPHABET- APPENDIX Final Review (Past Three) Exercise 1 Verb Tenses . Exercise I Questions with Interrogative Words : Exercise I General Questions SYNOPSIS OF THE STORY TO DATE This is the story of the Martinezes, a Mexican family who have temporari moved to the United States. Mr. Martinez is a skilled mechanic in a factory whi produces electrical equipment in Mexico City. His company sends him to work a similar factory in Baltimore, Marytand for a year. In Baltimore the Martinezes live next door to Paul Dalton, his wife Molly their three children. The Daltons and the Martinezes become friends. Mr. Dalt and Mr, Martinez work in the same factory and their children go to the schools, Ricardo has no particular interest in Sheila uatil one night the Martin family forces him to take her to a school dance. They have a wonderful time the party and win a dancing contest. Later they go on a school-sponsored tour nearby Washington, D.C., and he and Sheila discover that they are in love become engaged. However, the Dalcons and the Martinezes think Ricardo Sheila are too young to be engaged, and agree that they should wait until the; have finished their studies before they get married. Ricardo gets a job driving truck from Baltimore to Salt Lake City. Utah. His job also takes him to Yosemit National Park, Los Angeles and San Francisco in California before he reruros Baltimore. The Martinezes decide to stay in Baltimore another year. Ricardo begins hi studies at the University of Maryland, and Sheila begins her ourse’s training al Johns Hopkins Hospital. At Christmastime Ricardo and Sheila get angry wi each other and break their engagement. Larry Watson, a friend of Ricardo’s and a student at Harvard University, writes a letter to Ricardo, telling him about his studies and his school and viting him to come to see him soon. UNIT ONE REVIEW (PART 1) BRERCISE | PAST TENSE ———>_ PAST PERFECT TENSE Exomple: a) My father left for work at 7:30 this morning. (already ... when I got sp) He HAD already LEFT for work when I got »p. j, Did you meet Phil Jackson last year? (already ... when you came here) 4: Katherine came back from her vacation last week. (just ... when I saw her Wednesday afternoon) J. Mc. Morgan's secretary wrote 35 letters yesterday. (15 when she went out to lunch) 4. The Blakes were in Jamaica last summer. (never ... before that) §, It rained aight before last. (not ... for a long time before that) 6. Mr. Hudson was late for work yesterday. (not ... since 1960) >. Did your sister finish her homework last night? (when her boy friend called her up) f. Paul said he had an upset stomach. {for several days) 9, There were 25 concerts at the music hall last winter. (already ... three or four when I went to my first one) 10, The lecture at my school was over early Inst night. (for half an hour whea we got there) ADJECTIVE CLAUSES EXERCISE I! vestions. In each answer repect the ADJECTIVE CLAUSE used Answer the: in the question. 1. Are any of the students that were in Course 7 with you ba your class now? 2 Isn't Mr. Murray, who used to be a teacher, a writer now? 3, Have the people whose house the party was at the other night been here very long? Unit One- 1 | Dr. Goldberg has been teaching physics for about 15 years. (HOW LONG) {, Dill is saving bie money to go to college in England. (WHY) 4 Six people in my office got « promotion last year. (HOW MANY) J Most American cigarettes used to cost 25 cents a pack. (HOW MUCH) j.l'm going co get myself another pen because the one I have docen’e write well anymore, (WHY) Miss Clark's watch was found in the hall yesterday. (WHOSE) A) Mc. and Mrs. Kent have been living in Norway for the last five years. (WHERE) |, The newspaper was delivered to my house at 7 o'clock yesterday. (WHAT TIME) My father's doctor advised him to stop smoking. (WHAT) I'm going to lend this book to Cliff tomorrow. (WHO ————> ) ith Eleanor when the orchestra played the last dance. 4 Ye weren's snudyiag hese in 1966, when Mr. Miller taught here, were you? ine pringtield, inoia, which Fred Taylor often talks about, his home i sia the Inrgest city you've evec visited? ' fa si which = sen big country, produces « lar af coffee, dowsa'e ie? 1s ma remembe i see c the name af the ceacher that taught you algebra ia high 9. Are there uty aparemenc houses on the streer you live on? 10. Have you evet had te do something you didn’t want to do? a Thales Ty who's an architect, want his son to be af architect toa? . Ace the Russells going 10 give a party for thei y for their daughter, who's gai 1 vears old next Wednesday? Pear a ee oe were the people thag visited you las summer ftom? ie Na ete = ret = eres wih the other aight a relative of yours? if, Andy was dancing w! ‘ our black pen, which you used to bring ta class every da 16 Was the movie yo i sen pe 16 tee fin une legliclebeeary oa |), Charles's uacle began practicing medicine twenty years ago. (HOW LONG AGO) Meteiae| gneaay ree work for a very old one? 1G, Betty married Fred Hall. (WHO , e + Stevens i i =e jearn to spenk Spanish in Peru, where he lived for several J, De. Scott is teaching bis little boy co swim. (WHAT) 19. Would you like to | UP. There’s going t be another football game at the stadium next week, (WHEN) 15 Sell oa lve in is lace where the weather was always cold? 1). The Nelsons are planning to stay overnight in Philadelphia on their «rip co ae , which aren't very expensive, are heing sold these days, Washington, D.C. (WHERE) ? 0. Mr. and Mrs. Collins are going to buy the Tuckers’ house, (WHOSE) 21, Do you temerber the jrroies Seeiress you kad\iid Bakalesy i, My older sister has never been able to drive very well because she's very 22. Are che questions I’m askin; ig very hard? 24. Have you known th " is Panne 2); Hever ¢ man you're working for very long? 12, Phil is going to need about two hundred dollars for his next vacation. ye © family that just moved into the hetse acroxs the street (HOW MUCH) (HOW MANY) 2). Mr. Lane said he had been to Europe six times. 24, Mrs. Barnes wore a black satin dress to the last dance. (WHAT KIND OF) 45, Helen has hed a scholarship at the university for three years. (HOW LONG) from yours? 25. Has your brother found kis warch, which he lost the other day? EXERCISE 11 QUESTIONS WITH INTERROGATIVE WORDS Change these sentences to questi Example: a) The briefcase on the table belongs co che teacher. (WHO: WHO does the briefcase on the sable belong 10? (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) i My ech goes te the dentist every six months. (HOW OFTEN) . Mre, Bennett finishes doi eee ex doing her housework by LL o'clock every day. 3-1 sent that package to Mr. Wilson a cauple of weeks ago. (HOW LONG AGO) 2 in the example, EXERCISE (V GENERAL QUESTIONS ‘Answer these questions with TWO COMPLETE, LOGICAL ideas. (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) |. Are you always able to make yourself understood in English? 2. Children usually enjoy themselves at parties, don’t chey? 3, How long had you been studying English when you began ¢o speak it? 4. Had you had many other jobs when you got the one you have now? 5. Do you think you'se going to be able to pass this course easily? 6. Most women like t0 go shopping, don’ t they? Unit One - 3 Unit One » 2 7. Why should people always get enough sleep at night? 8. Can you speak English better than anybody else in your family? 9. Have you ever lost any money? 10. Do you always go home right after your English class or do you usually something else to do? 11. How long do you plan to study English? 12. Is it hard to learn how to swim? 13. What does a waiter do? 14, Do all of your brothers and sisters have black hair? 15. How rall are you? 16. Do you think children should drink coffee? 17. You shouldn't miss class very often, should you? 18. What radio program do you like to listen to? 19. Do you watch television every atght? 20. Does your brother like to wear leather jackets? 21. Are evening dresses more expensive than nightgowns? 22. Who was penicillin discovered by? 23. Are many new buildings being built in the city now? 24. Can you tell me where there’s a good shoe repair shop? 25. Do you remember how long it’s been since you went to your first dance? Unit One - 4 UNIT TWO REVIEW (PART II) EXERCISE | PASSIVE VOICE A) Fill the blanks as in the example. Example: a) Nobody in che train accident yesterday. (HURT) Nobody WAS HURT in the train accident yesterday. }. I'm not driving my car today because it —________. (REPAIR) 2. A lot of practice —______to lear to speak a foreign language well, pees} (NEED) 3. Thtee new employees Iast month at the company where my brother (HIRE) works. 4. Mrs. Sullivan's husband — mext week. (OPERATE ON) 5. Several old houses on my street recently. (TEAR DOWN) at the end of this week. 6. My sister said she didn't think she (PAY) 7. Idido'e wear my watch to class all last week because it —_—__. (FIX) 8. What language in Belgium? (SPEAK) 9. All the seats already when we got to the theater last night. (SELL) 10. many European cats ————— these days? arn (SELL) u. you ever from a job? (FIRE) ‘on the teacher’s desk after the last class. 12. Some books and papers ———___ (LEAVE) 13, Whac time —— the mai to yout house every day? fi (DELIVER) Unit Two - 5 14. Dwight D. Eisenhower President of the United States for the (ELECT) second time in 1956. 15. A lot of sugar —____in Louisiana. (PRODUCE) 16. This book —______in Mexico City. (WRITE) 17. The Mississippi River —______by Hernando di is TOvERy by Hernando de Soto in 1541. 18. Alan told me his thesis until next month. TNISH) ‘in traffic accidents ev . (KILL) ares 20. The bookstore om the comer near my office used to —___by a G (OWN) to the Mitchells party next Saturday. 19. A lot of people 21. About 200 people ——__ PeoP's INVITED 22. The watch my brother gave me for Christmas last year a (MAKE) Swiezerland. B) Answer these questions with one complete sentence. Please use the PASSIVE VOICE in each answer. (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) 1. Is the street you live on being repaired now? 2. Was Freach taught at the primary school you went to? 3+ What time is the milk delivered to your house every day? 4. Has your salary been raised recently? 5. How long ago was the house you live in built? 6. Are many engineering books written in Spanish? 7. Do you prefer to be introduced to people, or do you usually like to introd yourself? 8. Is much sugar produced in Mexico? 9. Can you give me the names of four countries where English is spoken? 10, How often is a new president elected in the United States? 11. Who was radium discovered by? 12. Do you know where your pen was made? Unit Two - 6 1}. Were many people hurt in the bus accident downtown yesterday? 14. Do you remember if you were taught algebra in the 4th grade? 15. Are you going to be paid on the first of nect moath? 16. Has anyone in your family ever been operated on? 17. A lot of parties are given at Christmastime, aren't they? 18. Did you use to think English could be learned very easily? 19. Did you tell me your brother was going to be seat to the United States by the company he works for? 20. How long has it been since America was discovered? 21, Have any people been hired lately at the company you work for? 2). Had all the exercises in the last lesson been done when the bell rang last time? 2}. How many people were invited to the Porters’ party last Saturday night? 24. Who was War and Peace written by? 5. Are all the offices in the building where you work rented? EXERCISE I VERB TENSES Change these sentences cs in the example. My family and I often go out of town. 0) almost every week We GO out of town almost every week. by) lase weekend We WENT out of town last weekend. ) again next Sunday We'RE GOING out of town again next Sunday. d) every Sunday for the Iast mouth We'VE GONE out of town every Sunday for the last month. Example: 1, Are you always on time for work? a) every day b) yesterday ¢) tomorrow morning d) every day this week 2, My brother often drives me to class. a) coday b) day before yesterday c) day after tomorrow 4) every day for the last two weeks Unit Two - 7 3. Do you usually stay up lace? a) very often lately b) last nighe ) tonight 4) every night |. Frank buys a lot of records. a) two last week b) another one tomorrow ¢) ten or 12 a month 4) already ... several this week We often practice verbs. a) tight now b) almost every day ©) every day last week 4) next time ©) every day for the last two weeks 6. Does your father leave home early in che morning? a) always b) yesterday morning ¢) tomorrow morning 4) already ... when you got up this morning EXERCISE [it GENERAL QUESTIONS Answer these questions with TWO COMPLETE, LOGICAL ideas. 1. Was the class you were in last year smaller than this one, or was it larger? 2. Had your family gotcen up when you left home this morning? 3. Students should always study outside of class, shouldn't they? 4. Can you say the alphabet in English? 5: Do you believe a petson can teach himself to speak a forciga language well? 6. Who was Around the World in Eighty Days written by? . 7. Does somebody drive you to work every day, or do you go on the bus? 8. Had you already studied some English when you started studying here? 9. What do they sell in stationery stores? V. Can you tell me the names of some of the Latin American countries whete coffee is produced? Ih, Did you get enough sleep last night? If Most people don’t like to go to the movies by themselves, do they? 1), What size shoe do you wear? |i), Have you had the measles? 1). How do you say madererfa in English? 10. Can you tell me if there’s a post office near here? ; Ii. Had everybody already had supper when you got home last night? Wi. Does your boss sometimes wear a flower in his coat lapel? 1), How much does a good stereo set cost? WU. Had che class already begun when you came in today? 35. Do you know what languages are spoken in Switzerland? FREE CONVERSATION PERIOD | GETTING ACQUAINTED The teacher wants you to ask him questions about himself, his home town, his family, his hobbies, etc. DICTATION I Listen corefully and write the dictation the teacher is going to ts DON'T ask any questions while the teacher is reading. Try to write everything you hear, but don’t worry about the words you don’t understand, Ski-jumping. Winter Carnival. Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. " 10. How are you getting along in your job? LL. Do you know how to mix drinks? 12. Is this the first time you've studied here? 13. Did you enjoy yourself on your last vacation? Unit Two + 3 UNIT THREE CHORAL REPETITION A HAVE someone DO something 1, Does Mr. Mitchell ever type his own letters? No, he doesn’t. He always HAS his secretary TYPE them for him. 2. Where's your watch? I'M HAVING the watchmaker CHECK it because I dropped it the other day. 3. Did Susan make the dress she wore to the dance herself? No, she HAD a dressmaker MAKE it. 4. How's your father been feeling lately? Not very well, He’S GOING TO HAVE the doctor EXAMINE him aext week. 5 Your next door neighbors’ house has just been painted, hasn’t it? Yes, it has, They’VE HAD the same man PAINT it for the last two times. 6. Did Mr. Moore fix his wife’s bedroom lamp last night? No, he didn’t, because Mrs. Moore HAD already HAD an electrician FIX it when he got home from work. EXERCISE 1A Exomple: «) Mr. Anderson sometimes has his wife type letters for him. (daughter) He sometimes has his daughter type letters for him. 3. niece 4. daughter-in-law b) I'm going to have a mechanic check my car next week. (Bob) Bob is going to have a mechanic check his car next week. 1. Miss Kelly 3. Mr Morgan 2. My next door neighbors 4, The Scewasts Unit Three - 10 ¢) Did Mr. Sullivan have bis secretary pay the rent yesterday? Yes, he did. (write some letters) Did he have her write some letters yesterday? Yes, he did. J) go to the bank 3. call bis lawyer ay the telephone bill 4. work overtime @) Have you had the mechanic repair your car? No, I haven't had him repair it yet. {doctor examine your chest) Have you had the doctor examine your chest? No, I haven't had him examine it yet. 3. watchmaker check your watch |, electrician fix your lamp 4. carpenter make your desk }. painter paint your bedroom HXERCISE IIA Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of the verb HAVE. Example: a) My uncle the florist sead some flowers to my aunt yesterday. My uncle HAD the florist send some flowers to my auat yesterday. { ys LOY his soa turn the TV on after supper. 2. My boss 120) me go to the bank for him yesterday. " §. Nancy's brother 11 his.tailor make him a gray suit, and he says it’s going to fit him very well. fad lv e mechanic repair his car for the Jast five years. 1. Me. Speacer 4. Dr. Karlberg $. How often do you think I should he dentist check my teeth? 6. Mrs. Powell JA. » piano teacher give her daughter lessons this year. \ 7. Our teacher always +14!" us put our homework papers on his (her) desk. 9. 200 £you i12_a watchmaker fix your watch yet? 9. My sister ‘a dressmaker make her a new dress for next Saturday night’s dance. Unit Three - 11 y 10. My boss already one of the other girls in the office type so lettees for him when I got to work yesterday morning, CHORAL REPETITION B HAVE something DONE 1. Does your father wash his car himself? No, hedoesn’r. He always HAS ic WASHED at a filling station + AREN'T the Wilsons HAVING their house REP AIRED? No, they’RE only HAVING it PAINTED. 3. How long has it been since you HAD yout picture TAKEN? It's been about three weeks. I had to bring two pictures when I came he register. 4. Your brother has been having a lot of headaches lately, hasn't he? Yes, he has. The doctor says he needs glasses. He'S GOING TO HAVE his eyes EXAMINED next week. 5- Has Peter finished writing his thesis yet? Yes, he finished it about two months ago. He’S already HAD it PUBLISHED. 6- Miss Porter has very pretty teeth, doesn't she? Yes, she does. She told me she’D never HAD a tooth PULLED. EXERCISE 1B Exemple: a) Mr. Sullivan always has his car washed at a filling station. (The Clarks) The Clarks always have their car washed at a filling station 1. My uncle 3. Peggy O'Neill 2. The Olsens 4. We §) The Gordons are going to have their son's eyes examined next month, (radio repaired) They're going to have their radio repaired next month, 1. pictures taken 2, stereo set fixed 3. daughter's teeth checked 4. house painted Unit Three - 12 ¢) Does Mr. Amold buy his suits at a clothing store? No, he doesn't. He has them made. (Mrs, Foster ... dresses) Does Mrs. Foster buy her dresses at a clothing store? No, she doesn’t. She has them made. skirts clothes 3. Miss Collins .. 4. Your brother |) Katherine ... blouses Ralph ... shirts d) Have you had your radio fixed? No, I haven't had it fixed yet. (car) Have you had your car fixed? No, I haven't had it fixed yet. 3. pen 4. camera 1, (ypewriter wach ERCISE 1B os. each sentence with the appropriate form of the verb HAVE and the PAST PARTICIPLE of the verb in parenthesis. his car yesterday. Exemple: a) My uncle asi My uncle HAD his car WASHED yesterday. I aeaded 1, we! boour house lawl next month. (PAINT) his suits by the same tailor for the last ten years. (MAKE) j\ My sister usually ho te dresses 1. Mr. Hoffman Ma Se, (MAKE) rl | p ) ena. hal omaviet), 4, Dr. Nichols isn’t driving his car today because he ie ee AIR) AL their li 8 pi s the park last Sunday. §, The Warrens Uc their little boy’s vie mae wil bg wiANid ie Bagland. (, John Todd U2 his next book pee Unit Three - 13 7. You Littl never hott» cooch AHL, have you? i¢ (PULL) i c 81 bath ay wateh 100 last week. (FIX) “her children’s eyes 10. My boss said he 0) three reeth Lalli in the last two month: (PULL) 9. Mrs. Thompson 14 EXERCISE lit Answer these questions with T¥O COMPLETE, LOGICAL ideas. 1. How often should people have a dentist check their teeth? 2. Do you buy your clothes, or do you have them made? 3+ Did your mext door neighbors have their house painted last year? 4. Does your boss sometimes have you pay bills for him? 5+ How many sentences did your teacher have you write for homework 6- You aren't wearing your watch today. Are you having it fixed? 7. Mt. Robertson sometimes has his employee s work overtime, doesn’t bt 8. Has it been very long since you had your picture taken? 9. Does your father sometimes have you type let ters for him? 10. Have you ever had a tooth pulled? 11. How many bottles of milk did Mrs. Ryan have the milkman leave her yt 12. Had the Gibsons already had their house repaired when they rented it 13. Where does your teacher usually have you put your homework papers w you hand them in? 14. Does Mrs, Baker wash her clothes herself, or does she have them was a laundry? 15. When is your American friend going to have you start givin g him Spani lessons? 16. Do you usually have someone help you with your homework? 17. Why does your teacher always have you memorize the dialogs? 18. People should have a doctor examine them once a year, shoulda’t they: 19. Did your brother have his thesis published when he got his degree? 20. What time are you going to have your family wake you up tomorrow m DIALOG I A. Does your sister do her hair herself? B. No, she doesn’e, She always has it done at a beauty shop, Some women I to do their own hair, don’t they? A. (ORIGINAL TWO-IDEA ANSWER) Unit Three - 14 UNIT FOUR TIME CLAUSES (1) CHORAL REPETITION A |. WHEN I finish Course Eight, I'm going to take Course Nine. I'm going to take Course Nine WHEN I finish Course Eight. 2. My brother always does his homework BEFORE he goes to bed. He usually does it right AFTER he eats supper. 3. We've going to have supper downtown BEFORE we go to the movies. 4. AS SOON AS the class is over, I bave fo leave. cermin 5. Are you going fo lend me that book AS SOON AS you get through with it? No, I can’? lend it to you UNTIL John reads it. I promised to let him have it next. 6. My sister always plays the piano WHILE I’m frying co study. EXERCISE 1A Example: a) The Craigs are going to take a trip co Canada when they buy anew care (finish paying for their bouse} They're going to take a trip to Canada when they finish paying for their bonse, 3. sell their store 1. pay for their furniture 4, have enough money 2. have their next vacation b) When the Craigs buy a new car, they're going to take a tip to Canada. (finish paying for their bouse) ; When the Craigs finish paying for their bouse, they’re going to take a trip to Canada. 3. sell their store 1. pay for their furniture 4, have enough money 2. have their aext vacation Unit Four - 15 ¢) I always do my homework before I eat supper. 9) Alan isn’t going to stop studying Spanish until he learns to to bi I ears pa ae speak it fluently. ¥y homework before I go to bed. ‘pany 1. listen to the radio e. Wadle epee Betty isn’t going to stop studying Spanish until she learns 2. watch television 4 goon to speak if fluently. Boonie 3. Doris Hudson 4) Ate you going to look for a job after you graduate from col d and his sister 4. Richard Nelson (take a vacation) 5 Are you going to take a vacat / ; Bene Pare See Teeth Hee h) I sometimes read the newspaper while I'm eating breakfast. 1. get married 3. move to Siar Ch (often) | 2. visit your relatives in the Lge ta eeisids aol Loften read the newspaper while I'm eating breakfast. United States 3. ever 4, almost always ©) George is going to get martied as soon as he gets his engineering degree. Fill the blanks with the oppropriate word. (Mike ... finishes school) “ Mike is going co get martied as soon as he finishes school, fj | sually eat supper right = WE . 1 goto sleep. (AFTER) (BEFORE) 1, Steve .. gets a better job 3. Ed .. is able to buy a house | Do you like to listen to the radio you're studying? —inetce _ 2. John .. geaduates from college _- 4, Ralph .. gets a promotion Ge ae ites he finishes | Your brother is going to the university (WHEN) (BEFORE) f) As soon as George gets his enginecring degree, he's going | Nigh school, isn’t he? to get marticd. ” . Nobody lixes co go to the dentist (Mike finisbes school) : jobody likes to g As soon as Mike finishes school, he's going to get married. I) yoy should answer Paul's letter QTE he has to. (UNTIL) (AFTER) SOO you can. (BEFORE) (AS SOON AS) _ ONTI 1 go to sleep. (UNTIL) (AFTER) AD _ S000 AS that piceure comes to town, I’m going to see it. 1. Steve gets a better job 3. Ed is able to buy a house in bed 2. John graduates from college GsMalph gels « presocion | | often read in be (WHILE) (AS SOON AS). | I'll be glad to help you wich that translation GEIGH- _t get (AFTER) (UNTIL) through writing this letter. we see the play, let's have something to eat. (AFTER) (WHILE) Unit Four - 16 Unit Four - 17 10. —________i get my degree, my boss is going to raise m; GEN (ONT) get my degr going y salary. 11. I’m going to pay my brother the money I owe him L (UNTIL) (BEFORE) asks me for it. wrfile 12. u're drinkin; ur coffee, I’m going to make a (BEFORE) (WHILE) —_ ae eee telephone call. 13. iG!) __t have a headache, I usually lie down. (WHEN) (BEFORE) 4. ove (BEFORE) (WHEN) 20 FOL 5. (AFTER) (BEFORE) con AS 16. I'm going to buy a new suit é can. sd (AS SOON AS) (BEFORE) EXERCISE ILA Answer these questions with TWO COMPLETE, LOGICAL ideas. (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) 1. Do you usually stay in bed when you have a fever? 2. Are the Harpers going to have their house painted before they leave for New York? 3. Do you always get up as soon as you wake up? 4. A lot of students are able to get a better job after they learn to speak English, aren't they? 5. When your boss is sixty years old, he’s going to retire, isn't he? 6. Can most people read while they’re listening to the radio? 7. Do you usually go to see a doctor when you have a cold? 8. Is it hatd to catch a taxi when it's raining? 9. Is your cousin going to live here after she gets married? 10. Do you get nervous when you have to speak in English? 11. Do you always have time to eat breakfast before you leave home in the morning? 12. Is your family planning to go out of town when they have their next vacation? 13. Do you usually read until you get sleepy at night? Unit Four - 18 the teacher calls the roll, we always answer “Here,! you leave class, please hand in your homework. \, Does your teacher usually let you leave as soon as the bell rings? \j, Does your boss get to the office after you do every morning? DIALOG It A, Do you live far from school? fi, Yes, I do. I have to take two buses when I come to class. It takes me about 45 minutes co get here. Do you come to class from home or from the office? A (ORIGINAL TWO-IDEA ANSWER) Winter in Vermont. This farmer uses horses to help clear fallen trees from.the land, UNIT FIVE TIME CLAUSES (11) CHORAL REPETITION A 1. WHEN Helen finished business school, she got a good job. She'd already learned how to speak English WHEN she started going to business school. . 2. My brother did his homework BEFORE he went to bed last night. He did it right AFTER he ate supper. 3. We bad supper downtown BEFORE we went to the movies last night. 4. AS SOON AS Tom graduated from college, he got married. 5. Did Charles say he was going fo lend you that book AS SOON AS he got through with ic? No, he said he couldn't lend it to me UNTIL Bruce read it. He'd promised to let him have it next. 6. My little sister made a lot of noise WHILE I was trying to study last night. 7. Its been almost a year SINCE I saw Millie. 8. Me. Harper basn’t been able to go back co work SINCE he bad his accident. EXERCISE IA Example: o) When the Second World War ended, my father bought a new car. (the United Nations bad already been organized for several months) When the Second World Wat ended, the United Nations bad already been organized for several months. 1. the Palmers took « trip to Europe 2. Sally was still in elementary school 3. President Roosevelt had just died 4, « lot of new industries were started b) I did my homework before I ate supper last night. (went to bed) I did my homework before I went fo bed last night. 1. listened to the radio 2. watched television 3. read the paper 4. went out Unit Five - 20 ¢) Did you and your friends go home after the concert was over lase night? (Mr. Coben) Did Mr. Coben go, home after the concert was over last night? 3. Dr. Gordon 4. Mrs. Douglas and her daughter 1, Mr. Ryan 2. the conductor and the musicians d) As soon as George got his engineering degree, he got married. (Mike finished school) As soon as Mike finished school, he got married. 3. Ed was able co buy 2 house 4. Ralph got a promotion J. Steve got a better job 2. John came back from South America e) Alan didn’t stop studying Spanish until he learned to speak it fluently. (Betty) Betty didn’t stop studying Spanish until she learned to speak ‘ie fluently. 3. Doris Hudson 4. Richard Nelson 1. Connie 2. Fred and his sister 4) While I was studying last night, my mother was cooking supper. (my father was reading the paper) While 1 was studying last night, my father was reading the paper. 1. my two sisters were watching 3. my grandmother was making a sweater television . 2. the dog was sleeping on the floor 4. my brother was doing his homework Unit Five - 21 9) It’s been a long time since I saw a good movie. (I went to a dance) It's been a long time since I went to a dance. 1. [heard from Frank 2. it snowed in Mexico City 3. my father had a vacation 4,1 was in kindergarten exercasé i t a Fill the blanks with the oppropriate forms of the verb in parentheses, 4 5 1. My brother “his homework right after he ALE supper last night. ight after he 47 (DO) (EAT) 2. Bob Snyder or i i pie for the Continental Appliance Co. for two years whi ¢ ao his first raise. his firse rai: 3, : - My boss me type some letters before I «1 to lunch yesterday. 4. Harry said he Mi i (ASK) MAY Ana to marry him wail he ean better job. 5. Ie about five years since Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler (BE) ‘ ae a book while it yesterday afternoon, "READ 7. My uncle said he a Potsche as soon ashe his old car. (SELL) 8. My fathy ly father back from his last 7 Sick for three days after he (COME) vacation. 9. The Mactins ce" an apartment since they 7 (SELL) their house. 10. Mr. Lane “for 12 years when he his first accident. E) (DRIVE) 11. As soon as Ruth (HEAR) Bin 2 back t0 Chicago. ane cago. abour her grandfather's death last week, she Unit Five - 22 Freach for six months last year before she ui |, Miss Jobs j, Miss Johnson (GO) ‘ero ay France. French when she (60 ) Miss Johasoa —-—-aleeady —- last year. 4 te 24a 'fong time since Dr. Schultz a medical student. BE) BE) 2c) a medical student. (BE) Wj, De. Schulez said ic Li4 ‘a long dime since he w ( BE) IXERCISE Ill Complete these sentences as in the examples. Example; o) AFTER we finish this course, , AFTER we finish this course, we're going to take Course Nine. b) Pll call you up tomortow AS SOON AS T'll call you up tomorrow AS SOON AS I get off work. |. AFTER I finished reading my book last night, 2 2. Do you ever come to class AFTER ? }, BEFORE I started seudying here, 2 24 4. Will you please let me know AS SOON ase 5, WHILE I was waiting for my bus this moming, 64 Tre not going to quit my present job UNTIL 7. P've known the Andersons SINCE re. fh. Steve is going to have to lear to speak German BEFORE 9. AS SOON AS I found out about Paul’s accident, +———- 10. Most people can’e write WHILE 01 2/0"! 11. Dorothy said she didn’t want to get married UNTIL 2, WHEN I'm sixty years old, : lj. WHEN I was little, ‘ 1d. We're going eo have a final exam WHEN 15. Dr. Manning had been teaching at the university for twenty years WHEN . 16. Are you going to call anyone up AS SOON AS 17. My sister and I went co a party AFTER 18. WHEN I have a few days off, 2. 19. [never listen to the radio WHILE *, §), Did you oze your brother's car WHEN 01th Unit Five - 23 EXERCISE iV Answer these questions with TWO COMPLETE, LOGICAL ideas, (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) 1. When you cross the street, do you always look both ways? 2. How long has it been since you began to study English? 3. You always practice the dialog before you come to class, don’t you? 4. Did you go home as soon as you got off work yesterday? 5+ Do you sometimes get sleepy after you eat a big lunch? 6. Did your sister work in the afternoons while she was going to business school? 7. The teacher doesn’t usually call che roll until the bell rings, does he (she)? 8 The Gibsons lived in a very small house until their first child was born, dida’t they? 9. Do most people like to talk while they're dancing? 10. Why didn’t your cousin go back to work right after he was operated on? Il, Did you get up as soon as you woke up this morning? 12. Could you make yourself understood in English before you took Course 5? 13. How long did you have to stay in bed when you had the measles? 14. Have you met many Americans since you began studying English? 15. Are you usually in a hurry when you leave home in the morning? 16, Do you ever have to leave before the class is over? 17. Did you read until you got sleepy last night? 18. Do you ever get to the office after everybody else does? 19. Did you go to the movies very often when you were little? 20. The teacher always starts the class as soon as the bell rings, doesn’t he (she)? DICTATION It Listen carefully and write the dictation the teacher is going to read. DON’T ask any questions while the teacher is reading. Try to write everything you hear, but don’t worry about the words you don’t understand, Unit Five - 24 UNIT SIX EXERCISE | A) Change the sentences in each group te simple questions. Example; a) My family and I slept late last Sunday morning. DID you and your family SLEEP late last Sunday morning? REVIEW OF VERB TENSES (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) Present Tense 1. This class always begins as soon as the bell rings. 2. My next door neighbors ere out of town this week. 3. The Allens bave their house painted every year. 4 A lot of coffee is produced in South America. 5. The family that lives across the street from us is German. Prosent Tense with -ING 1. My youngest brother #s taking a course in journalism at the university. 2. Ted Green és getting along well in his job in Detroit. 3. Theyre hiring a lot of people at the company my uncle works for. 4. Teachers are making better salaries now than they used to. 5. Some new houses are being built on the street I live on now. Past Tense 1. I got to class a little earlier today than I usually do. 2. Ie was very windy yesterday afternoon. 3. The last suit my brother bad made didn’t fit him very well. 4. Me. Thompson bad his wife pay the telephone bill yesterday. 5. I drank two cups of coffee for breakfast this moming. Past Tense with - ING 1. It was reiedeg when I left home this morning. 2. My uncle was smoking three packs of cigarettes a day when the doctor told him to stop. J, Macjorie and Elizabeth were studying in Europe when their grandfather died. A. Me. Scote was trying to fix his son’s bicycle when he hurt his hand. 5. Capt. and Mrs. Rosenberg were living in Japan when their second child bora. GOING TO 1, My cousin és goizg to quit his job next month. Unit Six - 25 l ty pow okt 2. There's going to be a circus in town next week. }) Frances always invites a lot of people to come to her parties, doesn’t she? 3. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson are going to spend a couple of months in Maine next) last party howe summer. b) next pacty 4. My sister is going to take a course in shorthand next yeat. ¢) already ... next party 5. Both of the Sullivan brothers are going to graduate from medical school J: tlave you ever had to borow money from your brother? sexe ]use) a) sometimes Present Perfect Tense b) lane week 1. I've never studied political science. . ¢) lately 2. The Jacksons bave been living in Brazil for several years. : 4) next week 3. It's been a long time since I saw a good play. J. Does your father leave home at 6 o'clock in the morning? 4. The building where my father went to school bas been torn down, By yesterday moelag 5. A Belgian friend of mine bas been belping me with my French lately. b) every morning Past Perfect Tense ¢) tomorrow morning 1. Nobody at my house bed gotten up when I left home this morning. d) every morning this week 2. Most of the stores downtown bad already closed when I got off work 4. Is your cousin studying here this term? Ines aight ; a) very long when she got her present job 3. Shirley said she bad been baving a lot of headaches lately. bj iticaohe gt heeiptwomat Jeb 4, Phil bad never studied Spanish before he went to Latin America. c)ever 5. My uncle bad been a salesman for a long time when he started his own Sarasa business. 2) next term 1B), Crangethaite questions esiinithe srenels; (; Does Me. Barnes have his car washed every week? Example; Do you often practice verbs? dow a) last Saturday ARE you PRACTICING verbs now? pe 8) ie the last class sesyinienconenee , DID you PRACTICE verbs ia the last class? 4) already ... when it began to rain yesterday Sy ideepaay ¢) every week for the last month DD, yous RAG Teen tenievary 287 EXERCISE REVIEW OF QUESTIONS WITH INTERROGATIVE WORDS d) every day this week HAVE you PRACTICED verbs every day this week? ¢) in the next class ARE you GOING TO PRACTICE vetbs in the next class? (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) 1. My family has breakfast at 7 o'clock every morning. (WHAT TIME) 2. Some of the students didn’t understand the lesson last time because they Form questions with interrogative words es in the example. Exemple: ¢) I'd to spend my next vacation in Hawaii. (WHERE) WHERE wou'd you like to spend your next vacation? 1. Does someone meet you after class every day? a) yesterday b) tomorrow came late. (WHY) }. lusually have my car washed at a filling station near my house. (WHERE) c) usually 4) every day this week Unit Six - 26 Unit Six - 27 4. Mr. Duan had his daughter type some letters for him yesterday. (WHO. 5. The weather was cold and windy here last January. (WHAT ... LIKE) 6. Dick Patterson is taking five subjects at the university this year. (HOW 7. There was a movie at school every Wednesday night last year. (HOW OFTEN) 8. My sister had to wake me up this morning. (WHO) 9. The Andersons’ oldest son will be 21 on his next birthday. (HOW OLD) 10. The Olympic Theater was torn down about five years ago. (HOW LONG A\ 11. My uncle had been working for the Eastern Chemical Co. for two years wh he got his first promotion, (HOW LONG) 12. A cousin of mine taught me to dance. (WHO) 13. San Marino is the oldest republic in the world. (WHAT) 14. I'm going swimming with my nephew next Saturday. (VHO > ) 15. It’s 1,472 miles from Omaha, Nebraska, to Boston, Massachusetts. (HOW F. 16. Ann wore her sister's gloves to Elizabeth's wedding last Saturday. (WHOSE) 17. My littie niece was seven years old when she learned how to say the multiplication table . (HOW OLD) 18. Miss Keeuger’s eyes are blue. (WHAT COLOR) 19. The Porzers’ oldest son has been staying out until 11 o'clock at night lately. (HOW LATE) 20. There were at least $0,000 people at last Saturday’s football game. (HOW M, 21, Phil told me that he and Mary Ann were going to get married in the fall. (WHEN) 22. They're charging 15 cents for a cup of coffee at most restaurants now. (WHA 23. L haven't been feeling well lately because I haven't been getting enough sleep. (WHY) 24, The Spencers are going to have to pay three hundred dollars to have their hot painted. (HOW MUCH) 25. I'd like to own a Mercedes-Benz. (WHAT KIND OF) 1 O EXERCISE tt! GEWERAL QUESTIONS Answer these questions with TWO COMPLETE, LOGICAL ideas. (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) 1. Do you know when our next president is going to be elected? 2. When you cross the street, do you sometimes forget to look both ways? 3. Have you ever had to have a letter translated for you? 4, Was the teacher that caught your class last term a man or a woman? Unit Six - 28 PREE CONVERSATION PERIOD I fome of your classmates are nd then ask as many original . How long has it been since you had « dentist look at your teeth? (. Most of the students in this class don’t have co leave until the class is over every day, do they? |, How long ago was America discovered? |, What's the name of the family that lives next door to you? . It doesn’t always rain when it’s cloudy, does it? | Did you have that suit (dress) made, or did you buy it? JJ. Are any new people being hired at the company where your brother sass {j, Does Mr. Jenkins, who's a lawyer, want his son to be a lawyer sa soning Jj. Were you able to catch 2 bus as soon as you got to the corner this moming; 14, Do you know how long ago the church you go to was built? \j, Where does your sister usually have her hair done? QUESTION PRACTICE g to read some senfences. Listen corefully QUESTIONS as you can about each sentence. tions asks for ADDITIONAL INFORMATI ON. Lane sure thet each of your q \ Example: Your classmate’s sentence; Mr. Stewart has lunch with Mr. every Wednesday. a) Where do they usually have lunch? b) Is Me. Stewart Mr. Lane's business partner? c) What time do they have lunch? 4) What kind of food do they like? Who hos lunch with Mr. Lane every Wednesday? Who does Mr. Stewort have lunch with every Wednesday? hs Mr. Stewart have lunch with Me. Your original questions: Do NOT ask questions like these: Unit Six - 29 UNIT SEVEN b) What's Frank saving his money for? He's saving it so he can go to Europe next year. PURPOSE CLAUSES (Miss Allen) What's Miss Allen saving her money for? CHORAL REPETITION A She's saving it so she can go co Europe next year. ize is 5 , is vase eis this term SO I'll pass Course 8, |) Bleanor 3. Mary’s sister ‘m studying hard this term SO THAT PI bass Course 8.) Ih Mr. Kent 4. Bob Peter always sets his alarm clock at night SO he the next morning. (He always sets his alarm clock SO THAT he 2 "11 wake up easly ¢) Why should you come co class on time? I should come to class on time so I'll hear everything che : teacher says. s Boing to take a few days off next month SO she (repeat the choral repetitions after the teacher "ll wake up easly.) 5. Be sure to take your raincoat when you 4. Miss Tucker says she’ Can rest, 80 out SO you won't get wet, 5. Mes, Stevens is going to start cleanis be able to speak more naturally) will be ready for the pay ae 3 ae her house this week SO everything Why should you repeat the choral repetitions after the teacher? Gir Youseboutd ¢ eek I should repeat the choral repetitions after the teacher so I'll ‘ear a coat tonight SO you won't catch cold, be able to speak more naturally, 7 What have the Joneses been saving their money for? They've been saving their money SO they can fahe trip next summer. 8. Why has your brother chaaged his working hours? He's changed his working hours SO he'll bave more time to study. 4. do your ear oe _ bring a hl eines ses ow what Mm} |) practice the dialogs 3. speak English in class be able to say them in class learn to think in English EXERCISE 1A Example: 0) Jim is going to get up eatlier every micalappat be iteee 4) V'm going to get up eatly tomorrow morning so I won't have time to write his thesis. to dress in a hurry. (stop working overtime) (bave to go to work without breakfast) He's going to stop working overtime so he'll have more time I'm going to get up early tomorrow morning so I won't bave to monribe bisiiiesis: 0 to work without breakfast, 7 id up later every night 3. stop watching television 1, miss the 7:30 bus 3. have to take a taxi to work + work only five days a week 4. stop going to the movies J be late for work 4 have to work late tomorrow aight Unit Seven - 31 EXERCISE ILA EXERCISE IB a Answer these questions with TYO COMPLETE, LOGICAL ideas. Use o Example: @) Jim said he was going to get up early every day so he' ve PURPOSE CLAUSE with SO in the first part of your answer to each question. more time to write his thesis. , (wasn't going to watch any television programs) He said he wasn't going to watch any television programs so he’d have more time to write his thesis. Example: «) Why are you going to get up early tomorrow morning? I'm going to get up early SO (that) I’ll have enough time to get ready for my trip. I have to catch a bus at 9 o'clock. (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) 1, was going to leave his office at 4 o'clock every day . 2, wasn’t going to stay out late at night 1. Why do you take your class at this hour? 3. was going to work only five days a week 2. Why should children go to bed early? 4. was going to stay up late every night 3. What are the Marshalls going to move to a bigger house for? 4. Why do people work? b) I got up early yesterday morning so I wouldn't have to dress 5. What are you studying English for? in a hurry. 6. Why is your brother trying to save his money? (bave to go to work without breakfast) 7. Why does Louise want co learn how co drive? , 1 got up early yesterday morning so I woulda’t bave to go to 8. Why does your aunt always buy her Christmas presents in November? work without breakfast. 9. Why do some people always take an umbrella with them when it’s raining? . 10. What’s Irene going to study shorthand for? 1. miss the 7:30 bus 3. have co take a taxi to work — 2, be late for work 4. have co work late tomorrow night CHORAL REPETITION B 1. Harty said he was studying hard SO he'd pass his next Spanish test. ¢) What did Frank say he was saving his money for? (Harry said he was studying hard SO THAT he would pass his next He said he was saving it so he could go to Europe next year. Spanish test.) (Miss Allen) 2. Peter set his alarm clock last night SO he'd wake up early this morning. What did Miss Allen say she was saving her money for? 3. Miss Tucker said she was going to take a few days off next month SO she could rest, - 1. Eleanor 3. Mary's sister 4. Why did your parents go to the early show last night? bes Ketik 4. Bob They went to the early show SO they wouldn't bave to wait in line to buy their tickets. $. What did George say he'd been saving his money for? He told me he'd been saving his money SO he could buy a car next year. 6. The Martins said they were going to have their car checked SO they wouldn't have any motor trouble on their way to Cleveland. Unit Seven - 32 She said she was saving it so she coald go to Europe next year. EXERCISE IIB Answer these questions with TWO COMPLETE LOGICAL ideas. Use a PURPOSE CLAUSE with SO in the first port of your answer to ea Exompl ich question, @) Why did you get up early yesterday morning? 1 got up early so I'd have enough time to get ready for my trip. Thad co catch a bus at 9 o'clock, (CLOSE YOUR BOOK.) 1, Why did you decide to take your class at this hour? 2. What did the Marshalls move to a bigger house for? 3: Why did the teacher tell the students to come to class on time every day? 4. Why did Joe say he was going to quit his job? 5- Whar did the Clarks say they were having theit car checked for? 6. Why did you say that your brother had gone to the United States? 7. Why did Dr. Henderson have to go to Peru last week? 8. Why did your aunt do her Christmas shopping in Novembet last year? 9. Why did Mrs. Foster tell her little boy to weat a sweater this morning? 10. What did Susan say she was going to study shorthand for? EXERCISE It Complete these sentences as in the examples. Example: «) Mr. Hall gave his wife some money this morning SO (that) Me. Hall gave his wife some money this morning SO she could buy the groceries, 5) I'm going to take my suit to the dty cleaner’s tomorrow SO (that) V’'m going to take my suit to the dry cleaner’s tomorrow SO if"/! he ready for my trip next week, I. Lalways have breakfast at 7 o'clock SO Z, 2. My oldest brother is taking six courses at the university this year SO___. 3. The Olsens are going co leave for Houston eatly Friday aight SO. 4. I sent that letter as soon as I wrote it SO 5+ My father took a taxi to work yesterday SO i : 6. We sometimes have to close the windows in our classroom SO <1. _', ~ 7. June said the doctor told her to start eating more Oe, ~ 8. Henry has been studying very hard lately SO 2 Je, ~9. We'te going to buy our tickets for next week's concert comorrow SO LL. The doctor told me to start going co bed earlier every night SO Unit Seven » 34 10. My boss said he wanted to know what time the bus to Mazatlan left SO, | Mrs. O'Brien is going to take her son to the dentist next week SO zi « y Nancy Green never drives very fast SO ] band, bellboy decide, dictate game, grade velvet, Vivian milkman, match nylon, knock bring, feeling loud, linen [ 5] chat, mother [21 zipper, musie (3 |. garage, usually [ 43 ]juse, geology [¥ 1. yache, use [0] reporter, repair [| wash, world { bw ] why, whether Unit Eight - 40 Unit Eight - 41 wtb [ VI tnitial berry - very best - vest base - vase boar = vote IL. Intonation Imitate your teacher's pronunciction and intonation of the following senten 1. Let's buy some candy when we go to thefmqvies tonight. 2. Do you shine your shoes youself, or do youfhave|them shined? 3. My mother has had our clothes cleaned at the same place for the. 4. You should wear a coat tonight so you won't catch{cdld. 5- I'm going to get up early so J won't be late forf werk. 6. My brother is saving his money so he can buy afciyr. 7. What did your sister say she was going to study! English for? 8. She said she was going to study it so she could get a taise in [sah 9. The electricity often goes off at my house when id thins. 10. The Bensons are having theirfhouse|painted, aren't|they? Medial gabble - gavel rebel - revel robing - roving rabble - ravel Unit Eight - 42 ATION tI carefully and write the dictotion the teacher is going fo read. DON'T hy questions while the teacher is reading. Try to write everything you" but don't worry about the words you don’t understand. Final eal civenve Ilents of the Northeastern United States shovel a lot of snow between ber and April every year. curb + curve robe - rove dub = dove READING | University of Maryland College Park, Maryland February 1, 1970 Dear Larry, Thanks for your invitation to come to Boston and visit you next weekend I'm going to surprise you and accept. Ihave an ‘A’? average, 30 I can misa'a fe classes. Besides I've been able to save some money from my job at the men dormitory. The same day your letter arcived I received a Letter from Dick Owens. Hel going eo Dartmouth College ia Hanover, which is about a hundred and forty mil from Boston. He says that it's a very old small college with a lot of traditio He invited me to visit him during the winter carnival next week. Why don’t come too? We can spend the weekend im Boston, then go to Hanover for carnival and maybe you can come back as far as New York with me. I've been the United Scates for more than a year now and I've never been to New York. might get lost by myself there, but it will be fun with someone else. What do yo say? I think I need to take @ tip. I've been feeling depressed lately. Sheila and broke our engagement. You remember Sheila .. she's the girl who lived next to us in Baltimore, 1 still don'e know how it happened. Sheila's a wonderful gis Tive almost decided it was all my fault. Maybe I just don’t understand Americ gicls, or any girls, Is it true that people in Boston eat more beans b United States? I haven't had any good beans since I left Mexico, 20 when I g to Boston be sure to take me where we can get some. See you Friday. Sincerely, Rucerde hating Unit Bight - 44 ONVERSATION | wiry meets Ricardo at the railroad station in downtown Boston, (The sp Ricardo and Larry Watson.) lieurdo: Hi, Larry. It’s good to see you. It’s good to see you too, Ricardo. You've gained weight since we wete out West cogether. I guess it’s all hac good Maryland food. Well, what do you think of Boston? What a question! I just gor off the train, we're about eight blocks from the station, and you want to know what I think of Boston. It looks like any other big American city, I think. Pechaps the streets are a little narrower. Well, you know that Boston is one of our oldest and most historical cities, Half the buildings date from colonial times. The Bostonians are very proud of their history. You talk like @ member of the Boston Chamber of Commerce.”” Well, I didn’t expect to like Boston before I came here. I wanted to g0 to Harvard because I thought it was probably the finest university in the United States but I expected co spend most of my time in Cambridge. Where is Cambridge? Right across the Charles River from Boston, Harvard is in Cambridge. It's so close that it seems like a part of Boston. is it crue that Bostonians are narrow-minded and unfriendly? It’s funny. I chought so like everyone else, bue I've found them to be juse the opposite. Bostonians are different from Westerners or Southerners or even New Yorkers. Most New Englanders are more conservative and serious than other people. Ricardo: Maybe it’s because this was the section of the country where the British colonists first settled, and the people have kept their British traditions. “But the Irish and Poles who settled here in the last century and the Italians and other Europeans who have come in this century have adopted the New England ways and the New Englanders’ pronunciation, Aren't some parts of Mexico different from other parts? Ricardo: Oh, yes. The people of Veracruz speak differently from the people in the North, and the people in the North speak differently from the people in the Federal District. Lacy: Unit Bight » 45

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