Libro de Inglés 6to Secundaria MINERD

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Sexto Grado. Segundo Ciclo. Educación Secundaria

Sexto Grado. Segundo Ciclo. Educación Secundaria


Este libro ha sido diseñado y concebido por la UNIDAD EDITORIAL del Ministerio de Educación de la República
Dominicana (MINERD) dirigida por MANUEL NÚÑEZ ASENCIO.


Asesoría pedagógica: Ancell Scheker Mendoza, Leónidas Germán,

Carlos Geofrannys Vidal Pérez, María Virtudes Núñez Fidalgo

Coordinadores de diagramación,
corrección y cierre: Félix Gómez y Josephine Vilorio
Asesor editorial: Lony Fernández Álvarez
Cierre de edición: Maia Terrero, Joanna Jiménez, Karla Taveras, Grecia Santos
Ilustración\ Fotografía
Diagramación y Diseño gráfico: U.S.Embassy Santo Domingo
Teacher Development Center,
Universidad Domínico Americano
Institute of collaborative Learning


Institución \ Autor: U.S.Embassy Santo Domingo

Teacher Development Center,
Universidad Domínico Americano
Institute of collaborative Learning

© 2023, Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana, MINERD

Av. Máximo Gómez esquina Santiago, # 02 Gazcue, Distrito Nacional, República Dominicana
809-688-9700 | |

ISBN: 978-9945-646-60-3

Impreso por:

© 2023, Todos los derechos reservados.

Este libro es propiedad exclusiva del Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana, MINERD. ESTÁ
PROHIBIDA SU VENTA PARCIAL O TOTAL y su uso se limita al sistema educativo público dominicano para
el beneficio de los estudiantes, bajo el acompañamiento de los docentes, padres y tutores.

Esta publicación no puede ser reproducida, ni en todo ni en parte, ni registrada en o transmitida por un
sistema de reproducción de información, en ninguna forma ni por ningún medio; ya sea mecánico, foto-
químico, electrónico, magnético, electro-óptico, por fotocopia, o cualquier otro, sin el permiso previo por
escrito y certificado del Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana, MINERD.

Luis Abinader
Presidente de la República

Raquel Peña
Vicepresidenta de la República

Ángel Hernández Castillo

Ministro de Educación

Ancell Scheker Mendoza

Viceministra de Servicios Técnicos y Pedagógicos

Julio Cordero Espaillat

Viceministro de Gestión Administrativa

Ramón Rolando Reyes Luna

Viceministro de Planificación y Desarrollo Educativo

Oscar Amargós
Viceministro de Supervisión y Control de la Calidad Educativa

Ligia Jeanette Pérez Peña

Viceministra de Descentralización y Participación

Francisco Germán D´Oleo

Viceministro de Acreditación y Certificación
Libro Abierto

Libro Abierto es la colección de textos escolares orientada a impactar en la calidad de

la educación dominicana. Para la elaboración de los contenidos de estos libros parti-
ciparon las academias científicas, las instituciones educativas y las universidades na-
cionales. En estos centros se concentran los principales intelectuales del país cuyos
talentos han sido puestos al servicio de la educación nacional.

La colección Libro Abierto tendrá dos presentaciones. Una impresa, integrada por dos
series, y la otra digital. En la primera, se publicarán aquellos textos que se orientan al
segundo ciclo del Nivel Inicial, los primeros tres grados de primaria y las áreas curri-
culares de primaria y secundaria: Ciencias Sociales, Lengua Española, Matemática y
Ciencias de la Naturaleza.

En la presentación digital se publicarán los libros de texto de todas las áreas y los ma-
teriales que sirvieron de base para la educación a distancia durante la pandemia. Para
ello, se dispone de una plataforma desde la cual, los estudiantes y docentes, podrán
descargar dichos materiales y hacer uso de ellos libremente. Fortalecemos así la edu-
cación bajo la modalidad híbrida, impresa y digital.

Con esta colección Libro Abierto se impactará positivamente en la calidad de la edu-

cación y, además, los recursos disponibles en el presupuesto del MINERD se utilizarán
de una manera más eficiente.

Estos libros constituyen un referente cualitativo en la historia de la educación domi-

nicana y esperamos que los directores de centros, los docentes, los estudiantes y sus
padres sean los críticos permanentes de los mismos y que sus opiniones ayuden a
mejorarlos constantemente.

Ángel Hernández Castillo

Ministro de Educación

El Proyecto Libro Abierto es una iniciativa del Ministerio de Educación de la República Domini-
cana, (MINERD), que busca el desarrollo de contenidos y recursos didácticos, a través de diferen-
tes plataformas digitales e impresas, con la finalidad de ser utilizados en el proceso de enseñanza
y aprendizaje de los estudiantes dominicanos.

A partir de esta importante invención, el Ministerio de Educación presta especial atención a la ne-
cesidad de distribución de estos recursos y contenidos didácticos a las diferentes escuelas y liceos
que conforman el sistema público de educación de la República Dominicana.


Unit 2 de la unidad
Asking forfor and giving explanations and arguments
6th Grade • Secondary School
and giving
explanations & arguments

Secondary School • 6th Grade

Asking for and giving explanations and arguments
(Solicitar y ofrecer razonamientos y explicaciones) Título de
Posible situación en la que se puede utilizar lo aprendido:
Estás en un país de habla inglesa participando en un programa de intercambio. Te pusiste de acuerdo con tus compañeros para
visitar un lugar emblemático de la localidad, pero se te presentó un inconveniente y llegaste tarde al lugar. Necesitas explicar
la unidad
la razón de tu tardanza de forma convincente. Para esto, es necesario saber cómo ofrecer razonamientos y explicaciones.
Introduction to the Unit
Welcome to this new unit! This time, you will work with vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing
related to asking for and giving explanations and arguments. In this sense, the focus will be on school experiences.
You will have an opportunity to assess your knowledge before and after you complete this unit. Before starting with

the exercises, use the flashcards on page 12 to learn this unit’s vocabulary. You can also access to study this unit’s vocabulary and expressions.
We hope you enjoy this learning experience!

de la unidad Introducción
Unit 2
Introducción a la Unidad

¡Bienvenido/a a esta nueva unidad! Esta vez, aprenderás sobre vocabulario, gramática, lectura y escritura relativas
a solicitar y ofrecer razonamientos y explicaciones. En ese sentido, se hará énfasis en el tema de experiencias
a la Unidad
escolares. Además, podrás evaluar tus conocimientos antes y después de completar la unidad. Antes de hacer los

Asking for and giving explanations and arguments ejercicios, utiliza las tarjetas que se incluyen en la página 12, para aprender el vocabulario de esta unidad. También
puedes ingresar al sitio para practicar el vocabulario y expresiones de esta unidad.
¡Esperamos que disfrutes esta experiencia de aprendizaje!
Título de inicial de la
Initial Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.

la unidad
(Completa la siguiente tabla con un emoticón, de acuerdo con tus conocimientos actuales.)

I can write at least 4 sentences using sequencing phrases, such as first of
all, another significant point is, the reason is that, finally, etc.
(Puedo escribir una oración usando las siguientes frases: first of all, another
significant point is, the reason is that, the result of this was that y finally.)

I can write at least 4 sentences using because and since.

(Puedo escribir por lo menos 4 oraciones usando because y since.)

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about high school experiences.
(Puedo responder preguntas para demostrar comprensión de un texto escrito
sobre experiencias de la escuela secundaria.)

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 27

de la doble
Título de la Talking
6th Gradeabout past experiences and events
• Secondary School
Talking about past experiences and events Talking about past experiences and events
6th Grade • Secondary School
Título de la
Talking about past experiences and events

unidad Learning New Vocabulary! Exercise #4

Look at the elements of nature below. Which elements are connected to each natural disaster? Draw
Exercise #1 or write them in each case.
What do you imagine when you read the phrase NATURAL DISASTERS? Do you have any in your city?
In your country? Write words, phrases and images you associate with this phrase. WATER AIR/WIND TEMPERATURE ELECTRICITY GROUND




Exercise #2
Take a look at the following natural disasters. Have you ever experienced one or more? If the answer
Exercise #5
Read the following short news reports. Complete each one with a natural disaster from Exercise #3. contenidos
is “Yes”, write a check ( ) in the small circle. If the answer is “No”, write an X ( ). 1. There was too much rain this weekend. There was a big ________________________ in the north of the
country. Many trees and some houses on a mountain fell to a little town and destroyed it.

Contenidos A B C D
2. Last week, ___________________________ “Lucia” affected some areas of Florida and the Caribbean.
Only some small cities suffered damages, but fortunately no people died.

3. It rained for 5 days last week, so there was a ____________________________ in the central part of the
city. Even today, many houses and stores have a lot of water inside.

4. Experts announced a ________________________ that will affect the entire country for some days. The
E F G H temperatures are expected to reach 40°C and, in some areas, 42°C. Get prepared!

5. Yesterday there was a 6.4 __________________________ in the east area of the country. Small houses
suffered damages and around 10 were destroyed. It was 1-minute long and it caused lots of movement.

6. The high temperatures and no rain in weeks caused an important __________________________ in the
forests and mountains of this area. Firefighters and other experts are doing their best to combat it.

Exercise #6
Exercise #3
We use “there was/there were” to talk about the existence of something in the past. Choose 3 different
Match the letters corresponding to the images in Exercise #2 with the names of the natural disasters. natural disasters and write when and where they happened (could be in your country or abroad).

EXAMPLE: • In California there was a(n) wildfire in 2020 .

• In _______________________________ there was a(n) _________________________________ in ________________.
• In _______________________________ there was a(n) ________________________________ in ________________.
• In _______________________________ there was a(n) ________________________________ in ________________.

60 2 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana © © Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 61

Indicador de la
doble página 6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past & present
Comparing past and present
Comparing past
6th Grade • Secondary School and present
Comparing past & present

Unit Flashcards

You can use the following flashcards in different ways:

(Puedes utilizar las siguientes tarjetas de vocabulario de diferentes formas:)

 To test your memory: cut the cards and fold the words. Then, check if you remember them.
(Para poner a prueba tu memoria: Recorta las tarjetas y dobla hacia atrás las palabras. Entonces, verifica si las
 To play a matching game: cut the cards and the names. Then, match the correct ones.
(Para un juego de correspondencia: Recorta cada tarjeta por la línea punteada. Luego, empareja cada figura con
su nombre)

 To play a memory game: cut the cards with pictures and the cards with the names. Put them face-
down, and turn around 1 picture card and 1 name card at a time. If they match, you get a point!
(Para un juego de memoria: Recorta cada tarjeta. Coloca boca abajo, en dos grupos separados, las ilustraciones y
los nombres, y voltea una de cada grupo al mismo tiempo. Si hay correspondencia entre la ilustración y el nombre,
ganas un punto.)

 To practice online: go to the Internet and access PLAY VIDEO GAMES HELP MY MOTHER
to study this
(Para practicar en línea: En el Internet, entra al enlace para estudiar este
de la Unidad


10 © Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 21

20 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Indicador de la
doble página
Respuesta de Comparing past
6th Grade • Secondary and present
Comparing past & present
6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past &past
present and present

ejercicios Answer Key

Exercise #3
A) When I was a child I did not use to go to the movies. Now, as an adult, I do.
B) I used to play with Legos when I was a kid. Now, I don’t enjoy them as much.
Learning New Vocabulary! C) My friends used to go with me to the park, but now they are too busy.
D) I did not use to go shopping much when I was younger, but now I love going to the mall.
Exercise #1 E) My parents used to read stories to me when I was a kid. I really miss that routine.
Answers will vary according to students’ background knowledge. F) It did not use to rain as much when I was younger, but now it seems to rain every day.

Exercise #2 Exercise #4
Answers will vary according to students’ knowledge. Answers will vary based on students’ opinions.

Exercise #3
Reading Practice: My Childhood Routines
A) I used to play with toys when I was a little boy. I really loved playing with cars.
Exercise #1

Respuesta de
B) My best friend used to sing in a band. He had a great voice.
Answers will vary according to students’ opinions.
C) My father used to always take us to visit my grandmother. She was a very sweet lady.
D) I did not use to go to the movies because I did not like popcorn or lots of people. Exercise #2

E) My little brother used to play video games with our cousins. They loved playing Mario Bros. A) What life stage does the reading talk about?
a) Adulthood b) Childhood c) Young adulthood
F) I used to hang out with my friends at my parents’ house when I was a kid. Now, we get together at my house.
B) What time frames does the reading focus on?
G) I did not use to help my mother with house chores. Now, as a teenager I help her all the time. I love washing
a) Past and present b) Past and future c) Present and future
the dishes.

Exercise #4 Exercise #3

Answers will vary according to students’ ideas and opinions. True or False? The author had been thinking about her childhood routines a lot.
 The author had not been thinking about her childhood routines.
Practicing Grammar! True or False? The author used to play a board game of guessing colors of animals.

Exercise #1 True or False? The author used to visit her grandparents every weekend.
 The author used to visit her grandparents every other weekend.
Examples of “used to”
True or False? Watching TV was a common activity for the author when she was a child.
A) As a child, I used to play with my cousins a lot.
 Watching TV was not a common activity for the author when she was a child.
B) As a child, I used to play soccer with my parents.
True or False? The author used to go to parks a lot when she was younger.
Examples of “did not use to”
A) I did not use to drive a car. Exercise #4
B) I did not use to go dancing when I was a kid. Things the author used to do A) The author used to play lots of board games with her family.
B) The author used to visit her grandparents every other weekend.
Exercise #2
Things the author did not use to do A) The author did not use to watch TV.
Answers will vary based on students’ opinions.
B) The author did not use to play lots of video games when she was a girl.

Exercise #5
Answers will vary from student to student.

22 12 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana © © Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 23


Para consultar el Diseño Curricular:

Dirección General de Currículo



● Learning New Vocabulary ● Learning New Vocabulary

● Practicing Grammar ● Practicing Grammar
● Reading practice: My Childhood Routines ● Reading practice: News Reports
● Final Self-Assesment ● Final Self-Assesment
● Unit flashcards ● Unit flashcards
● Answer Key ● Answer Key

Página 10 Página 58



● Learning New Vocabulary ● Learning New Vocabulary

● Practicing Grammar ● Practicing Grammar
● Reading practice: My High School Experience ● Reading practice: Randy’s Job Interview
● Final Self-Assesment ● Final Self-Assesment
● Unit flashcards ● Unit flashcards
● Answer Key ● Answer Key

Página 26 Página 76


● Learning New Vocabulary

● Practicing Grammar
● Reading practice: A School Mystery!
● Final Self-Assesment
● Unit flashcards
● Answer Key

Página 42
Unit 1
Comparing past and present
Unit 1
6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past and present
Comparing past & present

Secondary School • 6th Grade

Comparing past and present
(Comparar el pasado con el presente)

Posible situación en la que se puede utilizar lo aprendido:

Tienes un familiar que habla muy poco español porque se fue a vivir a un país de habla inglesa desde que era niño.
Por primera vez desde que se marchó, está de visita en el país. Ustedes deciden ir de paseo al pueblo natal de ambos
a ver unos familiares y, a medida que van recorriendo el lugar, conversan sobre cómo solía ser y cómo es ahora.
Para esto, es necesario saber cómo comparar el pasado con el presente.

Introduction to the Unit

Welcome to this new unit! This time, you will work with vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing
related to comparing past and present. In this sense, the focus will be on human and social relationships. You will
have an opportunity to assess your knowledge before and after you complete this unit. Before starting with the
exercises, use the flashcards on page 11 to learn this unit’s vocabulary. You can also access to study this unit’s vocabulary and expressions.
We hope you enjoy this learning experience!

Introducción a la Unidad
¡Bienvenido/a a esta nueva unidad! Esta vez, aprenderás sobre vocabulario, gramática, lectura y escritura relativas
a comparar el pasado con el presente. En ese sentido, se hará énfasis en el tema de relaciones humanas y sociales.
Además, podrás evaluar tus conocimientos antes y después de completar la unidad. Antes de hacer los ejercicios,
utiliza las tarjetas que se incluyen en la página 11, para aprender el vocabulario de esta unidad. También puedes
ingresar al sitio para practicar el vocabulario y expresiones de esta unidad.
¡Esperamos que disfrutes esta experiencia de aprendizaje!

Initial Self-Assessment
Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.
(Completa la siguiente tabla con un emoticón, de acuerdo a tus conocimientos actuales.)

I can write at least 5 sentences using phrases for everyday activities,
such as play with toys, visit my grandmother, play video games, etc.
(Puedo escribir oraciones utilizando las siguientes frases: play with toys, visit
my grandmother, play video games, etc.)

I can write at least 4 sentences using “used to” and “did not use to”.
(Puedo escribir por lo menos 4 oraciones utilizando “used to” y “did not use to”.)

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about childhood experiences.
(Puedo responder preguntas para demostrar comprensión de un texto escrito
sobre experiencias de la niñez.)

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana

1 11
6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past &past
present and present

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
Read the following sentences. Try to guess the meaning of the underlined phrases.
(Lee las siguientes oraciones e intenta adivinar el significado de las frases subrayadas.

A) When I was 5 years old, I used to play with toys.

B) Many years ago, when I was younger, I used to visit my grandmother.
C) My friends and I used to play video games when we were kids.
D) When I was 10 years old, I used to help my mother with house chores.
E) I did not use to hang out with my friends when I was a little boy.
F) My family did not use to go to the movies when we were toddlers.
G) My friends did not use to sing in a band when I was younger. Now, they do!

Exercise #2
Write or draw the meaning of each phrase means next to it. If you don’t know, you can use a dictionary.
(Al lado de cada frase, escribe o dibuja su significado. Si no lo sabes, puedes usar un diccionario.)

Play with toys Visit my grandmother Play video games Help my mother

Hang out with my friends Go to the movies Sing in a band

12 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past past
& present and present

Exercise #3
Look at the phrases in the box below. Fill in the blanks with the right phrase.
(Completa cada una de las líneas en blanco con la frase del cuadro que corresponda.)

play with toys • visit my grandmother • play video games • help my mother
hang out with my friends • go to the movies • sing in a band

A) I used to _________________________ when I was a little boy. I really loved playing with cars.

B) My best friend used to ____________________________. He had a great voice.

C) My father used to always take us to __________________________. She was a very sweet lady.

D) I did not use to ______________________ because I did not like popcorn or lots of people.

E) My little brother used to _____________________ with our cousins. They loved playing Mario Bros.

F) I used to _______________________ at my parents’ house when I was a kid. Now, we get together
at my house to talk and watch movies.

G) I did not use to ______________________ with house chores. Now, as a teenager I help her all the
time. I love washing the dishes!

Exercise #4
Write a short story using at least five of the following key phrases.
(Escribe una historia corta usando por lo menos cinco de las siguientes frases.)

play with toys • visit my grandmother • play video games • help my mother
hang out with my friends • go to the movies • sing in a band








© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 13

6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past and present
Comparing past & present

Practicing Grammar!

Exercise #1
Read the following dialogue. Pay attention to the function of “used to” and “did not use to”. Write two
examples from the dialogue using each of these grammatical forms.
(Lee el siguiente diálogo y presta atención a la función de “used to” y “did not use to”. Luego, escribe dos ejemplos usando
cada una de estas dos formas gramaticales.)

Sandra: Good morning!

Carlos: Good morning! Now that we are teenagers, I was wondering about
your childhood years. What did you used to do as a child?
Sandra: That’s an interesting question. As a child, I used to play with my cousins
a lot. We loved to play hide and seek. Of course, we do not play like this
anymore. It was lots of fun. What about you?
Carlos: I remember that as a child I used to play soccer with my parents. We all loved playing together.
Sandra: How sweet! Is there anything you did not use to do as a child that you do now?
Carlos: Yes, when I was a young child, I did not use to drive a car. And now, I love driving my car. What
about yourself?
Sandra: I did not use to go dancing when I was a kid, but now I love to go dancing with my friends.
Carlos: Sounds like lots of fun. Thanks for chatting. Bye.
Sandra: Great seeing you. Catch you later.

Examples of “used to”

A) ______________________________________________________________________________

B) ______________________________________________________________________________

Examples of “did not use to”

A) ______________________________________________________________________________

B) ______________________________________________________________________________

14 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past &past
present and present

Exercise #2
What do you think is the difference between “used to” and “did not use to”? Write your ideas below.
(¿Cuál crees es la diferencia entre “used to” y “did not use to”? Escribe tus ideas a continuación.)




Exercise #3
Fill in the following blanks with “used to” or “did not use to”.
(Completa los espacios en blanco con “used to” o “did not use to”.)

A) When I was a child I _______________________ go to the movies. Now, as an adult, I do.

B) I _______________________ play with Legos when I was a kid. Now, I don’t enjoy them as much.

C) My friends _______________________ go with me to the park, but now they are too busy.

D) I ______________________ go shopping much when I was younger, but now I love going to the mall.

E) My parents ______________________ read stories to me when I was a kid. I really miss that routine.

F) It _______________________ rain as much when I was younger, but now it seems to rain every day.

Exercise #4
Write 2 sentences using “used to” and 2 sentences using “did not use to” about your parents.
(Escribe 2 oraciones sobre tus padres, utilizando “used to” y 2 oraciones utilizando “did not use to”.)

Sentences with “used to”

A) __________________________________________________________________________________.

B) __________________________________________________________________________________.

Sentences with “did not use to”

A) __________________________________________________________________________________.

B) __________________________________________________________________________________.

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 5 15

6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past and present
Comparing past & present

Reading Practice: My Childhood Routines

Exercise #1
✓) next
Which of the following are things you used to do or did not use to do as a child? Write a check (✓
to the ones that apply to you.
(Pon una marca de verificación (✓) al lado de las cosas que tenías o no tenías la costumbre de hacer cuando eras un niño.)

_____ I used to play board games with my family when I was child.

_____ I used to visit my grandparents on the weekends when I was younger.

_____ I did not use to watch TV when I was a kid.

_____ I did not use to listen to music when I was a child.

_____ I used to play with my cousins when I was younger.

Read the following text and complete the exercises below.

(Lee el siguiente texto y completa los ejercicios que siguen.)

(You can find the audio file for this reading here:

“Experiences from my past”

Recently, a very good friend asked me about my childhood and some of the
routines I had when I was younger. This was a great question because it was
something I had not thought about in a long time. When I was a young girl, I
used to play lots of board games with my family. My favorite was one where I
had to guess the colors of different animals. I was just 4 years old, but I had
so much fun with it. I also used to visit my grandparents every other weekend.
My grandmother used to bake cookies and chocolate cake. Nowadays, I do
not get to visit them as frequently. One thing I did not use to do when I was
a kid was watch TV. My parents did not let me watch TV until I was a
teenager. I also did not use to play lots of video games when I was a young
girl. However, now as a teenager I love playing video games, especially car
race games. Finally, I remember that I used to go on lots of trips to the park
when I was around 7 years old. Nowadays, I don’t have enough time to go to
as many parts, but I do go sometimes.

16 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past and present
Comparing past & present

Exercise #2
Read the text and answer the following questions.
(Lee el texto y responde las siguientes preguntas.)

A) What life stage does the reading talk about?

a) Adulthood b) Childhood c) Young adulthood

B) What time frames does the reading focus on?

a) Past and present b) Past and future c) Present and future

Exercise #3
Read the text and complete the following true or false exercise. Circle true or false. If the answer is
false, write the correct information.
(Lee el texto y encierra en un círculo true o false de acuerdo a la información que se presenta en el mismo. Si la respuesta
es false, escribe la información correcta.)

True or False? The author had been thinking about her childhood routines a lot.
True or False? The author used to play a board game of guessing colors of animals.
True or False? The author used to visit her grandparents every weekend.
True or False? Watching TV was a common activity for the author when she was a child.
True or False? The author used to go to parks a lot when she was younger.

Exercise #4
Name 2 things the author used to do and 2 things the author did not use to do when she was a child.
(Nombra 2 cosas que el autor del texto solía hacer y 2 cosas que no solía hacer cuando era un niño.)

Things the author used to do A) ____________________________________________________

B) ____________________________________________________

Things the author did not use to do A) ____________________________________________________

B) ____________________________________________________

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 17
6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past
Comparing past & presentand present

Exercise #5
Compare your experiences to the author’s childhood experiences.
(Compara tus experiencias con las experiencias de la niñez del autor del texto.)

What are 1-2 things you have in common with the author?

What are 1-2 things you do not have in common with the author?

Final Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.
(Completa la siguiente tabla con un emoticón, de acuerdo con lo que sabes ahora.)

I can write at least 5 sentences using phrases for everyday activities,
such as play with toys, visit my grandmother, play video games, etc.
(Puedo escribir oraciones utilizando las siguientes frases: play with toys, visit
my grandmother, play video games, etc.)

I can write at least 4 sentences using “used to” and “did not use to”.
(Puedo escribir por lo menos 4 oraciones utilizando “used to” y “did not use to”.)

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about childhood experiences.
(Puedo responder preguntas para demostrar comprensión de un texto escrito
sobre experiencias de la niñez.)

18 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Comparing past & past
present and present
6th Grade • Secondary School

Learning Portfolio

Write about your childhood experiences. Write 3 things you used to do as a child and 3 things you did not
use to do as a child. Make sure you include the vocabulary and grammar practiced in this unit. You can
also include drawings of any of your experiences.
(Escribe sobre 3 cosas que solías hacer y 3 cosas que no solías hacer, cuando eras un niño. Asegúrate de incluir el
vocabulario y la gramática que practicaste en esta Unidad. Puedes incluir dibujos de alguna de tus experiencias.)

2 things I used to do as a child…

1) ________________________________________________



2) ________________________________________________



2 things I did not use to do as a child…

1) ________________________________________________



2) ________________________________________________



© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 19
Comparing past
6th Grade • Secondary School and present
Comparing past & present

Unit Flashcards

You can use the following flashcards in different ways:

(Puedes utilizar las siguientes tarjetas de vocabulario de diferentes formas:)

 To test your memory: cut the cards and fold the words. Then, check if you remember them.
(Para poner a prueba tu memoria: Recorta las tarjetas y dobla hacia atrás las palabras. Entonces, verifica si las

 To play a matching game: cut the cards and the names. Then, match the correct ones.
(Para un juego de correspondencia: Recorta cada tarjeta por la línea punteada. Luego, empareja cada figura con
su nombre)

 To play a memory game: cut the cards with pictures and the cards with the names. Put them face-
down, and turn around 1 picture card and 1 name card at a time. If they match, you get a point!
(Para un juego de memoria: Recorta cada tarjeta. Coloca boca abajo, en dos grupos separados, las ilustraciones y
los nombres, y voltea una de cada grupo al mismo tiempo. Si hay correspondencia entre la ilustración y el nombre,
ganas un punto.)

 To practice online: go to the Internet and access to study this

(Para practicar en línea: En el Internet, entra al enlace para estudiar este

20 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past & present
Comparing past and present





© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 21

Comparing past
6th Grade • Secondary and present
Comparing past & present

Answer Key

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
Answers will vary according to students’ background knowledge.

Exercise #2
Answers will vary according to students’ knowledge.

Exercise #3
A) I used to play with toys when I was a little boy. I really loved playing with cars.
B) My best friend used to sing in a band. He had a great voice.
C) My father used to always take us to visit my grandmother. She was a very sweet lady.
D) I did not use to go to the movies because I did not like popcorn or lots of people.
E) My little brother used to play video games with our cousins. They loved playing Mario Bros.
F) I used to hang out with my friends at my parents’ house when I was a kid. Now, we get together at my house.
G) I did not use to help my mother with house chores. Now, as a teenager I help her all the time. I love washing
the dishes.

Exercise #4
Answers will vary according to students’ ideas and opinions.

Practicing Grammar!
Exercise #1
Examples of “used to”
A) As a child, I used to play with my cousins a lot.
B) As a child, I used to play soccer with my parents.

Examples of “did not use to”

A) I did not use to drive a car.
B) I did not use to go dancing when I was a kid.

Exercise #2
Answers will vary based on students’ opinions.

22 12 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

6th Grade • Secondary School
Comparing past &past
present and present

Exercise #3
A) When I was a child I did not use to go to the movies. Now, as an adult, I do.
B) I used to play with Legos when I was a kid. Now, I don’t enjoy them as much.
C) My friends used to go with me to the park, but now they are too busy.
D) I did not use to go shopping much when I was younger, but now I love going to the mall.
E) My parents used to read stories to me when I was a kid. I really miss that routine.
F) It did not use to rain as much when I was younger, but now it seems to rain every day.

Exercise #4
Answers will vary based on students’ opinions.

Reading Practice: My Childhood Routines

Exercise #1
Answers will vary according to students’ opinions.

Exercise #2
A) What life stage does the reading talk about?
a) Adulthood b) Childhood c) Young adulthood

B) What time frames does the reading focus on?

a) Past and present b) Past and future c) Present and future

Exercise #3
True or False? The author had been thinking about her childhood routines a lot.
 The author had not been thinking about her childhood routines.
True or False? The author used to play a board game of guessing colors of animals.

True or False? The author used to visit her grandparents every weekend.
 The author used to visit her grandparents every other weekend.
True or False? Watching TV was a common activity for the author when she was a child.
 Watching TV was not a common activity for the author when she was a child.
True or False? The author used to go to parks a lot when she was younger.

Exercise #4
Things the author used to do A) The author used to play lots of board games with her family.
B) The author used to visit her grandparents every other weekend.

Things the author did not use to do A) The author did not use to watch TV.
B) The author did not use to play lots of video games when she was a girl.

Exercise #5
Answers will vary from student to student.

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 23

Exercise #1
Answers will vary according to students’ opinions.

Exercise #2
A) What life stage does the reading talk about?
a) Adulthood b) Childhood c) Young adulthood

Comparing past
B) What time frames doesand present
the reading focus on?
a) Past and present b) Past and future c) Present and future

Exercise #3
True or False? The author had been thinking about her childhood routines a lot.
 The author had not been thinking about her childhood routines.
True or False? The author used to play a board game of guessing colors of animals.

True or False? The author used to visit her grandparents every weekend.
 The author used to visit her grandparents every other weekend.
True or False? Watching TV was a common activity for the author when she was a child.
 Watching TV was not a common activity for the author when she was a child.
True or False? The author used to go to parks a lot when she was younger.

Exercise #4
Things the author used to do A) The author used to play lots of board games with her family.
B) The author used to visit her grandparents every other weekend.

Things the author did not use to do A) The author did not use to watch TV.
B) The author did not use to play lots of video games when she was a girl.

Exercise #5
Answers will vary from student to student.


24 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Comparing past and present

Fuente: Freepik, Vectorjuice

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 25

Unit 2
Asking for and giving explanations and arguments
Unit 2
Asking forfor and giving explanations and arguments
6th Grade • Secondary School
and giving
explanations & arguments

Secondary School • 6th Grade

Asking for and giving explanations and arguments
(Solicitar y ofrecer razonamientos y explicaciones)

Posible situación en la que se puede utilizar lo aprendido:

Estás en un país de habla inglesa participando en un programa de intercambio. Te pusiste de acuerdo con tus compañeros para
visitar un lugar emblemático de la localidad, pero se te presentó un inconveniente y llegaste tarde al lugar. Necesitas explicar
la razón de tu tardanza de forma convincente. Para esto, es necesario saber cómo ofrecer razonamientos y explicaciones.

Introduction to the Unit

Welcome to this new unit! This time, you will work with vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing
related to asking for and giving explanations and arguments. In this sense, the focus will be on school experiences.
You will have an opportunity to assess your knowledge before and after you complete this unit. Before starting with
the exercises, use the flashcards on page 12 to learn this unit’s vocabulary. You can also access to study this unit’s vocabulary and expressions.
We hope you enjoy this learning experience!

Introducción a la Unidad
¡Bienvenido/a a esta nueva unidad! Esta vez, aprenderás sobre vocabulario, gramática, lectura y escritura relativas
a solicitar y ofrecer razonamientos y explicaciones. En ese sentido, se hará énfasis en el tema de experiencias
escolares. Además, podrás evaluar tus conocimientos antes y después de completar la unidad. Antes de hacer los
ejercicios, utiliza las tarjetas que se incluyen en la página 12, para aprender el vocabulario de esta unidad. También
puedes ingresar al sitio para practicar el vocabulario y expresiones de esta unidad.
¡Esperamos que disfrutes esta experiencia de aprendizaje!

Initial Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.
(Completa la siguiente tabla con un emoticón, de acuerdo con tus conocimientos actuales.)

I can write at least 4 sentences using sequencing phrases, such as first of
all, another significant point is, the reason is that, finally, etc.
(Puedo escribir una oración usando las siguientes frases: first of all, another
significant point is, the reason is that, the result of this was that y finally.)

I can write at least 4 sentences using because and since.

(Puedo escribir por lo menos 4 oraciones usando because y since.)

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about high school experiences.
(Puedo responder preguntas para demostrar comprensión de un texto escrito
sobre experiencias de la escuela secundaria.)

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 27
for andand
giving giving explanations and arguments
6th Grade • Secondary School

explanations & arguments

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
Read the following email. Notice and guess the meaning of the underlined phrases.
(Lee el siguiente correo electrónico y adivina el significado de las frases subrayadas.)

My sincere apology

Dear teacher,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to explain to you the reason why I arrived late to the final
test. First of all, I think I was having a bad day. Nothing seemed to be working for me. Not only that,
but I also think that I was extremely tired the day of the meeting. I had not slept much the night
before. Another significant point is that right before I tried to leave my house, my mother’s car broke
down. She could not get her car to start. The reason is that she had not changed the oil in the car for
over 2 years. The result of this was that I could not make it to school on time. Finally, I must apologize
for not making it on time to do the test.

Thank you for your time and patience.


Exercise #2
Write down what you think each phrase means, or in what cases they are used. It is fine to write just
words or phrases.
(Escribe, usando palabras o expresiones cortas, lo que crees que significa cada frase o en cuáles casos se

Phrase Meaning / Use

First of all

Another significant point is that

The reason is that

The result of this was that


28 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Asking forfor and giving explanations and arguments
6th Grade • Secondary School
and giving
explanations & arguments

Exercise #3
Match the phrase to its description.
(Pon la letra junto a cada frase de la columna izquierda en la casilla junto a su descripción correspondiente en la columna

Phrase Description
First of all, … Phrase used to start a sequence of reasons
A or explanations
Another significant point
B is that …
Phrase used to explain a consequence

C The reason is that … Phrase used to end a sequence of arguments

D The result of this was that … Phrase used to express another reason or argument

E Finally, … Phrase used to give an explanation or argument

Exercise #4
Choose one of the topics below – and also, choose which option you prefer. Then, write a short sentence
for each of the following phrases and explain your preference.
(Escoge uno de los tópicos que se presentan a continuación y también escoge la opción que prefieras. Luego, escribe una
oración corta para cada una de las siguientes frases y explica la razón de tu preferencia.)

OR ? OR ? OR ? OR ?

Example: I prefer cats, not dogs. First of all, cats are very clean animals. Another significant point is that they are
independent. The reason is that they like to be alone…

1) First of all:

2) Another significant point is that:

3) The reason is that:

4) The result of this is that:

5) Finally:


© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 29

Asking for and giving explanations and arguments
6th Grade • Secondary School
Asking for and giving
explanations & arguments

Practicing Grammar!

Exercise #1
Read the following arguments from a student of a school. Do you agree or disagree with them?
Underline your option .
(Lee los siguientes argumentos de un estudiante. Subraya Agree, si estás de acuerdo con esos argumentos, o Disagree, si
no estás de acuerdo.)

1) I think students should be able to leave early on Fridays because it will help keep them motivated.

Agree or disagree?

2) Since schools need students to be on time, I think everyone should get a bicycle for free for transportation.

Agree or disagree?

3) Because students need to get along with each other, I think there should be team building camps.

Agree or disagree?

4) My opinion is that all schools should give students a scholarship since they study so hard.

Agree or disagree?

Keep in mind!

“Because” is used to focus on the reason of something.

“Because” is used frequently in spoken language as well as in written language.

“Since” is used when we want to focus more on the result than the reason.
“Since” is more formal than “because”.

Exercise #2
Join the ideas below into one sentence using because or since.
(Une las ideas siguientes en una oración, usando because o since.)

1) My classmates are nice to me. I bring them cookies every day.


2) I help my teacher when he needs help. He is a very thoughtful teacher.


30 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Asking for and giving explanations and arguments
6th Grade • Secondary School
Asking for and giving
explanations & arguments

3) My high school has the best soccer team. We have an excellent soccer trainer.


4) I studied a lot for the test. I got an excellent score.


5) My History teacher is a great instructor. I understand the subject very well.


Exercise #3
Using some of the ideas below as inspiration, write your own sentences using because and since.
Write 2 sentences for each one based on your own school experiences.
(Toma algunas de las ideas siguientes como inspiración y escribe tus propias oraciones usando because y since. Escribe
dos oraciones por cada una, con base en tus propias experiencias escolares.)






© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 31
Asking forfor and giving explanations and arguments
6th Grade • Secondary School
and giving
explanations & arguments

Reading Practice: My High School Experience

Exercise #1
Which of the following experiences are ones that you enjoy in high school? Circle the ones that are
enjoyable to you (that make you happy).
(De las siguientes experiencias, encierra en un círculo las que tú más disfrutas en la escuela secundaria.)

Being on a soccer team Reading books Writing poems

Studying Math Researching on the internet Playing an instrument

Playing with my friends Making science projects Going to gym class

Exercise #2
Choose two of the experiences from above that are most important to you and mention why you think
they are important.
(Escoge dos de las experiencias que seleccionaste en el Ejercicio #1, que consideres más importantes para ti, y menciona
la razón de su importancia.)

1) 2)

Read the following text and complete the exercises below.

(Lee el texto y completa los ejercicios que siguen a continuación.)

(You can find the audio file for this reading here:

High school was an amazing experience for me and let me tell you why.

First of all, you must know that I went to Carlos Ferrero High School because it
was close to my house. I loved being able to walk to school.

Another significant reason why I loved high school was that I had great
classmates. Because they were so kind and thoughtful, I loved hanging out with
them. My best friend’s name from high school was Cesar Camacho. I also loved
going to all my classes. The reason is that my teachers were excellent. They
always taught fun and interactive classes.
Another reason why I loved high school was because the cafeteria served
delicious food. I really enjoyed eating empanadas on Fridays.
Finally, I must say that my high school experience prepared me well for going to
university. My math classes were particularly advanced. Now, I can only hope
that everyone else has positive experiences in high school too.

32 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

6th Grade • Secondary School
Asking for and giving explanations and arguments
Asking for and giving
explanations & arguments

Exercise #3
Read the text and answer the following questions.
(Lee el texto y responde las siguientes preguntas.)

A) What is the name of the high school where the author went?
a) Roberto Brenes High School b) Roberta Ferrero High School c) Carlos Ferrero High School

B) What is the name of Roberta’s best friend from high school?

a) Cesar Camacho b) Roberta Brenes c) Carlos Ferrero

C) What kind of experience did the author have in high school?

a) Negative b) Positive c) Neutral

Exercise #4
Read the text. Then, read the following statements and circle true or false. If the answer is false, write
the correct information.
(Lee el texto. Luego, encierra en un círculo true o false en cada una de las siguientes afirmaciones, de acuerdo a
la información presentada en el texto.)

True or False? The author found her experience in high school to be positive because of the weather.

True or False? Roberta lived close to the high school that she went to.

True or False? Roberta’s classmates treated her badly when she went to high school.

True or False? Cesar Camacho was one of Roberta’s teachers in high school.

True or False? Roberta really enjoyed the food from the cafeteria.

True or False? High school did a good job preparing Roberta for university.


© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 33

6th Grade • Secondary School
Asking forgiving
Asking for and and giving explanations and arguments
explanations & arguments

Exercise #5
Read the text again. Write down 3 reasons why Roberta enjoyed his high school experience and 1 detail
for each reason.
(Lee el texto una vez más. Escribe 3 razones por las cuales Roberta disfrutó sus experiencias de la escuela secundaria y
un detalle para ilustrar cada una de las razones.)

Reason why Roberta enjoyed high school… Relevant detail…




Exercise #6
Write about your own experience in high school. Write in the box three things you like about high
school and the reason(s) why you like each thing.
(Escribe en la columna de la izquierda tres cosas que te gustan de la escuela secundaria y las razones por las
que te gusta cada una.)

Something I like about high school… Reason why I like it…




34 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Asking forgiving
and giving explanations and arguments
6th Grade • Secondary School
Asking for and
explanations & arguments

Final Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.
(Completa la siguiente tabla con un emoticón, de acuerdo con lo que sabes ahora.)

I can write at least 4 sentences using sequencing phrases, such as first of
all, another significant point is, the reason is that, finally, etc.
(Puedo escribir una oración usando las siguientes frases: first of all, another
significant point is, the reason is that, the result of this was that y finally.)

I can write at least 4 sentences using because and since.

(Puedo escribir por lo menos 4 oraciones usando because y since.)

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about high school experiences.
(Puedo responder preguntas para demostrar comprensión de un texto escrito
sobre experiencias de la escuela secundaria.)

Learning Portfolio

You are part of the high school committee, in charge of making changes and renovations. Describe 1
change you would like to see in your high school. Don’t forget to give at least 2 convincing arguments for
this change. Include the vocabulary and grammar practiced in this unit. You can also include a drawing of
the change you want to make in your high school.

(Eres parte del comité de la escuela secundaria, a cargo de hacer cambios y renovaciones. Describe 1 cambio que
te gustaría ver en tu escuela. No olvides dar por los menos dos argumentos convincentes para ese cambio. Utiliza
el vocabulario y la gramática que aprendiste en esta Unidad. También puedes incluir un dibujo del cambio que
quieres hacer en tu escuela secundaria.)

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 35

Asking for and giving explanations and arguments
6th Grade • Secondary School
Asking for and giving
explanations & arguments

Change you want to see in your high school:







Arguments for this change:

1) ________________________________________________




2) ________________________________________________




36 10 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Asking forgiving
and giving explanations and arguments
6th Grade • Secondary School
Asking for and
explanations & arguments

Unit Flashcards

You can use the following flashcards in different ways:

(Puedes utilizar las siguientes tarjetas de vocabulario de diferentes formas:)

 To test your memory: cut the cards and fold the words. Then, check if you remember them.
(Para poner a prueba tu memoria: Recorta las tarjetas y dobla hacia atrás las palabras. Entonces, verifica si las

 To play a matching game: cut the cards and the names. Then, match the correct ones.
(Para un juego de correspondencia: Recorta cada tarjeta por la línea punteada. Luego, empareja cada figura con
su nombre)

 To play a memory game: cut the cards with pictures and the cards with the names. Put them face-
down, and turn around 1 picture card and 1 name card at a time. If they match, you get a point!
(Para un juego de memoria: Recorta cada tarjeta. Coloca boca abajo, en dos grupos separados, las ilustraciones y
los nombres, y voltea una de cada grupo al mismo tiempo. Si hay correspondencia entre la ilustración y el nombre,
ganas un punto.)

 To practice online: go to the Internet and access to study this

(Para practicar en línea: En el Internet, entra al enlace para estudiar este

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 37

6th Grade • Secondary School
Asking for
Asking for and giving explanations and arguments
and giving
explanations & arguments





38 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

6th Grade • Secondary School
Asking for and giving
explanations & arguments

Asking for and giving explanations and arguments

Answer Key

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
Answers will vary according to students’ background knowledge.

Exercise #2
Answers will vary according to students’ background knowledge.

Exercise #3

Phrase Description
First of all, … Phrase used to start a sequence of reasons
A A or explanations
Another significant point
B is that …
D Phrase used to explain a consequence

C The reason is that … E Phrase used to end a sequence of arguments

D The result of this was that … B Phrase used to express another reason or argument

E Finally, … C Phrase used to give an explanation or argument

Exercise #4
Answers will vary based on students’ opinions and knowledge.

Practicing Grammar!
Exercise #1
Answers will vary depending on students’ opinions.

Exercise #2
Answers may vary, but here are some possible options:

1) Since my classmates are nice to me, I bring them cookies every day.
2) I help my teacher when he needs help because he is a very thoughtful teacher.
3) My high school has the best soccer team since we have an excellent trainer.
4) Because I studied a lot for the test, I got an excellent score.
5) Because my history teacher is a great instructor I understand the subject very well.

Exercise #3
© Ministerio
Answers de Educación
will varydedepending
la República Dominicana
on students’ opinions. 39

6th Grade • Secondary School
Asking for and giving
explanations & arguments
Asking for and giving explanations and arguments
Reading Practice: My High School Experience
Exercise #1
Answers will vary according to students’ opinions.

Exercise #2
Answers will vary according to students’ opinions.

Exercise #3
A) What is the name of the high school where the author went?
a) Roberta Brenes High School b) Roberta Ferrero High School c) Carlos Ferrero High School

B) What is the name of Roberta’s best friend from high school?

a) Cesar Camacho b) Roberta Brenes c) Carlos Ferrero

C) What kind of experience did the author have in high school?

a) Negative b) Positive c) Neutral

Exercise #4
True or False? The author found her experience in high school to be positive because of the weather.
There was no mention of weather in the reading.
True or False? Roberta lived close to the high school that she went to.

True or False? Roberta’s classmates treated her badly when she went to high school.
Her classmates were kind and thoughtful.
True or False? Cesar Camacho was one of Roberta’s teachers in high school.
Cesar Camacho was his best friend.
True or False? Roberta really enjoyed the food from the cafeteria.

True or False? High school did a good job preparing Roberta for university.

Exercise #5
Answers may vary, but here are some possible answers.
Reason why Roberta enjoyed high school… Relevant detail…

1) It was close to her house. She loved being able to walk to school.
Because they were so kind and thoughtful, she loved
2) She had great classmates.
hanging out with them.
The reason is that her teachers were excellent. They
3) She loved going to all her classes.
taught fun and interactive classes.
4) She loved the food from the cafeteria. She really enjoyed eating empanadas on Fridays.
5) Her high school experience prepared her well for
She received advanced math classes.
going to university.

Exercise #6
40 Answers will vary from student to student. Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Asking for and giving explanations and arguments

Fuente: Freepik

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 41

Unit 3
Speculating and hypothesizing about past events
Unit 3
Speculating and hypothesizing about past events
6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events

Secondary School • 6th Grade

Speculating and hypothesizing about past events
(Hipotetizar sobre situaciones pasadas)

Posible situación en la que se puede utilizar lo aprendido:

Invitas a un amigo angloparlante a tu casa para estudiar. Al llegar, te das cuenta de que el piso de la casa está inundado.
Para comentar sobre qué pudo haber pasado y cómo se hubiera podido evitar esa situación, debes saber cómo
hipotetizar sobre situaciones pasadas.

Introduction to the Unit

Welcome to this new unit! This time, you will work with vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing
related to speculating and hypothesizing about past events. In this sense, the focus will be on school life. You will
have an opportunity to assess your knowledge before and after you complete this unit. Before starting with the
exercises, use the flashcards on page 12 to learn this unit’s vocabulary. You can also access to study this unit’s vocabulary and expressions.
We hope you enjoy this learning experience!

Introducción a la Unidad

¡Bienvenido/a a esta nueva unidad! Esta vez, aprenderás sobre vocabulario, gramática, lectura y escritura relativas
a hipotetizar sobre situaciones pasadas. En ese sentido, se hará énfasis en el tema de vida escolar. Además, podrás
evaluar tus conocimientos antes y después de completar la unidad. Antes de hacer los ejercicios, utiliza las tarjetas
que se incluyen en la página 12, para aprender el vocabulario de esta unidad. También puedes ingresar al sitio para practicar el vocabulario y expresiones de esta unidad.
¡Esperamos que disfrutes esta experiencia de aprendizaje!

Initial Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.

I can write a sentence using at least 4 vocabulary expressions related to
school life: pass/fail a test, be late, skip classes, be stuck in traffic, etc.

I can write at least 3 sentences to speculate about past events using

“maybe + Past Simple” and/or “must/might + have + verb in Participle”.

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about a high school instant messages group.

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 1 43

Speculating and
6th Grade • Secondary Schoolhypothesizing about past events
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events

Practicing Grammar!
Exercise #1
What do you think happened in these situations? Write 1-2 ideas under each picture.

Exercise #2
Read the following story. Underline the phrases where Magda and Tom are guessing what happened
to Allan. Then, re-write some of the phrases below, in the corresponding box.

1 ALLAN MAGDA Last night, a group of friends went to a bar. They were all
TOM high school friends 5 years ago. During this reunion, Magda
and Tom saw that their friend Allan was acting strange. They
did not have a chance to talk to him. He was the first person
that left the party and he didn’t say goodbye.
The next day, Magda and Tom had lunch together and
talked about the reunion, including Allan.

2 I think he was 3 He could have

sad… Maybe he felt
So, what do had a problem uncomfortable
you think He might have
at work! with so many
happened to fought with his
Allan? family or with a

4 5 AND HE
… Wait, I HAD AN
yesterday HE MUST
remember ALLERGIC
we had HAVE
Allan is REACTION!
pineapple DRUNK
allergic to
drinks… THAT!


2 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
Speculating andabout
6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating & hypothesizing hypothesizing
past events about past events

Keep in mind!

Sometimes we don’t know what happened in reality, so we guess, speculate or imagine

the real information. In this case, we can’t use direct words.

Example: Allan had an allergic reaction. [INCORRECT: Magda and Tom didn’t see it]
Example: Maybe Allan had an allergic reaction. [idea in Past Simple + extra word, like “maybe”]
Example: Allan might have had an allergic reaction. [might/could/must + have + verb in Past Participle]

We use ‘might’ and ‘could’ when we are not sure. We use ‘must’ when we are more sure.
For example, in the story, Magda and Tom remembered Allan was allergic to pineapples.
Example: Allan must have had an allergic reaction!

Exercise #3
Order the words to create sentences for speculation with Past Simple. The first and last words are in
the correct position. These sentences are directly connected to the three images in Exercise #1.

1. Maybe … crazy / saw / a / on / she / video /the … Internet.


2. I think … family / organized / a / the / big … party.


3. Maybe … his / fought / he / with … brother.


Exercise #4
Order the words to create sentences for speculation with Past Participle. The first and last words are
in the correct position. These sentences are directly connected to the three images in Exercise #1.

1. She … read / an / might / incredible / have … story.


2. A dog … have / could / destroyed … the living room.


3. The kid … fallen / might / the / have / in … garden.


© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 3 45

Speculating and
6th Grade • Secondary School hypothesizing about past events
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events

Exercise #5
Complete the following conversations with a speculation using Past Simple, based on the words in
parenthesis. You can find a list of verbs in Past Simple by the end of this Unit.

A. Person 1: Alicia is extremely happy! What do you think happened to her?

Person 2: Hhmm… _____________________________________________________________ (get a good grade)

B. Person 1: When I arrived home, my bedroom was a disaster! What do you think happened?

Person 2: Hhmm… _______________________________________________________________ (dog play inside)

C. Person 1: I have a yogurt in my bag, but I didn’t put it there. What do you think happened?

Person 2: Hhmm… _____________________________________________________________ (mom put it there)

Exercise #6
Complete the following conversations with a speculation using Past Participle, based on the words in
parenthesis. You can find a list of verbs in Past Participle by the end of this Unit.

A. Person 1: Alicia is extremely happy! What do you think happened to her?

Person 2: Hhmm… _____________________________________________________________ (get a good grade)

B. Person 1: When I arrived home, my bedroom was a disaster! What do you think happened?

Person 2: Hhmm… _______________________________________________________________ (dog play inside)

C. Person 1: I have a yogurt in my bag, but I didn’t put it there. What do you think happened?

Person 2: Hhmm… _____________________________________________________________ (mom put it there)

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
Think about your experiences in school. Complete each box with 1 experience connected to school that
made you feel each one of these emotions:




46 4 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Speculating and hypothesizing
6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events about past events

Exercise #2
Have you ever experienced these situations during your time in school? Write a check ( ) if the answer
is “Yes” and an X ( ) if the answer is “No” in the small circles.



Exercise #3
Look at the expressions below. Write the letter of the image next to the correct word/phrase.

________ pass a test ________ oversleep ________ be late

________ be stuck in traffic ________ fail a test ________ be absent

________ skip classes ________ stay up late

Exercise #4
Read the following sentences. Choose and circle the option that best completes each sentence.

1. I’m sorry Juan, I can’t get to the restaurant in time. I __________. It hasn’t moved in 30 minutes!
A) oversleep B) am stuck in traffic C) skip classes

2. Oh no, I still haven’t finished the English project for tomorrow! Tonight I need to __________ and finish it.
A) be absent B) be late C) stay up late

3. This is not the first time Lia ________. Last week she didn’t go to Biology class and a teacher saw her.
A) passes a test B) skips classes C) oversleeps

4. Who __________? On my list I have 30 names, but I count 29 students in the classroom.
A) is absent B) is stuck in traffic C) failed the test

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Speculating and hypothesizing
6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events about past events

5. Please don’t mention the Spanish exam to Omar and Wilfred. Both of them __________ and they are sad.
A) failed the test B) are late C) stayed up late

6. My sister is taking a shower, but she was supposed to be at school 10 minutes ago. She ______________!
A) is stuck in traffic B) passed the test C) is super late

Exercise #5
Complete the dialogues with a speculation in past, also using one of the expressions in Exercise #3. In
each case, write the two versions of the same idea: one using Past Simple, and one using Past Participle.

Liam is very sad…

What do you think
happened to him?

The teacher is super

late! What do you think
happened to her?

I didn’t see Marta at 8

am today. Do you know
what happened to her?

I didn’t see Matt at school

yesterday. What do you
think happened?

Ben is sleeping during

class. What do you think
happened to him?

Reading Practice: A School Mystery!

Exercise #1
Answer the following short questions:

1. Are you part of any WhatsApp or message groups? How many? _______________________________________

2. Which group/contact is your favorite? Why? _____________________________________________________

3. What do you normally do with that group / contact? _______________________________________________

4. What is 1 advantage of phones and computers for communication? What is 1 disadvantage?

• _________________________________________________________________________________________

• _________________________________________________________________________________________

48 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
6th Grade • Secondaryand
School hypothesizing about past events
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events

Read the following text and complete the exercises below.

(You can find the audio file for this reading here:


Friends FOREVER! this conversation started at 1:30 pm

Hello everybody! I hope you are OK. Congratulations class – we took our final
History exam for this year! I’m so happy!!!

Amanda wrote: YEEEEEEES! Finally, we’re almost on vacation!

Almost! … I don’t know if you noticed, but when we were taking the final exam
this morning, Angel was not in the classroom. Do you know what happened?

Amanda wrote: Oh Mari, I noticed. Angel didn’t take the test. I don’t know
what happened. Maybe he overslept again! He loves to sleep

Roberto wrote: Hello Mari and everybody! Angel might have been stuck in
traffic. I called him last night and he said he was studying for the test.

Sol wrote: Then he must have stayed up late and maybe he was sick!

Wilmer wrote: Hello group! Oh no Angel… He could have skipped classes,

because I saw him on the bus in the morning!

Sol wrote: Angel? Skip classes? Definitely not!

Angel wrote: HELLO! Guys, I was late today! I bought some food for
breakfast and I was late. The teacher put me in a different classroom,
so I didn’t interrupt the group. THANKS Mari for thinking about me!

Exercise #2

Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What is the relationship among the people in this group?

a) They are cousins b) They go to school together c) They are in the drama club

2. What is the name of the person the group is talking about?

a) Amanda b) Roberto c) Angel

3. When did this conversation start?

a) In the morning b) In the afternoon c) At night

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 7 49

Speculating and
6th Grade • Secondary School hypothesizing about past events
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events

Exercise #3
Read the text. Then, look at the following pictures and the ideas they represent. Who mentioned each
idea? Write the correct name under each image. Pay attention! There are 2 pictures you will not need.

Exercise #4
Read the text again. Decide if the following statements are True, False or were Not Mentioned in the
text. If the answer is False, write a correct version.

1. Amanda was the first person to respond the initial message. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


2. The next exam the group needs to take is an English test. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


3. Wilmer saw Angel last night at the train station. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


4. Roberto called Mari last night and she was sleeping. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


5. Amanda’s speculations were related to traffic problems. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


50 8 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating and hypothesizing
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events about past events
Exercise #5
Imagine the message conversation in the text, but now speculate other possibilities. You can use
vocabulary presented in this Unit and/or other vocabulary that you know. If necessary, you can go to
the list of Past Simple and Past Participle forms of irregular verbs by the end of this Unit.


Friends FOREVER! this conversation started at 1:30 pm

Hello everybody! I hope you are OK. Congratulations class – we took our final
History exam for this year! I’m so happy!!!

Amanda wrote: YEEEEEEES! Finally, we’re almost on vacation!

Almost! … I don’t know if you noticed, but when we were taking the final exam
this morning, Angel was not in the classroom. Do you know what happened?

Final Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.

I can write a sentence using at least 4 vocabulary expressions related to
school life: pass/fail a test, be late, skip classes, be stuck in traffic, etc.

I can write at least 3 sentences to speculate about past events using

“maybe + Past Simple” and/or “must/might + have + verb in Participle”.

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about a high school instant messages group.

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 51

6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating and hypothesizing
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events about past events

Learning Portfolio

Imagine something mysterious happened. Write a text message to a family or friend group, and imagine
a conversation where you explain the situation, and different people offer 3-4 speculations. In the end,
you can decide to find the truth (the real answer) or not. Below are some options as inspiration:

In the middle of a family Your dog is usually home, You are watching TV one
party, your dad received a but today you arrived from morning, when you hear a
phone call and left. school and it is not there. BOOM! from outside.


52 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating and about
Speculating & hypothesizing hypothesizing
past events about past events

Unit Flashcards

You can use the following flashcards in different ways:

(Puedes utilizar las siguientes tarjetas de vocabulario de diferentes formas:)

 To test your memory: cut the cards and fold the words. Then, check if you remember them.
(Para poner a prueba tu memoria: Recorta las tarjetas y dobla hacia atrás las palabras. Entonces, verifica si las

 To play a matching game: cut the cards and the names. Then, match the correct ones.
(Para un juego de correspondencia: Recorta cada tarjeta por la línea punteada. Luego, empareja cada figura con
su nombre)

 To play a memory game: cut the cards with pictures and the cards with the names. Put them face-
down, and turn around 1 picture card and 1 name card at a time. If they match, you get a point!
(Para un juego de memoria: Recorta cada tarjeta. Coloca boca abajo, en dos grupos separados, las ilustraciones y
los nombres, y voltea una de cada grupo al mismo tiempo. Si hay correspondencia entre la ilustración y el nombre,
ganas un punto.)

 To practice online: go to the Internet and access to study this

(Para practicar en línea: En el Internet, entra al enlace para estudiar este

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 53

6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating and hypothesizing
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events about past events





54 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Speculating and hypothesizing about past events
6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events

Past Simple & Past Participle Forms: Irregular Verbs



(am, is, are) WERE















© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 55
6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating and hypothesizing
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events about past events

Answer Key

Practicing Grammar!
Exercise #1
Answers will vary according to students’ background knowledge and personal ideas. Students’ language will
probably consist of individual words or short phrases – and that’s OK for now!

Exercise #2
Sentences that should be underlined in the story:
• Maybe he had a problem at work! • He must have drunk that!
• He might have fought with his family • He must have had an allergic reaction!
• He could have felt uncomfortable with so many people


Exercise #3 Exercise #4
1. Maybe she saw a crazy video on the Internet. 1. She might have read an incredible story.
2. I think the family organized a big party. 2. A dog could have destroyed the living room.
3. He could have fought with his brother. 3. The kid might have fallen in the garden.

Exercise #5 Exercise #6
A. Hhmm… Maybe she got a good grade A. Hhmm… She might have got(ten) a good grade.
B. Hhmm… Maybe your dog played inside. B. Hhmm… Your dog might have played inside.
C. Hhmm… Maybe your mon put it there. C. Hhmm… Your mom might have put it there.

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
Answers will vary depending on students’ personal experiences, but ideally the verbs of the ideas should be in
Past Simple (if they are events that happened in a specific point in the past).

Exercise #2
Answers may vary depending on students’ personal experiences.

Exercise #3
C pass a test G oversleep H be late
F be stuck in traffic A fail a test D be absent
E skip classes B stay up late

Exercise #4
1. B) am stuck in traffic 4. A) is absent
2. C) stay up late 5. A) failed the test
3. B) skips classes 6. C) is super late

56 14 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Speculating and hypothesizing
6th Grade • Secondary School
Speculating & hypothesizing about past events about past events
Exercise #5
Answers will vary depending on students’ ideas. Below are some of the predictable options, one per dialogue:
• Maybe he failed the test / He might have failed the test
• Maybe he/she overslept / He/she might have overslept
• Maybe she was late / She might have been late
• Maybe he skipped classes / He might have skipped classes
• Maybe he stayed up late / She might have stayed up late

Reading Practice: A School Mystery!

Exercise #1
Answers will vary according to students’ opinions and personal experiences.

Exercise #2
1. What is the relationship among the people in this group?
a) They are cousins b) They go to school together c) They are in the drama club

2. What is the name of the person the group is talking about?

a) Amanda b) Roberto c) Angel

3. When did this conversation start?

a) In the morning b) In the afternoon c) At night

Exercise #3

Exercise #4
1. Amanda was the first person to respond the initial message. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED

2. The next exam the group needs to take is an English test. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED

3. Wilmer saw Angel last night at the train station. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED
Wilmer saw Angel this morning on the bus.

4. Roberto called Mari last night and she was sleeping. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED
Roberto called Angel last night and he was studying for the test.

5. Amanda’s speculations were related to traffic problems. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED
Amanda’s speculations were related to oversleeping.

Exercise #5
Answers will vary from student to student.

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 57
Unit 4
Talking about past experiences and events
Unit 4
6th Grade •about past experiences and events
Secondary School
Talking about past experiences and events

Secondary School • 6th Grade

Talking about past experiences and events
(Narrar acontecimientos y experiencias de forma detallada)

Posible situación en la que se puede utilizar lo aprendido:

Es fin de año y te reúnes con un grupo de amigos de habla inglesa para compartir sus historias y anécdotas preferidas
del año que ya termina, incluyendo detalles tales como quiénes estaban, y qué, cuándo, cómo, por qué y dónde sucedieron
los hechos. Para esto es necesario saber cómo narrar acontecimientos y experiencias de forma detallada.

Introduction to the Unit

Welcome to this new unit! This time, you will work with vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing
related to talking about past experiences and events. In this sense, the focus will be on natural disasters. You will
have an opportunity to assess your knowledge before and after you complete this unit. Before starting with the
exercises, use the flashcards on page 12 to learn this unit’s vocabulary. You can also access to study this unit’s vocabulary and expressions.
We hope you enjoy this learning experience!

Introducción a la Unidad

¡Bienvenido/a a esta nueva unidad! Esta vez, aprenderás sobre vocabulario, gramática, lectura y escritura relativas
a narrar acontecimientos y experiencias de forma detallada. En ese sentido, se hará énfasis en el tema de desastres
naturales. Además, podrás evaluar tus conocimientos antes y después de completar la unidad. Antes de hacer los
ejercicios, utiliza las tarjetas que se incluyen en la página 12, para aprender el vocabulario de esta unidad. También
puedes ingresar al sitio para practicar el vocabulario y expresiones de esta unidad.
¡Esperamos que disfrutes esta experiencia de aprendizaje!

Initial Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.


I can write a sentence using at least 4 words that refer to natural

disasters, such as earthquake, tropical storm, wildfire, flooding, etc.

I can write at least 3 sentences to narrate a short story in detail using

Past Simple, Past Continuous, and linked ideas with “when”.

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about a local news report.

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 59
6th Gradeabout past experiences and events
• Secondary School
Talking about past experiences and events

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
What do you imagine when you read the phrase NATURAL DISASTERS? Do you have any in your city?
In your country? Write words, phrases and images you associate with this phrase.


Exercise #2
Take a look at the following natural disasters. Have you ever experienced one or more? If the answer
is “Yes”, write a check ( ) in the small circle. If the answer is “No”, write an X ( ).



Exercise #3
Match the letters corresponding to the images in Exercise #2 with the names of the natural disasters.




60 2 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Talking about past experiences and events
6th Grade • Secondary School
Talking about past experiences and events

Exercise #4
Look at the elements of nature below. Which elements are connected to each natural disaster? Draw
or write them in each case.






Exercise #5
Read the following short news reports. Complete each one with a natural disaster from Exercise #3.

1. There was too much rain this weekend. There was a big ________________________ in the north of the
country. Many trees and some houses on a mountain fell to a little town and destroyed it.

2. Last week, ___________________________ “Lucia” affected some areas of Florida and the Caribbean.
Only some small cities suffered damages, but fortunately no people died.

3. It rained for 5 days last week, so there was a ____________________________ in the central part of the
city. Even today, many houses and stores have a lot of water inside.

4. Experts announced a ________________________ that will affect the entire country for some days. The
temperatures are expected to reach 40°C and, in some areas, 42°C. Get prepared!

5. Yesterday there was a 6.4 __________________________ in the east area of the country. Small houses
suffered damages and around 10 were destroyed. It was 1-minute long and it caused lots of movement.

6. The high temperatures and no rain in weeks caused an important __________________________ in the
forests and mountains of this area. Firefighters and other experts are doing their best to combat it.

Exercise #6
We use “there was/there were” to talk about the existence of something in the past. Choose 3 different
natural disasters and write when and where they happened (could be in your country or abroad).

EXAMPLE: • In California there was a(n) wildfire in 2020 .

• In _______________________________ there was a(n) _________________________________ in ________________.

• In _______________________________ there was a(n) ________________________________ in ________________.

• In _______________________________ there was a(n) ________________________________ in ________________.

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 61
6th Gradeabout past experiences and events
• Secondary School
Talking about past experiences and events

Practicing Grammar!

Exercise #1
Choose one natural disaster you or a friend/family member has experienced. What did you (or this
person) do in that moment? Write a short narration with 2-3 ideas.





Exercise #2
Read the following short conversation with stories about a recent earthquake. Then, underline and re-
write 1 example of the following structures in the box below.




I did! I was sleeping in my room

Hey, Diego, did you feel the
earthquake yesterday morning? when my mom screamed and
told me and my sister about it.

I was absolutely afraid! When the WOW! My aunt was cooking breakfast
earthquake started, I ran to the when it started. She went outside the
kitchen and hid under a strong table… house and left the bread in the toaster!

She returned to the house when the

Oh my God! What happened earthquake finished. And the bread
after that? What did she do?
was completely black!

4 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
Talking about past experiences and events
6th Grade • Secondary School
Talking about past experiences and events

Keep in mind!

We use different expressions in Past to narrate stories and events. Two very common tenses are
Past Simple and Past Continuous. Observe the following examples and their meaning:
EXAMPLE: I was cooking when the earthquake started. [The 2 actions happen at the same time.]
EXAMPLE: My mom ran outside when the earthquake started. [The action after “when” happens first.]

To know more information about a story, we ask questions in Past and usually use did.
In this case, the other verb goes in Present.
EXAMPLE: Did you feel the earthquake? • What did you do? • Where did you run?

Exercise #3
Combine the following ideas to write sentences using Past Simple + Past Simple.

1. [We go to a different region / heat wave start]

2. [I call my brother / I see the news about the flooding]

3. [I finally return to school / the terrible rain stop]


Exercise #4
Combine the following ideas to write sentences using Past Simple + Past Continuous.

1. [My family have lunch / landslide happen]

2. [Mary travel in the Caribbean / tropical storm hit]

3. [We play baseball / thunderstorm start]


© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 5 63

6th Grade • Secondary School
Talking about
Talking about pastandexperiences
past experiences events and events
Exercise #5
Order the words to create questions in Past. These questions are directly connected to the sentences
in Exercise #3 (Question 1 is connected to sentence 1, question 2 to sentence 2, and so on).

1. everybody / Did / landslide / escape / the ?

2. stay / did / the / storm / Where / she / during ?

3. you / How / return / did / home ?

4. receive / Did / any / you / recommendations / about it ?


Reading Practice: News Reports

Exercise #1
Do you know any heroes? Write the names of 2-3 heroes, and explain why they are special.




Exercise #2
Do you admire anyone in your family? Do you admire any friend? Mention 1-2 special things they did.




64 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

6th Grade •about past experiences and events
Secondary School
Talking about past experiences and events

Read the following news report and complete the exercises below.

(You can find the audio file for this reading here:

Tuesday, October 14th

M ir ac le s in t h e m iddl e of disa st er
Stories with one thing in common: the desire to survive

Last week, weather was extremely unusual in the Octavio, a 5-year-old dog from Ramadita, is the
province of Uvita. There was a strong heat wave protagonist of our second story. Tito, Octavio’s
on Monday and Tuesday, and thunderstorms and owner, told us: “On Monday, one of the thunders
heavy rain on Wednesday and Thursday. It rained sparked a big fire very close to our house.
so much, that the water caused landslides in 3 Everybody was transporting water to put out the
different small towns. fire, when Octavio started to bark. He never barks!
He is a very silent dog. We knew there was a
One of those towns was Ramadita, where 2000 problem. When Octavio entered one of the
people live. Dayana, protagonist of the first story, houses, we followed him and saw a small fire. We
told us: “It was Thursday. I was sleeping when I put it out and prevented a tragedy, thanks to him!”
heard a horrible sound. My house started to move.
I went to my baby’s room, took him, and ran away. The people of Ramadita are now organizing a
My house was located on a small mountain, but it variety of activities to collect money for the
was destroyed in the landslide. My baby and I are affected families, like selling food and clothes.
OK, that’s the most important thing”. Dayana and Octavio are local heroes.

Exercise #3
Read the text and answer True or False to the following statements. If the answer is False, write the
correct information below.

TRUE FALSE A) This news report talks about events that occurred in October.


TRUE FALSE B) This news report includes three different stories.


TRUE FALSE C) The stories happened in different provinces.


TRUE FALSE D) The news report finishes talking about the present.


© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 65
Talking about
6th Grade past experiences and events
• Secondary School
Talking about past experiences and events

Exercise #4
Read the text again. Then, look at the pictures that represent different ideas. In what order were the
ideas mentioned in the text? Write 1-5. Pay attention! You will not need 1 idea.

Exercise #5
Read the text again. Complete the following chart with information from the text.

Name of Natural disaster(s) When? What What was the

protagonist(s) mentioned day? protagonist’s action?



Exercise #6
Read the text one final time, and pay attention to the words underlined. Using the context of the story,
what do you believe they mean? Circle the correct option in each case.

1. …and heavy rain on Wednesday… a) intense b) relaxing c) silent

2. …I took him, and ran away. a) jumped b) escaped c) attacked

3. …one of the thunders sparked a big fire… a) caused b) finished c) saw

4. We put it out and prevented a tragedy! a) danced b) admired c) extinguished

66 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

6th Grade • Secondary School
Talking about
Talking about pastandexperiences
past experiences events and events
Exercise #7
Imagine you are a reporter, and you have a chance to interview Dayana and Tito. What are 2 questions
you would ask them? Write those questions and imagine their answer.

QUESTION: ___________________________________________________________________________________________?

ANSWER: _____________________________________________________________________________________________


QUESTION: ___________________________________________________________________________________________?

ANSWER: _____________________________________________________________________________________________


Exercise #8
Newspapers normally include pictures of the stories they cover. Draw an image that could be included
in the reading article “Miracles in the middle of disaster”.

Final Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.


I can write a sentence using at least 4 words that refer to natural

disasters, such as earthquake, tropical storm, wildfire, flooding, etc.

I can write at least 3 sentences to narrate a short story in detail using

Past Simple, Past Continuous, and linked ideas with “when”.

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about a local news report.

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 67
6th Gradeabout past experiences and events
• Secondary School
Talking about past experiences and events

Learning Portfolio

Imagine you are talking with friends, including the topic of “extreme situations”. Each person narrates a
very short experience related to a natural disaster or any other extreme situation, including the
protagonists and the action. Write 2 short narrations, including a question and an answer for each one.






QUESTION for this person: ____________________________________________________________?

ANSWER: __________________________________________________________________________







QUESTION for this person: ____________________________________________________________?

ANSWER: __________________________________________________________________________


68 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
6th Grade • Secondary School
Talking about
Talking about pastandexperiences
past experiences events and events

Unit Flashcards

You can use the following flashcards in different ways:

(Puedes utilizar las siguientes tarjetas de vocabulario de diferentes formas:)

 To test your memory: cut the cards and fold the words. Then, check if you remember them.
(Para poner a prueba tu memoria: Recorta las tarjetas y dobla hacia atrás las palabras. Entonces, verifica si las

 To play a matching game: cut the cards and the names. Then, match the correct ones.
(Para un juego de correspondencia: Recorta cada tarjeta por la línea punteada. Luego, empareja cada figura con
su nombre)

 To play a memory game: cut the cards with pictures and the cards with the names. Put them face-
down, and turn around 1 picture card and 1 name card at a time. If they match, you get a point!
(Para un juego de memoria: Recorta cada tarjeta. Coloca boca abajo, en dos grupos separados, las ilustraciones y
los nombres, y voltea una de cada grupo al mismo tiempo. Si hay correspondencia entre la ilustración y el nombre,
ganas un punto.)

 To practice online: go to the Internet and access to study this

(Para practicar en línea: En el Internet, entra al enlace para estudiar este

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 69

6th Grade • Secondary School
Talking about
Talking about pastand
past experiences experiences
events and events


64 to 117 km/h 118 km/h & more



70 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Talking about
6th Grade past experiences and events
• Secondary School
Talking about past experiences and events

Past Simple & Past Participle Forms: Irregular Verbs


(am, is, are) WERE
















© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 71

Talking about
6th Grade • Secondarypast
School experiences and events
Talking about past experiences and events

Answer Key

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
Answers will vary according to students’ background knowledge.

Exercise #2
Answers will vary according to students’ personal experiences.

Exercise #3

Exercise #4
Answers may vary slightly from student to student, but here are some options:

HURRICANE: water, wind/air, electricity EARTHQUAKE: ground

WILDFIRE: temperature LANDSLIDE: water, ground
FLOODING: water TROPICAL STORM: water, wind/air, electricity
THUNDERSTORM: electricity HEAT WAVE: temperature

Exercise #5
1. landslide 3. flooding 5. earthquake
2. hurricane/tropical storm 4. heat wave 6. wildfire

Exercise #6
Answers will vary according to students’ personal experiences.

Practicing Grammar!
Exercise #1
Answers will vary depending on students’ personal experiences.

Exercise #2
The sentences students choose will vary, but here are all of the possibilities:


• Did you feel the earthquake • When the earthquake started, I ran • I was sleeping in my room when my
yesterday morning? to the kitchen mom screamed
• What happened after that? • She returned to the house when the • My aunt was cooking breakfast when
• What did she do earthquake finished it started

72 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
6th Grade • Secondary School
Talkingabout past experiences
about past experiences and events and events
Exercise #3
1. We went to a different region when the heat wave started.
2. I called my brother when I saw the news about the flooding.
3. I finally returned to school when the terrible rain stopped.

Exercise #4
1. My family was having lunch when the landslide happened.
2. Mary was traveling in the Caribbean when the tropical storm hit.
3. We were playing baseball when the thunderstorm started.

Exercise #5
1. Did everybody escape the landslide? 3. How did you return home?
2. Where did she stay during the storm? 4. Did you receive any recommendations about it?

Reading Practice: News Reports

Exercise #1
Answers will vary according to students’ personal opinions and experiences.

Exercise #2
Answers will vary according to students’ opinions.

Exercise #3
TRUE FALSE A) This news report talks about events that occurred in October.
TRUE FALSE B) This news report includes three different stories.
This news report includes two different stories.
TRUE FALSE C) The stories happened in different provinces.
The stories happened in the same province, Uvita.
TRUE FALSE D) The news report finishes talking about the present.

Exercise #4

Exercise #5
Answers may vary slightly (especially on the last column), but here are some possible answers.
Name of Natural disaster(s) What was the
When? What day?
protagonist(s) mentioned protagonist’s action?
She took her baby and ran
STORY #1 Dayana landslide Thursday
away during a landslide.
thunderstorm He barked and discovered a
STORY #2 Octavio Monday
and fire small fire inside a house.

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Talking about
6th Grade • Secondarypast
School experiences and events
Talking about past experiences and events

Exercise #6
1. a) intense b) relaxing c) silent
2. a) jumped b) escaped c) attacked
3. a) caused b) finished c) saw
4. a) danced b) admired c) extinguished

Exercise #7
Answers will vary from student to student.

Exercise #8
Drawings will vary from student to student, but they should include some elements from either story.

16 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
Talking about past experiences and events

Fuente: Freepik

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Unit 5
Interacting in job interviews
Unit 5
6th Grade • Secondary School
Interacting in job interviews
Interacting in job interviews

Secondary School • 6th Grade

Interacting in job interviews
(Interactuar en entrevistas de trabajo)

Posible situación en la que se puede utilizar lo aprendido:

Estás interesando en conseguir un trabajo en el sector turístico, para el cual es necesario saber inglés. Para esto,
te harán una entrevista en ese idioma en la cual debes responder preguntas sobre tus intereses, tu formación académica,
tu experiencia de trabajo y tus habilidades. A fin de poder desenvolverte bien en la entrevista, debes saber interactuar
de forma pertinente en entrevistas de trabajo.

Introduction to the Unit

Welcome to this new unit! This time, you will work with vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing
related to interacting in job interviews. In this sense, the focus will be on preparing for a job interview. You will have
an opportunity to assess your knowledge before and after you complete this unit. Before starting with the exercises,
use the flashcards on page 12 to learn this unit’s vocabulary. You can also access
to study this unit’s vocabulary and expressions.
We hope you enjoy this learning experience!

Introducción a la Unidad

¡Bienvenido/a a esta nueva unidad! Esta vez, aprenderás sobre vocabulario, gramática, lectura y escritura relativas
a interactuar en entrevistas de trabajo. En ese sentido, se hará énfasis en el tema de preparación para una entrevista
de trabajo. Además, podrás evaluar tus conocimientos antes y después de completar la unidad. Antes de hacer los
ejercicios, utiliza las tarjetas que se incluyen en la página 12, para aprender el vocabulario de esta unidad. También
puedes ingresar al sitio para practicar el vocabulario y expresiones.
¡Esperamos que disfrutes esta experiencia de aprendizaje!

Initial Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.

I can write sentences using at least 5 words related to the world of work,
such as hire, fire, schedule, availability, shift, position, resumé, etc.

I can write at least 4 questions using present and past tenses

(Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple).

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about a job interview.

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 77

6th Grade • Secondary School
Interacting in jobin job interviews

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
Read the following statistics about job interviews from Europe*. Circle the option you believe correctly
completes each idea. Do you think the situation would be similar in your country?
* from the website

1. ______% of interviewers said they would not offer a job to an

interviewee who doesn’t know anything about the company.
a) 15% b) 47% c) 88%

2. ______% of interviewers said it is fundamental that the

interviewee smiles during the conversation.
a) 10% b) 31% c) 60%
The person who The person who 3. ______% of interviewers explained that they would not offer a
asks questions in answers questions job to an interviewee who doesn’t make eye contact.
the interview. in the interview. a) 40% b) 75% c) 90%

Exercise #2
Read the following words on the left related to the world of work, and the definitions on the right.
Then, match the number of each word with the correct definition for it.

1. position # ____ The time you are free to do something in particular; for example, work.
2. shift # ____ An ability you are very good at, a talent that gives you an advantage.
3. schedule # ____ The action when a company makes a contract and pays you to work.
4. resumé # ____ A period of time you work actively, normally around 8-10 hours.
5. availability # ____ A document with the times you start and finish work, classes, etc.
6. strength # ____ A short document containing personal information, work experience, etc.
7. weakness # ____ An area of your abilities or personality that you need to work on.
8. hire # ____ The action when a company finishes your contract immediately.
9. fire # ____ A specific job inside a company or organization.

Exercise #3
Complete the following sentences with one of the words from the left column in Exercise #2.

A. Please come next week to our company again. They always ______________ new people the last week of June.

B. My biggest ________________________ is that I am not punctual. It is difficult for me to manage my time!

C. I’m sorry, Doctor Padilla has no ___________________________ this Friday. What about next Monday?

D. Look at the ____________________________ of my new job. It is crazy! I start at 8 am and finish at 10 pm!

78 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
Interacting in job
6th Grade • Secondary School interviews
Interacting in job interviews

E. Please, bring a copy of your _______________________ with you when you come to the interview.

F. If a boss wants to _____________________ you, they need to give you a compensation for your years of work.

G. I’m applying for a ___________________________ of secretary at the Metropolitan Hospital. Wish me luck!

H. I consider that one of my ___________________________ is my ability to work effectively in big groups.

i. They gave me the night _____________________ two times a week. I love it! It’s so silent at night at the clinic.

Exercise #4
Read each one of the following questions, which are common in a job interview. Circle the option that
best completes each question. Then, imagine you are an interviewee applying for your ideal job, and
write short answers to the questions (it is not necessary to use real information!).

1. What is your most important __________? What talents do you offer this organization?
a) resume b) shift c) availability d) strength

YOUR ANSWER: ____________________________________________________________________________.

2. What is your __________ right now? If possible, you could start working next Monday.
a) weakness b) availability c) hire d) resume

YOUR ANSWER: ____________________________________________________________________________.

3. I was reading your __________ and noticed you worked for our company 5 years ago. Why did you leave?
a) shift b) fire c) resume d) position

YOUR ANSWER: ____________________________________________________________________________.

4. Do you like waking up early? This job includes 3 morning __________ every week.
a) hire b) shifts c) strengths d) weaknesses

YOUR ANSWER: ____________________________________________________________________________.

5. Why should our company __________ you? What is unique or special about your skills?
a) fire b) resume c) availability d) hire

YOUR ANSWER: ____________________________________________________________________________.

6. We have 2 different __________ available: waiter and cashier. Which one are you interested in?
a) positions b) strengths c) schedules d) fires

YOUR ANSWER: ____________________________________________________________________________.

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 79
Interacting in School
6th Grade • Secondary job interviews
Interacting in job interviews

Practicing Grammar!
Exercise #1
Read the following abilities/skills. Then write next to each profession the numbers representing the
abilities you believe are fundamental for them.


1. Collaboration skills: ability to work
with other people well TRANSLATOR :
2. Problem-solving skills: ability to find
solutions to new problems TV REPORTER :

3. Public speaking skills: ability to speak CONSTRUCTION WORKER :

in front of a big audience
4. Organizational skills: ability to be TEACHER :
punctual, orderly, and organized
5. Communication skills: ability to give,
understand and follow instructions WAITER / WAITRESS :

Exercise #2
Read the following short job interview. Underline the questions asked by Ms. Leiva, and determine if
they are in present or past.

INTERVIEWER: Ms. Pamela Leiva • INTERVIEWEE: Ms. Andrea Andrade

Ms. Leiva: Hello Ms. Andrade. Please tell me more about yourself.
Ms. Andrade: Yes! My name is Andrea Andrade, and I’m a translator. I can
speak English, Spanish, and a little French. I’m from Moca.
Ms. Leiva: Perfect! Have you already finished your studies?
Ms. Andrade: Yes, I graduated two years ago, from the International Center of Translators.
Ms. Leiva: I see! Have you ever worked at a translation company before?
Ms. Andrade: Yes, I have. I worked for 1 year at “Home Homey DR”, a company that sells house decorations and
furniture. I translated documents from English to Spanish, such as manuals and contracts.
Ms. Leiva: I know that company! Did you enjoy your time there?
Ms. Andrade: I liked it a lot, but I am ready for a change.
Ms. Leiva: That’s good to hear. What do you consider as your strengths, Ms. Andrade?
Ms. Andrade: Well, I think I have strong collaboration and organizational skills. I like to have things in order, and
it is easy for me to work with other people. I consider myself a very sociable person.
Ms. Leiva: Those are very important qualities for us. Now, let’s talk about the schedule, salary and your
possible responsibilities as a translator in our company.

80 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
Interacting ininterviews
job interviews
6th Grade • Secondary School
Interacting in job

Keep in mind!

We ask questions in order to know more information. The tense we use in the question reflects
our intention, such as general habits (normally in Present Simple), specific past experiences
(usually in Past Simple) or general life experiences (generally in Present Perfect).


Where do you work?
— Does she live in Constanza?

What did they eat for breakfast?

— Did Ruth clean her room yesterday?

Who have you told our secret?

— Has he traveled to the beach this year?

Exercise #3
Order the words in each case to form questions that are common in job interviews.

1. do / want / Why / you / position / this ?

2. big / ever / group / Have / worked / a / with / you ?

3. study / in / What / college / you / did ?

4. has / favorite / job / been / What / your ?

5. last / did / job / What / you / learn / in / your ?


Exercise #4
Create job interview questions in Present Perfect using the verbs (in parenthesis). If your personal
answer to each question is “Yes”, write a check ( ) in the box or an X ( ) if the answer is “No”,

1. (drive a truck) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ?

2. (teach English) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ?

3. (sing in public) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ?

4. (write a resume) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ?

5. (repair a computer) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ?

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 81

Interacting in job in job interviews
6th Grade • Secondary School

Reading Practice: Randy’s Job Interview

Exercise #1
Read again the questions in Exercise #4 of the “Practicing Grammar!” section. In your opinion, for what
specific jobs or positions is each question relevant? Write 1-2 answers in each case.

1. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 5. __________________________________

2. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________

Read the following dialogue and complete the exercises below.

(You can find the audio file for this reading here:

INTERVIEWER: Nicolás Torres (N) ▪ INTERVIEWEE: Randy Polanco (R)

N: Good afternoon! You are Randy, right?

R: Good afternoon. Yes, I am Randy Piedra.

N: Randy, we usually receive foreigner clients who communicate in English, so the interview
will be in English. Welcome to Tito’s Car Workshop! We repair all kinds of cars here…

R: Thanks! I am familiar with the place and your services. I have come here before as a client.

N: Oh nice! So, you know us... What position are you applying for?

R: I'm here because I saw on the Internet that you have an open position as an electrical systems technician.

N: Perfect. Tell me about yourself. Have you ever worked before?

R: I have lived in the Dominican Republic since 2010, but I am originally from Argentina. There, my father had his
own car workshop, and he worked as a mechanic. He was my teacher. In total, I have fixed cars for 15 years! I also
organize and teach art classes to children on Saturdays, and I sell homemade empanadas with a friend on Sundays.

N: Wow — you are hardworking! … In your opinion, what is your biggest strength? And your biggest weakness?

R: My biggest strength is my ability to concentrate and focus. I can listen to music, hear people’s conversations,
and all the noise in the workshop, but I concentrate 100% on my work. A weakness… sometimes it’s difficult for me
to express when I need help. I love solving problems, but I need to communicate better with others.

N: Thank you for that. Did you like working with your dad?

R: I did! It was great. Yes, we had some problems, but that’s normal for fathers and sons. We were a good team.

N: Randy, what’s your availability?

R: I can work from Monday to Friday, all morning and afternoon.

N: Fantastic! Right now, our priority is a person in the mornings…

82 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
6th Grade • Secondary School
Interacting in jobin job interviews

Exercise #2
Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. Where (in what place) does this interview happen? ____________________________________________

2. What is the position the interviewee is interested in? ____________________________________________

3. Where is the interviewee originally from? ____________________________________________

Exercise #3
Read the text. Then, read the following ideas and write 1-5 to decide in what order they are mentioned
in the dialogue. Pay attention! You will not need one idea.

# ____ A. A mention of the interviewee’s different jobs

# ____ B. The narration of a very negative situation in the last job

# ____ C. An explanation why the interview is not in Spanish

# ____ D. The moments of the week when the interviewee can work as a mechanic

# ____ E. A confirmation of the interviewee’s name

# ____ F. Two different sides of the interviewee’s personality and skills

Exercise #4
Read the text again. Then, read the following statements and decide if they are True, False or Not
Mentioned in the story. If a statement is False, write the correct information.

1. This is the first time that Randy goes to Tito’s Car Workshop. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


2. Randy learned about the position on the radio. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


3. Randy’s weekend jobs are related to arts and food. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


4. Randy learned how to concentrate by cooking empanadas. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


5. Randy’s work experience with his dad was positive, but not perfect. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


6. Nicolás urgently needs a mechanic to work at night. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED


© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 83

Interacting in jobin job interviews
6th Grade • Secondary School

Exercise #5
Finish the dialogue between Randy and Nicolás with 2-3 more questions and answers: one version
where Randy will probably get the position (a good result), and one version where Randy will probably
not get the position (a bad result).

GOOD ENDING for the interview BAD ENDING for the interview

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Final Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.


I can write sentences using at least 5 words related to the world of work,
such as hire, fire, schedule, availability, shift, position, resumé, etc.

I can write at least 4 questions using present and past tenses

(Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple).

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a

written text about a job interview.

84 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
Interacting in job interviews
6th Grade • Secondary School
Interacting in job interviews

Learning Portfolio

What is your ideal job? _________________________________________________________________

Imagine you are doing a job interview for this ideal job. Write 4-6 questions by the interviewer, and your
answer for each one of those questions. Make sure to write different types of questions – you can use the
questions in this Unit as inspiration!




















© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 85
Interacting ininterviews
job interviews
6th Grade • Secondary School
Interacting in job

Past Simple & Past Participle Forms: Irregular Verbs


(am, is, are) WERE















86 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©
Interacting inSchool
6th Grade • Secondary job interviews
Interacting in job interviews

Unit Flashcards

You can use the following flashcards in different ways:

(Puedes utilizar las siguientes tarjetas de vocabulario de diferentes formas:)

 To test your memory: cut the cards and fold the words. Then, check if you remember them.
(Para poner a prueba tu memoria: Recorta las tarjetas y dobla hacia atrás las palabras. Entonces, verifica si las

 To play a matching game: cut the cards and the names. Then, match the correct ones.
(Para un juego de correspondencia: Recorta cada tarjeta por la línea punteada. Luego, empareja cada figura con
su nombre)

 To play a memory game: cut the cards with pictures and the cards with the names. Put them face-
down, and turn around 1 picture card and 1 name card at a time. If they match, you get a point!
(Para un juego de memoria: Recorta cada tarjeta. Coloca boca abajo, en dos grupos separados, las ilustraciones y
los nombres, y voltea una de cada grupo al mismo tiempo. Si hay correspondencia entre la ilustración y el nombre,
ganas un punto.)

 To practice online: go to the Internet and access to study this

(Para practicar en línea: En el Internet, entra al enlace para estudiar este

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 11 87

6th Grade • Secondary School
Interacting in job interviews
Interacting in job interviews






88 Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ©

Interacting ininterviews
job interviews
6th Grade • Secondary School
Interacting in job

Answer Key

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
These are the percentages according to the website: 1. b) 47% 2. c) 60% 3. a) 40%
Students’ appreciation if those situations are the same in their country might vary from student to student.

Exercise #2
#5 The time you are free to do something in particular; for example, work.
#6 An ability you are very good at, a talent that gives you an advantage.
#8 The action when a company makes a contract and pays you to work.
#2 A period of time you work actively, normally around 8-10 hours.
#3 A document with the times you start and finish work, classes, etc.
#4 A short document containing personal information, work experience, etc.
#7 An area of your abilities or personality that you need to work on.
#9 The action when a company finishes your contract immediately.
#1 A specific job inside a company or organization.

Exercise #3
A. hire D. schedule G. position
B. weakness E. resume H. strengths
C. availability F. fire i. shift

Exercise #4
Correct options for the questions:
1. d) strength 2. b) availability 3. c) resume 4. b) shifts 5. d) hire 6. a) positions
Students’ full answers to the questions will vary based on their creativity and level of knowledge.

Practicing Grammar!
Exercise #1
Answers may vary, but here are some possible options:
COMPUTER PROGRAMMER: 1, 2, 4, 5 TEACHER : 2, 3, 4, 5
TRANSLATOR : 2, 4 TOUR GUIDE : 2, 3, 4
TV REPORTER : 2, 3, 4, 5 WAITER / WAITRESS : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Exercise #2
These are the questions that should be underlined, and their corresponding tense:
• Have you already finished your studies? — PRESENT (Perfect)
• Have you ever worked at a translation company before? — PRESENT (Perfect)
• Did you enjoy your time there? — PAST (Simple)
• What do you consider as your strengths, Ms. Andrade? — PRESENT (Simple)

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 89
Interacting ininterviews
job interviews
6th Grade • Secondary School
Interacting in job

Exercise #3
1. Why do you want this position? 4. What has been your favorite job?
2. Have you ever worked with a big group? 5. What did you learn in your last job?
3. What did you study in college?

Exercise #4
Students’ answers in the boxes will vary depending on their personal experiences. Below are the questions:
1. Have you every driven a truck? 4. Have you ever written a resumé?
2. Have you ever taught English? 5. Have you ever repaired a computer?
3. Have you ever sung in public?

Reading Practice: Randy’s Job Interview

Exercise #1
Answers will vary according to students’ opinions. Some examples include: 1. Truck driver, delivery person.
2. Translator, English teacher. 3. Musician, actor. 4. Secretary, engineer. 5. Computer technician, programmer.

Exercise #2
1. Where (in what place) does this interview happen? It probably happens at Tito’s Car Workshop.
2. What is the position the interviewee is interested in? Electrical systems technician.
3. Where is the interviewee originally from? From Argentina.

Exercise #3
# 3 A. A mention of the interviewee’s different jobs
# X B. The narration of a very negative situation in the last job
# 2 C. An explanation why the interview is not in Spanish
# 5 D. The moments of the week when the interviewee can work as a mechanic
# 1 E. A confirmation of the interviewee’s name
# 4 F. Two different sides of the interviewee’s personality and skills

Exercise #4
1. This is the first time that Randy goes to Tito’s Car Workshop. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED
Randy is familiar with the place and their services as a client.
2. Randy learned about the position on the radio. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED
Randy learned about the position on the Internet.
3. Randy’s weekend jobs are related to arts and food. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED

4. Randy learned how to concentrate by cooking empanadas. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED

5. Randy’s work experience with his dad was positive, but not perfect. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED

6. Nicolás urgently needs a mechanic to work at night. TRUE FALSE NOT MENTIONED
Nicolás needs a mechanic to work in the mornings.

Exercise #5
Answers will vary from student to student.

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Interacting in job interviews

© Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana 91


Los libros de textos deben de tener una larga vida. Si sigues estos consejos, los libros podrán ser usados
por tus hermanas, hermanos y otros estudiantes el próximo año escolar. De esta forma cuidamos el
medioambiente y el patrimonio público nacional. Con estas acciones demostramos ser responsables.

Forra los libros inmediatamente entregados

El forro no debe dañar el libro, usa forros con adhesivos.

Coloca una etiqueta con tu nombre

en el forro
Nunca debes colocar la etiqueta de tu nombre pegada al
libro. Así el estudiante siguiente lo encontrará como nuevo y
podrá volver a usarlo.

Guarda los libros de texto una vez usados

No los dejes abiertos en la mesa y evita comer o beber
mientras estudias. Los líquidos son el peor enemigo
de tus libros.

No subrayes con lapiceros o bolígrafos

Evita el uso del lapicero, al utilizar la borra se daña el papel y
la tinta del texto. En caso de ser necesario usa lápiz HB o B.

Estudia haciendo resúmenes o esquemas

Utiliza tu cuaderno para hacer resúmenes, esquemas y todos
los ejercicios que aparecen en los libros.
Evita introducir objetos dentro del libro
No marques las páginas introduciendo objetos en el libro. Si
hay la necesidad de marcar, utiliza trozos de papel.

Organiza tus libros en la mochila

Organiza los libros y todos los materiales escolares en la
mochila. Coloca la comida y los líquidos aparte.

En casa, reserva un espacio exclusivo

para tus libros
Coloca tus libros de forma vertical con el lomo hacia
afuera para que se vea el título. Así estarán siempre bien

Utiliza el libro con cuidado

Evita forzarlos apretando o doblando excesivamente
por el medio, evita forzar la encuadernación en el lomo
del libro.

Lleva un control de los libros que prestas

Cuando prestes un libro, debes tener control sobre el
préstamo y la fecha de devolución de tu libro.

Adaptación de
Conoce de este y otros proyectos educativos en:
Himno Nacional de la República Dominicana

Quisqueyanos valientes, alcemos Y si pudo inconsulto caudillo
Nuestro canto con viva emoción, De esas glorias el brillo empañar,
Y del mundo a la faz ostentemos De la guerra se vio en Capotillo
Nuestro invicto glorioso pendón. La bandera de fuego ondear.
¡Salve! el pueblo que, intrépido y fuerte, Y el incendio que atónito deja
A la guerra a morir se lanzó, De Castilla al soberbio León,
Cuando en bélico reto de muerte De las playas gloriosas le aleja
Sus cadenas de esclavo rompió. Donde flota el cruzado pendón.
Ningún pueblo ser libre merece Compatriotas, mostremos erguida
Si es esclavo indolente y servil; Nuestra frente, orgullosos de hoy más;
Si en su pecho la llama no crece Que Quisqueya será destruida
Que templó el heroísmo viril, Pero sierva de nuevo, ¡jamás!
Mas Quisqueya la indómita y brava Que es santuario de amor cada pecho
Siempre altiva la frente alzará; Do la patria se siente vivir;
Que si fuese mil veces esclava Y es su escudo invencible: el derecho;
Otras tantas ser libre sabrá. Y es su lema: ser libre o morir.
Que si dolo y ardid la expusieron ¡Libertad! que aún se yergue serena
De un intruso señor al desdén, La Victoria en su carro triunfal,
¡Las Carreras! ¡Beller!, campos fueron Y el clarín de la guerra aún resuena
Que cubiertos de gloria se ven. Pregonando su gloria inmortal.
Que en la cima de heroico baluarte ¡Libertad! Que los ecos se agiten
De los libres el verbo encarnó, Mientras llenos de noble ansiedad
Donde el genio de Sánchez y Duarte Nuestros campos de gloria repiten
A ser libre o morir enseñó. ¡LIBERTAD! ¡LIBERTAD! ¡LIBERTAD!.

Letra: Emilio Prud’Homme | Música: José Reyes

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