Tippens Physics 7e Solutions 33 PDF

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Chapter 33.

Light and illumination

Light and the electromagnetic spectrum

33-1. An infrared spectrophotometer scans wavelengths from 1 to 16 μm.

Express this interval as a function of infrared frequencies.
3 × 108m/s
= 30.0 × 1013Hz; f2= =1.88 × 1013Hz;
3 × 108m/s 16 × 10-
1× 10-6m 6m
Frequency range: 1.88 ×1013 Hz to 30 ×1013 Hz

33-2. What is the frequency of violet light whose wavelength is 410 nm?
c =3 × 108m/s λ= 410 × 10-9m ;
f = 7.32 ×1014 Hz

33-3. A microwave radiator used to measure the speed of automobiles emits radiation with a
frequency of 1. 2 × 109 Hz. What is the wavelength?
c 3 × 108m/s
f =1. 2 × 109Hz ;
λ = 250 mm

33-4. What is the frequency range of visible light? (Range of : 700 nm to 400 nm).
3 × 108m/s = 4.29 × 1014Hz; f=c2λ2 3 × 108m/s
= 7.50 × 1014Hz;
700 × 10-9m 400 × 10-9m
Frequency range: 4.29 ×1014 Hz to 7.50 ×1014 Hz

507 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
33-5. If Planck's constant h is equal to 6.626 × 10-34 J-s, what is the energy of a light whose
wavelength is 600 nm?
hc (6.626 × 10-34J⋅s)(3 × 108m/s)
E=hf= = ;
λ 600 × 10-9m
E = 3.31 × 10-19 J

33-6. What is the frequency of a light whose energy is 5 × 10-19 J?

E= 5.00 × 10-19J
h (6.626 × 10-34 );J⋅s
f = 7.55 ×1014 Hz

33-7. The frequency of the yellow-green light is 5.41 × 1014 Hz. Express the wavelength of that
light in nanometers and in angstroms.
c 3 × 108m/s λ== ;
f 5.41 × 1014 Hz

λ = 555
λ = 555 × 10-9
m(1 ×1010 A/m);

λ = 5550 A
33-8. What is the wavelength of a light whose energy is 7 × 10-19 J?
hc λ=hc = (6.626 × 10-34J⋅s)(3 × 108m/s) λ; =E= ;
7 × 10-19 J
λ = 284 nm

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The speed of light

33-9. The Sun is approximately 93 million miles from Earth. How long does it take for the light
emitted by the Sun to reach the Earth?
93 × 106mi
t= =500s;
186 000 mi/s
t = 8.33 min

33-10. A helium-neon laser beam has a frequency of 4.74 ×1014 Hz and a power of 1 mW.
What is the average number of protons per second propagated by this beam?
E=hf=(6.626 × 10-34J⋅s) (4.74 × 1014 Hz) = 3 .14 × 10-19J/photon;
1× J/s P 10-3 J/s = 3.18 × 1015 photons/s
3.14 J/ - × 10-19 J/photon
3.18 hf × 1015 photons/s

33-11. The light that reaches us from the nearest star, Alpha Centauri, takes 4.3
years to make the journey. What is that distance in miles? And in kilometers?
s = ct = (186 000 mi/s)(3.154 ×107 s/years)(4.30 years);
s = 2.53 × 1013 mi
s = ct = (3 ×108 m/s)(3.154 ×107 s/years)(4.30 years);
s =4.07 × 1013km

33-12. A spacecraft moving around the Moon at a distance of 384 000 km from Earth
communicates by radio with a ground base. How much time elapses between sending and
receiving the signal?
s = (384 000 km)(1000 m/km) = 3.10 ×108 m;
3.84 × 108m;
t = 1.28 s
3 × 108m/s
4 × 1010m
t = 133 s
3 × 108m/s ;

509 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
33-13. A spacecraft sends a signal that takes 20 min to reach Earth. How far away
of the Earth is the spacecraft?
s = ct = (3 ×108 m/s)(20 min)(60 s/min);
s = 3.60 ×1011 m

Rays of light and shadows

33-14. The shadow cast on a screen 4 m away from a point source of light is 60 cm high. What will
be the height of the object projecting it, placed 1 m from the light source and 3 m from the

As they are similar triangles:

60 cm h
100 cm 400 cm
h= (400 cm)(60 cm) 100 cm
h = 2.40 m

33-15. A point light source is placed 15 cm from a vertically arranged 6 cm ruler. Calculate the
length of the shadow cast by the straightedge on a wall that
is 40 cm from it.
h 6 cm
55 cm 15 cm
h = 22.0 cm

33-16. How far in front of a point light source should an 80 mm dish be placed?
diameter to cast a shadow of 400 mm in diameter at a distance of 2 m
of the light source?
x = 2000 mm 80 mm 400 mm ;

x = 400 mm

510 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
33-17. Light from a 40 mm diameter light source passes through a small hole made in the top of
a cardboard box placed 2 m from the source. What is the diameter of the image formed at
the bottom of the box if the height of the box is
60 mm?
60 mm
and 40 mm
60 mm 2000 mm 40 mm

y = 1.20 mm

*33-18. A lamp is covered with a box, to which a narrow slot has been cut out.
20 mm long so that light can pass through it. A 30 mm object of
height is interposed in front of the light coming out of the slot, at a distance of 500
Calculate the length of the umbra and the penumbra that will form on a screen
placed 1.50 m from the slot.
(Because they are similar
a500 + a
a = 1000 mm
20 mm 30 mm
u20 u20
=; =;
1500+ato 1500+10001000
u = 50 mm
b =200mm Now, = p 20

b=500-b20 1500-bb
=30 ;
p = 130 mm

Surface illumination

33-19. What is the solid angle subtended at the center of a sphere 3.20 m in diameter by an area
of 0.5m2 lying on its surface?
Ω A 0.5
=R2=(1.6 m)2;
Ω = 0.195

511 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
33-20. A solid angle of 0.080 sr has been subtended at the center of a sphere of 9.00 cm diameter
by an area A on the surface of the sphere. How large is this area?
A = ΩR2 = (0.08 sr)(0.09 m)2;
A = 6.48 ×

33-21. A metal sheet measuring 8. 5 × 11 cm is illuminated by a light source placed at

1.3 m directly above the sheet. What is the luminous flux incident on the metal if the
source has an intensity of 200 cd. What is the total luminous flux emitted by the light
A = (0.085 m)(0.11 m); A = 9.35 ×
9.35 × 10-3m2
ΩA R2 = 5.53 × 10- 1.3 m
= (1.3 m )2
F= IΩ = (200 cd)(5.53 × 10-3
F = 1.11 lm

Total flux = 4πI= 4π(200 cd);

Total flux = 2510 lm

33-22. A greenish-yellow (555 nm) monochromatic light source of 40 W illuminates a surface

area of 0.5m2 from a distance of 1.0 m. What is the luminous intensity of the
source and how many lumen are incident on that surface?
F = (680 lm/W)(40 W) = 27 200 lm;

FR 2=(27 200 lm)(1 m)2 Ω=AΩ R 2

A= 0.5m2
I = 54 400 cd

512 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
33-23. What is the illumination produced by a 200 cd source on a surface placed 4.0 m away?
I 200 cd =;
R2(4 m)2
E = 12.5 lx

33-24. A lamp placed 2 m from a small surface produces an illumination of 100 lx. What is the
intensity of the source?
I =ER2 = (100 lx)(2 m)2;
I = 400 cd

33-25. A table top 1 m wide and 2 m long is 4.0 m away from a lamp. If 40 lm of flux is incident
on this surface, what is the illumination E of the surface?
F 40 lm E== ;
A (1 m)(2 m)
E = 20 lx

33-26. Where should the lamp in problem 33-25 be placed so that the resulting illumination is
doubled? (Illumination varies inversely with the square of the distance).
E1R12 = E2R22 = (2E1)R22; R2=R212 = (4m2)2;

R2= 2.83 m

513 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
*33-27. A point source of light is located at the center of a sphere 70 mm in diameter. There is an
orifice in the surface of the sphere through which the flow can pass through the sphere.
a solid angle of 0.12 sr. What is the diameter of that opening?
[R = D/2= 35 mm]
A = ΩR2 = (0.12 sr)(35 mm)2; A = 147 mm2
πD24A4(147 mm2)
A=; D=
4 ππ
D = 13.7 mm

Additional problems

33-28. When a light whose wavelength is 550 nm passes from the air into a thin glass plate and
back out into the air, the frequency remains constant, but the speed of the light through the
glass is reduced to 2 × 108 m/s. What is the wavelength inside the glass? (f is the same for
f = vair = vglass ; λ = vglassλair =( 2 × 108m/s)(550 nm)
== = =
f ; glass 8 ;
air glass air
λglass= 367 nm

33-29. It is desired to compare a standard 30 cd light source with a lamp of unknown intensity
using an oil spot photometer (examine Figure 33-21). The two light sources are placed 1 m
apart and the oil stain is shifted towards the standard light. When the oil stain is 25 cm
away from the light source
standard, the illumination is equal on both sides. Calculate the unknown intensity. [The
illumination E is the same for each one].
--------------------- Ix
30 cd Q
=; I=Isrx2=(30 cd)(75 cm)2 x rs2 -I
rr 75 cm
cm )2; 25 cm
Ix= 270 cd

514 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
33-30. Where should the oil spot of problem 33-29 be placed so that the illumination
from the unknown light source to be exactly twice the illumination
from the standard source?
Ix2Is270cd 2(30 cd)
Ex=2Es; =; =; ◄ 1m
(1 - x)2 x2 -----------------------I
30 cd n 270 cd x

4.5 1 , 1___________________________1
=; 4.5x2=(1-x)2; 2.12x=1-x; x 1m-x

3.12x=1; x=1 = 0 .320 m;

x = 32.0 cm from standard source

33-31. The illumination on a surface is 80 lx when it is 3 m from the light source. At what distance
will such a surface receive illumination of 20 lx? (Remember that I = ER is constant).
E1R (80 lx)(3 m)2
E1R12=E2R22; R2
12 (20 lx)
\ E2
R2= 6.00 m

33-32. A lamp is suspended 9 m above a street and produces an illumination of 35 lx on a point

placed exactly below it. Calculate the luminous intensity of the lamp.
E= 2 ; I=ER2=(36 lx)(9 m)2;

1 = 2920 cd

515 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
*33-33. A greenish-yellow (555 nm) monochromatic light source of 60 W illuminates a surface of
0.6m2 from a distance of 1.0 m. What is the solid angle subtended at that source? What is
the luminous intensity of the source?
F = (680 lm/W)(60 W) = 40 800 lm; Ω =RA2=0(1.6mm)22;

0.600 sr
I F (40,800 lm) =Ω=0.60 sr ;
I = 68 000 cd

*33-34. At what distance from a wall will a 35 cd lamp produce the same illumination as an 80 cd
lamp placed 4.0 m from that wall?
[E1= E2]
I1=I2; r=I2r12=(35 cd)(4 m)2;
r12 r22
2 \I1=80cd ;

r2= 2.65 m

*33-35. How much will it be necessary to lower a small lamp to duplicate the illumination that
produced on an object placed 80 cm directly below it? E2= 2E1andE1R12 =E2R22
so:E1R12 = (2E1)R22
R=R12=(80 cm)2;
R2= 56.6 cm; y = 80 cm - 56.6 cm =

23.4 cm

*33-36. Calculate the illumination that a light source of 74 cd produces on a surface of 140 cm2 if
the normal to this surface forms an angle of 38º with the luminous flux.
(74 cd)(cos38º)
E= I
(1.40 m)2
E = 29.8 lx

516 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
*33-37. The cover of a circular table is 4 m below and 3 m to the left of a lamp emitting 1800 lm.
What illumination does the table surface receive? What is the surface area of the table if 3
lm of flux is incident on it?

tanθ= 3 m ; θ = 36.9°; F = 4πI4 m

F 1800 lm =;
4 4 ππ I=143lm/sr
I cosθ = (143 lm/sr) cos36.9º R2=(5 m)2
E = 4.58 lx
A=F=4πI; A =(4π)(3 lm)=0.655m2
EE 4.58 lx
A = 0.655 m2

*33-38. What angle θ between the flux and a straight line normal to a surface will cause the
illumination on that surface to be halved without any change in the distance from the light
E1=I12; E2= Ico2sθ; E1=2E2; I1=I2 y R1 = R2
Substitution yields: 2I cosθ = I and cos θ = 0.5 or θ = 60°.
*33-39. All the light coming from a reflector is captured and focused on a screen with a surface
area of 0.30m2. What must be the luminous intensity of the reflector to produce an
illumination of 500 lx?
E=; I=EA=EA=(500 lx)(0.30m2) =150cd
I = 150 cd

517 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
*33-40. A 300 cd lamp is suspended 5 m above the left edge of a table.
Calculate the illumination received by a small piece of paper placed at a horizontal
distance of 2.5 m from the edge of the table.
R = (2.5 m)2+(5 m)2=5.59 m tanθ=2.5 m; θ=26.6º;
I cosθ = (300 cd)(cos 26.6º) R2=(5.59 m)2;
E= E = 8.59 lx

Problems for critical reflection

33-41. A broadcaster transmits at a frequency of 1150 kHz; a red light beam has a frequency of
4.70 × 1014 Hz; and an ultraviolet beam has a frequency of 2.4 × 1016 Hz. Which has the longest
wavelength? Which one has more energy? What is the wavelength of each of these

electromagnetic waves? [Recall that h = 6.625 × 10-34

J] c 3 × 108m/s == ;
f 1,150 × 106Hz

λ = 261 m
E = hf = 7.62 - J
c 3 × 108m/s λ== ;
f 4.70 × 1014Hz
λ = 639 nm
E = hf = 3.11 × J
c 3 × 108m/s λ== ;
f 2.40 × 1016Hz
λ = 12.5 nm
E = hf = 1.59 × J
Radio waves have longer wavelengths. Ultraviolet rays have higher energy.

518 Tippens, Physics, 7e. Solutions manual. Cap. 33 Copyright Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved
*33-42. An unknown light source A, placed 80 cm from a screen, produces the same illumination
as a standard 30 cd light source placed at point B, which is 30 cm from the screen. What is
the luminous intensity of the unknown light source?
Ix=Is I=Isrx2 =(30 cd)(80 cm)2
rx2rs2; x 2
rs (30 cm)2 ;

Ix= 213 cd

*33-43. The illumination that a light source produces on a surface placed 3.40 m (10 ft) above the
below it is 20 lx. Calculate the intensity of the light source. How far away
under the light source will the illumination be doubled? Does the luminous flux also
duplicate in that location?
I =ER2 = (20 lx)(3.40 m)2; I = 231 cd
E2= 2E1and E1R12 = E2R22 =
=R12 = (3.40 m)2

R2= 2.40 m

ΔF= 0

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*33-44. The illumination of an isotropic source isAE at a point A located on a table exactly 30
cm below the source. At what horizontal distance from A above the table top will the
illumination be reduced by half?
I cosθ
EA RA2; =RB2; F, ='1F- T =T ■

I=2Icosθ R2 1 R
A- but
R2 A=cosθ
B 2co RB

131 cosθ=3 0.5 = 0 .794; y θ = 37.5°.

Thus, (cosθ)2=1; (cosθ)3=1;
2cos θ 2
tanθ= x
x =(30 cm) tan 37.5º ;
30 cm
x = 23.0 cm

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