Clase de Español

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The end is near

El fin se acerca ya I will wait for it serenely
Lo esperaré serenamente You see, I've been like that
Ya ves, yo he sido así I'll tell you honestly
Te lo diré sinceramente
I've lived the vastness
Viví la inmensidad Without ever knowing frontiers
y no encontré jamás fronteras Then, but it was all
Si bien, todo ello fue In my own way
A mi manera
I never lived a love
Jamás viví un amor That, for me, was important
Que, para mí, fuera importante I cut, only one flower
Tomé, solo la flor And the best of every moment
Y lo mejor de cada instante I travelled and I enjoyed
Viajé y disfruté I don't know if more than any other
No sé si más que otro cualquiera And I managed to continue
Y así logré seguir In my own way
A mi manera
Maybe I cried or maybe I laughed
Tal vez lloré o tal vez reí Maybe I won or maybe I lost
Tal vez gané o tal vez perdí Now I know that I was happy
Ahora sé que fui feliz That if I cried, I also loved
Que si lloré, también amé I can go on to the end
Puedo seguir hasta el final In my own way
A mi manera

Quizá yo desprecié
Aquello que, no comprendía
Quizá, también dudé I know that I was firm
Cuando mejor, me divertía And that I faced being the way I
Yo se, que firme fui
And so I managed to continue
Y que afronté ser como era
But in my own way
Y así logré seguir
Pero a mi manera
Because you'll know that a man at
Porque sabrás que un hombre al fin
You'll know by his living
Conocerás por su vivir
There's no need to talk, no need to
No hay por qué hablar, ni qué decir say
Ni recordar, ni qué fingir No need to remember, no need to
Puedo seguir hasta el final
I can go on to the end
A mi manera
In my own way

Hola — Hi
Maybe I despised
Buenos días — Good morning
What I didn't understand
Buenas tardes — Good afternoon
Maybe I hesitated too
Buenas noches — Good evening
When I was having the most fun
¿Cómo te llamas? — What’s your name? Since dónde ends in e and está starts
(informal) with one, these two words flow into each
other, almost like they were a single
¿Cómo se llama? — What’s your name?
¿Cuánto cuesta? — How much does it
Me llamo… — My name is…
Encantado/a — Nice to meet you
¿Qué hora es? — What time is it?
¿Cómo estás? — How are you? (informal)
¿Tiene…? — Do you have…?
¿Cómo está? — How are you? (formal)
Tengo / No tengo — I have / I don’t have
Bien, gracias — Good, thank you
Entiendo / No entiendo — I understand / I
Por favor — Please don’t understand
Gracias — Thank you ¿Entiende? — Do you understand?
Perdón — Sorry Quiero un boleto — I want a ticket
¿Habla inglés? — Do you speak English? …un hotel — …a hotel
No hablo español — I don’t speak Spanish …un taxi — …a taxi

You’ll likely use “I want,” “I like” and No funciona — It doesn’t work

“Do you have…?” quite often. If you
That last one is an all-purpose word.
don’t know the noun, you can simply
You can use this for a million
point at the object or show a photo.
circumstances! Just point at the shower
or whatever and say “¡No funciona!”
You can also say a lot of things with very
simple verbs we’re about to introduce. It
If you get a bit lost or unsure of how to
may not be the sophisticated way you
get somewhere, “¿dónde está?” is the
speak in English, but you will be
simplest way of asking for directions.
Here are a few more phrases, locations
and other directions in Spanish that will
be helpful on your trip:
¿Dónde está la estación de tren? — Where
is the train station?
¿Dónde hay un restaurante? — Where is a
Quiero / No quiero — I want / I don’t restaurant?
Un tren — A train
Me gustaría ; Quisiera — I would like
La calle… — The street…
(more polite)
Un banco — A bank
El baño — The bathroom/toilet
¿Dónde está…? — Where is…?
Busco un hotel — I’m looking for a hotel
Necesito un hotel — I need a hotel As you can see, habitación is a synonym
of cuarto. You can use either term when
…una habitación — …a room
booking a room.
¿Dónde está el banco? — Where is the
¿Dónde está la piscina? — Where is the
Dinero — Money
¿A qué hora es el desayuno? — What time
is breakfast?
Once you have asked a question, ¿Tiene servicio de habitaciones? — Do
someone will answer you in Spanish. you have room service?
Listen for these key words:
¿Cuál es la contraseña de WiFi? — What
is the WiFi password?
A la derecha — To the right Una cama supletoria — An extra bed
A la izquierda — To the left Vista al mar — Ocean view
Derecho — Straight ahead Vista a la ciudad — City view
En la esquina — At the corner Un balcón — A balcony
La terraza — The rooftop / terrace
You’ve finally found your hotel and El gimnasio — The gym
you’re ready to check in!
La playa — The beach
El vestíbulo — The lobby
Staff at international chains will
probably be able to communicate in
English with you, but these phrases and
questions will come in handy for local
hotels, hostels, bed and breakfasts, etc.

Probably the most useful Spanish travel

These will also be helpful when you need
phrases you will need are the ones you
to make adjustments to your reservation
would use in a restaurant (and bars).
or are curious about other hotel
Tengo una reserva a nombre de… — I Ask for anything by using quiero or
have a reservation under the name of… quisiera — “I want” or “I would like.”
And remember to say por favor and
Una habitación para dos personas — A
room for two people
Una habitación con una cama de
matrimonio — A room with a double bed Una mesa — A table
Una mesa para dos — A table for two
…tres — …three
…cuatro — …four It’s time to soak in some culture!
Whether you want to go see a show,
Un menú / Una carta — A menu
check out an art exhibit, watch a local
Sopa — Soup movie or visit the next town (or country)
over, you’ll need to buy some sort of
Ensalada — Salad
Hamburguesa — Hamburger
Con ketchup — With ketchup
Of course, a trip to a Spanish-speaking
…mostaza — …mustard country wouldn’t be complete without a
little ¡fiesta!. If you’re keen to hit the
…tomate — …tomato
town, here are a few phrases to help you
…lechuga — …lettuce get your groove on.
Un postre — Dessert
Una bebida — A drink ¡Salud! — Cheers!
Agua — Water ¿Hay algún bar por aquí? — Is there a bar
around here?
Vino tinto / Vino blanco — Red wine /
White wine ¿Dónde están las discotecas? — Where
are the clubs?
Cerveza — Beer
¿A qué hora abren las discotecas? —
Un café — Coffee
What time do the clubs open?
La cuenta — The check
¿Me recomienda un lugar para bailar? —
Tarjeta de crédito — Credit card Can you recommend me a place to dance?
Pagar en efectivo — Pay in cash ¿Quieres bailar conmigo? — Do you want
to dance with me?
¡Bailemos! — Let’s dance!

Sangría (drink made with with red wine)
Paella (rice dish)
Flamenco show (Spanish traditional dance)
Toros (bullfighting)

You can ask if a place takes credit cards

by using the noun with a question. For
example, you can pull out your credit
card and say: ¿Tarjeta de crédito? They
will understand.

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