Cuadro SGB
Cuadro SGB
Cuadro SGB
Dominio 4: Actividad y Dominio 1: Dominio 1: Fisiológico En torno a la Puntuación:
reposo Salud funcional básico actividad física Con base a la
Clase 2: Actividad y ejercicio Clase: C Clase A: control de existen diferentes escala de
Código: 00085 Movilidad actividad y ejercicio. definiciones y Glasgow
Dx: Deterioro de la movilidad Código: 0206 Código: 0202 fomento de juicios, pero en 6- 1
física Movimiento ejercicio de extensión. general todas ellas
R/C: Disminución de la articular -Ayudar a explorar las giran alrededor
fuerza muscular. 020615- Rodilla propias creencias, del aumento del
derecha motivación y nivel de la gasto energético o
020616- Rodilla forma física de la tasa
izquierda neuromusculoesquelético metabólica por
020608- . encima de la
Muñeca -proporcionar formación basal, que
izquierda sobre los cambios en la incluyen diversos
020607- estructura esquelética aspectos,
Muñeca relacionado con el variables y
derecha envejecimiento y los categorías como la
efectos de la falta de uso. edad, interés y la
cultura a la cual
pertenezca el
individuo. Lo que
trae beneficios a
los músculos y a
los huesos.
En caso del
síndrome Guillain-
Barré, es un
autoinmune raro
en el que el
ataca los nervios
periféricos. Este
Domain: 4 Activity Domain:1 Domain: 1 basic There are different definitions and Punctuation:
and rest Functional health physiological judgments regarding physical activity, Based on the
Class 2: activity and Class: C Mobility Class: To control activity but in general they all revolve around Glasgow scale
exercise Code: 0206 joint and exercise. the increase in energy expenditure or 6- 1
Code: 00085 movement0 Code: 0202 promotion of metabolic rate above the basal rate,
Dx: Impaired 20615- extension exercise. which include various aspects,
physical mobility Right knee .Help explore variables and categories such as
R/C: decrease in 020616- one's own beliefs, age, interest and culture to whichthe
muscle strength. Left knee motivation and individual belongs. Which brings
020608- level of benefits to muscles and bones.
Left wrist neuromusculoskel
020607- etal fitness.
Right wrist .provide training
on changes in
skeletal structure
related to aging
and the effects of
Mastery: 3 Domino: 1 Domain: 1 basic Patient safety implies the absence of Punctuation:
elimination and functional health physiological preventable harm to a patient during Based on the
Exchange Class: C Mobility Class: To control activity the healthcare process. GBS is Glasgow scale
Class 2: Code: 0211S and exercise characterized by inflammation of the 6- 1
gastrointestinal keletal function. Code: 0224 Exercise peripheral nerves, leading to
function 021101 therapy: joint mobility. generalized muscle weakness. The
Code: 00196 bone determine the weakness affects both the proximal
Dx: Dysfunctional integrity limitations of muscles
gastrointestinal 021103 joint movement
motility joint and act on the
R/C: aging movement function
.protect the
patient from
trauma during
Domain: 11 security Domino: 1 Domain: 1 basic It is defined as the body's need to get Punctuation:
protection functional health physiological rid of harmful and useless Based on the
Class 2: physical Class: C Mobility Class: To control activity substances that result from Glasgow scale
injury Code: 0211S and exercise metabolism, but according to people 6- 1
Code: 00155 keletal function. Code: 0224 Exercise who suffer from GBS, it disrupts the
Dx Risks of falls 021101 therapy: joint mobility. internal stability of the body.
F/R: Impaired bone determine the
mobility. Gait integrity limitations of
difficulties 021103 joint movement
joint and act on the
movement function
.protect the
patient from
trauma during