Vitaminas y Minerales

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Ingestas Dietéticas de Referencia (RDA)1997-2001

DRIs - Dietary Reference Intakes - Food and Nutrition Board - Institute of Medicine
Vit. A Tiamina Riboflavina Piridoxina Vit. B12 Vit. C Vit. D Vit. E‡ Vit. K Niacina* Folato†† Acido Panto- Biotina Colina
Edad Sexo (µg) B1 (mg) B2 (mg) B6 (mg) (µg) (mg) (mg/µmol) (µg) (mg) (µg) ténico (µg) (µg) (mg)
0-6 meses 400† 0,2† 0,3† 0,1† 0,4† 40† 5,0/200† 4/9,3† 2,0† 2** 65† 1,7† 5† 125†
7-12 meses 500† 0,3† 0,4† 0,3† 0,5† 50† 5,0/200† 5/11,6† 2,5† 4† 80† 1,8† 6† 150†
1-3 años Masc. 300 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,9 15 5,0/200† 6/13,9 30† 6 150 2,0† 8† 200†
Fem. 300 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,9 15 5,0/200† 6/13,9 30† 6 150 2,0† 8† 200†
4-8 años Masc. 400 0,6 0,6 0,6 1,2 25 5,0/200† 7/16,3 55† 8 200 3,0† 12† 250†
Fem. 400 0,6 0,6 0,6 1,2 25 5,0/200† 7/16,3 55† 8 200 3,0† 12† 250†
9-13 años Masc. 600 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,8 45 5,0/200† 11/25,6 60† 12 300 4,0† 20† 375†
Fem. 600 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,8 45 5,0/200† 11/25,6 60† 12 300 4,0† 20† 375†
14-18 años Masc. 900 1,2 1,3 1,3 2,4 75 5,0/200† 15/34,9 75† 16 400 5,0† 25† 550†
Fem. 700 1,0 1,0 1,2 2,4 65 5,0/200† 15/34,9 75† 14 400 5,0† 25† 400†
19-30 años Masc. 900 1,2 1,3 1,3 2,4 90 5,0/200† 15/34,9 120† 16 400 5,0† 30† 550†
Fem. 700 1,1 1,1 1,3 2,4 75 5,0/200† 15/34,9 90† 14 400 5,0† 30† 425†
31-50 años Masc. 900 1,2 1,3 1,3 2,4 90 5,0/200† 15/34,9 120† 16 400 5,0† 30† 550†
Fem. 700 1,1 1,1 1,3 2,4 75 5,0/200† 15/34,9 90† 14 400 5,0† 30† 425†
51-70 años Masc. 900 1,2 1,3 1,7 2,4 90 10/400† 15/34,9 120† 16 400 5,0† 30† 550†
Fem. 700 1,1 1,1 1,5 2,4 75 10/400† 15/34,9 90† 14 400 5,0† 30† 425†
> 70 años Masc. 900 1,2 1,3 1,7 2,4 90 15/600† 15/34,9 120† 16 400 5,0† 30† 550†
Fem. 700 1,1 1,1 1,5 2,4 75 15/600† 15/34,9 90† 14 400 5,0† 30† 425†
14-18 años 750 1,4 1,4 1,9 2,6 80 5,0/200† 15/34,9 75† 18 600 6,0† 30† 450†
19-30 años 770 1,4 1,4 1,9 2,6 85 5,0/200† 15/34,9 90† 18 600 6,0† 30† 450†
31-50 años 770 1,4 1,4 1,9 2,6 85 5,0/200† 15/34,9 90† 18 600 6,0† 30† 450†
14-18 años 1200 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,8 115 5,0/200† 19/44,2 75† 17 500 7,0† 35† 550†
19-30 años 1300 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,8 120 5,0/200† 19/44,2 90† 17 500 7,0† 35† 550†
31-50 años 1300 1,4 1,6 2,0 2,8 120 5,0/200† 19/44,2 90† 17 500 7,0† 35† 550†
Todos los valores aquí señalados corresponden a la R.D.A. (Recommended Dietary Allowances), a menos que se indique. Los mismos, están expresados en cantidades diarias.
† El valor indicado corresponde a la AI (Adequate Intake).
†† Los valores que aparecen en la columna se refieren a Equivalentes Dietéticos de Folato (EDF).
1 µg de EDF = 1 µg de folato proveniente de alimentos = 0,5 µg de ácido fólico consumido con el estómago vacio = 0,6 µg de ácido fólico ingerido junto con las comidas.
* Los valores señalados en esta columna se refieren a Equivalentes de Niacina.
** El valor indicado en el casillero corresponde a la AI (Adequate Intake) de la Niacina Preformada.
‡ Los valores de la columna se refieren al α-tocoferol.
Ingestas Dietéticas de Referencia (RDA)1997-2001
DRIs - Dietary Reference Intakes - Food and Nutrition Board - Institute of Medicine
Calcio Fósforo Magnesio Fluoruro Hierro Manganeso Zinc Cromo Cobre Yodo Selenio Molibdeno
Edad Sexo (mg/mmol) (mg/mmol) (mg/mmol) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (µg) (µg) (µg) (µg/µmol) (µg)

0-6 meses 210/5,3† 100/3,2† 30/1,1† 0,01† 0,27† 0,003† 2† 0,2† 200† 110† 15/0,19† 2†
7-12 meses 270/6,8† 275/8,9† 75/3,1† 0,5† 11 0,6† 3 5,5† 220† 130† 20/0,25† 3†
1-3 años Masc. 500/12,5† 460/14,8 80/3,3 0,7† 7 1,2† 3 11† 340 90 20/0,25 17
Fem. 500/12,5† 460/14,8 80/3,3 0,7† 7 1,2† 3 11† 340 90 20/0,25 17
4-8 años Masc. 800/20,0† 500/16,1 130/5,4 1† 10 1,5† 5 15† 440 90 30/0,38 22
Fem. 800/20,0† 500/16,1 130/5,4 1† 10 1,5† 5 15† 440 90 30/0,38 22
9-13 años Masc. 1300/32,5† 1250/40,3 240/10 2† 8 1,9† 8 25† 700 120 40/0,51 34
Fem. 1300/32,5† 1250/40,3 240/10 2† 8 1,6† 8 21† 700 120 40/0,51 34
14-18 años Masc. 1300/32,5† 1250/40,3 410/17,1 3† 11 2,2† 11 35† 890 150 55/0,70 43
Fem. 1300/32,5† 1250/40,3 360/15,0 3† 15 1,6† 9 24† 890 150 55/0,70 43
19-30 años Masc. 1000/25† 700/22,6 400/16,7 4† 8 2,3† 11 35† 900 150 55/0,70 45
Fem. 1000/25† 700/22,6 310/12,9 3† 18 1,8† 8 25† 900 150 55/0,70 45
31-50 años Masc. 1000/25† 700/22,6 420/17,5 4† 8 2,3† 11 35† 900 150 55/0,70 45
Fem. 1000/25† 700/22,6 320/13,3 3† 18 1,8† 8 25† 900 150 55/0,70 45
51-70 años Masc. 1200/30† 700/22,6 420/17,5 4† 8 2,3† 11 30† 900 150 55/0,70 45
Fem. 1200/30† 700/22,6 320/13,3 3† 8 1,8† 8 20† 900 150 55/0,70 45
> 70 años Masc. 1200/30† 700/22,6 420/17,5 4† 8 2,3† 11 30† 900 150 55/0,70 45
Fem. 1200/30† 700/22,6 320/13,3 3† 8 1,8† 8 20† 900 150 55/0,70 45
14-18 años 1300/32,5† 1250/40,3 400/16,7 3† 27 2† 13 29† 1000 220 60/0,76 50
19-30 años 1000/25† 700/22,6 350/15,0 3† 27 2† 11 30† 1000 220 60/0,76 50
31-50 años 1000/25† 700/22,6 360/15,0 3† 27 2† 11 30† 1000 220 60/0,76 50
14-18 años 1300/32,5† 1250/40,3 360/15,0 3† 10 2,6† 14 44† 1300 290 70/0,89 50
19-30 años 1000/25† 700/22,6 310/13,3 3† 9 2,6† 12 45† 1300 290 70/0,89 50
31-50 años 1000/25† 700/22,6 320/13,3 3† 9 2,6† 12 45† 1300 290 70/0,89 50
Todos los valores aquí señalados corresponden a la R.D.A. (Recommended Dietary Allowances), a menos que se indique. Los mismos, están expresados en cantidades diarias.
† El valor indicado corresponde a la AI (Adequate Intake).
Table 1 Recommended nutrient intakes – minerals*
Calcium Magnesium Selenium Zinc Iron (i) Iodine
High Moderate Low 15% 12% 10% 5%
(c) bioavail- bioavail- bio-availability bio-availability bio-availability bio-availability (o)
ability ability bioavail
Age mg/day mg/day µg/day mg/day mg/day mg/day mg/day mg/day mg/day mg/day µg/day
Premature 30 (p) µg/kg/day
0 - 6 months 300 (a) 26 (a) 6 1.1 (e) 2.8 (f) 6.6 (g) (k) (k) (k) (k) 15 (p)µg/kg/day
400 (b) 36 (b)
7-11 months 400 53 10 0.8 (e) [6] (l) [8] (l) [9] (l) [19] (l) 135
2.5 (h) 4.1 (h) 8.3 (h)

1-3 years 500 60 17 2.4 4.1 8.4 4 5 6 12 75
4-6 years 600 73 21 3.1 5.1 10.3 4 5 6 13 110
7-9 years 700 100 21 3.3 5.6 11.3 6 7 9 18 100
Males 10 - 18 years 1,300 (d) 250 34 5.7 9.7 19.2 10 (10-14 yrs) 12 (10-14 yrs) 15 (10-14 yrs) 29 (10-14 yrs) 135 (10-11 yrs)
12 (15-18 yrs) 16 (15-18 yrs) 19 (15-18 yrs) 38 (15-18 yrs) 110 (12 + yrs)
Females 10 - 18 years 1,300 (d) 230 26 4.6 7.8 15.5 9 (10-14 yrs) (m) 12 (10-14 yrs) (m) 14 (10-14 yrs) (m) 28 (10-14 yrs) (m) 140 (10-11 yrs)
22 (10-14 yrs) 28 (10-14 yrs) 33 (10-14 yrs) 65 (10-14 yrs) 100 (12 + yrs)
21 (15-18 yrs) 26 (15-18 yrs) 31 (15-18 yrs) 62 (15-18 yrs)
Males 1,000 260 34 4.2 7.0 14.0 9 11 14 27 130
19 - 65 years

19 - 50 years 1,000 220 26 3.0 4.9 9.8 20 24 29 59 110
51 – 65 years 1,300 220 26 3.0 4.9 9.8 8 9 11 23 110
Older adults
Males 65 + years 1,300 230 34 4.2 7.0 14.0 9 11 14 27 130
Females 65 + years 1,300 190 26 3.0 4.9 9.8 8 9 11 23 110

First trimester 220 3.4 5.5 11.0 (n) (n) (n) (n) 200
Second trimester 220 28 4.2 7.0 14.0 (n) (n) (n) (n) 200
Third trimester 1,200 220 30 6.0 10.0 20.0 (n) (n) (n) (n) 200

0-3 months 1,000 270 35 5.8 9.5 19.0 10 12 15 30 200
4-6 months 1,000 270 35 5.3 8.8 17.5 10 12 15 30 200
7-12 months 1,000 270 42 4.3 7.2 14.4 10 12 15 30 200
* For the purposes of the composite tables of RNI values, the body weights used were derived from the 50th percentile of NCHS data until adult weights of 55 kg for females and 65 kg for males were reached. The weights used are
the following: 0-6 mo = 6 kg; 7–12 mo = 8.9 kg; 1-3 yo = 12.1 kg; 4-6 yo = 18.2 kg; 7-9 yo = 25.2 kg; 10-11 yo M = 33.4 kg; 10-11 yo F = 34.8 kg; 12-18 yo M = 55.1 kg; 12-18 yo F = 50.6 kg; 10-18 yo M = 55.1 kg; 10-18 yo F
= 50.6 kg; 19-65 yo M = 65 kg; 19-65 yo F = 55 kg
Notes - Minerals
(a) Human breast milk.
(b) Infant formula.

(c) The data used in developing calcium RNIs originate from developed countries, and there is controversy as to their appropriateness for developing countries. This
notion also holds true for most nutrients, but based on current knowledge, the impact appears to be most marked for calcium.
(d) Particularly during the growth spurt.

(e) Human-milk fed infants only.
(f) Formula-fed infants, moderate zinc bio-availability.
(g) Formula-fed infants, low zinc bio-availability due to infant consumption of phytate rich cereals and vegetable protein based formula.
(h) Not applicable to infants consuming human milk only.

(i) There is evidence that iron absorption can be significantly enhanced when each meal contains a minimum of 25 mg of Vitamin C, assuming three meals per day.
This is especially true if there are iron absorption inhibitors in the diet such as phytate or tannins.
(k) Neonatal iron stores are sufficient to meet the iron requirement for the first six months in full term infants. Premature infants and low birth weight infants require
additional iron.
(l) Bio-availability of dietary iron during this period varies greatly.
(m) Non-menstruating adolescents.
(n) It is recommended that iron supplements in tablet form be given to all pregnant women because of the difficulties in correctly evaluating iron status in pregnancy.
In the non-anaemic pregnant woman, daily supplements of 100 mg of iron (e.g., as ferrous sulphate) given during the second half of pregnancy are adequate. In
anaemic women higher doses are usually required.

(o) Data expressed on a per kg body weight basis is sometimes preferred, and this data is as follows:
premature infants = 30 µg/kg/day infants 0-12 months = 19 µg/kg/day
children 1 - 6 years = 6 µg/kg/day children 7 - 11 = 4 µg/kg/day
adolescents and adults 12 + years = 2 µg/kg/day pregnancy and lactation = 3.5 µg/kg/day

(p) In view of the high variability in body weights at these ages the RNIs are expressed as µg/kg body weight/day.

(NCHS data source: WHO, Measuring Change in Nutritional Status. Guidelines for Assessing the Nutritional Impact of Supplementary Feeding Programmes for
Vulnerable Groups, World Health Organization, 1983)
Table 2 Recommended nutrient intakes (g) (h) – water and fat soluble vitamins*
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS - - - - -
Vit. E
Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vit. B6 Panto- Biotin Folate Vit. B12 Vit. C Vit. A Vit. D (acceptable Vit. K
(a) thenate (c) (d) (f) (g) intakes) (h) (l)
Age mg/day mg/day mg NE/day mg/day mg/day µg/day µg DFE/day µg/day mg/day µg RE/day µg/day mg a-TE/ day µg/day
0 - 6 months 0.2 0.3 2 (b) 0.1 1.7 5 80 0.4 25 375 5 2.7 (i) 5 (m)
7-11 months 0.3 0.4 4 0.3 1.8 6 80 0.5 30 400 5 2.7 (i) 10

1-3 years 0.5 0.5 6 0.5 2 8 160 0.9 30 400 5 5 (k) 15
4-6 years 0.6 0.6 8 0.6 3 12 200 1.2 30 450 5 5 (k) 20
7-9 years 0.9 0.9 12 1.0 4 20 300 1.8 35 500 5 7 (k) 25

10-18 years
Males 1.2 1.3 16 1.3 5 25 400 2.4 40 600 5 10 35-65
Females 1.1 1.0 16 1.2 5 25 400 2.4 40 600 5 7.5 35-55

Males 1.2 1.3 16 1.3 (19-50 yrs) 5 30 400 2.4 45 600 5 (19-50 yrs) 10 65
19 - 65 years 1.7 (50 + yrs) 10 (50 + yrs)
19-50 years 1.1 1.1 14 1.3 5 30 400 2.4 45 500 5 7.5 55
(pre- menopausal)
51-65 years 1.1 1.1 14 1.5 5 30 400 2.4 45 500 10 7.5 55

Older adults,
65 + years
Males 1.2 1.3 16 1.7 5 400 2.4 45 600 15 10 65
Females 1.1 1.1 14 1.5 5 400 2.4 45 600 15 7.5 55

Pregnancy 1.4 1.4 18 1.9 6 30 600 2.6 55 800 5 (i) 55

Lactation 1.5 1.6 17 2.0 7 35 500 2.8 70 (e) 850 5 (i) 55

* For the purposes of these composite tables of RNI values, the body weights used were derived from the 50th percentile of NCHS data until adult weights of 55 kg for females and 65 kg for males were reached. The weights
used are the following: 0-6 mo = 6 kg; 7–12 mo = 8.9 kg; 1-3 yo = 12.1 kg; 4-6 yo = 18.2 kg; 7-9 yo = 25.2 kg; 10-11 yo M = 33.4 kg; 10-11 yo F = 34.8 kg; 12-18 yo M = 55.1 kg; 12-18 yo F = 50.6 kg; 10-18 yo M = 55.1
kg; 10-18 yo F = 50.6 kg; 19-65 yo M = 65 kg; 19-65 yo F = 55 kg
Notes - Vitamins

(a) NE = niacin equivalents, 60-to-1 conversion factor for tryptophan to niacin.
(b) Preformed niacin.

(c) DFE = dietary folate equivalents; mg of DFE provided = [mg of food folate + (1.7 x mg of synthetic folic acid)].

Vitamin C
(d) An RNI of 45 mg was calculated for adult men and women and 55 mg recommended during pregnancy. It is recognised however that larger amounts would
promote greater iron absorption if this can be achieved.
(e) An additional 25 mg is needed for lactation.

Vitamin A:
(f) Vitamin A values are "recommended safe intakes" instead of RNIs. This level of intake is set to prevent clinical signs of deficiency, allow normal growth, but does
not allow for prolonged periods of infections or other stresses.
(g) Recommended safe intakes as µg RE/day; 1 µg retinol=1 µg RE; 1 µg b-carotene=0.167 µg RE; 1 µg other provitamin A carotenoids=0.084 µg RE.

Vitamin E:
(h) Data were considered insufficient to formulate recommendations for this vitamin so that "acceptable intakes" are listed instead. This represents the best estimate of
requirements, based on the currently acceptable intakes that support the known function of this vitamin.
(i) For pregnancy and lactation there is no evidence of requirements for vitamin E that are any different from those of older adults. Increased energy intake during
pregnancy and lactation is expected to compensate for increased need for infant growth and milk synthesis. Breast milk substitutes should not contain less than 0.3
mg a-tocopherol equivalents (TE)/100 ml of reconstituted product, and not less than 0.4 mg TE/g PUFA. Human breast milk vitamin E is fairly constant at 2.7 mg
for 850 ml of milk.
(k) Values based on a proportion of the adult acceptable intakes.
Vitamin K:
(l) The RNI for each age group is based on a daily intake of 1 µg/kg/day of phylloquinone, the latter being the major dietary source of Vitamin K.
(m) This intake cannot be met by infants who are exclusively breast-fed. To prevent bleeding due to vitamin K deficiency, all breast fed babies should receive vitamin K
supplementation at birth according to nationally approved guidelines.

(NCHS data source: WHO, Measuring Change in Nutritional Status. Guidelines for Assessing the Nutritional Impact of Supplementary Feeding Programmes for
Vulnerable Groups, World Health Organization, 1983)

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