APUN 4 Ingles 1

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Ingeniería: Civil – Electromecánica – Electrónica. (IV)

Verbo “Can”

Can es un verbo auxiliar, para ser más precisos, un verbo auxiliar modal. Se utiliza
regularmente para hablar de posibilidad y habilidad, para hacer peticiones, y para pedir o
dar permiso. Otro verbo relacionado al can es could (pasado).

 Es importante recordar que el verbo CAN (poder) no tiene infinitivo, ni gerundio (–

ING form), ni presente perfecto, ni futuro y tampoco puede seguir a otro verbo modal
 Para todos esos casos mencionados se debe utilizar la estructura BE ABLE TO /bi
éibl tú/ (poder, ser capaz de). El significado de BE ABLE TO es similar al de CAN y
se usa en los tiempos verbales en que CAN no puede conjugarse.

CAN sólo puede conjugarse en Simple Present y Simple Past. Observa estos ejemplos con
ambos tiempos verbales y su equivalencia con BE ABLE TO:
I can read in English = I am able to read in English
Puedo leer (Sé leer) en inglés.

I could read in English = I was able to read in English
Podía leer (Sabía leer) en inglés.

 En cambio, para los restantes tiempos verbales tienes que usar BE ABLE TO en
reemplazo de CAN. No siendo BE ABLE TO un auxiliar modal, puede usarse sin
limitaciones con todos los tiempos verbales.

I will be able to read in English
I will can read in English es erróneo.
Podré leer (Sabré leer) en inglés.
I would be able to read in English
I would can read in English es erróneo.
Podría leer (Sabría leer) en inglés.

I have been able to read in English
I have can read in English es erróneo.
He podido leer (He sabido leer) en inglés.

 El verbo can puede usarse para expresar posibilidad / habilidad. Por ejemplo,
puedes decir que eres capaz de realizar una actividad compleja:
- I can play the piano.
- I can swim very well.
- I can play chess.
- I can dance Tango.
 cosas que no puedes hacer:
- I can’t ride a motorcycle.
- I can’t speak French.
- I can’t drive a car.
- I can’t draw.
 A la vez, en este contexto puedes expresar que tienes algunas cosas importantes
que puedes hacer aunque no puedas algunas. Por ejemplo:
- I can’t ride a motorcycle, but I can ride a bicycle.
- I can’t speak French, but I can speak English.
- I can’t drive a car, but I can ride a motorcycle.
- I can’t draw, but I can cook.
 Por otra parte, también se puede usar para negar algún compromiso o invitación
porque no puedes realizar una actividad. Por ejemplo:
A: Do you want some coffee and cookies?
B: Sorry! I can’t eat cookies. I’m on a diet.
A: Do you want to go to the movies today?
B: Oh! No. Sorry! I can’t. It’s my mother’s birthday.
 Asimismo, se puede emplear “can” para pedir permiso o concederlo:
- Can I have another piece of cake please?
- She can stay out until 12 tonight.
 Ofrecimientos y peticiones: También puede ser empleado para ofrecer algo o
hacer peticiones:
- Can I help you with your bag?
- Can you open the window please?
- Can you come here for a minute?
Verbo can: Estructura
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subject + can’t+ Can + subject + infinitive verb
Subject + can infinitive verb
+ infinitive

I can play I can’t play Can I play..? yes, you can / No, you can’t
You can play You can’t play Can you play...? yes, I can / No, I can’t
He can play He can’t play Can he play…? Yes, he can / No, he can’t
She can play She can’t play Can she play…? Yes, she can / No, she can’t
It can play It can’t play Can it play…? Yes, it can / No, it can’t
We can play We can’t play Can we play…? Yes, we can / No, we can’t
You can play You can’t play Can you play...? yes, we can / No, we can’t
They can play They can’t play Can They play…? Yes, they can / No, they can’t

Verb To Be Simple Past

 ¡Para recordar! Se traduce al castellano como “SER o ESTAR”, y dependiendo del
sujeto con el que se conjuga, al igual que en castellano, adoptara una forma u otra.
 Encontramos dos formas de conjugar al verbo TO BE en pasado.
Una es WAS que se utiliza para I, he, she, it.
La otra es WERE se utiliza para we, you, they.
De esto se desprende que el pasado de “am” y de “is” es was; y el pasado de
“are” es were. El verbo be es un verbo que no necesita auxiliar (did) para realizar
una pregunta o negación.
 el verbo to be es un verbo irregular, por lo que al conjugarlo en tiempos verbales
como el presente simple o el pasado simple no seguirá las normas. Tiene sus
propias formas verbales.
E.g. He was my friend when I was ten years old. (Él era mi amigo cuando yo tenía 10 años)
She was very happy yesterday morning. (Ella estaba muy feliz ayer a la mañana)
They scientists. (Ellos eran científicos muy famosos)
AFFIRMATIVE FORM: were very famous
Ej: I was in England last month
Ej: I was not in Germany last month.
- Como vemos, el verbo to be en pasado simple no utiliza el auxiliar didn't o did not
para negar, sino que tiene su propia forma: wasn't o was not y weren't o were not.
Ej: Were you in Japan last month? Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was not (I wasn't)

was I?
no fui, no era / no estuve, no estaba
¿fui?, ¿era? / ¿estuve?, ¿estaba?
I was you were not (you weren't)
were you?
fui, era / estuve, estaba no fuiste, no eras / no estuviste, no
¿fuiste?, ¿eras? / ¿estuviste?,
you were estabas
fuiste, eras / estuviste, estabas he was not (he wasn't)
was he?
he was no fue, no era / no estuvo, no
¿fue?, ¿era? / ¿estuvo?. ¿estaba?
fue, era / estuvo, estaba estaba
were we?
we were we were not (we weren't)
¿fuimos?, ¿éramos? / ¿estuvimos?,
fuimos, éramos, / estuvimos, no fuimos, no éramos, / no
estábamos estuvimos, no estábamos
were you?
you were you were not (you weren't)
¿fuisteis?, ¿erais?, / ¿estuvisteis?,
fuisteis, erais, / estuvisteis, estabais no fuisteis, no erais / no estuvisteis,
they were no estabais
were they?
fueron, eran / estuvieron, estaban they were not (they weren't)
¿fueron?, ¿eran? / ¿estuvieron?,
no fueron, no eran / no estuvieron,
no estaban


Como vimos anteriormente “there be” significa “haber”, de esta forma esta en infinitivo.
 La estructura there + be en pasado simple expresa la existencia de algo en el
tiempo pasado.
 Se construye con las formas en pasado del verbo to be (was, were), según estemos
refiriéndonos a algo en plural o en singular.
 Puede interpretarse en español con el pretérito perfecto simple (hubo) o el pretérito
imperfecto (había).

Present Past
There was a big clock in the office last year.
There is There was (había un gran reloj en la oficina el año pasado)
There were many children in the park yesterday.
There are There were (había muchos niños en parque ayer)


There was There wasn’t
There were HUBO / HABIA There weren’t NO HABIA

PRESENT: There is/ there are

There’s a spider in my room.
Singular There isn’t a thing I can do about it.
Is there a reason why you’re late?
There are three people waiting.
Plural There aren’t any chocolates left.
Are there any more sandwiches?

PAST: There was / There were

There was a spider in my room. (Había una araña en mi habitación.)
Singular There wasn’t a thing I could do about it. (No había nada que yo
pudiera hacer)
Was there a reason why you were late yesterday? (¿Hubo alguna
razón para que llegaras tarde ayer?)
There were three people waiting. (Había tres personas esperando.)
Plural There weren’t any chocolates left. (No quedaban bombones.)
Were there any sandwiches? (¿Había más / Quedaban sándwiches?)

Usamos el pasado simple para hablar de algo que sucedió en el pasado y que no tiene
relación con el presente. Se refiere exclusivamente a un lapso de tiempo ya finalizado,
acciones que comenzaron, se desarrollaron y finalizaron en el pasado:

E.g. Pasteur made important medical discoveries.

(Pasteur realizó importantes descubrimientos médicos.)
I visited London when I was a child.
(Visite Londres cuando era niño)
 Como vimos anteriormente cuando estudiamos el presente simple, para realizar una
pregunta o una negación necesitamos de la ayuda de un auxiliar. Es decir, el
pasado simple funciona de manera similar al presente simple, salvo que empleamos
el auxiliar DID - DID NOT / DIDN’T para todas las personas (incluida la 3º persona
del singular HE, SHE, IT).

 En las oraciones afirmativas usamos los verbos regulares: forman el pasado

añadiendo “ED / D” al infinitivo. Los verbos irregulares tienen una forma especial
para el pasado (no siguen ninguna regla - 2ª columna de los verbos irregulares).

 Aparece con expresiones como last: last week – last month – last year – last night -
last Monday (days of week) last holiday – etc / Ago: two days ago – four days ago –
along time ago: hace un tiempo atrás – a minute ago: hace un minuto – a moment
ago: hace un momento – etc / yesterday: yesterday morning / the day before
yesterday / In: in 1940 – in 1910 -

Forma afirmativa del pasado simple

Sujeto + verbo pasado + complemento
Ej.: she danced with Mike
(Ella bailó con Mike)
I played tennis last Saturday.
(Jugué al tenis el sábado pasado)
I went to the cinema three days ago.
(fui al cine 3 días atrás)
 Recordar: Las oraciones afirmativas son las únicas que llevan el verbo en
pasado, ya que no utilizamos verbo auxiliar
Forma negativa del pasado simple:
Sujeto + did not o didn´t + verbo de la acción en infinitivo + Complementos.
Ej.: I did not/didn´t go to the gym yesterday
(Ayer no fui al gimnasio)
she didn’t dance with Mike
(Ella no bailó con Mike)
I didn’t play tennis last Saturday.
(Jugué al tenis el sábado pasado)

 Recordar: que cuando está el auxiliar DID / DIDN’T el verbo va en infinitivo.

Forma interrogativa del pasado simple:

Did + sujeto + verbo de la acción en infinitivo + Complementos.

Ej.: Did you go to the gym yesterday? Yes, I did – No, I didn’t
(¿Fuiste ayer al gimnasio?)
Did she play tennis last Saturday? Yes, she did – No, she didn’t
(¿Jugó tenis el sábado pasado?)

Verbo auxiliar Did – Did not / Didn’t (I, you, Did +subject + infinitive verb
he ,she, it, we, you, they)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I worked I didn’ t work Did I work? Yes, you did / No, you didn’t
You worked You didn’ t work Did you work? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t
He worked He didn’ t work Did he work? Yes, he did / No, he didn’t
She worked She didn’ t work Did she work? Yes, she did / No, she didn’t
It worked It didn’ t work Did it work? Yes, it did / No, it didn’t
We worked We didn’ t work Did we work? Yes, we did / No, we didn’t
You worked You didn’ t work Did you work? Yes, we did / No, we didn’t
They worked They didn’ t work Did they work? Yes, they did / No, they didn’t


Utilizamos el tiempo pasado continuo en las siguientes ocasiones:

 Para determinada acción que estaba ocurriendo en el pasado.

Ej: My grandma was cooking an Apple pie.
(Mi abuela estaba cocinando una torta de manzana)
 Para describir una acción que ocurría en determinado momento en el pasado,
estaba en proceso y fue interrumpida por otra acción del pasado.
Ej: I was having a shower when the phone rang.
(Me estaba bañando cuando sonó el teléfono)
 Utilizamos el pasado continuo también para descripciones. Nótese la combinación
de la parte descriptiva
(Pasado continuo) con la parte narrativa (pasado simple)

A wood was burning on the hearth, and the cat was sleeping in front of it. A girl was
playing the piano
(El fuego estaba crepitando en el hogar, y un gato estaba durmiendo en frente de él. Una
Niña estaba tocando el piano)
And was singing softly to herself. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The girl
stopped playing.
(Y estaba cantando suavemente para sí misma. De repente golpearon la puerta. La niña
paro de tocar.)
The cat woke up...
El gato desperto...

 Este tiempo se forma con el pasado del verbo “TO BE” (was/were) + el presente
participio (es decir agregando la terminación “ING” al verbo infinitivo).
 Es frecuente encontrar adverbios como “WHEN” (cuando) y “WHILE” (mientras) en
este tiempo verbal.

Ej: My brother was writing a letter when Peter arrived.

(Mi hermano estaba escribiendo una carta cuando Pedro llego)
While I was doing the Shopping I came across Susan.
(Mientras estaba haciendo las compras me encontré con Susan)

- Forma afirmativa del pasado continuo

Sujeto + was/were +verbo ING + complementos
Ej.: I was washing the dishes when Jane came in.
(Estaba lavando los platos cuando Jane entró)
We were playing cards in the living room.
(Estábamos jugando a las cartas en el living)
Tom was driving so fast.
(tom estaba conduciendo demasiado rápido)
It was raining yesterday morning.
(Estaba lloviendo ayer a la mañana)
Se forma con el pasado del verbo (to) be (was were) más el verbo de la acción en gerundio

- Forma negativa del pasado continuo:

Sujeto + was not o wasn´t / were not o weren´t +verbo de la acción en gerundio+

Ej.: I was not cleaning your shoes

(No estaba limpiando tus zapatos)
We weren’t playing cards in the living room.
(No estábamos jugando a las cartas en el living)
Tom wasn’t driving so fast.
(Tom no estaba conduciendo demasiado rápido)
It wasn’t raining yesterday morning.
(no estaba lloviendo ayer a la mañana)

- Forma interrogativa del pasado continuo:

 was/were+ Sujeto+ Verbo de la acción en gerundio+ Complementos?

Ej.: were you cleaning her shoes? Yes, I was – No, I wasn’t
(¿Estabas limpiando sus zapatos?)
Were they playing cards? Yes, they were – No, they weren’t
(Estaban jugando cartas?)

 Wh- questions + was / were + subject + verb.ing + complement

Ej.: where was she dancing? She was dancing at the theatre.
(Donde estaba ella bailando? Ella estaba bailando en el teatro.)
What were you studying? I was studying geography.
¿Qué estabas estudiando? Estaba estudiando geografía
How were they playing? They were playing very well.
¿Cómo estaban jugando ellos? Ellos estaban jugando muy bien
A) Complete the following sentences with AM / IS/ ARE/ WAS / WERE

1. Last year she ---was---- 22, so she ----is----- 23 now.

2. Today the weather ----is----- nice, but yesterday it --was----- very cold.
3. I ----am------- hungry. Can I have a sandwich?
4. I feel fine this morning but I -----was------- very tired last night.
5. Where ----were----- you at 11o’clock last Friday morning?
6. Don’t buy those shoes. They ---were--- very expensive.
7. This time last year I ----was------ in Paris.
8. Where ---are----- the children? I don’t know. They -----were----- in the garden ten
minutes ago.

B) Write questions: Use the words in brackets in the correct order + was and were.

1. late / you / this morning/ why? The traffic was bad.

Why were you late this morning?
2. difficult / your exam? No, it was easy.
Was your exam difficult?
3. last week / where / Ann and Chris? They were on holiday.
Where were Ann and Chris las week?
4. your new camera / how much? 60$
How much did your new camera?
5. angry / you / yesterday / why? Because you were late.
Why did you angry yesterday?
6. nice / the weather / last week? Yes, it was beautiful.
Was the weather nice las week?

C) Complete the sentences with Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense.

1) She _won_ (win) the lottery last year and _bought__ (buy) a big house.
2) While he _was having__ (have) breakfast, she __was having____ (have) a bath.
When she __finished__ (finish) her bath, they__ went ___ (go) out together, as they
_had__ (have) a very important appointment.
3) When I ____ran____(run) into Peter, he _ was wearing____ (wear) very strange
clothes and green hair. I _____didn’t recognize______(not recognise) him at first
because of his look, but when he ____said________ (say) hello to me, I
__told_____ (tell) him, "You are beyond recognition with such clothes and hair."
4) What lousy weather we ___had____(have) last week! It never ___stopped__ (stop)
raining and ____was_____ (be) very cold.
5) When they _got __ (get) home, they _sat _ (sit) down and __had__ (have) a hearty
6) While she __ was waiting___ (wait) for him, it _started __ (start) to snow and she
___had____ (have) to go home.
7) One day she ___ran____ (run) away from home and __met___ (meet) an attractive
peasant. She _was falling____ (fall) in love with him and they ____got_____ (get)
married. They ___lived ____ (live) happily ever after.
8) When he __entered____ (enter) the place, he _heard__ (hear) the sound of heavy
breathing, but ___didn’t see_____ (not see) anybody there. He __was getting___
(get) frightened to death, but very soon he __noticed__ (notice) that a homeless man
__was sleeping__ (sleep) under a table.
9) What ________ you _______ (do) when I ________ (phone) you yesterday?
"I _________ (do) aerobics."
10) _____ You _______ (inform) the boss of the accident you ______ (have) on
Monday morning?"
No, I didn't, because she would have got very angry with me.

D) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb found in parentheses
depending on whether it is present simple or present continuous.

1. I _am switching off__ (switch off) the computer because it __makes ___(make) a strange
2. My dad __listens____ (listen) to classical music when I _am arriving__ (arrive) home
from school.
3. We _are playing_ (play) video games when my mum _says ___ (say) ‘Turn the volume
4. My cousin _is meeting_ (meet) his wife, Bianca, while he _lives__ (live) in Italy.
5. My little sister _is drawing___ (draw) a picture while I __studies__ (study) for my French
6. While they __are trying___ (try) to fix the computer, all the lights _are going out___ (go
7. When we ___leaves___ (leave) school yesterday, it _poured___ (pour) with rain.
8. When you _Saw___ (see) Paul, _we are wearing_____ (wear) a black jacket?
9. I _________ (try) to log on when the Wi-Fi ___ ___ (stop) working.
10. While Dad _________ (print) an article, the printer __________ (run out) of paper.

E) Write B’s questions: Use one of these verbs in the past simple:
Arrive - cost - go - go to bed late - have a nice time - stay – win

1) A) We went to New York last month.

B) Where did they go the last month----?
A) With some friends.
2) A) I was late this morning.
B) What time –did you go to bed----?
A) Half past nine
3) A) I played tennis this afternoon.
B) ----did you win---?
A) No, I lost.
4) A) I had a nice holiday.
B) Good. Where—did you go on vacations-----?
A) To the mountains.
5 A) We came home by taxi.
B) How much –did your taxi cost---------?
A) 10$
6) A) I’m tired this morning.
B) -----did you go to bed late---------------?
A) No, but I didn’t sleep well.
7) A) We went to the beach yesterday.
B) -were you having a nice time-----?
A) Yes, it was great.

F) Put the verb into the past continuous or past simple:

1) A) What (you do) ---were you doing---- when the phone (ring) --rang-------?
B) I (watch) -------was watching------------ TV.
2) A) Was Jane busy when you went to see her?
B) Yes, she (study) –was studying------
3) A) What time (the post arrive) ---did the post arrive ----- this morning?
B) It (come) ---came---- while I (have) ---was having------ breakfast.
4) A) How fast (you drive) ----were you driving-- when the police (stop) ---stopped--
B) I don’t know exactly but I (not drive) ---wasn’t driving--- very fast.
5) A) (you see) ---did you see--- Jenny last night?
B) Yes, she (wear) ---was wearing---- a very nice jacket.

G) Fill in the correct form of can, could or be able to

1. _Can___ Tony run long distances when he was a boy?

2. _Can__ you please call a tow truck for me? My car broke down. (polite)
3. The students _Be able_ to buy their textbooks today. The bookstore is all out of them.
4. ___Can___ you teach me how to fix my computer? You’re so good at it.
5. ______ you ______ reach the customer if you call him at 4pm his time?

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