Libro de Ingles
Libro de Ingles
Libro de Ingles
El atletismo es un conjunto de eventos deportivos que implican
carreras, saltos, lanzamientos y caminatas competitivas. Los tipos
más comunes de competiciones de atletismo son el atletismo, la
carrera a campo traviesa y la marcha atlética.
El atletismo es un deporte que incluye competencias atléticas
basadas en las habilidades de correr, saltar y lanzar. El nombre
deriva del lugar típico de este deporte: un estadio con una pista de
atletismo ovalada que rodea un campo de césped donde se realizan
los lanzamientos y los saltos.
IES VEGA DEL JARAMA 3rd term - Physical Education
IES VEGA DEL JARAMA 3rd term - Physical Education
Of all sports activities, speed races are the most practiced, and in
the Olympic Games were included from the beginning. They consist
of running a short space (from 60 m to 400 m) in the shortest
possible time. Athletes who specifically perform these tests use
special footwear with spikes (clavos) on the top of the sole. The
purpose of the spikes is that they are nailed (son clavados) to the
tartan, avoiding falls and increasing dexterity in speed. Depending
on the test that is performed is the size of the spikes, the longer the
distance, the shorter the peaks.
At the start of the race, competitors are positioned at the start line
with a starter (Taco de salida que hemos visto en clase) in each
lane. The starter is a metal structure where the feet are placed,
supported in such a way that the body tilts forward. These can be
adjusted according to the comfort of the competitor.
IES VEGA DEL JARAMA 3rd term - Physical Education
IES VEGA DEL JARAMA 3rd term - Physical Education
Long distances races are tests whose distance is over 3000 meters.
Of British invention, the 5000 m is an adaptation of the three miles
(4828 m) and the 10,000 m, six miles (9656 m) .The first experiments
of stamina tests took place around 1740 in London. These tests are
performed entirely on the track of the athletics stadium. Resistance
to fatigue and pain, associated with good final acceleration are
qualities necessary for these sports.
IES VEGA DEL JARAMA 3rd term - Physical Education
IES VEGA DEL JARAMA 3rd term - Physical Education
Third: People who are usually the second faster of the team.
IES VEGA DEL JARAMA 3rd term - Physical Education
Third: People who are usually the second faster of the team.