5-) I would recommend the model only when the situation of the new client is similar. If
new clients have similar objectives and constraints, this model can be use. However, J.D.
Williams is an advisory firm that works for the individual investors according to their
specific needs. So, i would not recommend the use of this asset allocation model as a
general guide to financial investment.
In this problem, Bob Reep the president of the Reep Construction recently won a contract,
for a new rest area for the Pennsylvania. Bob Reep estimated that it would take four
months to perform the new project and that 10, 12, 14 and 8 trucks would be needed in
months 1 through 4. The firm currently has 20 trucks but some of these trucks will used
by existing projects. These trucks were obtained last year when Bob signed a long term
lease with PennState Leasing. Thus, to complete the Project, Bob will have to lease
additional trucks
Bob learned that he can obtain short-term leases for 1-4 months. Short term leases differ
from long-term leases in that the short term leasing plans include the cost of both a truck
and a driver. But, Bob will use his own drivers even if costs higher. So, Bob would like the
acquire a lease that would minimize the cost of meeting the monthly trucking
requirements for his new project.
Required Truck(s) for Available Truck(s) on Need to
the Project Hand Lease
(unit) (unit) Truck(s)
Month 1 10 1 9
Month 2 12 2 10
Month 3 14 3 cr
Month 4 8 1 7
‘Table 1.9 : Truck Leasing Strategy Variables
25Daily Fuel Cost = $100 / truck
Monthly fuel costs for short term and long term leased trucks
Monthly fuel cost per truck = 20 * $100 = $2.000
1-) Decision Variables
Xj = Number of trucks from a short term lease in month i for period of J month(s)
For example Xes means, number of trucks leased for 3 months on the 2nd month of
the project.
Y; = Number of trucks from a long term lease used in month i
2.) Objective Function Definition
Decision Variables
Xu, Xei, XoXo For 1 month
X12,X22,Xaz For2month 2 ($3.70 + $2,000) = $11.400
X1s,Xea For3month 3 ($3.225 + $2.00) =$15.675
Xu For4month 4 ($3.040 + $2,000) = $20.160
Min Z = 6,000X:) + 11.400Xi2 + 15.675Xis + 20.160Xis + 6,000X2i + 11.400Xo» + 15.675X20
+ 6.000Xs1 + 11.400Xs2 + 6.000Xa + 2.000Y: + 2.000Y2 + 2000Ys + 2000Y4
Subject to
1) Xu + Xiot Xin + Xu + Yi = 10
2) Xig+ Xin + Kus + Xai + Xag + Xo + Yo= 12.
8) Xis + Xta + Xoo + Kus + Xu + Xu + Ys= 14
264) Xu + Xan + Xw + Xu + ¥e=
5) Yi<=1
6) Y2<=2
8) Ya<=1
3+) Solutions
1.) The optimal leasing plan as follow:
The number of leased trucks in Xj and Yi;
Xo | xu | xs | x: | vy | yy [| vw | ys
3 | 6 | 1 | a [| 1 | 2 | 3 [ 2
15.675X1s + 20.160X14 + 15,675X2s + 6.000Xs: + 2.000Y1 + 2.000Y2 + 2000Y3 +
Optimal Leasing Cost = $203.60
costes Pio) Nasu
fortonh 5000 a » 0
for2Mowh 1500 2 2 2
fer3monh 15875 3 wee ow
fordMonh — 2180 & a: '
6 le 1
“$= am = re 2
a: poe :
a: Le 1
Figure 4.0: Truck Leasing Strategy Question 1 Excel Solution
72+) The cost associated with the optimal leasing plan as follow:
Our short term leased truck includes also driver costs but Bob Reep want to use our own,
drivers. So, in addition to our optimal leasing plan, the driver costs of short term and long
term leased trucks will be add,
Driver Cost = $20 / hour
Monthly Driver Cost = $20 * Shift (hours ) * Number of Used Trucks
Used Truck in Project Shift Driver Cost
(hours) eo
Month 1 10 160 32,000
Month 2 12 160 38.400
Month 3 4 160 44.800
Month 4 8 160 25.600
‘Table 2.0: Truck Leasing Strategy Question 2 Driver Costs
‘Total Driver Cost = $140.800
‘The Cost Associated with the Optimal Leasing Plan = $140.800
Total Cost for the Proje
$140.800 = $344,460
8-) The cost for Reep Construction to maintain its current policy of no layoffs:
In short term leasing plan, the PennState company gives the driver along with the trucks.
But, Bob Reep chose to use his own drivers and pay them $20 an hour. So, the cost of
maintain no layoffs poliey is;
28Total Used Truck Used for Used for Shift’ Driver Cost
in Project Long Term — Short Term for Short
Leased Leased (hours) Term
Truck Truck leased($)
Month 1 10 1 9 160 28.800
Month 2 12 2 10 160 32.000
Month 3 14 3 11 160 35.200
Month 4 8 1 7 160 22.400
Table 2.1: Truck Leasing Strategy Question 3 Dever Costs
The cost of maintaining no layoffs policy