USB Curso y Potencia
USB Curso y Potencia
USB Curso y Potencia
Tipo B
Mini USB
Micro USB
Nicols Quiroz
Dependiendo del conector, el nmero de pines difiere entre ellos y tambin la disposicin de las seales
USB Velocidades
USB 1.0
La especificacin USB 1.0 (Denominada de Baja Velocidad) es la primera que se estableci en 1996, y debido a su baja velocidad (0.192MB/s) slo se utiliza para dispositivos de interfaz humana como ratones, teclados, trackballs, etc. Su tasa de transferencia es de hasta 1,5 Mbps (192 KB/s). USB 1.1 En 1998, se lanzara una nueva revisin USB 1.1 (Denominada de Velocidad Completa) que mejora la velocidad (hasta 1,5MB/s). Aunque es una mejora, se va volviendo cada vez ms insuficiente para transferir informacin de varios megas de peso a medida que pasa el tiempo. Su tasa de transferencia es de hasta 12 Mbps (1,5 MB/s).
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USB Velocidades
USB 2.0
En el 2000 es cuando surge USB 2.0 (Denominada de Alta Velocidad), un interfaz de alta velocidad (60MB/s) que consigue satisfacer las necesidades de transferencia y comienza a ser comercializado para discos duros externos, pendrives, etc. Su tasa de transferencia de hasta 480 Mbps (60 MB/s) pero por lo general es de hasta 125Mbps (16MB/s)
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USB Velocidades
USB 3.0
Tiene una tasa de transferencia de hasta 4.8 Gbps (600 MB/s). Esta especificacin es diez veces mas veloz que la anterior 2.0 y se lanz a mediados de 2009 por USB Implementers Forum. Aunque actualmente cualquier distribucin GNU/Linux, Windows Vista y Windows 7 son capaces de soportar el nuevo estndar, sin embargo, an no hay hardware disponible. La velocidad del bus es diez veces ms rpida que la del USB 2.0, debido a que han incluido 5 conectores extra, desechando el conector de fibra ptica propuesto inicialmente, y ser compatible con los estndares anteriores. Se espera que los productos fabricados con esta tecnologa lleguen al consumidor entre 2009 y 2015.
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USB Velocidades
USB 1.0: baja velocidad (hasta 1.5Mbit/seg) usado en dispositivos de interfaz humana (HID) como ratones y teclados.
USB 2.0: Alta Velocidad (hasta 480Mbit/seg) unos 60Mg/seg. USB 3.0: Giga Velocidad, en fase experimental, (hasta 4.8Gbit/seg) unos 600 Mg/seg. Los buses son mucho ms rpido debido a la incorporacin de una fibra ptica al enlace de cobre.
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Datos USB
La transmisin del USB se realiza mediante un cable de cobre de par trenzado con una impedancia de unos 90 ohms llamados D+ y D-. Estos pueden dar energa a dispositivos externos, con una tensin de 5V y un mximo de corriente de 500mA.
Existe actualmente en el mercado el dispositivo llamado USB OTG (On The Go), permitiendo actuar a un dispositivo como una PDA como servidor del enlace de datos, es por ello que podemos conectar a la PDA otros dispositivos USB como teclados o ratones.
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Host: Dispositivo maestro que inicia la comunicacin (Generalmente la computadora).
Hub: Dispositivo que contiene uno o mas conectores o conexiones internas hacia otros dispositivos USB, el cual habilita la comunicacin entre el host y con diversos dispositivos. Cada conector representa un puerto USB.
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Cuando se conecta un dispositivo USB a la PC se produce el proceso de Enumeracin, el cual consiste en que el host le pregunta al dispositivo que se presente y le diga cuales son sus parmetros, tales como:
Consumo de energa expresada en unidades de Carga Numero y tipos de Puntos terminales Clase del producto. Tipo de transferencia Razn de escrutinio, etc.
El proceso de enumeracin es inicializado por el host cuando detecta que un nuevo dispositivo que ha sido adjuntado al Bus. El host le asigna una direccin al dispositivo adjuntado al bus y habilita su configuracin permitiendo la transferencia de datos sobre el bus.
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Modos de Transferencia
Tuberas (Pipes): Es un enlace virtual entre el host (la PC) y el dispositivo USB, este enlace configura los parmetros asociados con el ancho de banda, que tipo de transferencia se va a utilizar (Control, Bulk, Iscrona o Interrupt) direccin del flujo de datos y el mximo y/o mnimo tamao de los paquetes.
Cada enlace est caracterizado por su banda de paso (Token), su tipo de servicio, el nmero de punto terminal (End Point) y el tamao de los paquetes. Estos enlaces se definen y crean durante la inicializacin del USB. Siempre existe un enlace virtual 0 que permite tener acceso a la informacin de configuracin del perifrico USB (estado, control e informacin).
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It consists of a big pipe (12 Mbps) and up to 127 small pipes. Each of the small pipes connects to a USB device. There are 7 address bits in the USB token which can address up to 128 devices. However, address 000 0000B, called the USB default address, is used for all devices when they are first attached. Thus USB can support up to 127 devices. Each of the small pipes connected to a USB device can be further divided into smaller pipes. There can be up to 16 pairs of these tiny pipes from a single small pipe. This is because there are 4 "endpoint" bits in a USB token and the token can be identified as IN or OUT tokens.
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Control Transfer
Control transfers are bi-directional and intended to support configuration, command or status communications between the host and functions.
A control transfer consists of 2 or 3 stages: a setup stage, data stage (may or may not exist) and status stage. In the setup stage, the host sends a request to the function. In the data stage, data transfer occurs in the direction as indicated in the setup stage, and in the status stage, the function returns a handshake to the host. Each USB device is required to implement the endpoint pair 0 as control transfer endpoints. It is used to exchange information when the device is first attached to the host.
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Isochronous Transfer
Isochronous transfer can be uni-directional or bi-directional. It is intended to be used to transfer information that requires a constant rate and can tolerate errors. A good application example of this transfer type is 64 kbps Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) voice data. The voice data requires a constant rate and can tolerate errors (typically up to a bit error rate of 1x10-3).
Isochronous transfer has the following characteristics: guaranteed access to USB with bounded latency, and no retrying in case of a delivery failure due to error. The maximum packet size for isochronous transfer is 1023 bytes per USB frame of 1 ms. This implies that the maximum transfer achievable using isochronous transfer is 8,184 Mbps.
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Interrupt transfer
Interrupt transfer is uni-directional and only inputs to the host. It is used to support data transfers that are small in size and happen infrequently. The interrupt transfer of USB is of a polling type; that is, the host asks if the interrupt endpoints have any data to send according to the frequency requested by the endpoints. For full speed devices, the endpoint can specify the polling period of 1 ms to 255 ms. For low speed devices, the polling period is from 10 ms to 255 ms. Thus, the fastest polling frequency is 1 kHz for full speed devices. In case of delivery failure due to errors, a retry of transfer will be carried out in the next polling period. A good example of a device using interrupt transfer is a keyboard, where it sends a small amount of data to the host when a key is pressed.
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Bulk Transfer
The bulk transfer can be uni- or bi-directional. It is used to
support endpoints that need to communicate large amounts of data accurately but where the time of delivery is not critical. The bulk transfer is designed to claim unused bandwidth of the USB, and therefore the provision of USB access time to bulk transfers is on a bandwidth available basis. In case of delivery failure due to errors, the transfer
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For low speed devices, the 1.5 k 5% resistor must be tied from the D- wire to a voltage source between 3.0 and 3.6 v.
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Token Packets
USB transaction are always initiated by the host and are started with a token packet in the format shown in figure:
All packets begin with a synchronization (SYNC) field. It is used by the input circuitry to align incoming data with the local clock and it is 8 bits in length.
A packet identifier (PID) immediately follows the SYNC field. A PID consists of four bits followed by a four-bit check field, as shown in figure:
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Token Packets
The PID indicates the type of packet that is transmitted (differentiated by PID0 and PID1); either token, data, handshake or special packet.
Packet type PID Name PID3:PID2 PID1:PID0 Token Token SOF Token Data Data OUT IN SOF SETUP DATA0 DATA1 00 10 01 11 00 10 01 01 01 01 11 11
Handshake Handshake Special
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10 11 11
10 10 00
Token Packets
The 7-bit function address (ADDR) field specifies which device the packet is intended for. The host assigns a unique address to each device during USB enumeration process when it is first attached to the bus.
The 4-bit endpoint (ENDP) further specifies which tiny pipe of the device the packet is intended for. For example, a device has endpoint 0 and endpoint 1 configured, the host can choose to communicate to endpoint 0 of this device at this instant, ignoring endpoint 1.
Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRCs) provide error checking for the non-PID fields of the USB packet. The PID is not protected by this CRC as it has self error checking.
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Data Packets
The host performs the management of the bus, and devices respond to requests from the host. If the host requests information from a device it will send an IN token addressed to that device endpoint and the device will response with a USB data packet. The format of the data packet is as shown in figure, with the PID indicating DATA0 or DATA1.
If the transfer type of this particular endpoint is bulk, control or interrupt, the host will response with an acknowledgment when it receives the data without error. If the transfer type is isochronous, no handshake packet will be sent. The host will send an OUT token followed by a data packet if it wishes to transfer data to the device.
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Handshake Packets
The handshake packets consist of only a PID, as shown in figure. They are used to report ACK, NACK or STALL (as indicated by the PID) for transactions that require handshakes.
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Special Packets
The special preamble (PRE) packet is sent by the host when it wishes to communicate to low speed devices. The host will send this PRE packet first, before sending low speed 1.5 Mbps packets to communicate with low speed devices.
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Control Transfers
Control transfers have two or three stages:
Setup Data (may or may not be required) Status stage
The best way to understand how a control transfer works is to look at an example, as shown in figure. It shows a complete control transfer between a function and a host, as captured by a CATC USB bus analyzer.
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MC Nicols Quiroz
Un programa en PICC para el microcontrolador Realizar un circuito para la comunicacin USB Instalar el driver
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Con esto ya se tiene enlazado el proyecto con las MFC y la librera de USB de microchip.
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Lo primero es crear un objeto que contenga las propiedades de las libreras USB. Abrir el archivo PicUSBDlg.h y aadir las siguientes directivas e instanciacin del objeto USB:
#include "usb.h" #include "usb2550.h"
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Archivo USB.cpp
Verificar que al inicio del archivo USB.cpp
Que los Ids son "vid_04d8&pid_0011"; Estos valores deben coincidir con el programa desarrollado para el PIC.
// Global Vars PCHAR vid_pid = "vid_04d8&pid_0011"; //VID y PID PCHAR out_pipe= "\\MCHP_EP1"; PCHAR in_pipe= "\\MCHP_EP1"; HANDLE myOutPipe; HANDLE myInPipe;
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Funciones USB
usb_enumerated: Devuelve un TRUE si el dispositivo ha sido enumerado por el PC y, en este caso, el dispositivo entra en modo de operacin normal y puede enviar y recibir paquetes de datos.
Existen funciones especficas para CDC, entre ellas: usb_cdc_putc(c): Es idntica a put(c) y enva un carcter. Coloca un carcter en el bfer de transmisin; en el caso de que est lleno esperara hasta que pueda enviarlo. usb_cdc_getc(c): Es idntica a get(c) y lee un carcter. Recibe un carcter del bfer de transmisin; y el caso de estar vaco esperar hasta que se reciba.
Programacin PIC
USB 2.0 Microchip
Microchip permite mediante la programacin de sus PIC realizar una comunicacin PIC<---->PC de forma sencilla y eficaz. Utilizando la librera MPUSBAPI, para escribir y leer en el PIC. La velocidad es de hasta 12Mbit/seg.
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1 PIC18F4550
1 cristal de 12 MHz 1 capacitor electroltico de 47uF/16V 2 capacitores de 15 pF 1 conector USB tipo A macho 1 cable con 4 hilos (1 m) 1 tira de pines (solo 4 pines)
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Programacin del PIC se utiliza el compilador PIC C de la empresa CCS.
El cdigo principal para crear nuestro USB 2.0 es el siguiente:
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Relevant Functions
Initializes the USB hardware. Will then wait in an infinite loop for the USB peripheral to be connected to bus (but that doesn't mean it has been enumerated by the PC). Will enable and use the USB interrupt. usb_task() If you use connection sense, and the usb_init_cs() for initialization, then you must periodically call this function to keep an eye on the connection sense pin. When the PIC is connected to the BUS, this function will then perpare the USB peripheral. When the PIC is disconnected from the BUS, it will reset the USB stack and peripheral. Will enable and use the USB interrupt. usb_enumerated() Returns TRUE if the device has been enumerated by the PC. If the device has been enumerated by the PC, that means it is in normal operation mode and you can send/receive packets.
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Relevant Functions
usb_put_packet(endpoint, data, len, tgl)
Places the packet of data into the specified endpoint buffer. Returns TRUE if success, FALSE if the buffer is still full with the last packet.
Returns TRUE if the specified endpoint has data in it's receive buffer
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0x01, 0x10,0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
//constant DEVICE (0x01) //usb version in bcd //class code (if 0, interface defines class. FF is vendor defined) //subclass code //protocol code
0xD8,0x04, 0x11,0x00,
0x01,0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, };
//index of string description of manufacturer. therefore we point to string_1 array (see below) //index of string descriptor of the product //index of string descriptor of serial number
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Cdigo en el PIC
//inicializamos el USB
//habilita periferico usb e interrupciones //esperamos hasta que el PicUSB sea configurado por el host //si el PicUSB est configurado //si el endpoint contiene datos del host
usb_task(); while (TRUE) {
usb_wait_for_enumeration(); if(usb_enumerated())
if (usb_kbhit(1)) { usb_get_packet(1, datos, 1); //obtiene el paquete de tamao 1 bytes del EP1 //y almacenamos en datos
if (datos[0] == 0)
{ } if (datos[0] == 1) // Modo_Led { output_high(PIN_B7); //// Enciende led output_low(PIN_B7); // Apaga led
} } } }
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Elementos de potencia
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VCC1 Seal TTL (5V) o voltaje de control. VCC2 Voltaje de alimentacin del motor (5V, 12V, etc.)
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Motores a pasos
Motores de reluctancia variable Motores de imn permanente - unipolares - bipolares
Motores multifases
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Paso simple:
Esta secuencia de pasos es la mas simple de todas y consiste en activar cada bobina una a una y por separado, con esta secuencia de encendido de bobinas no se obtiene mucha fuerza ya que solo es una bobina cada vez la que arrastra y sujeta el rotor del eje del motor.
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
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