Final Project Casa Grande Saa
Final Project Casa Grande Saa
Final Project Casa Grande Saa
In 1879, the war with Chile broke out, reducing crops due to lack of labor,
because the workers enlisted in the ranks of the national army.
Luis Albrecht, faced with the threats of the Chilean general Patricio Lynch, was
forced to pay quotas to the invading army to prevent the burning of the city of
Trujillo and the sugarcane fields of the Chicama Valley and made his estate and
fortune available to the national cause. coining the famous phrase “No one owes
anything. Goods have been made to repair evils.”
Overwhelmed by a painful illness and the economic crisis unleashed by the war
with Chile, he put his company to auction on August 1, 1888. This property was
acquired by another German, Mr. Juan Gildemeister, who formed the company
Casa Grande y Co. It had a brief administration until it ceased to exist in 1895.
The company became managed by his children and was on its way to ruin until a
relative, Don Enrique Gildemeister, an experienced businessman, managed to
save it and began to acquire other farms to expand his agricultural frontier,
having proposed to his family to use the credit. of the banks to modernize the
mill and make it more competitive.
In 1915 it purchased the Malabrigo port where it carried out its port operations
abroad and in 1927 acquired the Roma hacienda and, with the acquisition of this
hacienda, it consolidated its position, becoming the most important agro-
industrial emporium in the Chicama Valley and one of the largest. From Peru.
With the agrarian reform of the military government that occurred in 1969, Casa
Grande passed into the hands of its associated workers in Cooperatives and
Agricultural Societies of Social Interest. Before being intervened by the military
government, the Casa Grande estate owned large areas of land: on the Coast it
had 107,717 hectares and in the Sierra 75,086 hectares.
On March 13, 1996, after failed attempts to change the cooperative model, the
government promulgated Legislative Decree 802, “Law on Economic and
Financial Sanitation of Agrarian Sugar Companies” and dated July 1, 1996, by
decision of the majority of cooperative members, Casa Grande accepted this rule
and decided to change its social model by becoming a Public Limited Company,
with which the cooperative members who capitalized their debts became
shareholders of the company, like the State.
In 1998, the company was adapted to the form of Open Joint Stock Company, by
provision of the General Companies Law. In October 2005, Lakebar Holding SA
acquired 21.2% of the company's shares from the company Roncesvalles, the
largest individual shareholder at that time, and subsequently, on January 25,
2006, Corporación Azucarera del Perú SA acquired 57.09% of shares of the
sugar company through a Public Acquisition Offer (OPA), becoming the
majority shareholder.
At the General Shareholders' Meeting held on March 31, 2008, it was agreed to
modify the corporate name from Empresa Agroindustrial Casa Grande SAA to
Casa Grande SAA.
In the Agroindustry unit, the main companies are Coazúcar SA (Peru), Cartavio
SAA (Peru), Agroindustrias San Jacinto SAA (Peru), Empresa Agraria Chiquitoy
SA (Peru), Empresa Agrícola Sintuco SA (Peru), Agrolmos SA (Peru), Ingenio
San Isidro – Prosal SA (Argentina) and Coazúcar Ecuador SA (Ecuador).