Psychological Tests 29419 PDF

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TEST 1 The Minnesota Test for differential diagnosis of aphasia

TEST 1-2 Card material Pack One
TEST 1-3 Card materials Pack teo
159.9.072 Differential diagnosis of aphasia with the Minnesota

TEST 2 Carolina Curriculum

TEST 2-1 Manual
TEST 2-2 Evaluation Booklets

TEST 3 Professional interests and preferences: IPP

TEST 3-2 Dq 11

TEST 4 Cognitive flexibility test: Changes

TEST 5 Factorial intelligence test: AMPE-F

TEST 6 Academic prognostic tests: APT

TEST 7 Socialization battery: BAS-3

TEST 8 Boehm Test of Basic Concepts: Boehm

TEST 9 Behavior Adaptation Inventory: IAC

TEST 10 Vocational preferences registry: KUDER-C

TEST 11 Learning Strategies Scales: ACRA

TEST 12 Self-concept Form A: AFA

TEST 13 Battery of aptitudes for school learning: BAPAE

TEST 14 Socialization battery: BAS 1-2

TEST 15 Child and adolescent self-control questionnaire: CACIA

TEST 16 Study Habits Inventory: IHE

TEST 17 Spain-Compluntes verbal learning test: TAVEC

TEST 18 Progressive Matrices: Raven

TEST 19 Self-concept Form 5: AF5.

TEST 19-1
TEST 19-2

TEST 20 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test:

TEST 20-1
TEST 20-2
TEST 20-3

TEST 21 Behavioral memory test: Rivermead

TEST 22 How to get the job you want want

TEST 23 Reading Comprehension Tests: CLT

TEST 24 Study Habits and Techniques Questionnaire: CHTE

TEST 25 Social climate scales (FES, WES. CIES, CES)

TEST 26 Big Five Quiz: BFQ

TEST 26-4 Dq 12

TEST 27 Socio-affective development program: DSA

TEST 28 AD Questionnaire (Antisocial-Criminal Behaviors): AD

TEST 29 Children's Depression Questionnaire: CDS

TEST 29-1 Manual
TEST 29-2 Answer sheets
TEST 29-2 Answer sheets (bis)
TEST 29-3 1 Envelope with 72 cards

TEST 30 Personality Questionnaire for Children and Adults: EPQ-A

and J (2 copies of the manual)
TEST 31 Letter squares: CL

TEST 32 Dominoes tests: D-48

TEST 33 16 PF-5 (5th Edition)

TEST 33-4 Dq 13

TEST 34 Projective techniques: TAT, CAT, SAT

TEST 35 Goodenough-Harris human figure drawing test

TEST 36 Personality Quiz: EPI

Luria's neuropsychological diagnosis (Wooden Box)

Portage Guide to Preschool Education (Blue Backpack)

TEST 39 Assessment of reading comprehension: ECL (2 copies of the


TEST 40 Educational intervention program to increase attention and

reflexivity: PIAAR-R

TEST 41 Toulouse-Pieron: TP

Multifactor self-assessment test of child adaptation: TAMAI

TEST 43 Motivation test in adolescents SMAT

TEST 44 Social Skills Scale: EHS

TEST 45 Object relations test

TEST 46 Interpersonal Values Questionnaire: SIV

TEST 47 Space-perceptual test: SIT-1

TEST 48 Primary mental abilities: PMA

TEST 49 Colors and words test: STROOP

TEST 50 Psychosocial motivations scale: MPS

TEST 51 State-trait anxiety self-assessment questionnaire in children:


TEST 52 State Trait Anxiety Questionnaire: STAI

TEST 53 Personal Values Questionnaire: SPV

TEST 54 Immediate auditory memory test: MAI

TEST 55 Personality Quiz: CEP

TEST 56 Identical shapes: FI

TEST 57 Difference perception test: FACES

TEST 58 Child Anxiety Questionnaire: CAS

TEST 59 g factor (Scale 1) : F g-1

G factor: scales 2 and 3 (2 copies of the manual)

TEST 61 Understanding written orders (levels 1 and 2): COE

TEST 62 Rorschach-Test

TEST 63 Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Aptitudes: ITPA

TEST 64 Inventory for service planning and individual programming:


Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: WAIS (Black Briefcase)

Mental Maturity Scale: CMS (Black Briefcase)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Preschool and Primary School:
(black briefcase)

Weschsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised: WISC-R

TEST 68 (black briefcase)

Inventory of anxiety situations and responses: ISRA

TEST 69 Psychomotor education program: PEP

TEST 70-71 MMPI-2: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory -2. TEST

72-1 Manual
TEST 72 TEST 72-2 Answer sheets
TEST 72-2 Answer sheets (bis)
TEST 72-3 Question game
TEST 72-4 Question booklets
TEST 72-4 Question booklets (bis)
TEST 72-5 Profile sheets
TEST 72-5 Profile sheets (bis)
TEST 72-6 Correction and profile diskette.

Copy and memory reproduction test of complex geometric

figures: REY
Seashore Musical Aptitude Tests : SEASHORE

TEST 74 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III: WAIS III

TEST 75 16PF-5 [Electronic resource] : version 3.00

TEST 76-2 Dq 38

TEST 76 Family test: quantification and analysis of variables

EDAH: scales for the evaluation of deficit disorder TEST 78-2

TEST 78 EDAH: Scales for the evaluation of attention deficit
TEST 78 hyperactivity disorder.
TEST 78-1 Manual
TEST 78-1 Manual
TEST 78-2 Answer sheets
TEST 79 NEGO: negotiation skills test
TEST 79-1
TEST 79-2
TEST 79-3

TEST 80 CTI: constructive thinking inventory

TEST 80-1
TEST 80-2
TEST 80-3
TEST 80-4

TEST 81 PROESC: evaluation of writing processes

TEST 81-2
TEST 81-3

TEST 82 PROLEC: battery for evaluating the reading processes of primary

school children
TEST 82-2

TEST 83 MIL [Electronic resource]: Computerized Reading Method TEST


TEST 84 PROLEC-SE: evaluation of reading processes in high school

third cycle of primary education and compulsory secondary
TEST 84-2
TEST 84-3

TEST 85 CUMANIN child neuropsychological maturity questionnaire

TEST 85-2
TEST 85-3

TEST 86 CREA: creative intelligence: a cognitive measure of creativity

TEST 86-2
TEST 86-3
TEST 86-4

TEST 87 ITPA: Ilinois Test of Psycholinguistic Aptitudes

TEST 87-2
TEST 87-3
TEST 87-4
TEST 87-5
TEST 87-6

TEST 88 MSCA: McCarthy aptitude and psychomotor scales for children

TEST 88-2
TEST 88-3

TEST 89 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III: WAIS-III

TEST 89-1
TEST 89-2
TEST 89-3
TEST 89-4
TEST 89-5
TEST 89-6
TEST 89-7
TEST 89-8
TEST 89-9
TEST 89-10

TEST 90 AVE: bullying and school violence

TEST 90-1
TEST 90-2
TEST 90-3

TEST 91 BFQ-NA: 'Big Five' personality questionnaire for children and

TEST 91-1
TEST 91-2
TEST 91-3

TEST 92 EDI2: inventory of eating disorders

TEST 92-1
TEST 92-2
TEST 92-3

TEST 93 D2: attention test

TEST 93-1
TEST 93-2
TEST 94 PIELE: Instructional Program for Education and Emotional
Liberation: 'Learning to live'
TEST 94-1
TEST 94-2 (1)
TEST 94-2 (2)
TEST 94-2 (3)
TEST 94-3
TEST 94-4
TEST 94-5

TEST 95 CONVES: program to improve school coexistence: primary

TEST 95-1
TEST 95-2

TEST 96 CONVES: program to improve school coexistence: secondary

TEST 96-1
TEST 96-2

TEST 97 Goodbye sadness: game to help children overcome grief and loss

TEST 98 MCMI-III: Millon Multiaxial Clinical Inventory-III

TEST 98-1 Manual.
TEST 98-2 Practical guide for its interpretation.
TEST 98-3 Booklets.
TEST 98-3 Booklets. (Bis)
TEST 98-4 answer sheets.
TEST 98-5 internet correction system.
TEST 99 PROLEC-R: Reading Processes Assessment Battery
TEST 99-1
TEST 99-2
TEST 99-3

TEST 100 Topic 3: basic mathematical competence test

TEST 100-1
TEST 100-2
TEST 100-3
TEST 100-4

TEST 101 Support Intensity Scale-SIS

TEST 101-1
TEST 101-2

TEST 102 AEI: Aptitudes in Early Childhood Education: Preschool-2 (2

copies of the test)
TEST 102-1
TEST 102-2

TEST 103 Primary I and II: Cognitive Aptitudes Test

TEST 103–1
TEST 103–2
TEST 103–3
TEST 103–4

TEST 104 DAT – 5: Differential Aptitudes Test. Version 5

TEST 104-1
TEST 104-2
TEST 104-3
TEST 104-4 (BIS)
TEST 104-5
TEST 105 MIPS: Millon Personality Styles Inventory
TEST 105-1
TEST 105-2
TEST 105-3
TEST 105-4

TEST 106 RAVEM. Progressive Matrices. Scales: (CPM), (SPM), (APM)

TEST 106-1
TEST 106-2
TEST 106-3

TEST 107 TEA. School Aptitude Test. (Levels 1, 2 and 3)

TEST 107-1
TEST 107-2
TEST 107-3
TEST 107-4
TEST 107-5
TEST 107-6
TEST 107-7

TEST 108 ACS. Coping Scales for Adolescents

TEST 108–1
TEST 108-2
TEST 108-3
TEST 108-4

TEST 109 STAXI-NA: state-trait anger expression inventory in children

and adolescents.
TEST 109-1
TEST 109-2

TEST 110 DECORE. Psychosocial risk assessment questionnaire.

TEST 110-1
TEST 110-2
TEST 110-3

TEST 111 ESFA: Family satisfaction scale by objectives.

TEST 111-1
TEST 111-2

TEST 112 CUMANIN: Childhood Neuropsychological Maturity Questionnaire

TEST 112-1
TEST 112-2
TEST 112-3

TEST 113 WISC-IV: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children –IV

TEST 113-1 Technical and Interpretation Manual
TEST 113-2 Application and Correction Manual
TEST 113-3 Notebooks of Elements
TEST 113-4 Keys for evaluation with the WISC-IV
TEST 113-5 Recording booklet.
TEST 113-6 Animal booklet.
TEST 113-7 Cubes
TEST 113-8 Correction template.
TEST 113-9 Computer Interpretation Program


TEST 114-1 Manual
TEST 114-2 3 viewers of normalized size in cardboard with 20
small cards and instruction manual
TEST 114-3 Record sheet.
TEST 114-4 Piece of cardboard with a circular hole in the
TEST 114-5 Kaleidoscope, spyglass, ball and nail with piece of
TEST 114-6 Deck of cards, watch, toothbrush, comb, eraser,
scissors, knife, 2 pencils and hammer.

TEST 115 THESIS: Sensitivity to Social Interactions Test. An objective

test to measure Emotional Intelligence.

TEST 116 EPA-2: Evaluation of learning potential.

TEST 116-1: Manual.
TEST 116-2: Record sheet.
TEST 116-3: Slides.

TEST 117 Dyslexia Recovery Worksheets

TEST-1: Dyslexia. Initiation Level.
TEST-2: Dyslexia. Elemental level.
TEST-3: Dyslexia. School level.

TEST 118 Calculus Recovery Exercises:

TEST 118-1: Initiation Level Calculus.
TEST 118-2: Initiation Level Calculus.
TEST 118-3: Calculus School Level I.
TEST 118-4: Calculus School Level II.

TEST 119 Exercises. Perceptual-Motor Spatial Orientation – II:

TEST 119-1: First Level (5-6 years)
TEST 119-2: Second Level (6-8)
TEST 119-3: Third Level (8-10)

TEST 120 Reading Comprehension Cards.

TEST 120-1: Reading Comprehension Worksheets.
TEST 120-2: Educator Manual and Correction Guideline

TEST 121 Reinforcement and Development of Basic Mental Skills: Initiation:

TEST 121 (1-1): Reading-Writing Disorders.
TEST 121 (1-2): Reading-Writing Disorders.
TEST 121-2: Basic Logical Reasoning.
TEST 121-3: Spatial Orientation.
TEST 121-4: Selective Attention. Visuo-Spatial Perception.
TEST 121-5: Verbal Compression.
TEST 121-6: Calculus. Issues. Basic concepts.
TEST 121-7: Graphomotor Coordination. Writing and Spelling.

TEST 122 Reinforcement and Development of Basic Mental Skills:

TEST 122-1: Language and Basic Concepts.
TEST 122-3: Perceptual Discrimination. Spatial relations.
Temporal sequence.
TEST 122-4: Body Scheme. Left-Right Differentiation. Visual-
Manual Coordination.

TEST 123 Reinforcement and Development of Basic Mental Skills.

TEST 123 (1-1): Reading-Writing Disorders.
TEST 123 (1-2): Reading-Writing Disorders.
TEST 123-2: Basic Logical Reasoning.
TEST 123-3: Spatial Orientation.
TEST 123-4: Selective attention. Perception and Visual
TEST 123-5: Verbal Comprehension.
TEST 123-6: Mental Calculation. Numerical and Verbal
Basic Numerical Concepts.
TEST 123-7: Writing. Orthography.

TEST 124 Reinforcement and Development of Basic Mental Skills.

TEST 124 (1-1): Reading-Writing Disorders.
TEST 124 (1-2): Reading-Writing Disorders.
TEST 124-2: Basic Logical Reasoning.
TEST 124-3: Spatial Orientation.
TEST 124-4: Selective Attention. Perception and visual
TEST 124-5: Verbal Compression.
TEST 124-6: Calculation and problem solving.
TEST 124-7: Writing. Orthography.

TEST 125 Antidyslexic Method for Learning to Read

Writing. Mapal Method

TEST 126 FTT: Fairy Tales Test TEST 126-1 Manual.

TEST 126-2 Note book.
TEST 126-3 Sheets.

TEST 127 A.EP: Self-esteem in primary education

TEST 127 -1 Manual
TEST 127-2 Quiz

TEST 128 CEP: Personality Questionnaire

TEST 128-1 Manual
TEST 128-2 Quiz.
TEST 128-3 Answer sheet.

TEST 129 PIC: Creative Imagination Test

TEST 129-1 Manual.
TEST 129-2 Correction Booklet.
TEST 129-3 Exemplary.

TEST 130 PIC-J: Creative Imagination Test for Young People

TEST 130-1 Manual.
TEST 130-2 Exemplary.
TEST 130-3 Correction Booklet.

TEST 131 PPVVT-III PEABODY: Vocabulary test in images.

TEST 131-1 Manual.
TEST 131-2 Stimulus notebook.
TEST 131-3 Record sheet.
TEST 132 WPPSI-III: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Preschool and
Primary School-III.
TEST 132-1 Technical and interpretation manual.
TEST 132-2 Application and correction manual.
TEST 132-3.1 Stimulus notebook 1
TEST 132-3.2 Stimulus notebook 2
TEST 132-4 Recording booklet 1st Stage.
TEST 132-5 Recording booklet 2nd Stage.
TEST 132-6 Correction template.
TEST 132-7 Cubes.
TEST 132-8 Puzzle.

TEST 133 LURIA DNA BATTERY: Neuropsychological Diagnosis of Adults.

TEST 133-1 Manual.
TEST 133-2 Answer booklets.
TEST 133-3: Box with: 4 blocks of cards for the tests and
15 envelopes with cards.

TEST 134 MSCA: McCarthy Scale of Aptitudes and Psychomotor Skills for
TEST 134-1 Manual.
TEST 134-2 Sheet booklet.
TEST 134-3 Booklet gives notes.
TEST 134-4 Puzzles (6 models)
TEST 134-5 Hitting sequences: Xylophone and hammer.
TEST 134-6 Construction of cubes (12 cubes)
TEST 134-7 Concept formation (1 colored pieces). In addition
to: 1 cloth bag - 1 tennis ball - 1 roll of insulating tape - 1 strap
- 1 table stand - 1 blue square - 2 sheets of white cardboard - 1

TEST 135 HTP: House-Tree-Person. Projective drawing technique.

TEST 135-1 Manual and interpretation guide.
TEST 135-2 Interpretation booklet.

TEST 136 SCL-90-R: Questionnaire of 90 symptoms.

TEST 136-1 Manual
TEST 136-2 90 symptoms questionnaire booklet.

TEST 137 EAE: Stress Appreciation Scale.

TEST 137-1 Manual.
TEST 137-2 Answer sheet.
TEST 137-3 Scale Sheet A.

TEST 138 CEA: Learning Strategy Quiz

TEST 138-1 Manual.
TEST 138-2 Questionnaires.
TEST 138-3 Instructions for correcting the test.

TEST 139 STAI: State-Trait Anxiety Questionnaire.

TEST 139-1 Manual.
TEST 139-2 Questionnaires.

TEST 140 STAXI-2: State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory.

TEST 140-1: Manual.
TEST 140-2: Questionnaires.

TEST 141 ISRA: Inventory of Anxiety Situations and Responses.

TEST 141-1 Manual.
TEST 141-2 Profile Sheets (Answer Systems)
TEST 141-3 Profile Sheets (Specific Traits)
TEST 141-4 Questionnaires.

TEST 142 AF5: Self-concept Form 5.

TEST 142-1 Manual.
TEST 142-2 Questionnaires.

TEST 143 MSCEIT: Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test

TEST 143-1 Manual.
TEST 143-2 Booklets
TEST 143-3 Answer sheets.
TEST 143-4 Sheet with test correction pin.

TEST 144 DIE: Comprehensive diagnosis of the study.

TEST 144-1 Manual.
TEST 144-2 Booklets.
TEST 144-3 Practical test sheets.
TEST 144-4 Answer sheets.

TEST 145 EPI: Personality questionnaire.

TEST 145-1 Manual and template-Forms A and B.
TEST 145-2 Form A Questionnaires.
TEST 145-3 Form B Questionnaires.
TEST 146 EOD: Observational Development Scale.

TEST 147 DIE: Comprehensive Diagnostic Study (Levels 1,2 and 3)

TEST 147-1 Manual.
TEST 147-2Booklets.
TEST 147-3 Practical test sheets.
TEST 147-4 Answer sheets.

TEST 148 DIE: Comprehensive diagnosis of the study (Levels 1,2 and 3)
TEST 148-1 Manual.
TEST 148-2 Booklets.
TEST 148-3 Sheets: Practical test.
TEST 148-4 Answer Sheets
TEST 149 EPQ: Personality questionnaire for children (EPQ-J) and adults
TEST 149-1 Manual EPQ- AY J+ EPQ-J correction template.
TEST 149-2 EPQ –AYJ Manual + EPQ-A correction template.
TEST 149-3 EPQ-J Questionnaires.
TEST 149-4 EPQ-A Questionnaires.

TEST 150 Memory Test.

TEST 150-1 Manual.
TEST 150-2 Farm and beach presentation sheets.
TEST 150-3 Farm Answer Sheets.
TEST 150-4 Answer Sheets-beach.


TEST 151-1 Teacher's notebook.
TEST 151-1 Teacher's notebook.
TEST 151-1 Teacher's notebook.
TEST 151-1 Teacher's notebook.
TEST 151-2 Student activity notebook.
TEST 151-2 Student activity notebook.
TEST 151-2 Student activity notebook.
TEST 151-2 Student activity notebook.

TEST 152 EDAF: Evaluation of Auditory and Phonological Discrimination

TEST 152 -1 Manual.
TEST 152-2 Sheets.
TEST 152-3 Response protocol. (5 copies).

TEST 153 EDI-3: Eating Disorders Inventory-3.

TEST 153-1 Manual.
TEST 153-2 Referral questionnaire.
TEST 153-3 EDI-3 RF Questionnaires.
TEST 153-4 Answer sheets.
TEST 153-5 Score profile sheet.
TEST 153-6 Questionnaire.
TEST 154 TEDI-MATH: Test for the diagnosis of basic competencies in
TEST 154-1 Manual.
TEST 154-2 Stimulus notebook A.
TEST 154-3 Stimulus notebook B.
TEST 154-4 Stimulus notebook C.
TEST 154-5 Note booklets.
TEST 154-6 1 Envelope with 3 sheets.
TEST 154-7 Box with chips and cards.
TEST 154-8 Board with glued pieces + folded white cardboard.

MCMI-III: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III: Manual and

TEST 155 keyed test correction sheet.

RORSCHACH psychodiagnostic manual.

TEST 156 TEST 156-1 Manual.
TEST 156-2 Auxiliary sheets for localization.

RORSCHACH Interpretation Manual for the comprehensive system.

TEST 157
EOS-4 Psychopedagogical Battery
TEST 158-1 Manual
TEST 158 TEST 158-2 Test battery (10 copies)

16 PF-5: factorial personality questionnaire (9th Edition)

TEST 159-1 Manual
TEST 159-2 A guide for its interpretation in clinical practice
TEST 159
TEST 159-3 Question booklets.
TEST 159-4 Answer sheets.
TEST 159-5 Answer sheets.
TEST 159-6 Correction kit.
TEST 159-7 Correction kit.

BDI-FastScreen. Beck Depression Inventory.ATSC

TEST 160-1 Manual.
TEST 160-2 Answer sheet notebook.

TEST 160
TEST161 BDI-II. Beck Depression Inventory-II
TEST161-1 Manual.
TEST161-2 Answer sheet notebook.
TEST162 BAI: Beck Anxiety Inventory
TEST162-1 Manual.
TEST162-2 Answer sheet notebook.

TEST163 BASC: Behavior evaluation system for children and adolescents.

TEST163-1 Manual
TEST 163-2 Student observation system booklets
TEST163-3 Answer Booklets S-2
TEST163-4 Answer Booklets S-3
TEST163-5 Answer booklets P-1
TEST163-6 Answer booklets P-2
TEST163-7 Answer booklets P-3
TEST163-8 Answer booklets T-1
TEST163 -9 Answer booklets T-2
TEST163 -10 Answer booklets T-3
TEST 163-11 Behavior evaluation system booklets for children and
TEST163-12 Folder with corrections.

TEST164 ITPA: Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Aptitudes

TEST164-1 Manual
TEST164-2 Stimulus notebooks
TEST164-3 Stimulus notebooks
TEST164-4 Notebooks
TEST164-5 Templates

TEST165 FACES-R: Difference Perception Test.

TEST165-1 Manual
TEST165-2 Quiz

TEST166 Primary-R: Cognitive aptitude tests.

TEST166-1 Manual.
TEST166-2 Primary Questionnaire-R I
TEST166-3 Primary Questionnaire-R II

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