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International Kitchen

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Gastronomy is a very important aspect in people's lives and has its roots deeply
linked to the cultural heritage of each town , which is why its characteristics depend
on both the history and the geographical location and climatic conditions of an
area. certain area .

Although each country has its own recipes and gastronomic culture, thanks to the
migration of inhabitants and the globalization produced by technological and
communication media that allow culture and its different aspects to become
widespread, international cuisine has spread throughout the world and Each culture
has been responsible for modifying traditional recipes, adapting them to their own
customs and access to their endemic ingredients.

Thus, international gastronomy is one of the most important and largest in the world,
since it has foods from different countries in the world, which is why we highlight in
this monograph some of importance.


International cuisine has become a very broad style. In the last two centuries, various
cooking styles have been created, which have then evolved.

For this reason the work is justified because an analysis will be made of what
international cuisine is today, whose characteristics depend on the geographical
situation in which they have appeared, the type of restaurant in which they are
developed, etc.

Provide essential knowledge about the gastronomic developments of some countries
based on international gastronomy.

 Master the concepts of skills and abilities of international cuisine.
 Incorporate and strengthen concepts about the native foods of each region,
its history, and the integration of modern international cuisine.
 Strengthen gastronomic knowledge, innovating it in the creativity of
signature cuisine.


International gastronomy

The study of gastronomy has been approached from very different angles, however
we will carry out this study in four stages within History: Ancient Age , Middle Ages ,
Modern Age and Contemporary Age . During the course of History, man has
manifested the characteristics of his nature. Man has been evolving and with it his
diet. For example, at first he lived in the treetops, later he looked for a place to stay, a
way to dress and eat. The ways of eating changed since as they evolved they ate in a
better way: they had eating times, utensils, tablecloths, dishes, etc. Refinement came
little by little.

Old age

The Stone Age or prehistory has been called the time of humanity for which there is
no written document, however we can learn about these times thanks to
archaeological discoveries. The men who lived in the Lower Paleolithic lived in caves
or on terraces. They made few and rustic stone or bone instruments. Their diet was
based on the collection of fruits and roots, mollusks, small birds, animals and some
game; although it is thought that they were more herbivorous than carnivorous. It is
likely that at this time they already knew how to produce fire. From a gastronomic
point of view, the appearance of the fire was a significant event; since through heat,
meats and other foods softened and changed their flavor. It can be said that the first
culinary technique appeared when immersing food in hot water resulted in a liquid
that acquired the flavor of the food. In this way, what we know today as broth or soup
emerged. Man's instruments were also changing so they began to have better
nutrition, since in addition to gathering the natives dedicated themselves to their

Characteristics of the Dishes

 Mexican food
o Tacos: Eminently the appetizer of any Mexican meal. Corn tortillas that
wrap a meat or chicken preparation. The origin of tamales comes from
the Nahuatl word tamalli which means wrapped. Tamales are made with
a corn dough, stuffed with chicken, pieces of chicken, pork mixed with
mole, pipián and green or red sauce, and wrapped in corn cobs. ,
banana , maguey or even aluminum or plastic paper. Pozole is a soup
of cacahuazintle corn kernels, pork or beef, onion, chili, lettuce, salt, and
other ingredients that can be added at the time of serving.

 Chinese Food
o Noodles with Prawn: It is recommended for Valentine's Day dinner,
some Noodles with Prawns with three delicacies rice. There are always
those who argue about whether each of the ingredients added to the
rice constitute a “delicacy”, if so this It would be a five-delight Chinese
rice (ham, omelette, shrimp, carrot and peas, really delicious fried
Chinese noodles and very easy to prepare. In addition, I also have
another Chinese food recipe pending in a few days, it will be a lemon
chicken recipe, which I am sure will not disappoint you.
 Italian food

On the other hand, Italian cuisine also includes a wide variety of meats, some of them
prepared. There are many meat recipes, some of them abundant in their conception,
some of the most famous being ossobuco. Dishes made with rice (called risottos) are
one of the characteristic elements of the cuisine of the north of the country (as are
from others, like the Valencian one . In addition to pizza and focaccia, similar recipes
can be found in this category, such as calzones (a type of pizza closed on itself) and
other dishes such as piadina , crescentina or borlengo.

 Swiss Food

As you can see, Rosti has a circular shape, similar to the Spanish tortilla. In
Switzerland it is a very popular food and tourists who try it end up delighted with its
flavor, texture, among other things. A good restaurant to eat in Switzerland is Stucki,
where tourists can find a cozy atmosphere. It is a restaurant whose architecture is
truly innovative and classic at the same time.

 American food:
o The popular hamburger is a clear example of a dish identified with the
United States and that has its origins in European cuisine. Prepared
well boiled, or fried, served in an elongated bread that is usually
accompanied with a dressing such as ketchup and mustard. The type of
sausage used in the preparation of the dog may differ depending on
tastes. It is a seasoned dish that is spicy, and that can be prepared with
a lot of chili . Jambalaya is a very typical Cajun dish. Typically strong in
flavor using any combination of beef, pork, chicken, ham, smoked
chorizo or fish, usually with tomato.

 Spanish food
o The Galician empanada is a variety of empanada that is well known in
Galician cuisine and is part of one of its identities. 1 2 It is a culinary
preparation that is offered in the municipalities of Galicia on festive
occasions. Place the hake in a clay pot, decorate it with the clams, pour
the sauce over it and put it in the oven for about 10 minutes. It is served
in the same casserole garnished with some other possibility, we
recommend that the peas are very tender and are added towards the
 Oceanian Cuisine

The gastronomy of Oceania is a mix of European and Asian cuisine, where fresh and
quality products such as fish, shellfish and meats such as kangaroo, crocodile, emu
(a species of bird), as well as pork, lamb, beef and chicken are the basis of many of
their dishes.

Other products worth highlighting are the fruits of this area such as papaya,
pineapples, giant bananas and grapefruits, wild peaches, mangoes, kakadu plum and
red pineapples. As for drinks, it should be noted that Australia is one of the most
important exporters of wine in the world, red, rosé and white. Beer is another typical

Historically, Australian Gastronomy is based on British cuisine because the first

European colonizers were mostly British. For this reason there is an abundance of
pies, roast cuts of meat, grilled steaks, chicken as well as other forms of meat
generally accompanied by vegetables (the combination is called on the continent as
"meat and three veg") as such as potatoes, beans, and carrots (often served slightly

 African Gastronomy

A cuisine as exotic as it is unknown. African cuisine combines the strength and

character of one of the most heartbreaking but exciting areas on the planet: Africa.
Native meat, spicy aromas and strength in flavors are the dominant notes in this
cuisine. Tremendously influenced in the southern area by eastern cultures and
colonizing powers, it is a cuisine with intense and spicy flavors, often becoming a
volcanically spicy meal.

African Gastronomy is the set of culinary arts and customs of the people and
ethnicities that make up the African continent. The continent of Africa is the second
largest on earth and is home to hundreds of tribes, ethnic groups and social groups.

This diversity is also reflected in African cuisine, both in the customs, the ingredients
used or the cooking techniques used.

It has influences in the north of Mediterranean cuisine (it is an important part of

Maghreb cuisine) and in the northwest of Arab and Turkish cuisines. Africa, which
produces its items for the kitchen and these are:
 Cassava: (or manioc) basic in the food and nutrition of African countries, it
is used to obtain starch and flour. Its leaves are prepared like spinach in
Western cuisine. It is eaten fried, boiled or in stews.
 The banana and the banana: (the banana or banana); In Africa, different
types of Musa paradisiaca or plantain are used; it is usually prepared fried
in slices, pureed or in croquettes.
 Millet: it is easy and quick to prepare, it has a characteristic sweet flavor
that makes it particularly appetizing. They say that when you try it, you don't
easily forget its flavor.
 The yam : A plant native to Africa, it has a dark and edible root.
 Sorghum: It is a crop that constitutes a basic component of the diet in
many parts of Africa.
 Fish : (more than meat) It is used fresh or preserved by drying and
smoking it.

 Japanese cuisine
Refined, precise and frugal, Japanese cuisine is based on the intrinsic flavor of
ingredients, subtly combined and seasonal. The presentation: colors, spaces,
distribution... has a lot of value, as much as the flavors. In the same meal, they delight
in the alternation of textures and shapes, various cooking techniques and variety of
tastes. The way of seasoning in Japan is very different from the rest of the Asian
Most sauces come from the mixing and matching of a few basic ingredients:
soybeans (or shoyu), which arrived from China along with Buddhism and chopsticks;
dashi broth, made with water, kombu seaweed and dried tuna flakes; miso paste,
extracted from fermented soybeans; mirin, a rice vinegar; sake, less common; sugar
and salt. In addition to the importance and tasty richness of sauces, seaweed, umami,
Gomasio and Shichimi Togarasi are very common tastes. Likewise, rice is a staple in
Japanese culture, boiled, in flour, pasta, fermented in wine and vinegar... Finally, we
must highlight the influence of the Portuguese Jesuits who arrived in the 16th century,
who introduced the consumption of meat and tempuras.

 South American Cuisine

The diverse culinary traditions of South America are multiple and all with good
cuisine, the result of native cuisines with the contact of colonizing peoples. We find a
Creole cuisine from mixing with the Spanish, who introduced many ingredients. Also,
in Brazil they have contact with Portuguese cuisine and many traditions came from
Africa through the slaves brought to work in the sugar cane and coffee plantations:
cooking with palm or coconut oil are their contributions. It is a continent with ancient
and great civilizations: the Incas in Peru and along the Andes; the Mayans in the
Yucatán; the Aztecs in Mexico.

Corn, a sacred plant for all of them, has been cultivated for thousands of years and is
a basic ingredient in their diet. It is eaten tender or shelled, but it is in the flour where
they have created a great versatility of dishes: arepas in Colombia, Panama and
Venezuela; tortillas in the Mexican diet; chuquisaqueñas in Bolivia; with cassava flour
in Guarani cuisine and risoles in Brazil, are just some examples. Other predominant
ingredients are beans and rice, one of the foods that the Europeans brought. The
flavor of South American cuisines is marked by chili peppers and the sauces made
with them, as diverse in taste as there are types of chili peppers. Dried or fresh,
tender or preserved, the variability and flavor richness of spicy food has thousands of
nuances and degrees.


The type of gastronomy depends on each country, therefore each country has its
importance in terms of food and gastronomy and this depends a lot on the cook, the
ingredients and cultural customs or obligations. It is of great importance to take into
account the regulations when handling food and all the processes involved in working
in the gastronomic part, personal presentation, food handling, tasks and functions
performed by the staff.

 http://gastronomia.excite.es/cocina-internacional
 http://www.slideshare.net/8987625/tipos-de-comida-internacional
 http://www.buenastareas.com/ensayos/Gastronomia-Internacional/




GENERAL OBJECTIVE....................................................................... 2
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES..................................................................... 2
DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................. 2
International gastronomy...................................................................... 2
Old age..................................................................................................2
Characteristics of the dishes................................................................ 3
Mexican food.........................................................................................3
Chinese Food........................................................................................3
Italian food............................................................................................ 4
Swiss food............................................................................................ 4
American food...................................................................................... 4
Spanish food........................................................................................ 5
Oceanian food...................................................................................... 5
African cuisine...................................................................................... 6
Japanese Gastronomy......................................................................... 7
Sub-American Gastronomy.................................................................. 7
CONCLUSION..................................................................................... 8
BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................. 9
ANNEXES.......................................................................................... 10

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