Brochure 10 Keys To Breastfeeding Juliana Torrado

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THE 10 KEYS OF The ten keys to breastfeeding

All women are capable of
producing milk in the quantity and
quality that the baby needs.
Therefore, to promote 100%
natural and exclusive
breastfeeding during the first 6
months of life, the 10 keys that Unicef has
established to achieve successful breastfeeding.

Breastfeed early,
the sooner the
better. Most babies
willing to suckle
during the first hour
after birth, when the sucking instinct is very
intense. Early breastfeeding facilitates correct
placement on the breast.

SECOND, Offer the breast

Yeny Juliana Torrado often day and night. Get used
to the idea that you will spend a
Nutritional Support lot of time breastfeeding your
baby during are first
weeks. a newborn
Rafael Ángel Montagut He usually
breastfeeds between 8 and 12 times in 24 hours.
Local Coordinator Don't look at the clock and breastfeed him every SEVENTH,
time he searches or cries, without waiting for
"his turn." This will establish a good milk supply. for l
Cortrinor breastfeed
Cáchira NS
THIRD, Make sure the baby sucks
effectively and in the correct

FOURTH, Allow the baby to suck on the first

breast as much as he wants, until he lets go.
Then offer him the other one. Sometimes he will,
some not. This way the baby will drink the milk
that is produced at the end of the feeding, rich
in fat and calories, and will feel satisfied.

FIFTH, The more the baby breastfeeds, the

more milk the mother produces. It is important
to respect the natural balance and let the baby
set the tone, suckling on demand. It is not
necessary to feel your chest full; Milk is
produced mainly during feeding thanks to the
baby's sucking.

SIXTH, Avoid the

"helper" bottles and glucose serum. Formula
and whey make the baby full and undermine his
interest. by suck,
so he baby
sucks less and the
mother produces less milk.

, Avoid theless
the first until it is well established. A newborn
must learn well how to suck at the breast, and
artificial teats such as a bottle or pacifier can
make this learning difficult.
Breastfeeding does not imprison. Breastfeeding
EIGHTH, Remember that a connects, fills and releases.
baby also breastfeeds for
reasons other than hunger,
such as a need for suction or
LodTancia móesuna
comfort. Offering the breast is
the fastest way to calm


NINTH, Take care of
yourself. you need to find
Breast milk
moments of
provides all the
rest and focus your attention nutrients
Breastfeeding is better for our
more on the baby than on other necessary for
growth. environment because less garbage
yours. tasks. Request help from and plastic waste is produced.

TENTH, Seek support. Your

local La Leche League group has AFFECTIVE... ECONOMIC...
the information and support
Strengthens The entire family
every breastfeeding mother the mother- saved when the child
needs. child bond. was breastfed.

Breastfeeding is an act of love from mother to MEDICINAL... INTELLECTUALS... Babies who are Breastfeeding increases
child, which has existed since the beginning of breastfed are 25% less the production of
likely to suffer from oxytocin. a hormone that
all time. Therefore, today we want to show allergies such as relaxes both mother and
dermatitis, rhinitis or baby, helping to avoid
you some very nice phrases that talk about food allergies. stress and depression.

breastfeeding. In general, babies who

are breastfed will do
better in school.

Breastfeeding, the most precious bond I have
been able to establish with my children.
My chest is the umbilical cord that was never
Breastfeeding reduces The WHO recommends
cut. moma after childbirth yo that the baby's chances of starting to breastfeed the
reduces the risk of hemorrhage and developing type 2 baby within the first hour
A unique and special point of union after a postpartum depression. diabetes as an adult by Breastfeeding reduces of birth.
50%. the risk of developing
separation as abrupt as childbirth. breast cancer by up to
Breastfeeding is the source of life.
If there were a vaccine with the benefits of
It also recommends feeding the baby exclusively with milk.
maternal up to 6 months, from then on you will be able to eat
breastfeeding, parents would pay anything to porridge that complements breastfeeding up to 2 years of age

buy it. (Carlos Gonzáles, pediatrician)

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