3° y 4° Ficha de Actividades Week #01 UNIT 5

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N° 1
COMPETENCIA Se comunica oralmente en inglés como lengua extranjera. Lo Estoy en Necesito
Los estudiantes brindan información sobre diferentes dispositivos tecnológicos a través de una logré proceso mejorar
presentación oral para identificar y describir con precisión los dispositivos portátiles que usan a diario.
EVIDENCIA Presentación oral brindando información sobre los dispositivos tecnológicos que usan a diario.
• Identifica y describe con precisión las características y la ubicación de los dispositivos tecnológicos
mencionados en el audio.
• Usa conectores para enlazar fluidamente las descripciones de los dispositivos tecnológicos.
• La presentación se enfoca en los dispositivos tecnológicos, utilizando los demostrativos de forma
adecuada y pertinente.
• Describe los dispositivos tecnológicos de manera clara y precisa, asegurando que se comprenda el uso
de los demostrativos.

1.- Match the technological devices with their names: 1.- Write True (T) or False (F):

a) Laptop e) Mobile phone a.- The laptop is near Carla. ( )

b) Tablet f) Headphones b.- Carla is from Peru. ( )
c) Television g) USB stick
c.- Carla's radio is pink. ( )
d) Radio h) Speaker
d.- The headphones are far Carla. ( )
e.- She has a USB stick. ( )
f.- Carla's laptop is black. ( )
g.- She uses her laptop to send emails. ( )
h.- Carla uses her radio to listen to the news. ( )

1.- Complete the sentences with THIS, THAT, THESE or
THOSE and technological devices:

a.- ______ is a laptop.

1.- Listen to the oral presentation: b.- ______ are mobile phones.

TECHNOLOGY AROUND US c.- ______ is a __________.

Hello, my name is Carla. I am 16 years old. I am
from Cajamarca, Peru. I am a student and I use d.- ______ is a __________.
technology a lot.
I have this red laptop. This laptop has a keyboard and a
screen. I use this laptop to do my homework, watch movies, or
e.- ______ are __________.
play games.
I have these black USB sticks. These USB sticks are small and f.- ______ is a ___________.
store files like photos and music. I can also save my school
documents on these. g.- ______ is a __________.
I have that blue radio. That radio has buttons to change the
station. On that radio I can listen to my favorite songs and the
h.- ______ are smartwatches.
I also have those pink headphones. Those headphones have a
microphone for calls. I use those headphones to listen to English V LET’S CREATE
sessions and music.
1.- Oral presentation about the technological devices you
I use technology to have fun and study. It's great.
use daily.:

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