Seccion 250-122b) NOM-001-SEDE-2012

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Grounding and Bonding | 250.122 Sizit uipment Grounding Conductor m0 Ea Wie Type | 125 Feeder Protection Jf \ 40A Branch- Circuit Protection ‘Author's Comment: Phase conductors are sometimes increasedin size to accom- ‘modate conductor vtage drop, shortcut rating, r simply for future capacity Table 250.122 Sizing Equipment Grounding Conductor Overcurrent Protective Device Rating Copper Conductor Equipment grounding conductors must be sized not is 14 ANG smaller than shown in Table 250.122, based on the rating 208 TANG Of the circuit overcurrent protective device: however, they are not required to be larger than the phase conductors. en Fan Figure 250-227 TOA-100A 8 AWG 1104-2008 6 AWG {B) Increased in Size. If phase conductors are increased in size for 2254-2008 4 AWG any reason other than as required in 310.15(B) or 310.15(0), wie- ss {ype equipment grounding conductors, finstaled, must be increased 350A—4008 AWG in size proportionately to the increase inthe circular mi area of the “4504-500 DAWG phase conductors. > Figure 250-228 6008 1 AWG ‘Sizing Equipment Grounding Conductors 7004-800 1/0. ANG Increase in Size 250:122(8) 40004 2/0 AWG 12008 3/0 ANG It phase conductors are increased in size for any reason ‘ther than as required in 310,15(8) or 310.15(C), wire- {ype equipment grounding conductors (f installed) must be increased in size proportionately to the increase the ‘Stellar mil area of tie phase condcfors Figure 250-228 x fing conductors can besizedby.a qualified person to provide an effective ground fault current path in accordance with 250.4(AY(5) oF (8,4 ‘Note: Where necessary to comply with 250.4/A(5) or (BV), the ‘equipment grounding conductor might be soqured to be sized largor than given inthis table, > Example ‘Question: the phase conductors fora 40A circuit (with 75°C terme ras) ae increased in size fram 8 AWVG to 6 AIG due fo vatage crop, the circuit equipment grounding conductor must be increased in Size rom 10 AWG to__. Figure 250-228 (a) 8AWS —(O)GANG — (6) AAG) 3. ANG Solution: The cular ml area of 6 AWG is 59 percent mere than 8 AWG (26 240 emi/16,5 10 mil (Chapter, Table 8}. According to Table 250.122, te circuit equipment grounding conductor for a 404 cvercurent protective device wil be 10 AWG (10,380 cml, but the cuit equipment grounding conductor for this ccut must be Increased in sce by a matipler of 159 percent Mike Holt Enterprises * * 888.NEC.CODE (632.2633) | 305 250.122 | Grounding and Bonding (1) General. The equipment grounding conductor must nat be smaller than determined by 250.122(A), based on the rating of the motor circuit branch-circuit short-circuit and groundfauit protective device sized in accordance with 430,52(C)(1) Ex 1. Conductor Size = 10,380 emi « 159% Conductor Size = 16,504 emit The circut equipment grounding conductor must be increased to BAWG [Chapter 9, Table 8}. ‘Sizing Equipment Grounding Conductors Increase in Se 250.122(6) Example AWG = 26.240 em BAWG = 16.510 emi aw ee) ‘BAWG Conductors increased | 250,122, 40A= 10AWG 1OBAWG= 50% Size increase | 10,380 emi x 159 26.240 cmili6.Si0.emi | 16508 em= 8 AWG Figure 250-229 Answer: (2) 8 AWG (C) Multiple Cicuits. A single equipment grounding conductor sized inaccordance with Table 250.122 when multiple circuits ae installed inthe same raceway, cable, trench, or cable tray. Figure 250-230 ‘yy Sizing Equipment Grounding Conductors ; Multiple Circuits 1250.122(0) 40A Circuit (Largest Overcurrent Device) 30A Circuit single equipment grounding ) conductor Is sized tothe rating Of the largest circuit overcurrent device protecting the conductors Figure 250-290 {0) Motor Branch Circuits. Equipment grounding conductors for ‘motor circuits must be sizedin accordance with 250:122(0\1} or(D)2) ‘Author's Comment: > The equipment arounding conductor is not required to be larger than the mator circuit conductors, See 250.122(A), > Example Question: Wha se equipment grounding candutor ofthe wire ype Is requied tora 14 AWG motor branch circu 430.22}, protected witha 2pole, 404 circuit breaker in accordance with 43022 and 430.52{CN1)? Migure 250-231 (0) 12.46 (3) 14 AWG fo) 10AWG (a) 8 AWG Sung of Equpment Grounding Conductors tr Branch Creu 250.122(0)(1) Example ‘Sze he exupment g-ounding conductor using | Tabe 250 928 based onthe rath the motor Ere branch rel short-oreut ad ground. fautoverqurent device. The equpmant grounding | conductoris not requred tobe arger tha the | reat conductors [250-1210 AREER | ERE isceceret™” | See, Grounding Conductor ot ‘ adie Sena teem ane ie 20-2 soutien The equipment grounding conductor isnot required fo be larger than the 14 AWG motor branch-cicuit conductors (250.1210) an 250,122(4)). Answer: (2) 14 AWG (F) Parallel Conductors. Where cit conductors are installed in paralelinaccordance wth 310,10(6), an equipment grounding conductor ofthe wire type must be installed in accordance with the folowing (1) Nonmetallic Raceways or Cable Trays (a) Parallel Conductors in a Single Nonmetallic Raceway or Cable Tray. If parallel circuit conductors are installed in a single 306 | Mike Holt’s ilustrated Guide to Understanding the 2020 National Electrical Code, Volume 1

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