Domingo de Palmas A Domingo de Resurreción

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Domingo de Palmas a Domingo de Resurreccin

Domingo de Palmas a Domingo de Resurreccin

Domingo de Palmas: El Rey Viene a la Ciudad y al Templo Lunes: El Rey Pronuncia Juicio Martes: La Autoridad del Rey es cuestionada y Rechazada Mircoles: El Rey Anuncia Su Propia Muerte

Jueves: El Rey Celebra la Pascua

Viernes: El Rey es Crucificado Sbado: El Rey Descansa en el Sbado Domingo de Resurreccin: El Rey se Levanta de la Muerte Las Apariciones: El Rey Aparece a Sus Seguidores

Men Principal

D. de Palmas







D. de Resurreccin Apariciones
Seleccione cualquier opcin de arriba

Domingo de Palmas
El Rey Viene a la Ciudad y al Templo

Cuando se cumpli el tiempo en que l haba de ser recibido arriba, afirm su rostro para ir a Jerusaln. --Lucas 9:51

El Imperio Romano en Tiempos de Jess

La Tierra Santa en el Tiempo de Jess

Domingo de Palmas
La Entrada Triunfal


Cuando Jess vino cerca de Betfag y Betania, a un lugar llamado el Monte de los Olivos, l envi dos discpulos delante de l para encontrar una asna y un pollino que nunca ha sido montado. l instruy a sus discpulos a desatar los animales y traerlos a l. l dijo si alguien les dice algo dganles El Seor los necesita.
(Mateo 21:1-3; Marcos 11:1-3; Lucas 19:28-31)



Jess Vino al Monte de los Olivos




Jess Entra en Jerusaln y en el Templo




Jess Va a Betania


El Rey Pronuncia Juicio

y les dijo: Escrito est: Mi casa, casa de oracin ser llamada; mas vosotros la habis hecho cueva de ladrones. Mateo 21:13



Jess Retorna a Jerusaln


Jess Limpia el Templo


El Templo

Patio de los Gentiles



Jess Va al Monte de los Olivos


La Autoridad del Rey es Cuestionada y Rechazada

Cuando vino al templo, los principales sacerdotes y los ancianos del pueblo se acercaron a l mientras enseaba, y le dijeron: Con qu autoridad haces estas cosas? y quin te dio esta autoridad?
Mateo 21:23



Jess Retorna a Jerusaln




Jess Va al Monte de los Olivos


El Rey Habla de Su Propia Muerte

Sabis que dentro de dos das se celebra la pascua, y el Hijo del Hombre ser entregado para ser crucificado.
Mateo 26:2

Algunos Griegos Buscan a Jess


Jess ensea en el Templo durante el da y pasa la noche en el Monte de los Olivos. Algunos Griegos vienen a Jerusaln a adorar, y ellos quieren ver a Jess. Jess les dijo que su hora haba llegado, y que su alma estaba turbada. Cuando l pidi a Dios que glorificara su nombre, una voz vino del cielo que dijo lo he glorificado, y lo glorificar otra vez.
(Lucas 21:37, 38; Juan 12:20-28)

Jess Habla Acerca de Su Muerte


Jess dijo que sera levantado de la tierra, y que a todos atraera a s mismo. Jess dijo que si la gente crea en l, ellos crean en el Padre. Sin embargo, la gente dudaba y estaban ciegos a la verdad. Varias autoridades creyeron en Jess, pero se lo guardaban para s mismos. Estos tenan miedo de que si lo confesaban, seran expulsados de la sinagoga.
(Juan 12:28-50)

Jess Predice Su Crucifixin


Despus de decir todas estas cosas, Jess dijo que dentro de dos das se celebraba la Pascua. l dijo que sera entregado a las autoridades y que ellos le crucificaran. En este momento, el sumo sacerdote y los escribas todava estaban buscando la manera de matarle, pero tenan miedo de un alboroto en el pueblo. Jess dej Jerusaln y pas la noche en Betania en la casa de Simn el leproso.
(Mateo 26:1-5; Marcos 14:1, 2; Lucas 22:1, 2)



Jess Va a Betania


Jess es Ungido en Betania


Mientras Jess estaba sentado a la mesa, vino una mujer y derram un perfume de gran precio sobre l. Los discpulos se enojaron al ver este desperdicio de parte de la mujer; ste podra haberse vendido por mucho dinero y haberse dado a los pobres. Jess les dijo que dejaran tranquila a la mujer. l dijo que ella estaba preparando su cuerpo para la sepultura, y que ella siempre sera recordada por lo que haba hecho.
(Mateo 26:6-13; Marcos 14:3-9)



Banquete en la Casa de Simn (detalle), Bernardo Strozzi (1629)

El Rey Habla de Su Propia Muerte

Qu est sucediendo realmente?

Jess predice la salvacin de Griegos (Gentiles) buscan a todosIsrael y Gentiles Jess (Isaas 49:6)
(Isaas 52:15).

Jess profetiza su destruccin Autoridades todava planean (Isaas 53). su muerte. Jess habla de su ungimiento Discpulos fallan en entender para la muerte (Isaas 53:12). el significado de la misin de Jess.

El Rey Habla de Su Propia Muerte

Profecas Cumplidas
Nmeros 21:8, 9: Ser levantado, tal como Moiss levant una serpiente. Isaas 42:6: Jess cumple la promesa a los Judos de ser luz a los Gentiles. Isaas 6:9, 10: El corazn de la gente es endurecido.

Juan 12:32-34

Juan 12:35, 36

Juan 12:37-40

El Rey Celebra la Pascua

Y tom el pan y dio gracias, y lo parti y les dio, diciendo: Esto es mi cuerpo, que por vosotros es dado; haced esto en memoria de m.
Lucas 22:19

El Complot para Matar a Jess
Judas, uno de los discpulos de Jess, ofreci a los principales sacerdotes y escribas guiarlos a Jess cuando no hubiese multitud presente. Los principales sacerdotes y jefes de la guardia estaban muy complacidos con el plan de Judas y le ofrecieron 30 piezas de plata para traicionar a Jess. (Mateo 26:14-16; Marcos
14:10, 11; Lucas 22:3-6)


Pacto de Judas, Duccio di Buoninsegna (1308-11)

El Complot para Matar a Jess


Este era el da en el cual el cordero pascual tena que ser sacrificado, entonces Jess envi a Pedro y a Juan a la ciudad para preparar la Pascua. Jess le dijo a Pedro y a Juan que cuando ellos entraran en la ciudad encontraran a un hombre que lleva un cntaro de agua. l les instruy que siguieran al hombre a su casa y prepararan el aposento alto para la cena.
(Mateo 26:17-20; Marcos 14:12-17; Lucas 22:7-14)

Jess Lava los Pies de sus Discpulos


Durante la fiesta de la Pascua, Jess se puso una toalla alrededor de la cintura; y comenz a lavar los pies de los discpulos y a secarlos con la toalla. Pedro le dijo a Jess que no debera lavar sus pies. Jess le dijo que si no lavaba sus pies, entonces no tendra parte con l. Entonces Pedro le dijo que lavar sus manos y su cabeza tambin. (Juan 13:1-10)



Lavamiento de los Pies, Duccio di Buoninsegna (1308-1311)

Jess Lava los Pies de Sus Discpulos


Jess dijo a sus discpulos que se lavaran los pies unos a otros tambin. l les dijo que el ms grande debe ser como el ms joven, y el lder debe ser como el que sirve.
Un sirviente no es ms grande que su maestro. Cualquiera que recibe al que Jess enva, entonces ese recibe a Jess.
(Lucas 22:24-30; Juan 13:11-20)



Cristo Lavando los Pies de Sus Discpulos, Tintoretto (c. 1547)

Jess Anuncia Su Traicin


Jess dijo a sus discpulos que uno de ellos iba a traicionarle. l dijo que l que le iba a entregar estaba maldito. Cuando los discpulos preguntaron quin de ellos era Jess dijo l que mete la mano conmigo en el plato es. Judas Iscariote pregunt a Jess si era l, y Jess le dijo que s, entonces le dijo que fuera e hiciera lo que tena planeado hacer.
(Mt. 26:21-25; Marcos 14:18-21; Lucas 22:21-23; Juan 13:21-30)



La ltima Cena, Daniele Crespi (1624-25)

La ltima Cena


En la comida, Jess dijo a sus discpulos que l no bebera vino hasta el da en que lo beba con ellos en el Reino de Dios. Entonces Jess tom el pan, dio gracias, lo parti y dijo este es mi cuerpo que por muchos es dado. l tom la copa y dijo que esta era la sangre del nuevo pacto, derramada para el perdn de pecados. l les dijo que cuando comieran el pan o bebieran la copa lo hicieran en memoria de l.
(Mateo 26:26-29; Marcos 14:22-25; Lucas 22:15-20)

Despus de la Cena


Cuando hubieron terminado, Jess dijo a sus discpulos que se amaran unos a otros. La gente les reconocera por su amor unos a otros. Antes que ellos se fueran al Monte de los Olivos, Jess les dijo que encontraran una bolsa y una espada. Los discpulos dijeron que tenan dos espadas, esto era suficiente para que se cumpliese la escritura que dice que Jess estaba entre los inicuos. (Lucas 22:35-38; Juan 13:31-35)



Desde el Aposento Alto al Monte de los Olivos


Jess Predice La Negacin de Pedro


Despus de haber cantado un himno, ellos fueron al Monte de los Olivos. Jess dijo que las autoridades heriran al pastor, y que las ovejas seran dispersadas. l tambin les dijo que ira delante de ellos a Galilea cuando fuera resucitado. Entonces Jess tom a Pedro a un lado. Y le dijo que haba estado orando para que su fe no fallara.
(Mateo 26:30-32; Marcos 14:26-28; Lucas 22:31, 32)

Jess Predice La Negacin de Pedro


Pedro pide a Jess ir adonde l iba; Jess le dijo que no le poda seguir ahora, pero que le seguira despus. Pedro asegur que ira a la crcel y hasta la muerte con Jess. Jess le dijo que antes que el gallo cantara, Pedro le negara tres veces. Pedro asegur que no lo negara, incluso si esto le costara la vida.
(Mt. 26:33-35; Marcos 14:29-31; Lucas 22:33, 34; Juan 13:36-38)

Jess es El Camino


Jess dijo a sus discpulos que no se turbaran, y que estuvieran seguros que el preparara un lugar para ellos y que ellos conocan el camino. Cuando Toms pregunt cmo podan conocer el camino, Jess dijo que l mismo era El Camino. Nadie poda ir al Padre sino a travs de l. Felipe le pidi ver al Padre. Jess le dijo que l [Jess] esta en el Padre y el Padre est en l.
(Juan 14:1-14)

Jess Promete el Espritu Santo


Jess dijo a sus discpulos que si ellos le amaban, ellos guardaran sus mandamientos. Jess dijo que les dara un Consolador que estara con ellos para siempre. l dijo que este Consolador, quien es el Espritu Santo, les enseara todas las cosas, y les dara la verdad. Ellos recordaran todas las cosas que Jess les dijo cuando recibieran el Espritu Santo.
(Juan 14:15-26)

Permanecer en Jess


Jess les promete paz y animarlos para permanecer en l. Jess les dijo que permaneciendo en l, ellos llevaran fruto. l dijo que si obedecan sus mandamientos, ellos permaneceran en su amor. Adems, que no hay amor ms grande que cuando alguien da la vida por sus amigos. Jess les manda amarse unos a otros.
(Juan 14:2715:17)

Advertencias Sobre las Persecuciones


Jess entonces les dijo que el mundo les aborrecera. l les anim a no preocuparse porque el Espritu Santo les ayudara y a mantenerse para no caer. l continu dicindoles que les iba a dejar, pero que el Espritu Santo vendra y les enseara ms.
(Juan 15:1816:22)

Orando en el Nombre de Jess


Jess les dijo que oraran en su nombre. l les dijo que el Padre respondera las oraciones hechas en el nombre de Jess. Jess nuevamente predice que la hora de su muerte se acercaba. l dijo que todos sus discpulos le desertaran. Jess levantando la mirada or por si mismo, por sus discpulos, y por los creyentes de todas partes.
(Juan 16:2317:26)

El Rey Celebra la Pascua

Qu esta sucediendo realmente?

Jess se prepara para ser el Judas ofrece entregar a cordero pascual. Se identifica con Jess (Salmos 41:9). un siervo e ilustra lo que significa Los discpulos preparan (Isaas 53:7). la cena de la Pascua. Jess transforma la Pascua en un Los discpulos se Memorial y establece el nuevo renen con Jess para pacto (Jeremas 31:31-34). la cena Pascual.

El Rey Celebra la Pascua

Qu est sucediendo realmente?

Jess predice con precisin su traicin, su aprehensin, su muerte, los discpulos dispersos, y su resurreccin
(Isaas 53:12; Zacaras 13:7).


Judas sale a ejecutar su conspiracin (Salmos 41:9). Pedro niega que las cosas sern como Jess lo describe. Los discpulos estn confundidos y con dudas.

El Rey Celebra la Pascua

Profecas Cumplidas
Jeremas 31:31-34; 32:37-40; 50:5: Jess har un nuevo y perpetuo pacto. Salmos 35:19; 69:4: Jess ser aborrecido sin razn. Salmos 41:9; 55:12-14: Jess ser traicionado por un amigo.

Mateo 26:27-29 Marcos 14:22-24 Lucas 22:15-20 Juan 15:24, 25 Mateo 26:14-16, 23 Lucas 22:19-23, 48 Juan 13:18-30

El Rey Celebra la Pascua

Profecas Cumplidas
Mateo 26:14, 15 Zacaras 11:12: Jess ser entregado por 30 piezas de plata.

Zacaras 13:6, 7: Jess (el pastor) Mateo 26:31, 56 Marcos 14:27 ser afligido, y sus seguidores (las ovejas) lo desertarn (sern Juan 16:32 dispersas).

Domingo de Palmas a Domingo de Resurreccin

Domingo de Palmas: El Rey Viene a la Ciudad y al Templo Lunes: El Rey Pronuncia Juicio Martes: La Autoridad del Rey es cuestionada y Rechazada Mircoles: El Rey Anuncia Su Propia Muerte

Jueves: El Rey Celebra la Pascua

Viernes: El Rey es Crucificado Sbado: El Rey Descansa en el Sbado Domingo de Resurreccin: El Rey se Levanta de la Muerte Las Apariciones: El Rey Aparece a Sus Seguidores

The King is Crucified

Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.
Mark 15:15

Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives


When they reached the Mount of Olives, Jesus told the disciples to pray that they would not give in to temptation. Then he took Peter, James, and John with him. He told them that he was very troubled and needed them to keep watch. Then he went a stones throw from the disciples, knelt down and prayed, if it be Gods will, that God remove the cup of suffering from him.
(Matt. 26:36-39; Mark 14:32-36; Luke 22:39-42; John 18:1)

Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives


After praying once, he returned to find Peter, James, and John sleeping. He rebuked them for falling asleep. Jesus went away and prayed the same prayer; he returned to find his disciples sleeping again. Jesus went and prayed the same prayer a third time and an angel appeared and gave him strength. Jesus prayed more and his sweat was like great drops of blood falling on the ground.
(Matt. 26:40-44; Mark 14:37-40; Luke 22:43, 44)



In the Garden, Carl Bloch

Judas Betrays Jesus


Jesus got up and found his disciples sleeping again. He told them to get up and pray because the time was coming when he would be handed over into the hands of sinners.
Suddenly, Judas showed up leading a crowd carrying lanterns, torches, swords, and clubs.

Judas had told them in advance that he was going to kiss the one they were to arrest.
(Matt. 26:47-48; Mark 14:43, 44; Luke 22:47; John 18:2, 3)

Judas Betrays Jesus


Jesus came forward and asked the soldiers who it was they were seeking. The soldiers said they were looking for Jesus, and when he told them who he was, they all fell to the ground. Then Jesus asked them the same question. Again they said they were looking for Jesus, and again he told them who he was. Jesus told them to let his disciples go.
(John 18:4-9)

Judas Betrays Jesus
Judas came forward, called Jesus Master, and kissed him. When the soldiers began to arrest Jesus, some disciples asked if they should strike with their swords.
(Matthew 26:49, 50; Mark 14:45, 46; Luke 22:47-49)


Taking of Christ Caravaggio (c. 1598)

Jesus is Arrested
Peter struck the slave of the high priest with his sword, cutting off his right ear.


Jesus healed the slaves ear, and said that those who live by the sword, die by the sword. He told his disciples that he could have twelve legions of angels appear at once, but the Scriptures wouldnt be fulfilled.
(Matt. 26:51-54; Mark 14:47; Luke 22:50, 51; John 18:10, 11)



The Passion (detail), Hans the Younger Holbein (1524-25)

Jesus is Arrested


Jesus asked the authorities why they came with swords and clubs as though he were a bandit. He pointed out that they did not touch him when he was teaching them in the Temple. Then they bound Jesus and brought him into the high priests house where the chief priests, scribes, and elders were assembled. Meanwhile, all the disciples deserted Jesus. A young man followed Jesus. When they tried to seize him, he left his clothes, and ran away naked.
(Matt. 26:55-57; Mark 14:48-53; Luke 22:52-54; John 18:12-14)

Jesus Before the Sanhedrin


Peter followed Jesus at a distance, joining some others around a fire in the courtyard. Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin, where two false witnesses came forward against Jesus. They accused Jesus of saying he was able to destroy the temple and build it in three days. When asked to respond to the false testimonies, Jesus remained silent.
(Matthew 26:59-63; Mark 14:55-61)

Jesus Before the Sanhedrin


The authorities asked Jesus if he was the Messiah; Jesus said that if he told them, they would not believe him. Jesus said that from then on the Son of Man would be seated at Gods right hand. The religious authorities asked if Jesus was the Son of God, and Jesus said, You say that I am. The Sanhedrin accused Jesus of blasphemy, condemned him, blindfolded him, spit on him, struck him, and mocked him.
(Matt. 26:63-68; Mark 14:61-65; Luke 22:63-71; John 18:22, 23)

Peter Denies Jesus


A servant girl spotted Peter by the fire and told the others that he was a companion of Jesus; Peter denied it by saying that he did not know Jesus. Later another person said that Peter was one of the disciples, but Peter said he was not. An hour later, another servant (a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off) said Peter was with Jesus in the garden; Peter denied knowing Jesus a third time.
(Matt. 26:69-74; Mk. 14:66-71; Luke 22:56-60; Jn. 18:17, 25-27)



The Denial of St. Peter Caravaggio (1610)

Peter Denies Jesus
When Peter denied Jesus the third time, the rooster crowed. Jesus turned and looked at Peter, and Peter remembered Jesus had told him that he would deny Jesus three times before the rooster crowed. Peter left and wept bitterly.
(Matthew 26:74, 75; Mark 14:72; Luke 22:60-62; John 18:27) Peters Denial Carl Bloch


Jesus is Brought to Pilate
In the morning, the chief priests and elders took counsel, bound Jesus, and brought him to Pilate.
(Matthew 27:1, 2; Mark 15:1; Luke 23:1; John 18:28)


The Death of Judas
When Judas heard that Jesus had been condemned, he returned the thirty pieces of silver. Judas said he had betrayed innocent blood; he threw the silver into the temple and went out and hanged himself.
(Matthew 26:3-5)


Suicide of Judas Gislebertus (1120-30)

The Death of Judas


The chief priests couldnt put the blood money back into the treasury, so they took the silver and purchased the potters field in which to bury strangers. Because it was purchased with the blood money used to betray Jesus, the potters field was called the Field of Blood, again fulfilling prophecy.
(Matthew 26:6-10)

Jesus Before Pilate


The religious authorities brought Jesus before the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate, accusing him of encouraging people not to pay taxes to Rome; they also said he was calling himself a king. Pilate asked Jesus if he was the king of the Jews and Jesus answered, You say so. Jesus continued by saying that his kingship was not of this world; if it was, his servants would have fought Jesus arrest.
(Matthew 27:11; Mark 15:2; Luke 23:2, 3; John 18:29-36)

Jesus Before Pilate


Jesus continued by saying that he was born in order to come into the world and tell the world the truth. Pilate responded to Jesus by asking him, What is truth? After that Jesus was silent. Pilate couldnt find a reason to accuse Jesus, but the Jews insisted that Jesus had been stirring up people all the way from his home in Galilee.
(Matthew 27:12-14; Mark 15:3-5; Luke 23:4, 5; John 18:37, 38)

Jesus Before King Herod
As soon as Pilate heard that Jesus was from Galilee and was under the jurisdiction of King Herod, he sent him to Herod, who happened to be in Jerusalem at the time.
(Luke 23:6, 7)


Jesus Before King Herod


Herod was happy to see Jesus because he had hoped that Jesus would perform a sign. Herod questioned Jesus, and the chief priest accused him, but Jesus said nothing. Herod and his soldiers mocked Jesus. They put him in an elegant robe and sent him back to Pilate. Herod and Pilate were enemies before that day, but from then on they were friends.
(Luke 23:8-12)



Christ Before Herod, Duccio di Buoninsegna (1308-11)

Jesus or Barabbas?


Pilate called the Jews together and told them that neither he nor Herod found Jesus guilty of anything that deserved death, so he offered to have Jesus flogged and released. During Passover, it was the custom for Pilate to release a prisoner for the crowd. Among the prisoners was a murderer named Barabbas. Pilate asked the people whether they wanted him to release Jesus or Barabbas.
(Matthew 27:15-17; Mark 15:6-9; Luke 23:13-16; John 18:39)

Jesus or Barabbas?


Pilate knew that Jesus had been delivered to him because the authorities were jealous. Pilate was also concerned because his wife had been told in a dream that Jesus was innocent; she warned Pilate to have nothing to do with Jesus. The elders had convinced the people to demand that Jesus be crucified and Barabbas released. Pilate kept insisting on having Jesus released, but the people kept demanding he be crucified.
(Matthew 27:18-23; Mark 15:10-13; Luke 23:17-23; John 18:40)

Jesus is Flogged and Mocked


Pilate had Jesus flogged, dressed him in a purple robe, put a crown of thorns on his head, and a reed in his right hand. The soldiers knelt before him and mocked him saying, Hail, King of the Jews! They spit on him, struck him with their hands, and struck him over the head with the reed. When they were finished, Pilate brought Jesus back out and again presented him to the people.
(Matthew 27:26-31; Mark 15:15; John 19:1-4)

Behold the Man!


Once again, Pilate tried to convince the people that Jesus was innocent; he showed them Jesus, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, and said, Behold the man! The people continued to demand that Jesus be crucified. They said Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, and they called that blasphemy. Afraid, Pilate took Jesus back inside and questioned him some more.
(John 19:4-9)



Ecce Homo Behold the Man, Antionio Ciseri

Power from Above
Pilate asked Jesus where he was from.


When Jesus didnt answer him, Pilate asked Jesus if he knew that he had the power to release him or crucify him. Jesus said that Pilate would not have any power if it had not been given to him from above. With that, Pilate again tried to release Jesus.
(John 19:9-12)

Jesus is Sentenced to Death


The Jews said that if Pilate released Jesus, he was no friend of Caesar because Jesus tried to make himself a king. Hearing this, Pilate placed Jesus on the judgment seat at a place called The Pavement and said, Behold your King! The Jews demanded that Pilate crucify Jesus, as they had no king except for Caesar.
(John 19:12-15)

Jesus is Sentenced to Death
Pilate realized he wasnt getting anywhere, so he took some water, washed his hands, and said that he was innocent of Jesus blood. The people said that Jesus blood would be on them and on their children. Pilate granted their demand. He released Barabbas and had Jesus sentenced to death.


(Matthew 27:24-26; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:24, 25; John 19:16)

The Road to Golgotha


On the way out to the place where Jesus was to be crucified, the Roman soldiers seized a man from Cyrene named Simon and made him carry Jesus cross behind Jesus. Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus. A great number of people followed Jesus. Also following were some women who were crying and mourning for Jesus.
(Matthew 27:31, 32; Mark 15:20; Luke 23:26, 27; John 19:17)



Christ Carrying the Cross, Tiziano Vecellio (c. 1565)

Jesus is Crucified


Jesus told the women following him to not weep for him, but to weep for themselves and their children, for trials would be coming. When they reached the place called Golgotha (which means the place of a skull), the soldiers offered Jesus wine mixed with myrrh, which he refused to drink. At the third hour, they crucified Jesus between two other criminals.
(Matt. 27:33-35; Mark 15:22-25; Luke 23:28-33; John 19:17, 18)

Jesus is Crucified
The soldiers divided Jesus clothing into four parts, one for each soldier.


When they came to the tunic, they decided to cast lots for ownership because it had no seam. Jesus prayed, Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.
(Matt. 27:35, 36; Mark 15:24, 25; Luke 23:34; John 19:23, 24)

Jesus is Crucified


Pilate inscribed Jesus charge in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, and had it placed it over his head on the cross. The sign read, This is Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. The chief priests wanted Pilate to change the sign so that it would read, This man said, I am King of the Jews. Pilate refused to change the sign.
(Matt. 27:37; Mark 15:26; Luke 23:38; John 19:19-22)

Jesus is Crucified


The people watching mocked Jesus, including one of the criminals on the cross next to him. The criminal on the other side of Jesus rebuked the criminal who was insulting Jesus. He pointed out that Jesus did nothing, but they (the two criminals) were getting what they deserved. The criminal who defended Jesus asked Jesus to remember him. Jesus said, Today you will be with me in paradise.
(Matt. 27:38-44; Mark 15:27-32; Luke 23:35-43)

Jesus is Crucified
Standing near were Jesus mother; Jesus aunt; Mary the wife of Clopas; and Mary Magdalene. Seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved, Jesus said to his mother, Dear woman, here is your son. To the disciple, Jesus said, Here is your mother.
(John 19:25-27)


Crucifixion (detail) Barolome Esteban Murillo (1675-82)

Jesus is Crucified


From noon to three oclock the whole land became dark. At three oclock Jesus cried out, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which means My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Some people thought Jesus was calling to Elijah and wanted to see if Elijah would come to save him. After this Jesus said, I am thirsty. Someone ran, filled a sponge full of vinegar, put it on a reed, and gave it to him to drink.
(Matt.27:45-48; Mark 15:33-36; Luke 23:44, 45; John 19:28, 29)

Jesus Dies


Once Jesus received the vinegar, he said, It is finished. Then Jesus cried out, Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. After saying that, Jesus breathed his last breath. After Jesus died, the curtain of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. There was an earthquake, tombs were opened, and many saints were raised from the dead.
(Matt.27:45-48; Mark 15:33-36; Luke 23:44, 45; John 19:28, 29)

The Temple Sanctuary


The Curtain Tore From Top to Bottom

The Witnesses of Jesus Death


When the centurion present saw these events, he praised God and said that Jesus truly was a righteous man and the son of God. The people who had gathered went home, but the women who had followed Jesus watched from a distance. Among the women were Jesus mother, Jesus aunt, Mary Magdalene, Mary the wife of Clopas and/or Mary the mother of James and Joseph, Salome and/or the mother of the sons of Zebedee.
(Matt.27:54-56; Mark 15:39-41; Luke 23:47-49; John 19:25)

Jesus Side is Pierced


Since they did not want anyone left on the cross for the Sabbath, the Jews asked Pilate to break the legs of those being crucified. After breaking the legs of the two thieves, the soldiers noticed that Jesus was already dead. Instead of breaking his legs, they pierced his side with a spear. Immediately, blood mixed with water came out of the wound in Jesus side.
(John 19:31-37)

Jesus Body is Brought Down


A respected member of the council named Joseph, from the town of Arimathea, went to Pilate and requested that Jesus body be placed in his own tomb. Once the centurion had verified that Jesus was already dead, Pilate gave Jesus body to Joseph. Joseph took Jesus body off the cross, and Nicodemus brought almost 100 pounds of myrrh and aloes to prepare the body for burial.
(Matt. 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-46; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-40)



The Entombment, Caravaggio (1602-03)

Jesus is Buried


They took Jesus body, wrapped it in linen with the spices, and placed it in Josephs tomb which had been cut into a rock. After Jesus was laid in the tomb, a large stone was rolled against the door of the tomb. The women watching saw where Jesus was laid and went home to prepare spices and ointments. The next day was the Sabbath, so they all obeyed the commandment and rested.
(Matt. 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-46; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-40)



The body of Jesus is laid in a rolling-stone tomb.



The stone is rolled in place and the tomb is sealed.

The King is Crucified

Whats really going on?

Jesus is left alone.

Followers desert Jesus. The best (Peter) denies and weeps. The worst (Judas) betrays and commits suicide. The authorities must trump up the charges.

Jesus is tried and convicted.

The King is Crucified

Whats really going on?

Even the lies and evil actions of men fulfill God-ordained events
(Zechariah 11:12, 13).

The chief priests and elders are hypocritical and lie about God in order to convict Jesus.

Jesus is Truth.
The Passover Lamb is examined for flaws.

Pilate is cynical.
The people and the leaders mock and insult the Lamb of God.

The King is Crucified

Whats really going on?

The Passover Lamb is shown to the people. Jesus is confident of his kingship and authority. The Passover Lamb is chosen and sacrificed
(Isaiah 53:7).

The people hate the Lamb of God. The people and the leaders reject Jesus as the King of kings. The people and the leaders choose evil over good and crucify the Lamb of God.

The King is Crucified

Whats really going on?

Death of the Christ overturns the old order. The curtain is torn, the barrier between God and humankind has been removed. The eyes of Gentiles and unbelievers are opened.

Misunderstanding of the events and works as they unfold around them.

The King is Crucified

Prophecies Fulfilled
Psalm 40:7, 8: Jesus will come to do the will of God Psalm 38:11; 88:18: Jesus friends will stand afar off Isaiah 53:7: Jesus will be accused and afflicted, but will not open his mouth

Matthew 26:39 Matthew 26:56-58; 27:55 Mark 15:40 Luke 23:35-39 Matthew 27:12-14 Luke 23:9, 48 John 19:9

The King is Crucified

Prophecies Fulfilled
Psalm 22:7, 8, 17: Jesus will be Matthew 27:31, 39-43 Mark 15:29-32 mocked and insulted by many Isaiah 53:2, 3: Jesus will be despised and rejected Psalm 27:12; 35:11: Jesus will be accused by false witnesses
Luke 23:35-39 Matthew 26:67 Luke 23:18 Matthew 26:60 Mark 14:55-61

The King is Crucified

Prophecies Fulfilled
Micah 5:1: Jesus will be struck on Matthew 27:30 the head Psalm 69:20-22: Jesus will be given gall and vinegar
Matthew 27:34, 48 Mark 15:23, 36

Matthew 27:35 Psalm 22:16; Zechariah 12:10: Jesus will have his hands and feet John 19:18, 34-37; 20:25-29 pierced and his body pierced

The King is Crucified

Prophecies Fulfilled
Deuteronomy 21:23: Jesus will be Galatians 3:13 hung upon a tree as a curse for us Isaiah 53:12: Jesus will be numbered (crucified) with transgressors Psalm 22:18: Jesus will have soldiers cast lots for his coat
Matthew 27:38 Mark 15:27, 28 Luke 22:37; 23:32, 33 Matthew 27:35 John 19:23, 24

The King is Crucified Prophecies Fulfilled
Psalm 109:4: Jesus will pray for his enemies Psalm 22:1: Jesus will feel forsaken by God Psalm 22:15: Jesus will thirst during his execution Psalm 31:5: Jesus will commit his spirit into Gods hand

Luke 23:34 Matthew 27:46 Mark 15:34

John 19:28
Luke 23:46

The King Rests on the Sabbath

So Joseph bought some linen cloth, took down the body, wrapped it in the linen, and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock. Then he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb. Matthew 27:62-66

The Guard of Soldiers at the Tomb


The day after Jesus was crucified, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate. They were worried that Jesus disciples would try to steal his body because Jesus said he would rise again after three days. They wanted Pilate to secure the tomb until the third day. Pilate agreed to put a seal on the stone as well as to place a guard of soldiers in front of the tomb.
(Matthew 27:62-66)

The King Rests on the Sabbath

Prophecies Fulfilled

Isaiah 53:9: Jesus will Matthew 27:57-60 be buried with the rich

Domingo de Resurreccin
El Rey se Levanta de La Muerte

Mas l les dijo: No os asustis; buscis a Jess nazareno, el que fue crucificado; ha resucitado, no est aqu; mirad el lugar en donde le pusieron. Marcos 16:6

Domingo de Resurreccin
La Resurreccin de Jess


Temprano el Domingo por la maana, las mujeres (Mara Magdalena, Juana, Mara la Madre de Jacobo, Salom, y algunas otras mujeres) tomaron las especies aromticas y se dirigieron hacia la tumba. Y hubo un gran terremoto y un ngel del Seor vino y removi la piedra y se sent sobre ella. Su aspecto era como un relmpago, y de miedo de l los guardas temblaron y se quedaron como muertos. (Mateo 28:1-4; Marcos 16:1-2; Lucas 24:1)

Mateo 28:1-4
1 Pasado el da de reposo, al amanecer del primer da de la semana, vinieron Mara Magdalena y la otra Mara, a ver el sepulcro. 2 Y hubo un gran terremoto; porque un ngel del Seor, descendiendo del cielo y llegando, removi la piedra, y se sent sobre ella. 3 Su aspecto era como un relmpago, y su vestido blanco como la nieve. 4 Y de miedo de l los guardas temblaron y se quedaron como muertos.

Marcos 16:1-2
1 Cuando pas el da de reposo, Mara Magdalena, Mara la madre de Jacobo, y Salom, compraron especias aromticas para ir a ungirle. 2 Y muy de maana, el primer da de la semana, vinieron al sepulcro, ya salido el sol.

Lucas 24:1 1 El primer da de la semana, muy de maana, vinieron al sepulcro, trayendo las especias aromticas que haban preparado, y algunas otras mujeres con ellas.

Domingo de Resurreccin
La Resurreccin de Jess


Cuando las mujeres iban a la tumba se preguntaban quin nos mover la piedra de la entrada. Cuando llegaron ah, se encontraron con que la piedra haba sido removida. Ellas estaban confundidas. De repente, dos hombres con vestiduras resplandecientes se pararon al lado de ellas. Las mujeres estaban asustadas y escondieron sus caras, pero los hombres les dijeron que Jess se haba levantado como el dijo que sera crucificado y resucitara en el tercer da.
(Mateo 28:5-7; Marcos 16:3-7; Lucas 24:2-7; Juan 20:1, 12, 13)

Mateo 28:5-7
5 Mas el ngel, respondiendo, dijo a las mujeres: No temis vosotras; porque yo s que buscis a Jess, el que fue crucificado. 6 No est aqu, pues ha resucitado, como dijo. Venid, ved el lugar donde fue puesto el Seor. 7 E id pronto y decid a sus discpulos que ha resucitado de los muertos, y he aqu va delante de vosotros a Galilea; all le veris. He aqu, os lo he dicho.

Marcos 16:3-7
3 Pero decan entre s: Quin nos remover la piedra de la entrada del sepulcro? 4 Pero cuando miraron, vieron removida la piedra, que era muy grande. 5 Y cuando entraron en el sepulcro, vieron a un joven sentado al lado derecho, cubierto de una larga ropa blanca; y se espantaron. 6 Mas l les dijo: No os asustis; buscis a Jess nazareno, el que fue crucificado; ha resucitado, no est aqu; mirad el lugar en donde le pusieron. 7 Pero id, decid a sus discpulos, y a Pedro, que l va delante de vosotros a Galilea; all le veris, como os dijo.

Lucas 24:2-7
2 Y hallaron removida la piedra del sepulcro; 3 y entrando, no hallaron el cuerpo del Seor Jess. 4 Aconteci que estando ellas perplejas por esto, he aqu se pararon junto a ellas dos varones con vestiduras resplandecientes; 5 y como tuvieron temor, y bajaron el rostro a tierra, les dijeron: Por qu buscis entre los muertos al que vive? 6 No est aqu, sino que ha resucitado. Acordaos de lo que os habl, cuando an estaba en Galilea, 7 diciendo: Es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre sea entregado en manos de hombres pecadores, y que sea crucificado, y resucite al tercer da.

Juan 20:1, 12, 12

1 El primer da de la semana, Mara Magdalena fue de maana, siendo an oscuro, al sepulcro; y vio quitada la piedra del sepulcro. 12 y vio a dos ngeles con vestiduras blancas, que estaban sentados el uno a la cabecera, y el otro a los pies, donde el cuerpo de Jess haba sido puesto. 13 Y le dijeron: Mujer, por qu lloras? Les dijo: Porque se han llevado a mi Seor, y no s dnde le han puesto.

Domingo de Resurreccin


Mara se inclina a mirar dentro del sepulcro.

Los seres angelicales aqu son mostrados sentados para ilustrar el relato de Juan 20:11, 12. Estos mismos dos ngeles son dibujados de pie como fueron vistos por varias mujeres en Lucas 24:4

Domingo de Resurreccin
La Resurreccin de Jess


Las mujeres se apuraron a contarle a los discpulos. Los discpulos no les creyeron, pero Pedro y Juan se levantaron y corrieron a la tumba. Juan lleg primero y vi los lienzos puestos all en la tumba. Cuando pedro lleg, l mir y vio las envolturas de lino. Y el sudario que haba cubierto su cabeza estaba enrollado en un lugar aparte. (Mateo 28:8; Lucas 24:8-12; Juan 20:2-9)

Mateo 28:8
8 Entonces ellas, saliendo del sepulcro con temor y gran gozo, fueron corriendo a dar las nuevas a sus discpulos. Y mientras iban a dar las nuevas a los discpulos,

Lucas 24:8-12
8 Entonces ellas se acordaron de sus palabras, 9 y volviendo del sepulcro, dieron nuevas de todas estas cosas a los once, y a todos los dems. 10 Eran Mara Magdalena, y Juana, y Mara madre de Jacobo, y las dems con ellas, quienes dijeron estas cosas a los apstoles. 11 Mas a ellos les parecan locura las palabras de ellas, y no las crean. 12 Pero levantndose Pedro, corri al sepulcro; y cuando mir dentro, vio los lienzos solos, y se fue a casa maravillndose de lo que haba sucedido.

Juan 20:2-9
2 Entonces corri, y fue a Simn Pedro y al otro discpulo, aquel al que amaba Jess, y les dijo: Se han llevado del sepulcro al Seor, y no sabemos dnde le han puesto. 3 Y salieron Pedro y el otro discpulo, y fueron al sepulcro. 4 Corran los dos juntos; pero el otro discpulo corri ms aprisa que Pedro, y lleg primero al sepulcro. 5 Y bajndose a mirar, vio los lienzos puestos all, pero no entr. 6 Luego lleg Simn Pedro tras l, y entr en el sepulcro, y vio los lienzos puestos all, 7 y el sudario, que haba estado sobre la cabeza de Jess, no puesto con los lienzos, sino enrollado en un lugar aparte. 8 Entonces entr tambin el otro discpulo, que haba venido primero al sepulcro; y vio, y crey. 9 Porque an no haban entendido la Escritura, que era necesario que l resucitase de los muertos.

Domingo de Resurreccin
El Rey se Levanta de la Muerte

Profecas Cumplidas
Salmo 16:8-11: Jess sera levantado de la muerte Salmo 16:8-11; 49:15; 86:13: Jess conquistara la muerte a travs de su resurreccin. Isaas 25:8: Jess destruira la muerte en victoria.

Lucas 24:6-8 Juan 20 Hechos 2:24-36 1 Corintios 15:3, 4 1 Corintios 15:54-57

The Appearances
The King Appears to His Followers

he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same timeThen he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. 1 Corinthians 15:5-7

The Appearances
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene


The disciples went home and were amazed at what had happened; Mary Magdalene remained behind and wept outside of the tomb. Jesus appeared and asked Mary why she was crying. Thinking Jesus was the gardener, she asked him if he had carried Jesus away and where he might have laid him. Jesus turned to her and said her name. At that, Mary knew that he was Jesus.
(Matthew 28:9, 10; Mark 16:9-11; John 20:14-18)

The Appearances


Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene, Lavinia Fontana (1584)

The Appearances
The Report of the Guard


After appearing to Mary, Jesus appeared to Peter, then to 500 of his followers at one time, and then to his brother James. Meanwhile, some of the soldiers who were guarding the tomb went and told the chief priests what had happened. Once they had assembled with the elders, the chief priests bribed the soldiers and told them to tell everyone that Jesus disciples stole the body during the night while they were asleep.
(Matthew 28:11-15; 1 Corinthians 15:5-7)

The Appearances
The Road to Emmaus


That same day, two disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus when Jesus joined them, but they didnt recognize him. Jesus asked why they were sad, so they told him all about the events that had taken place. Then Jesus explained to them that it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer in order to enter his glory.
(Mark 16:12; Luke 24:13-26)

The Appearances
The Road to Emmaus
On the way to Emmaus, Jesus explained the Scriptures to the two disciples.
As they came to the village, the disciples invited Jesus to lodge with them for the night.


When Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them, the two disciples recognized him; and then he vanished from their sight.
(Luke 24:27-31)

The Appearances


The Emmaus Disciples, Abraham Bloemaert (1622)

The Appearances
Jesus Appears to Ten Disciples


Immediately, the two disciples in Emmaus ran to Jerusalem, found the others gathered together, and told them what had happened on the road and how Jesus was revealed to them in the breaking of the bread. Suddenly, Jesus appeared and said, Peace be with you. They were terrified, and thought they were seeing a ghost.
(Luke 24:32-37; John 20:19)

The Appearances
Jesus Appears to Ten Disciples


Jesus assured his disciples that he was not a ghost. He allowed them to touch him and he ate some fish with them. Jesus explained to his disciples that everything that happened had fulfilled Scripture. Jesus told the disciples that he would be sending them what was promised. He told them to stay in the city and wait for the power from heaven.
(Luke 24:38-42; John 20:20-23)

The Appearances
The Incredulity of Thomas


Thomas, one of the twelve disciples, wasnt present the first time Jesus appeared, so he didnt believe the others. He said he would have to touch Jesus wounds in order to believe. Eight days later, Jesus came and stood among them and said, Peace be with you. Jesus told Thomas to put his finger in his (Jesus) hands and place his hand in his (Jesus) side.
(Mark 16:47; John 20:24-27)

The Appearances
The Incredulity of Thomas


Jesus told Thomas to stop doubting and to believe. Thomas responded by saying, My Lord and my God! Jesus said that Thomas believed because he had seen him, but those who believe when they Doubting Thomas dont see are blessed.
(John 20:27-29)

The Appearances
Jesus Commissions His Disciples


Later, Jesus appeared to the disciples on a mountain in Galilee. They worshiped him, and Jesus told them that all the authority in the world had been given to him. Then Jesus commissioned them to go out into the world and make disciples of everyone, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. He promised that he would always be with them.
(Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47-49)

The Appearances
Beside the Sea of Tiberias


Later, Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James, and John went fishing on the Sea of Tiberias, but didnt catch anything all night. In the morning, Jesus was standing on the beach, but they didnt recognize him. After they told Jesus that they hadnt caught any fish, Jesus told them to cast the net out. When they did, they caught so many fish that they couldnt haul the net in.
(John 21:1-6)

The Appearances
Beside the Sea of Tiberias
John told Peter that the man on the beach was Jesus, so Peter jumped into the sea while the others dragged the net into the boat. When they reached the shore, they noticed Jesus was cooking fish and bread on a charcoal fire.
(John 21:7-9)


Appearance on Lake Tiberias Duccio di Buoninsegna (1308-11)

The Appearances
Beside the Sea of Tiberias


Jesus told them to put some more fish on the fire, so Peter pulled the net, with 153 fish, out of the boat. Then Jesus asked them to have breakfast with him and they ate the fish and the bread. Jesus took Peter aside and asked Peter if he love him three separate times. Each time, Peter said that he loved Jesus, and each time Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep. Then Jesus told Peter to follow him.
(John 21:10-19)

The Appearances
The Ascension


Forty days after he rose from the grave, Jesus led the disciples as far as Bethany, and then Jesus blessed them. While he was blessing the disciples, Jesus was carried up into heaven. The disciples worshiped Jesus and joyfully returned to Jerusalem where they were in the Temple continuously blessing God.
(Mark 16:19; Luke 24:50-53)

The Appearances


The Ascension, Tintoretto (1578-81)

El Fin

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