''Malcom X'' vs. ''JFK''

''Malcom X'' vs. ''JFK'' -- From big budgets to long running times, parallels between the two films

Malcolm is just as important as JFK,” Spike Lee declared last spring, insisting that Warner Bros. grant him as big a budget and as long a running time as Oliver Stone got to pay homage to his favorite slain ’60s leader. The tactic worked: The studio ultimately coughed up $33 million (JFK cost $40 mil) and allowed Lee a cut of 201 minutes (JFK runs 188 minutes). But the parallels between the two films only begin there:


*Stone reportedly quashed Libra, a competing film about the assassination.

*Before shooting had ended, reporter George Lardner Jr. accused Stone of gross historical distortions.

*Stone incurred great expense securing 22-second Zapruder film.

*Film begins with historical-wrap-up montage, to voice-over narration by Martin Sheen.

*Film suggests Kennedy was murdered by conspiracy between disgruntled Castro opponents, FBI, CIA, and LBJ.

*JFK has 212 speaking parts.

*Countering critics’ view of JFK as a hawk, movie postulates that just before his death he planned to permanently withdraw U.S. troops from Vietnam.

*Conspiracists portrayed as evil in star turns by Tommy Lee Jones, Joe Pesci, Gary Oldman, Ed Asner, and John Candy.

*Movie ratifies cost of hero’s dedication in bedroom scene, where he tells wife he has been a bad husband and father. She comforts him.

*Late in film, lead actor turns to camera and says of JFK’s murder, ”Do not forget your dying king… it’s up to you.”

*Stone disarms potential critics by charging they’re part of JFK conspiracy.


*Lee quashed Warner’s original choice to direct Malcolm X, Norman Jewison.

*Before shooting had begun, writer Amiri Baraka speculated Lee’s film would contain gross historical distortions.

*Lee incurred great expense securing 45 seconds of Rodney King video.

*Film ends with historical-wrap-up montage, to voice-over narration by Ossie Davis.

*Film suggests Malcolm was murdered by conspiracy between disgruntled Nation of Islam leaders and U.S. agents.

*Malcolm X has 175 speaking parts.

*Countering critics’ view of Malcolm as a militant black supremacist, movie postulates that before his death he planned to permanently renounce violent tactics.

*Whites portrayed as evil in cameos by William Kunstler, Karen Allen, Christopher Plummer, John Sayles, and Peter Boyle.

*Movie questions cost of hero’s dedication in bedroom scene, where he tells wife he has been a bad husband and father. She doesn’t disagree with him.

*Late in film, lead actor turns to camera and says of JFK’s murder, ”I say it’s justice.”

*Lee disarms potential critics by charging they’re racist.

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