We finally know who shot Jack on Virgin River

Hint: It's definitely not Brady.

Warning: This article contains spoilers about Virgin River season 4.

For more than a season, "who shot Jack?" has become the new "who shot J.R.?"

Even Martin Henderson, who plays Jack, says it was what he was most eager to find out before starting season 4. And at last, we have an answer.

Despite the fact that Brady (Benjamin Hollingsworth) was arrested at the end of season 3 for the shooting, he was not the culprit. In fact, it wasn't even anyone connected to Calvin (David Cubitt) and the drug operation. It was Vince (Steve Bacic), twin brother of the late Wes (also Bacic), Paige's (Lexa Doig) abusive husband and father of Christopher (Chase Petriw).

Virgin River. (L to R) Martin Henderson as Jack Sheridan, Alexandra Breckenridge as Mel Monroe in episode 412 of Virgin River. Cr. Courtesy Of Netflix © 2022

When Vince came to Jack's bar looking for Preacher, Jack immediately recognized something was wrong, grabbing a butcher knife from behind the counter. An altercation ensued, resulting in his shooting.

But with that question finally answered, what does it mean for Virgin River? In Brady's case, Hollingsworth hopes it means he is finally able to integrate more into the community.

"I really hope that Brady moves on now that he's exonerated from shooting Jack," he says, before joking, "We all know Brady's a good shot, so if he was really trying to shoot Jack he wouldn't have shot him in the leg. Anyway, I'm really excited have Brady be out of that cloud and hopefully rejoin the community of Virgin River. This might be an opportunity for him to move away from that fringe and that antagonist cloud that he lives under and repair relationships. He is dating Jack's sister and inevitably that's going to come to a head at some point. I would love to see that relationship have more meaning and explore maybe an apology or some resolution to the conflict and then go beyond that. I hope Brady starts to become a little bit more of a town friendly local and less of an on the fringe bad guy."

And now that Jack is healed from his shooting and on the way to becoming a father, we hope he's out of harm's way and ready to have that conversation with Brady.

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