Sailing tips

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Dinghy And Outboard Theft
As a sailing cruiser, it’s very important to learn how to avoid dinghy and outboard theft. The key concept is to make your dinghy more difficult to steal than the next person, but how do you do that? Watch the video or read below to find out.
Helm Notes - The Boat Galley
Don't rely on everyone remembering all the details of the day's journey. Detailed notes at the helm will make the trip safer and less stressful.
Lists, Lists, Lists - The Boat Galley
Even the most seasoned cruiser sometimes forgets stuff. How to avoid it? Checklists are the key. Here are two that might help you.
Climbing the First Year Learning Curve | The Boat Galley
The first year cruising has a steep learning curve. But you may be surprised by what YOU will learn the most about...
Meeting Your Goal of Cruising | The Boat Galley
How do you accomplish your dream of cruising?
Cruisers & Schedules - What's Right For You? | The Boat Galley
Schedules are the enemy of cruisers? Maybe it's not the schedule that's the problem.
Bucking the System by Working the System | The Boat Galley
Bucking the System by Working the System
Plans and Cruising | The Boat Galley
Plans are helpful for staying organized. But be prepared to change them to avoid burnout.
Rules of Cruising - Plan or Stay Flexible? - The Boat Galley
Plan ahead and remain flexible--two cardinal rules of cruising.
Learning From a Sudden Break | The Boat Galley
When your boat gear breaks underway, are you prepared to manage it?