Writing my weekly newsletter is one of my favorite practices, and people tell me all the time how much they love to read them. I share messages to inspire courage and nervous system resilience, with special offers for subscribers. Subscribe at www.lotusvt.com/newsletter #subscribe #newsletter #vtwomenpreneurs #nervoussystemresilience #healingthenervoussystem #courage
Writing my weekly newsletter is one of my favorite practices, and people tell me all the time how much they love to read them. I share messages to inspire courage and nervous system resilience, with special offers for subscribers. Subscribe at www.lotusvt.com/newsletter #subscribe #newsletter #vtwomenpreneurs #nervoussystemresilience #healingthenervoussystem #courage
Writing my weekly newsletter is one of my favorite practices, and people tell me all the time how much they love to read them. I share messages to inspire courage and nervous system resilience, with special offers for subscribers. Subscribe at www.lotusvt.com/newsletter #subscribe #newsletter #vtwomenpreneurs #nervoussystemresilience #healingthenervoussystem #courage
Writing my weekly newsletter is one of my favorite practices, and people tell me all the time how much they love to read them. I share messages to inspire courage and nervous system resilience, with special offers for subscribers. Subscribe at www.lotusvt.com/newsletter #subscribe #newsletter #vtwomenpreneurs #nervoussystemresilience #healingthenervoussystem #courage
Writing my weekly newsletter is one of my favorite practices, and people tell me all the time how much they love to read them. I share messages to inspire courage and nervous system resilience, with special offers for subscribers. Subscribe at www.lotusvt.com/newsletter #subscribe #newsletter #vtwomenpreneurs #nervoussystemresilience #healingthenervoussystem #courage
Want to feel more grounded and centered? Practice 4:7:8 breathing with me! Start by taking a few centering breaths. Then for the next few rounds of breath, inhale for a count of 4, pause for a count of 7, and exhale for a count of 8. If that ratio feels too long or short, feel free to adjust to meet your body’s needs. When you feel complete, let your breath return to its natural rhythm and notice how you feel. As always, listen to your body and adjust to meet you where you are today. Hol...
Wondering why the past 10 days have felt like a year and why you might be feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and stuck? Spoiler alert - it is by design. The new regime’s strategy is to overwhelm our nervous systems so we enter a fear-driven state of immobilization. My weekly newsletter is about how to support the nervous system. This week I’ll be focusing on ways to prevent and reverse the fear immobilization response to threat. DM me your email and I’ll add you to the list. #vagusnerve #pol...
New moon days remind me that everything happens in cycles, and that just like the moon, we are whole no matter what phase we are in. Sometimes it is hard to see ourselves clearly, and it helps to have others reflect our light back to us. If your light feels eclipsed or shadowed right now, I hope you trust that it is still burning brightly, even if it is veiled to you. Sending you love and courage. #couragequotes #courageousconversations #yogaoffthemat #unwaiveringspirit #802yoga #mindfulyog...
Join me for connection, nervous system support, and yoga and qigong practice for building courage. Saturday class is livestreamed and offered in person at the Innovation Center in Burlington, VT from 8-9:30 am. Monday class is livestreamed only from 7-8 am. #802yoga #vermontwellness #therapeuticyoga #healingthenervoussystem #yogaforcourage #courageousaction #mindfulmovement #lotusyogaandintegrativehealth
Feeling extra vigilant this week? In stressful times, the nervous system gets defensive, making it more sensitive and reactive. It’s no wonder so many people are having flares of pain. It is so important to take care of the nervous system, especially in times like this. Think about rest and nourishment like an act of collective self-care and radical resistance. A depleted population doesn’t have the energy to filter out what is real in a sea of misinformation, maintain clear boundaries and ...
For the next 7 weeks, my Saturday and Monday morning classes will be focused on nourishing the kidneys, connecting to the heart, and building courage. Drop-ins are welcome and I'd love to see you there. Saturday classes are offered in person at the Dynamic Body Studio in the Innovation Center in Burlington, VT and online via Zoom. Monday classes are online only. #802yoga #vermontwellness #couragepractice #yogaforlife #mindfulyoga #therapeuticyoga #lotusyogaandintegrativehealth #vtwomenpren...
Pain is activated when the nervous system feels unsafe and is trying to protect you. Craniosacral therapy helps the nervous system relax and unwind so that your metabolic energy can be redirected from defense to healing. Bonus: You’ll feel so relaxed and supported that you’ll finally be able to rest and digest. As one of my recent clients said, “It is like a massage for your nervous system.” Book an appointment today. Your future self will thank you! #vermontwellness #vtwomenpreneurs #he...
I was out for a snowy walk yesterday and when I passed a field of sheep and goats grazing, a group of herd dogs came charging up to form a wall of protection around their friends. The theme of my current Yoga for Life series is courage, and it was fun to see what we’ve been studying in action in the world. I love Prentis Hemphill’s definition of courage and I could see it so clearly in the way these dogs protected what mattered to them. We are heading into uncertain and likely turbulent...
I just finished reading a beautiful book called What It Takes To Heal: How Transforming Ourselves Can Change The World by Prentis Hemphill. There is a chapter on courage that inspired the Yoga for Life series starting tomorrow. In it, Prentis shared a quote from Brene Brown about the etymology of the word courage: “Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor — the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant ‘To speak one’s mind by telling all o...
Your pain and your truth deserve to be taken seriously. If you’ve gotten brave enough to ask for help, you deserve to be met with compassion and a tenacious commitment to help you figure it out, especially if you are trying to solve a mystery. If you are tired of living with pain, mystery symptoms, or chronic depletion, I promise I will listen and take your suffering seriously so you feel cared for and understood. I will stick with you and help you unravel the mystery. You don’t have to wa...