Bright Horizons

122 Pins
Week of the Young Child® Family Friday: All About Families
The last day of the Week of the Young Child® is all about families! Click to check out the book, My Family, Your Family by Kathryn Cole and Cornelia Li, and learn about family trees and other ways you can celebrate your own unique family.
Week of the Young Child® Family Friday: Tips for Teachers to Keep it Professional
Heading off to child care is a big deal for families. We're sharing helpful suggestions with teachers to welcome new families and make those first days the best they can be while keeping it professional!
Week of the Young Child® Artsy Thursday: Unleash Your Creativity
Let's get your child's creativity unleashed on the Week of the Young Child® Artsy Thursday! Design paper squares and put them together to create a quilt that showcases your unique artistic voices. Click to join us!
Week of the Young Child® Artsy Thursday: Process Art Activity for Infants and Toddlers
Celebrate the Week of the Young Child® with this process art activity that helps infants and toddlers build eye-hand coordination and grasping skills. Click for more resources!
Week of the Young Child® Work Together Wednesday: Picasso-Inspired Squiggle Art
On the Week of the Young Child® Work Together Wednesday, let's learn all about line drawing! Put your abstract thinking cap on, explore unique perspectives, and get creative with us. Click to join!
Week of the Young Child® Work Together Wednesday: Support Children's Play
How can teachers support and join in children's play? Check out our tips for teachers to interact and engage with children when they play.
Week of the Young Child® Tasty Tuesday: Eat the Rainbow
Healthy eating starts here on the Tasty Tuesday of Week of the Young Child®! Click to explore different foods — sort them by color, create natural dye using food scraps, and use the natural dye to create art.
Week of the Young Child® Tasty Tuesday: Mealtime Tips for Toddler Teachers
Mealtime is for more than eating - it's also a time for practicing and developing social and self-help skills. Check out our mealtime tips for teachers.
Week of the Young Child® Music Monday: Make Music Together
Week of the Young Child® is here, and we're celebrating Music Monday on the first day! Click to experience the ABCs in the American blues style, learn about tempos and the guitar, and find out how to use your own voice as an instrument.
Week of the Young Child® Music Monday: Suggestions for Teaching Music to Young Children
Teachers don't need to know how to play an instrument, nor must they understand advanced music theory to foster music appreciation and inspire children to enjoy music. Check out our suggestions for teachers to create a musical environment by making music a meaningful part of the program and exposing children as wide a variety of appropriate music as possible.
This may contain: a woman with headphones on talking into a microphone
Podcast: The Work Life Equation with Indra Nooyi
Discovery Driven Learning
Children want to make discoveries about themselves and the world around them — and that results in exciting revelations! #DiscoveryDrivenLearning
Discovery Driven Learning
Explorer, discoverers, thinkers… that’s what children become when they step into our classrooms. Click to learn more about our Discovery Driven Learning.
This may contain: children are playing with plastic cups and nuts on the floor in front of a sign that says, what's know how to make fall counting fun?
Discovery Driven Learning - Fall Counting
This may contain: the four cornerstones of discovery driven learning are the foundation of our approach, driven learning
The Four Cornerstones of Discovery Driven Learning