Teaching ideas

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46 Pins
How I build a Classroom Community on Day One (and you can, too!)
Fun Ice Breaker Questions
Here are 30 fun ice breaker questions to get to know your students. These are great for first day back at school or anytime you want to get to know your students.
Apps and Tech Worth Trying During Remote Teaching — Mud and Ink Teaching
Here are the apps and edtech ideas that have worked for me in my high school English classroom. Adding new technology ideas to your online learning experience is essential because this is the best time to try it all out! There are ways to personalize learning and help students learn best online, so I rounded up my favorite Google Apps and other extensions and sites that have helped me in my journey.
CommonLit | Free Online Reading Passages and Literacy Resources
Teaching Lord of the Flies by William Golding? Here are some paired passage ideas (all are free at CommonLit.org) that will get your students thinking about the themes of the novel.